Andrew free porn video

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Andrew by Grimbo Andrew slowly woke to the distant sound of a woman's voice. "Well sleepyhead," it said. "I'm glad you have finally awoken. You may be wondering were you are so I'll tell you. You're back inside Shannon's Boutique. You remember my store don't you? You came in here last week with your girlfriend and knocked a lot of the clothes off the rack. If my memory serves me, your comment was 'Let the staff pick them up. After all, that's what they get paid for.' Well, it took me over an hour to get the clothes pressed and back on the racks. That's time that I could have spent getting some extra sales. So now, I'm going to get you back." Andrew looked around him. The woman wasn't joking. He was sitting in the "boyfriend" chair near the dressing rooms at the back of the shop. Forming a semi-circle in front of him was a series of clothing racks overfilled with woman's clothing. Off in the distance, he could see the mall entrance for the store. He stood up and began walking towards the clothing racks. Just as Andrew was about to touch the rack in front of him, the voice came back. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," the voice said. "Why not. It's in my way and I'm leaving this store." "Because, I'm a witch and I've cast a spell on all the clothing in this store. One touch and you will be compelled to put the garment on. Once you're wearing it, it will change the part of your body that it touches into a woman's body part." Andrew's face formed a scowl. "You're out of your mind. There's no way you could do that. Magic doesn't exist." "It doesn't, does it?" the voice said with a slight snicker in it. "I guess a demonstration is in order." With that, there was a flash of light behind Andrew and then a finger tapped him on the shoulder. Spinning around, Andrew saw a woman standing behind him. "Voila!" she said to him. She was 5' 6" and about 125 lbs. Long black hair hung from her head to about mid back and straight as an arrow. She had a body to die for. Andrew guessed that her dimensions 36C-24-34 and the black, floor length, body hugging gown showed the curves to perfection. The slit on the dress revealed on of her shapely legs encased in black nylon and in a show that had a spiked 3" heel. It was now that he did remember the store and the event that lead him here. But, he still wasn't convinced that she could do any magic. "How do I know that you didn't just flash a spotlight and then come out of one of the dressing rooms?" he asked her. "Well, I'll give you some more proof." With that, she reached out and grabbed Andrew's hands with hers. He felt a little tingling at the tips and then she released them. "Look at your finger tips," she said. Andrew did and saw the best manicuring and nail polishing job he had ever seen in his life. No girlfriend of his had ever sported a better set of inch long nails. Topping the length off was a coat of bright red polish. If it wasn't for the overly masculine hands they were on, he would have been real happy with them. As they were his hand, he looked up at her in shock. "What..what have you done?" he asked nervously. "Just a little sample of things to come." Now a full believer in magic, Andrew said, "Change them back." "Nope. I'm going to teach you a lesson you won't forget." "Ok. Since you won't to it voluntarily, I'll force you to." Andrew lunged at her with fury in his eyes and his hands reached for her neck. Just as he got to the point where his hands would wrap around her neck, she disappeared. Andrew could hear her laughter echoing in the distance. "Now, now little man," her voice said. "I can't condone violence in my store. I'll just add that to the list of things you need to make amends for. As for the punishment, it starts now!!" Andrew looked one more time at his fingernails and started to wonder what he was going to do. When he looked up, he noticed that the racks of clothing were slowly moving towards him. He backed up and ran into the door of a dressing room. Reaching behind him, he tried to open the door but couldn't since it was locked. The clothes racks were about two feet away from him and inching closer. Dropping to the ground, Andrew saw that there was enough room for him to squeeze under the racks and not touch the clothes. This was assuming that the witch would make them drop off the rack and on him. Hoping that he could react before she thought of doing it, Andrew crawled under the rack in front of him. Just as he pulled his foot out from under the rack, all the clothes fell to the ground. He looked at his foot and saw a suede skirt about one inch from him. Andrew stood up and looked back at the racks. They had reached the door to the dressing room and were bumping against the door, dropping the articles of clothing to the floor. "That was close," said the witch's voice. "But I know that in the end you'll learn your lesson." "I don't think so," Andrew said under his breath. "No one tells me what to do or when to do it." Andrew set off down an isle towards the front of the store. He had to walk sideways through most of the store to not touch anything. About half way to the front, Andrew came to an opening where a mannequin was on display. He walked up to it and started to move slowly around it, not letting his eyes of it. "Knowing that witch," he thought, "she might bring it alive and then it will be curtains for my purple helmed warrior." Andrew had gotten about half way around the mannequin when he heard a noise behind him. Jumping in surprise and turning around to investigate, Andrew hit the arm of the mannequin and sent it flying towards the floor. Instinctively, Andrew