- 2 years ago
- 26
- 0
Even still I’m not quite sure exactly what about her caught my eye. Simply given a perfunctory glance, I probably would have passed over her but for one thing. I can’t truly say that she stood out to me, for she wasn’t one that you might particularly notice. However, there was an aura, if you will, a vibe. Simply put, I felt at ease around her.
She was a petite girl, a full head or more shorter than myself, slender, but not skinny. She had an iridescent shade of hair. The kind that looks brown in some light and auburn in others. She didn’t posses that ravishing quality of beauty that some women do, but she was by no means unattractive. With a confident stance and frequent smile, she struck me as someone comfortable with themselves as well as others.
I watched her for a while as she served the other customers. Actually quite graceful as she bustled around pouring coffee and taking orders, I caught myself smiling at her when she arrived at our table to take our orders. Her nametag glinted in the sunlight shining through the window by our booth. 2 years of service it proclaimed, just beneath her name. Lydia, a good name. She finished scribbling our orders and jammed the ticket into her apron pocket, hurrying off. Fancying myself quite the amateur sleuth I made myself a mental note to come back again and watch her more. Then I remembered why I was there.
But what I really noticed about Lydia was her eyes. They were large and expressive, and I felt that if I were to gaze deep enough into them I would see a reflection of my soul. Her eyes were an indescribable color, some part brown, some part green, and some part yellow. All mixed together in a glorious sunburst of color. I now know that the correct term for her shade of eyes is ginger. But at the time all I could think was how splendid they were.
She returned with our orders now and flashed a smile. Her eyes twinkled. She turned to pour my coffee and I noticed pleasantly the way her blouse clung to her chest. Leaving us to our breakfast I peered through the blinds at the early morning streets. The last cold tendrils of winter were slowly releasing their grasp of the city. Spring was on its way. I took a bite of my eggs. Cold. Oh well, I guess that’s what you get for ordering a buck fifty breakfast. Looking out the window once again I decided that I was no longer hungry, and my mind started to wander.
My mother always said that the eyes are the windows to a person’s soul. And while I never particularly bought into that, having seen Lydia’s eyes I could see why someone would think such a thing. There was something about the way that they sparkled that made me feel as though she knew something I didn’t. That she had in her possession some grand secret and was waiting for just the right moment to share it with the world.
At this point I suppose I had resumed watching Lydia again, and was beginning to stare. That’s when my partner elbowed me. Caught off guard, I jumped. Regaining my composure I shot him a look. Chuckling, he glanced around to get his bearings. “It’s time,” he said, nodding at the clock on the wall. He placed a twenty on the table, plenty to cover the bill and an ample tip.
We stood, and exited the booth, heading for the door. Out of the warmth of the restaurant, the crisp morning air caught my breath and I paused. Looking to my right I could see the street as it disappeared into the horizon. I tilted my head up and closed my eyes, seeing Lydia’s nametag dance in front of my eyes. I took a deep breath. Glancing at my partner I nodded, smiling. Stepping into the street, we blended into the early morning rush of pedestrians on their way to work.
Speaking of work, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. My name is Tres.
I’m a hit man.
Hit men. The newspaper said there were probably four of them. I chuckled. Four. Next it’ll be six. My partner and I must be some awfully big men. I laughed at my own joke. All it really takes is one man. One man and a briefcase full of methyltrinitrobenzene. Toss in a timer to boot, and BAM, one less mom and pop diner to give my boss grief. Actually the only real reason we use two is cause of the buddy system. One man does the job. The other is there to keep him calm. Be a decoy if necessary. To do what it takes to make sure that the first gets the job done. That’s my job. I’m man number two.
My partner, Glen, he’s man number one. He does the job. I’m just along for the ride. Five years my senior, Glen has been with our boss long enough to be trusted. Me? Well, I’m working on it. We work for one of the more prominent “businessmen” in the Midwest, one mister Isaac. Isaac is his first name. Apparently very few people know his last name. The majority of those that do wish they didn’t. I decided it wasn’t worth knowing, so I didn’t bother to ask. Just so long as the money keeps coming in.
