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Bittersweet by Callie Messenger "It's a great idea, but the US has stupid bitches like Tori who are willing to spend years pumping themselves up and still act like bimbos. Look at gladiators - all our butch women are just that. Butch!" "Mr. Hawkins, we've realised the problem, and if you're still willing to back us, we've thought of a solution." "You can't take a page three girl and fill her full of steroids. It'd still take a good year and a half to two years before she looked the part." "We know. We've got something else in mind." ----- The ad wanted good-looking men for an action film. I talked to the agency and they fixed me up an audition. They stressed that even if I was ultimately unsuccessful I would have to undergo a fitness test and medical. I agreed and signed a waiver. The audition was a few simple questions, lots of photographs, and the medical itself. It consisted mainly of strength tests and measurements - biceps, chest, waist, and thighs. A few days later I got a callback. I was so excited I took my girlfriend out for dinner, even though we were penniless. At the callback there were only three other guys. We all looked similar. A small range of heights, but all under five ten. All fit but not bodybuilder big - one guy looked skinny. All good looking, though two of them looked slightly girlish with their long hair. "Here's the deal, guys." Said the interviewer, the director, coming out of his office. "We have secured some of the budget financing, but not all. We're not shooting until we have it all. So, in the meantime, we'll keep you all on retainer, provided you train for the roles with us." We all smiled. Retainer for no work, no problem. "Kevin Taylor?" I stood. "Jason Wright?" The other shorthaired guy stood. "We really need long hair. Take these pills four times a day. It's 'Tress', it increases hair growth. If we start shooting tomorrow and we pick you we'll use extensions, but we'd prefer you get used to it." With that he walked back into his office. The trainer called us all the next day. We weren't all locals, so we were being rehoused on location, in a warehouse in Greenwich. It was a closed set, so I packed a suitcase and said my goodbyes for the duration. I guessed I would be out weekends. I guessed wrong. Apparently the film was based on government sensitive material and was being timed to coincide with its public release. We signed a secrets document, and resigned ourselves to the fact that we could be here a while. Everything was provided though, so the money would just be piling up. We bonded over the next couple of days. As well as Jason there was Mike and Bluey, so called because of his piercing eyes. Catherine was our physical trainer. We found that we were all proficient martial artists. Catherine was too but taught us mostly wrestling, including all the throws, locks and falls. Tracy was our dialogue coach. She had some script examples, and we all needed to change our delivery radically. Ni-Po was our medic. Jack, the director, introduced him on the first day. "We have to give you all some shots as we need a particular body shape and we need it quickly. If you've got any moral problems with the use of drugs in physical development then I suggest you leave now." No one turned away. We all got injections in the legs, arse and chest, and a packful of supplements with instructions. We all signed waivers for the treatment and against any side effects or injury during training. Catherine concentrated on low weights, high reps when weight training, for spot fat reduction and definition. With a high protein, low fat diet the pounds began to slide off. Terri was introduced to us after a week. "The role calls for something a little out of the ordinary." Explained Jack. "The heroes are required to pose as women. For dramatic effect we've put the scene right at the start of the film, and we'd like to carry it off so convincingly that the audience really believes you are women. We have body doubles, but some of the shots will pan in from whole body to face so you will need to know exactly what you are doing." With that, Terri was slotted in to our growing daily schedule, along with her large wardrobe and vast repertoire of feminine gestures and actions. ----- "How's it going?" Jack asked Brandon, up in the control room. "We figure the subliminals are working as there's been no rebellion, or even questioning of what we're asking them to do. The big test'll be visible physical change. The sleeping pills are working just as we were told, making them very receptive to the subliminals. We're putting out programs on a lot of fronts -- discouraging curiosity, encouraging acceptance, learning and naturalisation, and trying to bring out their feminine sides." "When can we offer them cosmetic surgery?" "It's probably not when, but how you should offer it. As long as it's acceptable to them, they won't worry. Implants? You're going to have to wait until femininity kicks in." ----- Jack came over with the idea. "Look, guys, you're definitely the best we could get, but we're offering to make you better. Physical perfection is the way ahead in this game, so if you want anything done, we've got the crew to do it. It's not free! We reckon improved looks is improved earnings so you sign over to us ten percent of future earnings if you take up our offer." Based on some statistical figures he had a list for all of us of recommended alterations. I was a little worried about surgery, but anything for better looks. I signed up for the works: nose job, jaw shaping, tightening, chemical peel, et al. Ten percent of future earnings was what we called a Cassandra Contract. Sure, you could predict you would make money, but no one would believe you. I was happy to get major cosmetic surgery for free. I just wasn't banking on the way I would end up looking. Thing was, I didn't find out for a long while after the surgery due to the bandaging. We were deep into Terri's training, almost permanently in skirts, when the bruises healed and the bandages finally came off. With my hair down to my shoulders and my bust padded under the blouse I could have mistaken myself for a woman. I was fascinated by the new face -- it was incredibly good looking. Charlotte was going to be so surprised when I got back to her. ----- "Can we get their implants done now, Brandon?" "Look at them, Jack! You know better than I that they couldn't care what's going on. They haven't even