Bobby Invites Anne Carol And The Swinging Wives To A Party
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Introduction: misterjedi MY TWO WIVES PART II
I am not the author of this story.
Chapter 1
After my divorce from Carol I took a break from women for a while, and concentrated on my job. I kept the job that Carol had earned for me, and returned back home to the companys depot in Scotland. Thats where i met Jill, while out on a blind date that was arranged by one of the data clerks working in my office. I had fancied her straight away. By this time I was 27 and Jill was just 21. She was a real stunner, small petite even very shy and just over 5 feet tall with long dark brown hair and a fabulous figure, just right for her height. She was a schoolteacher at a local elementary school and I had always wanted to fuck a schoolteacher ever since I caught a glimpse of my form teacher. Miss Temples blue lace panties when I was 14 years old. Maybe this was my chance.
We met regularly after that first meeting, going to theaters, parties together, meeting friends and socializing generally. The nearest I got to any form of a fuck though was the occasional feel of her breasts through her clothes – in the darkness of a theater or in her house doorway when I took her home. She still lived with her parents and they were very old fashioned when it came to boyfriends, even though Jill was 21. She had always to be home by midnight and we were never left alone together her parents always managed to ensure that one of them was in the room with us at all times! My chance came when a friend of mine, David, and his wife Karen, asked if I would baby-sit for them on Saturday night while they attended his brothers birthday party. Of course I agreed so long as they didnt mind if Jill kept me company. No problem at all, in fact David gave me a wry smile, I think he guessed what I had in mind.
On Saturday we told Jills parents that we were going to the theater with some friends, if they had known where we were really going, and that we would be on our own, one of them might have insisted on coming with us. Yes, they really were that bad! We arrived at David and Karens house at 7:30 armed with a couple of harmless movies on video, which I hoped we wouldnt have time to watch. I had other plans. After explaining where the food and alcohol were kept David and Karen departed for the party they expected to be back at around 1:00 am. The first part of my plan was for us to have a drink, not too much though I didnt want to fuck a drunk girl, but just enough to remove most, if not all, of Jills inhibitions. We had 3 small scotch and Canada Dry over the next hour or so, our favorite tipple or at least that is what Jill thought we had. In fact I had 1 small one and 2 straight Canada Dry while Jill had 2 small ones and 1 larger one. Time to fuck the schoolteacher!
I had Jills clothes off in no time and had her laid across the couch. What a body she had, I had forgotten Miss Temples blue lace panties, now I was about to fuck my very own schoolteacher. A good fingering first to get her nicely warmed up and lubricated and I was between her raised knees with my cock nudging her beautifully thatched cunt. I pushed in gently at first but within minutes I was pumping away up to the balls. She was moaning and groaning like somebody crazy, and as we both came she let out a yell that I thought would wake the baby we were supposed to be sitting. We fucked twice more before David and Karen returned, once with Jill on top, and once doggy style with Jill bent over the arm of the couch. Jill told me after we left David and Karens house that she didnt actually drink the scotch I offered her, she took a couple of sips of each and poured the rest away into a pot containing a house plant beside the couch. She had had the same plan for that babysitting session as Id had. Sneaky bitch! We had gotten married 2 months later and moved to a small house on the edge of town.
Chapter 2
Married life was great. We were close friends, we had many things in common, and the sex with my favorite schoolteacher was fantastic. The social life in Scotland was great too. We spent a lot of our spare time at parties, either at friends homes or in our own modest house. One of these was an afternoon barbecue at a friends house about 40 miles away on the far side of town. On these occasions, when I knew we would have plenty to drink, I paid one of the office drivers Melvyn a lad of 19, who didnt drink, to drive us there and back. Now this party was something special, it was to celebrate the birthday of the hosts wife and the wedding anniversary of another couple attending. The drink did flow and we all had a bit too much – but Jill outdid us all. By the time we left she was pretty drunk and quite unable to walk properly.
Melvin and I helped her to the car and settled her on the back seat with her feet up, I sat in the front with Melvin. After we had gone about 10 miles I heard a sound I had been dreading, Jill was vomiting all over the floor of Melvins car! I couldnt apologize enough, I promised Melvin an extra 50 and offered to help him clear up the next day. But he was relaxed about the whole thing and refused any extra cash or the offered help. He explained that his mother had done the same thing on a couple of occasions and he was beginning to get used to it. Still I intended to make it up to him in some other way, and was beginning to plan a way of doing just that.
By the time we arrived home Jill had actually passed out and couldnt walk at all unaided she would have to be carried up the stairs to our bedroom. Now normally I could have managed this myself, Jill is lightweight, but I asked Melvin to help me. I took her under the shoulders first so that Melvin had to take her legs, one under each arm. I also maneuvered the situation so that Melvin took the stairs first with Jills legs higher than her head. Of course what I expected to happen did happen. Her silk skirt rode up her legs giving Melvin a perfect view of her thighs and stockings tops – and of course her see through panties stretched across her luscious pussy.
This was part payment, and her punishment, for making such a mess of Melvins car. As we placed her on the bed Melvin made to leave but I told him to stand just inside the door of our en-suite bathroom and to keep quiet. I then started to strip her. First the blouse, opening the buttons and removing it nice and slowly. Next the skirt, which wasnt easy as Jill was now a dead weight, but it came off eventually. There she lay in just white bra and black see through panties and her tan stockings. I left her like that for a moment while I went to the kitchen to fetch a drink of water. I didnt want a drink but thought I would let Melvin have an uninterrupted view of Jill in her underwear for a few minutes. Now for the bra, this was also difficult, as I had to keep turning her over to unhook the back and to get it off her. The panties were easy, I just eased her backside off the bed and slid them from under her. Naked now, apart from the stockings, I decided to give Melvin a better view. I slid Jill round on the bed so that her legs were facing the bathroom, lifted both legs so that her knees were up, and slipped the stockings off her thighs, down her legs and off.
