Andrew Loses It free porn video

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Andrew walked home from the party. No, he didn’t really walked, he stumbled and staggered, legs held as wide apart as he could, nursing an asshole that only a few hours earlier had been the virgin bud of a true stud, and was now gaping obscenely. Even as he walked he felt it throb and pulse… and he felt the warm liquid leaking down along his inner thighs – liquid that could only be Thomas’s cum. His mind kept going back to the party – a party to which he had been specially invited and to which, he now realized, he never should have gone.

Andrew had come to New York for college. At 18, the boy from Iowa had the sexual experience of a grown up, because apart from his sunny blond good looks and his tall, slender frame, he carried a secret weapon. He may have been almost a boy, but many men would have envied him his dick. At 11 wrist-thick inches, that dick had deflowered more girls than Andrew could remember. And, as often as not, as his reputation spread, many a married woman had gone to bed with him too. In New York, as soon as a few college girls slept with him, word of mouth spread… his size and prowess soon became almost legendary.

Little did Andrew know when he started dating Sara, that this was the beginning of an entirely new phase of his life. Little did he know that she would be the last girl he would fuck. Sara, rather inexperienced sexually, found Andrew impossible to resist. The stud fucked her to multiple orgasms, leaving her panting, trying to catch her breath. After a week, by which time Sara’s previously tight little pussy had become rather less tight, she decided to introduce him to her mother as her boyfriend. Bettina, Sara’s mother, almost had a spontaneous orgasm when she saw the boy. Tall and lean, and with a telling smirk on his face – she new instantly he was immensely hung. But what really drove her crazy was the idea she had upon seeing him. The boy was tall and masculine, true. And he had, beyond doubt, fucked her daughter many times. But he was also the perfect guy for a fantasy she had long had. That fantasy was to see a true hung stud fucked by an even bigger man. And Andrew, despite his obvious experience, had an air of freshness and innocence that drove her crazy with lust.

Later that night, she called Thomas, an old and intimate friend. She did not know how hung Andrew was and she definitely wanted to see him fucked by a bigger dick. But she was sure she was not taking much of a chance with Thomas. The 35 year old Jamaican had an uncut monstrosity in his pants that was well beyond the foot-long mark – at 13.5” it was the biggest dick Bettina had seen (and felt) in her entire, considerable, experience. Blessedly, Thomas was bisexual, so her plan might just work. When he agreed to her idea, all that was left was to organize the party.

And so, some days after his visit to Sara’s house, Andrew was invited to attend a party at Bettina’s house. Sara could not come that day – he would be going without her.

As he entered the apartment, and was greeted by Bettina, Andrew had no idea what was about to happen. He had come with the sure cocky walk of a man. He would leave very much changed. Bettina introduced him to some guests and when he met Thomas and the black man grasped his hand and held his eye, Andrew had a fleeting feeling of panic. Some time later, after a few drinks, he began to notice the attention of a pretty woman who kept looking at him from across the room. He approached her and struck a conversation. A few minutes later, they slipped from the sitting room and headed for a bedroom. Right on his cue, Thomas followed them, unobserved.

Andrew had finished undressing himself and his partner and was lying on top of her in bed, when he suddenly felt her tense and look at something behind him. Looking back, Andrew was shocked to see Thomas, completely naked, stroking an impossibly huge black erection that reached far above his belly button.

“Hey man,” Andrew said, “what the fuck are you doing here?”

“Try to guess,” answered Thomas and climbed on the bed.

Andrew’s first thought was that Thomas wanted a piece of the action and that he was about to take part in a threesome. It was to be a threesome but of a different kind. Unexpectedly for him, Thomas seized his waist and pulled him up on all fours, suddenly, alarmingly bringing his burning huge cock in contact with Andrew’s thigh.

“What the fuck are you doing man?!” screamed Andrew.

“Just what you said – fuck” smiled Thomas and slid his cock between Andrew’s thighs.

Instinctively, involuntarily, Andrew squeezed his thighs together. He was shocked at the girth of the cock between his legs – it felt as thick as an arm. Just then the woman got up from the bed and left the room, to be replaced by a naked Bettina who suddenly appeared from behind.

“Are you ready, my boy,” she said patronizingly.

“Ready for what, bitch?” screamed Andrew who was now fully sober and shaking.

“Who are you calling a bitch, slut,” shouted Bettina and slapped him across the face. “Look who is about to be fucked by the biggest cock in Manhattan!”

With that, she stretched on the bed, placing her head right under Andrew’s ass. The view was breathtaking. The young stud’s slender long legs were framing Thomas’s black phallus – she could not wait for the action to begin.

Andrew struggled to get free but Thomas held him in a firm grip.

“No stop!” screamed Andrew.

“He won’t stop till you are full of his cum,” Bettina hissed, “Are you feeling like a frightened virgin right now? You should be – try to remember well this moment – the last moment of you as a stud. When you get up from this bed, my boy, you will have taken more cock in your ass than many women take in a year.”

Thomas pulled his cock from between Andrew’s thighs and placed it at the opening of Andrew ass. The tiny asshole twitched in agonized anticipation.

