Lucy And Caroline Go Shopping free porn video

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Lucy Part 2-Shopping He knew something was wrong when he tried to open his eyes. They seemed not to want to open. As he moved his head over the pillow he felt an excruciating pain behind his eyes. "God! he thought and realised his tongue seemed to have disappeared. The whole of his mouth was bone dry and somewhere in there his tongue had merged into the arid expanse behind his lips. He tried to move but the effort proved too much. He forced his eyes open and looked around. "Where am I" he wondered looking at an unfamiliar surrounding. He slowly began to remember the previous evening and realised he was in his mother's bed. "Did all of that really happen?" he thought and surmised that as he was still in her bed and felt as bad as he ever had it probably had. "Hello sweetie. Back in the land of the living yet?" His mother's voice seemed to come from somewhere in the mid- distance. Going to open our eyes yet?" He dragged himself up the bed and half sat up. He managed to focus his eyes and saw his mother standing with a tray at the side of the bed. "I thought you might need something to revive you-don't worry it's only tea and toast" The thought of eating or drinking suddenly sounded the last thing he wanted to do. He tried to speak but only a strange sound came from his mouth. "You look bad "his mother said "You really need to drink something!" She sat on the bed next to him and placed the cup to his lips. "Here drink this it will help believe me" Paul felt the cup with his lips and the warm liquid in his mouth. At last he regained the sensation of having a tongue and gradually began to be aware of his surroundings. He was propped up in his mother's bed with the world's worst hangover being nursed by her. "Fuck I feel bad" he managed to say and suddenly realised what he had said. "Sorry" he said realising he had never used the fuck word to her. She giggled "That's OK I think it's quite mild considering. Try some toast" Paul opened his mouth as she offered him a slice of toast. With some difficulty he started to chew what seemed like gritty cotton wool. Eventually he managed to swallow and reach for the cup of tea. "Here let me help" said his mother. "This takes me back to when you were little; I didn't think I'd be doing this again!" After he had eaten most of the toast and drank the tea she said "Might a bath help?" she enquired. "Mmmm" managed to mumble. "OK "she said "I'll go and run you one" Paul tried to sit up properly but found difficulty co-ordinating his movements. Eventually he managed to sit on the edge of the bed and suddenly realised he was naked. His mind started to piece together the flashes of memory he had of the previous evening. "Wow" he thought "What next?" He managed to stand up and slowly made his way across the bedroom to the bathroom. The delicate aroma of bath oil met him as he staggered through the bathroom door. His mother was putting towels out and smiled at him. "Are you going to manage?" "Mmmm I think so" he mumbled as he gingerly stepped into the warm inviting water "OK I'll go and make some coffee, it might do you more good!" his mother said as he slid into the water. After about ten minutes he roused himself and managed to wash and even shampoo his hair. Climbing out of the bathe without thinking he wrapped a towel round his wet hair and the large bath towel under his arm pits and wandered back into the bedroom. His mother was back in bed with a tray of coffee balanced on her legs. "Oh very girlie, don't want to expose our boobs do we!" she said. Paul looked a little sheepish. "Come on, get back in bed and get some coffee down you" Paul slipped in beside her and reached for a mug. "Ready for a cigarette yet?" she asked. "I think so "Paul replied. They lay there sipping coffee and smoking each caught up in their own thoughts. "Still up for some retailing today?" his mother casually asked. "If it's OK with you" he replied a little uncertainly. "Well at least you remember some of last night" She giggled. "I remember everything, I think" said Paul quietly. "Good!" she said and kissed him gently on the cheek running her foot down his leg under the bed clothes "Good" "Right plan of action for today. We'll get a cab and hit the shops. Break for a coffee, more spending, lunch, bit more and then home. Sound OK?" "Sounds good to me" he replied "You're the expert!" " "Come on then" she ordered "let's get going" Paul climbed out of bed and went into his room to get dressed. He put his boy clothes on reluctantly but unable to resist the temptation to wear a pair of Caroline's panties he had hidden under the bed thinking how good it would be to go out as Lucy with Caroline, two girls together. "Mmmm, not going to happen" he mused to himself, "We can't always have what we want can we". He dressed and brushed his long shoulder length hair idly thinking of what they would do and the shops he wanted to go in. Caroline breezed in and said "Right, ready for the off? I've called a cab so get your arse into gear my sweet!" Paul looked in amazement at Caroline. She was wearing the tightest pair of jeans he had seen tucked into a pair if 4" stiletto boots. She had a low top on showing her ample cleavage and a cropped leather jacket. She had gelled and spiked her hair and was wearing more makeup than she ever usually did in the daytime. "What?" she said noticing his interest "Do you think it's too much?" "Wow no!" exclaimed Paul "You look something else!" "I do hope so" replied Caroline "If you've got it flaunt it, fuck the rest of the world and what it thinks." "Right..."said Paul "Whatever you say...." reflecting on how Caroline had changed or rather how her attitude to him had changed and how in such a short time she had simply become his best friend. The cab dropped them off and Caroline said "Right, we start here and just carry on 'til we drop!" They wandered into every clothes shop, shoe shop, underwear shop and anything else that was feminine. Paul found it so exhilarating looking through all the clothes and shoes with Caroline and just chatting. Eventually Caroline said "Ready for a coffee? I need one and a cigarette!" "Mmmm me too" he replied. Caroline lead them