noticed the bust development from Ni-Po's shots and pills. That said, be careful, we don't know what could happen if they break through their conditioning. Try reinforcing the temporary angle." "Good call." ----- Catherine was training us on the sprung wooden floor, which was dotted by the imprints of our heels. We were training on stilettos to improve balance and fine muscle control. She was teaching us that throws were about technique, not strength. Less muscle, more concentration. I was constantly having to flick the hair out of my eyes to see Jason, Mike and Bluey come at me, but you know, they were so light I could throw them with ease. I have to admit that they were really coming to look like women in their tight leotards and training pants. All over waxing hadn't been fun for any of us, but not having to shave was a wonderful experience. "Guys, the budget financing is almost in. We reckon shooting could begin in a short time." I put my hands on my knees for a breather, and felt a bit odd to have my chest flop down. I had been noticing that recently. Surely muscle was tighter than that. "Anyway, like I said, we're going for complete realism in the first few scenes. I thought prostheses would be fine, but the producers have vetoed that because of the close-ups. Ni-Po is going to fit you with removable implants. Once again, we'd like you to get used to these things before shooting, so we're going to go right ahead. Any questions?" I didn't think so. Hoffman used to run for 'Marathon Man'; De Niro put on 40lbs for 'Raging Bull'. I was actually looking forward to testing out a pair of my own tits. Something changed the day after our surgery. We all looked at each other and realised that we were different. We spoke about it, and realised that we all felt the same, like ourselves, but there was no denying the physical difference. Each thought that the others looked like women. It wasn't scary. In fact, it was quite a relaxing thought to realise that we were actually going to bring this off. Mark, the slimmest of us all, looked like a fashion model, with his straight black hair and ideal, teardrop tits. Bluey had the look of a PT instructor, mostly those piercing blue eyes exhibiting intelligence and control, with his close blond hair and smooth shape playing second fiddle. Jason's green eyes and shorter blond hair made him look a little childish, and small, springy tits belied his impressive strength. I was the glamour, or as Jason put it, the bimbo. My dark blond, curling hair had been lightened, and my big eyes and button nose sat all too cutely above natural big lips and unnaturally large boobs. Jason's comment almost ended with me wrenching his head off his shoulders, but to be honest, I was upset because he had hit too close to home. I did look like a bimbo, and I really didn't want to. The good news was that all of this served a purpose. We were all given roles, and told to practise. I was Bitter, Jason was Jani, Bluey was Blue, quite simple, and Mark was Malice. Some of us had to train harder than others in the physical stuff to get around our new additions, but it all came together really quickly. Training in a leotard, it soon became obvious that only one area of my body, and of the others', detracted from the perfect curves. ----- "We're really bombing them on the self-image side now, Jack. They look like women, they act like women. Even if they don't want to be women, they do want to look perfect." "What should I say to them, Brandon?" "I don't think you'll need to say anything. Just keep them in figure hugging clothes and in front of mirrors." ----- I slipped on the pink catsuit that was fast becoming my trademark. The others loved me in it, and Terri wanted me to perform in it. I looked in the mirror at my slim, curvy body. The big hips, wasp waist and large, tight bust made me look like a cartoon superhero, or heroine. But the lump between my legs just didn't fit the image. Malice came up behind me and slipped her arms around me. "It just doesn't fit, does it?" "What do you mean?" "The bulge, the protuberance, whatever you want to call it. It doesn't fit. We've worked hard to get everything perfect, to perform and stun the world. We look the part, except for that." In the mirror I could see her fingers pointing at my crotch. "Yes," I sighed, "except for that." "Ni-Po has agreed to put mine inside me." "What do you mean?" I was intrigued. "He's going to invert it, placing it in a hole he'll create behind it. It'll still be there, but perfectly disguised." "What about, you know, the balls?" "Oh, they're going to have to be removed and stored, so that the scrotum can be used to create the lips, making it look just like a vagina. I'm going to fool everyone completely!" "Wow," I said, "I wonder what my girlfriend will think when I show her?" ----- "The rights have been serialised already," an excited Jack told us, "and we're only just starting shooting. We'll make the most of your efforts and shoot as many scenes as we can in your present characters over the next couple of weeks. Remember, you're live in front of the studio audience!" I was so excited. Three months on retainer and now the show was beginning in earnest. I looked up at the guy beside me. Curtains was six foot seven and about twenty two stone of bone and muscle. All I had to do was escort him out to the ring. Only he was going to pinch my ass as I left the ring. That would infuriate Iron Man Jim Sheedy, who was supposed to be my boyfriend, and the two would fight ending with Jim carrying off the prize -- me. I just had to act like I was all over him, like any woman would with the best guy in a fight. Oh, and I had to show off my tits, because the cameras would be there to promote the series of which I was the main attraction. Me and Iron Man Jim. The huge audience loved every minute. I hammed it up completely with foot stamping, hands on hips, and plenty of hair waving attitude. When Iron Man Jim finally floored Curtains after the epic bout, I got in the ring and body slammed him. Jim held my hands up and I flexed the taut biceps that I was proud of. He then swept me off my feet and carried me out of the arena to where Jack was waiting. "That was amazing, Jim, Bitter." He was smiling buckets. "Jim, can you wait for me in my office. We'll discuss the development and next week's show. Bitter, you're done for now, but I need to see you and Malice once she's off stage." I stayed in the wings watching Malice on the screen. She was