Riding The National Forest free porn video

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There is a special place in our local National Forest where I like to camp. I usually go up early on a Friday afternoon, park my truck at a friend’s house, load my gear on the four-wheeler, and ride in.

A couple of miles down the highway from my friend’s house is a logging and forestry service road that is, for most of the year, passable with any kind of vehicle. This is especially true in the dry part of the summer.

About four miles down this road is a place that four partially overgrown narrow tracks branch off. I usually turn off early and cut through a creek bottom to avoid leaving a clear trail as to which trail I take. Camping is not prohibited in this area but it’s not sanctioned either.

The trail winds through tall pines along a ridge top for about three miles and then turns down into a creek bottom. Then it’s up another hill, to dead end in a large clearing. This is an old log loading area from a timber cut years ago.

If you cross this grass and scrub covered area, you will find the road continuing on the other side. Following it down the hill is a little tricky as the old road is badly washed out in places. Past this point, you hardly ever see anything but four-wheelers and dirt bikes.

Once at the bottom, I make a sharp right onto a good sand track leading through a large stand of oaks to a pond with a creek leading into and out of it. This will be home for the next couple of days. I have been coming here for years and have never seen anyone other than the two people I brought here. One was my wife, who had passed away years ago, and the other was an ex-girlfriend.

At the head of the pond near where the creek flows in, there is a shallow cave carved in the high bluff bank by high water. I usually pitch my tent here and build my fire in a pit I had dug in the base of the bluff. Several large cedars scattered along the edge of the pond make an excellent windbreak and the bluff and overhanging trees dissipate any smoke from my fire.

The creek and pond have a gravel and sand bottom and the water is always clear and cold. There are dozens of springs farther along the bluff that feed the creek and provide good drinking water but I always boil it anyway. Better safe than sorry, as the old saying goes.

I set up camp and stripped off nude to walk down to the pond to wash off the sweat and dust from the ride in and the work of setting up camp in the early spring heat. Isolation is one of the main reasons I come here, as it allows me to run around nude and get some sun without too much worry about other people.

Even with the heat of the late afternoon, the water was almost cold. Once out of the water, I spread my large beach towel on the coarse grass in the sun, and lay down to catch up on my tanning.

As I lay there, I caught the faint buzz of another four-wheeler but could not get a fix on the direction. It wasn’t getting any louder so I assumed it was not coming my way. After a few minutes, I lost the sound in the wind and forgot about it.

When the sun fell behind the trees, I went back to camp, laid my fire out for later, and dragged up more wood. I hung my lantern on a piece of steel rod that I had driven into the hard clay wall years before and set about making a light meal.

During my meal, I again heard the motorcycle engine for a few moments. When I finished eating, I carried my utensils down to the creek below the pond and used the fine sand to wash them.

Back in camp, I thought more about the motorcycle motor I had heard and decided to hike around to where I could climb the bluff and see if I could hear better up there. Just for a little peace of mind, I carried a pair of nylon shorts with me.

The hike and climb took more time than I remembered and it was getting late by the time I reached the top of the bluff. I listened for as long as I dared wait before starting the climb back down. Once, as I scrambled over a rough area, I thought I heard a motor again but I could not be sure. It was almost dark by the time I reached camp.

I hurried to the pond to clean up again and got back to camp as the last red of the western sky started to fade. I lit the lantern and started my fire before going into my tent to put on a pair of sweats. Now that the sun was down the wind would get cool quickly. I put a pot of water on near the back of the fire to boil so I could make myself tea later and have water for coffee in the morning.

The wind had come up as darkness fell but I felt very little of it in my camp. I could hear it sighing through the treetops far above me on the bluff. I turned the lantern off and sat down near the fire to drink my tea. It was a beautiful night with bright stars blinking down through the trees. I had checked the weather before I left home and it was supposed to be clear all weekend.

I finished my tea, covered the water pot, and let the fire die down. When it was down to coals, I went into the tent, stripped off the sweats, and lay down on my bed. The light sleeping bag would feel good later in the night and the air mattress felt good now. It wasn’t long before I was asleep.


I awoke shortly after daylight with a fuzzy memory of a dream about motorcycles. I shrugged it off as a hold over from yesterday, got dressed in the sweats, and went to stir the fire. In a few minutes, I had a good fire going and the coffee pot sitting on the old grate I used for a cook top. I fried half the bacon I had brought and scrambled a couple of eggs for breakfast.

