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Prissy By Waldo Chapter 1 - Priscilla - my love Chapter 2 - Gary's harem Chapter 3 - Prissy Prissy By Waldo Chapter 1 - Priscilla - my love The woman ignored the ringing phone as her fingers moved furiously on the keyboard. On the third ring, she grabbed an open cigarette pack and expertly shook one cigarette free from the pack, with one hand as the other hand picked up the phone. Still staring at the PC's display monitor, she answered "Washington Post. You've got the City Desk, Hampton." The caller's soft reply startled the reporter "Hi Trish. Got time to spend a few minutes with an old buddy?" An impish smile lit up the woman's normally tightly pursed lips as she recognized the caller's voice "Bryan Patterson, you old has-been. What stump did you drag yourself out from under? Do you still have your nose so far up Priscilla's ass that you can't blow your nose without giving her an enema?" His voice quaked slightly, as if he was fighting back tears "No, it's over between us We're still friends and see each other occasionally, but ..." She lit her cigarette, letting it dangle between her lips as she hunched over a small mound of research paper spread across her desk "Well.., look I'm sorry. I didn't know. Why don't you come by and I'll buy the first round of beer. Then we can talk about old times and forget about those romances that didn't work out." His voice sounded a little more cheery "I'd like to do that but I can't. Look I need a favor - a big favor. Can you take a break and talk to me -sort of like old times?" She pushed her messy mane of thick curly hair back with one hand as she glanced around to see if any supervisors were in the room. Leaning down over her desk a little more to muffle her voice so that nearby reporters wouldn't hear her, her voice dropped to just above a whisper "You want some dirty talk - some phone sex, do you, my friend? What have you got in your hand?" His loud reply was almost a scream "NO! I want to talk! TALK! You're the only one that I trust and know that I can open up with. Come on Trish, it's me and I need your help." She sat up straighter and blew a hard cloud of cigarette smoke like a steam engine, from the side of her lips. Changing her tone of voice to a more professional sound, she tried to hide her chagrin at misunderstanding him and his obvious rebuff of her very personal overture "Look Bryan, it's twenty minutes till press time and I've got a story to get out. How about a beer after work? I get off in three hours." There was no answer and she paused as she tried to figure out what was bugging him. At one time, she knew him quite well - as inside out as two frequent lovers could know each other. It wasn't a `sleep with me every night' type of relationship, but a `you've had too much to drink and why don't you spend the night in my bed' type of relationship. Both of them would get up and go their separate ways the next morning as they fought each other for the choice newspaper reporting assignments. If it hadn't been for that nerdy librarian, Priscilla Larzing and her big, innocent doe-looking eyes, Bryan and Trish would have continued their every two-three weeks all-night sexual release pattern and Bryan would still be working at the paper as a reporter. Glancing up at the clock, she saw that her deadline was fast approaching and her story needed a little more re- writing. Holding the phone against her ear with her shoulder, she began typing as she picked up where his phone call had interrupted her. Recognizing that he hadn't answered her question nor said anything in over five long seconds of silence, she asked "Bryan, are you alright?" His choked-up voice indicated that he wasn't alright "Trish, I have to talk to someone. Do you know Gary Franks?" The sound of her keyboard-clicking stopping signaled that he had re-grabbed her attention. Her simple "I wish. He's the man of mystery - the sultan of sex - the man that's got every woman in town fawning over him." His voice became slightly higher pitched as he tried to regain his composure "Well, I know all about him. I know his secrets. And that's why I have to talk to you. I have to tell someone - someone that I trust - about his evil powers." His voice became louder and more excited "He's pure evil - the devil incarnate on Earth. And he must be exposed. That's why you must listen to me. YOU MUST WRITE ABOUT HIM - TELL THE WORLD ABOUT HIS EVIL - YOU MUST HELP ME." His sudden sobbing shook her up almost as much as his outburst. Looking at the clock, she knew that if she listened to her upset friend, she would miss her deadline. For just a moment, she considered her responsibility to her work, then she quietly said "Bryan, it's alright. I'm going to put you on hold, get someone to finish this article for me, and then I'll pick up the phone back in Mac's office. Just hold on for two minutes and let me get some coverage." His sobbing voice choked out the words "thank you." She pressed the hold button, grabbed a junior reporter, gave him thirty seconds of explanation and instructions on the story, then grabbed her pack of cigarettes, her coffee cup and her steno pad. She rushed back into an empty editor's office and sat down at his desk before picking up on the on-hold line. "Bryan, I'm back. Now what's going on with Gary Franks? What do you know about him and how did you become involved with him?" His voice was very calm "I met him through Priscilla." Trish laughed out loud "Priscilla? That wallflower knows Gary Franks?" His crisp words indicated that she'd hit a sore point "You know nothing about her. You hate her simply because I fell in love with her." If he could've seen Trish's angry eyes, he would've known that he was right. However, her professional cool voice replied "That has nothing to do with it. I hated her before I found out that you were cheating on me with her. Afterwards, I just had a larger reason to hate her besides the fact that she's a stupid, fucking overweight, ugly nerd. She spends all day pouring through a couple of hundred books to find some dumb obscure fact and then feels good about her contribution to society. Face it, Bryan, she's a loser. Look at her closely and you'll see what I see, Bryan. She is the world's worst sloppy dresser and can't even put her lipstick on correctly. She might be able to instantly find forty-two different ways to put on mascara in her research books but the way that she looked every day that I saw her at work, shows that she doesn't know shit about making herself look presentable. I've seen whores with better color coordination and more up-to-date hairstyles. It hurt me to know that you left me for her." Bryan's voice became softer, more apologetic "Look, I'm sorry that I hurt you. You know that I didn't do it on purpose. It just happened between us. When I became involved with her, I was stuck on that long multi-part story and needed a lot of research. I spent a lot of time down there in the research department with her going through file cabinet after file cabinet. We became very good friends and she began to open up to me, revealing the real her, instead of that dumpy little woman that everyone thought she was." "Shit, you mean to tell me that the stupid bitch had a fucking personality that she kept hid from everyone. Let me run out here and get them to stop the presses. This is front page material." Trish's voice was both loud and sarcastic as she lambasted her former co-worker. "Shut up. I called you to talk to you, not to be screamed at." Screamed Bryan through the phone again. Her knuckles became white as she clinched the phone handset tightly, letting the hard plastic absorb her anger. A second later, she put a phony smile on her face so that her voice sounded more cheery "Sorry, just had to let you know that talking with anyone about her is about as enjoyable as working in Mac's office after he's had beans for lunch." His real laugher indicated that her joking had broken the tension. For a moment, both of the giggled and reminisced about the famous Mac's stinky farts. Then he said "But I'm wasting time, which is something that I don't have. Let me tell you the story as I would write it, for you to think about it, then you can write it the way that you feel is best." She shook out another cigarette and chain-lit it from her almost finished cigarette as she flipped her notebook to a clean page. With the new cigarette dangling from her lips, she suggested "I'm all ears." "Where do I start? I suppose that I owe you an answer and reason as to why I moved in with Priscilla and quit the paper. Yes, you were right. I was sleeping with her and ignoring your suggestions for a date. After my first full day working in the Research Department on that current project, I was all burnt out. As I staggered out of that dusty file depository, all dirty and eye-strained from hours of staring at faded documents, she grabbed my elbow and led me to the nearest bar. And you know my weakness for alcohol and its side-effect on me. Give me three beers and I become so horny that even Hillary Clinton looks good to me. If it will make you feel any better, it took five beers before I became horny from being around her. I tried to ignore it but the little head began making suggestions to me - lewd suggestions about seeing if I could convince her to let me tit-fuck her. But before I had a chance to remember my Catholic upbringing, I was marching out of that bar with a six-pack under my arm and my hand tucked down the back of her panties, feeling her chubby little warm ass. I admit it was my suggestion that we go somewhere and fuck but she surprised me when she accepted." "DO I HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS CRAP?" "Sorry, but I think so. It's important that you understand the relationship that we had at first, then you'll see why I'm surprised at the way that she changed when she met Franks." She sipped her coffee, before responding "Ok, so tell me how you fucked her, but first I have a professional question. Did she have as much hair on her boobs as she had on her upper lips?" The ten seconds pause startled Trish. She glanced at the lit-up button to make sure that he was still on the phone, then he said, "I'll pretend that I didn't hear that. And she wasn't into tit-fucking or other `weird' sexual act, as she called them. But for the record, she had a decent body - not nice, but decent. Not great but it was functional and able to service most of my needs. As for the other facts, she's twenty-seven years old, and she's been heavy all her life. But at five-foot six, her thirty pounds overweight looked like more. As for her upper lip, she had a few wild hairs that she kept under control with tweezers. And no, there was no thick pad of curly chest hair on her boobs. But I didn't fall in love with her because of her body; I fell in love with her because of her mind. After she got over her initial shyness with me, I discovered that she had the most brilliant mind that I'd met. She could reel off facts all night long and discuss anything from Plato's philosophy to naming all of Elvis's number one hits, to naming all of the Little Rascals - Spanky, Buckwheat, Alfalfa, Carla etc. I screwed her that first night and wished that I had more beer as I started sobering up, recognizing whom was sharing my bed. But later laying there in the dark, with her naked body lying next to my equally naked body, talking about life and dreams, I recognized that there was more to her than just the bookworm that we joked about. She had a truly wonderful personality. I made love to her again, but this time it was because I wanted her, not because I was drunk." "Out with it, Bryan. End the suspense. How many times did you pump her?" "Only twice that first night. Then I went home and mulled about allowing myself to become romantically involved with her. I had to go back to the Research Room the next morning and work beside her all day and I kept asking myself how I allowed myself to lower my personal standards to sleep with anyone that looked the way that looked everyday. I kept questioning my judgement as I looked at how she looked that day. As soon as my work shift was over, I slipped out the back door, although she'd been hinting that she'd like a beer after work. I rushed home, not trusting myself, and promised myself that I wouldn't have any more personal involvement with her. But I came back to her bed that next evening which started our affair. Two weeks later, you found out about us and raised hell." "What did