Crimen Religiosus free porn video

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Quintus Serverus was grunting and sweating profusely. He was straining under immense self imposed pressure. A Roman orgy was meant to be pleasure defined. The reason why the barbarian hordes wanted to be in, rather than outside the Empire. Still five butt holes to go was a demanding task. His cohort of slave girls and boys and his reputation as a party stayer on the line. Country villas were luxurious; but by Jupiter, a whole weekend of sex, hopefully there were some gladiators and captives to fight b**sts tomorrow afternoon. He needed a break from sex. Even some hunting or fishing. He had brought his hunting dogs with him.

Gaius Scaura his best friend was struggling manfully with two dark skinned Ethiopian slave girls recently arrived through Egypt. His dick resembled an ivory tusk as it filled a nubile areshole from behind. His hands vainly trying to concentrate on the other young slave woman’s tits in front of him at the same time. While his personal grooming slave was prodding his dick into his masters arse as instructed.

Quintus’ twin brother Titus was cheating as usual using a beautifully crafted ebony dildo on a young male slave’s arse. He was heading depraved too quickly in his eighteenth summer of life. Excess leads to the excessive.

The party’s host Sextus Tertullus was flagging badly. A flaccid heap despite four incredibly beautiful German slaves from the Rhine river frontier surrounding him. Two women and two men. Blonde everywhere, even been their legs and around the male cocks, an unusual sight here. The Gaulish girls and boys were usually dark haired, the typical party fare. The Spanish regulars, dark haired too, with their olive skins. The African women were an exotic treat but really so last season. The rumours of some red haired Celtic slaves from Hadrian’s Wall; at Suetonius Luetus party on Capri had the whole orgy circuit slightly excited. Rumours had it they were incredibly feral when it came to heated body games and had displayed openly dirty tricks of their own bordering on filthy contortionist sex.

Only Herennius Canus was still at it with vigour at this party. But he liked the young men and his wife wouldn’t have any in her household. So he really chased arse when out, off the leash; like tonight.

The party was heading listless like the two giant resting Irish wolf hounds snoozing in a corner. Hunting held more excitement for them.

The women still here were bored; basically jaded. They had their slave ‘boy toys ‘at home, on a short leash. These orgies were really for their husbands, whose dicks now late into the evening couldn’t keep up with the filth generated in their minds. The truth was at one a week now, no one cared. Valeria Mela and Servilla Aelius were just drinking wine half naked. Nobody in the room even glancing at their shapely wifely breasts. Their husbands Marcus and Antony were snoring naked on a pile of cushions, several slave girls were at least getting some coochie and butthole rest here. Though Titus and his dildo were trying to service every female and male slave butthole in the room. There were three waiting near Quintus. He was cheating now too and fingering a couple of arses at the same time. He was resting his dick for what. The evening was close to done. Saving his cum wad for something special. It just wasn’t here. Though…

The gracious and stunning Julia Bassiana entered the musky sweaty room. Accompanied by a Vestal Virgin who didn’t blink an eye at proceedings, the eye catching but dangerous Vipsania, a recently appointed full Vestal Virgin. She was tall, a clear hour glass figure in her white tunic, symbolic of her purity, offset by a thin purple border, her breasts barely restrained by her fascia, the tight band below her breasts only accentuating her femininity, her hair in plaits, and a simple headband was designed to highlight not compete with her attractive face, the plaits trapping her natural brunette length. No use looking; Vestals were off limits even in training. Once fully initiated beyond even a Gods cock reach.

Though Quintus as he finally gave up, fingering a Spanish youth’s arse… dared to think, maybe. Why would a girl like this choose chastity? Wrong, why would parents commit a girl like this to sexual isolation for life? Well thirty years…but starting a sex life at forty or forty five…better than none? Status, it always came down to status and having a patron or being a patron and putting on games for the plebs and sex for the rich. Everyone was client or patron, rubbing or prodding arses and brown nosing each way in the city.

If a Vestal had sex they would be buried alive. Not actually but condemned to starve to death in a sealed underground chamber. A serious disincentive to having sex. The offending male faced public death by flogging. Dangerous girls to approach. Though the adage applied…if you were caught. The lure of the forbidden outweighs the ease of the sexually accessible…we want what we are told we can’t have. What Quintus couldn’t have was in the room.

