- 1 year ago
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It was as if we were in a B-movie rom-com.
I had been on vacation for a couple of weeks, and when I came back to work that Monday morning, there were at least ten new employees that had started in my absence. This wasn’t a surprise, as the company that I work for is expanding, and they were building out and outfitting new workstations (“cubicles” in layman’s terms) before I left.
It just so happened that the regional manager had arranged a reception that evening at a local restaurant as a “meet-and-greet” for the new employees, which I attended. Introductions were made over cocktails, and then there was a dinner for the management team and the “newbies”. Between the cocktails and dinner, I was pretty sure that I now knew each new employee by name and position, even though none would be working in my unit.
So, I was surprised the next morning when, while seated at my desk, I saw someone, a woman, walk past that I did not recognize. But since I was getting ready to hop onto a conference call, I didn’t follow up. In fact, it slipped my mind entirely until right before lunch.
I was just about to walk out of my office when Karen, our office HR rep, walked up with the person I’d seen walk past earlier. I immediately wished that I had taken notice of her earlier. She had long blond hair, bright blue eyes, pouty lips, and was slim with a modest bosom and cute little ass. She looked to be about thirty, and was wearing a smart looking dress that was a little tighter, a little lower cut, and a little shorter than most of the older women in the office.
“Bill, this is Kelly, Kelly Morgan. She’s a new account coordinator in the energy unit. Kelly is starting today because we didn’t have her workstation set up yesterday.” Karen then turned to Kelly. “Kelly, this is Bill Simpson, Mr. Simpson. He’s the director of the national accounts unit.”
“Pleased to meet you, Kelly,” I said, as I extending my hand.
“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Simpson,” she replied, rather timidly. She took my hand to shake it, and at that moment something passed between us that both of us felt. I’m not sure where she felt it, but I’m pretty sure it was in the same general physical area where I did, because her breath caught, and her pretty blue eyes grew wide. She quickly withdrew her hand. “I look forward to working with you,” she said, her voice quavering. She was visibly shaken. My groin was tingling.
Karen apparently did not notice, as she took Kelly by the elbow. “Okay then, let’s move on. You need to meet a few more people.” As she was steered away, Kelly looked back at me over her shoulder. I couldn’t quite read the look on her face, but I had a feeling that I’d know soon enough.
The rest of the day was unremarkable. I was still trying to catch up from being out for two weeks, and had closed my office door (being one of the few people in the office that had an actual office with a door) so that I wouldn’t be distracted. I didn’t even notice the passing of time until I heard a knock on my door. I glanced at my monitor and saw that it was already five. Quitting time.
The knock repeated. “Enter,” I said. The door opened. It was Kelly. She stood outside, not daring to cross the threshold. “Don’t just stand there,” I instructed, “come on in.”
She quickly entered, but stopped when she was about halfway between the door and my desk. She stood there, apparently trying to figure out what to say. I raised an eyebrow, which made her even more hesitant. I was about to say something when she finally blurted out, “I just wanted to say goodnight, and that it was great to meet you, and …”
She turned red. “Um … well, it’s just that when we shook hands, I …”
“I felt it, too,” I offered, trying to bail her out of her embarrassment.
“Well, okay then … um, good night!” She quickly turned and left.
For the rest of the week, I could feel her constant tracking of me. No matter where I was in the office, no matter where she was in the office, she was always looking at me. When our eyes met, she always smiled. But, she still had that indecipherable look on her face when she didn’t know that I was watching her watching me. It was starting to get a little creepy, truth be told.
Friday came; it was both a “Casual Friday” and a “Payday Friday”, so everyone was in high spirits. By late afternoon, a large and diverse group had made plans to go to out for drinks at the bar halfway down the block. At five, there was a knock at my open door. It was Kelly, taking full advantage of Casual Friday by wearing a flimsy white blouse that was sheer enough to reveal the equally flimsy and sheer bra underneath. I swear that I could tell the size and color of her areola and nipples: smallish and dark pink. As well as the fact that they appeared to be aroused. Tight faded jeans that accentuated her firm butt and three-inch heels completed the ensemble.
“Mr. Simpson, are you coming out for drinks with us?”
I hadn’t planned on it, and was intending to decline, when I saw that the look on her face was one of hope that I would say “yes”. She was practically begging with her eyes. “Sure,” I replied. “Sounds like fun.” She beamed. “But only one drink. I need to come back and get some more work done.”
