Bittersweet free porn video

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Brianne was in the lavender garden tending to the newly planted flora when the sound of loud boots hitting gravel caught her attention. A young man was running in her direction. The look on his face was pure anguish. His white polo shirt was covered with brown stains and his khaki pants had a hole in the knee. She could tell he’d been crying from the blotchiness under his eyes. It made her heart ache to see someone in such distress. He looked up at her and stopped suddenly. His head turned as he searched for a place to hide. The young man then saw a path leading into the shrub garden. He began to run in that direction.

Brianne jumped to her feet and silently chased the young man. He stopped at a low bench and sat. His face rested in his hands and his head shook back and forth. The boy then stood again and made angry fists. He screamed, ‘I hate it all! It shouldn’t have happened like this! It shouldn’t have been so soon! Why didn’t you let me be with them? Damn everything!’

Tears flooded to Brianne’s eyes, but she managed to hold them back. In a small voice she finally spoke. ‘Excuse me, are you all right?’

‘Who are you,’ he snapped at her. ‘Why are you following me? Did they send you?’

She stuttered, ‘I… my… my name is Brianne. I don’t know who ‘they’ are. I saw your face and how sad you looked. I only wanted to see if I could help.’

‘Don’t you even know who I am?!’ he asked angrily. ‘You have to know who I am. You know what happened to me. You know what happened to them all.’

‘I’m sorry. I don’t know who you are. I only recently moved here. I don’t know anyone really.’ she answered.

‘Well, I’m the Duke of Hudson. My father and mother were killed in a plane crash two days ago. Not that it should matter to a person like you. I’d like to be alone now so if you still want your job I suggest you leave and I won’t tell your supervisor you disturbed me.’ He said cruelly.

‘Oh, dear,’ she gasped. ‘I’m so very, very sorry. If you need anything…’

‘I already told you to leave. That is all I need from you. Now go!’ he shouted.

Brianne turned around and scampered away quickly. Tears swelled in her eyes. ‘What a sad boy,’ she sighed. Brianne walked back to the lavender garden and picked weeds out. She couldn’t help but think of the miserable young man. His spiteful words hurt her to some degree, but she thought they only came from his sadness. She knew somewhat how he felt. She’d lost her own mother two years prior. Brianne couldn’t imagine losing both parents at once though. Her father wasn’t the most responsible man, but he always loved and cared for her the best he could.


Outside the wind howled and trees creaked. The breeze made the eaves on Brianne’s roof shriek. The ancient tool shed swayed to and fro and finally collapsed with a loud crack. Inside the fire battled to spurt forth its warmth against the cold. Brianne sat on the couch curled up with a romance novel. ‘Philippe’s long, strong hands reached out and grasped Nadia’s waist. He pulled her towards him and said, ‘Tonight will last forever, my love.’ His lips pressed firmly against her cheek and slowly trailed down her neck. He reached her bosom and inhaled deeply. Philippe pushed Nadia’s shirt down revealing her full breast and nipples. His mouth watered as he suckled on her round pink buttons. Nadia’s gasped and then let out a low primal moan. She…’

Brianne suddenly heard a strange sound outside. It was like an animal in distress. She went to the window and looked out in her yard. On the ground under a tree was a tall figure writhing in pain. She opened the door and called out. ‘Hello. Who are you? Are you hurt?’

‘Help… please help.’ The voice muttered.

‘Oh dear. I’m coming. Hold on.’ Brianne answered. When Brianne reached the person she realized it was a tall, broad man. He was lying on the ground with a large branch near him. She stooped down and reached under his arms. Using all of her weight, she leaned back and pulled the man to his knees. ‘You’re going to have to help me get you up. I’m not strong enough.’ The man used his feeble strength and pulled himself to his feet. ‘Lean on me and I’ll guide you to the cottage.’ She said.

Once inside, Brianne sat the man by the fire. ‘You’re going to need to take those wet clothes off. I’ll get some towels.’ She walked to the bathroom and got a few towels. When she returned to the room, she looked down and found him sitting in his boxer underwear. His strong back was facing her as the muscles flexed when he breathed. There was something familiar about him she realized. He turned to her and she gasped. It was him! The young man she’d followed into the garden a few months back. His face had lost the sad look, but in its place was a look of anger and hate.

