Prissy free porn video

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Prissy By wargamerguy 15-year-old peter was feeling rotten about himself as he walked to his house. He didn't how he was going to fix it but he felt like an ass. He hung his head down as he walked down the sidewalk. He couldn't help it, he felt really ashamed. He volunteered for the part in the debate on feminism and naturally, he was the guy and debating a girl. He said bad things about women, but he didn't believe a word he said. It was a project for school, he was chosen to debate against womens liberation. He had fought the part and wanted to be for it. A girl had to oppose him and debate for liberation. Since was a boy, he had to oppose her. It sucked but, he could not refuse it. he made the best impression he could during the debate and he was the type that always strived to do his best. Even if it made him feel like a horses ass. It was just a debate that he did not really have a choice in, right. No one could hold that against him. Even thought he didn't believe the sexist things he said during the debate, it was a good way to make the girls think that was what he was like. He really didn't want anyone to see the other side of him. As Peter went around the corner and down the street, he saw a girl crying. He recognized that the girl was his adversary during the debate. She saw sitting on her doorstep covering her face. She looked up and said, "Peter thank god you are here. I locked myself out of the house and can't get in. I think there is a latter in the garage can you please clime though the window for me?" He gave the girl a funny look. He didn't feel like climing in a window of a house like a thief. He felt tingles run down his spine as he looked at her full of suspicion. "Jennifer, can you do that yourself? I don't feel like breaking in your house like a thief. I will hold the latter for you as you go up. Can you do that?" She covered herself quickly. "Oh no, Its just that I am afraid of heights, Peter please, Please say you will help me?" He still didn't like it and he said, "No that is stupid. Girls can clime latters as well as boys and anyway. What makes you think im not afraid of hights just because im a boy. I am afraid of hights. You go up first and I will follow you to make sure you do not fall." She agreed to that so she started up and he followed her up the latter making sure she did not fall. Peter thought that he heard her laugh as he walked up the ladder to get though her window. He looked down at her from the heights. He was afraid of them too and as he looked down from twenty feet high, he said with a voice that showed his worry and fear, He said afraid, "I am really high now and it is your window." "Oh peter don't worry yourself," she said in a slightly ditzy voice, "it will be done in a few seconds and then you can be out of here." He still felt the tingles of worry going down his spine. He knew Jennifer and how she liked to play tricks and pick on boys. Jennifer asking a boy for help didn't fit with her personality that he knew her to have. Something wasn't right here and he resolved himself to get out of here as soon as he could. Things didn't work out the way that he had hoped. An hour later he was dressed in a really short blue jean miniskirt, pink thigh stockings, a pink top and proper undergarments, for a girl. Basically, he thought he looked a lot like a slut as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He felt afraid as he looked at the four girls surrounding him. She went in first and as he crawled into her bedroom from the ladder, the window shut behind him while he was still on the floor and three girls jumped him. He tried to fight but he wasn't ever really good at physical fighting and three against one was too much for him. He was overwhelmed. They secured his hands together with metal handcuffs behind his back and quickly got more on his ankles. He started to scream, "Let me go right now or I will..." One of the girls interrupted him, "You will what, Peter." It was Chrissy. "You seem to think girls are so weak and boys are so much better but look at you now, you are overcome by girls and shaking with fear." "I don't think girls are weak. That was just a stupid debate that I had to do for school. I didn't really believe the shit I was saying. I cant believe you are holding that against me. Yeah but three girls against one boy. I will report you all for kidnapping when I get out of here. That is what I will do or do you plan on never letting me go, what will you do with me then? Knock me off, have you thought about all of that? Or what?" He waited for their response and it was clear that they hadn't really thought it all through, nor did they think he was as quick on his feet as he was. He noticed that they realized they has someone that wasn't all that dumb now. Jennifer had got there by now and she said, "Well you stay there while we go think about what we will do with you, Peter. Just in case you feel like screaming your head off again like a sissy, chew on this!" She shoved a one inch red ball gag in his mouth and hooked it behind his head. He wasn't making any noise for a while as the four girls retreated into the other room. The girls walked out all confidently a few minutes later smiling. Jennifer said, "You may be right and you have the option of reporting all of this, 'when' you get out but you need to get out first. That can be a long time or a short time depending on how cooperative you are with us. If you are very nice with us then I will let you go tonight or else you can be here for weeks, tied up in our basement and search parties will be out looking for you, or your body." Of course they were right on that point, he had to be out with access to phones or his mother to report any damn thing so he nodded. "I will let you speak if you promise not to scream like a sissy," Jennifer said mockingly. "If you do we can gag you with this." She pulled out a penis gag and laughed. They ungaged him and he said meekly, "I will comply, Jennifer if you agree to let me go tonight. I don't want my mother to worry." He was worried about their threat to keep him tied up in the basement until he starved to death. He was outnumbered so he was at their mercy. Don't scream now, I promise not to hurt you, peter. We are going to take your clothes off and then we will dress you in something else. You will make a small video for us. After that, we will let you go." As he turned that idea over in his mind, it didn't make sense. They wanted him to make a video and then they would let him go. It sounded like another setup to keep him under control, if he chose to report this. Well, he figured he could claim he was under duress to any video he made. So it would be irrelevant. He agreed to their demands and let the girls take his clothes off. They took his clothes off. The girls seemed to like what they were seeing after his clothes were removed. Jennifer said, "Wow most teenage boys have some hair. Do you shave?" He said shyly, "Yeah I don't like a lot of bodyhair. I take care of my body." He figured they would make him falsely confess to something bad, like attacking Jennifer since he climbed in her room like this. Or perhaps confess his sorry to making his damable statements during his debate but something strange was going on here. His curiosity was getting the best of him and he really did want to see what these girls had cooked up for him. There was something in him that wanted to see what these girls had in mind. Peter let the girls lead him into the bathroom where Chrissie and Jennifer sprayed shaving gel on his crotchThen shaved most of his pubic area; they left just a thin vertical strip of hair on his pubic area. It was humiliating to be naked and have two girls shaving his hair off. Jennifer sneered at him, "Thank your lucky stars that I didn't shave it into a cute little heart. Its time for a bath, now." He stuttered, "You didn't say anything about a bath, why do I need a bath for?" Jennifer retorted, "So your body is clean and you are soft for the video you will make for us." Jennifer smiled wickedly. She saw his face tighten in fear and started giggling and he saw that there was no way out of this humiliating predicament unless he comply with their demands so he agreed. He saw Chrissy run a hot bath for him and then she dumped in some soft oils in it and a sweet odor filled the room. It smelled kind of like sweet roses filled up the room. He always liked the smell but not bathing it in like his sister did. She broke out in giggles at the stunned look on his face and how his jaw just hung open. He was expected to bath in front of them. Then she got stern, "Get in the bath Peter. We need you totally clean for the video. "Okay, Okay I will take the damn bath for you girls," he said in a voice full of worry. He was further humiliated when Chrissy and Karen started scrubbing him and lathering him up. He hadn't been bathed since he was four years old. It was coming very clear he had no power here. He was totally dependant on the mercy of these girls and they were upset at him. He resigned to it, He figured they deserved to be upset. He did make an ass out of himself so these were the consequences. He let them put him in the sweet smelling and now very pink bath water, he found himself immersed totally in it. It felt very warm, and he felt the bath oils soak his skin. It made his skin very moist and soft like a girls. The girls started scrubbing his body and caressing his body with soap and a rag. By the time the girls took him out, he realized that what she said about his skin was very moist. That bath had totally made his skin so very soft. He caressed his skin and it felt like girls skin. He also smelled so feminine. He stepped out of the bath and the girls wrapped a towel around him. They dried him off as if he couldn't dry himself. He didn't fight them as that wouldn't do him any good. Then he let the girls lead him into Jennifer's bedroom, all four girls had wide smirks on their faces. Jennifer said sardonically, "It's now time to get yourself dressed?" He knew what they had in mind now. After the bath, shaving and the jokes that were of course, all on him, he knew exactly what they had in mind for him to wear. It had to be girls clothing or all of this preparing was irrelevant, and stupid. Jennifer was anything but stupid and the ironic part of this was, his debate was not himself. He was just doing a part in a debate. He didn't honestly believe one word he was saying during the debate. In reality, he had a very high respect for women's talents and strengths. If he said that during the debate it would not had been a good move. He knew they meant to dress him like a girl so it was no surprise when he was lead into the room that there was a short pink miniskirt and other articles of clothing, meant for a girl to wear. He decided to go along with his captors. If they wanted to dress him like a girl then he would do it. He didn't feel the least bit humiliated by being a girl. He would surprise them. Something bothered him and he spoke up, "Jennifer did you say that all I had to do was make this dam video for you and you would let me go?" "Um, Yes of course, Peter," she answered rather slow and unsure, in his opinion. "Jennifer you don't sound to sure of that," he said. "After that bath, and shaving all of my hair seems to be a lot of preparation for just one video. You will forgive me if I think you could have more in mind that you will make me stay for," he said tightly. "oooh peter you don't think we lied to you, do you," Jennifer said. "Perhaps, it wouldn't be the first time a hostage taker lied to their hostage to gain compliance. Any promises made by a hostage taker is of course, suspect. Criminals aren't always honest." She glances back at him and said low and dangerously, "Peter