“No, pl…” Andrew started to say…

And Thomas plunged. He had lubed his cock well – Andrew’s resistance collapsed in less than a few seconds. The black man’s huge hands completely encircled Andrew’s waist. Thomas pulled him onto his erection and thrust his hips forward at the same time. The destruction of Andrew’s virginity happened in less than a second. The huge cockhead pried Andrew’s ass open and slipped inside. Bettina could barely believe her eyes. Almost in slow motion, she saw Andrew trying to clench his ass shut. She saw the huge black monolith begin to overcome the resistance as the tiny bud of Andrew’s hole expanded, climbing up on the invading cockhead. Suddenly, the entire huge cockhead slipped into Andrew’s ass. And then, unexpectedly, even for her, Thomas plunged and buried his entire inhuman cock in Andrew’s deflowered asshole. At the same instant, Bettina experienced an earth-shattering spontaneous orgasm. Her fantasy had come true. The young stud was completely impaled on a monstrous cock.

Andrew screamed and flailed on the bed. His mind lost coherence for a while … the impossibly huge invasion was splitting him apart… had split him apart.

“It is done, honey,” Bettina cooed, out of breath herself. “You are not a virgin anymore… Look at you – the big stud huh! Well, I’ve got news for you – you have an even bigger stud between your legs now… You’re a common slut now… The only thing missing is pumping you full of cum and that won’t be missing much longer. Now spread your legs wider for the real man behind you – give him a better access.”

Andrew could hardly hear her. The pain was impossible and he kept screaming and gasping. He fell on his face and let the man thrash away at him. And then something unexpected happened. The pain gradually receded, to be replaced by a feeling of passion and satisfaction he had never known. Gradually, imperceptibly, his moans of pain turned into moans of pleasure. His conscious mind seemed separated from the experience, observing the raw a****l take over. Bettina noticed it first.

“The slut is getting had, Thomas. He likes getting it in the ass!”

Andrew barely registered her talk. What mattered now was that thing battering his insides, stretching and loosening his formerly tight asshole. He did spread his legs as far apart as they would go. And then he used his elbows as leverage to begin meeting the stud’s thrusts. Andrew began pushing onto the invading cock, fucking himself on it, ruining his own ass beyond recognition. His own erection was painfully, impossibly huge and with each thrust of the black cock in his ass he moaned and screamed, in utter abandon.

Thomas was almost out of his mind with lust. He felt Andrew’s surrender and somewhere in the back of his mind he felt sorry for the boy. He knew the road he was carving in Andrew’s ass now. He knew that within months the boy would be the most insatiable bottom in Manhattan. Hundreds and hundreds of cocks will follow him down this hole. He was creating a slut – Andrew had gotten used to his huge cock much faster than he had expected. And few smaller cocks will be able to satiate the boy in the future. But he was the first in that butt and he savored the knowledge of Andrew’s cum-filled future as he moved closer and closer to giving the boy his first ever load of male cum. From his vantage point above he witnessed the ruination of the tight ass. The boy was pushing on his huge cock with complete disregard for pain. Even now his ass was beginning to feel looser. Thomas was almost there.

Andrew felt the change in the cock movements. He felt Thomas thrust deeper and hold his cock fully embedded in his ass for longer. He felt a strange sensation at the entrance of his asshole and reached back to explore. With a shock he realized that the stud was rubbing, no grinding his enormous balls at the entrance of his ass. That thought, the realization that the impossibly huge cock he had seen minutes earlier was entirely buried in his ass caused a meltdown. Andrew howled and thrust back as far as he could, holding the ass-splitting cock fully embedded in him. And then he came violently – cum splattered on the wall and the headboard of the bed in front of him.

The boy’s screams and his sudden orgasm pushed Thomas over the top. He grabbed Andrew’s shoulders and thrust forward as far as he would go and his cock exploded in the former stud’s ass. Andrew felt the huge cock expand and throb and he knew that with each throaty moan Thomas was pumping his ass full of cum. Bettina saw the men climax and the sight caused her another orgasm of her own. She could see the outline of Thomas’s cock along Andrew’s belly – she could see just how deeply Thomas was filling Andrew’s ass.

Before the evening was over, Thomas fucked Andrew two more times and by the end the boy could barely stand on his feet. His virginity was gone and, by the time Thomas was drilling him for the third time, the last vestiges of being a stud left Andrew. Fittingly, Bettina refused to give him his boxers back when he was getting ready to leave.

“I am keeping these as a trophy,” she said. “These were the last boxers you ever wore as a real man. When you wore them, you had a tight ass. It is only fitting that you will never wear these boxers again. It is only fitting to go home without underwear on the night you became a slut.”
Andrew Loses It Ch. 02
Disclaimer: All characters are entirely fictitious. The events described here never happened. Please, do not read if you are under 18 or are offended by explicitly sexual material.

