Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 3 Neville
- 3 years ago
- 23
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My life wasn’t ideal for any 16 year old boy hitting puberty. I grew up in a house with no father (because he kicked the bucket when I was only two years old) a mother who seemed like she was always out of town, and three older sisters. Needless to say I was lacking a father figure in the house, or any kind of figure that would teach me to be a man because I sure as hell knew I wasn’t.
With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking, cleaning, and make sure we were all safe and whatnot. However my loving sisters didn’t feel the same way, instead they felt like I had to do all the cooking, cleaning, and fulfill any wish they needed of me at the time. I was ordered around like a slave and I hated it everyday. Guess I know how Cinderella feels now.
I stood in front of the door of our light green two-story house, my eyes scanning the place as if checking for heat signs to give me hints on where the girls were at. With a deep breath, I opened the door and poked my head inside. To the right was a narrow hallway that led to my room and yes I had the only room on the bottom floor, secluding me from my family. The stairs were directly in front of me with another hallway right beside it leading to the kitchen. The doorway directly left of the front door led to the living room, complete with a small couch, two reclining chairs and a coffee table all facing a big screen TV. The living room and kitchen were connected thanks to some remodeling last year allowing people at the dinner table to be able to watch TV too so it was a very popular place for the girls to hang out at. Luckily the TV wasn’t on so I knew that that area was safe.
Everything was clear as far as I could tell…and then my eyes moved upwards. I could only see a little bit of the second floor but I did notice that there was a door slightly cracked open. I took a chance, ignoring subtlety as I shut the door and darted into my secluded hallway, diving into my room and slamming the door shut. I pressed up against it as if a monster would try and burst threw it at any moment and after a couple seconds of agonizing silence, I sighed in relief as I headed into my bathroom.
Seeing as how I was lucky enough to get the master bedroom of the house it came with its own bathroom, which was helpful in more ways then one as I shut the door and splashed water on my face. Just looking at my reflection disappointed me. I was rail-thin and I mean the hand rails people use to help climb stairs, barely 5’8 on a good day with all of my sisters being at least 6 foot. I was the oddball of the family when it came to my hair as well, being the only one with short and shaggy chestnut colored hair, not to mention my freaky red eyes that I was constantly teased about and I didn’t know why.
That was enough critiquing for one day. I did my business and exited only to run smack dab into a brick wall. After I stumbled backwards I looked up to see my 21 year old sister Isabella (Izzy for short and the oldest of the three) staring at me smugly and currently blocking the entrance to my room. She was 6’1 with an hourglass figure that was model worthy, having an amazing pair of boobs that were at least a D-cup. Her smooth face was always wearing the same evil expression when she glanced my way, with chin length black hair that always seemed to rest over one of her emerald green eyes, and a small stud in her nose to complement her punk look. She wore a tight long sleeve black shirt that had small rips in it along the rib area giving me a nice taste of her soft white skin, and her black thigh high skirt revealed smooth shaven legs from top to bottom.
“Had a nice look pervert?” she hissed and I snapped out of my trance and realized who the body that I was ogling at belonged to, “If I catch you doing something like that again I’ll beat your perverted ass so bad that you’ll be hospitalized. Got it? Now get the fuck in the kitchen and start making dinner.”
“Alright,” I mumbled climbing to my feet avoiding eye contact. However this proved difficult because she didn’t budge an inch leaving me with my head held down like a scolded puppy, “Move.”
“Excuse me? You better learn some fucking manners real quick before I beat it into you!”
Izzy was always a little more violent then the others, resorting to threats and a couple cases of physical abuse that reinforced the fact that she could kick my ass without breaking a sweat.
“Please,” I looked up at her, “Move.”
“I’ll let you go this time but if that ever happens again where you give me a bit of attitude for trying to help your uncivilized ass, I’ll drop you faster then a sack of potatoes.”
“Whatever,” I muttered out of earshot distance, walking out of my room and into the kitchen as the blasting TV caught my attention. I knew who it was, and more importantly I knew why she was doing this. “Riley! CAN YOU TURN IT DOWN!”
Riley poked her head up from the couch and shot me a funny look.
“TURN IT DOWN!” I shouted again pointing towards the ground. She shrugged her shoulders as if she couldn’t understand the language I was speaking. I knew very well what her plan was but I didn’t have a choice but to fall for it. “I SAID TURN IT DOWN!”
She muted it the second I started yelling so my voice was heard throughout the house. Only seconds later did I hear my lovely sister Izzy yell, “Why the fuck are you yelling at Riley! Your supposed to be cooking remember?”
I can’t cook if I can’t hear the beeping from the timer. Riley knew damn well that I did my homework while I waited for things took cook so I needed to be able to actually hear them or else I’d burn the food. And if I burned the food, it wouldn’t be Riley’s fault no matter how much I argued. It’d always be mine. I still ignored the devil smile that she was currently shooting my way now as I shook my head and began cooking. Once I had everything set up I grabbed my homework and sat down at the kitchen table to do some math. This however proved to be a dumb choice because within seconds I had Riley breathing down my neck.
She was smart, plain and simple, and I wasn’t exactly the brightest student but that was because I was dealing with a lot more then her in my opinion. She was sitting down next to me humming a cheerful tune as she looked over my work.
“That’s wrong,” she happily told me, “Number 4 too. Oh and you really screwed up on number 13. How dumb can you be to miss number 19? Are you trying to fail Max?”
“I’ll go back and check them later,” I tried to ignore her and continue but she snatched my paper away and ripped it up in my face. An hour of hard work was now trickling out of her fingers like rain into the garbage can.
A stuck up bitch at 6 foot, with long sandy blonde hair and pompous blue eyes, she was a senior at my high school and turning 18 two months from now. She was the youngest of my older sisters but I felt like she was always trying to prove to them that she could be just as mean to me as they were. Her body was nothing short of perfect either. Her ass was perfectly round and always visible in the tight clothes she wore to school, not to mention her C-cup breasts were extremely perky from what I could tell. I could sum up her wardrobe pretty quickly too, tight jeans to show of her body, and low cut shirts to give guys a glimpse of her breasts.
“What the heck Riley!” I shouted as a timer went off in the kitchen. I scrambled back and proceeded to take some things out of the oven as she skipped into kitchen.
“Well you weren’t listening to me so I figured I had to get rid of the distraction.”
