Lydia and Andrew Chapter One
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Lydia was walking in to the front door of her apartment with the shopping. She held one bag of groceries in her hand, using the other to text her daughter, Sulama.
She didn’t even know what had hit her. The shopping fell from her hand, the contents scattering loosely across the floor. She looked up with shock to see a tall, middle aged gentleman wearing a pint striped suit. He was wearing black rimmed glasses, was thin and had a receding hairline, the front of his forehead clearly visible, with strands of grey interspersed with the natural light brown of his remaining hair.
“Sorry. I should really look where I’m going,” he said, bending forwards to help pick up items of fruit and vegetables which lay scattered on the concrete landing.
“Oh….it’s er…OK,” Lydia smiled nervously as she bent down to pick up the remaining items of shopping.
“I’m sorry we had to meet this way. I’m Andrew. I’ve just moved into number six.”
“Lydia. I live in number 12. Don’t worry. It’s been nice to meet you. Anyway, I’d better get inside.”
“Ok. Well maybe I’ll see you round”
Andrew smiled and then turned to continue walking up the stairs to his own apartment. Lydia paused for a moment before retrieving her keys from her coat pocket and turning to open her front door.
“What a nice man,” Lydia thought to herself as she turned the key and entered.
She had no sooner packed the shopping away than her phone made a ‘ping’ sound, indicating that her eldest daughter, Sulama, had responded to her earlier text. She walked to the kitchen table and picked up the phone, before pressing a few buttons and opening the message.
“I’ll be over at 8. Looking forward to it,” it said
She closed the message and then realised that she would have to go and pick up her young son, Robert from school. He was twelve, his father Gerard being the only partner Lydia had had since the father of her two daughters, Sulama and Shaahira, had gone to prison for a brutal murder almost fifteen years ago. Gerard himself had died of a heart attack at the age of seventy, eight years ago.
Lydia had become used to her own routine. She was forty four years of age and still took care of her appearance. She still had an impressively slim figure and black hair, which reached just beyond her shoulders. Her face showed the lines of years of having to bring up three children largely single handed, as well as the trauma of losing two husbands.
Munner bin Fareed had swept her off her feet when she was only sixteen, and they were married shortly afterwards. He was Moroccan and had seemed romantic, dark and mysterious. It was only a matter of moths into their marriage however, that she ended up on the receiving end of his furious temper. He thought nothing of sleeping round with other women and, with the birth of their two daughters, Lydia had to separate from him to protect herself and the children. He later helped his sister murder her husband and lover, who were having a torrid affair behind his sisters back.
Shortly after Munner went to prison, Gerard Meo, a rich sixty five year old businessman, took an instant shine to Lydia. She was flattered and, even though she was only thirty at the time, the age gap didn’t seem to matter. She had Robert, before Gerard’s untimely heart attack.
Lydia picked up her car keys and walked out the front door.
When she picked up Robert from school and returned to the apartment, she was surprised to see Andrew walking down the stairs once again.
“Oh. Hi there,” he waved.
Lydia smiled back.
“Is that your new boyfriend?” Robert asked with a cheeky smile.
“No it certainly is not. Less of your cheek!”
Robert laughed as they both went into the apartment and Lydia shut the door.
Sulama stood outside the apartment and rang the bell. She had long, dark hair. She was already several months pregnant by her husband Kent, the bump of her soon to be born already clearly evident.
“Hi, come on in,” Lydia said on opening the door.
Sulama walked in, hugged her mother and walked towards the living room, leaving her handbag on the coffee table in front of her as she gently lowered herself onto the couch.
“I’ve made coffee if you want any?”
“Thanks mum. That’d be great”
Lydia brought two steaming mugs through and sat next to Sulama.
“So how are you and Kent looking forward to the birth?”
“Well, how can you really prepare for such a big event? We’ve got nappies, got a plan for when I go into labour, started talking about baby names….what else can we do?”
“You know I’m really proud of you. After everything with your father, you could have gone in the wrong direction. I’m just glad you’ve found happiness with a man you really love.”
Sulama pursed her lips before speaking.
“What about you though mum? I want you to be happy. Robert isn’t going to be around forever. He’ll leave home when he’s older and then what? You’ll be stuck in his place with no-one around.”
“Well thanks!” Lydia responded with mock dismay.
“You know what I mean. Everyone gets lonely. You don’t get out much. You should get out more and have some fun. Aren’t there any guys you have your eyes on?”