“Okay,” she said, sounding more excited than the situation called for, “I’ll see you there.”
By the time that I got to the bar, everyone looked to be on at least their second drink. I was looking for a place to sit when Kelly waved me over. She was at a table for two. There was an empty beer glass in front of her, and she was about to finish number two. “I was afraid that you weren’t going to come,” she said, as she motioned for the waitress. “What’ll you have, Mr. Simpson? My treat.”
“Glenfiddich 18, rocks, no water,” I told the waitress. I was going to tell Kelly to just call me Bill since we were outside the office, but I kind of liked the respect that she was showing me.
“Another Stella, please,” Kelly ordered, and then turned to me and laughed. “So, let me guess, you like your Scotch like you like your women, single and eighteen?”
I laughed back. “Yeah …. Well no, actually. At my age, an eighteen-year-old is too much trouble; too much drama.”
She thought about that for a minute. “So how old are you, then, Mr. Simpson? I mean, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Sixty-two,” I admitted, still liking that she was calling me “Mister”.
“Perfect,” she muttered.
“Um, you don’t look sixty-two.” Which is true, not to brag or anything. But I wasn’t convinced that she was complimenting me. It sounded more like a diversionary tactic.
“So how old are you?”
“Thirty, as of a month ago.” So I had guessed correctly.
Just then our drinks came. “Cheers!” I said, raising my glass. “And welcome to Argelion Holdings.”
We sat and drank. Well, I drank. She seemed intent on telling me her life story, winding up with how lonely it was being single in a new town at a new job just as I finished my Scotch. “I can’t even remember the last time that I’ve been out with a man,” she said, wistfully. Then she looked at me, with that same cryptic look that she’d had all week. “One more?”
“No, but thanks. I really do need to go back and get some work done. Another Scotch and I’d be in no condition.”
She pouted. “Well, alright then.” She motioned the waitress to bring the check. “Say, since you are going back, would you do me a favor?”
She gave the waitress cash to cover the tab and a pretty nice tip. “I forgot to take my laptop home with me, and I still don’t have a key to the building. Would you let me in so that I can get it?”
“Sure, I can do that.”
We left, and had only walked a few feet down the street when it was obvious that between the three beers on an empty stomach, and her high heels, she was more than a little “wobbly”. So, being the gentleman, I held her hand and let her lean into me as we made our way back. We rode the elevator up the same way.
The doors opened on our floor, and as we stepped out, she started to lose her balance. I tried to grab her at the waist just as she tried to put her arms around my neck to try to keep from falling, and we ended up in a hug as we fell to the floor. I was quick enough to turn so that I hit the ground first, cushioning her fall but slightly stunning me.
It was just a few seconds, but when I “came to”, I was flat on my back and she was on top of me. We were face-to-face, with my arms still around her waist and her arms still around my neck. Her small breasts were tight against my chest, and her lower torso was in firm contact with my pelvis. I was about to say something when she leaned in even closer and kissed me on the lips.
My rational brain was telling me that this wasn’t a good idea: junior female employee, senior male manager, the influence of alcohol, after hours on company premises. This was a combination that would end up in a lawsuit and someone getting fired, most likely me. My animal brain, on the other hand, was telling me that this was a great idea: hot young girl, lonely and horny, all alone in a deserted office.
I could feel my cock get hard as the animal brain won out. I kissed her back, pushing my tongue past her lips that she parted willingly. I took an ass cheek in each hand, pulling her to me as I ground my burgeoning member against her.
She suddenly pulled away, letting go of my neck as she sat up, still astride my tumescent manhood. Her hair was wildly, sexily strewn across her face and shoulders. Her face was flush; her breathing was ragged and shallow. I reached up, taking her breasts in my hands. Even with the blouse and bra, I was able to grip each nipple, gently squeezing them. She covered my hands with hers, forcing me to cup each swell more fully.
“That first day,” she whispered, “when you shook my hand, remember? You said that you “felt it too”. Was this what you felt?” She was slowly rocking herself against my hardness.
“I guess it was,” I admitted. I could feel the heat from her pussy through the denim fabric covering her crotch. “Is this what you felt?”
“Yes,” she moaned, as the intensity of her frottage increased. “I’ve been wet all week just thinking about you, Mr. Simpson.”
