Defying Gravity Ch. 04-05 free porn video

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I’ve heard people tell of heart stopping moments. I didn’t take it as serious as I should really. The slam of a door downstairs stopped mine. Mom jumped from the bed. She winced in pain as she slipped her arms into her robe. Had I been more alert I would have realised that she had been naked from the waist up as we were making out. Without a glance Mom hurried from my room.

Footsteps trailed upstairs and then a door closed. I heard the door open and then voices coming from their room. Something within me made me exit my room and walk down the landing. I was heading towards their voices. As I closed on their room I realised what had triggered my actions. They were arguing.

‘Get out!’

‘This is my bedroom.’ I saw the shadows move across the landing.

‘Then you can have it, I’ll sleep in the spare room,’ Mom replied.

I was too late and standing on the landing when she burst out of the doorway. She came to a shuddering halt the instant she saw me. I don’t know who was the more stunned. Dad appeared at the door. When he saw me his face fell.

‘What’s going on?’

‘This is between me and your mom,’ dad replied.


‘Just go back to your room Danny,’ she answered.

Dismissed and pissed, I turned away and walked back to my room. I closed and locked the door. Turning off the light I lay on top of the bed. Every sound in the house was magnified by my imagination. I heard a brief exchange of muted voices on the landing and then, first of two doors being closed loudly.

Sleep was hard to come by and I was showered, dressed and out of the house before either Mom or Dad had stirred. I didn’t want to face either of them and was too early for class so headed to a local diner for breakfast.

There were only a few dawn birds in the diner when I parked in the street out front. Most were from the plant. The family run diner hadn’t changed in three generations as proved by the photographs of the original eatery hanging on the walls. I decided to sit at the counter instead of occupying one of the booths.

‘I’ll be right with you.’ Charlie’s voice shocked me from my thoughts. I’d forgotten that she was covering for Becca the next two weeks as Becca had exams.

‘No worries,’ I answered. My voice had the same effect on Becca’s sister. Running on autopilot she knew that someone had entered the diner and was now sitting at the counter but had still concentrated on the customers’ orders that she was serving.

‘Hey,’ she called out.

‘Good Morning,’ I replied and smiled. Having served her customers she wandered along the counter.

She said, ‘And a very good morning to you too.’

I looked into her sparkling blue eyes. ‘Hi.’

‘Can I get you some coffee, or would you like tea?’

‘Tea would be good,’ I answered. Charlie dropped a bag in a cup, poured over hot water and then placed it on the counter before me. ‘I’d recommend the ham and eggs.’


‘How do you want your eggs?’

‘Scrambled,’ I replied.

‘Would you like pancakes or toast?’ Charlie asked

‘I’ll have whole wheat toast.’

Charlie smiled. She looked at me for a second or two. ‘Is everything OK?’

I nodded. I’m not sure if she believed me. She disappeared into the kitchen. I heard her shout my order. Five minutes later she re-appeared carrying two plates loaded with ham, eggs and a side or of toast. A nod of her head indicated that I should follow. Charlie settled in the back-most booth. She placed both plates down and slid into the booth.

‘Don’t let it go cold.’

‘Yes Mom,’ I answered. I earned a glare.

We ate in silence.

‘Danny, can I ask you something?’

‘Sure,’ I answered between mouthfuls of ham. Inside, I wasn’t as sure as I sounded.

‘Would you like to go to the movies with me?’

‘Sure…I mean, yes, I would like that.’

Charlie smiled.

‘We could go to Rossi for a pizza after,’ she hurried on. ‘Or we can eat before the movie, if you’d prefer?’

‘That sounds like a date,’ I ventured.

‘Is that a problem?’ Her voice failed her.

‘No,’ I replied. ‘Pizza and a movie is classic first date material.’

‘It is, isn’t it?’

We chatted for the next five minutes and then Charlie’s break was finished. I watched her at work for the next half hour and we exchanged a few words as she passed my booth.

‘There’s a new Johnny Depp movie on at the Mall,’ Charlie called out as I was leaving for school.

‘OK.’ I said that I would call her after school.

‘Hey Daniel,’ she called out as I was leaving. ‘Nice hair.’

I nodded, ‘I’ll tell my style guru that you like her work.’