Lydia laughed.
“What? What is it? Sulama smiled broadly.
“That’s exactly what I used to say to you when you were younger. Shaahira was always the wild one. You always just wanted to hang around the house. I had to try and find new and ingenious ways to get rid of you so I could get some space!”
“Now it’s my turn to ask for thanks!” Sulama let herself fall against the back of the sofa laughing.
“Anyway….I’m forty four now. I’m not exactly a spring chicken. You have your whole life in front of you. I’ve lived enough experiences to fill two lifetimes and I just want to rest and do without the hassle.”
They sat chatting for a couple more hours before Sulama got up to leave.
“You need plenty of rest now in your condition. You get tired easily so just take I easy OK?”
“Can you stop worrying mum?? I’ll be fine. I’ve got Kent to do all the shopping, cooking and cleaning and stuff, so I just put up my feet and relax for the evening”.
Lydia saw her daughter to the front door and then closed it as Sulama left.
Robert was upstairs in his room, playing on his latest Xbox game. Lydia turned the TV on and started watching a documentary on orang-utans. When that had finished she went upstairs to his room.
“Time to go to bed. You’ve been on that thing since you got back from school.”
He scowled, placing the game controller on the floor sullenly and getting up to prepare for bed.
“Goodnight Mum.”
That night as Lydia lay in bed, she thought about the man she had met outside the door of the apartment. He looked to have been about the same age as her and it was the first time in a long, long time that she could remember a man smiling at her the way he did.
‘No, it was just nothing. He’s probably got a girlfriend or is married,” she thought before gently dozing off to sleep.
The next morning Lydia was standing outside, with the bonnet of her rusty old car raised. It wouldn’t start.
“Maybe if I look as if I’m playing around under the bonnet without having a clue, someone might actually come to my aid!” she thought to herself.
The thought had barely left her head when she heard a voice behind her.
“You OK?”
She turned round, almost hitting her head off the bonnet. It was Andrew.
“Cars! I just want to get in one and go. Damned thing has broken down!” Lydia responded in a frustrated tone.
Andrew placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“Hey. Why don’t you let me give you a lift to wherever you’re going and we can sort your car out at a less urgent time. I’m guessing at this time you need to get to work?”
“Yeah. What about you though? I don’t want you to go to any special trouble and be late yourself.”
“The joys of being a self employed entrepreneur! Come on, come with me and I’ll give you a lift in.”
He turned on his heel and started walking towards a dark blue BMW Z4.
“Very nice,” thought Lydia.
Andrew opened the door for her before she leaned down and climbed in. Then he went round the other side and got in the driver’s seat.
“I don’t know how I can thank you!” she said as they sped along the motorway.
“Well, that’s easy. Let me take you out to dinner tonight.”
Lydia felt her heart thumping in her chest. It had been so long since a man had shown any interest in her company, that she felt she had almost forgotten how to react.
“Erm….well, we hardly know each other.”
She looked downwards, demurely.
“Yes I know. That’s why I want to take you out to dinner.”
He turned and smiled.
“I’ll need to get someone to look after my son. I have a twelve year old son.”
Andrew rolled his eyes.
“Well, here’s what to do. I’ll drop you off and then give you my number. If you’re interested then give me a ring by lunchtime, so I can get a table arranged. Just take it easy.”
She suddenly felt the tension easing. She smiled nervously. They were almost at the school where she worked as a Maths teacher.
When they got there he stopped the car. There was a seconds pause, before he leaned over and gently pecked her on the cheek. Lydia felt the warmth of his hand resting on the naked flesh of her thigh, just above her knee, as he kissed her.
That simple touch sent a thousand pulses of pleasure to Lydia’s brain. When he leaned back in his seat, she shuffled nervously with her handbag, before getting out the car.
“Hey, here’s my number!”
Andrew handed her a scrap bit of paper through the passenger window.
“Thanks. Thanks for the lift too.”
She walked up the path towards the school and turned around briefly when she got there. He was gone. But when she walked into the school building she had a smirk on her face.
That lunchtime, when she came out her classroom, Lydia realised with a groan that she hadn’t arranged to get a lift back. She pulled her mobile out. Then she felt inside her pocket for the crumpled note that Andrew had given her, with his number scribbled on it.
Hesitantly, she dialled the number.
“Hi, Andrew Berger speaking.”
“Hi Andrew, it’s Lydia here.”
There was a moment of startled surprise on the other end of the phone.