supposed to be presenting a tag match, but one of the teams was just one guy who was getting riled by the others. She volunteered to join him and gave a great account of herself. She rolled out of the arena damp with perspiration, with her partner, a huge black bodybuilder known as Jackson Five. "Malice, Bitter," said Jack, joining us, "you two stole the show. Audience approval for your characters is phenomenal. We're piloting the scenes with our backers, and we haven't used Jani and Blue yet. You're going to have to stay in character over the next couple of weeks, and the script is probably going to get altered around you, so keep practising." ----- "We're bombing them with naturalisation programming. Their old lives will become hazy as they fall more and more into character. Your job, Jack, and this is vital, is to immerse them in character. They need life stories, old friends, photos of their parents, names and numbers. They'll flesh out the details from their own memories, but the hooks will gradually change." "What about press digging into their old lives?" "Not for me to worry about, sorry. You've got contacts, haven't you?" ----- "Jack!" "Mr. Hawkins." "Jack, I'm very impressed. Viewing figures of one hundred thousand for the first show was good enough, but quarter of a million in the second week is phenomenal for a minor sport. And now the press is really starting to pick up. This will be shifted to a prime time slot if ratings grow any more." "Thank you, Mr. Hawkins." "Those girls! You taunted your viewing public by not showing Miss Sweet this week." "Bitter will be back on next week kicking off her rivalry with Blue over Iron Man Jim Sheedy." "Wonderful, I can't wait. When can I meet these girls?" "You know you can come down anytime, Mr. Hawkins." "What can I give you to keep this rolling, Jack? Anything, what do you need?" "Well, actually, I do have a favour to ask. It's about the girls." ----- We'd been completely swept up in the rush. Somehow the characters had become bigger than we and we were living their lives. I struggled to think back to how I'd got here, but everything was becoming hazy as the demands on our time became enormous. Jack had tried to protect us from the press and fans, but the invasion couldn't be held off for long. We were heavily coached in how to react to questions, and how to maintain persona for the sake of the show. The public didn't really want to know about our private lives, but they wanted to see Malice sneer, Jani pout, Blue smile and wink, and me acting dizzy and lost. ----- "Good morning, and welcome back to the Breakfast Show. I'm Jack Fry!" "And I'm Jill van den Court." "This morning we've had to employ a cleaner on set to mop up the slobber from the guys mouths. Why? Because sitting on the sofa with us is BWF's very own ringside sensation, Bitter Sweet! Dave, roll your tongue up off the floor, mate. Sorry about that, viewers. [Camera moves across to show the giggling Bitter.] Bitter, one of your schoolteachers recently described you as a very demure girl. What happened?" "I'm still demure, aren't I?" "Body slamming Curtains, kicking Ben Brady in the face and groin, the list goes on. Can you really lift twice your own body weight?" "Do I look that heavy?" "Lord, no, but you do look like you can take care of yourself." "Well, I did lift Shane off the mat in a bear-hug, and I think he's around twenty four stone, so yeah." "That's Shane 'Girder' Douglas, ladies and gentlemen. So, whatever possessed you to take up wrestling?" "I didn't do too well at school. I didn't have many options." "You left at sixteen?" "Yeah. I took up with a guy who introduced me to weight training. I loved it." "And you never looked back. It might be a stereotype, but most girls with your looks would have worked with those. Perhaps gone into modelling?" "Thanks, but I'm not really that good looking." "There's half a million viewers of your new midweek show that might tend to disagree. I know Dave would, wouldn't you? [Big nod from the soundman.] So what's next for you?" "The show's growing. Some of the WWF guys are coming over for another Rumble." "Is it true that Tori wants a piece of you?" "We don't let out the fight schedules until they are finalised, and I've got some issues to sort out with Blue before I deal with anyone else." "Ah, yes. Let's take a quick look now at one of the issues. [Screen shows an upset Bitter running back to Iron Man Jim's dressing room after being thrown out of the ring by Curtains. She opens the door to find Blue and Jim kissing and hugging. Jim looks up in surprise. "Bitter!" He says. "It's not what you think!". Cut back to smiling Jack Fry.] How are you planning to deal with the situation?" "I've challenged Blue to meet me on the mat for her championship belt." "But she wants Malice and Jackson's tag belt, and is getting Iron Man Jim to partner her for it, and you've got first rights to challenge for that but no partner any more." "I know, it's complicated, isn't it?" "Well, I guess so, Bitter. But these complications are really what keeps the show running so well, aren't they." "Yeah. I just let Jack keep track of them all." "That's Jack Williams, owner of the BWF consortium. I don't know if he's kept track of this one, though. We've had an interesting call while we've been talking. Apparently this young woman claims to be an ex-girlfriend. [Camera shows Bitter looking confused, but smiling.] Do you recognise the name Charlotte Street? [Camera shows a slight tensing on Bitter's face before her brow furrows. She looks around nervously.] I take it you do recognise the name. Charlotte, are you there? [There is silence on set for a moment. Jack Fry holds his earpiece to his ear.] Ladies and gentlemen, we appear to have lost Charlotte. We'll try to get this intriguing young woman back on line, but for now we'll take a commercial break. Stay tuned!" ----- "Mr. Hawkins." "Jack." "What happened?" "We missed something, Jack. You didn't really give me that much time to sort something out. Anyway, we've given the producer instructions and we're tracking down the call now. You sort out Miss Sweet. Take her off if you think it necessary. I'll tell the show they can have Malice McMahon next week. Just a moment, Jack. Oh, Okay. Listen, Jack, the story is that Charlotte Street is an ex-wrestler who went to prison for crippling one of Bitter's friends. She's out and Blue tracked her down. You come up with the details." "But how are you going to come up with Charlotte