‘What are you staring at? Are you going to give me the towels or not?’ he snapped at her.

‘Y-yes… here,’ she answered. ‘Do you remember me?’

‘I don’t make it my business to remember common people like yourself.’ he replied.

‘Oh, well I remember you. You were in the gardens a few months ago. I followed you, but you were very upset. You told me to leave you alone.’ she said.

He looked at her for a few moments and stated, ‘Oh it’s you, the snoop. Well, snoop, I’m thankful for you rescuing me, but I don’t wish to stay in this dwelling any longer. Do you have a phone so I can call someone to come get me?’

‘Yes, I have a phone, but the lines were knocked out in the storm. I’m afraid you’ll be stuck here until the storm passes. Don’t worry the television says it will pass in a few days.’ she said in a cheery voice.

‘A few days?!’ he whined. ‘I’m stuck here overnight? Well I at least hope you have some place for me to rest. And perhaps something to eat. Caviar and champagne maybe?’

‘Well I was about to have some soup and cheese sandwiches. It’s all I have really. Would you care to join me?’ She asked.

He sighed and said, ‘I guess I have no other choice if it’s all you have.’

She smiled weakly at him and said, ‘Um oh it’ll be ready in a bit. Maybe you’d like to shower? It will warm you. The bathroom’s down that hall. First door on the left.’

‘Yes. A shower. I think I will.’ he replied. He stood up and walked down the hall. The door closed behind him with a thud. When Brianne heard the water start to run, she turned and walked to the kitchen. ‘What a miserable man.’ she said with a deep sigh.

Soon the water turned off and the man entered the room once again. Brianne was busy putting bread and butte on the table. ‘The food will be out in a few minutes. Please come sit down,’ she said. The man sat and looked around the room while saying nothing. Finally Brianne set down a bowl in front of him. ‘Here you go,’ she said.

‘Ugh,’ the man let out.

Brianne ignored his disappointment and tried to start a conversation. ‘How did you end up out there,’ she asked.

‘I was out in the woods alone. I was taking a walk down a path I often follow. As I traveled along I saw a strange animal out off the path. I decided to follow it and left the path. I walked and walked and then realized I was lost. Then it started to rain… hard. I just kept walking until I saw the light from your home. As I was making my way to the door, a big branch fell from one of the trees and tripped me. I was dazed for a few minutes, then I started yelling out for help. Finally you came to the door and saw me. It sure took you long enough, you know. I could have died out there. I must have been in that rain for at least two hours.’ he explained.

‘Well you’re safe now. We’ll just have to make sure you don’t get sick from being in that cold for so long.’ she said as cheerfully as possible.

‘Yeah I guess,’ he answered. The two finished their paltry meal in silence. Brianne finally got up and started to clear the dishes from the table. She washed and dried them and then sigh as if to say ‘All done.’

After dinner, Brianne led Daniel to her bedroom. ‘You may sleep here if you’d like. I know you hurt yourself out there. The bed will be good for you. I’ll sleep on the couch.’ He looked around the room and gave a grunt of approval. He stepped in the room, turned around to her, and closed the door in her face. ‘If he wasn’t so cute I might just give him a piece of my mind.’ she thought and giggled.


In the middle of the night Brianne awoke to the feeling of a full bladder. She walked to the bathroom and relieved herself. ‘I think I’ll check on him.’ she thought. She walked into her bedroom and whispered, ‘Hello. Are you awake?’ The man did not answer, but she heard fast panting coming from the bed. She walked over and touched his face. It was burning with fever. ‘Oh no!’ she yelled. ‘Wake up! Please wake up!’ He did not wake, but from the way he was breathing, Brianne knew he was in trouble.

She managed to drag him out of the bed and into the bathroom. She pulled his body into the tub and removed the layers of clothing on him. His strong muscled chest was revealed and Brianne was stuck in a daze for a few seconds. She snapped out of it, got down to his boxers and said, ‘Now’s no time for modesty. She striped the underwear off and turn the cold water on full blast.

She started to cry when she looked at his face and saw it grimace. She fell to the ground and started to shake him. ‘Please open your eyes!’ she shouted, ‘Please!’ His eyes jerked open suddenly and he looked up into her eyes. There was a moment when the both of them felt something strange flow through their bodies. The pain immediately disappeared from his face and he reached out and grabbed her into his strong muscled hug. ‘Thank you! Thank you!’ she cried.