She was lying on her back now with her knees up, open and her hairy little cunt on display pointing straight into Melvins hiding place. I considered fucking her there and then, with Melvin looking on – and even inviting him to take part, but decided against it. I didnt want to risk the possibility her waking part way through and ruining the chance of other plans I had for her. I desperately wanted to see somebody else fucking my lovely wife but this was not the right time or place and Melvin probably wasnt the right man for the job anyway. Instead I left the room again for a few minutes to allow Melvin a private viewing as an extra reward. When I returned I gave Melvin the 50 anyway, wished him goodnight and let him out of the front door. After putting Jill to bed, and before getting in beside her, I went to the bathroom. There I spotted a few splashes of a very familiar, slimy substance on the bathroom floor. Melvin had obviously enjoyed his private view and it was now my turn to do a little cleaning up. The ideal man I wanted to fuck Jill was a man experienced at seduction. One who would literally be able to charm the pants off her.
Chapter 3
I did know one man who might be a suitable candidate. Michael, an Irishman full of Irish charm, was the full-time professional at the local golf club. He was single, about 40, a rugged open-air type, and a man who clearly enjoyed the company of women. Just about all the women visiting the club, single and married seemed to be friends of his. I decided I needed to get more acquainted with Michael. I started by spending a little more time at the club, and having the odd drink with Michael. Often, while in his company, one (or more) of the women members would come over chatting and joking with Michael. After they left, he would confide that she was the wife or daughter of a local lawyer or banker and was a great screw! After a couple of weeks I got the impression that most of the women attending of the golf club were his conquests. I needed to introduce him to Jill. He had met her once, on one of her rare visits to the club and, although he hadnt spent much time in our company, he had danced with her a couple of times.
When I suggested to Jill that we should attend the club more often she wasnt keen. She had no friends there, and didnt particularly like the type of women who frequented the place. I mentioned my new friend Michael. Oh, yes she remembered him as most charming and a very good dancer. If we were could spend some time in his company then she would give the club a chance. We visited the following evening, had dinner and a few drinks with Michael before he and Jill spent the remainder of the evening chatting on a subject of mutual interest golf. The game bores me stiff, knocking little balls into holes with a bent stick never appealed to me, but Jill likes to watch on TV and expressed an interest in learning to play. As we left Michael gave Jill a peck on the cheek and they arranged to meet the following afternoon so long as I didnt mind to try a couple of short holes at the club. Of course I didnt mind it was the opening to the relationship I had been hoping for.
She had her training session with Michael and thoroughly enjoyed it. So long as I didnt mind they would like to do the same again the following week, she was starting to get the hang of the game. Of course I didnt mind. The following week they had another practice session and then a light meal at the club before Michael drove her home. As she entered the house she was very angry, livid in fact. As he dropped her off, Michael had tried to kiss her and she had slapped him. God, I thought, hes ruined everything! She was just saying that she didnt want to see Michael, or go to the club, again when the telephone rang. It was Michael wanting to speak to Jill. She was reluctant, but eventually agreed to speak to him. She started by being angry with him but gradually calmed down, and ended up laughing with him. Apparently he was very sorry if he had upset her, the kiss had been meant as a friendly gesture, nothing else. He was forgiven and their golf practice continued. I was relieved. I met with Michael several times over the next couple of weeks in the club bar for a few drinks. As part of my plan I invited Michael back to our house for the following Monday night to watch a Rugby game on TV, have a few beers, and perhaps watch a movie on video. Jill was going to be out until late, attending a birthday party for one of her school colleagues.
When Monday came I hired an erotic, but not pornographic movie, retrieved a few special videos of Jill from their hiding place and bought in a few beers. Michael arrived dead on time at 7:00 pm, just as Jill was leaving for her party. Michael complimented her on her outfit, a white knee length dress with stockings and high heel shoes, gave her a peck on the cheek and hoped she would enjoy the party. We watched and criticized the game, which was pretty dire, had a few of the beers and started to watch the movie. That was also pretty bad so we switched it off and had a few more beers. The conversation then got round to Jill. Michael was telling me how her game had improved over the past few weeks and how much he appreciated having her company on the golf course. I told him that Jill also enjoyed the golf practice and was gaining in confidence so much that she was even considering entering next years ladies tournament.
The conversation then turned to the party she was attending that night and how beautiful she had looked as she left. He was envious, and wished he had married someone like Jill. I made no comment but slipped one of the less intimate special videos in the machine and switched it on. As it started, Jill was pirouetting around in our bedroom wearing, by coincidence, the same white dress and stockings that Michael had seen her wearing as she left for the party. After a couple of passes round the room she reached behind her, unzipped the dress and let it slip to the floor. She was now seen in white bra, white garter belt, tan stockings and white bikini panties. A couple more passes round the room and she unclipped the bra at the front and slipped it off. After a few seconds of showing off her beautifully shaped and firm breasts, that session came to a close. Micheals eyes were glued to the TV! A few seconds of blank tape then gave way to a brief shot of Jill totally naked laying face down on the bed. After another brief pause we were again back to Jill in the bedroom dancing round in garter belt, stockings and panties. She sat on the edge of the bed and proceeded to remove the stockings and garter belt. Again that session ended.