I wasn’t sure where this was going, but then she let go of my hands and unbuttoned her blouse. Taking that as my cue, I reached in and unfastened the clasp at the front of her bra, allowing the sheer material to fall away and her breasts to fall free. I reclaimed control of the firm mounds of flesh as she leaned back, adding additional pressure to the sexual contact at our waists. “That’s so good. So good.”
Kelly continued to dry-hump me. Her arousal became so intense that she essentially attained a catatonic state, her eyes glazed over and her head thrown back. She sped up, grunting and groaning. I knew where she was headed, and increased my handling of her tits, squeezing them hard and pinching her nipples.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Keep doing that!” she cried, as I continued to brutalize her breasts, reinforcing her demand by gripping my hands again. It was just a few seconds later that she screamed, “Oh god! Oh god! I’m cumming, Mr. Simpson! I’m cumming!” as she thrashed about, lost in the throes of her climax.
When she started to come back down, I released my hold, allowing her to fall against me as she gasped for air, her body shaking as I held her close. “Thank you,” she whispered, as she kissed my neck. “I really needed that. God, I needed that.”
That was all well and good, I thought to myself, but now my cock was wanting some attention of its own. Kelly must have read my mind, because she sat back up and smiled. “It feels like you have some needs, too,” she laughed, as she felt my erection through my pants.
She didn’t wait for me to agree; she just unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned the top, drew the zipper down, and pulled my slacks past my hips. My briefs, tented by my hardness, were the next to go, as she pulled them down to gain better access. “Oh my, Mr. Simpson,” she said, a tinge of awe in her voice as she hefted my cock in her hand.
“Yeah, I’m pretty proud of it,” I laughed.
“I’ll bet you are.” She used a finger to spread the pre-cum was oozing out, coating the entire head of my circumcised cock with the sticky fluid. “Looks good enough to eat, so I think I will.” She lowered her mouth, taking just the first inch or so between her lips. She swirled her tongue around the coronal edge as she gently sucked. It was exquisite.
Now that she had my dick’s full attention, she wasted no time in taking me all the way to the back of her mouth, past her uvula to tonsil-depth. Her mouth was stretched to its limit. There was still a good three inches or so left to go when she pulled off. “You’re too thick for me to deep-throat,” she advised. Then she saw how much was left. “And probably too long.”
“That’s okay,” I replied. “But, can I make a suggestion?”
“Sure,” she said, still eying my meat as she stroked its length.
“Can we get out of the lobby, before someone sees us?”
“Oh, yeah, good idea! But where do we go?”
“Well, I do have an office …”
She took off, doffing her blouse and bra as she headed towards my door. I was barely able to keep up, hampered by the fact that my pants and underwear were halfway down my legs. By the time I caught up, she was in the office, had already lost her heels, and was almost out of her jeans. I quickly got my shoes, pants and underwear all the way off.
As I was pulling my polo-shirt over my head, she took hold of my hard-on. “I want this,” she moaned. “I want this bad.”
I spun her around so that she was facing my desk, then pushed her forward until she was bent over, her panty-clad ass jutting back. The material covering her vulva was so wet that it clung to her like a second skin, giving me a pretty good idea of just how badly she did want my cock. I ran two fingers across the soaked gusset, and she shivered. Pushing the material to the side, I abruptly shoved those same two fingers into her hot, wet, snatch.
“Oh fuck!” she exclaimed, as I roughly worked my digits in an out. My two fingers were a tight fit, but her juices flowed freely allowing me to really work her twat over. She kept moaning, “Oh god! Oh god!” as I gave her a furious finger-fuck. She started grunting again, telling me that she was on the brink of another orgasm. I searched around and found her “spot”, which I attacked with vigor.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed as she came, pounding her fists on my desk so hard that she knocked over my pencil cup before collapsing in a gasping pile of sexual satisfaction.
I pulled my fingers out, letting the crotch of her panties move back to their original position. “You’re not stopping, are you?” she whimpered. “Please don’t stop.”
I was in control. “What do you want me to do, Kelly?”
“I want you to fuck me, Bill.” Did she just call me “Bill”? Not “Mr. Simpson”? I slapped the right cheek of her ass hard. She yelped.
“What did you call me?”
She paused. “Bill,” was her meek reply. SLAP! SLAP! I alternated between right and left.
“Did I give you permission to call me “Bill”?” SLAP!
“No.” SLAP!
“No, what?” SLAP!
“No, sir!”
