Les Vacances Familiales Infernales De Lisa Simpson free porn video

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"Je dois y aller, maman, sinon je vais manquer le train.

D'accord, d'accord, Lisa. On se revoit demain matin. Lisa ?

Oui maman ?

Quelle grosseur ?"

Lisa soupira.

"Maman, tu sais que je n'aime pas trop discuter de ça...

Quelle grosseur, Lisa ?"


Gros comment, maintenant ?

Je... je ne sais pas vraiment. Tu sais, c'est du sur mesure. Dans les magasins, ils n'ont pas...

Gros comment, Lisa ?"

Lisa, gênée, mal à l'aise, roula des yeux avant de répondre.

On m'a dit... on m'a dit du "N" de bonnet. 34N.



Gros comment ? Des ballons de basket ? Des ballons de plage ? Des...

Gros comme... gros comme des pastèques, maman. Mes seins sont gros comme des pastèques."

Il y eut un moment de silence, puis Marge poussa une sorte de long couinement de jubilation avant de raccrocher.

Depuis qu'elle avait quitté la demeure familiale pour aller étudier à Princeton, deux choses importantes s'étaient mises à changer dans la vie de Lisa Simpson. La première était... sa poitrine. À un âge où la plupart des femmes voient la croissance de leurs mamelles s'arrêter, Lisa avait vu les siennes augmenter de volume à une vitesse infernale. Un mois après avoir emménagé dans sa résidence étudiante, elle avait dû jeter tous ses anciens soutien-gorges. Avant la fin de sa première année d'études, elle ne trouvait déjà plus en magasin les vêtements capables de supporter le poids de ses seins dorénavant gigantesques. Et rien ne semblait indiquer que leur croissance touchait à sa fin...

Malgré tous les désagréments que sa nouvelle physionomie lui attirait, Lisa réservait son inquiétude pour la seconde chose qui avait changé : sa mère, Marge. Elle que Lisa avait toujours connue chaste, voire même prude, s'était prise d'une passion plus qu'étrange pour les formes toujours plus voluptueuses de sa fille. Au cours de leurs nombreuses conversations téléphoniques, Marge finissait toujours par pousser sa fille à lui décrire par le détail la forme, le volume, le poids de ses mamelles ; elle la pressait pour obtenir les détails les plus sordides des mésaventures que sa poitrine lui faisait vivre ; elle voulait tout savoir des propositions scabreuses des autres étudiants et elle se délectait du récit des horribles moments que Lisa avait passés le jour où une porte d'autobus refermée sur un pan de ses vêtements l'avait à moitié dénudée en pleine rue. Lisa adorait sa mère, mais cette fascination malsaine, presque incestueuse pour ses attributs femelles la rendait mal à l'aise et, surtout, inquiète pour la santé mentale de cette femme qui l'avait élevée.

En passant la porte de sa chambre, Lisa décida que ces vacances auprès de sa famille, ses premières depuis plus d'un an, lui fourniraient l'occasion de mettre au point quelques petites choses avec sa mère et de s'assurer que ses questions indiscrètes et ses réactions perverses ne cachaient pas un problème beaucoup plus grave.

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Lisa Mum Me

"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...

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I guess the first time I sucked a cock was when I was about ten. Thecock I sucked belonged to my friend, Ted who was two years older than me.Even at twelve years old Ted had a gigantic cock. Then it was a good sevenor eight inches long. Ted had just started to cum and that is the reasonthat I sucked him. We were in the woods and he was telling me that he hadjacked off and he came. We had jacked off together before and had talkedabout what most boys talk about, cumming or shooting off as we...

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Dr Tom and Lisa

                                                                Dr Tom and Lisa                                                                   Episode 1                                                              by roccodadom44    "Jesus Lisa everyone needs secrets" Tom moaned at his relentless wife. "Come on big boy open the vault or Ill close my snatch" half teased Lisa. The couple were coming to grips with the fact that they both adored torturing other humans. Dr Tom had helped several...

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Bob and Lisas Story

Now the story..... Bob and Lisa met when they were in high school. Bob was Lisa's firstboyfriend and she thought the world of him. He was a good looking boy withdark brown hair which was greased back, the style at the time. Although Bobwas a year older then Lisa, because he had failed a year, he found himselfin the same class with her. There was an immediate bond between them andbefore long they were dating. After school during the week, Bob had a job delivering groceries forthe local...

