Les & Bob Part 5 Final Chapter free porn video

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Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age.

You are about to read the fifth and final chapter of this story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys a man, boys and women and boys and a young girl. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story.

A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished.

Copyright: 2011 EnglishBoy no copying or changing without owner’s permission

Written by EnglishBoy
Contact me by sending a message via this site or by email [email protected]

Les & Bob Part 5

The following morning Father Fred was certainly good to his word – he was up and out before Bob and I were awake.

We woke up to the tapping on the door and the words “Are you awake yet boys?” softly spoken by Sandra our newly acquired 13 year old girl friend. She came into the room and was dressed in her night dress which went all the way down to the floor.

She looked lovely her hair was down on her shoulders and she had a smile that was enough to make anyone’s day start well. For some reason I felt my 11 year old penis start to grow just when I was looking at her. I unconsciously put my hand down and gave it a little squeeze.

With sleepy eyes Bob and I sat up on bed and Sandra came and sat beside me. She said that Aunt Edith was about to start breakfast and that we ought to go down stairs.

“What shall we do today, have you got any plans?” I asked Sandra “No, this is also my last day I have to go home tomorrow morning first thing. It is a bonus that you two are around though because we can play up on the moors.”

We went down stairs and started to eat our Corn Flakes. Edith said that she needed to go to the shop and buy some food for tonight so we would have to go with her.

“OK” we all said “no problem we were just wondering what we would be doing.” Edith went on to explain that we would go and have a picnic for lunch; she explained that it was a great spot with a stream with small fish in etc. This sounded great.

After breakfast Aunt Edith asked “Do you boys usually have a good wash before you get dressed?”

“No Aunt Edith, usually Father Fred just makes sure that we are not too smelly and then we get dressed” Bob said.

“Well all I can say is that I would hate to smell them when they are too smelly Aunt Edith because I smelled Bob yesterday and it was awful” said Sandra.

“That’s not fair Sandra!” stated Bob “I only smelled like that because of Father Fred’s stuff on me.”

“It’s OK Bob, I spoke with Fred this morning and I know what happened just calm down, there is no reason to get upset.” Aunt Edith said, she continued “it’s all about being clean and Sandra is right we ought to make sure.”

“Now boys off to the bathroom please, Sandra and I will just quickly check you” as Aunt Edith said this she winked at Sandra. Bob and I looked at each other and I thought here we go again and Bob and I smiled at each other obviously thinking the same thing.

We all went to the bathroom and Aunt Edith told us to take our PJs off.

“Sandra you washed both the boys last night according to Fred so I want you to check them both now please and I will check after you to make sure you have done it correctly.”

Sandra got us both to sit on the edge of the bath and open our legs wide. She got on her knees and moved forward to my Willy.

Just then we heard someone knocking on the door and Aunt Edith shouted “who is it?”

“It’s only me” “Oh come on in Jane” Jane is the person who Edith visits occasionally who has two boys aged 11 and 13. I was mortified; she walked straight into the bathroom.

My 11 year old flaccid 2 1/4 inch hairless uncircumcised penis was on view to a total stranger as was Bob’s and I had a beautiful 13 year old girl kneeling between my legs who was now looking back at Jane.

Both Bob and I moved our hands to cover our cock and balls.

Jane was about 36 years old with long dark hair, quite pretty in a Mummy kind of way; she had a light airy summer frock on which showed her ample breasts.

“Oh am I interrupting something Edith?”

“No, not at all Sandra was about to check the boys to see if they needed to wash their bits and pieces before getting dressed. Don’t be shy boys, Jane has 2 boys of her own, and you’ve not got anything that she has not seen already I am sure.” Edith continued “we are going down to the woods for a picnic for lunch would you and the boys like to join us?”

“That sounds like a great idea; they are on their way back from seeing their Dad and should be arriving in the next hour so we will be able to join you.”

“Why is Sandra checking the boys?” asked Jane

“Well” said Aunt Edith “she wants to be a nurse when she leaves school and this is a very good anatomy and cleanliness lesson for her. She has also recently had some sex education in school and I am sure that this is a benefit there as well.”

“Yes I can only agree, perhaps she would benefit from examining my boys whilst she is here so that she can understand the different stages of the development of boys, would you like to do that Sandra?” “Yes please” Sandra replied “OK I will see if there is an opportunity later.”

Edith said “Come on Sandra get on with it! Boys move your hands away so that Sandra can check that you are clean.”

We moved our hands away.

Jane started to pay more attention to us, and said to Edith “Wow you are right they are identical twins, just really beautiful specimens, how old did you say they were?”


“It is lovely that their parents didn’t have them circumcised. They have lovely shaped penises and I guess they are about 2 inches long.”

“Two and a quarter inches actually” said Bob

Sandra moved her head forward and moved my ball sack and Willy to one side. As she touched me it felt wonderful and my prick started to swell a little so that it was not resting on my balls anymore. She put her nose very close to the side and almost in the crease, she sniffed, as she breathed out I could feel her breath on my ball sack, she moved my little balls and penis to the other side and sniffed. Again as she breathed out I could feel her breath. She then picked up my Willy and held it straight up and sniffed the underneath where the penis connects to the scrotum. My Willy really liked her touching it and she gave it little squeezes as she was holding it up squeezing it on the rim of the glans, it started to get a bit thicker. She let go of it and it was starting to rise being about 45 degrees from the bottom. She held it firmly in her little fingers and smelled the end where the red tipped foreskin was still covering the knob.

“Well Sandra” said Aunt Edith “How are things?”

“He seems OK actually, although there is a little smell by the foreskin”

Then Jane added “Sandra you really ought to smell under the scrotum or turn him round to make sure he has wiped his bottom correctly.”

Sandra turned me around and parted my bottom cheeks and looked and then sniffed. I knew it was alright because I hadn’t had a poo since my bath last night.

“It’s OK” said Sandra and then she turned me around. My Willy was still not at full standing and she lifted up my scrotum and got me to lean a bit further back and put her nose really close and smelled “there is only a little musky smell nothing else” she said. She then took hold of my prick near the top and very slowly started to pull back the foreskin. Slowly the dark purple moist glans came into view, showing more and more until eventually the skin clipped behind the rim and there it was my 11 year old wet dark purple knob on full display for all to see.

“That is just delicious” Jane said. “I can only agree” Aunt Edith said.

Sandra moved her nose close and sniffed and breathed out, her warm breath made my prick bounce and it popped out of her little fingers and hit her on the nose. Everyone laughed but I thought my prick was going to explode. And with a firmer grip she got hold of it again and pulled it down to her nose. “It does smell a little, sort of musky and a bit of wee.” She pulled my foreskin back into it’s resting place. Now let me have a look at Bob’s, I watched as she moved along the bath and I looked at Bob’s identical prick which was standing to attention obviously knowing what was coming.

“Well they are certainly well built boys Edith” said Jane “I am sure that they are not far away from puberty, looking at those pricks they must be 3 inches long don’t you think and starting to get some girth, a bit like my Adam but he is a bit further down the road. Bob do you actually know how big you are, you seemed to know earlier?”

“Yes Mrs Jones, 3 1/4 inches and 2 1/4 inches in circumference.” Bob said quite happy with himself.

Bob’s penis was throbbing with anticipation and Sandra asked him to turn around and she pulled his bum cheeks apart and had a smell. “This is OK seems the same as Les’s bottom” she said and then turned Bob around to focus on his lovely large vein free, hairless, white genitals with a red rose tipped foreskin bobbing in the air with every heartbeat.

As she moved his ball sack to one side he took a sharp intake of breath – she moved very close and sniffed first down one side of the scrotum and then moved it again and smelled the other. She picked up the ball sack and got him to almost lie back and she smelled underneath it and then where the cock meets the scrotum, she turned her head and said “all seems OK here” as she turned her head some I noticed that some of her hair touched his cock and balls and Bob obviously loved this because he just said “Wow that’s nice!”

“What is?” asked Aunt Edith

“Sandra’s soft hair just then, it that tickled my Willy.”

Sandra turned around to look and we could all see that his purple glans was just starting to poke through the tip of the foreskin. Sandra leant forward and sniffed the tip “just a bit of wee” see said and then started to slowly pull the foreskin back.

“Now you will see where the difference is between them Jane.” Said Aunt Edith

Sandra gradually eased the skin back as the wet slimy dark purple knob started to come into view.

“You are right Edith, it is just as you mentioned the other day, and it is very tight. Sandra have you tried lubricating it?” Asked Jane

“Well it does seem to slide back easier when I put some soap on it.”

“OK do you mind if I show you what to do?”

Sandra moved out of the way and Jane knelt on the floor in front of Bob, she licked her finger and left plenty of saliva on the end and then slowly moved her hand towards Bob’s foreskin and her finger was trembling with excitement, she rubbed it around the very tight edge then moved the skin forwards again then she started to slide it back again and she licked the same finger and gently rubbed the edge, then she licked her finger again and put some more on the end.

“Mrs Jones” said Sandra “should I really put spit on the end like that?”

“Yes my girl now you have a go.”

Sandra licked her finger and rubbed it on the edge of the foreskin and pulled back at the same time, then she licked the same finger again finger again, this time rather tentatively and she seemed to be seeing if there was anything to taste. She rubbed it along the edge of the foreskin once more and slid the skin forwards and back again. It did seem to go back much easier and reveal the wet dark purple glans in all its glory. She smelled the knob and pulled the skin back all the way and smelled it again.