SLAP! “That’s better. Now, what do you want me to do?”
“Please, Mr. Simpson, please fuck me.”
“I can’t.”
She was whimpering again, although I wasn’t sure if it was because her ass hurt from being spanked, or lust. “Please, Mr. Simpson. Why not?”
“Because your panties are in the way.”
I could tell that she wasn’t sure what to do next. I figured she needed a clue. SLAP! She reached back. “Slowly,” I instructed, sensing that she was so eager to fuck that she’d just whip them down. I wanted to enjoy this.
“Yes, sir,” she said, as she gradually pulled them down, slowly revealing her firm ass mottled by the spanking that she’d just received. And what it great looking ass it was.
SLAP! SLAP! I gave her two more blows, this time to her bare buttocks. “You’ll remember next time?”
“Yes, Mr. Simpson.”
“Spread your legs.”
She must have thought that I was about to spank her again, because she immediately complied. Her pussy, swollen with desire, was so wet that her inner thighs glistened down to her knees, and there was a puddle of girl-juice beginning to form on the floor. I ran my knob between her inner lips until I found her opening. She gasped as I pushed up against her entrance.
“It’s so big,” she whispered, the awe returning to her voice.
“Hard or gentle?”
“I’m not sure it will fit.”
“I mean, whatever you want, sir.”
“Good answer,” I replied, as I rammed my way in, balls deep in one thrust.
“Oh fuck!” she groaned. “Fuck!”
Even allowing for my larger than average girth, she was still very tight. Although she was thirty, I began to wonder just how much experience she really had. I could feel her every contour as I pulled out, then quickly went all-in again. “Is that what you wanted?”
“Yes! Yes! Fuck me like that! Fuck me hard!”
I grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back so that she had to arch her back, allowing me to penetrate her even deeper. I began pounding her pussy just as she wanted. My abdomen made a slapping sound each time it contacted her ass, and the combined tightness and wetness of her cunt caused our copulation to make obscene squishing sounds.
In. Out. In. Out. I wanted to savor this, but I was pretty sure that this wasn’t the last time I’d have her, so I was willing to give it to her hard and fast. It wasn’t long before she was grunting again, meaning that another orgasm was close at hand.
“Unh! Unh!” I grunted as I sped up. “Are you on the pill?”
“Unh! Unh!” she grunted. “Yes! Cum in my pussy!”
I began pushing even harder and deeper, using every square inch of my penis and her vagina. It was less than a minute later when she started shaking. “Oh god! OH GOD! OH … AAAAGGGGHHHH!” She came so hard that I was afraid that she’d rip my cock off. I let go of her hair, buried myself deep, and held her hips as tight as I could as I came, too, thoroughly hosing down her womb with hot ejaculate.
I held myself inside her, feeling her pussy pulsing as she recovered. “That was fantastic, Mr. Simpson,” she whispered as she finally regained the power of speech. “I don’t think that I’ve ever cum that hard before.”
“Me, either,” I said, as the contractions in her cunt caused my softening cock to be pushed out. “Or that much.”
“What do you …?” It was about that time that a river of sperm came gushing out from between her still-splayed labia. “Oh my god, Mr. Simpson!” she exclaimed in amazement as my sperm continued to flow from her freshly fucked vagina.
Kelly finally stood and turned around, stretching out the kinks from being bent over my desk. “Yeah, we’ll probably need to clean up that before we leave,” I observed, pointing at the floor as my cum continued to drip from between her legs.
Kelly, however, was eying my half-erect penis, sticky with our combined juices. “That’s not the only mess that needs cleaning,” she said, as she knelt before me, licking my dick. “Plus,” she said, smiling, “now I can get the whole thing in my mouth.” And she did.
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First TimeI awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and fluttering in their nests. I sat up weary from my deep sleep and stretched my arms bumping the wooden ceiling above. Week 3 at summer camp has passed so far, and its not that bad actually. Being as agile as possible, I slinked down the ladder of the red bunk-bed and felt my feet rest against the hardwood flooring. All the other girls were asleep still, and I needed to be first in the shower before all the steaming water ran out. I grabbed my towel and...
Hello dosto and I am Dev Singh from Allahabad Up and I am here to share with all of you a true incident that happened with me last summer. This story has me and my mom as main characters and I am engineering student and my family lives’ in Allahabad. My mom is a housewife and my dad is a businessman making enough money for us. I am 20 years old my mom is 39 and my dad is 45 and I must confess guys though my mom is 39 but she still looks like one hot slut mom ke boobs ki size hai 36 she is 5’6...