I was loading my plate, when someone clearing his or her throat behind me, startling me. I whirled around, almost spilling my plate, to see a young woman standing a few yards away near one of the cedars.

I looked around to see if there was anyone else in sight before I said, ‘Good morning. Where the hell did you come from? You almost scared me to death.’

She made a grimace and said, ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you. I’ve been here for several minutes trying to figure out how to get your attention without startling you. Do you know this area well?’

I’d been looking her over and liked what I saw. She was a tall, willowy, good-looking blond in cut-off Levi’s, hiking boots, and a long-sleeved shirt. There was a jacket in her hands and a pack at her feet.

‘Pretty well, since I’ve been coming here for a number of years. Are you lost?’

She made a face again then with a chuckle, she answered, ‘Well, yes and no. I know which direction to go to get out of here but I don’t know exactly where my four-wheeler is.’

She took a deep breath and went on in a rush. ‘My friend and I were riding in to camp and explore at an old Indian campground I found several years ago but we made a wrong turn and instead of going back and taking the right one, we tried to cut across and ended up in a deep creek. We could not get the bike out so we set up camp late last night and I decided to hike out for help before daylight. I know that the main road is just south of east, but there don’t seem to be many roads running that way. There are some really thick woods in here and the open areas don’t want to go where I do either.’

I slowly nodded my head to agree with her. ‘Can you find your way back to the bike and your friend?’

‘Sure. I’m not a total greenhorn. I’ve kept track and marked my trail pretty well.’

‘Would you like some coffee and some food?’ I asked.

‘I thought you’d never ask. I left all the food except for some trail bars with my friend. I wasn’t sure how long it would take me to walk out and get help.’

I went to my trail box on my bike to get another cup and plate as she carried her pack over and sat it down near the fire. I handed her my plate and poured her a cup of coffee.

‘Eat this and I’ll fix me some more eggs. I have more bacon already cooked. There’s sugar on the table over there,’ I said indicating a large flat rock sticking out from the side of the bluff.

She stirred a teaspoon of sugar into her coffee as she said, ‘You seem to be an old hand at this wilderness camping thing. This was to be our first try and so far it’s been a disaster.’ She finished with a chuckle that did not have a lot of humor in it.

I glanced at her over the skillet. ‘Don’t worry, it will get better. I’ve made my share of goof ups over the years. Let’s eat then we’ll go see if we can find your friend and get the bike up on dry ground and running.’

She looked at me over her plate and smiled shyly. ‘You are too kind. I was somewhat worried about walking into a stranger’s camp and asking for help by myself. There are so many weird people in the world today.’

I laughed and nodded. ‘That is so true but I don’t think there are many mass murders this deep in the woods. Outdoors people overall, are good, honest, helpful people. It takes a different type of person to take care of themselves in the woods, someone who can be alone with themselves without being bored or depressed. I’m talking too much, anyway my eggs are ready.’

As we ate, we talked and I learned that her name was Dee and that her friend was her girlfriend. They lived together in town and worked together in the city. They spent four days a week in the city and the weekends in a small town not too far, from where I lived.

After we finished eating, I carried the dishes down to the lower creek to wash them. She found it very interesting that fine sand made such a good cleaning agent.

Back in camp, I changed into my shorts, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes before unloading everything off my four-wheeler except the things I thought I might need to retrieve hers.

I climbed on my bike and started it as she climbed on behind me. I asked which direction and she pointed over my shoulder toward the creek flowing into the pond. I moved off in that direction and she pointed out her trail markers and gave me course changes. She sat tight up against my back with one arm around my waist and gave me directions by talking into my ear over my shoulder.

At the head of the creek, there was a steep climb up a saddle in the bluff. We got off and I walked the bike up. At the top, I shut it off and sat down on the carrier to rest.

‘We’re not far from my friend, just over that hill is the creek we fell into,’ she said pointing to the left.

‘Oh, I know the creek you’re in. A friend of mine hunted deer in that area a couple of years ago and fell into it walking across a log.’

She laughed. ‘There’s an old rotten log not twenty feet from where the bike is. Somebody needs to put up warning signs around that spot.’