Andrew woke up with a start. No! No! It could not have happened, his conscious mind told him. He did not just get fucked by another man. But even as his thoughts sought to deny it, he felt a stab of pain in his ass and knew it was true. He threw the covers aside and stared at the huge wet spot beneath his ass. His incomprehension lasted only seconds and then he became aware of the slow dribble oozing from his asshole – he was lying in a pool of Thomas's cum, cum that had originally been dumped deep in him. My god it looked like there was a gallon of it on the bed. And all of that had been in his ass, deep in his ass, only a few hours before. With a shock, Andrew felt his own cock stir at the thought.

"NO! NO! NO! I cannot possibly like this ... I am the one who fucks, I am the one who pumps women full of cum..." he tried to reason, to almost plead with himself.

But even as he thought these desperate thoughts, his hand, with a mind of its own, crept to the opening of his ass and began exploring it. Where only a day ago a tight bud had been, he felt something completely alien. It felt like a ring of swollen flesh gaping wide open in the middle. He leapt out of bed to get to the huge mirror in the bathroom and almost fell on the floor with a groan. Only in this sudden movement the true soreness in his ass hit him. It felt like it had been ripped apart (which, something it Andrew's subconscious mind told him, it had been... three times over). Limping and stumbling, his every step made difficult by that alien thing between his legs, he finally got to the bathroom and carefully sat on the floor in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror. He was afraid to look, but look he did.

There, in front of him, was the final, incontrovertible proof. There, between his legs was his new asshole – tight or virgin no longer – and seeing it was a dramatic shock to Andrew. It looked like it had tiny lips and as he spread his legs slightly wider, wider it gaped too. Tentatively, he pushed one finger in and didn't feel almost anything – it went in easily. He added a second finger and then a third. Only then, with three fingers in, he felt the slight discomfort of the intrusion.

Suddenly, almost in a flash he saw himself as he was. Half-laying on his back on the floor, legs widely spread, the shapely ass of a former stud now sporting a ruthlessly deflowered gaping asshole. But not only that – his own cock now stood in a massive, painful erection at the sight.

Just then, his phone rang. Struggling to calm down, he grabbed the receiver off the wall of the bathroom and as normally as possible breathed in it "Hello."

"Up already bitch?!" Thomas' deep voice flooded his mind. "How does the new cunt feel? Bit overused I bet."

Even as he recoiled from the voice, his own cock grew harder at its sound. "Wh... Wh-at do you want?" Andrew stammered.

"Forgot about something last night," Thomas said, matter-of-factly. "I'll just come over for a minute."

"I-I have to go," Andrew said, trying to get up from the floor in a panic, "can't meet you right now"

"I'm downstairs bitch," Thomas insisted, "Coming for just a few minutes... You don't have a roommate do you?"

"Nno," Andrew said, "Single dorm room."


Andrew got up and barely managed to put on a robe when Thomas pounded on his door. His mind going numb, he opened the door to a widely smiling Thomas.

Thomas pushed him in and closed the door.

"No, no get that thing off," he commanded and pulled the robe from Andrew. Andrew's cock, semi-hard, hung heavily between his legs.

"What do you want?" he finally managed.

"I'll get to that in a sec but I want you to walk for me first... Yeah, turn around and walk for me..."

In near-shock Andrew turned around and walked to his bed.

"Oh, yeah bitch!!," Thomas moaned in delight, growing hard almost instantly. "You walk differently now... Hell, I could tell you've been fucked from a mile away. Who could have guessed how well Andrew the stud can swing that ass."

"What do you want?" Andrew almost whispered, his back still to Thomas.

"You can't guess? I'm surprised at you!! I did mean to fuck you a new pussy back there and I did that all right. But in all the excitement, I guess I forgot you have one more cherry for picking." With that, he unzipped his jeans and they fell to the floor, exposing his fully erect black monolith.

Seeing the changes he had begun to make in the boy already working, seeing the proud gait transformed into a tentative one with the boy's narrow hips swaying as if begging for more fucking had given him a terrible hardon.

Andrew recoiled in horror at what Thomas wanted him to do. But deep inside him he glimpsed the b**st that had taken over him last night. The b**st that had screamed and moaned at each ass-splitting thrust of the huge cock, the b**st that had exploded in a mindless orgasm from the feeling of thick hot cum being dumped in him. And as he turned around to face Thomas, that b**st had taken over at least one part of his body already. His 11-inch cock stood up at full mast even as his eyes, his now sober eyes, fell for the second time only on the cock that had ripped his virginity from him.

The sight of the impossible cock transfixed him again and, as if in recognition of the black stud's male superiority, his knees buckled and he knelt on the floor. And the b**st took over and he did not even notice how he opened his mouth and accepted the cock that was shoved in him, surrendering to Thomas the last untouched part of himself.

In the meantime, Sara walked down the hallway to Andrew's room, talking to her best friend, Andrea.

"I'm telling you Andrea, he should be up by now – I'll only go in and fetch him and then we'll go to lunch together."

Sara was proud to begin introducing Andrew as her boyfriend. She knew of his reputation and she knew how jealous other girls would be to find out that Andrew was now going with her. She knocked on the door of his dorm room and the door slid open.

"Oooh how naughty!!" Andrea giggled, excited by the thought of catching the young stallion in any sort of undress. She had heard of him and had had his cock described to her by two independent sources, which had made her extremely anxious to meet him. Even if he was Sara's boyfriend, for now.