you expect? I thought that we had something special and you rubbed shit in my face." "Come on, Trish. We were only friends." "Yeah, if I'd got pregnant from being `only friends' with you, would you upgrade our relationship as being something special?" "Trish, we both told each other that our careers came first and neither of us wanted a relationship. It was a mutual decision to keep our relationship to an occasional fuck basis." "Yeah, well I lied." The snappy quick comeback from Trish revealed that the discussion was getting a little too personal for her. "I'm sorry. I know that won't change things. Let me sum up my relationship with Priscilla quickly and I'll try not to hurt you. I fell in love with a dumpy, frumpy unkempt woman because it was her brilliant mind and charming wit that captivated me. When you turned against me, she was there to comfort me and to help me with my work-related problems. When I got the job offer to write the book on the Royal family, she supported my decision to quit the paper and work on the book full time. She moved in with me and not only helped me with the research, but opened up new insights for me to think about into the personalities of the Royal family. I got enough up-front advance from my publisher to hire her to work full-time as my researcher, so we both worked out of our shared apartment. And then Gary Franks came to town with his sexy harem of beautiful women." "He does have a harem of beautiful perfect women. Most men either hate him or want to be him because of that mob of perfect woman-flesh that accompanies him everywhere. As a woman, I can't personally see why all those women find him so irresistible." "Priscilla and I were in a restaurant. I'd promised her a decent meal when we reached a certain milestone and was paying off my debt. He walked in, surrounded by twelve of the most beautiful and sexy women that I'd ever seen in my life. I've attended several beauty pageants during my reporting days and seen lots of attractive women before, but this was different. Every woman in his party could be rated as a perfect ten. It's something when one perfect woman walks into a room, but when twelve of them walk in - it was absolute paradise. I'll admit that I had a ragging hard-on by the third woman and was seriously considering pounding my pud when the last one walked by." Trish laughed a hearty laugh "Yeah, that's the way that I hear it too. Mac called them the `Prime Pussy Parade' one day when we were thinking about doing a Style section article on him and his women. I've heard that other men have been affected that same way and that's part of the mystery of Gary Franks - what's he got that can attract and hold such beautiful women?" "After they walked by us and sat down at a nearby large table, I felt like grabbing Priscilla and throwing her up on the table and relieving myself right there on the spot. I was very aroused but knew it wasn't the time or place. But I resisted the desire and watched the table of women as they sat down. Then one of the women caught my eyes. I saw her staring at me as if she recognized me. I stared back and she gave me a faint smile as if to say `who the fuck do you think you are' but she kept looking my way. After they placed their order, she leaned over and whispered something to Franks, then I saw him look at my table. I pretended that I was more interested in my salad but when she strolled over to my table, I had to hold back the drool. At a distance, she was perfection. Up close, she was a perfect goddess. She had long dark hair, thick eyelashes, vibrant green eyes, pouty kissable lips and a dress two sizes too small for her luscious Playboy centerfold body. Did I mention that she had nice breasts? She stood beside our table and asked `Hi, I'm Marcie Greene. Do you remember me?' It's an understatement to say that you can never forget anyone as attractive as her, but my mind was whirling with thousands of brilliant witticisms as my lips replied `No.' She laughed a sexy bimbo-type laugh and said `Sorry, I was talking to your friend.' I turned my head to see who she was talking about - after all; there was just Priscilla and me. Then I heard Priscilla say `I used to know a Marcie Green. She was a Financial Major at Harvard when I was doing some research there.' I don't know who was more surprised - Priscilla or me - when the woman giggled `that's little ol' me.' This woman looked like the stereotyped teenage boy's fantasy woman and Priscilla remembered her as being nothing more than an ugly- ducking Financial Wizard from Harvard. You can see why I was stunned." "I've heard that rumor before. That most of the women are women who've got the brains and education to do anything that they want, but instead choose to be Frank's bimbo- like girlfriends." "It's true. They all act like bimbos but when you ask one of them a highly technical question, they can reel off an answer that'll stun you coming from their lips. They remember every thing but act dumb. But back to my story - Marcie giggled and grabbed Priscilla like they were long lost sisters. I was wishing that it was me that she was rubbing those magnificent hooters against my chest while Priscilla was looking at me slightly confused over Marcie's shoulder as if she was saying `who the fuck is this'. Then Marcie turned to me and hugged me as she declared `any friend of my good friend Priscilla, is a friend of mine'. Needless to say, I was in seventh heaven with all that fantastic female body rubbing against me. Then Marcie sat down at our table and began catching up on old times with Priscilla. I thought that she would talk about stock market fluctuations or something appropriately nerdy, but she was laughing and giggling about how the two of them had wasted so much time with their noses buried in books. It was Marcie's vivacious personality that directed the very short discussion about what both women had been doing since those college days. Marcie quickly let us both know that her days of being a `brain' were over and she was out to enjoy life and to live every moment to the fullest. I was shocked but not as much as Priscilla. Then he came over to our table." Chapter 2 - Gary's harem "You're shitting me! Gary Franks actually came over to talk to you?" Trish scribbled another shorthand notation on her pad to help her remember the story. "He did better than that. He was accompanied by the most beautiful blonde that I'd ever seen in my life. As they joined us at our table, he introduced me to the most beautiful example of Scandinavian womanhood in the world. Tashia sat down beside me and I couldn't listen to Gary's words for staring at her beautifully exposed cleavage. I admit I was in instant lust for this new beautiful woman. I would've done anything that she requested of me at that moment, even cut my dick off if she'd asked me. Her dazzling white teeth, her beaming smile, her flawless complexion, her gleaming blue eyes, her full lips, her beautiful mane of thick blonde hair, and her luscious perfectly-curved body was too much woman for this man. Her seductive perfume's delightful fragrance filled my nostrils with dreams of desire as I stared into her delightful eyes. She was too much woman for one man to handle. And she was sitting immediately beside me, making me feel as if I was the most virile man in the world. She laughed at my silly jokes as if I was brilliant, she smiled at my obvious stares as if there was hope of a romance for me; and most importantly, she fueled my sexual ego. I was the Champion Stud of the World at that moment with Tashia and Marcie at my table." "How did Priscilla stack up against the competition?" "I regret to admit it but she blended into the background after a couple of seconds, except for an occasional attempt to keep us aware of her presence. The two women were listening to Gary as he told a dirty joke. I'd heard it before but those two women's giggling and laughing caused me to laugh so hard that I almost fell out of my chair. Then Gary did something unexpected - he asked Priscilla and me to join him at this table. Well, it only took one little finger of Tashia's hand wrapped around my little finger, to lead me back to his table. Tashia sat me down beside her and Monique while Marcie guided Priscilla to her side of the table. For an hour, I was regaled and wined by the most beautiful dozen women in the world." "I could see you leaving me for someone as beautiful as one of Frank's women, but I'm still amazed at you falling in love with Priscilla." "Quit being so catty and listen to my story. As soon as we left our new good friends, Priscilla said `There's something wrong. Marcie was ugly, overweight and a declared horseman.' I'd never heard of horseman used in that context and asked her to explain. She said that the college-day Marcie was an avowed feminist who was also a masculine lesbian - thus the British expression of horseman. That previous college-days version of Marcie kept suggesting to Priscilla that they take the Wall Street Journal, a jug of wine and go on a picnic. Apparently Marcie wanted Priscilla as a lover but that type of sex didn't appeal to Priscilla - she was very opinioned about sex and women didn't turn her on. Any way, Priscilla said that there were more than just the physical changes that we had seen in this new Marcie, that her complete attitude had changed. This new Marcie appeared to be a quite dedicated sexy vixen who lived only to serve her man - Gary Franks. Priscilla told me that she checked out Marcie's new appearance quite well while I was busy with Tashia and saw some slight physical resemblance to the college-day Marcie. But as she adamantly declared later `that the bitch has had a hell of a lot of modification to her body'." The slight slurp sound of Trish sipping on her coffee broke Bryan's train of thought. As he paused to regroup, Trish asked "There are usually obvious signs of surgery and I'll admit that it's easier to find someone who's been surgically improved than to find someone that's completely real and natural. But from what I've heard about these women, they all look so natural and perfect, that there's rumors that methods other than surgery have been used." "That's what Priscilla thought also. That night as we laid curled up naked in bed, she talked about Marcie, then about our project, then about Tashia, then about us, then about Diana - a stunning redhead who sat next to me at the table, then about my old job. I didn't realize it but she was evaluating me. Everytime that she mentioned one of the women, I got an erection, but quickly lost it when she changed the subject to my life with her. I discovered too late how she was testing me and when she angrily jumped up out of bed, it was too late. As she ran into the bathroom and locked the door to keep me out, she screamed that my physical reaction to those women hurt her. I tried to talk to her but she sat on the other side of the door crying and sobbing about how she thought that we had something special then I threw it all away because a beautiful woman smiled at me. I told her that I hadn't done anything but talk to her friends and that she was there watching me behave myself. She answered by sobbing something about how my hands behaved but my `eyes didn't behave'. She said that the way that I stared at those women all evening made her feel like an ugly fool. I tried to talk some sense into her but wound up spending the night on the couch." "Do you have an erection while you're talking to me?" asked Trish in a teasing, sultry voice. There was no change to Bryan's voice as he ignored her question "That was the beginning of the end for us. The next day, she went out and when she came back, she told me that she'd taken a part time job working for Gary. That upset me because I needed her but she told me that she was way ahead of me on doing research and that we could use the money. I knew that she was right about the money, so I agreed to her job. As if I had any say in the matter. That evening, she did something unusual. You joke about her - shall I say - personal-grooming habits, but there were several things that she detested. And one of them was shaving her legs. Normally she would shave her legs every Friday night. By Wednesday, her legs were like a piece of sandpaper with her heavy leg growth. Well, it was Tuesday and she shaved her legs. She came out of that bathtub, smelling all good and clean - so good that I took advantage of her shaved legs. Then the next day, she again went to Gary's place to work. When she came home, she