Mom sent an IM at lunch. Finding her cell on the kitchen table, I had sent her a message before leaving the house that morning, knowing that she would only get the message once she had gone to the kitchen the start making dad’s breakfast. I let her know that I would get breakfast out and that I would be late home as I was working. Her first message asked if I was ok. I replied yes and reminded her of my earlier message.

Three minutes later my cell started to ring.


‘Hey yourself,’ she answered. We were silent. ‘Danny, is it true?’

‘Is what true?’

‘Damn it Danny, I’m talking about you and my sister going on a date.’

‘Is it OK?’ I asked uncertainly and was greeted with loud laughter.

‘OK,’ Becca screamed. ‘It’s better than OK.’

There was a moment of absolute quiet.

‘Danny, did you think that me and you…’ Becca’s voice cracked and failed her.


‘Dan Carter, you are my best boyfriend, I love you but I’m not in love with you.’

‘I just…’

‘Chillax,’ she yelled. ‘Charlie couldn’t wait to tell me about you two going out on a date. She is so mad about this, it’s unreal.’

‘She is?’ I asked.

‘Danny, she’s been waiting for you to ask her out on a date since before you….’

I stared into nothingness. ‘Were burned?’

I heard Becca’s sharp intake of breath. ‘Yes.’

‘Why didn’t you say anything?’

‘She told me not to. I’ll tell you this though, she would have said yes if you’d have asked her to go with you to the senior prom.’

That single revelation had me stunned. It would be later, the more that I thought about it, that I understood more about why Becca had lead the revolt against Jane.

‘Hey, are you still there?’

‘But she was going out with that Dave guy,’ I croaked. I hadn’t liked him since I was invited home by Becca one afternoon and found Charlie and her guy sunning themselves on the deck. He had come across as a serious buttfuck.

‘He was just a friend.’ No, I argued in my head, he was a buttfuck.

‘You should have told me,’ I said finally.

‘Danny, I just did. I’ll also tell you this. If you hurt Charlie I’ll chop off your dick and beat you with it.’ I swallowed as a very vivid image appeared in my mind.

I laughed. I heard Becca’s laughter too.

‘You wouldn’t do much damage with it.’

‘That’s not what I’ve been told.’

‘What?’ I yelled.

‘And don’t be late picking her up.’ Becca cut the call. I could still hear her laughing from across town. I was late getting to my next class.

I was easily able to swap shifts at the gas station, something that Uncle Bob turned a blind eye to just as long as the station was manned. There was no one home when I arrived. Leaving my bike in the garage I entered through the kitchen. The house was silent. I hurried to my room. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes for an hour. Waking I stared at the bedside alarm until the time pierced my brain. I was late. Quickly showering I headed out. Neither Mom nor dad was home when I left.

I dialled Mom’s cell but it was switched off. I left a voice mail message and added that s
he could call me any time.

Charlie and Becca were sitting on the swing set on the front deck when I pulled up in the street outside their parents’ home. Sliding from behind the wheel they were heading down the garden walk as I walked around the hood, arriving at the passenger door with just enough time to open the door.

‘You’re late,’ announced Becca.

‘He’s not,’ Charlie answered instantly and then turned to me. ‘Don’t pay her any attention Daniel. You’re not, you are exactly on time.’

In truth, I knew that I was early. It didn’t bother me because Charlie had spoken.

Have I told you about Charlie? I guess I mentioned that she was Becca’s older sister. She was and is by all of eleven minutes. Charlie mentioned that for those eleven minutes was the only time that she had her mother’s complete attention.

The day we met at junior high I could tell them apart. They may have been identical twins but I knew Becca from Charlie. People asked me how but I couldn’t tell them as I’m sure that they wouldn’t believe me if I did. They tried to fool me one time. It didn’t work and they both stopped talking to me for three weeks after their trick backfired in the school cafeteria. It was Charlie that made the first move to bridge the gap between us when, during one lunchtime, she walked past the table where she usually sat with the want-to-be cheerleaders and sat at the geek table, taking the seat next to me. Not to be out done by her sister Becca plonked herself in the seat on my other side.

‘You look really nice,’ I said to Charlie.

‘Nice!’ Becca cried out. ‘She looks nice? What kind of word is that?’

I felt my embarrassment burning across my scarred cheek. I had to turn away.

‘Can’t you just leave Daniel alone? Why do you have to spoil everything?’ Charlie’s sad voice struck me deep in my chest.