Street?" "Let me worry about that." ----- I took Jack's hand as he came to take me out of the studio. Jack Fry planted a kiss on my cheek as I left and thanked me for coming in. Jill van den Court was otherwise occupied. My Jack relayed to the other some story about Charlotte being an old enemy recently released from prison. He left the details up to the crew to find out. They all thought it was a stunt, and were only too happy to play along. "Jack," I asked, as we left. "Where is Charlotte? Can I see her?" "Bitter," he held both my hands and looked at me. "I can't answer that question. You know the set is closed until we complete this project." "I know." I looked down. "Please?" I implored him, begging with my eyes. Something inside him melted. "We're both going to get into very big trouble for this." ----- Charlotte was brought to my studio in the warehouse. She recognised me immediately. "Kevin! What have they done to you?" "Charlotte." We hugged, and the security guards closed the door behind them. "They made me forget about you, and they even made me forget about me. I still don't know who I am exactly. Everything is so confused." "Is there anything I can do to help?" "I spent days thinking about it. I came to a decision. I can't change back, but I can go forward. I need help to come to terms with what I've become though. I really need a friend who understands me." "Christ, Kevin, of course I'll help you. But you'll understand if I mean just friends, won't you? I don't really see Bitter Sweet in the same light as I saw you." "Of course, Charlotte, though I still see you in the same light. I've got an incredible future here, and I want you share in it. But I don't want you to myself. You're free, as long as you promise to help me, and that means backing my story up, no matter how absurd it is destined to become." "Sure. Bitter." She smiled. "I'll always be here if you need me, Bitter." "Thank you, Charlotte. It means more than you will know." She left my room and Jack came out from behind a screen. "Well done, Bitter. We still have some work to do on this storyline, but you've saved your old girlfriend a lot of grief. You look sad?" "I asked her to lie for me." "No, you asked her to tell a story, and if she didn't agree...?" He left it hanging. "Come on, let me show you something to cheer you up. It's called a Gold Card." ----- "Bitter! I should've guessed! Who else would call at two in the morning?" "All the rest of your friends, Charlotte?" "Who is it, Charlie?" Came a man's voice from the stairs as he walked down and arrived in the hall. Charlotte pulled me in. "Come and meet Saul. Saul, this is -" "Bitter Sweet!" He spat out in shock. "Now close the mouth, dear." Charlotte gently rebuked him. "You can go back to bed if you're not going to be able to engage your brain in normal conversation." "I'll get the coffee." He replied. We went to the kitchen to sit down. "Nice table!" I remarked, noticing the natural shade solid pine eight seater that I probably would have had trouble moving. "You have very good taste in furniture for a muscle-bound bimbo." "Ow, you bitch!" I squealed. Charlotte laughed and squeezed my hand. I laughed with her and realised that Jack must've sent the table over. He'd turned out to be a good guy after all. Well, I had thrown him down a flight of stairs and then fucked him senseless to make up for it. He hadn't known whether he was coming or going. "So, what is it this time?" "Does there have to be a reason?" I squirmed. "No," Charlotte sighed, "but there usually is nowadays. And anyway, there'd better be a good one to get me out of a deep sleep." She winked at Saul who quickly hid his face. "You'll read about it tomorrow, I suppose." I sighed. "Dwayne Hamilton isn't going to be playing for The Gunners on Monday evening unless they can fix his nose up before then." "You hit him?" "He bought me a drink. We chatted. We went to dance. We started kissing. It was really nice. I turned round to a tap on my shoulder and his girlfriend slapped me. When I finally understood why she was screaming at me and he at her, I floored him. He wasn't up before I left." "Serves the bastard right!" "I know, but the last time this happened it didn't come out that way in the papers. Can I stay here the day?" "Do you mind having your perfect woman sleeping in the guest room, Saul?" She asked as he brought over the coffees. "He really thought I was just a normal girl." She said to me, conspiratorially. "As long as you don't mind me joining her in there." He smiled. He was waking up. "Ooh, men!" Pouted Charlotte. "You will beat him up if he lays a hand on you, won't you, Bitter?" "Of course I will, honey," I replied with a grin. "Either that or I'll tie his hands to the bedframe." Saul, awake or not, was going to be no match for us girls together. We chatted for an hour, catching up on news and gossip. Saul turned out to be a marketing manager for a city firm. He was lively, intelligent and fun. Charlotte seemed very happy with him. Also he was good looking and earning a large amount. As with Charlotte's previous boyfriends, I felt a pang of jealousy. The usual thought ran through my head -- if I couldn't sleep with her, I could sleep with him. The usual logic followed -- he could then destroy my career; Charlotte would be destroyed; therefore I would be destroyed twice. I forced the thoughts from my mind. We all finished our joking, began yawning, and headed to bed. Jack called the next day, and arranged to pick me up in the evening for the show. Saul brought in the newspapers and my name and face was plastered all over them. This time, the reporting was quite balanced. Some rags wanted to portray me as a whore, but some actually realised that I was defending another woman. Charlotte kept me from getting upset by the lies. Saul was also a rock. Perhaps this was it, he was the one, and it was time to let Charlotte go. ----- Jack arrived to pick me up. He was a nice guy, well, since I found out who I really was. Charlotte greeted him with a hug, still not knowing his part in this story. Saul was still coming down from his excitement. "I wish I could tell the guys about this!" "But how would you explain being beaten up by a woman?" Asked Charlotte, sweetly. "This'll all die down." He said to me. "You're a good person, and an example to women everywhere." I smiled at him. "One day, I might let you know what that means to me." I hugged Charlotte tightly, and went back to my fantastic, bittersweet life.