I turned and gazed out the window of my apartment. The sun was beginning to slide beneath the horizon. You could see the first few stars beginning to twinkle. It reminded me of Lydia’s eyes. I closed my eyes, letting my mind drift. Recalling images of the previous morning. In my mind I saw her with her nametag, vigilantly boasting of her two years of valued service and loyalty to her boss. She smiled, and her eyes shone. Poor Lydia. Poor sweet Lydia with her nametag and pot of coffee. I prayed she was all right. An exercise in futility, I’m sure.
But I hated to think otherwise. I attempted to imagine the explosion. I envisioned the little diner, peaceful and serene one moment, a raging inferno the next. A white-hot ball of fire engulfing everything in its reach. I saw the smoldering ashes and smelled cordite. I watched as officers on the scene removed the remains of what was once an expensive briefcase. The same briefcase that Glen “forgot” beneath our table. I glimpsed the weeping families of the victims, and I wanted to apologize. To say I was sorry, I was just doing my job. And I saw a melted gold plastic nametag. Lydia, it said, two years of service. My mind reeled. Hit man, I told myself. I’m a hit man. I was just doing my job. No different than the dozens of times I’ve done it before. That’s what I do.
Actually I don’t like to refer to myself as a hit man. A thug, maybe. Even a lackey. Not a hit man. Truth be told, I suppose I’m a jack-of-all-trades. Creative problem solver. That’s me. You have an issue, which can’t be resolved within your means, than I’m your man. Have a load of guns or coke you need smuggled into the country, call on me. Assassin for hire, gunrunner, drug dealer. That’s what I do. All at the request of Mr. Isaac, of course. You have a problem, you call him, and he calls me. Problem solved. For a price. The poor fellow who ran the diner found himself on the bad end of a deal with Mr. Isaac. Not being an especially tolerant man he called on Glen and myself to make an example of the diner. Problem solved. Issue dealt with.
Hearing the chime of the clock on the wall I re-focused my attention on the paper in my lap. Picking it up, the headlines jumped at me.
Diner Explosion, Twenty-Three Dead.
Arson Suspected. Police Have
Leads on Four Hit men Possibly Involved.
Hit man. That’s me. I closed my eyes and dozed. In my dreams I saw Lydia. She smiled. Her eyes tell me that she has a secret. What is your secret, dear sweet Lydia, I wonder. In one hand she holds a pot of coffee. In the other, a ticket. The light from somewhere glints off her nametag. Two years of service it shouts at me. Two years of service.
Two years of service. One less than the amount of time I’ve been with Mr. Isaac. It makes me wonder what the last three years of my life would have been like had I not become acquainted with him. Perhaps I would be the one pouring coffee in a small diner. Wearing a gold nametag with the words “Three Years of Service” inscribed on it. Smiling brightly and asking a c
ustomers seating preference. But that’s a moot point now. I’m not a waiter in some small diner. I am a well-regarded business associate of the afore mentioned Mr. Isaac. Business associate. That’s what he would call it. Nothing more. Nothing less. He’s the boss. I’m the employee. He says jump, I ask how high. That’s the way it is and has been for the past three years. You don’t like it, too bad. Deal with it.
I lean against the bar and take in my surroundings. Glen and I came here at the beckon of Mr. Isaac. To my left I can see out the windows and into the cool night. A brightly lit sign tells me that they serve Budweiser here. Budweiser, king of beers. I don’t care for it. Tastes like old piss to me. I’m more of a Coors kind of guy. Tap the Rockies, man. To my right I can see into the bar. A few hanging lamps dimly illuminate the table where Glen sits, listening to the instructions of Mr. Isaac.
