BiomancerChapter 8: free porn video

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I didn’t watch the press conference the next morning and when Ronnie went to talk about it, I walked away. I knew what the results were. Me and my Biology book kept the squirrels’ company.

Two days later, Dr. Evil, the Sheriff, and a man in a suit, the same age as Doc Martin were waiting for me on the lawn. They came prepared for a wait; cheese, wine, crackers, blankets, water, and a huge battery lantern set on low.

It was now almost two hours after midnight, I noticed them arriving hours ago but did my best to ignore them.

Not feeling like talking, I read longer than normal. My glowing could be read by, I had discovered. But when Ronnie kicked my sole and told me to go home, I gave up waiting them out.

“Nate, come take a seat. You too Veronica,” Dr. Evil called out.

Discovering the true reason behind my delaying our return home, Ronnie shot me the LooK.

“I’m tired, I was hoping to go to bed.”

“You’re young. Come sit.”

I sat between Doc Martin and Sheriff Mallory. Ronnie sat across from me. Both of us were given a glass of white wine and a plate filled with crackers, grapes, salami, and cheese.

It was my first taste of wine and I liked it, if a bit sweet.

“That old man across from you is Lawrence Krupke,” Dr. Evil teased his guest. “He’s from the CDC and would like to hear your story.”

“I’ve already told it. There’s nothing new.”

“Humor me,” Doc Evil pressed. “Oh, Missy woke up today and is starting to walk.”

I grimaced. To him, they were all Dr. Evil’s children. To me they were one time test subjects. Or that was what I told myself.

I gave the short version of my life from 13 to 16 including the last month.

“Have you been granted Scionship?” The man in the suit asked once I mostly finished.

“I don’t know. Lu got dad’s death certificate. He was supposed to be handling all that.”

Meaningful looks past between the three, four of them. I was not included in their silent communication.

“Lu Tang is your lawyer, and he filed a suit against the PRA for 100 million dollars. His minor ward is the Super who is the subject of the dispute. I see no reason why he will not be released in a day or two,” noted the suit.

“It’s a major conflict of interest. No judge will let the PRA keep custody of the lawyer suing them for such an amount. Unless they have very substantial evidence of his wrongdoing, they will need to release him or be facing even a larger suit from the bar, himself, and sanctions from Oversight,” Doc Martin explained for me.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“Lu is not a Super, is he?” the CDC guy asked.

“No,” I confirmed. I knew that for a fact.

“Then the PRA has no jurisdiction over him, nor legal right to hold him. It was a power move against you, that will end up costing them. Probably more than your initial lawsuit,” the guy in a suit explained.

Politics and government infighting. Yay...

“Nathan, how much did the Russians offer you?”

I scarfed a cracker, trying to mask my astonishment at the suit’s question.

“A lot.”

“You would be surprised what I consider a lot of money, young man.”

“Twenty-five million, a house. Four-million for bodyguards, working two days a week for nine months of the year.”

“Comparable to a pro basketball player. Leon Curtis made 33 million in salary this year.”

I shrugged; I had no interest in basketball. I used to like baseball but my TV reception sucked and I gave up on channel six. Football was the only sport I could watch anymore and the Chiefs missed the playoffs this year with a 9-6 record.

“If I offered you the same thirty-three million that Curtis makes, will you come work for us?”

“The PRA tried to kill me three days ago. Shot me here, here, here, and here. It’s also against the law for me to use my powers in public.”

“Not if you are a government employee.”

There was that. But you had to be 18...

“And I wait for two years. Until then. She wants me too, but can’t act until I’m older.” I pointed at Ronnie with a half-eaten cracker.

“That is for military service. The CDC hires students. Normally they are all medical students. But we can make an exception.”

“They still want to kill me.”

“Yes, the PRA seems to dislike you. That is an obstacle for me to overcome, not you, when you come work for us.

“I kinda like the three months off too.”

“Do you speak Russian?”

“Might take me a year or two to learn. And there are the two days a week thing, and the Eurail pass. That sounds awesome.”

“It does sound nice. I spent two weeks riding the Rail when I was younger. What would you do between the times you weren’t working at a hospital? I take it you would be spending your two days there.”

“I don’t know. Studying, playing, traveling. Things like that. Oh, and a large house with a pool. I’d get one of those too.”

“With thirty-three million dollars a year, you can buy a great house in Atlanta with plenty of money left over. As for time off, I would encourage you to attend medical school. You would be wasted anywhere else.”

