Crime: Bimbomania! Ch. 01 free porn video

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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story.

This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town.

The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life.

Synopsis: An all-girl criminal gang is captured and sentenced to appear on an unusual television gameshow where the losers are bimbified little by little.

Note- This story can stand by itself, but it makes more sense if you read ‘Crime: Night at the Museum’

Round 1

‘Steven, tomorrow is the show. You have got to get the appeal pushed through!’ I said.

Steven sighed. I was hoping for a more positive response from our lawyer, but apparently that wasn’t to be.

‘Look,’ he said, ‘I’ve already pushed it, and it’s been denied. Judge Hanover works from a special charter. Nobody is going to interfere with that.’

‘What the hell charter is that?’

‘Well,’ said Steven, ‘it’s the Special Laws Utilizing Tolerance Zero charter, to be specific.’

‘The what?’ I asked.

‘The SLUTZ charter. It’s based on a treatise the judge wrote himself.’

‘Oh, come on! What kind of methodology does he use?’ I said.

Steven answered, ‘Daily Intervention and Tolerance Zero.’

I gave Steven a flat stare. ‘You’re telling me he uses the DITZ methodology?’

Steven nodded, his face set in a way that made it impossible for me to tell if he was kidding or not. Either way, I wasn’t amused.

We were gathered in Steven’s office for a final meeting. Steven was sitting behind his desk. I was sitting across from him, but as far away from Chrissie, Laura and Tonya as I could manage. And I was planning to keep it that way.

The four of us had worked together as a crime gang for several successful jobs. Chrissie was the leader, but I didn’t agree with the way she did a lot of things, and the tension between us had grown to the point where we couldn’t work together anymore. Our most recent job- a museum heist- was going to be our last job together. The artifacts we stole during the heist turned out to have unexpected properties that disrupted our lives in spectacular fashion, and we had to return the artifacts to the museum. Chrissie and Tonya betrayed me during the return, however, but messed it up so badly we all ended up getting caught.

That was how we ended up in the courtroom of Judge Hanover, a mysterious and powerful figure with unexplainable abilities. After hearing our case, he sentenced the four of us to appear on ‘Bimbomania!’, a new game show where female prisoners competed against each other for a big money prize and freedom, with the losers allegedly ending up as bimbos. I assumed the bimbification effects were staged, but after encountering Judge Hanover, I wasn’t taking anything for granted. Besides, Blonde Concepts, a new corporation in Chrystal Heights with an unusual line of products, produced the show and who the hell knew what they were capable of.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Chrissie. ‘After we’re done with the show, I’ll take good care of your bimboed butt.’

I narrowed my eyes. ‘As if. I’ll be taking care of your bimboed butt, you mean.’

Steven cleared his throat. ‘Actually, that brings me to a point you need to know about. Regardless of who, um, wins, the four of you will have to remain living together for at least five years. The winner has to, um, support the losers for the five years as well. That includes Tonya’s baby, should the state give her back, and any other children that may, um, occur. This sentence the judge gave you will keep you out of jail, but you’re still under probation of sorts. In other words, the judge wants to make sure the winner is punished as well as the losers.’

There was grumbling at Steven’s announcement, but we knew complaining wasn’t going to change anything. Besides, if the game show was legit, three of us wouldn’t have enough I.Q. left to take care of ourselves afterward anyway, and those three would need a caretaker.

Steven stood up, indicating the meeting was at an end. ‘Good luck to you guys,’ he said. We all shook hands and exited the office.

Just outside the office, Chrissie turned to me. ‘We just want you to know,’ she said, ‘that the three of us are in agreement about one thing. Regardless of which one of us three win, the winner is going to make sure your ass is turning tricks. You’re going to be giving five-dollar blowjobs every night, and you’ll be the backroom entertainment at every party we throw. You’re going to be the biggest slut in Chrystal Heights.’

I rolled my eyes and walked away. Chrissie was so obsessed with taking me down that she had lost all perspective.


‘Good evening, and welcome to Bimbomania!, the show that turns criminal young women into hot little sex toys! I’m Biff Brewster, your host and guide through the land of blonde debauchery. You want giggles and gasps? We aim to please! You want bouncing boobs and wiggling derrieres? We’re here to deliver! You want curvaceous cuties and blonde wet dreams? We’re all that and a bag of chips, too, because we know what you really want! You want…’

‘Bimbos!’ cried the audience in one voice.

