Reginald's WivesChapter 13 free porn video

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Frances grinned as Reg’s cheeks flared red. “You do remember that, I see. Anyway, back to the question. What do you think of employing them?”

“As a first step with no other pre-ordained commitments, I am happy with that. Giving the girls an opportunity to show their mettle is good. Can I suggest, Frances, that we take up the idea of them officially being employed by your father’s business? That sounds like good business sense. The other parents can make their contributions to him, in whatever percentages they feel is appropriate, or after negotiation with him. Perhaps those of you girls with some ready cash might consider making a small contribution, to show willingness to help. For myself, unfortunately...”

Frances relaxed. “We know your situation, Reg. Forget that; it is not relevant. So, fine. I’ll speak to my father about what we envisage, to see what he thinks about it. He might want to employ them under a different title, such as joint building superintendent, if it fits better into his staff structure. He might even arrange for them to do a short course in building superintendence or whatever he feels is appropriate.”

Reg asked, “By the way, where are the said twins? These are the girls who were nursing us, did you say? I wasn’t paying much attention at the time.”

“That’s them – Carol and Holly; guess when their birthdays are? They have been cat-napping over the last few days, alternating between nursing everyone and catching up on meals and sleep when they can. Now they have crashed out in their bedroom, until they decide to waken up, with my permission. They really ought to be great assets at our home.

I’ll find them when they are awake, and we can chat about the job.”

Frances left to locate the twins, to see if they were still asleep. They were awake, and were up and about in the kitchen, having established that neither of Frances’ parents was there, fortunately. They were making a snack meal for themselves.

“Hi, girls,” said Frances. “Have you got time to come and have a chat with us? You can bring your plates with you.”

“Sure, Frances. Give us five minutes, and we’ll be there. Anyone want something to eat at the same time? There are one or two Yorkshire pork pies in the fridge. Your Mum must have put them in some time yesterday.”

“Hey, that sounds sensible. None of us has been hungry recently, but we could try a piece of pork pie. Can you cut one into four and warm it in the microwave, just a tad, enough to take the chill off?”

“Right, four pieces coming up, shortly.”

It was occasionally difficult to determine by voice alone. which twin was speaking at the time. Frances saw no need to concern herself about that.

She informed her spouses of what was coming. They all agreed that a bit of food would not go amiss, but Erika decided that she was beyond the cold drinks stage of recovery. “Can I have a cup of tea, Frances?”

Francis nodded wearily, and replied, “I’ll organise a pot of tea, and anyone who fancies some can have it.”

She ambled back to the kitchen, and asked for a pot of tea. “I’ll shove on the kettle for you, girls, then take a tray with some mugs through.”

“Thanks, Frances. We’ll get the tea made in a jiffy.”

Frances was still not feeling great, and that gave her an idea. “Is everyone up to date on their medications, do you know?”

“Check one of our phones. We have the pill schedule on both. The phone pings when it is time for the next capsule to be taken, and flags it up on the screen.”

“Hey, good organisation, girls.”

“We may not be going to university, but we have the smarts for that level, Frances. It runs in the family, it appears.”

“Apologies for doubting, girls. You have a lot going for you, so you may be interested in our proposition.”


“Wait until you come through, Holly. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

Gradually everyone was settled with food or drinks, and Frances asked Prudence to take the lead. She gladly did so.

“Carol and Holly, first of all thank you for your wonderful nursing talents we have all benefitted from, and are still in need of. They have been appreciated immensely.” The others voiced agreement with that sentiment.

“Secondly, after a serious discussion, we would like, if we can arrange for a salary, to offer the pair of you a job at our home. The job is, jointly, cook and housekeeper for the building where we live. We can discuss the job in more detail later, and also talk about salary, which will reflect an all-found job: accommodation and meals included.

We envision it as a live-in appointment, as we have said, but we don’t know as yet how it will be organised. You might be officially employed by Frances’ father through his business, as that may be advantageous for tax and cost purposes. It is easier to put additional staff on a payroll than start from scratch, setting up all the administrative requirements of employment. We have still to explore the options.

At present, we simply want to know if this will appeal to you as a job.”

Carol wanted to know, “Are you just making up a job for us, to be nice, or is this a real job?”

Prudence explained, “It is a real job, Carol. Cooking for the five of us, and also yourselves, is a major task; one which we get over at present by living on snacks or easy-to-prepare meals. With all our studying, we don’t really have the time for quality cooking.

Secondly, we don’t have enough time to keep the building properly neat and tidy. There is a cleaner who comes in a few hours a week, but that is just for basic cleaning; kitchen, toilets, and the bedrooms. There are many other things, from doing the shopping to ordering fuel before we run out, to keeping track of our personal hygiene needs – toiletries, toothpaste, medical supplies, first aid kit, supplies of feminine products, materials for our cleaner to use, dealing with laundry and ironing, window cleaning (inside only); the list goes on.”

Holly remarked, “That sounds like a job that needs doing. Does one of us act as cook; the other as housekeeper?”

Frances clarified, “We see the two jobs as a joint appointment, where the two of you can switch around as suits you. If one is not available for any reason, the other will take over the cooking. The other household tasks are lower priority than preparing meals.”

“Holidays?” questioned Carol.

“Whatever is the standard for that sort of job. My father will know the regulations about holidays and holiday pay.”