I can feel the hard surface of the bar against my back. An ancient jukebox plays a lonesome tune. I can’t place it. I sigh, returning my gaze to the table where Glen and Mr. Isaac sit. I watch Glen’s lips move, and he stands, indicating that their conversation is over. Stepping towards me he buttons his jacket and gestures at the door. “The game is afoot, Watson” he quips. I smile. Indeed, the game is afoot.
Leaving the bar behind us we head for the bottoms in Glen’s blue Nova. He drives and I watch out the window as buildings speed by. The clock on the dash indicates that it is twenty past four in the morning. Doesn’t feel like it. But then, I haven’t really slept in the past three and a half days. I’m reminded of a movie that was out a few years ago. It’s about these two guys who are hit men. All the clocks in that movie were stuck on four twenty. Some obscure drug reference, I guess. But these two guys are just so cool. It’s like nothing gets to them. They talk and joke throughout the entire movie, like they were best friends on their way to some social function. They kill, and they kill, and they kill again. And they don’t even blink. Like it’s as normal as taking a piss when you get up. It’s a good movie, but I laugh every time I see it. They make it seem so easy. So simple. Personally, I can hardly bring myself to look at Glen, much less talk to him. Especially when we’re on the job. And every time we kill I feel like a little bit more of my humanity slips away, till someday I’ll have become this ruthless monster with no morals and no dreams except to destroy.
And I fear that when that day comes I wont have the will to end it all then and there. Like a man. Sometimes I think about leaving it all behind me and starting over. But I know it could never be that easy. Mr. Isaac would never let it be that easy. No one just up and leaves his little cabal like that. I’ve known one or two of the unfortunate souls who tried. Needless to say I don’t know them anymore. No, I’m better off just dealing with the cards I’ve been dealt.
My mind turns to Lydia again. It saddens me. The bittersweet irony is that had we been in different circumstances she was just about exactly the kind of girl that I would date. How I wish I could change the past. How I wish that I had never heard of the man Mr. Isaac and his need for an associate with my particular skills. Someone quick on their feet with a good head on their shoulders. I think of my mother, six years in her grave, god bless her soul. She would have hated who I’ve become. It goes against everything she taught me. She wanted me to do something with myself. To be somebody. Like dad. Maybe be a marine, like dad. But mother, I think, I am somebody. Look at everything I have. An apartment in the nicest part of the city. The best clothes money can buy. And a car that gets all the chicks attention. I’m a successful man, just like you wanted. But inside I feel it. Something gnawing at my innermost being, and I know. I’m a fraud. A clever hoax created only to fool myself. God I hate being insightful. I tear those thoughts from my mind. Hit man, I tell myself. I’m a hit man. A successful business associate of Mr. Isaac. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Rounding a corner I see that we’re there. Pulling in behind the building, Glen kills the engine. Closing the car door behind me, I see that we’ve parked behind a large warehouse near the river. Nice, I think to myself, it’s like a scene out of a lousy mobster movie. According to Glen we’re here to receive a shipment of Phenylethylbarbituric acid, or Phenobarbital, from Mr. Isaac’s supplier. Pretty routine I suppose, except we don’t usually rendezvous at the storage location. Less chance of problems that way. Oh well, I don’t question his decisions. I like having both my kidneys. I’m just starting to get nervous when the loading dock door opens.
A small man walks out. He looks Mexican. I don’t recognize him. But then, I don’t know a lot of Mr. Isaac’s suppliers. He says nothing, but simply stares at us. I suppose having satisfied him that we’re friends he returns to the door, returning a minute later with three large trash bags. Each one is completely full with Phenobarbital. He looks at us again, and his eye twitches. Something’s not right here, I think to myself. Suddenly the man’s face explodes outwards as a shot rings out of the empty doorway. Bits of bone and brain matter spray my chest. Three more shots exit the doorway as the man collapses and leaves a sickening mess on the concrete dock. I’m paralyzed. I can’t think. My mind whirls. Shots. Phenobarbital. Glen.