to a bar with tables set outside and they both flopped down. Caroline ordered the coffee and lit herself a cigarette. Paul gazed at her thinking how sexy she looked as she gracefully held the cigarette between her fingers, her long red nails adding to the sexuality, how she blew the smoke out seductively. Caroline smiled mischievously at him. "Turning you on you little tart? Well you'll just have to wait won't you!" "And don't get a stiffie here, bit too public for me to do anything about it" She drew on her cigarette and blew the smoke towards him. "Come on slapper let's go before you need to change your underwear" As walked along the road Caroline slipped her arm into his and said "OK we've had a good look now let's spend!" Paul glanced over and saw the lingerie shop he lusted over every time he came shopping. His dream was to go in and just see and feel all the delicious underwear he saw in the window. "Ahhh, in here then?" asked Caroline sensing his excitement. "Ohh please" he exclaimed as Caroline guided him through the door. The shop was a little smaller than Paul had anticipated but he didn't know what to look at first. Everywhere seemed to be covered in the most gorgeous underwear he could imagine. "Hello can I help you at all?" came a voice from behind the small counter. Paul glanced towards the voice and saw a stunning middle aged woman before him. She was perhaps in her forties dressed in a back suit, white blouse and black stiletto shoes. Her hair and makeup were perfectly done; Paul couldn't take his eyes off her. "It's OK thanks" said Caroline "Mind if we just look?" The woman looked at the two of them and Paul thought he detected the slightest raise of an eyebrow. "Of course not" she smiled "Please feel free, if you want anything just ask" Caroline wandered off looking and touching the display items. "Anything catch your eye?" she asked Paul "Apart from the shop assistant that is, I think you can wind your eyes back now" Paul feeling more than a little embarrassed said "I don't know where to start, I think I want everything!" Caroline laughed. "Like a child in a sweetie shop aren't we!" "Shhh!" Paul muttered "She'll hear you" "And?" quizzed Caroline "I've told you before just be yourself whatever that is and fuck the rest of the world!" "OK" grinned Paul and started to wander round looking at the stunning collection of every item of underwear he could imagine. "These are nice" he called over to Caroline looking at a range of bra suspender belt and pantie sets" "Mmmm they are and very sexy!" said Caroline "Which do you want?" Paul looked longingly at the range of colours the sets were in. "Can't decide" he said finally "You chose". Caroline looked along the display and picked up sets in black, white red, blue and pink. "I think that should be a start don't you?" "Shit! I didn't expect to have them all!" he exclaimed. "Oh dear you have a lot to learn about retail therapy!" she giggled. They walked over to the counter and Caroline said "These please for a start. Can I leave them here for a minute?" "But of course!" replied the shop assistant. "Please feel free to browse for as long as you want". Meanwhile Paul had spotted a basque in black silk and lace and stood transfixed before it. Caroline stood next to him and said "That's nice would you like it?" "Can I?" he exclaimed excitedly. "Yes of course, we did come out to shop for you remember" Caroline called over to the shop assistant. "Do you have this in a 36C please?" The assistant came over and said "Yes we have all sizes. Are you sure you want a 36C?" she said looking at Caroline's ample figure. "I would have thought it was perhaps more for someone, well someone more of your erm, build "she said looking directly at Paul. Looking at her he could see that slight rise of her eyebrow and the merest hint of a smile dart across her mouth. He felt his colour start to rise. "We do have a fitting room if you want to try anything....and it's very discrete..."her voice trailed off. Paul looked at Caroline who looked from him to the shop assistant. "Yes that would be great thanks" The assistant skilfully ushered them towards the back of the shop and drew aside a curtain revealing a spacious are with mirrors on all four sides. "I'll leave you alone" said the assistant smiling "Let me know if you want any help" she said as she discretely pulled the curtain across. "Fucking hell!" exclaimed Paul "What's happening? I can't try things on in here!" "And why not" asked Caroline "I think she knows who these are for, she's not stupid. I don't suppose may couples like us pop in for a browse do they?" Paul suddenly felt a surge of excitement; here he was in a lingerie shop trying on his new underwear! "Right strip off" said Caroline "For the money this basque this is I want it to fit you!" Paul hurriedly stripped off as Caroline took the packing off the basque. "Turn round, you'll need some help with all these hooks and eyes at the back". Paul raised his arms as Caroline fitted the basque around him. "God, it's tight" he said as he felt it restrict him. "It's supposed to be" Caroline said. "You'll soon learn you have to suffer for your beauty sometimes". As Paul admired himself in the mirrors he heard a discrete cough and a voice from behind the curtain "Everything all right?" enquired the assistant "Anything I can help with?" Paul looked at Caroline with near terror in his eyes and mouthed "No!" At this he saw the curtain slowly open and the assistant standing there. "Pardon my indiscretion" she said demurely "But I wondered if in the circumstances I might be of some assistance" She looked at Paul and said "Well that really does look nice on you if a little tight. Would you like to try another size?" Paul's mouth opened but nothing came out. "What do you think?" asked Caroline. "Just a minute" said the assistant "I'll se what I can do and slipped back behind the curtain. "Bloody hell!" squealed Paul "Why did you let her in?" "Look sweetie, I've told you she's not stupid. I think she worked out what was happening quite quickly and she certainly doesn't have a problem with it does she? And never forget we are spending money and she's here to sell!" "I suppose so" said Paul "I just never imagined this happening" "Oh lighten up