‘Sis I…’

‘We should get going,’ I interrupted. Becca gave me a strange look as if I had two heads. Instinct took over and I turned to hide my scars. I know that Becca realised what I had done, she had witnessed it too many times when we had been out. Only this time she was the person that I was hiding from.

I closed the passenger door and hurried around to climb behind the wheel. I heard Becca talking to her sister through the glass but paid little attention as I fired up the engine.

‘Danny…’ Becca called out as we pulled away from the curb. I caught Charlie looking in the mirror to see Becca standing on the sidewalk where we had left her.

I drove in silence as Charlie fought unsuccessfully to stop her tears.

‘Why does she hate me,’ said Charlie finally. It took it to be rhetorical because, for one thing, I didn’t have an answer.

I turned left at Mason when I should have turned right. Watching the movie was now a bad idea. Instead I was heading for the baseball diamond. It was the place where I had gotten hurt and where I also sought solitude and peace of mind. There were half a dozen cars parked in the lot and I purposefully parked at a distance from them. Turning off the engine I finally spoke.

‘Becca called me during the lunch break.’ I knew that I had Charlie’s attention now. I could feel her eyes on me. ‘She was fit to bust as she told me that it was about time that the two of us were getting together.’

‘She was?’

Charlie was asking for reassurance.

I nodded. ‘She also threatened me that if I hurt you than she was going to hurt me.’

Charlie laughed and cried. It was a strange, strangled sound that filled the truck cab. I couldn’t help but smile.

Suddenly Charlie must have realised that we weren’t at the Quadrant.

‘Where are we?’

I grabbed my cell and punched in the number for Rossi’s. I ordered two pizza, loaded, no anchovies and no olives, and sodas to be delivered to the ballpark lot. The order arrived inside fourteen minutes. One minute later and they would have been free. It could have been me but they were the best tasting pizzas yet. When I looked over at Charlie she had tomato sauce on her chin as she took another slice. I guess it wasn’t me after all.

‘This was a better idea than a movie,’ Charlie commented.

‘It’s not the classic first date,’ I answered.

Charlie laughed, ‘Daniel, we’ve been friends like forever, so we know each other. First dates are like interviews and this was never going to be a typical first date. This is way better.’

I didn’t answer.

‘Can I ask you something?’

‘Sure,’ I replied.

‘Why did you agree to go out on a date with me?’

‘Why did you ask me out on a date?’ I countered. I could see that my answered had knocked her confidence.

‘I said yes because I wanted to be here on a date with you.’ Charlie smiled warmly. ‘I don’t ask people out because I look like this.’

Charlie angrily slapped my arm.

‘Don’t you dare think like that,’ she yelled at me. ‘If they can’t see what a handsome man you are then more fool them and it’s their loss and my gain.’

I looked surprised.

‘So you have plans for more than this date?’

Charlie’s flushed with embarrassment.

‘So what if I have?’ she fired at me defensively.

‘No worries, just wanted to know in case Mom asks me what’s going on between us. I won’t lie to her so I guess that I should say that you are my girlfriend.’

‘Then that would make you my boyfriend,’ Charlie added.

‘It’s OK with me if it’s OK with you?’ Charlie nodded. I smiled. I had a girlfriend.

‘There’s one thing though.’ I heard the other shoe hit the floor with a reverberating and thunderous crash.

‘I’ve been accepted to USC on the early graduate scholarship.’ I was pleased and saddened at the same time.

‘That’s great news.’

Evidently I didn’t see what Charlie was searching for.

‘What about you and me?’

Charlie was staring out of the windshield. I could see that her hands were tightly clasped. The knuckles on her left hand were visible and white. I unfastened my restraint. Grabbed the empty pizza box and shoved it on to the dashboard and slid across the bench seat.

‘I was assuming that there would still be a ‘you and me’. Unless you thinking something different?’

Charlie leaped from her seat and straddled across my lap. All uncertainty and her doubts were cast out of her mind as she mashed her lips to mine. Charlie literally and figuratively took my breath away. I felt her take my hand and move it to her breast. She then covered my hand with hers to prevent its escape.

Wow, I thought, I’d reached Second Base.I’d never even managed a hit in my short little league career. Maybe I was a late starter.

There was now something I could master at the baseball park. Charlie let out a soft moan and pushed the tip of her tongue into my mouth.

