des vacances folkloriques
- 4 years ago
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L’aéroport de Roissy était bondé en ce début d’été. Les vacanciers se bousculaient comme si leur vie dépendait de leur présence dans leur avion avant le départ de ce dernier. De temps en temps, une voix monocorde faisait une annonce dans un micro, dominant quelques instants le désordre ambiant.
Des groupes se formaient et se séparaient. Les milliers de gens présents s’apprêtaient à partir en vacances. La plupart allaient passer un très bon séjour, découvrir un nouveau pays, profiter du beau temps, avant de rentrer bien reposé, prêts à reprendre leur vie.
Mais pas tous.
Le monde peut être un endroit dangereux. Et parfois, certaines personnes disparaissent sans laisser de traces. On attribue généralement cela à un accident, une mauvaise rencontre, mais la réalité est parfois plus complexe.
Parfois, il suffit de boire une potion suspecte, de contrarier une vieille femme à l’air inoffensif, qui s’avère finalement être une sorcière, de profaner un terrain sacré et s’attirer une malédiction ancestrale.
Sur les vacanciers qui s’impatientaient devant leurs couloirs d’embarquements, certains allaient subir ce sort, bien qu’ils ne le savaient pas encore.
Voici leur histoire.
Quand j'ai rencontre Cindy, je ne savais pas ce qui allait m'arriver quelques semaines plus tard. Je m'appelle Marc et j'ai rencontr? Cindy en boite de nuit. Elle ?tait magnifique et tr?s f?minine. Comme je suis timide j'ai eu besoin de quelques verres pour l'aborder. Le lendemain j'h?sitais de l'appeler, je me disais qu'une fille comme elle ne s'int?resserait pas ? moi plus d'une soir?e. Mais finalement on s'est revu et on a commenc? une relation. Je n'avais pas beaucoup d'exp?rience, mais Cindy savait ut...
Chat Night Guest: Anne-Mal On Thursday September 16, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Julie Anne-Mal can be e-mailed at: [email protected] (*Julie) The log is now open. (Bashful) Is hubby going to be here Anne? Editor's note-See the ending to MAER. - Anne just left. (Anne-Mal) Anne? This is deja vu! + Anne-Phorcy has arrived. (Anne-Phorcy) (One too many Anne's!) ;) (Anne-Mal) There are never enough Anne's! (Bashful) Yes there are, some times one is too many! I loved...
En Vacances 4: The Balcony “Just give her the water, Grant.” There is a different tone to Anita’s voice, a mix of steel and determination so absent from the tinkling waterfall of words and gentle laughter that had fallen from her mouth earlier. Grant must have noticed the change also, as immediately, if perhaps a little sullenly, he pulls a canvas shopper from beneath his sun lounger, roots around amongst its contents and eventually draws out a small bottle of water. Still he doesn’t wish to...
En Vacances 1: Poolside Mid-morning Mediterranean sunshine flashes across the cyan pool waters as I tiptoe between the half empty lines of sun loungers towards my own. Quickly, I drape my towel across its padded bed, grab an ashtray from a nearby table, unlace the 4” sandals from my feet and plop myself down for another day hiding behind my sunglasses. This is how I holiday, my body gently basting in finely applied suntan oil, reclining on a lounger, slightly out of sight of my fellow sun...
En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...
En Vacances Part 5: Fucktoy Tease All is quiet, the silence broken only by the eternal background noise of insects and the heavy panting of shivering, orgasmic me. I’m clinging to the balcony rail, my body shaking from the after tremors caused by Anita’s fingers’ twin assault on my arse and pussy. Ejaculant drips from between my legs, my vagina an open faucet with a stopcock that can’t quite be fully closed, my thighs streaked with its slippery wetness, my calves and feet splattered, and...
En Vacances 2: The Bar Embarrassment consumes me, my entire being flushing crimson as her hungry eyes watch my little girl body quivering with pleasure, fixed on the twin digits that have slid so effortlessly into the soaking wetness of my pussy. My whole body is burning up with shame, heat radiating through every atom of my being, capillaries engorged and swollen, visibly causing my lightly tanned skin to glow violently. Adrenaline coarses through my bloodstream, my heartbeat quickening as...