They stayed in the embrace for a few minutes before she began to shake as the cold water chilled her. He released her when he realized she was cold.

‘I’m sorry.’ he said.

‘It’s okay,’ she replied. ‘I’m just glad you’re all right.’

She helped him out of the tub and handed him a towel. ‘You’re naked,’ she said as her face flushed into a crimson color.

He looked down and saw his own bare body. ‘You’re almost the same,’ he replied while pointing to her soaked nightgown. The shape of her breasts was clearly visible and her hard nipples were easily seen through the wet cloth. He smiled then grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist. She blushed then led him back to the bedroom and got both of them some dry clothes.

Brianne helped him back into the bed and pulled the covers over him. He was still cold so she lie down in the bed next to him and rubbed her hands up and down his back trying to warm him. In a few minutes he seemed to be relaxed and warm so she tried to get up off the bed and make her way back to the couch. His head shot up and he said in a small frightened voice, ‘ Please don’t leave me.’ She stood still for a second, took a deep breath and laid back down in the bed with her back was towards his back. He turned over, reached out, and put his arm around her. She closed her eyes and smiled then fell into a peaceful sleep.


Brianne woke to a loud boom the next morning. It was thunder from the storm. She looked down and saw an arm around her. Looking behind her she remember the events of the previous evening. Daniel had arrived at her home in the middle of the storm. They shared dinner and a conversation. Then in the middle of the night she discovered him breathing in distress. She’d put him in the cold shower to bring his fever down. He woke up and hugged her. When she put him back to bed, he begged her not to leave him alone.

A strange feeling like the one felt last night as she stared into his eyes surged through her belly. She smiled and got out of the bed. It was cold out in the living room so she started a fire then went into the kitchen to make breakfast. She turned the radio on and had a flash back to her childhood. The Partridge Family’s I Think I Love You was playing. She hummed along with David Cassidy and shook her hips while she scrambled some eggs.

Daniel woke to the sound and smell of something good. He found his way to the kitchen and saw Brianne cooking and dancing. He smiled and let out a low laugh as Brianne picked up the spatula and started using it like a microphone. She started spinning around for her finale and realized Daniel was watching her. ‘Oh geez!’ she yelled out.

He had a queer look on his face, but smiled at the same time. ‘Nice show,’ he mocked.

‘Um, thanks,’ she replied while blushing. ‘Are you hungry? I made some eggs.’

‘Yeah sure, thanks,’ he said.

The two sat down and ate their modest meal while exchanging little conversation. Both didn’t know how to approach what had happened to them the night before. Brianne wanted to lean over and kiss Daniel, but she didn’t know if he felt the same about her. Daniel wanted to grab Brianne and hold her close, but it didn’t seem like the dignified thing for him to do.

Finally Brianne broke the silence. ‘I’m going to take a shower now. Feel free to watch some television or to look around. I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.’

She walked away towards the bathroom and Daniel got up and walked into the living room. He looked over her shelves and saw many books on herb and vegetable gardening. On the walls were many pictures of ferns and other green foliage. All of the furniture was old, but had a homey feeling to it. On her coffee table were a few scattered papers. One seemed to be lying on something. He reached over and picked the papers up. Under it was a book with the title ‘Nadia’s Romance.’ ‘Interesting,’ he thought. He picked the book up and opened to the page with the book mark in it. He read a few paragraphs then said out loud, ‘Holy geez! She reads lady porn!’ Suddenly from the bathroom he heard strange sounds. He walked towards the door to see if Brianne was okay.

He opened the door slightly and saw a sight that instantly made him hard. Brianne was naked in the shower with her back leaning against the wall. She had one leg raised and resting on the tub. One hand was twisting and pulling her nipple while the other played between her legs. She moaned and her face contorted. ‘Oh yeah,’ she moaned, ‘Daniel, touch me there. Play with my nipples. Squeeze them and lick them. Oh ah ohhhh!’ Her back arched away from the wall and her face spread in a wide smile as she climaxed.