Michael asked for a drink of water I think this was beginning to get to him! As I returned the video gave a very brief flash of Jill, again totally naked laying on her back with her legs in the air, wide open. After that brief flash and another brief pause the video went back to Jill in the bedroom wearing just the white bikini panties. As the camera panned in on her she turned her back, bent at the waist and slid the panties to her ankles. There was a brief glimpse of her slit and wisps of pubic hair through the top of her legs as the session again came to an end. I allowed this tape to run on. It showed Jill in various stages of dress and undress moving around the bedroom. I then ran the next two tapes that recorded Jill naked and performing various contortions, showing off just about all there was to see, in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.
By this time Michael was drooling and had a definite bulge in the crotch of his slacks. Over another beer, we both needed it, Michael said that I was an ugly English bastard, not good enough to have a lovely lady like Jill to fuck. In reply I asked if he thought he was good enough? Once he got over the shock of my question he told me of course he was good enough, he had never had any complaints! Why, was I offering? Of course it all came out about my fantasy. I would give him all practical encouragement if he did want to fuck Jill, but there would be two conditions. One, Jill must never know that I had suggested it, and two, I must be able to witness at least the first occasion he made love to her. It was up him to persuade Jill to allow it to happen. He would have to seduce her.
Chapter 4
It started the following day. After their golf practice Michael did as usual and drove Jill home. I noticed that just as she was about to get out of the car, Michael reached over and gave Jill a quick kiss on the lips. She didnt appear to encourage him, but didnt slap him either. That evening over dinner Jill asked if I would mind if she had more afternoon golf practices with Michael so she could improve her game for the tournament? Of course I wouldnt mind, so long as it didnt inconvenience Michael too much. (It seemed Michael had already started work on his seduction). They had two more practice games that week and after the second one I happened to be looking out of the bedroom window when I saw Michael again reach over and kiss Jill. It was quite a prolonged kiss this time and she certainly wasnt discouraging his advances.
Over the weekend Jill took a telephone call from Michael. Instead of having to dash home for dinner after their practice game would she like to have dinner with him at the club on those days? Of course Jill asked what I thought. Certainly, it sounded a very sensible idea to me, why not. So she agreed. She would bring some clothes over to the club so she could change from her golf clothes into something more suitable for dinner. Over the next week Jill stayed and had dinner with Michael after each practice game. On each occasion as he dropped her off outside our house I made sure I would be able to watch them arrive. The first two times there was just the prolonged kiss as she left the car. The third time was different. Again the kiss, but this time the kiss could only be described as passionate. I also saw that Michael had his hand on Jills thigh over her dress and was gently massaging it up and down. She was not stopping him either – in fact she was certainly taking a very active part in Michaels farewell kiss. Michaels seduction was going well, but perhaps a little too quickly. If I was going to witness their first sex session I needed to make some plans fast!
I met Michael at the club on the following Saturday and he invited me to his office. It was the first time I had been in there it was very smart (paid for out of club subscriptions I suppose). There was a modern looking wooden desk in the far corner, a large coffee table in the centre of the room, a leather Chesterfield against one wall and a series of wooden half-slatted doors (probably a closet) against the opposite wall. The rest of the room was taken up by a couple of office type chairs, two leather armchairs, a small safe and a drinks cabinet. Michael poured us a couple of scotches and directed me to one of the armchairs.
I just didnt know how to start this conversation and spluttered a little. Michael was more forward and came right out with it Do you still want him to fuck your wife, and do you still want to watch? I spluttered, Yes. So the arrangements were made. He planned for the big occasion to happen the following week after one of their practice games and dinner. Obviously he couldnt forecast which day it would be, that would depend on Jill and his powers of seduction. It would be Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday he was certain of that, and he was planning for the event to take place in this office. He suggested that I come to the club on each of those nights at about 9:00 pm, enter by the rear goods entrance (where the beer was delivered) and make my way to his office it would not be locked. I should then wait inside the closet, behind the slatted doors and should be able to see the whole office from in there. If they didnt appear within half an hour I was to drive home and in by the time he drove Jill home at 10:00. He asked me to try the closet now. It was perfect. The closet was more than big enough to be comfortable and the door was only slatted in the top half, meaning I could see the whole room without anyone being able to see me.
I left home on Tuesday full of excitement and was in his office – and the closet by 9:00 on the dot. Disappointment though, nobody appeared. Just over half an hour later I was on my way home. In fact I arrived just in time to move into a darkened spare bedroom, which overlooks the drive leading to our house to see Michael dropping Jill off. This time a very long and very passionate kiss was accompanied by Michael gently moving Jills dress above her knee and over her thigh so he could massage her stocking clad leg. At no time did Jill discourage him. This was starting to turn me on and that night Jill and I had one of our, now quite rare, lovemaking sessions. I enjoyed it but I think Jills mind was elsewhere.
Chapter 5
On Wednesday I had again been in the closet for almost half an hour, and was just about to leave, when the office door opened. As I had hoped it was Michael, leading Jill by the hand. Hardly had Michael closed the door when they were in each others arms. His hands stared then started to roam, down her back, over her breasts and down to her backside. As they continued their enthusiastic embrace Michael started to very slowly and gently to pull Jills tight black dress over her thighs. As the dress reached the top of her stockings Michael whispered something in her ear. She immediately broke away from his embrace, moved to the desk and lay forward across it. Michael then moved up behind her and raised the dress up to her waist showing off her stockings and black silk panties above an expanse of white flesh. He then ran his hand from her knees, up the inside of her thighs to the crotch of her panties and down again. Jill was starting to purr like a cat. The next time he reached the top of her thighs he began to rub his thumb along her slit.
