Lydia's DreamChapter 10 free porn video

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Pam was standing in front of Cheryl's desk and gesturing with her hands while describing our run from the bull and scrambling up the ladder in the barn. Cheryl struggled to control her laughter.

"Oh, hi Tom. I was just telling Cheryl how we almost got our tails kicked by the bull."

I added, "Cheryl, I thought we were goners. Pam had already run me to death; but then I had to immediately turn and run up a hill and several hundred yards to escape certain death."

Just then Ron walked in and I introduced him to Pam. They shook hands.

"Pam, it's great to meet you. Tom has kept you a bit of a secret until this morning, but now the world knows about you. I'm very happy for both of you."

Pam replied, "It's been kind of a whirlwind relationship. We met only 10 days ago and I'm trying to learn what I got myself into. Maybe you two can tell me all his secrets and things I should know."

"Tom doesn't have secrets as far as I know," replied Ron. "There're no skeletons in his closet because he dumps them all on me and Cheryl every day." Everyone chuckled.

Cheryl added, "Tom is not shy about telling you what he's thinking, good or bad."

I broke up this "bash Tom" session by asking if everyone was ready to go.

As we drove the fifteen minutes to The Rusty Rudder, Pam gave Cheryl and Ron a brief overview of her background and they shared theirs with Pam. Ron had worked for our company for 30 years and was hired by Dad shortly after the first restaurant opened. Cheryl joined us 23 years ago and was also hired by him.

The lunch was good as usual. Pam had the grilled flounder. Cheryl and I had the sea bass and Ron had the jumbo Georgia wild-caught shrimp. A number of servers stopped by the table to meet Pam and she showed a genuine interest in them as they talked. I was very pleased with the way she interacted with everyone.

After coffee, we walked to the kitchen to meet and greet the cooking staff. Because of health regulations, we didn't shake hands with anyone but the greetings were all enthusiastic and personal. Pam told them how much she enjoyed the flounder.

I drove back to the office to drop off Ron and Cheryl and told them I'd be back after we picked up the turkey.

"Pam, bring Angel and follow me over to Gino's. It's only a couple of miles."

"Sure, but let me fill you in on a couple of things. The bank interview went well and Jason offered me a job for three days a week; so he wants me to be part-time. I'll have to work some Saturday mornings. Is that alright with you?"

"I expected that. This schedule would leave you time for the volunteer work you're talking about."

"That's what I was thinking but Saturdays are our time and I just wanted to be sure you're okay with me working some of the mornings."

"Yes, we can work around that. Thanks for being concerned. What else is going on?"

"I called mom and they're planning to come tomorrow evening and spend the weekend with us."

"That's fantastic, sweetheart! It'll be good for them to meet my parents and maybe we can get Rick and Donna over one day to meet them. I'm a little surprised Rudy could get off with such short notice."

"Mom said he was off this week anyway plus the plant is shutting down from Thursday through Sunday. Something about inventory control and giving employees the holiday off."

"Yeah, with this slow economy, all the car companies are taking down time. Even the VW plant here is going down for a few days. Did you call Wendy about lunch tomorrow?"

"Oh, yes. That was the other thing I wanted to tell you. She's invited me and several women from the church to her house for lunch. I promised to take a pasta salad."

"That's good. It'll give you a chance to talk and meet a lot of new friends. You'll probably be there all afternoon."

"I hope so. The ladies seemed really nice when I met them Sunday."

"Oh, I just remembered. Tomorrow is Wednesday. We have cleaning ladies that will come at 2:00 pm and they're usually there a couple of hours. They have a key and the security code so you don't need to be there."

"Tom, I was planning to clean everything later this afternoon. What a treat to have someone else do it. I see more reasons to love you every day." I laughed, got out and walked around to open her door.

She walked around to the parking lot behind the office and pulled Angel around to follow me.

Gino was there and working hard on Thanksgiving orders. He stopped long enough to greet us and ask about Mom and Dad. He also asked if we were still doing the turkeys for the homeless shelter lunch. I replied that we would always being doing those. The turkey I ordered was packaged and ready to go and I carried it to Angel.

"I'll be home at 6:30 tonight. I need to meet with a couple of employees late this afternoon."

"I'll have dinner ready for you. What about lasagna and salad?"

"Love it." We gently kissed and went our separate ways.

On the way back to the office, I stopped at the bank and signed the forms to add Pam to my credit card account. They assured me she would have a card within a few days. While I was there, I picked up the form for her to open a checking account. My plan was to move a significant sum of money into her personal account so she wouldn't have to ask for money every time she needed it. She would also need to direct deposit her bank salary into that account.

As soon as I returned to the office, I called Dad.

"Hey son. Thanks for calling."