My world explodes as something fast and loud notches my ear. It’s an ambush, I think. A ruse. Someone who has a reason to want us not to complete our transaction. A rival dealer. My mind skips to Glen. Glen. Where is he? I’m running, and calling his name. Wait. I hear someone. It sounds like Glen.
“GLEN!” I call. “Let’s go!”
I’m startled by a voice from behind me. I whirl around to face the barrel of Glen’s nine millimeter. He’s standing behind it, leering at me.
“Oh Tres”, he says, “Why couldn’t you have stayed home tonight? It should never have come down to this.” I was stunned. What was going on? My mind searched for an answer.
“You know”, he continued, “I loved you like a brother. Always protected you. But I could never manage to sway your loyalty, could I? We could’ve been rich together. Lived like kings. Anything you wanted, it could have been yours. But, no, you wouldn’t believe that Mr. Isaac would let anyone live after leaving him. Maybe it’s time you saw the truth. That Mr. Isaac isn’t the be-all and end-all in this world.”
What was he talking about? Then it hit me. Glen was doing it. He was defecting. Leaving Mr. Isaac for someone who could offer him more. Grasping at the bigger better deal. A second man stepped out of the shadows. A lit cigarette drooped from his lips. He held a sub-automatic handgun. Pretty standard. But powerful. He pointed it at me.
With a hoarse voice he spoke. “Hello, Tres. I’m sorry to meet under these circumstances. But I’m sure you understand. Your friend here has made the wise decision of leaving your Mr. Isaac for someone who truly has power. Isn’t that right, friend?” And he turned to Glen. Glen smiled. It scared me somehow. Returning his eyes to me he chuckled. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have business to attend to.”
Leveling the barrel of his gun at my forehead I braced myself for death.
Wheeling around he pulled the trigger. I heard a voice. A scream. Glen’s scream. The back of his head opens up and sprays blood and gore into the early morning air. Firing again, Glen’s jaw disappears in a mess of bone and flesh. Falling to the ground, his body makes an ugly thump. I can hardly believe my eyes. He’s dead. The man who was the biggest part of the last three years of my life has just been brutally murdered right before my eyes. Turning to me the man with
the cigarette smiles.
“I’m sorry, my friend. Hate to burst your bubble, but there isn’t anyone with more power than Mr. Isaac. And he does not tolerate disloyalty. In any form. I’m sure you’d do the same if you were in his position. So you’ll have to pardon the means with which he display’s his displeasure, because when you’re that powerful you pretty much have license to do as you please. Pleasant dreams, friend.”
And he points that gun at my head. A thousand things go through my mind. Glen. Glen is dead. All because he had the balls to do what I could never bring myself to do. And I’m next. Phenylethylbarbituric acid. Phenobarbital. Four twenty.
Lydia. Oh Lydia. I’m so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?
A loud noise shakes my skull. And it feels like my head is exploding. Darkness is pulling my thoughts. Pulling them down to a dark place. A place of no return. Thoughts collide. Mother. She’s dead. Shot? No. Glen’s been shot. Spring is coming. Coming to get me. She’s coming. Lydia. Lydia and her secret eyes. The stars are like her eyes. And her coffee. Lydia and her nametag. Gold plastic. Lydia. Gold plastic. Melted. Melted gold plastic. Two years of service. Two years of service. Two? Three? Three years of service.
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Much to leave now, I created religions such as Islam, Catholicism, Judaism and all the rest, they worship me now and they don't even know it! And you ask me to simply leave and return to Olympus!. They didn't take it too kindly, they attacked me and I killed three with ease, now I am hunted, the most powerful of the gods, they want to take me away, but I won't let them. I have hidden myself well, changing my identity and all my files I have kept myself hidden for 13 years here in Los...