have a care. We are being nice to you so far but that can change, depending on you. So try to play nice with us so we wont have to get mean." He saw her holding a gun pointed at him. His lip trembled. She smiled at him; it was a cruel icy smile. The smile sent shivers down his back. They smiled, as he looked at the various articles of clothing laid out for him on her bed. He looked at what he was going to put on and admitted they were sexy. He liked the white lacy marywiddow with garter straps and matching nylons with hearts embroider on the top. Then there were the bright red high heels. That was it. Peter asked, "Where is the rest?" "Peter, That is it. You will look very sexy," Jennifer said cruelly. "You will wear lingerie, like any girl would, and your name for the time being will be, Prissy." Then she said very sternly, "Do you understand us, Prissy or do you want to want us to get nasty. I have a riding crop if we need to discipline you." He looked down at the floor, humiliated and said glumly, "I understand. Please lets get this over." She smiled back at him; it was a easer smile this time. "Okay lets get you dressed. We will help you put them on since you are a dumb boy and probably don't know how to work those straps and hooks." Peter protested, "I can dress myself thank you." All four girls watched. He sifted though the various articles of girls clothing they laid out for him to wear. He knew what they all were and how to put them on. He decided that the first thing that world have to go on were the pink Victoria's Secret satin panties, they were very sexy. Pink was the brand name of the panties and he slipped them enjoying the feeling. They were very smooth bright. Then he wrapped the marywiddow around him and expertly hooked the eyes. Then he saw the nylon stockings laid out on her bed. He sat himself on the edge of her bed only wearing the panties and the marywiddow and carefully rolled them up his leg, careful to avoid any runs. He didn't want Jennifer to see him in ruined nylons. Then, He carefully aligned the straps to his front and back and clipped them to the stockings. He slid the high heels on his feet and stood posing sexy. He resolved to get this over with but he knew that he couldn't tell anyone about this, not after this video. Which he suspected was why he was making it. He would just have to forget about it all after they let him go. He walked across the room and went back. Jennifer and her friends were watching. Their jaw dropped. That was the reaction he wanted, he didn't think she expected him to have the faintest idea how to put them on but he figured it out easy enough. He saw Jennifer's stunned reaction and answered her unspoken question, "What, Jennifer their just clothes and I am smart enough to know how to put clothes on. I am not an idiot. Now let's this stupid video done with so I can leave." Jennifer said, "You done this before haven't you. How did you know how to work the straps and hooks on the lingerie? And you walk with those heels as if you had lots of practice. Most boys your age would have stumbled in those five inch stiletto heels. Why are you not stumbling?" Peter smiled and said, "Yes I have. Are you surprised? I dressed like this a lot and I ENJOY it. I don't believe the shit I said before. I believe women are strong and beautiful. It was just a school debate that I was ASSIGNED! You assholes." Chrissy smiled back at his smartass response and said, "Well We still have to do this. Prissy part of the video is finished with. Lets go and see." They walked back into her bedroom and she clicked on her computer. She called up a video and played it back. He was stunned to see himself putting the clothes on. His jaw hung open. Oh my god, she must have had the cam working and recording all of it. Jennifer smiled sweetly at him, "Yes, Prissy. My computer had a very expensive video camera on it. It recorded you in very high detail. Thanks for the show and I do say you put the lingerie on very nicely. Almost as if you done it before. Many fifteen year old boys wouldn't have a damn clue how to put on nylons and a marywiddow. "Oh I agree, Prissy," Jennifer chimed easily. "But it does take practice no one can do it the first time that easy as you did. By yourself we expected it to take around three hours at least or you would call me to help you. But lets get on with it." Then Peter was sat down as the girls started doing his nails. His fingernails and Toenails were painted bright red. He received a manicure. He realized that he didn't have too many options left with these girls after being kidnapped, held as a hostage at gunpoint, and secretly recorded. He let the girls take him into their living room. Jennifer kept commenting about how well he walked in the stiletto heels. He didn't really have any retort for that as he admitted to himself how skilled he was with feminine ways. Jennifer finally had him in the living room when she said, "We will let you go after this video. All you have to do is sit there sweetly, follow the script I am giving you and say it to the camera. That's all and we will let you go." Jennifer handed him a paper and he read it. He looked Jennifer right in the eyes and said, "No you won't. I seriously doubt you have any intention of letting me free after I make this confession video for you." The look on Jennifer's face told him that his assessment of the situation was correct. She didn't try to deny it and the stunned look on her face said everything he needed to know. He figured if all Jennifer planned on doing was dressing him, it really wasn't much to complain about. Spending a weekend with a few beautiful girls couldn't be too bad. Even if they intended on keeping him dressed and girlish for them. He knew one of them had a gun but he doubted she seriously intended on using it on him. They didn't want a murder charge but he could be wrong and he didn't want to risk his life on it. so he would comply. He faced the video recorder, he curtseyed as instructed at the top of the page. He smiled into the camera with the bright red lipstick they put on his lips, and started the long speech that was written on the paper. It wasn't hard since most of it was true. "Hello, you may remember me from the things I said when I debated about women's rights and feminism pretending to be a boy named Peter. I am really Prissy. I know I angered a lot of girls with what I said and I apologize. My only defense is that I had to say those things to defend my secret. I act like a macho jerk because I love to dress in slutty clothes, look like a tramp and feel womanly. I must hide that secret with a fa?ade of machoness. I love the feel of women's clothes, silk, satin, lingerie, dresses and skirts. I hate wearing ugly boys clothes." He did a sexy pose in the lingerie he was wearing, I would love to go the prom wearing the most beautiful prom gown and go with a handsome strong man. I love being a girl more than a boy." He blew a girlish kiss to the camera and they shut it off. That was enjoyable. Even though they couldn't have known about his dressing and stuff, they made him do it only to humiliate him, that Video was the truth. Actually, he thought, the joke was all on them. The girls were satisfied with that one take. It was perfect, "That was very good, Prissy and now it is time for you to repent for your inexcusable behavior today at school. A very nasty boy named Peter said a lot of awful things and you are blamed for it. My parents are gone for the weekend so that means you're going to learn what it's like to be a girl for us beginning right now. Just like you said in your cute little performance. You're off to a good start, but we've just scratched the surface. We have a lot to teach you this weekend. We'll help you out, but if you don't satisfy us you'll receive demerits. You'll be punished if too many accumulate. Do you understand?" Peter thought it over as the enormity of it all sunk it. He had to admit it wasn't unexpected at all. "I expected you to go back on your word so I understand. All weekend huh, I have to be a girl for you all. That shouldn't be too hard and as your hostage I don't have much of a choice. Jennifer Listen to me, I am going to warn you. I am agreeing to this because I don't have much of a choice and Chrissy has the gun. Dressing in girls stuff isn't so bad. It can be fun. I can be a girl for you but, I must warn you, don't push this thing too far. If you hurt me, if you go too far to the point that it isn't worth the pain to keep the recording private. I will go to the police when ever I get a chance to get out of here. I will do what you want until or unless I decide you are going too far." He hoped that would sink in but he had a gut feeling that they would take it too far. Sally confirmed his suspicion. She crowded him, "Prissy, You have no authority here. You don't have any bargaining position. You will follow our directions or else." "You better take us seriously, Prissy," Chrissy joined in. "Can you imagine the school seeing macho man Peter admitting to being a sissy." "Great, Prissy and for the weekend you will be my sister," Jennifer said. 'Well this should be fun,' He thought sourly to himself. He hoped some of it would be fun. At the very least, he had a good excuse to wear some very beautiful clothes Jennifer decided that since he had to spend the weekend with them that he would have to make arrangements with his mother so she told him to call his house and get her to let him stay over. Peter knew there was hope to get out of this because there was no way his mother would let him stay a weekend at a girls place. She rarely agreed to let him stay a night with his male friends and she always grilled him with questions about who he was staying with, what were their parents number so she could check up on things. Where was the place at, where would they be going. The few times he tried to lie to his mother to stay at another place, she always figured it out. There was no way she would let this go though so he dialed his mothers number and she picked it up, "Hello?" "Hi, mom, I need to ask you a question?" "Yes, hon anything. Ask me anything?" His mother said. He told her, "Well, I am staying at my friends place and I want to spend the weekend with her. Is that Okay with you?" She replies, "Sure Peter. Just this once, I will let you." What the hell' He though. This was way too easy she never let him go so easy without knowing where and who he was staying with and a number he could reach them. His mother added, "You are getting older and I am going to trust you but don't let me down, Okay, Peter?" "Yeah, Mom." He let a hint of suspicion lace his voice. "I won't let you down." "Good," she told him. "Have a good weekend." She hung up and he was stuck staying with his four captures. He ran though that conversation though his mind several times and it didn't make sense. She never let him stay anywhere a night without knowing exactly where he was and who she could call to check up on the details he gave her. Either, she was slipping which wasn't likely. Or she was in on this, which was more likely. That didn't usually fit her either. His Mother never was cruel, or malicious. Something was seriously fishy here and he resolved to figure it out. He sat on a sofa while the four girls made a small circle and talked among themselves for a few minutes. After a few minutes, Jennifer said, "Okay" and approached him. "Prissy we have made a few decisions here. Karen here is going to help you on a few pointers on being a convincing girl. Not a boy pretending, but we want you to pass convincingly. We intend on taking you out tomorrow, for a shopping trip, get your hair done and ears pierced and such, so you need to be able to fit in totally, as a girl. For the rest of tonight, Karen will drill you on the mannerisms of being a girl. Do you