“Hey! Lydia. You phoned so soon? What’s up?”
“Well, I’ve just remembered that I don’t have a lift home. I wondered if we could have dinner straight after work?”
“Sure. What time will that be?”
“Say half five?”
“Ok. I’ll be there. Looking forward to it already.”
She spent the remainder of that day filled with thoughts of Andrew, the tall bespectacled man, with thinning hair. She wondered what he thought of her and whether, at forty four years of age, she was getting too old for all this. Then she would smile and think to herself that she enjoyed the thought of some male company. She texted her younger daughter, Shaahira, asking if she would like to look after Robert for the evening. Lydia was thankful that she agreed without questioning why.
That evening when she had finished work, she gathered her paperwork, bundled it into a folder, slung her handbag over her shoulder and walked outside.
Andrew was already sitting in his BMW waiting. He smiled out the drivers window as she approached and as she got close enough, rolled it down.
“Good day?”
“Yeah not bad. You know what kids can be like! Where are you taking me?”
He smiled.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.”
Seconds later, she was in the car and they drove off. Lydia looked nervous as she put her handbag in the footwell. Andrew turned and glanced at her for a second before refocusing on the road ahead.
“You OK?”
“Yeah, of course. Just a bit nervous that’s all.”
“Don’t be. We’re just going for a bite to eat and a couple of drinks. Don’t build it up in your head.”
‘Yeah, easier said than done,’ she thought to herself as they entered the car park of a large restaurant. She looked at the name. Carpaccio’s was written in large green neon on the sign outside. Lydia smiled as she remembered the last time she had come here with Gerry, fifteen years ago. It had been their first anniversary and she certainly had fond memories of that evening.
They both stepped out of the car and Lydia noticed that Andrew was dressed in a jet black suit, with gleaming black shoes to match. He extended his hand and she nervously took it as they both strode towards the entrance. When they got in, Lydia tried to curb her feelings of excitement. The restaurant was massive, and the dim lighting provided an air of romance. A waiter approached.
“Table for two please. Booked for Berger?”
The waiter led them to a booth, leather benches either side of the table, with high walls behind each person to allow them some secluded privacy. They each sat down and lifted the menus which had been left on the table. The waiter left them to make their choice in peace.
“I feel really under dressed for this place!” Lydia smirked across the table at Andrew.
“Stop worrying. Like I said, it’s just something to eat and a couple of drinks.”
That ‘something to eat and a couple of drinks’ lasted until 12.30am when the owner of the restaurant finally decided to kick them off the premises as tactfully as possible. Lydia felt Andrew’s arm link with hers as they exited into the cold air outside.
“I’ve had a really nice time.”
“Good. That was the idea. You know you’re a beautiful woman. Too many women in their forties just give up on life You’ve looked after yourself….which is why you’re so gorgeous!”
Andrew pulled Lydia against him and gave a startled yelp of surprise before smiling up at him. His hands stroked her neck as he leaned closer and their lips touched. Tenderly, he edged his tongue inside her mouth and she sucked on it, enjoying its soft moistness. They stopped kissing after several seconds, their faces almost touching.
“Sorry…I….I don’t know what came over me!” said Andrew.
“Don’t be silly. I’m OK. I’m not made of glass you know. You can touch me without me breaking,” Lydia smiled back with a coy expression.
Each of them relaxed their embrace as they turned, holding hands as they walked the short distance to the car. Ten minutes later, they had parked up outside the apartment block. Andrew opened the drivers door and walked round to the other side of the car, where Lydia was getting out. They walked hand in hand towards the main door at the bottom of the stairs, before Andrew opened it with his key.
“Ssssh! Try not to make any noise,” Andrew whispered as he stepped gingerly up the stairs, Lydia’s high heels clacking on their concrete surface.
They reached the second floor, where Lydia’s apartment was. There was an awkward pause.
“Are you coming in then?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yeah,” Lydia looked downwards demurely.
Andrew moved towards her and gently held her hand for a second.
“We’d better get inside then,” he whispered tenderly.
Lydia nodded and turned towards the front door, pulling out her key and turning it in the lock. When they entered, they walked through the hallway. Shaahira had already come out to greet them from the living room. She gave her mother a hug.
“Good date?”
Lydia looked nervous, turning her head and casting a glance at Andrew, who was standing behind her, before turning back round and responding.
“Yeah, it was nice,” she smiled in a non-committal fashion.