Daniel turned away from the bathroom and went back to the living room. He sat on the couch in a dazed state. ‘This isn’t good,’ he said out loud. ‘I’m falling too far for this girl. I can’t lose control. My life is set and I can’t change any of it. I have no room for her!’ He heard the water turn off in the bathroom. He quickly turned the television on as Brianne came out of the bathroom.

Brianne had a towel wrapped around her hair and a thick green robe on. She smiled at him as she entered the room. She came and sat by him and pulled her legs under herself. ‘That was a nice shower,’ she stated.

‘Oh yeah?’ he said.

‘Yeah nice and refreshing,’ she cooed. She reached over and wiped a wisp of hair out of his face.

‘Hey, what are you doing,’ he snapped.

‘I was just…’ she tried to answer.

‘You’re violating my personal space!’ he yelled.

‘What’s wrong with you?’ she asked with a puzzled expression.

‘I should be asking you that question!’ he said.

‘Last night you were so open,’ she said with tears in her eyes.

‘Last night I was delusional. It was the fever,’ he replied.

‘No, that’s not it at all. You’re closing up for some reason. What happened? I thought we were getting closer. Last night felt real to me. The way we slept so close together and all.’

He quickly answered, ‘Like I said, I was delusional. I was just caught up in the moment. A pretty girl by my side and all. Any man would have done the same. Hell, most men would probably have gone further. Be
sides, you’re just some common little woman. You’re not good enough to be with me. I’m of a higher caste than you.’

Tears flooded into her eyes and began to flood down her face. ‘I’m not good enough for you? You think you’re so big, bold and bad! I let you, a strange man I know nothing about, come into my home. I feed you. I give you a place to rest. I save your miserable little life in the middle of the night. I take your verbal abuse and say nothing back to you. I even open my heart to you and stupidly let myself fall for you. But I’m not good enough for you? You know what, you are not good enough for me.

Maybe you were born into money and social standing, unfortunately manners and basic human compassion can’t be passed from generation to generation. So maybe I am poor and maybe I live in a small broken down cottage, but I at least have feelings and emotions. And I don’t let things I have no control over rule my life!

‘What’s that supposed to mean?!’ he said in defense.

She looked at him with hurt on her face and said, ‘Three months ago I met you for the first time. I could see you were hurting so I followed you. You were rude and disgusting to me, but I let myself believe it was the tragedy you’d just gone through. Last night you show up in my yard. You’re still that same mean and evil boy you were then. You haven’t let go of the hurt. Instead you let it mold you into some angry little thing. You need to let go of it all. It’s time to move on.’

‘You know nothing about me, girl. Don’t tell me what I need to do. You know nothing you disgusting country trash!’ he bellowed back.

Tear were streaming down Brianne’s face. Her heart felt like it was going to burst. ‘Why am I even trying. You’ll never get it. You’ll never understand. The storm should pass by morning. You can leave then and go back to your little superficial life!’ She ran from the room and into her bedroom. She slammed the door and fell to the bed. She cried and cried until there were no tears left, then she fell asleep.

Back in the living room Daniel pounded his fists into the couch and clenched his teeth. ‘What an evil little harpy she is. No one insults me like that, no one!’ His hands flew up to his face and tears began to swell. ‘Who am I kidding. She’s so right. Everything she said is true. I’m a monster. I’ve ruined the greatest love I’ve ever known. What am I going to do?’


‘Brianne… Brianne, can you hear me?’ Daniel whispered into the dark room.

‘What are you doing in my room,’ she said sharply.

‘I… I wanted to… well I’m… I’m sorry,’ he said in a small voice.

‘I didn’t know people in your caste apologized. Especially to poor country trash like myself,’ she answered mockingly.

‘I didn’t mean that, Brianne. I’m so sorry,’ Daniel began. ‘You’re right you know. Everything you said was right. When my parents died all of my love and hope died with them. For a while I was angry with God. I asked him why he would let them die like that and not let me go, too. Then I just stopped caring. I let the anger rule my life and control everything I did. All those hurtful things I said before, that was the anger. I’m truely sorry. I’ll leave you now if you want.’

‘No, don’t go,’ she said. ‘Come back. We should talk.’

‘Okay,’ he said as he walked in the room. He sat on the edge of the bed. From this close he could see how puffy her eyes were. She’d been crying a lot he could tell. It made his heart ache to know he’d caused her so much pain.