understand?" He nodded. She admonished him, "You will reply to us as Miss. I am Miss Jennifer." "Yes, Miss Jennifer," he said. "Good," she said. "You have five demerits for that outburst. You will need a punishment for that. Karen is getting the riding crop. Ten swats for that." He knew better than to say anything now. He just looked at Jennifer, stunned and fearful. Karen came back into the room holding a leather riding crop. Jennifer pointed at her, "Its time, Prissy. Go to her and lean over her knee. Don't make this difficult or you will need more. " He slowly shuffled over to the sitting girl and she pulled him over her knee. She said, "don't make the other girls have to hold you down," she threatened. Karen held him down and started hitting him. The first two blows were rather light but still stung. Then they started getting harder and he cried out. By the Sixth blow, he knew it was her full power and it really hurt. The last four blows were full power and she shoved him off. She said, "Now you will thank before you answer us, Prissy." "Yes, Miss Karen." He looked up fearfully. As he looked in Karen's eyes he just saw cruelty within her. There was no compassion in this girl like he saw in Jennifer. Jennifer really wanted to teach him something but Karen was just cruel. She seemed to enjoy humiliating people but Jennifer was different. She was humiliating him sure enough but he could see it in her eyes and by the way she treated him that she wanted to teach him something about girls. The other girls stayed nearby as Karen quickly took control of the situation. Her voice had serious overtones of command when she spoke now and he found himself moving toward her when she said to before he knew his feet was moving. "Come to me, Prissy and listen well." He stood in front of her submissively as she spoke, "When I give you a command, you need to follow it immediately. I will not allow you to question anything and if you question me, or you are too slow to comply that will be a demerit. Do you understand me, Prissy?" "Yes, Miss Karen. I understand you," he answered her promptly with his voice laced with a hint of fear. "That is very good, Prissy. Let's go into Jennifer's room again and get you dressed for the night. I want you wearing something that is more appropriate for serving your Mistresses. I don't my submissive looking like a total slut," She told him. "At least not until it's the right time," She added laughing. "Yes, Miss Karen." He turned and started toward Jennifer's bedroom. He thought to himself about how humiliating this entire thing was. Jennifer waited until he got though the door to start talking to Karen, "Karen, what do you have in mind?" "I know that you have many neat outfits. Last year you brought a cute little French maids outfit for a Halloween party. You also have a school girls outfit and you are part of the cheerleading squad. Can you let Peter borrow your maids outfit for tonight?" He expected as much from her and he just watched watch them. He felt something weird stir in him at the idea of wearing a cute French maids outfit. Jennifer said, "Sure, but he will have to keep everything that he wears. I don't want it back after he wore it. I mean, come on Karen, how can I put it back on after it's been on a boys body. Ewww. That's gross." The other girls all agreed and that was good until Jennifer looked at him, "But, that means I will expect you to some how pay me back for the clothes I gave you." Perhaps she sensed his delight. "Jennifer," Peter protested. "You can't mean you expect me to pay for clothes your forcing me to wear?" Karen chimed in, "That's another demerit, Prissy. I warned you not to question the Mistresses. Now you apologize for Jennifer!" He turned to face Jennifer and said politely, "I am sorry, Miss Jennifer please forgive me." "You are forgiven, Prissy. I do expect you to pay back. We will be thinking of something." She turned to go though her closet and she picked out the pretty black satin maids outfit and the fluffy white apron and cap, "Here you go, Prissy. Take off your other clothes and put these on. I expect you to be out and ready for Miss Karen's instruction. Oh and keep that outfit. And the skirt you're wearing too. It looks great on you." She laughed as the girls walked out. Peter saw the patching red bra and panty set he was to wear with the matching pumps and black satin maids minidress and cap. It all looked very cute so he took off the marrywiddow and unhooked them from the nylons. He put on the panties and put his arms though the straps of the bra and hooked it behind his back. Karen was watching and let out a giggle as he did it. He asked Karen, "Um do you have any inserts. Since im not a real girl these cups are kind of flat. Even if they are padded." "Sure, Prissy. We thought of that here." She handed him a pair of D cup inserts and he slid them into the bra. He posed in his new lingerie and enjoyed the image. He wrapped the red garter belt around his waist and hooked its eye in back. He carefully adjusted the straps and hooked them to his nylons and then slid the dress over his head. He put on the maids cap as a final gesture. He struggled to keep his composer but it was hard. He though he looked good and kept walking out. He saw Jennifer and approached her, curtseyed, "Miss Jennifer." He smiled brightly at her too. That was the last reaction she expected from Peter. She was caught off guard but quickly covered herself, "Well hello again, Prissy. I dare say you look extremely girlish in that outfit. I hope you can withstand Karen's instructions for tonight. If you don't, she will know what to do. You need to prepare for this evening. It will be a very fulfilling experience." She smiled widely at him. "Very filling." He just looked at her foggy, trying to figure out what she meant. She saw it and told him, "Lets go, silly. Karen is waiting to teach you how to be a proper girl and I don't want you to disappoint her." They all walked to the living room again where Karen was waiting for him. She reprimanded him promptly, "Prissy from now on you must behave as a girl. That means that walk will have to change so go back into my bedroom and try walking here again. Make sure you take shorter steps, move your feet to sway your body as you walk. Pretend you are on a catwalk and your making overly exaggerated gestures to please the crowd." He walked back to her bedroom, smiling. He was enjoying acting like a girl for them. He made it back trying to do what Karen said. By the time he was infront of the girls again, he thought he had this walking thing down. He saw their expressions and it was clear he really did. Karen said, "My My, Prissy you must have born to be a princess. Just for practice go back and do it again for us. You are so cute." He knew they were just humiliating him but what could he do but walk over and back to them. This time, Karen followed him making comments to humiliate and degrade him. Like, "Move your butt more, Keep your head still, Wiggle your butt, one day you may have a boyfriend that likes your butt." She told him a little later, "And be proud of your breasts, stick them out like you are proud of them. Boys will love them" He just shuttered at that thought. He did the walk for the gigging mocking girls ten more times before they finally switched gears. Karen with her hands on her hips shouted, "I think you have got that part down great so now it's time for you to learn other tasks. I want you to learn how to gracefully sit down in a chair properly like a well brought up young lady. " With that said they made him stand up and sit down as he smoothed his dress under him over and over again. It was exhausting and he had that down already. He knew they just liked watching a boy they had control over do girlish tasks under the direction of this horrible girl Karen. By this time they had given him twenty demerits. "The next lesson is sexual education, Prissy. Miss Jennifer and I will help you learn all you need for dates." Jennifer came back holding several large lifelike rubber things that looked like parts of a males body. She looked down at Peter and said, "These are dildos. We will teach you how to use them today." She sat down in front of Peter and Karen went behind him, pulled his face to one. He knelt on the ground as they forced one between his lips. Peter was forced to suck on it, run his lips along the shaft and back up. Bobbing his head in a humiliating fashion. He performed that for more than 30 minutes with Jennifer holding it. She repeated instructions, "Use your tongue more, swirl it along the head. That's it, bob your head deeper. Give your man some pleasure. That's it and quicken the pace. Guys love that." Tears were running down his face as he did it. Then Jennifer said, "Yes that's it. I think your boyfriend would had came by now." Then Karen took Jennifers place in front of him and she was more brutal. Jennifer let him do all the work with his face. Karen took the dildo and started pumping in it his face. He struggled and held it as he received a face pumping with the Dildo. It felt like it was raping his mouth. Karen laughed and said, "Try to keep up with it. Some times, guys like to take control and we girls have to deal with it. Its not pretty and it feels bad but, it happens. Hold on to it and try to keep it from going in your throat. Keep your lips locked on it." He was making rhythmic noises as his face was being fucked. "Aaak. AAAK AAAAk" It was humiliating and he imagined that was how girls felt. It kept pumping and forcing its way on his face. He figured that Karen did this because it was done to her some time in the past. She was enjoying doing the same thing a boy. He endured that for about twenty minutes. Then Sally took over. She wasn't nearly as brutal as Karen but it was more deeply humiliating. She forced him to take a slow pace with his mouth. First he had to softly lick and suckle on the sack underneath making comments like, "Guys will love you using your tongue on that. Then slowly move up to the head. That's it. You are doing good Prissy. Slowly lick it." Then he had to swirl his tongue on the head and take it in his mouth. He moved his lips along the shaft very slowly taking deep strokes with his mouth. It was very demeaning. He did that nearly an hour and his jaw was sore. Chrissy just force fucked his mouth like Karen. He endured a brutal face pumping from her. He felt violated and hurt by the time it was all over. He glared at them with hate and said, "That was violating." Jennifer shrugged her shoulders and said, "Fine suit yourself. You will go to sleep tonight and we will think of an extra humiliating activity for you tomorrow. Karen will walk to your room Prissy. Karen took his hand and lead him into one of the bedrooms beside Jennifer's room. He head the door's lock click after she walked out and he laid down knowing there was no way out of this. The femininity wasn't all bad but the girls were taking this thing way too far. The lessons went from a simple dressing and playing dressup which he was all for and looked forward to but, It went from that to sexual assault and rape. He was no longer looking forward to any of it. He just wondered with dread what they were planning for him tomorrow. It was late and the four girls were giggling around the fifteen-year-old boy sexy soft satin nighy, sitting in a pink Barbie sleeping bag that they set on the floor for him. It was really humiliating and the sexy girlish thing he was wearing and the humiliating aspect aroused him. He couldn't stop himself from just loving the pink nighty. His arousal was evident and Karen admonished him, "That isn't feminine at all, Peter and we will have to do something about that tomorrow before you go shopping with us." His quivering small voice said, "Shopping, Miss Karen?" "Yes," she beamed gleefully. "Don't