There were eighteen of these off limits pedestal virgins at a time. Service for thirty years. Sex in the twilight of life was there …but surely as a young woman she wanted it now. No choice when chosen as a novice at five years of age. Quintus thought her teen years must have been hell, while supposedly serving the Gods, Rome and Empire. Technically married to Rome for thirty years. Crimen Religiosus was the crime: she would be guilty of forbidden relationships with the city, not the man if caught. They had serious obligations to protect the city and perform rituals in a pure unsullied by male state and protect their virginity. Kept intact for the city’s safety and its future prosperity.

Always chaperoned. Protected in their female only dwelling behind the Temple of Vesta. Never out alone. The festivals, the crowds, the Ides of July, maybe an opportunity with the gorgeous Vipsania. The festival was three days away. A bit of planning time. Still in the moment, how to separate her from her guardian. Easy, her sentinel of the night was drawn to Valeria Mela and Servilla Aelius and proffered wine. It looked like Vipsania was going right outside to relieve herself.

Preferable to the filling buckets, at the ready just through the atrium. Dark, the cover of dark was good for illicit sex. Still she may reject him out of fear or out of coldness. You just never knew …with power women.

Quintus had roped in Titus. He was always up for the difficult challenge. And this topped them all. Sex followed by death. Well if you were caught.

It was dark. Too dark as Quintus had waited to follow Vipsania. Titus would exit the long way and go round the villa soon. The gap between one person leaving the room, especially a female, and a male leaving. You could rarely ever time it right. Some gossipy female always noticed the machinations of sexual movement, the contrivances that couldn’t cover open desire, the wiles of lust, and the expediency of youth’s lewd cravings; they usually failed to shield unbridled desire. The fools, their eyes usually already gave their intentions away no matter how many minutes passed between a female leaving the room alone and then soon after a male leaving a room alone. Male follow female, too basic, too predictable.

There was only the curve of a partly clouded moon. Plenty of stars. Venus shining bright. Bring me luck, Venus, he lisped to himself. Quintus stumbled around, hand against the exterior courtyard wall of the villa, till his outstretched hand rested on a breast in the dark. Then his hand was removed deftly and without a word by slender long fingers. He knew that much. It’s like he had over stepped the boundary already. Trespassing without knowing it, like accidentally bumping your sister’s boob.

“By the Gods…Pardon me”

“Pardon what…you choose to follow me” Vipsania voice testing steel and resolve.

“You speak the truth…so do you want me here?” Quintus held his voice steady.

“Yes…but you must follow my rules …or you could be the walking dead”

His eyes adjusted to the dark after a while. Gloomy shapes took form, he saw much more than before. Her white tunic caught the night light. He waits…she keeps a slight distance.

“Obey my instructions…you must avoid my cunt…it cannot be touched or penetrated… Do you understand?”

“Yes …I understand”

“I need to relieve myself…you may bathe in my glorious liquid…are you ready…you are welcome to be showered or imbibe it…the choice is yours”, Vipsania establishing her control.

Vipsania lifted her tunic above her mound of Venus. She pushed back against the villa wall, her thighs stretched wide. The moonlight caught her dense dark pubic mound. Her hands exposed her own luscious lips and the golden spray came in a gushing rustic flow like the first forceful sudden spurt from a rural hand pump.

Quintus accepted the squirt. A hard wet steamy warm controlled jet of her piss sprayed his face. She was able to control her flow and stopped.

Damp dribbly drops rested on her cunt lips, wet and sexy glistening drops of piss poised to drip at her hairy spread opening.

She gushed a second generous spray like a high thin waterfall, the stream of piss curving up, then down into Quintus mouth…as she arched right back, pushing her sexual self out into the night. Her ability to staunch the flow amazing and increasing the pleasure, lengthening the sensation of wetness. It was warm and salty. Strangely addictive in its difference to orgy sex.