"Are you unpacked and settled in?"

"A little. I think Sarah has washed two loads already."

"I picked up the turkey and Gino said to give you his best. He was busy, to say the least."

"I think he's stays busy. Good quality always trumps low price with people who can tell the difference."

"What was it that you wanted to bounce off me?"

"Tom, I've had a lot of time to think during the cruises these past two months. One thing I've been mulling over is a concept for a new restaurant."

"Oh, that's interesting. You're coming out of retirement?"

"Yes, for a few years. I need to get back to work. Don't worry, you're mom is okay with it."


"Here's the 'Cliff Notes' version. It would be a restaurant based on the cuisine of the premium restaurants on big cruise ships. I've been impressed with so many of them that I think we could put together a theme restaurant that simulates that experience. I think it would sell well year round."

"This would be a more upscale restaurant ... a jacket and tie kind of place?"

"Yes. The whole experience would be one of elegance and ultra fine dining with tableside preparation by servers in formal attire. It would be one that's worthy of a special trip, even from Atlanta and Nashville."

"Would you create the menu?"

"Yes, but I have a good start on that. Most of the cruise lines sell cookbooks that feature their offerings along with the recipes. What I'd like to do is to develop the concept and a business plan and then go meet with reps from the cruise lines to explain my ideas. If they agree, we would use their recipes and note on the menu which cruise line originated it. We could also give out a loose sheet in each menu giving the websites for each cruise line so people could check them out."

"But wouldn't that look like we're advertising them?"

"Well, that is a risk but I think we can work around it."

"What if the cruise lines say no and we can't use their recipes?"

"Then, I'll develop them using their recipes for inspiration. The food will be great, no matter which way I go, but the concept is what I need you to think about."

"You know, the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking is next April. You want to do a specialty dinner at Bistro serving some of their menu items? We could dry run your concept and dress all our servers up in formal attire and ask guests to wear jacket and tie for a change."

"I think you're on to something. Let's do it. The last meal served before the collision is well known and I think I have all those recipes somewhere."

"The overall concept is an intriguing idea. There's nothing like it anywhere as far as I know. What location are you thinking about?"

"That's what's really interesting. You know the old Signal Mountain Lodge property up near you?"

"Yes, but it's not on the market as far as I know."

"Not officially. I received an email a few days ago from a loan office at their bank. It's been foreclosed and the bank now has it. He said the owner had passed away and the estate refused to pay off the balance. They want to do a quick deal."

"How much do they want?"

"One million dollars."

"How much land is there?"

"Almost five acres and, as you know, it has a nice view of the Chattanooga skyline and the valley."

"That seems to be a very good price. It's already zoned commercially, and with five acres, there would be plenty of room for parking and a nice garden. Maybe we could develop an upscale place for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events and the like."


"Why don't we put in an offer for $900,000 and see what they say? Even if we don't build a new restaurant, that land alone is worth the money."

"I agree. I'll give them a call and see what they say. But you're willing to go in with me for the full million if they hold firm, right?"

"That's right."

"Another subject ... I decided to call Brett this morning and he got back to me a few minutes ago. He wants to see you, Pam and the book. He wants you to call him at his house tonight and he'll work with you to get that book into the proper hands." Dad gave me his home phone number.

"Now what was this about a contest you want me to judge?"

"I've challenged the chefs at each of the restaurants to develop new menu offerings using non-traditional meats or fish. Each team will develop two dishes and the winning team will be given two extra paid vacation days. I want you to judge the contest along with someone else that I'll name later. In fact, I want you to offer up names for the second judge."

"That sounds like fun. Would there be like a points system based on taste, presentation, side dishes and so on?"

"Yes, also wine parings that they must specify."

"Good idea. Put me down for that. Should be fun."

"Now you know that Tim, Judy and Bill are all going to politic with you."

"Of course, I'd do the same thing. But that doesn't work with me."

"Good. That's all I had. Let me know what the bank says."

"I'll give you a call tonight or tomorrow."

After Dad hung up, I called Pam. "Hey sweetheart, the plan is that I'll call the district attorney tonight and we'll make arrangements to get the book to him. Dad talked to him and he's very willing to help."

"I'll be so relieved when it's out of my control."

"Also, I've been thinking about this weekend with your mom and Rudy. Has she been to Chattanooga before?"

"I don't recall that she has. Why?"

"I was thinking about taking them to the aquarium downtown and also driving up on Lookout Mountain. Of course, there's also Rock City and all the shops around here she might enjoy."

"All of that sounds like fun. Let's talk about it tonight and make our plans. By the way, I called Jason and accepted his offer. He wants me to work Monday through Wednesday next week to start training. I'd be off the rest of the week. That'll give me a chance to take your mom down to the shelters so she can introduce me."

