Mein erstes Mal
- 4 years ago
- 37
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Ich heiße Karin und bin 22 Jahre alt. Heute wohne ich in einer Großstadt, stehe kurz vor der Beendigung meines Studiums und habe ein normales Verhältnis zu den Männern. Das war nicht immer so. Als ich in dem Alter war, in dem man normalerweise die ersten Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht macht, wohnte ich auf dem Land und war auch ein richtiges Landei. Nicht dass ich unterentwickelt gewesen wäre, eher im Gegenteil. Ich war recht groß, schlank und hatte gerade die richtige Oberweite, also...
je l’ai connu j’avais 18 ans, c’était un collègue et ami a mon père. La premiére fois que je l’ai vu c’était pour un réveillon de noël mon père l’avait invité car il était seul, sa femme venait de demander le divorce pour plusieurs raisons. Dés la premiére rencontre il me trouva mignon et pendant la soirée me questionna savoir si j’avais une copine ou pas si j’aimais les mecs. Toute la famille s’entendait avec lui et à partir de ce jour on le voyait régulièrement et il est même venu en...
je l'ai connu j'avais 18 ans, c'était un collègue et ami a mon père.La premiére fois que je l'ai vu c'était pour un réveillon de noël mon père l'avait invité car il était seul, sa femme venait de demander le divorce pour plusieurs raisons. Dés la premiére rencontre il me trouva mignon et pendant la soirée me questionna savoir si j'avais une copine ou pas si j'aimais les mecs.Toute la famille s'entendait avec lui et à partir de ce jour on le voyait régulièrement et il est même venu en vacances...
Fortsetzung von:„Hallo meine kleine Schlampe“, begrüßt er mich nachdem er mich ein Zeit lang mehr oder weniger ignorierte. „Nun kommen wir zu meinem persönlichen Höhepunkt des Wochenendes“, er führt mich nochmal ins Bad und legt mir Dessous in Rot bereit, dazu ein rotes Negligees, die blonde Perücke lasse ich auf und er bittet mich, dass ich mich ganz nuttig für ihn zu Recht mache. Ich freue mich darauf endlich wieder von...
Das erste Mal------- Meine erste Story in einem Rutsch geschrieben und direkt gepostet, hoffe sie gef?llt euch.W?rde mich ?ber jegliche Kritik freuen Der MM Fan ------- Das erste Mal Ich kannte ihn schon l?nger, wir studierten fast 3 Jahre den gleichen Studiengang. Ich war jedoch ein Jahr ?lter als er und so hatten wir in der Uni relativ wenig miteinander zu tun. Ausserdem steckte ich seit Jahren in einer Beziehung, die mir zwar nicht mehr viel Bedeutete, aber ich hatte im Moment zu viel Stress um auc...
Katrin war ein sehr nettes Mädchen. Ich kannte sie noch nicht lange, aber war definitiv verliebt in sie. Offensichtlich mochte sie mich auch. Jedenfalls war da diese Party, die sie gab. Ich war eingeladen und durfte bei ihr übernachten. Als sie mir anbot, bei ihr im grossen Doppelbett zu schlafen, war ich nichteinmal überrascht. So kam es , dass wir nach der Party in ihrem grossen Bett lagen und versuchten zu schlafen. Wir lagen dicht beieinander. Ich war etwas aufgeregt und unruhig. Katrin...
Chat Night Guest: Anne-Mal On Thursday September 16, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Julie Anne-Mal can be e-mailed at: [email protected] (*Julie) The log is now open. (Bashful) Is hubby going to be here Anne? Editor's note-See the ending to MAER. - Anne just left. (Anne-Mal) Anne? This is deja vu! + Anne-Phorcy has arrived. (Anne-Phorcy) (One too many Anne's!) ;) (Anne-Mal) There are never enough Anne's! (Bashful) Yes there are, some times one is too many! I loved...