was wearing lipstick, which was something unusual for her. She told me one time that smearing waxy colored substances on one's face was a throwback to the pagan rituals that we hadn't outgrown as a society. As soon as she came in the door, she attacked me with her kisses and led me back to our bedroom. After we made love, she slipped into the bathroom to clean up and shaved her legs again - which was twice in one week. She came out of that bathroom all shaved and her lips gleaming so pretty that we messed up the bedsheets again." "Sounds like the typical `so that's what it takes to turn on my man' scenario. She saw you fawning over the attractive women and saw how Marcie had been able to overcome her previous ugly appearance. Sounds like she decided to see if she could improve upon herself." "Yeah, and that's what she did. Everyday, it was some little thing that was different about her. By the end of the first week, she had long red fingernails. They were fake but certainly an improvement over her lifelong gnawed-to-the- quick fingernails. And she was wearing makeup from the time that she got up, to when we went to bed. She would walk out the door in the morning and come back, looking like she'd spent the day in the beauty parlor. Everyday, there was some improvement to her when she came home. And she always came home horny. By the end of the second week, she had long red fingernails, a new curly hairstyle, some new clothes in her wardrobe and had lost ten pounds. She said that she needed the clothes because of the weight loss, but these were clothes that she wouldn't have wore before - clothes very similar to the clothes that Marcie and those other girls wore. But the most amazing change in her was her vocabulary and choice of reading material. Her technical magazines were thrown in the trash and she was reading Cosmopolitan and all those women's magazines. At night, instead of lying in my arms and talking about deep subjects such as `why mankind must adapt to social change', she'd talk about how great it was to have sex with me. She stroked my sexual ego instead of stirring me intellectually. I accused her of becoming a bimbo once and my wild statement actually pleased her. I've never seen anyone change the way that she did." "Sounds like you reacted to her changes and you probably fueled further changes." "Yeah, that's what I thought too. But she was losing weight, firming up her body, improving her complexion, and beginning to look mighty damn attractive. By the end of the month, she didn't look like the same woman. Oh, don't get me wrong - she wasn't as beautiful as one of Frank's women, but she was a hell of a lot more attractive than when I first met her. By that time, I had just about used up all the research that she had previously collected and suggested that she return back to her work. She declined, suggesting that we use a research service. I blew my top and raised hell. That's when she did the most unbelievable thing. She gave me her first blowjob." A loud cackle echoed off the newspaper's walls, as Trish laughed so hard that she almost dropped the phone. When she recovered to where she could talk again, she asked "All this time of living with her and she wouldn't blow you until then. I used to do that just to get you aroused." "I know. And it was a sensitive subject between us. She felt that taking a man's penis into her mouth demeaned her and was another throwback to those old pagan ritual days - or she used to feel that way. Anyhow when she was the old Priscilla, she was very old fashioned in her lovemaking - very exuberant and long-lasting, but old fashioned as to what she would do and the positions. But this new Priscilla was like a just-awakened nypho who had to catch up. She was so great and satisfying that I couldn't complain. After all, I wasn't about to turn down good pussy, which just kept getting better. I was getting so much pussy that I thought that my life was just about perfect. And I quickly learned to shut up inquiring about social change in America and learned to enjoy a woman who would suck me dry where ever and whenever I wanted it. We were like two adolescence teenagers whose parents went away for the weekend. We did it all as often as we could. I didn't care that she wasn't doing any research anymore or that her vocabulary had dropped down to using words with only two or three syllables. I did care about the medicine that I discovered her taking one day. She had some pills that she admitted that she now took every day and various creams that she rubbed on her body. I'll admit that she looked better and that her breasts filled out firmer, but I didn't like her taking any unknown chemicals." "Did you get the names of the pills or creams?" "No, they were all private labeled. The next day, when she went to Gary's place, I searched the apartment and found all of her pills and creams. I hid them and she didn't say a word when she discovered that they were missing. I asked her not to take any more unknown chemicals and she purred something about "but those pills help me find the inner me". I tried to make her mad so that she would tell me the truth but she wouldn't get mad. I knew that she continued taking those pills when she was at Gary's place. And that's about the time that she did something else that really amazed me. All along, I'd occasionally seen Marcie when she brought Priscilla home but one evening I was stunned when I heard Priscilla's key in the door and it was Marcie by herself that walked through the door. Marcie had Priscilla's key and a small overnight bag. She told me that Priscilla wouldn't be home that night and Marcie was there to make sure that I wouldn't be lonesome. I was pissed at the way that Priscilla felt that she could manipulate me. So mad, that I fucked Marcie the first time in the living room. Yeah, I knew that I was being manipulated but I didn't care. Marcie did turn me on and she wasn't the sort of woman that you would kick out of your bed. By the next morning, I was so worn out from our vigorous all-night lovemaking session that I didn't care if Priscilla never returned home. That woman could show a football team a thing or two about endurance. Marcie stayed with me all day - I didn't get a bit of work done. She changed clothes two or three times but it was to model her lingerie for me. Whenever I asked what was happening with Priscilla, she'd shove one of her fantastic boobs into my mouth and convince me to forget about her. Two very wonderful nights and two days of making love to Marcie and I was beginning to wonder what was going on. Then Tashia showed up and replaced Marcie in my bed. I was in heaven. I've never tasted pussy as sweet or sucked on breasts as nice as her." "Well, excuse me. I think I'll go somewhere and just let my sour pussy and sagging pancake breasts die." "Trish, you know what I mean. When we were lovers, I enjoyed being with you but there was just something about these two women, that was better than normal. Sort of a move up from Dairy Queen to Haagen-Dazs ice cream type comparison. Anyhow, Tashia stayed with me for three long days. Then Priscilla came home - or rather the new Priscilla. I suspected that she was having surgery - that's why the other women were there to distract me and when she walked through the door, I knew it. But I'd never seen any surgery before where you heal in only five days. Her face had tightened and firmed up as well as developed cheekbones. Her nose was now slender and her lips were fuller. Her new face with her beautiful wide-eyes made her look like an innocent angel - that is until you let your eyes drift from her face to her body. As for her body - it was quite obvious that her breasts were a full cup size larger. She'd gone from a sagging C cup to a pert and very plump D cup in just five days and there were no surgical scars. She swore up and down that they were the same size as when she left, but I know the difference between grapefruits and oranges. She had grapefruits now. Nice grapefruits with thick nubbins for nipples. And there were other changes too. She'd lost a lot of the dark hair on her arms and legs so that her limbs were now covered with a smooth downy layer of fine hair. Her complexion had cleared up, her hair was thicker and richer as well as colored a dark brown with light blonde highlights. Her droopy ass had firmed up and she had an overall Playboy type body - not a centerfold like Tashia's body but she was getting close. She went from being a frumpy dumpy overweight housewife to a sex goddess in less than six weeks." "Wheee, that sounds like something that I need for myself. I need to get rid of these flat pancake tits. Would you like me better if I had some really big hooters? Do you like cantaloupes better than grapefruits? How about watermelons?" asked Trish, dropping her voice to a sultry sound as she ended her question. "No one needs what they did to her. I'll admit that she was beautiful and had a fantastic body but they did it at the price of her mind. She wasn't Priscilla anymore. Just as she told me about how Marcie had changed mentally, she changed also. She didn't care a damn thing about my book or her former job. She was just there to be my playtoy - to share my bed and satisfy my sexual needs. I'd give her a book and ask her a question. If she knew the answer, she'd tell me but she wouldn't spent more than a couple of seconds looking through the book before she would try to distract me. I thought that six times of having sex in one day would be my all-time personal best, but that first day that she came back home, I got my rocks off an record nine times. She was like a possessed demon who knew just the right whistles and bells to turn me on and keep me turned on. But there comes a time when you have to drag your ass out of bed and go back to work. I was way behind my schedule because of all the fucking so it was something that had to be done. But no, she didn't care about my book. And it was hard to be mad at her because of the way that she smiled and serviced me. Two weeks after she came back home, I only had three pages done - that's supposed to be one afternoon's writing. Then Gary and his entourage came to see me." "Uh-oh, sounds like bad news." "Yeah, it was. He came to claim his newest member. I was trying to work on my book and she was in the bathroom. When the doorbell rang, it surprised me to find him and his dozen women in the hallway. I invited him in, not really knowing, but suddenly understanding why he was there. When she walked out of the bedroom, wearing her new skin-tight, dark evening dress and high heels, I knew that she hadn't dressed like that for me. He had made himself at home in my easy chair and she sat down on the chair's arm, her exposed firm upper breasts only inches from his eyes, as sat there beside him looking at me like a sultry cat who was purring for her master - only I wasn't the master. Gary told me that since she'd shaped herself up so much, he'd invited her to join his little troupe of entertainers and that she'd accepted. He told me that I was lucky to have such a fine woman and that he would share some of his other women for awhile with me - when she was with him. I lost my temper and told him to get the hell out of my place." There was a pause then Brian continued "I jumped up from the couch and as I angrily approached him, Priscilla stepped between us, pleading with me to calm down. Her soft arms and warm breasts pushed me back to the couch and her nimble fingers unzipped my trousers. Right there in front of him and all those other women, she showed him how she could control me. And as long as she had my dick in her mouth, I was doing anything she wanted. She guided me back down onto the couch and kept her head buried in my lap as he talked to me. Denise, a stunning African-American had taken Priscilla's place on the chair's armrest. I vaguely listened to Gary as he said that he collected beautiful women and that Priscilla had volunteered to join him. That she was his new concubine and that she would be spending less and less time with me. However, because he liked me, he was willing to share some of his older girls with me until I found someone new for myself. I think that's what he said. I was having a difficult time concentrating because of Priscilla's warm mouth wrapped around my throbbing cock and also because Denise unbuttoned her blouse revealing her magnificent boobs. As soon as I was about ready to explode my load into Priscilla's mouth, she pulled back and Denise stepped forward