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Babysitters Lesson Pt 2

A few weeks ago my wife, Jan, had to attend a conference which required her to be out of town for three nights. The kids are now in day care, so this was not a major inconvenience for me. However, on the last night, I had a dinner meeting with a large customer, so I did need to find a babysitter. The day she left, Jan told me that she had just run into Jenny at the grocery store, home on a break from school. She said, "I'm sure Jenny could probably watch the kids the night you need a sitter." I...

3 years ago
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Secret Desires In France Awakening Part 2

In the second chapter young Alex is moving to the south of France. He only has a vague, childhood memory of Louise, his former neighbor, and is surprised to see that she is not only very pretty, but also quite cool for an adult. One small problem though: why does he have trouble keeping his eyes off her curvy body?  ALEX‘He’s a problem case, Marge,’ he heard his father say, just as he was about to roll a joint. ‘He’s too lazy to get out of bed in the morning and he has never done a day’s work...

1 year ago
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How I would Fuck you

It starts from a party. You had already seen me strip. I spent most of the party in a skimpy butler type outfit and served drinks and snacks, helped with the games and just assisted everyone with their gifts. It was a bachelorette party for a good girl group of your friends with just a quick strip to full nudity at the end. You wanted more and approached me. I was agreeable but mentioned the ring you were wearing. You told me not to worry, that your husband would be picking you up shortly and...

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dinner party bj

this my first story, hope you like it. it's a bit of everything. my then wife Jane, needless to say but all names have been changed. anyway Jane had made dinner party plans with our neighbors Kate and Jeff. they are both earley 40's, older than we were but only a few years. Kate is a short, big titty, milf, Jeff is about as average as they get, about 5'10", 185. The plan was to meet a few other couples from the neighborhood, and have wine and food, sounded great. That friday night came and Jane...

4 years ago
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There and Back Again Ch 2728

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bunnies and Small Talk When I heard silence and felt something under me that wasn’t the sharp rock I’d been too lazy to move from under my shoulder, I knew I was back at home. I didn’t even open my eyes before succumbing and crying some more. When I’d finally cried myself out, I rolled onto my back and tried to take stock, again. It was dark, and I seemed to be alone, which meant I wasn’t in the ICU, which was good. I fumbled around until I found a button that turned on...

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Her father saw her naked

on the couch. She fell asleep naked and the fun part is that her father really saw her naked in situation like this. But the rest is fiction (how I would have wanted to happen). Her father DID come for visit and I really was in the bathroom while he went to the living room where Mina was sleeping naked and uncovered. So we had sex on the couch in living room and right after that she fell asleep. I was awake, watching TV and we were both naked under the blanket. I had to go to the...

3 years ago
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Young nineteen Asian girl

My name was James. I lived in a city where the center of the nation’s film and television industry placed, Los Angeles. With 6”2 body and nearly 10” hard pole between my legs, I was a typical of guy who took no bullshit from people. Having a job that needed me to worked under the sun, made my skin tan. You must be thinking that with the way I look, I would made an advantage of it by getting girls attentions. The truth was no. I was not interested with girls in my country. I had an eye on...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 144

That day, Sharon and Julia had gone to a fast food place and ordered salads, and, since it wasn't THAT hot, had gone to a park nearby, and took a table under a large willow tree. With the breeze blowing past them, it was more than comfortable, AND private. There were some k**s playing on the playground, and a woman walking her dog, but nothing, or no one, else.They sat eating and talking. "Now that we're alone, and not likely to be eavesdropped on, what's the story?" Sharon asked. Julia paused...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 441

Joke # 1 Sent for Vetting Jan. 3, 2021 After ten years a wife started to think their child looks kinda strange so she did a DNA test and found out the child is not theirs, she told her husband what she found out, the husband replied, You don’t remember do you?? When we were leaving the hospital, the baby pooped and you told me to go and change him, so I went inside and got a clean one and left the dirty one there! The wife fainted!!! ✧ ✧ ✧ A guy wants a divorce. He tell the judge, “I just...