My wife and I got in the car and started our two hour drive to Jamal’s party. My wife was dressed in a red sexy and provocative dress with a plunging neckline exposing her entire cleavage. Obviously she was not wearing a bra. Her hair and nails were done beautifully and the high heels she wore exposed her sexy calves. We did not talk much and I noticed she was deep in her own thoughts. She kept squirming in her seat the whole drive down and kept pressing her thighs together. She tried to...
Many thanks to chilleywilley for his kind comments and for the editing of this story. These events happened when I had been living together for three years with a very handsome 28 years old nurse. I'm a 31 years old guy by name Leif Eriksson, same name as the Viking who said to be in America (Vinland) 500 years before Columbus. My pretty girlfriend's name was Linda Anderson and we were living in a fast growing Scandinavian small town. Linda and I met at a private party, we fell in love and...
With one exception, I've been a failure in life. A below average student, not athletic, no special talents, not much to look at, and barely able to hold a job as a salesman. All my life I've been called an underachiever. My one achievement has been landing my wife, Marie, a truly gorgeous woman. Marie has a face and body men dream about. She has deep, brown eyes and chestnut hair, a naturally lightly tanned complexion, and a full, buxom figure of the hourglass type--a small waist but ample...
Everyone is watching everyone. That’s what she was taught. Her first cogniscent moment was the face of an elder, leaning into her face and whispering the words. “Watch everyone. Trust no one.” The first time, she was far too young to know what the words meant. But even her innocent, child eyes could see the menace and fear mingled in the elder’s face. She understood that she was being told about something that would flow through every element of her life. The elder’s words were, she came to...
Well, this is my first post and what better way to get inspiration then your real life. One night I was really depressed and didn't want to go out, but because of my recent unemployment I thought I really needed to get out of my apartment. My close male friends Stewie and Vince lived on the Shore right by all the bars you may see on a popular tv show, but I wasn't in a wild mood and neither where my friends. Actually, the only reason Stewie wanted to go out was because he was having a lady...
When he was not looking for a job, Cade spent his free time sorting through the garage and basement. He ruminated about his dead grandfather Walt, and his deceased father Dusty. He couldn't help wondering what his life would have been like if his father had lived, and if he had known his grandfather better. Callie drove the truck into town frequently to run errands. Cade knew most of her reasons for going to town were excuses designed to get her out of the house, but he figured she deserved...
Pictures of the girls on my picture gallery if not here then on Profile of Azncrazy I am now divorced to my now 44 year old Korean wife whom I secretly filmed showering and in bathrooms didn’t have much fun with her other than getting the thrill of placing peep hole camera and filming her routine shower schedule for 5 months before she noticed my cell phone on top of the toilet Since then we’ve been seperated, (waiting to get divorced )and saw lots of jap porns of boyfriends or husbands...
I was on holiday with my family in Gotland, in the Baltic. We were down south living in a caravan park, which was part of a larger park, where people were in nature with nice sandy beaches.There was a washroom complex where you could wash, with showers, that worked by putting Krona's in a meter, which gave you hot water for a short time, then more Krona's were needed.I remember on my third day I went to these washroom facilities, it was 7am in the morning, and when I got closer I stumbled...
“I told you, you would be mine, Anna,” Richard said. “Have you let yourself come yet?” “No,” Anna mumbled. “Speak up, Anna. Have you let yourself come since I saw you earlier?” “No,” Anna said, louder this time. “Do you want me to make you come?” “Yes” “I will make you come Anna, but not now. Not here.” Richard reached down and grabbed Anna’s hand, pulling her to her feet. He kept a hold on her hand as he walked her through the door of her room, down the dimly lit hallway, into the...
“I’m not going to do it,” I insisted. “I’m a man and I need to stay that way.” She laughed. “Well, I’m not so sure you’re a man. You’ve never proven that to me. But, if you want to keep trying go ahead. Just know that if you change your mind, I’m ready to help you again any time. Just let me know and I’ll be happy to have Suzy back for some fun.” On Thursday as I left for work, I expected the day to be as miserable as the last few I wasn’t disappointed: as the day wore on, more and...
