Cock Complications
- 4 years ago
- 46
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We had long ago determined that distance did not pose a significant obstacle to my gift. Tonight I learned that there is a difference between distance, and proximity.
In my life I had really only ever been close to a few people that I shared dreamspace with; first Allison, then Shannon, and shortly after that Bob and Rebecca. My first indication that something had changed was waking up next to Lizzy instead of Allison. Usually I either awoke alone or cuddled with Allison, tonight I transitioned directly from spooning Christine in the big hotel bed to spooning Elizabeth in the comparatively tiny twin bed in her dorm room. I don't know if she was expecting me but she greeted me almost immediately, grabbing the arm that was draped across her waist and pulling me close against her back.
"Mmm, this is nice," she said. "I was wondering if maybe you weren't coming." She giggled and added, "But then I guess maybe that's what you were doing. Were you nice to her?"
"I was practicing my control," I said. Something was wrong, like the room was out of focus, but that wasn't it either. There was a feeling of unseen motion all around. "Mostly by keeping Jamie reigned in."
"Ooh, girlfriend wanted to play?"
"Christine likes it a little rough, nothing serious, just the illusion of force and a good slap on the ass to keep her focused. Jamie asked me to keep her from pushing too far. Plus making sure neither of us pushed her over the edge."
"Yeah, I can see where that would be a problem, so you gave her what she wanted, satisfied her but didn't overload her?"
"Tried to anyway."
Shadowy shapes seemed to be roaming the walls of the room.
She rolled into my arms, "I'm sure you did your best and I proud of you. That was very... ," she sat up suddenly, "what's wrong?"
"I'm not sure," I said. "It's like I'm sensing movement all around us. Do you see anything?"
"No, but I don't see like you do. What do you see?"
"I can't really make it out, I'm not even sure I'm really seeing it."
"Allison!" she called.
Moments later the door opened and Allison walked in saying, "It's about time you... , whoa! What the hell is going on here?"
"So you do see it?" Lizzy asked. "Can you describe it?"
"I don't know, it's like ... you know how you get that sense of motion sometimes, like out of the corner of your eye? Oh wait, you probably don't get that."
"Actually I do, hold on a second. Jimmy, I want you to put us in white room, round, no windows, no furniture, no direct light source, just like we're in one of those panoramic three-sixty movies, like at Epcot."
"I've never been there, but I think I know what you mean, something like this?" I changed the room and now we were surrounded by an eight foot tall wall of white. Immediately the shadows began to resolve themselves against the starker backdrop. There seemed to be a lot of them, overlapping and merging together.
"Wow!" Allison said, staring around the room. "They're people, but it's like they're ghosts. Lizzy, can you see anything now?"
"I'm not surprised. Okay, I think I know what's going on," Allison said. "Jimmy, close your eyes."
I knew better than to ask questions at this point, I just did it.
"Now concentrate," she said. "What you're seeing is a lot different people's dreams all at once. Picture the space where you saw the killer's visions of the girls before; make this space like that one, make us invisible so there are no distractions, and then see if you can break these into their separate pieces, try to focus on one at a time."
"Okay, I know where you're going," With my eyes still closed I looked at the scene with different senses, and instantly the images were sharper.
"Cool, it worked!" Allison said. "They got clearer."
"They did?" Lizzy asked.
"Yeah, they did," I answered. In my mind I put up a bank of projectors and began assigning a different vision to each one. "Okay, let's see if this works." I flipped them all off.
"What did you do?" Allison demanded. "They're all gone..."
"I know, I know, just wait a second." I picked a projector at random and turned it on. Suddenly an image appeared.
"Oh shit," Allison said.
I turned that one off and another one on, another image appeared. In rapid succession I went through all the projectors and while there was a lot of variation the visions all had something thing in common.
"These are the girls in Vegas," Allison said. "All of these girls are on the chart."
So were the adults. Some were blatant recreations of encounters, others were of the girls watching other girls, twice there were visions of someone being 'punished'. Once it was 'the chair' that Samantha had described, but from the girls perspective. 'The chair' was shear abuse, just a girl suspended in the air being fucked in every available orifice practically non-stop for several days, with only the occasional break while someone mopped the spendings up and she was given food and water.
