Sweet Caroline free porn video

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It was about a month since we had been to the club, and I was eating with Caroline. We were at the Inbetween, an upscale restaurant on the bay. Chuck and I cruise over here to have dinner once or twice over the summer. She asked me if I would meet her here to talk.

“Thanks for meeting me at such short notice.”

I told her, no problem and continued to look at the menu waiting for her to start… something. After enough time for me to read the menu, she said, “What makes you fuck someone other than Chuck?”

Woah, a question I’ve never had to answer before. “I guess it's for two reasons. The sex, and the variety of men. Is that too general an answer?”

“No. I kinda figured you would say that. I’m confused. I’m not sure what I want.”

“Alright, let me ask you more than one question, do you like sex? And if you do, what is it you like about it?”

Our waitress came over and gave her more time to think about it. After she took our order, she said, “Seems lately, I’ve been loving it. When we went to that party, something snapped in me, well that and the insistent prodding from Kurt. I went just to pacify him, and I came home having sucked another woman's pussy and fucked her husband, and I loved it. And then the guilt stepped in. I did something that went completely against my upbringing, and I loved it. I tried to justify it in my mind.”

This was getting deep and I didn’t want to go there. “You loved it. To me, that’s enough justification to want to continue to do it. It’s exactly why I do it. I’m not hurting anyone, and the pleasure I get from sex, well that’s enough for me.”

“What about the other men. Why not just Chuck?”

“That’s more complicated. I love sex, but Chuck showed me that I can do it with someone else for just the pleasure and not the attachment. Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t get horny and just pull the next man I see and have sex with him. I have to know the person and have some feelings for him.”

“So, you wouldn’t mind screwing Kurt?”

“No, it’s been years since we’ve been together.”

Oh, crap. I just stepped in it, big time, “Wait, WHAT! You fucked my husband?”

I took something for granted. I’ve got to work on that, “Now calm down, Caroline. This happened before you even met Kurt, and it ended because he started dating you.” I hoped this didn’t change things.

She sat quietly and thought about it. I didn’t know what else to say, so I just sat there as our lunch was delivered.

“Ok, you and Kurt fucked. Wow!”

And then she… laughed. She was laughing her head off. I didn’t think joining her was a good idea, so I sat there with my lunch getting cold.

“I don’t believe it. Then why didn’t you fuck him at the party? Seemed like a perfect opportunity.”

“Two reasons. You and Chuck. You, because I didn’t want to do anything with Kurt unless you approve, and Chuck because he knew I fucked Kurt before I met him, but he didn’t know how big Kurt was. When he saw Kurt’s cock, I knew he would think that I just wanted to fuck him for his big cock.”

“Wow, again. I’m not sure how I feel now.”

“Don’t let your feelings stop you from trying something you want. Another question. Did you have fun at the party?

“God, yes. Once I got into the room with the other couple, all I wanted to do was get his cock in me. I never thought that I would be making another woman orgasm.”

“Well, then trust me, once you get into it, you’ll love it. Ah, you still want to get together sometime?”

“Oh, yes. I’m looking forward to it. How about this weekend. Saturday? Our house around seven. I’ll make sure the hot-tub is hot and the beers are cold. How are you dressing?”


I told Chuck what happened at the meeting. When I told him about my concern with him watching me fuck Kurt, he told me, “Don’t worry about it. have fun reliving the old days. Hopefully, I’ll be having my own fun. Just don’t be surprised if I tap you on the shoulder while you’re fucking him.”

I was surprised. “You mean you want to DP me with him? I’m not so sure I could do that. You’re not that much smaller than Kurt. You think so but the feeling is about the same.”

“Who are you shitting. I saw the look in your eyes when you climbed on Kurt. You had a hard time getting him into you. How many times did he make you cum?”

“Ok, ok. So it’s different with a larger cock. Just remember this. You’re the one I go home with and you’re the one I love. I thought we talked about this before we started involving others. Physical enjoyment and not emotional. Never do anything without the consent of the other.”

“Your right. I’m sorry. I’ll be alright after I see you with him.”

“Yeah, and don’t forget that you’ll be with Caroline.

I always go back to that age-old question… what to wear. First time with a couple and you don’t want to go looking like a slut. That’s for the second time. The women take much time getting ready only to find themselves with only lingerie on.

Black thigh-highs, a tight short black skirt, and Chuck’s sport coat with nothing on under it. Men are so easy. All they have to do is throw on a pair of pants, pullover shirt, and slip into a pair of sneakers or in chuck's case, topsiders. Chuck hasn't worn underwear in years. Come to think of it, he hasn't worn socks either.