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Lisa Summers the babysitter

Sandra Dunlop was rushing around the house, frantically trying to get herself ready to go out before the cab arrived. It really pissed her off that Richard, her husband of 14 years, had been ready for about an hour and was relaxing in the living room, watching the television, with a large glass of malt whisky. He just seemed to step out of the shower and get dried before throwing on some clothes. His hair dried naturally and perfectly, he didn't have to spend time putting on make-up, and he...

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The Continuing Adventures of Lisa James Forced to Please

Synopsis: Mrs Henderson arranges a memorable weekend for her submissive lodger Lisa James. An excruciatingly embarrassing dinner date is only a taster of what she will have to endure over the coming few days – visiting her young niece Holly proves horribly humiliating but is soon followed by a fitness lesson that she’ll never forget! And then, after everything she’s already been through, Lisa is forced to suffer a prolonged discipline session at the hands of one of Mrs Henderson’s ?special?...

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Lisa Tries a Strip Club

(Couple meets hot slut at strip club)We'd had a long lunch with plenty to drink before Lisa dropped me at the front door, and headed off toward the bar a mile down the road. I'd told her to give me half an hour before she came back, and to wait in the parking lot. "Drive carefully" I said to her as I closed the door and entered the dimly lit strip club.I stepped inside and waited a second, letting my eyes adjust from the brilliant Canadian sunshine to the dark interior of the strip club. It was...

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Lisa und Kelly

Mit unzufriedener Miene musterte Lisa ihr Spiegelbild. Heute geht alles schief. Sie hatten einen neuen Pickel neben der Nase entdeckt und ihre Lieblingsbluse war offensichtlich eingelaufen. Sie zwickte unter den Armen. Ihre Jeans schlottern ihr um die Beine und zu allem Überfluss sahen ihre Haare unmöglich aus. Sie fluchte leise und zog sich zum vierten Mal das Zopfgummi aus dem Haar. "Schrecklich..."! murmelte sie. "Mit dem Pferdeschwanz sehe ich aus wie zehn. Vielleicht sollte ich sie besser...

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Lisa Torture

Lisa = Torture        It had been only four days since Lisa had heard about the ML. Hailed in the underground as one of the richest dealers on the black market, able to get a person almost anything that they wanted?for a good price of course. Jennifer, Lisa’s best friend since 3rd grade had told her about the money and possibility’s that could happen if she joined her in the ML. Lisa couldn’t help but check it out, seeing that it was her Senior year in high school and Jennifer seemed to be...

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Lisas Reality

Oh no LISA?S REALITY Chapter one - Taken  Oh god, not again!? Lisa struggled as she felt a hand cover her mouth and was lifted off the ground by a firm arm around her waist.? She kicked her legs in the air, but soon realised she was not going anywhere.? Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain like a bite in her bottom and everything started to go fuzzy.? Try as she might, she was unable to stay alert and felt herself getting weaker until everything went dark. ****Lisa started to wake slowly,...

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Latent Passion A Lil Lisa Adventure

Latent Passions: A Lil' Lisa Adventure - By Dee Eon "Thanks, man! I love you like a brother!" "Hey, any closer and we'd have wings!" japed Erik Crandall with muted sentiments as his tenth-grade best friend. Jack Hazen rolled the Penthouse and Playboys under an arm and left Erik's bedroom nearly bumping into matronly Aunt Emma on the way out who cast a hard eye at the teenager's cargo. "Trading more filth, no, Erik??" she uttered with disdain. "You're such a disappointment,...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 1

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 1 Jeremy opened the door of the big red barn. The warm afternoon summer sun spilled into the dim dusty interior. Dust motes danced in the light as Jeremy let his eyes adjust to the dark interior. A horse to the right nearby nickered and a cow further back in the barn mooed its welcome to him. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw where the hay was stacked near the back of the barn and a door to a room in front of that. The door...

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Lisas Interview

Lisa's InterviewThe evening was pleasant. A warm breeze cooled the deck, and dinner was served to the 6 couples aboard the yacht. Light chatter and laughter could be heard by the four men in the smaller boat anchored 100 yards off the starboard bow, unseen in the dark. After observing the yacht for an hour, the leader, Albert, noted that there were only three crew aboard, one a woman. Albert and his men thought of themselves as pirates, but they were slavers. As the dinner drew to a close with...

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Lisa 5

Weddings are sexy affairs, the whole thing is sexual and women in particular always seem to get turned on by the occasion, I think it is because everyone knows that the couple being wed are going to be bonking their bones to death in the very near future. In June we attended a friend's wedding, my eldest daughter who had recently had her 10th birthday, was a bridesmaid. The couple that were marrying (Sadie was a work colleague of mine, both were on their second marriage, l guess in their...

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