“Hours per week?”

“To be sorted out with him, but I expect something like 36 to 40 hours per week. It is a seven-day-a-week job, but you can adjust your hours of duty so each of you gets at least one day off per week. In some circumstances, we will do our own cooking to let you both have a break, especially holidays. We would hope you would take your holidays when we are on university vacations.”

Carol wanted to know, “Is the existing cleaner losing her job through this?”

“No, we don’t intend that to happen. It would not be fair; but if she decides to leave, her cleaning duties will be taken over as part of the housekeeper responsibilities, with a compensatory adjustment to salary.”

“That sounds reasonable. Is she nice, this cleaner?”

“I think so. We seldom see her, as we are at the university when she does her cleaning. She has her own key, just like you two will have, if you take the job.”

Carol looked across at Holly, raising her eyebrows in query. Getting a nod, she said to Frances, “I think we will take the job, if the terms are right, but I think we can trust our uncle!”

Frances nodded slightly, taking over for a moment. “I need to talk it over with him before we formally offer the dual post, girls, but I don’t expect to have much resistance from him. I will phone him, even though he is in the house. I don’t want to pass on the flu bug.”

“Okay, we’ll leave it with you.”

Everyone thought the discussion was over, but Holly had a query to raise.

“Prudence made a suggestion earlier, about us having a baby that you girls would help raise. Two points: 1. Was that a serious idea, and 2. Is it still on the table?”

Prudence said, “I’ll get Frances to reply. She is top wife in this family.”

Frances reddened slightly, partly at the title she had been given, and partly at the subject she had to cover. She coughed, then continued, “We have talked things over with Reg, but he wants to get to know you much better before considering that idea.

Let me tell you a little about Reg – Reg, close your ears, please, dear.”

Reg put his hands over his ears, to comply, then Frances continued, “Reg respects girls for themselves, as individuals. Dammit, he respects everyone, come to that. It is one of the good things about him, and maddening at the same time. He doesn’t want you railroaded into anything, not even the taking of your virginity. To him, it is a precious possession of every girl, and she should give it away only as and when she is happy to do so, and with a man she feels has her best interests at heart. I can guarantee that is the way he thinks.

On that basis, we propose to have you work in our household for a while, so we all get to know you as people, before we look seriously at babies in the family. It may be that your virginity might be lost in getting you pregnant. We wives have given our permission to Reg, if the occasion arises.

Is this something you can live with?” she concluded.

Carol and Holly nodded in unison. Holly answered for them, “Reg sounds very sensible and considerate. We can wait, if there is a good chance of what you said happening. We will know him better as well, I can see; a wise approach. Thank you for thinking of us in such detail.”

Frances told them, “Very well. I will speak to my father about the jobs, and see what he says.”

She went off to make her call in private, in case problems arose during the call.

“Daddy? Frances. I am phoning to avoid you catching my flu bug. We have a suggestion that will cost all of the parents some money. We propose hiring Carol and Holly to work in our household.”

He was intrigued. “Why are you asking me, Frances my girl?”

“I, We, think it makes sense for you to arrange everything, as part of your business empire. The proposal is to hire Holly and Carol to work and live in our building, or rather your building. We want them to do a double job as cooks and housekeepers, sharing the tasks. We think it could be funded by asking each set of parents to chip in towards the cost. As a live-in job, all found, the cash payment will be much less than normal for such employment.

We are hoping you could employ them in your business structure, on the basis of me, Reg and the other wives as being trainees or something for future employment in your business.”

Her father broke in, “Hold on there, my girl. Did you work all this out by yourself?”

“Between us, Daddy, all of it today. Things like holidays, national insurance, income tax deductions, and so on are more easily dealt with as part of your business structure. We are not clear as to the job title for the twins, so you may have a suggestion on that front.”

“Let me clarify this, Frances. You want my business to employ Holly and Carol to look after the building you are using as your home, and do your meal preparation as well?”

“Yes, Daddy. Am I asking too much?”

“No, no. I am just surprised. This is a well thought out plan. It does you credit, daughter dear. Reg has rubbed off on you, it seems. I would change your intention slightly, to make it workable.

We must get all five of you to sign a form applying for a position as a graduate trainee in the business. Once I have that, I can offer you a form of retainer so that you don’t apply to anyone else before or after you graduate. That retainer would be a small amount of financial support for each of you until you graduate. To make it easier for you to work on your degrees, the company will provide you with domestic assistance at your home. If you have nominees for the domestic assistants, I will be happy to interview them for the two posts of Household Assistant.

Will that be satisfactory, Frances?”

“Daddy? What are you up to? That didn’t come out of the blue! You must have prepared for that question. How?”

“Frances, all the rooms in our house are wired for security, in case I have to negotiate business in the house. I like to know what any business competitors, even colleagues, are up to. No-one knows about this except your mother, and now you. That’s why I was able to prepare. Keep it to yourself, please.”

“Daddy, I hope you didn’t intend to spy on my husband’s ... interactions with his wives.”

He gave a happy laugh. “Frances, I am not a sexual voyeur, so the feed from your bedrooms is switched off while you are here. Your family members are safe. I hope you continue to have a happy relationship with Reg, just as I have with your mother. Love counts for a lot, my girl. I was impressed by Reg’s insistence on getting to know the twins before considering any personal connection. Do you think something will come of that?”