Als ich ihn kennenlernte war ich jung. Wie jung kann ich hier nicht sagen, aber um das geht es ja in dieser Schilderung der Erlebnisse auch nicht, sondern um unser erstes Mal, bei dem er mich zum Genießen in der Öffentlichkeit herangeführt hat. Nicht Zeigen, nicht provokativ, sondern einfach nur Spaß zusammen - und wenn andere was mitbekommen - so what? Kennengelernt haben wir uns - wie so häufig - durch einen Freund. Er hat zu einer Geburtstagsparty eingeladen, das war das erste Mal, dass ich...
Hallo.. nach langer Überlegung bin ich dazu gekommen mal mein erstes Gloryhole-Erlebnis aufzuschreiben und ihr mit euch allen zu teilen. Ich versichere euch, dass tatsächlich alles genau so passiert ist wie ich es euch jetzt erzählen werde.Das Ganze geschah vor ca. 2 Jahren, im Sommer 2015. Ich fand schon immer die Gloryhole Videos extrem erregend und hatte schon ewig die Phantasie das mal selbst machen zu wollen, aber wie das nun mal mit Phantasien so ist, erfordert es in der Regel eine Menge...
Mein erstes Mal mit einer FrauGanz ehrlich? Wenn mir d a s einer gesagt hätte, ich hätte ihn für total verrückt erklärt! ICH und ne andere Frau!!! So ein Schwachsinn! Es geht doch nichts über einen schönen, langen und dicken Schwanz, der einem die Möse und den Hintereingang gewaltig dehnt!! Und erst dieses köstliche Naturprodukt! Mir wird schwindelig, wenn ich nur daran denke, das ein geiler Bock mir seine Herrensahne in den Rachen ballert!! Grrrrrrrr……„Hey Susi, alles klar bei Dir?“ mit diesem...
Nun ist er endlich da, der tag, an dem unser erstes richtiges Date stattfindet. Wie haben wir uns darauf gefreut und endlich kann ich Dich besuchen, in Deinem Zimmer im Wohnheim. Ich bin gespannt wie es aussieht. Langsam und aufgeregt nähere ich mich Deinem Zimmer, lege die Hand auf die Türklinke und halte für ein paar Sekunden inne. Ich zittere, so aufgeregt bin ich, Dich endlich wieder zu sehen. Langsam drücke ich die Klinke nach unten und öffne die Tür. Endlich, endlich sehe ich Dich...
Tom wohnte in einem Hochhaus, in einer der letzten Etagen, am Ende eines Korridors. Die Wohnungstür war schon auf, und ich konnte ihn im Türrahmen stehen sehen. Er war selbst schon nackt, und als ich näher kam sah ich, daß er ganz rasiert war. Ich habe das zum ersten Mal damals bei einem Mann so nah gesehen. „Hallo, schön daß Du gekommen bist, komm rein“, begrüßte er mich. „Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob Du Dich wirklich trauen würdest“, sagte er mit einem Lächeln. „Ja, um ehrlich zu sein war ich...
„Auf Wiedersehen! Macht euch bloß nicht zuviel Sorgen um mich! Ich schaffe das schon ganz alleine! Ich bin doch jetzt erwachsen!“ Mit diesen Worten drückt Marina ihre Eltern noch einmal ganz herzlich zum Abschied. Ihre Mutter hat sogar Tränen in den Augen, als sie in das Auto einsteigt. Der Vater winkt ihr noch einmal aufmunternd aus dem geöffneten Fahrerfenster zu. Mit schwerem Herzen sieht Marina zu, wie ihre Eltern langsam vom Parkplatz des Studentenwohnheimes fahren, und sie winkt ihnen...
Ich stand schon immer auf das Nacktsein. Solange ich denken kann. Das hat vielleicht auch damit zu tun, dass es in meiner Kindheit bei uns zuhause sehr prüde zuging. Ich habe zum Beispiel meine Eltern nie nackt gesehen und meine beiden Geschwister auch nur in den Kindertagen. Sehr früh wollte mein größerer Bruder nicht mehr mit mir zusammen in die Wanne. Und zu dritt sind wir Kinder, eine Schwester und zwei Jungs, nur in unseren ersten Lebensjahren zusammen nackt gewesen. Daher wahrscheinlich...
