Dreams of Future Passed Dr Caroline
- 2 years ago
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Steam was King! Steam was clean, the cheap power to the masses. From the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century, steam drove everything. And in that time, inventions were all powered by steam.
Big and small, steam was there, the driving force of all industry. And along with steam came the fashions of the time, heavy calico shirts, and dresses, corsets, and trusses for the bodies, hobnail boots, and woollen stockings, all were there. And controlling it all was the vast array of intricate clockwork devices, big and small, controlling and guiding, making sure there was little waste.
Geothermal steam was pumped to towns and villages alike, along with the new super high-pressure steam capsules, steam was available as and where it was wanted. Big power plants took the energy from deep within the earth, spread it out to where it was needed, and then the spent steam was returned to be recycled in a delicate operation balancing need and return.
Caroline Manson was born into this world towards the end of the twentieth century. As a young child, she grew to understand the importance of steam. Over time she grew taller, then on her tenth birthday, her mother took her to visit the corsetiere, to ensure she had the correct fitting undergarments.
To Caroline, this was a horrific indignity and intrusion into her young life. But her mother insisted and woke her early each morning before school so that she was correctly dressed. While Caroline protested, she dutifully did as he mother demanded, and submitted to the firm control of her new corsets.
A couple of years later, Caroline began to change into a very young woman. Her mother again took her to visit the corsetiere, this time for her first full-body corset. Caroline cringed when she saw what was proposed, for the corset would cover her from just under her armpits, right down over her hips. And to add insult to injury, there were six suspenders to hold up stockings. There was no provision for her to be able to wear her knickers anymore.
Caroline continued to grow, quickly passing her mother's height. However, she always did as commanded by her mother, and that included the very rigid command of 'do not touch!' Then in her final year at the local high school, she finally stopped going up and filled out in spite of her tight corsets. Caroline became a very pretty young lady. Her long black hair contrasted with her sapphire blue eyes, her skin pale, with a hint of pink blush on her cheeks.
While most the girls in her last year's class went into clerical jobs, Caroline was offered a position at the power plant where her uncle worked as a senior supervisor. She became a trainee power recovery operator. Her job entailed trying to balance the power output to the return.
Caroline quickly blended in with the other operators, working diligently. Her first couple of payslips went in getting herself new clothing, but then her mother insisted she again had a visit to the corsetiere. She was very reluctant, but she followed her mother's instructions. Not only did she purchased a couple of full body corsets, but she was instructed to purchase a ladies shaving kit as well.
Caroline enjoyed her time at the power plant. She was a quick learner and after a year she was deemed to be a senior trainee operator. While she occasionally flirted with other younger men at the power plant, she did not get much chance to follow up on any of the prospects.
As she approached her nineteenth birthday disaster struck. A number of her work colleagues became very sick, and then she fell ill too. A polio outbreak ravaged the towns and countryside, Caroline suffered severe fevers, muscle spasms, and intense headaches. Then finally her fever broke, but she was very weak, and a number of her muscles had wasted away.
Caroline's recovery was slow, and she struggled to get back to good health. She stayed at home, and the physician visited her a couple of times a week to check up on her progress. Almost two months later, the physician had an extra visitor to attend to her. The new man was a young professor at the main city's University.
After an extended examination, the professor had a suggestion for Caroline and that she might want to try out what he had to offer. The professor then asked if he could modify one of her new corsets to extend it and make it into a power body corset.
A week later the professor returned, and they dressed Caroline in her adapted corset, There were wires and tubes running to leggings, a pair of long gloves which were linked to a set of connectors at the top of her shoulders. There was also a metal box that sat in the small of her back.
Once in place, the professor produced a large key and inserted into the box, so it stuck straight out. He gave it six winds and then retracted the key. He then asked Caroline to perform a series of exercises, which she was able to do with soft whir of the clockwork coming from the box. Caroline found with a little bit of effort she was able to do a lot more than she had realized.
Caroline found she could get to do an hour's light exercise for each wind of the key. She felt her strength begin to return, but without the power suit, she still struggled. Life improved, but still, it was difficult.
Over the next few weeks, she got used to having the power suit, and she found she could do more and more, but she felt that she was still limited. The professor returned and made some adjustments, and then she was able to last up to two hours. After quite some discussion it was agreed to try to a new power suit that could last about five to six hours.
A month later the new corset and power box arrived. Caroline struggled to get all the bits on, and she found the box on the back much bigger, heavier and more awkward, it also had the wind-up key permanently attached. It then took both the professor and the physician's combined strength to wind her up.
Caroline went through a series of test and exercises and found she was able to do them a lot better. There was a lot of consideration about her new abilities, and Caroline hoped that she could soon return to her work. The only problem left to solve was the amount of effort needed to be able to wind up the box on her back.
A few days later the professor returned with a modified box. The box now needed a lot more turns to wind up, but it was much easier to turn. He also had a device that could be tapped into the house steam feed, and if Caroline sat in front of it, it could do the winding for her.
The next morning Caroline dressed slowly and had to have the assistance of her mother to do her dress up around the key that now protruded from her back. She sat on the leather seat that extended for the power winder and aligned the blades so they would turn her key. It took her a minute or so to adjust her position so the key turned nicely around, then she felt the softer pull of the key turning as it started to wind up.
Caroline had the power level set at the lowest setting, which meant the key turned completely around once in about twenty seconds. She had been warned not to go any faster until she knew very well how the machine worked and she was comfortable with using it on a regular basis. She sat waiting, slowly counting up all the turns until she reached the target number of sixty, before shutting off the control valve.
It took Caroline a few more weeks to fully manage the new full body control suit, but she was still having issues with the new wind-up machine, and getting her position just right. While it was much easier to wind up it still put a lot of twisting on her back, and it usually took a long time before the job was complete.
The following week Caroline started back at her work. The company was pleased to have her back as the sickness had caused many disruptions, and several of the staff were still away. While the other operators on her shift were considerate to her, a few other staff at the power plant were not so nice and started to call her the clockwork lady.
More trouble erupted the next week when one of the younger boiler men took hold of her key and tried to pull it out, then when he changed tack and instead turned the key the wrong way, it resulted in her being thrown to the ground. She was taken back home feeling a bit battered and bruised.
Later that evening when she bathed, her mother reminded her that she was long overdue in using her shaver, and she should use it at least once a week. Again she followed her mother's command, even though she had no idea why she needed to shave her armpits and further below.
A few days later the professor came to check on her and was very happy with how she was going. Then he told her he wanted to do a full physical examination. Caroline wasn't that happy about having to strip everything right off.
Caroline felt giddy and confused as he went about checking every part of her body, poking and prodding her. He started at her head, worked his way to her shoulders, down each arm then onto her chest. He squeezed and rubbed her breasts, making her flinch, and giving them a very thorough examination before he pinched her nipples hard and then moved down onto her belly. He examined both her legs right to her toes before he came back to her middle.