‘God, I’m so turned on.’ Her voice was muffled by mine as she spoke. Charlie’s fingers were clawing at my hair as she fed hungrily on my lips.

‘Oh God!’

I felt her push my hand inside her shirt. My fingers instinctively curled around, to cup her bra encased breast. I felt Charlie squirm on my lap and felt a hard ridge pressing into my groin. I pushed my hips forward on the seat and felt her push back. I was a hard as granite.

‘My God Daniel,’ she moaned. ‘Love me.’

I caressed her breast and felt the growing hardness of her nipple. Sliding my thumb over the hard raisin I felt it grow erect. Charlie pushed down with her hips. Her hand moved between us and I felt her free her breasts from her bra. I slid her nipple between my fingers and pinched it gently.

Charlie moaned again.

I felt Charlie release her hands from between us and then thrust them between our gyrating hips. Her hands went to my denims. She popped the buttons with expert fingers. I felt my cock leap for freedom. Charlie plunged her hand inside my denims.

‘My God, it’s bigger than I imagined.


Charlie was staring into my face.

‘Yours is my first,’ she said meekly.

I leaned forward and kissed her soft open lips.

‘This is mine too.’

Charlie’s eyes opened wide. ‘I heard that you and Jane…’

I shook my head before she could finish and replied, ‘I heard that you and that college guy did it after the Senior Prom.’

Charlie didn’t answer immediately.

‘He had planned it all but I didn’t let him.’

I closed my eyes and whispered, ‘thank you God.’

‘He wasn’t who I wanted to be with.’

I tenderly kissed her lips.

The inside of the truck was suddenly filled with light. The first thought to invade my mind was the police and how would I explain this to Charlie’s parents.

I had enough time to push Charlie off me and fasten my denims before a shadow moved outside the truck. Mom’s face suddenly appeared at the passenger door. Before I knew what was happening Charlie was being bundled into the Jeep. Mom ran around to my side of the truck.

‘Mom, what’s going on?’

‘Slide over,’ she ordered. ‘I’m driving.’

I stared at her for a few moments and then, slowly, unclipped my restraint and slid across the bench seat. I fastened the passenger belt as Mom started the engine. The underside of the body was peppered with gravel as Mom slammed the gear shift into reverse and stamped her foot down hard on the accelerator. Making a 180 she pulled out of the parking lot and tailed Aunt Paula’s Jeep. We were heading in the opposite direction to where we lived.

As I watched her I realised that I hadn’t seen the woman behind the wheel. She was focussed beyond anyone I had ever seen. Her eyes seemed to see everything and look everywhere. She was seeing the road ahead and the road we had travelled. We turned into the street where Charlie lived and pulled to a halt four door down. Mom shifted in her seat.

‘I need your cell phone.’ He hand was outstretched. I handed her the phone and watched dumfounded as she removed the back cover and pull out the battery and SIM card. She then dropped the pieces into a plastic bag, which disappeared from sight.

I looked through the windshield and saw Aunt Paula walk with Charlie to her front door. She went inside and then reappeared at the door with Charlie’s Mom and Dad. Aunt Paula spoke quickly and then ran to her Jeep. Aunt Paula lit off from the kerb. Mom stomped on the gas and followed, keeping about ten car distance from the fender. Glancing in the wing mirror I caught sight of a silver Ford SUV pull in behind us. I could see Uncle Bob behind the wheel.

I remained silent during the remainder of the journey. We headed towards Denman, taking the exit for the waterfall and then taking a quiet road into the hills. Finally we reached our destination, the Den River Inn. Uncle Bob unloaded three cases from the trunk of the SUV. They contained his and Aunt Paula’s clothes in two of the cases. Mom’s and my belongings were in the third and largest case. We entered the hotel as a group and Uncle Bob and Aunt Paula checked us in. We would have three rooms on the first floor, 23, 25 and 27. Uncle Bob gave Mom the key card to 25 and the passed the key card for 27 to Aunt Paula.

The atmosphere was strained. When Mom started to walk towards me I turned away and waited at the door to the room. Mom opened the door and entered first. I waited.

‘Better get inside Danny.’ I looked at Uncle Bob.

‘Do as Bob says,’ added Aunt Paula. I turned and looked at her. They were standing just behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

‘Not until someone tells me what is going on.’