The rest came in a copious, profuse abandoned cascade of fem-enjoyment and fem-domination, swiftly out of her piss flaps. It was rapid and soaking. It splattered through his hair, across his face and on his tunic. It was like an unexpected cloudburst that breaks a drought. Saturation unexpected but in the instance accepted.

A final burst, the radiant golden shower, the stream still of a rich strong arousing rapid wet warmth , nearly heated, the steam causing vapours in the night, then the dripping dribbly trickle, as it ceased…the wet flaps soaked in her own piss. Bodily functions crossing over into the sexual pleasure zone. Impersonal neighbours now carousingly intimate.

Titus arrived just as she finished. Quintus indicated to Vipsania this was his brother. She intimated she knew they were conspirators in pleasure seeking. She had seen them together… planning inside. She outlined the deadly rules to Titus quickly.

Both men hitched their clothes as instructed by Vipsania. Titus was to direct his piss force only onto her clit. Nowhere else or she would leave. The end of this play. Very quickly a fast stream of warm piss hit her clit, splashing then spraying and dampening her pubic hair into a matted strandy sop and running down her thighs and pooling on the ground. Piss sploshing, sloshing and drizzling everywhere. It was titillating and lewd. The excitement for the twins in the zany, crazy offbeat seemingly taboo behaviour of all involved. One pissing, one watching, both feeling with Vipsania; her own skewered pleasure of piss on her clit.

There was a kinky, dominating side to this woman and she was revelling in it, her excitement of the fetish was clear, as Titus’ piss stream did its wet slushy work. Till it was reduced to a few drips of piddle shaken off his cock.

A strange sense of gratification combined with a seeming act of humiliation. A bodily function used in sex play. Could the evening get any stranger?

It was Quintus turn. His instruction was to piss on her pubes and held open cunt. The musty smell of her sex wafted up through the night, combined with the stale urine smell. Heady.

There was an excitement of the denied, her fleshy pussy, yet intimately splashing and spraying her femininity with piss. It was tantalizing. They were Tantalus; he was forever denied the fruit above and the water below. They were being denied her breasts and her gaping cunt. The desired so close, yet a permanent tease. Touchable easy, yet untouchable. There was no yawning uncross-able chasm actually denying them her elemental womanly fissure, the pleasure prize of all men. Hannibal they both knew had scared the fucking crap out of Rome by daring to cross the Alps. You dare…it happens. Only a rule, the rule of the city, built on traditions, stopping them. A rule, we all breaks rules. Impermissible, banned, and proscribed by sacred law. Are there lines we don’t dare cross? Desire versus the statutes and customs of time. Yet Caesar had dared to cross the Rubicon, would they?

Quintus propelled his piss stream with his whipped cock action all over her pubes; this was no call of nature, against a wall or behind a bush in the dark. It was deliberate and weirdly vulgar as it swished her skin and hairy parts in a second drenching spray. Sopping and dank and lank long pubes between her exposed thighs. This sort of activity needed the cover of night. It was dark and dirty but very nice. Her spread pussy clammy wet. A slight ammonia smell drifting and straying to all their nostrils. Acrid but sought; the smell and the sight building pleasurable delight.

“Listen carefully…you may cream my arse….no hymen to be checked there” indicating Titus.

Then pointing at Quintus she said: “ You may please me and yourself in my mouth…if either of you touch or finger my pussy…my friends in the Praetorian Guard will slit your silly throats…understood…quickly...I must get back…so must you.”

She massaged Quintus prick from her dogged position. Her sensuous warm lips wrapping around his soon erect hot cock. His butt slightly cold as the night chill hit. Titus worked up his own beef stick, which was easy as her sopping piss flaps were visible between her spread dog legs. Her narrow back alleyway primed as a fuck passage by a generous wad of spit and his probing finger as foreplay. So he would stuff one of the Vestal’s inner sanctums. Her spice cavern was tight. Vipsania writhed her buttocks in a pleasurable response to a good entry move. She had delicious refined control of her muscles in her tail. She was the ambrosia of the gods. If this was forbidden Titus wanted it. Wanted it even more as she arse muscle clenched him. Her clasp and grasp sensational.