We got to their house right on time. Kurt answered the door and let us into his beautiful house. Kurt is a toolmaker and owns his own company. I hooked him up with some of my clients that make jet engine parts. He got certified with all the major manufacturers. He's doing very well now.

Kurt led us into the living room. It was big with a large central fireplace. There was a big slider that led out to a huge deck.

Caroline came out with a tray of hors oeuvres. She made me wish that I’d dressed slutty. She was wearing a wrap-around skirt, white button-down sleeveless blouse. The blouse was unbuttoned almost to her waist with what looked like black thigh-highs.

She offered us each something off the tray, and when she bent over, you had to notice her large boobs. She sat on the couch with Kurt. We sat on another couch facing theirs. When she sat down, her wrap-around skirt unwrapped and revealed her whole leg up to where she was supposed to wear panties. This showed that she shaved her pussy. She'd had a full beard down there when she was at the party.

“Well, I'm glad you came tonight. I just want to say that I appreciate your help, Terry. I don't think I would have gotten through it without you. And I have to thank my husband for pushing me. I knew I wanted this but didn't know how to go about it. Kurt showed me the way, and with Terry's help, here we are today."

Caroline crossed her legs and I heard Chuck moan a little. She was giving him beaver shots. I reached over and feeling his hard cock and said, “Yep, you’re doing good, Caroline. Keep it up. Oops, did I say that?”

Caroline smiled and felt Kurt’s bulge, “Him too. Hey! How about we take a dip in the hot tub and then a plunge in the pool. After that, the guys can throw some burgers on the grill. That is if we don’t get distracted.”

So we took our drinks and retired to the deck. I said to Kurt, “Where’s the tub?”

He went over to a circle on the deck and pushed a button on the wall. A chain lowered from a beam and he clipped it onto a ring that was hidden in the deck. Pushed another button and the top of the tub was raised to the beam. Completely sunken into the deck was the tub, large enough to seat eight people. A little steam rose from the water.

“Now, we have rules for the tub. No clothes in the tub, and to let you know, that’s been a rule for a long time, and not for just tonight. Also, have a quick rinse under that there shower head behind the tub.

I’m always amazed how everyone’s shy about losing their clothes until the first one does.

Kurt talked, “Well I’m going in.”

And with that, he pulled off his shirt, pulled off his pants, and got under the shower. I had to look. There was no way I couldn’t look. Now, let me say this about cocks. There are two groups. First are the ones that are long when limp, but they don’t much longer when the blood flows. The second are short, to begin with, but when pushed end up twice as long.

So you can’t judge a cock by its resting length. Kurt was in the first group. He looked long, but I knew from personal experience that it would get harder, but not much longer. I saw Chuck looking as well. I hope he means what he said.

We all showered and slipped in the tub. Caroline got in first and Chuck was right behind. She sat down and Chuck was right beside her. Kurt was next and I got in and sat beside him.

I had to say, “This was a great idea, Caroline. I feel so relaxed right now. You couldn’t get me to fuck.”

Kurt quickly said, “Crap! And I was just about to ask Chuck if I could fuck you. Oh well, there's always my wife.”

That got a laugh. Then I looked over to my husband and saw him nod and mouth, go-ahead. My lips said, "are you sure?" He just nodded and smiled.

I reached under the water for Kurt’s cock. I found his hand stroking it, and it was hard. He looked at me with a what are you crazy, face. I answered him by standing and then straddling his legs. He scooted down and I took his big cock and quickly put him in position and lowered myself onto his pole.

I can’t tell you how it felt. It’s not the size, well, it doesn’t hurt that he’s nine inches. There’s a difference between a dildo and a cock even if they’re the same size. I was so horny. I started using my legs to go up and down on him. Seemed that my legs weren't long enough.

Turning around, I looked at Chuck and asked, “Are you alright with this?”

He answered me by pulling Caroline to him, and while grabbing one of her boobs, he kissed her. I returned my attention to fucking Kurt. I kept posting on him but wanted to do something else. I had him sit on the edge of the tub which was the deck. I took his cock in two hands and took him deep down my throat until I gagged. I backed off and slowly sucked him using both hands. I was so fucking horny, and this available extra large cock was making me drool. When I came down somewhat from my cock high, I looked over at my husband.

It seems we had a copycat. Caroline was straddling Chuck. You could hear her moaning as she went up and down on his cock. It seemed as though he was deep into his work. I sucked on Kurt and occasionally would just jerk him while catching my breath. Looking over at Chuck’s side of the tub, he now had her on the side and he was eating her with gusto.