girlie, enjoy it! By the way good job you slipped those panties on, my panties I notice!" The discrete cough heralded the return of the assistant with an armful of basques in a variety of colours. "I think we might find something in here" she smiled at Paul. "Would you like to try them on with your.......friend? I can stay and give you some hints but of course it is your decision" Paul saw the seductive smile flit across her Carmen red lips as she waited for his reply. He glanced at Caroline looking for a lead but she simply said "It's up to you sweetie" "OK" said Paul a little hesitantly. "May I be a little presumptuous? She asked. "May I take it that this is perhaps shall we say your first shopping trip?" Paul looked at her a little nervously and mumbled "Yes" "I thought so" she smiled "Well we all have to start somewhere and may I be even more presumptuous and say how lucky you are to have such an understanding ...friend" "Yes she is!" giggled Caroline "And for the avoidance of doubt it's mum and daughter!" "Well that's it" thought Paul "No more secrets in here" "I did think so" said the assistant "but one would not like to presume too much. By the way I'm Louise. And don't worry you're not the first, shall I say, young lady to come in here although I do have a number of older gentlemen customers who come in regularly mostly to buy "presents". All I can say is whoever has a lot of birthdays!" she said laughing. "Anyway lets see what we can do for you. The thing is they may all have the same size label but they all fit differently and the only way to find out is to try them. Right, let's take this one off and try these" Paul tried on a succession of exquisite basques but finally settled on a black and red lace and silk one that fit him perfectly. "I'll go and pack it for you with your other purchasers" said Louise slipping discreetly back behind the curtain. "Come on you little tart; get dressed" Caroline whispered "Before you show off anymore!" "Don't know what you mean" Paul replied innocently. "Yeah, right!" Caroline said dismissive. "Don't forget I know you too well Madam! I can see when you're flirting and you were flirting big time!" Paul finished dressing and they walked back into the shop. "Might I interest you in stockings?" enquired Louise "They do rather go with your suspender belts!" She ushered them over to a display of stockings of every kind. "Can I suggest the black, they always go well" Caroline looked through and picked up a pair of white sheer stockings. "You have got a white set" she said. "Very wise choice" observed Louise "And old fashioned as they may be light tan always look good". Eventually they decided on a selection to match the underwear Paul had chosen. "Well I suppose I'd better pay!" exclaimed Caroline as she pulled out her credit card. "My treat this time dear" "I do hope we see you again" said Louise kindly looking at Paul "And please feel free to come and see me at anytime, who knows we might even see you shall we say dressed a little more appropriately in the future....?" Her voice trailed off as Paul saw the same hint of a smile flit across her lips. "Thank you very much for your help, and your understanding" Caroline said as she gave Paul the bags to carry. "Yours I think!" "Bye Louise" Paul said shyly as they left and glanced back to see Louise mouth him a kiss smiling wickedly at him. "Made a friend there didn't we" said Caroline as they walked arm in arm down the street. "Do you think so" enquired Paul. Piss off you little minx, you flirted unashamedly in there, pouting and primping!" laughed Caroline "And good for you my little tart, it never does any harm in the right place" She glanced down at her watch. "Look at the time!" she exclaimed "Do you realise how long we were in there for? I need a cigarette, a glass of wine and food in that order. There's a place I know over there. We can sit outside and people watch while we eat" She guided Paul over to a swish looking bistro and they sat down at a table in the corner. "Why hello Caroline, long time no see!" Paul looked round to see a tall blonde waitress kissing Caroline on each cheek. "And who is this?" she asked looking Paul up and down lecherously. "Back off sweetie this one is mine. Anyway you're a girlie girl remember" "Mmmm I might change my mind for this one, he's very pretty isn't he. Sure he's a he dear? He looks so yummy!" "Ok, just let's have the menu and two glasses of the usual and make it snappy!" Caroline ordered patting the waitress on the bottom. "Yes madam!" said the waitress mockingly and curtseyed as she turned round. "What was all that about" asked Paul "You seem to be well known here"? "Yes I come here regularly at lunchtime; most of the people who work here are friends of mine." "She seems nice, the waitress." Paul observed. "Mmmm but don't get any ideas about her she has a regular girlfriend who looks like a gorilla; I hate to think what she'd do to you dear" "You mean she's.." "Yes she's bi, very bi" replied Caroline. "Mind you if she knew about Lucy I'd have to lock you up. She has a real thing about girlie cross dressers and she'd eat you for breakfast, be warned!" With that two glasses of red wine appeared. The waitress put a drink mat down in front of Caroline and placed the glass on it. She walked round to Paul and leant over him giving him his mat brushing her bust against him as she did. She looked at Paul and smiled. "Enjoy your drink babe" Her eyes lingered on his for just too long for comfort. "What is it about you?" Caroline asked as the waitress moved away. "Do you have a pussy magnet somewhere? Every female we come across seems to want either to seduce you or mother you" "Mmmm, it's great isn't it" giggled Paul "I could quite get used to this" Caroline ordered two salads and another glass of wine for each of them. As they finished she said "Right cigarette and then back to the retailing, it's taken longer than I thought. There's a lot more to do unless you want to prance around in just your undies" Paul watched as Caroline lit her cigarette and blew the smoke out seductively. The wine was beginning to affect him and he started to feel aroused as he watched her. "Later my darling" Caroline said leaning over and kissing him on the lips "Later....." giving