I was firmly shoved in the middle of the back. I stumbled over the case and crashed face first to the floor. Scars and carpets do not play well together. The burning in my face quickly spread across my jaw. I slapped away the hands trying to help me up. Uncle Bob was standing at the door, now closed. Mom and Aunt Paula were closer, they were standing at the end of one of the twin beds in the room. It was their hands that I had slapped away.

‘Way to go you asshole,’ I said in a cold angry voice. Mom took a step forward. ‘Just leave me alone.’

She took another step.

‘I can’t do that.’

I shook my head. ‘The hell you can’t. There are two other rooms, use one of them.’

‘I can’t do that.’

I closed my eyes.

‘Why? What the hell is so vital that I can’t be alone after the crap that you three have just put me through?’

‘Paula, can you order room service.’ Mom took charge. ‘Have you eaten?’

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Sex With Mommy Meenu

Hi Guys! This is Pradeep from Coimbatore and my mom name is Meena. I am 22 and working in MNC and my mom is 36 years old now. We are a family of three. My father is working as a Marketing Manager in the private concern. My mom Meenu is damn sexy than any other lady whichever I met in my life. She is really too hot. She has taking much care about her body. She does the exercise regularly. So that does make her really sexy in building up her body well. So she has very less belly fat and perfect...

2 years ago
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One More Time1

I could hear the doorbell echoing in the hall; I waited impatiently bouncing on the doorstep to Drew's home... Finally the door opened, it was his mother. She looked me up and down, smiled hesitantly trying to remember my name, "Err... hi... Kerry? Is it?" "Yeah!" I gave her my most charming smile, "Drew asked me to come over!" She stared at me blankly, "he said he needed to talk to me?" I continued, "something desperate about Heather?" Her eyes lit up in some sort of...

3 years ago
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A Page From My Diary

A page from my diary….. May 2009 32 is my age average built, love to travel and passionate about love and sex. I have born and brought up from a well-educated family and I have done my bachelor from the USA. I brought up in my maternal uncle’s house my maternal grandparents’ are very close to me. I lived a big mansion which is my maternal grandfathers. After completing my 12 th I left my father’s house and came to maternal grandparent’s house and lived there. Living with two uncles and...

3 years ago
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Miss Priss Salon

Miss Priss Salon By Cheryl Alison It was Friday morning, and I had planned to get a haircut at my usual barber a few miles away from the downtown business district. However, my secretary dialed my cell phone and informed me that a new meeting popped up on my schedule at 10:00. I couldn't make it to my barber to get a haircut and back for the meeting, so I thought of my wife's friend, Marie. She runs a beauty salon a few doors down the street from my accounting firm. I quickly...

3 years ago
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After the club

We had a great night at the club using the pool, Jacuzzi and finishing in the dark room, but it was time to take you home so I could do stuff to you that I could not at the club. We had finished off in the shower and I had left my cum deep in your ass and as we dried off I could see it leaking as you bent over to dry your legs.I got hard again looking at this but I dressed and told you to put your gown on and follow me as I had all your clothes in my arms, so as you followed me I knew that my...

4 years ago
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A Night With My Sexy Sister

Hi friends this a real story of me and my sister. 2-3 saal pehle ki baat hai yeh. Meri ek 24 saal ki married cousin sister hai . Vo bohut sexy hai. Hot figure, beautiful face, killer smile ek number ki patakaa hai. Usko dekh kr to kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jayega. Hum dono vaise to bohut close the par pehle maine kabhi unko chodne ke bare mai socha tha. Yeh tab ki baat hai jab vo shaadi ke baad ghar aai thi. Ghar mai sab khush the. Hamari joint family hai. Garmio ka mausam tha aur hum saare...

1 year ago
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Harrys Protg Ch 01

Everyone has their good days and their bad days and on a sunny day in mid-May Harry O’Hern experienced both kinds of days big-time, making it an unforgettable day. On that day Harry was promoted to the top editorial job at the newspaper The Sentinel, against all odds, really making Harry’s day. Later that afternoon Harry lay dazed and bruised in his company car, splattered with the blood of his fiancée beside him. Some would say Harry killed Teresa, his golden haired darling as a result of...