I chuckled before getting us back on the bike and heading up the slope at an angle. When I reached the top, I turned back to the right and ran along the top of the ridge for a hundred yards before following an old road cut down to come out less than fifty feet from their camp. Her friend was jumping up and down, waving her arms like crazy.

I stopped and killed the motor to hear her friend yell, ‘All right, Dee, I knew I could count on you to find the only man in two thousand square miles of woods when we needed him.’

Dee laughed and I chuckled as I shook my head. ‘There’s not quite that much area here and I’m probably not the only man but we get the idea.’

Dee’s friend, Missy, was a complete opposite. She was short, curvaceous, dark-headed, and talking a mile a minute. Once Missy calmed down, we decided that the first order of business was to get the four-wheeler back up onto dry land.

It took the better part of two hours to get the four-wheeler out of the creek. We ended up dragging it down stream about two hundred yards to a place with a shallower bank before we were able to get it free.

By that time, we were all wet, muddy, and sweaty, not to mention being a buffet for the mosquitoes. Once it was out, we towed it to the top of the ridge to get away from the bugs and to rest.

Missy and Dee went to pack up their camp while I tried to start the motor. I got it to hit a couple of times but it was entirely too wet to run. The girls carried their gear up and loaded it onto the racks and I tied my rope to the front bumper.

Once they were loaded, Dee looked at the bike and then down toward the bluff where we had walked my bike up. ‘We’ll never get this thing down that steep bank.’

‘We aren’t going that way. I know another way that’s flatter even if it is longer. Who’s going to steer this bike while I pull it?’

Missy said hurriedly, ‘We’ll both ride on ours.’

‘No, one of you needs to ride with me so I have enough weight to get traction to pull that one. The two bikes are about the same size but you have all your stuff on it plus a rider.’ I chuckled and said, ‘You two figure out who’s lighter, and the other gets on with me.’

Dee laughed as she threw her leg over their bike and sat down. ‘I’ll have to do it, Missy doesn’t know a foot peg from a lollipop.’

‘I guess that’s settled so let’s get a move on.’

I climbed on my bike and waited for Missy to get on. She did not seem any too happy about the idea and wanted to know why I had my shirt off.

‘One, I’m hot and two, it’s covered with mud, so get on and let’s get back to my camp so I can clean up.’

She climbed on but sat well back from me and held onto the back rack. I started off slow and easy until Dee got used to the idea of riding without power then I sped up to about half of my normal speed. Even then, it was nearly noon by the time we got back to my camp.


Once in camp, Dee had started to unload their stuff when Missy asked, ‘Aren’t we going to go on back to the highway? We’re not staying here, are we?’

‘Yes, Missy, we’re going to stay here if our host doesn’t mind and hopefully he will help us get out of here when he leaves. So far, we have made a big mess of half a day of his time and I have not heard a word of thanks from you, only bitchiness. So, either get over here and help me set up camp or start walking. I think he will provide you with a good set of directions on how to get out of here or at least where to go.’ Saying that, she went back to unloading.

I had gone into my tent to get a towel and a change of clothes but waited until Dee finished her say before I came back out.

‘I’m going down to the pond to clean up. Yes, you’re both welcome to stay. I suggest you put your tent over under the edge of that cedar as most bugs don’t care for the smell and it will shelter you from the dew. I’ll leave a little earlier tomorrow than I intended so we can get you to the road. Once we get up that ridge over there and passed the clear cut, it will be an easy run.’ I turned and walked away.

At the pond, I took off my dirty shorts and shoes and waded out to scrub off the sweat and mud. Once I was clean, I came back to the shore, got my muddy clothes, and rinsed them out. I dried off with the towel then lay down on it to warm up for a minute.

I glanced toward camp to see Dee walking toward where I lay. I quickly sat up and tried to wrap the towel around me while I still sat on it.

Dee laughed as she saw what I was doing and started unbuttoning her shirt as she continued to walk toward me. She slipped the shirt off her shoulders to reveal a smallish pair of breasts. She stopped next to me and sat down to take off her boots and socks.

‘I know that you come up here to sun bathe and such nude. With your shirt off and those loose shorts, I could not see any tan lines. If you notice, I don’t have any either. So relax, I won’t be afraid of you if you won’t be afraid of me. Is that water as cold as I think it is?’

I chuckled. ‘You think I was born this short. It’ll make your nipples hurt.’

She slipped the cut-off Levi’s down over her hips and dropped them to the ground. Stepping out of them, she did a slow turn showing her body to me from all sides.