“Didn’t you all just see a movie yesterday?” Steve asked, a little annoyed. He’d looked forward to a day of watching TV with his wife nearby for when he got into the mood. “We couldn’t pick between two so we saw hers last night and we’re going to see mine today,” Brit said, putting on some make up. “I told you that last night, you must’ve been drunk and forgot.” “What if I want to go with you all?” “Well it’s in French, with subtitles,” Brit said, pulling on a black tank top, “and there’s...
Steve was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when Brit got behind him and lightly rubbed his neck. “She’s on her way,” she said, a little nervously. A smile crept across Steve’s face. “This is for both of us, so don’t you go forgetting about me and just fucking her all night.” “Naw, naw,” Steve said, almost shaking now. “I’ll fuck you too, don’t worry.” Brit sighed and poured three large glasses of wine, putting them on the table. Steve stared at her until she sighed again, went back and...
Die Charaktere Marco ist ein 18 jähriger unscheinbarer Junge von 183, mit leichtem Bauch, blauen Augen und kurzen dunkelblonden Haaren. Er ist schüchtern und hat noch keine Erfahrungen mit Frauen gehabt. Er ist schon länger in Ann-Maire verliebt, hatte bisher aber noch keinen Mut sie anzusprechen. Ann-Marie wird von ihren Freunden Amy genannt ist 158, schlank, B-Cup, hat grüne Augen, Brille, schulterlange Rote Haare und eine Zahnspange. Sie hatte schon einen Freund, ist aber auch noch...
L’aéroport de Roissy était bondé en ce début d’été. Les vacanciers se bousculaient comme si leur vie dépendait de leur présence dans leur avion avant le départ de ce dernier. De temps en temps, une voix monocorde faisait une annonce dans un micro, dominant quelques instants le désordre ambiant. Des groupes se formaient et se séparaient. Les milliers de gens présents s’apprêtaient à partir en vacances. La plupart allaient passer un très bon séjour, découvrir un nouveau pays, profiter du beau...
FantasyThoughts There are two Malins, although most people only know the story of the second one who would rescue Anna's memory years from now. The first Malin arrived at the House years before Anna would need to hunt down her identical twin. Malin is representative of a certain type of economical, limited use robot that caught on wildly shortly before Anna left the House. It's perhaps good that they also caught on before the World Government started establishing its grip on things, since surely...
Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the 'swishhh' of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....
SpankingHi, to all I’m Shyam from Bangalore and 23 years old and my pussy xperiences 3 pussys till now (1 virgin, 1 aunty, 1 call girl) Relationship status: Bachelor and Committed but open for new encounters I saw her first time at the inauguration function of my sister new home. Voluptuous body wit great assets. All though I was busy in the works of the function I didn’t miss a chance to stare at her and take a peek of her sexy body. I somehow collected bits of information about her. Her name is...
When I was getting to know her, in the beginning, our conversations often seemed to lead to the topic of sex. We would talk about this and that and the conversations became more and more open until the topic of threesomes came up. I always love when that topic comes up especially when the girl I'm talking to likes the idea. We talked about them in reality and in fantasy and she said one thing that really stuck with me. I asked her which got her hotter, watching a movie with two guys and a girl...
She said, defiantly and almost angrily, "Yes. I'm saying I want to cheat on my husband. With you."I knew she'd been working up to that, but it shocked me all the same. Malika and I had been platonic friends for years, going all the way back to college. We drifted apart after school, found each other again two years ago, got close, and then inappropriately close. She told me her secrets, told me about being sick of her husband Jeff. Told me he was indifferent to her happiness and never really...
CheatingMy name is Glenn,(not my real name)this story is about MY WIFE MALINDA.She is Mexican,American so you know she has pretty skin.she is 33 years old.and have long hair, down to the middle of her back,when the sun light hits it looks brown,but really is dark.she weighs about 140 lbs,give or take a pound.she wears a 38c bra,not too big,but more than a handful.overall she is a BBW (BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN)Personally I like to say she is THICK in all the right places,If you know what I mean.anyway i love...
