Dark Star
- 2 years ago
- 35
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In the morning, everything was not fine. Desiree’s mouth felt like she’d swallowed a handful of cotton balls, her eyes felt like they were expanding in her head, her shoulders were sore, and she could feel the start of a dull ache in her sex.
She rolled over and gazed at Gabriel as he slept. He had a cut under his eye and a fist sized bruise on his ribs. Despite the aching between her legs, she felt herself getting aroused just looking at him. It seemed ludicrous that she had slept with him — twice.
Not wanting to wake him, Desiree removed the sheet covering his groin. She licked her lips in anticipation of what she was about to do. Moving quietly she grabbed his semi-erect cock and lifted it off his stomach. As if her touch made it come to life, it doubled in size. She felt its weight in her hand and played with the skin stretching over the head. She watched, enthralled as it began to twitch on its own.
Making an ‘O’ with her thumb and forefinger she squeezed and began to move her hand slowly up and down its length. In his sleep hushed moans were escaping his dreams. Desiree smiled. It seemed almost sinful the amount of power she could display over a man undoubtedly twice her size.
She climbed between his legs being careful not to wake him. She blew her hot breath on his swollen purple head. Her mouth watered at the thought of taking him deep in her mouth. He’d tasted her twice, and she had yet to sample his flavor.
Slowly she lowered her head to his cock. She snaked her tongue out of her mouth and tasted the head. Engulfing the entire head and sucking it like a lollipop she could faintly taste herself on him. She moaned deep in her throat as Gabriel’s eyes flew open.
‘Oh fuck,’ was all he could manage.
Desiree smiled around his cock and tried to take him deeper. She’d never had a cock in her mouth, but she’d read and heard enough from friends to know the moaning he was doing was a good thing. She took him as deep as she could without choking and used one hand to massage his balls.
‘Oh yea, suck my cock.’ She could feel him grabbing onto her head as he fucked her mouth, thrusting his hips towards his face. Surprising for Desiree, her pussy was dripping too.
‘Oh god, I’m gonna cum Dessie,’ he shouted. Desiree increased the suction and began to pump harder. She couldn’t wait for him to spew his hot cum against the back of her throat.
‘Ungh,’ was the only intelligible sound coming from him as Desiree felt the cum rising from his balls.
‘Fuckin swallow it Desiree! Swallow it all!’ he shouted as he pumped rope after rope of cum down her throat. Desiree was surprised it didn’t taste all that bad.
Gabriel’s head fell against the pillow as Desiree continued to suck him. She sat up and smiled as she watched his chest heave.
‘This whole smiling thing after sex isn’t gonna work,’ he said.
‘Works for me,’ she shrugged smiling.
‘How bout I wipe that smile off your face,’ Gabriel taunted as he grabbed her and pulled her beneath him.
‘No don’t, I’m sore.’
‘No one said anything about fucking your pussy, little one.’
‘Oh no,’ she said wiggling beneath him. ‘You’re not putting that monster in my ass.’
‘Maybe not today…’ he said smiling. He leaned down and kissed her cheeks then moved to chew on her bottom lip.
She’d already been on edge when she sucked him off, so when he clamped on a hard nipple, and eased three fingers into her wet channel, she came almost immediately.
Gabriel kissed her glowing face and looked into her eyes. Six months ago, who would have imagined he’d be fucking Desiree and liking it?
‘What now?’
‘Now we get dressed and eat,’ he said rolling off her.
‘But you ripped my underwear,’ Desire said an annoyed tone.
‘You don’t need them anyway.’
They took turns showering and dressing, Desiree without underwear. When Desiree emerged from the bathroom, she caught sight of Gabriel standing over the kitchen sink munching on a piece of toast and smiled. As if sensing her gaze, he turned and returned her friendly smile.
‘That shirt looks good on you.’ Desiree beamed. She hoped he wouldn’t mind her taking one of his shirts.