“What would you have me do?”

“The same as you did Tuesday at Community General.”

“Children only.” I stated. I wasn’t compromising.

“Why only children. Laudable, but not just children get ill.”

I had thought of a better answer. Not the real one, but the ones that adults could accept.

“Two houses are on fire, one has three people in it, one has one. I can only save the people in one house. Choose.”

“Are children that much easier to treat? I would think that the difficulty would be the complexity and the severity of the illness, not the size of the individual.”

“Kids are easier. Don’t ask me why, they just are.”

They were, just not that much, two to one, ish. But some were harder than that.

Mr. Suit, seemed to accept my assertation but pressed. “If there were a serious contagion, would you not help?”

“Did you vote in the last election?”

“I did.”

“69%. I’m tired. If you are serious. Put it in writing. I am going to bed.”

They didn’t try and stop me. Ronnie did stay and listen to what they had to say. I’d hear about it tomorrow or the next day. He was a politician too. In the end, no one else could have offered me that much money from a government agency.


“Nate, what are you waiting for?” Ronnie suddenly asked while reading against a nearby tree.

“I don’t know. A sign for God maybe.”

“Really, what are you waiting for?”

“There have been nine attempts to enter my forest in the last week. All by class IIs. I want to see what they want. So, I wait.”

“What about reapplying for your GED?”


“Why not?”

“ISF. My bank account is frozen. I tried a few days ago at your place and was rejected.”

“You could have asked me to pay.”

“Still under house arrest. Still subject to PRA removing my name from the list. Why bother.” Not once did I look up from my book.

“Are you giving up?”

“No. Tonight, I am going for a walk. Over there is someone hiding. I want to see what they want.”

“A Super?”

“A Class III. Ugh, I think they make these terms stupidly long intentionally. Meiosis and mitosis. They are stupidly similar and yet different. I just read a paragraph with not one word under three syllables.”

“How long are you going to wait?”

“Until someone offers me a good way out of this fucked up situation.”

“What about the offer from the CDC last night?”

“I’m sixteen, they will want me to work sixty or more hours a week. I’ll still be confined to home or work. And nothing will get done with the PRA on my ass. Just two politicians exchanging phone calls.”

“Don’t you think that the PRA will back off, once you are a government employee?”

“Did they read me my rights before shooting me from a mile away?” Their control or death. No middle ground.

“You won’t stay.”

“Not unless they make it legal for me to use my Powers. I would be stupid to.”

She sighed. Shrugging too, taking my job.

“You couldn’t even get your boss to help me out,” I unhelpfully reminded her.

Ronnie was old enough to not try and convince a mule headed sixteen year old to do something he refused to do or listen when he stopped listening. An occasional suggestion or suddenly brought up topic that let me slowly be led to the water of her all-knowing ways, was her method of late after blunt force failed.

For me, working in a country where my work was against the law was a recipe for disaster. I would have to do whatever the CDC, in this case, said or get fired. As soon as that happened, I would be arrested by the Agency and it would all start over again.

I would HAVE to do what they say for the rest of my life. Or else.

Freedom, my ass.


Ignoring the ever-present copter overhead, I journeyed north after dinner, stopping a quarter mile from the Super. There I sat until close to midnight when he approached. I didn’t believe that he was hiding from me but the ever present watchers above.

“You aren’t an easy man to contact.” A man with a British accent called out before approaching.

“Not my fault.”

“May I sit?”

“Sure. You have about ten minutes before someone notices. I think.”

“I bring two proposals, both better than the American’s.”


“I’m listening.

Briefly, Mr. John Jons bullet-pointed the British followed by the French offers, leaving two USBs behind. I didn’t know how good his stealth was but I didn’t See him get caught on the way out.

He was right, both were better. Less money, but more freedom. The Brit one worried me. I thought that a lot of hours were implied where the French one wasn’t worded that way, at least by his verbal overview.

My street and the next were still empty. No one had been allowed to return home. Probably making me even more popular with the neighbors. Ever since the shooting, the Feds had cleared out the people around my house. I wondered about their clothes, food, pets and other mundane life things while lying in bed.

Ronnie was silent again today after the initial attempt to find out what I planned. But she did give me space when I asked to meet with the British courier. I entered into her house upon returning and sat down with her computer and opened up the blue USB. It was exactly as Mr. Jons stated with just more detail.

“I think they want me to work a full schedule. What do you think?” Ronnie was beside me as I shared my 15” laptop.

