Bargain CuntChapter 2 free porn video

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“Glenis you’re a bit of a hot shot with IT aren’t you?” ventured Sunitra.

“Hot shot?? She fucking dynamite Suni,” screamed Suze in her usual over excited shrill way.

Sunitra rolled her eyes both at the interjection and the wilful shortening of her name. Suze was trying to get her brassiere comfortable on her mammoth breasts, by stooping and hanging them in with a shaking wriggle. The black girl from Belize straightened up, arched her back, puffed and clipped the red, hammock like 48HH underwear satisfactorily, then patting the whole stiffly wired garment.

“Got a problem Sunitra?” queried Glenis, easing her white jogging bottoms up, wriggling her butt.

“Yes my dad’s computer, his personal one, in his study at home, not the one he does all the business on, he’s moaning like fuck about it and the usual bloke he goes to is on holiday. What you reckon?” quizzed the brown toned daughter of Dick Power. “Oh this fucking bra, driving me nuts...”

Glenis hoped for more.

“Let me help you,” suggested the always organised, bespectacled, frizzy haired, primary school teacher and self styled leader Clare, fully dressed and ready to leave the other three members of burlesque group Shapes with Style after a very successful if unusually subdued and refined evening performance for the local Women’s Institute fund raising event in the village hall.

Clare wrestled with the white bra clasp and declared it broken, noticing it was very cheap from Matalan and grimaced, thinking you get what you pay for.

“Don’t know why you bother with one anyway, your tits are perfect Sunitra, not an ounce of sag, like mine,” chipped in Helen, admiring the coloured girl’s superb firm cones.

Sunitra dumped the broken garment in her bag and thanked Clare, who bade the girls goodbye and left, hoping she would never bloom to Helen’s large, still shapely if you liked that sort of thing, which a lot of the blokes did, frame and thinking four kids in six years hadn’t helped the thirty five year old civil servant.

“Give me a shout Sunitra, we’ll have a look,” called an excited Glenis as she left, getting a wave and a nod back.

“Everything all right girls ... oh I’m terribly sorry I thought I heard some going ... sorreeee,” gushed Penelope, the frumpy WI president, stomping manfully into one of the two dressing rooms in the hall and mocking shielding her eyes from the semi naked sight.

“S’Ok Penny,” chuckled Suze, wriggling her butt into tight, white denim jeans, her enormous unruly and fettered black boobs swaying and jiggling.

“It’s Penelope if you don’t mind miss,” came the prim pompous reply, averting her eyes, then finding them on Sunitra’s magnificent naked and upright, smudged brown breasts. The officious lady turned and marched out.

Suze pulled a face, Sunitra grinned and shrugged her shoulders and slid a silk ethnic design blouse on. “Fuck her majesty, we did this for free.”

Days later.

Dick Power made a call to an old friend of his Maurice Standforth, who he’d met recently by chance at a car boot sale, he’d attended under duress, then enjoyed, with his daughter Sunitra. They’d swapped cards and Dick wanted Sunitra to buy what Dick would term a trinket Maurice had for sale and time had run out. He also had an idea about Sunitra’s future, as there wasn’t a bloke on her radar, Maurice could be a catch and a half for her, sensing at the sale they seemed to have made an impression on each other.

“What are you up to you devious old bugger?” snickered Sandra, smiling, blowing a kiss, walking into Dick’s study half way through his phone call.

“I told you I met Maury...” he started, getting a nod from his wife. “I’m going up there with Sunitra next Wednesday, only five miles and his address sounds a bit smartish ... You can come if you like.”

“Does she know?”

“She will when she gets up ... fuck where’s Sniffy, she’ll be hours ... ah there you are,” Dick greeted the Labrador who ambled in from the terrace. The dog followed Sandra, who cleared the breakfast stuff to one end of the big oak refectory table in the capacious kitchen for the Ukrainian immigrant cleaner and laid out the patterns for a new Kurti she was making for Sunitra. Dick left the kitchen and returned. She commenced pinning and marking, loving the exotic material her daughter had bought, envying in a small way, the wonderful dress culture the Bangladeshis had compared with the mundane Midlands garments she had worn when in her home town of Tewkesbury.