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This is my fourth story. The 1st being a fantasy called "The well of my desires". The second a Sci-Fi set in the not so distant future "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F". And the third "The chest and trunk" taking place in Victorian times. I have a few others planned including a follow up to Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F. I hope you enjoy this story. The abduction Hiking the back country of Colorado was a love of mine. It allowed me peace and quit, not to mention a way for me to be in touch...
In this story, I will tell how I made my friend’s hot and very sexy sister my slave and then how treated her like a bitch. Hello, friends, this is Shail. I am back with my other real story that I promised you guys in the last part of . Before I move forward, I would request if you have not read the previous story, then and read it. As this story connected to the last one although it’s different. Let me just introduce my self. I am Shail from Gujarat, aged 26 years. I have a good body and with...
----TOTAL FICTION---- I was no virgin at 16. With shoulder length huge tits, how could I be? I was always very sexually aware, and a lot of my knowledge came from the crack in the door between me and my brother's bedroom. My brother was 18 at the time this took place. He bullied me quite often, he would mock me, make me do things for him, threaten to tell our mother what I did after school with some guys. One day, I was sitting in my bedroom when I heard grunts and moans coming from next door....
IncestJennifer’s story: Wednesday morning I was standing there naked, at the sink and mirror, brushing out and blow drying my hair, but I could feel Mark’s eyes on me from behind, while he was taking his bath. Somehow I could just tell, he wasn’t leering at me, he was appreciating me, and it felt really good. Now even more I wanted to surprise him when I got dressed. ‘Mark, instead of the cafeteria, do you have anything here for breakfast?’ I asked him. ‘Not much at all, really, just some bread...
Fred flew out of Sydney on Sunday morning. It was Tuesday night, Sydney time, early morning Tuesday, New York time before Fred and I managed to talk to each other using skype. By then I had a lot to tell him and I wondered if he might have something to tell me too. Here's what I had to tell. After dropping Fred at the airport I drove straight to work still dressed like a slut. I did put on my high heels as soon as I got out of the car. On my desk was a note to see my boss ASAP, so I...
The transit bus ground to a stop at the curb, and Lissa Tilo hoisted her book bag over her shoulder, pushed open the front door of the District 7 Public Library, and walked out into the sticky summer heat. Almost immediately, she could feel her polyester school uniform start to stick to her skin. Lissa was a strikingly beautiful girl with smooth skin the color of honey and sensual features that reflected her Latina heritage. A little shorter than average, she had a ripe, womanly body that...
Hi all iss users.Nenu na Modati anubhavam rastunnanu, andariki nacchutundi ani anukontunnanu, na peru sam(Name Changed) nenu ekkadinundo taruvata chapputanu lendi. Idi na givitam le modati anubhavam, nenu intavaraku ee ammaini takaledu ide first time, kani nenu chala Exhausting ga feel aaiyanu, vaka 14 year ammai ki inni korikala ani, inka story ki vaste, vaka andamaina ammai elaguntundi ante Tanu Sree Datta undi kadandi ade murder heroin alaguntundi, nallati kallu, apple pandu lanti buggalu,...
Hello. My name is Parker. This is my first sex story. I have been reading ISS from when I was 18. I am pursuing engineering in a reputed college in BENGALURU. My height is 5’8, a quite handsome. All girls aunties can contact me here: Feel free to text. Sorry for the mistakes as this my first sex story. This incident happened 2 weeks ago. From when I hit puberty, I always wanted to have a lot of sex. I live with my parents in a residential colony in Bangalore. About two months ago, a newly...
Dad drives a hard bargain. Strike that. Dad usually drives a hard bargain. Even for things he doesn’t really care about he will often bargain with you, just to see how much you really want the thing you’re asking for. As in: (this happened a few months ago) “Dad, can I go to that party on Saturday night?” “Sure, if you do the dishwasher each night for the rest of the month.” “But Dad, that’s your chore this week.” “So it is, what a coincidence.” “How about I do it for two of your nights....