Caroline was lying back and moaning to beat the band. Then her whole body went rigid and she started shaking. She came. She suddenly got up and walking into the kitchen said,

“Alright, everyone. Fuck the pool. Rinse yourself off with the shower, get dry, and meet in the living room. Kurt, start the grill and put some dogs and burgers on.

Kurt started the grill, and with the help of Chuck, we were eating on the deck.

Caroline said, “I thought you would want to get the food over with quickly.”

I could tell that Caroline was one horny gal. Not that I can say I wasn't. I couldn't wait to have Kurt's cock slamming into me.

We all ate rather quickly. Then we gravitated from the table to two lounge chairs. Kurt lay down and put both his feet on the deck. I lay down between his legs and stroked his cock. It didn't take long for him to come to a full erection. That's when I took him into my mouth and started sucking him. He seemed even larger than when we fucked a few years ago. I was getting into it, and he had to hold my head to stop me before he came. He leaned over to kiss me, and when he did he said, “I want you to sit on my cock. I love to watch you bounce up and down.”

So that's what I did. I mounted him, and I pointed him at my entrance. I felt my pussy to make sure I was wet enough. I sure was. I slowly lowered myself. I had to go slow because I was feeling a little pain. A few ups and downs and I had him completely inside me. I know my husband won't like me to say this, but there is something to be said about a large cock. It just seems to fill you up more, and that leads to more pleasurable feelings. It just feels so fucking good.

While I was doing all the work, he was gently massaging my tits. I don't have to tell you how sensitive my nipples are, but Kurt didn't know, and I wasn't going to tell him. If I did he would be giving me more orgasms than I could handle.

I was having such a grand time, that I never thought of looking at my husband. We were no more than four feet apart, and I could certainly hear Caroline letting us know she was having a good time. When I did look over, Caroline was on her back with her knees pressing against her boobs. Chuck was pounding into her and she was almost at the point of screaming.

Then for some strange reason, we both stopped. He did with his prick half in her, and I stopped with Kurt fully embedded in me. We locked eyes. We were each saying I love you with our eyes. We gave each other a small smile and then went right back to fucking.

Kurt lost it first, and the funny thing was that I was nowhere near finishing. He pumped a gallon in me and when I rose off him, a steady stream of his come ran out of me and onto his limp dick. Then I heard my husband as she pumped his load into Caroline.

I laid on my side next to Kurt and facing Chuck. I was gently stroking Kurt's cock as I watched them finish. Caroline had to take a couple of minutes to regain her composure. She got up and asking if anyone needed a drink, she called me over.

“Terry, first I wanna thank you. Without you, we wouldn't be here, and I may not have had a marriage. Kurt has been asking for anal sex. I've never done it before, but I want to. I watch them doing it on the videos, and it seems so easy. I've never had a chance to ask another woman, but what's it like. Does it hurt? I guess that's my main concern. I can't take pain.”

“Well, I think you’ve asked the wrong girl about anal sex and pain. When Chuck’s taking my ass, the pain I feel is turned into an orgasm. There has to be pain for me to enjoy it. Now, don’t get me wrong. I can get off without the pain, but the orgasm is not as intense. Sorry, I got off the road.”

“That’s alright. Do you think I should try it? What about Kurt's cock? Will I be able to take him in my ass? He’s pretty big.”

“I can vouch for big, and don’t think you can take him? You have to go very slow at first. With enough time and preparation, you can take anything up there. I would suggest that you start with a slightly smaller size? Chuck would be more than happy to take your virgin ass. I’ll be at your side to comfort you. But first, we have to prepare your ass.”

“What do you mean? What do I have to do?”

“I’m afraid that to prevent a sure turnoff, you have to have an enema.”

“What? An enema?”

“Afraid so. You want to be clean inside as well as outside. You don't have to do it, but if you don't, there could be an embarrassing situation.”

She decided to go for it. I couldn't believe she was embarrassed and wanted to do it alone. It didn't take but five minutes before she was calling me to help her.

“What’s wrong? Forget where your asshole is?”

It turned out that when I inserted the nozzle, she didn't hesitate to rub her clit and bring herself off. When we were done she said,

“That wasn't so bad after all. A little erotic. so tell me, will I be able to do this?”

“Chuck knows what he's doing. He'll be gentle and take his time.”

We went back to meet the guys. They were talking about machines or something.

I said to them, “Caroline would like to have her virgin ass become no longer virgin. Any other man besides her husband that would like to take her virginity?”