After a few minutes of this Jill continued to purr but then I heard her say, Michael, Im soaking wet, make love to me now, I must have your cock inside me! Michael immediately slipped Jills panties down her legs lifted her feet out of them and moved her legs further apart. When he had taken his fully erect and visibly pulsating cock from his pants he just rammed it up inside her. She groaned. As he started to pump himself into her the groans turned to heavy breathing and squeals of delight as she orgasmed over and over again. Michael kept going for over 20 minutes pumping faster and deeper until they both orgasmed at the same time. As he released his softening cock from Jill she immediately turned round, slipped to her knees and took the whole of his cock into her mouth! She had NEVER done that to me.
She had sucked my cock but only before sex, while it was still clean and dry, never afterwards she said it was dirty. I was certainly not dirty now she was sucking away at his cum soaked cock like crazy! When he was clean, but far from dry, he returned his cock to his pants and zipped himself up. They were now a little pushed for time. Jill grabbed a handful of tissues from a pack on the desk, gave her cunt a good wipe, and after a passionate embrace left the office with Michael leaving her discarded, damp panties on the office floor. I had to hurry. I arrived back home only minutes before Jill entered the front door. Unfortunately I was too late to see how they took their farewell of each other in the car this time. She told me all about the golf practice, and the meal she had shared with Michael afterwards but, of course, never mentioned visiting Michaels office! That night Jill undressed in the bathroom, put her dress in the laundry bag, took a long shower and went to bed. I guess she was tired! I took a quick look at the dress. It had a damp patch at the back where her naked and wet pussy had been sitting on it in the car coming home. I took a long sniff lovely and returned it to the laundry bag. Right, I had now seen my wife being fucked by somebody else, but still wasnt satisfied. Because of the position they were in with her across the desk, I hadnt actually seen him enter her. Next time maybe.
They were due another golf practice and dinner on Friday, with another love making session to follow I guessed. So yet again on Friday I was in the closet ready for them just before 8:00. It was lucky I was so eager and earlier than before because they had either had a very rushed dinner or none at all. They entered the office at 8:15. This time Jill was wearing a calf length, light and summery yellow dress with lots of buttons down the front. I had never seen this dress before. As on Wednesday, as soon as they got into the office they got into a close and intimate embrace with Michael feeling Jill up through the dress. Within a very short time though he started, very slowly, to unbutton the dress from the top. He did this very slowly and as he unfastened the bottom button he just pushed the dress back off her shoulders and down to the carpet. She was totally naked underneath! Michael pushed her toward the Chesterfield so that she sat down on it and then after levering her knees apart he proceeded to lick her inner thighs up to her pussy.
He nuzzled her pussy with his nose and then continued to lick and bite her clit until she was groaning and throwing her head from side to side in ecstasy. Still tonguing her clit he pulled her forward so that she slid off the Chesterfield and was left sitting on the carpet with her back to the Chesterfield. After angling her round so that he could get her to lay flat, he stripped himself. Whether it had been Michaels intention I dont know, but Jills pussy was now pointing directly at my vantage point. He lay with his face in her crotch for a few more minutes, tonguing her wet slit and then climbed on top of her. As she raised her legs to grip Michael round his waist I could see her wide-open vagina waiting for Michael to insert his cock. As he did so I saw it – another mans cock working its way into my wife! I could not resist it I just had to take my own aching cock out and slowly (and very quietly) stroke my hand up and down it in time to Michaels slow strokes into Jills pussy.
As Jill had her second or maybe third, orgasm I had mine. I caught most of my excess flow in a tissue brought along for the purpose but much of it found its way to the floor of Michaels closet! Michael and Jill must have been really horny that night. After Michael had eventually cum and Jill had again sucked his cum soaked cock clean, they fucked again but with Jill on top this time. Now I could enjoy the sight of Jill lowering her very wet vagina onto Michaels re-erected cock and bouncing up and down on it. As she finished and lifted herself off I saw a mass of their combined juices leaking back onto Michaels pubic hair and belly. Again they cleaned themselves up (Jill cleaned up all the mess she had made on Michael with her tongue), they got dressed and left for home.
I hurried but neednt have been concerned. They didnt pull up to the house until nearly 11:00 – Jill was full of apologies. They had taken a wrong turning and had got lost for a while. Another quick one in the back of the car is more like the truth I think! But this time I did see how they said good night in the car. Him with his hand up her raised dress, inside her wide open thighs massaging her pussy while she massaging his naked cock as they kissed a passionate farewell. Again, apart from the apology for being late, Jills only conversation was on the subject of the golf practice she was really improving her game and the dinner. What she didnt know, and I didnt tell her, was that I had seen the massive wet stain on the back of her dress before she took it off in the bathroom and dumped it in the laundry bag! I had now seen Michael with his cock inside Jill three times, and I was sure it had been there at least once more on their way home. Now what?
Michael rang me the following day (Saturday) and asked me to meet him in his office later that day. I arrived at just after 7:00 and after he had fixed me a drink, and I had made myself comfortable on the Chesterfield (still thinking of Jill sitting there naked the night before), he offered me a proposition. Jill had asked him to arrange for them to be able to spend a few days together. She had also said that it was a pity that I was not planning a business trip in the near future because she would like to spend those few days with Michael at our house and in our bed! Michaels suggestion to me was that I should take a few days away in London, he was sure I could think of some excuse for having to take it and he would pay all my expenses. I was not sure I should go along with this but when said that he would arrange for any activity on their part to be recorded for me on video, without Jills knowledge, I agreed. So it was all set. I told Jill that an executive in our London office had been taken ill and that I had been asked to take over the running of his department for a few days.
