Cock Complications
- 4 years ago
- 46
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I slept late Sunday. By the time I woke up, Mom was off with her golfing buddies, Karen was still asleep and Dad was in the garage, loading ammo for his next match. I slurped microwave noodles and munched a dinner roll for lunch. At 1:20, the doorbell rang. It was a guy in coveralls, holding my car keys. “Here you go, sir. Your car’s in the driveway.” He trotted to a pickup idling at the curb and took off.
I walked out, looking for my car. There was a Fiat in the driveway, but it sure didn’t look like mine. It was the same year, model and color, but it was freshly washed and waxed, looking as if it had just come off the showroom floor. The tires were new, top-of-the-line Michelins, gleaming with Armor All. I looked closer. They were V rated, good for 149 miles per hour, easily twice what the car would do, considering the state of the engine. I opened the driver’s door. The interior was spotless. It had been carefully detailed. A Ziploc bag on the passenger seat contained a bunch of loose change and a thumb drive that I’d lost the previous summer. I climbed in and turned the key. The little car started instantly and ran so smoothly and quietly that I wasn’t sure it was running at all until I checked the tach. I shut it off and popped the hood. The engine had been steam cleaned. All the wires were new as was the distributor, the oil filter and the cracked air cleaner housing that I’d repaired with duct tape. I closed the hood and checked underneath the car. The entire exhaust system was new, including the catalytic converter. I had no doubt the oil had been changed along with the fuel and air filters and the spark plugs. Holy shit!!
I sent Cheryl a text. – Call me –
Two minutes later, my phone rang.
“Hi, Ethan, what’s up?”
“You mean aside from getting a new car? Jesus, Cheryl, I didn’t expect this! Shit, they not only gave me four new super-duper tires, they rebuilt the whole fucking car! It must have cost a fortune. What the fuck?”
“Take it easy, Ethan. It’s no big deal. You’re part of the Group and, if I may say so, you made a great big motherfucking impression on everybody last night. We take care of each other. That’s part of the package.”
“Cheryl, I appreciate it, I really do, but you have to look at it from my side. Every dime I have comes from a shitty part-time job. Fifty bucks is big money to me. It might be irrelevant to you and your friends, but not to me. You guys are fantastic, but I’m seriously worried that I’m not going to be able to fit into your world.”
“Ethan, we know all that. We discussed it before I invited you over. It’s going to take some getting used to on all our parts. I’m sorry if I hit you with too much too soon, but you need to understand that the Group isn’t made up of my friends, they’re your friends, too. You can’t know what a hit you were last night! Every girl who was there is walking around two feet off the ground today, dreaming about your mouth and your pecker.” She paused for a moment. “We don’t care that you’re not rich or that your parents don’t belong to the country club or that you don’t drive a Ferrari. We like you. Rita and Alex want to marry you and have your babies.” She laughed. “After last night, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ruth and JoAnn let you fuck them someday. You’re a goddamn star!”
“Uhh, wow. Shit, I don’t know what to say. I’ll try my damnedest, that’s for sure.”
“Just be yourself. You don’t have to try to impress anyone. You’re in solid with us. We’ll tone it down, don’t worry. And don’t worry about your car. We take care of each other and there’s no quid-pro-quo.”
I was sitting in the living room, trying to get my head around recent developments when Karen came down the stairs. She was wearing very short gym shorts and a crop top that was just long enough to cover the bottom of her boobs.
“Wow, I slept like a rock! My bed is so much better than that lumpy piece of shit in the dorm.” She closed her eyes and stretched arms over her head, facing me. Her top slid up, baring her nipples. Her glow plainly told me that she was showing off. She kept her eyes closed and her arms up, working her shoulders side-to-side, giving me plenty of time to stare. Her tits really were nice. I started to get hard. Her eyes opened and she caught me staring. I didn’t try to look away and she didn’t lower her arms.
“What do you think?’ she asked. “Not so bad, huh?” She pulled the top up to her chin. “What do you think?”
I played along. “Very nice. Any guy would be happy as hell to get his lips on those.” I dropped my gaze to her crotch. “He’d probably be happy as hell to get his dick in what you’ve got in there, too.”
“Think so?” She let her top fall. “Come with me for a minute.”
Karen led me up the stairs to her room. She closed the door, turned to face me and pulled off her top. Her tits were excellent; firm and round with no sag at all.
“Tell me the truth. How do you rate these babies?”
“They’re terrific. I’m sure lots of guys have told you so.” Karen’s nipples were hard as hell. What the fuck was she up to?
“Sit in that chair,” she said, pointing to a well-padded reading chair in the corner. I took a seat.
Karen hesitated for a moment, then dropped her shorts and stepped out of them. She wasn’t wearing panties.
“I need your honest opinion,” she said. Her glow showed nervousness and some fear, but also determination. It was one-third gold. She was horny and trying to hide it. She stepped close and rested her right foot on the arm of the chair. Her crotch was a foot and a half from my face. “I need to know if I have an ugly pussy.”
Now, how does a brother answer a question like that? I guessed the best solution was to be honest.
“First, I haven’t seen all that many except online. Some of them are so smooth and tight that they’re hardly visible. Some look like the ‘after’ photo of a halibut explosion. Yours looks just fine. I can’t imagine any guy not wanting to get his face right in there, followed by his dick. Do you think there’s a problem?”