No matter how late she was running, there was always time to make love to the mirror. It was the only way to keep doing her job and save just a smidgen of self-confidence. Gina Divine stood before the mirror in the bathroom preening for work. Hunter kohl eyeliner was applied in a single unwavering stroke to emphasize her emerald eyes. She brandished the wand to her mascara like a pro. Puckering her lips, she applied the final coat of shellac and pouted seductively. Gina wiggled into her slinky,...
sliding my yooung hands up moms smooth warm soft thighs slowly...whispering...mommy?? just her slow deep my hands get close to her warm crotch...making me i slip my hand over her plump i rub her warm damp panties....and rub my hard young bulgerubbing her ...and mine..pulls her panties down...slowy...gently...nervously...heart I uncover her thick hairy bush...staring in my moms pussy....I can smell her hot wet...
Sitting on his bedroll in just his trousers, Thanir watches as the first rays of the morning sun broke through the trees. He glances quickly at the smoldering remains of last night's fire but decides against rekindling it. The next town, and a real meal in a tavern, is only a few miles away so there was no need to cook a breakfast. Rubbing the last of the sleep from his eyes, the young ranger stands and stretches.Just as he begins to roll up his bedding, a series of sounds jerk Thanir's...
jevha pasun mama ne mami cha bhawana wadhwalya mami mala nehmi phone karaychi aani tine mala sangitala ki mama gawi janar aahet aani tula 2 diwas ghari bolaun ghe mhanale aahet tar tu mama gele ki lagecha cha ye urgent. mi turant gavi jaycha plan kela karan mala mami cha purn anand ghyaycha hotaa, karan mami matured pari pakwa aaslya mule wa tichi gavran bhasha yekun sex cha anand 10 patine wadhto. aani mama ne permission dilya mule tila kaam jiwanacha rahilela apurna anand upbhogaycha hota...
so time for an update -me and harvey are still together and still married -my brother is back in jail for drug useage -blake hasnt talk to me since we was accused of being fake -we are still in L.A - o and one last little thing we are two months pregrant starting from yesterday me and harvey got out of bed about 8ish and had some breakfast i said to harvey "babe i miss writting are story" harvey walked over to me and gave me a hug and said "why dont you start rewritting it babe...
It was Sunday afternoon, and I was ready. The apartment was neat and tidy again, and my laundry was clean, damp, and bagged by the front door. When Steve left last night, I wasn't thinking clearly enough to ask him what he would be wearing today, so I had no clear idea what I should wear. Indecision - I hate that. I settled for my burgundy cord pants, a sleeveless plaid ruffle top, and brown penny loafers.Now, all that I needed was for Steve to call. Mmmm. Steve. I was looking forward to...
Oral SexBecky slowly adjusted to the sensory overload of the Elegant Desire gentleman’s club. The loud beating music, the swirling disco globe over the stage along with the black lights which created an eerie glow to the barely dressed dancers waiting their turn while encouraging the male patrons to have a private dance and maybe much more, with them. All the dancers were young and beautiful in their own right and Becky felt intimidated by them. Years ago, she could have been one of those dancers but...
ReluctanceHacked Off By Prudence Walker Sitting before his computer, the hacker stared intently at the screen and at the page title, Crystal's Story Site. 'Now,' he giggled, to the empty room, `this will teach you to reject my stories for being too violent!' His fingers moved over the keyboard, but, as he launched the intended virus bomb at the site, something peculiar started to happen. Everything in the room - his room, too - started to grow very bright... In her new secret...
From all outward appearances, my family life in the Philadelphia suburbs with my wife, Megan, is ideal. I have a great job in the city, my beautiful wife keeps herself busy with our two elementary-school-aged kids and volunteer work, and we have a reasonably good sex life.My name is Dave, and Megan and I met in college in our junior year. We were married soon after graduation. I was the first man to fuck her, so she really couldn’t compare with others the feeling of my four-and-a-half-inch dick...