She was sorry that I had to be away, as she would miss me but she understood the reason for it and would phone me every night for a chat. So I went and had a most enjoyable time. Jill did phone me every night and we had a long talk each time. When I returned Jill was not home with Michael at the club I assumed. As I glanced round the bedroom I saw there were 4 VHS videocassettes on the bed with a note in Jills handwriting saying Play these tonight you wont be disturbed.
Chapter 6
I played the first one on the machine. This, obviously recorded from my camcorder on the bookcase, showed Michael stripping Jill of all her clothes and then of them touching, sucking and fucking each other for 3 hours almost non-stop. The second one showed Jill sitting on the bed talking on the telephone. From snatches of her side of the conversation I recognized it as the first time she spoke to me in London. After just a couple of minutes Michael came into the bedroom and got on his knees in front of her. As she talked to me Michael stripped Jills panties off and then started to lick her pussy until she had a very quiet orgasm! This activity was repeated during every call she made to me, but with variations. One time she was standing naked talking to me on the phone while Michael fingered her. Another time she was naked on hands and knees on the bedroom floor while Michael fucked her doggy style, very slowly and very quietly.
They were all very similar. She was talking to me on the telephone while Michael was satisfying her sexual appetite. No wonder she sounded so happy when we spoke! This tape continued with more fucking, pussy licking and a heck of a lot of cock sucking. I realised though that a good deal of this recording had been done from a different angle. Either Michael had moved the camcorder from the bookcase part way through their session or there was more than one machine doing the recording. The next tape proved the case. The fucking, sucking and fingering were definitely being recorded from several different angles! On this tape they played a few games. She would dress up in various erotic outfits, including full nurses uniform with stockings and garter belt, tight slinky evening wear, sports wear and even tarts pick-up clothing with micro mini skirts and fishnets.
He would then pretend she was a stranger, strip off her clothing very slowly and fuck her. When she was a tart he even paid her. During one game he lay in wait as she entered the bedroom dressed as a uniformed policewoman. He attacked her, tore off her underclothing, smothered her cries and violently raped her! All of this had been recorded from at least 3 angles with the cameras at different levels. One, during the rape scene must have been set up at ground level. Jill couldnt fail to realize that everything was being recorded. Immediately the rape scene ended the tape went blank for a minute. When the picture re-appeared it showed Jill and Michael sitting on the bed with their arms round each other. Jill spoke.
She was sorry but she had never been happy with me as a husband, I was not adventurous enough and had never satisfied her sexually. She had now moved in with Michael for a while until they could arrange to move to Ireland he was going home. She had known from the start about me setting Michael up to fuck her, Michael had told her all about it. She hoped I had enjoyed my time in the closet watching them, but I would never see her being fucked by anybody ever again. She would leave me the tapes of their recent few days together I could watch them and wank myself stupid for as long as I liked. She was filing for divorce on Monday and I should expect to hear from her lawyer within a few days.
So I lost a second wife because I had allowed another man to fuck her while I watched. Pity, but I must admit I dont regret any of it. Believe me watching your wife being fucked is a great turn on Ive done it with two wives now and would recommend it to anybody!
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THE CHAPFORD WIVES by BobH (c) 2005 "You're going too fast!" shouted Jeff Collins as his wife stepped on the gas, her long dark hair streaming in the wind behind her. Hester Collins just laughed, eyes flashing, enjoying his discomfort. Young, beautiful, and impetuous, Hester had a wild, devilish side to her. It was what had attracted Jeff to her in the first place, but he was not enjoying this (literally) white knuckle ride. Fall was always special in New England, but...
by REAL-RLMThe Big Country Barn:It was Friday night again, and, as usual, Steve Coulter was alone with nothing to do but watch TV and wait for Ellen to come home from her weekly "Wives' Night Out" with her three friends. Actually, Steve didn't mind. It gave him a good opportunity to do some wood working in his shop, surf the net, and occasionally, go out for a drink with one or two of his golfing friends. In addition, Ellen seemed much happier now that she had some time to spend doing female...
Their Asian Wives by Throne "Come on," Mara snapped. "My friend will be here soon." "Please," her husband Walter pleaded. "You can't let anyone else see me like this." "Are you telling me what I can and can't do?" the cute Asian demanded. "No. I'm sorry. It's just that this is... well... too much. It's not justified." "Oh? Not even after I read all those e-mails back and forth between you and your buddy Larry? After I found out that the two of you married Asian girls...
Part 2Before she knew what was happening Michelle’s hands were being handcuffed she tried to struggle but after the fucking she had received she was too weak.Her blindfold ripped from her eyes.She was faced with 2 women you would not want to cross in the dark, “you young slut” as one slapped her face so hard that it made the cum turn to blood and drip from her lip, You have fucked your last husband., singles guys not good enough for you.” Her face dripping with cum and blood: Michelle still...
Chapter Six: Cum-Hungry Bimbo Wives By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn't that wonderful?” “Yes, it...
Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: " Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK?" He replied: "By all means, let us." We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. "What is it my son?" "Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything?" "Of course you can, my son" "I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...
Introduction: CARE OF A HAREM Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK? He replied: By all means, let us. We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. What is it my son? Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything? Of course you can, my son I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...