"Sounds like a great plan to me. You might also want to call the admissions office at the university to see what they say about an application and when you could begin once you're accepted."

"Good idea. I'll do that now."

"Okay, see you tonight around 6:30 or so."

"I love you, Tom."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

The rest of the day went quickly. I met two of the employees that afternoon at Bistro. At each meeting, I asked them to a private meeting room and discussed everything that had happened between us. I apologized for my actions toward them and the anger I displayed over some incidents that were not their fault. They listened and said they understood and appreciated the apology. I assured them they were doing a superb job for us and that I had very high value for their skills and positive attitude. Both employees seemed very pleased.

Arriving home, I found Pam had the table set with a glorious bottle of Tuscan open and breathing. The lasagna smelled delicious. She had also stopped at a bakery and purchased a French baguette.

"You found the wine cellar I see."

"Yes, it's huge. But you don't have that many bottles cellared."

"I haven't purchased any in four or five years so the inventory is down. Maybe we can go wine buying one Saturday."

"Let's do it."

"What are you favorite varietals?"

"I love California cabs and Central Coast pinot noir. I also like grenache and syrah. In all honesty, most any red is fine with me. I'm not so much into whites except with fish."

The lasagna was as good as it smelled. I could get addicted to this lady's cooking.

"While I was exploring downstairs, I also saw your office and the theater. Can we watch a movie tonight?"

"Of course. I have a fairly good collection you can choose from. It's also tied into Netflix through the Internet."

"I called the admissions office and they confirmed what I thought would be the case. It's too late to apply for entry in the next semester so I'll have to wait until next spring to apply for the fall semester. They're mailing me an application."

"That might be for the best. You have a lot on your plate right now with everything being new to you. I'm concerned about dumping too much on you."

She reached for my hand. "Thanks sweetheart, but don't worry about me. I'm tough!"

After we ate and cleaned up the kitchen, I called Brett and put him on speaker.


"Hi Brett, this is Tom Sumter."

"Hey Tom. I was surprised to hear from Jim this morning. I haven't see him in a few years."

"Brett, we need to get together for dinner one evening. How's Lois doing?"

"She's the same, full of herself and having a great time spoiling the grandkids. Your dad said you have a new lady in your life."

"Yeah, she's on the call with me now. Her name is Pamela Davis and she's from the Greenville, South Carolina area. Pamela, this is Brett Johnson, our district attorney."

"Brett, it's wonderful to talk to you, sir. I hope we can meet soon."

"Pamela, it's my pleasure. I've known Tom and his parents forever, it seems, and you'll not find a better family."

"Thank you sir. I'm learning that."

"Tom, your dad indicated that you two might need some assistance. What can I do for you?"

"Brett, Pamela dated a policeman in Charlotte for a few months and discovered a book in his clothes drawer with names, phone numbers and symbols. She accidentally damaged it when opening the drawer to put his underwear away. She looked through it and, when he noticed that evening that it had been damaged, he beat her up pretty bad because she had seen it. He threatened to kill her if she ever touched it again.

"She fled the next morning and took the book with her for revenge. He was arrested a few days ago for theft and sale of drugs from the evidence locker. He's now out on bail and we think this book is important enough for him to be looking for her. His name is John Cramer."

"Would he have any idea that she's with you?"


"Good. What I suggest is that you turn it over to me in the office. I'll issue a receipt for it and make arrangements with the Charlotte district attorney. We'll send it up by courier to him or her. It could be very important to their investigation."

"I'll come by your place tomorrow. You're still in the courthouse, aren't you?"

"Yeah, same old place. Pamela, it's great to talk to you."

"And to you, sir."

After the call, we went downstairs to the theater room. Pam picked "Sleepless in Seattle." It's a story about a man whose wife died and he moved from Chicago to Seattle with his young son to escape the grief. But after 18 months, he was still grieving and couldn't sleep. His son encouraged him to find a new wife even though he had not even thought about dating again. His son convinced him to call a radio talk show on Christmas Eve and he ended up pouring his heart out about his marriage and how much he missed her. A woman who heard the show was infatuated with the guy and fell in love with him based solely on his story. She wrote to him proposing they meet at the top of the Empire State Building. They did and fell in love.

I knew exactly how this guy felt.

After the movie began, it wasn't long before Pam was cuddling in my lap as we watched the big screen. The cinema chairs were very large and easily accommodated both of us as we cuddled.

I unbuttoned and reached inside her blouse and under her bra to feel the warm soft flesh. Since the bra was tight, I asked her to sit up while I reached under the back of the blouse to release the hooks. She leaned back into my chest and sat between my legs as I reached around and under the loose cups to massage both breasts.