“I just think it looks gross! I’ve never seen one that looked attractive and mine looks like crap.”
“Karen, you’re not supposed to like the looks of vaginas. You’re straight, right? I sure don’t think dicks are attractive, but girls seem to be drawn to them, just the way guys are attracted to what you’ve got. Take my word for it; any guy I know would think that’s a great looking pussy. What the hell brought this on, anyway?”
“I’m dating a guy right now who won’t go down on me. I’ve been with three other guys and only one of them would eat me. They all expected me to fuck them on the first date and they all wanted blowjobs, but it was a one-way deal. Two of them told me that if a girl wouldn’t suck them off and swallow their shit, that would be a deal-breaker, but when it came to returning the favor, they shut me down. They’d fuck me and accept blowjobs, but wouldn’t give me head. Is it because I’m repulsive down there?” I didn’t have to check her glow to see that she was ready to cry.
Well, shit! How could I explain to her that men are selfish animals?
“Karen, men are selfish animals. Not all of them, but a lot are only interested in getting what they want from a girl and moving on. These days, casual sex is the norm. That’s the way guys want it. I don’t really have to tell you this, do I? Where the fuck have you been living?”
Karen backed up a step and stood with her head down. “I know, but I keep thinking some guy will like me for something other than my oral skills.”
“Well, I shouldn’t have to tell you this; you’re the older sister, after all, but you need to start dating guys who are willing to get to know you before having sex. If they won’t do that, they’re not going to be what you want in a guy. And when you do have sex, it’s just wrong for a guy to insist you blow him if he’s going to refuse to blow you.”
“I know you’re right, but I get so lonely and horny. I end up going on dates with guys who aren’t interested in me as anything except a mouth and a cunt.” She spit that last word out with contempt.
“Karen, you’re my sister and what you’ve been saying is the opposite of sexy, but the way you look is sexy as hell. You want proof of what your body does to guys?” I stood up, unsnapped my shorts and let them fall. There had been no need to manipulate my glow. Seeing Karen’s nude body had me standing tall.
“Oh, wow.” Her glow shaded into light green with gold highlights. The sight of my dick had improved her mood dramatically and was making her horny. Tentatively, she reached for me. When I didn’t move, she wrapped her hand around me and squeezed. With her eyes locked on my erection, she said, so softly that I could barely hear her, “Remember what you said about cocks not being attractive”? Her hand stroked me. “This one is very, very attractive.” Karen used her thumb to spread drops of pre-cum around the head of my dick. “Really, very attractive.” She suddenly seemed to wake up. She snatched her hand away.
“Shit!! Ethan, I’m sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking. We shouldn’t be doing this. Jesus, you’re my brother!” Her eyes filled with tears. She covered her face with her hands.
“Karen, it’s okay. I understand, you’re having a rough time. I’ll help you any way I can.” I hugged her, turning to the side so as to avoid poking her in the belly with my erection. She stood still, accepting my hug, sobbing quietly. I dialed back the blood flow to my dick and it wilted. Karen put her arms around me and hugged me. I felt her tears on my chest and her breasts against me. I left the faucet turned off all the way.
We stayed that way for several minutes, then she looked up at me. She smiled.
“This is beyond inappropriate, you know.” She sighed. “It feels so nice, though.” She snuggled against me. “Too bad we’re brother and sister.” Karen released me. She began getting dressed and I followed her lead. Without another word, she opened the door and made her way downstairs.
Other than complementing me on the good job I’d done cleaning my car, no one in my family had a clue about the work that had been done on it.
I was behind on my homework. Usually, I do it on Saturday and take Sunday off. I spent three hours after dinner getting it right, watched an episode of “The Big Bang Theory” and went to bed.
In my dream, I was trying to stop my car before I crashed, but I couldn’t reach the brake pedal. Then the car started to shake. The car morphed into my bed.
“Ethan, wake up!” My eyelids weighed a ton. I struggled to open them. Karen was standing next to my bed, illuminated by the streetlight. She was wearing a cotton pajama top that fit her like a sack. She shook my bed again.
“Are you awake?”
“Yeah, what’s going on? What time is it?”
“It’s a quarter to three. I can’t sleep. I keep thinking about what you said this afternoon.” She hesitated. Her glow was filled with guilt and sadness and hornyness.
“You said you’d help me any way you could. Will you help me?”
“Sure. What can I do?”
Karen sat on my bed. “I need to know I’m not repulsive.” She looked down. “My pussy, you know? It bothers me so much! I loved it when Rob went down on me. It felt so good! Much better than being fucked. I like fucking. I can get off by being fucked, but it’s not the same. I came much harder when he ate me. I need to know that he wasn’t doing it just to make me feel good. He told me he loved doing it, but I can’t help thinking he didn’t really want to, that he just closed his eyes and pretended it was a pretty pussy.” The sadness in her glow almost broke my heart.
“Karen, I told you the truth when I said you have a great looking pussy. It looks clean and smooth and delicious. I can’t imagine why some guys don’t want to go down on a girl, but it’s a fact. Personally, to me, there’s nothing sexier than eating a girl. It’s so intimate! I mean, you’re right there, right where she lives, right where all the great feeling comes from! What could be better than that?”
Karen sat stock still with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath and blew it out, puffing her cheeks. “I believe you.” She tapped her temple. “I believe you here. But I can’t believe it here.” She laid her hand on the middle of her chest. “I don’t feel it in my heart. I need to feel it here, where it counts.” She sat up straighter, determination strong in her glow.