to take her place. That woman had a deep mouth and could suck an apple through a straw. She sucked me completely dry before swallowing a drop. I didn't see Priscilla or the rest of them leave because Denise and Nelda were keeping me busy. It was the next morning before I even had a moment to think about what had happened, then Nelda attacked me again." "Sounds like a fair trade. Two cunts for one. What did Nelda look like?" "She was like the Irish wholesome-looking sweetheart. Flaming red hair with an Irish temper to match and freckles all over her body. I'd never realized before that freckles could be pretty on the right person. She was five foot two inches of pure dynamite and Denise was six foot, three inches of pure legs. She could wrap her long legs around my neck and make me wish that she would squeeze me to death. It was about that time that I realized that although all of the women were stunning, there were slight differences that made each of the unique. Denise was long legged and her dark skin brought out the savage beast in me. Nelda was the freckle-faced girl-next-door type of ing?nue who could lie in bed beside me and whisper me into daydreams of trapped on a remote island with her. Tashia was pure sex and body with large breasts. The other women had large c-cup sized breasts but Tashia had a full d-cup. As for Marcie, she was like an executive secretary - a professional by day but a hell of a woman at home." "Was that the last time that you saw Priscilla?" "No, Gary rotated some of his other women over to keep me company and one night about two weeks later, I thought that I was doing a menages with Lucy and Caroline. I was blindfolded and eating dear sweet Lucy out while Caroline rode me. Only when I took the blindfold off, it was Priscilla that I'd been eating. She and Martha had sneaked into my apartment and swapped out one at a time with my current paramours. It'd only been two weeks since I'd seen her last but there was more obvious changes to her appearance. Her face had become beautiful, somehow becoming almost as glamorous as Tashia. The main difference between Tashia and the new Priscilla was that Tashia was more outdoors looking and Priscilla was more innocent looking with her wide eyes. Both women had similarly shaped bodies. Her chin was firmer, her complexion looked healthier, there was more of a natural rosy glow to her cheeks, her size D cup breasts had grown even further so they were now DD cup and her body looked as tight and fit as if she'd lifted weights all her life. Her legs were firm and shapely and didn't need the daily shaving. Oh yeah, she was now a blonde with shoulder length hair that had grown about six inches in the two weeks. Even her pussy hair was a golden honey color and was very fine instead of her previous course dark pubic hair. I barely recognized her even as intimately as I knew her former body." "That's not possible. You can bleach it but you can't change the texture of public hair. I know because I tried to convince someone that I was a natural blonde when I was in college. I wish that we had known each other back then. I thought I was a cute perky little blonde." He ignored her comment and continued "Somehow she did it, just as she changed everything else about her body. And as I told you before, she was now a giggling, silly bimbo who didn't care to read the paper or know what was going on in the world. The woman who used to quote Socrates now acted like she couldn't even spell his name. She only thought about or talked about subjects that were glamorous or sexual or grooming. She wouldn't come out of that bathroom until every hair was in its place and she looked completely perfect. Anyhow when I discovered who it was in bed with me that night, I fucked her and then fell into an exhausted sleep. When I woke up, she was gone - as were all of the other women who had been sharing my apartment. There was a note from her, saying that by now I should be over her and to please forget her. And that none of the other women would be coming by to see me either." Chapter 3 - Prissy "Hey, that sounds like a logical thing to do - forget her, that is. I ain't no honey gold blonde between my legs, my flat tits sag and my hair is a dirty brown but some people have sworn that my pussy tastes like honey. I can be over there in two hours. I'll be glad to do what I can to help you forget her." "No, you don't understand. This was two months ago when she left me the note and disappeared. Like a fool, I didn't take her advice and went after her. I went to his apartment and was warned by Denise that she would have to hurt me if I didn't leave. I came back in, through a back door and Denise used her long legs to kick my ass back out the door. Two days later I tried it again and Carla sent me to the Emergency Room after she kneed me. She also had the police arrest me for trespassing. A week later, I followed them out to his lake home and slipped in over the fence. Five minutes later, I was hit in the head with something. I woke up buck naked and tied to a wall, stretched like one of those ancient castle prisoners. Gary told me that I was a fool, that I should forget her and that I must stay away from him and his girls. Then he told Carla to punish me - `give him twenty lashes'. I expected a bullwhip or something, but she rubbed some unknown cream to my chest and cock, then attached nipple clips to my nipples and some sort of cock ring around my flaccid cock. Then she turned on the electricity. The first electrical shock jarred me and I yelped with the pain. The second shock was almost as bad but I noticed that I now had a very stiff erection. By the tenth shock, my cum was covering my chest where I exploded with delight. When she untied me, I wanted her to suck on my nipples or my cock. It didn't matter as long as I had some relief. They forced me into my clothes and drove me back into town where they dumped me down in the red light district. Within ten minutes, I had found a prostitute and had her sucking my cock. After she gave me a blowjob, I still felt so aroused that I couldn't quit. But it wasn't my cock that was bothering me. It was my nipples. When she began sucking my nipples, I jerked with ecstasy. My previously normal nipples were now the most sensitive part of my body - even more than my cockhead. I finally got home but masturbated myself as I played with my nipples. I discovered that I couldn't wear a shirt because the shirt rubbed against my sensitive nipples and I had to go back down to the red light district to get some more physical relief. When I returned home, there was a message from Carla warning me that they would punish me even worse if I tried to see Priscilla again or came near them. That what they did to me would wear off in a couple of weeks and that I should consider her message my last warning." A loud groan escaped Trish's lips "Oh, shit! Why do I feel that you've let your stubbornness get the best of you." A long sigh escaped Bryan's lips "Like a fool, I went back and was caught again. The second time was more punishing than the first. Donna - she's the Texas cowgirl - punished me. Again they greased me up with those damn unknown creams, put the nipple clips and cock ring on, but this time, she also inserted a big dildo up my ass." "Oh, shit. And I'll bet you did." Trish laughed, the image of that being quite vivid in her imagination. "It wasn't so bad. I had an erection before they even punished me. Donna had trouble getting the cock ring on me because I was swelled so big that it almost didn't fit. They let me stand there buck naked with the dildo up my ass and those clamps attached to my various body parts. Then Priscilla strode into the room and I almost cummed from just seeing her. She was wearing a skin-tight black shinny leotard that would've made Batwoman jealous. Her large boobs were straining that tight-fitting garment so that I thought it was going to burst. She stood inches from me, letting me stare at her new body, while she was watching my obvious erection throb between my legs. Then she said something funny to me. I remember her exact words `Bryan, it's over between us. Gary's shown you how he can punish you. I'm here to give you one last chance. Tell me that you'll walk away and leave us alone and I'll turn you loose. But if you ever bother us again, Gary will do whatever is necessary to stop you. The last time that you were here, they put sensitivity cream on your nipples and cock making them more sensitive. Then they put you in a place where it was easy to find someone to relieve you. You found yourself going back for more, didn't you.' I admitted to her that I did enjoy it. Then she continued `that's the same cream that they gave me and you saw what it did to me. The combination of creams rubbed into my body molded my body into the perfect woman's body after several weeks of daily use. I quickly discovered that the pills heightened the dreamy warm feeling and made me feel womanlier. At first, I only wanted to improve myself physically for you so that I could compete with those other women - my new friends - that you so obviously admired. Then you no longer mattered as I discovered that Gary could take me much further than you could. I allowed him to turn me into one of his shapely bimbos because it was what I discovered that I wanted. The effects of the cream will wear off in two weeks and you return to normal - unless you take it every day and then have a couple of the concentrated three day soaks that really filled out my body. The dose of cream on your body is much heavier than what they did to me and when they add the electricity, it becomes fifty times more powerful. If I tell them that you won't bother us anymore, we'll wash the extra-heavy dose of cream off of you and turn you loose. If you don't agree, then Donna's going to hit you with the voltage, which will burn the cream into your skin. You may like it while you're under its effect, but you won't like it once it wears off. What's your answer?' And then she stared at me with her wide doe-like eyes, waiting for my answer." Trish was sitting up in the chair; her steno pad lay in her lap where she'd become so enthralled that she'd forgotten to take notes. She gushed out "Yeah, yeah, yeah, what did you answer?" "I told her that I could never leave her. As she turned and walked away from me, Donna hit me with the first charge of electricity while my eyes were locked onto Priscilla's perfect ass. I didn't scream this time, but it was almost instant gratification for me. By the third charge of electricity, I realized that my body was involuntary humping, trying to get some reaction from the dildo. By the time that they finished my twentieth shock, I was an uncontrollable nymphomaniac slut. I tried to fight with them when they were disconnecting me from the equipment; because I enjoyed the full feeling of the dildo rammed up my ass. They loaded me still naked into a van and drove me to an apartment where they gave me to Tyrone and Danny. Within ten minutes of being paraded buck-naked into their apartment, Tyrone was butt fucking me as I sucked Danny's cock. I'd never thought about sex with a man before and here I was ramming two different cocks into my body openings. They put a dog collar on me and began calling me Prissy - yeah, it was Priscilla's suggestion that they call me that so I would constantly think about how much she had changed and how their drugs could do it to me also. They gave me to their friends and I serviced their friends because I couldn't get enough sex. I was happy only when there was something big and hot ramming up and down my ass. I sucked them off, but I really preferred to be fucked. And there were other changes also. My nipples were so damn sensitive and the surrounding chest flesh was much softer and beginning to fill out like a very young teenage girl. I enjoyed letting one of the men suck on my little boobies. Danny was a tit man while Tyrone was an ass man. So both of them could satisfy me. For two whole weeks, I lived there, not once putting on any clothes, just being their little slut to take care of them. Then the creams began wearing off and I begin realizing what had occurred to me and what I had been doing with those men and my body. I still actively participated in sex with them but now I could see what I was doing. After a week of decreasing drug-induced euphoria, I sneaked out one morning, dressed in some of Danny's clothes. I rushed home, packed my clothes and moved out because I didn't want them to come looking