“Yes. It’s ambiguous, intentionally.”

I saved the info to the ‘offers’ folder and opened the red one.

“This isn’t from France...” That wasn’t the French flag.

“No.” Ronnie sounded resigned after we both read and reread Norway’s proposal.

“250 thousand dollars per nine hour day. Unlimited days, no minimum, either a penthouse suite or a house would be provided. In or around Oslo...

Taking a breath, “Health Minister Inga Bork asks that; ‘Please help the sick and wounded children of her beautiful nation heal’, at my discretion. Anything else I chose to do would also be appreciated... ‘No taxes would be assessed from the wages earned while working with the Ministry’.”


“Yeah, ‘Umm’ is right,” Ronnie sounded tired.

“How much do millionaires pay in taxes?”

“39%,” she responded instantly. Probably everyone knew that but me.

“So, the suit, was offering me twenty mil after taxes.”

“Everyone pays taxes Nathan.”

“Did you see that offer!?!”

“Yes, I did, Nathan.” She sounded tired...

“What is Russia’s personal tax rate?”

“I don’t know.” We looked it up, 13%.

“25 times .87 is 21.75 that’s two million more than here. And for two days. Not a billion hours.”

“The CDC won’t have you work a billion hours, Nathan,” she sounded exasperated.

“Bet? Look here.” I tabbed a bookmark. “No restrictions on 16-17 year olds in work places in Georgia. Almost every other state has limits, like not between 10 pm and 5 am. Or limits to 48 hours per week. None in Atlanta...”

“Nathan. They might ask you to work forty hours. Just tell them that you need to recharge.”

“That’s the point. Don’t you see?”

“I see you making excuses not to stay.”

“What happens if I refuse to heal an asshole from the Agency? Huh, then what?”

“Then you don’t heal, him.”

“And do you think my new bosses will let that slide? What about all the other adults that I will not heal. I mean it. If I stay, it will be kids only. Period.”

“You aren’t being reasonable. Not just children need healing.”

“Ronnie. Kids Are easier, much easier. Over two to one easier. Cheryl had ten times as much wrong with her as Lu, but was easier to Heal. Missy was about dead from all her system failures with Leukemia. She was easier than Lu but just took longer. And Lu only is fifty-two with nothing really wrong with him besides age.”

“And you hold the 69 percent against the world.”

“Damn right, I do. Do you blame me? Look around. Where are my neighbors? Why is my power turned off? Why was my dad held in a prison cell next to a rod of iron for three years? Why is Lu in prison? I will tell you why. They all wanted it. They are afraid of boogiemen. The butcher, baker and candle stick maker, all voted that way. Now they want my help. Only because I can be of use.

“Am I wrong?” I was tirade-ing again.

“Have you ever thought that you Healing everyone, might change the people’s perspective of Supers?”

“So, it’s my job to Heal everyone on their say so, in order to help the public opinion of Supers as a whole. Shitty. I am going to bed.”


“Veronica. Sixteen! Haven’t graduated from high school and probably never will. Can’t drive after 10:00 pm, can’t drink, smoke, vote, buy a gun, serve in the military. I am not even allowed to see a friggin R-Rated movie without an adult. Go ahead and tell me that anyone will listen to my opinions two seconds after I Heal their brother-sister-wife-husband. Right. Nite.” I stomped up the stairs slamming my door and brooded all night. Only needing fours of sleep sometimes sucked.

Sheriff Mallory drove down my street with two men during breakfast, one a Class I. Curious, I walked to the front door with my bowl of Cheerios in hand and waited behind the screen. A twenty something man in all black with a black turned over collar with two inches of white showing exited the back seat, the older one in the front seat was in a gray suit with the same black and white collar.

“No way in hell.” In utter disgust, I shoveled three more spoonful’s in my mouth before setting the bowl in the sink, grabbed my backpack and an extra water, dashing out to the doorwall.

“What’s up, Nate?” Ronnie asked, reading her morning Stars and Stripes.

“YOU have guests.” I hurried away as fast as I could. Priests ... no way.

Ronnie joined me an hour later, disappointed in me at my leaving her with the Priests.

“Ooh you have ‘God’s Gift, you need to share it with the world... ‘. Right.”