He told her that she needed to be a very good girl as he eased her legs wide, making her cringe and tremble. He seemed to examine her for quite some time, slowly running his fingers along her divide, then easing it apart to examine her inner folds. Caroline gasped and cringed, but tried to stay still as he poked and prodded her between her legs.
The examination concluded, he told her that he wanted her to use her normal clothing in the evening from now on, so she could build up her own strength. He also told her that he would be back again in a month to check on her progress.
While day times were good, the evenings were much more of a struggle without her power control corset. She tried hard, but still very quickly fatigued, but each day she made progress.
Her work quickly settled back into the routine, and she was given a new title of Junior Operator. A big step up from being a trainee.
A couple of weeks later, the professor returned and started his checks. The power suit was doing a very good job, but he realized that she was still struggling without it. Then he told her that he wanted to do another full physical examination.
Once again he started with her head, then her shoulders and arms. He moved onto her breasts, rubbing them and squeezing them, making her cringe.
"You seem to have some tension in your breasts, my dear," he informed her. "I will need to give them a good firm rub to help ease that tension."
Caroline knew he was a university professor, and he surely must have known what he was talking about. She guessed that she must have had tension and that she needed him to ease it away.
"If you think that would help, then yes, please do."
The professor smiled at her, then he placed his hands firmly on her breasts and began to rub, making her cringe again.
"Do try and relax, it will make things feel much better if you can," he encouraged her.
"Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale," he instructed her. He timed his rubbing to her breathing, pushing her breasts up when she breathed in and pulled down as she exhaled.
Caroline discovered she was no longer cringing and his hands were starting to make her feel much better. His hands moved about over her breasts, from side to side and up and down, He started to go a bit quicker and Carline adjusted her breathing to match.
Caroline never knew that she had so much tension in her breasts. But she found that he was doing a very good job of easing it out. She felt her nipples harden, and he responded by circling his fingers around them, before taking hold and giving her nipples a firm tug. Caroline gasped, she was caught by surprise by the sensations she felt.
"Good, I see that you like this," the professor tugged again on her nipples.
Caroline quivered and drew in a shuddering breath. She was totally confused by the new sensations she was feeling, never having experienced them before. She felt his hands move over her breasts again, giving them both a firm squeeze. She looked up at the Professor, seeing him smiling at her, and he noticed her confused look.
"I think that's enough tension relief for the moment, we don't want to overdo it. It can take time to get used to it," he informed her.
The professor changed position and started to check her belly, then her legs down to her toes, before coming back up to the tops of her legs. He eased her legs wide again, reminding her to be a good girl for him.
Carefully he ran his finger along her divide, making her whimper, for she felt very sensitive between her legs. Again he ran his finger along and she felt a little burst of moisture between her legs which totally confused her as she had not peed, but it did make her feel quite embarrassed.
"You have become quite sensitive just here. It often happens when you have the chest tension eased, it perfectly normal. It often shows there is a bit of tension in your lower body as well," he told her with an air of authority.
"Oh okay," she responded.
"I think it best that I should give it a bit of a rub to help ease that tension for you," he informed her as he placed his hand firmly on her mound.
Caroline just nodded as she was feeling a bit too stunned by the feel his hand firmly on her body in such a sensitive area.
The Professor started to rock his hand against her mound and putting pressure back and forth. Then he eased his fingers down along each side of her divide, beginning to stroke her along its length. Caroline trembled at first, unsure of exactly what was going on. Then as the sensations began to surface she found the experience to be very baffling.
Caroline became wet and very confused as well as having a sense of feeling quite ecstatic. She had no idea what was happening, or why she was reacting in such a way. She wondered how on earth she must have built up so much tension for the professor to be able to ease it out of her is such a way. The professor rubbed her for a couple more minutes before slowing down.
"There, I think that should be enough for today. You sure did have a lot of tension in there. I believe all your tension might be coming from the clockwork mechanism, and having it would up. I think I will need to do a double check on you in a couple of weeks. I also want you to try having the winding machine set up to go at four turns a minute, I think you are now strong enough to do that."
"Thank you, Professor, I really do feel much better than I had been. I sure must have had a lot of tension inside me. Should I get my Mother to help ease it out?"
"I don't think your Mother is qualified in easing out such tensions, it's best that you don't involve your Mother at all. I want to study all the effects the power body corset and clockwork unit has on you. Having your Mother involved may cause some effects to be obscured. It would be best not to tell your Mother at all."
Caroline agreed and the professor helped her back into her power suit. She spent the rest of the day feeling quite alive and energetic, happy to have her tension eased quite well.
Over the next few days she tried the winder at the new speed and found it a little bit easier as time went on, and she had the bonus of not having to wait so long till it was fully wound. Her work was going well and she had no more trouble with other staff, but she acquired the nickname of Clockwork Caroline.
The professor arrived just as Caroline's mother was going out to the markets, leaving Caroline alone with him. He quickly ran through the series of tests he wanted, taking careful notes on how she was performing. He then informed her that he wanted to do another full physical examination of her, and double check the levels of tension she might have.
Starting at the top of her head, he again worked his way down her body, only briefly running his hands firmly over her breasts, before moving lower down. He took a bit more time, however, examining her between her legs, making her cringe again.
"I think the increased speed of the winder had helped a bit, but I can feel quite a bit of tension build up, both in your chest and lower body," he informed her. "I will need you to be quite still as I work to ease out that tension. Do you understand?"
Shyly she replied, "Yes"
"Good girl. Now I want you to be seated in front of me so I can work from behind, I will need you to lift your arms up over your head, and to keep them up there."
Caroline obeyed, she felt her breasts lift and stand out more as she raised her arms up high. "Like this?" she asked him.
"Oh yes, very nice, just like that, it's perfect," he responded, looking at the well-presented pair of breasts before him.
The professor took a bottle of lotion out an rubbed some onto his hands then he moved to be directly behind Caroline, and then eased him up against her bare back. He slipped his hands around her side and then up an onto her breasts, making her wince and cringe. He gave her breasts a firm squeeze, and she cringed back against him, dropping her arms for a moment before she raised then again.
"Just as I thought, there is quite a bit of tension here," he told her as he squeezed her breasts again. "Yes, quite a lot in here."
It took a few minutes before Caroline stopped flinching as he squeezed and rubbed her breasts and her nipples. Somehow it didn't seem so soothing and relaxing and nice feeling as it had done the previous time.
Suddenly she remembered the need to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. With her breathing sorted she began to feel much better. She felt his hands firmly squeeze her breasts and then tease her now hardened nipples.