1 year ago
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Story Night

Billy sat uncomfortably on the settee facing Jake. Apart from the fact that he had only just met him, their meeting had also been thrust upon him by his wife Suzy. Having casually dropped it into the conversation at the end of dinner, she had given him only fifteen minutes notice before the doorbell rang and in stepped Jake. But that was Suzy all over, suddenly thrusting things upon people and catching them by surprise. If there was one thing she could not accuse him of after almost five years...

1 year ago
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The Twins Part 2

Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She… Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She began to look at herself in the mirror more. When she looked at herself, she really did not see what most boys saw. When she looked...

2 years ago
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Katies Awakening II

The Prolog I've always had a thing for Tom Selleck. When I was a girl I'd watch Magnum P.I. and afterwards I'd lie in bed fantasying about being kissed by him. I didn't masturbate; well I did later, but not then. I was far too romantic at that age. I just wanted him to look longingly into my eyes and tell me how special I was before he kissed me sweetly on the lips. When I got older, I dreamed about him fucking me. My name is Katie and if you've read what my husband had to say about my...

1 year ago
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Shop Room Romance

She felt herself being lifted off the table and then she was lowered back onto his strong body, he held her above him, rubbing his smooth face against her large breasts. Then he slowly lowered her, folding her into his strong arms. He reversed their positions and she found herself beneath him, he watching her. His hands moved to stroke her breasts. His soft finger tips brushed against his legs. He cupped the cones of her breast, gently pulling and pinching the large coral nipples, and she could...

3 years ago
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Jasmin hasste ihr Schwester Chantal. Und das aus tiefstem Herzen und mit gutem Grund wie sie fand. Chantal war Jasmins aeltere Schwester und ihr nicht nur zwei Jahre, sondern stets auch die beruehmte Nasenspitze voraus. Sie war besser in der Schule, bei allen weitaus beliebter als Jasmin. Kurzum, Jasmin platze vor Eifersucht gegenueber ihrer Schwester. Und jetzt auch noch das: Ihre gutaussehende und immer perfekt im Businesslook gestylte 20 Jahre alte Schwester stand kurz vor ihrer Heirat. Es...

4 years ago
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L Kay on Vacation

Introduction: Happily married Leslie and her husband Cal decide to go on a second honeymoon. Part of their many happy years together is from a healthy and lively sex life. Role playing is a favorite scenario in their adventures. One thing theyve always wanted to try is for L. Kay to receive anerotic massage while Cal looks on. Cal and Leslie Kay Smythe are truly a happily married couple. Both work, Cal in financial and L. Kay in education. Their two young children take up the rest of their...

2 years ago
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High Hopes Ch 1

Regards to Shawn The minivan packed with suitcases, garment bags, and cosmetic cases, sped in the dark down the lonely predawn interstate toward Huntsville International Airport. It was only a fifteen minute jaunt and Carla spent every second of it hoping that she hadn’t forgotten anything important. Once at the airport, they rushed their luggage to the bag check and hurried up to the green concourse. There they checked in and sat down to watch out the window where their plane would soon...

3 years ago
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hello hey hi trying to get right with God once

so what's up everybody? as you can see from that being of the title that this is a much different one from my previous, or prior posted stories, & as it pretty much like so say what that being of the person of i myself am feeling as well as thinking of trying to do as of the present given moment in time, i mean whereas i presently feel this rather compelling need to try to think of it being of which is of a mind's intentions to try to get right with God once again as a believer. so don't...

2 years ago
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate chapter two

Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for helpless kinky sex,... and she was the one that was going to experience some of the most stimulating and kinky, a young woman like her had ever been exposed to? The breast and clitoral attachments were only the start. The small amount of tasteful slickem nurse Joy had applied has gone from a wonderful relaxed feeling that was content and...

3 years ago
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Manmoirs Post Game Celebration

Super Bowl 2005 featured the defending champion New England Patriots taking on the Philadelphia Eagles. I decided to attend a house party hosted by Leah, a classmate of mine. A bunch of us prepared food and brought our special dishes over to her place. Add a little alcohol and some girls, and you have a real Super Bowl party. I was rooting for the Patriots. I hated Donovan McNabb and Terrell Owens. The girls cheered for New England because of Tom Brady. I was on the girls side, and from the...

Straight Sex
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The Holiday

............... I want you so much”“Well you can have me if you can catch me,” she answered running towards the gate of the complex. He followed her and overtaking used his key to unlock it. She pushed passed him as he had difficulty removing the key and ran on, passed the outdoor and indoor pools and on towards their apartment block. He tried to catch up with her but she beat him up the steps to the door of the apartment. There she had to wait as he climbed the steps and then caught up with...

