Defying My Family free porn video

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I can’t believe they are going to make me do this. I thought. I really honest to God don’t want to, but I know he’s going to force me. It’s hard living in my house. I’m Bradley Patrick, Brad for short. I am 15 years old. I have dark dirty blonde hair. I stand at an even 6 foot. I’m thin mostly because I run track and I am one of the fast if not the fastest kid on the team. I have 2 half-brothers Ron who is 25, and TJ who is 23 and a half-sister Tara who is 18. You would think my life would be good, but you’re dead wrong. My father is a full blown skin head. A Neo Nazi if you will. Standing at a giant size of 6 foot 6, my dad is the poster boy of skin heads. He works out daily and has very little fat on his body. His head is shaved and he has swastikas tattooed on his back. Both my brothers are skin heads too. Tara being the only girl in the house is our surrogate mother if you will. I don’t know what happened to their mom probably left my dad, but I know my mother dead during child birth.

“Brad get your ass down here now” Dad yelled to me.

I went downstairs. The moment of truth has come. For as far back as I can remember I have been struggling with who I am. I may live in a house where racial purity is law, but I have no idea of this is the life for me. I have never seen anything wrong with different races. Yeah sure there are a few bad eggs in each race who are in gangs are cause trouble, but should the majority of the masses suffer for that acts of a few. I have read books about how humanity treats each other. I read all about slavery, about how these people where nothing more than property and yet look at how society is today. Different races are in charge of the governments as well as whites. My main problem is the influence my family has in what us kids can do.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard a girl pleading. I rounded the corner and I swallowed hard. There was a middle aged Japanese woman being held down by Ron. TJ was pulling her panties off. The woman struggled but my dad was there. She saw the baseball bat in his hands and saw him raise it.

“Stop struggling you God Damn Japanese Cunt” he told her. “Awe Brad good. I am very disappointed in you. How is it that your 15 and you never, ever got any pussy?”

I looked at my dad and I tried to think of an answer. “I don’t know I guess I just wanted to wait for the right girl to come alone” I said.

“Well you’re in luck because the right woman is laying right here. This harlot came to our country, and took a job away from an honest White person. She needs to be punished. It’s time you joined our ranks. This is a time honored family tradition. Like your brothers before you, your dad before them, and your granddad before me. You’re going to treat this bitch like the whore she really is.” Dad said.

“But..But she doesn’t want me and I am not going to force myself on her. That’s rape”

“Damn it boy you will rape this fucking cunt or I will beat you to death with this bat” He said as he pointed the bat at me. “By the time I was your age I had 10 pussies to my name. I am starting to think you’re a fucking homo fag. Now man up, drop your pants and fuck this JAP WHORE NOW OR ELSE I WILL TREAT YOU LIKE THE QUEER YOU ARE.”

Realizing I had only two options: Rape her or knowing my dad die. An idea came to mind. Since they never removed her dress, maybe I can act like I am raping her. Just put my cock between our bodies and dry hump her. Given the situation I think she would prefer it. I removed my pants and get between her legs. I slide my cock onto of her hairy pussy making sure it didn’t enter her and started humping. Clearly this was a smart woman and realized what I was trying to do. She made sure to play along.

“Please stop…Please” she cried.

I had been going at it for about 30 seconds when I felt a sharp sting on my ass. “Damn boy don’t be cute. You put that dick in her right now or else. TJ fetch me my knife. If Brad doesn’t do was told I will shove its blade up his ass and he can fuck that like that faggot he is.” Dad threatened.

I looked at the Japanese woman with fear in my eyes. She understood my situation. She mouthed put it in me. I really didn’t want to, but I reached down and slid it into her. She wasn’t loose, but she wasn’t tight either. I slide my cock in and out of her. I could see her starting to cry. I knew she didn’t want to be raped, but I knew she didn’t want me to be kicked either. God this is now how I expected to lose my virginity. I guess I’m lucking I was a virgin because I didn’t last that long. I felt myself about to cum.
“Make sure you don’t cum in that dirty pussy. The only pussy that deserves your cum is a white pussy.” Ron said.

I pulled out not as fast as I should have because I started squirting my cum on the floor. I looked up at my dad and he was all smiles. “My boy is a man now. Don’t disappoint me again. Now go” he said.

I got up, grabbed my pants and ran to the bathroom. I throw myself in front of the toilet and puked. I felt so ashamed of myself. I was just forced to rape an innocent woman. For no reason other than the fact that she was Japanese. If being a skin head meant having to do that, than to hell with it. I am not going to be one. I would rather be died. I should have let that bastard kill me. I cleaned up and went to my room. I could hear my dad and brothers taken turns raping that poor woman. They must have been too rough because I could hear her screams of pain all the way up to my room. I started to cry knowing that underneath it all I maybe different but I cause some of the pain.

There was a knock on my door and it opened. Tara walked in. She was dressed like a slut. Her brown here was in a ponytail. She had on a V-neck shirt. That showed off her flat stomach and barely covered her tits. She had to be a 34 C easily. She had on a pair of cut off shorts.

“Why if it isn’t my virgin brother, or I should say former virgin brother” she laughed.