En Vacances 3: Grant “I want a drink.” My words sound petulant in my ears like a small child demanding a treat, and my tongue, unused to forming words, feels thick in my mouth. It had seemed like a good idea holidaying alone, ten days in the sun, an opportunity to relax and recharge my personal batteries away from the daily grind, but a holiday can be a lonely place and I’ve spent three days lying alone, eating alone, drinking alone and sleeping alone. I find myself trying to remember the...
"Je dois y aller, maman, sinon je vais manquer le train. D'accord, d'accord, Lisa. On se revoit demain matin. Lisa ? Oui maman ? Quelle grosseur ?" Lisa soupira. "Maman, tu sais que je n'aime pas trop discuter de ça... Quelle grosseur, Lisa ?" ... Gros comment, maintenant ? Je... je ne sais pas vraiment. Tu sais, c'est du sur mesure. Dans les magasins, ils n'ont pas... Gros comment, Lisa ?" Lisa, gênée, mal à l'aise, roula des yeux avant de répondre. On m'a dit... on m'a dit...
En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...
Group SexEn Vacances Part 5: Fucktoy Tease All is quiet; the silence broken only by the eternal background noise of insects and the heavy panting of shivering, orgasmic me. I’m clinging to the balcony rail, my body shaking from the after tremors caused by Anita’s fingers’ twin assault on my arse and pussy. Ejaculant drips from between my legs, my vagina an open faucet with a stopcock that can’t quite be fully closed, my thighs streaked with its slippery wetness, my calves and feet splattered, and...
Group SexEn Vacances 4: The Balcony “Just give her the water, Grant.” There is a different tone to Anita’s voice, a mix of steel and determination so absent from the tinkling waterfall of words and gentle laughter that had fallen from her mouth earlier.Grant must have noticed the change also, as immediately, if perhaps a little sullenly, he pulls a canvas shopper from beneath his sun lounger, roots around amongst its contents and eventually draws out a small bottle of water. Still he doesn’t wish to...
ExhibitionismEn Vacances 3: Grant “I want a drink.” My words sound petulant in my ears like a small child demanding a treat; and my tongue, unused to forming words, feels thick in my mouth. It had seemed like a good idea holidaying alone, ten days in the sun, an opportunity to relax and recharge my personal batteries away from the daily grind, but a holiday can be a lonely place and I’ve spent three days lying alone, eating alone, drinking alone and sleeping alone. I find myself trying to remember the...
MasturbationEn Vacances 2: The Bar Embarrassment consumes me; my entire being flushing crimson as her hungry eyes watch my little girl body quivering with pleasure, fixed on the twin digits that have slid so effortlessly into the soaking wetness of my pussy. My whole body is burning up with shame; heat radiating through every atom of my being, capillaries engorged and swollen, visibly causing my lightly tanned skin to glow violently. Adrenaline coarses through my bloodstream, my heartbeat quickening as...
MasturbationEn Vacances 1: Poolside Mid-morning Mediterranean sunshine flashes across the cyan pool waters as I tiptoe between the half empty lines of sun loungers towards my own. Quickly, I drape my towel across its padded bed, grab an ashtray from a nearby table, unlace the 4” sandals from my feet and plop myself down for another day hiding behind my sunglasses.This is how I holiday; my body gently basting in finely applied suntan oil, reclining on a lounger, slightly out of sight of my fellow sun...
MasturbationDie nachfolgende Geschichte ist so passiert – lediglich die Namen und der Ort sind geändert worden, um die Personen zu schützen.Ich war 18 Jahre alt und schon seit einigen Jahren für die Wasserrettung ehrenamtlich tätig. Unser Verein hatte eine Übereinkunft mit der Stadtverwaltung, dass wir in einem Schulschwimmbad Dienst machen, wenn es für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet war – was zwei Mal die Woche abends für einige Stunden der Fall war.Mit hat es immer Spass gemacht, dort meine Zeit zu...
Mit 18 war ich ein ziemlicher Skater, so mit Schlabberklamotten und hattemein Board quasi immer dabei. Klar hab ich auch öfters gewichst, aber meistallein. Immer mit den Gedanken bei geilen , älteren Männern, irgendwie niebei Mädels oder Frauen. Es waren auch nie die Jungs in meinem Alter,sondern Männer die ich beim Schwimmen oder im Saunabereich des Sportstudiogesehen habe. Allerdings traute ich mich nie einen ersten Schritt zumachen. Meine Angst vor Ärger oder Zurückweisung war zu groß.Es war...