reached out and grabbed at the mannequin to stop it's fall and was able to grab a handful of fiery red hair. Unfortunately, the hair was from the wig, which promptly stayed in his hand as the rest of the mannequin fell to the floor. Andrew looked down at the wig in his hand and realized what a mistake he had done. He could feel an urge to pt the wig on. An urge driven by a slight increase in blood flow to his dick. Andrew immediately threw the wig down only to pick it back up. His dick had become completely hard at this point and was starting to become a little painful. He needed release. A release that he somehow knew would only come when he put the wig on. Kneeling on the ground with his head bowed, Andrew gave in and pulled the wig over his brown hair. Andrew felt a strange tingle on his scalp for about a minute. When the tingle stopped, his dick exploded it's load all in his underpants, soaking them and the front of his shorts thoroughly. Glad for the release, Andrew reached up to pull the wig off. Grabbing a handful of hair, he tugged and was greeted with a jolt of pain. It dawned on him that the wig was no longer a wig, but it was now his real hair. Andrew heard the sounds of a woman's laughter in the distance. He stood up and the locks of hair fell around the sides of his face and down his back. The hair stopped just short of the middle of his back. If he didn't believe in magic before, he did now. Andrew looked in the direction of the mall and saw that the mannequin was blocking the direction he wanted to head. The only other isle out of the display area was off to the left and a little to the back side of the area and it moved away from the mall entrance. His only other choice was to try to crawl under the racks of clothes, but one look showed that there were so many dresses that came to the floor that he would probably end up running into one of them. Taking the back isle exit, Andrew hoped that it would turn and direct him back towards the front of the shop. Sliding more carefully than ever, Andrew continued to follow the isle towards the rear of the shop. About twenty feet from the display area, the isle forked. One fork went straight back towards where he had started from while the other on went towards the front left corner of the store. Without any doubt, Andrew took the one that headed to the front of the store. While walking, the cum soaked underwear and shorts started to become uncomfortable. Andrew got to a point where the isle actually opened up enough that there was room for two of him to walk between the clothes. He stopped and pulled his shorts and underwear off without hesitating. "Better to be comfortable than to be modest," he thought. He held onto the legs of his shorts and underwear by hooking them over a finger, keeping the soaked part away from his legs. Continuing on, the isle stayed about the same size and then turned towards the left side of the boutique. After about a minute, Andrew came to an opening. On the opposite side of the opening, was a wall with hundreds of panties hanging on hangers. Between him and this wall of panties were a few display tables with panties crowding the tops of them. Towards the front of the store was an isle leading away from this section. Losing no time, Andrew headed towards this opening. On his way to the front, his shorts caught on the edge of one of the tables. As Andrew noticed the drag caused by this action, he saw the table come up off the floor and was quick enough to back off so that the table came slowly back down. Unfortunately, the movement of the table was enough to knock a pair of black thong panties onto the floor with out him noticing. Andrew stopped for a moment to wipe the sweat off his brow and then took a step towards the exit isle. As he got to the isle, he felt that feeling of desire again. "What the hell," he said out loud. "I didn't touch anything. My shorts didn't even touch anything. She must be cheating." Andrew tried to continue to walk, but the feelings intensified and his member started to ache for release. Andrew turned around and headed back to the table and looked on the floor. There was the black thong and he immediately knew he had stepped on them. Reaching down, Andrew pick the thong up and stared at them. His dick felt like it was on fire. "Go ahead," came the voice of the witch. "You can't resist. It'll feel so much better once you've put them on. You know that you need to." Andrew stood as still as a statue holding the panties in both hands. As a tear began to flow from his eye, he bent over and stepped into the thong. Sliding it up his legs, the pain Andrew felt began to lessen. As they slid over his balls and the back disappeared up his butt crack, Andrew felt the tingle begin that meant the loss of his manhood. At this point, he knew the witch would win. Andrew curled up in a ball on the floor and waited for the tingle to end. when it ended, the wave of the orgasm that flushed over him was more intense than any orgasm he had ever felt. When it was over, he laid on the floor and cried while feeling for his missing member. For five minutes he lay there. "Get up," he heard. "Get up I say and take the punishment like a man." "Leave me alone you bitch!!!" he screamed. "Isn't taking my manhood enough for you?" "Of course not. You still look like a guy. Except for you missing dick, you could cut your hair and pass yourself off. Of course, you can't stand at the urinal to pee anymore and public showers will be a hassle. But that's not what I want. Your lesson won't end until the transformation is complete." Andrew slowly stood up. "I'm going to beat you. You may have taken my dick away, but you can't take my pride." "Oh, sounds