“Leave me alone” I told her.

“Aww what’s wrong? Didn’t like daddy finding out you were a virgin. Guess Roxy should have kept her mouth shut.” Roxy was Tara’s best friend who, one night was drunk and tried to fuck me. I told her that I was a virgin and she laughed and told me I wouldn’t be good enough and she left. I heard her later on fucking my dad.

“Go away”

“Or else what? You’re no man. I heard dad. You tried to stop yourself from raping that bitch. Well guess what that’s all they are good for. Granddad once told me that after Japan surrended to the US at the end of World War II. Japanese women worry throwing themselves at him. They would do anything just for some food. Even fuck a White American Soldier.”

I got up and looked at her my rage was building. I had been forced to rape a woman and now my sister was telling me I should be proud. “Shut the fuck up you bitch” and I pushed her into the wall. I don’t know what came over me but it was short lived. My sisters kneed me in the balls. I dropped to the ground in pain.

“Oh you have some fight in you. That’s good. Too bad you picked the wrong girl to fuck with” She said as she kicked me.


“No Brad that’s what you do every night. Do you have fun choking your chicken? Who do you think about? Hmmm are you thinking about me? Do you think about my big tits mashed into your face? My wet pussy wrapped around your cock?”

“No you’re my sister”

Tara laughed “That’s where you’re wrong Brad. I really am not your sister. My whore of a mother ran off with the first Black cock that came her way and my biological father. Well let’s just say he’s never getting out of jail. The only blood relatives I have in this house are Ron and TJ. You see my mom was cheating on my father with your dad. Ron and TJ are his as a result of that. Problem is she love wanted to be with a Black man. As for you my dear so called brother. The reason your mom died during child birth was because she was only 13. Your dad raped her like the whore she dressed as.

“You lie” I couldn’t believe her. No way she’s lying she’s gotta be.

“Come with me and I will show you the truth”

I don’t know why but I followed her. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I could hear the 3 of them still raping that poor woman. We walked down into the basement to the only locked door that I have never been it. It was unlocked right now. We entered and I almost fell to the floor.

“This is your father’s trophy room as it were. He keeps pictures of all his conquest and kills. This wall here she pointed to the left wall, Is for all his rapes and this wall pointing to the right wall, Is for all the non-whites he killed. The center wall with the swastika on it list all the members of dad’s group. You might be wondering why dad was never arrested for raping a 13 year old, well here’s your answer Brad. Most of the police are Skin heads. They act and dress normal but their hearts belong to the cause. That is why nobody has arrested them. They sweep everything under the rug and cover for one another. That Japanese girl can go to the police and tell them what happened and they will not write it down. Oh the will if it was a non-skin head but for any skin head that’s part of their group they won’t”

“How..How do you know?”

“Because Brad I have been fucking all of them since I was 12. I lost my virginity to the chief of police right there in the living room with Dad watching. “

“I don’t believe you”

Tara opened the cabinet on the middle wall and showed me its contents. It was full of tapes, and memory cards. “Your Dad and brothers film all their exploits. You didn’t see but TJ was there with a video camera filling you raping that woman and this tape. Is your dad raping your mom”

“Why does he keep them?”

“DUH he wasn’t to remember them. He comes down here, Pops in a video and jerks off watching it.”

“I still don’t believe you”

“Then here look at this picture.” She showed me a picture of a girl around 13. She had dark dirty blonde hair like me, and my eyes. All though I have never seen her before, I knew this was my mother. Tara’s right about everything. I looked at her and I couldn’t believe it. I ran from the room in tears and ran out of the house. I had a secret place I go when I want to hide and I ran there and hid. I through myself on the mat I had found one day and cried myself to sleep. I couldn’t believe it. Just when my life couldn’t get any worse I found out I am the result of a rape, and the man I have called my father is actually the bastard who raped my mother. My entire life was one big lie.

I awoke the next morning and I was hungry. I had left all my money back home. I figured I might as well go and get it. Then leave till I figure out what I am going to do. I snuck back into the house. Everyone was still asleep. They all were probably up late raping that girl. I went to my room, packed my back and grabbed my wallet. I was about to walk out when I saw a figure was sleeping in my bed. It was Tara. She had her own room why was she in my bed. I turned to leave when she quietly said “Wait Brad don’t go”

“Why should I stay here? My entire life is a lie. All my life everyone has lied to me. Nobody cares about me, nobody cares about my feelings.”

“That’s not true. I do care that’s why I felt that you should know the truth. When I overheard Ron and TJ talking about you and how young your mom was. I just knew you should be told. Your different than them Brad. Roxy told me how she had a sex with TJ. He didn’t care about pleasing her. He just wanted to come. I saw you last night trying to fake raping that woman and I knew you’re not like them or the others. I may have slept around with other skin heads but they never actually gave me pleasure. They just wanted a cum bucket and I was there for them. I just thought that if you knew the truth you could be the one to give me the pleasure I so desperately want to experience.”

“You did all this just so I’d fuck you. That’s twisted your my sister or at least that’s how I have always known you as”

“I know and I only just recently found out the truth.”