I looked at their cocks and said. “I see you need some persuasion. Ok, Caroline, would you lie down on the deck? Right on the towel. Now gentlemen. I am going to have the pleasure, and I hope Caroline has some also, of bringing her to orgasm using my mouth only. And when I do, I would like the two of you to fuck me from behind. I’ll leave it up to you who goes first.”

So I got down on my knees between Caroline's legs. I told her to lift her legs and spread them. I pushed her legs back further giving me better access to her wet pussy.

I gave her little kisses on the inside of her thighs Before I went right in with my tongue. when it made contact with her clit, she moaned loudly.

“Oh my God! Oh fuck, don't stop. Oh shit.”

She was getting into it, and I turned it up a notch by licking from her newly cleaned asshole to her enlarged clit.

Then one of the guys got behind me. I didn't know which one, and I didn't want to look. I wanted to feel. I didn't care who it was, but deep down I wanted to feel Kurt’s cock.

I felt the head of a cock stroking up and down my pussy. When it came up and flicked off my clit, I just about lost it. I was just about to say something about teasing me, when all of a sudden, I was filled with cock. I quickly pulled my face out of Caroline's pussy.

“Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Fuck me good, fuck me! I’m coming, so good!!”

Kurt filled me up. Almost immediately after he hit bottom, I started coming. When he fucked me with more force, my orgasm seemed to roll from one to another. I tried to get back on focus and started on Caroline again. I brought her off, with the help of her husband. There was no way I could concentrate on what I was doing. His cock felt like it was a telephone pole.

“Don’t cum, Kurt.” I had plans for his big dick. “Alright, gang. The main event is about to go on.”

I asked Caroline to get on her hands and knees. I took the tube of KY and put a large glop on my finger, and slowly pushed it into her ass. I pushed it in as far as I could and then repeated the process. All through this, she was having a good time, and so was I. I’ve never fingered another girl's ass. Making her moan nonstop made me feel good.

I motioned Chuck to come over and I didn’t have to say anything. he got behind her and I took hold of his cock. I put him at her ass and he slowly pushed.

“Oh, crap! It’s not going in! it won’t fiii…“ The mushroom head popped inside. I was next to her and I reached out and held her hand.

“How are you doing? Any pain?”

“A little, but it’s going away slowly. Actually, it feels pretty good.”

“Wait till you open up and get used to him. You’ll be cumming non-stop. Kurt! Get your cock over here and plow my back forty,” he wasted no time in filling me up, “oh, fuck. Push it in deeper. Yes!! Now fuck me like my life depended on it.”

Now, you have to picture us. Caroline on her hands and knees with Chuck behind her fucking her ass. I’m on my hands and knees also with my head right next to Caroline's, with Kurt behind me. that puts the two men right next to each other. I wasn’t sure I wanted to look at my husband right then but curiosity got the better of me.

I turned my head and looked at his face. A slight smile as he looked directly into my eyes. I had to do it.

“How are you doing Caroline, any pain?”

“Oh, shit no. I’m gonna cum any minute. Thanks, Terry.”

She won’t thank me for this. “OK, trade places. I don’t have to tell either of you what to do.”

They quickly switched places and Chuck sank into a larger than normal vagina. I could just about feel him and knew that he felt the same. I know that I’ll shrink back, but we were living for the moment.

Caroline just screamed at the top of her lungs and I didn’t think Kurt was about to stop any time soon.

I was getting into this and told Chuck, “let me turn over. I want to look into your eyes when you make me cum.”

While we were changing position, I listened to Caroline's screaming almost stop to make way for some serious moaning. She was getting into this ass fucking big time, and Kurt was getting into her ass big time. Thought I was going to say her big ass? Nope, not that stupid.

We made love then, and they finished with a flourish. He pulled out of her ass and sprayed her face. That man can produce enough sperm to populate a new country.

I had a beautiful melo climax and my husband coated my insides with the essence of Chuck.

We were sitting at the bar drinking, when Kurt said, “Thanks for letting me do your wife first. I thought you’d get pissed if I went.”

I looked at him, and he knew it was my questioning face, “I knew you wanted him. I just thought that It may be a while before we do this again, so you might as well enjoy it.

I started crying like a baby. I went over to him and threw my arms around him. I knew then that I made the right choice in picking him out of a bar full of bachelors. To think that me and my sister flipped a coin for him. That’s another story.

We all decided to call it a night. We gathered our clothes and drove home… naked except for stockings. I took the time to put them on for him. Yep, I didn’t want anything to spoil the feeling, and clothes just wouldn’t cut it right then.