him one of those glances he knew so well. They got up and Caroline took his arm. "How about shoes next?" "Sounds good to me" he replied as they wandered down the road. "In here" Caroline commanded "They sell some serious fuck me shoes in here, just your thing". She guided him into a small shop the walls of which were covered in stiletto shoes and boots of every colour and style you could think of. Paul looked around in wonder at the vast array before him. "Anything catch your eye?" enquired Caroline. "Yes, all of them!" Paul said as he spotted a pair of 4" stiletto court shoes with a T-strap and metal heel. "I like those" he said pointing towards them. "Mmmm, nice" said Caroline. "Size 6 as usual?" she asked as she collected the box under the display. Paul then saw a pair of stiletto boots in black with a buckle over the front. "Ohhh and those!" Caroline duly found the right size and collected another box. "Anything else?" she asked "We can always come again and we've still got a lot to do" Caroline went over and paid while Paul feasted his eyes on the display all around him. "Come on they'll be another time" exclaimed Caroline ushering him out of the shop. "Skirts and tops next I think" Caroline ordered as Paul started to buckle under the weight of all his packages. "Then home I think! Even I'm beginning to wilt". They wandered in and out of shops Paul collecting even more bags to carry. Guided by Caroline they had selected a couple of dozen outfits for him. His prized buy however was a black leather skirt which came just above the knee. He had fallen in love with it as soon as he saw it. "Right my little retail maniac one last shop" said Caroline and then home" Caroline lead him down a small side street and stopped outside a rather anonymous shop with the name "Victoria's Other Secret" over the top. "What's this then?" asked Paul. "Let's go in and find out" Caroline said mysteriously. They walked into the shop and Paul looked around. It seemed to be some sort of clothes shop although he noticed a large display of the most incredible boots he had ever seen. There were stiletto boots of staggering height, some with platform soles and in every colour imaginable. A large sign above read "Sizes up to 14 available" Glancing over to a display of skirts he saw the sign "Large sizes in stock". Looking closer at the skirts Paul realised they were all leather PVC or satin. Before he could say anything he heard Caroline say "I'd like to look at some breast forms please". He looked round to see her talking to a girl behind the counter. She was about his age with a shock of blonde hair streaked with reds, greens and blues. She had a tight t-shirt on with the logo "Naughty Girl" in pink letters across the front. "Sure" she said "I'll get some for you to look at". Paul looked at her realising the girl spoke with a boy's voice. His eyes followed her as she climbed a small set of steps to reach one of the shelves behind the counter. She was wearing tight jeans and a pair of white stiletto shoes. "Here" said the male voice "We've got various sorts" Caroline beckoned Paul over saying "What do you think of these?" Paul moved over unable to take his eyes of the girl behind the Counter. "They vary in price although as with most things you get what you pay for" the voice said. "These are the less expensive" she said taking a pair of breasts out. "They are quite realistic but are solid. The more expensive ones like these are much softer and have silicon inside, like you get in a boob job" Caroline picked one up and felt it. "Yes these are great they look more realistic then the others." Turning to Paul she said "Which do you like?" Before Paul could answer the girl lifted her t-shirt and said "They're very good I wear them all the time. Mind you I get staff discount!" Paul gazed at the girl as she showed off her sheer bra with what seemed to be perfect breasts showing through. "Wow!" said Paul "They look really good!" "Do you want to try them?" the girl asked Paul. "We have a display pair of 36C's. They are cleaned and sterilised every time. And I can lend you a bra!" "If that's OK" stuttered Paul" The girl lead them to the back of the shop. "Here try this bra, it's a 36C, should fit you" Paul felt Caroline pulling at his t-shirt from behind. "OK thanks" he said taking his shirt off. "Mmmm nice smooth chest" the girl giggled "You need that for them to look their best". Paul put his arms through the bra straps and clipped it at the back. "Not the first time we've done that!" the girl smirked. "No" said Paul suddenly feeling more self confident grinning shyly. "Right" the girl said inserting the bra filler into Paul's bra. "You need to get them right, you need to get them positioned so they sit properly or you look like some Granny with saggy tits" She inserted the other and stood back to look. "Make sure they sit just level with muscle at the side of your armpit. That's great. You can see in the mirror". Paul turned round and looked in the mirror behind him. "Wow!" he said as he looked at himself. His hands cupped the breasts and felt them move as he pushed upwards. "Let's not get carried away" said Caroline a little tartly. "You'll soon get used to them" said the girl "And they feel great, you can feel and see them move when you walk, especially in heels" "OK we'll take them" said Caroline. Paul reluctantly took the bra off and handed it back to the girl together with the breast forms. "Plastic OK?" enquired Caroline. "Sure" said the girl "Not a prob". She wrapped the breast forms and put them in a small pink bag, handing it to Paul. "Hope you like them, let me know how you get on with them" she said. As they walked out of the door Caroline said "Home girlie I'm knackered. I need reviving". "What was that place?" Paul asked her. "A cross dresser's shop silly. They sell everything for the discerning cross dresser according to the sign inside. Didn't you notice? Mind you the way you were ogling her I'm not surprised" "I didn't realise at first" said Paul. "I never knew it was there and I didn't realise she was a boy either, not until she spoke" "Mmmm she was pretty good" said Caroline "But when I've finished with you she'll look like a drag queen. Anyway white stilettos; very Essex girl!"