Quintus was savouring his moments in her mouth. Vipsania was sucking exquisitely. Combining a soft wet soppy glide around his sensitive head with the fierce hard deep throat suction of sinking cock… ball deep…repeatedly ball deep. Building for a great blow. Her lips forming a smear of smoothness over his shaft, a defining slurry of salivary pleasure. He jerked and blew his load in her waiting mouth. She gobbled his seed like it was vital to her being, a part of living. It appeared to sustain her.

Titus was in paradise in her compact compressed rear. So snug. So joined. So tight. The constriction of desire. The security of pleasure. The lock of cock bliss. He came in her arse as directed. The cock jerking release was awesome. His throbbing dick had nowhere to move, yet it did imperceptibly and it was amazingly pleasurable. Her exacting, binding anus, addictive in its scrunching grip. She came astonishingly strongly, deeper than both young men had ever seen or taken a woman at an orgy or privately. She had rapidly fingered her clit directly. It was the virgin’s orgasm of repeatedly unfilled lust …her unrequited pussy…her forlorn desperate status…her miserable denied natural womanly satisfaction. She took what she could fully of self. Extracted from her clit the maximum it offered.

Her body satisfied in the moment. Her mind pondering years of lost true sexual fulfilment.

“A shared secret…remember….speak of it never …I have friendly ears all through the city and beyond…to speak of this is your death warrant and mine”

The twins indicated they understood.

Titus wanted to know her full name …as a secret…Vipsania he knew was her adopted name.

She told them: “I am Octavia Serverus… my full Vestal name is Vipsania Catullus…after my adopted patron …the fact you were twins took my fancy…as I remembered newborn twins in my father’s household as I was committed to the priestess-hood as a young girl”

Quintus and Titus drew back in shocked disbelief: this was their half sister. By the gods. Double taboo…once committed deliberately against the city and secondly by accident to their family. Criminal pleasure.

Vipsania sensed the truth before they confirmed it. Too late to be moral now. Another layer to keep the secret darker than this night. Her mother had died, her father remarried and having two male heirs, the bitchy step mother committed Octavia to the priestess hood to secure a new powerful benefactor in the patronage games of the city.

Titus was instructed to induce self vomit and leave stains on his clothes and return first. His excuse for his absence clear. Quintus was directed to the stables to suck off the slave grooms, then return later inside. His alibi if necessary confirmed with smeared dung on his sandals. Vipsania would seek out her chaperon and leave. So clinically sure of herself in her outward thinking.

They split and separated into the night. Yet horribly joyfully joined forever by the night. Sinfully savouring their entwining in a nights delight. The pleasure in their minds yet to be tempered by reflection. It would come in the quiet light of day.

Light only brought the need to seek the dark again.

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A Mothers Love Chapter three

 Mum switched on the set, and we sat together on the big four-seater sofa."Is there any football on mum?""You're not watching bloody football that's for sure.""Just have a flick through to see.""No chance.""Aw, mum."She burst out laughing, "You sound just like a naughty little schoolboy.""Here's one mum," I said as Sarah Michelle Geller appeared on the screen, "It's called Cruel Intentions, it's supposed to be good.""Okay, let's get the other bottle."We filled our glasses and settled back to...

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A Vampires Lust

It was a rather unremarkable night when it happened. The moon was at a crescent, there were no wolves howling, no creepy trees swaying in the yard, just a normal, insomnia filled night in your normal, boring life. 3:00 AM. Unable to sleep, your mind drifts to earlier that day in school, where you had your very first sexual experience in the bathroom during class-time... Your hand snakes beneath your underwear, lightly teasing yourself as you relive how you were touched in all the right places,...

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Family AffairChapter 2

In the morning my common sense prevailed. Without a substantial amount of money, I was trapped in this abusive, decadent situation until I could return to college in the fall. Downstairs, the kitchen was empty. That, in itself, was very unusual. Dad was a big breakfast eater. I downed a quick bowl of cereal and left for work. Arriving at my desk, I found a note requesting I report to Mrs Richard's office as soon as possible. I became apprehensive, thinking the worse. What would I do if...