With a giggle, she said, ‘Ok, I’ve show
n you mine so show me yours.’

I laughed and spread the towel back out and lay down flat on my back. ‘You can see the flip side when I turn over in a little while and no, I’m not afraid of you in the least.’

‘Hmmmm, is that just noses that grow when people lie? Don’t look now but you’re not as short as you were a moment ago.’ With a chuckle, she waded out into the pond. ‘Oh shit, that’s cold. More than my nipples will be hurting. Maybe if I get all of me wet at once it won’t be so bad.’

I heard a splash then she came up cussing. I chuckled and rolled over to watch her hurriedly bathe and get out. She got her clothes and rinsed them out before spreading her towel near mine and lying down.

‘You weren’t just whistling Dixie that it was cold. Come on sun, warm up my buns,’ she finished with a laugh.

We lay there talking until we heard Missy yelling from the camp. Dee sat up and yelled back at her, ‘Get your sweet little ass down here and clean up. He isn’t going to bother you, he is as much of a nudist as I am. I only gave him a semi-hard-on, so you’re safe.’

Softly, she said under her breath, ‘Cunt lapping little bitch. If she didn’t eat pussy so well I’d run her off sometimes.’

She looked around at me quickly and then said, ‘Oh sorry, I hope I didn’t shock you.’

When I shook my head and chuckled, she went on, ‘Yes, she’s a full blown, card-carrying lesbian and I’m bisexual.’ She laughed. ‘Being Bi means I’ve got twice as many chances of getting my jollies as a girl who’s not.’

I laughed. ‘I hate to be the one to tell you but I’m also gay. I came out of the closet a long time ago.’

I paused for effect. ‘As a lesbian and I love it.’

Dee laughed and rolled on the ground. I had been looking at her as we talked and did not realize that Missy was right behind me.

‘Dee, you told him and now he’s making fun of me.’

Dee looked up at Missy and frowned before saying, ‘Actually, he was making fun of himself. I think he likes to eat pussy as much as you or I do, so lighten up or we’ll both eat you until your head explodes. Now get in the pond and get the dirt off that cute little body of yours. When you’ve finished your bath, rinse your clothes out and come lie by me in the sun. I’ll rub some oil on you if you want me to.’

Missy frowned and said softly, ‘I forgot my suntan oil.’

She was carrying her dirty clothes and had a towel wrapped around her waist. She had a beautiful set of breasts, large and round, set high on her chest. The dark areas around the long, thick nipples were the size of a silver dollar.

Missy dropped the towel and walked toward the pond. She had a very cute ass, as the slow swelling of my manhood would attest. High and round with a deep crack and a large, dark brown asshole that looked very fuckable as she bent over to check the water temperature.

‘Damn!’ was all I had to say under my breath.

Dee glanced over and grinned at me. Her eyes wandered down to rest on my hardening member. ‘Ah, an ass man I see.’

She paused in thought for a moment and then said, ‘It might be interesting to work on that. It might take some of that lesbo starch out of her.’

I gave her a quizzical look and she grinned. ‘It would be most interesting to see what would happen if she was fucked in the ass and had her pussy eaten at the same time. I know her ass is very sensitive, as she likes for me to play with it when we make love.’

She paused to grin and then added, ‘See what kind of information you can get if you have a Bi friend.’

She looked down again as I rolled over onto my back and chuckled as my shaft slapped against my belly and stayed there. ‘Nice, I might want to try that in several places of my own.’

Missy had rinsed out her clothes first then waded further out into the pond only to stumble and fall. She came up yelling and screaming about the cold water. She hurriedly washed up and almost ran out of the water.

Once she was on the bank, Dee said, ‘Come here, baby, I’ll warm you up.’

I glanced over as she walked toward us. Her breasts rolled around on her chest and the outer lips of her perfectly smooth pussy worked against each other as her hips swiveled and swayed. I swear this girl could probably have an orgasm just walking down the street. Even the short walk from the bank of the pond had her clit peeking out.

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MILF B and B Naked in the Forest

MILF B and B (Naked in the Forest)For those who have read MILF B and B this is my first return after meeting Jill. For those who haven’t read my earlier escapade, Jill is in her late forties with a mature body kept fit by hard work. Her boobs are warm and squidgy with a forest for a bush, mounted below a trim waist and between two firm thighs.I arrive for a weeks work. Normally I would be away for five days and travel back Friday evening. However, Jill’s ‘going home’ sex had me eager to return...