for me. After all, they knew where I lived. I found a cheap rooming house and stayed in it, ignoring the desire to go out and pick up a man. When I found the desire to play with my body too strong, I would take a long cold shower until I felt more normal. Gradually I began to shake that slutty feeling and began to think for myself. I realized that after what had happened, that I would never be the old me again and that I would have to deal with the memories of being a kept slut in a man's bedroom. So for the last month, I've been sitting in that room, thinking and trying to decide what to do with my life. I knew that life as I knew it, was over for me and I had to build a new life far away from here. Before I left, I also decided that I had to tell someone about Gary Franks, then I had to hide because I knew that he would come after me. That's why I called you." Trish looked at her notepad. There were blanks in some of the story areas but she had enough so that she could re- build the story. Her mind was already whirling with thoughts about her expose of Gary Franks. She quickly suggested "Look, Bryan I need to sit down and talk some more with you about this. I'll need photographs of all the women and more details about who they used to be, so I can gather other evidence. We'll expose him for the mad sadist that he is." "No, I can't do that. If I go back or get involved, they'll cream me up again and brainwash me into being one of his oversexed bimbos. I can't allow them to brainwash me and turn me into a mindless bimbo slut who can only think about servicing men. I didn't come down there because I knew that you wouldn't let me leave your office- that's why I called you from this phone booth. I've got my bags packed and I'm leaving town. I'm going to move away and hide where no one can ever find me." "Bryan, please listen to me. I need you. This is the biggest story that this newspaper has seen since the last presidential scandal. It's page one material and I need your help." She pleaded. "No, I've given you enough facts so that you can dig up whatever you need for supporting evidence for the story. I'm out of it and I'm leaving to start my new life. Don't try to find me. Good-by Trish." The click of the phone and the subsequent humming of a disconnected call echoed through the silent newspaper office. Trish hung up the phone, lit another cigarette and leaned back in the overstuffed chair as she began sorting the fantastic story in her mind. Across town in a phone booth, Bryan was going through his billfold. He removed the driver's license with its identifying photograph and dropped it on the floor. His life as Bryan Patterson was over and he would have to get a new driver's license to go with his new identity. He removed the credit cards and spent a few minutes breaking them into small pieces and dropping the pieces on the floor. He removed a small picture of him and Priscilla from their early days, knowing that he would keep that remembrance. After he was finished going through the billfold, all he kept was the cash and the one photograph, dropping his old billfold on the floor with the rest of the trash. He stared at his reflected image in the dirty windows of the phone booth, knowing that once he stepped out of the dim light of that phone booth's interior, that he would be committed to walking away from his life as Bryan Patterson - writer and former reporter - and that he would have to begin a new life that would keep him away from the people that knew him as Bryan. Or they would find him someday. He didn't know how, but he knew that Gary's money and resources could do anything. And they would be pissed about his revealing their secret. Staring through the dirty phone booth windows, he could see the nearby truckstop. He would find a trucker that was interested in company as they drove across the country. Then he would get out and hitchhike some more until he found some place that he could call home. And someone that could help him forget his old life and help him to live his new life. Bryan pushed open the phone booth doors and stepped out into the fresh night air. Standing in the phone booth with the door closed, the air inside the booth had become stale. He picked up the small overnight bag that contained his few new clothes and possessions. He began walking slowly toward the truckstop. He approached a truck where the engine was running and the driver was checking the wheels. Standing beside the truck, he softly asked the driver "Got room for a hitchhiker?" The driver turned and stared at Bryan for a second, then nodded his head "Yeah. Go climb into the cab. I'm going to pull out in two minutes." Bryan opened the cab door and threw his small bag onto the floor. Behind him the driver asked "My name's Joe and I'm supposed to be in Chicago in the morning. What's your name?" Bryan nodded back the greeting and smiled at the driver before replying in a softly modulated melodic voice "My friends call me Prissy." The driver watched as `Prissy' pulled her skirt up, then stepped gingerly up on the step, being careful to balance herself on her high heels and not snag her nylons as she climbed into the passenger seat of the truck's cab. Prissy left the door open as she adjusted her skirt, then sat down, demurely crossing her shapely nylon clad long legs, revealing just a flash of thigh through the slit in her skirt. The driver watched as his female passenger shut the door, then adjusted the mirror so that she see her own reflection. Using a ring covered manicured hand, the driver's guest fluffed her thick mane of red long hair pushing the curly hair into place, then checked her lips to see if she needed to refresh her bright red lipstick. The driver rushed through his inspection and climbed up into the cab. Although the young woman was smiling at him, the driver glanced at her breasts that were perkily shaping up the front of her lacy blouse. She was a tall woman, even taller with the heels but her height and broad-shouldered appearance reminded him of a very loving big-boned farm-girl from Kansas. She'd also had large hands, wide shoulders, a thick waist and muscular legs - but she'd been one of the best fucks that Joe had ever experienced. Staring at his new passenger, he knew that her large size could be intimidating to some men but there was enough fullness to her breasts and silent invitation in her voluptuous lips to convince Joe that this cute woman would make the trip an very enjoyable trip for him. He watched as the woman adjusted her small travel bag beneath her feet. He threw a thumb up, pointing at the opening at the back of the cab "This is a sleeper cab. Put your bag back there and make yourself comfortable." She flashed a broad smile at him as she unclipped her earrings and dropped them into her purse. Pausing to remember to talk in her soft voice, she asked, "Do you mind if I crawl back there and change into something a little more comfortable?" The man tried to hide his grin but he couldn't "Go ahead. I'll get us started down the road." As he pulled out, she pulled the curtains back, revealing the cramped but adequate sleeping birth. She put her purse and travel back there, then stood up so that she could crawl onto the mattress. The truck was moving and she lost her balance for a second, partially spinning around on her high heels so that her ass was only inches from the driver's face. Grabbing something and holding on, she laughed as she declared "Don't consider me a slut just because I shove my ass in your face within two minutes of meeting you. You don't know what it's like to wear high heels and to try to balance in them." The driver laughed as she crawled through the narrow opening and pulled the curtains shut. In the some-what cramped privacy of the small sleeping birth, she unbuttoned her blouse, removing it as she considered her next options. She folded her blouse and examined her naked female breasts. A month of taking the creams and pills that Bryan had confiscated from Priscilla that time, had further modified Bryan's body. The dildo-prod treatment had started and greatly modified his former all-male body, softening it and building little bud-like breasts as well as adding a little padding to his hips. A month of taking the pills and cream had soften Bryan's skin further, enhancing the facial complexion as the mannish facial hair disappeared and the thinning hair grew and filled out. The cream had developed the puffy teenage breasts into more realistic looking B-cup breasts - a full b-cup that would soon need a C-cup, just as Bryan's straight waist had narrowed and the hips expanded into a fuller, rounder, more feminine looking body. Somehow, the chemicals moved body fat around to shape anyone's body into a more pleasing feminine effect. His current metamorphic stage had advanced so that he now looked slightly more female than male. The makeup, rapidly-grown long hair and clothes provided just enough extra decorations to help him easily pass as his new chosen gender. Two weeks earlier, he had looked too much like a cross-dressing football player with Gynecomastia to venture out into public dressed the way that he dressed for his `dates' within the privacy of his rented room. Yes, dates. The punishment melded out to him had changed more than his sexual libido so that normal hetrosexual relationships no longer interested him. He also now wanted to be a vixen - not a bimbo like Priscilla but a siren who could vamp and wantonly seduce her lover. He'd waited patiently in the room, waiting for the pills and cream to further modify his body. He used the time to practice his mannerisms and speech while learning all the nuisances of mixing and matching female attire correctly and styling his new long curly hair. For the last week, he'd been practicing at local malls, gaining confidence in his ability to pass as a woman and watching his body reshape itself more and more every day. Once he was convinced that he could pass as a woman, he knew that it was time for him to leave town and abandon his real identity. Bryan continued to undress, removing the skirt and panty hose, knowing that Joe was watching his `female guest' undress through the mirror and a small slit in the curtain. Bryan slightly moved so that Joe wouldn't be able to see that there was still a fully functional cock between the legs of the woman that Joe knew only as `Prissy'. Some men took a little more conditioning before they would have sex with a she-male. Bryan's penis was smaller after a month of chemicals but still somewhat functional as a male organ. How long it would be functional, Bryan didn't know or care. The new Prissy didn't have any further use for such an unneeded appendage, but if Prissy's current man liked a little exotic sex, she didn't mind using it to satisfy her new lover. The month long experiment proved several things. When the new Prissy emerged like a butterfly from the androgyny modified body created by the hard exposure to Frank's chemicals, the new body was more feminine than male. And the new personality was able to live and perform as a woman. Completely naked, the very feminine-appearing new woman opened the fashionable woman's travel bag and found one of the confiscated bottles of pills, taking one of the pills. Bryan would put a little cream on Prissy's new body later when they were further down the road. There was enough cream and medicine to last the transitioning new female a little over a year. By then Prissy should be a fully functional woman with size 54 DDD-cup breasts if Bryan's body kept reacting to the chemicals at the same rate. Bryan didn't know where Prissy's new life was headed but everyone knew that a six-foot tall sexy redhead with size 54DDD boobs could go wherever she wanted. It had been a hard decision to make, to take the pills and further transform his body into a woman's body. But that one taste of being a woman in bed with a man had been enough to convince Bryan that he could never be happy living a normal heterosexual life again. After he remembered about the confiscated chemicals, it became easier to decide upon a plan for the rest of his life. By watching the intake of the chemicals, he would be able to shape his body and avoid the `bimbo' side effects. The decision to modify his body was further enhanced because he knew that Gary Franks would be looking for a man. And if Gary guessed how Bryan was able to hide, a woman could change her total appearance so much easier that it would be possible to hide in Bryan's old building without anyone recog