“Well it certainly is nothing like it was yesterday, there is a little urine smell but not much.” She said.

Jane said, “You know there is only one way to tell if a boy is dirty and that is to get really close and lick the areas you want to test.”

I saw Aunt Edith cast a quick glance and a smile at Jane. Who continued “Sandra I will show you on Les and you then do exactly what I do on Bob.”

“But Mrs Jones, this sounds very dirty and I don’t think I want to do it.” Protested Sandra.

Aunt Edith came to her rescue “Sandra don’t worry, it’s not dirty and checking these things is quite normal. I will show you on Bob and then you will know that it is fine to do it in the future, you will also learn something that will benefit your sex education classes in the future.”

Bob and I looked at each other, red faced and trembling, were they actually going to lick our pricks?

Jane told Bob and me to sit side by side on the edge of the large wooden laundry chest and lean back. She and Aunt Edith got on their knees. Jane picked up my legs and opened them a bit wider. “Sandra” she said “Come and get in-between Edith and me so that you can get a good close look.” My 11 year old dick was rock hard and the glans was just visible as the tip of the foreskin was opening. The tip of the foreskin was red, but the body of the penis was white with very small veins showing and one larger darker one going up the right hand side. Not all standing out like Father Fred’s though.

Jane took a close look at my balls and perineum and then anus. She moved close, she knew exactly what she was doing. She and Aunt Edith were about to give 2 little 11 year old virgins an experience that they would never ever forget.

I could feel her breath on my bottom, she moved closer and sniffed, and then put the tip of her tongue around the rim of my anus. I shuddered and breathed out. “WOW” Bob and I said together, I looked at Bob who was getting similar treatment from Aunt Edith. I leaned forward a bit and looked at what she was doing, she was using the tip of her tongue around the rim and then she licked the full length of the anus.

I then felt Jane do the same to me; it was unbelievably warm and very exciting. My dick seemed to grow some more even though I thought it was already at full stretch, a little more of the purple knob started to poke through the foreskin, I looked at Bob’s and his was doing exactly the same.

I looked at Jane, she had her eyes fixed on me, and she could see the ecstasy I was in and lick, lick, lick along my little 11 year old anus. It was fantastic and I closed my eyes. She then said to Sandra “I can’t taste anything other than a bit of mild sweat and what must be soap from last night” when she started talking I opened my eyes and looked at her as she then started using the tip of her tongue to lick the ridge along the perineum to just underneath my tangerine sized hairless ball sack. Then she went back and licked to one side and then the other. All the time I was looking at what her tongue was doing and she was looking at my face. I had totally lost track on what was happening to Bob as this was really all consuming. She pushed my legs up a bit further and a bit wider and then put the flat of her tongue right on my bum hole and licked from there right the way up to the scrotum.

Sandra had got down on her knees in-between Aunt Edith and Mrs Jones and was watching intently.

Jane then licked the ridge all along the scrotum to the base of the penis. It felt like nothing I had felt before, the warm of her breath and tongue was just so hot. Then she licked down each side of the scrotum in the crack between the sack and the leg on each side. Slowly, very slowly she did one side and then the other, left and right, left and right, left and right watching the 11 year of face wrapped in sheer pleasure at receiving his first ever oral initiation. She then put my whole ball sack into her mouth and I could feel her playing with my balls. I noticed that she was sweating. She released my legs and told me to keep my legs apart. Her right hand then went between her legs as if she was scratching herself and she looked at me and slowly with her tongue traced the ridge up my cock to the edge of the foreskin. My prick was ready for bursting, I had no idea what I was feeling but I did know that I didn’t want it to stop. Lick, lick, and lick. Then she took hold of my penis which was now almost flat against my tummy and lifted it up.

“Sandra” Jane said “This might also be a way for you to get the foreskin back on both the boys but in particular Bob’s tight one. What I am going to do is put my mouth over the whole penis after lubricating the end and then force my tongue under the foreskin and run it first one way and then the other stopping at the frenulum and eventually your tong will be at the back of the skin. Let me show you.”

She very gently ran her tongue over the little folds of skin at the tip of the foreskin where my dark purple, already moist knob was just protruding through. My prick jumped at this new sensation and I could see that Jane was really enjoying watching me have my oral virginity taken. She put her lips over the end so that they were just behind the ridge of the glans and I felt her hot mouth enveloping my knob and her tongue starting to explore under the foreskin.

This was incredible and I told her to stop because I thought that I needed a wee. She took her mouth away and looked as if she was tasting something and said “Les that feeling is quite normal, it is not that you want to pee, it is a feeling that will get stronger and stronger and it will feel very nice indeed.”

Sandra asked if this was the feeling that Uncle Fred had when we bathed him to make sure the inside was clean. Jane and Aunty Edith looked at each other and laughed “yes dear” said Edith “We are going to make sure that the boys internal things are working properly now.”

Sandra continued “so will this be an orgasm?” “Yes” said Jane who them took hold of my Willy again and slowly exposed the knob. I was watching carefully and she then sucked my knob into her hot lips and sucked it a bit lick a little lolly. There it was, my 11 year old cherry knob sucked for the first time. It felt fantastic. She took her mouth off it and pulled the skin all the way back and then licked behind the rim of the glans. “Mmmm” I said and then she started licking my balls again. Her breathing was getting hard and I did notice that she had moved her hand underneath her skirt and was scratching herself quite quickly. She sucked both of my balls into her mouth – it was so warm and almost tickly it made my prick feel really nice.

Then she actually put my whole prick in her mouth and my balls, she had all of my genital on her mouth and was running her tongue around it all. God it felt fantastic. Whilst she was doing this she was massaging my perineum. She pulled back and then put her lips over my knob again and also started rubbing the outside of my prick. I was in ecstasy, my legs straightened “I am going to wee, are you sure about this!” I exclaimed “Just enjoy it” she said.

I looked at Sandra she was enthralled and intently watching both Jane and Aunt Edith.

I looked at Bob, his face was flushed and his neck and chest had some red blotches on. He was panting as Aunt Edith was sucking on his little purple knob and moving her fingers up and down his prick. She was not scratching herself between her legs and with her other hand I could see that she was massaging Bob’s perineum.

She kept on wanking me bringing me to my very first orgasm. Sucking the knob gently and wanking the shaft with 2 fingers and her thumb. Then she started to apply more pressure to the shaft as she was wanking it, squeezing harder. I started to come. “Ahhhh” both Bob and I uttered at the same time. Wank, wank, wank, suck, suck, and suck I felt my prick start to throb and she was watching me as I then closed my eyes and got lost in my first dry orgasm. I was exhausted and she felt the last spasm run through my prick.

I eventually open my eyes and looked at Jane who was all flushed and was just holding her hand still underneath her skirt. She was smiling at me and said “See you didn’t pee after all.” “Did you enjoy that?”

Bob was in a very similar position and we replied together “That was amazing. No wonder that Father Fred liked us doing it to him.”

“That was amazing Edith” Jane said “They came at the same time didn’t they?”

“Yes” said Aunt Edith, “I counted about 8 or 9 spasms” “So did I” said Jane she continued “just look at these lovely boys, their pricks are still rock hard, whereas a man would be getting soft by now. Have a feel Sandra so that you know what we are talking about.”

Sandra got hold of both of our cocks and gave them a squeeze and pulled them down a bit and let go. Both pricks sprang back up and slapped our tummies. This made the women laugh and she did it another couple of times.

Our foreskins were forward but not completely, there was about a 1/4 of an inch of knob showing, very dark, very wet and still throbbing knob. Sandra touched our knobs and they both jumped.

Jane continued to talk to Edith “They are certainly good looking boys and that was a lovely experience, how on earth did you manage not to come yourself?”

“I am saving that for later” She smiled at Jane and said “You know I don’t think it will be long before these lovely boys actually start to come and I am sure that whilst they have been here, albeit for 3 days, that there pricks have actually grown. It may be just that they have never been as excited as they have been, but they do seem a little bigger. Perhaps I will measure them later.”

Jane and Edith agreed that we were probably clean enough now and that we ought to go and get dressed. My Willy was still very hard and when I touched it to pull the foreskin back forward it was very sensitive.

I picked up my PJs and went upstairs to get dressed with Bob. However I stopped on the stairs and Bob went straight up to our room; I listened to what Jane and Aunt Edith were saying.

“Edith, what a shame these little boys are going home tonight, I wish we had longer with them.” Aunt Edith agreed and said “Perhaps we can have some more fun this afternoon, in fact let’s make a point of it.” “Like what?” “Jane I will leave that up to your imagination but we have already taken these 11 year olds oral virginities, perhaps we ought to take the rest of them and come to think of it Sandra, perhaps it’s time for you to see more than just blow jobs. Jane and I know that you will enjoy this very much.”

I couldn’t believe my ears, something exciting was going to happen later today and I didn’t know what it was but they were obviously looking forward to it.

When I got to our bedroom I said “Crickey Bob that was fantastic!” “You’re telling me” he said “I can’t wait for the next time, and you know I think that Edith is right our dicks have got a bit bigger and if she doesn’t measure them I certainly will when we get home.”