“The distraction was my homework,” I reminded her, accidentally touching the side of the tray in the process. My finger burned like hell as I ran it under cold water.
“As clumsy as always,” she shook her head slowly, “You’ll never be smart if you don’t accept the help of others little bro. But then again who’d want to help someone as sorry as you?”
I wanted to shout and scream and start trashing the place, but that was exactly what she wanted so I just turned around and continued to focus on my burn. Eventually she left and after wiping it clean I wrapped a band-aid on it and finished cooking. Once the table was set Izzy and Riley found there way to the kitchen and took a seat, pigging out before our last family member could even come home from practice. One tradition that mom taught me was to wait until everyone had their food to eat, so I sat there and waited. By the time Izzy and Riley finished the front door swung open then shut harshly as the middle sister finally made her appearance.
Ashley dropped her muddy cleats smack dab on the kitchen floor causing all that crap to scatter everywhere meaning that I would just have to clean it up later. She was 19, matched Riley in height, with an incredible body no thanks to the recreational soccer team that she played on. Her golden tanned skin only served to make her hotter and also make up for her lack of big boobs that the my other two sisters had. They were still visible but they were solid B-cups and I doubt that would change unless she stopped playing soccer. Her ass was her saving grace though, better then Izzy’s and Riley’s combined. Her shiny black hair was pulled back into a ponytail as she took a seat at the table with her sleeveless white shirt and black short shorts.
“Man practice sucked,” she whined slumping back in her chair, “We ran up and down Matson Hill at least twenty times. I felt like my legs were going to fall off. Thank god I caught a ride home today.”
“Well hurry up and eat your food you big baby,” Izzy taunted walking away, “Its movie night remember?”
“Yeah, yeah I remember,” she sighed looking up at me. “What do you want chicken legs? You waiting for me to get my food again? Jeez you’re a dumbass, mom’s not here just get your food and eat you spineless loser.”
Ashley was a name caller if that wasn’t obvious within the first sentence. I kinda laughed when I thought about it but each sister had their own special way of making my life hell. Izzy would resort to violence, Riley would pull pranks on me and other mischievous things, and Ashley would constantly critique and belittle me. I guess I was getting a good dose of everything, which was a lot better then having everyone follow Izzy’s method.
Regardless I waited until Ashley got her food and even though she took it up to her room, I remained at the table and finished eating. After I had cleaned everything up including the mud stains on the kitchen tiles, I loaded up the dishes and retreated to my room for some peace and quiet. I had a ton of homework to do and I couldn’t forget about the math I had to completely redo now thanks to Riley. Plus on movie night I wasn’t allowed to leave my room unless I was going to die of starvation. Last time I did Izzy clocked me square in the eye giving me a shiner. It was difficult to explain at school but I just told everyone that I fell down the stairs…some right handed stairs that packed a deadly punch, but stairs nonetheless.
The clock read 6:30 when I started and by the time I finished it was 2:13. My eyes hurt, I was tired, and frankly if a punch to the face meant getting a bite to eat then it would be worth it now. I stumbled through the pitch black hallway only to catch a blue light emanating from the living room. It was late even for the girls standards, and there wasn’t any point in sneaking into the kitchen because the refrigerator was so loud that they’d know I was there. I’d probably get hit for scaring them then so I just openly walked into the living room.
To my surprise, Ashley was the only one in here. She was curled up in a little ball on the couch watching TV until she noticed me.
“What the fuck are you still doing up you waste of space?” she hissed sitting up.
“I had a lot of homework,” I eyed her suspiciously, “What are you still doing up it’s late for you too.”
“I’m not some freshman loser Maxine,” (the girl version of my name apparently), “I can stay up as long I’d like so get your baby food and go back to bed.”
There was definitely something wrong. I quickly find a clue to the source when I saw a DVD box on the coffee table, reaching down to take a look at it. It was some stupid horror movie that probably had an insane amount of blood and gore that they used to try and scare the audience. Frankly those kinds of movies really didn’t bother me, in fact they actually bored me to tears but that’s when I eyed Ashley again.
Her eyes were wide open and her body was shivering slightly, as if cold even though she was wrapped in a blanket and the fan in the room wasn’t on. She was scared? Since the movie was missing from the case I knew that they probably watched it so that really was the only answer. But as I headed into the kitchen and retrieved a handful of grapes I shook my head in disbelief. Ashley’s always been pretty strong willed and brave as far as it goes on the soccer field. Going toe-to-toe with two people on a daily basis and almost always coming out on top. Could a scary movie really have caused this?
Only one way to find out.
I crept up behind her, plopping the last grape as I got into position behind the couch. If this didn’t work I’d land myself in the hospital, but I had to try. I leaned over the couch with my arms outstretched towards her and roaring suddenly. She let out a shrill scream hurling the blanket over her head and panting heavier then a Doberman. Shifting to the side of the couch, I really couldn’t believe how scared she was until I touched her shoulder and she let out another scream.
“Ashley calm down!” I ordered quickly, “It’s just me, Max.”
She stopped her screaming and poked her head out of her blanket cocoon. Her scared look turned into unparalleled anger now as her entire body continued to quiver.
“I bet you think you’re really funny don’t you Maxine? Big tough guy scaring a girl when she’s trying to get some sleep. What’s next are you going to rape me you filthy fuckin piece of trash!”
I glanced at the clock, ignoring her as she continued to spout out insults like a fountain spouts water. She had a game at noon today and if she didn’t have any sleep she’d be screwed. Plus I felt kind of bad for scaring her and I have no idea why. I guess I wasn’t the kind of guy that liked getting revenge, or at least cheap revenge like this one.
“Shut up,” I said abruptly standing up and turned off the TV. Her eyes widened as if I had just slapped her in the face. “C’mon.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said follow me.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are twinkle toes? Giving me orders like you’re the boss around here.”
“Humor me,” I pleaded looking down at her, “Please.”
“Fine,” she threw her hands up in the air and climbed to her feet with her blanket still draped over her body. She had changed into boxers and a white tank top that made me take a quick peak at all the exposed flesh of my tanned sister’s body. I grabbed her wrist and walked down my hallway and into my room trying to stay focused, flicking on the light and shutting my door. “I don’t know what your planning Maxine but if I even think it’s fishy I’ll kick your balls so hard your kids will be stupid.”