you remember, You have to go shopping tomorrow to buy a dress for the prom Saturday night. You know, the junior and senior prom. You are going to choose a dress to wear. You are also going to a salon to get your hair and nails done. We also need to get your ears pierced. We have a long day so get some rest. Oh I almost forgot you need a bath. You are very dirty." That much was true. He did feel very filthy after what he went though. Karen took his hand and led him into the bathroom. She ran his bath water again putting the same Avon oils that cleansed and softened his skin. It felt good and he scrubbed his skin hard trying to get that awful filth feeling off him, but it refused to leave him entirely. That dirty violated feeling never left him. He sat in the bath soaking up the water and other things feeling filthy. He tried to make it go away but it wouldn't. Karen came back in to see Peters eyes filling up, long wet trails streaming down his eyes as he cried. Karen was stunned, "Peter, why are you crying?" He glared at her, "You violated me. I feel hurt and you did it to me. I can't help it, I scrubbed and scrubbed but the feeling won't go away," each word lashed out hatefully accusingly. She moved her head in closer to his ear, "I am sorry, Peter. We have two more days left and I promise I won't hurt you anymore like that. Lets get you dried off and ready for bed. Tomorrow will be much better because I know you like the dressing part. You can't hide that from me." She let a warm smile out as she helped him out of the bath and dried off him. Karen finally lead to the sleeping bag that was laid out for him, he snuggled in and cradled his pillow. The girls started falling asleep around him as he drifted off. He was always an early riser. The suns beams flowing though the window woke up him and he stole a quick glance at the clock. It was 6:25 so he was started waking slowly. The girls around him kept snoring as the morning rays brightened the girlish room. He silently waited for them to wake as he though of all that happened last night and all said, most of it was new but he liked this. But, the rape ruined that. He still felt violated and dirty. He had made a firm decision by the time Jennifer woke the other girls, "Hey wake up. It's seven thirty. We need to get ready for shopping. Peter, Wake up girl." He couldn't help but laugh at what she said. He may as well consider himself a girl now but he didn't like Peter. 'She' would think of something else. He stood up and wondered what awaited Peter today. Karen made him wear a bright purple jean miniskirt and matching purple thin blouse. Karen laid out black thigh high stockings. The final item were Karen's four-inch stilettos he slid on his own feet and posed himself in front of the mirror as Karen carefully applied makeup on him. She also took the time to pluck his eyebrows in pretty thin arches. He examined his face, he liked the blue eyeshadow and the false lashes. He actually looked like a girl now. Except for his boyish brown hair but they said he was going to a hair salon today. Karen pulled Peter close and warned him, "We are going out today, in public so don't try to make a scene or get away. We could easily out you as a boy. Just go along with us and everything will be fine." Peter swallowed and nodded. "Yes, Miss Karen I promise I will be a good girl for you today." He was scared now and her promise was real. There would be enough times for reparations later but for now he would just try to survive this weekend. Karen, Jennifer and Chrissy got into one car with Peter and Jennifer in the back seat. Sally followed in her own car and they drove over to the mall. Peter resolved to do his best to give no indication that he was born as a boy. He would be as girlish as possible. He knew what he had to do when the car stopped in the parking lot and the girls got out. Karen helped Peter get out and she helped him walk down the parking lot wearing the tiny spike heels on her feet. Peter walked down the parkinglot naturally as any girl. Karen and Jennifer stole amazed looks at how confidently Peter walked to the mall with the girls, as if he was just like the other girls. Jennifer knew no one would think that this was actually really a boy walking with them. He looked just as girlike as Jennifer herself. She giggled privately to herself as they walked though the large glass doors into the mall. They strolled passed a group of leering boys just grouped in the corner looking at the girls and making rude comments. One of the blond headed teenaged boys nearest to Peter put his hand on his ass and moved into Peter as he walked passed. He was squeezing and moving his hand around, "Hey honny you like that." Peter was afraid to act against this in fear of revealing himself. The other girls just stood back giggling for a few long seconds. Actually it must have been around a full minute before Jennifer told him, "Brad knock it off. My niece needs a dress so let her go you perv!" "Ok, Ok Jenny fine." He let her go and made a kiss face as she walked away. Peter glared at Karen and the other girls. "I can't believe you just stood there laughing." Karen shrugged. "Oh that's nothing. Its part of being a girl and it happens to all of us at least once. Usually, a well placed knee stops them. I will have to show you how to do that, Peter." These girls were really disturbed, in Peters opinion and they seemed to revel in his humiliations, even to the point of just watching a sexual assault and gigging. He was angry now as they walked down to a dress store. They walked Peter into the store, 'The Little Miss Gown Shop." Peter was ushered inside where there were dresses and gowns of all styles and descriptions. He let a slight smile spread across his face as he examined them. There were many other girls there with their moms picking out dresses at the last minute for the prom. The girls started looking for a dress for Peter and rushing up to him holding various gowns for him to go and try on. He looked at each of them and went over to see for himself. There wasn't any dress below three hundred dollars in the entire store. Where were these girls going to get the money to get a dress for her, they were around his own age. And, if they did have three hundred to spend, why would they spend it on Peter? Weren't they mad at him? None of this made any sense, unless they wasn't going to spend any of their own but then the question begs to be asked, who was spending the money and there was only one logical answer to that. There was only one person who would be willing to spend their money on Peter, his own parents. His mother must be behind this. As he walked along the walls of gowns one did catch his eye, it was a beautiful red gown that hung on one shoulder and had an empire waist, low neckline. It was gorgeous and she couldn't help but want it. As he looked at it, Jennifer pulled him away and was holding a ridiculous fluffy dress, it had pick pink chiffon and lace ruffles. No teen girl since the nineteen fifties or sixties would dare wear it to any prom, but they liked it for Peter. He looked at the tag, "four hundred and seventy five dollars, Jennifer where are you going to get that, and for me, why thank you, but I would rather have that red dress in the corner with an empire waist." She enjoyed Jennifer's stunned reaction to that. Poor girl couldn't keep up with the surprises. As the four girls were conversing with Peter, another girl walked up to the group. It was Suzie, his girlfriend but he guessed she wasn't anymore, and it was strange timing. He figured unlikely but he was so embarrassed he wished that he could sink into a hole right then. "Hi Suzie, what brings you here today?" asked Jennifer. 'Yeah right, as if that question needs to be asked,' thought Peter sourly. He was willing to bet everyone there knew exactly why she was here, someone must have arranged that. Jennifer added, "I thought you were going to the prom with Peter, and already had your dress?" Jennifer looked back smiling at Peter. "That lousy little shit! After the debate yesterday I was so mad I went home and tore the damn thing to shreds. Somebody ought to castrate that asshole! I haven't been able to reach him since then, but I don't care. You couldn't pay me enough money to show up at the Prom with him", she fumed. "Anyway, I have a new date. Hank Meyers asked me to go with him. Jennifer turned to Peter and said, "I'd like you to meet my cousin Prissy. She's in town for the weekend, and we're here to get her a dress so she can come to the Prom too." Peter reached out his hand to limply shake Susie's in greeting, his cheeks blushing rosily at having to appear in a dress before his former girlfriend. He tried to avoid any eye contact with her that might reveal his true identity. Peter noticed that Suzie had a sly look on her face as if she knew already. She was smiling. He had no doubt now. As the girls went back to picking out a dress they were quietly conversing with Suzie about something and he was willing to bet it was some new way to humiliate him. Well, there were ways to put a stop to that so he marched over to the girls, "Um excuse me Suzie can I talk with you privately please, I would really like a word with you," he said in a perfectly female voice that gave nothing away. Suzys eye flickered and said, "Fine, Peter." Peter saw her stifle a giggle and she took Suzie's hand firmly and took her outside of the store. Once they were out, Peter eyes hardened and he said in a boy voice, "Let's cut though the crap, Suzie, do you think I am an idiot?" Suzie's stunned reaction gave Peter room to continue, "I think we both know who I am, I saw your recognition of me, and I would like to say, That was not me at the debate. Well, it was me but I didn't believe anything I said. That was a part I was assigned. I had no choice. I am sorry if it upset you. You need to know that I played the overly macho jerk because in reality I am a transgendered. This silliness has made me choose to come out after this ends. That you have chosen to end our relationship over something as silly as a school assignment makes me very sad. I love you. Or I did love you until you did this to me. If your such an asshole then I don't want you either. This game is over and you are leaving this store." It was Peter time to smile as Suzie left in a huff. He returned to the store to see Jennifer glowering, "Peter, why did Suzie leave?" "Well Jennifer you see, it was no longer fun for her so I told the bitch to take a hike. If you want me to wear that retarded chiffon dress that is fit for five year olds or girls from the nineteen fifties then I guess I will. But, I must wonder where in hell you have four hundred dollars, and why would are spending such a considerable sum, on me?" Peters voice was laced with sarcasm. They picked the silly dress out and went to the casher. After confirming prior arrangements for the dress, they left the store. Of course, Peter knew exactly what was going on tonight. Jennifer led the group to several other stores to purchase accessories, including matching pink 4 1/2 inch heels, pink lace fingerless gloves, a pink satin clutch purse, and jewelry. Then the girls lead Peter to an earring booth where he silently let the girls choose pretty golden stud earrings and he let the woman pierce his ears. He figured it needed to be done so it was better now than later. Then it was time for the hair due so they took Peter to a salon, Jennifer told the woman that they wanted to give her cousin a hair extensions. She sat Peter down and started doing his hair. All the while, making sarcastic comments to him. It was all very strange and for a while he didn't understand what was up until the woman said quietly 'show me some smiles or I will out you to everyone here, boy." Peter figured this must be one of Jennifer's friends. She