Shaahira had barely walked out the door before Andrew reached his hand across Lydia and started stroking her thigh. She felt an instant shiver of excitement at his touch and they both turned towards each other. She couldn’t help letting her hand drop so that it rested between his legs. She pressed her palm firmly against the unyielding hardness which she found there.
“Are you inviting me to stay the night?” Andrew asked between sighs of pleasure.
“Er….yeah….I think so,” Lydia responded hesitantly.
He took her hand, gently lifting it as he rose from the sofa. They tiptoed up the stairs and Andrew stood on the landing, still holding Lydia’s hand as she eased the bedroom door open, leading him inside and then shutting it behind her.
He took his jacket off and started to unbutton his shirt.
“Aren’t you going to get undressed?” he asked.
“Oh….sorry….I-I’m just not used to this”.
He had already unfastened his belt and was pulling his trousers and boxer shorts off before she started to unfasten the buttons on her blouse. He was extremely slim, his pale white arse clearly visible in the moonlight which penetrated the curtains. When he was fully undressed he lay on the bed, on his back waiting for Lydia to finish undressing herself. He had an admiring smile on his face as he watched her. She felt a twinge of self consciousness as she pulled her bra over her shoulders and unhooked it at the back and then pulled her knickers down, stepping out of them and leaving them lying on the floor. She walked the couple of steps to the bed and then lay next to him.
He immediately pulled her close and almost without any trace of conscious thought, she rolled onto her back. He turned his body, so that he lay on top of her. They kissed and she felt him sucking on her tongue, his hand wandering down and pressing gently between her thighs, urging her to open them. She did so, allowing him to rest his lower body between them, as she felt his fingers exploring her pubes, which were already moist from a mixture of perspiration and the fluid which was oozing from her as a result of her increasing state of arousal. She sighed deeply as she felt his forefinger and index finger squeezing inside her.
“Oh Christ,” she gasped between kisses.
His fingers moved slowly back and forth in her while his thumb pressed against her clit, rubbing it in a circular motion. Her hips started to move to the same rhythm as his fingers. She tentatively reached a hand down and grasped blindly until she felt the thick firmness of the distended shaft of muscle pointing towards her from between his thighs. She pushed his foreskin back, teasing his bell end, before rubbing downwards and enjoying the soft texture of his nuts cupped in her hand. She squeezed. He moaned. He stopped kissing her mouth, pecking her neck while his fingers continued to probe her by now slippery wet vulva. She could feel the pounding of blood through the swollen organ she held in her hand and was overcome with a desire to feel it inside her.
“Please…..please fuck me,” she whispered softly, gently pulling his pulsing cock towards her.
Andrew stopped fingering her, pushing himself up on his forearms. Lydia lifted her thighs so that they were spread wide, her ankles hanging either side of his hips. A second later she felt the warm smoothness of his erection against the inside of her soaking cunt, as it was thrust firmly into her. She was tight. It had been eight years since Robert’s father Gerard had died. Eight long years since she’d been fucked. She reached her hands round and pressed firmly down on his arse until he’d buried himself in her up to his balls, until she could feel their softness pressed against her. She could feel and hear them slapping against her with each downward movement of his arse between her thighs. It wasn’t too long before the slapping changed to a wet, squelching noise as the area between her legs became soaked in her own fluids.
She opened her eyes and looked up at Andrew. By now, he was thrusting more vigorously, a steady groaning of mattress springs clearly audible as their fucking grew more frenzied. His jaw was clenched tightly, the lines on his face deepening as it twisted into an intense grimace. Then he stopped, flopping onto his back next to her, breathing deeply. She could see his cock pulsating.
“Fucking hell….I was nearly there…..why did you stop?”
“I…I didn’t want to cum too soon..”
“Let me help you,” Lydia grinned cheekily.
She rolled her body so that she was lying next to him. Then she moved herself further down the length of the bed and, turning sideways leaned in towards his hard on. She took hold of it one hand and lifted it slightly before wrapping her lips round his gonads, wanking him off at the same time. He gasped as she sucked as hard as she could on his balls, rolling them around inside her mouth. A trickle of precum ran from the end of his cock onto her fingers. He was breathing deeply now and she could feel every vein in his shaft throbbing against the palm of her hand, which was already sticky with her own wetness as well as his. She lifted her head for a second, catching a glance at his facial expression, twisted in a grimace of pained bliss, and then deep throated him. There was an immediate reaction, an increased urgency in his gasping. Lydia furiously bobbed her head up and down, rolling her head as she did so and swallowing his prick fully with each downward movement of her head. Because of her side on position, she could feel his bell end pressing against the inside surface of her left cheek, causing it to bulge outward. She started to massage his nutsack with the palm of her right hand.
