Crime Will Cost You
- 2 years ago
- 31
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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story.
I arrived backstage in a high state of agitation.
Alright, I was horny. It was impossible to concentrate. My skin felt hot. I could smell everybody. I was in heat. My overdeveloped bimbo body was reacting to everything, and it all felt good. I wanted more. My clothes felt restrictive. I wanted to be naked. I wanted to be on all fours watching in a mirror while somebody pounded me silly from behind. I was built for fucking. I wanted one long screaming orgasm, and then another.
And this was from someone who still had her brains.
There was no way…no way…that someone who had their brains dimmed by the bimbo throne would be able to go without sex. I was aroused to a degree I hadn’t known possible. It wasn’t just a vague want or desire, it was burning, driving need. The scary thing was it would be so easy to get. My body was so responsive to everything that giving was as stimulating as getting. Because of my lips, giving a blowjob would give me more orgasms that someone licking me. My clit was so responsive that the sensations from a strong wind would probably be enough to make me cum.
There was definite tension on the stage, particularly between Laura and myself. At least one of us was going to the Bimbo Throne today. If there was any way for them to make sure it was me, they would do so. I’d have to watch my step.
The introductory music finished, and Biff jumped into his opening spiel. ‘Good evening, and welcome back to Bimbomania! It’s a tense, exciting night as at least one of our girls will be visiting…’ He cocked a hand to his ear.
‘The Bimbo Throne!’ cried the audience in one voice.
‘That’s right…the Bimbo Throne!’ said Biff. ‘Tonight at least one of our girls will be transformed from a free-thinking, anarchistic criminal to a sweet, lovable, ditzy, horny bimbo!’
The applause was long lasting and loud. Here and there, chants of ‘Bimbo! Bimbo! Bimbo!’ could be heard. The cheering was so loud that the stage was vibrating, causing Laura and I to squeeze our thighs together as our sensitized clits responded to the vibrations.
Biff held up his hand. ‘Alrighty, then, let’s get started with our next event!’ he said. ‘Round Five is no picnic, girls, because now it gets down and dirty. Now is when you will have to reach deep inside to win, because it’s time for the means to an end event. Your rear-ends, to be exact. Yes, it’s time…for the Anal Off! Or, as it is known by long-time viewers…the Backdoor Score!’
The crowd went crazy all over again. Chrissie and the others were looking at each other with unhappy expressions. This wasn’t going to be any fun.
Behind us, the stage began to whirr and shift once more. On the stage behind us, there were now four platforms about two feet high, with various straps protruding from each surface. Next to each platform was a machine. Each machine has a rod protruding from it, aimed about a foot above the platform. Each rod had an attachment on the end that appeared to be a series of balls that steadily increased in girth. There could be no mistaking the purpose of the rods.
‘Okay, here’s how it works,’ said Biff. ‘You cuties will be strapped on your hands and knees on top of the platforms. Trust me, the straps are for your own protection. You don’t want to jump or squirm unexpectedly here! Our back door love machines will then slowly push the beaded rods into your adorable bimbo bottoms. Each rod is made up of a series of balls, with each ball a little bigger than the one before it. While the beaded rod is entering your tight posteriors, it will also be shooting a semen-like substance into your rectums, to simulate the experience of having a stud back there. It gets very intense, and remember, for every ball that slides through your tight sphincter, the next ball will be even bigger!’
Biff paused, waiting for the cheering to pass.
‘Now, bimbos or not, we realize there’s only so much your bubble butts can take,’ continued Biff. ‘So, when you’ve reached the moment when you just can’t take anymore, you hit the red button that will be under your right hand. Once you press that button, you have lost this round, but the machine will stop from entering you any more and will retract slightly. It will continue to fill you up with the pseudo-semen until a winner is declared, however, because it’s good practice for bimbos-in-training!’
‘There is one final thing to mention,’ said Biff. ‘Most of our girls don’t make it past the fifth ball, and only a rare few have made it past the sixth ball. Once you have taken five balls inside you- assuming you last that long- then some of our studs and cuties will come out to play with your more sensitive areas at the start of the sixth ball. Some have found this to be helpful, some have found it to be distracting. Either way, it’s pure Bimbomania entertainment!’
The crowd cheered, and Biff indicated that we needed to strip on national television once more. We were getting quite used to being naked, however, and, in fact, it felt embarrassingly natural. We climbed onto the platforms, then, and got onto our hands and knees.