‘Bimbos!’ cried Biff, pumping a fist into the air.

‘Bimbos!’ cried the audience once more.

Backstage, I rolled my eyes at Biff’s rhetoric. I couldn’t believe this was the top-rated show on television right now. Yes, Biff was charismatic and he knew how to play the audience, but come on!

A few feet away, I could see that Chrissie, Laura and Tonya were having the same thoughts. Black-haired Chrissie stood with her arms crossed, obviously disgusted with the production, and redheaded Laura and blonde Tonya mirrored her pose. They weren’t looking forward to this any more than I was.

On stage, Biff ran a hand over his perfect hair. ‘We have a special treat for our loyal viewers tonight. Our contestants today are none other than the Museum Heist Gone Wrong Gang! And judging from how well that venture turned out, it may be that they don’t need our help to become bimbos!’

The people in the audience laughed themselves silly as Biff described- with some exaggeration- our failed museum job. I wanted to strangle Biff and rip that perfect hair from his scalp. Grrrrrrrrr.

‘Alright, then, let’s meet our bimbos-to-be!’ said Biff. ‘Paul?’

At the mention of ‘Paul,’ the lights dimmed and several hunky beefcake types dressed in tuxedos lined up outside the stage entry door, forming an honor guard of sorts. A single bright spotlight shone on the door. The unseen Paul’s deep baritone boomed throughout the studio.

‘Thank you, Biff! Our first contestant is a five foot, four inch natural blonde who just gave birth to a healthy baby girl after a mere nine day pregnancy. Everybody give a warm welcome to twenty-two year old Tonya Stuart!’

On cue, a brief old-time burlesque short played as Tonya stepped through the stage door and walked between the tuxedoed hunks. The spotlight followed her until she stopped next to Biff amid heavy applause. As the applause began to die down, a few notes of Paul Anka’s ‘Having My Baby’ sounded. Tonya blushed as the crowd laughed appreciatively.

‘Our next contestant is a five foot, seven inch red-headed sophisticate who managed to get in touch with her inner child when she was arrested while wearing a diaper. Say hello to twenty-four year old Laura Sadler!’

Sleek, cool and collected, Laura strolled through the stage door to the sounds of Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Red-Headed Woman.’ She made her way between the hunks and finally stopped next to Tonya. As the song
faded away, the belled notes of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ sounded briefly. Laura’s mouth tightened as the crowd laughed once again.

‘Our third contestant is a five foot, six inch brunette who stood tough against her former gang mates when they turned on her, leaving her trapped on all fours with a dildo stuck deep in her rear end. A big welcome to twenty-two year old Erica Mullen!’

Oh, fuck. That was my cue, and I should have realized they’d make some reference to the embarrassing position I was in when the police arrived at the museum. Grrrrrrrr. I walked through the door- almost stomping- as the words to Heart’s ‘Barracuda’ suddenly sounded. I made my way past the beefcakes, practically blinded by the spotlight, until I was standing next to Laura. Just as I settled in place, the song stopped, followed briefly by Jim Morrison singing, ‘Oh, I’m a backdoor man…’ The crowd laughed again, although I certainly wasn’t amused.

‘And finally, the five foot, nine inch black-haired leader of the gang who masterminded the botched break-in and arranged Erica’s betrayal. A warm welcome for twenty-three year old Christine Collinsworth!’

Chrissie walked through the door to the sounds of Santana’s ‘Witchy Woman.’ There was a great deal of applause, but several boos could be heard as well. The song faded as Chrissie stepped in place next to me. Then the line ‘I’m a bitch’ from the Meredith Brooks’ song sounded clearly. There were several snickers from the audience. Apparently many in the audience did not favor back-stabbers.

Biff turned on his thousand-watt smile as the house lights came back on. He looked at us as he spoke, although he was actually speaking for the audience’s benefit. ‘Alright, ladies, you know how this works. You four will compete in a series of events. The winner of each event is immune to that round’s consequences. Each loser will receive a letter from the word ‘BIMBO’. Each time you gain a letter, you will receive a pre-determined level of bimbification and then spin the accessory wheel. Once you receive all five letters of ‘BIMBO’, you are eliminated and must visit…’ Biff cupped his ear.