“Look,” I turned around and pointed at her menacingly, “Knock that tough girl crap out ok? Get in the fuckin bed and go to sleep ok? Your scared shitless from that movie and you can’t get any sleep plus you have a game in less then ten hours. I’m not going to try anything or mess with you I promise. I’ll even sleep on the ground just to prove it. You’re a mess right now and it’s only going to get worse the longer you worry about it. I’ll be right down here if you need me but you need to get some rest!”
Her jaw dropped so far down that it would’ve hit the center of the earth given the chance. She didn’t move an inch for the next minute and finally I had to grab onto her and yank her to the side of the bed before shoving her onto it.
“Sleep Ashley,” I ordered grabbing a pillow and blanket off my bed and tossing it on the ground. “No one’s going to hurt you while I’m here with you ok?”
She nodded robotically, slowly positioning herself on the bed as I moved to the light switch and flicked it off. I signed and nearly collapsed onto the ground, pulling the blanket over my body and resting my eyes. I’d slept on the ground plenty of times before so it was second nature to me and soon enough I was on the brink of slumber.
“M-Max,” I heard Ashley stammer.
“Yeah?” I answered in a raspy voice symbolizing my tiredness.
“C-Could you…could you sleep in the bed with me?” I pushed myself to my knees slowly before flicking on the light switch. I had to see her face to tell if she was being serious or not and when our eyes met I knew that she meant her request.
“Um,” I rubbed my eyes trying to think of what to say. She was my sister after all so I guess there wasn’t anything wrong with it right? Plus she was kind of hot and although I wouldn’t admit it I spent some time masturbating with the thought of seeing her body completely naked. “If you’re ok with it I guess it couldn’t hurt.”
I flicked off the light and carefully crawled into bed with her. At first I just kept to the left half of the bed, laying on my side so I was facing the wall. But that didn’t last long.
“Max…could you look this way?” she asked, her voice even weaker then before. I slowly rolled over to see her within inches of my face. Her warm breath was gently brushing up against my face now, sending shivers down my body. And those lips, those full and beckoning lips were almost taunting me with the sweet smell of strawberries. I had kissed a girl before but they couldn’t compare to Ashley in a million years as I found myself longing to taste them…to taste her. I could make out her weak smile now before she rolled over so she was lying on her side with her back facing me. She scooted towards me, reaching back to grab onto my arm and placing it over her stomach like a seatbelt as she finally lay nuzzled up against me in a spooning position. Her warm body pressed up against mine was unlike anything I’d ever felt before, and the sensation it sent through me was unlike anything I could’ve imagined. Needless to say, I was harder then steel now and I tried to move my hips back in hopes that she wouldn’t feel it.
Almost as if she read my mind, she reached back and grabbed onto my side and pulled me in tighter until my dick was forcefully pressed up against her ass. Her perfect round ass that I had only ever snuck peaks at was now grinding up against me. It drove me wild and I wanted nothing more then to grab a hold of it. To squeeze and slap it and have all my expectations met but…I couldn’t.
She was my sister.
“S-Stop,” I whispered softly, my voice felt like it was fighting to stop me from doing this. “J-just go to sleep Ashley.”
She looked back at me and I thought I saw her smile but it was hard to tell. Luckily she listened to me and halted her grinding, leaving her ass firmly pressed against my still hard dick. I don’t know how long it took after that but I was finally able to sleep.
The next morning I woke up alone. I glanced around the room quickly and sat up as my heart started racing. My room was just the way it should be, and there was no one else in my bed either so with a sigh of exhaustion I let myself fall back onto my bed as my eyes closed.
It was just a dream. I never had a dream like that before, and worst of all it felt so real. Tiny shivers ran down my body as I got up and headed into the bathroom to take care of my raging hard on. Just the thought of that dream, of feeling Ashley’s body pressed against mine, of her ass teasing me like that. It sent me over the edge in no time at all and I didn’t think I had ever blown a bigger load in my life. Once it was all over I turned on the shower and crawled inside, taking a seat on the floor as water continued to cascade down my body.
I tried my best to shove all the thoughts of Ashley out of my head, going out into the living room only to discover a note telling me what I already knew.
Clean up the house –Izzy
After discovering the time I realized that it was nearly 1 in the afternoon and I had missed Ashley’s game. Then again it was probably best that I stayed as far away from her as possible until I get these feeling’s under control. I took care of all my chores quickly and efficiently, but the thought of Ashley crept back to me for some reason and I took a quick break to masturbate again. I felt dirty the entire time, but the pleasure outweighed my guilt without competition. After I had finished everything I cracked open a soda and leaned back against the counter, giving me a perfect view of the front door from where I was.
It opened only a couple seconds later to my surprise, as the terrible trio came waltzing through the door laughing. Izzy and Riley headed upstairs immediately, ignoring me completely but Ashley changed her course and headed for the kitchen.
Her hair was tied up into a ponytail again and she was glistening with sweat. Her green soccer jersey was hanging loosely from her body and her black shorts seemed to be rolled up higher then usual causing me to stare. She caught me staring and scowled immediately.
“What do you want you brainless pig?” she barked opening up the fridge and bending down to look through it. My mouth was wide open and my head started tilting instinctively as I got a perfect view of her ass. It was practically falling out and I began reaching out to touch it when I realized what I was doing, and the massive boner I was getting from it. I scrambled past her and hastily headed for my room.
“What’s your problem Maxine?” she asked as I entered my hallway.
“J-just had a weird dream is all,” I called back slamming my door shut. I took another drink of my soda and couldn’t take it anymore, rushing into my bathroom to take care of myself yet again to the thought of Ashley. Three times in one day, and it wasn’t even 2:30 yet. This was becoming a major problem very quickly. After I finished blowing another load I leaned up against the wall to catch my breath before heading back into my room.
When I went to grab my soda I dropped the can immediately. It was all gone. Every last drop. I was definitely losing my mind now because I only took a couple sips from it, and I knew that I still had a ton left before I went into the bathroom. The smell of strawberries caught my attention as I sniffed the air and my thoughts just exploded after that. I needed to lie down to try and regain my sanity. Collapsing on my bed, I drifted off to sleep with only one thought in mind.
My sister Ashley.
“Get the fuck up Max!” Izzy shouted causing me to literally jump out of bed. “Stop being useless and go make dinner already before I break your legs.”