Her head was leaning back against the top of my chest and the fragrance of her perfume aroused my senses. Her moaning began as I played with her nipples, gently rolling them between my fingers.

I slid my hands down her sides and across her warm toned stomach. She moaned louder as I slid one hand down under her trouser belt and under her panty waistband. Pam squirmed and moaned until her relief came. It was a great way to watch a movie.

"Good morning sweetheart."

I struggled to open my eyes. "Good morning to you, I think. Why are you up so early?"

She handed me coffee and slid under the covers next to me with her cup.

"I had another dream," she said.

"Oh, was it Lydia again?"

"No, it was just a weird dream, I think. It was a voice speaking to me."

"What do you remember about it?"

"It told me that I have another sister. Now, as I told you, I knew they had another baby from overhearing my parents talking one time. I just assumed it had died from the way they talked and cried about it. The voice implied that she's alive."

"Did you recognize the voice?"


"Is that all you heard?"

"Yes, it was a clear voice in my dream that said, 'You have another sister'."

"Maybe your mom told you about her when you were young and your mind is just now remembering it? Our minds do that sometimes. An ancient thought just comes back."

"Maybe, but I don't think so. I don't remember mom saying anything directly to me. The voice never gave me a name or anything about her other than she's my sister."

"Let's see. Assuming this was a real message, you said she was born before your parents were married. That means she would be a couple of years or so older than Jerri."

"That's right. Jerri was born only a year after my parents were married. I came along two years later. This other sister would be 27 or 28 at most."

"That age matches up to Niki Lee."

"I know. That was my first thought. Who else looks so much like me and to some degree, Jerri? There's a chance it's her."

"Did any of the information online about Niki indicate she was adopted?"

"No, but I don't think that kind of personal information would ever be publicized."

"Do you want to ask your mom about this? Maybe your dream was not a real message."

"You mean my brain somehow made it up?"

"Yes, or retrieved it from your memory. I know I dream about extraordinary things that are not real. Maybe something I saw on TV or read about caused my brain to make up a dream. Before you believe the dream is a real message, it should be confirmed by your mom."

"Just like when you confirmed what Lydia told me about you two having sex on Angel."

"And like you confirmed with the heat pump switch, the dream of your dad telling you to flee Charlotte and my dreaming your name was Pam before you told me."

"Also, when Lydia dreamed that you and I would meet for the first time in the cabin on your birthday."

"That's right. All of those dreams were authentic messages because they actually did happen."

"Tom, how can I approach Mom with such a sensitive and personal question? I don't want to embarrass her or risk hurting her. I've hurt her too much already."

"I don't know Pam. Maybe sometime this weekend an opportunity will arise. But if not, what difference does it really make? So what if you have another sister and she is Niki Lee. Does it change anything?"

"I suppose it doesn't but I'd still like to know. Wouldn't you like to know if you had another brother or sister?"

"I suppose."

"Let me think about it. I really want to know but knowing may be worse that not knowing."

"Let's get some breakfast and go for our jog."

After bowls of cereal, we ran two laps or four miles through our neighborhood and the two others adjacent to ours. It was another beautiful morning and the sunrise was spectacular as it's rays slowly spread over the valley.

We compared plans for the day. Pam was going shopping for food we would need over the weekend and then to Wendy's house for lunch. Her mom and Rudy would arrive around dinnertime and we planned to grill steaks on the patio. Pam asked if she could get her nails done at a shop Donna recommended.

"Pam, please don't feel you have to ask my permission to do things like that. Just do it, sweetheart."

"But I'm spending your money and I want you to be okay with that."

"Pam, it's not my money. It's our money. We are in this together, sweetheart. I'm not ever going to criticize you for spending money. I've added you to my VISA credit card account and you'll have your own card in the next few days. I also brought home the forms for you to open a checking account. My plan is to move money into your account to give you a ready source of funds for anything you want."

"I had no idea you were planning that."

"It's just not come up yet but I've been intending to tell you."

"Tom, are you, I mean we, rich?" We both smiled.

"Pam, thanks to a large inheritance from my grandfather and our business, we're comfortable. Please don't worry about money."

"What did your grandfather do?"

"Well, the money mostly came from his father. During the collapse of the stock market in 1929, he bought stocks after they collapsed. He wisely figured that many major companies would survive and thrive after the depression eased. He bought railroad stocks, GE, General Motors and DuPont. And when WWII broke out and again with the major expansion in the late 40's, he became very rich as those stock prices boomed."

"He was very intelligent."

"Yes and he was patient. He made a plan and stuck with it over many years. My grandfather was his only heir and he also was very wise at investing. He bought land with his dad along the new TVA lakes when they first came on the market in the late 30's and early 40's. At that time, not many people were thinking about lake front lots since they were more focused on putting food on the table and fighting a war. Dad still owns thousands of undeveloped acres along Chickamauga and Watts Bar Lakes.