Our dicks gradually deflated as we got dressed and went back downstairs. Sandra came down shortly afterwards dressed in a blue light summer frock, she looked so fresh and alive. Bob and I were in shorts and T shirts.

Jane had already left and Aunt Edith said that she had arranged to meet Jane and the boys in the woods at their usual picnic place.

We were instructed which bags to pick up and off we went across the fields to the village to get some extra goodies for the picnic.

The woods we walked through were beautiful and there were lots of wild flowers, birds singing. We came to a stream with clear water running and followed it up stream for about 20 minutes and came to a spot with a little clearing, trees all around and the stream was quite wide. There was an oak tree that was perfect for climbing and a beech which had a rope swing on it. There was no doubt that this was the perfect place for a day’s entertainment.

The first thing Bob and I wanted to do was to build a dam, Sandra also wanted to join in which made life a lot easier. We found some rocks and started putting these in place and then started ripping up grass sods to fill in the holes, then plan was to build it higher with more grass sods. For someone watching it must had looked like very hard work but young children don’t notice things like that and we just worked away.

Jane arrived with her boys and we got out of the stream to be introduced. There was Ricky who was 11 years old, about the same height as Bob and me but a bit stockier, he had blond hair cut quite short that was the norm in those days. He had beautiful white teeth and was wearing shorts and a T shirt. Next was Gary who was 13 years old. His hair was curly and short and was a dirty blond colour. He was much taller at about 5 foot 2 inches. Again he was quite stocky. Ricky and Gary looked similar it was obvious that they were from the same family. Gary was also wearing short and a T shirt, I noticed that there were quite a few hairs at the bottom of his legs and that he had a feint dark line along his top lip where a moustache was forming. He was obviously much older than us.

We all shook hands and they took their shoes and socks off and joined Sandra, Bob and me in the water. This made the work progress very well and Gary was much stronger and was able to lift some heavy grass sods into place so that the dam was structurally sounder. It was excellent fun. We stopped for a cake and water break a couple of times and for fruit and then we all sat on the bank admiring our work.

We had created a little pool which was slowly filling up.

Ricky and Gary had also brought some fishing nets and buckets and Bob and I said we would go with them fishing. Sandra said that she would stay behind with Aunt Edith and Jane. She got on the rope swing, as she went forward the air lifted her dress and we could see he white knickers, all the boys stood there watching her for a while and Jane and Aunt Edith noticed what we were doing. I noticed that Gary had a bulge starting to grow in his shorts.

“Right boys if you are going fishing you have about 30 minutes before lunch so get on with it” said Aunt Edith and we went upstream looking for sticklebacks and bullheads.

Gary had a watch with him and he was in charge.

When we where upstream quite a bit I said that I needed to pee and Gary said so do I we stood on one side and I dropped my shorts and pants, I pulled my foreskin back a little and started to wee. I always got into the habit of pulling my foreskin back when I went to wee because otherwise the end used to fill up a bit and then burst out in any direction it wanted to go. This seemed to get me into a bit of trouble with Mum who used to clean up after me.

Gary stood at the side of me and dropped his shorts and pants, I looked at his tackle. “Wow, you have a big dick!” I said “and you have hair as well!”

He also pulled his foreskin back a little to pee although a little more than me so I could actually see his knob poking out from the end. I guessed that his flaccid penis must have been about 3 1/2 inches long with a 1/4 of that being the overhang of the foreskin. It also looked quite thick and there was a prominent ridge where the rim of his glans was. It was pale in colour but the foreskin was redder. The glans was a much darker red.

“It’s not that big really, a couple of the boys at school have got much bigger pricks than me. Anyway yours isn’t bad for an 11 year old. Is Bob’s the same size?” “Yes, in-case you hadn’t gathered we are identical twins” I said smiling “Alright clever dick don’t get funny with me!” he retorted.

I continued “so how big are the other boys at school then?” “Well Brian has the biggest in my class, he has the nickname of Snake because it’s so long. We measured it one day when he came round for tea after school; it was 5 inches long when it was soft and when he got it hard it was 8 inches.” “Wow I know why you call him Snake.”

“Hey Bob” I shouted and turned to look where he was – he was standing further along the path with Ricky and they were also having a pee – “Yeah” he said, I was just shaking my Willy to get the final drops off and Gary was doing the same, “Gary says that there is a boy in his class at school who has an 8 inch dick.” “Eight inches!?” “Yes they call him Snake.” We all started to laugh. Bob and Ricky pulled their pants and shorts up and we converged back at the stream.

Ricky said “Gary’s got a snake as well” “Shut up Rick” said Gary “You have!”

“Well I have just seen it and it is quite big” I said “How big?” asked Bob “Nearly 6 inches said Ricky” “shut up Rick” said Gary again “Really?” I said “but it only looks about 3 inches when you are pissing.”

“That’s still big when it’s soft” said Bob “I know, would you show us it when it is stiff Gary?” “Well perhaps later” he said “Aw Gary, you know you like showing it off, go on show them it now” said Ricky or we will have to make you “In your dreams” he said. We all three jumped on Gary and pushed him to the ground. I sat on his chest and Bob sat on his legs. Ricky pulled his shorts down. Gary in the meantime had given up with his token gesture of struggling. We three 11 year olds looked at the white cotton briefs that Gary was wearing. There was a definite outline of his penis. Ricky slowly pulled his pants down bit by bit until we started to see some pubic hair and then one quick pull revealed a 13 year old uncircumcised boy cock to us younger boys.

There was about a fingers width of hair across the top of the penis and some growing down either side of it, his balls looked totally hairless and there were no hairs growing up to his navel. His dick had flopped over to one side and was starting to grow fatter and lift of the scrotum. Ricky got hold of it and put his whole hand around it and started to massage it up and down.

“Do you 2 wank each other off?” Ricky asked Bob and me “No, we only found out that we could play with our willies for pleasure this morning” we both said. I asked “Do you play with each other regularly then?”

Ricky looked at Gary who nodded “Yes all the time.” He continued “it is really nice to do it to someone else and have them do you at the same time.” As he was talking Gary’s prick had risen and fattened out and Ricky’s hand looked small in comparison as on the down stroke there was about 3 inches of his dick and knob sticking out of the top. The knob was dark purple, moist (almost slimy) and fat.

“There” Ricky said with satisfaction “I told you he also had a pet snake” and he took his hand away. “Can I feel it Gary?” Bob asked “Yes I suppose so” he said and Bob moved his hand forward to touch a 13 year old hard firm dick. It was flat against his tummy and firm against it. Bob picked it up and had to pull it upwards, I saw it throb as he touched it. “Will you get off sitting on me now Les, I might as well watch as well as you three” I got off and went to one side.

Bob ran his whole hand up and down and brought the foreskin all the way down so that it clipped behind the rim of the glans and then pulled it more. The glans did seem more slimy than our and I said”why is your knob so wet and slimy, is it always like that?” “No not always, only after I have had a wank, I had one this morning just before we all came out for our picnic.” “So that is the stuff that comes out of the end like it does with Father Fred.”

“Has that old wanker got you 2 to wank him off then” asked Gary, Bob looked at me and I looked at Bob wondering if we should really be talking about this, we nodded at each other and I said “yes, last night we made some stuff come out of his Willy when Sandra and us were giving him a bath.”

“Wow Sandra was wanking him as well, that’s incredible she’s a right chick. By the way that stuff is actually call semen but we call it spunk, some boys in the class call it cum. I dream of a girl like Sandra wanking me”

I could see that Gary was really enjoying Bob moving his skin up and down “Les you must feel this, it is so hard.” Bob said. Gary interrupted as he looked at his watch “well perhaps later but for now we have to get back or we will be late for lunch.” He stood up and his prick was flat against his tummy, the foreskin had slipped back over the knob and was leaving about a 1/4 of and inch of the glans exposed. I moved my hand forward and got hold of it before he bent down to pull up his pants and shorts. It was very hard and flat against his tummy, it was also very hot and I felt it throb when I touched it. I gave it a couple of rubs up and down feeling my fingers go over the knob under the foreskin. My hand did wrap around the girth of the prick but I would have said that overall, it was bigger than Father Fred’s. “OK that’s it” he said smiling and pulled up his pants and shorts.

Somehow we had managed to catch a couple of sticklebacks and we took them back to show them off.

As we were walking back I told Gary that his Mum had said that she might let Sandra have a look at all of our pricks together so that she could see the differences for her nurse training and sex education classes. He looked at me “Really?” “Yes.” “Fantastic! I really like her she is gorgeous” “I know.”

The pond we had created had turned into a little pool and was still filling up. The picnic rugs were spread over the grass in the shade of some trees and we all sat down to eat. Aunt Edith passed around a soapy face cloth for us to wash our hands with and we rinsed them off with some water she had brought for that purpose.

We laughed and joked about lots of things. All the boys were sat cross legged and we were not wearing any shoes or socks, in fact we were quite hot so we had taken off our T shirts as well. Sandra was also sitting cross legged and she had hitched her frock up and I could just see up her skirt to her knickers.

Jane was watching me looking up Sandra’s frock and smiling “What’s the matter Les are you getting distracted?” I looked at her and blushed, everyone was looking at me “It’s OK you know, you are allowed to be curious.” Sandra was staring at me and then she looked at Jane “What was he doing?” “He was looking up your frock at your knickers I think” I was now bright red. Sandra said “I don’t mind you looking at me Les; you have to learn as well as me. In fact I would take some clothes off to be a cool as you boys but I am a bit shy of doing it with Gary and Ricky being here.”