“Daddy, I can’t think of anything they would like more. It was like they saw the light, and are focused on it to the exclusion of all else. They have set their hearts on Reg, and I don’t see any benefit in preventing it. I see the end result as them joining our family, as additional wives. The twins will be ecstatic if that happens.”

“It has your approval, then?”

“Between ourselves, Daddy, yes. We will have to leave it to Reg to come around by himself, but I think he will. He is a sucker for doing what girls want, as he has never been trained in macho behaviour. He wants to please us all, and that is it. He is doomed to be loved. I am sure you can see that.”

“I can, and so can your mother. The twins heard how you four felt about Reg, and that was the clincher; they had found what they were looking for. Reg will be unable to resist the pressure when they impose their feminine wiles on him. We have heard enough of their chat between themselves, to make that clear.”

“I can’t go back and tell everyone that it is all fixed up, Daddy, so I shall tell them that you are thinking about it, and will let me know tomorrow, okay?”

“Very sensible, young lady, or I should say, Mrs Robertson.”

“Thank you, Daddy. In fact, thank you for being a wonderful Daddy!” Frances went back to her family and informed them, “I have told my father what we are planning and he thinks it will be do-able, but he will have to work out how to make it manageable in practical terms. He agrees that Carol and Holly should get a job, and he will see what is possible within his business administrative layout. The job title may vary from what we suggested, but the work will remain the same.” The twins were delighted. “Hey, that’s great, Frances.”

“Don’t count your chickens just yet, girls. Wait until Daddy gets this sorted. I hope that it won’t be long until he finds out all the details. Then, and only then, can he approach our other parents to arrange the financing. I hope the various parents have enough spare cash to cover your working for the next three years. I don’t know how long it will take before that is settled. It will depend on individual factors in each family. They are already paying our academic fees and subsistence away from home, so it is not done and dusted, I have to warn you.”

The twins came down from their high, but still smiled. Holly volunteered, “We know you will do your best for us, Frances. You were always a good friend to us.”

“You were just a couple of years younger, so you girls were worth cultivating as friends. Any younger, and I probably would have regarded you as yucky babies!”

They laughed at this caricature. Carol asked, “Anything else we can do for your family, Frances, now that we have had our lunch?”

Frances looked round at her husband and wives. “Anyone?”

Prudence said, “Can I just go back to bed? I feel knackered. This migraine is hanging on.” Freda offered a similar thought, regarding the flu. Frances thought this was a good idea as well. Erika announced, “I’m not too bad. I want to see if I can just sit and read for a while. I don’t want to be bored by TV. What about you, Reg?”

As the other dressed party, he thought for a moment, then said, “I think I’ll read as well. Do you think you could read, sitting on my lap, Erika? I’d love to hold you while we both read.”

She smiled and giggled. “I think that is a good idea, Reg. Let’s fix that, before you get asked to go back to bed with the others.”

The other three grimaced, and each said that they didn’t feel up to any kind of nookie that day. “Feel free, Erika. He’s all yours,” said Frances.

The twins watched the proceedings and Carol asked, “Okay if we wake you for your medication, ladies?”

The sleepy ones granted that boon, and went back to bed for a rest.

Next morning, Mr LeBrun phoned Frances, and she took the call.

“Right, my sweet. Everything is set up as you wanted. Erika and Freda’s parents have agree to chip in five thousand each per year, and Prudence’s mother says she has to consult her husband before saying yes, but she expects it will be a yes to a similar amount. With another five thousand from me and your Mum, we can pay the twins ten K each, and all found. That’s a good deal; in fact, better than a good deal for new eighteen-year-olds. All we have to settle is the terms and conditions, and a starting date.


Frances told him, “I don’t see any point in them starting till we get back home.

Sorry, Daddy, but where I, Reg and the other girls live is now ‘home’ in my mind.”

“No, that is fine, Frances. As with any marriage, home is where you and your spouse now live; in your case, spouses.”

“That’s nice, Daddy. You are a great guy to have for a father.”

“Get on with telling Carol and Holly, Frances. Let them know to ask me about terms and conditions. You will be responsible for fixing their holiday dates; I’ll let you know their entitlement. It will be based on when they start.” He was about to end the call when he remembered. “I forgot to mention: I explained to Prudence’s mother your current influenza contretemps, and invited both of them to visit while you are recovering, but she said they could wait. I gather Prudence’s dad is still working, so the delay is fortuitous for him, or so she said. I don’t know what the situation is with Reg’s mother, time-wise. Have you got a fixed date for each visit?”

“No, Daddy. We left it variable, as we did not know how long we would stay with each family. I made it clear to Reg’s mother some time back, that he was my husband, rather then her son, and that we would work to our own needs, and not to hers.”

“That sounds strong, Francis. Did you have to be so forceful?”

“At the time, I had to, Daddy. She had been treating Reg for many years as an unwanted child, so I didn’t want her to think that she could ask us for anything. She claimed she had changed, but I want to keep her on a tight rein until she has proved that.”

“I see. You HAVE changed, my sweet. You are much more mature in everything you do and say. Although at first I was apprehensive about your commitment ceremony, you seem to have blossomed with it, much to my surprise.”

