Człowiek Mleczarnia Gospodarstwo, Sp. Z O.o. free porn video

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Part 1 of??

(mc, ff, la, sf)

DISCLAIMER: This work is intended solely for an adult audience. If you’re under 18, or not into explicit erotica, stop reading now.

Copyright © 2012 Joe Mama

Some rights reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

[Synopsis & acknowledgments: this grows (again) out of appreciation for all the usual suspects who have so powerfully covered this subject matter before I did, plus Synthean’s PharmGen universe [example here:], the lovely ladies at, and too much idle speculation about exactly how those ladies got to be so lovely.]


Sunday, 3:52pm.

The first phone call was picked up after the third ring.

‘Hello,’ said the person who answered it, with that tone of distraction and indifference that comes from spending too much time on the phone.

‘HELP!!’ shouted the patient. ‘HELP ME! ARE YOU THERE?? OH, SHIT, CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME??!!’ she continued, sobbing a little as she rushed out each panicked syllable. ‘PLEASE!! FUCK, *PLEASE* SOMEBODY, **HELP ME**!!!’

‘Okay, okay! Listen!’ replied the voice, finally managing to interrupt. ‘I’ll help you! I’ll … try to help you but you have to slow down and expl–‘

‘[Wait!!],’ the patient replied in a forced whisper. ‘[Shit. I think someone’s coming…]’ She paused as though listening for something but her shuddering breaths were still audible over the phone. ‘[SHIT!!]’ she whisper-shouted again.

The voice paused and waited for more, but only a second later the line went dead.

* * *

Sunday, 4:08pm.

The second call, from the same number, was picked up on the second ring.

‘Hello?’ said the voice with a hint of urgency.

‘Hello?’ the patient whispered back. ‘Hello? Uh, hi, can you hear me? Who is this?’ she continued, before the voice could answer the first question.

The voice paused a beat before responding. ‘Who’s *this*? Look, you called me, sister. So you first: who’s this?’

The patient paused. ‘Well, this is …,’ she paused again. ‘Well, it’s me. From before. I’m … I’m in a room.’

‘Oh, ‘from before,” replied the voice flatly. ‘But no name. So you’re in–‘

‘A room,’ confirmed the patient. ‘I’m … in this room, and I’m …’ Her tone sounded like she should have had more to say but no words followed.

Now the voice paused again. And then replied with sarcasm, ‘Yeah, I get that you’re in a room. So am I, so is anyone who isn’t … sitting out under some, fucking, tree somewhere… Look, who is this, really? Is this Debbie?’ She chuckled and continued with a laugh, ‘Bitch, if you’re fucking with me ag–‘

The patient interrupted, her whispered voice rising in urgency ‘No, I’m not … I need help. I need you to help me. I …,’ the patient paused again, searching for words. ‘I’m in this room.’

‘Right, the room, got it,’ said the voice, losing patience. ‘Look, Debbie, or whoever you are, I have no idea why you think this kind of pain-in-the-ass is funny, okay? So I’m hanging up now. Goodb–‘

‘But I’m [naked]!’ blurted the patient.

‘You’re … what??’ replied the voice, with at least a little incredulity.

‘Naked,’ replied the patient. ‘Pretty much. I mean, I’ve got like a hospital gown on but nothing at all underneath. Look, the point is that I just woke up like a half hour ago in some fucked up white room, with no windows, and just a door with a slot in it. And I found my clothes and my phone just sitting over there on a chair next to the–. Wait.’ She paused again. ‘Actually, I’m not sure these are my clothes. And …, maybe this isn’t my…’


‘Well, there’s this … pile of clothes on a chair, and I thought they were mine but … there’s no way I could…. I mean, there’s just no way.’


‘Hello?’ This time it was the voice, wondering where her mystery caller went. ‘Are you still there?’

‘Uh yeah,’ said the patient. ‘Sorry – uh, sorry, look, uh… I gotta go. Sorry. Bye.’


* * *

Sunday, 9:11pm.

‘Hello?’ said the voice.

‘Hi,’ said the patient softly, ‘it’s, well … it’s me. Again. From before?’

After a pause, the voice simply said, ‘O-kay.’

After which the caller didn’t respond.

So the voice continued, ‘Well look, I talked to Debbie earlier this evening and got convinced enough that this isn’t one of her stupid practical jokes, but that means I’m kind of at a loss here. It’s not that I don’t want to help you, nameless one, if you really do need help, but I don’t even know where to start. You’ve hung up on me twice now, remember?’

‘No, I know,’ replied the patient. ‘I’m trying to figure out how to explain why I’m calling you, but it’s just … complicated.’

‘Well, what the fuck,’ said the voice, ‘I’ll play along. Complicated how?’