I didn’t argue. My mind was too fried to even mumble a response. I slept walk my way to the kitchen and prepared some mac-n-cheese with grilled cheese and apple slices. After setting up the plates and everything I grabbed half a grilled cheese and scurried back into my room where I spent the rest of the night.
The next morning my mind had calmed down a bit since Saturday’s torture session, but I was still wary of Ashley and thoughts of her creeping up into my head. However, my plan of total solitude was ruined when Riley came flying threw my door.
“We’re going to see a movie!” Riley jumped up and down like a five year old in a candy shop.
“What movie?”
“Always and Forever!”
“Isn't that one of those stupid romance stories that aren’t funny?” I asked.
“It’s not stupid and it is funny! You wouldn’t know art if it bit you in the ass!”
There were a ton of holes in that statement, but I think it was in my best interest to keep that a secret. After a bit of arguing I finally convinced her to let me go see a different movie so she drug me out into the kitchen where Izzy and Ashley were sitting.
“He’s being a crybaby and won’t go.”
“Just let me see a different movie,” I argued, “I’ll walk home from the theater if you want but there’s no way I’m seeing the crappy movie you picked out.”
“Call that movie stupid one more time and I’ll make you regret it!” Izzy clenched her right hand into a fist before throwing her hands up in defeat, “Whatever just shut the hell up and get ready. I’ll give you a ride to the movies but that’s it, and don’t ever say that I never did anything for your whiny ass.”
I rolled my eyes and left, catching a glimpse of Ashley out of the corner of my eye. Her eyes were glued to me, but not in her usual I’m better then you look. No. This look was leaning more towards curiousity. As if wanting to see what movie I’d pick.
After throwing on some jeans, a large t-shirt, and a blue jacket, I made sure that I looked decent enough to not be hit by Izzy before heading out to the living room where they were all waiting. Of course they all looked incredible, but for some reasons my eyes always came back to Ashley. Her hair was now straightened and draped over her breasts and she wore a soft white long sleeve t-shirt that showed of those deadly curves along with most of the top half of her breasts, and her jean shorts were barely reached her mid-thigh level letting me drink up the sight of perfect golden thighs.
I gulped and quickly turned to head out the front door before any of the girls could make a comment. The eight minute car ride to the movie theater consisted of me forcing myself to stare out the window, mainly because Ashley was sitting in the back seat with me and I knew that if I turned to look for a second I doubt my eyes were going anywhere else for the rest of the ride.
When we parked and all got out, the girls waited for me to get ahead of them for fear of being seen with me, which I didn’t have a problem with. By the time I got to the front of the line I heard there snickering letting me know that they had finally jumped into line with me.
I walked up to the window and glanced at all my options. They were slim to say the least. It was that stupid movie my sisters were going to watch, a kids movie that was for third graders, or the supposed scariest movie of the year. Only problem was that it was rated R so I couldn’t get in. Then again I had other methods, the main method being that I knew the guy that was currently working in the window. His name was Phil and he used to date Riley, even after their break-up he was still nice to me, especially after seeing all the crap I went through.
“Hey Phil,” I gave him a nod.
“Max! What’s up bud?”
“Dragged to a movie.”
“That sucks man, do you at least have a choice?”
“This time yeah,” I laughed but he shook his head.
“How you can stay happy I’ll never know.”
“I’d be happier if you’d do me a favor,” I slipped fifteen bucks through the window and nodded my head towards the R rated movie poster. He got the hint and nodded, printing out my ticket and handing me the five bucks back.
“Get that outta here bro,” he winked, “Enjoy it man it’s a good movie.”
“I’ll try,” I waved and walked through the gate, handing the doorman my ticket as he mindlessly ripped it and gave it back. Obviously he didn’t care about his job enough to realize that I wasn’t eighteen but I could care less at this point, heading to the right towards my movie. It was pretty empty, with less then a dozen people scattered throughout the auditorium. Nevertheless I climbed to the empty top row and plopped down on the far left. The movie had been out for some time so I couldn’t blame people for losing interest, but something caught my attention immediately right as the lights dimmed to start the previews.
Ashley appeared from around the corner and began scanning the crowd until spotting me. She walked up the stairs and soon enough was sitting right next to me.
“You’re an ugly moronic pile of crap y’know that?” she hissed sitting down, “I had to buy a ticket and watch this stupid movie with you because apparently you got in here by bribing Phil. You have any idea what would happen if you got caught? Thanks for ruining my day jackass!”
I slapped my forehead, dragging my hand down my face. And here I thought I was going to have a nice relaxing movie all alone. Instead, I got an ass chewing and my dreams crushed. The movie began only a couple seconds later now as I sat back and laughed internally at how bad it was. A six year old could’ve probably made something scarier then this, however a mouse like squeak caught my attention just as someone was cut in half by a chainsaw (too original in my opinion).
Ashley’s eyes were sealed tighter then a bank vault and to top it off she was looking away from the screen too. That’s when it hit me like snowball to the face.
That wasn’t a dream.
Ashley was almost on the brink of tears watching this movie and it was somehow all my fault.
“Ashley,” I whispered grabbing her shoulder, “Ashley, its Max. Look at me.”
She pried one eye open to look at me but after another scream of pain that eye shut faster then a mousetrap. I grabbed onto her other shoulder and pulled her in until we were hugging. She latched onto me now as I rubbed her back gently.
“Shhh,” I began, “I’m here Ashley. It’s going to be alright.”
Her body was quivering now and I was starting to panic too. I didn’t plan on making Ashley go threw this and now it was up to me to calm her down. After catching a quick whiff of her perfume though, my thoughts of helping her turned into thoughts of wanting her. I wanted to feel those longs legs. I wanted to taste those full lips. I wanted to grab onto that ass and never let go.
I wanted Ashley.
This wasn’t the time or the place for these feelings but I was getting tired of resisting them and the plan starting forming in my head that was as risky as it was helpful.
“Ashley I’m going to try something to help ok? If you don’t like it just tell me to stop ok?” I felt her head nod so I gently pushed her just far enough away that our foreheads were less then an inch apart. It was now or never, and lust was starting to take control as I leaned in quickly and gave her a kiss. Her eyes opened immediately and I thought for sure my life was finally about to come to an end. But instead she let them drowsily close, and began slowly kissing back as if encouraging me to continue. Those full lips that I had wanted only two nights ago where slowly massaging mine now and soon I felt her tongue power its way into my mouth. I welcomed it, and without having any experience in French kissing, began to dance around her tongue with my own, exploring her mouth as she did mine. The passion and force that she was using was turning me on more and more as my hands began wandering up and down her back while her hands softly cupped my face making the kiss all the more lustful.