like a challenge. And I'm not without compassion. I've broken a part of you and there's no way you'll ever get that part back. Well, here's what I'll do. If you can get out of this store with one part of you not changed, I'll revert you back to being a man completely. If not, you become my female slave for me to do with as I please." "And what if I don't agree to this?" "I'll complete the transformation now and send you out in the world without any identification, money, and I'll drop your ID and up your sexual desires. You'll end up as a hooker on some street corner if you're lucky." "Damned if I do, damned if I don't." "Yep, but you can get out of being damned if you do." "OK..I accept your challenge." "Good, now get going." Andrew looked at his shorts and male underwear lying on the floor where he had dropped them. With luck, he would be able to get them back at a later time. Deciding that they could cause another problem like the one he just faced, he decided to leave them. Andrew saw a mirror on the wall of panties and took a look at himself. Here was a scary sight. He was obviously a man, but he had the hair styling of a girl and the panties were snug against his crotch showing no signs of a dick. Turning slowly, Andrew checked out his backside. While his hips had flared out some and his waist was smaller than before, what he noticed most was the perfectly smooth and round ass hiding the backside of the thong. This was something that he was not going to be able to hide. That wouldn't be a problem if he got out. Andrew left this area and headed down the isle towards the front of the store. As the isle became narrower, Andrew found that he had to turn sideways again. Doing so, he could feel the smooth caress of leather across his ass. He realized that he wasn't used to the amount that it stuck out compared to his old ass and turned around to see what he should be wearing next. There was a black leather skirt. It looked to be about 21" long and perfectly straight. Knowing that he needed to get it on before the pain started, Andrew quickly took it off the hooks, sat on the floor to avoid falling, and then pulled it up and zipped it closed. The normal tingling that he would feel didn't come. Neither did the need for release. Maybe he didn't have to worry about the witch's magic anymore. Standing up, Andrew decided he would need to test this theory. If it held true, he could just march straight out and that would end the game. He continued down the isle till it met another isle and saw a cosmetics counter to his right. This would be a perfect test. He could try on some eyeshadow and if it changed his eyelids, it wouldn't be very noticeable. Reaching the counter, Andrew grabbed the first eyeshadow kit he saw and opened it. He could feel the desire growing again and realized that the skirt had to be a fluke. Quickly he applied the eyeshadow, amazed at how expertly he put it on. When he finished, he placed the case down on the counter top and then banged on it with his fist. The banging set off a chain reaction that knocked over some of the makeup and lipstick displays causing him to hit a compact of makeup and a tube of lipstick. Resigned to what was going to happen next, Andrew picked up the compact, applied the makeup, set the compact down, and then picked up and applied the bright red tube of lipstick. When he was done, he looked in a mirror on the counter top and saw his face covered with the makeup. As he looked, his features softened, his beard stubble disappear completely and his lips got fuller. He would have sworn that his face shrank some also. When it was done, there was no way anyone would mistake his face for a man's. But something about the lovely visage didn't look right. Andrew scanned the counter and found some blush and applied it. That gave his cheekbones some definition and completed the package. Looking at his new face, Andrew thought, "If I didn't know it was me, I would want to have those lips suck my dick. Well, if I had a dick I'd want it sucked by my lips." A giggling behind him made him turn around. "What do we have here?" the witch said. "It has the head and pussy of a chick, but the rest of her body is to hairy and manly." "That's not funny," Andrew said in an ultra sultry female voice. "What the hell. What's wrong with my voice." "It's the last transformation, silly one. You applied the makeup and that changed your head and neck. And everything inside them." "So, what's your point?" "My point is that I win." "You win? What the hell are you talking about? I've still got plenty of male parts left." "But your mind is female. And you're in a clothing store." This shocked Andrew. He hadn't realized that he wouldn't retain his male thoughts. Even now as he looked around the store he was thinking about what would look good with the skirt he had on. "No!" he shouted. "It's not over until I get out of the store. You won't win." "We'll see," she replied as she faded from his view. Andrew turned towards the front of the store and started moving. The cosmetics counter turned into an accessories counter and Andrew absent-mindedly picked up a pair of earrings and some black leather driving gloves. Before he could stop himself, the earrings were in his pierced ears and the gloves were on his hands. He looked at the delicate hands he now had and realized that he needed to concentrate more on not touching anything. Conflicting thoughts crossed his mind as he headed down the nearest isle. He saw all around him pretty blouses and jackets. All he wanted was to make it out. All his female mind wanted was to wear the prettiest outfit in the store. The conflict was driving him mad. He found himself talking