After our first sexual adventure together, my neighbors Peter and Claudia kept it simple for a while. Claudia loves cooking and she invited me to dinner a few times. Claudia has a really great body that she keeps in shape with yoga. When the weather permits she does this in her beautifully maintained garden, giving me great views of her over the fence.I have a house on the beach in the Caribbean and decided to invite both of them on a trip. I was lusting after both of them and thought the...
BisexualThis story takes place in 1967- the Summer of Love I woke up the next morning to a very red and sore behind. As I lay in bed, wincing in pain, Detective Liu was next to me staring at the pale, white ceiling. “I don’t know what to do with you,” he said in a barely audible voice. He turned to look at me and shook his head. “You’re hopeless,” he added; and for a split second, I actually believed him. Still, I wasn’t going to be deterred. I needed to get under his skin. “I thought you guys were...
Straight SexSo a plane is about to take off and all of the passengers have settled into their seats, and an air stewardess is giving a demonstration on how to use the floatation devices and the pilot is giving his usual spiel through the intercom. "We'll be traveling at 35,000 feet today at a speed of 575 miles per hour..." He finishes saying this and then, without realizing the intercom is still on, turns to his co-pilot and says, "You know what I could really use right about now? A nice hot cup of coffee...
Hi guys myself Nishi and this is my 3rd story on ISS. So please read part one and two first with the same title. Thanks Now before starting my story and I want to share something with you must all agree with me that most of Indian women specially housewife are not always satisfied in terms of sex. I feel that after getting married and having children they completely forgot about themselves. They indulge themselves so much in their family pate ki seva krna, bache ko bade karna and all their...
Chapter Eight He might be a problem, Sally said. Why do you think that? Josh asked. Well I sucked him better than he’s ever been sucked before. He might want to develop a relationship because of it. Which is something we both don’t need, she added. I’ll call him and tell him we are leaving to see relatives for the weekend and I’ll try to call him when I get a chance to talk and that will give me time to figure out some plan to keep his cock around without the problems he can start. He does...
As Jared drove off to Blanke Schande College the furrowed brow he was sporting was a dead give away that he was worried about something. What it was that that was troubling his thoughts was the fact that he still hadn’t told Gloria and Vanessa, his new temporary ‘flatmates’, where exactly it was that he would be teaching this week. This action was deliberate on Jared’s part because he was scared that they would react adversely to the idea of him working in a place where all the girl’s were...
From the corner of my eye I saw some movement in my backyard through the window. I went out quietly through the garage and couldn’t see anything until I looked behind the shed. There was a young girl squatting down and taking a piss. When she finished and stood up, pulling up her jeans, I confronted her, “What are you doing here?” She was so startled she stuttered, “I had to pee so bad I couldn’t stand it. I’m on my way home from school and this was the first place I found. I hope I didn’t...
My methods depend heavily on the combination of psychological disorientation achieved through induced sexual arousal and the interaction that this has with endorphin release as a result of punishment, restraint and humiliation. As a consequence of the mental turmoil caused by endorphin overload, it becomes possible to mould the behaviour of the subject. Indeed, it has been my experience that given the correct combination of circumstances the subjects themselves devise the programme of their...
IN THE AMAZON EMPIRE: AN AMAZON WIFE & MOTHER SPEAKS OF HIS LIFE by Ginny Wolf The dinner party lasted much longer than the governor had expected. However, the guests were politically and financially important to him and to the decision he had to make. Finally, he entered his private office. After double checking to make sure the door was locked, he settled into his favorite reading chair with the brandy bottle close by. He carefully decoded the locked brief case and lifted...
HI my name is Lilith, i am a crossdresser/transvestite. Well really i have no idea what i am considered but all my life i had grown up as a man. Secretly i used to fantasize about sucking cock as a k**, i dreamed of the day that i could. that day came when i was around 13 with a friend down the street, he was a year older than me. It started with wrestling, moved to dry humping and then soon i has rubbing his cock. We were so incredibly nervous the first time when i said " that looks...
DerNachbar Kapitel eins Gegenüber 13Uhr am Sonntag als meine Tür aufplatze, meine Mutter am Türrahmen stand. Stecke ich mein Kopf breiter unter mein Kissen. Hörte ich die Stimme meiner Mama: Kevin aufstehen, mein Gott nur am Pennen. Du weisst doch heute ist Martin Geburtstag. ICH WIRF DAS KÜSSEN ZURÜCk.. HAAR Scharf an meine Mutter vorbei. Kevin: Ne Mama ich hab gar kein Bock dahin zu gehen was du mit deinem alten Knacker willst. Sie kam ein schreit näher zum meinen Bett .. Murmeln: Mein Gott,...