“I’m going to ask you to do something for me. I don’t expect you to agree. I won’t blame you if you tell me to get out.” Guilt and sorrow and despair fought hope and love for space in her glow.
“Karen, you don’t have to ask. I said I’d help you any way I can and I meant it. Why don’t you lose that top and come here?” I flipped the sheet down and kicked it off the foot of the bed. I was nude, the way I always sleep. Without hesitation, Karen unbuttoned her top and tossed it to the floor. She lay beside me and held my face in her hands.
“This can’t be anything other than sex. I’m not looking for a romantic relationship with you. Doing this is wrong already. I wouldn’t be here...”
“I know why you’re here. It’s okay. Just relax and let me do this for you.” I grinned and shook my head. “Well, it’s not just for you. I love eating pussy and I know I’m going to love eating yours.”
Karen was so ready, her glow so filled with anticipation and desire that I decided to skip the preliminaries and get right to it. I kissed the insides of her thighs, going back and forth with licks and light kisses on her lips, tasting her growing wetness. I slipped two fingers into her and licked around her clit. She gasped, a long “ahhh” and tilted her hips toward my mouth.
What followed was tremendous fun. I ate Karen to heights she’d never known, working her glow, with my face buried in her, tasting her and using every trick I’d learned. I led her up to sharp peaks and down through beautiful valleys. She came hard and she came softly. I don’t know how long it went on. Eventually, I brought Karen down to earth, ending her orgasms and leaving her calm and happy and confident.
Karen’s glow was an array of peaceful and satisfied pastels. She was relaxed, lying on her back, looking very sexy in the dim light. The feelings of inadequacy and doubt were gone, replaced by a positive body image and enhanced feelings of self-worth. Next to her, also on my back, I was feeling monumentally horny, but very good about what I’d done for her. My dick pointed at a sharp angle toward my chest.
Karen turned toward me. She patted my chest and kissed my shoulder. “That was wonderful, Ethan, just wonderful. You’re the best brother ever.” Her hand moved down, stopping just short of my erection. “We do seem to have one slight problem, though.” She gripped me, moving her hand, jerking me off.
I put my hand on her wrist. “No, Karen. That’s not why you came in here. I’ll be alright. You don’t need to do that.”
“I want to. Actually, I want to climb on top of you and fuck you, or at least suck you off. I can’t leave you like this after what you did for me. Let me do this, please.” I took my hand off her wrist. Frankly, I was horny as hell and hard as a rock. I was planning to jerk off as soon as Karen left, anyway. It seemed perfectly reasonable to let her do the job.
Karen’s voice was soft and sexy. “Do you want it fast or slow?”
“Slow, nice and slow.” Karen got to her knees and moved between my legs. She fondled my balls and lowered her head, letting me feel her breath on my cock, stroking me slowly. Her tits swayed gently to the rhythm of her hand. I was ready to pop, but I kept a lid on my trigger, staying just a hair away from orgasm. I put my hands behind my head, enjoying the sight and feel of Karen, holding my orgasm in check, trying not to think too much about who this lovely girl was, hovering over my cock, giving me such pleasure.
Twice, Karen’s tongue flicked out, licking a drop of fluid off the tip of my cock. It was so quick, so sexy! Karen was smiling, licking her lips, tasting me. I wanted to cum badly, but didn’t want this incredible thing to end.
“Karen, I’m almost there. You’d better move if you don’t want a facial.” She nodded and licked another drop of pre-cum off me, spreading it across her lips. Her glow showed pure happiness and anticipation. I couldn’t wait any longer. I released my trigger and came. At the first throb of my cock, Karen lunged forward and enveloped my cock head, clamping her lips around me and sucking like mad. My hips jerked involuntarily and I went all the way into her mouth. She bobbed her head rapidly, sucking hard, rubbing her tongue on me, milking me. She didn’t stop and I spurted into her throat time after time. Finally, my orgasm ended. Karen stayed on me, sucking me and pleasuring me with her mouth. There was no question that I could stay hard and I was sure Karen would blow me again. It was tempting as hell, but we’d already done much more than we should. I cranked down my blood flow and my dick softened. Karen lifted her head and let my dick plop onto my stomach.
“Don’t say anything, Ethan. Go back to sleep. I’m going to sleep late in the morning. I’ll be gone when you get home from school.” Karen picked up her pajama top and walked out. I was asleep in seconds.
Monday morning at school, the number one topic of conversation was jailbird Charlie. His mom raised such a stink at the jail Saturday night that they’d thrown her out. She was back Sunday with a lawyer, demanding that her precious son be released, threatening to sue everyone in sight. They threw her out again and told her she’d be arrested for trespass if she came back.
Charlie went before a judge Monday afternoon. He was charged with assault for threatening to kick my ass, destruction of property, leaving the scene of a crime and resisting arrest without violence. He’d been stupid enough to tell the cops that he was someone else, even though he was in his folk’s living room and the cops he was talking to knew him by sight.
The judge turned him loose on a $10,000 cash bond and told him not to leave the county. He was also told not to contact me in any way or conspire with anyone to contact me.
I sat with Harry and some of the other football players at lunch. They were all pretty pissed at Charlie for being such a constant pain in the ass to the team.