1 year ago
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Believe in Love Part 2 My past haunts me

"You are really noisy did you know that...?" I said, getting inside my car. "I'm... sorry..." he said sitting on the passenger's seat. I sighed and looked at him. "Yet, if you weren't noisy I probably would have never found you and saved you... So I guess this is a goodie..." "When you put it this way... yeah... you're right...!" "I think that the job of making a sentence look better by looking at it from different angles and perspectives is the job of a...

2 years ago
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cuckolds life

'you stupid cunt why did you ask me to marry you in front of all your friends and family ?' jo shouted'i thought it was the next step i thought you would want to marry me and anyway you did say yes ' dave replied with tears in his eyes'what did you want me to say ? did you want me to tell them i'm only with you for your money that your cock is tiny and you can't saisfy a woman ? would that have been ok with you ?''um well come on thats not true is it ? is that how you really feel ?''of course...

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For to a sub 1 2

You've been asleep for some time now. Which makes sense after the intense session we had, you asked that I hold you for a little bit. We kiss, cuddle... You feel my naked body pressed against yours. My heat radiating and warming your body as you lay across my chest. You haven't slept this well in a long time as the sound of my heartbeat lulls you into a deep slumber. During your sleep you roll over momentarily as I head to the bathroom. Upon my return, I find your naked body partially...

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A Shy Wife Spends Her Weekend on Display

It was a dream weekend with Julie. My sexy but self conscious wife reluctantly agreed to let me “dress” her for three days while we attended concerts out of town together. It all began when I noticed that several music acts we both enjoyed were performing on three consecutive days in venues quite close to each other, but none of them near where we lived. Julie really loves live music so this was shaping up as an ideal situation. I had already been saving up small favors that she owed me, so I...

3 years ago
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Drea Fucks a Cage fighter No for real

I opened the LCD screen of our fresh new hi-8 camcorder. Flipped the thumbswitch to the “record” and pressed the red button. As I turned the corner there was Drea fixing her hair and doing her makeup. She had an itty bitty black skirt on, maybe a thong... but no top.“Whatcha doing babe?” I coyly asked as I was the orchestrator of this night.“Getting ready.” She replied, not looking away from the mirror.I pressed further, “What you going to do?”“Going on a blind date!” Finally she gave me some...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 209 T amp

I gave the girl a kiss on the lips before heading out to find Dee and Tee. I didn’t have to look very far. Purely by chance I found that AL and Sue also had a suite in this same building as the girl I just left. Both were waiting on the elevator in the lobby with Bambi and Bart. Al wore shorts and a light-weight button down shirt. Sue sported a light-weight skirt and a bikini that gave her breasts some support, but they did nothing to cover her nipples. I was surprised to find Bart wearing...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Mother In Law 2

We barely had time to get dressed as Harry (Wife’s Uncle) came in the door. “Hey Ravi do you think we can get an early start tomorrow? The office is a mess. I really need to get organized.” “No problem, what time do you want me to get up?” “How about 6 am?” “Sure no problem. Well I am beat after all the traveling; I think I will head to bed. Goodnight.” “Goodnight Ravi.” I climbed into bed exhausted physically and emotionally. What a roller coaster of emotions. I just finished fucking my...

3 years ago
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Speeding Ch 05

She stared at her reflection in the full length mirror. Staring back at her was a bride with her chocolate hair piled on her head save for a few tendrils, a strapless satin gown hugging her curves perfectly. The small tiara in her hair sparkled with rhinestones, the diamonds in her ears were beautiful, and the necklace at her throat dripped with both diamonds and pearls. Pasting a smile on her face, she walked out of the office onto the sales floor. She was met with a collective gasp and a few...

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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 15c

The very next day, Darren was destined to find out about that price. After less than twenty-four hours of stalemate in the Darren vs. Charlie issue, the Mexican standoff, as Pauline called it, was broken. Jake's first inkling of the issue's possible resolution came at just after eight that morning. He was under the covers and snoring in his bed, still sleeping off the eleven Coronas and eight bonghits of the night before. Suddenly, someone was pounding on his door. He tried to ignore it...

2 years ago
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A Critical PathChapter 40

Ellie did indeed post an advertisement in the village shop on Monday. Geraldine rang her within two hours. "Yes please, Ellie," she said. "I can't. You're just being kind again." "I'm not. I've been wanting a cleaner for months since Mrs Outhwaite decided she was getting too old. I admit I've been waiting for you to get fit. Please, Ellie." "OK but you set my wages." "Seven-fifty an hour. I used to pay Mrs O seven but inflation and all." "That's one-fifty more than I...

1 year ago
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My Fingers Arent Always Going to Be Enough

Homework assignment #1: Well, I did it. I did what he told me to. Admittedly, I didn't want to do it at first. After all, I hardly know this man. Aside from a few friendly emails, some intimate photos exchanged and a couple hot chats, I can’t really say that I know this guy from jack. And along with not knowing my instructor, I don’t know how I feel about being told what to do. I’m new to sexual exploration, new to being with men that aren't my husband. But for reasons I can’t explain, I wanted...