‘Complicated like, there are things I think I remember, like I said earlier about the clothes? How I could swear they’re mine? But those things like that … well, they make no sense. Especially considering things that now I know that I know.’

‘So wait,’ replied the voice, trying to keep up, ‘there are things you’re sure you know now, that don’t jibe with things you think you remember?’


‘Well, whatever, I guess. I suppose that does sound kinda puzzling. Like what?’

‘Well. Like…’


The patient lowered her voice again to a whisper. ‘Like, [my breasts],’ she said.

‘Your b-breasts??’ stammered the voice.

‘Yes, it’s weird, I know, but the thing is… So there’s these clothes, on that chair, right? Like I mentioned? Well, I could have sworn they’re mine, I mean, I even specifically remember wearing them, I think I even remember buying them, but… Well, they’re way too small. Especially, you know, up top.’

‘Too small?’ asked the voice.

‘Yes, I mean, I checked the bra, and it’s a 32B.’

After a short pause the voice asked, ‘Okay. And so I take it …’

‘Yeah, I mean … well, there’s no way. It wouldn’t even come close.’

‘You mean, your … well, your boobs are…’

‘Huge,’ said the patient. ‘I mean, *huge*, definitely way bigger than … like at least a double-D or something. In fact, I think that could be why I’m topless, I mean, there is literally no way these would fit in those clothes.’

‘Wow. Okay. Fair enough, I guess,’ replied the voice.

‘And they’re also just really … {sensitive},’ explained the patient, whispering the last word like it was a scandal.

‘Sensitive? Like, sore?’

‘Well, yeah, kinda. But also like … you know, {sensitive}.’ She paused again, and then whispered, ‘{And not just my breasts, I mean, it’s my whole body,}’ she added, dropping off into a sigh. ‘{Everything I touch … just feels soooo gooood, but [gasp] pinching my nipples just makes me, like–}’


‘Um, hello?’ asked the voice.

Deep, soft moans then filled the line for several long moments before it eventually went dead.

* * *

Monday 10:14am

‘So, here’s the thing,’ the patient began, after clearing her throat. ‘So I found this phone with the clothes, in the pocket of the skirt, right? And same thing: I really could have sworn it was mine, it even has the exact same case around it that I know mine had, but it doesn’t have any of my contacts in it. In fact,’ she added, ‘it’s only got one phone number in it.’

‘This one,’ said the voice.

‘Bingo,’ said the patient. ‘But that can’t be right. I know I had, like, hundreds of phone numbers programmed in here, and now th
e only one is a number I don’t even recognize? And I can’t even remember any other numbers at all, not even my own. It just makes no sense. Hey, tell me something: what number comes up on the caller id screen when I call you?’

‘There isn’t a number. It just says ‘unavailable,” said the voice. ‘What description is listed on that contact?’ she asked.

‘Nothing,’ replied the patient. ‘There’s no name or anything on the list, just this number listed under ‘mobile.’ But it doesn’t say anything at all about whose mobile.’

‘Hunh. Damn,’ said the voice.

‘Yeah, exactly. Damn. Plus the guards, or nurses, or whatever they are just come and go without ever even talking to me – did I mention that?’

‘No, wait, who comes and goes?’

‘I don’t know – sorry, I get really foggy about which parts of this I’ve already told you about and which ones I haven’t.’

‘Well, you said someone was coming once – first time you called me, in fact, but you never explained who it was. So who are these people? Are they guards or nurses? Or some of each?’

‘Well, no, they’re all basically the same, but I really don’t know who they are. They come in from time to time and, like, pinch and prod my titti– I mean, uh, my breasts, and then they prick one of my fingers and dab the blood against this little electronic thingy. Then they usually give me a couple shots, sometimes five or six, actually, and they leave. I guess they act more like nurses than guards but those masks are just so scary-looking that I figu–‘

‘Wait – the what? The masks?’

‘Yeah, they wear, like scuba masks or gas masks or something. Their uniforms are all black latex, and everything from the neck down is skin-tight, but the headgear is really kinda wild. And there’s definitely some Darth Vader-lookin’ mouthpiece in there that they’re breathing through. That’s kind of a fucked up thing for a nurse to wear, isn’t it?’

‘Yeah, I guess so. Are you sure they only breathe through the–‘

‘Oh, and one of them left a clipboard here last time, did I mention that yet?’

‘No, what? Really? A clipboard?’

‘Yeah. Like with all this paperwork on it, but it’s in some foreign language. It’s not English, but I can read the letters. Most of them, at least. Looks like Polish or something. But I can read the numbers on it, it looks like they’re tracking some kind of–‘

‘Weird,’ said the voice firmly. ‘Whatever, I dunno – look, I wouldn’t even bother with it. So wait, back up, so you found this phone the other day and just called some number you didn’t even recognize? Why would you do that?’