‘You don’t look so bad yourself,’ she said as she neared him. Gabriel was standing in front of the sink freshly scrubbed in his favorite pair of jeans. His hair was still wet and standing on end, and he hadn’t bothered to shave, and his stubble was alarmingly sexy. She stepped closer and breathed in his scent, and she was sure her knees buckled. She didn’t know a smell could have this effect on a person.
He pushed the last of the toast in his mouth and brushed the crumbs off his chest. He stood looking at Desiree as if he wanted to say something but the sound of his cell phone chirping interrupted him. He looked at the display, and with a heavy sigh he answered the phone and walked into the living room.
Left standing in the kitchen, Desiree wasn’t sure what to do. She grabbed a piece of bread out of the bag, balled it up and popped it into her mouth. She heard him say goodbye and hang up the phone.
‘So…’ she said as she entered the living room. ‘I don’t have my truck — ‘
‘So you wanna go home?’ he asked without looking up from the box he was rifling through.
‘I didn’t say that, I just wanna know what’s on the agenda for today.’
‘I have some errands to run and then I’ll take you home,’ he said in an irritated voice.
What crawled up his ass? Desiree thought as she set about finding her shoes. Gabriel ushered her out of the apartment as soon as she found them. She wanted to ask him what was wrong but the look on his face told her to keep her mouth shut.
They sat in silence as he navigated the busy streets. When he finally pulled into the parking lot of the local pharmacy, she could guess why he didn’t want to talk. She waited as he jogged across the parking lot and entered the pharmacy. A few minutes later he emerged and went next door to the deli.
Desire drummed her fingers on the windowsill wondering if he’d picked up medication for his mom. If that’s who was on the phone, it was no wonder he wouldn’t talk. She watched as he came out of the deli with his purchase. She was surprised he got in the truck with a smile on his face.
The smell of tomato soup was creeping out of the deli bag and it was making Desiree’s mouth water. Gabriel started the car without a word.
‘Meds for your mom?’ she asked pointing to the pharmacy bag. She couldn’t stand the silence between them.
‘Condoms.’ Desiree’s eyebrows shot skyward.
‘Not for her,’ he said laughing. ‘She gets the soup. The condoms are for us.’
‘Now you think about condoms?’ she asked amused.
‘Well,’ he said stealing sideways glances at her. ‘Each time it happened — I just wanted to talk to you.’
‘Well that was one hell of a conversation,’ she said smiling. ‘Don’t worry, I’m on the pill.’ She thought she could hear Gabe’s sigh of relief. ‘Shoulda just asked.’
Desiree felt the tension between them melt as Gabriel wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.
Desiree tried not to let her trepidation show as Gabriel parked his truck in front of his mother’s house. As Desiree slid out of the truck, she noted with a smile that nothing changed. The lawn was immaculate, the rocking chair and two-person swing was in pristine condition on the porch. Desiree remembered fondly how much Gabriel’s father loved to tend to the outside of the house, leaving everything inside for his wife to take care of. The only thing he truly seemed to care about was the appearance of the yard.
Desiree’s stomach tightened at the thought of Gabe’s father. He was a drunk, and didn’t apologize for it, least of all to the wife and son he beat. Gabe’s father was still around. Where, Desiree had no idea, he l
eft Gabriel and his mother when Gabe was 13. He showed up unannounced when he needed something, but that was pretty much all anyone heard of him, and Gabriel never talked about him. Desiree wondered if he even knew his ex-wife was dying.
As if re-discovering the contents of an old box hidden in the attic for almost a decade, Desiree suddenly remembered the bruises and cuts Gabriel seemed to always have. She never understood why, and she used to tease him about being clumsy. She could remember that he was always skinny and lanky. His physical appearance now seemed almost startling to her. He wasn’t the small frail kid she remembered. Somewhere along the line, he’d become a man.