thought for a while enduring her comments. Finally fed up with this stupid game, Peter said, "You and I both know you can't unmask me, Carol. " Peter whispered in the woman's ear. "Your business would never survive if this came out to your other customers. How about we call a truce, I don't unmask 'you' and you cut out the Don Rickles routine when you have me in your salon chair. Okay?" The rest of the hair due was uneventful and he was back in the car driving home. It was late in the afternoon when Peter was back at Jennifer's preparing for the prom. More recordings of Peter modeling his new dress was taken. His makeup was more dramatic than ever and he looked in the mirror. He decided he looked like a saloon girl from the eighteen sixties now. It was just crazy. He thought he looked like Kitty from Gunsmoke. As they approached the gymnasium, he heard Jennifer and Karen making sarcastic comment about comments He herself made during the debate. He was really scared, he had never thought he would ever be able to attend the prom as a girl, but he really wanted to. He was pleased that Suzie was no where to be seen. Jennifer said, "My, Prissy you must have really did a number on her to make her avoid this. I will have to have a talk with her when this is over. He knew he was out of place and it was likely the entire damn crowd knew who he really was. What other girl would dress this way with overly dramatic makeup like he was wearing. Either that, or the other girls thought perhaps he was mentally inept in some way. Jennifer was greeted by a group of other girls that were just gushing over Peter. He figured all of the girls at least knew since they were paying such attention over him and trying to set him up with various boys. "Come on, Prissy," one of the girls asked her. "Which boy here would you want to dance with. Which one do you think is the cutest." He scoped the room out not really wanting to pick anyone. This was pretty dangerous and he said, "I don't really know, why don't you pick one out, Crystal. I bet you girls have someone picked out that probably knew, is gay and willing because you know if you set me up with someone that doesn't know I am really a boy and he finds out, it could get ugly, and violent." Peter looked into the other girls eyes hard. She shrank back away from her but they did have someone picked out Jennifer and Karen both led Peter onto the floor to meet a guy they had set up. It was Tom Fredericks, the linebacker of the schools football team. She giggled slightly, who would have ever known he was gay and willing to date a transgender. "Tom, I'd like you to meet Peter, Jennifer's cousin. She's a guest here tonight, and was just telling all us girls how cute she thinks you look." His eyes flickered to Peter and said, "You are pretty cute yourself, babe." Peter groaned inwardly, 'As if you don't know Tom,' she thought to herself. Karen said, "Why don't you two get to know each other." Then she quickly left the two together. Tom took Peter and started dancing. Peter wasn't too preoccupied to notice the group of girls laughing uproariously in the back. Tom had his beautifully manicured hand in his and they were twirling around on the dance floor. But the mood soon changed and they were slow dancing cheek to cheek, their bodies pressed together. Peter had to put his arms around toms large neck so they could press their bodies together tightly. Peter was held helplessly in his arms as he twirled in his arms, his eyes caught Jennifer's as the other smiled and lifted a video recorder. She winked at Peter. Peter couldn't get rid of Tom. For the rest of the night he was at his side. During brakes, between dances he was at his side holding his hand or with his arm around her clenched waist. He had dances with a few other boys during the night but Tom insisted on dancing most of the dances with him. When Tom and him were voted prom prince and princess, the crowd went wild, especially Jennifer and her group. Peter was required to tour the entire gym on toms arm as prom princess. It was amazing and also scary. Somehow he had steeled himself to mince around the gym waving his gloved hand like a beauty queen for the crowd. At the end he had to dance with tom for the last dance of the night and then Tom insisted on driving Peter home. Jennifer laughed and said, "Done be late, Peter." Jennifer went home and waited. Hours passed. Two hours passed and nothing. By the time the fourth hour passed, Jennifer became worried.. She expected there to be sex, and she was sure Peter wouldn't willingly comply. It was Karens idea not hers. Karen was sadistic and wanted peter to be totally demeaned. By the fifth hour, she was pacing the room and was extremely worried. Therefore she wasn't at all relieved when a car pulled into their driveway. She knew immediately that it wasn't toms' car. She saw Peter get out of the car with a little trouble and walk up the driveway. Peter and tom got out of the car and Tom helped the other boy walk in. Peter looked okay just a little hurt. Tom sat beside Peter holding him. Tom went on the offensive, "Jennifer what the hell was all of this. I knew about Peter and I resolved to make him feel safe and comfortable. I wasn't going to do anything but who invited two of my friends to come in later," he demanded almost shouting. She didn't know about that. He went on, "I tried my best to protect peter but they pushed me away and got ontop of him. He was crying and screaming. Jennifer how could you be so sadistic." Jennifer cried, "Peter. I am sorry about this and never meant for this to happen. That must be Karens idea." "The hell you didn't, Jennifer," Peter spat out with as much contempt she could in her battered state. "Tom was nice to me. Who were those other guys who came in. Tom did his best to protect me." "I didn't, Peter. I didn't invite them to go with you guys." Jennifer protested. Peter tried to snort and said, "Save your sorrys' they don't mean a thing now. But you can help make this thing right. Can you do something for me and I promise I will put a good word in for you when the shit really hits the fan. I promise." Jennifer nodded. "Sure, anything. I owe you. What?" "Can you call my mother, I need to speak to her too." "Sure, I will" Jennifer said evenly. After this, she was sure her mother deserved to pay. She had an idea what was going on and Jennifer wasn't going to lift a finger to stop it. She was pissed off now. Everyone was in the main living room facing Peter within fifteen minutes. Even her own mother was there waiting. Peter decided to start the thing off, "Hello mother. I hope that you are happy with this. I know it was you behind this thing. I hope you can guess what went on tonight?" "What happened, Peter. I really don't know what you are talking about! I thought you were out with your friend tonight. Are you gay now?" The careless way her mother spoke now really stabed deep. It was as if she didn't give a damn about Peter at all. She had always been hateful and manipulative but this took the cake. Peter was here obviously been gang raped. His mother can just talk about this as if its nothing. Peter started to wonder if his mother loved him at all. He spoke up more harshly now, "Don't play stupid now, Mother. I know god damn well it was you behind it the whole time. Where the hell did Jennifer get four hundred dollars, and why would she spend that much to get me a dress. Jennifer hated me after that debate there's no way she would spend that much on me, if she had it. She's my age though, we don't get that much money. Use your head, I'm not an idiot!" He saw her mother resolve waver and he was thankful Jennifer just watched. She decided to chime in, "Miss Matthews, Lets come clean, He was hurt tonight. You know it was you that gave me your credit card to get peter that dress. Peter was raped tonight Tom tried to protect him." "So, I don't care," Said his mother. "Peters horrible macho behavior over the years really made me not care about him anymore. The horribly sexist things he said that Friday during the debate killed what ever compassion I had left for him. I just don't care. I knew that he needed an education on girls very badly when I saw him preparing his comments for the debate. I knew something had to be done so I called Jennifer and asked her to teach you a lesson. I gave her the money and told her to take you, force you and make you have sex with a boy. I told her to do anything she felt she had to. What is this all about?" "Jennifer was right, Mother," Peter said. "Tom was kind to me. He knew about me and stayed with me during the dances to protect me. He took me to a hotel room and intended to just stay with me for a few hours. Somehow during that time, a few of his friends came in and held me down, and began forcing sex on me. Tom tried to stop them but they were two of them against him. Thanks Jennifer." "I'm sorry, Peter," Jennifer said and the other girls agreed. Except Karen. She was happy for it. But his mothers voice was cold. "You deserved it. I don't care about you anymore. I don't even want you anymore, Peter." Peter started crying. Another woman walked though the door toward Peter. She sat beside her and held her close. That brought her out of her crying. She glared at her mother, "Mom. I acted that way to hide who I really am. I am Peter. Usually, I think of myself as Emily, I haven't decided yet. But anyway, I am a transgendered. That's what Melinda here said. I met her on the internet about a year ago. She is a counsoler, you see. She helped me figure it out. I always had a very strong desire to be a girl, dress up sexy but it went far beyond dressing, I wanted to actually, 'be' a girl and live full time. I told her that and she said I must be a transsexual. But that was why I acted macho, I can't remember the term she used but I did that to hide my true nature, so guys like Tom wouldn't kill me. What ever good that did, it still almost happened tonight." Melinda was soothing Peter as she went on with her story, "Tom did his best to protect me. He got beaten for it. His friends held me down and took turns on me. I was so hurt and sore when it ended. Tom helped me to a police station to make a report. His friends were arrested. I was taken to the hospital and I told them to get Melinda. I called her in a panic, I wasn't about to call you. I fell inlove with Melinda we talked on the phone many times. But, she refused to meet me in person until tonight. She said that a relationship with a patient and a minor was inappropriate. But after tonight, she agreed to get her lawyers to file for guardianship of me. She will raise me as a girl." She screamed, "What, Peter, you want to be Sissy. You want this bitch to take you and make you some faggot. What kind of freak are you." Melinda moved to say something but Peter held out her hand to stop her. "This was your idea, you idiot. But yes. She will take me. She says she will love me as a son. She will raise me and she has these plans to send me to nursing school." She made a face like she didn't like that idea. Jennifer looked surprised, "Nursing school, what?" "Well Melinda wants me to be successful and smart. She says she thinks that will be the best area for me. I'm not so sure but I guess it will be good. She is a registered nurse herself. She will vouch for me. I will get in. but, mom, the sad thing is you wont be there to see it. You will be arrested and go to prison. Your parental rights will be removed. " Her mother looked cocky now. "You have no proof. I will still have you. What can you prove?" Peter reached into his blouse and took a wire out. "You confessed." At that, his mother scream, "I'm going to kill you, you bitch." She stood up and leaped at Peter. Then the door busted in and officers flooded into the room shouting and arresting his mother and the other girls The End