“I work out at the same gym Charlie does,” Harry told us. “I’ve seen him talking to a known steroid supplier and buying stuff from him. A bunch of us suspected that he’s been sneaking in “clean” urine so he can pass the team drug tests. I got hold of Coach this morning and told him what happened the other night and that we’re pretty sure Charlie’s doing steroids. The next time Charlie comes to practice, Coach is going to hit him with a no-notice test. He’ll do the same with half the team. If Charlie tests positive, he’ll be history.”
Well, shit!! No wonder I couldn’t get anywhere with Charlie’s glow! He was in a fucking ‘roid rage! Now it all made sense.
I worked Monday night, putting up stock and doing general cleaning at the grocery. Decent part-time jobs were hard to find and mine wasn’t one of them.
On Tuesday, I had a fourth period study hall. My school allows students to do their studying outside in the quad, as long as they actually study and don’t waste time bullshitting. I found a place to sit against the central fountain and settled in with my chemistry homework. I couldn’t keep my mind on it, though. Thoughts of Cheryl’s party and what followed kept intruding. My life had taken such a radical turn in such a short time! My control of the glow was increasing and I was going to have to watch myself carefully. My thoughtless alteration of Alex’s glow was a distinct warning. I had the potential to seriously harm innocent people. I needed to be more cautious and less impulsive.
As I left for my next class, Beth caught up to me.
“Ethan, my father wants to talk to you. I told him you’re in all the advanced physics and chem classes. I think he might want to offer you a job.”
Here we go again, I thought. Rich kids sticking their noses in the regular kid’s business.
“Beth, I appreciate you guys trying to help me, but seriously; I like to accomplish things on my own. I don’t need you bugging your dad, getting me a charity job. Frankly, it’s pretty insulting. I’m not exactly living on the street.”
“Oh, get over yourself,” she snarled. “That’s not what’s going on at all. I told my dad I had a new friend and he was curious about you. When he found out you were a serious science geek, he practically started jumping up and down. He wants to talk to you ASAP. I’ll text you the address. Get your ass over there right after school.” She spun around and stalked off.
As soon as the last bell rang, I sped home, grabbed a quick shower and put on a clean shirt and my best slacks. Mr. Wallace’s office was on the top floor of the Wittier Chemical building. The lettering on the door said, “Randall Wallace, Vice President, Production”. I told the secretary who I was and she sent me in right away.
“Ethan, glad to meet you,” said Mr. Wallace. His glow showed genuine interest. This wasn’t a setup.
“Good to meet you, sir. Beth said you wanted to talk to me.”
“Yes, I sure do, but before I say anything, tell me about your studies. Beth says you’re on the advanced-placement science track.”
I went over my classes and grades, which were all As and my hobby of studying environmental engineering, which I wanted to major in next year. He nodded, his glow a happy green.
“Let me lay this out for you, Ethan. This company is swamped with business and we can’t find anywhere near enough qualified people to work in our labs. I know you’re still in high school, but you have a solid foundation in math and physics and chemistry. You understand lab procedures. You know how to use the equipment. Hell, half the people I interview don’t know the names of the equipment! Beth says you’re dependable and can be trusted. If you’re interested, I’d like to offer you a job. Your hours would be flexible; we don’t want to interfere with your schooling. You’ll be expected to work a minimum of three hours at a stretch, but as long as you inform the lab manager of your schedule in advance, you can come in anytime. We’re running two shifts a day here, so the lab’s manned from 7AM to 11PM, seven days a week.”
Mr. Wallace leaned back in his chair. “As to pay, I can start you at $17.50 an hour.” I jumped. That was twice what I made at the grocery. “If you can work at least 20 hours a week,” he continued, “it’ll be 20% higher; that’s $21 an hour.” His glow was filled with anticipation and hope.
“Well, sir, I’m very interested. I’m putting up stock in a grocery now. It’s totally boring, I’m not learning anything useful and the pay is terrible. I’d love to get some hands-on experience in a working lab. When can I start?”
Mr. Wallace handed me a card. “Call Bill Coyne at 8 o’clock Saturday morning and make arrangements to come in for a quick orientation. If you’ll go to the HR office on the fifth floor, they’ll get you started on the paperwork.” He stood up and offered his hand. We shook. “Very happy to have you on board!”
I filled out forms for an hour. When I turned them in to the clerk, she handed me an envelope.
“What’s this?”
“It’s your signing bonus,” she said.
I opened the envelope and found a check for $500. A signing bonus for a part time job? They must be desperate, all right!
I notified the assistant manager at the grocery that Thursday would be my last day. He offered me a 50 cent raise and I was polite enough not to laugh at him. I liked the people there well enough; not their fault it was such a crappy job.
Wednesday before school, I got a text from Alex – After skol rm 2113 Coleman Suites hotel.
Now what?
I got to the hotel about 3:10 and knocked on the door of room 2113. Alex opened it immediately.
“Hi, Ethan! Come on in, I need to talk to you!” She sat on the loveseat (was that a good omen?) and patted the cushion next to her. I sat down.
“Did you rent this room?’ I asked.
“No, my father owns the chain. I did some snooping in the computer and found out this room almost never gets rented. I have a master key, so I bring guys from the Group here when we can’t find anywhere else to go.” Alex’s glow showed concern and tension and curiosity, but almost no gold. We weren’t here to have sex, so what was this about?