Our lifestyle is not for everyone. You have to be able to separate making love from having sex. I was lucky to find a man that brought out the person I knew was in me. I’m submissive, and I love it. I would do anything he asks because I know that he would never hurt me. if I want to hurt, I just need to ask him. If you read stories like this, then you need Chuck. Go find your own.

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Caroline verliess den Friseursalon in dem sie arbeitet pünktlich um 19,00 Uhr. Endlich Feierabend dachte sich die hübsche Blondine mit der Löwenmähne und der supergeilen Figur. Mit 175 cm Grösse und einem Gewicht von 55 kg kann man Caroline durchaus als heissen Feger bezeichnen. Ihre 33 Jahre sah man nicht, ganz im Gegenteil, sie wirkte jung und knusprig. Ihre Brüste waren fest und sie brauchte keinen BH. Caroline hatte festgestellt, dass die Trinkgelder ihrer männlichen Kunden deutlich höher...

2 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 3 Enter Caroline

1865 Caroline French had just turned fifteen when Robert came home from the war and took up his position on the back porch. He always seemed to be sitting in the shade, whittling sticks or peeling apples for his mother, his feet raised on a piece of stove wood and his skinny ankles crossed, often barefoot. She had known Robert almost all her life and, as a child, had admired his quick wit and friendly nature. Both now seemed to have disappeared. He usually returned her cheerful greetings...

3 years ago
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My love affair with Caroline

She was all I could think about. After our first experience together, all I wanted to do was be with her and to make love to her. The fact that she was born a boy and was now a beautiful girl with a cock didn't matter to me at all. In fact, if I am honest, it made her even hotter and sexier. I got Caroline's phone number before I left her apartment that first time. Even though I was totally infatuated with her, I tried to play it cool and wait a day before I called her. The one day seemed like...

3 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 10 Caroline

Seth sat quietly beside Jefferson rubbing his wrists and flexing his cramped fingers. The trooper lay sprawled on his back with his arms extended. He did not seem to be breathing. "Didn' mean to hit him so hard," whispered Jefferson, still holding an ax handle in his huge fist. "We jus' sort'a run together at the corner there. He turned an' I whacked him. I heered you comin' up the hill, Seth." The boy put his ear to the man's chest. "He's not dead, Jefferson. His heart's still...

4 years ago
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Aunt Caroline

All my life growing up I never was close to any of my family members, other than my cousin Carl. We had a... What do you call it? Dysfunctional family. But the worst was my Aunt Caroline. My parents told me a lot about her while I was growing up. Oh I saw her a few times of course, mostly at Christmas but, I didn't know much about her, except, supposedly, she was the biggest whore on my Father's side. The funny thing is, she didn't live very far from the high school...

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Aunt Caroline

Hi my name is Steve, and this is my story.All my life growing up I never was close to any of my family members, other than my cousin Carl.We had a... What do you call it? Dysfunctional family.But the worst was my Aunt Caroline.My parents told me a lot about her while I was growing up.Oh I saw her a few times of course, mostly at Christmas but, I didn't know much about her, except, supposedly, she was the biggest whore on my Father's side.The funny thing is, she didn't live very far from the...

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Aunt Caroline

Hi my name is Steve, and this is my story.All my life growing up I never was close to any of my family members, other than my cousin Carl.We had a... What do you call it? Dysfunctional family.But the worst was my Aunt Caroline.My parents told me a lot about her while I was growing up.Oh I saw her a few times of course, mostly at Christmas but, I didn't know much about her, except, supposedly, she was the biggest whore on my Father's side.The funny thing is, she didn't live very far from the...

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My wife had been going on at me for awhile that granny Carolines garden needed tidying up, so I finally gave in and said that I would do it. I had been busy weeding the borders and edging the lawn, I was on my knees pulling up the weeds from one of the borders when Granny Caroline said'You will have to let me know how much you want paying''Don't worry about it' I replied'Well how about I about I pay you with this?' Granny Caroline said.I stopped what I was doing and turned around and there was...

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Cousin Caroline

My second cousin Caroline was about the same age as me; I found her extremely horny during my adolescent years, but nothing ever happened. Then one Saturday during the summer I was at a loose end, and as our families were close, I phoned her to ask whether she wanted to hang out and go to the cinema. She said yes please, and sounded all excited. I picked her up, and saw her parents at the same time. They smiled and said have a good time. We saw the film, then went for a quick drink. It was...