The other was ... Samantha had mentioned one of the trainers, a man she called 'the Snake' because his dick was so long; they used him for oral and anal training. She had mentioned he seemed to be able to go for hours and when he came it seemed to go on forever and you felt like you were swallowing gallons. Someone, it may have been Shannon, had asked why she didn't just spit it out.
"Waste seed!" Samantha had exclaimed. "Are you crazy?" She went on to mention that her sister, Amanda, had told her about a girl that had been punished for 'wasting seed' and Sam had actually shuddered at the thought, refusing to give us any details. Now I knew why.
Imagine living on it. Imagine being locked in a transparent box and your only source of nourishment was a man sticking his cock through a hole so you could suck him off.
At first she had resisted, but that didn't last long as starvation set in. By the end of the first week she was begging for it. Four, five, six at a time, anything to get that tiny bit of protein into her body. As part of the process they would let her get them right to the point of orgasm then pull themselves away from her and spray the precious fluid on the outside of the Plexiglas enclosure where she would have to watch her only source of nourishment flow away onto the floor, just out of reach. It wasn't long before she was crying and begging them not to take it away. Sometimes they would have several men masturbate and the ones she couldn't reach would shoot off through the holes onto the floor and her only choice was to lap it up.
At first bottles of water were provided to keep her hydrated, but after a few days, when she started to come around, these were taken away and her only source became streams of warm urine. By the end of the second week she would suck on anything that came into the enclosure without hesitation. It didn't matter what it was. A cock, a finger, the handle of the mop they used to clean the floor with. If it fit through one of the holes she sucked it. You can joke about protein content all you want, she was slowly starving to death.
I thought Allison was going to be sick.
I thought Jamie was going to explode.
The scene changed and showed her emaciated form lying in a hospital bed with tubes stuck in her arm pumping nutrients directly into her blood. At first her body rejected the solid food they tried to feed her and they had to retrain her system using baby food and thin soups. These later visions showed her being held by strong arms as she alternately sobbed, slept, or sometimes threw up. I didn't recognize the girl but I now knew whose vision this had been.
"Hendricks," I said.
"Hendricks?" Lizzy asked. "He's the other doctor, right? Rachel's father, the one that helped Amanda and Samantha, what did you see?"
I faded the two of them back into the scene.
"Yes," Allison said, wiping away tears. "It was his dream we were watching, and trust me, you don't want to know. Just be grateful you didn't have to watch." She turned to me, "I think she may be one of the girls they had killed. I don't recognize her from the chart and I don't think it's because we missed someone. We would've had to miss a whole group or someone would have known her." She wiped away the last of the tears and moved on. "Samantha said that Amanda told her about someone who had been punished for wasting seed so it was before her time, otherwise Samantha would have known her and she'd be on the chart."
She turned to Lizzy.
"This is happening because he's in Vegas isn't it?" she asked. "Because there are so many of them so close?"
"I think so, yes." Lizzy said, turning to me, "Have you ever been so close to this many people that you have touched before?"
"No," I said. "I don't get it though. This sort of thing never happened with anyone else, not my mom and dad, Bob and Rebecca, not even Shannon or Allison, and I'm a lot closer to them."
"She's right, Jimmy," Allison said. "As for the rest of us, you specifically set up barriers in your mind for the people you are close too. You notice Sam isn't in any of these? That's because long ago you put up a wall in your mind; a wall with a door that you knock on before you enter her dreams. You made a conscious decision to not see what was happening with the rest of us, you didn't want to intrude. With them, she waved her hand around the room, you wanted information. And now that you are so close, you're getting it whether you want it or not. You can stop it if you want, you already found a way or we wouldn't have been able to view them one at a time where before they were just sort of rushing in. Stop blocking them and see what happens."
I found I couldn't completely reverse the process. Once I had tied them to the projectors my mind didn't seem to want to give up control again. I ended up switching from projectors to an image of television broadcasts and they all rushed together again, the scenes jumbled and blurred together once more. I added a tuner system and now I could run through them like changing channels. It was very interesting to see how my brain forced them into ordered patterns and then seemed to lock them in to that pattern. Now by varying the 'bandwidth' of the tuner I could see as many or as few as I wanted.
"Well, this has all been fascinating, but it's not really getting us anywhere," Allison said. "You went there for a reason, so what's the game plan?"
"Into the lion's den," I said. "I probably should have waited because now I've got two days to kill, then I'm going to church Sunday morning."