Same as Biomancer
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I dont remember what time I feel asleep I awoke to find myself naked and alone in the twin bed. I quickly got dressed and snuck into the house. My mother was in the kitchen making breakfast..Andraya Marie did you fall asleep in the poolhouse again? my mother said while whisking pancake batter. Yes ma'am Im sorry I replied. Well what's done is done hurry up and shower then come eat your dad and I are taking Elise and Davis out for a spell so your more than welcome to go over Shanna's house....

3 years ago
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Taking Virginity Of My Girlfriend Ishu

Hi, This is sam and this story is about me and my gf ishu as call her and how I took her virginity.We both met at college and liked each other alot. She is a beautiful girl with fair complexion reminds me or kareena kapoor as she also has deep bold black eyes.After 6 months of friendship I proposed her and she finally agreed.During this period we were not physical at all.I never had a girlfriend before and was a shy although very passionate person. I would often hold her hand while travelling...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Lily Labeau Anal Payback

Blonde beauty Lily LaBeau pays for her husbands past when Ramon Nomar shows up fresh out of prison to get what he deserves. He says he did time for her husbands scheme and now he wants some payback in the form of Lily’s ass and some jewels that are hidden somewhere in the house. Ramon video calls Lily’s husband and taunts him with the image of his sweet wife looking desperate all tied up in bondage, a ball gag in her mouth and demands to know the location of the hidden jewels....

1 year ago
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Maiden MaidCh 4 Sara Takes it in Her Mouth

Sara sat up in the bed, a look of fright on her face. She felt like something was wrong. She was not sure what it was, it was just an uncomfortable feeling you have like when you wake up from a bad dream. It was barely dawn, the light already starting to come through the window. She thought she saw some movement over in the corner of the room, her head turning quickly. Her eyes were still half closed, able to only make out a dark shadow. “Master Michael, is that you?” A hint of terror in her...

1 year ago
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Tranny Surprise Part 1

After being cheated on for months here I am alone in a bar having a drink. I dont understand whats wrong with me im above average in looks, im fit, im successful for my age. Its time I move on though and so far no girls ive dated have been worth a second date. As I look around the bar I see her. I immediately start to stare. Looks like she was there with a couple of her friends. I order another beer and decide to scope it out for a little bit. I just couldnt get over how pretty she was. She...

3 years ago
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My brothers 18 year old daughter

My brothers 18 year old daughter (Sara) was helping us out on the farm one night. I was always close with my niece. As she got older she just kept getting hotter and hotter. When she was 14 she was still jumping up on my lap like she always did as a little girl. We always tickled each other and I would chase her around and take her down and pin her to the ground. She always tried to get free from me. All the time we both were grabbing at each other just to get a feel... I know I always did......

3 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 10 Visitors

So we did just that. I moved out of the Evergreen Suites and into the duplex, choosing Sue's side to begin with. It didn't seem to matter much. The four women seemed interchangeable with each unit. Some nights I spent on Sue and Lori's side, others with Jan and Lexi. If there was one constant, it was amount of sex I was rewarded with. Maybe I should call it loving. It seemed very much like I had a loving relationship with my quartet. I wasn't quite that jaded ... yet. I didn't have a...

4 years ago
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My Daughter 1

John popped two aspirins in his mouth, followed by a glass of water to soothe his throbbing headache caused by the roaring music from the second door on the right upstairs, his 18-year-old daughter's room. He collapsed in his leather chair and stared at the computer monitor. The light from the screen only intensified his headache, but he had a lot of work to do. He had a big project that was due Monday morning, and although he had a month to work on it, he procrastinated until the weekend...

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My Favorite Cousin My Favoite Slut Pt1

It all started when I went on the family vacation a few years ago. Much of my family will take the same week off, no matter when it is, once a year, and get together at my grandmother’s house for a week long family get together. It’s always been a staple of our family life and closeness as a family. This year was about to change a lot of that for me. I had arrived at my grandmothers that February morning and had seen my family had already arrived. All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins were...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sleeping Sister

Hi this is Vish once again and y parents got divorced 15 years ago. I and my sister I got separated mom and her moved to Monaco. The divorce was heavy on the family my parents really hated each other as a result and I rarely see my sister. The years passed on and I grew fast and lost my virginity at young age and I’m 6′ 2 with a beautiful body that I keep tone by swimming. I’m definitely not as tall as some of my European friends, but I do have the sexiest and most toned shoulders, chest and...