“There’s two of you?!” Dana gasped in alarm, before Rachel elbowed her in the ribs. Alyssa had reached Irillith by this point, and she knelt next to the Maliri girl, pulling her into a hug. She shot Dana a disapproving look, and the redhead was shamefaced at her outburst. Reaching out through Irillith’s grief stricken thoughts, Alyssa spoke to her in a comforting murmur, I’m here for you now, you don’t have to hold this pain in any more. John walked over to squat down on Irillith’s other...
Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
Love StoriesHi ISS readers I am Michael George and thanks to all my fans for the tremendous response for my previous story and I am back with another fresh and much sexier story. Follow this story and give me hot comments and suggestions to and your details are safe with me. Upon taking the permission of Malvika I am writing this story and upon her request I have dropped her mail id too Coming to the story, I have been ordered to train new recruits in Mumbai and my lusty 7.5 inches hot cock was in search...
Aap sab log hema malini ke baare mein to jaante hi hain. 15 se leke 50 saal tak ke purushon ke dil ki raani khwabon ki mallika, ji haan sadabahr, jawani jaise usse chipak ke reh gayi ho, aur jiska kaamuk jism din pe din aur sexy hota ja raha ho,jiske screen par aate hi mardon ke lund apna apna bandhan todne ko tayyar ho jaate hon, jiska badan gorepan aur chiknai ki saari haden paar kar gaya ho aur har ang mein jabardust katav ho. AAnkhen aisi ki buddhe ke lode mein bhi jaan aa jayae. Jab...
Hi.. This is Prasad again with an another experience. Thanks for your response and mails for the previous stories. I should say this experience as my first child. This is my first sexual experience I had in my life. Vimala, a beauty is the first girl in my life who showed the heavenly experience to me. I was studying 9th std at that time. My parents were working and transferred to a new place. Due to heavy work, my parents were searching for a maid to take care of the household activities. One...
Hi all ISS lovers , how you guys dong, yet one more pussy quivering story for you all , enjoy pals. I was studying while living with our family. We had a housemaid named Kamala. She had worked for us for such a long time that she had virtually became a family member. Actually her mother was housemaid at our residence but she started employing Kamala at an early age whenever she was not available. My mother liked Kamala as she did a better job and so she persisted with her. We never treated her...
Dr. Takuchi was a classmate in the military academy. He was responsible for security of the secret 731 laboratory research in northern China. Although this top secret unit was never publicized, as a Commander General, I knew they researched all kinds of biological warfare and tested on the locals. Dr. Takuchi told me when he visited Shanghai last, 'We are mating all kind of animals with local females. Obviously with horse, donkey, Siberian husky, wolf, ape, monkey and then some others we...
Hi Indian sex stories readers, this story happens recently before 2 months in Bangalore with my neighbor maid and then that leads to her owner. My name is Sandeep. My id Am working in a corporate just 2 years old in Bangalore prior to this I was working in Chennai. Let me tell about the maid. She’s wheatish colour, average body, medium boobs in her 40’s. She was doing the cleaning and washing stuffs for my neighbor, at least half of her day she’ll be spending at my neighbor house and about my...
Hey friends, this is Shyam from Pune. I am going to narrate my latest encounter with a Bengali hottie, Malini. I had recently moved to an apartment near Mumbai-Bangalore Highway Ravet. I used to drive to my office at Chakan and used to leave a bit early to avoid traffic congestion. The apartment had a fair share of beautiful ladies which gave me a hard time during my jogs and walks around in the evenings. Being a fairly new apartment, members were still getting to terms with each other. It was...
Hi friends. My name is Rahul. I am back here to share one more incident which took place recently. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Rahul,age 28, unmarried, located in Bangalore. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. I believe looks and appearance wont matter, when it comes to make love. As a professional gigolo, i value for secrecy and privacy of client & wont disclose...
When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...
SpankingHi Friends, I am regular reader of ISS from past 8 years. I used to enjoy incest and Couple stories daily. I would like to share my real experience with you. This is my first story so kindly excuse for any mistakes. Kindly give your feedback on Let me introduce Myself Suresh from Nellore (Simple City in AP) with 6.5 inches tool & good looking working professional. Miss. Malathi was actresses of this story. She is from machilipatnam (Bandhar). I have a dream to have sex with aunties & girls a...