"Jimmy, are you sure you want to just walk in like that? I mean, you don't know how open they are to new people, it could be something you can't just walk in to."
"I'm no legal expert," Lizzy began, "but in order to be recognized as a legitimate church I don't think they can have a closed door policy. I think they have to be open to whoever wants to go. They can encourage or discourage actual membership but I think they have to let you in if you show up. Besides turning people away would attract attention that they probably don't want. Are you going to throw down?"
"No, not yet, this is just a scouting trip, but I'm not going to be hiding either. Let's see if I can make them curious."
"Jimmy, these people tend to be a little drastic in their responses," Allison warned.
"I know, but they also just lost two guys in the police department so they have to be more careful. I promise not to attract too much attention, but there is one thing I plan to do while I'm here that may worry them if they find out about it."
"What's that?" She asked nervously.
I pulled out my phone and waited for Bob to answer, "Hey Bob, how's it going? Listen, can you do me a favor. See if you can get Phoebe's pawn ticket from where she hocked all her stuff to get out of Vegas ... Yeah, most of it I don't care about but I'd like to surprise her with her mom's necklace. I'd rather give it to her in person but ... Anyway, send it to David Malcolm, care of the Bellagio Hotel ... Yeah, you should bring Rebecca up. Okay, thanks, talk to you later."
"You're at the Bellagio!" Allison accused.
Uh oh!
"Well yeah, I had to stay some place and... ," I couldn't resist, " ... and it's so awesome! I just reserved a regular room, you know, but the girl at the desk spotted my card and told the manager..."
"What card?" Lizzy asked.
"My family has a special ... arrangement with a particular hotel chain that I'm not allowed to tell you the name of. We evaluate hotels and resorts, both theirs and their competitors. The card is just in case and we're not supposed to show it to the hotel people unless something really goes wrong. Anyway, I wasn't paying attention and she spotted it, the manager upgraded us to a two room suite. God, you have to see this place to believe it. The furniture probably cost more than our whole house."
"Well?" Lizzy interrupted.
"Show us the room!" Allison said, exasperated.
"Oh! I get it, duh!" I materialized us just outside the door with Sanders opening it up and walked the girls in.
"Holy ... shit!" Allison whispered.
"Wait, it gets better, check this out." I walked us through the 'his and hers' sink area and back into 'Her' bathroom, the one with the tub.
"Oh yeah baby!" Lizzy said. "Now that's what I'm talking about. Jimmy, you have to bring me here. Allison too if you can sneak her out."
"Did she like it?" Allison asked innocently. She tried to make it conversational but I caught it. I glanced at her and sure enough, there was that smile.
"Now Allison, I want you to know that he was the perfect gentleman," Lizzy said.
"Really?" She asked with a distasteful look, then added sarcastically, "Yeah, I'll bet she loved that."
"Drove her crazy!" Lizzy laughed, then she went into girl-talk mode, "Okay, so first he calls me and tells me he's got this girl to take him around town shopping — some hot flight attendant that Jamie spotted, and he's worried that she'll think it's all part of this big seduction scheme and he wants me to reassure her that he's not like that and she can trust him. You know, he's my fiancé and I trust him, yada-yada."
Allison looked at me, "You picked her up just because Jamie was interested? That's so sweet of you."
I didn't have time to answer as Lizzy kept going. "Yeah, I thought so too. Anyway, by the time he called back things had gotten seriously out of hand and ... well, you know Jimmy, he just can't not be sweet and charming..." she mimed gagging on her finger and Allison cracked up. "Apparently the suite was just too much, and seeing it now, I can understand why. God, just walking on that carpet would make me horny. Can you imagine spending a night in a place like that and not getting laid? I'd never forgive myself. But, you know Prince Charming here ... he's still trying to be Mr. Nice Guy. By the time he called me to bail him out she was ready to kill him. She was nervous at first but I told her I was his sister and she started gushing girlfriend-talk to me. Told me how he originally booked them separate rooms and all that but now he won't let her touch him. Apparently he made her promise to behave herself until after dinner ... what brought that on anyway?" she asked, turning to me. It was nice to see they still remembered I was there.
"She was up to her neck in bubbles and wanted me to get in the tub with her. I didn't want her to rush into anything she might regret later so I was trying to stall things off to make sure she didn't."