They stepped into the hallway inside. Andrew's room was a little down the hallway on the left. But even as they entered they stood on the threshold of the apartment, for the sounds that came from the room indicated some major activity. Sara could not believe her ears but it sounded as gagging and coughing, intermingled with moans. She could not believe it! Andrew was getting sucked by another girl. Her jealousy suddenly boiled over and, with a firm step, she walked to Andrew's room and turned the corner.

The sight in front of her eyes was incomprehensible for a moment or two. And then, as Andrea got her own first glimpse of it and gasped, she finally understood what she was seeing.

Andrew was there, alright. But kneeling on the floor in front of a much older black man. Her eyes registered Andrew's raging hardon as a familiar sight and then traveled up, to where her boyfriend's face was – there was no other word for it – impaled on the black man's inhumanly huge cock. Andrew's features were hardly recognizable, his distended jaws an almost grotesque sight, his normally full lips stretched thinly around the girth of the cock. And despite his obvious effort, less than half the black cock was down his throat. Andrew was desperately gagging, his eyes closed, tears streaming down his cheeks.

The boy did not see the newcomers, but Thomas did. He instantly recognized Sara, Bettina's daughter, a girl he had been wanting to fuck for a long time. And now, there she was, witnessing Andrew's first ever blowjob, witnessing the last scraps of her boyfriend's manliness fucked out of him. Here he was using her precious little boyfriend like the slut he was, showing her and him, at the same time, who the real man was. His excitement boiled over and with a loud moan he started cumming in Andrew's throat. The boy gagged again, streams of cum erupting from the corners of his mouth and leaking down his face, dripping on his chest and his own cock. Still at the peak of his orgasm, Thomas pulled out and rope after rope of thick white cum splattered Andrew's face and mouth, covering him in a glistening pearly white film of Thomas' sperm, making him utterly unrecognizable.

And, while both girls, moth agape, registered Andrew on the floor, covered with cum, they were both staring at the monster cock, now dripping its last droplets of cum. They had both clenched their thighs instinctively as Thomas extracted the spewing cock from Andrew's throat and its dimensions finally became apparent. In his kneeling position, Andrew was slightly lower than Thomas' crotch, the base of the black cock several inches above the top of his head. And yet, the monstrous organ hung way past his face, down to his chest. As if to emphasize this point, Thomas reached down and wiped the tip of it on Andrew's left nipple.

"Good to see you here, Sara," Thomas spoke a smirk on his face. "And your friend is welcome too," he smiled at Andrea.

Andrew registered this and his eyes flew open. He clearly recognized Sara despite the stinging of Thomas' cum in his eyes. And he almost fainted.

"No.. No," was all his horrified mind could produce.

"Oh, yes, bitch," Thomas said to him. "She saw you too. Saw how you get off on sucking cocks."

"Nnnoo.. I don't," Andrew stammered.

"Wanna see what else this bitch gets off on?" Thomas asked pointedly, his cock beginning to grow again at the perversity of what he was about to do.

Neither Sara nor Andrea could produce a sound.

Thomas picked Andrew up from his kneeling position and threw him on the bed, belly down, facing the two girls. Then he climbed behind him, his monstrous erection already steel-hard.

"No, not like this!" Andrew screamed, too horrified to believe what was happening. "Not in front of her!"

"Like this, bitch! Exactly like this.... Now spread those legs for me," Thomas growled, his mind white-hot with lust.

Andrew struggled faintly, but it was an unequal fight. What remained forever branded on Sara's memory was Andrew's face as Thomas sank his inhuman phallus into her boyfriend's ass. Andrew's eyes bulged out and his mouth opened, as if for a scream, but no scream came from it... veins stood out like cords on his face and neck and even under the layer of cum covering his face, she could see his skin glow dark red. What she saw was impossible she tried telling herself.... She had seen Andrew's naked ass before... and the black man's pelvis utterly dwarfed it. When she looked up and saw Thomas' flat belly pressed firmly against Andrew's asscheeks and realized that his entire cock was now deep inside Andrew's boyish ass, she gasped. That was when she realized how soakingly wet her panties were.

Thomas pulled Andrew on all fours and began mercilessly fucking him. But suddenly he was dissatisfied. With an abrupt movement, he lifted Andrew from the bed, his cock still buried in the boys' ass.

"I want them to see it well, bitch," he hissed. "I want them to see every inch going into your cunt."

With that he lay on his back and pushed Andrew to a sitting position above him, facing the two girls.

"Spread the legs wider, let them look at you!"

Sara and Andrea looked transfixed as Andrew straddled Thomas, exposing his asshole to them for the first time. Both of them gasped. Andrea had seen herself get fucked in a mirror once and she could see almost no difference between how her stuffed pussy had looked then and how Andrew's ass looked now. For their benefit, Thomas lifted Andrew up, extracting the monster cock completely from his ass, giving them a full view of the raw, gaping hole between the former stud's legs. And then in a single savage stab he sunk the entire 13.5 inches of black meat back where it belonged. At that moment, Sara experienced the first spontaneous orgasm in her life.