2 years ago
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Retirement SOL VersionChapter 6 Whos on first

In what feels to me like the blink of an eye, my life with Maricar has been upended. Clearly she is still my wife, but she belongs to my Mistress. Jovelyn has been installed in a bedroom across the hall and so has Imee's little son. He now occupies the remaining bedroom in the house. Jovelyn is now quite openly one of my lovers and Maricar is respectful to her. And now there's the issue of pregnancy ... I was OK thinking that even though I was fucking the girl, she would not get pregnant...

2 years ago
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Mercy Book 2 Branded

Branded Cain replied to the LORD, "My punishment is too great for me to bear! You have banished me from the land and from your presence; you have made me a homeless wanderer. Anyone who finds me will kill me!" Brand: I went inside the flying building and seem them both. And I can't help but stare. Vantier. A legend from my ancestor's time, reborn. Then she was known as a warrior, a leader. Today? She's become a healer, and teacher. And Faith. A girl who is just beginning to...

4 years ago
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A Simple LoveChapter 4

Leona stretched out on the soft grass, looking up into the heavens and many sparkling stars, enjoying Dave's wonderful hands roaming over her body. She turned her head and saw Mandy easing herself down, taking Ken's huge cock deep into her tiny body. 'How does she take him?' She asked Dave feeling her small skirt being pulled down her hips and off of her legs, leaving her in nothing but her teeny panties. 'I hope it doesn't scare you, ' he replied moving his right hand between her...

3 years ago
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Next morning I got up early like I do every morning and cleaned the bathroom, the lounge room and the kitchen. And then I cooked some breakfast for my mistress scarlet. My ears were on the bell that rings when she presses the remote for me. I wanted to wish her good morning by kissing her feet, probably on all four. Then maybe offer her flip flop or house sandal properly on top my head and then maybe lick them clean and serve her any way she found me useful and hear her giggle. Her giggle – it...

1 year ago
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Mordern Draupadi

Hi this is Sushma again to conclude the story of that night when my husband and his three friends and their wives and we both husband and wife after the card game where we all ladies were on stake in their game and in first round of 45 minutes all four ladies had a fucking session with the different man according the result of card. Now I tell you aheadAll we went in the bathroom to clean ourselves and when we all gathered in the hall and narrating the scene to everybody and Kamini asked me...

3 years ago
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In My Striving

IN MY STRIVING... I had built a mental picture, based on my dream And it looked awful high, standing there on the beach It looked to me like an idol... a goal just a bit out of reach. The feeling was incredible, and I thought I would burst. When I found that my idol, was but nothing, a single tall stone. All but for me... alone, on that long long beach As you both showed me, from the mountain top Of which you not just helped, but took me up I could see my idol, way down there on that...

1 year ago
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Prom Week The Final Chapter

It was finally here. The night that every girl dreams about. But not this prom. This Prom wasn't the kind girls dreamed of. For if things worked out as Fred planned this prom would became their worst nightmare.This was the Prom dreamt of in every horny young man's deepest, darkest, part of their heart.For now those things were pretty much like every other prom in America. Lots of dancing and young women in beautiful dresses with there hair done. And the king and queen of the prom was soon to be...

4 years ago
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The Best Conference Part III

For the next couple of days, I spent my days at the conference and my evenings with Catherine.When we saw each other at the conference, we would exchange pleasantries and maybe chat briefly. Of course, I used the opportunity to have a little fun.The last morning when I saw her between sessions, I told her to find a bathroom to fuck herself in. When she was on her way I called her, and told her to keep me on the phone.She told me when she had found one, that there was no one in there, and I...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Directors Cut

Altered Fates: The Director's Cut A Tale of Deceit in Hollywood (what else is new?) by Liam Slade More at *** I remember the first time I saw a poster for Jennifer Raye. She had the kind of beauty that strikes one immediately and sort of radiates in his mind for weeks. I was walking down the street, on my way to a lunch appointment with Mitch Ruegger, the producer, when I saw her. Well, I was dreading the entire affair, since it was really my...