‘The Bimbo Throne!’ screamed the audience.

Biff laughed. ‘That’s right! The Bimbo Throne, where your intelligence will be dimmed down and your sexiness ramped up until you are every man’s wet dream! Koomba!’ Biff punctuated his exclamation with a pelvic thrust that would have looked ridiculous under normal circumstances, but in this setting achieved comic effect. Biff had the chops to pull off silly maneuvers like that. That’s why he made the big bucks.

Biff waited for the applause to fade, and at exactly the right moment said, ‘Alrighty, then, let’s get started! Our first event of the evening has been specifically selected based on the young women’s combative relationship with each other. Ladies, please change into your outfits and get ready for…the Catfight!’ Biff took in the applause for a moment, then half-turned, giving the camera a profile of his best side as he said, ‘And we’ll be right back after these messages from Blonde Concepts.’

The camera light turned off and Biff deflated. The other girls and I quickly went backstage to change into our catfight outfits, which consisted of nothing more than simple bikinis. Chrissie was wearing a black bikini, Laura a red one, Tonya had gold and I was in emerald green.

We exited the changing area. A youngish Asian man with a state-of-the-art headset stood there, nodding. This was Michael, the backstage manager and all-around Man Friday, and he was obviously getting directions through his headset. He nodded, saying, ‘Yes, sir. Got it, sir.’ He looked up and smiled as he saw us coming.

‘Hey, you guys are great so far, alright? Great! The camera loves you! This is going to be the best episode ever! Anything you need, you just say so, alright? You’re doing great!’

Chrissie gave Steve a look. ‘Yeah, I got something for you to do. Can you kiss my ass?’ she said.

Michael blinked, caught unaware by Chrissie’s unexpected retort, then laughed. ‘Oh, I’m sure you’re kidding, Christine. Funny! The camera loves you!’

Christine rolled her eyes, then filed back onstage with the rest of us.


‘Three and two and…go!’

‘And welcome back to Bimbomania! It’s time for the opening event…the Catfight! And what’s a catfight without women in bikinis?’

We were standing in a makeshift-wrestling ring, each in our own corner. The ring was slightly smaller than regulation and the ropes were bright neon pink, while the floor was neon green. Biff was standing in the center of the ring speaking into a hanging block microphone, much like an old-school MC for a wrestling match.

‘Alright, ladies, the rules are simple. The idea is to be the last girl in the ring wearing anything. For that to happen, you must strip the bikinis off your opponents. However, we want a clean fight! That means no claws. You may not slap, scratch or kick your opponents in any way or you will automatically lose the event. However, any type of hold or bodily contact is allowed…and even encouraged. Rowr!’ Biff waggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

I looked across the ring at each of my opponents. Chrissie was directly across from me, and she would likely make a beeline for me. I’d have to strip her quickly, then move on to Laura. Laura was taller than Tonya and more likely to give me a problem.

Biff stepped back against the ropes, out of the way. ‘Alright, ladies,’ he said, ‘Get ready…set…and…’ He rang the ringside bell. ‘…go!’

I rushed straight for Chrissie, but stopped in the middle of the ring. I was the only one who had moved. Too late I realized that, rather than forming two separate matches, Chrissie, Laura and Tonya were all focused on me.


Moments later I was slammed breathlessly to the mat as all three of my former gang mates converged on me in a screaming, screeching, squealing cacophony. I grabbed the sides of my bikini bottom and held on for dear life, realizing there was no way I was going to strip all three of them at the same time. My top was untied and pulled off almost instantly, and just like that I was topless on national television. My cheeks burned at my topless state, but I was *not* going to give up my bikini bottom, no matter what they did.

‘Hold her!’ said Chrissie, struggling to roll me onto my back. I could feel hands all over me, grabbing, pulling, pushing. I was eventually rolled onto my back, with Laura holding me in a headlock from behind while Tonya was sprawled across my legs. I was still holding the sides of my bikini bottom in tightly balled fists, however, and their efforts to uncurl my fingers had failed. Unfortunately, the ringside camera had swung around and was focusing directly on my bare boobs. There wasn’t any way for me to cover up, so all I could do was clench my teeth and hold on for dear life.