“I hadn’t really noticed, Daddy. The ceremony was just formalising our pre-existing life together. We had been living together as a loving family before that, including sex. It was Reg who wanted a public affirmation of his commitment to us. Now you see why I just love my Reg, as do the other girls, and he responds to us in turn. Yesterday, when the others needed their rest, Reg gave Erika a cuddle, sitting on his lap, while she read her book. Reg has an innate understanding of what a girl would prefer, despite his deprived upbringing. We have developed that trait to a great extent, but it was always there; who knows how? I regard him as proof that it is who you are that matters, and not the nurture argument. We didn’t teach him this. His inbuilt respect for other people is what it seems to be based on, and developed into love for us. I think that in a management job, he would do well, encouraging the employees and looking after them at the same time.”

Her father said nothing to this over the phone, then she realised he was probably nodding to himself. She waited.

“That is wonderful, my pet. You have just boosted my desire to employ him in the business once he graduates. What is he studying?”

“It is a general degree, Daddy, but he may be open to changes. When he applied, he had no specific target in mind, just learning in general. He is slowly becoming more focused, so he may, as I say, be open to suggestions; for example if you wanted him to study building construction. Probably a general engineering course might be best for that, but he is keen on history, so perhaps even Civil Engineering, which covers ancient structures. Alternatively, a management course might be handy, but I think you would have to discuss it with him. Perhaps one of the girls will do management.”

“Sounds like a good idea, Frances. I may take you up on that.” The conversation tailed off, and they said goodbye. Frances was starting to think about food, now that the worst of the flu was over. She polled the others as and when she could speak to them. Only Erika was feeling hungry, but Reg was willing to participate in eating, if it would help the others. He thought about what their bodies needed, rather than what they felt like, and persuaded them, “Ladies, you should get some sustenance into your delectable bodies. I want to continue to enjoy your curves: please don’t lose them through not eating.” Frances took the opportunity to tell them all that her father was willing to employ the twins, officially as domestic assistants providing help to potential graduate trainee staff. They nodded without fully comprehending the words she was saying. It was just confirmation of what they had sought. The food had a higher priority in their minds, while they were not massively hungry.

Thus encouraged, they all agreed to accept a small meal, and the twins at once went off to comply. Reg noticed this and remarked, “Frances, Carol and Holly seem to take it that their new job has already started!”

Frances retorted, “Don’t knock it, my man; just appreciate their enthusiasm. Your wives may not be so pro-active for now, but at least they have an excuse.”

Reg was chastened. “Sorry, you are right, Frances my love. I should be thankful that Carol and Holly want to be with us; working for us.”

“Treat it as both, Reg. They want to be with us as well as working for us; though technically, they will be working for my father.”

“I understand that; it makes sense. They will be working for us but officially employed by his company. What did he mean by ‘potential graduate trainee staff’? I can guess but I’d like to hear more.”

“I’ll get him on the phone, and you can talk it over with him, love.”

Frances’ father was soon got on the phone, but asked for a couple of minutes to clear what he was working on with a colleague. Reg gladly agreed. Shortly Mr LeBrun was back again.

“Hello, is that Mr Robertson?”

“Please, sir, call me Reg; Mr Robertson sounds so formal.”

“All right, Reg. What exactly did you want to know?”

“Your phrase about potential graduate trainees: what does that mean, in words that we can all understand?”

“Reg, it is simply management gobbledygook. The word ‘potential’ means that nothing is in writing, so it is like the army subsidising someone to take a degree course that will suit him being employed by the army when he graduates. In your case, we can regard you and your ladies as potential employees once you graduate. It would therefore be advisable for you all to take degrees in subjects that should be useful to the company. That could be engineering, civil engineering, management, business subjects, accountancy, even archaeology.”

“Archaeology? Why include that?”

“If we buy some land for development, and there is any indication of historical objects underground, we have to subsidise an archaeological dig to investigate it fully. It helps if we have a member of staff who knows archaeology and can give us good advice on how to expedite the process. That knowledge could save the company a lot of money.”

“Ah. I see now. I hadn’t realised the company was into development too. I thought you just bought buildings, renovated them and leased or rented them out.”

“That was the original intention of the company, Reg, but I am trying to diversify the business. By the time you graduate it may be ready for more expansion into other areas. There are new technologies coming along all the time, and we mustn’t lag behind in using them to advantage.

Every new building should have solar panels built into the roof, sufficient to provide a basic electrical supply for the building’s use. I even think the building should have batteries to store excess production of power, so any improvements in design of batteries will be a boon for such plans. If you come across any technical improvements, let me know, and we can invest in a start-up company to exploit the techniques.”

Reg was staggered at Mr LeBrun’s perspicacious outlook on the future.

“You have a great vision for the future, sir. We need more businessmen with that sort of outlook. I think I might be keen to take up your job offer when the time comes.”

“Good, lad. I like your enthusiasm too.”

Reg had noticed that he was feeling much better than before. He asked Frances how she felt.

“Surprisingly good, darling. Nice of you to ask. How did you get on with Daddy?”

“He impressed me, Frances. He must be a good businessman, based on what he was talking about on the phone.”

“Yes. That’s the idea that I get as well. I had not paid much attention to his business operation before I went off to university. I can appreciate it better, know that my educational horizon has expanded. You helped there as well, you know.”

“I do. Just as you expanded MY horizons as well. I know know how to love a woman or two!”