Once I was in position, two techs moved up and began to strap my forearms, thighs and calves into place. One of the techs was Roadkill.
‘Try to stay relaxed back there,’ said Roadkill, speaking quietly out of the side of his mouth. ‘And remember to breathe. That’s the important part. Breathe through it, no matter how much you want to clench.’
He finished tightening the straps. There was no give to it, no wiggle room. I was locked in place. My heart started pounded. I was embarrassingly wet. I could smell the masculinity of the techs. I could smell myself. I wanted to cum.
Suddenly I felt fingers pressing into my tight rear opening, and I gasped, heart leaping into my throat. Now there was something warm and squishy back there.
‘Lubricant,’ explained Roadkill.
‘A little fucking warning next time!’ I said.
Roadkill chuckled. ‘Next time I’m about to lube you up for a butt-fucking, I’ll warn you.’
‘I’d appreciate it, dammit!’ I said.
I heard indignant squeals coming from the others as well, so I knew I wasn’t the only one irritated at getting lubed back there on national television. Still, I was glad of it in one way…trying to do this without lube would have been distinctly uncomfortable.
Everything went quiet. The lights dimmed, and four spotlights turned on, illuminating each of us individually. There was a low-pitched hum as the back door love machines turned on and came to life.
I forced myself to remain calm. I knew this could be the last event for me, and my nerves were strung tight. I took a deep breath.
Then another spotlight came to life and focused on a man sitting at a table on the side of the stage. He was wearing a tuxedo. When he leaned forward and began speaking into the microphone, I recognized his voice as that of the unseen Paul, who usually did the announcements unseen. However, now he was coaching his voice in the rich sonority and clipped verbs of a British sports announcer.
‘Well, we’ve got a real pressure-cooker going tonight. Four young ladies, two of them on the brink of elimination, all preparing to engage in the Anal Off. This will be a true test of will and in the end, one of these girls will be able to hold their head high.’
Then I felt the first ball pressing against my tight rear opening, but it didn’t penetrate yet. I instinctively wanted to lean forward, away from that round, penetrating, invasive rod, but my legs were strapped in such a way that any such movement was impossible.
‘There’s a pause while the machines synchronize,’ said Paul in that
British accent. ‘The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. To a one, these girls appear determined to be the victor of this critical event.’
The hum increased slightly, and the pressure against my rear opening began to increase slowly. It was starting.
Thank goodness for the lubrication. I felt the first ball slide into my ass without difficulty, then the second ball. The third ball began to enter, and that one was a little more work. Still, it slid in without major resistance. Then the fourth one pressed against my opening, and it stuck for a moment. Then my muscle relaxed slowly, letting the ball move forward. It wasn’t going easily, however. On top of that, I could feel the semen-like substance flooding into my ass.
‘All the girls are standing strong,’ intoned Paul, ‘but I’m starting to see a few twitches. Tonya is looking a bit wan and Christine has just enunciated a curse. Who will be the first to fall, I wonder?’
I felt breathless as the fourth ball stretched my rear opening. My hand twitched over the red button, but suddenly I felt a surge of relief as the fourth ball suddenly popped inside my ass. My heart was still pounding, though, and I knew I only had a brief respite before the fifth ball began making it’s way inside me.
‘All four of our warriors have made it past the fourth ball,’ said Paul. ‘Their fortitude, their courage, all coming into play today. Truly, we have a match for the ages here.’
Then the fifth ball started pressing its way inside me, and I knew I had a problem. I heard Chrissie cursing, and I wanted to join her. My heart was pounding and I knew I couldn’t do it. I remembered Roadkill’s words, however, and I kept my breathing steady. I made sure to relax as well. Well, to relax as well as someone who is strapped down naked being butt-fucked by a machine on national television can relax, anyway.
‘All four of our contestants are amazingly still active, but they are struggling. This is the notorious fifth ball, the point where many of our contestants commonly fall. No round of Ass Off has ever had all four contestants make it past the fifth ball. Will this be the first?’
I could hear Tonya’s breath hissing through her teeth, Chrissie was maintaining a steady stream of cursing that would have been funny if I hadn’t been otherwise occupied, and I was pretty sure I was whimpering myself. The fifth ball was stretching my rear opening beyond belief, and the only thing stopping me from slamming that red button was knowing that I would be a permanent bimbo once I did. The pressure from the semen filling my ass was building as well. Just when I was sure I couldn’t take it a second longer, however, a siren sounded from Chrissie’s platform, and her spotlight blinked off, followed a moment later by Tonya’s. Then the ball popped inside my abused sphincter, and an explosive gasp escaped my lungs.