Then she felt the first gob of warm, bitter spunk squirting from him as his balls drained into her mouth. She gagged for a second as her swallowing failed to keep pace with his orgasm, her mouth overfilling with jism, dribbles running over her lips and reaching down his shaft onto his scrotum. She continued to suck, moving her long black hair back with one hand and giving him a sidelong smile, only stopping when the spurts of cum slowed to a dribble and then stopped altogether.
When she lifted her head, fine filaments of cum and saliva were strung between her bottom lip and the helmet of his semi erect dick. She brushed them aside with one hand, wiping the dribbles of spunk from her chin at the same time.
Still smiling, she moved up the bed to lie beside him. They were both breathing deeply.
“Give me ten minutes. After that blowjob, you deserve a good fucking.” Andrew said.
Ten minutes passed before Andrew lifted himself into a sitting position.
“Turn round.”
Lydia rolled onto her front and lifted herself up from the mattress using her arms.
The only warning she had was his hands gripping her shoulders tightly for purchase. A second later she felt his hard on filling her, up to his balls.
“Slow down….fuck….fucking hell….”, she struggled to speak coherently as his hurried fucking jostled her upper body forward with each firm thrust of his arse.
He refused to listen and to be honest, Lydia was glad. He was obviously filled with lust. She couldn’t think straight, blinding blotches of colour appearing in front of her eyes, dancing there as her sense of pleasure was taken to a new level. She knew she must be making a tremendous amount of noise, gasping and yelping sharply but she had no real idea of what she was saying or doing. Then she felt her chest tighten , struggling to maintain her breathing as something built inside her. It continued to build up for maybe ten seconds or so. Then she couldn’t contain it any more. She let out a low, deep animal groan as a flood of wetness escaped her, soaking the inside of her thighs, as well as his balls.
They stopped shagging. Drained after their exertions, the both flopped onto the bed, her lying on her front, him next to her, with one arm draped lazily across her back.
“We both needed that,” whispered Andrew.
“I’ll be wanting more in the morning,” replied Lydia, smiling as she dozed off to sleep.
When Lydia awoke the next morning, rays of sunlight penetrated the thin curtains of the window which was nearest her side of the bed. There was a strong tang of sex remaining; a pungent mix of body odour and stale cum, after the passionate lovemaking between her and Andrew the previous evening. Her mouth felt dry and she could still taste him on her tongue; the fruit of a blowjob which, she remembered fondly, had given Andrew particular pleasure. She could feel a large damp patch on the sheets...
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The telephone rang, and it made Dave jump as he lay in bed listening to Tess and Drew's breathing as they slumbered. He looked at the clock; seven thirty. "Good morning, Drew Bishop's phone," he said, as he picked up the handset. "You guys had better not still be in bed," Geoff's voice said. "No, we're up and about," Dave lied, "Drew is out in the yard, he said he was going to ring you in a minute." Tess and Drew were now stirring."Well, tell Drew that we will meet at ten o'clock up at the...
BisexualParting Is Such Sweet Sorrow They stood in the door and looked back at the room, seeking anything they might have left behind. Andrew put his arm around Jacqueline. "How do you feel?" She turned and put her lips to his ear and whispered. "Wonderful. Well-fucked. How about you." "Really well-fucked. Wonderful." "I'm glad we did it. You know? It would have been easier to convince me not to do it, but right now, I would say I wouldn't have missed this day for the world." She said,...
"Kandi," a voice said. "Time to go to work." "Yes, Mommy," Kandi opened her dark brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay, hon," the other woman said. "Give my nips a suck. I want to do you for your coffee break. It makes you more productive. Besides, it's fun." "I like it, too, Dot." "Good news. Hank's coming to Tampa and he has a new girl that he's bringing from Silver Orb." Dorothy was a petite blonde tanned by the Florida with blue eyes and small breasts, but...
Andrew James Wellington III, Esq. - Dead Beat Dad By Sirbosk1 ? sirbosk1 2009This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of Femdom, oral sex, rimming, cream pie eating, humiliation, blackmail, CBT, bondage, spanking, body modifications, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor, (i.e., child) please leave now. This story was written at the request of a sub fem friend of mine who’s husband recently walked out, leaving her...