to herself. "Look, I need to get out of here," his male self would say. "But look at the pretty blouse next to us," his female self would reply. "See how the ruffles on the sleeves set off the style of the skirt. And they are sheer enough to see the gloves." "I don't care, I'm not going to touch it." "Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please." Andrew didn't know how much more he could take. He tried to think about football or baseball or getting out of the store, but the female voice in his head wouldn't shut up. Forgetting that the voice was inside his head, he swung his arm out in anger and hit the very shirt that the female voice had been talking about. Resigned to what was going to happen, he took off his male shirt and slipped his arms into the shirt. After fumbling on the buttons, he heard his female side. "Let me do it." "What?" "Let me button that for you. I know how better than you do. It'll be natural for me." "How can you do that?" "Just relax and let me take over." "OK. If it'll get you to shut up." Andrew did as she asked and relaxed. Before he knew it, his hands were deftly buttoning the blouse. And his body headed back towards the back of the store, casually brushing clothes out of the way or occasionally stopping to look at a skirt or blouse or dress. "What are you doing," he screamed. "Well, I know you won't let me get dressed up nice unless I'm driving, so sit back and enjoy." "You can't do this. I need to get out of the store to become male again." "Male? Don't be silly. Why would we want to be male?" "We? There's no we involved. It's my body. Give me control of it." "Maybe when I'm done with it. For now, I need to do something about these hairy legs." Within minutes, Andrew was standing in front of a display stand for pantyhose. His body looked them over and grabbed a pair of control top in a tan color. Before Andrew could complain, his body sat on the floor and took of his shoes and socks. "Now let's not get hasty here," he said to his female self. "I mean, I don't think we need to be putting on anything over our legs." "Are you crazy?" she responded. "These oversized, hairy things need some major improvements. Here watch." With that, she opened the package the hose were in and rolled up one of the legs. Pulling both feet up to her crotch, she reached over them and slid her right foot into the rolled up leg of the hose. The left leg of the hose was rolled up and the left foot then slid into the nylon. Ignoring the protest from Andrew, she pulled the pantyhose up each leg to her knees. Looking down at the now converted and hairless lower legs under the tan hose she said to Andrew, "See how much better they look?" "No! No! They look awful. I can't stand them! They look so deformed." "Silly, that's because I haven't pulled them up all the way. Here look." With that, she pulled the stood up and pulled the pantyhose up the rest of the way, hiking up her skirt so that it was out of the way. Keeping the skirt up, she walked over to a mirror on the wall and stood there looking herself over, slowly turning around. "See. Once there up all the way, you legs become the perfect set for someone our size." All Andrew could do was weep quietly to himself. "There, there," his female self said. "It's almost over and then we can merge together. Just think how lucky you'll be. You won't have to learn how to be a girl. It'll be natural. Now let's finish this." Andrea, as she now called herself, walked over to the shoe area and picked out a pair of 3" spiked high-heeled mid-thigh boots and pulled them on. Zipping them up, she went over to the lingerie section Andrew had passed earlier and found a nice black bra that matched the panties she was wearing. Slipping the bra up her sleeve and then pulling it across her chest, she pulled the other arm in the blouse and got the bra settled on her chest. After getting her arm back inside the sleeve, she reached behind her and attached the clips through the blouse. Once close, Andrew could feel his breast growing. It was all about to end for him. Within a minute, his chest now sported a C-cup set of tits. With the completion of of his feminized body, Andrew knew defeat. He could feel his female self take complete control of the body. His male mind still received information from all his senses, but he had no control. Somehow he knew that prior to putting on the bra he could have gotten control back. Now, that was impossible. He wept while his female part, controlling the body, continued to look over the different clothes in the store. Andrew lost track of time while the shopping trip was going on. Before he knew it, his new body was standing at the front of the store and the witch was there with a grin on her face. "Looks like I win Andrew. It's a real shame that you can't even talk to me. But I know you can hear me. So listen up and listen up good. You're now a passenger in that body. You'll sense everything that the body senses, but you'll sense it twice as much. Flavors will be twice as strong, smells twice as wonderful or awful, and your orgasms will be more powerful than anything you have ever faced in your life. Before long, you'll be begging your female self to spend all of her time having sex. But, she's in control and may or may not decide to help you. "Now, I give your female self a new name. I'll call her Andrea. How do you like that name?" "I love it," Andrea said. "Good. If you like, I'll let you live with me and work for me. That way, I can enjoy the fruits of my labor." "I would like that very much." "Once again, good. It's now time to leave." And with that, the witch waved her hands and disappears taking Andrea and Andrew to their new home. FIN.