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EMT Eddie called a half hour later. He listened to the story, then said he needed to think about it some more. I was glad that he didn't waste my time. It was less than an hour later when the Cable guy called. "I am supposed to install cable to one of your apartments, and the lady doesn't answer her phone," The cable guy explained. "I know come on in. I'll get you started." I tripped the electric lock, but only after I checked him out with my on line camera. Since there was just one...

4 years ago
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Let it snow

The sun is high, reverberating on the fresh snow at the sides of the road. Seeing were he was headed, had started to get really difficult for Ethan since the clouds had parted. Fortunately, they have finally arrived. It had been snowing for the whole night, so the area surrounding Isaac's cabin seems all the same. The letterbox is the only hint of where the driveway is, under that thick white blanket. "Dude, we have to shovel all this snow here as soon as possible or people won't be able to...

2 years ago
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We met on a sex site after all transcript

you currently appear offlineI sent a pic as a file here on the IMI've just logged in to messenger...Oh..that's where I was talking to you froma smile for you...for some strange reason I can use messenger through my email interface...Very nice!...thank youI'll send you some picsI hope i didn't shock you!!*laughs*I have your picture before me... the floral B/W numberOf course the hair!!*blushes*I sent a few pics by emailthat is so lovely of you...These pics aren't on any...

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Otaku Heaven

Welcome Otaku to heaven, or close enough to it. No your not dead, nor are you really alive. Just think of all this as in between life for now. Because right now your in a nexus of sorts between all the world's of anime. There are far more than there are writers in the universe, but for those which have writers, there are doors before you leading to your favorite Anime all acrossed the metaverse.

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The Ballet Mistress Part 3

Hi guys it’s Anna again I’m ready to let you into a few more secrets of my dance life. As a ballet mistress you have to be strong willed and able to control groups of students, getting young people to behave as you want them can be challenging, especially the older teenagers. I have had a lot of experience of disciplining my pupils I have to be strict and sometimes have run ins with irate parents but, it’s all part of the job I know there’s a line I cannot cross when it comes to maintaining...

3 years ago
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Being a Bride

The alarm went off and I turned over in bed, I could not believe the day had finally come. I slipped out of bed and adjusted my satin night dress, fixed one of the spaghetti straps on my shoulder and covered one of my breasts that was exposed.In the kitchen I got myself a juice and croissant and sat at the table.My thoughts went back several months to my first meeting with Steve, I had signed up to a website that helped crossdressers like me hook up with men who wanted to be with people like...

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Teddys WorldChapter 27 And The Witnesses Were Saying

“Well gentlemen we have witnesses that claim you started all that trouble at the club. Now you can help yourself out by telling us what you were really doing there. I will put in a good word with the D.A. if are just honest, as we are here and we really want to help you. You can only help yourself by being honest, as we have enough evidence to hold you right now.” Det. Sipowicz informed us. My Dad and I looked at each other and with a nod I said. “We need to make a phone call to our Lawyer...

1 year ago
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My Shallow Regret Chapter 3 Kisses

Three hours went by before my mom finally knocked on my door, breaking up my research session. "I brought your suit up," she said through the closed door. "You should probably get ready. People will be arriving soon." "Thanks," I said, as I opened the door to get my bikini from her. "You've been awfully quiet up here," she said. "Is everything alright?" "Yeah, everything's fine mom," I said, lying through my teeth. "Just catching up on my reading." "OK, well get dressed and...

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MILFS Gone Wild Chapter 1

It's 24:00 am in the morning. The Hilton hotel in New York city is silent untill the sound of a key which is being inserted in the lock of a room breaks the silence. Two gorgeous women in their fourties, one brunette and one blonde enter the room.Rachel: I feel like a teenager again! I haven't had this much fan since....FOREVER!!!Cynthia: Don't you go out with your husband?Rachel: Business dinners with foreign businessmen aren't exactly the definition of fun and even these are rare. I've spent...

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Conversion to BBC

The video screen flashed through another set of interracial pictures of white pussies stretched around thick black cocks, white women's mouths sucking on giant black dongs, interracial couplings all featuring the largest darkest dicks Heather had ever seen. The music was low toned and rhythmic and reminded her of old school techno; all of it was mixed with different girls' voices often repeating the same messages that flashed on the screen in between videos and images.I LOVE BLACK COCKBLACK MEN...