My thirty year old wife Ceras and I enjoy a fairly liberal sex policy. You can imagine she gets hit on a lot which leads to a lot of swinging opportunities. Ceras has an average looking short twenty-eight year old former co-worker friend named Andrew that has always had the hots for her. She would never do anything with him because they worked together plus he wasn't her type and as a rule we don't get involved with friends. He's a funny guy and I get along well with him and always found his...
Andrew helps me put my stuff in my car, then he climbs in the drivers seat, to take me back to his house. Or so I thought. The man drove to the cute little boutique in town. "A Dream for Him" , Andrew lead me through the door with him holding my hand. An older woman built like a brick house stepped out from the back room. "Hi, Louise" Andrew said. Louise came over and kissed Andrew on the cheek and gave him a hug. Andrew introduced me to her and told me to go look around, as the two who...
Andrew by Grimbo Andrew slowly woke to the distant sound of a woman's voice. "Well sleepyhead," it said. "I'm glad you have finally awoken. You may be wondering were you are so I'll tell you. You're back inside Shannon's Boutique. You remember my store don't you? You came in here last week with your girlfriend and knocked a lot of the clothes off the rack. If my memory serves me, your comment was 'Let the staff pick them up. After all, that's what they get paid for.' Well,...
Andrew walked home from the party. No, he didn’t really walked, he stumbled and staggered, legs held as wide apart as he could, nursing an asshole that only a few hours earlier had been the virgin bud of a true stud, and was now gaping obscenely. Even as he walked he felt it throb and pulse… and he felt the warm liquid leaking down along his inner thighs – liquid that could only be Thomas’s cum. His mind kept going back to the party – a party to which he had been specially invited and to which,...
I met this guy Andrew on a website. He wanted to meet for coffee at the local coffee house. I agreed and met him at 2 in the afternoon. When I got there, he was conducting a meeting with some of his colleagues. I grabbed me an iced tea, then walked towards his table. Andrew pulled me to sit next to him on the booth bench.He wrapped up his meeting, then turned his attention to me. We sat close as we chatted about our likes and dislikes. His hands were all over my legs and arms. I didn't...
Drew sat on the balcony sipping his coffee. He wore a pair of boxers and nothing else. The morning sun was warm reflecting off the windows. Dave and Tess were still sleeping but he had woken early. He went through the events of the previous day. The shopping, the hot tub and the sex. He'd enjoyed the gay dance club and having Tess and Dave suck his cock when they had returned to the apartment. He had watched them fuck, he did not want to join them, he had just wanted to watch them. "They are...
BisexualBy agreement neither Rosalin nor I said anything to Pam or Trish about my debut in the adult entertainment industry. Rocky had promised me a copy of the DVD as soon as he’d finished editing the scenes from the four cameras into a coherent piece of ‘art.’ Life was near normal for the next few weeks in Sarasota, well as normal as you could be and live in a polyamorous household containing two men and three women, plus a steady stream of visitors. Jon and Amy should probably have been included...
“We can do this, Paul!” Andrew promised his brother. “She’ll never know the difference, man!” Paul and Andrew Thomas were as close as two brothers could ever be. They shared everything including, unbeknownst to every past female lover in either of their lives, their women. “Shit I dunno, Andy. This one is ... different. She would be able to tell., I know it.” “If mom can’t tell after 21 years, this cunt won’t be able to neither,” Andrew assured his brother. This was an old argument between...
She awoke suddenly. This wasn't unusual for Edwina and as usual she kept her eyes closed while she inventoried what was happening around her. She was a talented violinist, currently earning her living on the world concert circuit. Waking up in strange places and circumstances was an everyday occurrence. Today it was nice to wake up. Feeling the masculine chest under her cheek she knew she was home in bed with her husband Andrew. She was very attractive, and had hopeful bed partners hanging...
Three months after Andrew and I had had relations I was close to his house and decided to pay him a visit, knocking on his door he answered it and greeted me like a long lost friend. As I walked into the lounge there was a young Asian lad sat on the sofa, they were playing video games. As soon as I walked in Andrew said “This is Ansa” we nodded and said hello. I sat next to him.Andrew made me a coffee and turned the TV off, we made small talk and Ansa worked at the supermarket where Andrew...