“Talking of that, none of us have had any sex since we took ill. Do you feel up to being nice to me, that way?”

“If you are up to it, Frances, so am I, even if your enthusiasm kills me.”

She laughed at the thought. “Let’s go to bed and try.”

Their bedroom was filled with snores, as Freda, Erika and Prudence were all deeply asleep. Frances took his hand and whispered, “Let’s go to the room that I used before. Prudence clearly is back to normal and wants to be with the others. We can be alone for a little while.”

They slipped off to the room Frances had used, and began the exploration of their bodies once again. Some time later, the door opened and a voice said, “Hey, I thought this was not in use any more?”

They roused from their intense connection and came back to awareness of the world around them. Frances mumbled, “Hi, Prudence. Reg and I were just catching up on ourselves. Did you want in?”

“If you don’t mind, Frances. I was just being sociable next door, and not properly asleep when I heard your noises through the wall. I gave you time to finish, so as not to interrupt, but if Reg is available and willing...”

Reg murmured, “Certainly, Prudence. I’ll do my best, if you can give me time to recover from Frances.”

“I know what it is like, my love. Frances, will I come in on the other side, or are you getting up?”

“Help yourself, Prudence. I want to go clean up. We were both worked up a bit with withdrawal symptoms, so I am a bit damp. You may want to give Reg a wipe before you start with him, if he is too tired to do it himself.”

“Reg? Do I need to bring a cloth to wipe your cock?”

“Please, Prudence. That would be a good idea. I expect you are almost dripping, yourself.”

“Pretty much, darling. We have all missed your attentions, I think. Influenza is not good for your love life, is it?”

“I suppose not; not for any of us. I take it that the other girls are still under the weather?”

“For the moment, but I think they are over the worst. It is mainly complete tiredness, now. A good night’s sleep should help them to revive somewhat. Be prepared to make love to them tomorrow night, love, but for now, you are all mine!” After cleaning him up, she proved that to him by adding her own juices to the mix, and he slept well afterwards with a smile on his face. Prudence was similarly happy.

Over the next two days, recoveries were made and sustained, and neither of the twins came down with the flu bug, surprisingly. Perhaps their youth was a factor, or their general good health. Neither did Prudence, which made Reg wonder, as he lay in his bed, if having a migraine reduced your chances of catching influenza. Perhaps some of the body’s reactions to migraine might counteract the flu bug. He made a mental note to ask a doctor about this possibility, though perhaps some sort of medical trial with a group of migraine sufferers might have to be done to establish whether there was a provable link. It would at least be worth exploring, he thought to himself.

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ReginaldChapter 5

“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 20

Church went as it normally does; I was bored and wanted to nap. Once home, it was a stretching routine and a shower. Ellie showed up, and I could see she was nervous as she came into the house. Erin broke the tension by running up and giving Ellie a hug, and then running off singing her favorite phrase, “Barnim and Ellie sitting in a tree.” It was a tense short series of greetings that I cut it off as quickly as I could. We left, and Ellie started with the questions. “So where are we...

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The Naked Curse

For this story, you will create a male main character who gets cursed with perpetual nudity. First, use the second chapter to describe your man; how old he is, what he looks like, his job, etc. Then, title the next chapter with who curses him and start writing! Feel free to use my chapters as an example.

2 years ago
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Sitting in the Rain

Sitting in the rain, I wonder how much longer she will let me be out here. It’s not like my roommate to let me stupid for long, but I couldn’t let her see that He had found me. I couldn’t let her see the bruises, couldn’t let her see all the marks that had been left. I barely escaped Him, but if He found me this time, I know it won’t be long until He finds me again. I haven’t told anyone, not anyone, not even those I promised to tell if anything were to happen. It’s getting colder, I’ve been...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XI“Provocation Part I (or When She Made Him Her Almost Pet)”, with Roberta (based on a Playboy cartoon) and Randolf (based on an old erotic art)At least about women, Randolf wasn’t a man who worried about them. He was a ladies guy, an appreciator of all things that dealt with seducing and loving lustful females. Randolf never ditched an opportunity to approach a girl who he liked and offer her all his charms to get her on his bed.No woman was safe of...

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Cross-Feed --------------- This is the first story I've written in a while. I have started several stories, but put them on the back burner because I just can't find a good ending for them. I always want to get a story 'just right'. Anyway, here's my latest installment. There is really no TG or cross dressing in it, but I feel it belongs in the genre in a weird sort of way. I hope you like it. --------------- He was a stallion, and she rode him hard. He did not...

4 years ago
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Undercover WifeChapter 4

Mindy came over early Sunday morning and they had breakfast while James filled her in on what he had been doing and scolded her severely for not telling him what his wife had been up to. He called his dad and filled him in on the shenanigans his wife had done leaving out the date part, he made sure that she would have even more support and back up. His dad got Danni on the phone and gave her a good verbal thrashing that left her red faced and sorry. Then an hour later he called back and told...

1 year ago
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My New Job

My New Job By [email protected]'m in my thirties and I have worked at advertising agencies all of my life. Advertising has been a male dominated, so I have tended to treat women with little respect in my other jobs. Since I have won several awards in the industry, the women I worked with were either my personal secretaries or were in entry-level positions.My own private life was the same way. Since I made a lot of money, drove new cars, and always wore expensive clothes; women would...