Sandra leaned forward smoothing the silk and lurched upright, yelling. “Sniffyyyyy! I know you like it but you can’t lick it yet, I’m busy, you naughty dog,” she chuckled flapping the hound from under her denim skirt. She stroked his handsome head, patted and cuddled the dog. “Maybe later...”

Dick chuckled, hearing the happy commotion. Only last evening when he came home from The Old Bag pub, his wife and daughter were naked on the sofa, watching a Beast Forum video showing two very glamorous girls sucking and being fucked, one knotted, by an Akita, a large powerful Japanese breed very popular with bestial lovers of both sexes. Sandra had actually mentioned it would be nice to have one, but Dick had talked her down arguing that one big dog was enough and while he enjoyed having Sniffy smell and fuck his arsehole now and then, the tool the Akita had on the video ... fuck! no way was that going up his shitter. His ladies giggled and called him a light weight.

He went off to his various pubs and brewery businesses. Sandra finished the start stage of dress making and took Sniffy out for a long walk on the common. Sunitra wandered downstairs at just after 9 am and made a slice of toast and cup of coffee, strolling about the kitchen in her tee-shirt and nothing else. She had to open one of their pubs, officially at eleven, but would be there at 10 as usual for staff arriving. Her mobile trilled, it was Glenis.

“Still want your dad’s computer sorted?”

“Shit yes, forgot. I know he’s at a beer festival this weekend, it’ll be quiet here, s’pose you’re at work then?” She spotted a note from her mum about walking Sniffy. A hand snuck down her front and fiddled with her cunt, the dog always bringing out the beast in her. It was immediately on fire and juicy.

“No - my weekend off in four apart from later. When we’re all in for stock taking. Lucky yeah ... lets do it ... Yeah OK ten on Saturday. It’s a Dell right? Yeah bit ancient but we’ll do our best ... See ya.”


Glenis Sleep was high for two reasons. One was a chance to get inside the Power residence with the gorgeous Dick away. Plans needed - but first things first. The other reason was her position in bed. She tensed her vagina to no avail. Below, the owner of the soft flaccidity inside her very welcoming pussy didn’t sense the muscular suggestion, so she leaned forward and kissed Cyril on his wet lips.

“Looks like no more takers Grand-dad,” she chuckled smiling down at his weathered bristly face.

“No luv, it’s been reet grand,” Cyril wheezed back in his Yorkshire accent. “Only manage one a day now. Those were the days,” he snickered, pulling her pale, slender frame back down for another slobber on her nineteen year old face.

“You stay in bed as long as you like,” she replied, her lips clearing his saliva, “No work until this afternoon but I’m on a mission early. I’ll shower, then set up your breakfast, take care of Nan and then be off. I’ll leave a phone number where I’ll be if there’s anything but you’re usually OK.”

“That’s fine luv. I’m on what you call it – a missing ... mission today too. Got to open the hall for a group of something and of course the choir will be practising.”

She nodded, acknowledged and and raised of the loveable old rogue she knew he was and wriggled out of the bed. She gave his winkle, as they’d called it for years, a wet wipe grinning at the life size colour image she had pasted on the inside of the bedroom door, patting a kiss on the photographed penis of the then sixty eight year old Cyril Windebank. She had taken the shot ten years back, posing his well tanned upright body, in his beloved sweet pea glasshouse, naked, half hard winkle erection, which she had helped to pump up, advising Cyril, that semi-erect would make a better photo and to add some humour to the picture there was a spouting hose pipe positioned to enhance his dick. In those days he had a mass of white hair, but glancing back as she left the bedroom she shared with him, Cyril was down to a few wisps over his rugged ex miner’s head.