With Laura holding me from behind and Tonya lying across my legs, Chrissie was free to do whatever she wanted. Chrissie leaned forward, making sure not to block the camera’s view of my bare boobs, and whispered in my ear, ‘Let go, sweetie. You’ll just make it harder if you fight.’

I wriggled defiantly. ‘Bite me, bitch,’ I said.

Chrissie smirked. ‘Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? I know you want me. Your nipples are hard,’ she said. Then she reached out and pinched my nipples into full hardness, making a show of it for the camera. ‘See?’

Omigod. She was humiliating me on national television. I was so going to kill the bitch the first chance I had.

I still hadn’t released the sides of my bikini bottom, however, so Chrissie finally said, ‘Alright, fuck this,’ and she held up all ten fingers. ‘This will be fun,’ she said. She then slid her fingers over my bare ribs and belly as she began to tickle me without mercy.

My eyes widened as I realized too late what she was doing. I wriggled and squealed helplessly but her fi
ngers and nails found every sensitive spot without fail. I screeched so loud that Laura clapped a hand over my mouth and whispered, ‘Shhhh…just take it.’ I wiggled and writhed and tried desperately to buck Tonya off my legs, but I couldn’t budge either of them. Finally, in helpless desperation, I let go of my bikini bottom and used my hands to slap Chrissie’s hands away. It was technically illegal, but it didn’t matter, because Tonya grabbed my bottom, sat up and slid my bikini bottom off my legs in a single movement, leaving me naked. I had officially lost the first event.

The other three girls laughed and high-fived each other as I was motioned out of the ring. I wasn’t allowed to get dressed after I left the ring, however. I had to stand between two of the tuxedoed beefcakes- whom I was beginning to realize also functioned as security and rule enforcers- and wait for the Catfight to end.

The crowd was certainly getting their money’s worth. After finishing with me, the three had scrambled to their feet and prepared to strip each other. They were close friends, but Chrissie and Laura had been friends longer, and they teamed up against Tonya. The little blonde was scrappy, but she was quickly stripped, and Tonya was soon standing next to me, just as naked and just as embarrassed.

That left Chrissie and Laura. Laura was kind of tall for a girl, but Chrissie was even taller, and Laura was more of a lover than a fighter, so the outcome was never really in doubt. The crowd cheered loud when Laura was fully stripped, however. The attractive redhead had evidently already gathered a fan base of sorts, and an early chance to see her naked had psyched up several members of the audience.

Chrissie strutted around the ring soaking in the applause while Laura, Tonya and I squirmed nakedly at ringside. There was a heightened sense of anticipation in the buzzing of the audience, and it wasn’t difficult to guess why. The first competition was over, and the first bimbifications were about to take place. We glanced at the giant electronic scoreboard, which now showed:

Tonya………………..B…x…x…x…x Laura………………..B…x…x…x…x Erica………………..B…x…x…x…x Christine…………….x…x…x…x…x

Biff stepped back into the ring, thousand-watt smile in place. ‘Congratulations, Christine! You are the first winner in this round of Bimbomania! You looked great out there! What were you thinking while you were battling on the mat?’

Chrissie thrust her hair out of her eyes. ‘Well, it wasn’t easy, Biff. It was really a war out there, but I knew I could do it if I just focused on what I had to do.’

Biff put his arms around Chrissie’s shoulders. ‘Well, congratulations, Christine. You’ve earned the right to watch your opponents go through the first level of Bimbomania Bimbification! Give it up for Christine, folks!’ Thunderous applause filled the studio and a number of Chrissie fans began to chant her name.

Meanwhile, the tuxedoed hunks led Laura, Tonya and me back to the stage, which had shifted again. An ominous machine now dominated that side of the stage, resembling an old-time mainframe computer, but with sleek modern lines. Three bars protruded from the machine, each with what appeared to be rubber leggings suspended from them. We were each led to an individual station. Then we heard Biff speaking once again.

‘Alright, Paul, tell the audience about the first level,’ he said.