[ ver 1.3 Most of the French is obvious or soon implied. Longer or more difficult wording is translated in square braces like these. Until after the cop flirted, this is all true --- I did change the names and ages of those involved. Mich’s behavior over the bill is also true. If all you want is the hot scenes, skip to == Police == ] Sirens screaming made us all paranoid and put worries of arrests in our guts. Is four people in a two-seater sports car illegal? This happened some years ago...
Das erste Mal------- Meine erste Story in einem Rutsch geschrieben und direkt gepostet, hoffe sie gef?llt euch.W?rde mich ?ber jegliche Kritik freuen Der MM Fan ------- Das erste Mal Ich kannte ihn schon l?nger, wir studierten fast 3 Jahre den gleichen Studiengang. Ich war jedoch ein Jahr ?lter als er und so hatten wir in der Uni relativ wenig miteinander zu tun. Ausserdem steckte ich seit Jahren in einer Beziehung, die mir zwar nicht mehr viel Bedeutete, aber ich hatte im Moment zu viel Stress um auc...
Mons dans le Borinage. C'est en Belgique, pas loin de la frontière avec la France. Ce qu'on peut dire sur les policiers du coin, c'est qu'ils sont pas super efficaces. Mais bon, vu que même ça ça réussi à arrêter les criminels du coin, du moins, les criminels qui n'ont pas d'argents, on va pas trop se plaindre. Pourtant, en 2016, le gouvernement Michel a décidé avec l'accord du parlement Wallon de donner plus de moyen et de recruter plus d'agents dans cette région. Ben voyons ! C'était bien ce...
LesbianIch heiße Karin und bin 22 Jahre alt. Heute wohne ich in einer Großstadt, stehe kurz vor der Beendigung meines Studiums und habe ein normales Verhältnis zu den Männern. Das war nicht immer so. Als ich in dem Alter war, in dem man normalerweise die ersten Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht macht, wohnte ich auf dem Land und war auch ein richtiges Landei. Nicht dass ich unterentwickelt gewesen wäre, eher im Gegenteil. Ich war recht groß, schlank und hatte gerade die richtige Oberweite, also...
MARQUIS TO MARQUISE I was born a male in 1757. That must seem like a very strange phrasing but you'll see why I use it. My name is Jean Paul Richard. I was the firstborn child of my father, the leading aristocrat of our region in the east of France at the foot of the mountains leading into Switzerland. But I have no brothers, only two sisters, so there was never any question who would succeed my father, Luc Richard, the Marquis. There was little else I could wish to do as I...
Angefangen hat alles damit das ich meinen Schatz hier bei Hamster kennen gelernt habe vor ca.2Monaten.Er hat mich hier gefunden und so wie aussieht ist es der Anfang einer wunderschönen und hoffentlich superschönen Liebesgeschichte.Wie gesagt hab mit Schatzi hier viel geschrieben weil er zu dem Zeitpunkt krank zu Hause lag erst mit ner schweren Erkältung und dann hatte er so Probleme mit seiner Bandscheibe und weil die Schmerzen unerträglich für ihn wurden ist er ins Krankenhaus gegangen.Kurz...
ENGLISH:I will tell you my history of youth… in May 83 whereas I was a young student, I fantasized on my teacher of maths. it had forms a such actress porn! incredibly large centres, a just perfect bottom; she had all what! she put sticking or of the jeans which tightened it have saw its G-string and all its she made it seeming so that one would be excited. 2 months later its are I could about it more; she got dressed lighter than front. Having had one long period of difficulty, I remained 1 or...
Maggie was hardly spending any time at the flat. For the past week, she had stayed over at the house of her lover, who it turned out was called Ryan after all.Every day she came back to the flat for clean underwear walking more and more like John Wayne, but progressively with a bigger smile.Maggie and Ryan had discovered a shared love of light bondage. In their case, this meant restraining or suspending Maggie so Ryan could fuck her until she enevitably passed out due to lack of oxygen as she...
VoyeurTrumped Up Punishments – Chapter 4: Literature QuizRebecca has been caught in a compromising situation with one of her teachers and been awarded 50 demerits. She is about to be punished in front of the teaching staff and pupils of Millennium High at the monthly ‘Punishment Assembly’. Mr. Barton, the headmaster, thinking that her punishment will take up most of the time allotted to the assembly, has decided to punish only one additional miscreant – Alison, Peter and Eloise, on 20 demerits each,...