The professor rubbed her nipples in his fingertips, then he squeezed them hard, making her gasp. He slipped his hands again over her breasts, cupping them and lifting them up. His fingers found her nipples again, he took a firm grip and pulled them both up and out. He held his firm grip, keeping her nipples extend out.
Caroline squeaked in shock and started to squirm. The sensations were puzzling and exciting, making her body tingle in ways she had never felt before.
"I thought you might like that, it helps draw out the tension from deep inside your chest."
Caroline could only just nod her understanding. She felt very tingly as he again rubbed her breasts firmly. Then after a minute or so, he reached down and began to rub her directly between her legs. Caroline squirmed and writhed, she felt a growing sense of confusion and excitement, she had no idea what she should do.
Caroline felt a building sense of pressure inside her and began to pant hard. She was very confused and started to feel a little bit scared as she had no idea what was happening to her. Caroline squirmed and then looked at the Professor, and he understood that she needed to take time and he eased up.
The Professor the worked on her shoulders as she began to unwind again.
"I think that's enough tension eased out for today, there was quite a bit getting bottled up in your lower body. It was reluctant to ease out," he told her as a matter of fact.
Caroline spent the next couple of days trying to decide if she liked the strange sensations she had felt when the professor had worked to ease her tension. On one hand, it seemed to be very effective at easing her tension, but she wasn't quite sure about the strange and exciting sensations she had been feeling.
Caroline moved to an afternoon shift at her work, giving her more time in the mornings.
One day she was out looking at a new dress when there was a steam car accident nearby. A small crowd gathered, trying to free an older man trapped under the heavy car, but they were all struggling without having any success. Caroline realized that with the aid of her power bodysuit, she might have a chance to ease the car up and free the man.
With the aid of a couple of other men, Caroline stepped in and began to lift. The box on her back began to whir and she started to apply the pressure. The car lifted up and the man was pulled free. It had taken a lot of effort and she had wound down her spring a lot, but she was a heroine, and soon the story spread.
Clockwork Caroline saves the day read the headline in the local paper. She was the talk of the town and had quite a lot of attention, but all she really could do was to thank the others involved, and she tried to shy away from the publicity.
A couple of days later she again had her appointment with the professor. He was very eager to hear her side of the story and how the power suit had worked for her. She gave a full explanation along with all the details she could remember.
The professor checked over the power suit and told her it had performed very well, Then he asked her about how she had felt after it all, and about her tension and fatigue. She told him she felt very little effects on her.
"It's time to check out how much tension you have built up in your chest and lower body," he informed her as he set about arranging more lotion to be close at hand as she removed her clothing. She sat again with her back to him and raised her arms ready, also starting to take in slow deep breaths.
Caroline felt his hands work from her sides up and over her breasts, he looped around a couple more times then he gave her breasts a firm squeeze. Caroline drew in a shuddering breath, while she had cringed the last few times, this felt amazing and made her feel light headed.
Slowly Caroline began to pant while his hands worked firmly about and over her breasts, pumping, pulling and squeezing them. Then he tugged her nipples and she felt a sudden wetness between her legs as her body began to tingle.
Caroline felt his right hand lower over her belly and then slip neatly in between her legs. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, almost gasping as she felt the sensations of his fingers running along each side of her slit. She felt very sensitive as he began to stroke her between her legs.
It took another couple of minutes and Caroline felt that she was about to burst, she began to squirm and writhe. She began to feel confused and a little scared as she had no idea what was about to happen. She was panting hard and struggling to catch her breath. She then felt the professor's finger slip in between her moist folds pushing her to the edge and then she tipped over.
Caroline squealed as she felt her body burst. She had never felt anything so powerful erupt in her body like that before. She felt thepProfessor's hands hold her tightly, one squeezing her breast while the other very firmly between her legs. Her whole body quivered and she was gasping hard to try to catch her breath again.
"Well, that sure got a big lot of tension out this time, that was very well done, my dear," the professor reassured her.
Caroline looked up at the professor, seeing him smiling, but there was another look in his eyes, one she had not see before and she did not understand. She felt very confused and bewildered by the burst of her tension. It had felt amazing, but she struggled to understand how he had made her react in such a way.
"You are a very remarkable young woman, Caroline." The professor released her and spun her about to face him. "You have a very fine figure and a very pretty face."
Caroline saw the odd look in his eyes again as he looked her up and down. Somehow she felt as is he was appraising her, looking her over and inspecting every aspect of her young body.
The professor stood up in front of her, reached out and drew her close. One hand went to the small of her back pulling her body close to his. His other hand slipped up her back to cradle her head, easing her head back and turning it slightly to one side. The professor then leaned in against her and firmly kissed her on her lips.
While Caroline had been feeling somewhat confused about how he had been making her feel, she was now very startled and felt a little bit alarmed at being kissed in such a manner. She had been caught completely by surprise and just had no idea what she should do.
He held her for a moment longer before releasing her and telling her to get dressed again. Caroline felt odd, her body was still tingling from the tension release, but she was very unsure about being kissed. She gathered her clothing and pulled it all on again setting the box to the small of her back.
The professor gave her a quick wind up and told her that he would return in a couple more weeks.
Over the next few days, Caroline felt wonderful, full of life and decided not to tell anyone about the kiss the professor had stolen from her. She thought long and hard about him kissing her, and decided that somehow that she actually liked it, and wanted to try being kissed again.
The days suddenly seemed to drag for Caroline while she waited for her next appointment with the professor. The evening before he was due, she organized herself a deep bath and arranged her shaving kit carefully for easy use.
The next day, just after her mother had gone to work, the professor arrived, and she actually took note of him for the first time. He looked like he could have been about thirty or so, modest height, but still, about a hand span higher than she was. He had rich dark brown hair, and sideburns that covered the sides of his face, his chin and lips were shaved bare, He also had deep blue eyes and she decided that he was quite handsome.
They went through the usual set of tests first, then Caroline stripped off ready for him. She watched him carefully as she slipped off her dress, then her corsets. She noted that he was watching her with intense delight, and the look he had in his eyes was back again. She stood in front of him and lifted her arms up above her head, the professor took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled.
"Kiss me," she begged. Caroline was deeply surprised by her own request.
The professor stood up and took Caroline into his arms, he lowered his head against hers, then he kissed her passionately on her lips. Caroline melted as the warm sensations flowed through her body. She reached out, pulling him closer, savoring the kiss. A minute or so later they parted lips, and Caroline turned about, raising her arms ready for him.
The sat together again, her back against him. She felt his hands reach about her and she welcomed his touch onto her breasts. It felt amazing for some reason, much better than any previous time. Caroline started to pant in very quick order, she eased her head back and closed her eyes. She felt the quick breath of the professor against her ear, then as he gripped and pulled her nipples, he leaned in and kissed her again.