1 year ago
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In the NavyChapter 43 The princess and the ogre

Clyde had left the dry dock two weeks before, after a thorough overhaul. She was a sound ship but she had been in dire need of a new copper bottom. Whilst her main deck armament — twenty-six 24-pounder bronze guns — had been fitted with new flintlocks, her 12-pounder guns on quarterdeck and forecastle were replaced by 24-pounder carronades giving her exceptional firepower for a frigate. Only the four long nine-pounder guns remained as bow and stern chasers. She had also been given a rebuild...

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The Girl Book 2 Chapter 02

She then got up, undressed from the filthy cloths, and packed them into a bag. She then pulled new cloths from a hidden backpack, and dressed. She then gathered her hidden video equipment. She walked home, very tired. She decided to edit the video the next day for Sam and Hank, as she didn't have strength to do it immediately. She barely had strength to take a shower, before going to sleep. When she finally brought the film to them the next day, she spent the the length of the video on her...

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My New Neighbor

After I finally split with my womanising boyfriend I moved into a large Victorian house that had been turned into a number of small apartments. It seemed that they were mostly occupied by single woman, but with the mood I was in then I only saw that as a plus. My apartment is best described as 'okay', a bit small, but then there was only me, and somewhat oddly proportioned because of its earlier life, but it was handy for shopping and convenient for work and so I figured it would do nicely. As...

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Lucky StiffChapter 46 With A Bullet

Seeing you, Or seeing anything as much as I do you. I take for granted that you're always there. I take for granted that you just don't care. Sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through. --Hello, It's Me (Todd Rundgren) On Sunday afternoon, we had lunch on the patio outside the Solarium at the Swift's main residence. Kristen, Lynette, and I arrived with me carrying a bowl of Lynette's delicious macaroni salad that she made earlier that morning. "Kristen tells me that...

3 years ago
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A Cotton Dress

Every year, June 22nd, she comes back to the park. This was her fifth year. She always wears the same thing–a cotton dress, sandals. Her hair, undone and loose, the waves cascading down her shoulder blades, caressing her skin, just a hint of sweat. Everything just the same as it was the day she saw Rowan. Five years ago now, hard to believe. She was younger then, just a few years out of college. Back then, nearly every day she wore a cotton dress and sandals. It was pretty much her uniform. ...

4 years ago
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Ass to Mouth Slut 2

Dave a South African looks at the sexy black girl standing next to me his eyes scanning her body. Judging by the growing bulge in his pants he likes what he sees."Cherie this is Dave Nienaber the Warehouse Manager. Dave this is Cherie your student worker for the next two weeks. Cherie is looking at the growing bulge in Dave's pants. "Cherie will you come with me " says Dave" My office is down the hallway , at the very end then take the stairs up to the top. Sit in the chair and wait""Yes Sir"...

2 years ago
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Massaging your Mom

Josh was excited about his new set-up in the basement of his mother's house. While most guys his age were creating man caves for their video game systems, he built a tranquil, spa-like room for his latest ambition: the****utic massage.He had been studying it for the past few months at a holistic center in the town where he attended college and came home to reveal that he was close to earning status as a licensed massage ther****t. It was good experience to have as he planned on attending...

3 years ago
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Mini Ko Sardar Se Chudhwayi

Dear Indian sex stories friends.Meri pahle likhi sambhav ke bad uski next part nahi hai ye sambhav.Sirf hero wohi subedar sardar hai.Isliye iskoek alag kahani karke likhthi hum.Is me heroin mem nahi.Meri quarters ki bagal me rahne ko aayi ek army wale ki beevi mini hai.Wo fi kerala se hum.Ummar mere se jadha dhi.38.Meri jaise lambayi(5 feet 7 inch)moti hum.Size 38 36 42 gori aur sundhar dhi.Bache 3 theenom keral me padayi kar re.Husbend thoda aged dhe.Lekin mini tho ek pathakka dhi.Uski gand...

2 years ago
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Shes Fucked Hes Cucked Theyre Done

(Copyright – February 2021 – Beast1961ca) (Billy is marrying the local Sheriff’s daughter… He has waited, because Wendy promised him her cherry on their wedding night… Bachelor Party – pizza, beer, and video games. Billy gets bored and goes for a walk… ends up downtown in the bar district… sees the strip bar is having “Ladies Night!” Several women in the bridal party are GFs or married to the men, who are all back at Billy’s... !!!???!!!) ===== *** ===== It was the talk of the...