1 year ago
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another surprise

At Home bored I get up to go to the gym I open the door & my home girl is walking up. I we hug & say are hii I told I said "u cought me at a good I was going to the gym". I tell her to come in we sit in the living room I sit on 1 couch nd she sits on the other we start doing some catching up talking bout the old days. She then says "I always had a crush on & I was to scared to be with you cause you always had a girl" I laughed & said "I aways liked you to I just didn't try to...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 23

Cockatoo Part 23 I love feedback [email protected] Twitter @nikkie_silk Jandaeng was wearing a pair of those mirror aviator sunglasses beloved of all Asian movie heavies. It obviously meant I couldn't see his eyes, but even if I could see them, I guessed I wouldn't learn much. He let me stew for a few minutes, hoping that I would say something to fill in the silence following his remarks about Tony. I said nothing, not willing to give away anything that Jandaeng didn't...

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Mrs claus and the elves

Just a quick story for the festive season.As all the elves were loading up the sleigh for santa to head off delivering presents they were all smiling and happy. Santa thought this was because they were full of festive cheer or maybe they were just happy to have a rest from making toys. What santa didnt know was that all the elves had decided that once the fat man had gone to empty his toy sack they were going to use mrs claus to empty their ball sacks.Mrs claus was always wearing skirts and...

3 years ago
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My Calendar for KettieChapter 4

November 30, 2013 In the morning I went to go out for breakfast and at the spot Marianne stopped I saw she upchucked her lunch and probably all my cum. I didn't know if it was gagging, the cum (the thought of it) that made her sick, or personal revulsion. In Saturday's mail I got a registered letter informing me that my closing would be Tuesday at 4:00 pm at the McCrea Gates Clubhouse. Apparently there were other closings being conducted and their lawyers, as well as mine were involved in...

3 years ago
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Vidya Maami 8211 The Begining

Mi rajiv, age 35. Business man aahe. Mazhi maami vidhya. 40-42 age asel ticha. Agdi purvi pasun jasta shahni ashi mazhi maami. Maami mhanje majya aai chya mama chi mulgi ani majhya mama chi baiko. Khara sangava tar mala hi mahit nahi mala kevha pasun tichi odh laagi aahe. Khup lahan astana, jevha ti majhi maami nhavti fakta mavsgu hoti, tichya bajula zoplo hoto. Ratri jaag aali tevha tichi ughdi mandi majhya mandi var hoti. Barach vel haath firavun zhopun gelo. Baaki kaahi karaychi na himmat...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 10

I woke up being nearly smothered by good smelling women. The weight on my stomach was Tiani, and Brandy was on one of my shoulders. The other shoulder held Nancy, who was whispering in my ear, "I love you, Chuck. Please make me a mommy again. Please, Chuck. Let me give my mom another grand baby." I kissed Nancy and told her, "Let it happen when it happens. Let's not force anything and let this next one come on his or her own." "But this is the perfect time to do to it, Chuck. It'll...

2 years ago
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Lactation Room by loyalsock

CRASH!!! "What the hell was that," Andy Ozinski said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room! The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff were out to lunch, and Andy wondered who could possibly using the vacant office at this hour. Well who ever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there, so Andy put his ear to the door, listened for a few moments, and then slowly turned the handle and pushed into the supposedly empty...

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Role play

I use to date this very innocent looking woman but innocent she wasn't. That woman had a wild streak. She dressed very conserved, business suit that never showed off her body. But once that front door closed and she was wild. She loved to role play mostly the hooker/John role. So here is one of those times.I come home from work and do my usual, snack on something and take a shower. But as I come out of the shower I see a note on the mirror telling me to dry off and go to the basement.Towel...

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I shouldn't have been surprised that that my ex-lovers' husbands and I got on so well together. My exes all married late enough that they and their husbands took it for granted there'd been others before them, and realized from their own experiences that usually, ex means ex. They could see that I was truly happy for any ex who'd found more permanent happiness. And any woman who'd found me appealing was likely to favor intelligent middle-class guys with wide-ranging interests and a sense...

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The Long Hot Summer

It was already hot,so hot that Jim felt as though he might melt into the pavement the one thing that kept him feeling half way cool was that he was going to see his girlfriend May at the Soda Fountian. Jim arrainged to have the next two weeks off from work and he couldn't wait to tell May that they could go on a trip that she dreamed about. When Jim arrived at the Soda Fountian May was there waiting for him. Hurring in Jim sat down accross from May and told her about the two week vacation that...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Krissy Lynn LaSirena69 Genie Wishes Vol 2 E3

Donnie (Donnie Rock) finds that he can’t use his third wish to wish for 3 more wishes so he does the next best thing… he wishes for a hot, sexy MILF (Krissy Lynn) with big tits. His genie (La Serena 69) asks if she can watch the fun and Donnie happily agrees. As she snaps her fingers, a gorgeous MILF appears and goes right to work on Donnie’s cock. La Serena 69 watches and becomes so horny that she grants her own wish and conjures up a handsome exotic stud (Ramon Nomar). These sexy sluts suck...