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Behind closed doors and beneath the sheets Pt 1

Alexis Age: 18With a sigh, I walked from my brother, Eric's, room. He must have gone out with his friends; usually he waits for me on days Mom and Dad are gone. Bored, I plopped down onto the sofa and flipped on the television, absentmindedly flipping through the channels. I hardly ed as I fidgetted my legs. Damn it, Eric. I thought to myself, leave me here soaked with no one to help... Closing my eyes, a small smile spread across my face and I licked my lips. The thought of his lean, yet...

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The Novice He wanted to join The Club. Heaven knows how he found out about our rather kinky activities, but he had, and he wanted in. His qualifications were weak, to say the least. Lots and lots of fantasies, very little reality. He wanted to become initiated and participate as an active member. I knew the kind. He had experienced some light bondage, usually while getting fucked by a girlfriend. He dreamed of more intense scenes, but had never experienced anything greater than a fuck while...

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The Son of Lust Chapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Chapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...

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A Big Mistake

A Big Mistake By MistressD Dec 2019 Bobby is addicted staring at his his female coworkers. He uses it as fuel for his collection of dark sexual fantasies. His coworkers consider him a creepy visual rapist who needs to be taught a lesson. Lately, Bobby has become quite successful at creating fantasies that seem incredibly real and lifelike. A seemingly slight mistake forces Bobby into unknown territory. Rating XXX, [email protected] - - Bobby Mathews is a wimp. To...

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Jim Meets Kira And Has A Night To Remember

Jim had not had a good time, well, not sexually for about three months now. All his ways of picking up women at bars, parties, and work seemed to have dried up and there was nothing that he could see on the horizon. The last time he had a secretary over his desk or picked up a lady at a bar or party was a good few months ago. He really wanted to cum and enjoy himself. Then, one day, as he was going through the newspaper, when he got to the classified ads, one struck him, and he thought might...

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Halloween in Shibuya Part II

Masa held my hand as we navigated through the mass of humanity in the Shibuya Crossing toward BIC Camera, one of the largest shops near the station. We walked along the sidewalk feeling like salmon swimming upstream. After a couple of minutes, Masa pulled me into a tiny side street barely 10 feet wide—more like a wide paved path. We passed dozens of postage stamp sized pubs and eateries stacked from the ground to higher floors, each with its loyal clientele. Halfway down the block, Masa pointed...

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Peters Story

Liz wasn't much of a diarist. But Carol (Jim's wife) has begged me to jot down my thoughts and feelings about what happened since Elizabeth was selected and ended up at David Findley's slaughterhouse. Some of it is fairly accurate, and I have tried to keep the conversations fairly accurate for what passed between Liz and I after she was selected. It hasn't been easy. And considering how she died, I have to say that it has made angry about how things ended. And I owe David Findley and Carol...

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GayChapter 11

When I got home, I tracked down Terri to her bedroom. “Hi munchkin,” I said after she invited me in. “How was your day?” She looked a bit brighter than the previous evening and hadn’t been crying so I took that as a good sign. “Daisy was absent today. I know she’s a racist bully but is it wrong for me to worry about her?” “No. She was your friend, and if she can change her ways I don’t see why she shouldn’t be your friend again.” Terri came over and hugged me. “Thanks. For a dorky brother,...

2 years ago
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The Widow And Her Stepdaughter C2 The Speedo

Brad walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. Wow, this is nice, he thought to himself as he took in the size of the master bathroom. He'd only ever seen bathrooms like this in magazines. One wall had his and her sinks with a mirror from the counter all the way up to the ceiling and the whole length of the room.Right in the middle of that was a built-in vanity with drawers, a chair and a special makeup mirror that had lights all around it. He walked over to the vanity and pulled the...