‘Well, I was in a panic, remember? I mean, I’m calmer now, but that first time I called you I was really freaking out. And what about you: if you just got some random call from an unlisted number when I called you earlier, why’d you pick up?’ asked the patient, looking for any flash of insight.

‘Dunno, really,’ said the voice. ‘Bored on a Sunday afternoon, I guess. But honestly, look: these are fun conversations and all, definitely livening up a couple dull days, but you’re right that none of it makes any sense. In fact, I still can’t help but think you’re just someone else bored with the same-old same-old, making prank phone calls about padded white rooms just to fuck with people. I mean, think about it: for someone who claims to have just woken up one day trapped naked in a windowless room, like you just said: you sure don’t seem very upset about it.’

‘No,’ replied the patient. ‘You know, you’re right, I’m not – not anymore. I know I was earlier, but now that you mention it it’s more like just … curious. But that’s another thing that I think I remember: the more I think about it, the more I kind of feel like I’m actually supposed to be here.’

‘Really?’ asked the voice.

‘Yeah, I can’t say why, or how, but now that I’ve had a chance to calm down a little it’s not like I feel like I have to escape or ‘get out of here’ any more, you know? It’s more that I’m just … confused. Like there’s something I’m supposed to do. And I want to just … do *that*, you know, just … do whatever I’m supposed to do.

‘But I just can’t figure out what that is,’ continued the patient. ‘Hey, do you … know what I’m supposed to do?’

‘What? No, how the f– No. Look, from what you’ve told me, you could be anywhere. It sounds like a mental ward, frankly, so maybe you do belong there. You act like you don’t even know your own name, or how you got to … wherever you are, so maybe you are there for your own good and you just don’t know it.’

‘Yeah, could be I guess. One way or the other I actually don’t feel much like doing anything about it. It definitely helps to talk to you, frankly, but I’m also just really….’ the patient’s voice drifted off into something of a sigh.


‘Really what?’ asked the voice.

‘No, I don’t want to say…’

‘Why not? As if there’s any way I could even know–‘

‘Really *horny*,’ confessed the patient. ‘I mean every inch of my … body just … tingles. And my nipples, I mean, you wouldn’t even believe it. It’s like having three clits!’ She giggled a little and then cleared her throat, with a bit of shame.

Then a three-tone chime went off, not unlike a subway or train door warning, followed quickly by the patient, explaining ‘Oh, that means it’s … uh, sorry. I’m … I’m gonna go again. Sorry if I’ve bothered you, okay? Sorry. Bye.’

‘Nono,’ said the voice quickly, with a bit of her own emphasis. ‘Definitely very weird, but no bo– [click].’

She stopped speaking as the line went dead in her ear.

* * *

Tuesday, 9:44pm

‘Hello?’ said the voice, with just a bit of eagerness.

‘Hi there,’ said the patient happily. ‘How you doing?’

‘How’m I doing?’ asked the voice. ‘Good enough I guess. You definitely sound better. So, what, are we buddies now?’

‘Well, kind of, at least as far as I’m concerned. In fact, you’re the only person I actually talk to, so I wanted to call you back and–‘

‘Wait, what was that?’

‘What was what?’

‘You just said… You really haven’t actually talked to anyone but me since…?’ asked the voice.

‘Well, no,’ replied the patient. ‘Do you think I’m supposed to talk to someone else?’ she asked.

‘What? I don’t know, how should I know? But that was, what, Sunday?!? You mean … you seriously haven’t talked to anyone else in the last two days?’

‘Well…. No. I didn’t know I was supposed to. I really don’t even see anyone else, actually, except when the guards bring me food, or come in and hose me off.’


‘Well, I get hungry. Every time I wake up, that is, I feel pretty hungry. And I must get pretty ripe after a while, too. There’s a toilet over in the corner I can go use, you know, whenever I need to, but no sink or shower or anything.

‘No, not that, I meant the other thing. You said they hose you off??’

‘Well, yeah,’ she continued, lowering her voice to a whisper. ‘It’s like I said: I’m *horny* – I mean *really* horny – like, all the time. And so pretty much ever since the last time we spoke, I guess whenever I haven’t been sleeping or eating, I’ve been, you know, either playing with myself or using the machine. I guess after a while it really must start to reek in here a little.’

‘*What* the *fu–* You mean, you’ve been …,’ now it was the voice’s turn to whisper, ‘{fucking yourself} for the last *two days*???’

‘Well…’ said the patient. ‘I guess so. I guess that does seem like kind of a long time, right? It’s just that there’s no days or nights in here, so basically I just nod off and then later I wake up. I guess I didn’t realize exactly how long I’ve–‘

‘So you don’t even know whether it’s day or night?’ asked the voice, ‘seriously?’