‘Christine and Tonya have capitulated!’ announced Paul. ‘I repeat, Christine and Tonya have pressed their respective red buttons and have lost this event! Only Erica and Laura remain now, and that is as it should be. Both Erica and Laura are but one letter away from the throne, and these two warriors are going to take it down to the final moment of the event. Now, together, they will face the mighty sixth ball.’
I steeled myself for the dreaded pressure to resume, but suddenly gasped as I felt fingers sliding over my oversensitive clit. My overactive sex drive kicked in, and I shuddered and moaned at the unexpected surge of heat. Then the sixth ball started its slow push inside me, and the intensity of the anal sensations combined with my helpless heat to turn me into a wet, squirming, squealing mess.
‘Laura and Erica are now contending with the studs and cuties as well as the back door love machines. Both contenders have previously been erotically enhanced, and are now experiencing waves of intense sensations. The sixth ball is reaching critical depth, however, and will soon announce its presence, if it hasn’t already. Who will blink first?’
Holy shit. The sixth ball was a mother. My knuckles whitened as the sixth ball slowly, inexorably pushed its way into my rounded bimbo ass. My breathing was ragged and shallow, but as steady as I could make it. I was trying to focus on my heat, my pleasure, anything, but the increasing pressure and burning from that thick round ball was stretching me beyond my ability to concentrate. The endless flow of pseudo-semen continued as well, and I was so embarrassing full back there.
I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t. It felt like they were pushing a bowling ball up my ass. My teeth were clenched and sweat dotted my forehead. This was it. I looked at Laura as I prepared to give myself up for permanent bimbification.
I couldn’t see her. The stage was dark except for my spotlight. And that’s when it registered that Laura’s siren had sounded and her spotlight was off.
I had won.
I had won!
‘Laura has capitulated!’ said Paul. ‘Laura has capitulated! Erica has won this round by standing tall in the Anal Off! The crowd is going wild!’
The crowd was cheering for me, and in a twisted way it felt good. I had given everything I had for this win, and it was nice to hear them recognize that. I knew they would turn on me in a heartbeat, but for this one moment, they were mine.
Of course, that feeling was nothing compared to how good it felt when the back door love machine pulled out of my ass.
The techs descended then to undo the straps and clean off the lube. We got off the platforms very gingerly. Before I even had a chance to dress, Biff stepped up and put his arm around my shoulders.
‘Well done, Erica. Your first victory!’ said Biff. ‘Well, they say you have neither lived nor loved until you’ve had the fifth ball snuggled in your posterior. What’s your take on that, Erica?’
My answer to that question was bleeped, as well as my offer to let Biff experience the sensations offered by ball number five first hand.
I had thought they’d give us a few minutes recovery time, but instead they moved Chrissie, Tonya and I to the side of the stage, while two tuxedoed beefcakes escorted Laura to Biff’s side. Biff put his arm around Laura.
‘Laura, you fought valiantly until the end, and did yourself proud,’ said Biff. ‘However, a loss is still a loss, and, as such, you gain a letter.’ Biff indicated the electronic scoreboard, which now read:
TonyaB…I…M…B…x LauraB…I…M…B…O EricaB…I…M…B…x ChrissieB…I…M…x…x
Laura’s name was flashing on and off and giving off a hot pink glow.
‘Laura, you’ve gained all five letters,’ said Biff. ‘That means you’ve earned a trip…a trip to the Bimbo Throne!’
The lights suddenly dimmed and a drum roll sounded. Several spotlights blazed to life and began to circle around the dark stage. A large primary spotlight focused on the center of the stage as the stage whirred and shifted. A large pink ornate throne moved towards the front of the stage.
Laura was escorted to the throne by the beefcakes- each had a grip on her upper arm- and several techs swarmed around them. Biff watched Laura approach the throne, then turned back to the audience.
‘It’s going to take them several minutes to prep Laura,’ said Biff, ‘so, while we’re waiting, let’s bring Chrissie and Tonya to the Accessory Wheel!’
The crowd cheered, impatient for Laura’s throning but realizing there was other entertainment to be utilized while they waited. The side of the stage whirred and shifted, and soon they were standing in front of the Accessory Wheel.