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Hi readers, I am back with one more experience to share about. You have read my earlier sex stories aunty satisfied… Well I encourage your comments so please do keep commenting and my mail id is So in the last sex story I had told you how I had sex with my future son-in-law. Now I am going to share something with you that changed my life completely. My relation with my husband was not good and so I was always trying to keep my children on my side by not saying anything to them and this made...

4 years ago
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Delivery To Malathi Aunty

Hi I’m Kathir, finished my engineering in this May (2014). Well I’m from a good class Indian family. I’m fond of this ISS website; I love all these incest stories. Some maybe fiction and some may be real. Now what happened to me is real a month ago. She is my Aunt (Malathi), my mother side relation. I’m very attracted to MILF. She is that kind, I mean MILF. Coming to figure she is tall of 5’8 and structure of 36-34-36 a plump Aunty with fair skin tone. She will be looking like age of mid 30’s...

3 years ago
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Chapter 4 The Public Ordeal of Tasnova

As Tasnova Proceeds to get up after licking my cum from the ground, I collect her clothes, or what's left anyways, since her Bra and Panties were ripped off entirely. Tasnova walks up to me to ask for her clothes, but I instead dont give them yet, " Go to the bathroom, wash your mouth and take a shower, we'll be going out" I order her. She looks at me hesitantly, but then realizes that arguing is pointless and walks up to the bathroom, I follow through obviously, not wanting to miss the show. "...

2 years ago
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WBDPValentines in Vegas 10

When my cock was clean, Marcia removed her hand from her sex, an embarrassed half smile on her face."Shall we get down to business," Brianna said, "now that the fun is taken care off."She snapped her fingers and Zoe came into the room, bringing some of Brianna's tools in a surgical tray. Brianna pulled out an interesting piece of equipment from the tray, a stainless steel device with one handle equipped with a trigger, going to two arms whose width could be adjusted. At the end of each arm was...

3 years ago
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Hot Babysitter part1

I was in desperate need of a night out so I asked my husband if we could get a babysitter for the boys and go to dinner. He happily agreed and called the neighbors to see if their daughter, Susie, was available. Thankfully she was so we set it up for Saturday night. Saturday came around and I was more than ready to go out and look sexy for my hubby. I chose a short black fitted dress that hugged my hips and was low in the front to show off my C cup tits. I threw on some 4in black heels and let...

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The Queen of the NileChapter 2

THE TIME: 2011 B.C. THE PLACE: The Valley of the Pharaohs (A Royal Sister Betrayed) The shadows created by the revered Sun God RA marched across the desert floor east of the largest of the pyramids at the sacred site of Hawara. The young girl in the flowing white gown of a royal virgin sat petulantly on the granite plug intended for the newest resting place for the royal Egyptian elite. She did not know what day it was. She did not even know what year it was. Her calendar was her emotional...

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Computer Girl BBC Part2

This part of my story is what happened the rest of the week working with Shane. I got out of bed on Thursday morning my mind still reeling from what happened last night in Shane's hotel room. The guilt was racking me as my husband I were getting ready for work, but on the other hand I was so worked up thinking about how I had never been Fucked the way Shane fucked me. I was always a believer that size doesn't matter but was now finding that maybe it does! I picked up Shane at the hotel he got...

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Hurricane Ridge

‘How could you do this to us? How?’ Molly asked in despair. ‘I don’t know.’ Matt replied. ‘I’m so sorry…’ ‘You don’t know? YOU DON’T KNOW?’ ‘It just happened…’ ‘Matt, I thought we had something good. I thought you wanted a family. I feel so stupid. I can’t believe I trusted you.’ ‘I don’t know what to say…I love you, Molly…’ ‘Do you love our children, too?’ ‘Of course I do. More than anything.’ ‘Then why do this? Why? We’re supposed to be a team. Raising our children. Being a family....

3 years ago
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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 10

When he came through the front door that evening, she could tell by the look on his face that something had happened that day. “Is it the war?” She asked. “Billy McClain was killed in the Hurtgen Forest,” he said. “I’ve been with Helen trying to console her.” Looking into his wife’s eyes tears formed beneath his bottom lids. “When is it going to stop Eve?” It was a question that was being asked in homes throughout the country. The massive invasion that took place in June, the largest...