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Humiliating Caroline

It was a start of summer party, my sister Jane and I usually attended these just to catch up on friends that we hadn't seen since winter set in. My name is John Doe and I won't tell you what I do for a living suffice to say I make damn good money. My sister Jane Doe is two years younger than I am, she has blond hair that falls just below her ears. Tonight she has her hair clipped back with one of those hair clips that you don't see much of these days. Jane has dark blue eyes a slightly pouty...

2 years ago
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Not So Sweet Caroline

A part of me was wondering how I got there but most of me was at her attention.I lay there in her bed nude, my swollen cock throbbing with every heart beat. My arms were tied to the bed at the wrist. My legs tied at the ankles. I am a strong man but she had overpowered me. I couldn’t have been her strength alone there is no way. Still I lay there completely at her mercy no way to wiggle free.She just stood there contemplating her next move. You could see the satisfaction in her eyes as she had...

4 years ago
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Ceecee and Caroline

Let me tell you a little about my wife CeeCee. She is tall and blonde – definitely blonde! I found out over time that she also had a little trouble connecting the dots. I met her a little over three years ago. She was in a bar with this asshole they were fighting over something. I don't usually interfere in peoples squabbles unless I am getting paid for it. That day though, the guy slapped her hard enough to knock her backward and into the chair behind her. That made her cry and I hate to see...

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OSL Caroline

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series written by an anonymous author. It takes place concurrently with the events of "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2" and "An Ordinary College Sex Life 3". Familiarity with the series is not required, but helpful in understanding Adrienne Dennis and where she comes from. I was at my desk the first time I saw you. That first glimpse only that, a glimpse. Your golden blonde hair catching the corner of my eye as you drifted across...

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Sweetness Chapter 1 (1) It started with an accident. I mean that; I did not want one of my many secrets getting out, but you can't plan everything. In my case, I didn't plan on rolling my SUV. It was a Thursday and it was early, too early. I had just left the golden arches and with a fresh cup of piping-hot coffee, I was ready to start my work day. The sun wouldn?t make an appearance for a while yet; when you own your own company, you start early and stay late, and I almost...

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Sweety fucked my friends

Hi, this is vikram again, thanx for all of your comments given on my last story, now i am giving you a recently held mass fucking of my lovely and sexy wife sweety. She is a real slut. For those who are new let me tell you her figure again. She is a real fucking bitch with 34 – 30 – 38 size. Long black hairs and white complexion. This story happens when some of my friends came to delhi for trip and stayed at hotel. On the same day i had invited them to my house for dinner. I did not told...

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Sweety Bhabhi Ne Mere Samne Jeans Utari

Hello friends mera naam bunty(badla hua) hai , age 26 , height 5,8 I’m good looking or mein ek achhi rich family se hoo …frends mein bahut time se fsi blog ka reader hoo or mujhe fsi blog bahut pasand hai to maine deside kiya ki mein bhi apni life ka real incident jo mere saath hua hai aap sabse share karoo or aapkie comments suno ki aapko mere saath jo hua hai wo kaisa laga ye mera mail id hai please aapke jo bhi comment hai wo mujhe kare …… Friends ye story shuru hoti hai 4 month pehle ,mera...

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David pulled his truck into the parking lot of the strip club just off the highway exit ramp. He was spending more and more time stopping at these road side joints, paying for a moment of pleasure as some young girl danced naked in his lap. A father of seven children, Dave had always considered himself a family man with strong moral values. Five years ago he had never been in a strip club and had no desires to go to one. Losing the family farm, however, had forced him into the seat of an...

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Sweety Aunty Ki Lambi Chudai

Hi doston, Mein aryan umar 20 saal college mein padta hu.. Ab tak 2 baar alag logo ke saath sex kar chuka hu ab ye meri tisri aur sabse favourite chudai ki kahani hai.. Mein ek high class building me apni family ke saath shift hua hun.. Hum a wing ke 8th floor pe rhete hai.. Building abhi nayi hai aur jyada koi rhene aya nahi hai yaha.. Humare buling ke sirf 5 falt mein families rhete hai baki flat’s investors ke hai.. Humare neeche wale floor par ek family rheti hai.. Gupta family wo 3...

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Sweety fucked hard in Bhubaneswar

I did not know the benefits of social websites until one day when i met this girl let us call her sweety on a social network site called “orkut”. She had mentioned that she is broadminded and that she has a flair for going out on dates. I thought let me see and i started exchanging scraps with her. It took some five days to be in sync with her and then one day i asked her for a date and she immediately agreed. Then one of my friends said that may be it is a boy in a pseudo name of a girl and so...