‘Well, yes,’ replied the patient, ‘I guess it must not matter. I don’t remember ever seeing the lights go off, but I don’t really notic
e, to be honest. Every so often the guards bring in a new bowl of this granola-looking stuff to eat. I guess they hose me off every third time or so. They shaved most of my hair off last time. Or, actually… Maybe two or three times ago, I think…’

‘Fuck,’ said the voice. ‘I mean, you know, FUCK. That is really, *really* fucked up.’


‘Really? Yeah, ok, I guess so,’ said the patient eventually. ‘Sure sounds like it seems that way, but … I don’t know. I’m actually not sure I really mind all that much. The guards seem nice enough and honestly, the milking machine is pretty awesome.’

‘The … WHAT??’

‘Well, you know, the milker. Didn’t I tell you?’

‘No. No, you did not tell me about the milker.’

‘Oh. Shit. Well that’s the best part. So, when that chime goes off they bring this machine into the middle of the room. There’s this saddle at the bottom, that I sit on, with like a rack for my head and my arms. My titties plop right into these two cups when I lean into the rack, and there’s these two hoses than run down from the cups into this big, like, flask right in front of the saddle. There’s a big, thick hose that runs up from the flask up to the rack, right by my face, so I can drink some of the milk while I–‘

‘Wait, you drink …’

‘The milk. Of course! Why wouldn’t I? It’s fucking great, actually – it tastes better than the food, but it also *really* gets me off. That vibe in the saddle and the tit milkers are definitely part of it, big parts [heehee!!], but there’s something about drinking the milk that’s like throwing gas on fire. I can kinda lick a few drops straight from my titties every now and then, but when I’m on the machine I can really take some good deep gulps. Then I’m just *gone* for, I don’t know how long, gotta be hours – just bouncing back and forth between cumming like crazy and going right back to the edge of the next on–‘

The patient’s monologue was interrupted by the chimes again.

‘Oh, yay!!’ exclaimed the patient excitedly. ‘Gotta go!’

‘No wait!’ screamed the voice. ‘At least leave the line connec–,’ she added, as the line went dead.

* * *

Thursday 1:44pm

‘Well hello again,’ said the voice. ‘Been a while.’

‘oh,’ replied the cow. ‘sorry, i’ve been, uh, busy,’ she added with a stifled giggle.

‘No, that’s ok,’ said the voice. ‘Busy is good. So, is there something I can help you with?’ she asked.

‘oh no,’ said the cow, ‘no, ma’am, that’s not– i mean, this time, that’s not why I called.’

‘It’s not?’

‘no ma’am, you see, i just wanted to call to thank you.’

‘Thank me? Oh, that’s nice of you but it’s really not nece–‘

‘no it is,’ blurted the cow. ‘you see, ma’am, i’ve been able to thank one of the guards, several times, properly, but that just made me realize that even though you and i only talk on the phone i just … i don’t know what i would have done without you back when i was still so confused. back before everything became clear, before it all just makes so much sense. so the thing is, i really wish i could show you how much–‘

The sound of the chimes interrupted again, but this time the voice spoke first.

‘Well, listen, I understand, and it’s very kind of you to thank me,’ she said. ‘In fact, you’re quite welcome. It was my pleasure to help you, and actually I’d like to thank you, too, for your cooperation with the protocol. So tell you what: go ahead and mount the milking machine, but stay on the line and I’ll talk you into this next session. Would you like that?’

‘ohh yes ma’am, i’d like that a lot. i … i’m a good cow, aren’t i ma’am?’ asked the cow.

‘Yes, you are,’ replied the voice. ‘You’re a very good cow. Say it out loud.’

‘i’m a very good ca-ha-howwww,’ said the cow in a gasp, as the milking machine kicked into life in the background.

‘Good. Again.’

‘i’m a very good cow,’ she repeated, breathily, but with a bit more composure.

‘Good. Now grind yourself against the saddle and repeat that until you come: ‘I’m a very good cow.’ Say it.’

‘Hhnnnnnn-ohhh, yes. yesssss ma’aaaam… i’m a very good cow.’

‘Good. Again. Just the last part.’

‘i’m a … verygood cow.’



‘Again. Until you come.’

‘Hhhhhhnnggggohhhh! OHHHHhhh!!! I’m – a – very – good – cow,’ she panted.


‘I’mavery … hhnnn-g-good … c- .. cow. OH. OH. Oohhhhhh. Yessssss. FUCK. Ohhh, Fuck. Ohhh, thank you mistress. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, for making me such a good cow….’

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Sheri went into her apartment stunned. She had been trying to get the attention of what she called her BSB (Bus Stop Boy) for months now without any response and now he was her new neighbor. Her mind was working overtime. She needed to think. As the hot water rolled over her skin she was thinking of what her next move was going to be. After all this time, Bret was his name and now he was her new neighbor. After thinking long and hard about the situation Sheri decided that she would wait for him...