1 year ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 10 National Readiness

"My fellow Americans, we must come together to face the most grave challenge ever to confront our brave nation. Two years ago you elected me to serve you. You charged me to preserve the security and well-being of our great nation. I was humbled then by your trust, your faith, and your confidence in me. Today I seek to confirm your faith in me as your leader. America, we face a perilous juncture. One way leads to slavery and Godlessness. The other way ensures our freedom and God's...

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The Lovers Of The Forest

Sara raises her gloved hands to her mouth, warming them through with her breath. Winter will soon be upon them, and desperately she walks through the forest, using the final moments of the fading sun to gather enough herbs to last them through. Those in the village relied upon her balms to cure their ailments, and unable to afford the medicine from the local physicians, they travelled the two hours on foot to reach her. She daren't risk failing them, and even as the last of the sun disappears,...

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What happens in the forest

About a hour went by and I was considering to start my journey back when Ben raised his head and sniffed, obviously fetching the scent of something. One second later he started to sprint into the forest. I sighed and followed his trail slowly. I knew he wouldn't run far, nor really hunt any game so I wasn't too worried. But at least for a short time he would follow his nose and calling him wasn't likely to change his mind. A moment later I heard a happy bark followed by a surprised scream...

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a walk in the forest

a walk in the forestIt was one of those early summer days when the air is warm and the sun is shining but its not to hot. I had just started my summer break and i did decide to take a walk just outside the vilaye I live in there are a forest that almost nobody spends time in. It was about ten O'clock so I did just pull on a light blue dress that was down to my knees and white sneakers. My long brown hair that almost look like gold in the sun was free and I started to walk and before i knew it i...

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Sex In The Forest

Thanks readers for supporting my first experience with in law am happy to share one more experience in a forest with a bus conductor and driver once I came to Coimbatore to stay with my parents as my mother was sick. everyday night i will reach my parents house and day time I will return to in law house i will get a pvt bus from Coimbatore by 8 pm from Coimbatore it will reach my parents house village by 9 30 pm on the first day I travelled with my father I found that my junior class mate was...

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Shaving my S1ster Janersquos Forest

Shaving my S1ster Jane’s ForestI’m David, a horny 18 year old. Athletics has been my life so my body is in perfect shape. I’ve fucked many girls during my many competitions – all stunners. I have a steady girlfriend but I’m besotted with Jane. Jane is my step s1ster. Two years younger than me and totally unobtainable.I spy on my fantasy whenever I can. Jane sometimes leaves the bathroom door a jar. Tonight the bathroom light was off but the shower is backlight. The red glow shows her silhouette...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Sex In Forest

Hi, I am sam with one of my good gay experience in a forest. Me and one of my college decided to have a trip. We went to voganegal(near to Bangalore) in tamil nadu. Its the place famous for water falls .We planned two days and a night and planned to get into the forest to take some photographs of birds. Morning around 11:30 AM we reached booked a room and we got ready around 3:00pm to get inside the forest. We reached the forest area around 4:00. We took his camera and I took some food...

Gay Male
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Lady of the Forest

It was early spring when I finally made my way through the mountains of Ered Luin and started my journey into Mirkwood, the elven forest. I had seen a few elves in pubs here and there, mysterious yet comforting folk they are, but strangely enough, through all my years of travelling, this was the first time I ever set foot on elven grounds. Something was different in this forest than any place I had been, as if a thousand spirits were living in the wind. The trees were ancient, almost as...

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The Heart of the Forest

Valentine’s Day was a week away, and everyone thought Carlos was nearly over her. He thought he was nearly over her, too. Yet there he was, hiking up the overgrown trail at the back of Levy Park, up into the forest of tall old trees. He hiked for ten minutes, finally reaching the flat boulder next to that familiar crooked tree. He traced the heart he had carved into the side of the tree, and the initials it contained. CH + EG. Carlos Hernandez and Emma Gregg. At least it had been two weeks...