So finally you are moving from here right?” Kamala asked me with a dull voice. Yes, dear, our visa got approved and Vimal wants me and k**s to join him as soon as possible. “hmmm” Kamala sighed a deep breath and said. “But I will miss you dear badly”. I bowed my head down and murmur “me too”. Kamala took my hand and kissed my fingers and told me Swathi let me close the main door and come.I just nodded my head. My body got heated up quickly I know what is going to happen. I can feel a strange...
Becoming Malissa By; Malissa Madison This story contains a lot of truth, though names and places have been changed so as not to upset any of those who were actually there. Momma, you know who you are, I thank you for everything you did for me. Though it didn't quite work out the way we'd hoped. At least you helped me find myself underneath all the layers, and amid the many parts that are me as well. I truly wish that you could have been my Mother, instead of my...
Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the ‘swishhh’ of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....
“So finally you are moving from here right?” Kamala asked me with a dull voice. Yes, dear, our visa got approved and Vimal wants me and kids to join him as soon as possible. “hmmm” Kamala sighed a deep breath and said. “But I will miss you dear badly”. I bowed my head down and murmur “me too”. Kamala took my hand and kissed my fingers and told me Swathi let me close the main door and come. I just nodded my head. My body got heated up quickly I know what is going to happen. I can feel a strange...
LesbianH’I this is Kamala. I wrote the story, “Helped son to pay his debts off”. This is another encounter for her only, with a police officer. As my son was not a good one, he met with a nuisance case and he was arrested for 6 months. As my husband was not in town, I have to go for his bail orders. I got the bail orders and went to the jail. They released him and on a condition that he has to be in house and there will be no going out of house. Also he had to sign in the local police station daily,...
My wife Karen and I have been married for 9 years, and have three k**s. Karen is a short 5'1; slim, has an attractive face, short brunette hair, and smallish tits with magnificent large, puffy nipples. She’s fairly reserved, especially about sex. It’s not that Karen doesn’t enjoy it, she does, she’s just not comfortable talking about it. She claims to have no sexual fantasies, and outside of breathing heavily, makes little sound while we’re having sex, which is maybe once or twice a month since...
The Possession of Mallory By X-Girl Chapter One The flat landscape of Indiana with its long distant fields and cold Saharan sunsets hides a hidden treasure. And an urban, east coast man sought to mine it from the front porch of his home and pressed between his hands was a thick envelope... "Sign right here," said the courier. "Okay," said the man. "Thank you," said the courier and he stepped away tipping his hat and said, "Good day." Mallory, had now released his offer...
It started innocently enough. I was a newly hired professor as was Mallory. I was to teach Native American studies and Mallory was to teach English. A few weeks into the semester, someone in the department suggested an evening department meeting and potluck. Mallory quickly volunteered her house and we all agreed. When the evening arrived, we had a quick business meeting and then had our dinner. In addition to the food, it seemed that everybody brought a bottle of wine. Food was served and the...
TabooDear friends, this is a real story about hot love making with mallika who is known for her escapades with 3 men (apart from a husband)…….Well in short her affairs started when her age was 23 and went to a peak with 2 men parallel for 4 years and cut of from one person for few years and with another she wanted to elope and get re married and finally adjusted and stayed back with husband and however the relationship with other two men going strong still …….The initial hot and love making sessions...
THE AMAZING MR. MORTIMER My girlfriend Rachel and I had decided to take a two week vacation to PuertoRico. I had first come across the girl on the streets of San Juan. She cameup to me and begged me for some money. At first I was going to say no. ThenI noticed how beautiful this young girl was and I was intrigued. I startedto reach into my purse to get her something, and she smiled at me. She hada very beautiful smile. It was in fact an entrancing smile. I kept her close to me with small bribes...
Hai iam shailendra this one of my most remembered encounters which i enjoyed . Do feel to write to me at thought i was being very stupid when i decided to join the health club.aside from my belly i looked quite good compared to some. The other aspect that astonished me was that the females outnumbered the men by about five to one. Having started on the routine suggested by the manager of the club, i just got on with it. My confidence took a huge leap when on the treadmill one day. I was...