3 years ago
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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 5 LMM New and Improved

Stacy tossed and turned in her bed softly calling out, "No, you can't! Stop It!" She sat up in bed dripping a cold sweat. Her body shivered and she clutched a blanket around her tightly as she headed for the bathroom. "The nightmare had seemed so real!" Scattered images raced through her brain like looking at little bits of a movie film that had been cut into small pieces. "She had been fucking Neil!" She realized, "Of all the people she could dream about, it had to have been...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 26

Compliments of Mark and I didn't put him up to this, it is his creation. There's always a dozen of us blokes who were at the local pub, most nights after work, for one reason or another. Good beer drinkers, one and all. One was most memorable, and chap named Jack Spratt. Jack had the annoying habit of seeming to know, or claiming to know, everyone of any importance. He claimed to know, one night, after one or two, too many beers, Tony Abbot the Aussie Prime Minister. One of us told him he...

3 years ago
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Joan Gets Titty Banged

As soon as he opens the door, Nick’s eyes go to straight to my chest. I had just gotten caught in the rain - so my shirt was soaked through - and I suspected that he could just make out my pink areolas and my small erect nipples. His dark eyes flash back to my face and he lightly grabs the back of my head, entwining his fingers in my hair, before pulling me inside the entrance. His hand trails down my back and he cups my bum, firmly.Wordlessly, he takes my hand and leads me upstairs to his...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Love Making To Jyothi

Myself I am varun 23yrs old slim,wheatish complex and 5 ’11” Tall from west godavari.I would like to tell you a story which was happened 7months ago. The angel of the story is jyothi 24yrs with fair complex and an average figure. Actually she was senior of my college days,later she stopped her studies to help her parents in business activities.They have provisional stores in which she maintains all the day. During college days we are little close with each other. As I was completed my B.Tech...

2 years ago
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A shiny unexpected encounter

So I'm staying in Singapore for business - at the Marina Bay Sands. It's a hot afternoon so a good time for a swim in the pool on the roof. Since I'm by myself, I'm trying very hard to not stare at all the sexy girls in their swimsuits - having a bit of a fetish for them I'm trying very hard...Then I see you walk in to the pool area. You catch my eye as you are wearing a sexy 1 piece shiny black swimsuit, high leg cut and some sexy heels. I freeze for a second, trying hard not stare. Then I...

3 years ago
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Der Gefngnisaufstand

Dr. Angelina Schneider wartete sehnsüchtig auf das Ende Ihres Arbeitstages. Nicht nur, dass es Freitag war und ein freies Wochenende bevorstand, es war auch ihr letzter Arbeitstag überhaupt an dieser Arbeitsstelle. Nach Abschluss ihres Psychologiestudiums hatte die Stellensuche länger gedauert als gedacht und erst nachdem sie noch mehrere Zusatzkurse belegt und ihre Doktorarbeit über „Sexuelle Gewaltfantasien“ geschrieben hatte, hatte man ihr eine Stelle in der Frankfurter JVA als...

2 years ago
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Tvisha In Library

Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate Tvisha sighed with irritation in front of the public...

1 year ago
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Continental Divide

Prologue: Of course we all know Infidelity is not the only reason couples get divorced. In fact, according to most studies, the number one reason for divorce in this country is money issues. Sometimes marriage problems are job related, and sometimes people simply grow apart. The selfish bitch, Bret mumbled under his breath. "More?" asked the cute waitress, emphasizing her question by lifting the coffee pot in her hand. Bret checked his watch. "Nah, I have to get going." He took one...

4 years ago
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Navleen Kaur Ki Fudi Mari Mohali Hotel Mein

Hello dosto mera naam lucky hai , mein mohali mein rehta hu , mera lun 6.4 inch hai . Meri ek gf hai jis ka naam navleen hai . Who mere ghr ke pass he rehti hai . Uske boobs 36d hai , dekhne mein who bhut sexi hai . Ek din navleen ne muje kaha ki muje milna hai toh mein , usse leke park mein gyea , park mein waha koi ni tha toh meine moka dekh ke navleen ke lilps pe lips rkh diye who phele mna karne lgi ki koi dekh lega , Toh mein na hatt te huye laga raha fr usse v mja ane laga , fr who v mera...

3 years ago
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Intriguing Marshall PT3

He felt good. Yes he did. Smiling as he rode away he knew he felt very good indeed. All his body felt good as saw her beneath him as he “wailed” away at the woman and saw her screaming for more and more. That is until both came. Yes, that is until both came, and he knew she had seeing as her body shook and countered multiple times as it never once repulsed as the two unfamiliar parties fornicated dramatically until the very end. As he rode away he could “feel” her all over him. As he rode away...