‘This round is the primal round for the Accessory Wheel,’ said Biff. ‘Tonya, step up on up and give it a whirl!’
Her lips were pressed together in a tight line, but Tonya padded up on her bare feet and grabbed the wheel spokes. She gave the wheel a quick spin and stepped back. There was a brief flurry of clicks as the wheel burst to life, but so
on the clicks became more and more distinct as the wheel slowed and finally stopped.
Biff looked at the result and turned back to the audience. ‘Congratulations, Tonya…you’ve earned the primal identity of ‘Bimbo Bunny’!’ said Biff. ‘This means you’ll receive a strand or two of bunny DNA spliced into your genes, resulting in the growth of adorable little bunny ears, a furry little bunny tail and a significantly increased fertility rate! You won’t just be barefoot, now…you’ll be barefoot and pregnant! Still, don’t worry about having a perpetually swelled belly, Tonya…should you end up on the Bimbo Throne, any children you bear will be adopted by parents in the Chrystal Heights’ Couples Without Children Society. You’ll be providing an invaluable service for couples who are unable to bear children of their own. And between babies, you’ll look absolutely adorable with cute bunny ears! Congratulations, Tonya!’
I had to admit it was much more entertaining watching this than being an active participant. Tonya always seemed to get the short end of these things. Tonya had had a nine-day pregnancy when we had stolen the cursed items from the museum, and now she was going to be super fertile, and with her vagina bumps and upcoming erotic enhancement, she was almost assured of a swelled belly from time-to-time. Okay, a lot of the time. And bunny ears? Heh. I was really hoping Chrissie got this one as well.
Biff watched the beefcakes escort Tonya backstage, then turned to Chrissie. ‘Okay, Christine,’ said Biff, ‘let her rip!’
Chrissie scowled, but the expression looked almost cute with Chrissie’s adorable pink perm. She reached out with one hand and gave the wheel a spin. The wheel clicked for several seconds before finally slowing down and coming to a stop. Biff looked at the result, then turned to the audience.
‘Congratulations, Christine…you’ve earned the primal identity of ‘The Cat’s Meow!’ This means you’ll receive a strand or two of cat DNA spliced directly into your genes. This will give you a tendency to express yourself in meows or purrs, and, periodically, you’ll be going into heat! Congratulations, Christine!’
Chrissie did not look happy, and even better, along with the cat DNA, she was going to be getting bimbo boobs as well. It had not been a good day for Chrissie. I gave her a smug look as she was escorted backstage, which would have been more effective had I not suddenly had an unexpected random orgasm right then. On national television, no less. Again.
Stupid game show.
Chrissie and Tonya made it back on-stage just as they finished prepping Laura. Tonya’s cheeks were flushed and it was obvious she was feeling the full effect of her now bimboed sex drive. Chrissie now sported huge bimbo boobs, and she was furious. I thought it was hysterical.
‘Hey, Chrissie, nice rack,’ I said.
‘Lick me, wench,’ said Chrissie. ‘Meeoooowwwww!’
Chrissie’s eyes widened at her meow, and she clapped a hand over her mouth. Muffled curses and meows could be heard.
‘Okay, it’s time for Laura to experience the Bimbo Throne!’ said Biff. The lights dimmed once more, with a single spotlight shining on the Throne. Laura was sitting in the Throne, her arms and legs strapped into position. On her head was a tiara. There appeared to be several jewels in the tiara, but in actuality, they were lights. Unseen by the audience, there were several wires running through Laura’s hair.
‘Okay, Laura…’ said Biff, as a drum roll sounded. ‘Prepare to become…Lori!’ He nodded to a tech who was off-stage and just out of sight of the audience.
The tech pulled a lever. The Throne began to glow a very intense hot pink and the lights on Laura’s tiara began to flicker rapidly. A loud humming was heard as well.
‘Becoming a bimbo doesn’t necessarily entail becoming brainless,’ said Biff. ‘We’ve all known very smart bimbos, right? The Throne is rearranging Laura’s logic processes and ability to prioritize. Also, it is rearranging several processes and enhancing others. Addition? Not a priority. Showing cleavage? Definite priority. Yes, Laura’s I.Q. will dip below ninety, although this will be more a reflection of her inability to logic things out than an actual reflection of her intelligence.’