In the bathroom mirror, she grimaced at her everlasting despair of nothing more than gentle bumps on her chest, what Cyril jokingly called her Bee stings – hating them. She wished for bigger boobs, but knew that wouldn’t happen now and fuck the idea of having them operated on. No – hating, was a silly term, she was stuck with them, just not the right tits for one aspect of her second love – dancing, particularly burlesque. The slender fair haired girl loved dancing, being schooled in ballet from when she was five, but because of the reaction of some uncouth members of the public, she was toying with ceasing her burlesque activities - but not just yet...

She did like her large nipples, thick and sturdy, pale in almost indiscernible areolae. Cyril had expertise in peeking them to maximum, learned over the young formative years, when he had introduced her to the incestuous family doings. Glenis shaved her hirsute armpits and legs, then carefully scissor shaped the fair forest between her legs, leaving the growth on her forearms actually rather liking it. She showered her minge carefully, having the usual little fiddle on her clit, which was still alive after the old man’s expert administrations and decided she needed a shit, did that, then back into the shower, sluiced her bum. Make up and hair completed her ritual and she went back to the bedroom and dressed as Cyril ogled her from the bed.

“Love those thong things you wear luv,” he chuckled, as she examined the wisp of black lace material, to determine which was the gusset. She managed it on the correct way, then removed it, Cyril puzzled until she put on a pair of briefs, being more substantial in material area and inserted a liner, knowing she could still leak Cyril’s thin cum an hour later.

“Yesterdays are there Grand dad...” she smiled, then corrected herself as he flourished a pair of knickers from under his pillow. Glenis buttoned on a smart crisp yellow cotton shirt, no brassiere, and completed her ensemble with a pair of navy blue shorts and trainers. Then she packed a bag with her Bookers Cash and Carry uniform for later. She patted Cyril on the head and went through to Sybil, his seventy year old stricken wife’s room.

Sybil Windebank had a bad case of Alzheimers. Sometimes she recognised her grand-daughter, other times not. This time Glenis got nothing in return for her cheery greeting and remarks. She fluffed up the pillow, managed to stuff Sybil’s large, empty, saggy, blue veined tits back from where the once proud, school head mistress had hefted them. She did that often and Glenis wondered why but she was also envious she hadn’t inherited that side of the family genes. Sybil had a professional carer visiting and Glenis knew that the heavily soiled nappy the old gal wore would be changed along with the usual full bed wash. She remembered two weeks ago, when the carer had called in sick and Glenis had done the wash and change, getting Cyril to help, who couldn’t resist having a little play with his wife’s raddled, wrinkled ancient vagina – how sad it looked and with zilch reaction.

Kitchen stuff sorted, a couple slices of toast and two cups of tea, goodbyes said, saw a very exuberant Glenis on her way, her bag a little more laden with extra IT equipment she hoped she might need. Through town in her Smart car, passing where her father’s photography shop used to be, she giggled and silently thanked Wyne Sleep, for his untidy and unprotected computer and the secret voyeurism she had discovered with her, one of the main, if not the main subject on hidden cameras.

“Sniffy – here ... here ... oh fuck,” Sandra groaned watching the Labrador scampering over the common, chasing a sandy and tan coloured Irish Terrier. The small, in some eyes – pretty affectionate bitch, for it was in heat, as her owner hadn’t realised, raced around enjoying the chase. It’s owner, handler, whatever - was a smartly dressed young black man and wasn’t bothering to call it, thinking it was great fun to watch ... until - Sniffy was alongside it and they both stopped, circling, diving in, diving out, little short bursts of speed then more circling, sniffing, more circling - snouts buried. Sniffy - going frantic, was raising his forelegs and trying to mount as the two animals rotated getting slower.

Sandra puffing heavily, neared them as the Labrador secured and dwarfed his finally submitting prey, his rear becoming a blur - rutting, forelegs encasing her, the terrier chilling, holding firm and wanting to be mated, but not getting dog cock. Sandra grabbed her dog’s collar, thankful he hadn’t yet found her vagina, holding him with a lot of effort, as the youth arrived and grabbed the equally reluctant to be interrupted terrier. Words were exchanged, mostly by an angry Mrs Power, between gasps from being tired from the chase and holding her excited, rampant, big mutt. They both snapped leads on the pooches and separated, Sniffy’s and the terrier’s necks doubled back in a sad farewells.