Caroline felt the tightening between her legs at the same time she felt the burst of moisture spread out along her slit. She gasped and whimpered, it felt so amazing and erotic for her. Kissing while having her breasts squeezed and rubbed was a very new experience for Caroline and one that she was thoroughly enjoying.
Caroline felt her whole body beginning to tingle, she got so caught up in the sensations. Then as she felt his hands cup her and then squeeze her nipples, she felt a sharp jolt right between her legs, sending a quiver through her body. Sudden she felt the deep desire for him to rub her directly between her legs.
The professor seemed to know her desire and placed his hand firmly below. Caroline almost jumped as she felt an intense quiver run through her body again. He briefly rubbed her before she erupted and quivered hard against his hand. But he kept on going, rubbing her and she felt another intense build up. She felt his finger slip between her moist fold and she seemed to explode and quiver, arching up as she did. God, it felt so amazing and deeply intense, while leaving her gasping and giddy.
It took a few minutes for Caroline to get her breath back, and when she did, she wanted the professor to kiss her more. But he was starting to get packed up and then he turned again to her.
"The Royal Ballet is performing at the Opera House at the beginning of the next month. I would rather like it if you were able to attend with me," he seemed to ask and at the same time seemed to hint it would be a good idea to go with him.
Caroline was rather a taken back at the request. It took a few moments to realize it was in the big city, not the local town hall where she had been to a couple of shows.
"That would be wonderful, I would love to see the Royal Ballet perform."
They made the arrangements, and Caroline needed to arrange time off from her work, while the professor was going to arrange the tickets and travel for her. When she informed her mother about the offer, her mother grew very stern and wanted to know much more than she knew. But in the end, she gave her blessing for her to go to see the ballet.
The professor had one more intense visit before the end of the month, and then he returned back to pick her up in his stream powered car to take her off to see the ballet. They arrived after a modest journey, and then he booked Caroline into a hotel for the night. Caroline refreshed herself and then dressed up ready for the show.
Caroline was enthralled and had a wonderful time at the show with the Professor on her arm. She finally discovered his name, Michael Burgess. He liked it when she called him Mike. The went to an all-night cafe, where they sampled coffee and cakes. then they returned back to the hotel and went up to her room.
They kissed, they hugged, then Mike began to undress her.
"Are you wanting to ease my tensions?" she asked between kisses.
"Oh yes, that and more, my sweet Caroline," he replied while easing her corset undone.
Caroline looked at him and saw the look in his eyes again. something more than just easing of tension seemed to be on his mind. She watched as he lifted his shirt off and then drew her close into his arms, her bare chest against his bare chest. They kissed and hugged, then he took her by the hand and lead her into the bedroom.
They lay together kissing, then Mike began to rub her breasts, teasing up her nipples. Caroline began to pant as she enjoyed the sensations, then he squeezed and pinched her nipples, pulling on them firmly, making her squeak. Mike shifted position and lowered his head down onto her breasts. Caroline squeaked again as she felt him kiss her nipples, and then suddenly her nipple disappeared up into his mouth.
Caroline was somewhat startled to have her nipple sucked firmly into Mike's mouth, but as he rolled his tongue over it, she gasped in delight. She savored the sensations, and felt her divide getting very moist, she knew that she wanted to feel his hand further below. Mike switched back and forth between her nipples driving her crazy.
Then she felt his hand slip over her belly and in between her waiting legs. Mike firmly rubbed her before easing his finger into her wet divide, then his finger found a little button of pleasure and Caroline erupted. She gasped and arched up, giving a loud moan as she did.
Mike kept the pressure on below, then much to Caroline's surprise, he eased his finger further back along her divide and rubbed it against her entrance, then slowly he pushed his finger into her, making her squeak again. Mike shifted again and started to kiss her again on her lips, face, and neck while rocking his finger inside her.
The sensations drew Caroline up another level of intensity. Then she gasped, drew her legs tightly together trapping his hand and finger. There was a powerful eruption and a flood from inside.
"Oh, Caroline. You are the light of my life, I really need you now." Mike's voice was husky and almost pleading.
Mike eased her legs wide again, then he shifted and rolled over to be on top of her, his weight lowering onto her body. He started to kiss her neck and up the side of her face while slipping his arms under her and up under her shoulders, drawing her closer.
Caroline was somewhat bewildered by his move. She really enjoyed him kissing her on her neck, and holding her tight, but then she felt something firm and warm against her inner thigh. The something then began to press up against her divide in a probing kind of way.
"What are you doing?" She squeaked out as she felt the something begin to press in against her entrance.
"Sweet Caroline. You have taken my heart, and I need you now," Mike replied, starting to push in.
Caroline gave a short whimper as she felt her entrance ease open. There was a moment of awkward tightness as his shaft start to squeeze inside her. Caroline cringed and gasped, then she squeaked as she felt his shaft burst through and penetrate into her body. But once his shaft was inside her, she began to feel the euphoria of having something so big probing within her body.
"Oh Mike, that feels so amazing." She gasped as he pushed it in a little deeper. "Kiss me, please kiss me."
The kissed very passionately, then Mike began to slowly ease his shaft out and then push in again, slowly out and then in a little deeper. Carefully he started to build up a rhythm, and that drove Caroline into a state of rapture. Caroline gasped and drew in shuddering breaths, her eyes closed and she felt as if she was on fire, building up again ready to explode.
Caroline's body clamped very hard onto Mike's shaft, then she seemed to explode and her whole body fizzed. She arched and gasped and groaned out loud. Powerful spasms shook her body, and then she felt a sudden powerful rush deep inside her. She hardly heard Mike's grunt as he drove in a bit harder than he meant. The surge set her off again, Mike's shaft was getting squeezed very hard as she felt it pulsing and twitching deep inside her.
The lay together for a minute or so, softly kissing each other, then Mike eased out and lay at her side. They lay together cuddling until they both fell into a very deep satisfying sleep.
The next morning they showered and dressed, had a bite to eat, then Mike took Caroline so she could explore the city. Several times during the day she stopped and checked her toes and feet, for she was sure that they were not touching the ground. Later in the afternoon, they visited his office at the University, where he showed her some of the other work he had been doing.
Caroline asked all sorts of questions about his work, and Mike's impressions confirmed that Caroline was not only very inquisitive but also very intelligent. They discussed a few parts of his work and she was able to give some insights into what he was trying to achieve, even offering a couple of useful suggestions.
After dinner, they returned to the hotel, where they sat and chatted late into the evening. Then Mike took her off to the bedroom again. They kissed and cuddled, hugged and caressed. Mike encouraged her to rub and stroke his shaft, while he rubbed her body down.
Caroline was more than ready this time as he slipped over to be on top of her again, she climaxed just as he was trying to enter her, and then he eased inside. Caroline was highly ecstatic as he began to build up his rhythm again, her eyes closed she pulled him close as hard as she could. The felt her heightened state build up to a new level, then they climaxed together.