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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Hips wriggling, I made my way backstage. Chrissie and Tonya were sitting together. Chrissie looked me over as I approached. ‘Hey, slut,’ said Chrissie, ‘we were just talking about you. We were trying to figure out what bimbo name we’re going to give you after you lose...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Round Seven- ENDGAME TonyaB…I…M…B…O LauraB…I…M…B…O EricaB…I…M…B…x ChristineB…I…M…B…x The scoreboard told the whole story. Tonya and Laura- now Lori- had visited the Bimbo Throne, and they were now the ultimate bimbos. Tonya had big blonde hair all the way down to her...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Round Two We were one event into Bimbomania, and Chrissie was the only one of us not affected yet. Michael, the young Asian man who was the backstage manager, had given us an hour to get used to our new piercings and bimbified midsections. I was personally glad of the...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Michael greeted me with obvious relief. ‘Oh! You’re here! Great! Great! Where have you been? It’s almost time to start! You look great! Where are the grips? Props! Get the props in place! Someone call Gary! The spotlight is too dull. Lights! We need lights, lights, lights!...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. I had never seen a carving quite like it before. A good foot-and-a-half tall, the carving was that of a naked woman on her knees, but in pleasure rather than in supplication. Her knees were spread wide and both hands were laying on her sex. Her head was back, eyes closed, her mouth open...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis: A museum heist has unexpected results. * I was not happy about Chrissie getting the dildo stuck in my ass. Just standing around was an exercise in humility, and don’t...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. * I was not in a good mood when I woke up the following morning. Trying to sleep with several inches of dildo stuck in my mouth- and another eight inches protruding from my mouth-...
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(I’d like to thank Ken for a final proof of this.) It took two weeks, but Lynda was ready. The first thing that Monday morning she did exactly as Steven had asked, she made an appointment to see the US Attorney for just after five that afternoon. “I’m going to need time to set things up. When you speak to her just tell her what I asked you to, no more and no less,” he said. “What if she asks me questions?” “You shrug. You have no idea. I was being very secretive. Remember less is more in...
Gerald went back to his bedroom, but he wasn't planning on going back to sleep. He hadn't yet figured out what the mysterious "Mary" had in mind, but he knew he had to stay alert. He felt like he had when his wife had thrown him a surprise birthday party a few years before. He had found out about it a few days in advance, but played along and tried to act surprised when he walked into the darkened room full of his friends. But he knew this could develop into a serious situation,...
When Gerald got back from dropping Mary off at her apartment, he crashed into bed. Two hours later, when his alarm went off he rolled out of bed just long enough to log onto his computer and send his boss an email telling him that he would be taking the day off. Then he crawled back under the covers and slept until noon. When he finally shook off the cobwebs, he spent the rest of the day thinking about what he would do to Kim that night. His attitude toward her was totally different than...
It took Gerald most of the next day to get back to normal. By the time he went to the airport to pick up Susan, he felt he was almost back to the controlled, boring Gerald that she would be expecting. Apparently he was right, because she did not seem to notice anything unusual in his behavior. He soon realized that was because she was so excited about how successful her trip had been that all she could do was talk about herself and the conference and the new people she had met. Later that...
Sagara Sanosuke (19). Born the first son of a farmer in Shinsuu, in the first year of Manen (1859). When he was nine, he left home to join the Sekihoutai. He idolized the captain, Sagara Souzou, but the unit was accused of being a false government army; Souzou was decapitated and the Sekihoutai was dissolved. After this he came up to Tokyo to become the street fighter Zanza, devoting himself to fighting and winning fame until his defeat by the vagabond Himura Kenshin. From then on, he...
Now I had been quite a popular guy in my old school, I won't lie, I had slept with all the whores and most the cheerleading squad after one girl ratted out that I have a dick like a god, also my good looks and money background helped too.. but now I actually wanted a girl and not the other way around, so after gazing at her thru home room, I walked over and introduced myself and asked if she wanted to do something this coming friday, she turned and looked me straight in the eye and her face...
I am still very young, and I have yet to figure out the complexities of the mind or why the body wants what it wants. And at this particular point and time, my body wanted my US History teacher. It was the one thing I couldn’t stop myself from wanting, even though I could never have it. In the beginning, I didn’t want him. I had never really looked twice at my teacher. I thought he was funny, smart, and a bit goofy, to be honest. But he was also married and had 3 kids, and I didn’t pay him too...