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Made me a woman pt1 intro the first load

My entire body is hairless now. Just finished shaving my long thick milky white legs. My toenails are painted black. My nails as well. I just shampooed my hair after dying blind for the first time. I had long hair, been growing it for over a year. It's below my shoulders, but now it's bleached blonde. Bimbo hair. It goes well with my green eyes. I admire them as I finish applying the whorish dark eyeliner and giving it that smokey eye look. Applying concealer, 3 different shades and contouring...

3 years ago
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New Years Eve Finally fucking my suckbuddy039

New Years Eve - 5 years agoI met a cocksucking buddy on Craiglist. Once a month I’d ‘leave for work early’ and go over to his house right after his wife left for work. We’d have about three hours to fuck and suck.One time we made a video that’s on Xhamster. Right after we made that video, we hooked the camera up to his computer to watch it. He was sitting in the office chair and I was standing behind him. As we watched my uncut cock getting a royal sucking in his hot mouth I got hard again. I...

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Jamaican Vacation turned Gay

The only silver lining of my fiancé calling off our wedding was that I still had a non-refundable trip to Jamaica already booked. The trip gave me something to look forward to after this nightmare of a month.So a few days after my original wedding date, I hopped on a plane and went on my planned honeymoon by myself.The resort was beautiful, and coming from New York in the winter, the weather was a welcome reprieve. The only bummer was they lost my checked bag, but I still had a few things in my...

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Second Chance at LoveChapter 8

It was after 10 p.m. before Jim finished up for the day. It had taken him far longer than normal to complete his work because his mind kept wandering back to the events of the day. He couldn't believe the affect this young girl was having on him. As he was driving home, he kept thinking about Jenny. Suddenly, he made a quick decision and pulled into a floral shop just before it closed. He bought a dozen roses. Then he made a detour of a few blocks and pulled up in front of Jenny's...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 24 The Body Shop

“Am I too early?” asked Barbara Blockings as she let herself into the front door of Georgia Cummings’ house. She had a large hanging bag over her left shoulder and a large purse in her left hand, both of which got placed on Georgia’s couch. Georgia came in from the kitchen. “No, you’re right on time! Pour yourself a cup of coffee while I go up and take a quick shower and change, and I’ll be down in ten minutes.” Georgia was wearing a disreputable terry cloth robe and she headed up the...

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Amiee Is EEEEZ

As he stood in the door frame of the master bedroom and looked to his ex-wife he didn’t feel any guilt. After all, Steve was owed. You didn’t steal your best friend’s wife without expecting some kind of payback. He had played nice for seven long years. He had been the good and understanding guy, and they had all remained friends, even after his best friend and former wife had finally decided to get married two years ago. Hell, he was even such a good sport that he had walked her down the...

2 years ago
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A Scintillating Tropical Romance

He initially spotted her, on line, checking in well ahead of him. First glimpse was from behind but spectacular. Fitted shorts and comfortable looking 3 inch heels beautifully highlighted gorgeous, shapely legs, and a terrific rear. Streaked, shoulder length blonde hair came to rest on a tight, semi-sheer white halter top. He figured she was probably about 5’8′ tall, obviously in great shape, and likely in her early 40’s. Spinning away from the desk she was all he could have hoped for and...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 14 Double Teamed in Double Time

Jax came out from around the wall he was hiding behind in a smile on his face, “Now that didn’t take long did it? And don’t try and tell me you didn’t enjoy it. I can smell your wet pussy from here. Bring the pizzas over to the dining room table” he said and followed her. As she placed the boxes down he reached out and grabbed her by the back of her neck so she couldn’t move. Robin’s innocent appearing face was contrasted strongly by the raw sexual nature of her naked walk away from the...

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The Novice

Adventures of a Novice Janet L. Stickney [email protected] That first time I tried on my sisters clothes I was just 8 years old. She was 12, so the fit was bad, but I was in heaven! I tried using my Mothers makeup while dressed in Julie's clothes, unaware that I looked a lot more like a clown and a lot less like a real girl. Yet what I saw in the mirror excited something deep inside of me, something that I had no name for, I just knew that I had to dress up so I could look like...

2 years ago
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Zion Hacked

She knows it’s a strange habit. Zion, the A.I. running the mansion, isn’t up there, or down on the floor, or anywhere, really. He isn’t at all. But the cameras he controls are on the high corners, she can see them follow her around the place. It used to freak her out at first, though a lot less than his arms did. Now, she’s used to it all. “Thank you,” the wiring noise of the mechanical limb lets her know that her coffee is ready before she can see the mug being carried towards her. It’s...

1 year ago
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The Stalker Part 6

The Stalker – Part 6 Stale beer and chips.“So you got some beers then, hun?” They are slumped on my gorgeous couch; worn, scuffed trainers soiling the carpet beneath their feet, denim clad legs thrown wide, crotches thrust forward, bollocks and cocks pressing against the unattractive, well-worn fabric. Robert has flung his arms possessively wide along the top of my cerise cord upholstery, has his head cocked to one side watching me and it is from his beer soaked, grease smeared, salt and...