The repeated thrusts of the black cock between Andrew's milk-white thighs loosened his ass more and more. His asslips clung to the inhuman girth of the black cock, feeling every inch as it was being plunged in, but especially as it was extracted. And Thomas had gone insane... his thrusts became more savage, his huge black paws lifting Andrew up and pushing him down on his cock like a rag doll.

Andrew had gone limp from the humiliation of Sara witnessing what this man was doing to him. But as he stole glances at her and saw her obvious excitement at the sight, something broke in him. Now he sought her gaze and when he found it, he began to willingly screw himself down on the black cock. Up and down, up and down... In his confused mind it was as if Sara was fucking him and he held her gaze as he violently fucked himself against Thomas' crazed thrusts. If he had damaged and loosened his ass the night before, it was nothing to what was happening now. Down he screwed himself on the inhuman cock, up thrust Thomas from below, in addition to pulling him down by his waist. Andrew's ass had finally acquired the quality of a pussy... He felt completely loose, free of any pain, able to concentrate entirely on the feeling of being repeatedly filled and emptied by the huge cock. And something else happened too... His throaty almost masculine moans gave way to girlish whimpers and little screams... Whimper when Thomas pulled his deflowering cock out.... Scream when he thrust it back in.

Thomas felt this latest transformation and his crazed mind went into overdrive. He had not only devirginized the stud... He had also transformed him beyond recognition. He was sure that Andrew will get up from this latest fuck as a rather effeminate fuckhole, complete with the swishy gait, the little screams and, above all, the insatiable appetite for more cock. One final time he thrust and his powerful cock exploded in the most intense orgasm he had had in years.

Feeling the sudden overwhelming flood of thick cum in his ass, Andrew wailed and screamed and came as well, came from the feeling of thick warm liquid filling his hugely gaping fuckhole.

Sara reached another orgasm at the sight of Thomas' cum gushing out, around the spasming black cock, deeply imbedded into Andrew's ass.

"Well," Andrea smirked, "thanks for the introduction. I really enjoyed meeting your boyfriend." With that she left the room giggling quietly to herself.

But Sara stood rooted to the spot, unable to move. And when Thomas lifted Andrew, who was in a daze, and pushed him aside on the bed and came to her, she knew what was about to happen. Her thighs still clenched in instinctive terror, but she knew she could not resist this man.

Minutes later, completely naked, she lay on the bed beside Andrew, spreading her legs as wide as they would go, her head almost level with Andrew's ass. And the last thing she remembered coherently before Thomas began his descent into her still inexperienced pussy, was the sight of Andrew's asshole from up close – hanging loosely open and oozing thick cum on the bed. Then, as the first of many orgasms took her, she lost coherence and memory of everything else.

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Andrew Lake Part 1 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: Hey guys, this is my first story. Its based off of a dream I had, as will the sequels in this series. Please enjoy, like the story, and comment with any suggestions. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things to one another. I felt like a sick pervert inside, but I was far too busy to concern myself with such...

3 years ago
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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost 2 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: And it happened again FFS. Made sure this account will not be deleted, enjoy the story and wait for more. I will be posting more I promise. Apologies for the technical difficulties ???? My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things to one another. I felt like a sick pervert inside, but I was far too busy to concern...

3 years ago
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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: Hey guys, so my account was rejected by xnxx after I had posted this, so for the sake of simplicity I am re-uploading it here. I apologize for the confusion. Feel free to rate and comment again, and stay tuned for the next parts, assuming my account isnt denied again. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things...

2 years ago
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AndrewCouple of weeks ago, we had been down our local having a drink and laugh with friends, Hubby had a few too many, and decided to get a cab home, but I was hungry, and wanted to eat, so I thought a takaway would be the answer, but again having drank a bit, the restaurant was a mile or two away, but my prayers were answered, when a son of our friends offered me a lift there to collect and return me to the pub, well though I was slightly pissed, I got some money out of hubby and said to chas...

4 years ago
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Andrew 1

I was in my front garden in shorts and T shirt when my neighbour Karen came walking towards me very quickly and agitated. “Oh Andrew, can you help me please I’ve got a leak in the kitchen and I’ve left Brooke holding a rag round it? I just don’t know what to do.”Karen, brunette and hot single mum, wearing a short skirt and T shirt was the object of my wildest fantasies and needed my help. I jumped up, eager to do my bit, “no problem Karen, let’s see what I can do”. I followed her to her house...

3 years ago
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My mum and I lived on the outskirts of a small Scottish village. John and his mother Beth were our neighbors, and he and I were best friends from an early age, sharing everything as we grew up. At Primary School and then Senior Secondary School, we were an inseparable pair, supporting each other through the good and bad times. This idyll came to an end when we had just turned sixteen. He and his mom moved away from the area to go look after a sick relative.The house was quickly re-occupied and...

2 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part III


2 years ago
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‘You’re such a jerk,’ I informed him. He cringed and looked at the ground. I started looking for my belongings and gathering them up. My purse, my wallet, my laptop, car keys. I stormed out of my long-time boyfriends bedroom and into the hallway of his apartment building. He was only a step behind me. ‘Nicks, please, please don’t go,’ he asked seriously. He caught my arm and pulled me to face him. His huge beautiful blue eyes stared me down, silently apologizing. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he half...