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"Look at this!" Claire squealed. "I can't believe this!"Andy enjoyed it when Claire opened the mail. Along with the love and lust letters, and proposals of marriage, there were panties, nighties, stockings, garters, dresses, shoes, jewelry, dildos, oils and perfumes, and flowers. He didn't pay much attention until she repeated. "Andy! Come over Hon! You gotta hear this! She started to read:"Dear Claire and Andy,I've been following your Diary for some time and have enjoyed your joy in...

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This Is Your Lies Chapters 4 and 5

I sat staring at the screen for a while. Did Ellen take her phone with her when they went to this club? The first thing she asked when I called was if the kids were okay, so she hadn't planned to be completely out of touch; the chances were that she'd carry her phone. Did I dare look at the tracking software? I got up and watched her breathing for a minute. She was sound asleep. I picked up her phone and plugged it in to charge. That was my excuse for touching it if she woke.It took a few...

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Fun Times at Work

I was an area Manager for a utility company a few years ago. We worked in a somewhat remote location and I was in charge of the operation there. My boss was at the headquarters some distance away, so I had a lot of freedom. There were two young ladies that worked for me in the office and most everyone else worked in the field. I spent a lot of time around these ladies and we developed an interesting and close relationship over the years. We talked about everything, but we always came around to...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 8 Date Knight

Friday Afternoon and Night, May 23, 2008 “Sam, I know what you want, but I had an idea about something we could do now to stretch the night out. How would you like to go on a date? An overnight date?” “What! A date?! How ... what ... where ... I have nothing to wear.” “Yeah, big surprise, I figured that might be the case. Yuk Yuk Yuk ... Now, I am not objecting to you having nothing to wear, but knowing you, how about we start there? Then supper, and maybe a stop or two after. Night club...

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Chubby Freshman Chapter 4

Chapter 4On Monday when Francis returned to school he entered the History class and saw a seat near Harris the tall slim awkward boy who wore glasses and seemed shy. Francis said hello and smiled to himself wondering if Harris was inquisitive as to what he had seen at the gallery. As for Harris there was no question as to what he had seen at the gallery and was exited by the event. That night he masturbated his long thick cock and at one point he held it in two hands as he stroked it. He could...

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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 5 Girls

The best part of Friday finally arrived. After carefully looking up Pamela's address on the Web, I drove Mother's car to pick up my date. As I had seen through scrying, Pamela lived in a large expensive house. It had nice-looking palladian windows on top and a neatly trimmed front garden. I parked the car on the side of the quiet street rather than pull into their driveway. The house was in a new development, with houses on the slopes of some hills. There were green bushes and trees...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 02

It was time. The sun had fallen below the treetops. To facilitate the appearance of the Vision, the Medicine Man insisted, ‘You must obey the creed. Enter your Quest as you entered the world.’ Tom left the protection of the cave — completely sober and completely nude. A hundred yards farther up the game trail, in the middle of a pine thicket Tom found a clearing perfect for the vision ground. Slow and silent, he began the prescribed ritual — circle the area, commune with the Great Spirit...

4 years ago
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You're the professor & I'm your student, I need money & I'm failing your class. You need your house cleaned, so you suggest that I can clean your place for money. I am happy to make some money & meet at your place as planned. You are a little taken back when you answer the door since I am wearing a short black mini skirt instead of cleaning attire such as jeans & sweats, but I explain that I am planning on going out with friends right after leaving your place. You are sitting on...