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Remembering Charlie with Nelson and Caroline (3rd chapter Charlie series).Nelson and I had a long rest, a unique and so satisfying experience it was, I think for both of us! In the morning, I ordered breakfast and had a quick shower. Refreshed, I wore the white robe the hotel provided. It wasn’t long a knock on the door announced breakfast and I opened the door. What a surprise! No one other than Caroline wheeled in our breakfast, she looked super hot in her smart black and tight uniform. I...

2 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0102

Caroline – Part 1: Ch. 1.2 Mike meets Caroline and ends where he began. I first met Caroline at a friend’s house. She was having a party and Caroline was staying with her to help out. I found out later that they worked together. When I first saw her I couldn’t believe what I saw. She was breathtaking, or rather her bottom was breathtaking. I should explain that the one thing in a woman that really turns me on is her bottom. Those wonderful curves with that hidden valley between and the...

4 years ago
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The Awakening of Caroline

Tags: (Erotica, Teen Male / Teen Female, Male / Teen Female, 18-Year-Old, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Big Cock, Cum Swallowing, Creampie, Reluctance, School, College, Voyeurism, Young) It happened a few years ago when our lives changed forever. My girlfriend, Caroline, a vision I would look at, and enjoy for hours, was sexually awakened. My girlfriend was a flawlessly skinned; 5’ 4”, 115 lbs., sky-blue eyed, honey blond haired Scandinavian knockout, with boobs the booby fairly amply...

4 years ago
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Old Caroline loves helping young men

Not in her entire life did Caroline, a comfortable looking, grey haired and sensuous plump widow of nearly 70, ever think she would become a sex goddess! But , that is how her select band of followers described her! The secret to Caroline’s late sexual popularity was born in her younger days when she discovered and really enjoyed steamy and sometimes unusual sex. She knew what turned her on and how to turn on men to such an extent that she began to only get really hot orgasms when she was in...

2 years ago
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Go on Sweet Caroline

A couple of days since the wild encounter with my neighbor Caroline and her boyfriend Pedro, I thought I needed to talk with them to make sure things were going to be fine between us. At mid afternoon I saw Caroline’s car parked there and then I crossed the lawn up to her front door.I was dressed in work out clothes; a sport tiny bra and tight cotton shorts. Sweet Caroline opened the door. She smiled at me and invited me in, but I could know she seemed to be a little embarrassed. She offered me...

3 years ago
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Sweet Caroline

It was about a month since we had been to the club, and I was eating with Caroline. We were at the Inbetween, an upscale restaurant on the bay. Chuck and I cruise over here to have dinner once or twice over the summer. She asked me if I would meet her here to talk.“Thanks for meeting me at such short notice.”I told her, no problem and continued to look at the menu waiting for her to start… something. After enough time for me to read the menu, she said, “What makes you fuck someone other than...

Wife Lovers
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 35 Caroline The Second Session

Brian Hacker grinned as he pulled up outside Caroline Herschfeldt's house and turned to Vikki and I in the back. "That was fun." He must have seen the doubt in my voice, the suspicion in my expression that I thought he was only being polite. "No I mean it Justin, you're quite a guy and don't let anybody tell you different." He reached for Vikki's right hand and when she held it out took it in his own as he smiled at her. "I know you know what I mean don't you?" Vikki just smiled....

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Sweet CarolineChapter 20

I had Caroline call a moving company to schedule to pick up and move our stuff to our home in Stockton. She also called Jennifer to give her a heads up about it. “Caroline, have we cancelled our lease on the building that was broken into yet?” “No, that’s one of the outstanding things on our ‘to-do’ list, number 11, I believe.” “Which leaves us with ... what?” I asked. “Number 6, Let Mom and Dad know we’re moving, #7 Let Jackson and Sharon know we’re moving, and #9 Apply for marriage...