“Don’t be silly Sandra” said Aunt Edith “OK I will make an executive decision, everyone sits in their underwear to keep cool.”

We boys all looked at each other “come on, everyone get undressed” she reiterated. Everyone stood up and slowly took off bits of clothing. Of course it was easy for us boys because we only had to take off our shorts and sit down again and then we watched the show before us as Aunt Edith, Jane and Sandra took off their summer frocks. Jane had really well defined tummy muscles as did Sandra. Aunt Edith was a little more of a comfortable nature, not fat just not well defined muscles.

Aunt Edith’s bra held her ample breasts in place and it was a solid white material, her knickers were of a similar material and quite large. Jane on the other hand was wearing and almost see-through bra and knickers. I could see a dark patch of hair through the pants; it started to make me have a feeling in my crutch. Sandra was not wearing a bra, instead she had a light vest and her pants were white cotton ones.

“Is everyone feeling a little cooler now?” asked Aunt Edith “Well I think I am getting hotter” said Gary looking at Sandra.

“The point is Sandra you need not feel embarrassed about the boys looking at you, it is perfectly normal” said Aunt Edith who continued “and just think back to this morning, you did get to see a lot of the boys didn’t you?” “Yes Aunty Edith”

“What went on this morning?” asked Gary

“Well Gary” said his Mum “Sandra wants to be a nurse and she is also just started having sex education classes so Edith and I thought that it would be a good idea to show her some of the things that she will need to know. She was actually examining the boys to see if they needed to wash their genitals before getting dressed.”

“Oh” said Gary “and did they?”

“Not after your Mum and Aunty Edith had finished” Sandra said with a big smile on her face.

“Tell me what else happened Mum?” asked Gary “Sandra watched as Edith and I gave the boys a tongue wash.” “Oh my God! You washed Les and Bob’s cocks with your tongues. Did they come?”

Aunt Edith then said “both boys had not experienced an orgasm before and Sandra enjoyed watching the whole thing. They both climaxed together.”

“What about Sandra?” Gary enquired

“Sandra has yet to experience an orgasm, but you did see how pleasant it was for the boys, it is probably nearing the time when you should try one yourself.”

“Why can’t Sandra take her top off like us?” Bob asked and continued “after all we did give her a good wash last night and her breasts look really neat.”

Sandra didn’t even wait for an answer she started to take her vest off. Gary’s underpants were bulging out showing the outline of his big cock. Sandra looked at it and wondered if it was as big as Uncle Fred’s.

“I am feeling like the sex lessons have all been one way” Sandra said and with that she stood up and removed her pants as well. We were all amazed. My cock started to grow I looked over at Bob’s crutch and there was also a definite bulge. I looked at Ricky and he also had a sizable bulge, I was wondering what his cock would look like. At this point Jane said “OK, this is all a bit one sided, I think there should be a sex lesson of all you young ones, boys please take off your underpants and everyone sit on the picnic blankets.” We didn’t need asking twice soon there were 3 eleven year olds and a 13 year old boy sitting on the blankets opposite a beautiful 13 year old naked girl.

“Boys I want you all to lie side by side and lean back on your elbows, it is important that you can see what is happening. Sandra I need you to look at each boy and learn the differences for future reference. Edith and I will also come and make sure that you can see everything you need to see.” Jane had obviously got in her mind what was going to happen. She took off her bra and pants and Aunt Edith followed. We were ALL sitting naked. All the boys had erections.

I looked at Ricky, he had a cock which was uncut and 4 inches long, rock hard but not flat against his tummy. His balls were in a sack bigger than mine. There were a few strands of hairs just starting to go down the sides of his cock.

“Right Sandra” said Jane “I need you to compare these boys cocks and balls in whatever manner you wish, they will not mind however you do it.”

“Jane” Sandra asked “do you mean like you did with the boys this morning?” “Yes my girl and Edith and I will show you what to do with the spare boys. Edith, I can’t say how much I am looking forward to this.” She cast her eyes over the gorgeous sight in front of her. She loved young boys and was about to have herself a really good time.

Sandra got me and Ricky to stand together whilst she was on her knees; our pricks were so close to her face. She pulled them both down and got us to walk toward each other, Ricky’s prick touch my hairless pubic area first but only just. His foreskin was still covering his knob but only just. Mine was also a little red rosebud at the end. She studied the thickness of the 11 year old boy cocks “yours is a little longer and fatter than Les’s cock” she said “turn and face me” we did and she then cupped our balls.

I heard Aunt Edith say “Bob I want you to come here and get on your knees and Gary come over here and stand beside him.” We did as we were told. “Now Bob, get hold of Gary’s prick and pull it off his tummy so that it is pointing out, that’s right now lick then end.” I expected Bob not to do this but he didn’t hesitate and licked the end where Gary’s knob was sticking out by about 1/4 of an inch. “OK now pull the foreskin back all the way” Bob did this and looked at the slimy head which he knew was covered in spunk from this morning “now lick that and clean it properly” Jane said looking at this lovely 11 year old boy who has never before performed oral sex, about to suck her own 13 year old son’s juicy knob end. Bob moved forward and Gary got hold of the back of his head and encouraged him forward.

I quickly looked at Aunt Edith who was clearly rubbing her pussy. Bob put his mouth over Gary’s knob “Mind your teeth!” Gary exclaimed “Sorry Bob said as he removed the big cock end from his mouth “it’s just that it does fill my mouth” “Just lick it to begin with then, under the front bit.” Bob licked the frenulum and brought his mouth off as if tasting the knob end, he went straight back to licking it and Gary threw his head back and Aunt Edith and Jane were watching closely. “Lie down Gary” said Edith and open your legs “Bob lick his balls and I will suck his knob” I watched as Bob started lapping on Gary’s ball sack.

Sandra looked at Ricky and me and then pulled both of our foreskins back hard, it stretched both of our frenulums and she smelled then end of both of our dicks then licked mine first, it was fantastic and then I watched as she licked Ricky’s.

“Ricky lie down” said his Mum “and Les I want you to lick his balls like Bob is doing to Gary” I started lapping at his balls, they were totally hairless and I licked up each side of the sack as well as the line that ran right the way up his prick. Sandra had started to suck the end of the fully exposed glans and as I licked up the shaft I managed to lick her mouth as well. “That’s it Les and now lick the bit in-between his balls and his bottom” She lifted up her 11 years old son’s legs exposing his entire underneath to me and I licked his perineum and traced it with my tongue all the way up to Sandra’s mouth again. “Sandra hold these legs up and keep doing what you are doing.” Jane then went to my backside and licked my bum hole it was unbelievable, then she dug her tongue into my bum and kept licking it and then she said “there you are my sweet little boy, no longer an oral anal virgin and then she started to put her finger into my hole and press down toward my cock. This was a fantastic feeling as she massaged my prostrate she made my 11 year old cock so hard and then she started to wank me off. For the second time in my life my 11 year old boy cock was given another orgasm. She had put her tongue back into my bottom as I came and I could feel my bottom spasm with my prick jumping in her hand.

I had stopped licking Ricky for a while and Jane said “now do to Ricky what I have just done to you” I lick him bottom hole, it was almost as if his hole opened and tried to close around my tongue. I looked at Sandra who had stopped sucking his knob and was watching me then she went back to sucking the end of his knob. I pushed my little tongue inside the hole and felt it clamp around my tongue and then he must have come because I felt it spasm 7 or 8 times. I looked up and Sandra had pulled her mouth away from the knob and the last few drops of cum were dribbling down the 11 year old penis.

“Did he come as much as Father Fred?” I asked “No Les, it just took me a bit by surprise; there was not much of it at all.”

Ricky said “I only started to come last week and unlike Gary’s it is very watery.”

At that time we heard Gary say yes! He bucked his hips forward into Aunt Edith’s mouth and she was swallowing his 13 year old boy cum.

Aunt Edith then said “Sandra come over here I want you to help Bob to cum” she said, she put Bob on his back and lifted up his legs, “lick his bottom hole and put your tongue inside it. Gary come round here and do the same to Sandra.” Gary looked at Sandra’s hairless bottom, his 13 year old dick had not gone soft and was standing flat against his tummy and this was keeping it in place, he lightly felt her almost hairless pussy with his fingers and she took a sharp intake of breath and then slowly started to lick her rim and anus and then stick his tongue into the hole, She started to breath quite heavily. Aunt Edith then started to suck on Bob’s prick, exploring underneath the foreskin with her tongue, she then exposed his knob by pulling on the shaft whilst the prick was in her mouth, she knew that this would create a truly warm experience and she knew that it was a new feeling for him, everything she has done to this little 11 year old was new to him and she was relishing taking this boy again.

Jane came to me and thanked me for doing such a good job on Ricky. We watched the Aunt Edith with the 13 year old girl and 13 year old boy pleasuring Bob my 11 year old twin brother. My prick was still hard as was Ricky’s.