CuckoldHi, Me and My husband both are working in MNC.So, we stayed far from our families, only two people in a 3BHK flat.One day in night, when we took dinner, the door bell was ringed, my husband not watched outside and just opened the door carelessly.One guy was standing and asking someone flat, my husband allowed him to inside the flat and took the address slip, he shocked the slip had nothing, it was clean.Sudden 5 more people came inside with guns and closed the door of flat, they tied us on...
I had been backpacking around Europe for the last 8 months . I arrived at the airport and could not wait to see my family. When I came out of the tunnel there she was, my 18 year old sister. More beautiful then I even remembered. She was wearing a skintight white sweater that stopped right above her bellybutton. For pants, she was wearing a black pair of those spandex like material pants that you always see girls at nightclubs wear. Even though it was winter she was still tanned and toned. She...
IncestI took a final look at myself in the mirror. My name’s Joanna, I stand 5’6 tall, have long dark curly hair, which I’d tied back into a ponytail and have blue eyes. I had on, a white, almost see threw, vest top with narrow shoulder straps. With 34b breasts, I never wore a bra and that day was no different. I straightened my yellow/gold wrap round skirt, with no undies underneath, put on my navy blue jacket, fastened the middle button and slipped on my toeless shoes. I was ready to go, so picked...
LesbianJanuary 1979 Tuesday started wonderfully because Stephanie joined me in the pool. As we walked down the hallway to shower, she dropped one of her shoulder straps, looked over her shoulder and smirked. I just shook my head and went into my room. She was going to push the limits every chance she got. But I’d keep her within them. At school, things quickly got back into routine. Melanie was still in her wheelchair, hoping to get her walking splint in a week or so. Her arm was really bothering...
Hi, This is about me and my friends family. I am 30 and my friend was around 36. His wife was around 29. They live deep south in Cuddalore. My friend was working as a PT master in a sr. secondary school in pondicherry. I had go there for a business and stay there for a week. I was staying in a hotel room in pondicherry and he used to come and meet me in the evenings. On the third day, when he came in I was browsing some porn and gay sites. He saw that and wanted to see more. While watching...
I met the man I call "Daddy" when I was in college. I was a first year student in business administration and management at Indiana Tech. It was beautiful, sunny, springtime day in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and I was in the backyard of the apartment I had rented off-campus, just soaking up some sun one Saturday afternoon. It had been an unusually long cold winter that year and the sun felt wonderful on my skin. I was wearing my mini-shorts (think the shorts that professional cheerleaders wear) and...
FetishHello Everyone. This is the continuation of my previous story of a married MILF. This experience of mine received an overwhelming response from married ladies residing in the USA. It seems to have struck a chord with many married women. They are deprived of the pleasures of sex in their marriage and afraid to experiment due to social norms. I am a firm believer in not succumbing to the restrictions of social norms. Anyway, let me continue my experience with Aditi. If you have not read the...
Settled in, I guess you could say that’s what I was, felt good to me. I was actually getting a little better than minimum wage at the HH, nine bucks an hour, and I got breakfast and dinner included in the deal. And the food was a whole lot better than at state. I had people to see of course, chief among them was Jenna. I needed to talk to her about keeping up the fiction we’d created between us that almost seven years ago now. That figured to be no problem unless there was something I was...
Hi this a real story which happened about 21 years back . My name is Raj ( not real one of course ).I was 18 years old and in first year BA . My elder sister Saroj was 7 years elder to me and married and had two children , She was very sexy with vital statistics 38-34-38 , she was 5’6″ tall fair in color and used to wear sexy clothes . She always wore her Saree below her navel. This happened during my summer break , I had gone to her house in morning to spend the day , but she was upset on...