The unseen Paul’s baritone sounded once again throughout the studio. ‘Certainly, Biff. Every good bimbo should be centered, so the first level focuses on the center of the bimbos-to-be. Specifically, the hips, buttocks and waist. Our three naked young women will put on the rubber leggings that you see in each station. Inside each pair of leggings is a pair of dildos that will penetrate our lovelies in both orifices! Through these penetrating protrusions, the Bimbomania computer will reprogram the muscles, cells and DNA that make up those areas of our bimbos into shapes much more befitting of hot little sex toys! This is all possible thanks to those great folks at Blonde Concepts, who say, ‘The only good bimbo…is any bimbo!”

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Crime and Punishment

Before we start: This story was originally written with the girl’s age specified as twelve because at that age the man would have been sentenced to life – often with a recommendation as to how long should be served - over that age the sentence is shorter and I felt less likely for the blackmail to work. But SOL is hosted in Canada and they will not accept descriptions of sex with girls under fourteen. So whatever my opinion I’ve altered or removed age references. We have a caravan which we let...

3 years ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 3

The Reverend Thomas McManus, former auxiliary bishop of the Arch Diocese of Brooklyn, was dying of the pancreatic cancer that had eaten from that organ into the rest of his pain-racked body. Every twenty minutes, the little drug-dispensing machine would whirl a revolution and dispense a drop of morphine into his IV drip. Morphine and the small female hand laid over his were his only pain relief. The hand belonged to Maryann, who had been, in every physical sense, Mrs. McManus for the last...

1 year ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 4

The first week of November found Steven Fitzgerald in the drab little room that served as his office in the larger law firm. His place, as a junior associate, he owed in no small part to his wife. Susan had done nothing directly, but her connection to him and his father-in-law’s insurance business had made him more attractive than the plethora of other recent law school graduates. He had performed only adequately until the sunburst of the Hamilton murder trial. In many ways, the Hamilton...

2 years ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 7

Susan Fitzgerald Singleton found herself in an uncomfortable situation. She had never envisioned seeking the services of a private investigator, but she was told that Hartman and Hartman were the best. They came highly recommended by her sister Mary, a prominent New York attorney. Susan suspected that Mary was using the PI firm to keep track of her wayward husband. Mary told Susan not to be misled by the firm name; there was only one Hartman. “Theresa Hartman’s the least conspicuous person...

2 years ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 9 Cast the First Stone

The Offices of Kopf & Bradley were on the fortieth floor looking down on Madison Avenue. It was Election day in the off-year as Susan Singleton and three other partners met with Edward Kincade; his executive assistant, Carrie Wilson; and Tony Greco, the governor’s political advisor. Fred Bradley as the senior partner present was summarizing what the parties had agreed would be the ongoing strategy. “Susan will be on leave of absence for the next year through the gubernatorial election....

2 years ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 11

(I’d like to thank Ken for a final proof of this.) It took two weeks, but Lynda was ready. The first thing that Monday morning she did exactly as Steven had asked, she made an appointment to see the US Attorney for just after five that afternoon. “I’m going to need time to set things up. When you speak to her just tell her what I asked you to, no more and no less,” he said. “What if she asks me questions?” “You shrug. You have no idea. I was being very secretive. Remember less is more in...

4 years ago
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Crime And Punishment Home EditionChapter 2 Confrontation

Gerald went back to his bedroom, but he wasn't planning on going back to sleep. He hadn't yet figured out what the mysterious "Mary" had in mind, but he knew he had to stay alert. He felt like he had when his wife had thrown him a surprise birthday party a few years before. He had found out about it a few days in advance, but played along and tried to act surprised when he walked into the darkened room full of his friends. But he knew this could develop into a serious situation,...

1 year ago
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Crime And Punishment Home EditionChapter 3 Kims Turn

When Gerald got back from dropping Mary off at her apartment, he crashed into bed. Two hours later, when his alarm went off he rolled out of bed just long enough to log onto his computer and send his boss an email telling him that he would be taking the day off. Then he crawled back under the covers and slept until noon. When he finally shook off the cobwebs, he spent the rest of the day thinking about what he would do to Kim that night. His attitude toward her was totally different than...