She looked at him as he walked around the car, and was sad to see that it seemed as though he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. In that moment Desiree wanted to grab him and tell him everything would be okay. She wanted to tell him he didn’t have to shoulder all this alone. That no matter what happened she’d be there for him. She wanted to tell him not to worry, but the moment quickly passed as he motioned her towards the front door.
Desiree held her breath as Gabriel opened the front door. She wasn’t sure what to expect and tried to steel herself because she knew seeing Gabe’s mother’s deteriorating health would bring tears to her eyes. She smiled at Gabe as he turned toward her silently asking if she was ready.
Gabriel opened the door, and Desiree followed. The house looked just as it did when she was little. Immediately she was catapulted back to the days when her brother allowed her to accompany her to his best friend’s house. She could remember standing by the basement door and begging to be allowed down to play with the boys. Gabriel had made it a point to make sure she knew no girls were allowed. She smiled to herself as she thought about how much things had changed.
Sounds of laughter floated from the television in the living room, and Desiree guessed that’s where Mary, Gabriel’s mother, was sitting.
‘Hey ma,’ Gabriel yelled as he shut the front door and made his way to the living room.
‘Hey Gabe,’ she tried to yell back, but couldn’t and ended up coughing. Gabriel refused to look at Desiree as he led her into the living room.
‘Someone’s here to see you,’ Gabriel said as he rounded the recliner his mother was sitting in.
‘Gabe, you know I hate company,’ she said trying to smooth down her hair.
Desiree said nothing as she stepped around the front of the chair so Mary could see her. Desiree was surprised how delicate and small Mary looked sitting in her chair. Confusion than recognition fluttered across Mary’s face as she gazed upon Desiree.
‘My God, Desiree,’ she said reaching out to her. ‘Look at how you’ve grown. You are so beautiful.’ Desiree beamed and blushed at the compliment. ‘I’ve heard so much about you,’ she said, ‘But Gabriel didn’t tell me what a beautiful young woman you’ve turned into.’
Gabriel chose that moment to jam him hands in his pockets and march towards the kitchen.
Mary motioned for Desiree to sit down on the couch to her right, as she handed Desiree a thick heavy book.
‘I know this is silly, but I can’t stop thinking that I should have done better with Gabriel. He’s such a good boy, but he’s trying to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Sometimes I think he blames himself for my cancer coming back,’ Mary sighed and looked into Desiree’s eyes. ‘Give him time honey,’ she said gripping Desiree’s arm. ‘He’s as stubborn as his father, but give him time. Just be patient,’ she said after a pause.
Desiree shook her head politely. She was going to tell Mary that there was nothing going on between her and her son, but Mary silenced her with a knowing smile. ‘That’s Gabriel’s favorite shirt, and it looks good on you.’
Desiree’s face heated as she tried to figure out how moms always knew.
As if on cue, Gabriel returned to the living room holding the bowl of warm tomato soup he’d gotten for his mother.
The rest of the afternoon passed without incident. By the time the pair left the house, the sun had set low into the horizon and as warming the sky with its vibrant orange color. As Gabriel and Desiree walked to the truck hand in hand, neither wanted to voice how much time Gabe’s mother had. Desiree could imagine the pain Gabriel was feeling as he watched his mother dying before his eyes.
They held hands as Gabe navigated the streets towards Desiree’s home. When they pulled up in front, Desiree was prepared to get out and not look back. She still wasn’t completely sure what was going on between her and Gabe, but she didn’t feel now was the time to ask about it. She was surprised when she felt his grip tighten on her hand as she turned to hop out of his truck. Desiree turned back to him with questioning eyes.
‘Thanks,’ he said bringing her hand to his lips. ‘I’d kiss you, but I can see your mother staring at us from the living room window. I don’t think she’s ready for that.’
Desiree smiled and said you’re welcome as she climbed down from his truck. She walked toward the house forcing herself not to look back. Before she could touch her hand to the knob, her mother swung the front door open and was staring at her with a smug smile on her face.
‘So…’ her mother asked her, arms folded across her chest. ‘What happened?’