Back at Chez Power, Sandra realised Sniffy was still excited by his first scent of a moist canine fanny, for a while. She was excited too, her intentions clear, checked Sunitra’s room finding it empty – strange, she was expecting a friend Sandra thought, found Magda the Ukrainian cleaner in the utility room ironing a pile of washing and took Sniffy across the garden to the sun room. Her husband Dick had left her unsatisfied that morning. Words had been exchanged between them, as they sat in bed with a cup of tea and the morning papers, about food for dinner that evening, as daft as that, and when they finally made up and he climbed on her fifty eight year old lumpy body, he had a man shag, orgasmed and sauntered off. Very unlike him.

I need fulfilment too mate, Sandra mused and it’s here in the shape of a horny Golden Labrador, who knows my cunt and it’s desires as much as you fucking do, she muttered to herself, pulling one of the blinds shielding the sunny, comfy room from the house. She was dressed in black, baggy jogging bottoms and typically a tee-shirt with no brassiere. Sniffy was alert as soon as she commenced fiddling her bottoms and thong down. He knew the signs and started prancing eagerly round her, trying to lever himself up, mounting her before she’d got the garments down to her knees. The thong tangled within itself as usual and she puffed impatiently as did Sniffy – sniffing.

Sandra kneeling, was instantly mounted, Sniffy anxiously rutting at her, his penis quickly boned to a vivid red, thick and dripping rod, trying to penetrate a hole somewhere on her right buttock. She was so used to this and reached between her legs to grasp it, shift her butt and secure his tip in her moist slit. Sandra could read him as she did Dick and sensed the hound had been frustrated with the coitus interruptus earlier, much as she had similarly been, letting Sniffy shaft her vigorously, not worrying about the odd rasp of his dew claws. Dog saliva drooled over her shoulders, his unsavoury breath wafted round her – she loved the urgency the Labrador, just like little Corky, Ming’s cute Dachshund and the many dogs who had had the pleasure of mounting and knotting her.

The big greasy bulb entered her easily and her cunt gripped it, making his penile bone stiffen more, Sniffy calming as he pumped his seed inside. He panted happily, in orgasmic reverie, still and gazing into the garden while Sandra frigged her clit and climaxed herself, an accomplished frigger under a satiated motherfucker. She shifted and helped him get his leg over her back and they stayed happily knotted rear to rear. Sandra heard a car on the gravel drive and guessed it must be Sunitra’s friend. She didn’t stir, ceasing the knot had to happen naturally and she was happy to let Sniffy have his pleasure for as long as necessary. Magda would answer the door if Sunitra didn’t.

The smoky brown girl had been in Dick’s study, making sure business papers were out of sight, securing his business Apple Mac, drawers were locked and a batch of photographs Dick had received from a Bangladeshi cousin were stored away. Hard copy was rare in this internet world but cousin Ashik didn’t have a computer and the secret voyeuristic scenes of his fat Aunty taking a bath in the ramshackle back yard in Dhaka, whilst not being illegal, were very revealing.

“Good grief! ... hello darling,” gasped Cyril, dressed only in a voluminous pair of striped under shorts, one black sock and a sleeveless vest, peering over the small girl on his doorstep looking both ways across the small front garden both ways down the quiet road. “Where’s your mu... ?”

“Can I come and live with you Gramps?” interjected, the not pretty Becky Windebank, whimpering and falling into his outstretched welcome. The old man, closed the door, hardly able because his sobbing grand daughter gripped his waist so strongly. He took her through the hallway and into the kitchen, where Enda - his wife’s Irish carer, was hand washing some of Sybil’s bloomers, reminding him to get the washing machine fixed. He smoothed Becky’s straggly, auburn locks as Enda spotted the need for family privacy in the girl’s distress and left the kitchen having rinsed the old girl’s knickers and left them to soak in the second sink.