4 years ago
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Andrew 2

A couple of hours later Karen returned apologising for being so long and insisting she had to pay me for the helping her out at such short notice. I told her not be silly but she still went for her purse. It was now or never, I thought as I said: “Karen if you have to give me something what you did last time would be more than enough”. I held my breath then, either I was going to get a slap on the face and kicked out or I could strike lucky. The slap never came, just a smile as she said “are...

3 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part II

ANDREW THE UNSPUSPECTING SISSY PART II ANDREW'S SISSY EDUCATION BEGINS............ [email protected] Mother and daughter chatted while they ate their breakfast. Several sissies flitted about changing flowers and removing dirty dishes. "Mother," said Sarah. "How many sissies call the Manor their home these days?" "Hmmm," said Audrey as she placed her coffee cup in its saucer. I'd have to say with the school, the modeling agency, the internet dormitory, the domestic...

1 year ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part IV


4 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part V


3 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part VI


2 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part VII


2 years ago
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Andrew to Andrea Part 3

 BRRRRIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!The alarm clock that my wife and I mockingly referred to as “Baby Ben” sounded off and pulled me from what I first thought was a great dream. As my senses slowly came online, I could feel my hand laid over my naked wife’s breasts and that I wasn’t in my usual gym shorts and t-shirt. I was surrounded in silk, and it was not unpleasant, but it was a floor length nightgown! The events of the previous night slowly began to trickle back into focus, and the...

3 years ago
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Andrew to Andrea Chapter 2

In all honesty, I should have been mortified by the events of the past few minutes, but I wasn’t…I was excited. I walked into our bathroom and set up the steamiest shower that I thought my skin could handle. I grabbed for my body wash, but realized the scent might be too masculine, so I set it back and grabbed my wife’s. It had a slight scent of vanilla and had a couple of butters and oils that claimed to make skin feel like silk…not specifically on the list, but not specifically forbidden...

3 years ago
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"You're such a jerk," I informed him. He cringed and looked at the ground. I started looking for my belongings and gathering them up. My purse, my wallet, my laptop, car keys. I stormed out of my long-time boyfriends bedroom and into the hallway of his apartment building. He was only a step behind me. "Nicks, please, please don't go," he asked seriously. He caught my arm and pulled me to face him. His huge beautiful blue eyes stared me down, silently apologizing. "I'm so sorry," he half...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Andrew to Andrea Part One

Hi, I’m Andrew, at least I was Andrew full time until about a month ago. I have always been fascinated by lingerie: its feel, its appearance, how it just makes a body look that much more sexy. Like most curious types I started young (at sixteen, so not all that young), swiping what I could from my sisters or cousins when I could and squirreling my prizes away until I could find time for them. I will always remember the first time I put a pair of lace panties on, my erection was instantaneous! I...

1 year ago
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Andrew 6

One evening a few days later I was passing Karen’s place when I saw her outside light was on, the horny bitch did this if she was feeling horny and Brooke was in bed. So never to pass up the chance of a fuck I softly knocked on her door. She opened it wearing just a robe, grabbed my shirt front and pulled me in and soon had her tongue down my throat. I kicked the door shut and with one hand feeling her pussy I tried getting my kit off as well and as I concentrated on my shirt her hand was going...

2 years ago
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Andrewrsquos Angel pt 2

Angel laid in the gym floor for what felt like hours quivering from her encounter with the coach. At this point all the cum had dried on her face and what had leaked from her boipussy also dried. She had never felt so violated in her life. Finally Katie returned to the locker room. She helped get Angel off the ground and take off her now soiled clothes and removed the cock cage. “Here take these and go clean up,” Katie said handing her a towel, shampoo, and body wash which was cherry blossom...

1 year ago
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Andrew to Andrea Part One

Hi, I'm Andrew; at least I was Andrew full time until about a month ago. I have always been fascinated by lingerie: its feel, its appearance, how it just makes a body look that much more sexy. Like most curious types I started young (at sixteen, so not all that young), swiping what I could from my sisters or cousins when I could and squirreling my prizes away until I could find time for them. I will always remember the first time I put a pair of lace panties on; my erection was instantaneous! I...

3 years ago
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Andrew to Ashleigh Part 2 New Experiences

Still a bit overwhelmed from the morning's discoveries, I decided to grab my laptop and go online. Looking around the room, I couldn't find it though. After looking everywhere else, I decided to look in my purse, where I saw a new MacBook Air. Well that was different than expected! I opened the door to my bedroom, not knowing what to expect (I was used to living in a studio, remember!). The door opened onto a large, open living/dining area and kitchen. Sitting on the couch was a...

3 years ago
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Andrew to Ashleigh Part 3 New Friends

I woke up on Saturday morning to light streaming in through the window, a bit groggy from the prior evening's wine. I picked up my iPhone and saw that it was already just after 9:30 am. As I sat up, the events of the previous day came back all at once. I was still her - me - Ashleigh. A sudden, wild hope entered my mind: was this going to be permanent? God, I hoped so. After my experience the prior day, I didn't think I could go back. I got out of bed, and padded barefoot out into the...