Thoughts There are two Malins, although most people only know the story of the second one who would rescue Anna's memory years from now. The first Malin arrived at the House years before Anna would need to hunt down her identical twin. Malin is representative of a certain type of economical, limited use robot that caught on wildly shortly before Anna left the House. It's perhaps good that they also caught on before the World Government started establishing its grip on things, since surely...
Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the 'swishhh' of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....
SpankingChapter 6 ~*~*~ Desiree slightly tensed as Gabriel’s face moved closer and closer to hers. She couldn’t help but hope that Gabriel would kiss her, and her stomach filled with butterflies with the prospect. She nervously licked her lips and watched as he slowly closed the gap. Desiree closed her eyes, slightly parted her lips and arched her back as she waited for what she hoped would be the best kiss of her life. She was startled when she felt his hot breath on her ear. ‘Are you still mad at...
Hello guys, I am Adi. I have been living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the last 1 year. This story is about a Nerdy girl of Chinese ethnicity who works in my office. She is on a different team. This might be a little long story but bear with me as this gets interesting. One day after office I was leaving for home. I saw this girl going into a shop just opposite our office. I casually followed her just so that she will notice and maybe I’ll get a chance to talk to her. As soon as I entered I saw...
'You don't mean it,' Adele said, eyes wide, long hair sweeping as she shook her head. 'It's a joke ... Please, Becky, tell me it'll be all right.'Rebecca Roberts gritted her teeth against the annoyance at her friend's constant need for reassurance. When would the woman learn that she was just as worried by their predicament? She sighed and looked around the flat, it wasn't much but they'd done their best to make the place homely. It had been fun going to car boot sales, visiting charity shops,...
Hi, to all I’m Shyam from Bangalore and 23 years old and my pussy xperiences 3 pussys till now (1 virgin, 1 aunty, 1 call girl) Relationship status: Bachelor and Committed but open for new encounters I saw her first time at the inauguration function of my sister new home. Voluptuous body wit great assets. All though I was busy in the works of the function I didn’t miss a chance to stare at her and take a peek of her sexy body. I somehow collected bits of information about her. Her name is...
When I was getting to know her, in the beginning, our conversations often seemed to lead to the topic of sex. We would talk about this and that and the conversations became more and more open until the topic of threesomes came up. I always love when that topic comes up especially when the girl I'm talking to likes the idea. We talked about them in reality and in fantasy and she said one thing that really stuck with me. I asked her which got her hotter, watching a movie with two guys and a girl...
She said, defiantly and almost angrily, "Yes. I'm saying I want to cheat on my husband. With you."I knew she'd been working up to that, but it shocked me all the same. Malika and I had been platonic friends for years, going all the way back to college. We drifted apart after school, found each other again two years ago, got close, and then inappropriately close. She told me her secrets, told me about being sick of her husband Jeff. Told me he was indifferent to her happiness and never really...
CheatingQuinn's Saga Chapter 1 It was a pleasant early summer day in the suburbs of Madison, Wisconsin, when eighteen-year-old Quinn Lindburg came down the stairs into the living room. He saw that his two cousins, Jill, and Meg had just arrived for the summer at his home. He smiled as he watched them excitingly chatting away with his younger sister Avery. All the girls were sixteen, and they were as close as sisters. Jill had come down from Minnesota, while...
In the morning, everything was not fine. Desiree’s mouth felt like she’d swallowed a handful of cotton balls, her eyes felt like they were expanding in her head, her shoulders were sore, and she could feel the start of a dull ache in her sex. She rolled over and gazed at Gabriel as he slept. He had a cut under his eye and a fist sized bruise on his ribs. Despite the aching between her legs, she felt herself getting aroused just looking at him. It seemed ludicrous that she had slept with him —...
It had been 9 days, four hours and 37 minutes since that night on the beach with Gabriel, not that Desiree was counting or anything. She had spent the better part of the last nine days away from Gabriel and her brother, and with her best friend Jessica. She tried telling herself that she really missed Jessica’s company, which she did, but she knew she was spending so much time with her to avoid Gabriel. She felt a little guilty for using Jessica like this, but isn’t that what friends are for? ...
‘Scotty, I don’t feel well,’ Desiree whined into her phone from the comfort of under her blanket. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked not sounding all that concerned. Desiree’s brother Scott had called to find out the status of the girls on campus and instead was instead being given the run down of his sister’s health. ‘I think I’m coming down with something.’ ‘No shit, what’s wrong?’ he asked again. ‘I’m cold, I cant breathe, and my head hurts.’ ‘Sounds like a bad hangover.’ ‘Bring me soup.’ ‘No...