2 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Story of SortsChapter 5 Le Chateau Club a Lesbian Bar

I slept in past lunch, before slowly getting up for the day. I read the newspaper, called my mom, and finished the new Steve Martin novel "An Object of Beauty", which by the way is a riveting novel about the art world in America in the 1990s. Around three, I called Gwen. "Hi Darling," I cheerfully opened with. "Hi," she responded, reluctance lingering in her tone. "So, do you want to go out for supper and an early movie before heading to the club?" "Sure," she said, after a...

2 years ago
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Kristina Is Pimped Out By The Tire Repairman

The warm water cascaded down Kristina’s back before falling to the floor of the shower and flowing to the drain. She sighed from the pleasant feeling of being enveloped in a steamy cloud of wet warmth. Her flaming hair was piled high on her head to prevent it from being drenched from the steady stream of water. Though she liked nothing better than the luxuriousness of soaking in a bathtub, in the morning nothing could top a hot shower. It helped to waken her fully while at the same time...

2 years ago
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An American War HeroChapter 28

"Who would have thought I would ever see your ugly mug again!" smiled Josh. All that could be seen of his face in the dimness of their surroundings were his gleaming teeth. The rest was covered in shoe black and his unruly hair covered in a dark woollen beanie. His words interrupted David's thoughts as they stood at the bottom of the ladder that would lead them up into an uncertain future that David felt would certainly offer up more blood and guts and mayhem. His reflective mood had sent...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XII 3 Hopes Last Chance

A light flickered on, then a moment later, it flickered back off. Darkness isn't so bad as long as you can't see the shadows. Or at least that was what I thought until I sensed things moving about me. "Hello?" I called out, wondering where the hell I was. "Timmy?!?" Suzi's voice called in the distant. "Tim, where are you?" "Suzi, over here!" I frantically called out. "Timmy... I can't find you... " her voice said, fading in the distance. "SUZI! COME BACK!" "She can't...

1 year ago
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My New Friend My New Master

©2018 Beth Wilde All characters are fictional and any resemblance to real people or businesses is entirely coincidental. Although written in the first person, it does not in any way reflect my actual life. This story contains elements of hypnosis/mind control/sex/smoking/drinking and other naughtiness. If you are easily offended then don't read it. If you hate smoking then don't read it..... It's that simple! I am still a very amateur author and welcome constructive criticism. But...

2 years ago
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Shemale on Shemale

We were in the back of a taxi, our tongues deep in each other’s mouths, tasting and sucking and swirling. My hand slowly moved up her perfectly toned thigh and under her skirt. I lightly caressed her half hard cock through her thong, barely touching her, just tenderly stroking with my fingertips. She responded by grinding herself against my palm in a seductive, circular motion. I could feel her getting harder and she moaned softly. I felt that moan vibrate on my tongue, causing my own cock to...

1 year ago
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Evil Life Evil Wife

"Ahahaha, take that! Not so loud anymore when you can't even get a proper hit in, huh? This'll be your end, Rider Raichi! Attack, my lovely minions! Get him down to the ground where he belongs!" Raichi Ikeda, known as the hero Rider Raichi to the world at large, was in a pinch - one that even his trusty, power-enhancing suit of armor didn't seem to be able to get him out of. His assessment of the opponent was too naive - he way underestimated what the slime girl in front of him, the...

3 years ago
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Whos the Boss

It always amazes me….the power of words, and the visual effects of a large cock can have on a sissy. Especially the power of a sexy curvy dominant woman has over a small penis submissive male. A woman with curves knows a small penis man can't satisfy her so, really he is just a toy for her to play with, an after thought if any.Any variation of the above will strike a startling reaction mentally and physically in a male who is about to receive an old-fashioned shaming from a dominant female and...

1 year ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 9 Danger Excitement Beautiful teenagers Business as usual

The trio lay cuddled up together comfortably in bed. John and Alyssa were both greatly relieved that Calara had taken their surprising revelation so well. “There is one thing though...” Calara said tentatively after a few moments. “What is it Calara?” John asked, his voice tinged with concern. “I still haven’t seen the bridge yet! I’m not going to be much good as a Tactical Officer if you don’t let me out of the bedroom” she said, grinning impishly. Alyssa’s musical laughter was joined by...

1 year ago
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My Love Story 8211 Part I

Hello everyone, this is Hridik and i am huge fan of iss. This is the first time i am writing story so please forgive for my mistakes. Let me introduce myself frankly first. i am an average youngster without any six packs living in hyderabad . The most interesting thing about me is i am passionate about sex please Mail me on if you like my story. Let me come to the story.. It is more like a love story rather than erotic one. Please be patient as it is a little long story. Everything changed...