“Yeah well I don’t plan to stick around much longer. I’m leaving”

“You can’t go Brad. When your father saw you run out of the house he called his buddy to keep an eye out for you. Just in case you did something stupid like going to the sheriffs.”

“So maybe I will. I probably will be arrested for rape as well but at least I will have a clear conscience.”

“You would never make it. You need proof and that door is locked.”

“Guess I will just have to break it open then.”

“And then what. Go to the sheriffs? What do you think will happen to me? They knew I showed you that room. If you break it open my life will be in danger. You said you want to clear you conscience, well could your conscience live with the fact that your actions lead to my death?”

I stood there for a few moments as what she said rang around inside my head. I could see fear and tears in her eyes. She genially was scared and she had a right to be. She alone could destroy the lives of our police forces, but what would happen as they wait for the trial. She would be in danger. Of course they could put her in witness protection, but then again who else is part of this group? How far does its reach extend? A plan formed in my head. It made me sick to my stomach but If I did this I will bring them all down. My father, my brothers, the police, and anyone else involved in this ordeal.”

“Alright I will stay but you have to promise me something”


“I am going to bring them to justice one way or another. I am going to play my part. I will be what they want me to be. A skin head, but a skin head like the cops. Everyone on the outside of this house and the group will see me as me. A normal 15 year old boy. The skin heads will see me as one of their own, but I will be documenting what happened. When I turn that in to the right people, the shit will hit the fan. I am going to need your help then, to testify and help be bring them down.”

“Deal, I two have been documenting things. I told you that I was 12 when I lost my virginity. What I didn’t tell you was that I was raped. Max Ellsworth the police chief caught my mom stealing money for drugs. Instead of going to jail she offered me to him. Guess you know what happened then.”

“Yeah but what about the other cops?”

“Like I said I have been used as their personal cum bucket. Max told them what he did and how good I was. They wanted a piece of the action. The only way to get that was to create a false report that they are currently hanging over my head. If I don’t do what they want, they will pin the rapes on me. Saying how I am actually a lesbian and that I wear a strap on to rape women because I am afraid to come out.”

Tara started to cry. I put my stuff down and I hold her. She turned and placed her head on my shoulder. I laid us down and held her. I don’t know when but I fell asleep again. Later that day I told my dad a lie about why I ran out and where I was. I told him how I wanted to find my own whore to fuck. He laughed and said I should have come back to the living room and join in the fun with them as they all took turn fucking every hole that poor woman had.

The next day I grabbed my books and headed to school. School wasn’t that bad. I could at least be myself. As I was walking home I heard a ruckus in an ally. I looked down and saw Jake Foster and Gage LaPlante holding and threatening a girl. Nobody in school like Jake or Gage. Hell they are always in trouble for this or that. I walked down there to stop them. The girl was face down on the ground and I could see Gage trying to remove her pants.

“Enough guys let her go” I told them.

“Fuck off Brad this doesn’t concern you” Jake said.

“Too bad I won’t”

Jake walked up to me but before he got close kicked his nuts. I fell to the ground in pain. I grabbed Gage by the shirt and throw him face first into the wall. He was out cold before he hit the ground. Jake was back up but before I could make a move on him. Another guy came out of nowhere and pummeled Jake. I turned to the girl and check on her.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Laying on the ground was Kimiko Nakamora. I knew who she was because she was the only Japanese girl on our swim team. That and the fact that I thought she was very hot. She was 15 like me, 5 foot 3, slim body with a nice 32 B size breast. She had shoulder length black hair and a smile that would stop traffic. She was also very smart. I wasn’t in any of her classes but gym because she was in all honors, but she would say hi to me in the halls and in gym. She was my partner during our mandatory Dance unit.

“Kimiko are you already?” I asked her.

“What oh Brad yes I’m fine where are the other two”

“Lying out cold on the ground” said the mystery kid

“Thanks Mikey. Brad this is my brother Mikey. Mikey this is Brad a friend from school”

I should hands with Mikey and couldn’t believe what Kimiko said. Mikey was not Japanese yet he is her brother. He was white, about 5 foot 11 with red hair and a muscular build to him. I figure he had to play football. He was built like a running back. I guess I had a confused look on my face because Mikey laughed.

“I see you’re confused so I’ll explain. I am Kimiko’s step brother. Her mom married my dad”

“Oh that explains everything” I helped Kimiko up and saw that she wasn’t hurt.

“Thank you Brad for showing up when you did. I was afraid they were going to rape me.”

“You’re welcome. Honestly they probably would have. But let’s not dwell on that shall we.”


“Brad I need to get back to work, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind walking Kimiko home for me. I know she’s a big girl but I would feel better if someone walked her home right now.” Mikey asked me.

“Sure no problem”

“You don’t have to Brad” Kimiko said

“No its ok. I wouldn’t want to see my dance partner get hurt.” I laughed.

We said our good-byes to Mikey and we started off walking towards her house. Living on the out skirts of town KImiko and I had a long walk which we filled up with talking. I found out we shared a lot of things in common. We like the same music, the same kind of movies. It’s amazing what you can learn when you can actually talk to each other for more than 2 minutes. I notices however that Kimiko never really made I contact with me and when she was looking at me and I caught her she quickly looked away. When we got to her house I stopped and I had to ask her.