3 years ago
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Crime And Punishment Home EditionChapter 4 Alls Well That Ends Well

It took Gerald most of the next day to get back to normal. By the time he went to the airport to pick up Susan, he felt he was almost back to the controlled, boring Gerald that she would be expecting. Apparently he was right, because she did not seem to notice anything unusual in his behavior. He soon realized that was because she was so excited about how successful her trip had been that all she could do was talk about herself and the conference and the new people she had met. Later that...

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In Love With Classmate

Hi friends. This is Vibin. This is my first story. I am not a good writer. Still I am writing this because I want to share my pleasurable moments with you. OK. I am coming to the story. My native place is Thiruvananthapuram, capital city of Kerala. My look is average not much handsome. I took my B.Tech degree from Kerala University Trivandrum campus. For the 1st and 2nd year, I was a kind of shy person and usually I talk to only boys. Things are changed when BSNL started student suvidha plan...

2 years ago
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Choices Cheating Wife Amy

We had worked out the plan together to every detail and it was flawlessly in its simplicity. With any luck at all tonight, I would finally be able to catch my darling husband of over 8 years in one of his little lies and expose him for the cheat I knew him to be. Dave Stewart, the Downstream Marketing and Sales VP had been coming on to me all week and telling me all about Michael's little lies, the constant little "emergency trips" fix this or that production problem somewhere. Lies, all of...

2 years ago
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Mr SmoothieChapter 3

That was a pretty inane comment I had made, but it turned out to be a good choice after all. Dad started laughing, and I began to worry because he couldn't seem to stop. It wasn't a hysterical laugh, but it could have turned into one if it had gone on much longer. Fortunately, Mom began to stir at that point, and Dad turned to look after her. I got out of bed and slipped on my boxers before tossing a robe to Amy. She put on the robe and came to stand beside me. Of course, we were concerned...

3 years ago
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vacation 19

We decided to go SNUBA diving for our last full day in the Keys and it worked out brilliantly. Everyone loved it as much as I had hoped and it looked like we now have a new family activity. Once again though it ended in a very full day and it was late when we got back to our rooms. We hadn’t had many opportunities to ‘flirt’ during the day. You had made sure that I got a couple of glimpses of your nipples by pulling your bathing suit aside when nobody was looking our way, but mostly we were...

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DemiGodChapter 10 Enlistment

I have become used to surprising people, Jake mused as he stepped from the Portal. The gaping jaws and shocked features of Barrachus and the two ceremonial guards didn't faze him in the least. He just smiled like a Cheshire Cat. "Hello, Barrachus. Hello,... I'm sorry, what're your names?" he asked of the two Guardians. "I- I'm Rechart, and this is William. What are you doing out so quickly? It should be at least a day before you leave the Chamber of Broken Souls!" The man was clearly...

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BangPOV Selina Moon Selina Crawls For Dick

Selina Moon a 5’11 west coast girl with long legs who’s into everything and he’s a pretty simple guy who’s into blow jobs and good sex. Damn right! That’s how it’s supposed to be. In Selina Moon’s very first POV with Bang Bros, Preston Parker assures her that there’s nothing to it and gets her excited for her shoot. She has a deep pussy to take long cock and can deep throat that does the same. See her long legs get spread out for some big dick. She take sit from behind, sucks it, rides it, and...

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Milf Biology Teacher

The guy has no interest or whatsoever in biology, but he sure is interested in the horny milf who is teaching it, he can’t take his eyes from her boobs and it all comes up during their private lesson- John, come to your senses!Her voice returned me to reality.- Why do you always daydream at my lessons?- I don’t have enough sleep, - I replied.- But now you’re with me again, - she smiled, - let’s continue…And she kept on explaining something monotonously. Ann was my biology teacher at college and...

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Hasla Chronicles part 2

At the bar Half drunk "i do not get it lednas none of the god- * hick * desses are talking to me much less even saying hi when i stopped by to see if they needed anything." Also half drunk "well syxx the reason for that is-s do the fact that sera told them what you two did. And they're partially to blame for what happened and not picking up on the signs from what you said to sera . "Lednas said taking another drink. "Well how the hell am i supposed to fix things that run in my mind?...