Introduction: I am married to a man who enjoys me, other men, and me enjoying other men. Sitting in front of the mirror, checking my make-up, I cannot help but wonder if we made the right choice. Shaking my head I get up, and take a good look at myself in the full length mirror. Not bad for someone of 35. I am in good shape, been working out the last year in anticipation of tonight. I have always been rather shy of my 32A boobs, but since my operation, I am a respectable 32C, and I dont have...
“Do you know how much fat is in an egg, Dad? I don’t think so.” Chloe picked up her book bag and threw the strap over her shoulder. “Besides, I told Ash that I’d meet her for a coffee at Jitters at 7:30.” I smiled inside. That was Chloe, always had somewhere to go, someone to see. A lot like her mother, I thought. Just then the 6’ 2” frame of Andrew, her cousin walked in. It was obvious he’d just rolled out of bed. His red hair was pushed up on one side with apparent bed head. He was...
Not bad for someone of 35. I am in good shape, been working out the last year in anticipation of tonight. I have always been rather shy of my 32A boobs, but since my operation, I am a respectable 32C, and I don’t have to wear a bra, but this lacey black one I have on, makes me feel sexy. I open my legs, looking for some stray hair that might be left after my bikini wax, nothing there, just a ripe pussy. Looking at the panty in my hand, I decide against it, and throw it back into the...
Chapter 4 It seemed like the time would never arrive. I watched the clock limp around the dial for the last hour between 5 and 6, but finally the time came…the time to go home. I still felt the pressure, not unpleasantly, of the plug installed by my wife yesterday, and still had the memories of the sensations that I felt each time she activated it…again, not unpleasant. Finally, I had the last words from her… “That was only level three… two more…when you get home…next steps…” I finished my...
CrossdressingThis story is written for andrew426 about his real fam1ly experiences, just updated to the present day and contains some of my personal fantasies.ThursdayAndrew rushed up to his room after getting home from school, shedding clothes and spotted a pair of his younger sisters used pink panties in the clothes wash bin. He loved the feel of soft cotton against his balls, most of his cock stuck out above the rolled down waistband. He could hear giggling and splashing from the garden down below; there...
Andrew always grew up feeling more then just a little different from the rest of the boys. He never felt sexually attracted to girl’s bodies but instead felt attraction for their clothes. He knew he was straight because he never liked guys so he just assumed he was straight. This began his seventh grade year and followed him into his senior year of high school. He started off by reading sissy literotica and watching sissy hypnosis. He then began experimenting by trying on his sister’s...
I could see that Andrew was very excited as I let him into the apartment."Thanks for letting me come over," he said, smiling shyly."No problem!" I replied, as I shut the door. "In fact, I was thinking earlier today that it was getting pretty close for you to have an orgasm; and I was going to text you, but you beat me to it!" I smiled at that. Normally, I wouldn't have been that sympathetic to that; after all, Andrew had made a solemn vow of obedience to me, and turning over to me ALL...
I met Andrew - by Brittany B I'd like to preface this story with a little about me. I am 33, 5'9", slim and leggy, brunette with naturally wavy hair that goes ? way down my back. About age 8,I had an incident where I was mistaken for a girl, and I have wanted to be one somewhere in my head ever since. I have been taking hormones for a month and am totally excited about what my life will be like as I go onward from here. The names in the story below have been changed but it's...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I knew it wasn't the best idea in the world, but he seemed so nice in his emails that I had to consider it seriously. I mean I know everyone says it's risky to meet people face to face that you have only talked to over the Internet, but I felt that this was a special case. He said his name was Andrew. His screen name was Andrw1066. He was one of the people who read my book in the ASSM group on Usenet and sent me an email telling me how much he liked it. If you haven't read it yourself, go...
Larry and Andrew had been friends for about 9 to 12 months. Larry was black, 6 ft tall with dark skin. Andrew was white a little taller than Larry. Andrew was dating Jen, she was Asian probably 5’ 3” with long dark hair and a tight little body. Priya was Indian about the same height as Jen with brown skin, shoulder length black hair, and a very nice little body also. Jen was very much in love with Andrew but very flirty with Larry. Larry thought she was being nice and didn’t think too much...
Introduction: This is my story for the CAW 10, it is also a true story about a dark part of my life that I am just starting to come to terms with and wanted to share. Please try to be constructive when giving criticism to my story. Thank you to my last minute proofreader and to you the reader for taking the time to actually read my story. Vicki x This is my first attempt at writing my story, I have decided to enter it in the CAW 10 also. Please give me constructive criticism and try not to be...