Becky sat and sipped at the glass of orange juice he’d given her, as he unfastened her anorak and peeled it off her chunky body. Cyril being Cyril could not avoid a total glance over her, noting her pugnacious face, thick lips, the definite bumps on her chest hmm growing up nicely below her school uniform, her chubby, scratched knees and thighs and white socks. If he had been able to kneel, he reckoned he would have had a good view up her grey, pleated, school skirt – calm down Cyril, it’s your son’s girl, but why the fuck is she here in school gear and it’s Saturday?

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My Daughter My LifeChapter 2

I woke up when the morning staff was making their rounds. I looked over and saw Amy smiling at me. "Feeling better, Honey?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess as well as can be expected. It's still hard to believe, Dad. Mom's gone." She had tears in her eyes. I got up and gave my girl a hug and a kiss on the forehead. The nurse came in to run her morning tests, so I went down to the cafeteria and got some coffee. While I was there I called the garage and told the guys I wouldn't be in. They...

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A Sons FetishChapter 6

Since Karen’s son started servicing her, Danny had been servicing his mother at any opportunity. It was Saturday night and Danny was finishing up a few homework assignments. They were due the following week and he wanted to get them done to be ready for handing in when they were due. Karen was looking in on her son as he was finishing his homework. She was eagerly awaiting him to finish as she was looking forward to his servicing as always. “Are you almost finished, Danny?” Karen asked...

1 year ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 22

Mary had quickly put on the sexy big black strap-on dildo and she'd gotten Bethany to flip over and bend over the couch in front of her while Pam and Crystal had traded positions on the nearby loveseat where they'd started out. Pam had brought Crystal to her first ever girl/girl orgasm and now Crystal was already licking and kissing on the hot wet lips of Pam's horny pussy. With all the ladies in the room knocked up from their copulations with Philip, it was quite a sight to see -- four...

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Foot fetish

Introduction: Just a little something you can beat off to, if you happen to have a foot fetish. This isnt exactly a story. Its something i wrote for my boyfriend who happens to have a foot fetish and he came quite a lot to it. So if you happen to have a foot fetish, enjoy! Imagine this. Were hanging out in your room, sitting on your bed, you offer to give me a foot massage and i accept it, i take off my socks, now both my feet are out, they have a really nice tan, and my shiney hot bright...

3 years ago
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The Weekend Part Nine

We slept later than we wanted, and woke to a knock on the door. Breakfast was here. I got out of bed, slipped on my robe and went to the door. I gave the waiter a tip and moved the cart into the room. Gail stirred under the covers. “Breakfast,” I said. “Time to get up” She was exhausted and had slept soundly. I took a long look at Gail’s body as she got out of bed and put on her robe. Unless we could work out some future meeting, today was likely the last day I was going to see that...

2 years ago
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College Gay Life 2

After about half an hour I heard a knock on the door. I opened it as Nick was taking a bath, and there I found two men. They introduced themselves as Bill and Alex. It had to be said one looked more effeminate than the other. Bill was about 5 ft 6, slim with strawberry blonde hair while Alex was a little taller and fuller figure, he had both ears pierced and was wearing studs in them. "Well hello there, you must be Pete, we have heard sooooooooo much about you" said Bill and Alex...

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My Night in Amsterdam

My wife and I have been married for the last sixteen years. We still have a pretty good sex life. I mean, we don’t have sex every day, but still have it at least three times a week. I love my wife, very much, but I’m bi-curious. She has no idea about it, and I only satisfy my cravings for cock when I’m away on business trips. Lately, I've been jerking off to Shemale porn. I’m really quite captivated by the whole thing. My wife does not know about any of these urges or desires. In fact, she...