1 year ago
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Porn Star Dad

While most parents of a 17 year old child, male or female, were looked upon as being “square” and “out of touch” with their kids and the world in general, viewed by their kids as being nothing more than a couple of old folks who did more to inhibit them and keep them from having fun like they wanted to, Lisa thought the exact opposite and had told them so on more than one instance. Lisa had grown up into a responsible, intelligent, and very mature young lady who considered her parents to be...

3 years ago
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Not So Abominable A Tale of Winter Magic

Sonja stepped outside the lodge and took a lungful of cold mountain air. Behind her, the party raged on, seemingly oblivious to her absence. The haze of pot smoke inside was bothering her. It made her feel a bit dopey, even though she had never touched a joint herself. Or the spiked desserts, for that matter. The noise was an irritant, too, leaving her hearing dull and a ringing in her ears.Zipping up her coat, Sonja walked down the stairs from the lodge’s balcony and away from the place. She...

2 years ago
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VictimVictorianChapter 5 Plots and Plans

Corky looked about wildly. Trunks and bags were piled on the bed and the floor. The wardrobe and dresser were open and empty. The knock came again-a light and hesitant rapping. "William?" called a timorous voice outside. He cracked the door open and peered through. "Beatrice!" "You're- you're home early." "Er, yes," he admitted. They gazed at each other through the narrow opening for a moment. "There was such a racket," Beatrice said at last. "Is everything all...

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Not Just One Of Those Sexcapades

So if you’re reading this for the sake of getting an insight of the humping and fucking and the doggy, this might be a little ahead of it’s time for you. Hi to the lovely sex story readers, I write this to bring to you my real life experience of an exquisite affair with a woman who happened to be the best sex of my life. I had seen Tanya (Name changed for obvious reasons) the first time when She had attended a conference at Chandigarh a few months back in the early spring season. She’s a...

2 years ago
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Dirty Chat

You: Μ 18 Stranger: mm okay You: ok what? Stranger: is it bad if i just straivht up say thag im horny Stranger: thT Stranger: that You: nope not at all ;) Stranger: ohhhh ok ;) goood. You: so what do u have in mind? Stranger: anythinggg. i wanna talk dirty : Stranger: ;) You: ok then You: do u have any fantasies? ;) Stranger: 8 Stranger: my bad. it doesnt matter really You: so do u want to just start? Stranger: i mean sure haha you can go first, youre in...

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Level Ground Bk 01 Ch 06

My heart was racing, not really sure what was going on or what was going to happen. I felt like a little kid that was doing something that he wasn’t supposed to be doing, but ignored the rule anyway. Once we got to the cabin, and were inside, Maranda closed the door behind us. She came toward me, lacing her arms around my neck, bringing her lips to mine. As my lips touched hers, I felt a tingle of electricity travel from the top of my neck all the way down to my knees, sending a shiver up my...

2 years ago
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Margos Neighbor

“Seems like you’ve got this down,” I said. I unclicked my pen and started putting away my things. “Your parents getting home soon?” “Umm, lemme check.” She took out her phone. “If not,” I said, “maybe we can talk about what we talked about before.” She smiled as she constructed her text. Like Margo, Julia had a sarcastic undertone to her demeanor. She was hilarious, but she rarely let you see it on her face. She had bright green eyes, but they were masked by heavy eyelids. A minute of fervent...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 56

The news that Dan had relayed to Bern made her heart pound. Bern wondered if the day, when she and Dan could be together in open freedom once more, would actually ever arrive. No more hiding, no more once a month meetings in the dark, she couldn't wait. How he would explain where he had been for three years to the family and friends was unfathomable, but she was sure he had concocted some plausible story. Since the call, the day had seemed to have become brighter, the sun, shooting through...

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sexy camping foursome part 2

Morning came and I was awoken by the feeling every man dreams of, a woman sucking on his dick. Even better we were out in the woods in a tent, fresh mountain air and a blow job, life could literally not have been any better at that moment. If every woman did this to her man every day, there wouldn’t be any wars, world hunger would be solved, everyone would be too damn happy. “Good morning to you too” I said, as Alison was doing her best deep throat job on my rock hard cock. She pulled off my...

4 years ago
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The Schoolboy And The Farmers Wife Part 4 Final

Due to the nature of my work, I was living away from home for a couple of years and I didn’t get a lot of opportunities to have our lovemaking sessions as frequently as Sally and I would have liked. When we could, we did, and they were frantic and were physically exhausting. We fucked and sucked like there was not going to be a tomorrow. It surprised us both that I never failed to ejaculate even after so many orgasms. My balls were often quite sore from all coming and being thrashed against...

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