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In the Mountains 2

I swim towards you and grab you by the waist pulling you closer, and as your legs get close enough you wrap them around my waist. My already hard knob brushes against the bare and quivering lips of your waiting pussy, sending a shiver right through your body making you grip onto me tighter, squeezing your breasts against my chest and pushing your hard nipples against me.In the excitement, my dick quivers and flicks against your lips again, creating the same reaction except this time you bite...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 17 Road Trip Part Two

Mary Ann said, “Wow this place is amazing. I didn’t think breweries were this nice.” “There are so many of them these days that they need to have this kind of atmosphere to enhance the experience and remain competetive.” She said, “Ah, that makes sense,” as we sat at the bar. The barmaid came up to us and said, “How are y’all doin today? My name’s Melissa and I’ll be taking care of you.” I said, “Well hi Melissa, I’m Tony and this is my girlfriend Mary Ann. Nice to meet you.” She did a...

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How I Became the Family Slut Part 1

My name is Ima. And I want to share my story of sexual awakening and incest.I grew up in rural Alabama, in a three story house on about six acres acres of land, about three miles outside a small country town. The house was white with brown shutters, and had one of those wrap-around covered porches on two sides. Looking back on it all, I would have to say I had a great family. I had two older brothers, a younger brother and two great parents, and they were all pretty loving, except for mom. ...

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Real stories 1 BBW at the Bar

Okay, this is the first of many real stories to come. I always think honesty about sex is hot, so I promise to share nothing but 1) What actually happened and 2) What my honest perceptions were at the time. I'm 27, but this story happened right after i turned 26. So, this one time I was visiting my friend down in central Illinois. He's a pretty good friend of mine, not really as smart as I was, but he is unbelievable with the ladies, a great wing man. I've always felt like I could use a bit of...

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Pax MultiChapter 10

“You absolute bastard!” Lou snarled, stepping forward – but a pair of Federal marines in power armor were there to grab him and slam him back down into a chair. Their metal gauntlets were shockingly gentle, considering their enhanced strength, but Lou still felt terribly impotent in their grip. His hands tightened into fists and he glared at Admiral Bosch, who shook his head slowly, looking sad. “That is the problem with you Neopolitans. You’re so sentimental. Embracing tradition for...

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Inside Me C11

----- 11 -- “How much do you really know my brother?” I asked Montana as I sat down at our lunch table with my tray. “What do you mean?” “I know you two have talked on the phone, and more than once. You never told me anything about that and when Ean talks about it, he gets quiet and stops talking soon after.” Montana seemed intrigued with what I was telling her about my brother. She also appeared afraid though that she was in a corner. “Listen,” I started, “Ean really needs a...

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A House of Men Ch 04

Ty and I have decided to open a restaurant. It was decided late last night after three days of vigorous housecleaning and lengthy discussions about all we knew of food. Both of us have our specialties and preferences, and Ty knows just the place for us to locate what we have deemed Ty and Holly’s Kitchen. It turns out that about two years ago, his grandparents decided to open their own little eatery and had a building built just for the occasion. Right before the construction was complete,...

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MyPervyFamily Jennifer White Stepsis Took My Rimjob Virginity

OK so this is weird to discuss, but I (Johnny The Kid) fucked my older stepsister Jennifer White the other day. And that’s not even the weird part! Our parents were gone and she comes busting into my room asking me if I want to fuck her. Like any normal stepbrother, I’m totally down. She starts rubbing on my boner, showing me her perky tits & teasing with her nice ass. Then she asks to lick my butthole. What!? I was like no chance but then she says she won’t fuck me unless...

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The House Near the Beach

"It was a wonderful idea of yours, Maxine, to have us drive down here in the evening," said Violet. "We can walk to the beach from here and not worry about parking." "It's Nice to have somebody staying here with me," said Maxine. "Not as nice as if you were six feet tall, male, 200 pounds of muscle and really horny, but better than my parents." "Still, you are lucky to get the use of a place like this every couple of weeks." "Well, yeah, but I haven't gotten to use it the way I...

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Mahogany Part 1

I find myself standing on a wooden dock white washed by the sun watching the yacht pull away. Behind me, beyond the oddly perfect, barren stretch of white-sugar sand, lays a complex of equally white buildings with Mahogany roofs under green fronds of palm trees. A week, I think to myself. I have a week here. I look back out to the boat, the dash of white against the impossibly azure sea, and watch it speed away. ‘Welcome to Mahogany,’ a deep, masculine voice rumbles in my ear. I jump and...

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Female warden male prisoners forced fellatio

This story is intended as sexual entertainment for adults only.It was a small Southern town, isolated, and obscure, and when I saw the flashing lights in my rearview mirror I was astonished, since I knew I had been driving well below the posted speed limit of forty five miles per hour.  I felt a bit of outrage, but decided that the best thing to do in such a situation is to go along with the flow, and cooperate fully.I stopped and waited in the car, having pulled out my license and papers, and...

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Bhabi Ko Choda Ji Bhar Ke

Hi how r u? Mera naam anil hai main delhi main rehta hon aur ye meri pehli story hai maine bohot si story padi hai aur ab main apni khud ki story aap sab ke sath sheyer kar raha ho agar aap logo ko meri story achi lagi ho to mujhe jarur mail karna agar koi ladki,bhabhi ya aunty ko meri story padh ke mere sath sex karne ki chah ho to mujhe mail kare () ab main apni story likh raha ho ye baat kuch hi dino ki hai mere pados main ek family rehti hai unki Family main 3 log hai pati patni aur unka ek...

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1st time with her

i had been divorced for about a year, met a (divorced) woman in a chat room on the net. we got to be pretty good friends,talked about her k**s, jobs ect. her bday was coming up, i asked her what she wanted. her answer was for me to take her out to dinner, well thats gonna be difficult, we're 1400 miles apart. the more i thought about it, i said wtf, why not? i told her i'd be there sometime on friday, when i got close i'd call. she figured i'd never show, or come up with some lameassed...

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My Brothers Girlfriend

My brother wasn’t anything special in the looks department, but he was tall and played volleyball so he had a bit of muscle on him. I on the other hand was still short even for my age and people always said I got my looks from mom. I wasn’t weak or anything, but I was shy and tended towards wrestling in middle school, because the jocks of the football team weren’t my crowd. I remember when I was really young, a friend of mine (Brent) was a typical horny boy and he would invite me over to his...

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Sex KittenChapter 3

Instead of running directly to Ohio, I decided to turn sharply south through the thin wedge of Maryland and into West Virginia. The roads wound up and around the Appalachian Mountains giving me a mild sense of security because cell phones still had spotty reception throughout the area. After a long hard push to run far and fast, we approached the outskirts of Parkersburg, WV famished and fatigued. I told Kristy to scan for a real restaurant that met our needs. She spotted an old neon sign...

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surprise visit

I had already cum twice that morning, at sixteen, I was addicted to porn and my mom’s panties. Clean or dirty it didn’t matter, the soft satin rubbing against my cock as I stroked myself while watching porn always had me cumming quickly.Mom had left for work, and as there was no one else living in the house, I knew I had a full day to masturbate. I had soon found a pair of pink satin panties in the laundry hamper, it was either them or a clean pair from her drawer, by the time I had picked a...

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Signicator Should I do it? The reasons against doing it have begun to seem insignificant compared to the reasons for doing it. ‘The reasons against insanity fall through with a soft chirring sound.’ Where is that from? I can’t remember. It doesn’t matter. I flushed all my meds down the toilet. Mom’s dead. Dad doesn’t care. Boyfriend dumped me. Even the fucking goldfish croaked on me last week. I could flip a coin, but chance seems just a bit too cold for a decision like this. My horoscope says...

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Vacation TwoChapter 40

As I woke, I could hear the rain pounding on the roof. It was really coming down. I thought I should probably go do bus duty and get some of the people who were far off. First stop was Nelda and Ernie, over to pick up Henry and Nancy, Susan and Kevin, then Juanita. The kids said they would drive over in the El Camino. On the patio, the air was on low, with the fans circulating the heavy damp air. When Sue came out, she asked me, "Should I put on my swim suit for old times sake?" Everyone...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 69 Field Trip Continues

Just as directed, we headed to one of the shuttle bus stops and waited with the mystery woman. It was only a few minutes before a shuttle stopped and it was loaded with kids wearing the same color t-shirts as us. Crystal, Annie, and I got on the bus while the woman joined the group of kids heading back toward the National Mall. I had to give it to Annie and Crystal, they were completely cool and calm as they continued to scan around us for any threats. They were more than sufficiently...

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Episode 104 The Sex Machine

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from Episode 103: A Day at the Races, so if you haven’t read it recently, I humbly request that you do, Mistress.GillianAn email arrived the day after the racing orgy, featuring Mistress Anna and slut suzy, stating that Gillian would be delivering a special package this afternoon, together with a set of very compromising photographs of Daddy and several jockeys jacking off over his pretty daughter.Looking out the front window suzy first spotted...