Again they cuddled before falling asleep in each other arms.
The next morning they both rose and went out for the day. The visited parks, shops, and the Museum. After that, they sat chatting beside a pleasant river, discussing a wide range of things.
In the evening they went to a cafe for dinner, and Mike seemed somewhat nervous. He kept looking about and being slightly off hand with Caroline. Caroline wondered if he was distracted by the fact she needed to go back home the following day.
As the delightful meal came towards the close, Mike reached out and took hold Caroline's hand. He leaned forward and looked directly into her eyes.
"Dear, sweet Caroline. You have lit up my world like something I've never experienced before. You are truly one very remarkable woman, as well as being very pretty. I am honored by you being here with me for the last couple of days, and I wish that you did not need to return back home in the morning," he sighed.
"Caroline, I have just one thing to ask. I would be very honored if you were able to become my wife, and become the mother of our children?"
Caroline was very startled to be asked, but she realized that deep down she would indeed be honored to become his wife. She also knew that it would be a fairly large step up in the social standings for her.
"Oh Mike, yes. Yes! I would be honored and very happy to be your wife."
Suddenly there was clapping as the rest of the patrons at the cafe realized she had just accepted his proposal.
Caroline didn't walk back to her hotel, but more floated on an ecstatic high. Once inside, they talked and made plans, then Mike carried her off to the bedroom.
They kissed and cuddled, touched and stroked each other. Caroline quickly got caught up in the feelings of rapture. Mike again moved to be on top of her, his shaft finding its way deep into her body. Mike took his time and make her climax several times before he also climaxed in unison with her.
The next morning Mike had to take Caroline back home and promised to return at the next weekend, to help sort out details of their engagement and their wedding.
Later Caroline's mother returned home and took one look at Caroline.
"Oh my goodness, Caroline, what have you been up to? You look positively radiant!"
"Mother. Oh Mother, it's Mike, the Professor, he, he has asked me to be his wife."
"Well now, I sure do hope that you did say yes."
"Yes, Mother, yes. I did say yes."
"We will need to arrange a wedding, this is wonderful. Caroline, fancy the Professor wanting you to be his wife, that really is delightful."
The wedding arrangements were quickly in place, friends and relatives notified and guests lists drawn up, flowers and dresses ordered, and all the small details smoothed out.
Caroline began to suffer a few nerves leading up to the wedding day, feeling and getting tired and a bit giddy.
The big day arrived and the wedding went very well, Caroline and Mike became husband and wife. Then they ventured off for a week-long honeymoon.
That night they kissed and cuddled, but when Mike began to suck on her nipples, she found then somewhat sensitive and a little bit tender. Mike eased off and cuddled her more, but nothing seemed to ease the slight discomfort. Caroline really enjoyed having his shaft inside her again, she had missed the sensations as they had no chance to be together until their wedding night.
The next morning Caroline was definitely feeling off color, her tummy grumbled, and she felt quite tired even though she had a good nights sleep.
Caroline lay on the bed as Mike gave her a quick examination, then he beamed a big smile at her.
"Well my dear, I really don't think it's too much to worry about, " he informed her. "To be honest, I guess it could be said that it was kind of expected."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"What I mean is, my dear Caroline, I do believe that you are with child."
Caroline was too stunned to say anything, but after a minute or so she hugged Mike and thanked him.
Caroline and Mike went on to have nine children. Caroline also completed her Doctorate in Science, both working and studying alongside Mike.
I was at home alone on my day off from work. My wife was at work and I had been busy doing some housework and was taking a breather when I thought I would pop over and see granny caroline, knowing full well what would happen.I walked the short distance to granny Caroline's house and let myself in with the key we had.'its only me' I called thro.'im in the living room' granny Caroline shouted back.I took my shoes off and walked thro into the living room and granny Caroline was sat in her chair.'...
Tags: (Erotica, Teen Male / Teen Female, Male / Teen Female, 18-Year-Old, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Big Cock, Cum Swallowing, Creampie, Reluctance, School, College, Voyeurism, Young) It happened a few years ago when our lives changed forever. My girlfriend, Caroline, a vision I would look at, and enjoy for hours, was sexually awakened. My girlfriend was a flawlessly skinned; 5’ 4”, 115 lbs., sky-blue eyed, honey blond haired Scandinavian knockout, with boobs the booby fairly amply...
A couple of days since the wild encounter with my neighbor Caroline and her boyfriend Pedro, I thought I needed to talk with them to make sure things were going to be fine between us. At mid afternoon I saw Caroline’s car parked there and then I crossed the lawn up to her front door.I was dressed in work out clothes; a sport tiny bra and tight cotton shorts. Sweet Caroline opened the door. She smiled at me and invited me in, but I could know she seemed to be a little embarrassed. She offered me...
It was about a month since we had been to the club, and I was eating with Caroline. We were at the Inbetween, an upscale restaurant on the bay. Chuck and I cruise over here to have dinner once or twice over the summer. She asked me if I would meet her here to talk.“Thanks for meeting me at such short notice.”I told her, no problem and continued to look at the menu waiting for her to start… something. After enough time for me to read the menu, she said, “What makes you fuck someone other than...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Caroline finally decides she wants David to tak her virginity by the lake. There was no way he was going to tell anybody about this! He lay back on the bed with Auntie Rose lying next to him, trying to take in what had happened. After a few minutes she gave him a quick kiss and slipped back to her own room, leaving him lying there in the moonlight. He thought for a moment it had all been a dream but the ache in his groin told him otherwise. He could still taste her mouth, smell...
We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy. Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as 'normal'. I felt safe with Caroline. She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful. That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice 'safe' relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle. It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub...
WatersportsHe really thought that once he had left Mrs Wilson and the girls, his sex life would be over until he got back to his Beth He suddenly felt very tired and soon fell asleep, waking in the morning to sunlight streaming in through the window and, suddenly remembering what had happened, a smile on his face. He turned on to his back and thought. Would Auntie Rose want to see him again? He would have to be very careful. He would be especially mortified if his mum found out. He was also...
It was finally Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of work and into the car. Living this far apart from my girlfriend Caroline was difficult. But today was the start of the weekend so I was in a good mood. As it was Friday, it was also a lunch time finish which was even better. As soon a as my work was filed away, I jumped in the car and began the long journey down to Cambridge from Leeds. I arrived at Caroline’s parents’ house about 6ish. Caroline is only 18 so still lives with her folks. We'd...
This is another story about my beautiful sexy wife Caroline as told from her perspective. As before we have written this together albeit in a bit of a rush, so forgive us if you find it a little raw. It’s about the build up and conclusion to Caroline having sex with two of my friends.______________________________________________After I'd given David a morning blowjob and we were relaxing in bed he came out with the idea of making a porn style video with me being the 'star' of the piece. Not...