Desiree woke the next morning to the sound of pots banging and the smell of bacon frying. She stretched in the bed and stumbled to the bathroom before going into the kitchen. She refused to look at her cell phone. When she was finished in the bathroom, she shuffled into the kitchen where she watched her brother cook. She sat down at the table and thought how amazing Scott was. Candy, his ex, was missing out on a lot. The woman her brother decided to marry would be the happiest woman on the...
I finally decided how I wanted to finish this story, and there are still a few chapters to come. I hope you enjoy them. ~Hotsprings ~*~ Chapter 8 Desiree’s eyes snapped open as she bolted upright. She tired to see through the night but her eyes were met by nothing but blackness. Her heart hammered in her chest as she desperately felt under her pillow for Gabriel’s note. A bead of sweat made its way down the small of her back as she could feel herself starting to hyperventilate. She tried to...
My name is Glenn,(not my real name)this story is about MY WIFE MALINDA.She is Mexican,American so you know she has pretty skin.she is 33 years old.and have long hair, down to the middle of her back,when the sun light hits it looks brown,but really is dark.she weighs about 140 lbs,give or take a pound.she wears a 38c bra,not too big,but more than a handful.overall she is a BBW (BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN)Personally I like to say she is THICK in all the right places,If you know what I mean.anyway i love...
“There’s two of you?!” Dana gasped in alarm, before Rachel elbowed her in the ribs. Alyssa had reached Irillith by this point, and she knelt next to the Maliri girl, pulling her into a hug. She shot Dana a disapproving look, and the redhead was shamefaced at her outburst. Reaching out through Irillith’s grief stricken thoughts, Alyssa spoke to her in a comforting murmur, I’m here for you now, you don’t have to hold this pain in any more. John walked over to squat down on Irillith’s other...
Thanks for all the feedback! * Desiree had been keeping busy. Gabriel called four or five times, but she never answered. She deleted his messages before hearing them, and considered this a step in the right direction. She’d even started talking to Jessica again although neither mentioned the night in Desiree’s room. The end of the month had snuck up on Desiree but she was happy to finally have something to do. The company her brother worked for was hosting an AIDS awareness charity dinner...
Hi ISS readers I am Michael George and thanks to all my fans for the tremendous response for my previous story and I am back with another fresh and much sexier story. Follow this story and give me hot comments and suggestions to and your details are safe with me. Upon taking the permission of Malvika I am writing this story and upon her request I have dropped her mail id too Coming to the story, I have been ordered to train new recruits in Mumbai and my lusty 7.5 inches hot cock was in search...
Aap sab log hema malini ke baare mein to jaante hi hain. 15 se leke 50 saal tak ke purushon ke dil ki raani khwabon ki mallika, ji haan sadabahr, jawani jaise usse chipak ke reh gayi ho, aur jiska kaamuk jism din pe din aur sexy hota ja raha ho,jiske screen par aate hi mardon ke lund apna apna bandhan todne ko tayyar ho jaate hon, jiska badan gorepan aur chiknai ki saari haden paar kar gaya ho aur har ang mein jabardust katav ho. AAnkhen aisi ki buddhe ke lode mein bhi jaan aa jayae. Jab...
Hi.. This is Prasad again with an another experience. Thanks for your response and mails for the previous stories. I should say this experience as my first child. This is my first sexual experience I had in my life. Vimala, a beauty is the first girl in my life who showed the heavenly experience to me. I was studying 9th std at that time. My parents were working and transferred to a new place. Due to heavy work, my parents were searching for a maid to take care of the household activities. One...
Narrator's note: As this story opens we find our heroine, Quinn, returning home to the house of Hideo and Ahiko, the husband and wife for whom Quinn is acting as a surrogate mom. Quinn works as the Nanny at an in-office daycare run by the same modeling agency where Ahiko works (that is how they met). Ahiko has insisted that Quinn move in so that she and her husband Hideo can monitor Quinn's pregnancy during the last trimester with the help of their live-in maid, Yumi. Unfortunately,...