Without warning she got up from her seat, our mouths still intertwined, and sat back down on my right leg. Her crotch was grinding up against it and it was driving me wild now as my hands immediately took the opportunity to latch onto the ass. She moaned inside my mouth as I squeezed and massaged them, taking this opportunity to finally release some of the lust that was built up inside of me. Her hips were thrusting harder now and our lips still never left one another’s until she pulled away suddenly. I found out why as she placed her knees on the outside of my chair and pulled the V-neck of her shirt down to reveal her perky boobs, mere inches from my face.
“Suck them,” she begged, “Please Max!”
She didn’t need to ask me twice. I leaned forward taking her stiff nipple in my mouth and began sucking on them like a baby sucks a bottle. Her head was just above mine now and I could hear her soft moaning until I lightly flicked the tip of nipple and suddenly that soft moan became a lustful roar. I brought one hand up to grab onto her free breast while my mouth worked on the other leaving my free hand to rub her ass which sent her wide. She was pressing her chest farther forward trying to get more of boob into my mouth and I happily continued to take what she gave me. It didn’t take long after I started that little rotation for her moans to become quicker and more urgent, I felt her body twitching out of control and I found out why only seconds later when she screamed (at the exact same time as someone in the movie died), “I’m cummmmmmming,”
Her body jerked forward, her entire body tensing up until she slowly started to fall backwards. I grabbed onto her hips and yanked her back towards me so she wouldn’t fall of the chair but she slowly got up once I had finally secured her, and after a little repositioning she was sitting in my lap with her head resting on my shoulder and her legs sitting comfortably on another chair. Her eyes were closed and she had a wide smile on her face, lying in my arms peacefully until the movie finally ended. She looked so sexy now, her hair frizzled with a little bit of sweat glistening off her forehead and her boobs still exposed for the world to see not to mention the large wet spot over her crotch area. Knowing that we’d have to leave soon, I pulled her shirt up to conceal them before trying to straighten her hair out a bit.
“Trying to clean me up?” she laughed finally opening her eyes and looking towards me.
“I-I’m sorry,” I stopped immediately.
“Your fine Max,” she sighed, “You’re just…fine.”
Once the credits had finally ended and I caught a glimpse of the clean-up crew coming in I told Ashley that we needed to leave. She groaned, slightly angered as she stood up and stretched out. She fixed her hair quickly and gave me a giant hug before grabbing her purse and heading towards the exit with me following close behind.
Riley and Izzy were waiting patiently for us as Ashley rapidly regained her formal cocky nature.
“So how was it?” Izzy directed the question at Ashley.
“A stupid boy movie that just attracts stupid boys,” Ashley shook her head, “Honestly how can anybody think that that’s a good movie I was practically asleep through the hole thing.”
“What about the brat?”
“I’m standing right here y’know?” I chimed in.
“Shut the fuck up, I wasn’t talking to you.”
“Hell if I know,” Ashley continued, “I wasn’t even paying attention to him.”
“After what he made you do I don’t blame ya. Bribing a fucking worker, I can’t believe this bullshit you almost got us into.”
“Whatever,” Izzy smacked the back of my head and I merely shook my head and continued out the door. I should’ve seen that smack coming but I wasn’t going to let it ruin my day. A bullet to the heart couldn’t ruin this day for me now.
The car ride home was noisy as Izzy and Riley began relaying the entire movie to Ashley who was more then happy to hear it. When we got home I went to my room, changed into shorts and t-shirt, and proceeded to lay on my bed. My eyes where glued to the ceiling as I relived the evenings escapades. Time seemed to fly by as the clock read midnight now,To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
A few weeks had passes since our initial encounter. Shelly and I had exchanged texts on when we might be able to get together again. Finally the chance came on a weekend that her parents, my buddy and his wife, would be out of town for the long weekend. Shelly messaged me the details and told me to be ready. She also said that she needed a favor and had a surprise for me and that I needed to keep an open mind. That made me very curious, but Shelly assured me that I would enjoy it. So finally on...
Hi friends na peru samar nenu iss ku pedda fan ni. Na age 25 naku friends wife ni friends akkalani chellelini inka chelli friends ni dengalani pedda fantasy. E story ela na fantasy ni nenu nijang chesano cheptanu. Nenu dengindi na chelli friend ni tana name pravalika. Tanaku naku 5yrs age difference undi. Figure mari kasekkinchela kakapoyina super ani chepochu. Fair ga sannani nadumu konchem pedda gudda. Boobs size emo 32 appudu. Ika story loki vaste Nenu na chelli friends andarito chala free...
"Want to talk?" I asked. I hadn't spent any time with Joanne since the blowup at the table. Adam planned to drive the bus back to Indianapolis and take Joanne and Amy to the airport in the afternoon. When Amy said it was time to take Heaven her coffee in the morning, I volunteered to take it up to her. "Nothing really to talk about," she said after she'd thanked me for the coffee. "I was wrong. I owe everyone in your household an apology and I'll give it to them as soon as I'm...
This newly posted story has some old attributes "but" is there a whole new beginning about to occur? Read carefully and see:: Nothing had changed much since Little Momma's summoned Satanic Beast fucking. Our life together was pretty much as always though I could tell after that fucking she got in that evil room she sure as hell didn't want much more sex or even fooled with for some time afterwards. Now sure we continued to have our wild parties as had in the past though I guarantee you...
Some decisions almost guarantee your daughter will end up in porn. For example, if you name your daughter after anything related to geology, such as Diamond, Crystal, Amethyst, or Amber.Porn College GraduateOverly strict parenting is another direct cause of professional cock sucking. However, perhaps the most significant indicator is religion. The more religious the upbringing, the more likely a bitch is to gargle cock for a paycheck.The actual dagger, though, is Catholic school. Between the...
Twitter Porn AccountsEvil Magic World 5 - The Competition Today was the Big Day. It was the anniversary of the dawn of the Evil Magicians on the world, and the defeat of the Goods. At this occasion, a great competition was organized. In each town under the influence of a Master or a Mistress, common citizens could compete for access to Nobility. There were a few places available, and the common citizens were always numerous, despite the risks of failing. Compete for nobility meant a citizen to...