He watched his mom for a moment, then he striped out of his sweaty run clothes, and crawled onto the bed with her. Leaning closer, he whispers, "Mom?" He then kissed her gently on the cheek, and she sighs, and wakes up. “Hmm…Johnny?” "Good morning, mom.” his mom rolled off her stomach and onto her side. “Good morning, Johnny.” She then took note of the fact her son is naked. “I sense you want something.” “I can’t hide anything from you, can I, Mom?” "No, you can’t.” Her...
We have shared in earlier stories some of our swinging and cuckolding experiences but would now like to tell you about the first time Stuart had a full bi experience. This was several years before meeting Jane and something she is grateful for, as she loves nothing more than watching Stuart sucking a hard cock before she gets to fuck it. So here is Stuart’s true story, in his words…. In a previous relationship, I was introduced to the swinging and then finally the cuckolding lifestyles. Being...
Hello to all Indian sex stories dot net readers. My name is Shivang pursuing engineering in reputed college in Pune. I am 22 years old.My body stats 6 feet tall with an athletic body.To get massage service or to have a pleasant fucking session drop me a mail on sweet hearts.Girls, aunties and it working chicks who are in and around Pune can approach me for dating, massage, short term relationship, long term relationship.Sex services by using Kamasutra technique you might have not yet heard or...
This is my original work; originally published on another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvGood Neighbors, Part 3*** This story continues Stacey's recollections of how she came intoher current situation. Please see Parts 1& 2 for the back story. ***"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Martin asked."Now that I've sucked your cock, it seems like the most natural thing,"I said. "Besides, I'm not sure where this is going, or what happensafter today; but I do know that I'm not going to pass up...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: May 2, 2011) Chapter 34 - Tonight's Headline I dreamed about Ethan. I couldn't remember most of what the dream was about, but there was one thing that I knew for sure when I awoke. He would always be my friend. Tuesday had...
Being a glory hole slut has always been fun. On my knees sucking anonymous cock in the dark seemed almost like a hobby. The threesome with Dennis and Keith changed things, now I’m just a slut. My week has been consumed with thoughts of sex, dirty sex. It’s been all I could do stay out of the booths. I glance up at Keith and nod as I walk in. I mean what do you say to a guy who was straddling your face naked the last time you met? Dennis was waiting at the door to the back and led me in. I...
While he was telling me some more of the details, I started to become more and more distressed about the situation. I think he just assumed that my looks of distress came from the fact that my husband of five years had been unfaithful to me, but something else was really causing me stress. After telling me the last details of the affair, he stopped and hung his head. Tears came to his eyes as he looked to me for forgiveness. At that moment, however, I started crying as well. Sitting on...
Upon their arrival on Kon-at, Sarah Miller's group found themselves working hard to finish both the set up for the family pod and to work on a "community center" of sorts. Sarah's office was in the community center and only a short walk from the office of the Planetary Governor. Sarah spent a good deal of time with Mike Farris, the Governor, and his cabinet of advisors. Her official role was as an observer, but she did interject on a few occasions. Farris had sketched out a government...
Vanessa had expected Baleville to seem smaller each time she took leave from the Corps. Somehow, it never did. Now, after nine months in the desert, seeing nothing but temporary camps and villages that barely even qualified for the name, it seemed impossibly huge and vaguely opulent. Even stranger, they'd held a parade for her, Jenna Wilkins, and Doug Haley when they'd come back from the Gulf, like they'd done something particularly heroic while there. When her parents had asked if she'd...
Tribune Whitefeather sat with his fellow members of the Office of Targeted Extractions, Sub-Decurion Chan and Major MacAllistor, in the Arctic Princess pod currently assigned to Sandy Hause and her camerawoman, Lyn MacDonald. The three Confederacy officers were enjoying lunch and watching the results of Sandy's editing efforts. All wore their dress uniforms, Whitefeather and Chan in Civil Service grey and MacAllistor in Marine green. The two concubines wore fancy hairdos and gold-threaded...
Hi guys, I am a regular reader of ISS. This is my first story being uploaded in ISS. Reply me with your thoughts. I am a 35-year-old guy staying in Mysore. I have a good neighborhood and friends around. We often have social gatherings in and around our house. I have a neighbor about whom this story centers. She is a widow maybe in her 50s and she has her children living with her, who study in college. She is very friendly in nature and we had no sexual ideations towards each other until the day...
Here I was in a room with Sasha, thinking of Jolene, thinking of everything that was going to happen. Ordinarily, I would feel guilty, knowing that Danny had to go to work and I was here with Jolene’s best friend. But that’s the point, Danny and Jolene had helped set me up with Sasha and Sasha didn’t care that I was still with Jolene, too.I’d wowed Sasha with a home cooked tomato and chicken pasta, made from scratch with a nice bottle of wine. I moved to Sasha and wrapped my arms around her,...