RECRUITED MALL WIVESJudy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such...
Judy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such a huge payment....
Bored Business Wives Club - InvitationMy ex-girlfriend, who has been married for five years, called me un-expectantly and wanted to meet up! Not being one to pass up on the opportunity to have lunch with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever bedded, I said, “Yes.” We had a superb meal. I enjoyed catching up, flirting and admiring her gorgeous lines. Sally is now 30+, shapely legs, firm round bum and her 37D boobs are now a little larger after having a baby a couple years ago. As the meal comes to...
The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...
"Hmmm. Black high heels for the little-titted brunettes, and white high heels for the big-boobed blondes... and all of us naked!" And Tara did read that night - every word of the pamphlet which explained the laws of Titshurt to new residents. Twice. Much of what Tara read in that pamphlet, she already knew, having learned it the hard way. She read that she had to wear a bra 24 hours a day within the Titshurt town limits (which included the residential districts on the surrounding hills),...
Last year I shared with you about our experiences with three other couples that we were close friends with – Nick and Suzette, Wade and Margie; and Bill and Linda. All of the wives had been pregnant at the same time and ended up showing their naked bellies and bodies. Eventually we all started having sex together. With our k**s and careers, lives got busier and we weren’t able to get together as often as we liked. Last week Babs got a call from Suzette telling her that we all had to get...
‘Okay, you want me to help save the world. You’ve got my attention. But I can’t imagine that you aren’t just being a bit melodramatic.’ ‘Maybe so, Cath. But wait until I put it all in context and make my offer.’ She had just licked my pussy and given me the best orgasm I’d ever had. Adding that to the weekend at the spa, I owed her a good hearing. For the rest of that evening, and all the next day as we enjoyed our spa treatments, she explained. I asked many questions and she was very patient...
Carolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...
Taboo"Okay, you want me to help save the world. You've got my attention. But I can't imagine that you aren't just being a bit melodramatic." "Maybe so, Cath. But wait until I put it all in context and make my offer." She had just licked my pussy and given me the best orgasm I'd ever had. Adding that to the weekend at the spa, I owed her a good hearing. For the rest of that evening, and all the next day as we enjoyed our spa treatments, she explained. I asked many questions and she was very patient...
LesbianThe young black stud remained by the pool for only an hour this time.The unintentional tension in the air caused by this black stud was obviously making all 13 of us white husbands feel uncomfortable. Our pretty white wives had so many moments where they were uncharacteristically quiet and somber, yet they tried to keep some form of communication inside the group.Minutes before the black man departed a few of the wives suggested we ask him to join us for the next meal."Why don't you guys go...
Me and My Wife were always open sexually and would always talk about experimenting with other people or friends, And one night at a our friends house we got what we asked for and more... Friday was finally here after working all week and I was ready for a drink or five, My wife had called me on the way home and said our good friends Bob and Jenny invited us over to there house for drinks, a bonfire and just to sit around and have a good time. I am 22 my wife is 19 and our friends Bob is 30 and...
Reddit Cheating Wives, aka r/CheatingWives! Alright, guys, there are two ways that you can look at /r/cheatingwives. Either you can see it as a subreddit where you’re the guy who would fuck all these cheating wives, or you would be the guy whose wife would be cheating on them. Whatever the case may be, /r/cheatingwives has the perfect content for you. The reason I say this is because I would definitely and firmly be on the side that fucks all these hot wives. In all honesty, fucking married...
Reddit NSFW ListTHIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO AFFEND ANYONE SO PLEASE IF YOU ARE EASY AFFENDED THEN PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS STORY, THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB I found out about the wives switch club by chance when they contacted jenny my wife it was about two weeks ago which I had no idea until the other day,It was when I found a letter in her draw which said welcome to the wives switch’ club I was looking in the bedroom draws for a pen, it came as a big shock at first as I never...
THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO AFFEND ANY ONE PERSON IT DOES HAVE STRONG SEXUAL CONTENTS SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASY AFFENDED. THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB I found out about the wives switch club by chance when they contacted jenny my wife it was about two weeks ago which I had no idea until the other day,It was when I found a letter in her draw which said welcome to the wives switch’ club I was looking in the bedroom draws for a pen, it came as a big...
After a terrible night, next morning I got ready to leave for work. My second wife Nurit had taken a day-off so she didn’t come with me to the hospital. Before leaving, I made breakfast for Pooja and took it to her bedroom. She was awake and watching TV. After seeing the breakfast in my hand, my first wife Pooja said: “Go feed it to your new slut, just stay away from me”. “Nurit isn’t a slut, she’s my wife and she already had her breakfast, this is yours”, saying this, I kept the plate on the...
The weather in Atlanta, Georgia is almost always better than what my wife, Chelsea, and I experienced in London, and we enjoyed the warm days there. Chelsea and I were thirty-two years old and had been living in Atlanta for six months at the time of this story. She works for a medical device company headquartered in London, with several subsidiaries in the United States.Chelsea is a research scientist and was chosen to move to Atlanta on a two-year work permit to establish a new research group....
InterracialMaurice and Miriam Smith had it all or so it seemed. They were the epitome of the typical young upwardly mobile professional couple as known as 'yuppies.' They had been high school sweethearts and attended the same state university. While Maurice played around some in college and joined a fraternity, Miriam probably would have joined a sorority but money was always tight for her family and she felt funny living up the college life in a sorority while her parents where at home barely getting...
Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I trembled with excitement. I couldn’t believe what Magnolia had shown me. A serum that turned women into busty airheads—bimbos. It seemed impossible, and yet one stood before me. Annalee Burrell, a woman I had met a few times had transformed from an uptight, straight woman with a pinched face into a blonde bombshell. A blonde bombshell that was so dumb I had convinced her that she would love licking my ass merely because I was a...
Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn’t that wonderful?” “Yes, it is,” I grinned, my hand bobbing Margarete’s head up and down my cock. I...
We were in our sleeping bags shortly after sunset. I wanted Josiah to fuck me, but the mom put a wet blanket on our amorous feelings. We were up before dawn, ate oatmeal in the grey light just before sunrise, packed up, and were on the trail as soon as the sun cleared the horizon. We continued northwest, in the direction of Loaf Mountain. Of course in this country, you don’t go in a straight line unless you are a crow and can actually fly. We wound around, seemingly aimlessly, to stay on...
I found out about the wives switch club by chance when they contacted jenny my wife it was about two weeks ago which I had no idea until the other day. I found a letter in her draw which said welcome to the wives switch’ club I was looking in the bedroom draws for a pen. It came as a big shock at first as I never thought of my wife wanting to do anything like this we have a very strong marriage so I thought. I was curious as to why she had not told me about it our sex life was absolutely...
jan was one of the man's ten wives. It was the wives duties to take care of him and bear his c***dren. He would choose a wife not with c***d to sleep with each night. Once they had his baby, he would wait two months then start breeding them again. He was well respected in the village as bearing the most c***dren. His daughters learned from a young age that they would have a master to serve some day. At the age of 13 the dad would decide who they would be sent to and at 14 they begin to bear...
First Wives Club ? Part 2 By Alexis Demoire Chapter 6 ? Conversation with my mother My parents are the most important people in my world, and I love them to death, however, working for them can be difficult sometimes. Mostly because they still think of me as their little girl. After a year of proving myself, I finally got a big break. My parents have finally assigned me a team to handle my own projects. The first project that I got was to work with this young developer named Jack...
Hi Im Paul Me and my wife Suzanne have been married for 16 years and have had a great sex life.A few years Ago I became a premature ejaculater and just could not satisfy Suzannes needs no more,Last year i give her permission to have sex with another guy aslong as i was present and i could watch ,she met a 31 year old white guy on the web and they had sex on 4 occasions , this made her happy and made me extremely horny , Suzanne stopped meeting the guy of the web about 3 months ago.A few weeks...
Your name is John. You claim to have five wives. Right now you are laying face down on a massage bench with your face buried in Joes crotch. Between sucking on Joe's dick you are begging me. "PLEASE!PLEASE!PLEASE!I HAVE TO HAVE IT!I WILL GIVE YOU ANY OF MY WIVES!PLEASE!PLEASE!" "I haven't seen any of these wives you claim to have, John. Where are they? Are they real or a figment of your imagination to try to get me to fuck you in your ass?" "PLEASE!GIVE ME YOUR DICK IN MY ASS AND I WILL SHOW...
Group SexMy name is Ali; no last name and a no nonsense view of life. What I crave; what I must have is white pussy. I don’t desire white women that I can have at the drop of a hat or more appropriately the drop of my pants. My ten inch rock solid black cock will seduce any white bitch who comes near the monster. Its length and thickness (nearly that of most women’s forearms) will by itself seduce most white wives; wives whose husbands have developed the twenty second standard...
Jeff and I have been best buddies for a long time. He and I are the same age and we're about the same size. People used to ask if we were brothers.Jeff is married to a beautiful girl name Erin. She has a sexy body, she's almost 25 years old and is just made for fucking. (In my opinion)I'm married to Cindy who is also 25 years old. She has blonde hair, a great body, and a beautiful face. She is slightly taller than Erin, but both girls are great looking.Jeff and I live next door to each other...
Edwin could not believe that he actually had the incredibly beautiful Natalie Kimble nude in a bedroom, and she was available for him to use in any way he wanted. While Edwin was undressing, the sexy divorcee, in her altered state, softly said, “Natalie never had any idea that you wanted to fuck her. She always thought you were a committed husband and father. She would have flatly refused to have anything to do with you, and would have forbid Kaylee from babysitting for her, if you had made...
Frances grinned as Reg’s cheeks flared red. “You do remember that, I see. Anyway, back to the question. What do you think of employing them?” “As a first step with no other pre-ordained commitments, I am happy with that. Giving the girls an opportunity to show their mettle is good. Can I suggest, Frances, that we take up the idea of them officially being employed by your father’s business? That sounds like good business sense. The other parents can make their contributions to him, in...
September – Year 1 I woke up on Thursday morning with no one hanging on me for the first time in a long time. As I looked around, I remembered that last night I had taken myself out of the middle position between my wives. I rolled towards the middle of the bed and there were the two most beautiful women in the world, naked and in each other’s arms. Erin was on her back and Lynn was cuddled up next to her with her left leg thrown over Erin’s thigh. I lay there looking at the perfect image...
“Well, what grade would you give her?” Tim asked, while looking over Amelia’s incredible nude body as she stood in front of the men without a sign of modesty. Something that the beautiful wife would been horrified and totally humiliated to do in her normal state. “An A++. Now that Amelia understands that she is the property of the W&DS Club, she is a tremendously willing and slutty wife that will perform any sex act required of her. I am glad Bob decided to give her up for us to use. She...