We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...
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The Evil One by Bill Hart The time that many of those chasing him thought marked the dawn of the new millenium drew nigh. In the year at hand, there were only a few mere hours left. And yet regardless of what the masses thought, the coming year 1000 did not truly mark the beginning that new millenium. Another year must yet pass before then. And in the time between now and then, fear of this time would run rampant throughout the superstitious folk of the countryside. For...
It's never a good day when BetaGirl shows up on your front door step. It gets worse usually when she just knocks a hole through the roof and plants herself sternly in front of your desk in your innermost sanctum sanctorium. She cracked her knuckles and started to tap her right toe in anticipation of performing some bodily harm upon my august personage. The glare she gave me was certainly world class — and well worthy of the world's famous and renown super-heroine. I suppose it was warranted....
'Creak... creak... creak...' came the soft footfalls upon the basement steps. 'Pat... pat... pat..." whispered the quiet sound of bare feet on the concrete floor outside my bedroom. 'Eee...' the moan of protesting hinges desperately in need of oil. Then came the barely heard footfalls upon my bedroom carpet followed by the whisper of clothing hitting the floor. I knew who it was and why she was in my bedroom. She wanted to torment me yet again. I had been home a little over four weeks and damn...
Haii friends I am rohit. Age 24. Ee story 2 months back jarigindi. Nenu raju frinds. Nenu oka teacher ni denganu blackmail chesi. Tarwata roju raju ki cheppa. Vadu kuda teacher ni denge chance ivvamannadu.Nenu kudaradu annanu. Vadu chala bratimiladadu. Naku ventane oka alochana vachindi. Raju gadi chelli ni dengalani. Vaditho nee chelli ni denge chance istanante teacher ni oppista ani cheppa. Vadu no annadu tarwata roju vadu malli ide adigadu. Nenu me chelli tho kattila untadi. Nuvvu mee...
I’m going to be brutally honest here, folks. I hate bitches. I hate everything about them. They’re wicked, evil and manipulative. They think that having a vagina grants them special rights. They ruin the lives of good men. They destroy entire families. They bring down whole organizations. They are agents of chaos and destruction and I hate them for it. I pity any fool who gives away his love, his money or his trust to a bitch. What I really hate about bitches is their total lack of remorse...
Life is going smoothly for Benni, he’s sorted out his double-dipping problem and is happy that Bess seems to adore him. That’s a big improvement on her mother whose interest seemed confined to his tongue, fingers and penis, though that doesn’t necessarily indicate that daughters are more sophisticated than their mothers. Here we learn more about Benni – his childhood and more about the reason for him being booted out of college, narrowly missing jail. It just seems to drag on… TEN Bess...
It was three AM. I woke up to a sudden noise in the bed beside me. I opened my eyes and found Bonnie sitting next to me. “I can’t sleep,” she said. “Close your eyes,” I told her. “And count sheep…” “Please...” she told me. “I had a nightmare.” I sat up. Having a bad dream can have its effect on your whole day. I recalled all the stuff I read about it on the Internet. I turned on the lava lamp. Bonnie was covered with sweat. I got up, found her a dry T-shirt and brought her a glass of water...
Group SexRichelle sighed with boredom as her boyfriend, Greg Mac, droned on and on about his latest car. Greg was currently doing an apprenticeship as a mechanic, which suited him just fine; cars had been his passion all his life. Normally Richelle wouldn't be seen dead with a boy from her own school, but he was making good money, and he did have a nice car. They were sitting in the car as they spoke, up at the local "make-out" point. Richelle had suggested going up there. For some reason, she'd...
Chelle had just found herself a new master, even though she had a boyfriend once she met her master Chelle just knew she could not pass up an opportunity to be stretched in every way. Her reality, her lust, her imagination and her sensuality were going to be expanded way beyond what she thought or even dreamed possible. Then there was the actual physical aspect of course underlying all the mental aspects. She would be taken from being an awkward slut to a deft whore who could serve even the...
This story was loosely inspired from one chapter of Jack Chalker's book Messiah Choice. The Lesser of Two Evils By Morpheus The soft humming of a fan filled the small office room, though Charles Edwards barely noticed it, having long since grown used to the sound. Instead, Charles absently adjusted his tie, wishing that the company would finally get the air conditioning going. But then he sighed, reminding himself that as a mid-level manager he as at least entitled to his own...
Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...
Steve looked at the new au pair and liked what he saw. She was about 5 feet 7 inches tall, had long blond hair to her waist and the most amazing blue eyes. What impressed him most were the large breasts and legs which were barely covered by her short skirt. She smiled as Steve's parents Mike and Lucy welcomed her. He could see his mum frown at her short skirt and revealing top. "These are our two sons, Steve who is thirteen and our son Robert who is nearly four. Our daughter Rachel who...
Julie was lying in bed in England on her first night back from Africa. She went with a well known archeologist, Mr Merrin, who was previously knowas Father Merrin. Father Merrin, as we shall call him, lost his faith afterit had been tested by living in Nazi-occupied Europe, and so he decided toleave the Church. The scene is a familiar one to those who lived through their times. In asmall town in Poland, three German soldiers were killed. The three Germanswere singled out for attack by the...
THROUGH THE BLACK DOOR OF EVIL:: CHAPTER 2 The 1st chapter has just ended with Little Momma just having gotten another potion injection right on each side of her cunt lips at the joining of the mound. She lay there writhing and twisting and churning with hot fire this one gave her even more of and caused her pussy as before to flower out and stretch open loosening to take what soon was to come for her. All the while our new "Guest" had...
This is story of an erratic journey from college disaster to eventual ‘coming of age’ of a very unusual and troubled young man. Benni is not really liked by his mom, whereas a very limited number of other women are prepared to shoulder his undesirable attributes to get a piece of him. Be warned, he’s not a graduate from Sunday school nor the model family, and he doesn’t think and act like you may well do and/or expect him to. But the contention is that while Benni may frustrate and disappoint...
During Season 6 Willow turn evil. She was slowly corrupted by dark magic. She loved the power. Soon she snapped totally. It happen at the end of the season. She killed Warren after he killed Tara. She beat up Buffy gang and almost destroyed the world. She was evil and witty. She was cruel and sexy but it didn't last long. Xander talked her out of destroying the world. He such a bastard. The evil Willow that we all know and loved was gone. Gone was the sexy girl that dress and black and was a...