"Oh, that makes sense. Anyway, girlfriend was getting desperate, said if she had to wait until after dinner she was just going to order herself a small salad and him a six-pack of Viagra and he damn well better be worth the wait. I assured her he was."
"What I didn't tell you is I had an ace up my sleeve for after dinner," I interrupted. "Special Services got me tickets to the nine o'clock show; I figured that would buy me some extra time. Didn't really work out that way, she found the tickets when she went for the room service menu. I thought she was going to risk breaking her promise so I told her that the promise was she would behave, not me, and I let Jamie at her while I kept things from getting out of hand."
"Jamie wanted to bury the bone?" Lizzy asked.
"Oh yeah, big time. Anyway, it was a really nice night. 'O' was incredible..."
"O!" Lizzy exclaimed. "You took her to see "O"! I would die to see Cirque du Soleil."
Now Allison jumped in, "You took her to a Cirque show! Jimmy, how could you?"
"Well, we were right there!" I said defensively. "I needed to buy some time, I figured that would kill a few hours, she had to be at the airport first thing in the morning. I thought if I played it right I might be able to get out with my virtue intact. I wasn't planning any of this, really."
They both cracked up at that and then Allison said, "Oh yeah, you're going to do all that and she's just going to sleep in the other bedroom. Like that's going to happen. I wish I could be there in the morning, I bet you can't walk. And you said she's a flight attendant? Poor girl has to be on her feet all day."
I started to say something but she held up a hand, "Don't worry, she'll forgive you. Now the important questions? Did you behave yourself?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean you and Jamie didn't put her in a coma!"
"Oh that, no, I was really careful and Jamie had me keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn't go too far."
"Good, now the really important question, does she like girls?" Allison asked, sounding hopeful.
I rolled my eyes, "I don't know, it didn't come up. She was a little weirded out that my sister, Lizzy, seemed to know so much about my sexual habits though. I told her Lizzy liked girls and we'd done a former girlfriend together."
"Perfect, are you going to tell her the truth?" Lizzy asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, in the morning when I take her to the airport. I don't want her leaving on a lie."
"You don't think telling her she just spent the night screwing someone else's fiancée will be harder for her to take than a little white lie?" Allison asked. "Oh wait," she turned to Lizzy, "You told the lie, so basically you gave her permission. Never mind."
"Hey," Lizzy said. "I have a better idea, don't tell her, but give her my number before she leaves, maybe she'll want to talk. If she calls then I'll tell her, and then I can find out if she likes girls or not. If you try to explain she'll assume it was all part of some plan, but she'll listen to me."
"Because you're girlfriends?" I asked.
"Heck yeah, I helped her hook up with my brother and he fucked her cross-eyed, we're tight! So show us the bedroom, before and after shots!"
I showed them both beds, first the master bed, the one we were actually sleeping, and would be, waking up in. It looked like something out of fairy tale. The other room was nice but a little smaller. Then I showed them the 'after' view.
"Damn!" Allison exclaimed. "Looks like a war zone! Let's see ... one, two ... I count three condom wrappers; you guys are going to be sore. What's that all over the bed?"
I blushed, "Chocolate syrup."
"Whoo-hoo!" Lizzy exclaimed. "Par-tay!"
"So how did you explain all this to her?" Allison asked. "Didn't she wonder how you could afford it?"
"I told her I was a bounty hunter."
"A bounty hunter?" Lizzy asked. "And she bought it?"
"Well, when she asked it made me I realize that I was going to need some kind of cover story. The way I explained it to her was that I find people, and things, then let the authorities do the actual work."
They thought about it for a few seconds and then Allison said, "You know, that has possibilities, you could totally play on that. Maybe set up a dummy company to run your reward money through, yeah that could ... Oh my god," she suddenly exclaimed, pointing. "Is that was I think it is?"
I followed the line of her finger and saw Christine's vibrator poking out from under a pillow.
"Toys too?" Lizzy said. "Cool! I like her already. Not every girl is willing to break out the hardware on the first tumble; it tends to scare guys off. You go girl!"
"What do you mean, 'toys too'?" Allison asked.
"Oh that's right; you weren't here for that part. Christine likes a little spank-me when she's being naughty." She looked at me, "She want you to pull her hair too?"
I didn't answer, but the blush pretty much said it all.
She changed the subject again. "Did you get a hold of Jasmine?"