Desiree sidestepped her mother asking, ‘Why didn’t you tell me about Mary?’
‘Gabriel asked me not to…and that sort of thing is up to him,’ she said following Desiree into the kitchen.
‘How much time does she have?’ Desiree asked not meeting her mother’s gaze.
‘Any day now,’ her mother said in a hushed voice. Neither said anything for a while, letting the gravity of the situation sink in.
‘So, are you gonna tell me what happened between you and Gabe?’ her mother asked finally breaking the silence between them.
Desiree turned from the sink and grinned. ‘No.’
Her mother threw the dishcloth she was toying with at her daughter and smiled. ‘His shirt looks good on you.’
Desiree threw her arms in the air and marched up the stairs to change the shirt. The last thing she wanted was for her brother to comment about it too.
The next few weeks flew by as Gabriel and Desiree were consumed with taking care of their affairs. With the passing of Gabriel’s mother and Desiree’s inevitable return to school, neither bothered discussing what the future held.
Desiree stood by Gabriel in silent support as he shook hands with relatives, family friends and people he didn’t know. She watched, as he seemed to shoulder more of the family responsibility as becoming the ‘head’ of the family now that his father was certainly out of the picture. The man hadn’t even bothered to show up to his ex-wife’s funeral.
Desiree was amazed at how large Gabriel’s family was. It was dizzying and it must have been for Gabriel too because everyone seemed to look at him for the answers. He’d shrug his shoulders and tell everyone he was working on it.
More than one family member had been bold enough to ask Desiree what her place was in his life, and she smiled and said she was a friend. The female relatives looked at her with disgust — no doubt because they were all aware of Gabriel’s philandering, and the male relatives looked at her as if amazed Gabriel was capable of bagging someone with a brain.
The lines in Gabriel’s face seemed to deepen with the passing of his mother and he seemed to have lost the heart to tease her like he used to. Suddenly, Desiree realized she was slowly being squeezed out of his life and she wasn’t exactly sure if she wanted to stop it. She would sit in her room asking herself if being with Gabe was what she really wanted and she couldn’t come up with an answer. Deep down she knew she couldn’t bear it if when she returned back to school, Gabriel didn’t care. She was just a kid anyw
ay right? He’d said it plenty of times himself.
Desiree stood in her room packing her clothes and the essentials for her trip back to school convincing herself she didn’t want to be emotionally tied to someone that wasn’t available for her. She didn’t blame Gabriel, but the timing couldn’t have been more wrong. Gabe was still immersed in his work, and she was going back to school an hour away.
They talked on the phone just about everyday, they had dinner together a couple times a week, but it just seemed like they were becoming best friends instead of lovers. The gentle caresses stopped, the innocent kisses were no more, and much to Desiree’s surprise, they hadn’t had sex since the night she’d found out his mother was sick.
Desiree mentally slapped herself for being so childish — she understood the man’s mother just died, but she felt like she was a placeholder in his life. Like he was with her, and she defined the term ‘with’ very loosely, because he felt obligated to.
What they shared — however brief — was special and she’d always love him in some way, but she was chalking their experience to the convenience of summer love.
Desiree closed the last box she had to pack and picked it up to bring to her truck. Desiree cursed herself for making the boxes so heavy. She nearly toppled down the stairs twice before her toes finally found the hard landing at the bottom of the stairs.
She shifted the weight of the box trying to see around it as she tried to make her way to the front door. Where was her brother when she needed him? She’d thought she’d lost her grip on the box as the weight was easily removed from her hands. The box was removed from in font of her face and she was greeted with Gabriel’s teasing grin she’d missed so much.
‘Looked like you were having a little trouble there, little one,’ he said as he held with box with one arm wrapped around it.
‘Show off,’ she said sticking her tongue out at him.
‘You look cute,’ he said, his eyes never leaving hers.
‘How would you know?’ she asked wiping the sweat from her brow. ‘You never even looked.’