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Leland Turner sat in his office grading essays from his spring semester American Lit class. Most of the work was pretty dismal with muddled thinking or just poor writing, but one essay stood out. This student had caught Mr. Turner’s attention with her sharp mind and talented writing skills. She had also caught his attention with her stunning beauty and bubbly personality. Her name was Antoinee (An-TWON-ay), but everyone just called her Sweeter. Mr. Turner had no idea where the nickname came...

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Bittersweet by Callie Messenger "It's a great idea, but the US has stupid bitches like Tori who are willing to spend years pumping themselves up and still act like bimbos. Look at gladiators - all our butch women are just that. Butch!" "Mr. Hawkins, we've realised the problem, and if you're still willing to back us, we've thought of a solution." "You can't take a page three girl and fill her full of steroids. It'd still take a good year and a half to two...

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Hi I'm Sayuri only 16 years old a sweet ripe Asian and it may not seem like I should know but I love to Fuck! Wake up this morning in the greatest of moods i get out of my night clothes with my sexy 34 D's jumping every where I throw on a tight shirt and my miniskirt and put my shin high pearly white socks on I put on my school shoes and rush through the door I tied my hear up into a erupted volcano look my hear was black and silky down to my ass and I walk to school feeling good last...

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Sweety Had Sex With Her Bhava

Cousin Fuck Hi readers , this is my first story in Indian Sex Stories. My pet name is crazy, 24yrs old, i am 5’4″ in ht, my girlfriend or cousin name is Sweety(pet name)19yrs old, she is little shorter than me. Her body status is 30-28-32, round shaped boobs (.)(.) i am working as a engineer, my cousin is doing her degree in Bangalore. Lets come to the story. If any grammar mistake in my story pls forgive me. My native is a village near Mysore, i and my cousin staying in same village. We grown...

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Sweethearts or Strangersa West Texas Romance

... sweethearts or strangers, where do we go from here, I'll leave it up to you... Ahhhh... ! The lyrics of that sweet old country ballad from the 1930's came drifting back on Memory's Tide as I started to write this story ... hence the title. June Richardson wrapped her arm protectively around her daughter's shoulders. They stood watching a lone rider riding away from the wagon train. A few minutes later, he was just a small speck on the distant purple horizon. "Mommie, do you think...

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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 2

Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of te year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in EuropeSweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...

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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 2

Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of the year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in Europe!Sweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...

2 years ago
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Sweet Pea Part 2

By the time I was twelve I realized that what my uncle was doing was not normal. I realized that I should tell on him, but by this time I had begun to enjoy his visits. I liked the attention he gave me. But mostly I liked it best when he licked my pussy, and what I had learned was my clit. As I hit puberty my body became more sensitive and I enjoyed the way he touched me even more. I did not tell him that but he knew anyway. He said he could tell by how wet my pussy got when he had his...

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It's been awhile since my last nasty i****t tale, so I thought I would stop by and tell you about my sweet cousin Cherry. Cherry is my Uncle Pat's daughter and the baby of the family. When Cherry was just a few months old when Uncle Pat and his wife split up it was Aunt Clair who got custody of their daughter. A few weeks after the divorce Aunt Clair packs up and move her and Cherry to the East coast. It would be f******n years before my Uncle Pat would see or hear from his daughter.June 2,...

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Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen By Rowena Morgan "I'm bored." "School will be out in a couple of months. What do you want to do this summer, Susan?" "Nothing." "Then you aren't bored. You're apathetic." "What's that mean?" "It means you don't care about anything." "Okay, I'm apathetic." "I don't believe that. Want to help me with a project I've been working on? It would involve you eventually anyway. Want to get in on the planning stage?" "Depends. Why would I be involved?" "Do...

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Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge by: Karen Petties With just a week to go before the big day, Sheila Brown ushered her children into the bridal shop for the final dress fittings. Following his Mother, Paul stopped to look at the name of the shop, 'Buttons & Bows'. How embarrassing! He glanced around furtively, hoping that no-one he knew was watching him enter such a feminine and girly place. Sauntering into the shop, he was struck by the rows and rows of white dresses, the general...

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Sweet Bunny 60 77000

Sweet Bunny! While fapping on Twitter, I saw a photo of this sexy bitch flashing her tits. That's not anything new, and if you follow her, you'd understand how that's the bare minimum this chick does to make her followers cum. When she's not showing her tits, she's doing shit like shoving anal toys in her ass and peeing on camera standing up while telling you to cum. When she's not commanding her followers' cocks, she likes to have lesbian fun with her girlfriends. It doesn't matter whether...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Sweet Summer Ch 02

Anya's gorgeous cousins fuck her senseless. [The first chapter was mostly scene-setting. This one is longer, and has much more action. Again, all characters involved in sex are over 18]*****When she said she wanted it, Anya had half-expected Nina to take her right away; she'd been wet and ready to be deflowered there on the lawn. But instead her cousin had gently kissed her cheek and said, "sleep off the wine, Anni, and be fresh and ready in the morning. I'll wait for you in the summerhouse."So...