‘You know, what you said to me hurt me more than any other person ever has. All those things you said, I lay here and thought about them. I started to think they were true.’ she said in a shaky voice.

‘No, oh God no! Don’t ever think that. You’re the most kind and giving person I think I’ve ever known. None of that was true. Please don’t ever think those things about yourself. It was all said out of spite.’

‘Why? Why did you want to hurt me?’ she asked

‘There are so many things happening in my life. I wasn’t looking to find true love. I don’t think I have room for it.’ he answered.

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Jake had called Lucinda at work several times but only got her voice mail. He figured she was probably out in meetings for going out to the colleges. He couldn't wait to see her again that evening. That night he would reveal to her that he was her son; at least he hoped to have the balls to do so. Lucinda went from one meeting to another that day and her mind was on Jake. He'd been incredible last night but the fact that he had lied about his age really scared her. She wanted to confront...

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NuruMassage Jessica Ryan He Doesn8217t Deserve You

Jessica Ryan is on the phone with her husband, discussing the romantic night they have ahead, when the husband says he’s going out with friends instead. Jessica is hurt and angry, unable to believe that her husband would choose his buddies over her, especially since she has a whole evening planned. She’s already naked and was going to give him a NURU massage! That’s when Michael Vegas, Jessica’s neighbor, arrives unannounced to borrow a lawnmower. He’s shocked when...

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Five Hands Make Light Work

I had known Edith in a casual way for several months but wanted to get to know her better. My roommate at the boarding house was dating Edith's sister, Elaine, so, as he would be leaving after supper to see her, I would ask him to say hello to Edith from me. After about three weeks of dropping hints, he got the message as one Saturday evening, he said that he, Elaine and Edith were going skating the next afternoon and would I like to join them. Of course, I jumped at the chance.The next...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 30

David had left the State Offices of the Populations Selection and Management board late Tuesday afternoon. It had been an interesting day. The need to get H&S back online was important. David found himself talking with building, health, OSHA and other officials The fall season was starting, the state was behind it's allotment and there were political issues underfoot that David had not been totally aware of. Barney Maguire was the State head of compliance for the Population selection...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 2 Introductions

When the screaming and whimpering turned to silence I switched to defensive mode. I was now without Cosmo’s eyes watching my back plus I was at a crime scene, so additional caution was indicated. I pulled my Glock and grabbed up all 4 machetes into a bag I carried for that specific purpose - it would not leak blood. Next I surveyed the scene like a CSI. There were four lifeless bodies - three in parts - and one very attractive loose end. My rules said I should not leave a witness, except she...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 13 Beneath the Surface

-- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2007 -- “C’mon six ... c’mon six...” Eden chanted while shaking up the dice in her right hand. “Ha, it’s a seven. You’re robber-bait!” I cheered. “Dammit!” Eden sighed. “There goes my city.” “You’re at eight cards yourself, Ben. Lose ‘em,” Eve Song pointed out. I glanced at my hand and groaned. I hadn’t been trying to cheat or anything. I’d simply lost track and forgotten. Settlers of Catan wasn’t an overly complicated game, but there were a lot of rules for a...

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Sex with girlfriend

Hi this is john age 22 from banglore i want to narrate you the story happened between me and my girl friend during my college days.. I had a girlfriend by name sarika(Name Changed) we were doing be in reputed college. Iam a shy guy in college and never talk to girls.. One day she found i was innocent and asked me can we be friends i did not reply as i was bit shy.. Then she got my mobile number from my friends and sending friendly sms to me and within no matter of time we become friends..One...

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My Logan Part 30

Logan would sometimes trickle a little bit of her little girl juice out of her pussy, and she would stand up and turn her ass to me and tell me” lick me clean daddy and makes sure my ass is clean too” and I could never tell her no, I would lick her tiny little pussy and asshole and taste her sweet cum and get her all cleaned up and then we would ride some more. At night we would spend every m9ment together, her always naked and most of the time I would have underwear on, but normally had...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Candice Dare Kim Gold The Color Of Love

Kim Gold and her handsome black man were celebrating an anniversary. Her boyfriend suggested they spice things up a bit so he invited Candice Dare to celebrate with them. SHe walked in and damn was she looking fine. Blonde, thick, and ready to fuck! It was both of their dreams come true. Candice started by pleasing Kim. She licked her pussy to get her nice and wet. Once Kim was feeling revved up, they moved on to her man. They both went neck deep on his large black cock, making him feel like he...