She watched as a sly grin spread across his face. ‘I didn’t have to. You always look good.’
Desiree wasn’t sure how to take the first compliment he’d given her in weeks, so she rolled her eyes and headed back up the stairs. ‘Can you put that in the truck? I’m gonna go get another box,’ she shouted over her shoulder.
‘How much stuff are you bringing?’
‘Only the essentials,’ she said as she jogged the rest of the way up the stairs. As Desiree bent down to grab another box, she caught her reflection in the mirror. She huffed and picked up the box thinking there was no way Gabriel could have looked at her, and liked what he saw. She was sweaty and her hair was a mess.
Desiree stepped outside and looked around for Gabriel half hoping he’d be there to take the next box from her. There was still a pile of stuff in her room she still to fit into her truck, and it would be easier with his help. She made her way across the driveway and managed to open the tailgate of her truck while balancing the box on her knee. She dropped the box onto the bed of the truck and bent over trying to push the box as far back onto the bed as it would go. Her body stiffened as she felt the weight of someone else’s body pressing up against hers from behind. She felt rough hands slide up her back and curl over her shoulders.
‘You know this is my favorite position, don’t you?’ she felt Gabriel whisper into her ear. Her stomach knotted at the sudden and unexpected sexual advance, and she immediately felt herself grow wet.
‘This must be your favorite position too, little one. You always seem to be bending over in front of me, and you have no idea how hot it makes me.’
Desiree inhaled sharply as she could feel the length of Gabriel’s growing erection pushing into her ass. She tired to move fearing discovery but Gabriel’s hips held her firmly in place.
‘Gabriel don’t,’ she said pushing herself against him trying to get away. ‘Anyone could see us.’
‘That’s half the fun, baby.’ Gabriel said making sure she could feel his erection pressing against her ass.
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She sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...
Oral SexShe sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...
Oral SexThanks to Elrod for building Bikini Beach and letting us play there, and to him and Radioactive Loner for the encouraging words and the great patience shown in editing my draft. Many thanks also to Tiana Red Wolf for the Spanish translation that appears in this story (and to the others who offered to help). Tiana, your translation came through without a hitch. Thanks again. Speaking of which, any Spanish-speaking readers might want to skip over the short Spanish...
At the time of this story Desiree’s husband was in the middle of a two week training course 1,000 miles away. I along with my wife and a few friends were helping Desiree move the last few loads into their new house. They had bought a nice house in suburbia with a half acre of ground and a nice in-ground pool surrounded by a privacy fence. John’s mother had the kids for the weekend so that Desiree could finish moving in. We were packing their shoes into boxes when I notice that they...
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The Cherry Pit A GO GO topless Bar and My wife Jane. Most of this story is true as my wife actually did apply for a job as a topless dancer and could have went to work dancing as one! I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. The women were almost always attractive friendly and very new at dancing topless as the pit was one of the first dance club in our local area! Being young and almost always...
I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. Being young and almost always horny plus having a beautiful young wife that was equally horny and willing, made it easy for me to fuck her brains out every chance I got. I would almost always arrive home with a very stiff bulge and would grab Jane and kiss her along with pressing myself against her. She would then say, I know where you have been, she never minded at...
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Chapter 1 After college I meet up with Debbie, and we started to date again. Within a year we got married. She had a degree in finance, and mine was in accounting and computer programing. We both got good jobs with the same major bank in Detroit. We had two children a boy and a girl, and things seemed to be going very well for us. Debbie and I both worked for the same bank, but in different departments. She ended up getting a rather large promotion, and a job transfer to Orlando Florida. They...
This is the story of Starr a young woman that I met a few months back. Starr is about 30 something, slender with blond hair and a knockout body. She is about 5' 7" and 110 to 120 lbs. She has no marks or scars on her body and her tits are firm, not flabby. She states and I now know it as fact that she has two teenage girls. You would not know it by looking at her, that is how well she has taken care of herself. Starr is not a beauty queen, but neither is she a sluff off. The first time I...