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Shauna Robinsons Interview Part II

Shauna closed her eyes and moaned as she felt the fingers of her husband’s three bosses explore her trembling body. (Bosses? Partners now, she dimly registered.) She could feel a pair of hands knead and pinch her full breasts, and despite the shame she felt at exposing herself like this, her nipples hardened and elongated under the rough, impatient, caresses. The pleasureable sensation shot straight to the base of her belly. Almost unconsciously, she parted her legs further and raised herself...

1 year ago
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The Dead Zone

Thanks go out to my editors LadyCibelle and Techsan. Between their editing and their comments, they make my story a much better read. I don't give them near the praise and credit they deserve. My old girlfriend loaned me a television series to watch. It was titled 'The Dead Zone'. A little background on the series: It's about a young teacher who has just gotten his longtime girlfriend pregnant. They are to be wed soon. He leaves her place to go rent a movie for them to watch. He is in a...

3 years ago
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A Matter of Taste

Okay, a little story with no sex- So sue me! Every morning he came in the front door of the diner looking dour and grumpy, at best only half awake. Every morning he said the exact same words, "Gimme a stack and a cuppa coffee." Always the same order every morning, five days a week. If the stool he normally sat at was occupied he chose the nearest empty one. Otherwise, no change, ever. Even the time he arrived, six thirty in the morning, never varied by more than a couple minutes. Good...

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The Girly Bitch By Mellissa43 "Missy come here we have a guest!" my wife shouted. I looked up from playing with my dollies and a sudden dread passed through my consciousness, I was about to be humiliated again. I got up and quickly started to run to the front door. I looked down at the frills of my dress, the shiny white pantyhose and the black high heeled Mary Jane shoes. How did it come to this? Two years before I was a normal man happily married to a gorgeous wife. Too...

1 year ago
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In the hair salon

Josh loved big woman and he found Lauren’s large build very appealing to his sexual appetite. She had huge tits and nice thick legs. Today she wore a short jean skirt, blue halter top, and high healed sandals. He looked up at her gorgeous face, long blond hair, blue eyes, and great smile while she shampooed his head. He fantasized about seducing Lauren which started making the blood flow to his cock. She wrapped a towel around his head and they headed for the styling chair. She...

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My First Time in The Band

I was an 18 year old senior in high school and lead guitarist and vocalist in a good rock band that played at least four or five gigs a month locally, making good music and better money than we used to make cutting grass or washing cars. We were getting a rep as a good party band! We were the happiest guys in school — and I was soon to learn there is more to music than I thought! We played a birthday party for one of the popular chicks, Jody, in school and we impressed her and her mom to the...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Hime Marie Cuckoo For Cock

Hime Marie has been into her stepbrother Kyle Mason for a while, but when she gets an accidental glimpse of his cock her hormones go into overdrive. From then on, every interaction with Kyle becomes about sex. A dinner of sausages with Kyle and her dad Chris Valient leaves Hime primed to masturbate right in the dining room. From believing Kyle is masturbating while he’s really working on a drawing to thinking he’s pissing in a plant when he’s really just watering it, Hime is...

3 years ago
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Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the

Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 7: The Girls return.Stepping out into the main room I found myself instantly in the arms of the two excited girls. They were both trying to speak at the same time. Several shopping bags had fallen to the floor.Calm down you two. I told them. “One at a time so I can understand what your telling me.”Ok dad, Ariel is so cool! First we went to lunch at this great restaurant, then she took us to her modeling agency afterwards and we...

2 years ago
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Perpetuas Revenge

He walked out of the cemetery gates blinded by an accusing sun. Its harsh glare seemed to persecute him. The only woman in his life who was worthy of his love and respect, and now she was gone. If ever he had been lonely for a woman before it was a feeling he could always counter, but in his current state it was a deep trench of emptiness and loss. He would never have thought to reach out to anyone for support in the past but he decided to contact a woman who had pursued him several years ago....

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Lost In Him

It was a cold October day, the day she realized just what was going on. She was in love, but not just with anyone it had to be the one man she could never have a true relationship with. They met in September of the year before, she was a junior in college, and he was in his last year. They immediately became fast friends. From that day in September everywhere one went the other went too, but she always knew that in June he would be gone and she would have to remain there alone and life would...