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Becoming a little cocksucker

My pal Rick and I had been friends since elementary school and, as luck would have it, reached puberty at pretty much exactly the same time. We'd been so close for so long that it seemed quite normal to discuss what was happening to our bodies.In those days there was no internet so the whole thing was a mystery and we didn't even know how to masturbate. We both had wet dreams for a few weeks before admitting to each other that it had happened. Rick said he'd been told by a bigger boy that if...

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Hot Summer Day

I live in the midst Rocky Mountains of Montana, where the winters are cold and snow packed and the summers are hot and arid. My wife and I are a young couple. We are both college students in our early twenties. We have been together only two years now, so much of what sex has to offer still lies before us, but we love to spend our days exploring the pleasures of the body. The particular day I would like to tell you about was a real scorcher. It was the first truly hot day of the year with...

Oral Sex
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The End of the Fcking World

Its the end of the world. The US population was given only 24 hours notice of their impending doom. On the small college campus of State University, most of the student body fled to be with their families in this time of need, chartering flights or driving across the country. For some, however, this was never an option. Eight friends find themselves stranded on campus, and sitting in their dorm. They sit in a circle, in the basement of the Washington Dorm, awaiting the end. Marty Moss had...

4 years ago
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Dungeons are always Dark

(If you didn't like "Realizations," maybe this will be more to your liking.) Dungeons Are Always Dark! by: Ann O'Nonymous Rick woke from an unsatisfying sleep, dripping wet from a cold sweat! Last night, he experienced a very vivid reliving of the last three days, a veritable nightmare. How could he, would he, say and do those things? He looked down at his legs, covered with nylon stockings. There he was, in bed, still wearing a padded bra, panties, garter belt and stockings...

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High School Cocksucker Outted another story

When I was 16 I slept over at Kyles a lot. Mostly I slept over because he'd fall asleep while we were playing video games and watching tv. It was up to me whether I stayed and slept or went home. Kyle is black about 6'2 and has a strong build. He has a white Mother (Molly) and a black father (Wayne). He has a sister named Jazyln who just entered high school. She has her mothers facial structure and a tight little body with breasts that seem to spring over night to about a large B cup. She was...

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Why I miss my ex

Why I Miss My ExI feel obligated to say that I am not a passable crossdresser, not even close. Even without my beard, I’m very masculine, large framed, and I have a very deep voice. All of these things aside, I love to dress up in sexy lingerie, panties, dresses, bras etc. While I’m dressed, I love to be verbally humiliated, although, I don’t think being called names like “sissy” or “fag” or “cuckold” is actually humiliating. For me, it’s a huge turn on, and I love to think about sucking...

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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

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Falling in love

That morning when I got up for high school I felt that something was different. But I didn’t know what. So I just went about my usual morning routine. I got out of bed, woke my roommate up and walked through the apartment naked and turned on the shower then I went and put the coffeepot on. I took a nice cold shower, dried off, brushed my hair and teeth, and got dressed. ‘Who knows maybe I’ll finally get laid tonight maybe that’s what is different today’ I thought to myself and laughed fat...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 181

My group was finishing up breakfast in the hotel restaurant as the others found their way to the coffee pot. Hangovers were apparent. We had already checked out and the bags were in the car. We arrived at the college and began completing our tour that we used to design the security system. Ching Lee and Vicky were with me and Cindy and Mary Ann went with Mark. Mark and I both viewed this as a training session. My group walked along the north side of college. There were three huge parking...

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A Normal Night Out at the Movies

Once in a while I need to try to be a little "normal" and do some things for entertainment that don't involve sex or taking off my clothes. Simple enough, right? Not for me. I have been told that I am "always on" and I think that is true. A certain touch, an accidental brush against my leg, a suggestive look... and I get all tingly down there and my mind wanders. I don't lose control and demand satisfaction right then and there, but sometimes I feel like I want to. Not long ago we went to the...

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Growing up

Growing up, it was just my mother and I, and she was a busy woman, being upper management for a local aerospace company. I was a good student and seemed well - behaved, so she pretty much allowed me to "run free" from the age of 12 or 13. As long as I did my chores, did well in school, and she had no problems to worry about at home, I was rewarded with plenty of spending money and time to explore my interests. I was confused for a long time, and did a lot of reading on the internet. I knew from...

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Swim Team SpiritChapter 11 Two Girls

Saturday Night Whatever had been holding Janelle now released her, and she felt herself move to Cutie's bedroom, where she found herself in a dream. The dream was that she and Cutie were sleeping in her bed, and Cutie woke her up and they started to talk, just as they had dozens of times before, during sleep-overs. (If you think you are confused, imagine how Janelle felt, being dead, then sleeping, then part of a dream; and knowing all the time it is someone else's dream.) Cutie sat up in...

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Mad Cowboys and Alien FucktardsChapter 14

I had my eyes closed and fingers wrapped tightly around the handle of my six shooter. I fought hard to keep my nerves and breathing under control, while waiting anxiously, under the chuck wagon, for the inevitable battle to begin. Gunfire would signal my entrance into a series of events that would not only affect my life, but also the lives of my brothers. If I played it right we might actually survive this, but if I didn’t, or some dumb fucking luck befell me ... well the three of us would...