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Sex with my Sister I Met After Almost 10 Years Incest Sex Stories

I have been away from home for a long time for my studies- spending most of my teenage and youth in hostels. Finally with my studies over, I returned to my home town. It has been almost 10 years since I last saw my town. As I walked up to the door of my home, and knocked, a girl of early twenties or late teens opened the door. She was slender and pale with freckles and auburn hair. I could not help but notice how curvy her body was and her green eyes were deep. I could not place her at first....

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Subway series 7 Please Dont Ask How I Got Home

Going with Clarissa was like teaching yourself to parachute. Exhilarating, but also very unnerving. And darn complicated. A friend of mine set me up on a blind date with her, saying I was moping around too much, six months after I'd ended my first "grown-up" relationship -- you know, the first one where the main reason we broke up wasn't that one of us had gotten sick of "our song." Bobbi and I had been together for three years and we'd split when I got tired of asking her to marry...

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Watchman does more than watch

I am Sarita. I was studying in 10 th when i had my first sex with our colony watchman. He was a middle aged man tall and well built. Whenever I used to come from school he would smile at me. I could feel him trying to strip me with his eyes.I had developed a nice figure by the time i was in 10th.I was constantly told i had nice long hair, my legs were long,espceally in the short skirts i wore and guys would constantly stare at my breasts,which were not large but well developed. One day my...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 358 Air Taxi

I should have expected that. Molly teased me that the girl on the plane is more in danger than April. “Does your daughter like kids?” I asked. He gave me a stern look and replied, “She loves them, but I don’t want her having my first grandchild before she graduates college.” “It is ok. I have plenty of rubbers, but that isn’t why I asked,” I joked and watched the Colonel relax. “I’ve been traveling a lot lately and promised to take my nearly three-year-old daughter with me. If your...

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Taking Mrs Greene Chapter 2

"Take off your nighty, Emily, and let me get a better look at you," he said. Caught by surprise by this sudden turn of events and more than a little turned on by the idea of a man wanting her again, Emily followed his command without thinking. She crossed her arms in front and lifted the thin satin garment up over her head and dropped it on the bed beside her.Emily Greene was indeed a beautiful woman. Although the calendar said she was thirty-four years old, she could easily pass for a woman...

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Annas AwakeningChapter 20

Second Night - James I hear her say "Yes daddy" and then she gets up from the bed and seconds later she is in my arms hugging and kissing me. "I'm so happy you came," she whispers in that sexy voice of hers. My doubts vanish as I feel her sweet body under me as I run my hands down her side to her waist and then over her ass. "Mmmm, not even panties huh? Got naked for your old man did you?" I cup her ass and pull her up against me, pressing my hard cock into her belly. "Mmmm, god...

3 years ago
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Must Read

A married Irishman went into the confessional and said to his priest, 'I almost had an affair with another woman.'The priest said, 'What do you mean, almost?'The Irishman said, 'Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped.'The priest said, 'Rubbing together is the same as putting it in. You're not to see that woman again. For your penance, say five Hail Mary's and put $50 in the poor box.'The Irishman left the confessional, said his prayers, and then walked over to the poor...

1 year ago
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My mom is fucking my girlfriend

100% fiction! When I was first writting this story I did know where it would belong. is it a gay story or incest. i guess thats what happens with real things This is a story of me, my boyfrind and mom. it happened when I was in my varsity year doing my honours degree. By then I was goin out with this cute guy who lived next to our house. He was handsome but more especially. i liked the way he sucked my dick. he was the fucken best. he used to suck my ass not in the rough way like those stupid...

4 years ago
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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 16 Petes Pancake House

Jennifer, Adam, Sophie and Rhea had all been to Pete’s Pancake House before on many occasions before but today was so totally different that it might as well have been for the first time. The place was full of naked people and those naked people fitted all descriptions. Whole families had turned up in the nude to enjoy a hearty breakfast before beginning their day’s naked activities. Even the Granddads and Grandmas were joining in and enjoying the nudity with their families and nobody seemed...