1 year ago
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Andrew and BJ and brett

OK so it was me and my friend andrew. we were both pretty intrested in knowing what each other had. So i said my parents were out of town this weekend why dont you come over. Well after school i gave him a ride to my house in my Black ford mustang. He asked if it was ok if he took his shirt off on the way to my house. I just said yea its fine. So he took off his shirt which revealed his Six-pack which was a really bigg six pack. he has a pretty good trail leading down to his cock. I eventually...

First Time
1 year ago
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Andrew to Andrea Part 3

BRRRRIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! The alarm clock that my wife and I mockingly referred to as “Baby Ben” sounded off and pulled me from what I first thought was a great dream. As my senses slowly came online, I could feel my hand laid over my naked wife’s breasts and that I wasn’t in my usual gym shorts and t-shirt. I was surrounded in silk, and it was not unpleasant, but it was a floor length nightgown! The events of the previous night slowly began to trickle back into focus, and the...

4 years ago
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andrew my brother in law

At 24 years old I became a widower. Karen, my wife of three years waskilled in an auto accident on the eve of our third anniversary. She waskilled by some idiot running from the police. I had been depressed andunder a doctors care since the accident. I simply could not get past herbeing gone. Karen's parents and her younger brother were the only family Ihad now. My parents having passed away when I was 13. The aunt who hadraised me after their death died just before our wedding three...

2 years ago
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Andrew to Andrea Part 4

Chapter 4 It seemed like the time would never arrive. I watched the clock limp around the dial for the last hour between 5 and 6, but finally the time came…the time to go home. I still felt the pressure, not unpleasantly, of the plug installed by my wife yesterday, and still had the memories of the sensations that I felt each time she activated it…again, not unpleasant. Finally, I had the last words from her… “That was only level three… two more…when you get home…next steps…” I finished my...

2 years ago
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Andrew to Ashleigh Part 4 Alex

After the incredible experience of showering with Jess, getting dressed was a bit of an anti-climax. We traded cell numbers and Instagrams before I caught an Uber back to my apartment. I had a feeling we'd be having a lot of fun going forward. I certainly hoped we would! I hoped to get settled quietly, but Taylor was already home from Brendan's. "Well hello there! I didn't expect to beat you home. Who was the lucky guy?" I smiled. "Girl, actually. Jess - she works at Sephora." I...

1 year ago
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Andrew to Andrea Chapter 2

In all honesty, I should have been mortified by the events of the past few minutes, but I wasn’t…I was excited. I walked into our bathroom and set up the steamiest shower that I thought my skin could handle. I grabbed for my body wash, but realized the scent might be too masculine, so I set it back and grabbed my wife’s. It had a slight scent of vanilla and had a couple of butters and oils that claimed to make skin feel like silk…not specifically on the list, but not specifically forbidden...

3 years ago
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Andrew to Andrea Part 4

Chapter 4 It seemed like the time would never arrive. I watched the clock limp around the dial for the last hour between 5 and 6, but finally the time came…the time to go home. I still felt the pressure, not unpleasantly, of the plug installed by my wife yesterday, and still had the memories of the sensations that I felt each time she activated it…again, not unpleasant. Finally, I had the last words from her… “That was only level three… two more…when you get home…next steps…” I finished...

1 year ago
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Andrew 3

I managed to convince her that it was her causing my erection and after a chat I left for home. After that we became friends and I saw Karen quite often getting to fuck her at least once a week. The trouble was I still had the hots for her little girl and was always trying to get a look up her skirt or accidentally brush against her and the little minx was no better, constantly flirting with me. Then one day Karen told me her friend had invited her to her birthday bash and asked if I could sit...

2 years ago
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Andrews true story

As long as I can remember I enjoyed playing with my cock. Thiscontinued until I was eleven and then things really changed. Iam the youngest of three c***dren I have a brother who is sevenyears older and a sister (the oldest) who is eight years older. My parents divorced when I was nine and I never saw my fatherafter that. My mother had to go to work so this gave us a lotof free time at home by ourselves. My brother and sister wereboth in high school and were involved with sports and...

3 years ago
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Andrews first time

This story is completely fictional!Hello everyone. My name is Johnny and I am your average, constantly horny, 18 year old high-school student who lives at home with his mom in a small New England town. I go to school during the day, work a part time job at my aunt"s candy store, and hang out with the same old friends almost every weekend. As you can already tell, my life is as exciting as watching paint dry. However, I do have a story to tell that’s filled with love, romance, and the...

2 years ago
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Andrew to Ashleigh Part 5 One Hell of a First Date

The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet - but then it would have been hard to top Friday night. I woke up early Saturday afternoon, splayed out on my bed, still wearing my dress and heels from the night before. I had a hell of a hangover, but I didn't care - Alex's beautiful face immediately filled my mind and I found I didn't really care about anything else. As I lay there, I mentally played back the events of the previous night and found myself feeling warm again. I got up from bed...