I am a Chinese American guy, I met Caroline a year ago in China whenI went there for vacation, she was the most perfect girl I've evermet; she is a 26-yo traditionally raised, conservative Chinese girl.She has a caring, compassionate heart, and has a very sweet smile. Wegot married not too long after; I brought her back to the U.S. We arevery much in love and had become each other's best friends. She haslearned Yoga since she was a little girl, so she asked me if it's okfor her to find a job, I...
I remember the day my mother told me she was going to have a baby. I just had turned 15. My mother was 35, kinda late in life to be having babies in my mind. And, she didn't know who the father was. You see, dear old Mom, was a lush. But, when Caroline was born, I fell in love. She was the light of my life. She had the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen in my life. They always lit up when I was near her, or held her. And, with our Mom being a (how do I put this) drunk whore, I took care of...
I was walking back home that warm night down the quiet street.It was after midnight and I had just fucked one dog from the neighborhood…This time I had chosen a nice huge light brown Lab. His owner usually kept his gate unlocked; so it was easy for me to reach that sweet dog, which was ready to enjoy my wet cunt with his hard dick…I was in heat that week; every day in the mood for a huge doggie dick…I was fully naked as I walked back to my house. This time my loving Victor was flying away on a...
Something in Caroline changed when she was seven month's pregnant with her second child. Until that warm late-Spring day, she had been satisfied, content, peaceful, the perfect picture of suburban happiness. There was a moment on that day when she slipped outside of the reality she had always known, and since then she has never slipped back. She had just put Amanda, her four year old daughter, down for her morning nap. Amanda was an energetic child, and a good napper, so Caroline looked...
It has only been a couple days since that amazing night on the beach and then back at Carolines apartment, but I was going crazy. (The story, “A date with Caroline.”) I wanted to see her again. We had made plans to see each other that Friday and hours seemed like days as I waited. When Friday night arrived, I found myself getting hard as I drove to her place. I couldn’t help but squeeze my erection, I could feel pre cum leaking from my tip already, in anticipation.Caroline met me at her door...
We walked in silence along the beach, the only sound coming from the howling wind, the crashing waves and the gulls screeching as they circled over the surf looking for their next meal. This was the best time to walk on the beach, the wind driving spray into our faces, its cool freshness washing the cares of the world away, plus the fact that we had the beach to ourselves. Caroline took my hand in hers and stopped walking, forcing me to stop. She turned and faced me. ‘Darling, what’s the...
The super rich residents of an enclave out of Chicago gathered in fantastic-looking custom-made costumes for one of their occasional mixed social events of the year. The occasion was Halloween and most arrived poolside already boisterous, a polite way of saying drunk. The perimeter electrified fences enclosing the enclave were 8-feet high and the fast-shutting entry-exit gate was triple-skinned titanium. Residents were not afraid of the world – they were simply afraid of people living within a...
Caroline verliess den Friseursalon in dem sie arbeitet pünktlich um 19,00 Uhr. Endlich Feierabend dachte sich die hübsche Blondine mit der Löwenmähne und der supergeilen Figur. Mit 175 cm Grösse und einem Gewicht von 55 kg kann man Caroline durchaus als heissen Feger bezeichnen. Ihre 33 Jahre sah man nicht, ganz im Gegenteil, sie wirkte jung und knusprig. Ihre Brüste waren fest und sie brauchte keinen BH. Caroline hatte festgestellt, dass die Trinkgelder ihrer männlichen Kunden deutlich höher...
Mature1865 Caroline French had just turned fifteen when Robert came home from the war and took up his position on the back porch. He always seemed to be sitting in the shade, whittling sticks or peeling apples for his mother, his feet raised on a piece of stove wood and his skinny ankles crossed, often barefoot. She had known Robert almost all her life and, as a child, had admired his quick wit and friendly nature. Both now seemed to have disappeared. He usually returned her cheerful greetings...
She was all I could think about. After our first experience together, all I wanted to do was be with her and to make love to her. The fact that she was born a boy and was now a beautiful girl with a cock didn't matter to me at all. In fact, if I am honest, it made her even hotter and sexier. I got Caroline's phone number before I left her apartment that first time. Even though I was totally infatuated with her, I tried to play it cool and wait a day before I called her. The one day seemed like...
Seth sat quietly beside Jefferson rubbing his wrists and flexing his cramped fingers. The trooper lay sprawled on his back with his arms extended. He did not seem to be breathing. "Didn' mean to hit him so hard," whispered Jefferson, still holding an ax handle in his huge fist. "We jus' sort'a run together at the corner there. He turned an' I whacked him. I heered you comin' up the hill, Seth." The boy put his ear to the man's chest. "He's not dead, Jefferson. His heart's still...
All my life growing up I never was close to any of my family members, other than my cousin Carl. We had a... What do you call it? Dysfunctional family. But the worst was my Aunt Caroline. My parents told me a lot about her while I was growing up. Oh I saw her a few times of course, mostly at Christmas but, I didn't know much about her, except, supposedly, she was the biggest whore on my Father's side. The funny thing is, she didn't live very far from the high school...
Hi my name is Steve, and this is my story.All my life growing up I never was close to any of my family members, other than my cousin Carl.We had a... What do you call it? Dysfunctional family.But the worst was my Aunt Caroline.My parents told me a lot about her while I was growing up.Oh I saw her a few times of course, mostly at Christmas but, I didn't know much about her, except, supposedly, she was the biggest whore on my Father's side.The funny thing is, she didn't live very far from the...
'I know I saw an angel, I knew by the feeling inside, The only problem with this was, It meant that I had died' Hi there, and welcome to, well, my story. As you can probably tell by that little bit above, I'm dead. Oh, yes. I'm as dead as a very dead thing- dead as a dodo, dead as a dinosaur, dead as a...well, you get the idea. Anyway, I guess I'd better give you the details you've been waiting for, right? Okay,...
Hi my name is Steve, and this is my story.All my life growing up I never was close to any of my family members, other than my cousin Carl.We had a... What do you call it? Dysfunctional family.But the worst was my Aunt Caroline.My parents told me a lot about her while I was growing up.Oh I saw her a few times of course, mostly at Christmas but, I didn't know much about her, except, supposedly, she was the biggest whore on my Father's side.The funny thing is, she didn't live very far from the...
IncestMy wife had been going on at me for awhile that granny Carolines garden needed tidying up, so I finally gave in and said that I would do it. I had been busy weeding the borders and edging the lawn, I was on my knees pulling up the weeds from one of the borders when Granny Caroline said'You will have to let me know how much you want paying''Don't worry about it' I replied'Well how about I about I pay you with this?' Granny Caroline said.I stopped what I was doing and turned around and there was...