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Bittersweet Part 1

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara (Feldy) and Lucifer's Lil Kitty Chapter 1: "Love breeds confusion, or at least I thought it bred." 3:45 PM, a strikingly beautiful cat girl rode the bus, pink fur, the latest styles. A white faux fur jacket (Of course, faux fur, in a world filled with animals, do you think they would skin there own kind?) that went down to her knees, black denim jeans. Her beautiful purple eyes glowed in the gleaming sun. These eyes, however, spotted something. "Oh,...

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Bittersweet Part 2

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara and Lucifer's Little Kitty Chapter 2: "Try it on!" He began to cry, "Whenever something finally goes right, it has to be crushed, "Why!?" he sobbed, "Just fucking why! How could I be attracted to a man? Isn't this wrong? I'm probably gay and don't know it yet no wonder my life is so miserable" "There's nothing wrong with it, only with that I did." he heard her voice through the door, "I should have told you but I got to caught up in it...

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Bittersweet Part 3

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara and Lucifer's Little Kitty Chapter 3: "The Lost" Kaze awoke the next morning. "Hello swe...hello", he jumped from his bed and searched franticly. "Tomino!?" he cried "Where are you?? She must be up already." He walked into the kitchen, no Tomino, he looked into the living room, no Tomino, he looked into the dungeon, still no Tomino. He looked outside, he didn't find her, but instead found a snowball flying at his face and from a distance heard "KAZE...

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Bittersweet Symphony

"This is the happiest day of my life, Mom!" Shannon Kendall squeezed her adopted mother's hand and tried not to fidget. She looked up at the smiling face in the mirror, the woman's smile very happy but her green eyes a little sad. "You wish Mac was getting married, right? He'll find the right woman someday, Mom. You'll see. And Jethro will stand up with him. And we'll all be really happy. When Mac and Jethro get out of the service, they're going to open up a business together....

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Sweet Summer Ch 03

The three lovers reunite in Germany [This chapter continues the main story of Sam, Nina and Anya. It sets the scene for the Berlin chapter, which will be much longer and have more action. All characters involved in sexual situations are over 18.]Sam liked to think of himself as someone who appreciated the finer things in life. Despite growing up in a wealthy family, he'd always thought that money was no substitute for simple, timeless pleasures. A sunny day on the beach, the sound of waves...

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Sweet Brother And Cute Sister

My sister Saranya (21) was about to go to the USA for her higher studies in few days. I and my parents were really happy about it. Although my mom was a little worried, I and Dad assured her that it would be good for my sister. I am Vikram (26), working in a small law firm. My Dad is a bank manager and mom’s a teacher. Our family was a close knit one, always been there for each other when required. Even though our parents were away from office, they always ensured me and my sister got all the...

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Sweet Smell of Lust

His experiment; to produce an aroma that allowed a change in mammals behaviour. Originally he thought it was a simple project, yet when setting out to create a new scent, his experiment became increasingly difficult. So far he was unsuccessful. His only pet, a Hamster by the name of Fuzzy, never reacted any different than could be expected. And the only reaction in mammals was his sister yelling about the awful stench coming from the basement these last few weeks. David's mother had agreed,...

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Sweet Pea

It was my uncle; my fathers younger brother. He was babysitting me while my parents were out. They were going to be out for a long night on the town. I was excited that my uncle was there because he always allowed me to stay up past my bedtime. I remember that I was lying on my tummy on the couch watching TV and he came to sit on the floor beside the couch, and slowly began to rub my legs, up to my ass, then my back and finally caressing my long blond hair. He told me to turn over; this was a...

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Sweet Little Lucy Likes My Wheelchair

--- JackassTales…tale # 50…Readers; for my 50th tale I decided to do something I rarely do. I took on a request for a story. A 21-yr-old lady I have been playing Private Message pattycake with (yes she knows I’m a Horny ‘Old’ Dog in a wheelchair who writes about young girls) sent the following request which I couldn’t resist. I hope she likes what I have written. I hope you do, too. --- I was wondering if you want to write a story about me sometime? You know like you fucking me as a...

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