“I need you to tell me something,” she said. “I brought Reggie and Jim here yesterday for a three-way. We fucked and sucked for two and a half hours.” She held my hand and looked me in the eye. “It was amazing! I came and came and came, so hard! I could barely control myself; I just wanted to fuck them and have them eat me! They loved it! I wore them out. They came three or four times each!” Her glow turned gold from the memory. She shook her head. “I’m sore as hell today, but I don’t care.” Alex kissed me. We leaned back on the loveseat and swapped spit for a while, touching each other and feeling sexy. Alex’s glow turned a brighter gold. She was getting turned on and so was I. My hopes of getting laid grew.
Alex broke the kiss. She rubbed my dick and I caressed her breasts.
“That feels really nice and I want you,” she said in a soft voice, “but I need to talk to you first.” She kissed me again and pressed her tits into my hands. “I don’t understand what’s going on with me. Ever since you made me cum at Cheryl’s party, I’ve been so much more sensitive! I cum quicker and my orgasms are ten times as good as they used to be. I love it, but there’s got to be a reason why it’s happening.” She pushed my hands away and the gold in her glow faded. “You did something to me, didn’t you? It can’t be a coincidence that this started when you were going down on me. I love that you did it. It’s like the most wonderful thing ever! I’m not pissed off, I’m grateful, but I need to know what you did and if it’ll last. I’d hate to go back to the way I was. You have to tell me!”
And she was right. I’d messed around with something I didn’t fully understand and had significantly changed another person. There was no question that she had a right to know, but no one knew! I’d kept this secret all my life. If my talent became known, my life would never the same. I couldn’t guess what would happen, but I knew it wouldn’t be good. I could deny it all and make Alex believe me, but that would be a violation of her right to understand how I’d thoughtlessly used her as an experiment without her permission. I was screwed. My choice was between putting the rest of my life in the hands of a girl I hardly knew and violating the principles that made me who I had worked so hard to become.
“Say something, Ethan! I can see you’re thinking about what to tell me and that means you did do something! I can see it in your face.” Alex punched me in the chest. “Goddamnit! I have to know!”
“You’re right, Alex. You do have a right to know. But the first thing you have to understand is, no one in the whole world knows about this. It’s been my secret.” I took a deep breath.
“Okay, here goes. As far back as I can remember, when I look at a person, I can see a glowing area in the middle of their head. By looking at the colors, I can tell their emotional state and their health. What I can see has gotten more detailed as I got older and it’s still getting more detailed. I can tell when someone is happy or sad or depressed or horny. Lately, it’s gotten to where I can see their recent memories in a fuzzy way. Our brains don’t stop developing until we’re in our mid-twenties, at least, so this ability might keep getting stronger for years. I don’t know. I never heard of anyone else with this talent and I can understand why. Not so long ago, they’d have been burned at the stake. Now, they might end up in a secret government lab, being tested and probed for the rest of their lives.”
“But how did you change me?” she asked. “And why did you do it?”
“I saw what a specific part of other girls’ glows looked like when they came. Yours was much different, much smaller and less flexible. I saw a way to change that and I did. I did it on the spur of the moment, without thinking it through and without asking your permission. That was wrong. I didn’t have the right to do that and I don’t have the right to lie to you about it now. I owe you the truth.”
Alex sat, looking down, thinking. Then she looked at me. “Well, that’s pure bullshit and you know it! It’s just fucking impossible. I don’t believe in magic and I sure as hell don’t believe in psychics! If you’re going to sit there and try to blow smoke up my ass, you can just get out!!”
I smiled. “I’m glad to hear you say that. I don’t believe in that shit either and I wouldn’t believe it without some hard proof. I’m going to give you that proof now. You said you were sore from yesterday? Well, you just sit there and I’ll see what I can do.”
I quickly located the appropriate area in Alex’s glow and set to work. In less than two minutes, I was finished.
“Okay, that should do it. How do you feel now?”
Alex hesitated for half a minute, then she stood up and opened her jeans. She reached into her panties and felt her vagina. Her eyes opened wide.
Chapter 3 COMPLICATIONS When the phone rang late in the afternoon I was so emotionally beaten my initial thought was “what next?” It was Kate phoning to tell me she would be staying one more day to finish her installation. She said she should be back by dinner tomorrow. Ten minutes later the phone rang again. It was Alicia asking if Kate called. “Yes, just now, how did you…” I said before being interrupted. “Just a hunch. Did you say anything?” Alicia said, “Phil called me to tell me he...
Chapter 3 COMPLICATIONS When the phone rang late in the afternoon I was so emotionally beaten my initial thought was “what next?” It was Kate phoning to tell me she would be staying one more day to finish her installation. She said she should be back by dinner tomorrow. Ten minutes later the phone rang again. It was Alicia asking if Kate called. “Yes, just now, how did you…” I said before being interrupted. “Just a hunch. Did you say anything?” Alicia said, “Phil called me to tell me he...
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The USS Gromsmaro was not a supply transporter and not a unit of the Science Council. She was a full sized, late model Union battleship under the command of Captain Bronbohr, a four meters tall Vvolti. Bronbohr was not the most liked commanding officer in the Union fleet, but there was hardly one more correct or fair. His ship and crew were among the top ten vessels in the entire spatial navy in terms of response to alert times, simulated battle honors, efficiency ratings and so forth. The...