Silent movie start Ashley Templeton gets a chance to restore his failed career after the advent of sound. But there's a price. Once a Star By Ellie Dauber © 2020 "Five minutes, Princess," someone yelled. Ashley Templeton, the _being_ that had been Ashley Templeton, snorted in disgust. * * * * * How had he come to this? He'd been a rising star, a dramatic leading man. 'Yes,' he thought to himself, he was a star, a star of "the Silents. "M- m-my d-damned...
[this story is a completely FICTIONAL tale. I do not condone child abuse in any way. If you dont like it, theres plenty of other stories out there that might do it for you!! AND this is my first submission to this site, so be easy with the critiques!] This bitch kept me waiting over a goddamn hour… I thought to myself, gritting my teeth in frustration. Another client was late. Im the biggest child talent agency in the world, and these nobodys have the gall to stand me up?! The thought...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: June 21, 2010) Chapter 40 - I Am a Rock Star I was nervous. I was really nervous! Whatever had kept me calm and collected throughout most of the day had finally left me, and I was really beginning to worry that I wouldn't be able...
Does the thought of fucking grannies give you a raging hard-on? Listen, bro, I’m not going to judge you, so you don’t need to be shy. Hell, sometimes there is nothing better than plowing the absolute fuck out of an aged pussy. They know how to suck and ride a dick, too, i.e., if they are not already handicapped with bad hips, knees, and all those excuses they use for not wanting to get some dick.But I guaran-damn-tee you that you have never fucked a GILF like Lacey Starr. Have you even had sex...
Premium Granny Porn SitesStarr baby I'm about to cum baby don't stop um" Brenda moaned as Starr pounded down. Her pussy walls with the 10inch strap on Brenda began to caress Starr's back as she was reaching her peak of cumming. "God dame"Brenda. Said putting her hair in a bun she grabbed an ice cube of the nightstand. Starr wasn't really think about fucking she was kinda pissed that Brenda told Sherrall that they where a couple. "Bre why did you tell Sherrall we are a couple ?"Starr asked as Brenda began to plant warm...
Lesbian"George," she said, blonde hair tied in a bun and her curvy body bound by a constricting, dark, but smart-looking business suit. They were at the lawyer's office for the final mediation session of their divorce. "You're smart, and you're as loyal as a dog to his master, and your cock is as long and as thick as a baseball bat. But you're an unrelenting motherfucker in bed. My pussy, my mouth, and my sorry torn-up asshole are allergic to your monster cock." Right after she said...
The Shooting Star By Lina S. The Shooting Star The Hotel lobby got crowded, a couch just arrived from the airport. People came through the door like a liquid and occupied the reception desk. Jonah loved these situations at work. They got him occupied and left him no time to think about his life. Back in school Jonah was just average and teachers and his parents considered him lazy. But he was smart. Very smart. And he knew something wasn't right with him. It started in early...
Marine Cadet Daniel Baker was in his second year at the US Naval Academy. He was attending the International Ball and was introduced to Tina Marie Johnson; it was love at first for both of them. They were exclusive for the next two years and right after graduation they were married in a beautiful ceremony in the Academy chapel. Dan was 6’2” with very broad sholders, very handsome, a tight ass and was nicely hung. He was top in his class in tactics and with the problems in the middle East there...
All the porn stars listed below are REAL porn stars EXCEPT for the main character, Kianii. I encourage you to look them up if you don’t know of them already. Doing this is not essential to enjoy the story, but I figured it would help a great deal. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please leave PLENTY of honest feedback and ratings. I love to see what you have to say. Thanks again... -Kitty_Labella Yes, I know – I’m not the next Jenna Jameson, nor do I aspire to be. My...
I am a security guard at a small business, nothing fancy but it puts the food on the table and a roof over our head. But as a side career I photograph and videotape women doing adult things and sell the pictures and film to adult websites. Many of of the women I have photographed and shot video of has moved on to have lucrative careers in the adult industry. I make money not only on the pictures and film but for commission and finders fee for the women that I refer to various porn...