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Meet and Fuck Angela Part 3

John, Angela's husband stared at his slut wife, her face full of cum, as Brian shot his last loads onto her face. Angela grinned at him and lapped up the last drops. Immediately, John began undoing his pants and came Angela from the behind. Angela stroked Brians cock as his husband pumped her pussy from the behind. Brian watched, tugging her hair, while massaging her boobs with the other hand.John worked slow at first, her vagina already full of warm gunk. Them he pumped faster, wacking her...

Erotic Fiction
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Terrys story cont Part 18

i continued going to Frank’s Tuesdays and Fridays. Jack had me meet him at his house usually every other day. He’d have me get naked and take care of him. When he’d finish, he would have me jerk off for him and then i’d leave. Even though i was really being forced into this, i found it very hot because it was new and different.By the end of the first week he said he wanted to try something new. He lay on the bed and had me kneel on his side. He brought out a vibrator and started running it over...

4 years ago
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Kate the Librarian

Working in the small-town library can be so boring! I sit at my desk, checking books and making out late slips, wondering what to do to end the dreadful boredom. So I push things around on the desk, pens, stapler, my nameplate that reads “Katherine Vaughn - Head Librarian”. I giggle quietly thinking about that title: “head” librarian! If only! I have had to “shush” the college boys a few times, even though they are “studying”. They are cute and hunky and will give me something to think about...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Sext Partner

We messaged back and forth and then got on the topic of sex. We talked and thought about texting and sending each other nudes. Of course we didn't really know each other which made it kinda strange. We texted and got to know each other better first. She was 15 and a sophomore in high school. I was 17 and a junior in high school. We talked and then I received a pic of her in lingerie. She had perky boobs and curvy hips. I took I picture of my dick. I was pretty easy to get hard. I sent it...

2 years ago
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Valendrel is a huge world of vast kingdoms and powerful nations. It's is populated by many different races with a wide variety of cultures. For many years it has been plagued by wars, plagues, and marauding bandits. Several of the larger kingdoms have recently used their power and influence to begin settling the many disputes and disturbances across the land. The three most powerful kingdoms are Tarendil, Raqdor, and Poltian. These three super powers are at the center of Valendrel and form an...

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The Family Heirloom

The Family Heirloom by Marianne Nettes She stood staring at me as I entered the room, her hands on her hips, and her shoulders thrust right back, pushing her breasts out towards me. Not that they needed any extra pushing ? as big as succulent grapefruit with nipples like soft thimbles, they had plenty enough thrust of their own. She was wearing one of those peasant type shifts, where the top is gathered by a cord tied at the front, and, depending upon preference, can be...

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First time for Everything Part 4

Things have been slowing down for Matt and I over the past few weeks. With the holidays fast approaching and both of our jobs needing more from us, we haven't had much energy left for anything but working and sleeping. And as sad it is to admit, anyone who's been in a long term relationship knows that when the sex life starts to slip, fuses get shorter and shorter. Arguing about petty things like the laundry certainly doesn't spark a mood either. Just as I was starting to get concerned about...

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Meagans Desire

Note : This story is completely fictional! Meagan picked herself up off her bed. Her breathing was still heavy, but it was slowing down considerably. She picked up a hand mirror and glanced in it. The redness was leaving her pretty, youthful face. Bending down, she grabbed her underwear and short shorts and pulled them up. “Meagan?” came a call from outside the room. “What?” asked Meagan. “Can I grab the car keys? I’m going to John’s.” “Sure,” said Meagan. Quickly, she adjusted her messy hair,...

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The Realistic Dildo The Warm Apple Pie

Hello, and welcome to my little story. My name was Jennie Box, a nineteen year-old still in high school. I had been in my senior year for the past couple of years as I had failed to keep my grades up to graduate. But hey, it's difficult being a teenage girl growing up, especially one who is different and weird. That's me in a nutshell.I don't socialise much, I wear make up but its hardly noticeable. I've never had a boyfriend even though I am developed up there. I'm just invisible. You know how...

1 year ago
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Seduced Office Employee

This incident happened about 2 years back. There was a woman employee in our office named Sneha, she was 26 years old and a figure to envy. Her stats were 32-28-38. The most enviable part of her body was her ass. She used to wear tight jeans and tops to the office and her ass would juggle like anything. I would ask her to come to my chamber on some pretext or the other just to see her ass juggle. Some info about me. I am raj and from Assam, 48 years old and have a good physique and amply...

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ProeliatorChapter 3

It didn't' take too long to get back to camp. To keep myself safe and to hone my skills, I monitored the area to see if I would be attacked. When I came near the camp I called loudly, "Do I have permission to enter the camp?" In a few moments it was one of the Romans that told me to enter but he had his spear raised. He was one of the ones more antagonistic to me. I said, "Are you going to throw the spear at me when I have my knife sheathed?" "Where did you go?" "To make sure you...

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Virgin Chennai Bitch FIRST BLOOD

Friends this is my first sex story which I am gonna narrate my real life incident took place in 2015 AUNTY IN OPP BUILDING Regularly me and my friend used to meet and chit chat in his terrace daily that was the time me and my GF broke up so regularly I meet my friend and tried to come out of that one day opposite to his home there is a big flat I guess more that 100 homes from his home we saw a movement of a lady walking so we were checking what she was doing our good time, she was changing her...

2 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 20 Fours Company

Four's Company Ron kicked his bedroom door closed as soon as his wife had dragged him and Alicia through it. With one hand he grabbed a handful of his wife’s hair and pulled her mouth to his, with the other he started trying to divest Alicia of her thoroughly stained t-shirt. The game had been fun downstairs, and watching everyone grope and fondle each other had been a bit of turn on, but as soon as Hermione had dragged him and Alicia out of the room, he had been eager to get here. The...

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Children of the LightChapter 16 Red Wing One

Kru followed Major Sweet through the doorway, which was one of the Obsidian gates, and into a bustling room on Obsidian itself. Kru had been here twice before now, having been ordered to the Garden for educational opportunities. This time, rather than walking over to the Garden, they went to the Spirit Master's executive offices. A very pleasant older woman there asked them to wait a moment, and soon they were joined by a Legionnaire, who was obviously a soldier. Kru could recognize that...

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Dinner on the Terrace

Her lush nudity drew me like a magnet. I was obsessed with my need for her body, her skin, her inner wetness. We locked eyes and I literally felt the waves of lust wash over my genitals with that familiar feeling of wanting only to enter the forbidden zone. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her because she rubbed me with her bare tummy, and with infinite slowness pulled my fingers down lower to her valley of surrender. Then, she lifted her perfect, petite, pretty face to mine and...

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Fleeting Encounters

My name is Robert. I'm 43 years old, divorced, and all my kids are grown. I am a self-employed software designer and have worked from my home office for many years. About a month after my last child left for college, my wife left me for another man. She had apparently been seeing him for almost a year, delaying leaving me until the kids were gone. I was, to put it mildly, shocked and devastated. In retrospect, it was probably my fault. I neglected her needs while I built my business....

2 years ago
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Banged Married Lady In Her House

Hi everyone its Raj back again. Thanks for tremendous response for my previous stories “Extramarital affair with a virgin Part 1 and 2”. It’s been great journey so far. Coming to the business directly the present story is about me and one of the ISS story reader Kajal who contacted me after reading my stories and how we met and had great hard core sex later on.So just as a quick reminder I am 30 yr old medical professional currently based in Ahmadabad. So after a couple of days of posting the...

1 year ago
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Tales from the Paradise Apartments

Everet walked through his apartment complex’s Hallway, his AR-15 In his right hand, his Colt 45 on his hip, and his Texas Ranger badge hanging proudly from his shirt. As he walked past a certain apartment, he heard the argument going on inside. “There’s trouble in that paradise,’ he thought as he walked by. Everet continued on to his apartment. He unlocked the door, stepped in, hung his hat and had his first slave Arianna, who greeted him, took off his gun belt. She then then took it and his...

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The Rivers Bounty

His line tightened, he jerked his pole up and felt his hook clasp onto something. Excitement whirled within him for a moment but quickly fell to disappointment as he began reeling the line in. He knew as soon as his line tightened that he hadn’t caught what he was looking for. A large bonefish broke the calmness of the water. He was right. Antonio reeled it in. Once on the shore, he pulled the hook out of the fish’s jaws and took a picture of him posing with it. Something to show his parents...

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Unfriendly visits

(When you add chapters to this make sure you keep it around the theme of incubus and paranormal sex & rape) You wake up in the middle of the night to fuzzy, tingly feelings all over your body. you then start to feel something in your asshole, then it appears in front of you a ghostly looking guy anal raping you.