Group Sex
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Something about Elle Ch 04

Hannah’s wait for Elle to arrive home ended with a sigh, easing great state of excitement that threatened to boil over. ‘Your mail,’ Hannah said, hands shaking. Looking down at the envelop she’d torn open without paying much attention, Elle found she was holding her ‘Green Card’ — only it wasn’t green. The document confirmed she was entitled to live and work in the United States lawfully as an immigrant. Elle dropped her precious card in shock as the moment had been so unexpected for her....

4 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 26 Good Ol Family Sex

What Tom and Belinda didn’t realize as Tom’s penis was sinking into Belinda’s body was that somehow the two sets of parents in that room had forgotten who their respective partners were. As Belinda was straddling Tom’s body she straightened up and looked around to see her mother kneeling down in front of Hank Barry’s groin. Hank’s penis was buried firmly in Jill’s mouth and her head was quietly moving back and forth along the shaft of that penis. Belinda looked over to the rug in front of the...

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New MagusChapter 27

For a moment, I lay on the couch under Jana and stared at the door. Who would be knocking at this time of night? The first answer to pop in my head was also the most unpleasant. Scared that something bad was about to happen, I slipped out from under Jana, who appeared to have passed out from her last orgasm, used the robe to wipe myself off, and found my pants. Hopping toward the door, I got my pants on, and fought with myself about either warning Danielle or using the immediate idea of Jana...

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Stepmothers LoverChapter 8

Linda Morgan was upset with her young cousin. Had she been capable of real anger, it would have been directed at Beth Porter for suggesting that Ted was even considering the dreadful thing the girl had so vividly described. "Ted's eighteen years old, Linda," Beth had argued in their conversation following the interrupted dessert. "You're still a kid. If he does anything to you, It'll be both rape and incest." Linda had shaken her head firmly, her baby face determined. "I know what...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 18

My scouting mission assigned by no other than General George Washington standing close enough to me that I could reach out and touch him was going satisfactorily. The primary objective was to remain covert and not to do anything that would attract British attention to our presence in their midst. I had wanted to blurt out right on the spot the answers to the General’s inquiries, but I knew to do so would immediately cause suspicion on his part and I had no answers I could relate that didn’t...

2 years ago
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Solo Vacation part 1

I knew what Island House was going to be, sort of a clothing optional resort with a little bathhouse element to it. For my first vacation by myself I thought I would give it a shot and see if I would be brave enough to participate in the possible goings on. I arrived on Saturday December 13th and got a quick tour and went to my room. I spent a few days wanting to get naked and wander around to see what would happen, especially in the “video room” with 24-hour porn and a sling table! I hoped...

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A Trial of Fantasy

It has been far too long since I posted a tale…here’s one written for a friend…plaease enjoy and comment if you will  *grins*   It had been a long hard road to get this far, and Neotha was weary, most surely ready to have the final test done and gone.   ‘Two weeks’ she thought silently as her eyes strained again and again to read the texts of case histories, legal precedents and points of law.   At 26 she was almost done with it, she stretched as she sat in her chair, her lithe athletic...

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TimeChapter 9

My selection went into a cart, and then I went shopping for a stethoscope. The pharmacist came out from behind his counter and asked, "Could I help you, young man?" "Thank you. I am looking a double diaphragm stethoscope for respiratory auscultation. Some units have three additional bells for cardiac auscultation on infants, children and adults. Do you happen to have any unit like that? Your display case makes it difficult for those of us who are vertically impaired or challenged." The...

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Meera Meets the New Neighbour

MISS MEERA MEETS THE NEW NEIGHBOUR                    My name is Meera I am 22 years old, I live in the city of Bombay with my family & 4 younger sisters, I am the eldest girl, I lived in a small house in the suburban area on the outskirts of the city, I am a fair looking girl, having a body shape of 34-29-40, and I am 5’7? tall, straight black hair with brown eyes, from my teens I always had a secret within me that I liked to watch women’s bottoms which I never revealed to anybody, often when...

3 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 57

The Halloween party. Well Saturday evening we strated getting ready to go to Ann's for her Halloween party. I had to shower first so my wife could pick out my costume. I was told to shave everything totaly bare. Guys I don't know if you have ever shaved yourself totaly but I can tell you it's not easy. I shaved from my legs all the way to my hair line on my head. After I finished ( a good hour ) I went into the bed room to get dressed. All I had to wear was a pair of old motorcycle boots ,...

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The Tides of WarChapter 44

David decided it was time for action after the seventh day. Leaving their horses in the rift, he took the troop out during the night and arranged them alongside of the track. They waited concealed until the aircraft had returned back to its base before edging closer to the track and taking up positions. The ambush was a complete success; at fifty yards the Gurkhas couldn’t miss. The carts were checked; provisions and fodder were quickly dispatched to the rift to supplement their own stocks...

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Going for a Drink

‘I’m really sorry, but I can’t come to the meeting, there’s just too much going on down here.’ Your voice is tinged with regret. I bite back the lump in my throat. ”Don’t worry, it can’t be helped. I’ll see you at the Assistant’s Training Course next month, won’t I?’ ‘Yes, Gavin roped me in to do a session.’ ‘I saw you on the programme. How about I come down early, we could go for a drink after you finish. We haven’t had time for a proper talk for ages. ‘ ‘That would be nice.’ ‘Jenny’s...