Anita and the black male porn star That Friday evening was Anita’s birthday and after dinner at home, she told me she had been chatting with her slut friend Helena, who had arranged for her a sex date with a black male porn star… “Helena says that guy has a black anaconda, not a dick…” Ana said smiling… The date would be that same night at a near motel down the main highway. My sweet wife barely asked me if I agreed to watch her being fucked by a black male porn star,, but before I could...
“Does she know?” Stargazer asked as they walked along the dirt trail. Scribe adjusted the pack on her shoulders. “Does who know what?” She bent down to pick up a couple of milkweed pods, carefully inspecting them before tossing them in the backpack. “Does Red know that you still dream about her mate? How you wish he’d chosen you? How you’re still in lo-” Scribe’s hand made contact with his cheek. “Shut up!” she snapped before turning away. “We don't talk about the past, you know that.” ...
Straight SexAnita and the black male porn starThat Friday evening was Anita’s birthday and after dinner at home, she told me she had been chatting with her slut friend Helena, who had arranged for her a sex date with a black male porn star…“Helena says that guy has a black anaconda, not a dick…” Ana said smiling…The date would be that same night at a near motel down the main highway.My sweet wife barely asked me if I agreed to watch her being fucked by a black male porn star,; but before I could answer,...
The Tale of the Movie Star, the Afreet, the Librarian & the Djinn. by Eric The Afreet Salabah was fuming -literally. . The Djinn Kassan had brutally kicked her out of his bed saying. 'Your breath is like camel dung! Your face would stop an hour glass. Your voice is like the croak of a hoarse vulture, & your personality would make a serpent shudder with remorse. You are no fit bed companion for such as me the most valiant & handsome of the Pasha's elite guard.' ...
Wish upon a Star by The Princess Kylie was depressed. Here she was just eighteen years old and the mother of two children under two years old to two different fathers. She was living in a filthy housing commission flat with a man who treated her like shit and with whom she stayed with because she had nowhere else to go. When she had become pregnant with her first child, Cody, her parents had begged her terminate her pregnancy stay at school and make...
Hey Folks, this one is kind of twisty. It's more of a character study than a fable. There are no sterling examples of humanity here, only several very flawed people who make the best of a bad situation. The only thing about this story that is a Sterling example of anything would be the job that Barney-R did in editing it. But I think it's a good story for a cold winter afternoon. SS06 Life really is funny. Right now, everything is just perfect. I never imagined it would be this way. I mean...
I guess it was inevitable that on the one weekend I really needed my friends around, I wound up alone. It’s my own fault, I should have said something, should have told them what was significant about the day, but I couldn’t. Even with the newly found openness and burgeoning trust I was building with Vanessa, I still couldn’t tell her. I’ve no idea why. If I had told her, I’m sure that she and Imogen would have delayed the trip back to see Imogen’s parents until the following weekend. Mark...
My visit to the state capital of Michigan in Lansing was without a doubt, a lesson in the good that can come out of kindness. By good I mean getting to bust a nut in a sexy girls face just for being kind as I'll explain.So I was at a conference full of college juniors and seniors who were there to network and listen to speakers and such. It was a suit/dress type of gathering which gets annoying but regardless it has its advantages. We had all just sat down for dinner (500+ people) as the...
My visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...
Part 1 :My new wife is no bigger than a minute. She is just over 5 feet tall and only weighs 105 sopping wet. Her tits are not all that big, but personally I like that because I don't have to worry about them bouncing off her knees when she gets much much older. As for now, they are perfect. As the saying goes, anything more than a handful is a waste anyway.Anyway Debbie, my wife, has always stayed trim and very fit. Her ass is fabulous and firm. No matter where we go, or who we see, she always...