Jane then took off her bra and pants; I saw her rubbing herself round her clitoris. It stood out from its hood. She did not have a lot of pubic hair and I could see her outer lips. “OK boys our turn to have some more indulgence and I need to cum as well.” She lied on her back and spread her legs “Les come her and explore a real woman’s cunt and not a little girl’s fanny.” I looked at Ricky who came over and said “I’ll tell you what to do if you like, my Mum has shown me lots of times, it’s really nice.”

I went over to her and got on my knees, Ricky came and knelt right at the side of me. Jane spread her legs further apart revealing her lovely vagina. It was wet and dripping juices. Ricky straddled his Mum and lifted up her legs so that I could see the whole area, anus as well as cunt. What a sight. I moved my head forward and Jane said “Just give it all a good tongue wash Les like I did for you this morning.”

I went straight to her knob and gently put my tongue on it, I heard Jane gasp, I licked it and it was sticking out from the hood even more, almost like a little penis. It didn’t taste of much, a slight acidic taste and it did smell a bit of wee but it soon disappeared. She put her hands at the back of my head and pushed me harder onto the knob and said “My little virgin boy, keep licking that’s wonderful.”

Ricky told me to put my fingers into her hole and when I did I was amazed at how wet and hot it was. Also it was so much bigger than Sandra’s little winky and the skin was missing so my finger went much further in. “Put more fingers in” Ricky said and I did, I moved back from licking her clit and watched what I was doing, although I could feel some muscles inside they kept relaxing and letting me put more fingers in until I had 4 fingers in and my thumb was rubbing her clitoris. “That’s my little boy” she said

I looked up and she was gazing at me watching the fascination on my face. Then Rick lowered his body down and his cock and balls were very close to her face. She pulled him closer and started to lick his perineum and then up to his anus and back again. I could see he prick jumping at each stroke. I was amazed and couldn’t help but think that this was her 11 year old son who she was licking and they obviously did it quite a bit. I continued to massage her clitoris and then Ricky said “lick one of your other fingers and put it in her bum hole.”

I did as he advised and I heard Jane moan with satisfaction. This went on for a couple of minutes or so and then I felt her muscles grip my fingers, one of her hands came down and pushed my fingers tight onto her cunt and rubbed it hard. “Yes, yes, yes” she kept saying “Oh my God you beautiful boy, that’s right keep rubbing” I could feel the muscles squeezing my fingers and the one that was up her bum. Then she held my hand still “Wait, stop rubbing” she said. “You little angel you have made me cum.” My fingers were dripping wet through. She took my fingers and started to suck them. It didn’t take her long to get her breath back, she looked flushed but she did have a sparkle in her eyes.

Jane said “Les I want you to experience what it is like to fuck.” Ricky moved away from his mother’s face and let her legs down as I moved back. “Come closer Les and lie on top of me so that we can cuddle.” I looked around and Bob had obviously cum again and everyone was watching what was going on. Aunt Edith said “Everyone watch carefully, it is very special when someone loses their virginity.”

I started to pay attention to Jane’s breasts biting the nipples and licking all around them. Jane had a funny look on her face really enjoying what was going on. She said “Edith I love this bit, knowing that this little 11 year old boy will soon be putting his 3 1/4 inches of boy meat into my hot cunt.” She raised her knees to give me better access and to make a better view for everyone else, then she put her hand down onto my stiff prick and started to guide it toward her pussy, as it touched her clitoris she pulled back my foreskin and rubbed my knob up and down the clitty and her wet cunt lips, she was watching me intently and I saw Sandra watching what was going on. Jane then said “OK my lovely little boy just push slowly, that’s it oh yes just a bit more, oh Edith this little boy is no longer a virgin, I can feel his cock all the way in, Les when you are ready you must move your prick out again and then push it back in, Edith look at his face.”

As I pushed I could not believe the heat of her vagina walls on my sensitive little knob, I felt like cumming straight away but instead of moving out again and then back in I just let it rest otherwise I guessed that it would have been all over very quickly. I had my eyes shut and started to pull out so that the tip of my knob was just in contact with her entrance and then I moved forward again. I could feel her muscles gripping my Willy as it went in.

“That’s the way Les slowly does it, if you feel like going faster it’s up to you.” I pulled out again and then in, out, in, out, in I suddenly felt my arse cheeks being separated and looked quickly behind to see Sandra just about to lick my bum. “Ahhh oh my God, ahhh, ahhh” each time I pushed forward it felt so different and then Sandra put a finger up my bum and pushed down onto my prostrate “I’m cumming, yes, yes, yes, oh, oh, oh, oh.” I collapsed onto the top of Jane; I was a sweaty little 11 year old boy who was no longer a virgin. Gary and Ricky started to clap and then Bob and Sandra joined in. I was exhausted.

Aunty Edith said “Sandra that was a very lovely thing you did for Les just then, well done. Come here sweetheart and lie down on this rug.” Sandra went over to Aunt Edith “Gary, Ricky come over here as well please I want you to help to give Sandra an orgasm and Les and Bob must have been fairly close to doing that the other night from what I understand. Now one thing I want to make quite clear is that Sandra still has her hymen in tact do you know what that is?” Gary and Ricky understood Aunt Edith continued “It is entirely Sandra’s decision if she want to have a penis or a finger to penetrate her deeply so you fully respect that do you hear otherwise there will be some serious trouble.” She was very stern and the boys fully understood what was going on and Jane added “Yes boys, this moment is to give Sandra some pleasure that she has never had before and the best way is to use your tongues wouldn’t you agree Edith?” “Yes Jane and of course the boys would benefit from the experience of pleasuring a younger girl for a change and we would all enjoy the feeling that you get Sandra so just lie back and really enjoy it.”

Jane then instructed her boys as we all watched, Sandra sat back as naked as the day she was born leaning back on her elbows looking very apprehensive but very willing “Gary, Ricky go to either side of Sandra’s legs and lift them a little and open them so that you can both love her pussy and bottom. Both of you explore Sandra’s pussy and bottom and see what happens on your own will, but remember no deep penetration unless Sandra says she wants o try something.”

Gary obviously couldn’t believe his luck, he took a long look at Sandra’s almost hairless 13 year old vagina and started to touch and rub the hood where the clitoris was hiding as Ricky was stroking the outer lips. We were all watching what was happening and Sandra started to breath heavily taking deep breathes.

Ricky’s fingers parted the outer lips and started to explore the inner lips. It looked very wet and pink. The few spares hairs demanded licking and Gary moved forward and started licking them; there were some to each side and a few across the top of the vagina. Mt Willy was rock hard again, I loved the sight of Sandra’s pussy and although I had just had my first taste of woman and had actually had another dry orgasm inside a woman’s love nest I would love to bury my 3 1/4 inch boy penis into her pussy.

Ricky moved his mouth down to her bottom and started to rim her, he pushed her legs a bit wider and higher so that he could get better access and the benefit to al of us watching was that we had a better view of what was happening. Sandra’s breathing was getting hard and it was obvious that she was not going to be able to take much more of this, her orgasm was immanent. Gary moved his tongue onto her clitoris and started to suck, I had noticed that it was poking it’s little head out from underneath the hood.

Edith said to Jane “How lovely is this to watch, your two boys pleasuring and bring to orgasm a virginal 13 year old girl” “Yes it’s one of the best days of my life, look at their pricks, they are rock hard, and look at Les and Bob.” We were both wanking, a skill we had learnt today, just gently massaging our own cocks whilst watching what was going on.

I said to Bob we ought to look after a tit each and we moved forward to either side of Sandra’s little mounds and started licking them. Sandra was in raptures, she was flushed and sweating and breathing in and out quite heavily. I moved my mouth off her breast and kissed her on the mouth. I surprised myself but that is what happen and she kissed me back. She out her hand on the back of my head and held me whilst she kissed me. Her lips were full and soft and she stuck her tongue into my mouth. Wow I had never done anything like this before.

Ricky took his mouth away from her bottom hole and wet his finger before starting to push it into her anus. Gary was entirely focused on licking the clitoris and then moved his fingers inside her pussy. He paused his sucking to say “God Sandra, your pussy is so hot and wet and tight” he reached the hymen and just felt the membrane.

Jane said “That’s right Gary just feel it do put your finger through it, but make the most of the experience because the chances of feeling a hymen of another girl are remote unless they are young.” Ricky looked up “Can I have a feel please?” Gary moved his hand away and let Ricky’s 11 year old hands explore the inner depths of Sandra pussy. “Wow it is flexible but still firm.”

He took the newly lubricated finger and pushed it gently up her anus as Gary moved back to applying some excellent oral skills (obviously learned from his mother) to her clitoris and pussy. I went back to massaging my breast and looking at Sandra who had her eyes closed and said “I am getting that feeling again, oh, oh ahhh, ahhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Her legs suddenly seemed to spasm to one side. Ricky and Gary stayed were they were tongues embedded. Sandra said stop, stop and was panting.

“You OK love?” Aunt Edith asked after a while “Yes, that was an unbelievable experience, why have I left it so long to learn about that!?” The boys gradually moved there heads back and let her legs down.

Sandra sat up and gave me another kiss – God I was in love – except I didn’t know it. She felt my prick and started to rub it then her other hand went to feel my balls. She pushed my onto my back and went straight between my legs and started licking my balls and up to my cock. She pulled my penis off my tummy and slowly pulled the foreskin back revealing a hot slimy knob which she licked all around it whilst watching me. I couldn’t believe my eyes to watch this gorgeous 13 year old girl licking and sucking me was fantastic. I wasn’t going to last long and I started to cum, I moved my hands down to her face to slow her down and my spasms arrived and yet another dry orgasm swept over my body.