1 year ago
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My Darling Mia

Chapter II knew what my life was missing.I had never been a fan of porn, though the subject didn’t bother me. I had had a few relationships in the past, but they had never turned into anything serious, and by the time I had turned 21 I was still a virgin. This fact didn’t bother me, though my friends often chided me about it – I took the ribbing, even joked back a bit, but the idea of having sex with a woman who I cared nothing for had never interested me; to be honest, it appalled me. My...

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The best of two Worlds 1

I just can’t help myself. The heat of Australian summer and the exposed bodies around me drive me . It’s the hot wind playing with women’s skirts exposing their thighs and buttocks that make me loose my mind. I keep on looking down their blouses and up their skirts at every opportunity giving me a horn and starving my brain of blood. And it happened again. As usual I bought a bottle of Scotch and mixed it with soda and Coke in a drink container and begun consuming it to loose my inhibitions and...

She Males
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One Day in the Life of Jane DavidsonChapter 2

Midday When they got back to the pod Sam had finished his sleep-training session and was engrossed in a video game. Currently he wanted to be a Navy fighter pilot so he was playing a fighter simulator, battling Swarm ships. The games he played varied depending on his ambition of the moment, though he was usually more inclined to the Navy than the Marines. Jane managed to pry him away from his joystick so he could help her and Viv get the others ready to go out again to eat. She was able to...

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Auntie Amanda Receives a Gift

It was 3:15PM. Amanda was driving home from work. She had been staying with her older s****r Beth for the last few months while looking for an apartment. Beth was divorced, living alone except for her teenage son Doug. She was always gone very early to her job and never got back before 6:30. With Amanda’s shorter hours, she was the one to make Doug his cereal and see him off to school. And they often ran into each other in the afternoons if each were around the house. As she drove home to...

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 5

“I got it!” Rebecca is happy to tell Gary this. They’re in a bar in the Boston harbor area. Christmas is just around the corner and it’s freezing cold. Gary grabs her hand. The young girl has just arrived and she is still wearing her coat and gloves. In the background, a jazz orchestra improvises for an enthusiastic audience. “Really?”Gary asks impatiently.He is fifteen years older than her. “ Yes! She screams excitedly, jumping on her journalism lecturer to kiss him. But ... she adds with...

1 year ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 3

Melinda Tuning grinned widely, then threw her arms wide, hugging Susan. "Surprise you?" "Surprised! I can't believe it," Susan replied still a bit stunned to find Jace's younger sister standing at their door. "Why didn't you call? Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" "You know me," Melinda said with a laugh while they moved into the house. "I'm the original free spirit, compulsive. When the urge to fly comes over me, I fly." Flee was the truth, but Melinda wasn't...

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Breeding Beauty Chp1 Blacked out Fun

Alcoholics have a few very enduring traits. They never want to quit and they have total memory blackouts. Women are even better in that they like to drink hidden before they go out and they generally become sexually uninhibited. So you ask what the hell is this story about. It all started 10 yrs ago on our 6th date. Nice dinner, some wine great conversation, dancing afterwards, a few more drinks, then it happened. She looked at me bewildered and asked who I was? Humm I thought is she...

2 years ago
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Plumbers Mate 01 In the Beginning

I am a plumber. I have the crack to prove it. That and an SUV full of tools and parts. The only better job, to my mind, is writing. I do that too.Many years ago I had the opportunity to apprentice as a plumber. Having had two businesses fail I figured a proper trade would at least give me an option for the lean times. After all, kids are always dropping their toys in the toilet and pipes freeze in the winter.I was assigned to a misogynistic pig of no small water, but in between Missy and little...

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A Weekend Of Fun and Sex With Friends

Will and his girlfriend Ann had made plans to head up to Will’s cabin for a weekend of fun times. They had planned to leave on Friday after Ann worked a half-day. Yet little did Ann know that Will and her best friend Cassie had been talking about surprising her and Tony, Cassie’s boyfriend, that weekend with a little fun role play of master and slave. They thought it would be perfect as both Ann and Tony were a bit on the submissive side and loved to be dominated.Before leaving work, Friday Ann...

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WE’D HAD DINNER and most of the team was in a party mood. Brent, Franklin, Allison, and I were going to pass on the parties. We had finals tomorrow. I was glad that Allison was accompanying me this time, but I couldn’t find Lissa. I thought maybe she’d be in the room. No such luck. “Where’s Lissa?” I asked. “Mmm. Well. See there are some players who don’t have matches tomorrow, so I think she went out partying with them.” “Al-li-son? What’s going on?” “Lissa is staying with Whitney and...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 12

Béla screamed and arched her back against her restraints. She went limp as the commander calmly flipped a switch, shutting off the electricity that coursed through her restraints and into her tiny frame. She hung, exhausted and gasping. Sweat was pouring off her abused body. The strange headpiece from the Klingon face kit glued to her head was half melted from the voltage of the electric shocks. Béla raised her eyes beyond the stage, trying to focus on the undulating mass of people staring...

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- I - Todd sat on top of the sloped lid of a backlane garbage bin with his knees clutched tightly together, his elbows tucked into his sides, and a book in his upturned palms. He was hunched, leaning into the read, peering through his oversized glasses, almost unblinking. One eyebrow was slightly raised, his brow furrowed, concentrating. A tuft of hair hung down across his forhead, like a claw, pointing at his left eye. His eyes scanned the page, with robot-like precision. Now and then his...

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