Straight Sex"If you want anything from me, you just have to ask for it. Then I'll see if I do it or not", that's what Lizzy Pompeia says whenever someone asks things like "Can I ask you a favor?" Lizzy the Large, that's her nickname, for her large buttocks. Lizzy is the fat bottomed kind of girl. 30 years old, single. A blond bombshell, Lizzy stands on 5'5" and weighs 134 pounds. Her fair skin is always very tanned, her face ain't exactly beautiful, but you can fancy it, specially because of...
To a casual observer the fact that Betty, Hayden and Waverly were completely naked under their lacey bikini cover ups might have gone completely un-noticed on a nice warm day at a busy water park. There was a lot of skin on display everywhere and the bikini cover-ups were excellent camouflage. You might have assumed they had on flesh colored itty-bitty-bikinis or simply not looked close enough at the mesh wrap arounds to even notice. You’d have to have been looking carefully for naked women...
I was 23 years old, had just graduated from University, and decided to take a road trip before starting my new job in a few weeks. I had been on the road for about 3 days and had stopped at a small hotel in a country town. The hotel had nice conditions, and a bar attached, so after dinner I went to the bar for a couple of drinks. I had been there about 30 min when suddenly a stunning brown haired busty babe walked in with a guy by her arm. She looked to be about 27-28 years old, around 5”5,...
Weekend love affair fairAnother boring day at working at the carnival all the little lot lizards running around in the there skimpy slut outfits showing off there tight bodies asking to get fucked most of them jail bate! and out of no ware this very sweet woman comes up and wants to play the game so I explain how to play and give her some tips I know to help her win and maybe get her to stay longer than her time of playing the game. being that it is not the time of the day where much happens on...
Ken raising my dress higher to have a better view of “loosening me up” and told me to rest my heels over the other end of the couch. As he fingered my butthole, his hard cock continued to slap against the side of my body as he wiggled and shook his finger. The more I thought about Ken finally ramming his cock in my tight butthole the harder I clinched. “Lisa, I need you to relax some, take a deep breath” “Ken” I asked “Is it going to hurt much?” “You are super tight, but I brought lots of...
The junior and senior classes were in the university church, attending Sunday morning service. Normally, Helena would be too distracted to focus on the hymns she and everyone else was singing. After all, it was in this very church that Xavier had enslaved her, and nothing since then had worked against him. Hate him as she did, she had to admit that he was right about one thing: she was used to having him around. Unless they were sparring, he really had no intention of actually hurting...
Christina awoke. She was lying naked on some sort of low table. It had a metal frame but instead of a tabletop it had a strange plastic grill. She tried to sit up. She couldn’t. Looking around she saw her arms and legs fixed to the corners of the table. Looking around, she saw that she was in a large padded room painted surgical white. On one wall was a large mirror (Christina suspected it was one of those two way ones), and there were air vents in the ceiling. She was not alone, nerdy looking...
Hi, all. Single girls, unsatisfied aunts may email me at 100% privacy guaranteed. Now moving to the sex story. This all happened as one day I saw my fav teacher of school times on Facebook. Instantly I sent her a friend request. Luckily it got accepted. Let me tell u about her. She was my fav teacher during school times. Had perfect assets.She always wore I tight churidar which made my dick excited. As we were friends now, the messages started with a hi hello sort of thing. We started...
There wasn't a soul on theAvenue de la Belle Gabrielle when I emerged from the cavernous depths of Studio Deux dazed with fatigue. I shivered as the cool morning air permeated my clothing, seeping into my sleep-deprived form. Christ it was cold! Hard to believe that it was springtime in Paris. I looked up at the sky. Not a cloud there. The first rays of the new day's sun were starting to illuminate the gloom. It looked as if it was going to be another beautiful day. Zipping up my jacket I...
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. October the same year. “Surely they’re not serious?” Dorothy Trenton was talking to one of her people. “That’s what they’ve told us. They’re gonna cut our salary, and put us on a zero-hour contract.” Dorothy shook her head. As the local leader of USDAW, the shop workers union, she knew she had, and would always have, very little true influence. USDAW was a relatively weak union, its usually unskilled members easy to hire and fire. In a way it was this very weakness...