1 year ago
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One Wrong Call

Hmm…well I m a big fan of this ISS site. I used to read a lot from this site and my area of interest z couple section. I used to dream (when id get such type of lady luck). I never dream that one day ill be in a position to write my own experience in this site coming to my story, don’t expect a lot from this is some sort of love + romantic story. I am not good at expressing things as u guys do. Don’t mind, but do comment maybe some section of people may like it well it starts like this. I am...

3 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 21 Visions Nightmares Sickness and Hope

"Well, I guess it's time to get down to business, huh?" Alex asked as he pushed his plate away. Breakfast had been a dour affair. None of those in Alex's group felt like talking, given what they knew they'd be dealing with later. Their Native American hosts were, as ever, aloof and taciturn, and today they were even more serious, now that their entire future rested in Alex's nervous hands. Or at least that's how Alex viewed it. It was hard to tell what the mostly silent village...

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Dee cuckolds Ben

“What would you think if I invited a guy round to have sex with me? I’d let you watch.”I was astounded; I didn’t know what to say. Why an earth should Dee suddenly come out with something like that. OK, we had been watching Poldark and Dee certain has a thing about HIM. But, we have such a good sex life and neither of us has ever suggested anything like that.I sat for a minute to let it sink in. I must admit that I have enjoyed watching Dee with other men, but that has always been on equal...

1 year ago
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Extreme Bisexual Couples Wildest Fantasie

Never could possibly imaginer that your bi-sexual girlfriend would luv to watch her man play with not 1 but 2 bi-sexual women for hours on end & go to the extreme......SKETCH :1.,(MAN SPEAKING)..Cumm with me girls my girl is going to punished by me not to be able to film me & neither watch me live just hear the make her jealous so she can prouve to me that she has trust in me pleasing other sexy women for her & for me espicially when she pick out a card (OUR SEX...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 8 Commencing The Operation

In the third level’s hour of the Incarnation Scouring formation soul’s trial, an additional child like creature appeared atop the white cloud. The might of the third level was equivalent to a Peak Core Master with endless soul energy. To keep his facade, Zax had to relinquish the black sphere he used in the previous two levels and come up with an actual defensive soul formation. Of the remaining one hundred and fifty seven contenders, around fifty were eliminated. In the fourth level’s...

4 years ago
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Dare Book IIChapter 2

It was morning and I washed myself in the small tiled area that served as the bath for us. It had a deep sink mounted on the floor with a hose running from the faucet. A lip around the tiles kept water from spilling out. An old wooden rack held different things; brushes and soaps for the dogs, strong and made for removing fleas. Some mild ivory soap for me, which was tolerable to our noses at least, and unscented baby shampoo which was hardly unscented at all and a smell I actually...

1 year ago
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Sex With Sunanda aunty

Hi ISS Readers I’m KUSHAL studying in Engineering 6 sem. My height is 5’7″ and good built. I stay in my aunts house as i got a seat at their place. Mrs. SUNANDA my aunt was 5’5″ tall with good boobs, perfect ass, hollow navel, n juicy pussy. Her husband was working in some other place so I decided to be here as my aunt is all alone with her kid. Me n My Aunt was a bit close to each other. I had been longing for her since I was 16. YES, she was my 1st crush n love. But due to lack of confidence...

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My Friend8217s Wife Sowmya

Hi friends i am new to ISS and i am a huge fan of the stories, and now it’s my time to contribute my story here. This is my first story and the appreciation that you give or comments that you give will be helping me out to give more sex stories which I’ve experienced. I am Shiva from Bangalore i am very slim and i m used to porn and sex. I love sex very much. I had lot of sex experience in my life which i m gonna share here one by one. First i want to share an experience of my encounter with my...