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NirvanaExctasyPeak Pleasure

It was on your bed in your room. You show me shiver as I was looking at your mouth and there it was. Your hands got into my pants and felted for moisture. As your fingers drowned in my wetness you smiled knowingly and using my moisture started playing with my clit. Your fingers were was a vibration beyond belief, no batteries would be able to keep up to that. As you flicked and torture my clit. I begged you for mercy with my broken voice...half whispers... half moans. You smiled...

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At Age 64 Chapter 3

Chapter III Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with Draggonfly’s permission I hadn’t heard from Bill or John for about four weeks so I called to see how they were doing. I got hold of John and asked if he and Bill were doing o k. He told me that Bill was out of the country and had been for the last three weeks and he was glad I called as he didn’t have my number. I asked if he would like to get together for lunch or drinks and he suggested the next...

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When Did You Fall in LoveChapter 3

I suppose Sam must have been feeling alone as we sat in the coffee shop, my thoughts drifting back and forth through the years. It was time to get my feet in gear so I said, "We need to get outta here, let's go for a walk." It was a nice day outside, and it was a Saturday with nothing special planned. She smiled, nodded her head and followed me outside. "Where do you want to go?" she asked. I silently grabbed her hand, and headed in the direction of my favorite walking trail. We walked...

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From Beach Buds to Bed

I guess I have always enjoyed being naked. I took every opportunity when home alone to be nude. I also loved going to nude beaches whenever I could. My wife enjoyed it also, but not as much as I did. On various vacations in the Caribbean, we would venture to nude beaches. Most times she would just go topless, but once I stepped foot on beach the suit was off. I think most nudists are both voyeuristic as well as exhibitionistic. About ten years ago, a woman I was seeing at the time took me to...

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Early Adventures Of Tracy And JeannieChapter 3

We played cards for more than an hour. In between hands, the tequila bottle was passed, and Ted and Al made a number of beer runs to the kitchen. We were starting to get a buzz on to say the least. Jeannie, making her prediction come true, was the proud owner of two pairs of boys pants, and a shirt that once belonged to Al. We had decided that to make things more interesting, shoes, socks, and jewelry didn't count so those disappeared first. My pile contained Ted's shirt, and Jeannie's...

1 year ago
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"Wow, Mom,! I sure could use a good fuck!" grumbled Barbi. The cute little teenager spread her legs wide on the couch and rubbed furiously at her clit. "Do you think Dad would throw a fuck into me if I promise to suck off all his friends?"Sandra smiled at her daughter's innocence. She might be 18 now, but still seemed as naive as a c***d. "I don't know, Honey. Dad has been pretty well fucked up on Jimmy ever since he learned how tight your brother's asshole was. It won't hurt to offer, but you...

3 years ago
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DragonChapter 2

He stood and tried to walk on his cramping legs out of the meadow. His mind wandered. He had lost his name along the way these past three years. His employers called him Hunter because that is what they had trained him to do, to hunt monsters. His trainers called them monsters because their natural prey was human beings. Monster was an absurdly loaded term and Hunter wasn't convinced. For one thing, while no one had any clue as to their evolutionary track, it seemed to him that they are a...

2 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 31

I opened my eyes and looked down to find two pairs of gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. My pets usually slept later than I did, but the twins had only been here three days now. With Fakahina being halfway around the world, their bodies still hadn’t completely adjusted to the time change. As much as I enjoyed having their luscious bodies pressed up against me, my bladder was telling me it was time to get out of bed. “I know what you two minxes are thinking, and the answer is no. I’m...

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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 5

"Is that the end of the story, Velda? Didn't the horse mount you too? I rather think so." "How perceptive of you, darling. Why, of course, the horse did indeed fuck me. With the aid of the men." Felton was anxious to hear the Madame's exploit in bestiality. But he also liked the fine tight tract. While the Madame had relayed her tale, Felton had rearranged his fucking position. The girl was now on hands and knees and he fucked her from the rear. Her face was buried in the thick...

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Wish Shift Pathways

Wish Shift: Chapter Eight Pathways Year 1 A.S. Day 46 Jenny heard the car pull into her lot in the dim glow of light just before dawn. She had been up until almost midnight the night before and had needed to rush to the toilet sometime in the early morning hours to deal with a bout of morning sickness. Those had been coming less frequently this last week and she was starting to hope that she may be close to parting ways with this particular aspect of being a woman soon. Leaning...