1 year ago
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Private Bella Rico Anya Krey English Class Gone Wild

Bella Rico and Anya Krey have come to Private Specials, Spanish Señoritas for an English class with teacher Sam Bourne, however, with the sexual tension so high, this is one language lesson that is about to get wild! Cock-sucking, pussy eating and good quality fucking is on the curriculum today as both sexy girls get hands on and taste each other’s pussies before the lucky Sam joins in for a double blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action on where Bella and Anya take turns...

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DevilsFilm Kat Dior That Pervy Neighbor Of Mine

Kat Dior is checking her mail when she sees that her neighbor, Danny Mountain, is walking by. She immediately pulls at her top so that one of her breasts becomes visible, and makes sure that Danny sees it as she waves to him. As the days go by, Kat continues to find ways to flaunt her hot body for Danny. When he visits her so they can hang out, she answers the door in only a towel, pretending that she was just about to take a shower. She also gets ‘stuck’ in her sexy lingerie and...

2 years ago
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Whatever Lola WantsChapter 3

“Um, sorry, Mrs. Vandekamp. I thought that you wouldn’t back so soon. In my defense, Martin is of age. This must be your gentleman caller,” Lola did her best at damage control, albeit nervously. “Yeah, that’s pretty clear! Look, damn, I know that I’m not Miss Popular Mom at home. I’ve done some ... harsh things and even crazy ones. I’m well aware of my failings. I think that I’ve been a bit too hard on Martin, for instance. I’ve been far too quick to blame him and other guys and punish them...

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Fucked My Client8217s Friend

Hi, im raj from chennai im going to share another experience which happened with a horny chennai lady a week before. Any ladies need my service can contact me at This story happened with one of my clients friend. My client introduced me to her friend meena (name changed). Then we both talked very nicely about everything and fixed an appoinment and left the place. On saturday eve we met in her home where her husband and childrens went to their native place. She was 35years with 36-34-36 body...

4 years ago
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Letter from Topeka

LETTER FROM TOPEKADear Shoeblossom:I come home from work, pulling up in my BMW Z4 Roadster, and the paper boy greets me respectfully ?Mr. Wegg, how are you?? I grin at him. Yes, Palmer Wegg is a hot shot in this thriving Midwestern city? and when I go in the house I am pleased to see my pretty wife Zenobia relaxing on the divan.?Hello, Pom.? She greets me, smiling. ?The kids are away for three days with my parents, and so we have a bit of alone time.? Zee smiles and my cock hardens in the...

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Captian FeatherSword II

Captian FeatherSword II. I am penning this tale after the begging of some coworkers. Nancy gets a shot to return to her past life. Hello everyone. My name is Nancy Boyd. I was just finishing up my shift at Java Joe's Coffee Shop. Just before I was about to leave, a man walked in wearing an ill fitting grey suit. The suit looked a few sizes too big for him. He ordered coffee and pie. After he ate the the pie and drinking his coffee, he said, "Nancy, I will walk you home. I know...

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My Mistress

Last night my Mistress and I hit new heights (lows?) of debauchery.The evening started simply enough with dinner, after which my Mistress asked me to fetch my collar and leash. I was told to get naked, and she put the collar on me. It was a little tight: not uncomfortably so, but just enough that if she pulled on the leash, the collar choked me and made my head swim. My Mistress sat cross-legged on the couch. She forced me to my knees and had me worship her boots, kissing them from bottom...

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A walk in the woods part 3

So I went to pic up the next guy, He was abour 40-45 years old walking his dog (golden retriever). I walked towards him, petted his dog (cutest one i've seen in a while) and asked him what he was interested in. He told me he wanted a blowjob and cum in my mouth. I told him it was fine but if he wanted he could cum in my pussy for the same price. ofcourse he didn't hesitate and agreed to it.He was the first guy not to ask any questions about why I was doing this, he just followed me to my spot,...

2 years ago
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The Best Convention Ever

The National Education Convention is crowded, as usual, but I’m especially excited to be here this year. I love this town, and I’m looking forward to spending some time with a friend while I’m at the conference. I can hardly wait for that, but first I have to take care of real business. I hoist the heavy canvas tote bag higher up on my shoulder and scan the packed ballroom for a place to sit. Once again, I’m unable to find a seat in the session I’d like to attend. I struggle to disguise my...

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GangbangCreampie Savana Styles G94

Finally the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The GangBang, and Creampie of our lovely Savana. We don’t have much time to shoot the shit before we get rolling. She’s on the pedestal, she’s got that ass up, she’s got that big smile on her face. She’s ready, she’s ready to get filled and fucked and that’s what she’s gonna get. The #Cocksmen make short work of that outfit and waste no time getting that big gorgeous booty out in the open...