Incest100% fiction! Magnolia Plantation is nestled amongst tall pine trees and large oak trees in Southern Alabama. It is owned by Henry Cowart, the richest slave owner for miles around. Henry is 50 years old with salt and pepper hair, clear blue eyes, and around 6ft tall. He has large hands and broad shoulders. Henry has always had a fancy for his slave girls. He loved their dark brown and sometimes black nipples, curvy waists and large round bottoms. The showers for the slaves were set up right out...
IncestAnomalies By Anon Allsop Laughing and about half drunk the two of us staggered home, my cousin and I had been celebrating our 21st birthdays together. We were each born about a week apart, my birthday was actually earlier but what the heck... anytime we could party, was a great time indeed! As we walked, we fell down an embankment and laid at the bottom even though we were in pain, we felt nothing. Still chuckling about the fall this time Keith stood up and grabbed my by my...
This time i will narrate about how my wedding was fixed with my wife mala. At that time i was working in Madras(chennai) and my age was 25. The event happened when I had gone to my uncle’s house at Bangalore. I had gone for 3 days with some work in relation to my business and stayed in my uncle’s house in Bangalore. My uncle and Aunty both are employees of a public sector Organisation. They are having one son and two daughter. Son was working as a Manager in Indian Bank at Madurai and...
Once again back with a new story !!! This time the story reveals about true incest relationship one of my close friend REV & his mom Mallika. Everything is common like you friends since from primary to college life . I was very much attracted with Hot ladies .I was regular to porn and imagine the erotic scenes masturbated in free times. As the desires and lust take me into the incest relationship between mom Mallika. She was hot milf thick lady with big Boobs and Ass. Soon after the college...
Hello dear friends and loving girls and aunties. A famous quote by Marilyn Monroe: “Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature” . I mean to say whenever you get a chance to have sex, move on and take a chance. Who knows it may bring life long sweet moments to you. I am Jaggannath, 29 years old, single bit experienced in sex. I am staying in Bengaluru, Karnataka. If any ladies or girls want to contact me, u can contact through my mail id: I am one and only son to my parents and both are...
“I can’t believe you’re going to wear that costume, Mallory.” It was time for our annual Halloween party and I couldn’t wait. We took turns buying the costumes and that year it was up to Mallory to decide what we were going to wear. She wouldn’t tell me a thing and part of the game is for me to beg and plead for just one little clue. All week long I’d promised her interesting sexual favors and anything else I could think of, but of course she never said a word. Well almost nothing. There was...
Hi readers I Rajan from Chennai and 24 years old I have always craved for Sexy women and have had a special attraction for older women. I always look forward for family gatherings, as it gives me an opportunity to come close to my sexy aunts. My favorite aunt is Aunt mala who is around 44 or 45. She is married to my uncle (mother’s brother), who is in Army. My uncle is posted near the border and is usually away for long periods. Although Aunt Mala is at least about 12 years older to me, I have...
IncestNote: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry. Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
Hi, guys and girls, I hope you liked my previous sexstory and like my previous story this is also true. As the title says this story is about how my neighbor and I started having sex with each other. First I’ll describe my neighbor whom I call bhabhiji. Her name is bubbly and she lives in the house front of my house. She’s very busty, have two kids and her husband is a bank manager who lives in another city because of his job. He settled his wife and children in one place so that his children’s...
A sizzling sound was heard as Samantha places her purse down on dining room table. Samantha races into the kitchen to see Mr. Malcolm cooking eggs "me. Malcolm, I was going to cook you breakfast" "good morning Sam" that the nickname he gave her because it's hard for him to pronounce her name. "Need any help" "no Sam, why don't you sit down and relax" "I wish I could but I have to grab your shower essentials for your morning bath". "Okay", now Mr. Malcolm can still do his daily...
I have been married to my Indian wife Komal for nearly 15 years. There is one thing I have learnt about Indian wives, they are very loving, very submissive and are willing to serve their husband. We have had good sex life and have tried some kinky things. She is a beautiful Indian woman with light brown smooth skin, big boobs with dark tits and a pussy just designed to be fucked and fucked. No doubt, she had acquired many admirers. After few years of our marriage, once our trust had built up,...