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My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on weight going from a size 12 to a size 16, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and with her long blonde hair and dazzling smile she still looked terrific.Sarah is rather a chatty girl, often...

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EmergenceChapter 1 Starships and Queens

Joey was weaving through an asteroid belt made of cotton candy when a distant electronic chime gently brought him out of his sweet dream. “Alarm off,” Joey muttered as he rolled onto his side. Twenty minutes later, Joey suddenly snapped his eyes open and gasped, “Shit. Computer. What time is it?” “The time is oh six hours, forty-eight minutes,” the female voice instantly replied. “I still have twelve minutes then,” Joey said with relief, and then proceeded to stretch. After letting out a...

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Wife Angela Gangbang

Let me relate to you what happened to myself and my lovely wife Angela a few years ago. I will start by describing us; we are both in our mid-thirties and enjoy an active sex life. Angela is 5'3", 110 lb. 34c-23-35, has shoulder length curly blond hair striking blue eyes and a face reminiscent of Anna Kournakova. Having never had c***dren her body is smooth and tight, like a 20 year old and is frequently mistaken for being much younger, her I.D. is frequently checked when we go to a out...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 17 Marco Petray

Jason only missed two days of university. His experience of the last few days seemed almost like a dream. He smiled thinking about Julia. He enjoyed spending time with her and getting to know her. He ran with Aylot and the dogs through the university. He noticed the air initially felt cool but he enjoyed the bracing feel as they ran. The dogs gambled around in front of him, and played with each other but Aylot enjoyed trotting next to Jason as they received many stares and amused laughter....

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Gym Glory

Davy Black wasn't exactly the most athletic boy, nor was he the most attractive. He was tall and lanky, more to the slimmer side. His hay-coloured hair accented his deep green eyes, and his light skin colour completed his almost nerdy look. He had a cute little dimple on the left side of his face, and I think that was what really made me do a double take when he smiled. We were in totally different social circles, him being more down on the ladder, I being one of the more popular boys. Davy...

3 years ago
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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 6 That first week just seemed as though it flew by. I got settled into the new house and made some minor adjustments that only made the place more livable for me. I found a nice diner only a couple miles from the house and ate there a couple of nights, even inviting Gene, Ed and James to join me. They all did and we had a wonderful time. At first I thought I'd be nervous sharing a meal in a relatively open atmosphere with another white man and two black men, but no one seemed to pay...

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PseudoMUD Deserted Island

You are surrounded by a searing sand, it scalds your feet and shade is remote. The sun glares at your tattered back and your eyes struggle to distinguish objects. You hear a wail of misery reverberating from the east and you can feel the soothing waters caress your swollen feet from behind you. Your hopefully-working compass points north, the beach continues forward for what seems half a mile before you can focus onto some trees. A small trail of smoke rises from the canopy bed. To your west...

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Meri ek chuddaii

The story / Incident that I am going to narrate at this hour, is a true one and a one that will be remembered throughout my life. This happened to me last year, precisely on the month of August. I was on my job that time, some how got little time to spare during the working hours. I was supposed to attend a meeting at a client’s place, fortunately/ unfortunately that go cancelled at the decisive time. Felt little sad, then started to move back to my office at Noida, (an area adjacent to capital...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 2 Everything Is Fuzzy

“Your memory of recent events seems to be a little fuzzy,” the doctor explained to him while tapping against his desk with a slim golden pen. Carter leaned against the wooden desk, his eyes wide and trained on the man in white. The guy looked like he was in his late 50s, so he had probably seen plenty of strange things in his medical practice. “Actually, I have trouble remembering other things, too,” he whispered. The doctor leaned closer, turning his head to one side like he was trying to...

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Customs and Traditions

Note : This story is totally fictional! The last event the masses knew of me was the birth of my son, Trajan (named after the popular and beloved Spanish Roman general turned emperor), who was born from the sacred seed of my deceased Father. I cry all of the time thinking about my parents knowing that they would bless this kid and our domestic bliss if they were alive. But at the same time I can't help but relish the feelings that created this marvel of a human being. I also birthed a...

2 years ago
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Fair GameChapter 5

Priscilla was white faced, weeping and topless when she, Al, Ben and Doug returned from their day's sporting activities. The two hunters had raped Priscilla in the launch on the way back from their hunting trip—Doug anally and Ben down her throat—then continued to torment the young woman by threatening to hang fishing-lures from her nipples. Doug was enthusiastic about the idea and held her from behind while Ben cut off her skimpy top and selected two colorful wobblers from Al's selection...

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Blood Love Ch 04

Alexia was stroking his cock very lightly and breathing on the head. She glanced up to see Christian staring at her wide-eyed, not believing what she was about to do. She smiled up at him and lowered her eyes to his pulsating cock right next to her lips. She ran her hand over his toned abs and pinched his nipple to distract him. As soon as she left go his nipple, she wrapped her lips around his head. Gently licking at first she nibbled him, receiving a loud moan from her lover. Alexia lowered...

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