3 years ago
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Andrew to Ashleigh Part 6 Halloween

Hours later, I woke up to early morning sun. We had shifted around in the night, and Alex was behind me, his left arm under my neck, his right draped across my stomach. It was a nice way to awaken. His slow breathing told me he was still asleep, and the pale light in the room told me most of the city probably still did too. I replayed the previous night in my mind, reliving the incredible sex and considering again what a whirlwind the previous weeks had been. I felt so lucky and...

3 years ago
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Andrews visit III

Sucking his dick and rubbing his young hole Andrew started moaning. His legs began to shake. I bobbed my head and tickled the head with my tongue. After a couple of minutes Andrew started breathing quicker, if it wasn't for me holding his legs he would have fallen over. He stiffened up, then fell against me. I continued massaging his butt. He moaned loudly as I pressed on his tight hole. He finally straightened up and I laid him down on my lap. A sweet smile on his face told me how much he...

1 year ago
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Andrews shopping suprise

When Andrew left for the mall this morning his intentions were to find a new pair of jeans and maybe a couple of shirts. As things turned out he got more of a deal than he bargained for. The first couple of stores he did not see anything that caught his eye but while checking out new shirts in the third he saw something that he liked. She was about as tall as his 5’10” with a nice shape and firm looking boobs, and a page boy hair cut. He noticed she had a name tag on so he was hoping she would...

3 years ago
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Unfortunate husband has to foot the bill for the numerous pairs of panties his wanton wife loses

Tom and his wife Sharon were shopping and Tom was wishing he could die. He was the only man in the lingerie department of the department store. Sharon was buying panties to replenish her dwindling supply. She mumbled to herself as she browsed rack after rack, dropping the names of various men at the warehouse where she was a shipping clerk. Such-and-such a guy liked yellow, such-and-such liked lacy panties. Tom noticed other women looking at Sharon and at him. He sidled over and murmured,...

3 years ago
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Andrews Sister

I arrived at Andrew’s place suited, booted and ready for our night on the town. I rang the doorbell and waited by the door for Andrew. Instead I was greeted by his sister. “He isn’t ready yet, you can wait in here with me if you like,” she said in her soft voice “Um… Yeah, that’s fine, Laura,” was the only reply I could muster, a little shocked to see her. I stepped in and followed her through to the living room. We sat at opposite ends of their corner sofa, she stretched out her long...

1 year ago
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Tenant mother gets what daughter loses

Rachel is a 45 year old widow whose college student daughter lives with her during the time she is not in school. Rachel moved into a 3 bedroom unit in the complex after her lawyer husband died at 58 from lung cancer. Between the medical bills and the crazy business deals he had made there was not much left of the life insurance or the estate. He was millions in debt. She still thought and acted like she was rich but she was just hanging on. The reason she choose the complex is it had a...

3 years ago
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The Checkmate 8211 When Winner Loses

Hello everyone, thanks for reading my story.all suggestions & comments are welcome on Note: all my stories are fictional & fantasy. Please respect women & enjoy great sexual life. Story plot: A married lady get into the trap of gym instructor & becomes his sex toy. “Ohhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmm hhhhhhhhh ” shweta was moaning louder as her ass getting rammed by Jeet’s Hard 8 inch cock. Her expression was a mixture of pleasure & guilt of cheating her husband. “You bitch you are gonna get more next...

3 years ago
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SusanChapter 2 Next One To Speak Loses

As I left the house that night I had no idea of where I was going or when I would see or talk to Susan again. The cab dropped me off at Clancy's Pub. I thought about going in for a drink but decided that wouldn't help anything so I got in my car and headed out to find a motel for the night. I drove out near the airport where there are several hotels and motels and after three tries was able to find a vacancy. Once in my room I sat in the only chair in the room for about two hours trying to...

1 year ago
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Andrews Sister II the BBQ

It had been several weeks since my encounter with Laura and I was beginning to think that “next time” was never coming. It was the middle of a glorious afternoon during a lovely spate of weather. I was walking around a local park enjoying the sun, as I know how quickly it can vanish and be replaced by rain this far north. It was warm and inviting followed by a cooling breeze every now and then. I was wearing some shorts, a loose fitting T-shirt and my Converse Allstars. Little did I know this...

3 years ago
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Andrews Temptation

Her high heels made a loud clicking noise as she ran up the steps to the front door, kicking off her shoes she sighed in relief as she felt a blast of cool air from the air conditioner climb up her smooth long legs, raising her skirt a bit. Giggling she began to make her way to the bathroom, wanting to take a nice cold shower before she left for the night. “What are you laughing at?” She heard as she entered the living room. That voice, she hated that voice, it could only be one person… Andrew....

2 years ago
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Andrews Sister III The Package

A few weeks had passed since the beautiful weather and the BBQ. The sunshine had receded and the generic grey had returned. I had been kept busy working long hours preparing for the beginning of a new job so the situation with Laura had fallen to the back of my mind. I was expecting it to be a while before we met again as we are both busy people having only Andrew as a reason for ‘bumping’ into each other. Little did I know she had been thinking of me. It was a Saturday morning, around eleven...


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