"Yeah, she's..."
"You're not meeting her are you?" Allison asked, alarmed.
"No, I wanted to get something for Amber so I called her to make sure it was the right thing to do and see if she had some suggestions. She's sending May to take me ... David that is, shopping."
"She's sending May?" I got it in stereo as they were both just as awestruck as I had been.
"Yeah, that's what I thought too. So where do you think I should go next, should I check on some more of the people here and see if Lord Dickhead has laid more traps?"
"Probably a good idea," Allison said. "Lizzy, do you think you could spot one of those, things before it tried to kill him."
"No, if Bob's right then it's a hypnotic compulsion and until it's triggered it's like it doesn't exist. But it might be fun to have Jimmy just disarm them all and see what he tries next."
"I don't know about fun," I said. "But I think it would be a good idea to clean them up so these people aren't walking time bombs. These sorts of things have a tendency to break down over time, kind of like dynamite that's been sitting. At first it needs a reason to explode, but the longer it sits the less it takes to trigger it. What if we solve this little disaster and five years from now they 'think' they met me. They could slaughter an innocent person without even realizing what they were doing until it was over. They'd be sitting in prison for the rest of their lives with no idea why they did it. I think we should spring the traps and see what he does next. If it's a test then we've already either passed or failed with Sam, so there is no reason not to clean up the rest of the mess. He already knows there is a new player in the game so there is no sense in hiding."
"That's why you're going to the church isn't it?" Allison asked. "You want to get a look at him so you can bridge him."
"Yeah, we've gone as far as we can with the chart, it's time to see about shutting this thing down and that can only be done from the top. I'm pretty sure he's the only one who knows everyone involved, and that he's the one with the goods on people like Hendricks. I'd like to be able to take these assholes down without destroying the ones that are being blackmailed. If I can find whatever it is that he has on them, get it away from him ... I don't know, maybe I can save a few of them."
"Jimmy, the court isn't going to let them off because they were set up and trapped into it, even if Hendricks' wife set him up the first time, they'll still consider everything after that an act of free will. They are still going to say he should have come forward and taken the consequences, or at least given the system a chance to deal with it."
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Calix woke, sitting bolt upright in bed. His heart was racing, his body covered in sweat and no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get his breath. His hands were clenched, ready to fight, ready to strike out at – who? Who was attacking him? His mind was already calculating his lines of sight, the routes of escape – door in front and to the right was better but he could make a stand at either of the far doors on the right wall, one corner was better than the other – a bathroom with water...
I awoke, still blissfully joined to a beautiful, strawberry blonde pixie. I felt her sweet love tunnel squeezing my semi-hard cock. When her eyes opened she giggled, “Oh God Charlie, you don’t know how much I want to do that again! The way you made love to me last night, so slow and intense was something I’ve never experienced before. It was almost like you were doing everything I wanted you to do. I can’t believe that you lasted almost a full hour. Bob can go almost 30 minutes, which I...
[We were just going in the house when Sarah flashed, “Charlie, I’m at the hospital! I think we may have a very serious problem...”] “Are you okay” “Yes, I’m fine, but you better circle the wagons! There’s this Native American doctor who is certain that you and/or Linda have ancient healing powers. AND he and his colleagues know you are friends of Greg Sanders!” “How do they know our names? Linda and I never...” Aw SHIT. We’d told the two victims we were friends of Greg’s. “Charlie, they...
June 1981, Milford, Ohio Stephanie was off the couch like a shot. “Stay inside!” she ordered, pointing a finger at me, as she opened the front door and darted out to intercept Becky on the steps that led down from the driveway to the house. I didn’t have to hear them to see that they were both very animated. It was obvious that Stephanie was telling her to leave and Becky was refusing to go. Their voices got louder, and I saw Becky try to step around my little sister, who was doing her...
The study date was a real surprise for Misty. Doug did swing by the grocery store while she waited in his car cramming for her history course. At his apartment building, he led her to the apartment unit that he and his mother shared, put the groceries away, quickly started a crock pot dinner for that night, and then led her back downstairs to the pool area of the complex. She thought, ‘OMG, he can cook!’ “It’ll be nicer sitting out here rather than inside,” Doug told her. The two sat at one...