Here’s the thing guys. I’ve seen all kinds of subreddits, and the thing they all boil down to is user-generated content. I’ve always had the most fun on subreddits that are made for chicks to come and post real pictures to. I’m talking about amateur babes who have nothing better to do than to go on the internet in search of strangers’ validations. Anyway, imagine if those chicks aren’t even that young but are, in fact, married women in their 30s or so. Well, that’s the kind of content you get...
Reddit NSFW ListIf you think watching porn movies where horny wives are cheating on their husbands/partners, you are bound to love and everything that the site has to offer. This is a premium site filled with lots of cheating porn movies, so if you do not want to pay before you can see what the fuck the site has to offer, I got your back.Since this is a premium site I obviously have access to it. I have checked out every nook and cranny of the website, and I can tell you that if cuckold...
Premium Cuckold Porn SitesIn England there was a TV programme entitled Footballers Wives. The title gave me idea, and so I started work on this story. Many of the spelling are those used in the Oxford English dictionary but also as I have a spell check born in the USA it has also influenced some of the spellings. I enjoy writing and while the majority of the stories I write have a sexual context. I also like to ensure that the story has a good story line. ************ Prologue The Chairman had called an extraordinary...
Erotic FictionBackground: The first three paragraphs are the same as the other stories of the club so if you've read them skip to para 4. The Melbourne Filipina Wives club had about 350 members, all with Filipina wives who they shared, or competed in Club events and fights. I was an honorary member because I did all the overseas money transfers, prepared the financial contracts so no member got burnt by a divorce by his Filipina wife, and the paperwork with the immigration department. But now with my...
I’ve heard people say that it’s hard to break old habits, and my husband, our friends, and I found that out on a trip to Las Vegas. You will be better able to understand our situation if I start at the beginning.My name is Brooke, and I met Tina, the girl would become my best friend, during our freshman year in college in northern California. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, as was Tina, but we didn’t meet until we were assigned to the same dorm room. We hit it off from the start,...
CuckoldI hope this will cause a great deal of discussion, why is it wives and girl friends won't be a slut for their husbands or boy friends but on a girls night out are giving away the candy store to some guy they have know for an hour and a half, out in the back seat of a car, motel or his apartment!Husbands want their wives to be sluts, FOR THEM! They want their wives to tease and entice them dress slutty for them. But instead after a few years its yes get on get it done with and oh yes that was...
My wife Ann and I are nearing the age of fifty, and have been married for almost twenty-two years. We met out of college, and have been each others only sole partners in life. The past few years have been rough on us. We really needed a break from all the stress of work and taking care of the family, and now was the perfect opportunity to take a well-deserved vacation. We weren’t getting any younger, and it seemed like over the past few years we had become more distant. The passion we once had...
Wife LoversHi. I am going to narrate a real incident happened during our visit to my best friend’s house. This was the start of our sexual exploration. Me (Ranjith) and my wife Deepti have a few common friends whom we visit regularly. One such friend is Vishal and Pratibha. Vishal is my college friend. My wife and Pratibha get on very well as they have the same frequency. On this day we were having our drinks just beer and watching cricket. Unfortunately, India lost. We were very much frustrated and we...
Hi All, I am a Big Fan of ISS and this is thought which raised in my mind after reading an article similar to this, I am Srujan (Names Changed) born in a rich family, my parents are no more and my property is being taken care by a care taker who is a uncle and he is self-less person as I have sponsored his child’s education This time I came to India for my marriage and my uncle has showed me some girls pictures, all of them are really beautiful and one of them really got my attention and her...
Hello Everyone, My name is Ani, I came across this site a week ago and would like to share my life story with you. Except for the names, the story is 100% true. I’m writing the story from my point of view, but 3 others are reminding me all the details. So let’s start…. I’m 27 and my wife Reena is 22, we’ve been married for 2 years. We live in Delhi with my Chacha (my dad’s cousin) and his wife. My Chacha is 38 and Chachi is 30. We don’t plan on having any kids for few years yet as we want to...
Richard looked at the time again. It was getting late. He was beginning to wonder why his wife, Monica was taking so long. He could smell the sweat scent of her perfume beginning to linger in the living room. She always smelled good and looked so inviting regardless what she was wearing. Richard finally decided to see what was keeping her. Monica was busy standing near the bed sorting through her luggage. Richard put his arm around his wife and saw that she was stacking an assortment of...
The girls happily pulled his arms to get him to his feet, then escorted him away, one supporting each arm. Frances watched, with a gleeful smile on her face. When they were gone, Frances moved to find where her mother was, to give her a report at a distance, and thank her for the medications. She found her mother was in the kitchen, so Frances stood by the door at a careful distance, to speak with her. She told her that all the patients were now in bed; that Carol and Holly were doing an...
Edwin still had Amelia and Kristi in their altered states to prevent them from wondering and questioning where the younger teen had been all night. When Mark and Kaylee came in the front door, Edwin was sitting in his recliner and Amelia was sitting on the sofa. Kristi was in her room. Amelia then asked, “Did Kaylee perform well, and to your satisfaction?” Mark knew then that Edwin’s wife was in her altered state, and replied, “Yes, Kaylee was a fine young slut.” “Kristi is in her room and...
May – June – Year 4 “Code Blue!” I heard the words and looked to see that Blossom was a sickly pale blue color. Several people ran into the room and pushed me out of the way. “We need to clear you out of here. NOW!” Dr. Grand ordered. Erin and Lynn grabbed the girls who were now scared out of their minds. We backed out the door and we went to the nurse’s station. We were all holding onto each other as Blossom was rolled out of her delivery room and down the hall. We were standing in shock...