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve - Grace Does Dallas Redoux I don't remember at what point my worry turned to sleep. I don't even know how long I'd been asleep when I felt Grace stroking my penis. Her long nails gently scratching my shaft felt amazing. "Time to wake up sleepyhead. I need you to help me pack for my trip. Hurry! Get up!" I pressed back against Grace, grasping her dildo between my thighs. I couldn't believe I was trying to get her to do me again. "Come on baby," Grace spoke...

1 year ago
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Horny Cock Loving Cousin Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am 20 years old and the heroine of my real life experience happens to be my cousin Riya who is also of the same age. Riya is so fair, chubby and sexy. She is a beauty and body-conscious person. She has perfect rounded melons and an ass to die for. It was the time of my vacation that she moved to a college near my home. I wished she would move in with my family but she decided to travel to her home every day which was around 30 km away. One fine day, a bus strike was called and she was...

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Angels Call Ch 04

Thanks a lot to techsan who edited the story pretty quickly and turned it into a better one. * ‘Does it hurt? Can you talk?’ Chris asked excitedly. The woman only cried in response and the baby, probably disturbed by the noise, woke up crying, too. ‘Oh, great! Now we have two angels crying in the same room. Hey, come on, little darling, you wouldn’t want Dr.Geoffrey to blame me for this mess, would you?’ Chris said turning to the baby and lifting her out of the cradle. ‘Look, your mother...

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Enjoying my Birthday present

Friday evening I arrived home after a long day at the office.Ana received me at the front door and she kissed me deeply.“Happy Birthday my love. Here is a DVD I made for you...”Then she said she would slip into something more comfortable. I popped the DVD in and started playing it. The beginning had Happy Birthday to my loving and understanding husband…Then I could see the outside of a hotel room with Anita walking to the door. She had a long raincoat on. She knocked on the door and a man’s...

4 years ago
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sleeping Violation

You know those nights when you have been trying to fall asleep for what feels like hours and you reach that moment where you're still wide awake even though to anyone else you look dead to the world?It was then that I felt the covers move, the bed buckle under the extra weight of him climbing in. This was something new as I'm always fast asleep before he comes to join me, keeping different schedules always means going to bed at different times so feeling him next to me, his bare leg pressed...

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NBWO white surrender

Superior Blacks regularly urge inferior white meat to surrender to them and become their slaves. Some of these inferior white pigs “get” the trends of the times toward the Black New World Order and surrender their naked white flesh and anatomy to being enslaved mindless whores to sexually gratify the lusts, carnal releases, and sexual perversions of members of the Superior Black Race. But other whites make known their white mental inferiority by having to ask the Superior Black what whites...

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Swapping Husband8217s

The following Tuesday, Traci and I talked, as we always did, about the previous weekend. I told her how hot it got me watching her and Bill make it, and what a thrill it was to do it with Ray in front of them. I guess we all have a little bit of exhibitionist and voyeur in us as she echoed my sentiments. Revisiting that night with her, talking about what turned us on, and attempting to describe our feelings only served to get us both worked up and we spend a lengthy morning in my bed making...

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Jenny and Nick Cocktails and Dessert

Here is a brief recap of a recent adventure for those that follow my stories. As you have probably read, recently in Jenny Confesses to Nick (written by Nick) and Jenny and Pam – Girls Night Out, our marriage has taken a different, interesting turn. Earlier in the day, Nick text to say that he wanted us to go out for dinner and more tonight. He ended the text message with, “Be prepared for anything!”I had butterflies of excitement for the rest of the day, wondering what Nick might have in mind...

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Sold For SexA Females Fantasy

Tina was bored with the party, bored with her friends, and frankly, with her life. Her job was at a relative dead end and the men she dated were almost all classified in her own mind as losers or just nobody she could really fall for. She had no difficulty attracting lovers; she was attractive by anyone's standards. But when they left her apartment after a night of post-dinner sex, she was always relieved to see them go since their pitiful attempts to please her sexually only left her...

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Nazima Horny Widow Teacher 8211 Part 1 Meeting Sujan

Welcome to the first part of my new story on this site. Special thanks to Sujan, who provided me with the background for this story. His email address is Don’t forget to thank him for his role in this story. I’ve decided to narrate this story in the 3rd person POV so that both my male and female readers can enjoy it. Hope you’ll enjoy too. Now, let’s get to the story. ~Story Starts Nazima was a conservative woman who lost her husband to a heart attack just one year after her marriage. It was...

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50ft deep

They knew it had been coming. They knew the war was imminent. But somehow, it was still a shock. Connie and her family had been rushed off to the bunker 3 days before the bombs had fallen and the door to the bunker had been closed like a coffin lid, keeping them trapped in the dark underground. The Hall family were one of the lucky ones. They had been granted access to the bunker due to the fact that Connie's father, Stuart had been part of the team to help design and construct the bunker....

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No Strings Attached Hardcore Sex In Goa

[responsivevoice_button rate=”0.9″ pitch=”1.1″ volume=”0.8″ voice=”Australian Male” buttontext=”Listen to Story”] Hi, my dear Indian sex story lovers! Before we get into the story, I would like to give a brief introduction about myself. My name is Ram and I am from Visakhapatnam (Vizag). I am currently working in Hyderabad as an assistant director in the Telugu film industry. I have been reading stories since from the last 6 years but never thought of writing my own story which happened last...

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BrattySis Whitney Wright Fuck Your Step Bro

Whitney Wright tries logging into her computer, but finds herself locked out. She goes to find her stepbrother Tony so he can help her out. When Tony tells Whitney that he’s changed her password, she learns that she’ll have to give him a handjob to get it back. Although she’s pissed off, Whitney gets down on her belly and starts stroking with long strokes of her soft hand.Tony tells his stepsister that she’ll need to do better, and that perhaps she should consider...

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I had been away for a few days and my flat mate, Victoria, wasn’t expecting me back yet. I let myself in to the flat, and went to my room to unpack, feeling tired I lay myself down on my bed and fell asleep. I was woken to the sound of a running bath. I rub my tired eyes and raised myself off my bed, and left my room to say hello to Victoria. By now the noise of the running water had stopped. I walked down the hall, towards the bathroom to shout through the door, to tell Victoria I was home. I...

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jack loves his sexy mom

Jack had recently undergone puberty, and his balls and cock tingled constantly and his thoughts dwelt almost entirely on his hard throbbing straining dick. He stayed in a state of arousal. He stroked his peter and masturbated a lot, but no matter how often he beat his meat, it seemed to be ready to spring up at a moment's notice. Especially when he thought about or saw his mom. Jack's mother was in her mid-thirties, a film actress, attractive, and divorced. Summer had arrived, Jack was...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 61 Anala Part II

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I walked in the near 90°F heat to Carla’s place. I was grateful that the humidity of the morning had dropped significantly; otherwise the heat would have been unbearable. By the time I walked up the steps to the apartment over the photography studio and knocked on her door, I had broken into a light sweat. Carla answered almost immediately and invited me inside her studio apartment. The air was moderately cool, and the window air conditioner was running full...

2 years ago
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Rabia Janoo kee mast Chudia

HI Guram larka here with a new story for Pakistani girls. Main Lahore education k lia as a paying guest reh raha tha. Meri residence Firdous market k pass thi. Mera 1 roomate tha Tariq jo PU ka student tha. Mujhe yahan rehte howay kafi din ho gai thay k 1 din late night mein cigrette lenay k lia bahir nikla tu main ne gali mein 1 larki ko apne ghar k darwazay par 1 larkay k sath kissing karte dekha. Dono ne mujhe atay dekh lia. Larka foran bike par beth kar chala gaya aur larki bhi andar chali...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Nadia White Bad Secretary Newcomer Nadia White gets punished

Office secretary Nadia White is horny at work. She can’t stop fantasizing about getting fucked rough and hard by a big strong man. She pulls up her favorite porn and her favorite vibrator, and starts masturbating behind her desk. Just as she’s about to cum, her boss, Derrick Pierce, walks in and finds her playing with her pussy. He decides not to fire her, but tells her to take her big tits out. If this slut can’t be professional, she’ll be the office whore. He clamps...

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Jamies Gradual Grooming Part 2

"What would you do if I put some girlie clothes on?" What a stupid question. The moment seemed to last for an hour but it could only have been a few seconds. Mike looked at me, again with an indifferent look. What would he say back? Would he say anything at all? He glanced down at the chopping board and then back at me. "Could you pass me the onions from the fridge please?" he said. Nothing, no response, very cold and Mike became a stranger to me for that brief moment. I wasn't expecting that...


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