They kept their jobs at the theater after they had reported their findings to their client. Al wanted them to keep their cover for a while. He told them that the client was going to confront his wife that day and begin divorce proceedings. Evidently she had done this before and the client had proof of her prior 'mistakes'. After they arrived somehow Michael, the leading man, had gotten Barbara alone again. He hadn't even said hello! His lips had found hers and, for Barbara, her well...
I was sitting at the desk, Allison standing behind me when Bob and Rebecca walked in. I had already cleaned us up and wiped all outward signs of what had just happened between Allison and me. As usual, they had met in the lobby and come in together. I didn't wait for them to say anything, "So how bad is it?" They stopped in the entryway for just a moment before moving to sit down. "Bad enough," Rebecca said. "An envelope was delivered to my office yesterday. It contained a letter from...
Before I went off to see Rebecca that night I checked in with Walter to see how the Palm Springs issue was going. "My Lord, I am close to breaking him." "Stop calling me that!" "As you desire my Lord, we have agreed to debate that issue another time." I wanted to scream, but I managed to contain myself, "Thank you, Walter, keep me informed and let me know if there is anything you need." He bowed and left. I spent most of the night going over every image and memory Rebecca had of...
Sadie his boss was ostensibly working at the Air Ministry, but they periodically arranged to meet for informal meetings at a small café called "The Shamrock" which was between their two work locations. Most of the administration work of room 44 was done very efficiently by Tracy Morgan the civilian executive officer. She was no respecter of rank and she ran a very sound organisation, which allowed Sadie and Tony time to get out in the field when required. One of them visited her daily and...
"So ... now what?" I leaned away again to look up at his face, one eyebrow raised. "Alistair! If you suggest that we skip past the awkward part and go straight into the steamy bits, I'm going to take you up on the offer, out of spite if nothing else. You just be careful what you say next." "I ... well, the thought did cross my ... hey, wait! I told you to stop stealing my lines." We giggled together. "What I actually meant was, what do we tell everyone? They all gossip, you know...
The death of Lord Morehouse would be felt by his followers once they were free of Master PC. I wasn't sure how I would address that. For that matter, I wasn't sure it was my responsibility. More than likely the entire Mind Magi Council would have to address it. Either they would find a replacement House leader or allow those members to join the remaining Houses. Standing up, I pulled out my cell phone to call Michael. I turned away from Morehouse's body. Knowing that I couldn't save him...
Chez Amore.The name shined in framed cursive lights over the new small restaurant in the Business District of San Francisco. A small walkway of lights led right up to the doorway. Inside had a sleek modern look with round booth tables, low dim lighting and a black, white and red aesthetic. It was a Friday evening around 7:30 pm. Usually, the restaurant would be packed with businessmen and women but thanks to the extreme cold weather this evening, the restaurant was mostly empty.The only people...
Straight SexYears ago I lived in upstate New York. I was hiking some trails in Moreau Lake State Park on a hot, humid, summer day. The sun was shining, but I was able to get some shade from the trees as I walked. I didn't see anyone else on the trails, and my mind wandered to where it always thought to myself - "I'd love to run into some hot, horny girl willing to suck my dick." No playful romantic banter, just wild, rampant sex.As I rounded a bend, I did run into someone. Unfortunately, it...
There is a lot I could say about the Panama Canal. I could mention how it was the largest railroad project ever undertaken. I could mention it was the largest civil engineering project ever contemplated. I could mention the billions of tons of dirt removed to make way for it, or remark on the intricate functions of its numerous locks. But really, while all of this is true, the most amazing part about it is this: It finished ahead of schedule and under budget. We entered this impressive...
AmoreBy: Sue(White Woman/Black-Puerto Rican Man)------------------- Taiwan walked up the stairs of the six floor story apartment building, he,his wife and c***dren;Ty and Eriana lived in for the past three years. Looking to the elevator Taiwan seen his neighbor Danielle holding the door for him."Thank You ma"He said slipping into the metallic doors."No problem"Danielle replied with a big smiled.Taiwan glanced at her and smiled. She was a beautiful young lady around 5'7 in height,mocha colored...
March 8, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “You don’t look happy, Mike,” Mom said when I greeted her after arriving home. “Tasha and I had a serious disagreement.” “Uh-oh. Because of her dad?” I shook my head, “No, it’s way more complicated. We can talk after dinner if that’s OK.” “Sure. Your sister and her friends are up in her room.” “The tradition I started?” I grinned. “Exactly. You had Jocelyn and Dale at every birthday celebration from the time you were in second grade. And before that,...