2 years ago
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We are hosting a party and frankly, too many people are there. There are only two that I am thinking about, just two that I am interested in. My husband and his best friend. I know that they’re both going to take me, like they have before. And they know it, too. But how, I’m not so sure.The anticipation is almost too much to bear. They are both watching me all evening, touching me all evening. But nobody else sees it.Drinks, chatting, socialising. Everyone else in the room is oblivious. But I...

Group Sex
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Elena My Love

"Don’t you have a girlfriend?" I bet most of the boys in the world hate to say yes whenever someone asks this question. Our parents died in a plane crash when I was 10 . My uncle took care of us after our parent's death . However, I can assure you that he wasn't the nicest person I've known. He would come home drunk, and then yell and curse at everyone in the house. My aunt left him due to his behavior . For a very long time it was my sister and I against the world, and as soon as she got a...

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video prohibido Mamaacute

Mi madre se llama Maria es una señora de 60 años, no es gorda, solo un gran trasero que le han dado los años, ancha de caderas, pero no tanto, muslos torneados, chamorros flacos, delgada con cintura aceptable y unas pechos grandes, área pélvica abultada, es decir panochuda, se podría decir la mujer perfecta.Es morena, pelo quebradizo, siempre a los hombros, cara linda, labios carnozos.Ella esta divorciada de mi padre desde hace 20 años, el tiene 70 años.El video en mención data de hace 18...

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GF Pegged Me Roommate F Me

I was 20 years old and had been going out with my girlfriend for about 9 months. Everyone thought I was straight, and although I had never really acted on it, I had often had gay thoughts and jerked off over other men. So when my girlfriend told me that she wanted to fuck my ass with a strap on, I was interested. I was at university at the time but was home for the holidays. I only come home during the holidays, so at first both me and my girlfriend were super horny for each other. We'd have...

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Lifes DiscoveriesChapter 10 A New Beginning

I woke up with a start, only to see Hannah and Madison standing over me with their arms crossed, Hannah looking stern, and Madison looking confused. Madison was wearing one of Hannah's robes and was leaning slightly on my dresser. Hannah was fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. "Well" Hannah started. "I think we all need to discuss what happened last night" Dread filled my heart, was she going to rat me out to the authorities? "First, personally, I would like to say thank you for...

4 years ago
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Seducing My Muslim Friends Wife Part 3

Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the previous parts of this series about my friends wife. Please share your feedback to Also, women in Chennai and couples who want to have fun can reach out to me. Please do not ask for swapping or group sex as she is not my wife. The next day at the office, I could not look at my friend and avoided him. Ali: Macha, sorry da I got sloshed yesterday. Me: Dei, that’s the only reason we drink, da. Chill buddy, no worries He still remembered his...

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Wife drained me dry

Saturday morning my wife Andrea told me to take a long hot shower and shave my pubic area completely and make damn sure I was hairless. After I was finished she told me to meet her in the bedroom for inspection. She sat on the bed and I offered her my smooth penis and balls. After looking them over she turned me around and told me to bend over and place my hands on my knees. I did and I felt something cold being place over my butthole then she turned me back around and stuck a TENS sticker on...

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HENRY’S SECRET LIFE. PART 1(This short story takes place in a working suburb of London in the 1930s)Henry didn’t have steady employment. He did odd jobs since he was pretty handy with tools and had worked in a factory as a young man. He was about 50 years old. Sometimes he would work as a waiter at a posh restaurant in London, when someone was sick or had to attend a funeral. Nobody knew where he had learned that as well as the foreign languages he spoke. He always paid his rent on time and had...

3 years ago
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Talk Dirty to Me Such a Good Girl

Alone again, and horny as always. I should probably stop watching so much porn. It’s my downfall though. I enjoy watching hot, wet pussies being played with and fucked. Something about seeing tender, pink folds glistening with sweet juices being penetrated makes me hard as a rock.I click off the porn and open my email. My cock twitches as I see a message from you. I see there is an attachment. I click on For Your Eyes Only, silently praying it’s another story or picture from you. I read your...

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Kevin transferred to our school from California in the Venice/Santa Monica area. The first thing I noticed about him was how he had those chiseled good looks that made me think of Keanu Reeves a lot. He was more buffed than most of the guys in our school and filled the tee shirt well enough that you just knew he was the guy you wanted on your team. He had the muscles of a light heavy weight wrestler or a dedicated swimmer. Not that our guys were a bunch of pantywaists. I mean, in a town...