Counter-suit Operations The former fat man who was sometimes known as Hugo, who had formerly run the Pink Pussycat club, had gone to ground for a while. He had gone straight to a bolthole where he had changed out of his Marianne Bletchley suit. The authorities would be looking for her and would want to question her as soon as they had realised their mistake. The bolt hole, a lock-up garage under some railway arches, had just two rooms. The larger workshop area had a make-up table, a...
1 1. It all started out so simply. Standing in front of the bedroom mirror, pursing her red lips together, Catherine said, "Matt says he has a new girlfriend." Lying on their bed, glancing through the new copy of InTheater, Jeff said, "Oh yeah?" "He's bringing her to dinner." "That's good." Catherine sighed. "I hope this one isn't a bimbo." "Matt's the one who has to date her." "Yeah," Catherine replied, "but we're the ones who are going to have to talk to her." The fact that his...
When we were eight hours from Tau Ceti, Anu had everyone suit up in their Gore-Tex suits. He arranged our approach to Bangalore so we were shielded by Tau Ceti 4. We came up on Bangalore so we were on the opposite side of the moon from the hospital. Anu skillfully parked the Endeavor in synchronous orbit shielded by the moon. Day 1 Bangalore: Sushi, James, Marsha, and I launched the F-16s. As soon as we came out of the moon shadow, our bodies switched to wired WE mode. We were under WE...
"Ahahaha, take that! Not so loud anymore when you can't even get a proper hit in, huh? This'll be your end, Rider Raichi! Attack, my lovely minions! Get him down to the ground where he belongs!" Raichi Ikeda, known as the hero Rider Raichi to the world at large, was in a pinch - one that even his trusty, power-enhancing suit of armor didn't seem to be able to get him out of. His assessment of the opponent was too naive - he way underestimated what the slime girl in front of him, the...
Author’s note: Castle Keep began as a single story with no intention of adding to it. However, at the request of readers that have favorably responded and wanted more, the original story has grown. Some of you voiced questions about William’s quest and how it took root. This is my attempt to answer those inquiries. ********************** CASTLE KEEP 4: SEEDS OF EVIL A woman noisily pushed her way past heavy brush. Her brown eyes swept from side to side looking for the berries of food-bearing...
EroticMy dramatized true story as a white man in rural Africa involving blackmail, witchcraft, and extreme sexual experiences Queenies Rules I drove home slowly through the countryside reflecting on how I got into this terrible situation. In the 1980’s I came to South Africa, it was still the time of Apartheid, and I bought a small farm in Bophuthatswana. We were just a few white Farmers there but during the independence battle and the rise of the ANC, many white farmers gave up and left the...
Interracial25 year old Danny Jewel has been stuck in an unhappy marriage for a couple years, but one day, when his 18 year old sister-in-law, Hellen Bentley, moves in with him and her sister, things get interesting and they fall in love. Not soon after that, they find themselves in quite a predicament and questions start to rise. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Danny Knock! Knock! Knock! "Babe, can you please get that?" my wife, Wilda, called from the kitchen. Without...
IncestClaimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Danny Knock! Knock! Knock! "Babe, can you please get that?" my wife, Wilda, called from the kitchen. Without answering her, I went to the door and opened it, and standing in front of me was my wife's 18 year old sister, Hellen, with a suitcase. She was wearing a crop top that showed off her smooth belly and her navel piercing, and junior hybrid dream high-rise shorts which showed off the top of her thighs. Surprisingly, almost...
IncestWendy was spending more and more time in the office, and “chatting” as she put it with Hellen or as she had now named her “Hels”, Wendy always made sure that I was out in the factory or in meetings and when I did return to the office the door would be locked or I would walk in and just catch them adjusting their clothes and I knew that the “chatting” had been good. That was when Wendy wasn’t taking Hel’s out for lunches or shopping and returning back to home in the late evenings with a broad...
Rachelle was horrified as she thought of how she had cum over and over again with a strangers (mine) cock in her married pussy, mouth and devouring and using her body. She was ashamed and guilty, how could a married preachers daughters do this! How could she fuck me and enjoy it so, when she knew it was so wrong and why did she slut herself so. It made her feel worse she had been fucking in her sisters house. But, Rachelle, also could not but get her sore pussy wet and her nipples would harden...
Twin girls, identical in nearly every way except one. One was good, the other bad. And when she was bad, she was really bad. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any...
Copyright 2001 swl all rights reserved except: 1. Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story. 2. As these characters are real people, permission is given to them to use any of us in their own story with the same veto restrictions that I gave each person; weather or not this is a continuation of this story. 3. Permission is given to a reader to download one copy for personal use. Included in this copyright is Fictionmania's copyright of the Hyperboard. The Hyperboard...
Evil Magic World 4 - The Fall of a Model Jenny was a cute teenager. At 17, she was a student to become a model, a formation that was given only to the most attractive women. She had been selected two years ago, and had already gone successfully through two selections. In two other years she would become a top model, and would be affected to the greatest creators. She would be famous and enjoy a comfortable life, with a rich husband and a few children. But this future would be hers only...
THE EVIL DEMON BEAST AND MY WIFE MATE:: It was as if the Demon Beast summed here to pleasure and fuck my wife before my very eyes was gone in an instant. So dark was the room now that nothing could be seen like the darkness of hell so i've been preached to and about. But my wife's sounds echoed throughout the room with constant heavy labored breathing and squealing gruntal moaning sounds. It was as if the...
A hour must of passed since I had left the girls on their own I could hear the moans and groans coming from the bedroom and knew that I could not resist in re-joining them , My cock was throbbing and I want to see what Hellen and Wendy had been up too.As I stood in the doorway, Wendy was standing between Hellen’s spread upright legs her long blonde hair sticking to her face and tits and with Hellen moaning every time Wendy moved her body towards her, as I got closer I could see that Wendy had a...
The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...
Tonight was Rachelles last night in town at her sisters house before going home. She was going up with marks, sore and used and totally spent. She was spent from the day fucking, emotionally and physically. She talked about things she never told anyone and she got off so many times. She was a total whore now...for me. Tonight, she would be a total whore for her brother in law also.We arrived late at the house, and she walked in a mess. Hair, makeup, no panties, no bra, dried cum in her and...