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1 Clan Amir A Fighting HeritageChapter 03

During the day of Tuesday the 21st of December Claymore soldiers enter Berana in small numbers to meet at prearranged points so they can prepare for the task ahead. Because of the need to keep secrecy as long as possible the plan is to take out all of the auxiliary positions first. Thus, overwhelming forces are assigned to each target. The whole of the Royal Army is used to ensure a quick capture of all of the civilian and small military targets in the city. At 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday the...

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Rosie wanted another lesson

Just last night whilst driving home I saw Rosie walking through the estate. Only last Friday I had reluctantly (not) offered my cock to Rosie to use so that my wife could teach her the art of oral sex. Rosie had a new boyfriend and did not want to appear like an amateur and wanted to give him 100% pleasure. Anyway I pulled the car over and rolled the window down and called out to Rosie. Rosie came running over and asked if my wife had passed her message on. ‘What message would that be?’ I...

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accidental fantasies pt6

Jennifer was right on several counts. We did have to show Mom that she could be proud of us and we absolutely had to have a plan. The sex had been fantastic but if that's all we had, we had nothing at all.That night, as I did my journal entries, I took a few minutes to take a look at myself, not physically but as a person. I hadn't worked in months and I was still facing at least three months of idleness. Eventually, insurance would compensate me for my lost time, etc, etc. but that did...

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A Room With A View

The hotel room door opens. She walks in, swinging her hipsand singing. She's wearing a dark shirt, tight where it matters, the top few buttons undone enough to show her cleavage and the edge of a black lace bra. She has a skirt too, black; but it barely reaches her thighs. Her favourite. Black stockings, following down to a pair of small heels that she kicks across the room as the door swings shut behind her. She stretches, hands above her head, chest straining against the tight, thin fabric of...

Straight Sex
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Emend by EclipseChapter 24

February 9, 1976 “I had a deal with Principal Haley.” Principal Atkinson said, “Mr. Haley isn’t here anymore. I’m his replacement, and I’m in charge now. You don’t have a deal with me.” “I had a deal with the institution of the school. Principal Haley was its representative. You can’t change a deal between the institution and me.” “Now I represent the institution, and the deal is null and void.” “Why can’t we keep things as they were?” “Benny, I find your absences from classes to be...

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Adventure With Office Colleague Shreya

Hello all, I am Akash. I am 30 years old married man. I am again back with another incident which happened with me recently. I have a chiseled body and 6 inches dick. Let’s start with the story. As I work in an MNC so there were a lot of girls too. Almost 40% of my team were girls. So there were many hot and sexy girls around me. Most of the girls used to dress in a very sexy manner. No one used to wear revealing dresses. But most of the sexy girls knew what type of dresses they should wear to...

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Bob takes Candys anal cherry

When he arrived Sandra opened the door and showed him to the living room. "I want to make myself clear Bob, no more freebies. I want $500 each time you fuck my daughter." Bob wasn't pleased, but he thought Candy was worth it. He agreed and pulled out $500 from his pocket and threw it at Sandra. She scrambled for the money, like a whore. Sandra called Candy into the room. Candy entered wearing a silky robe. He hair was down around her shoulders and she was wearing her mother's black...

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Babs First Nude Beach

When Babs and I got married, she was pretty straight laced. She made me wait until our wedding night to have sex with her. She was so beautiful and her athletic build made me want her all the time, but I honored her request to wait. Our friends had rented us a hotel room for the first night before we flew off on our honeymoon. All I’ll say about that first night is that it was very much worth waiting for. Both of our parents had got together and sent us on a two week honeymoon to Australia and...

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a girls fantasy

the only thing i love about sex it pretending to be a young girl that my daddy and men would love to get in to, i love to act like im 12 and inexperienced when it comes to sex but then i meet this older guy who teaches me what a mans dick looks like and what it does and the places it explores, but he is very short tempered and horny and forces me to do things to him, he makes me suck his balls and slob on his dick and calls me a dick tease, he spanks me for being a dick tease and spanks my...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 Chapter 7 The Orcs Dominance

Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Seven: The Orc's Dominance By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – The Free City of Raratha “Sounds like Sophia's enjoying herself,” I smirked. Chaun winced. “She enjoys pain more than me.” I snorted. I glanced at the door, Sophia and Relaria gasps and moans emanating through the dark-green wood of the lamia's apartment in the Saltspray Palace. The slap of flesh, the creek of a...

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The Purpose of a Woman Chapter 5

Chapter Five +++++ After I'd been raped, I shuffled toward the door. I wasn't walking. Walking is too generous. I slid one foot just in front of me, then turned my entire body and slid the other foot out. I was buck-naked, save for the torn panties I clutched in my hand and that barely covered my encased, formerly male genitalia. I made slow progress. I felt too worked over to cry. I was beyond mourning for myself. Instead, I felt a stillness. The calm of a new reality. A bleak...