“Kimiko is everything alright? You seem really shy all of a sudden.”

“What oh I’m sorry I hadn’t notices and ummm well ummm.

“Kimiko you know me and I feel like I know you. You can tell me if I have done something wrong. If I have I would like to say sorry right now.”

“Oh Brad you have done nothing wrong. It’s just… Well I sort of like you and I just don’t know if you would like me.”

“Oh is that all. Well now that I have gotten to know you better I can honestly say I do like you. To be honestly I think your very beautiful if not the most beautiful girl in school. I just figured I was too dumb for you since I am not in honors.”

“Oh you silly boy, that’s not true. You’re not dumb at all. I have had a crush on you for years. That’s why I made sure to be your dance partner. I wanted to get close to you and get to know you better. I think you’re cute.”

“You made sure to be my dance partner because I’m cute. That’s so sweet” I said as I started to blush.

“Awe you’re so cute when you blush”

I don’t know what I was thinking but I through caution to the wind. I cupped Kimiko’s face and moved in slowly. I gently pressed my lips against hers. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. I couldn’t get enough of her lips. I pressed my lips deeper into hers. I felt her tongue snake its way between my lips. I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her close. She felt so warm and soft. We broke our kiss and looked at each other.

“Do you. You know want to maybe Come in?” she asked.

“Yes” I said

We walked into her house. It was empty. I spun her around and pulled her into me for another kiss. We kissed deeply and passionately. I held her in my arm and crested her back. I could feel her pulling me alone and I followed. We entered a room that was off the living room. I realized it was her room. She pushed me onto the bed and straddled my legs. I kissed her lips and move to her ear. I gently teased her ear lope with my tongue. I could feel her hands around my body sliding up the back of my shirt. I moved down to her neck and kissed it. I could hear her moan softly. I felt her pull my shirt up and slide it over my head. I kissed her again as her hands moved to my chest. I felt her tease my nipples with her finger tips.

I slide my hand up the back of her shirt. She grabbed her shirt and pulled it off. I saw her tits confined in her bra. I moved down and kissed her cleavage and the top of each of her tits. She removed her bra and exposed those gorgeous Japanese breasts to me. Her areolas where are light brownish color. Her nipples were erect. I moved in and started sucking on them. Kimiko moaned and held my face against her breast. I felt her start grinding her hips against mine. My cock slowly hardening in my pants. I let go of her nipple and she pushed me down on the bed. She worked on undoing my pants and I helped her. I lifted my hips up so she could slide them off along with my boxers.
She grabbed my swollen cock and started licking its shaft. I watched as her tongue danced around every inch of my cock licking my oozing pre-cum from my slit.

“MMM you taste better than I thought I can’t wait to really taste you” Kimiko took as much of my cock into her mouth as she could. I am not that big I am only 5 and half inches, but that didn’t matter. She sucked on the head of my cock and used her hand to jerk it. I started to moan as I could feel myself getting closer. Her tongue was licking very part of my mushroom head. She started jerking me faster and I felt my balls getting ready.

“Kimiko I’m Cumming” I told her as I felt the first shot fire off into her mouth. She took it all. Never swallowing until the last round was fired off. She let go of my cock and swallowed.

“MMM tasty.” She stood up and started taking off her pants. “You wanna taste my hot Japanese sauce?” she asked

I helped her remove her pant and thong. Her pussy was shaved and her lips where swollen. She pushed me back down and straddled my face. I reached up and savored my first pussy that I’ve ever eaten. I could feel the heat from her pussy on my tongue. I licked every part of her pussy inside and out. As she sat on my face Kimiko moved a hand to her clit and started rubbing it. That gave me an idea. As fast as she rubbed her pussy, licked her just as fast.

“OOHH Brad I’m going to cum. OOOHHH OOOOHHH Oh shit I’m CUMMMMING.” As her orgasm hit. She stopped rubbing her clit and I was showered with her juices. I drank what I could but some got all over my face. She slid down my body and kissed me deeply and passionately. The tip of my cock touching her wet pussy. I felt her slide down on my cock.

“Oh shit what about protection Kimiko?” I asked her.

“Don’t worry I’m on the pill” She told me.

I placed my hands on her hips and guided her up and down my cock. Her pussy was tight, but I didn’t feel any hymen at all. That didn’t bother me thought. I was having sex. Not only was I having sex but it was what we both wanted. KImiko moaned loudly and I felt her pussy tighten around my cock.

“OH Brad Your hitting my spot don’t stop please it feels so good” I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to stop. I placed my feet flat on the bed and started thrusting up as fast as I could. I could hear her wet pussy echo throughout the room. She tried to match my thrust but couldn’t. Instead she worked on grinding her pussy into my pelvis. I was so hot and horny watching her tits bounce like mad. I held her ass and let loose with all my speed. KImiko stopped trying to form words and moaned even louder.

“IIIIIIII OOOOOOO UMMMMM” Kimiko managed to saw as I felt her vice like pussy clamp down again as she starts to cum again. This was too much for me as I thrust up as hard and as deep as I could and shot my load as deep into her pussy as I could. I came so hard I thought I shot my nuts into her pussy.