3 years ago
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Evauee 11 David finally takes Caroline

Introduction: Caroline finally decides she wants David to tak her virginity by the lake. There was no way he was going to tell anybody about this! He lay back on the bed with Auntie Rose lying next to him, trying to take in what had happened. After a few minutes she gave him a quick kiss and slipped back to her own room, leaving him lying there in the moonlight. He thought for a moment it had all been a dream but the ache in his groin told him otherwise. He could still taste her mouth, smell...

3 years ago
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Caroline Our Cleaner

Caroline our cleaner comes to do the house at 95 in the morning once a week. She is in her late 50’s but still somewhat attractive. I can recognise how she would have been a beauty in earlier years. However she had led a hard life with five children all of whom had left the nest. She’s been cleaning our place for more years than I can remember and had almost become part of the furniture. Usually looking rather worn, she dressed for cleaning, usually in a baggy sweater and skirt with flat...

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We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy.  Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as 'normal'. I felt safe with Caroline.  She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful.  That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice 'safe' relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle.  It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub...

5 years ago
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Evauee 11 David finally takes Caroline

He really thought that once he had left Mrs Wilson and the girls, his sex life would be over until he got back to his Beth He suddenly felt very tired and soon fell asleep, waking in the morning to sunlight streaming in through the window and, suddenly remembering what had happened, a smile on his face. He turned on to his back and thought. Would Auntie Rose want to see him again? He would have to be very careful. He would be especially mortified if his mum found out. He was also...

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It was finally Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of work and into the car. Living this far apart from my girlfriend Caroline was difficult. But today was the start of the weekend so I was in a good mood. As it was Friday, it was also a lunch time finish which was even better. As soon a as my work was filed away, I jumped in the car and began the long journey down to Cambridge from Leeds. I arrived at Caroline’s parents’ house about 6ish. Caroline is only 18 so still lives with her folks. We'd...

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More 3some fun for Caroline

This is another story about my beautiful sexy wife Caroline as told from her perspective. As before we have written this together albeit in a bit of a rush, so forgive us if you find it a little raw. It’s about the build up and conclusion to Caroline having sex with two of my friends.______________________________________________After I'd given David a morning blowjob and we were relaxing in bed he came out with the idea of making a porn style video with me being the 'star' of the piece. Not...

2 years ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 12 Caroline Part 1

When Arlette and I arrived at the bistro, Caroline and Claude, who had gone there directly from work, were already waiting. Claude did the introductions. I ignored Caroline's outstretched hand and kissed her on both cheeks. She looked wonderful. Her pitch-black hair and dark eyes contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, just as Claude had told us. And her mouth! Her full lips were always slightly apart. It made me think that she was permanently ready to plant a kiss on a cock head in front...

4 years ago
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Chinese Wife Caroline

I am a Chinese American guy, I met Caroline a year ago in China whenI went there for vacation, she was the most perfect girl I've evermet; she is a 26-yo traditionally raised, conservative Chinese girl.She has a caring, compassionate heart, and has a very sweet smile. Wegot married not too long after; I brought her back to the U.S. We arevery much in love and had become each other's best friends. She haslearned Yoga since she was a little girl, so she asked me if it's okfor her to find a job, I...

4 years ago
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Mistress Caroline part 3 My Training Continues

I was tired, and I slept well. The next morning I was awakened by Mistress Caroline, as she was unlocking the chain from my collar. She looked me up and down, then said, ‘You look so nice J, very lovely.’ She pressed her breasts against my chest and her cheek against mine and I felt her hand fondling my balls. ‘Such a good boy.’ She put her hand behind my head and kissed me hard on the lips, which took me by surprise. As she did this, she squeezed my balls until I gasped from pain. She...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 15

It was a little surreal seeing my best friend in the industry, hugging my sister, while calling her my wife. “Well, Stan. You and Sheila can go ... you know everything you need to, to get going. When the rest show up at eight, I’ll tell them as much as they need to know and make sure they have both your numbers.” Stan left and Sheila gave Caroline a big hug as she left. There is so much to get done. Caroline said, “We’ve already accomplished some things, Richard. We’ve actually completed...

2 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 3

There it is. Dad’s Dad was Richard, my Mom’s Dad was Jefferson, and all the boys in the family had a Michael ... somewhere in their name. Caroline was Caroline Cathleen Chelsea O’Hara. Dad’s Mom was Caroline, my Mom’s Mom was Cathleen and my Mom’s sister is Chelsea. I often threatened to call her ‘ThreeC.’ “Since you’re done with the groceries, go back to whatever you were doing when I got here. I’ve got to get back to the office. We are about sold out on this cruise and your Dad and I are...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 4

I knew I wouldn’t see Caroline until I picked her up at 7:30, so I looked at my watch and saw I had almost three hours to kill. I was brimming with nervous energy, so I decided to swim for a while. I put on my Speedos’ from before – before ... Wow! Exactly what do I want to happen between Caroline and me? Well, I know what I want to do to Caroline, but there are consequences to a person’s actions ... Oh ... stop thinking with your other head, Richard – grow a pair. I grabbed a towel and went...