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Shadow Hall Ch 01

Remington Alexander LaBaux (Remi) was an only child. He was born and raised on an old family plantation in northern Louisiana, which grew sugar cane, as did most of the plantations in that region. The plantation had been in his family since before the Civil War and was handed down to the oldest male of each generation since it was founded. His mother had passed away during child birth and his father, being a man of the land with not much of an education, had sent him off to boarding school for...

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Me And My Daughters Became Sluts 8211 Part I

Hi readers, I’m Urmilla 42 years old and my husband is a rich Nri based in Dubai he only comes to country once in two or three years and that too for a few days. we had two girls Nisha 24 and navya 22 even though I was a mom of two I’m still looking young and many of my friends commends that three of us are like sisters. My daughters were also sex bombs like me and was having huge tits and big ass like me as I was living away from my husband many of my neighbors and family members were having...

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My first big cock

He was Italian. He had huge hands with long, thick, meaty fingers. I unbuckled his jeans and slid them down his hips, keeping my eyes on the long, thick bludge that had been growing down his right leg ever since he had asked me if I wanted to see it and then told me to get onto my knees. I was straight-I was sure of it; but yet here I was: getting ready to suck another man’s cock and hoping, no, praying, that he’d make a move to fuck me. This is the single desire that one side of me had...

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BangBrosClips Marica Hase Stretching Every Hole

Marica is here to be freaky. She’s been all around the world and she’s seen freak on a whole different level. We have to step up to the plate today and make sure she is satisfied. We sent in the masters of freak. Markus and Prince. They fill her mouth with two big dicks. They spank her, pull her hair, and choke her in every way that she likes it. They both fuck her in her tight pussy and extra tight asshole. She loves to be stuffed up. They eventually give her two cumshots and she...

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Celestial Matters

Let there be Light When your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon’s they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell.~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar’s ‘Celestial Matters.’ ——- (Paris 1623) -Devnik- The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility. The sin that its golden light held at bay … was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air … and the fresh smells of a...

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Lydias DreamChapter 10

Pam was standing in front of Cheryl's desk and gesturing with her hands while describing our run from the bull and scrambling up the ladder in the barn. Cheryl struggled to control her laughter. "Oh, hi Tom. I was just telling Cheryl how we almost got our tails kicked by the bull." I added, "Cheryl, I thought we were goners. Pam had already run me to death; but then I had to immediately turn and run up a hill and several hundred yards to escape certain death." Just then Ron walked in...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 9

(Two weeks later) Denise sat nervously waiting for Jack to come to class. The last two weeks had been an experience. They had gone out for lunch on the Monday following their date. Denise had paid because she felt guilty for spending most of the weekend with Jill and Staci. She had also missed Jack's call on Sunday afternoon and was unable to get a hold of him until Algorithm's class on Monday. Jack had seemed a little distant, but warmed a bit just before he had to go to work. Denise had...

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CadeChapter 33 Harvest Time

The Farmer's Co-op gathered the fresh fruits and vegetables they grew over the summer and set up a Farmer's Market on Simon Beal's property, which was near town. The men spent every night building makeshift stands out of scrap lumber to hold the produce. Cade took Harley with him to help build the stands and set up the farmer's market. He noticed that Harley had an aptitude for building, and his heart swelled with pride. Everyone spent five or six Saturdays selling the produce each had...

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The Fuck Me Suit

It’s been less than a year since I’ve been married to my wife. Before we got hitched, she bought this blue jacket with matching skirt for work activities that required a more professional look. I was with her when she bought it, and I remember thinking that it made her look sexy. But I had no way of knowing at the time how it would affect our sex lives. Every time she wore it, we seemed to end up in some intense sexual act. Because of that, we just referring to it as “The fuck me suit.” She’s...

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The after party

Ok so its party time for us with a back to school theme, We leave the pub and you're in a very drunken state we get into a taxi and you put my hand on your thighs and start to push my hand up. . .we get into my place and sit on the sofa you climb on top of me so your boobs are in face you then take my hands down to your bum while I grip it tight and pull it towards me, I feel the wetness of your pussy and pull your frenchies to the side and start to finger your now very wet pussy from behind...

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Pati ke dost se chudwaya

Mera naam leena hai. Meri umar 32 yrs hai. I am a happily married woman. Mere mumme ka size 38 kamar 34 aur gaand 38 hai. Dekhne main main bahut sexy lagti hu. Jab main chalti hu to mere mamme jab hilte hai to logon ki nazar us par tiki rehti hai. Mere pati bahut acche hai (main unka naam nahin bataungi). Mujhe jee bhar kar chodte hai. Main bhi khub jharti hun. Who bhi apne lund ka pani meri pyasi chut main chodte hai lekin who hamesha ek hi pose main chodte hai. Unhe oral love bhi achha nahin...

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Whiskey Road 5

I lay there with Aden behind me in the spooning position. I felt the hardness of his cock as he slid it up and down between my meaty buttocks. I felt the heat of his breath on the back of my neck and my ear. I felt myself hardening again. He seemed hesitant to slip inside me. I turned my head as far as it could go so that I could see his face, his massive left arm wrapped around me, holding me in place.He looked at me as if he were in complete agony with desire. I knew then that he did not want...

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Im Not LisaChapter 3 Your Move Rance

It took him a while, but Rance finally phoned me and told me what was going on at his home. "His horse rolled on him when it stumbled and went down. Daddy was underneath and got his leg broke in three places and cracked two ribs. I've heard from people that he was lucky he wasn't killed. Just the same, he's busted up pretty good and won't be getting' around for another couple of months. I've been arrangin' some help for Mom and been fillin' in on the drive to move the herd up to...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 4

Part 4 The first night alone, together Before we came back to the apartment, Rajkumari instructed me to take two more cups of his fluids and give him two more of mine that night. She said, "Take one cup after two hours and one early in the morning one hour after you drink his piss." Immediately I corrected her with a "Please call it as his liquid and not piss" and she just laughed it off. Then I went to my apartment soon after and went to the toilet to relieve myself. Now a days,...

1 year ago
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For four months now we had been going out, and I knew that she was the one. Melissa was her name, although I called her Lissa. I was dating the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes upon - shoulder length deep brown hair, auburn eyes, a slender and delicate body. It was late, and we were cuddled together on my couch watching reruns of the old comedy series Get Smart. I asked her if she wanted anything in the kitchen, she replied no, but I went up and started striding toward the kitchen...

First Time
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Lucy and Caroline go shopping

Lucy Part 2-Shopping He knew something was wrong when he tried to open his eyes. They seemed not to want to open. As he moved his head over the pillow he felt an excruciating pain behind his eyes. "God! he thought and realised his tongue seemed to have disappeared. The whole of his mouth was bone dry and somewhere in there his tongue had merged into the arid expanse behind his lips. He tried to move but the effort proved too much. He forced his eyes open and looked around. "Where am I"...

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You are relaxing at home late one night when I call you into the bedroom. You walk in to find the room lite with candles and a present laying on the bed. I come up behind you, wrap my arms around you and start kissing your neck. Moving my hands all over you body, I slowly begin to strip you down enjoying every inch of your sexy body. Once I have you standing there naked in front of me, I whisper in your ear, "I think you have a present on the bed." You slowly move the bed and open the small box...

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Party Se Hotel Ke Bed Tak

Dear Friends, I am Ravi Pratap, 40, 5’8” well built body working in a company as Executive in Patna. I free time I used to chat on Yahoo Messenger and also very much like the sex stories. I read so many stories on HILMS as well as ISS site and also contributed three stories so far. I used to have role plays with my net girl friends. This is a story based on one of the role-play which I played few days back. It is just a fictitious story, but includes real type incidence which we both expressed...

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my therapist

While looking for a good Thai massage, I stumbled on this place by total luck. In a well known hotel... during my first visit, the hostess recommended a ther****t by name… some shorts moments later, while politely waiting in the reception, she appeared... a gorgeous Thai girl with piercing dark eyes and long black hair… medium height and very well polished... she greeted me with a shy smile and then turned around while asking me to follow her... she walked me to the treatment room… after taking...

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Breaking FreeChapter 4 At the studio

The following morning we were both up early, after a quiet breakfast we headed into the city. As Jessie drove us to the studio she kept glancing sideways at me, finally I turned to her. "What?" "Nothing" "Come on Jessie, something's bothering you, so what is it" "It's it's nothing Bobby" "If it's about us then just say it, if it's me then please tell me. Are you regretting what's happened between us? If you are then tell me, if you want me to leave then I guess I will, I...

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Kaise Main Ek Randi Ban Gayi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main ek randi ban gayi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail karte rahiye main apko aur bhi apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batungi. Ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par chat bhi karungi. Mujhe ek ladka hamesha hi line marta tha aur wo thoda rich tha aur mujhe wo awara lagta tha lekin wo rich tha isliye main...

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