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the things i would do to you x

the things I would do to youOur tongues dance in each others mouths sending charges of energy throughout our bodies the soft moans from each other I slowly kiss your neck and take your earlobe gently in my mouth, at the same time I am running my hands up and down your sides and back and tracing the outlines of your ass. your hand explore and trace the outline of my semi hard cock and with a smirk and a raise of your eyebrow, without hesitation you start unzipping my pants and start to...

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A First Time for Isabella

Wow! I couldn't believe it. My girlfriend, Isabella, an amazing girl, yet one whom if you were to see her on the streets, you might think she was one of those stiff ladies. Normally she's businesslike, commanding, straight and narrow. You know the type!But, tonight... We were at dinner and we were discussing what to do. We had a late dinner, as she was busy in the office and couldn't get out late until her projects were caught up for the weekend. I myself had the evening free and was just ready...

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The OutsiderChapter 29 June in Davenport

Parking Officer #036's life at work returned to normal as soon as the summer semester started. There were not quite as many students crowding the campus during the summer, but there were more visitors, which meant meter payments continued unabated. Mike kept himself very busy, trying to keep up with the pace of meter collections, replacing defective meters, doing the paperwork needed for repairs, and issuing tickets to chase the freeloaders away from his source of income. Once he moved off...

1 year ago
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Diary of a Whoremonger Joanna the Germ Gets Fouled

Joanna the Germ Gets Fouled When I awoke it was dark. The door was open and the fluorescent light from the walkway outside illuminated the motel room ghastly white. I looked at the clock and groaned. "9:20? Fuck me.." The best-looking whores would all be gone. Having made their quota early they'd be home or off clubbing somewhere, but that didn't bother me much.. my mind was festering and my body so agitated it was doing a slow boil, the signs were clear.. no fetching, vivacious...

3 years ago
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Another round with the nice widiw across the stree

While my sweet Ana was out of town visiting some friends; I had fucked our nice old widow neighbor across the street, Barbara.I thought she never would come back for more; but I was wrong…On the next afternoon I was mowing the grass at the back yard, when I heard the doorbell. There was Barbara again, standing dressed in a very sexy summer dress. I guessed she was not wearing panties this time…I let her in and Barbara kissed me passionately. She told me she wanted more of my hard thick cock....

2 years ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 11

(I’d like to thank Ken for a final proof of this.) It took two weeks, but Lynda was ready. The first thing that Monday morning she did exactly as Steven had asked, she made an appointment to see the US Attorney for just after five that afternoon. “I’m going to need time to set things up. When you speak to her just tell her what I asked you to, no more and no less,” he said. “What if she asks me questions?” “You shrug. You have no idea. I was being very secretive. Remember less is more in...

4 years ago
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A New BeginingChapter 9

The humans in the crew of the Roshaa soon learned the Maa were happy and pleasant companions in any activity they did together. When there was work to be done the Maa were quick to learn and untiring in their desire to complete any task they were given. And in more casual settings the Maa proved to be just as pleasant a companion. It was toward the High Lords however that the Maa directed their special attention and almost worship, the the Maa held the High Lords to be almost as gods. The...

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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 02

Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ********************** ‘You know, I heard a rumor somewhere.. someone said you...

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With Poonam In The Presence Of Her Husband 8211 Part 3

Hello, this is Rushik back with the final episode of “With Poonam In the Presence of her husband at Lonavala “ yes I am late in part as time didn’t permit to post this episode, anyhow the response to both the parts were good and people can connect to me at Coming back to the incident where I stopped, I took a cold shower to bring down my body temperature and I wore a short and tee shirt, it was already 7.30 and it got very dark outside. And Mr.Retesh has come back after a walk. He then went...

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Extra credit

When a class teacher decided to target a below average girl by reducing her already down marks. The girl asks the teacher for extra credit but the teacher has some demands from the student. Will the student reject and fail the class or will she accept it to pass the class. Characters: EMILY: STUDENT 18 year old girl. Not good in studies. Doesn't have many friends. Wears Almost non revealing clothes. Virgin. Petite but has d cup breast. Also has a sexy figure. In desperate need to increase her...