I was in Baltimore on a business trip and, as always when I travel, I extend my trip through the weekend to go to gay bars and more importantly the porn shops with glory holes. I go there for one thing--to suck as many cocks as possible. My preference is almost ANY black man or white fems and TS's. I took a cab after a gay bellboy at the hotel told me where to go for that reason. The cab dropped me off on a two block strip loaded with the bright lights of all-night porno shops. I talked to...
After dinner I called Patrick and spoke to Rachel about invading her parents. With her encouragement, I called Chaz in Canberra. He was quite enthusiastic about a visit and wanted to know when I’d arrive. “It’s Monday. I won’t leave before Wednesday. I thought I’d cross the Dividing Range, look at the MacIntyre in Inverell and stop in Moree. Then through Narrabin to Dubbo and from there to Canberra. But I want to stop in Cowra. I was there when I was a grad student, but the woman I was with...
I was already feeling hungry when I passed through Narrabri, but I kept on till I got to Pilliga National Park. I stopped at the posting of the Park Service to see where the archaeological remains were. I lost both my appetite for food and for archaeology when I read: Deep in the vast Pilliga Forest lies exquisite Dandry Gorge and the magnificent Sculptures in the Scrub. This once secret location of the Aboriginal Gamilaroi People is now an extraordinary place for all to share. Visit the...
About 10:30 there was a knock at the door. “What the fuck” It was Mark Mattox, and he said he had a new deal for me, if I was interested. I said sure, but this deal had nothing to do with sex. He said I would be running dope from Austin back up to Tyler—every weekend. It would pay $150 a trip, and would be a kilo of dope. No one would be looking at a jeep for hauling weed, and should be a breeze. I ponder for a few minutes, then says I would give it a try. Mark said he would ride with me...
In 1965 while driving for the Yellow Cab Company, I dropped a fare off at a warehouse in East Hollywood. ‘I’ll go up and get the money and be right back.’ My passenger informed me. I heard that one before. So I told him ‘I’ll come with you and save you the walk back.’ When we got inside the warehouse we noticed there was a party in full swing with many colorful people wearing colorful costumes and a rock band playing. I hung out by the punch bowl, keeping a close eye on my fare while he...
I heard the sound of an old engine starting and veering off in the distance until outside of earshot. Dad left for work, which meant it was time to play with my new toy. I threw on some jeans, a tanktop and socks before making my way down the two sets of stairs, the first set leading up to my place and the second leading down to the basement around the side. I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes before knocking again. She opened the door with a wide yawn, crusty white all over...
Ever since I can remember I have had a strong feeling of attraction to girls, not like most boys who seem to go through stages of disliking girls. So, fast forward to being 18 and discovering sex with girls was an amazing thing. I must admit to feeling as though I wasn’t just putting my dick into a willing player, but putting my whole being into the act. My first virginal intercourse occurred with a girl at work, a single mum who wasn’t really attractive, but came on quite willingly. She was...
This is part 2 of a 4 part story. There is virtually no sex in this story. Your comments, good or bad, are always welcome. Chapter 5: The Fan I was nine years old the summer my father moved us from Philadelphia to the nearby suburb of Ardmore. After many years as a secondary school teacher in Philadelphia, Papa had landed his first administrative position in the Lower Merion School district. For all of my short life my father had worked two jobs. After his teaching day was over he worked...
Boyfriend, James, and I both grew up in strict surroundings, me more than him. Me. Phyllis, a pert, perky, sweet, pretty female had to be carefully watched as I was perceived by parents as bait in the eyes of other men and so I was raised and protected. James, not so much, being a guy but his home life was also on the strict side. Very little hugging and kissing in his home or mine. We started dating and caught up on our deprived past with lots of hugging and kissing and cuddling. The...
By Zen Mackie Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day. She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket. Hell with it. She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again. Too damn many ironies for one life… First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony. Major Susan B. Anthony, United States Army:...
David and Nicole have been practically joined at the hip since the first grade. They’re best friends. David protects Nicole, she hates it. He’s like an over-possessive boyfriend. He’s showed up on at least half of her dates, trying to scare off the guy. The other half, he hadn’t known about. With David’s possessiveness put aside, Nicole loves him. As a friend, of course. Nicole has tried to keep David away from girls like he keeps her away from boys, but its useless. He’s pretty much the...