We lay there together for what seem like an eternity. Our sex juices running down my deflating cock. Kimiko kissed me and smiled.

“That was better than I imagined”

“You can say that again Kimiko.”

She looked at the clock. It said 4:30

“OH shit my parents should be home in a few minutes”

“Oh boy time to clean up and get dress”

We quickly get dress and left her room. We no sooner got back into the living room when we heard car doors. The front door opened and a man and a woman walked in. The man was talk and looked a lot like Mikey. I figured this was his dad. I saw the woman and my heart stopped. Of all the girls to have sex with, I just had sex with a girl whose mother is going to have every reason to hate me and not want me with her daughter let alone what her step-father is going to think when he founds out that Kimiko’s mother is the Japanese Woman I was forced to rape the other night.


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Taking it to them“We better go check on Tara” I say to Shiho and Kimiko.“Yeah she’s still not moving” Kimiko says.We rushed down the stairs to the living room. Tara was lying naked still where Mikey and Russ left her. She looked like she was dead. I check her neck and felt a pulse. She started to stir and I was relieved. “How do you feel?” I ask her.“Like I got a hard fuck that I didn’t want” She says to us.“My God Tara you better take it easy. Your back is covered in welts.” Shiho tells Tara...

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Defying My family Part 3

Faking a ****I woke up early. I couldn’t sleep any longer so I decided to sit and watch the video and listen to the sound. I knew that in order to be able to do what I must, I have to be able to sit through something like this. As I sat and watched Tara being fucked both Max and Nightmare, I paid very close attention to Nightmare trying to see if there was anything that could lead to the identity of the masked man. I was about almost through it when I heard something the microphone picked...

2 years ago
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Me And My Incested Family3

Hey I remembered when I was 15... Me and my sister 'Trish' had some fun together as well as me and me dad and me brother ! I remember coming home from school one day. I walked him chucked me bags on the floor and went up stairs and I heard a moaning type noise. My sisters door was open a little, I looked in and I saw her magical fingers inside of her! It was such a beautiful sight to watch! Anyway so I slowly sneaked in and crawled by the bed... Heart beating in case she catches...

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Me And My Incested Family2

Anyway one day I came home from seeing a movie and I was sad because I got a text saying something that I don't want to tell u And my father saw me crying and came upstairs, just wearing his boxers, and his abs where AMAZING! I love the way my dad looks. he sat next to me and I saw he bulge (Not erected) but I saw his bulge still and he likes tightish boxers too as me and my brother ;). And he hugged me witch sent a GREAT feeling through my body witch made my penis start to get...

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me and my stepfamily

      he stuck his dick in a little bit, then put it in little by little. it hurt, but felt good at the same time. aqain I matched his pace and he touched my 34c boobs andburied his face in them. he used his thumb to play with my clit and soon I had a qreat orqasm. he went faster and deeper until I had another orqasm. after another ten minutes I felt his dick swell up inside me and I felt a weird sensation in my pussy. he qrunted And kept his dick in my pussy for a little bit. I knew he came in...

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My stepfamily

I was soaping my body in the shower, getting ready for school, when I heard a faint tinkling sound. I peeked out from behind the curtain, and there sat my 260 pound step sister on the toilet relieving herself. “Hey Bro. Sorry to intrude, but I couldn’t hold it back any longer.” I then saw her strain, and heard a plop plop plop. My God, she was pooping right in front of me. For some strange reason, my heart began to beat a little faster, and my 7 inch cock began to get hard. I continued to...

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The Megafamily

My life wasn't supposed to be the life of a Superhero. No, sure not. Just two years ago, in the year 2015, I was a very average teenage boy. Barely 18 years of age at that time, I lived in a small suburb with my parents. My family was no poor family, in fact, we were wealthy, thanks to the work of my father as an genetical engineer and entrepreneur. Although I always saw me as a "normal" boy, mainly interested in sports and girls, receiving good grades, the work of my father was, in contrast,...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 67 Dysfunctional Family

"MEYOW!" Ryo-chan lurched, all but whirling to glare directly down at Ayeka while rubbing her precious derrière. "Well, I'm sorry you keep fidgeting!" The princess snapped mildly, replacing the straight pin into her wrist mounted pincushion looking at Ryo-chan ruefully. "If you'd hold still, I wouldn't have stuck you!" She added tersely. Even angry as she was, standing atop the kitchens borrowed stepping stool, attired resplendently in a flowing white wedding gown, Ryo-Oki was the...

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My Asian Stepfamily

*Just a reminder that these ideas should obviously never be either supported or condoned in any fashion in real life. any of the themes in this story are exactly that, a STORY. this is fictional and it should stay that way. Please don’t actually go out and act on any of the things depicted here. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :) John Doe was like every rich, stereotypical white kid living in California, and although he grew up in an Asian family, his mom had always made sure to tell him he was the...

1 year ago
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Family Porn HD? Ah, it’s an age-old story of taboo lust. Your single dad hooks up with a 20-year-old dimepiece with wide hips, thick thighs, and tits to die for who becomes your new stepmom, but you just can’t help getting hard every time she walks by in a tight tank top with no bra and a slim pair of black booty shorts. I can’t blame you, man. But some people take it even further. Ever dream of your hot older sister slipping into your room at night and letting you fuck her brains out? Or maybe...