“Wow Les” she said “I could feel your orgasm through my fingertip on your bottom and on my tongue on your glans and through my fingers on your shaft.”

I was exhausted and Sandra came and lay beside me, we looked at each other “what an amazing day this has turned out to be! I stated “Not half” she said.

Everyone then decide to get into the newly formed pool, which was cold but gave us all a good laugh.

That afternoon passed very quickly and it wasn’t long before we were all packing up the rugs and things to make our way home.

I overheard Jane and Aunt Edith chatting “I just love the simplicity of little boys, they are so willing and so able to keep hard, it’s a shame that they loose that ability, I wonder why boys reach their sexual peak so young?” “Well Jane, it’s so that the like of you and me can enjoy taking control of them and using them as they ought to be used, otherwise it’s a waste isn’t it!”

“Yeah I guess so” said Jane “It is a shame that the boys have to go first thing in the morning.” “Yes it is and they are getting up really early otherwise I would suggest coming back to give them a bath.” “I know what kind of a bath I would like to give them.” I looked around and saw them looking at me and smiling – I smiled back.

We parted in the village and said our good byes to Gary, Ricky and Jane. The air was electric we all knew we had just had a very special day.

Back home Aunt Edith started to make some dinner when Father Fred walked in with a box of envelopes in his arms. “Hello Edith, children, how are you has you had a good day?”

Aunt Edith said “We have had a fantastic day and once this is on the go I will tell you all about it. But basically we went into the woods and had a picnic and met up with Jane and the boys.” “I can see why it must have been fantastic now.

“Boys go and start filling the bath; we all need to bath tonight having been swimming in the pool.”

“I’ll go and bath the kids whilst you get on with dinner.” Father Fred said. He took the box upstairs and came down to the bathroom “Who is first then?” Bob got straight in without asking if Sandra would like to go first. “Les you might as well get in at the same time then.”

“Sandra will you help me please?” “Yes” she said “I will wash Les.” My Willy started to rise again. Bon and I sat in the bath whilst our hair was washed, arms neck chest and back. We stood up, both with full on boners and our little knobs poking out of the foreskin. “Hey Bob” said Father Fred “You seem to have grown a bit today.” He soaped his hands again and started to massage Bob’s anus, balls and prick. Then it turned into a definite wank with two fingers and a thumb, the little foreskin being pushed back on each down stroke.

Sandra was also feeling me with her soapy hands and she actually pushed a finger into my anus as she was wanking me. I knew this wouldn’t take long and before long I was cumming in her hands, another dry orgasm spasmed through my body, Farther Fred was amazed and watched as my little legs started to give way shaking with the excitement. “Well done Les, eventually you understand what having fun is about.”

He was gradually easing Bob’s foreskin back as he was talking and gently massaging his balls and perineum. He started wanking Bob with his 2 fingers and thumb and moved his other hand back to his anus and gradually inserted one of his fingers into Bob’s bum hole. Bob was flushed and blotchy all on his face and neck, he was breathing hard and his legs started to tremble. “That’s it Bob cum for me there’s a good little boy” said Father Fred and cum he did. He held onto Father Fred so that he didn’t fall down when his orgasm flowed through him. “Well done Bob” said Father Fred as he kept rubbing his penis “I can feel you cumming you little bottom his pulsing on my finger.”

“Les’s did that to my finger as well” said Sandra.

We both sat down in the bath and had the soap washed off.

Father Fred got the towel and we got out of the bath and Sandra got in and started to wash her own hair as we were drying off. We then went to help and washed her back neck arms and then her lovely little mounds of breasts. Bob and I stroked gently around the nipples and they got harder and started to stick out more.

Sandra stood up and we washed her legs and then her most private parts that were not so private anymore. Father Fred left the bathroom and went to speak with Aunt Edith. When he came back into the bathroom Sandra had her legs open and Bob was washing her perineum and anus as I was washing her outer lips and slipping a finger inside to wash the hymen and then her clitoris. I started to rub the clitoris and she said “Yes boys, keep doing that please keep doing that.” She started to shake and she had a wonderful orgasm on our fingers.

Father Fred stood and watched “That was beautiful to watch. How are you feeling Sandra?” “Really nice Uncle Fred, REALLY nice.” She sat down in the bath and we washed the soap off her.

Father Fred took his clothes off and got into the bath, he was already hard and we all looked at his cock swaying about Sandra started to dry herself off and Bob and I washed Father Fred’s hair, neck, back, arms etc. as he stood up Sandra was able to help. Father Fred asked “have you all had a lovely day then”. I said “We have had a fantastic day all three of us have leaned how to orgasm and we were with Gary and Ricky as well. They showed us a lot.”

“Gary has got a rea

Same as Les & Bob Part 5 Final Chapter Videos

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Les tromperies de Cdric

Les tromperies de C?dric par Aur?lie et Chlo? "- Tu veux que je t'aide C?dric?!? Mais comment oses-tu mater ce cul de cette petite pouffe juste devant mes yeux? Je commence ? en avoir marre de toi C?dric, s?rieux..." "- Allons ch?rie, je regardais ? peine... Et tu sais bien que je n'aime que toi!" C?dric tentait de s'excuser mais au fond de lui, il se foutait compl?tement des remarques de sa femme. Ce n'?tait pas ?a qu'il l'emp?cherait de mater le cul des petites jeunes ? peine majeures. C?dric et son ?pouse, Mar...

2 years ago
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Les fminisatrices Episode 2

R?sum? de l'?pisode 1: Nicole Nicolas avait quinze ans. Il ?tait un petit d?linquant sans projet d'avenir, au grand d?sespoir de sa m?re. Sa vie fut boulevers?e le jour o? il rencontra Agathe et ses s?urs D?borah et Alexie. Par amour pour Agathe, il accepta petit ? petit toutes ses fantaisies: du port de petites culottes f?minines ? un travestissement plus complet. Doria, la m?re d'Agathe, proposa ? la m?re de Nicolas de s'occuper de lui, ce qui impliquait une f?minisation plus pouss?e, y compris avec l'utilisation d'...

3 years ago
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Les trois souhaits

Les trois souhaits par Forestier Souvent, la nuit, je r?ve. Je r?ve que tout est redevenu comme avant. Je r?ve que je suis dans mon lit avec ma blonde, me pressant contre son dos, tenant un de ses seins dans ma main. Puis je me r?veille. Mon cauchemar reprend. Premier souhait Un jour, j'ai re?u un courriel. Il ?tait intitul? ?Un g?nie en formation vous offre trois souhaits?. Bien entendu, je l'ai mis ? la poubelle -- les filtres anti-pourriels ont souvent des trous, avais-je pens?. Apr?s tout, com...

3 years ago
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Les fminisatrices Episode 3 Michelle

R?sum? de l'?pisode 2: Yvette Nicolas se lia d'amiti? avec Yvette, la bonne, qui s'av?ra ?tre en r?alit? le mari de Doria. Yvette lui raconta son histoire, ce qui encouragea Nicolas ? accepter sa f?minisation et sa nouvelle vie. Agathe, sa petite amie, lui faisait d?couvrir de nouveaux aspects de l'amour. M?me sa m?re semblait accepter, et m?me appr?cier cette situation. Petit ? petit, Nicole rempla?ait Nicolas, et ses doutes semblaient ?tre oubli?s. Jusqu'au jour o? Michelle, la petite amie de D?borah, la s?ur d'Agathe, ar...

4 years ago
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Les fminisatrices 1 Nicole

Nicole Les f?minisatrices - Episode 1 Ma vie changea l'ann?e de mes quinze ans. Depuis que mon p?re ?tait parti, je vivais seul avec ma m?re dans un petit appartement. Maman n'?tait pas souvent ? la maison. Elle travaillait ? la caisse d'un supermarch?, et comme son salaire ?tait insuffisant, elle faisait le m?nage pour des personnes ?g?es. J'?tais donc souvent livr? ? moi-m?me, et je d?sesp?rais ma m?re en faisant l'?cole buissonni?re et en participant souvent ? des actes de petite d?linquance. A cette ?poque, je faisais p...

3 years ago
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Bob Becomes Bobbi

This story deals with sexually explicit material. If it offends or your not 18 or older do go any further. BOB BECOMES BOBBI by TIFFANY [email protected] I was just turning 10 years old the summer I met Marshall. I lived in a small rural town and keeping busy during the summer vacation was always a problem. That's why when Marshall a 14 years old and his 12 year old sister came to visit there Grandparents who lived just up the street it was an opportunity to escape some...

1 year ago
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I was just turning 10 years old the summer I met Marshall. I lived in asmall rural town and keeping busy during the summer vacation was always aproblem. That's why when Marshall a 14 years old and his 12 year oldsister came to visit there Grandparents who lived just up the street it wasan opportunity to escape some of the boredom. Marshall and his sister,Jennifer, were from the big city. To them we were all hicks.Marshall was quick to start up an association with me only because I...