Please give me constructive criticism and try not to be too harsh with me as it is my first story and a part of my life. Andrew I felt so lucky to have someone who loved and cherished me so much or so I thought. In my naivety, I gave him my virginity at the mere age of fifteen. It just didn't click that maybe he was using me for his own twisted pleasures. I always thought he truly loved and cared for me and my ambitions to go to art college. Everything was fine until I turned...
To be super transparent with you, I was never really the party type. I truly enjoyed staying in and watching something on Netflix or surfing the hub. But tonight was different. First of all it was my first weekend as a freshman and people were out there partying and meeting other people. And second, I had an urging desire to fuck a dude. Porn only helped so much, eventually you get stronger desires to act out what you see others do every night. But I couldn’t do either of those things...
Hi, I’m Andrew, at least I was Andrew full time until about a month ago. I have always been fascinated by lingerie: its feel, its appearance, how it just makes a body look that much more sexy. Like most curious types I started young (at sixteen, so not all that young), swiping what I could from my sisters or cousins when I could and squirreling my prizes away until I could find time for them. I will always remember the first time I put a pair of lace panties on, my erection was instantaneous! I...
Nigel, Andrew, Stephen and I were downstairs in Nigel’s house, we sat in the garden smoking and drinking Cokes all in our underwear, laughing and talking, it was warm outside, and what we had just done was awesome. It was turning out to be a really good day. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door, Nigel looked at his brother, then at us, then Andrew went to the door and standing behind it he opened it slightly.“Uncle Brian” Andrew said astonished, “I promised your mum and dad that I’d...
ANDREW'S INTRODUCTION Audrey was alone in her study. Up on the 60 inch, big screen was a security camera that flashed from locations all across the manor. Audrey locked in location six and location eleven. She then pressed a button and stood up and removed her blood red silk blouse and unclasped her long black tweed skirt and lowered the zipper and watched as the skirt puddled at her feet. Carelessly she stepped away and adjusted her hose and garter belt. She was braless and wore no...
Drew pulled the tractor to halt in the machinery shed. It was early Friday afternoon. He stepped down from the cab and walked to the doorway of the cavernous shed and looked to the east. A massive thunderstorm was brewing. He stood and watched the lightning crack down on the hills on the other side of the highway. There would be no more harvesting today. He had spoken to both Geoff and Dave on the UHF radios that all the machinery had. Geoff was in the combine harvester heading for the cover of...
BisexualAndrew Bishop flicked the switch to turn on the exterior lights, opened the front door and stepped out on to the wide verandah of his century old farmhouse. He leant his shoulder on the verandah post and sloshed the last of the red wine in the glass that he'd carried out with him, raised it to his lips and drank the small mouthful. He didn't drink much, but did enjoy a glass or two of good local product on most Sunday evenings. It was a cool August evening, the weather was on the improve and...
Straight SexMy name was, once upon a time, Andrew McKenna; now it's Ashleigh Barnes, and how that happened is a long story. I figure the best way to start is to tell you about the day I died. At least, I think I died! Even if I didn't die, though, I for sure went to heaven. I never in a billion years would have thought things would have turned out the way they did for me. Stick around and I'll tell you all about it. The day I died (maybe? anyway, let's just say died, because Andrew is totally...
BRRRRIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! The alarm clock that my wife and I mockingly referred to as “Baby Ben” sounded off and pulled me from what I first thought was a great dream. As my senses slowly came online, I could feel my hand laid over my naked wife’s breasts and that I wasn’t in my usual gym shorts and t-shirt. I was surrounded in silk, and it was not unpleasant, but it was a floor length nightgown! The events of the previous night slowly began to trickle back into focus, and the...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...
Under the intense pressures of teen life, one must wounder how to survive. For the most part, I keep to myself. My name is Andrew and I just finished freshman year of Highschool. I turn fifteen in a matter of two months. Yay! I have a few friends but I mainly just keep to myself and play video games. Oh, and think about girls; girls, what else? I guess the only action i get is my trusty left hand, woohoo. I always wondered what sex would be like. A lot of what I've seen through porn,...
Loretta, Laurilie, and Andrew are tripletts. They came to work for me in the spring after they graduated from Tech. They all had their bachelors degrees and wanted some ranch experience before going back for their masters. I had them cleaning barns and fixing up and painting all around.Loretta and Laurilie are both about five feet ten inches and one hundred twenty pounds with long black hair and thirty eight double D breasts and narrow hips. Andrew is the same height and about one hundred sixty...
Group SexArmand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...