Hi all ISS lovers , how you guys dong, yet one more pussy quivering story for you all , enjoy pals. I was studying while living with our family. We had a housemaid named Kamala. She had worked for us for such a long time that she had virtually became a family member. Actually her mother was housemaid at our residence but she started employing Kamala at an early age whenever she was not available. My mother liked Kamala as she did a better job and so she persisted with her. We never treated her...
Hi Indian sex stories readers, this story happens recently before 2 months in Bangalore with my neighbor maid and then that leads to her owner. My name is Sandeep. My id Am working in a corporate just 2 years old in Bangalore prior to this I was working in Chennai. Let me tell about the maid. She’s wheatish colour, average body, medium boobs in her 40’s. She was doing the cleaning and washing stuffs for my neighbor, at least half of her day she’ll be spending at my neighbor house and about my...
Thanks for the comments and feedback, it definitely keeps me motivated to write. Keep it up ???? ~Hotsprings * ‘Take me home,’ Desiree said before Gabriel’s massive frame reached her. She was amazed at how much he grew when he was angry with her. ‘I paid for this movie and we are going to watch it.’ Gabriel was fuming now. He had spent the better part of 25 minutes worrying where Desiree had disappeared to. He could think of a million places she could be and things she could be doing, or...
Hey friends, this is Shyam from Pune. I am going to narrate my latest encounter with a Bengali hottie, Malini. I had recently moved to an apartment near Mumbai-Bangalore Highway Ravet. I used to drive to my office at Chakan and used to leave a bit early to avoid traffic congestion. The apartment had a fair share of beautiful ladies which gave me a hard time during my jogs and walks around in the evenings. Being a fairly new apartment, members were still getting to terms with each other. It was...
Hi friends. My name is Rahul. I am back here to share one more incident which took place recently. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Rahul,age 28, unmarried, located in Bangalore. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. I believe looks and appearance wont matter, when it comes to make love. As a professional gigolo, i value for secrecy and privacy of client & wont disclose...
I had met you, Ronnie, in the office and, while you were getting coffee, I had a quick look in your diary and was not really surprised to find references to a whole new personality. You seemed to have a feminine side which you referred to as ‘Jacquie’. I smiled to myself. With your delicate build and features you looked as much a ‘Jacquie’ as a Ronnie!!! When you returned I greeted you as Jacquie and you paled with shock. You were so frightened of your secret getting out that you agreed...
I had met you, Ronnie, in the office and, while you were getting coffee, I had a quick look in your diary and was not really surprised to find references to a whole new personality.You seemed to have a feminine side which you referred to as 'Jacquie'. I smiled to myself. With your delicate build and features you looked as much a 'Jacquie' as a Ronnie!!! When you returned I greeted you as Jacquie and you paled with shock. You were so frightened of your secret getting out that you agreed to do...
Copyright © 2000 I had met you, Ronnie, in the office and, while you were getting coffee, I had a quick look in your diary and was not really surprised to find references to a whole new personality. You seemed to have a feminine side which you referred to as 'Jacquie'. I smiled to myself. With your delicate build and features you looked as much a 'Jacquie' as a Ronnie!!! When you returned I greeted you as Jacquie and you paled with shock. You were so frightened of your secret getting...
I pulled on my white cotton gloves as I stepped up to the lectern. Before me was the ancient volume of Fables and Fairy tales that I had badgered the Chief Librarian for permission to view for almost a year. The old library was closed, empty but for myself and the caretaker. Very gently I began turning the the old, dry, pages before me. There were no 'Contents' pages just a single page illustration of fantastical, magical beasts then straight into the first story. I recognised the title as...
Hi Friends, I am regular reader of ISS from past 8 years. I used to enjoy incest and Couple stories daily. I would like to share my real experience with you. This is my first story so kindly excuse for any mistakes. Kindly give your feedback on Let me introduce Myself Suresh from Nellore (Simple City in AP) with 6.5 inches tool & good looking working professional. Miss. Malathi was actresses of this story. She is from machilipatnam (Bandhar). I have a dream to have sex with aunties & girls a...
So finally you are moving from here right?” Kamala asked me with a dull voice. Yes, dear, our visa got approved and Vimal wants me and k**s to join him as soon as possible. “hmmm” Kamala sighed a deep breath and said. “But I will miss you dear badly”. I bowed my head down and murmur “me too”. Kamala took my hand and kissed my fingers and told me Swathi let me close the main door and come.I just nodded my head. My body got heated up quickly I know what is going to happen. I can feel a strange...