1 year ago
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Looking at the wife

Mike married Jean right out of school. He was ten years older and loved how sexy she was. He fucked her often her last two years of school. About a year after they were married he began to change. He wanted her to dress just in the clothes he bought her which were like what a street whore would wear. The tops were either tight or almost see through and the skirts were very short. He bought her no underwear and if he did they were scant and crotchless. He bought her clothes all the time and made...

4 years ago
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Series Sex With My FWB Part One Orally Pleasuri

Series- Sex with My FWB:Part One: Orally Pleasuring the Balls of My FWB. !I had a married FWB ( Friend with Benefits ), that I would meet up with occasionally for some sexual fun. He would get a motel room and we would spend all afternoon until early evening together exploring each other's bodies and fucking like banshees until it was time to go home to our prospective spouses. He especially enjoyed my oral skills on his balls . He would always ask me to lick and suck on his balls, as his...

3 years ago
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Karas Lawyer

He’s gorgeous, Kara Stevens thought, her eyes focusing in on a man in a dark gray Armani suit, crisp white shirt, and red power tie. His slightly curly auburn hair was stylishly rumpled as though he had just run his hands through it and his arresting green eyes were stressed. The perfectly tailored suit accentuated his rippling muscles as he purposefully strode down the sidewalk, briefcase in hand. There was no doubt about it, she had to meet him. As Kara passed him, her arm brushed against him...

2 years ago
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His Massage

It had been a long time since Jo had sex and he decided to go to the erotic massage parlor. He walked in and the receptionist was dressed almost naked. Her thin top did nothing but show the outline of her big tits and nipples. He could see the dark rings around each nipple. She was gorgeous. She got him signed in and took him down the hall to a room. He watched her ass swing as she walked in front of him. At the room she told him to get undressed and lie on his stomach on the table with the...

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PART - 45 TRIPLE FUCK FUN I always keep a touch with Anju (my husband's former girlfriend) by sending and receiving regular mails. She is a very good lady and I always feel sorry for her because she is not able to get sexual satisfaction from her husband. She is our next door neighbor of my in law's house. Her husband is like an important and he is not able to fuck her. He finishes every time on her pussy lips, whenever he tries to fuck her. My husband was the only man who could satisfy...

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Wild FireChapter 4

While Ty helped Boothe load a packmule with their supplies, Willah and Mejesse closed the window shutters and fastened the door, to keep the varmints out. Within the hour after eating breakfast, they were on their way upstream on Willow Creek. When they came to the clearing where Wild Fire and his herd of horses had killed the wolves, they saw the horses through the trees. “I want to see if he will come to me again,” Willah told them, putting her fingers to her lips. Hearing her whistle,...

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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 16

Trapped and Trained Ch. 16I slowly opened my eyes, feeling how heavy my eyelids were and how cloudy my vision seemed. I was drowsy, as if I was fighting a bad hangover and still a bit drunk from the night before. I didn't know where I was - it certainly wasn't the room I had fallen asleep in, my last memory being drinking some fluid that was supposed to offset the chemical imbalance in my system that was causing a need for me to ingest cum. I shuttered as the vivid details from the night before...

3 years ago
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The Last Goodbye

The smell of coffee for some people is an aphrodisiac and when you're a trauma surgeon and an ICU nurse coffee is life. When we bleed it's not red, but rather it’s brown.It's Friday morning and I picked up an extra shift in the ER for a coworker today, so she could spend time with her family.Quietly as possible, so as not to wake my husband, I tip-toed out of bed while he slept, so I could have ten minutes, by myself, to drink a cup of coffee outside on the patio, before I took my shower.Our...

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70 year old cocks fucks 21 year old asshole

I've published the first story about this so you should know about me and my 21 year old pussy boy. If you haven't read it yet, go read it. He is 21 and I'm 70 years old, I'm almost 71. I will continue write about our experiences because I love to fuck his tight beautiful young ass. I will write about our sexual experiences and what we do when we fuck. I am also looking for a nice grandma to fuck so feel free to talk to me if you are one or know someone. On to the story..I woke up feeling...

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Getting Sis Pregnant Chapter 2

"I'm glad you agreed to show me around town, Chris. I have been wanting to talk to you alone," Anna said."I wanted to ask you something too Anna," I said."You go first then, Chris. What did you want to ask me?""Well, it's about this new you, to be honest. I mean before you left, you and I barely recognized each other's existence. We didn't fight, but we didn't talk either. We just happened to live in the same house together."But since you've been back, it's like I'm an old...


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