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My Family One hot summer day, many years ago, I had to go spend an afternoon at my grandma’s house. She was supposed to pass down the family pie recipe to me. I’ve never been one for baking unless you count the blunts I smoked when she wasn’t looking. The pie ended up full of my semen, but that wasn’t actually one of the ingredients. It fills me full of sticky joy to see that MyFamilyPies sticks to a sexier recipe.In case she couldn’t figure it out from the name and the fact that your old pal...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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The Family Sex Tube! If you ever felt like taking your porn game a step further, then will be of great help since this page right here has all the taboo porn that you never saw on the internet. There are simply tons and tons of movies that will show you things that would be considered by some to be unspeakable horrors, and of course, sex addicts such as yourself will enjoy these videos, and you will beg for more if you allow this desire of this flesh to take control of you....

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 9 Saturday February 5 Welcoming Anne To The Family

My eyes were closed but I was awake. I sensed Anne look from me to my father, felt her disengage herself from the hands we had on her breasts and sit up. Suddenly a vision came into my mind and that could only mean one thing, my brother was back. It was just after six-o-clock on Saturday morning, she was resting against the soft backboard. 'She's considering what to do next little brother, and she's thinking about what happened. About how you changed your mind on Thursday night and...

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True Friends and Family

True Family and Friends A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book...

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Christmas With The Family

Christmas With The Family   An Original Work by Donato, Copyright 2007       Harry and Todd had been friends since grade school and now were freshmen at the same college, State University. It was almost Christmas and Todd had invited Harry to stay with he and his family as Harry's folks had been called out of town on a family emergency. It was the first time Harry was not to see his folks over Christmas and he was really down in the...

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Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...

2 years ago
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My family

My Family My Family    I have lived next door to Jim and Cindy most of my life and they had two beautiful daughters? that were much undisciplined girls.  The oldest one Mary 18 years old and the younger one Vicki 17 years old. Jim drove truck and one day was killed in an accident. Cindy and I started to date about 3 months later and she and I were to go out for dinner one night. I was to pick her up at 6pm for a business dinner. I arrived and she was not ready and was just getting out of...

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Heading East The Jones Family

Newhall, Missouri was a changed place. In the past two and a half months every town agency had been completely torn apart by the state and federal corruption probes. There was rampant nepotism, greed, extortion, conflicts of interest, fraud, and embezzlement throughout the town brought to light by the investigators. It went further to include the County of Hadley which Newhall residents completely controlled. Things were dire in the town. The sheriff's office was torn in half...

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Making of a Family

Prologue James York was a tall, skinny, weak white teenager. His father worked hard as a distribution warehouse manager. His mother was a nurse who spent long hours working at a major hospital. The family lived in a modest four bedroom home in an upscale neighborhood in Winnisimmet, MA that their combined hard work enabled them to buy. James wasn't the best looking but he had an infections personality that made you instantly like him. He could tell what you were thinking and know...

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Heading East The Toro Family

The season had just ended in bitter disappointment. The Dodgers had lost in the divisional series yet again. They tried but there was always something that caused them to collapse or lose out on opportunities. Their performance wasn't really a problem to him, what irked was that the team was full of themselves. They were elites in the city but not all players were the same. Some were family people who chose to go home to their wives and girlfriends while others, like Miguel Toro,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 9 Tuscaloosa Trip First Christmas with the Family

Characters Introduced Sophia, 18 5'4, white Dirty Blond hazel eyes 36D breasts, long swan-like neck Becca, 16 5'6, white Red Hair with Green eyes 36C breasts Martha, 35 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 36D breasts Victoria, 17 5'6, white Blond with Blue eyes 36C breasts Candy, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Cynthia, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Alileen, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green eyes 32C breasts Alexis, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green...

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Christmas Wedding Part 2 Evans Family

9 Days Before Christmas Charles and Grace Evans were about to enjoy their first extended period of solitude since their son was born. Charles enjoyed his job as a police officer but it often kept him busy at all hours of the day and night as be worked up through the ranks to become an Assistant Commissioner, the third highest rank in the Metropolitan Police Service. He had no plans on becoming the Deputy Commissioner or the Commissioner when the positions opened up, but still worked...

4 years ago
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A Bride for the Entire Family

Cindie Hightower’s entire body still tingled with the memory of the wonderful fucking her daddy had given her moments ago. Kalyn was so right, fucking was the best. She hoped that daddy would fuck her again soon, but if not, she had options — plenty of them! Cindie just basked in the afterglow of her happiness, remembering that only just a month ago, things had been so, so different. The 19-year old had not been a happy girl then. Almost all of her misery was caused by her unhappy home life....

3 years ago
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Very Loving Family

by Jen L. Lee © 2012 The thick cock was moving in and out of Brooke’s pussy at a steady pace. Her nipples tingle and she felt flush, but it was all so GOOD! Losing her cherry had hurt a little, but it hadn’t really been a long hurt. Now it was feeling so wonderful. Brooke Taylor was thrilled. At last she was one of them. At long last she could fuck with her loving family. Brooke’s long blonde hair covered her coral-pink nipples and it tickled a bit. She knew that she was a bit...