“Fuck me you bastard! Fuck my ass!” Rochelle screamed as I pounded my cock deep into her back door. It had been a few weeks since our adventure at the swingers club and Jennifer and Chrissy were out of town on a cross country adventure race so I decided to take the opportunity to violate my favorite cheating wife. I had been pondering how else to use Rochelle after her bait comment at the club and my mind was filled with possibilities as my cock filled her ass. I eventually blew my cum deep...
Vicky was 16 years old and he was a beautiful boy he was average height smooth body and he had very beautiful eyes as well. He was very popular in school amongst all the girls and the boys but he just had friendship with all and never had anything else although almost everyone wanted something more from him. Vicky had two younger brothers Jim and Kyle and they were 13 and 12 years old they were also beautiful kids and they both had hairless smooth bodies just like their elder brother...
This is a little story about how a sweet young woman named Nancy came into discovering her essence and how to enjoy it. You see Nancy was a wonderful woman untouched by the evil one. I am the evil one and know a little about creating an evil woman. If a woman has heard of actions and positions to be tried in concert with a man, there is always that need to try and see if they are as good as she has heard. I hope I was and am. I think Nancy has a little S&M about her. I found she loves to put...
I'm such a sweet person. At least that's what I have been told on many occasions. How I was able to write such an inherently evil story is beyond my comprehension. I had just finished another story, Revenge, for another inter-net site, when I started this one. This story just flowed into my keyboard as it appears here. You are forewarned. *********************************************************** Evil Step Daughter By Carol Collins Eighteen year old...
The usual disclaimers: If for age, legal, or moral reasons you shouldn't read this story, don't. This is a work of fiction. None of this could ever happen. We wish. This story is fattening. Evil Witch: Harvest of Hate By shalimar I don't need Fictionmania the way I used to since becoming the Evil Witch. I usually help out as a volunteer and am usually a brash voice of reason on the Hyperboard. My happy duties as the wife of Norm and mother of seven girls take a lot of...
Evil Step Mother By Jane Astin "I want my daddy! I want my daddy!" screamed little William. A long brown haired woman in her late teens with brown eyes picked up the child and spoke towards a hand held camera held up by a young teenage girl. "Hello hunny buns. Surprised to see me? How was your business trip? I bet you didn't expect to come home to a box with your name on it. If you don't do exactly as I say you will never see your precious William again. Inside the box with...
Evil Office Girls by Silvy Richards Sharing a large office place with four young and beautiful female coworkers, Ron loved his job being a high end real estate agent. Himself and the four women he worked with, were also known as the 'Fantastic Five' in their corner of the business world. They each had their own makeshift cubical, where they did most of their transactions over the phone. The competition between them was fierce, considering all the crazy...
Evil Magic World: The Begining By Pulsar Magic had appeared ten years ago, when scientists were dealing with nuclear fusion. During an experiment, they had created a door between dimensions, and discovered another world, ruled by magic. Negotiators were sent to obtain the secrets of the magic, but the goals of the political leaders were clear to the magicians: they wanted magic only to rule the earth. So the magicians went to a secret place, and decided what to decide about...
To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...
Domestic Violence Everywhere I look I see men and women behaving badly. I used to think this kind of thing happened to other people but it has inflitrated my home and my very family. My little sister picked up a knife and attacked me. She almost killed me. Luckily, I caught her hand in time and brought her to face the rest of our family so that they may see what kind of person she is. They refused to believe me. I was mad at them. She was very good at deceiving people. One of the last...
Tara's BayouLevel 2 – Evil DongI can’t believe in all of Britain, I can’t find one bloke to fuck me. All I do is work, come home and sit in front of the tele thinking about getting shagged. I do fancy a good porn film whilst I pet my pussy into some calm state. I love giving me self a good orgasm but damn I need a good shag!I think tonight I will try and play Tara’s Bayou again. That is one intense video game. It makes you feel like you are right there in the game and everything that is...
Evil Magic World 2: The Fugitives By Pulsar His name was Erik. It was his birthday and he was proud of himself! He was strong, clever and had been selected to be an engineer, which was what he wanted to do. His parents were cool with him, and at 18, he had just two more years of studies so he could be on his own! A good work, a good wife, a few slaves if he could afford some, the road was all traced before him. He was going out with Lydia, as they had grown up together. She...
Holidays had ended, and the time was back for studies. Tony, a 17 years old teenager woke up that day with the thought in his mind. Quickly, he dressed up, went downstairs to meet his parents and have breakfast. He hurried up, because he did not wanted to be late on his first day. Twenty minutes after, he was in the bus, travelling to the school with some of his neighbour's friends. Tony was the only child in a common citizen's family. His parents loved him, and always exhorted him to...
I suppose I am, perhaps. A little, maybe. If you believe what has been written, or the stories told. I do take exception to a lot of this nonsense. Especially the vain part. I am who I am. What I am. Is the lion hated for being a lion? The tiger? Or a spider? No. Every being in nature is true to itself. Just because I appear like a man, doesn't mean I am one. But what am I? I've heard vampire, and its variants. But those are stories. All the bloodsucking and bats and fear of the sun. A...
I visited an adult arcade and I went into a private booth leaving the door open. Eventually an older guy walked in. I guess in his fifties, nice face, a bit chubby, quite taller than me. He was a DADDY which I love cause DADDIES typically very into pleasing us young dudes! And I was always a willing subject ;) I guess I'm a daddy chaser. I was early twenties, very skinny, long blonde hair, and horny! I looked at him! I GAVE AN EVIL GRIN!I turned to the video screen and turned on a hot video...
Once I got cleaned up some and rinsed my mouth out, I went back to the kitchen to help with dinner. Mandy was there and she was telling mom about our day at the park. “Yeah, we met some friends and even made some new friends. Mindy was a big hit with the new guys. They were all trying to get her attention. But, Mindy didn’t pay any attention to them. However, I noticed the boys were doing their best to get close to her. A good reason to have us on birth control, don’t you think?” “Yes, I do...
My dramatized true story as a white man in rural Africa involving blackmail, witchcraft, and extreme sexual experiences Introduction Exciting and sometimes strangely talented women have always been part of my life. I want to share some experiences and fantasies I had with Kamari from South Africa, hoping they will motivate you to get some more extraordinary sexual experiences and to turn on your body, mind and, fantasy. I will talk about my thoughts, dreams, and experiences with her. She is...