1 year ago
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Oh my goodness. there's no way". I began to panic. His cock was enormous. There was no way it would fit in my little mouth. Or pussy. If I was lucky as get the chance to see. I tried to protest as he persistently tried to force it between my lips. I tried tell him about the exorbitant amount teeth pulled before getting braces. He was relentless. and after several attempts, he finally won. He thrust his heavy bulging cock between my tiny tight lips. exasperate, i froze in fear that he would...

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Holi Per Sex With Sexy Kajal Ki Chudai

Hello friends Thanks for yours mails on my last stories. This is my 3rd story and I always write real incident with me. I am ankit from agra 29 yrs old and I like to fuck every time. Hope you are all doing good, . Ye baat aaj se 2 din pahle holi ke din ki hai. As you all know I lives in agra. Is baar holi per mere friend ne muje apne ghar per holi per invite kiya. Mera friend ravi apni family ke saath rahata hai, uske ghar main uske mummy and 1 sister kajal raheti hai. Uske father is no more....

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The Life and Times of Judge MoonbatChapter 2

As for Leanne, our divorce was now long final and shortly after the end of my trial her parents drove over from Cincinnati to pick up her stuff. About time! I suspect more than a few mice had burrowed into her clothing boxes to nest but that was her problem for letting the boxes sit for nearly a full year. She lived with her parents for a while, moved out and then became involved in an abusive relationship with a guy who soon tired of her shit too. Then she moved in with yet another guy who...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 5

“Hello, Frank; Ember,” Frank Senior said, greeting the engineering officer and his son. “How’s it coming? Did you find out anything about the device that dead soldier was holding?” “Hello, Mister Tabor,” Ember, the Chief of Engineering, said. “I sure did! This little device is quite remarkable. It doesn’t affect normal people, it only affects those who have been receivers of her alien blood.” “So this device is meant to disable Béla’s people?” Frank asked, confused. “It seems so,”...

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Office Exchange

Office Exchange by: Anne O'Nonymous Heads turned as she walked across the workroom floor, floral perfume giving warning of her approach, tapping away on 3" heels, with taffeta petticoats rustling under a full skirt and long, shoulder-length hair gently swaying rhythmically to and fro in time with her steps. The few men working there admired her legs, encased in seamed black hose. Their admiring eyes followed her across the floor and up the stairs leading to the main offices. They...

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My new Assistant

Horny again and needing a good fucking so off to the park to see what I can find. The former Dallas Theater Center is located near the Oak Lawn area of Dallas and surrounded by a park. Guys looking for a quick blow job pull in all the time for a quickie. I for one have stopped by in the middle of the work day and even gotten a fast fuck on occasion. On this day, I’m backed into my parking space in the parking lot watching the guys drive around. I have my shorts open and playing with my hard...

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Rape School

Clare had always been proud of her slim Tom Boy body, proud of its athletic ability and stamina so when she finished high school she joined the Army. She found the physical side of her new life easy and pleasurable so much so that after getting her first stripes she volunteered for the Rangers. It was perfect timing for the modern Army was actively recruiting women for all their Special Forces units. Once again she flew through all the physical tests and she was eventually given her shoulder...

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The Rich and The Famous Ch 01

1. Sabrina Meadows looked at her naked reflection in the mirror, analysing it critically. She was already forty-something (a fact that she kept under close wraps), but she didn’t look a day over thirty, and she knew it. Of course it took a hell of a lot of work to keep up her figure- hell not everyone aged as well as Jane Fonda- a dietician and cook, a personal trainer, microdermabrasion, botox, restalyn injections, a lift here, a tuck there, (not so much that she’d look like Melanie Griffith...

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First Fuck Of My Sweet Cousin

It was a story of long time back, I was in school & we in the village had almost no idea or rather not very clear idea about sex. Off course we used to have small & short boob squeeze session with growing girls at that age while having bath in the river. Oh! I’m Nisa presently about 38-39 yrs having good built, fair, tall & good personality. I’m from Dhaka-Bangladesh. Now let’s go back to the story. So was saying, we used to study before the school final (10th Level) exam & in our group, myself...

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The Busty Slutty Schoolgirl

I am writing the tale of how I came to cheat on my wife of fifteen years with a gorgeous young former pupil of mine. I work as an English tutor at a private girl’s school, teaching sixteen to eighteen-year-old girls, and have done for the last six months. I am forty-two years old, and have always looked after myself physically, working out almost every day. I have always had young girls looking at me admiringly, giggling to themselves.I suppose I enjoy the attention. All the other male teachers...