1 year ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 25

As I was afraid would happen, Saturday turned out to be a blustery, gray day, with a threat of rain. Steve woke me up with a kiss, and, after quick bathroom visits, we were soon entwined in a loving embrace. The day was getting off to a marvelous start! Much later, as we were lying happily in bed, I stretched and exclaimed, "My, that was nice!" The hug and kiss that Steve gave me in response made it evident to me that he felt the same way. He got up, saying, "I'll finish in the bathroom...

2 years ago
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Ok, so why after the story from Cynthia's mission work in Africa, where she ruled the young men's passion and drained their seed from young innocent cunts would she want to be in the breeding room? Surely not to stop the Ladies who were her because they wanted negro seed to impregnate them by their own minds? Mmm curious? She walked like a cat walk model in her tight nylon pencil skirt and blouse, black bra holding in those huge guns of hers, which had done all to arouse and help to milk BBC...

1 year ago
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My first encounter with a tranny Part 2

We laid there touching and feeling each other’s naked body as my wife dropped her bags and said “seems like you two were having fun”. I introduced her to Judy who patted the bed and said “why don’t you come join us?” I will, let me freshen up first said my wife. Now my wife is one hot piece of ass, she’s about 5’1 and weighs about 160, on a count of her double D boobs. Her long beautiful hair reaches down to her butt, and she has a very pretty delicate face. Her best feature I would have to say...

She Males
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Charity AuctionChapter 4

Cheryl's mind was working as fast as her fingers, trying desperately to remember where she knew that voice from. All she knew was that she DID know this person, but from where? She finally decided that it didn't matter, though. She was at his mercy; his slave for the weekend, and there wasn't anything she could do... or wanted to do... about it anyway. The wet grass felt soft on her back as she used one hand to manipulate her already- throbbing clitoris while two, then three fingers of...

3 years ago
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First time Sex With Selvi Aunty

Hi everyone, this is Steve from Karntaka and I’m going to share the story happened to me a few months before with my Aunty Selvi name Changed this is not a fake story and this is a true story happened between us before getting into the story. I first told about myself I’m a good looking guy with an athlete’s body having a 9 inches cock that can satisfy any women need and my age is 20 now. My aunt Selvi a beautiful lady I have ever met and she is now 32 and mother of 3 children’s. I never had...

2 years ago
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L Kay pt3 the end of her vacation

Introduction: Leslie and her husband Cal went on a second honeymoon to fulfill a long sought after fantasy of watching his wife receive an erotic massage Today was another beautiful sunny day here at the Knights Inn in Florida City. The weather has been perfect for our second honeymoon vacation. I havent had so much sex since I was in college and met up with Tommy. That was a couple of years before I met Cal. Today, or I should say, tonight we were planning to go through with our fantasy erotic...

1 year ago
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Man of the House

The tires of the taxi screech away, having barely given you enough time to get your things. Shaking your head, you look behind you. Yes, this is the address. Before you was a house, no, rather a mansion, one your father had bought shortly after you left for college. You had never seen it...until now. It was breathtaking in size, easily three floors. The walls were a shining bright white, as if they had been recently painted. Behind you was a fountain that stood in the middle of the circular...

4 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 4

Sherry was sitting next to me as I drove. “Put your arm around me and feel my titties, Jerry. I love my big titties so much, and I wish we could stop and fuck before we get to the country club.” “My sister has the most beautiful titties in the world. I can’t get over how huge they are, and yet they’re so high and firm. “Your nipples feel like small spikes, they’re so erect and pointy.” “I love the way you touch me like this. If we weren’t brother and sister, I’d marry you.” “You just keep...

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As school football captain it was my job at the end of PE to collect all the balls at the end of the session. Friday morning was the last lesson before dinner time I’d just got all the balls in the sacks and put them away I was making my way to the showers when I realised everyone else had left, which wasn’t a bad thing as I’d have the showers all to myself.Turning it on I baked under the hot water, then suddenly there was a loudish bang and then silence, a few minutes later I heard footsteps...

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Fun saturday with mum after shopping

It was a saturday morning and i was planning on going into town to get a few summer clothes. Just before i headed off i asked mum if she wanted to come. She didnt really seem bothered at first but then said that dad was off at work and she would be bored indoors. So we decided well go for an hour or so. We got into town and at first was in and out of shops, looking and buying some clothes. Mum had said she was popping into a shop to see if they had any summer dresses, i said that ill wait...

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