Last night I was used by my lover and a load of guys, tonight was going to be just as good I hoped, with more guys using my body than ever before, Lunch time the next day Francis rang, he was the very well hung guy who had fucked me last night, to say he was staying over an extra day, just so he could meet me again, so did I want to meet him tonight, room number and time was set, and I told him I would be inviting extra guys too, he was ok with that, and said that last night was great...
She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...
Here’s a pic of the two: It started as a typical Friday night for the Gilmore Girls: they had ordered pizza, rented one of their favourite movies, and Rory’s boyfriend Dean was over to join them in their fun. Dean had been to enough of these Friday-Movie-nights to know that their favourite movies were ones that were easy to make fun of. Tonight was no exception, with the showing of “Plan 9 from Outer Space”, generally accepted as one of the...
This is part 3 of a 4 part story. There is virtually no sex in this story. Your comments, good or bad, are always welcome. Chapter 9: Awakenings I awoke the next day to sounds of laughter coming from downstairs. Ordinarily, I would have gone back to sleep but I recognized the voices of several of my sisters so I rushed to get ready to join them, it was either that or wait to be accosted by my young nieces and nephews. In the kitchen were my mother, and my sisters Gina, Gloria and Julia along...
Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...
Introduction: the second nights gangbang Hi , This is Sue, biguys wife again, with biguys help this is what happned the second night we met Francis. Last night I was used by my lover and a load of guys, tonight was going to be just as good I hoped, with more guys using my body than ever before, Lunch time the next day Francis rang, he was the very well hung guy who had fucked me last night, to say he was staying over an extra day, just so he could meet me again, so did I want to meet him...
You can't believe how lucky you are. You are walking up to the door of Chloe Moretz's house, and the sounds of a party are thundering from behind it. Today is Chloe's 18th birthday, and you managed to get an invitation. About a year ago you were an extra in a movie Chloe was starring in, and you must have made an impression on her, or else she just invited everyone she even remotely knew. Either way you can't wait to get to the party. There's sure to be many interesting famous people there to...
Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day.She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket.Hell with it.She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again. Too damn many ironies for one life…First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony. Major Susan B. Anthony, United States Army: combat-trained daughter of Quaker parents who were...
SpankingThe first chapter of a piece of erotic fiction I am working on. Constructive comments are welcome!The GetMore Girls ©2010 Sunlover all rights reservedThe grass was a cool, fresh smelling cushion at night by the pool. My sister Julia and I lay side by side in the deep shadow of the oleanders watching Gilles fuck Mom on the upstairs master bedroom balcony.She was bent over the balcony railing with her legs spread wide and braced, her hair hanging down, and her boobs mashed on the wide marble top...
Incestmy thoughts are on CD adventure as i love alternative climatic reality - and i have network of naughty men that love to indulge - and i have varying intimacies with several guys off and on - can be frustrating with trying to arrange dates as most are married and have travel time to my lair of lust so i hostess with my mostess when they are able to sneak away to indulgei do like to indulge with in my circle and so it happens that we share mutual acquaintances as X-Hammies - which brings up the...
By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.His name was Dave Foster and he was a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman. (Oops. “Retail Associate Salesperson” the last seminar he had to attend told him) Basically he travelled around in his hatchback giving live demos of his company’s “Rainbow Lite” vacuum cleaners. He would provide quick demos at trade shows, retail outlets and in peoples’ homes by appointment. He had a pretty good base salary and a more than decent...
I'm not the kind of guy who would have sex with just any girl. Even in the most debauched setting, it would require someone with whom I have at least a casual acquaintance. For the physical relationship to progress, so too would the connection between the two of us. In other words, I wouldn't bang a girl just because she is hot or popular.However, there is always an exception. To put it in her words, "the only exception" is Hayley Williams, lead singer for the rock group Paramore. The petite,...
I'd been running my own masseuse business for a while now, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine someone like her would walk in asking for a massage. Usually I'd turn away walk-ins as my sessions were usually for pre-booked appointments only.But when Chloe Grace Moretz of all people showed up just as I was about to close for the day, I found it impossible to resist attending to her needs. "Hi! I'm so sorry to drop in so late in the day, I just wondered if there's any chance I could...