4 years ago
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife Part 10 Zen Caroline and the Art Of Gang Bangs

 Where the fuck is this Jerry bloke! The lady on the phone at the cab office told Caroline he would only be ten minutes; it's getting on for twenty now.She's getting cold standing here outside the red telephone box from where she made the call. The autumn morning air seeps beneath her long coat and chills her flesh. For all the warmth the skimpy satin nightie she wears beneath it provides, she may as well be naked under there. She has fastened all the buttons, the top one tight against her...

Group Sex
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife Part 10 Zen Caroline and the Art Of Gang Bangs

 Where the fuck is this Jerry bloke! The lady on the phone at the cab office told Caroline he would only be ten minutes; it's getting on for twenty now.She's getting cold standing here outside the red telephone box from where she made the call. The autumn morning air seeps beneath her long coat and chills her flesh. For all the warmth the skimpy satin nightie she wears beneath it provides, she may as well be naked under there. She has fastened all the buttons, the top one tight against her...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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A date with Caroline continued

It was such an erotic experience, making love to her on the beach, Now, with both of us spent, we walked back to my car, hand in hand. The taste of Caroline’s cum still in my tongue, overwhelming my senses. The taste, the texture, coating my mouth. It was surprisingly wonderful.I opened the car door for her and she kissed me on the cheek as she got in. So feminine and sweet. I asked where she would like to go for dinner and Caroline leaned over to me and wispered in my ear, “I can feel your cum...

3 years ago
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Mom Caroline

I remember the day my mother told me she was going to have a baby. I just had turned 15. My mother was 35, kinda late in life to be having babies in my mind. And, she didn't know who the father was. You see, dear old Mom, was a lush. But, when Caroline was born, I fell in love. She was the light of my life. She had the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen in my life. They always lit up when I was near her, or held her. And, with our Mom being a (how do I put this) drunk whore, I took care of...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 10

We got to the new place, and unloaded everything into the Master bedroom. I told Caroline to put everything that was on hangers in the closet, including her new dresses. Then I told her to go through everything piece by piece and decide if it’s either, keep, give away, or trash. She did that rather quickly. There were lots of empty hangers left behind. Then I told her to separate the clothes into seasons – which she did equally as quickly. I was doing the same thing in my closet, which was...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 11

On the way there, I told her about the errands we needed to run – she agreed. Upon reaching the address I told her to switch to our other rings. Her mouth opened to ask, and then she understood. It’s funny how she compared changing the rings to that moment in DIE HARD 2 when the bad guys changed the ammunition from the blanks to the live fire. Wow. A woman who can make a legitimate DIE HARD reference. Now, there’s a perfect woman. After walking in, I said, “Sorry it took so long, there...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 18

“For 1% of the gross sale for those eight listings, O’Hara and O’Hara Real Estate LLC will use its existing resources, along with the very bright head of Jennifer O’Malley to sell them. She would become an employee of O’Hara and O’Hara and any new listings she gets would become the property of O’Hara and O’Hara, but upon the sale of any listings Jennifer gets, we would pay O’Malley Real Estate a 1% finder’s fee for the first year.” “In addition to that, my wife and I would like to enter into...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 19

“Caroline, you may have been 12 and I was 20, but you were my favorite person ... your eyes sparkled, your legs were, and still are, magnificent ... and you became My Sweet Caroline, and I had it pretty bad for you, even though we were so far apart in age. I could only hope you would care for me after you grew up. To be completely honest, I became a lover of all redheads because of you.” “Now, Rich ... I’m 18 and you’re 26, and we can’t keep our hands off each other. I want to tell the world...

4 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 21 Content

1874 In mid-March with the wind playing tricks in the bare-limbed trees, Caroline, Johnny and Seth rode out the Pike in the Williams' farm wagon and found Zedediah Snowden at his small home in the black section of Rockville, an area called various demeaning names by the local whites but most generally referred to as "the run." Zed put down his hoe and welcomed Caroline with a smile, and then he shook Seth's hand. "Too soon to dig nohow," he said, wiping his hands on his heavy thighs....

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The Investigation Caroline Ann

This story is a prequel to 'Her Fantasy - Ambush', I have written a second part to this that will connect the two stories if you want me to. ---------- Detective Midnight stood next to the police officer. He had been called down here because something was puzzling them about a murder investigation, and he was the one who always caught the bad guy. He was a genius, and even at his age he worked dangerous jobs. “Well, I’m not here for nothing.” He turned to the...