My second cousin Caroline was about the same age as me; I found her extremely horny during my adolescent years, but nothing ever happened. Then one Saturday during the summer I was at a loose end, and as our families were close, I phoned her to ask whether she wanted to hang out and go to the cinema. She said yes please, and sounded all excited. I picked her up, and saw her parents at the same time. They smiled and said have a good time. We saw the film, then went for a quick drink. It was...
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) CLOCKWORKS by Laika Pupkino ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .., )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) PART ONE: HOME OF THE HOMO WAITERS )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Finally, after a long wait, a waiter wiggled up to the middle-aged couple that was seated at table #7. He studied them a while, issued a faint snort of disbelief at their touristy clothing, and with an amused little grin asked, "May I have your...
It was a start of summer party, my sister Jane and I usually attended these just to catch up on friends that we hadn't seen since winter set in. My name is John Doe and I won't tell you what I do for a living suffice to say I make damn good money. My sister Jane Doe is two years younger than I am, she has blond hair that falls just below her ears. Tonight she has her hair clipped back with one of those hair clips that you don't see much of these days. Jane has dark blue eyes a slightly pouty...
BDSMA part of me was wondering how I got there but most of me was at her attention.I lay there in her bed nude, my swollen cock throbbing with every heart beat. My arms were tied to the bed at the wrist. My legs tied at the ankles. I am a strong man but she had overpowered me. I couldn’t have been her strength alone there is no way. Still I lay there completely at her mercy no way to wiggle free.She just stood there contemplating her next move. You could see the satisfaction in her eyes as she had...
Let me tell you a little about my wife CeeCee. She is tall and blonde – definitely blonde! I found out over time that she also had a little trouble connecting the dots. I met her a little over three years ago. She was in a bar with this asshole they were fighting over something. I don't usually interfere in peoples squabbles unless I am getting paid for it. That day though, the guy slapped her hard enough to knock her backward and into the chair behind her. That made her cry and I hate to see...
The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series written by an anonymous author. It takes place concurrently with the events of "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2" and "An Ordinary College Sex Life 3". Familiarity with the series is not required, but helpful in understanding Adrienne Dennis and where she comes from. I was at my desk the first time I saw you. That first glimpse only that, a glimpse. Your golden blonde hair catching the corner of my eye as you drifted across...
I’m in the middle of an island, not sure when I left my ship, and some miracle has occurred, as it is summer now, so suddenly. This must be the same day that I departed from my town’s harbor with cargo. The inked notes I jotted onto my map are still smudgeable, and my face still smells of coconut oil, from when my mother kissed me goodbye. But it was winter when I prepared this voyage. Now I’m walking upon a soft grassy bank, into the forestry ahead, on an intensely hot day. And I can’t bring...
SupernaturalAndrea was the most depraved and fun woman I have ever been with. For seven years, we pushed each others sexual boundaries constantly. It got to a point where our sexual urges were getting us in increasingly dangerous situations, and although we would periodically swear off our swinging lifestyle and talk ourselves into living a 'pure' life, the rest of the time the pendulum swung to the other extreme.Filed away in my mind are all the great memories of our debauched times together. I also have...
Anniversary Special By NorthernWolfShe was comfortable until he shortened the rope raising her tied wrists higher up her back which pulled her shoulders back and tightened the loop around her neck. Bent at the waist and forced to her knees her large breasts hung freely allowing him to wrap the base of each one tightly with a black leather thong. Narrowing the base of her tits forced them to bulge as they began to deepen in colour. The latex hood encasing her head covered her eyes and left only...
Hello Friends me Abilash 21 yr old , punya madhe rahto with mom ani dad sobat , tse bagayla gele tr me iss cha khup zuna reader ahe jya storya me vachun me anand ghet hoto tech real madhe practical mazi aai mrs madhuri karat hote hey mala recently samjle br ata me maji story start krto maje dad govt officer ahet ani aai maji teacher ahe maza mom dad cha lagnala 23yr zalet , amcha 3bhk bunglow ahe mazi aaie tshi lagna adi pasun te ata paryant khup hot ani sexy ahe tichi fig 36 30 36 asel .. Tr...
Having finished a New Year’s Eve candlelight dinner and a bottle of wine, I had retreated to the living room, and Sarah stayed seated at the Kitchen table. Each of us wrote down on small squares of colored paper what we wanted to do to the other, or have done to us. In the living room, the environment had already been set up by Sarah. A blanket was spread out on the floor, two large pillows were on the blanket and candles were placed everywhere. Sarah came into the living room carrying...
Hi….I am Sagar from Chandigarh. Mai ISS bhut mje se padhta hu.. Yha randio ke chudai ki khani bhut pasand hai jisme jayada age ki aurte km age ke boys se chudati hai. Mai 23 yrs ka hu aur body fit hai . Mere lund ka size aprrox 6.5 inch hai. Ye story hai ek aurat Saima Praveen ki jo ki 35 yrs ki thi. Ushka pati Arab me job krta tha aur saal me 1 baar aata tha. Mai facebook pr ek id se sexy baate krta tha. Ek din ek request aai to maine accept kr li aur chatting me ushke baare me pta chala ki wo...
Prologue Following the development of the Flettner Ion Drive in the late 22nd Century, United Mankind's interstellar explorations began. Initially, exploration vessels crewed by pilots, scientists, soldiers, technicians and medical personnel were sent to star systems that were determined to have planets capable of human colonization. Many were never heard from again. Such was the case of the exploration vessel 'Copernicus' which discovered an Earth style planet the size of Jupiter in the...
Jess made a comically loud “Hurmph!” followed by “What a fucking jerk!” “I know, right? That was the last time we went out. Actually, that was the last time we even talked. He didn’t call me after that and I made no effort to talk to him at school,” she said sadly. “That’s a pretty depressing sexual history,” I said. In my defense, I did regret saying it immediately, pretty much at the exact moment that Jess shot me her look of death. I’m pretty sure the words she mouthed were “Fucking...
Alice looked at me expectantly waiting to hear me tell her why I was letting her know about my income and the extent of my wealth. "Katy and I have been discussing your situation, Alice. It seems to us that you are going to be part of our family for the foreseeable future. We are glad that this is the case, since we are both very fond of you. Isn't that so?" I said turning to Katy. "Yes it is," Katy replied. "Since you broke up with John both Ellie and I have drawn very close to you....
by NehighlanderThis is the latest of Amie's adventures with black men. This happened last fall and due to being very busy, I am just now getting around to posting this:It had been awhile since she had fucked Jackson after she had danced in a strip club. She had repeatedly expressed to me that she wanted to have some fun with another black man or men and she had more than once told me she would really love to get together with Jackson again. I totally nixed that idea as I could not stand that...