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My College Club Ch1 High School

College for me did have its moments of binge drinking and smoking way too much weed but it was nowhere near the fun seen in any movie. Instead I found it to be the place where I learned to become the adult that I so desperately tried to avoid being. It was my first glimpse into real responsibility and the first place where I began to understand that my actions can have repercussions that will follow me until the day I die. My name is Stephen I'm 35 years old now with a wife and 3 k**s and...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 11 Ranger Baker Interlude

The music blasting from the speakers onto the flight deck of this small specialized space ship was called Country music and no one past the Sol system would know what it was, the man in the one person command center of the ship however grew up in Texas, long before the Galactic Ascent and he sang along, knowing every lyric by heart. He was a big man, with fists like five pound hams, a barrel chest and a weathered sun tan. So long ago he had been a Texas Ranger and now over three thousand...

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Women View About Rimming

Rimming, or anilingus, involves licking, kissing, sucking, or penetrating someone's butt with your tongue. And it can be a lot of fun if that's what you're into. Like any kind of sexual exploration, communication, consent and trust are key. But if you're thinking about going down there, here's everything you need to know beforehand.These 8 women explain what they like, or don't like, about rimming, and how it feels for them.1. "It wasn't, like, bad.""My ex always wanted me to stick my finger up...

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BackroomCastingCouch Molly 05152017

I think watching so much porn every day, we sometimes forget how big of a cock Jake actually has. Thankfully, 19 year old local cum depository Molly reminds him of it, several times. She says she can usually deep-throat herself on cocks but not with Jake’s schlong, too big. She tries though, that little trooper. What she also can’t do is take it up her tiny ass. Or lez out with girls unless for cash. Maybe. Or not sound like a total sugarbaby angling for her next daddy. Agent Jake...

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BFFs Kelsey Kage Maddie Winters Alissa Avni My First Girlfriend

Kelsey Kage was headed off to college. Her best friend Maddie Winters was going to come over to see her off. Kelsey low key had a crush on Maddie all her life. She wants to try and make something happen before she goes away. As they were chatting in Kelseys hot room, the girls took off their shirts, then things started to get real. Kelsey admitted her love for Maddie, and it turns out she also felt the same way. The girls began to kiss and fool around for a little then relocated to the other...

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Dun and Dusted Part II Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 12 The Pursuit

Later that morning Hassan brought Mimi and I our breakfast. “Me and my Uncle will be travelling to Suez with you, Effendi Colonel,” he said with a huge smile on his face. “Will Griszelda be with you?” I asked him, and then turned to Mimi. “Griszelda is Hassan’s donkey,” I informed her. “No, she does not like the desert; travelling to Abu Sultan was enough for her. I will leave her with Fatima.” Fatima was a washerwoman – washer girl – with whom Hassan had struck up a friendship. After...

4 years ago
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My Roommate fucks my girlfriend

The sunlight flooding the room woke me up before the alarm did. I turned over to see Sarah still sleeping beside me. I loved how sexy she looked even when she wasn’t trying. The light painted her skin a golden color. I brushed back her long, light brown hair to give her a kiss on the cheek. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at me. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I whispered to her. I loved waking up to her in the morning. I hugged her petite body and gently kissed the back of her neck. I love...

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Black Bear Inn

true storyBlack BearIt was towards the end of May. The days were getting warmer, the nights were still a little cool, and Keri and I were ready for a night away from the k**s. Our friends Tim and Gwen suggested we join them for a night at the Black Bear Inn in Bolton. The carriage house was available, with its own private four person hot tub. There was one king size bed and a pull out couch… not ideal, but serviceable. We had been in the hot tub naked with them before, but had never gone...

1 year ago
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My Aunt caught me While Masturbating

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, I am 22 years old and I have got 6.5 dick in height and about 3 inch in diameter as I will not tell a lie that mine is 9 or 10 inch as other people usually do. I am the taller one and iam holding average body type. I also have a habit to clean my Private Parts hair and even legs both from front and back. So for this purpose I often use Hair removing cream for my legs and back, whereas razor for rest. Actually, the reason behind this habit is that,...


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