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Caroline Flack Wants to Get Out of Here Part 1

Caroline blew another stream of smoke to the ceiling, “I’m sorry I brought you here under false pretenses, but I figured it best for a couple of reasons. First, I really didn’t want to be hanging alone in my apartment rotting away until someone noticed the smell, that’s just way to foul. Secondly, and I hope I’m right, I thought you might like the opportunity to spend some quality time with a corpse.” Lewis’s expression changed to one of inquiry. “I know you’re into some kinky shit, hell the...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 9

We walked into the store, and Caroline started looking at the dresses on display. A very attractive familiar-looking woman came up to her and said, in a slight Jamaican accent, “Hi, I am Katrina. You would look fabulous in that Slouchy Cable Sweaterdress – you look like a size two – let me get you one to try on? Any preference in color? No. – I’ll surprise you.” “Thank you,” my sister said as the saleswoman walked away. “You see, Caroline ... that is how you should be treated, like a...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 8 New Store

1866 The store just off the wide main street of the bustling county seat opened very early on Tuesday, January 2, 1866. It was near the livery stable and the hotels, diagonally across Montgomery Avenue from the courthouse. The dark green sign with gilt lettering that hung above the deep-set door and many-paned window read "Montgomery Farm Supply." Robert Williams, who had hiked the four frigid miles from his home long before the sun appeared, and Zedediah Snowden, who lived within easy...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 8

I answered it – it was one of my Realtors, needing me for a house deal. I told him I’d be right there. “Caroline – Stan needs me to look over and sign off on a house deal. Do you want to hang around here or go with me?” “I’ll go with you, so right after you consummate Stan’s house deal, we can consummate ... our house deal.” “I love you so much, Caroline.” It took us about ten minutes to get to the house in Mountain View. Caroline and I went into the townhouse that was a Coldwell Banker...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 13

I called Sheila over, who had been picking up the mess left behind and I asked her to gather up all of the current listing hard files, along with whatever office supplies are salvageable. We subscribe to an online backup service and all of our computer files are backed up every 60 minutes. That’s money well spent that Robbie didn’t even know about. He must have thought that stealing the computers would have shut down the Brokerage completely. The backup service had been Caroline’s...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 12 Retribution

1866 Robert and Caroline awakened to the odor of smoke. Night lay on the town, chill and moonless, a harbinger of the coming winter. The trees stood nearly bare. Dead leaves covered the courthouse lawn and filled the gutters. "Smell that?" Caroline asked as her husband got his feet on the floor. "Um," he said, padding to the window. He could not see anything or anyone, but tendrils of twisting smoke rose before his eyes. "I'd better go look." Barefoot and in his nightshirt, Robert...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 19 Crisis

1873 After several days of iron-willed control, the young woman was exhausted. "But Daddy," Caroline wailed, a sour knot in her throat, "he was only thirty. It's so unfair. We were just getting started." She beat weakly on her father's chest with one fist, her confused baby trapped between them. Mr. French held his daughter as best he could as she cradled her youngest in her crooked arm and had her other two children hanging to her skirt and legs, impatient to be somewhere else,...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 27 Caroline Vanner

I heard the clock on the tower of Hampton Court Palace strike five. Amy was due to meet me at six that evening, so I made sure the room was tidy, and the fire was giving out a good heat. The rooms at the White Hart were far superior to those of the Bell, as each were furnished with a large, well sprung bed with clean linen, two comfortable armchairs, a table with four ladder back chairs, and in front of the fire place a large thick woollen rug, which reminded me of the fleece at the...

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Caroline and Me

About an hour into the party, she had somehow pissed off her boyfriend enough to almost ruin the night for Caroline. He started yelling at her and ended up slapping her in the face. He left the party, along with Caroline crying; her friends tried to comfort her, but she kept pushing them away. She covered her face and left the party; I took this opportunity to follow her outside. I saw her walking under a street light, when I caught up to her. I asked. “Hey Caroline, are you alright?” She...

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Suburban Dystopia Caroline

Something in Caroline changed when she was seven month's pregnant with her second child. Until that warm late-Spring day, she had been satisfied, content, peaceful, the perfect picture of suburban happiness. There was a moment on that day when she slipped outside of the reality she had always known, and since then she has never slipped back. She had just put Amanda, her four year old daughter, down for her morning nap. Amanda was an energetic child, and a good napper, so Caroline looked...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 16

We left for Stockton, after going online and filling out an application for O’Hara and O’Hara Real Estate, LLC. We had multiple tasks, first to get to Stanford and get the papers to take to The University of the Pacific. I knew it would take longer to find a parking space at Stanford, then the time it would take for Caroline to pick up her transcript ... so I dropped her off in front of the Administration building. I found a place to park and just like I thought, she was out and raring to go...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 21

“No, Rich ... I’m on the pill, you can fuck me any time you want, or not. I’m sorry ... I came on so strong, I just needed to know I was desirable, and you always looked at me like I was. Are you gonna fuck me?” “I shouldn’t, but right now I’m driven by your beauty, Jenn. You are very beautiful. Have you ever made love before?” “Actually, I’m a virgin, but I don’t feel like one right now. Take me Rich, please fuck me, real hard. Take my virginity, please?” This beautiful young girl,...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 22

She replied, “Well, since Mom and Dad are gone for another 100 days or so, we should bring the refrigerated and frozen stuff over or it will spoil, and maybe get freezer burn. I wonder if we shouldn’t get an additional refrigerator for the garage or wherever.” “If you do, I can stay here and sign for it, you guys,” said Jennifer. “Jenn, that’s nice of you but...” “Richard, will you let go of that, ‘it’s not what you’re hired for’ crap. Sometimes a person wants to help out a friend, and...

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