Carol stood in the doorway waiting for me to let her in. I was still in a slight state of shock at this unexpected surprise. "Zach, my dear, you look absolutely pale," she said. "I know it's been a while, but I thought you would be a little happier to see me." "Uh, no, Carol, it's just that you're probably the last person I expected to see at my door." "Well, here I am, are you going to let me in?" I moved back, opening the door wide so that she could come in. "It's just that this visit was...
CheatingAfter Chloe left I returned to repairing the stable door, but my mind was not completely on the task. The wild idea that had entered my mind, of remaining at Château Blanchard and having Annette and the three girls as my mistresses, had become a more tangible thought. I still had not heard from Caroline, and all I had was Krish’s assurance it was me that she loved. Even if Krish was correct regarding her feelings towards me, she may have reassessed her priorities now she was widow. I knew...
Chapter 1 Just how do you expect me to believe that you have truly given her up. How do you expect me to believe anything you say to me period? You’ve lied to me more times than I can count. That was exactly what Christine wanted to scream at him at this very moment. Instead she just gave him a blank stare. ‘Chris, are even listening to me?’ John asked. ‘Yeah, I am listening to you. It does not mean that I believe what you are telling me.’ ‘Why?’ ‘John, you have told me so many times that...
The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 8 Written May-July 2020 "C'mon hurry Claire!" Ally made sure she could make her way, along with Claire, to the party house early that fall morning. What she saw in a text message from Becky caused her to get up quickly and get themselves over there quickly. Granted Ally and Claire took some time to clean up after their 'pleasure session' from last night, though all they could muster was a pink bathrobe for Claire, and a maroon one for Ally,...
The girls and I finished putting the finishing touches on our costumes. Megan was dressed as a high born Lady, her dark blue dress had ruffled sleeves and a low neckline. Her light brown hair was in a bun with wispy curls falling down around her face. The dress fit her compact, curvy form beautifully. The full skirt brushed the ground as she spun in a circle like a child.“I love this dress,” she squealed.“It looks amazing on you,” I said. I was a tad jealous. I couldn’t afford to buy a dress...
HardcoreI woke up slowly, listening to two voices whispering. I caught only small snatches of the conversation. " ... it was safer." " ... want breakfast?' " ... later, maybe. Let her sleep." I felt covered and warm, although I was a little sweaty. I had my arm across Evan's chest, and my head was tucked into his shoulder. He was facing me and our legs were intertwined. I had a general feeling of euphoria with a dull ache in my nether regions, and my arms and legs felt like spaghetti. I...
Some weeks later it was the Diplomatic Advisor, Ghada Baroud, who had the ticklish job of informing the Emir of the communication from the British Ambassador. "Master," he began, "There has been a communication from Her Britannic Majesty, Elizabeth, by the Grace of God Queen of England..." "Yes, yes. What does the British Government want now?" "Master, it is not from the Government. It is a personal request from Her Majesty conveyed via her Ambassador. That was made very clear to...
I arrived home to a room full of expectant but smiling females. "She didn't take us up on our offer?" Shani asked, frowning slightly when she noticed I arrived alone. "No," I sighed, feeling like I was disappointing everyone walking in the door without my date draped over my shoulder, "though I suspect it was more to be fair to Kitty than anything. Although," I hesitated to build a little tension, "she did mention a certain fear of being dragged into the sacrificial bedroom by the...
Marjorie Purcell hadn’t sensed her tension grow as attendance dropped off for planting season. She did, however, feel herself relax as attendance grew again. Unlike picking season which took everyone, different family members had different demands on them at different times of planting season. When the family had a plow, which more than half did by now, the man of the family usually did the actual plowing. Day attendance of the children was little affected; even many women could come to...
Allison had mixed feelings about Christine's new schedule. On the one hand she was unhappy that we wouldn't get a ball to work with and that the experiments she had in mind for the evening had to be put off. On the other hand, it meant she got me to herself for the evening, and she planned to take full advantage, going to bed so early my mom even said something about it. "It was a long day," Allison said. "I'm a little burned out, so I'm going to meet Jimmy in the cabana for some...
[“Good Morning gentlemen, how long have you guys been here?”] Sam chuckled, “Since about 6:30, I wanted to get the coffee going before you guys got here.” Larry came in carrying a bunch of papers that he just finished photocopying. He told me we needed to make a copy of the signed plans because he was afraid the FBI was going to take them. Many of them had ‘marks’ on them and we needed to have them to figure out what Jack may have done or was trying to do. Larry wanted to make sure we had...
Renée returned to the living room. Erin had pulled her shirt back on, but Chloe didn't want to put the messy white shirt back on. Erin took it to the kitchen to soak it so it wouldn't stain. I pulled a shirt from my closet for Chloe and she smiled gently as she put it on, minus her bra. She pulled on her skirt and that was it. Chloe walked with me into the living room. Renée sat on the love seat with her legs crossed and that mischievous smile in place. Erin returned from the kitchen and...
Calix woke, sitting bolt upright in bed. His heart was racing, his body covered in sweat and no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get his breath. His hands were clenched, ready to fight, ready to strike out at – who? Who was attacking him? His mind was already calculating his lines of sight, the routes of escape – door in front and to the right was better but he could make a stand at either of the far doors on the right wall, one corner was better than the other – a bathroom with water...