2 years ago
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Lust in the Forest

The silence of the 100 acre woods near Ocklawaha was broken by a steady cool breeze from the north which rustled the drying leaves on the elm tree that Jerry was sitting in. The breeze smelled like winter was on its way as Jerry shivered in the makeshift tree stand he was sitting in. The clearing that Jerry was staking out was empty with no sign of life. All of a sudden a doe glided into the clearing and she commenced nibbling at the lush green grass that was covered with morning dew. Jerry...

1 year ago
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In The Forest

The bus moved slowly along the hair pin bends to reach the top of the hill station which was supposed to be the destination for our college trip. I was busy talking to my close friend Priya who occupied the seat beside me.”Hey Priya, why are you so silent,” I asked to which she gave a bored look.”I am so bored and my boyfriend is coming in the next bus. Who made this stupid rule to separate us boys and girls, Rani?” she blurted out angrily. I giggled and said, “You sure seem to have planned...

4 years ago
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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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The Enchanted Forest

“How long have I known you, and I still don’t know how to ask you this?” Ness’ voice was agitated. Vanessa and I had been at teacher training college together in our early twenties. We were a couple of wild chicks then. Now, I’m married to a gorgeous guy called Justin, and have a toddler named Jack. Vanessa, despite having an insatiable appetite for cock at college, lives happily with her partner Eileen. “Not long enough I think. It still worries me then you say things like that,” I smiled....

1 year ago
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Lost In The Forest

Patra looked at the forest. It was dark. She didn't know what to do so she yelled she wanted to stop. They were lost. She could feel it. Ebony looked at Patra. She was sure her mother was lost. She narrowed her eyes and sat on a patch of grass a little away. "I'm resting!" she gasped. Patra sneered. Ebony had been saying that for the whole duration of the trip. That was how Ebony had lost the map - she had laid down to sleep and it had blown into a river. Patra shivered. Then she...

2 years ago
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Crossing the Forest

This place is familiar, so I know where to go. But I continue to lay on my belly with my hands behind my back. I have sense a nice wind goes from my legs to my shoulders. It`s so nice that I even feels like wind touches insides of my pussy. Sensation of been like this in night forest driving me on. I have a lot of fillings about it. Oh, looks like some insect goes up on inner side of my leg. This thing has lot of legs it tickling a little. Interesting, where do this thing goes then come to my...

2 years ago
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Two Cousins In The Forest

It was christmas day and me and my family where walking out of the church. My cousin Aaron who was 13, Tanned, Didn't have abs yet but was well on his way and a 8 inch cock yelled out to me " Your it when we get back Chris! " I just smiled and got into my dads car. We where driving in the camry when I got a text message from Aaron " Hey man have you ever heard of Ill show you mine if you show me yours " I automatcly texted back " Yeah man why you ask? ". Aaron texted me back saying "...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Sheriffs Forester

I was young for my post but I had been doing it as a deputy it for several years with the old sheriff's forester. My father was a baron but I was only a younger son so I was not going to inherit. I carried the heavy stag into kitchen and ignored the quiet that fell. I shifted it off my shoulder and onto the large butcher table, "I took this from a poacher Anna." She wiped her hands as she crossed the kitchen, "how long..." I snorted as headed into the Keep, "a half day." When I...

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Hard Core Fuck In Forest

Hi everybody this is ris back with another story,thanks for all your support and comments ,regarding this story get to hear this from one of my friend i am going to narrate it from his perspective ,this is arav about me 5’10” feet 21 years old ,fitness freak apart from this mountaineer so naturally chiselled body ,i am always proud to show my body shape by wearing tight tees revealing my bi,triceps and it also got me attention i needed , Now coming back to the story this happened when me and my...

2 years ago
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National Guard Training Part II

Life in the National Guard was always exciting and fun. As an officer and a Company Commander, I had my very own driver assigned to me. Weekend drills were mundane, consisting mostly of inspections and classes in the Armory. I usually secluded myself in my office, signing paperwork and reviewing plans for planning future training activities and just goofing off in general. Every now and then, I’d purposefully make myself look unusually busy, just for show and if we had a visitor to the...