I'm standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom with the shower running, waiting for it to warm up. You walk up behind me and press me against the sink and whisper something in my ear. I don't quite hear what it is you say so I start to turn around and then I feel your cock rubbing against my arse through your clothing.You pull my hair to turn my face to the side and bite at my neck hard just the way you know I love it. I moan out loud and my knees start to go weak so you turn me around to...
"I've decided to pay a visit to 'Le Club' and would like you to come along." I couldn't believe that Charlotte would change her mind so radically. "I thought you would never set foot in a place like that," I tried to provoke her. Charlotte remained unfazed. "I'm not going there for my own amusement, but in the service of science." She said she was going to conduct a survey on the attitudes of men towards women and wanted to get the young men at 'Le Club' to fill in a...
"Wake up, Mom. You'll be late for school." Linda opened her eyes to her daughter Ellen looking back at her. She gasped in horror and looked toward Ben but his side of the bed was empty. "What's the matter, Mom?" "Oh... I guess I had a bad dream. Is Ben up?" "Yeah, he's up." Linda showered and put on her robe. The events of the previous evening kept running through her mind and each time the distressed woman kept telling herself that it couldn't happen again. At the breakfast...
The party ran deep into the night, Mark’s usually did, though we didn’t do much. A little swimming in the pool, a little cards, a little ping pong, just chilling with friends. Ellie was there, this time she played my typical role, quiet, shy, unseen, clearly her mind was occupied with something else. At one point during the poker game, her and I were the only ones left in a hand. Our eyes locked, I was the first to look away, back at my cards, but I could feel her hold her gaze for a few...
I get to the hotel about an hour before you’re due. The journey took me an hour – and I spent the whole time thinking about how I want to pleasure you. I check into our room, which is clean and tidy, we are at the end of a corridor with the headboard of the large king size bed backing onto the outside wall. I smile at the implications of this. It is very hot in the room (or is it just me)? I open the windows as much as I can to try and get some fresh air flowing. I realise that I am soaked in...
Martina Smeraldi is with us today for another Public Bang! She loves anal, and she’s been preparing all morning. She’s sexy and horny. She shows off her amazing body. She likes it rough, she gives a sloppy blowjob that feels so good before having amazing anal sex in multiple positions. She’s a squirter, and she’s not shy with squirting all over us. She screams with pleasure as he penetrates her asshole. She won’t stop until she gets an amazing load all over her...
xmoviesforyouWhile his mother was on the phone, Ben got into his pyjama bottom and waited. Soon his mother came in, still naked except for the fish-net arm sleeves and fish-net stockings. "That was your father. He's coming tomorrow. He said that his boss had invited your father and me to dinner at a restaurant tomorrow night. That means you and Jim will be able to study together without our presence." Ben was happy. That meant Jim wouldn't ogle his mother too much and she wouldn't have time to get...
Introduction: Just toolin' along hummin' a song Country roads take me home; I’m humming the John Denver song, the radio’s off, I’m making my own music like I do a lot of the time when I’m driving. When I take off on a journey it’s always Willie and On the road again, sometimes, when I’m cruising during the day I’m with Tim McGraw going Everywhere, but at night, on a lonely country road it’s always Denver.And I am on a country road, two lanes of mcadam, a single white line down the middle but...
When I was married to my first wife we tried but never had children. OK, we had no kids but sure enjoyed trying. Finally we divorced and some years later I remarried. By this time our age prevented us from having kids so also my dream fantasy of tasting the milk of a mother. I can't begin to tell you how often I dreamed of having my lips pressed against the firm flesh of a woman's breast while nursing and tasting her hot milk. More times than I could possibly count I would masturbate...
When I was younger my Dad and Mom chartered a sailboat in Tahiti, along with a few other couples and me. It was a wonderful vacation.The captain of the ship was a tan, wiry little 45 year old French man named Jean Louis with a permanent 5:00 shadow and a permanent cigarette butt hanging out of his mouth. (He looked pretty sexy to a 16-year-old!) The cook was a 40 year old native Tahitian named Bebe (pronounced Bay Bay.) Bebe loved to go topless on the boat.I liked to lay in the sun when the...