I awoke, still blissfully joined to a beautiful, strawberry blonde pixie. I felt her sweet love tunnel squeezing my semi-hard cock. When her eyes opened she giggled, “Oh God Charlie, you don’t know how much I want to do that again! The way you made love to me last night, so slow and intense was something I’ve never experienced before. It was almost like you were doing everything I wanted you to do. I can’t believe that you lasted almost a full hour. Bob can go almost 30 minutes, which I...
[We were just going in the house when Sarah flashed, “Charlie, I’m at the hospital! I think we may have a very serious problem...”] “Are you okay” “Yes, I’m fine, but you better circle the wagons! There’s this Native American doctor who is certain that you and/or Linda have ancient healing powers. AND he and his colleagues know you are friends of Greg Sanders!” “How do they know our names? Linda and I never...” Aw SHIT. We’d told the two victims we were friends of Greg’s. “Charlie, they...
June 1981, Milford, Ohio Stephanie was off the couch like a shot. “Stay inside!” she ordered, pointing a finger at me, as she opened the front door and darted out to intercept Becky on the steps that led down from the driveway to the house. I didn’t have to hear them to see that they were both very animated. It was obvious that Stephanie was telling her to leave and Becky was refusing to go. Their voices got louder, and I saw Becky try to step around my little sister, who was doing her...
The study date was a real surprise for Misty. Doug did swing by the grocery store while she waited in his car cramming for her history course. At his apartment building, he led her to the apartment unit that he and his mother shared, put the groceries away, quickly started a crock pot dinner for that night, and then led her back downstairs to the pool area of the complex. She thought, ‘OMG, he can cook!’ “It’ll be nicer sitting out here rather than inside,” Doug told her. The two sat at one...
They kept their jobs at the theater after they had reported their findings to their client. Al wanted them to keep their cover for a while. He told them that the client was going to confront his wife that day and begin divorce proceedings. Evidently she had done this before and the client had proof of her prior 'mistakes'. After they arrived somehow Michael, the leading man, had gotten Barbara alone again. He hadn't even said hello! His lips had found hers and, for Barbara, her well...
I was sitting at the desk, Allison standing behind me when Bob and Rebecca walked in. I had already cleaned us up and wiped all outward signs of what had just happened between Allison and me. As usual, they had met in the lobby and come in together. I didn't wait for them to say anything, "So how bad is it?" They stopped in the entryway for just a moment before moving to sit down. "Bad enough," Rebecca said. "An envelope was delivered to my office yesterday. It contained a letter from...
Before I went off to see Rebecca that night I checked in with Walter to see how the Palm Springs issue was going. "My Lord, I am close to breaking him." "Stop calling me that!" "As you desire my Lord, we have agreed to debate that issue another time." I wanted to scream, but I managed to contain myself, "Thank you, Walter, keep me informed and let me know if there is anything you need." He bowed and left. I spent most of the night going over every image and memory Rebecca had of...
We had long ago determined that distance did not pose a significant obstacle to my gift. Tonight I learned that there is a difference between distance, and proximity. In my life I had really only ever been close to a few people that I shared dreamspace with; first Allison, then Shannon, and shortly after that Bob and Rebecca. My first indication that something had changed was waking up next to Lizzy instead of Allison. Usually I either awoke alone or cuddled with Allison, tonight I...
Sadie his boss was ostensibly working at the Air Ministry, but they periodically arranged to meet for informal meetings at a small café called "The Shamrock" which was between their two work locations. Most of the administration work of room 44 was done very efficiently by Tracy Morgan the civilian executive officer. She was no respecter of rank and she ran a very sound organisation, which allowed Sadie and Tony time to get out in the field when required. One of them visited her daily and...
"So ... now what?" I leaned away again to look up at his face, one eyebrow raised. "Alistair! If you suggest that we skip past the awkward part and go straight into the steamy bits, I'm going to take you up on the offer, out of spite if nothing else. You just be careful what you say next." "I ... well, the thought did cross my ... hey, wait! I told you to stop stealing my lines." We giggled together. "What I actually meant was, what do we tell everyone? They all gossip, you know...
The death of Lord Morehouse would be felt by his followers once they were free of Master PC. I wasn't sure how I would address that. For that matter, I wasn't sure it was my responsibility. More than likely the entire Mind Magi Council would have to address it. Either they would find a replacement House leader or allow those members to join the remaining Houses. Standing up, I pulled out my cell phone to call Michael. I turned away from Morehouse's body. Knowing that I couldn't save him...
Wendy: 4:40 PM “Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “that better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.” “It’s me, can I come up?” “Alex?”...
(Debated where this should go. It’s truly a romance story, but since it doesn’t contain a sex scene it maybe should be in non-erotic. If I write a part two though it will. In which case, this is the prequel story. You decide.) * ‘If you’re not a man with a woman on his mind I don’t know what one looks like.’ I hear a soft voice break through my thoughts. Looking up from the cluster of cooing pigeons I see first brown house shoes, worn on the tips badly, then a polished, knobby, wooden...
This is my first effort here. Hope someone likes it. Some overly religious types may object to my taking of the Lords name in a rather vain manner. Sorry, but Christ it is just another word, albeit with some rather heavy associations. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. That said I don't think it's too far out there. However you be the judge. Copyright KLS 2005. People are Complicated ...
Wendy: 4:40 PM“Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “That better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.”“It’s me, can I come up?”“Alex?” Wendy...