IncestCharles Dera is deep in the secret garden of naughty seductress Holly Wellin who takes him on a psychedlic sexual adventure in today’s premium Penthouse porn scene. The well-hung stud is pushed to the edge with the black-haired vamp’s blowjob skills and can barely contain himself from busting a nut when she slides her juicy pussy down on his big cock to ride him hard in reverse cowgirl. Finally after deep missionary fucking, he unleashes his load all over the kinky sex...
xmoviesforyouCharlotte is a celebrity being interviewed and they ask her about her sex life. That’s where she looks around at the crew, camera guy and director and says “Well I guess I have what you would call a super high sex drive so I LOVE to bang more than 1 guy at the same time so ALL my holes are filled at once and REALLY the thing that turns me on most is having a Camera running while I’m doing it, because knowing that someone else is going to watch me later just makes me Cum OVER...
xmoviesforyouHello every one, hope everyone doing great I try my best to go in detail much as I could in this story its not that old just happen to me week ago I wish I could have write sooner but I was not much of my self to sit and write And also sorry because this story its longer then my other stories I have post my story is not make in my mind or fantasy its all real experiences I had I stay in black neighborhood and all most of my experiences with black male then white guys and its true bigger its...
Tasty Tiffany Tatum needs to satisfy her sweet tooth so walks into the lounge, closing the door behind her while enjoying a lollipop. She sucks and licks it sensually before making herself comfortable on the couch to tease her pussy with her sweet treat. Tiffany unbuttons her blouse and as her boyfriend, Jay enters the room he is greeted with schoolgirl cosplay! All of that sugar makes Tiffany seriously horny and she toys her tight ass with a glass dildo in front of her man! Jay soon takes...
xmoviesforyouThe COVID-19 restrictions had been lifted in the local parks, but social distancing remains in effect. I had three weeks to prepare for my 10K race. I cannot run with my club. My training is better with a running buddy. My college roommate Lanny was back in town and we had good track workouts in college. I would contact him for assistance.“Hi, Lanny. I need a training buddy for an upcoming race. Can we get together for a few runs?”“Zak, sure I would like to hit the road and kick your butt like...
Gay MaleI was 18 and was a couple of months from graduation, the year was 1984. My HS had a magnet program to attract kids from other schools and I had a 30 minute bus ride to and from my school. I had to change busses downtown and often left a little early so I could walk around downtown before school. One of the older department stores was an art deco monster and I loved exploring it. Over the years I had roamed all over the interior offices and even the areas not normally open to the public....
I just found out that my wife of ten years is fucking another guy. On the one hand I'm angry and upset over that fact the she is an unfaithful whore. On the other watching her with her legs spread wide and taking another man's cock was the most sexually exciting thing I'd ever seen. It excited me so much that I jacked off twice while watching. So what do I do? The love is gone and I'll never trust the bitch again, but the lust is there and I want to see her spread herself again for another...
Robinson had settled in to a routine, and had attended the Emir each breakfast and for several dinners, mostly alone or with some of his advisors, when he was told that he would preside over the serving of dinner again, and that there would be the Emir's two English wives present. He supervised the mise-à-table and was satisfied that all was perfection. He then took his station behind the Emir's chair and waited. "You must be the Princess Alima, ma'am," said Robinson, bowing, as an...
I awoke Sunday morning with my cock in Clarice’s mouth, and my right nipple being nibbled on by her college mate, Susan. As I slowly opened my eyes, Clarice said, “Good morning, sleepyhead. We thought perhaps we were too rough on you last night.” Clarice was our family babysitter until she graduated from high school a year ago. Before she left for college, Clarice had “seduced” me, and I had taken her virginity, with my wife Alice’s contrivance and facilitation. We had continued our affair...
TabooOnce everyone was up and ready to go they all piled into the SUV and drove to the lakeside village just south of the cabin. John and Chris got dropped off at the marina to get the boat and do some fishing. The girls were going to do some shopping in town and grab lunch at the coffee shop. They would meet up again around three at the marina.“What time is it,” Nicole asked Tracy.Tracy was staring at her phone and didn’t look up as she replied, “Five after three.”They were sitting in the marina...