2 years ago
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Bad People

Griff crouched low on the balls of his feet and rocked side to side. A single, clear bead rolled off his chin and darkened the scuffed, brick-red surface between his shoes. He looked up. With a loud pop, a ball spun quickly in his direction and dove sharply toward the ground in front of him. One jab step and an upward swing of his powerful left arm caught the fuzzy sphere at the height of its bounce and sent it screaming past the reach of a grunting, white-clad opponent. “Nice shot, Griff.”...

2 years ago
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Heathers Stray day part 2

She added some Epsom salts to the water then sank into the tub for a long comfy soak. Relaxing in the water, Heather felt her womb quiver. A fresh stream of dog spunk seeped out of her cooze into the water. A half-hour later feeling refreshed, Heather showered her self off again then got out of the tub. Her long blond hair hung wet and tangled on her back and chest, for once Heather was too tired to preen. Naked, Heather walked into her living room, planning to catch a nap. With a startled...

3 years ago
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HorseLoving NieceChapter 10

Two days had passed since Linda's first fuck and Janice's bout with the horse. Both women chatted continually together, but purposely kept their conversations to business or small talk. Their aunt would be coming out of the hospital soon. Janice was already making plans to go home, and Linda was thinking about how she could continue to see Hank without making her aunt suspicious. On the third day, a little after five, when Janice was strolling outside, Hank crept into the house and found...

4 years ago
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Living with Katrina Ch 02

As always, your votes, comments and private feedback mean a lot to me. Thanks go out to my copy editor estragon, my plot editor KatieTay and my beta readers SamanthaYvonne, GoodyGoodyTwoShoes and persorosa. * ‘J-J-Jake. Are you still there?’ ‘Yes! I’m on my way. The ambulance is on its way as well. Hold on.’ Drivers in New York are especially reckless, but Jake was one notch higher. Holding the phone tightly to his ear, he careened through traffic at breakneck speed, violating at least a...

4 years ago
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TalentChapter the Twentyninth Arousal

Sara didn't need much time at all to recuperate, Her body was fit and well. I had made sure that her muscles exercised themselves whilst she slept. Apart from the obvious body fluid accumulations that couldn't help but occur, she was fit. We spent a few days getting reacquainted, walking in the park, eating together, visiting all the others in our 'new-born' group. After I had awoken her, she had returned to the kitchen to a round of applause. Aileen wailed and even Aiden wept openly....

3 years ago
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One Night With Mom

“Umm. What are you doing?” I immediately grabbed the blanket next to me and covered my crotch, and looked up at her in shock. “No, nothing mom,” I said, meekly. Mom just giggled at my predicament. Of course, this wasn’t the first time she had caught me ‘polishing my knob’. “I don’t know if you are really this careless, or if you actually want me to catch you wanking,” mom said, winking at me. “If didn’t change my mind about coming back to finish cooking lunch, I might have never found you…...

2 years ago
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Carmen My New Secretary

I'd been through several secretaries in recent months -- they'd always leave and go somewhere else for a variety of reasons. So, I'd gone through the process of advertising, interviewing and selecting another new secretary to help me out in the company. I actually had a very difficult time picking the right woman because I didnt' just want a sex-minded bimbo who couldn't do the work. I wanted a woman, first and foremost, who was competent in her secretarial skills and could help me make...

4 years ago
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Wedding Love

I met her three days before the wedding. Her name was Angela. She was the Maid of Honor. And I was in love with her from the moment I met her. It was more than just looks. It was like a feeling. It was a way I felt about her aura or soul. She was a kind and wondrous woman. And I hoped I was right in that she felt the same about me. We got to spend some time together. We went with the bride and groom to a restaurant for dinner. After a while the bride and groom left for one reason or another and...

2 years ago
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Nice Outdoor Handjob in the Wild

So today we went for a nice bikeride in the great outdoors. just though i would let you know about a quick handjob i recieved from my lady. we took a sideroad running down the hill towards some fields.when we got to a secluded place, i took my pants off and she got to the business. I must have cummed in seconds, giving how hot the situation was and how worked up i was after hours of cycling. ive never done it in the outdoors so the whole experience was completely new to me. best part? cumming...

3 years ago
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My Story Ch 04

I met H through a mutual friend who had decided that since we were both single that we should at least meet for a drink. I had seen pictures of her and must admit she was a very good looking girl. She was mid 20s, long, dark brunette hair with a pale complexion. She was slim and had a smoking body. Nice, smallish, perky tits which I actually prefer to big ones. What others may have thought she lacked in the breast department (not me), she more than made up for with the most perfect ass I'd...

2 years ago
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Friends with Benefits Ch 03

Note: After this chapter, the titles of my next submissions will be different, but will be a continuation of ‘Friends With Benefits’, also this will be my only non-erotic story, it is also a bit shorter, I think you will understand why I approached this chapter differently after reading it. Thanks again to all those who’ve read my previous submissions and voted, again feedback is always welcome. * NO! I my inner voice screamed out. Don’t do this, it won’t work. Don’t leave tied down to a...