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Daddys Little Girl Part 3

Lindsey yawned as she sat next to Ellie on the bleachers at school. “I didn't sleep at all last night,” Lindsey said. Ellie smirked. “I did. You fucked me so good last night. I couldn't help but sleep. Oh, you look cute by the way.” Lindsey knew that she was sexy. She had worn her tiny black shorts and pink sports bra to gym. But she was too tired to actually do anything. Ellie looked cute too. She was wearing her usual gray booty shorts and white sports bra. Lindsey squeezed her hand...

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Toilet Slave Training

Training a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons: 1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up. Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you’re slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes out of you. This...

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My Cheri Amour

My Cheri Amour By Teri Franken Chapter 1 I hate to put labels on myself or anyone else, but to try to describe myself would be nearly impossible without incorporating a few of these labels. My name is Tony or Toni, depending on how I am dressed and feeling about myself. I am 30 years old, single, heterosexual (I do have a few kinks); I stand 5'6" and weigh in at 140 pounds soaking wet. I have been fascinated by women's clothing my entire life. I can remember when I was in...

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Eleven Minutes After Nine

Eleven Minutes After Nine, by Kellie Nadine An incessant knocking at the door roused Cynthia from her dreams. Looking at the clock on her night stand, she saw the time was eleven minutes after nine AM, not an unreasonable time for visitors. She'd better answer the door. Slipping out of her nightgown and donning a heavy sweatshirt & sweatpants over her bra and panties, she made her way to the front door. Opening the door just enough to make the chain lock tight, she saw...

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Beautiful Blindfold

Saying he's met his match sexually was a stretch at first but Dave found his situation tantalizing in the fact that Sarah was willing to experiment with just about everything. Given she had three c***dren and an active sex life in spite of her husband, Ken, of 6 years and boyfriend of an additional 6 dating, running off with his best friend in a torrid same sex affair which culminated eventually leaving her altogether. She admitted she had several things she wanted to do and try. David was...

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All tied up

Every once and while, my husband Marc brings home a skin flick and we watch it together. It isn't very a very frequent occurrence, but it does tend to spice up our sex life. Marc puts on silk pajamas, and I put on a sexy nighty and wear my long silk robe. I never know what he is going to bring home, but he tries to find movies that are more in the romantic mood and less on the raunchy side. It usually ends with a great night of sex once we get it going. One recent Saturday, Marc said he was...

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The RescuedChapter 56 SM03Gamma Day 8 Late AfternoonEvening

Steve returned from his meeting in a good mood, even if he was very horny from watching his brother use his slave. When he got back to his own home, his first act was to take Suri and Suki into his room, and to use Suki quite savagely indeed. By the time he spent himself in her ass, the vibrator in her cunt, combined with the stimulation as he fucked her ass and fondled her tits, had driven her into orbit. She passed out from the pleasure, and Steve took advantage of the moment of privacy to...

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One Rainy Evening Makes Heaven 8211 Part II

I am Sumana, 38 years married woman. One rainy evening how radically changed my life, what I was, & what I’m now? Before that evening I was Mrs. Sumana Dasgupta, wife of Tarun Dasgupta, my whole thinking was around my husband 45 years, Senior Executive of a multinational company, and my kid Mahesh 10 years. Though I’m serving in a multinational company, my thinking and all affection was to my husband and son. I loved my husband so much, he also, there was no question of anything. I’m always...

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Evie Gets Her Reward

I went downstairs to the kitchen, carrying the cold tea. As I walked into the kitchen, I could see up the drive through the window. There was a car parked at the top of the drive, a taxi. I ran back upstairs to Mistress Sarah. “Mistress, are you going out again?” I asked. “No dear,” she replied. “why do you ask?” “There is a taxi parked at the end of your drive. It looks like the same one as yesterday,” I said. Mistress Sarah smiled and said, “Evie dear, I’m not sure, but I’d guess it’s...

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Nanbanin Thangai Anusha 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu iruvarum mater seithom enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal kama ulagathirkul selalam, en nanbanin peyar muthu avan ippozhuthu thaan veli naatil irunthu uuruku vanthu irukiraan, aanal naangal ethirchiyaaga santhithu kondom. Naangal chennaiyil vasithu vanthu irunthom, naan finix maalil aadai eduthu kondu irunthen. Andru en nanbanuku pirantha naal enbathaal call seithu pirantha naal vaazhthukal sollinen, pinbu...

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