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Mrs Baxters New Lodger

Mrs. Baxter's New Lodger By Trish Shaw The shimmering garments in the lingerie store window captivated Andy the first time he walked past the place. Everyday he walked the long way to and from the train station just to pass the shop and get a brief glance at the window display. It was the sign in the window advertising the attic flat for rent that gave him the opportunity to finally enter and meet the owner as he walked past after work on the Thursday evening. Muriel...

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Old School Erotica with a GILF

I was on backpage, trying to find myself a good time. You know how that site is, people spamming ads so as to get themselves laid etc. It wasnt long before i came across a post, one by a GILF (Dee) at that. It looked pretty simple, which was what made me click on it. And so the usual happened where i got her contact (PM me if you want it) paid the damage and got the ball rolling. Written below is exactly how everything penned out that one night, and gosh did I wish i could meet her in person...

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Surprised husband came to meeting alone

Hi, I was a sometime swing partner for this hot couple. MJ is a fun, very busty bbw. Rik is a usually quiet 50 year old, hardbody. He called me just as I was leaving work. Said to meet them at an abs. I was about on time and did not see their car. I saw the car pull in and only saw him. I walked over and said hello, change of plans? He said no, just follow me. Thought it was a little strange...but MJ has huge breasts and a big cunt. She always makes me laugh. Pulled into a driveway 30...

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Academy How To Survive Starfleet

The dank grass matting the landing pad perimeter made the whole morning seem a lot colder than it was. It was only 04:33, and Dack could barely see the other figure standing across the pad from him. They were wearing the exact same black jumpsuit, carrying the same standard-issue luggage pack and each of them had a pensive look written across their faces. It had been only two hundred days since the whole process had started, and while it felt like this day couldn't have come fast enough, he...

1 year ago
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Robotic DickMilking Machine

BACKSTORY: The year is 2068. Biological weapons of modern times have been designed with the specific purpose of causing mass sterilization among human males. Although none of these weapons has been detonated, the threat is very, very real, and a plan for contingency is imperative. Not wanting to take any chances, the government has contracted with a roboticist specializing in reproductive efficiency named Emily Simms to create methods of maximizing ejaculatory productivity in human...

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The New MD Tuesday Wednesday

Paris started to undress as soon as her front door slammed shut. Shoes were kicked off, her jacket was allowed to fall to the ground, followed by her trousers and cream coloured panties. She walked into her wet room, removed her blouse and cream coloured bra and proceeded to have a much needed shower. ‘Can’t linger in here this morning,’ she was thinking. ‘Mr Proctor will be awaiting my imminent arrival at the office.’ She hurriedly washed, rinsed and dressed all within the space of about...

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Mathew and Beth Part 1 The race

It was a chilly fall morning at one of the last major cross country meets of the year I had traveled three hours to get to the school just outside of New York City where the meet was being held. Arriving early to make sure I got pictures of each and every Female athlete at the event, a habit I had gotten into a decade earlier when I failed to have a good stock photo of the 15year old surprise winner of a county championship. Sometimes there are just to many people at the finish line to get a...

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An Explicit First Time Written by a male

I sat down on my usual bench in the park. The headphones connected to my small pink mp3 were in place, my legs were spread and my arms were extended to each side. It was the usual position I had whenever I sat down here in the park, and I wasn’t planning on changing it any time soon. As usual my mind wondered to the subject that my “defense mechanisms” always suppressed: sex. It was a natural subject for me. Something I always  enjoyed talking about, thinking about and fantasizing about…...

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Leben 3

"Oh sorry Uncle, I know it can be disjointing it was to me the first time. I said, hello uncle, mother thought I should meet you, I agreed." Again Alan extended his hand to Varick who was really feeling stupid now as all he could do was stare at the gesture of friendship from his nephew. "Really uncle, had I known it would have thrown you off this bad I might have warned you first, I'll remember next time." "Thank you Alan that might help though some of us might not be as accepting...

4 years ago
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Ellan and her Best Friend

A couple of weeks later I was driving through town when I saw Ellen at a bus stop. I pulled over and she got in, as I drove us home she said “I have a friend who fancies you” “Really” “Yes do you want to come round on Saturday afternoon around 1:00pm?” “Ok” “Mum and dad are taking my brothers to a football match, so we’ll be alone” “Ok” “she’s a virgin is that Ok?” “It’s fine”. As I dropped her off, she smiled and said, “See you Saturday”.Saturday morning I got up, showered, had a wank, I find...