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The Shaw Family

?? ? ? ? ?The tea cup in my hand was probably worth more than my car in the driveway. It was a grand circular driveway of course. I loved the car though; it was an old old Chevy Cavalier, bright yellow. People on the street were always waving at me, trying to hail a cab. I felt popular. I got to hand it to the Shaw family, they were one good looking bunch of people. All three sons inherited their height, manner and masculine good looks from Dr. Donald Shaw, one of the world's most famous...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 1 The Family

Sunday, May 30, 1971 Grace stretched her nude body languorously beside me, reaching above her head to touch the rustic headboard as she pointed her toes. "Ooo! I can't believe I fell asleep," she said lazily. "You expended a lot of energy," I replied. "I think WE expended a lot of energy. You fell asleep too," she giggled. I just smiled. My name used to be Phil Brown. And up until two weeks ago, I was a fifty-six year old loser, stuck in a dead end job, a dead end marriage, and a...

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An Insular Family

A young woman finds a unique way to keep her family together. There were just 3 people plus the minister at the gravesite. As the minister spoke, the three people just stood there, holding hands, with tears streaming down their faces. The three people were Anna, her brother Shaun, and their father Carl Pearson. The person in the casket was the children’s mother. Just a couple of short months ago their mother had complained of feeling run down and went to see a doctor. What she found was that...

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Big Incest Family

Hi Friends, This is Bobby here again with a new episode. It was a last week event when due to my official work I had to go to Jaipur for 2 day trip. I planned to leave early in the morning around 6 so that I can be in Jaipur by 10 AM and can start my meetings. As per schedule I started and as soon as I crossed manesar, I saw one lady waiving for the Lift. She was standing near the car which shows that there was some problem with car and some male was inspecting the same. I stopped the car near...

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A First For Gracie Gracie Brings A Brother Into The Family

John was heading home after a long day of meetings. He worked construction so was not used to sitting inside all day. Needing to relax from the day, he pulled into Frank’s Place to grab a drink or six.  He walked into the bar and quickly realized everyone else in town had the same idea he did. Luckily, he found one bar stool open toward the end of the bar. As he sat down, a gorgeous bartender walked up. She had pretty black hair and was wearing a tight T-shirt. Nice tits, he thought to...

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Welcome to the Family

Zach sipped on his scotch and sighed. He had been dreading his daughter Danielle’s 14th birthday for months. Not for the reasons most fathers did; he wasn’t worried about the music she was starting to listen to, or the fact that she was getting older and more independent. Even her ‘hanging out with friends’ slowly starting to look a lot more like double dates didn’t bother him. “Honey,” his wife Olivia’s voice called softly from the kitchen. “You’ve been hiding in there all day. Go mingle with...

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Sex With My Boyfriends Family

Were both one7 in our second last year of high school and have been dating for a little over a year now my boyfriend is the definition of beauty, big blue eyes blonde wavy hair lovely slender body with a beautiful uncut 6 inch cock. I had the slutty physic im skinny curvy around the abdomen area with a cute little bubble butt and perky boobs my hair was long straight brown hair with tinges of blonde. Now that’s what we look like now just imagine us fucking we have amazing sex I love it how...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 94 Setting Up The Future for Business and Family

Mark I sat in my posh office with Andy Martin, my number two in the company, and Tom Power, a superb executive and leader I’d discovered purely by accident in St. Croix. Less than a year later I recruited him and put him in charge of a burgeoning start-up in nanotechnology we’d discovered in Silicon Valley; a great idea by several profs from Stanford but with no management talent to get it going and to market. Over the subsequent two years, he’d turned some hopes and dreams into a real...

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Marriage into a Fun family

I was 20years old studying in engg college near delhi my name is Vandana. I was not the best looking girl in my batch but i managed to come in top 10. Many boys gave me good attention and i had few hook-ups in first 2 years of college but nothing lasted more then couple of months. At home , i had my mother only dad had expired when i was 4 year old .. Mom took real care of me by working in a it firm . We never had any money problems in our life mom earned well and had enough of family wealth...

2 years ago
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Egg Nogged Family

Dec 24th 2008: the McLeod House, a small town in the American Midwest I stopped in the doorway when I saw her. She was sitting at the kitchen table with our baby in her arms, gently holding her daughters head as the baby's lips hungrily sucked at her fat teat. Involuntarily my tongue slipped between my teeth and started to lick my lips in anticipation. Of course she sensed my presence. "Hi you," she welcomed as she looked back over her shoulder with a broad smile on her face. I slowly...

1 year ago
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My Pervy Family

Have you met My Pervy Family? They’re not actually mine in the sense that I’m related to them, nor are they mine in the sense that I’m running the titular website devoted to them because I’m not. They aren’t my own pervy family any more than they’re yours. But in that sense, perhaps they belong to all of us the same way our favorite songs have a way of becoming human culture instead of just some musician’s intellectual property. Well, I’m probably getting way more philosophical about the site’s...