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Take Me AwayChapter 4

At first, Arilee was planning to cut down the amount of washing and mending she took in, considering she had almost enough money to pay another year's taxes already, but the second visit of Mazzar changed all that. She wanted to make sure that she could pay any amount asked, if Amos did not come to take her away before tax time. Having all the work also helped her to pass the time, and dull the edge of longing she felt for Amos. Her work done for the day, Arilee changed clothes and walked...

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Ennoda Akka Kudutha Sugam

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends… This is Madurai Paiyan with a new fantasy of me fucking my sister.. I dodon’t want to reveal her name..She’s cute ..short heighted , good shape of 38-30-36 .. Whitish complexion ..she’s so close with me since i was the youngest of all.. So let’s come to the story now… Tamil la eh continue panren.. Enaku appo 10th public exam mudinju leave ku enga sontha ooruku poirunthom nanum en amma um.. Anga oru 2 weeks ku stay pannanlam nu plan.. Anga envga oorula...

3 years ago
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Fantasy of a Mature Woman

There is this woman I know that has popped up numerous times in my dreams and fantasies. She frequents my workplace and usually happen to see her about once a week if I am fortunate. This woman is in her fifties, I would say fifty five or so and me being twenty four, its quite an age gap between us. Everything about her radiates with sexual energy. I have seen this on a woman many times, usually older women for some reason, but this woman takes it to a new level for me. She has long black...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 2 Parallels

September 5, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Interesting,” I said aloud as I was reading the Chicago Tribune while cuddling Birgit. “What, Daddy?” “My friend Bill Elliott is going to start his own racing team with McDonald’s as the sponsor.” “Sponsor?” “They pay money to paint the car red and yellow, and have the McDonalds sign on the hood.” “I like pink cars!” I chuckled, “I know you do, Pumpkin. Are your school friends coming today?” “Yes. Tiffany, Rachel, and Joey.” “Good. Shall we make...

1 year ago
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The time of my life with Donna

Jack is a player and him and Donna have been hooking up all semester ,just for the sex. She also has a boyfriend but he is too far away to take care of her needs. I also have a girlfriend back home and I am in the same situation ,she is also too far from school. Now Donna is the one horny chick, she tends to go after the new students fucking them until she finds the one she wants. Jack was one of her favorites and pretty much stopped looking for any one else. I could understand because if...

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Simply SaraChapter 20

By the time they were finished, Sara had to hurry to pack — not that she had used much from her suitcase — and put on the clothes she had worn on Friday and ride with Charity to catch her plane. Refreshed by her weekend, she looked a different person, her skirt swinging and showing her legs, her breasts shifting behind the pockets of her shirt. The woman no one had noticed on Friday drew many eyes that Sunday. Before departure, she called Teddy and asked him to pick her up. He seemed...

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KlutzChapter 18

"Do you know what time it is?" Jack asked when he answered the phone at 5:30 Monday morning. "And a happy Monday to you Jack," Bill said grinning. He knew his brother got up about 5:30 so he really wasn't disturbing his sleep. Bill just thought it was fun to catch him early on a Monday when he was at his grouchiest. "Tell him that you aren't the only one he wakes up when he calls this early on Monday," Bill heard Linda say in the background. Bill's grin broadened. "I'm supposed...

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DeepLush Vina Sky Petite And Horny

This scene features the beautiful and petite Vina Sky and I hooking up for the second time together. We have intense and aggressive chemistry. We kiss a bunch, I spank her butt and fuck her up against the wall. We fuck all over the bed in a bunch of positions, at times holding her down with a hand around her throat and holding a hitachi on her clit. There’s POV shot during an amazing blowjob and while she rides my cock in multiple positions. The scene ends with Vina giving me a blowjob...

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Hostel life

First let me describe myself. I am a young girl from Eastern India (Kolkata) aged 19 and full of life and energy. My name is Namita and I am rather tall and strapping, standing at a height of 5’4”. My school education was completed at Kolkata in a leading English Medium School for Girls only. Throughout, I was a bright student, and in my High School exams, I fared out with flying colors in the Science stream. My parents are from a middle class family, and rather conservative in their attitude....


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