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Sisters Horsey UrgesChapter 7

"Like this, Aunt Jackie?" The girls had shoved the crate into Lightning's stall. The horse moved back, his big eyes rolling nervously. Jackie soothed him, rubbing her hands up and down the stallion's powerful sides while peering down between his hind legs. His cock was hard, hard the moment she had walked in and he spotted her. He knew what she was going to do and was neighing for it. Jackie nodded, taking the cloth-covered crate and pushing it underneath the animal. "You'll have to...

2 years ago
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Finally Virginity Broken

My name is Prasad am 30, 5.5, fair, 55K and bi-curious. I am bottom and interested in tops. During my 12th while watching porn in cyber one of my friend touched my cock above pant. However, due to fear, it lasted for a couple of minutes. After that incident, I was more interested in having sex with a guy. I have hidden my desire because I didn’t get any company who thinks like me. I wanted this to be a secret stuff. Let’s start with the sex story. As the age passed I started to work and come...

Gay Male
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My Brother And Me

I have been reading stories in this site for quite some time now. Having read so many incest and other sex stories, I am now emboldened to write a story myself. Actually it is not a story, but what happened in my life some five years ago. Hope you will give me the necessary help and support , as this is my maiden venture. First let me introduce myself. I am Padma, the second of three children born to my parents, both teachers. My elder sister was three years elder to me and my brother was five...

2 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 31 Cindy Meets a Fireman

Introduction: My wife Cindy spends the day with a Fireman she met on the river. Sharing Cindy Chapter 31 Cindy Meets a Fireman Over the years, my wife Cindy has had sex with many men, with my blessing and usually my encouragement. Some of these men were a one-time thing and great for a night of fun. However, some of them seemed to have a little something extra. These are the men that are lucky enough to be invited to play more than once. And a select few have become somewhat of a friend with...

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To Have and to Hold Chapter One

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD By Trisha SUMMARY: Thomas has everything a man could want. But when he's caught stealing from his employer, he is sentenced to one year in the body of a "bimbo- doll," becoming a beautiful, sexy girl in (almost) every aspect. Will his marriage survive his punishment? Will he keep his identity intact? Or, like other bimbo-dolls, will he succumb completely to his new life? PREFACE I have two caveats to give before you read this story. First,...

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Sleepover Surprise

My name’s Jennifer and I’m an eighteen year old virgin. My boobs are C cups and I’m physically fit. I have curly, blonde hair and brown eyes. My best friend is Katherine, who has virtually nothing for breasts. She seriously is as flat as a newly paved road. Anyway getting back to me, I’ve never had a loving boyfriend. That is, until Katherine called me. If it wasn’t for that one call, I’d never have found someone. ‘Hello?’ I answered my phone and set down the nail polish I was using to paint...

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A Fantasy Comes True Chapter Two

Jack awoke at six. Ruth was lying beside him looking into his eyes with a wonderful smile on her beautiful face. They kissed then Jack said, “Ruth, I need to go to the bathroom. Will you come with me then we both can use the bidet.” Ruth sat on the bidet first. Jack used shower gel and washed her gently. She came off and Jack dried her with a towel. Then Jack sat on the bidet. Ruth washed him very gently she was washing his balls and Jack’s cock started to rise. Ruth rinsed Jack then started to...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 1 The downfall of Tasnova

It was the first day of University. Looking around, I was a satisfied to see that a few of my friends managed to secure class with me. which was a relief. Looking around some more I noticed a small hijabi girl. Her frame was short and slender, but the lumps on her chest makes it obvious she was packing some great tits. She seemed like someone i’d love to hold down ad fuck her brains out, but the issue was she seemed like the religious type, with the Hijab and what not. So I decided not to be...

2 years ago
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Tobie my lover

The first part is about my first time with three construction workers. There was a building being constructed near my house. There were a lot of workers there. I was not gay it was just that i really liked watching men shirtless. Specially older men, just like silver daddies. Now i was pear chub about to be 18, i had thick thighs and a nice big booty like a really big booty. My upper body wasnt slim but it wasnt chubby either. I was short in height about 5ft 6. I had a nice 7 inch cock. I was...

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