Nervously she fidgeted with her fingers. It was happening, it was finally happening. She studied the guy who sat across from her. He was rocking a perfectly groomed snowboarders goatee and wore a pinstriped suit. Behind his desks he displayed pictures of some famous singers and pop stars. She had been with this agency for a few months now, but this was the first time she was invited in to have a little chat with the big boss. ‘You’re talented.’ He said. Elisa felt her cheeks flush,...
... The three black thugs used my white bubble butt in turn. Each ramming their huge black meat deep inside. I had to use all my experience to make sure they got their money's worth. They took me hard, and my ass muscles worked overtime. Milking them dry. One after the other could not withstand my ass for long though. Filling their XXL condoms with loads of spunk ...A continuation of: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-hard-days-work-1019092Let me tell you how it came about that I was on a call-out...
The chances of me ever meeting a porn star at my age are very small. When I was younger and working security inthe London area I met all kinds of “celebrities” including a few porn stars of the era both female and male and had a few experiences with one in particular, but not in many years till the other day(this story is pure fantasy though I wish it Did happen,)! I was half asleep as I crossed the road here in Sale, Manchester so Didn,t notice the light on the pedestrian crosswalk had changed...
es, I was more than just upset. Fuming would be a good word. Why? Well because we were in Las Vegas, on our second day of a two week trip, and my husband had already lost close to five hundred dollars. And the asshole went back this afternoon to try to win it back! I did check on him, after about an hour or so, and he had already added another hundred to the total. In the negative! So yes, I was beside myself with anger, wanting some sort of release. I was sitting by the pool in the late...
Three weeks passed before I heard from my abnormally well hung client, John. He booked me for an entire week and wanted to fly me to Mexico to spend the time with him at a private resort. His visit was once again to be about his medical business and education, but it was just a ruse to allow him to have time away from his wife to spend with his favorite escort, Velvet Crush. It made me wet all day thinking about John and that helped as I held my ass in the air and allowed Ralph, my boyfriend’s...
I posted this story before on a different webpage years ago. I thought I would try to fix it a little bit here and there and see if anyone likes it before I continue with the story. Enjoy. I, Rock Star By Rian James Hello there. My name is Mrs. Danika James. Some of you may know me from the Hollywood scene. I'm a pretty famous nowadays. I'm an actress and have starred in many movies. I also have a rock n roll band. We...
Chapter One.I checked the cameras one last time and opened a fresh pack of videotape. Glancing around the room, I satisfied myself that all the lights were in position, the powerful lamps casting a wave of heat over the set. The tapes of three completed sessions were safely packed away in an airtight box and I was well on my way to completing another red hot production of the popular porno series 'Pussy Heat'. However, I still felt dissatisfied with my life. I wanted to make my own films....
Falling Star Ten minutes to close, a car comes through the drive-through. It's a generic restaurant, small enough for me to be alone for, usually, the last hour of the day. It's the girl I call "Mega-Mams" when the window's not open. She always gets the same thing, sometimes she has a friend with her. Her name should have an obvious cause, her tits are huge. Not unbelievably huge, but I certainly never suspected they were entirely natural. They had to be bigger than a D cup. Usually...
Hi dad what’s up? Reet can u plz come home now? Sure i am there in 30 minute. Ok but mind it some 1 waiting for u. Who? Well its a little surprise but some 1 special u never met before her. Ok i will there in 30 minutes. Reet u r 10 minute late, sorry dad u know fucking traffic jam, ok come with me in guest room, I was in very well dressed, blue skirt with sleeve less shirt nude around under knees. Having nice light make up on face, perfectly matching with my dressed, specially nail color both...
LesbianMy visit to the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia, was not disappointing as your very own LESLIE LANCASTER made me feel extremely welcumed!Leslie is a bartender in downtown Olympia and after a few hours of serving me (and herself) some drinks, her shift ended and she came over to sit with me. We talked and drank for a few hours as she told me about her boyfriend and how big of an asshole he was being lately. This is the obvious sign to pick up on that a girl is open to play ball so...