4 years ago
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Amar bondhur 2

Amio boudeer guude amar laura ta dhokate aar bar korte korte bolte laglam, “hi amar Sapna rani amio tomar guud chude chude khuub aram pachhee. Nao, aaroo nao amar laura thap gulo tomar guuder bhetor obdee nao amar. Aamar aajker bhaggoo ta khuub bhalo kenona aaj ami tomar moton sundoreer guude amar bara ta dhukiye tomake chudchee. Amar chodon tomar bhalo lagche to? Theek theek bolo to, ke tomar ei ras bhortee guud ta ke beshi bhalo bhabe chode, Ami na Subhash? Amar thap khete khete Sapna boudee...

3 years ago
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The Visit Chapter 1

Stef had been saving her money for a long time to take this trip. She was finally off to Florida to visit her friend Dave! They had been friends for some time now, even though it had been a friendship that had grown via emails she felt like she really knew him. She was rather young but they had figured out a way to get around that and she was to be his daughter once they met at the airport. Dave had just moved to Miami and no one knew him there so they should be safe with this story. It had...

2 years ago
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country gal

The news that I had a one in three chance of being forcibly impregnated hit me like a hammer blow to the chest. I watched detached from reality as the diminutive blonde, Janice, struggled and gagged from the cock rammed deep in her throat by the trainer and as the flesh on her ass quivered from the second cock being driven into her pussy. My fists balled in anger. The bitch was being spit roast when she should have been bred.The trainer fucking her in the cunt came first, his strokes becoming...

2 years ago
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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 5

Mission 16 Planet: Weldry Battle against Directorate forces Lance: Poltergeist – Centurion Glitch – Panther Dekker – Shadow Hawk Medusa – Vindicator This contract was a simple battle against Directorate forces who had been reported to have dropped a heavy lance in a tundra region on Weldry. They were reported to be in a mountainous region which is going to be a pain to fight in. And just to make things more interesting, it is cold and windy. After being dropped close by the last reported...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 14

The door was slightly ajar, and Ann stood for what seemed an eternity before she entered. She had decided she had no choice but to submit. He had her exactly where he wanted her and if she had to degrade herself again to save her husband from humiliation, she would do so. She had created this horrible situation by her moment of weakness and there was no one to get her out of it but herself. The last martini had braced her a little and she felt prepared to go through with it now in spite of...

2 years ago
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“Do you want to kiss me?” Megan asked me, standing between the volleyball pit and the swings with her right hand on her cocked hip. Her long straight brown hair hung loosely, framing her face. Her hazel eyes swirled like clouds before a storm. She wore a black one piece swimsuit, ultrashort cutoff Jean shorts and sandals. My family took a vacation every year to Minnesota for two weeks. This year, Meg's family joined us during the second. I knew Meg most of my life, and was attracted to her...

3 years ago
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Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Boys

(This story actually began as a daydream/fantasy that I used to have, many years ago. I just thought about writing it out in story form. Hope you enjoy - katie.) The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Boys (S.P.C.B.) By Katie Dale Ironically, it all began on my thirteenth birthday. On that day, May the 7th 2080, the "Kindness to Boys" act passed government, almost unanimously, and became law. Let me give a little explanation into the background of this law, and why it...

3 years ago
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Black Guard TalesChapter 9

George and Rada peered through their far seekers at the distant object from one of the highest points near their mountain camp. It was still a good twenty klicks away, they estimated, and traveling no more than 30 kilometres an hour. "A surveyor's rover?" Rada suggested. "I thought they'd all left after the fight?" "I told them the truth," George replied, without looking up. "That was not an honourable victory for the Black Guard. We don't nobble our opponents in a sporting...

2 years ago
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BusherChapter 19 Eddie

When I got back to our room after my (second) breakfast in the motel lobby, me and Dave went off for one of my favorite on-the-road pastimes, miniature golf! Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, of all the stops on the Carolina League schedule, was the only place that was a real tourist town, with lots of amusements. They had a nice beach, too, and sometimes when we were there Dave and I would hang out and watch the girls in their bikinis. That was fun, and some of those girls -- man, they were...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Atlantis Deep Massage And More

Atlantis Deep is happy to be led, blindfolded, by her boyfriend Raul Costa. Dressed in a silky robe and sheer lingerie, Atlantis knows she’s in for a passionate experience. She just doesn’t know what Raul has in store for her until he removes the blindfold to reveal that he has set up their bed as a massage station. Laying Atlantis on her belly, Raul kisses his way down her back and then slides her bra off. He oils her up and goes to work kneading the knots out of her shoulders....


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