Straight Sex
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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 7

When I felt how Eva started to wiggle her body in my arms, I knew it was time to let go of her. I didn't want to do it, but we couldn't stay up here for ever, of course. So, when I let her go, she rolled away from me and while still lying on the ground, she looked at me with a interesting smile on her face. "So, how was it for you?" she asked me. I rolled with my eyes and asked her back, "What do you think?" She giggled and answered, "Okay, stupid question!" We looked in each...

1 year ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 34

“Joan, we need to pack up to leave the motel. We are through with this base of operations. We are going to have to find another temporary one. So why don’t you look on google and find somewhere within twenty five mile, more or less, of here. We might only be there a day or two, or maybe a week or two. Just depends on how it plays out with the FBI. “I can’t work for the FBI. I work for Durham County Film Coop,” Joan said. “Just do it hon, you aren’t working for the FBI, I am but our job is...

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light bdsm for a sissy

as always this is a real story, feel free to pm me your opinion and experiences. this story is with a guy i have been seeing, he is the one from the other stories and has a profile here, if you want to know who he is jusk ask me. so it was early in the morning and i got a text from this guy i had been seeing saying "you free tonight?" to which i replied "yes, are you thinking about coming over?", his answer was simply "ill be there at 9". with a date planned i started feeling horny and thinking...

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These Girls Can PlayChapter 16 Last show of the last tour

By the end of the fifth year of touring it was becoming obvious that when not actually performing the girls weren't having a lot of fun anymore except in the studio. They played every concert with the same energy as they played their very first show five years ago, but it just wasn't the same anymore. They hadn't become jaded, just worn out. The road can do that to you. Bob had warned them and even though spaced out the road was wearing them down. They still had their spirit and their...

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Paying For College With Her AssPart 2 Julias First Client

When Julia arrived at her dorm in the early evening, the first thing she did was take a shower -- and then she called her job and quit. Sitting down softly in the middle of her bed, she powered up her laptop. Checking her email, she found a message from James. It included a contract, a list of rules, and items she needed. There was also a questionnaire to fill out, telling them things they needed to know to make sure she was matched with the right clients. All had to be done by Monday.As she...

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Under the Hot Summer SunChapter 6

TIFFANY I didn't believe that I had just done that. Gone down on Carlton right in our backyard ... okay near the orchard which was kind of hidden but still ... if my parents had caught me. I could just see it, my kneeling there with Carlton's cock impaling my mouth over and over ... my dad would have just flat out killed him right there. My mom would be in shock no doubt that her daughter would even known how to do that, how to treat a man's cock. I had gone into the house after Carlton...

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The HealerChapter 13

The Imperial 17th Fleet was patrolling the Conveelt system as part of the various measures the Empire now had in place to try and counter the alien incursion. So far, other than the entrapment of a smuggler’s vessel, it had been quiet and uneventful. The ships themselves were overloaded to a certain extent with double the complement of Ground Force personnel as well as being accompanied by a couple of the new missile carrying ships that would hopefully surprise the aliens, assuming they ran...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 270

What’s the difference between The Rolling Stones and an Aberdeen sheep farmer? The Rolling Stones say: “Hey you, get offa my cloud.” And an Aberdeen sheep farmer says: “Hey McLeod, get offa ma ewe.” ---- Paddy and Mick are two Irishmen working at the local sawmill. One day, Mick slips and his arm gets caught and severed by the big bench saw. Paddy quickly puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick to the local hospital. Next day, Paddy goes to the hospital and asks after...

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Me and my wife Jess had been talking about having a threesome for awhile. She was into the idea she just wanted to find the right person. Well it was a Friday early afternoon, I had the day off Jess was at work and our 18 year old daughter Kim was at school. I was sitting on the couch thinking about a threesome with Jess. It was making my cock rock hard. Me and Jess had always been on the naughty side and I got an idea.I grabbed my cell phone and pulled out my cock. I snapped a picture and sent...

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