3 years ago
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Les vacances de Marcia

Quand j'ai rencontre Cindy, je ne savais pas ce qui allait m'arriver quelques semaines plus tard. Je m'appelle Marc et j'ai rencontr? Cindy en boite de nuit. Elle ?tait magnifique et tr?s f?minine. Comme je suis timide j'ai eu besoin de quelques verres pour l'aborder. Le lendemain j'h?sitais de l'appeler, je me disais qu'une fille comme elle ne s'int?resserait pas ? moi plus d'une soir?e. Mais finalement on s'est revu et on a commenc? une relation. Je n'avais pas beaucoup d'exp?rience, mais Cindy savait ut...

3 years ago
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les bienfaits du sperme sur la santeacute

Le sperme et ses bienfaits sur la santéAvec des qualités nutritionnelles intéressantes, ses propriétés anti-âge établies et son rôle d’antidépresseur pour les femmes, le sperme est définitivement bon pour la santé. À tel point que certains chefs le cuisinent ou le transforment en cocktail.De nombreuses études prouvent les bienfaits du sperme pour la santé des femmes. La semence masculine influerait sur notre humeur ainsi que sur le vieillissement, en plus d’avoir des qualités nutritionnelles.Le...

4 years ago
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Les aventures de Martine

Martine est une jeune fille de bonne famille élevée dans un milieu puritain ou parler ou même évoquer le sexe créait un scandale. Martine a aujourd'hui 18 ans et à cette occasion, ses parents la laisse partir deux semaines chez la soeur de sa mère, une tante qu'elle aime beaucoup et chez qui rien n'est tabou, ni les gestes ni les paroles. (cela les parents l'ignorent). Je dois tout d'abord vous décrire Martine, c'est une petite brunette d'1m75, pour 60 kg, elle a une poitrine 90C, de longues...

2 years ago
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Les vacances familiales infernales de Lisa Simpson

"Je dois y aller, maman, sinon je vais manquer le train. D'accord, d'accord, Lisa. On se revoit demain matin. Lisa ? Oui maman ? Quelle grosseur ?" Lisa soupira. "Maman, tu sais que je n'aime pas trop discuter de ça... Quelle grosseur, Lisa ?" ... Gros comment, maintenant ? Je... je ne sais pas vraiment. Tu sais, c'est du sur mesure. Dans les magasins, ils n'ont pas... Gros comment, Lisa ?" Lisa, gênée, mal à l'aise, roula des yeux avant de répondre. On m'a dit... on m'a dit...

3 years ago
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Les is Mor

Les is Mor By Morpheus It was late in the evening as Lester stared out the car window, frowning at the darkness and rain and then shifting uncomfortably on the back seat. Lester had been sitting there for way too long, wishing that they had taken the plane on the vacation instead of trying to drive. He looked at his parents in the front seat, suspecting that they were lost though knowing better than to ask. Lester Gibson Jr. was a fairly plain looking 15 year old, though a little...

3 years ago
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Celestial Nirvana Part 8 FINAL CHAPTER

“In order to discover the Self, you must realize your place in the universe and solidify your self-value. You must realize that while we are all individuals in a sense, we are all exactly the same in the grander scheme. The only true differences are the ones we create ourselves, while in reality, we are all made of the same atoms, molecules, and energy. Our DNA may be different and we may have different thoughts, but that only shows that the pieces that built us all don’t always go...

3 years ago
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Cousin Bob Part2

Introduction: Inspired by Lubrican. Rose is positive her secret will be kept, for the price she already paid, it should be! But Bob has other plans. Now, please understand that this one is probably better than the last which was my very fisrt but then again, what the fuck do i care? I dont You people keep your comments to yourself Rose, wake up, dear, wake up&hellip, Hmm yes? I said pissed I was being woken up. Lou and I are leaving so itll just be you and Robert today alright dear? Yes,...

3 years ago
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Bob and Alice the Next Chapter

Bob and Alice the Next Chapter Author's Note: Read a comment, started thinking (always a dicey proposition) and this continuation formed. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Another month passed by and Alice was surprised to find they still hadn't shared a bed. Bob was still trying to deal with the death of his marriage and it bothered her that he was still not letting go. But, it also made her feel so sure about the two of them together because she knew how fiercely loyal he...

2 years ago
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We Do Bob Amy The Finale

Rebecca"Actually, I think I'll take you both, if that's okay with you, Amy? It's been a little while since I've ridden two cocks at once. And you can ride George's face while we have some more fun.""Oh, you are such a little devil. Wanting two cocks and me at the same time? I think I'm in love!" Amy responded before jumping on the bed and kissing me hungrily.While we kissed, Bob grabbed some lube and a condom. After sheathing himself up, he moved my way with the lube. I spread my legs wide and...

4 years ago
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Bob Part 1

Introduction This multipart story was created to put on paper some ideas that have been running through my mind after reading stories like the 'FemCorps' series and a few others. I apologize if it might appear too similar to 'FemCorps' or any other story. There is no direct intent to plagiarism, and I hope that those writers are flattered that anyone would want to use that basic story concept. I think you will see that it is not really a copy or even a continuation of that...

3 years ago
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Les Teacher

"You got a B in Chemistry!" "Sure did." "How is that possible! Last quarter you had the same grade I did—an F. You failed it! How can you go up from an a F to a B in one quarter?" Ginger Mully was questioning her best friend Melissa Runnels on the increase in her grade. They were in the lunchroom during lunch break. They had just that day received their report cards for the quarter. Both were seventeen years old, high school seniors, and due to graduate in the spring—if they kept their...

1 year ago
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Lesley part29

Rob looked at his mattress ans smiled. It was probably ruined. Lesley had left for home at 900am and looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards. She wasn't starting work till 2pm and her intention was to get a few hours sleep. She had been right about one thing, as to when he had offered for her to just sleep at his house until she went to work. "sleep.....I'll be dragging you in to the bed to fuck me...!" She had said, quite seriously. "That's the truth Lesley....and I've...

3 years ago
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Bob Part III

Bob (Part Three) By Evenrude It was a little after three PM when they left the mall and arrived back at Jane's home. They took the bags inside and Bob placed his on the bed in the room Jane said was his to use. She entered a moment later. "I think you need to try some of these things on." She suggested. "If they don't fit, or you decide you don't like them, we can exchange them today." "What do you want to see first?" Bob asked. "Surprise me." Jane teased. Curiosity...

2 years ago
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Lesley part30

Geordie Ridley let himself into his 'daughters' house at 0700, the same as he did most mornings when Lesley was working an early shift. She used to drop them off but now, with the boys being older, it was easier too come to them. They were at an age where all their entertainment was on-line gaming, and Geordie didn't have internet.....also,, they liked their bed. He shouted upstairs, but no one replied. He shouted again....same result. Thinking she must have slept in, he climbed the stairs...

2 years ago
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Lesley part24

"Thought you were on earlies this morning?.....how come you get such a long lie.....you shagging the boss or something? Hahaha" lesley jokingly asked Sylvia when she bumped into her at nearly one in the afternoon. "Humph...not funny....anyway...I know who's shagging the boss" she replied with disdain. "What's wound you up ya daft mare?""Guess...he's nearly thirty stone, bald, bearded, and has the charm of a Rottweiler.....and me tits are sore""McPeevie?.... Oh fuck...what's happened?""Missing...

1 year ago
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Bob and Alice Beyond the Party

Bob and Alice Beyond the Party Author's Note: This will be my 40th story posted on Fictionmania. I started with Reunion over 3 years ago. I had no idea then that I would have so much to say, or that I would enjoy doing this that much. This is a sequel I didn't plan on writing, but the idea of what came next wouldn't leave me alone. I hope it is worth it. And THANK YOU to those who have read and commented on them. Bob approached the door for the second time in two days. Once again...

1 year ago
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Les mondes parallles

Aujourd'hui c'est le 14 septembre il est 9h j'ai donc décidé d'aller dans mon garage pour continuer mes recherches sur mon appareil antigravitationnel. Quelques heures passées la sonnette retentit Je me dirige vers la porte d'entrée pour regarder qui c'est, au moment où j'ouvre la porte je vois ma meilleure amie Émilie. Une blonde d'un mètre 60 avec une veste en cuir un t-shirt un petit peu gothique, elle a un jean noir déchiré avec des bottes. Emilie : salut Clément comment tu vas je suis venu...

2 years ago
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Bob Comes for a Stay at Jack and Sallys Part

As he drove south on Interstate 24, Bob was whistling a happy tune. He could not help but be excited. And hard. He was on the outskirts of the city, and another 30 minutes he would be pulling into Sally and Jack’s drive. Tonight, he would be sleeping with Jack’s wife.It was only 30 minutes flying time, but adding in the hour or so for check-in at the airport, and the time it took to get from the airport to Sally and Jack’s, well, he did not mind the not quite four hour drive from his house to...

1 year ago
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Return of Bob Part One of Three

I got call from Bob that was totally out of the blue, I'd not seen him in over six months, heard on the g****vine that I was in-between Jobs and he had a offer for me, he needed a drivers mate to help him on his summer tours, nothing to taxing he said and no driving required, my job description was just a general helper with the travellers suit cases and such like, there would be a lot of overnight stays and the first tour was going out in a few days. I jumped at the chance and started packing,...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 5

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned” what he wanted to do”? But he just replied, “get ready and you will find out”.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

3 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 3

Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

2 years ago
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A Job With Uncle Bob Part 4

A Job With Uncle Bob, Part 4 By Dr Kelp As soon as Pauline had gone downstairs, Bob headed for Emily's room. He didn't knock, just walked straight in. "Oh Bob!" Emily said taken aback by his unannounced entrance. "Emily, I was just coming to see how you were," Bob said with a smile. They both knew what they were thinking, but Bob let the moment draw out knowing that Emily would crack first. "Bob," she said then paused as if searching for words, "Oh god Bob, what...