'What's a Camel Toe'. Both our heads turned simultaneously, 'Where did you hear that', asked my sister in reply. Her son, my nephew, sat with a quizzled look on his face, 'Kiki, a pet name for his older sister, said she was wearing one', he replied innocently.Both myself and my sister laughed, 'These k**s now-a-days and sex', relied my sister, shaking her head, 'Well what is it', he interjected again, his curiosity getting the better of him.My sister looked at me, 'Are you wearing knickers', I...
"I hope you've all enjoyed your first term," Mrs. Houghton announces to the whole of the year as the bell rings, signifying not only the end of the school day, but the end of school entirely for the next two and a half weeks. "I hope you all have a happy Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you back here in January, refreshed and raring to go for another term!" With the assembly 'dismissed', we all file out of the hall in neat columns, though once we reach the car park outside the...
Stan returned home, quivering. He felt full of energy and unable to be still, like he’d had several espressos, one after the other in quick succession. He bounced around from room to room, unable to settle into doing anything useful before he managed to bring himself to a halt. ‘Settle down, Stan,’ he told himself aloud, ‘Get a grip. It’s just a date, you’re not getting married!’ He forced himself to schedule things: shower, followed by a change of clothes, a quick snack, then listen to some...
The guys in school who knew Karen thought she wasn't the type who slept around. 'Probably a virgin' was the opinion, a girl who would give oral at best. This did not matter to Sean in the least; his feelings toward her were genuine. He had plans of marriage after college too. He figured that he would propose before college and be married after he finished. He never believed she would give it out anytime before then. That changed with her parting words the night before of, ""I need to...
Author's Note The wicked step mother is a familiar theme and Aaron Swindling's Step Mother Knows Best, is my particular favourite. I wanted to write one where the step son refuses to be a victim and succeeds in maintaining his dignity and essential decency under difficult circumstances. Be warned there is very little sex and no humiliation. Summer Holidays Holiday Plans Shay Pegg gazed out of the window of the rapidly moving train, idly watching as the countryside...
She was the typical dark and dusky complexioned girl… with a lovely figure, firm taut tits 34 C size and nice dark brown nipples, flat smooth hairless stomach with a lovely deep naval, a nice pouty set of pussy lips, with lovely pink inners… the hair was sparse and just the right amount, never interfered with the tongue… and of course the most attractive about her: the ass… a lovely pair of round ass cheeks 36 perfect… a cute puckered brown asshole with no hair around it… and boy did she love...
sorority sissy by sissy 4 u i had been dating karen ever since I started going to college about six months ago in a northeastern university karen was an extremely beautiful girl which was part of the reason why it was so easy for her to join the sorority delta kappa all the girls at that sorority about 50 in all plus a house"mother"who took care of the bills the dormitory and any trouble the girls might get into the resident girls of delta kappa as i said were were real "lookers...
Introduction: Visit to the Doctor **This is the first story Ive written&hellip, I have more in my head if it is enjoyed** Chapter 1 The young girl sat nervously in the office chair. Her long, brown hair falling down past her shoulders as she crosses and uncrosses her legs nervously while she waits for her name to be called. Her hands fumble with a magazine as she tries to calm her nerves. This was not the first visit the nineteen year old had made to this doctor. But after each visit, she...
Hello People, I am here to share my experience that happned when I was doing my 2nd year engineering. Ok Let me introduce myself. I am Dhaya from mango city who loves matured mangoes very much. I am well built good height and have all the mandatory qualification to satisfy a thirsty women. My aunt Ishwarya was in her mid 30’s and I was 22 by that time. Let we mention her Ice, she looks like actress Kushboo in her earlier days. Yes, she has good assets with her. My first incest thirst was...
April Snow is having issues passing Spanish. She just can not get a grip with the language. If only there was something she could do to help her grade rise to something more acceptable. April thinks she knows just what to do Mr. Nomar does let his eyes wander whenever she wears something a little revealing so she decides to stay after class and fuck the professor. There is something about having a Spanish cock in her that really brings out her Spanish. That dick feels so good in her tight pussy...
xmoviesforyouTo start off, my name is Lily. I'm 19, blonde, 5'7", 130 lbs. I don't have double ds but I do have an ass that everyone loves! I was lucky enough that I got to buy my own house. It needed a little work done and thankfully, I have a pretty close family that will help out whenever someone needs help. I called my cousin, Michael, and he was more than willing to come over and give me a hand. Now Michael and I were really close when we were younger and I’ve always had a slight crush on him. We are...
IncestVacations had come far too rarely for Kris and I over the five years we had been married. Life seemed always to get in the way. We both worked full time in a demanding industry and we had a three year old to care for so finding time for each other was sometimes difficult. On top of all this, we had recently made a move to the Pacific Northwest and changed jobs so the move, new roles, and a tough economy had placed an enormous amount of stress on us. In the process we had sort of drifted apart...
The bustling coffeehouse was almost full and Tracey couldn't believe her luck with her seat. It was her favorite one, the one with two big plush chairs and an unobstructed view outside. Nothing made coffee taste better than to be comfortable and people watching. The beautiful spring day enhanced her high spirits and the number of passersby. Most people were breaking out their shorts and T-shirts for the first warm day of the year. Tracey herself was was wearing a light blouse and a black knee...
Step-Mom This isn't my step-mom, Stacy, but she looks like her...Just setting the stage... She raised me since I was younger than I can remember...Her name is Stacy, but since she raised me from infant/toddler - I always call her "Mom." Just saying this because xHamster might ban this if I just say it's my mother... So I was on Thanksgiving break from college. Since I, along with some of my buddies, were home from college, we decided it would be good idea to go out on Wednesday (the day before...
I met 'Cee' 10 years ago through a friend. We both seemed interested but never hooked up. I'm currently on vacation. So imagine my surprise when we found out we were staying at the same hotel!! I went to see him & we were talking all of a sudden he walks over & passionately kisses me, and says "I've been wanting to do that for a long time". We talked about why we never hooked up and decided to meet up later that night.I was so nervous because Cee is a very handsome man. He's black,...
In a previous story, I narrated how a student of mine and I had gotten involved. I have been a university professor for many years, and at that moment, one of my students, Natalia, was in need of some money to help her family. I tried to give her a hand, just that helping her meant she had to pretend she was an escort so that my boss could have sex with her. Because of the power he has, I also had sex with Natalia that night, although it seems that what happened between us was something...
College SexThis is a story of what happened a long time ago. I was 20 years old. I have always been a small guy, 5-5, maybe 125lbs on a good day. All the girls called me cute and I hated it. Until I tried on my girlfriends panties. Wow, I thought how girls were so lucky to wear all this sexy stuff. Well within a year I had gathered a couple of very slutty outfits. I loved Garters and stockings, Panties and heels. I was so thin and had this little round bum that looked hot peaking out from under a mini...