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Paro ko national park

Hi friends, I am Varun here. This is the first time I am writing to iss. I have a horny story to recite I will start off in Hindi since I think its much more erotic in Hindi yeh kahani aaj se kuch 7 saal puraani hai. Hamare area mein ek bhabhi rehne ke liye aayi. Kya maal thi woh height hogi lagbhag 5’7″ wheatish complexion bhara sudol badan teekhe features she was seductive and attractive. Uski gand toh jaise cotton se bhari hui thi. Poori phuli hui uski figure lag bhag 34-28-36 ki hogi. Jab...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Tribes Fucked Me In The Dense Forest

Hello readers. I am Gowri Krishnan, 43 year old woman, living in Mumbai for the past 13 years. My vital stats are 34 30 32, I have a fair complexion, my height is 5.7.The story which I am going to narrate happened in 1992. I was born and bought up in a small town called Srirangam in Tamil Nadu. I was bought up by a priest father and a housewife mother in a very conservative way, I grew up wearing half sarees, studying in a girls school/College, never interacting with boys etc. I was 20 years...

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A walk in the forest

Hayley was lying spread-eagled on the bed, not having slept much as she had been thinking about the appointment later that morning that would once and for all set her free to enjoy a single life of a free spirited woman once again. As usual she lay naked, never having been one for clothes of any description against the skin, and whilst contemplating the rest of the day, her left hand had taken control and the palm was now pressing gently against her vulva, the soft down of her pubic hair...

2 years ago
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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Fantasy Forest

You are Helika. A young pale faced women with long red hair flowing shoulder length hair framing a cute feminine face; Plump lips long eye lashes and shining green emerald eyes. Unavoidable are your more ''delicate'' features Large breasts barely contained by your simple leather corset light skin almost bursting out to the pleasure of all men and women alike, Plump round ass shaking as you approach the sign to the forest path ''Danger'' ''Turn Back'' ''Beware of ----'' The last sign has been...

4 years ago
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Outdoor group nudism and getting wild in forest

Dear readers, I am writing after a long break. About me, 6 ft, 32 waist, fair to wheatish color and around 36 years of age. I am staying in Bangalore. I am a bisexual and curious guy. I enjoy getting fingered and rimmed. BDSM and kink stuff kind of turns me on but not hardcore types. Off late, I have been exploring outdoor group nudism on the net when I came across a guy with similar interests (Ajay). Ajay was a business guy from Pune who visited Bangalore sometimes. We briefly chatted about...

Gay Male
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Wild Play With Divorced In Forest

Hai iss readers this is my first story… I am Dick from Pune …5.7 feet in height fair handsome average built :)… Kindly regret if there any grammatical error :) I am going to express the wildest adventure i had with women i met in train wen i was in the journey of searching my job… In Delhi, She was divorced her name is Shikha. She is a sex bomb, fair looking curvy hips long hair, soft lips and chocolate brown nipples….Ummm thinking about that nipples always driven me wild… That i came to knw...

1 year ago
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Karate Slut 8211 Part 1 Sex With My Virgin Wife In A Forest

“Look at that. These cowards have closed shop early, yet again.” I said to myself while looking through a gap in the curtain of my window. “When are they going to learn? My way is the right way.” I shrugged out of disappointment. “Anyways, it only gives me more me time,” I said, caressing my half-erect cock. At that moment I wasn’t wearing any clothes. I walked from room to room in search of something. I tried rubbing my penis, but it wasn’t getting hard. I guess a hot memory of your woman is...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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National Guard Training

I am a company commander in my National Guard unit. My full-time job is heading up an architectural design company, but once a month, I get to serve my community and nation by serving in the Guard. For the most part, it is a mundane chore, where once a month we meet at the Armory and conduct a troop inspection and then we all attend classes and try to not fall asleep as we learn the art of warfare.I don’t attend a lot of the classes since I am the company commander and that is what I have...

3 years ago
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The Heart of the Forest

       The tree’s leaves floated down the river bank, as the witch combed her long auburn hair with the pearl comb. Glistening blonde strands sparkled as she softly hummed an ancient song from her ancestors long ago, a beckoning song of lust, and as the tune raised and lowered the animals around her were enchanted by her presence. Her eyes were deep-set, with emerald jewel irises, and her reflection in the water mystify the fish that swam in the cavernous waters. One glance into her eyes can...

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In the Karri Forest

I was in a significantly bad mood. I was answering the phones. Mona and the rest of the staff were on strike. All the CSIRO staff were on strike. Chaz was minding the phones at Floreat. We were "management." CSIRO management and the union representing the agency's 6500 staff will meet today to thrash out differences over a new enterprise agreement that has sparked two weeks of industrial action. The CSIRO Staff Association warns the action, the first national industrial campaign at the...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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