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Divine Justice II The Family

I left Hanna the next morning and got in a cab that took me to the airport. Hanna and I had sex twice more before I left, Ill never forget that night. After two planes and another cab, I stood in front of my new home. It was a three-story house with a nice front yard, tall windows and a wide, shadowed porch. It looked like something my parents would buy. I smiled as I looked at it. Hartford would be a new start. At the airport I had honed my abilities. They were nowhere near perfect, but I...

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Welcome to the Family

Introduction: I hope you enjoy my story. Bits of it are true but mostly a work of fiction, Ive changed the names to. I look forward to some feed back Welcome To The Family My Wife, Sarah and I had just been married, we went to Thailand for our Honeymoon, that was an adventure in itself, but thats another story for another time. So anyway, wed just arrived back in the country a few days before and we went to visit her parents, My Wife has always been really close with her family, like,...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 3 Imp Joins The Family

Dora, the AI, switched from one scene to another, and Jason and his new family watched in awe while the various aspects of the ongoing extractions played out. At one point Naomi reacted to an incoming instruction and announced, “Oops, Katie needs me. Dora can take care of you until I get back.” She left running. “Dora, so far I’m really impressed,” Jason told the AI. “Do I need to do anything about those two men and their kids? “Not at the moment, maybe not at all,” she responded. “Katie...

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A short introduction to Lilith and her Family

Despite the theme I am trying to make my stories more appealing to women, and include some reasonable background rather than a never-ending series of sex scenes. If you like reading a story about a perverted tabooless woman and her Family develop, you will surely like this. The whole world of Lilith and her Family is written in third-person limited. Each story, whether it will be big or small, will be written as seen from one person of the Lilith Family or the occasional guest...

4 years ago
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My Futa Family

"Shhh! We can't wake her up!" your mom whispers. You, your mom, and your older sister were standing outside your little sister's door, ready to surprise her. It was her 18th birthday, and pancakes were about to be served in bed. "We know, we know! Come on, let's do this!" Sam whispers, smiling with anticipation. You smile back at her as you slowly open her door, allowing space for your mom with the pancakes and your sister with the plates and forks can get through. You all slowly creep towards...

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Secrets of the New Family

The plane touched down. I was home. The entire flight back I replayed the week again and again in my mind. Just over a week ago I had no idea that my dad's side of the family had an annual reunion in a secluded family-owned campground. I certainly had no idea that each night I would have sex with a different female relative. She could be a distant relative like Ashley or a near relative like Jessica who legally was my cousin but it turned out that biologically she was my half-sister. Either...

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Marrying into a Close Family

Chapter 1 Edited by Sandy Susan was on top of the world. She moved to Pennsylvania to attend college. It was a move she was unsure about, being that her family was all on the west coast, but it was working out better than she had hoped. Susan was a surfer girl from southern California and she never thought she could be happy this far from a beach. Her near perfect body still sported a dark, rich tan, that with her long blonde hair and slightly larger than average breasts, ensured that she...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 141 Visiting Katelin Eatons Family

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) Katelin was bouncing up and down outside her home when I pulled up. She bounced around to the driver's door and pulled me out of the car. "Come on! I can't wait to introduce you to my family." I was dragged inside. I immediately recognized the two youngest boys. One was a senior, which was pretty much all I knew about him. The youngest was a guy called Gunner, currently in the 9th grade. He'd been in some of my 8th grade classes last year and he was...

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The Higher Order MultiplesChapter 3 We Are Family

The majority of the Travelers were still too shocked, ill, disoriented, depressed, or perhaps some of all that and remained attached to the place they were off loaded. Some few, less than a couple hundred, had ventured out in order to find food and provide for those incapable. Poor food, water, and sanitation alone would kill. Something must be done, must change dramatically, and soon. The left Bub and went to see how the Travelers were preparing their meals. “Scarlett?” Honey asked as she...

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City Boy is Fucked and Cuckolded by an Incestuous Hillbilly Family

Most of us like to think that we can plan our lives and have control over the paths we take. But as you will learn in this story, sometimes shit just happens, and we learn unbelievable things about ourselves. My name is Jason, and I was only twenty-four years old when the events in this story began. For reasons that will become obvious, I won’t identify the exact locations or individuals’ names.I grew up in a middle-class suburb in Pennsylvania, and after graduating from college with a degree...

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I Fuck a Family

Every year I take a trip up the coast in early summer. I use this time for rest, recreation, and renewal by the sea. If I am in a relationship I will bring my partner, sometimes I am accompanied by a buddy or fuck-buddy. This year the drive up was uneventful. I stopped at a couple of small wineries along the way, made some purchases and had them shipped home. For lunch I stopped at a gas station/deli/general store. By nightfall I had arrived at my destination and settled in. After a...

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Part of The Family

Part Of The Family by B. Pink ?But Angela haven?t I proved that I love you? ?Yes Michael, but I am not prepared to let you be to close to me, I have my children to consider, they are my family? ?But I want to be part of that family? he responded, the pleading in his voice almost pitiful. She shook her head in a way that seemed cruel, and for the first time Michael felt that his hopes had been dashed in a permanent way. For two years he had courted her, wanting to...

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