4 years ago
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Les Suites Apollyon

Récemment rénové, le bâtiment qui était autrefois en ruines se démarque maintenant de ceux qui l'entourent par son éclat, sa décoration et ses commodités. Sa clientèle a également changé, les vieillards maintenant morts, disparus ou déportés dans une maison de retraite. Douze logements, sur six étages, presque tous occupés. Une cour arrière avec une piscine creusée. Mais pourquoi le nommer " Apollyon " ?

Mind Control
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Return of Bob Part Two of Three

Day ThreeWe were both having breakfast, no one was in earshot of us, not that they would have been at that time in the morning. Bob reached a cross the and held my hand, I love you he said, I love you to Bob I replied, do you wanna move in with me, I don't want to lose you again, I had tears in my eyes, I'd love to Bob, if you want I'll sell the house and we can get somewhere smaller like an apartment, never had much time for that gardening lark anyway and an apartment would be far more...

4 years ago
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Gym Bob Part 2

The next day at the office took forever. Even though I was busy with work, all I wanted to do was to get to the gym and see my new friend. I had lots of work on and knew Bob would not be there until early evening. As I worked away in the office as usual, wishing the day away, I regularly checked the time. By 7.30pm I could hold off no longer. I locked up my office, saying goodnight to a few other staff still working away, and headed for the gym. As I walked through the gym, I saw Bob on a...

Gay Male
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Turned Out or Turned On Part 6 Uncle Bob

Molly:It had been two weeks since the frat party.  The bruises and bites had mainly healed, but I had been unsettled.  Nothing had been the same.  I had been tingling and aroused.  I had rubbed my pussy raw trying to satisfy the feeling that had ignited at the frat party.  Caleb had been angry.  I finally fucked him to try to make it up to him.  It had been a huge mistake.  The sex had been so damn vanilla I could hardly stand it.  Caleb had not only forgiven me but he became like a puppy dog,...

2 years ago
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Old Bob Part 1

Misha had just made herself a grilled chicken salad topped off with on-the-vine cherry tomatoes. She had taken a break from the financial report she had started yesterday for the impending external audit that had given her so many worries recently. She thought working on it from home when her husband Ken was at work would make for less distraction, and she would be able to finish and recheck it in a couple of days, as opposed to the week she had set herself at the company's main office. Working...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Return of Bob Part Three of Three

Day FourFree day today and me and Bob behaved ourselves, apart from what was about to happen down the sauna. Bob asked me if I was OK with doing this, I said it's fine Bob were together it's not like your cheating on me, anyway I can't wait to see you fucking a big bus driver or trucker.The coach and HGV Park was quiet busy there were quiet a few vans in there as well, I must say though I was feeling pretty nervous. We entered the sauna and the receptionist gave us our locker keys and towels,...

3 years ago
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We Do Bob Amy Part 1

So, here we are again as I attempt to tell you the story of our time with Bob and Amy. I'll try not to drift off-topic this time, but I make no guarantees.As I said before, we met them while visiting our daughter and her family. We did this every other weekend on Saturdays. The neighborhood parents would all get together in the evening after the kids were all in bed. They would talk about the neighborhood goings-on while having a drink or two. It was in one of these get-togethers that we...

2 years ago
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Old Bob Part 6

Misha left the shop with her multi-choices ticket. Although she was less worried than before about the total amount of the bet, she had spent too much and she knew it.Bob's shopping list mainly consisted of whisky, bread and meat, but she did a full shop. She wanted to have a large option available if she were to look after him. She selected luxury items she was going to use to treat him well.Picking him up some quality new slippers and a soft, expensive dressing gown. She bought two bottles of...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Bob and Koen Part 2

After a few minutesBob gently turned Koen on his belly. He straddled Koen’s upper thighs, leaned forward dragging his engorged eight inch cock between the soft boy ass cheeks. Bob began to softly massage Koen’s shoulders and then slowly moved his hands down the smooth skin of Koen’s back. He slid his hands under his rib cage until he found the small nipples. Gently, he pinched the two nibs until they erected to two small points. Koen moaned and squirmed to Bob’s ministrations. Koen felt his...

3 years ago
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Bob and Koen Part 2

After a few minutesBob gently turned Koen on his belly. He straddled Koen's upper thighs, leaned forward dragging his engorged eight inch cock between the soft boy ass cheeks. Bob began to softly massage Koen's shoulders and then slowly moved his hands down the smooth skin of Koen's back. He slid his hands under his rib cage until he found the small nipples. Gently, he pinched the two nibs until they erected to two small points. Koen moaned and squirmed to Bob's ministrations. Koen felt his...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Koen and Bob Part 2

After a few minutes Bob gently turned Koen on his belly. He straddled Koen's upper thighs, leaned forward dragging his engorged eight inch cock between the soft boy ass cheeks. Bob began to softly massage Koen's shoulders and then slowly moved his hands down the smooth skin of Koen's back. He slid his hands under his rib cage until he found the small nipples. Gently, he pinched the two nibs until they erected to two small points. Koen moaned and squirmed to Bob's ministrations. Koen felt his...

1 year ago
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Bob and Koen Part 1

Bob was cruising the beach looking at all the beautiful boys when his eye caught this one good looking kid who was about 16 yo. Bob took a picture of the boy when he noticed that the boy was smiling at him. The boy wiggled his hand into his shorts and manipulated his package. This was a hint that the boy was interested in Bob. As Bob sauntered toward the boy, a sexy smile crossed his lips. ‘Hi,’ Bob said, ‘you come here often?’ ‘Only when I’m looking for someone.’ ‘I guess you haven’t found...

4 years ago
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Bob and Koen Part 1

Bob was cruising the beach looking at all the beautiful boys when his eye caught this one good looking kid who was about 16 yo. Bob took a picture of the boy when he noticed that the boy was smiling at him. The boy wiggled his hand into his shorts and manipulated his package. This was a hint that the boy was interested in Bob. As Bob sauntered toward the boy, a sexy smile crossed his lips. "Hi," Bob said, "you come here often?" "Only when I'm looking for someone." "I guess you haven't found...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Koen and Bob Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Bob was cruising the beach looking at all the beautiful boys when his eye caught this one good looking boy who was about 18 - 19 yo. Bob took a picture of the boy when he noticed that the boy was smiling at him. The boy wiggled his hand into his shorts and manipulated his package. This was a hint that the boy was interested in Bob. As Bob sauntered toward the boy, a sexy smile crossed his lips. "Hi," Bob said, "you come here often?" "Only when I'm...

2 years ago
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Les Bohmiens

Author’s Note: Hello all. This is a one-off story, and you’ll find that there are repeated references to a particular tune—so many references that I feel I need to give a brief explanation before you get to the story. The tune, exactly as I hear it in my head and exactly as it is described in the story, doesn’t actually exist. However, it was heavily inspired by ‘La Campanella,’ which means ‘the little bell’ and is Franz Liszt’s 3rd Paganini Etude. I just imagine the main theme of the piece...

1 year ago
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Les with older lady

Hi my name is Lucy 32 yrs I am working in a concern as a receptionist in Chennai ,I am regular reader of ISS for the past 5 months married with 1 kid ,my body shape is 32-26-32 this is first lesbian exp which I am going to share with u all. Last week 1 post for lab technician is vacant has been put in the paper ,in our concern and a lady aged about 39 yrs has joined she has been married and having one boy 15 yrs and one girl of 12 yrs, she is of good figure 38-32-36,she has got big boobs and...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

1 year ago
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Lesley part 15

After her recuperative bath and a cup of tea, Lesley headed for home. She thanked Rob for a wonderful day and night, and giggled when she told him she was all 'sexed out'. Rob laughed at her, and said she had done well.....'for a beginner'."Don't you forget, sexy Lesley, you're going out on the town tonight....find a young buck, some young stud!...haha""I know...I'll phone a friend at work...see if she can go out with me.""No..no..no..go on your own...you'll be fine, I'm sure that in the first...

3 years ago
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We Do Bob Amy Part 2

RebeccaWhen I finally released Amy's probing face, she drew in a deep breath before going back to sucking up my flowing juices. "Can I... taste you... now," I panted.Amy mumbled something as her face pressed even tighter into my pussy. I figured it was a no, given that she had a death-grip on my thighs, and she ate me like a starving child. But, knowing that she wasn't going to stop for a while, I began working my nipples again. It wasn't long before I felt a much stronger orgasm filling my...

3 years ago
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Cousin Bob Part 1

Introduction: A teen girl has to spend the night at a family members house whom she barely remembered while her parents went out of town for a business trip. Inspired by Lubrican. Starts slow and gets good then I promise part two gets even better, just hold out a bit okay? Honey, youll be good for Uncle Lou and Aunt Reese right? Mom asked half rhetorically. Yes, mom Ill be good. I said as she kissed my forehead then jumped into the car, dad only yelling bye and waving before peeling out of...

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