Incest"Daddy?!" "Yes honey?""Where did my biological mother move to again?"I groaned, but not so loudly so my daughter would hear me. It was a quiet Sunday. I was in the kitchen, making us some sandwiches for lunch. She was in the living room waiting for me before putting on a movie. This was not a topic I wanted to discuss right now, but I answered her anyway."Minnesota."I could almost hear her roll her eyes. "I know THAT, Dad! I mean where in Minnesota?"I sighed. "Minneapolis. Or St. Paul. One of...
Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...
March 8, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “You don’t look happy, Mike,” Mom said when I greeted her after arriving home. “Tasha and I had a serious disagreement.” “Uh-oh. Because of her dad?” I shook my head, “No, it’s way more complicated. We can talk after dinner if that’s OK.” “Sure. Your sister and her friends are up in her room.” “The tradition I started?” I grinned. “Exactly. You had Jocelyn and Dale at every birthday celebration from the time you were in second grade. And before that,...
At not-quite-thirty, I was still the youngest lawyer in Robert’s office, and so when we had the opportunity to take on a four-year contract with a large legal publishing company, those duties got dumped on me. It turns out, I was okay with that. Though it did complicate my lurid daily teasing with Julie, Robert’s newly hired receptionist. Wow, was she ever hot. And she loved to play games with my head, in a sexy way. But that’s yet another juice-covered story I’ll think about telling you...
ExhibitionismAuthor’s Note: This is probably the most ambitious story I’ve ever tried to write, not so much because of the plot, but because of the changes the characters go through and the emotions they have to deal with along the way. (Events are easy; people are hard!) The problem is, even if I succeeded in my goal (and that’s one hell of an ?if,? since I’m certainly not a professional writer), everyone has a different idea of what exactly makes people and emotions seem real. What works for one person...
Chapter Twenty-EightThere can be few more beautiful sights than the early morning sun rising slowly over the majestic and ancient city of Istanbul. Despite my current anxieties, my chest tightened with emotion as I stood on the balcony of the five-star hotel and watched brightening sunlight gradually drive the shadows from the dark streets and iconic buildings.It would have been close to romantic perfection to have been able to share this view with the woman I loved and respected so much, but...
ReluctanceThe Single Life: It's Complicated By RogerGirl Well, it's been about a month since my double date with Ryan and we've been hanging out a lot since then. Now before you jump to any conclusions, we aren't hanging out in that way. We've been watching sports and hanging out as friends. I know people say men and women can't be friends, but I think we have proved them wrong. I've made it very clear with Ryan that we are just friends and nothing more and so far he's gone along with...
I just hung up the phone and I can’t believe it. Elaine really left her husband and is moving back here. Damn but I have really missed that woman. I am smiling thinking to myself I can’t wait until next week when I look up and see Mike. “Hey baby, who was one the phone?” he asks. “Hey honey, oh just an old friend of mine I hadn’t heard from in years. She is moving back to town and wanted to get together when she gets here.” I tell him. “Oh yeah, well that should be fun.” He replies. ...
Straight SexThanks to blackrandl1958 for gifting the idea to me and her most appreciated editing, and to Crkcppr for Beta reading. The complication visited me on October 15, 2010, at 7:30 in the morning. I was at Wilcox Field, waiting to board my flight for Nassau when two men in bad suits walked up to me. They stopped in front of me and I looked up from my iPad at two impassive faces. “Mr. Cavanaugh, would you come with us please?” one spoke. Polite fellows, they even said please. “Who are you and what...
Arthur Bower finally arrived at the resort where his cousin Kate Bower was going to get married. The resort had smaller cottages for each special guest and he was lucky enough to be far away from his annoying relatives as he requested from his cousin. Arthur was known to be the heir of the Bower fortune so the relatives suck up to him as much as possible in order to conspired more favor from him and gain more wealth for themselves. He went to the resort and greeted his family as he predicted...
I just hung up the phone and I can’t believe it. Elaine really left her husband and is moving back here. Damn but I have really missed that woman. I am smiling thinking to myself I can’t wait until next week when I look up and see Mike. “Hey baby, who was one the phone?” he asks. “Hey honey, oh just an old friend of mine I hadn’t heard from in years. She is moving back to town and wanted to get together when she gets here.” I tell him. “Oh yeah, well that should be fun.” He replies.
Total fantasy about getting Dad’s girlfriend pregnant. Nothing true here, just my twisted mind wrapping around some pictures here on XH. Love it if you would give it a thumbs up if you like it, if you must give it a thumbs down perhaps you’d comment on why you didn’t like it. All comments are appreciated, it is the only payment I receive for my writing.Tracy was about the tenth girlfriend my dad had since divorcing my mom. I arrived at Dad’s place promptly at 8:00 AM as we had agreed to begin...
So, with my favorite NTR hook up site getting taken down and hearing about other friends lives recently etc I started to reflect a bit on my life (mainly in regards to sex). I've definitely had it good and a bit easy. I was defint on the red pill path before that was even a thing. It was probably more down to chance than I care to admit though. Being brought into the "lifestyle" at a very early age and then having several partners in a row that were not only tolerant but also very enthusiastic...
The complication's name was Eduardo Gonzalez. Sophia met him in her calculus class-he was a math major. A native of the Dominican Republic, he had lived in New York City since he was thirteen. He was dark, and oh so gorgeous. Every girl in the class had been trying to catch his attention for a month. Sophia was bemused by it all-especially since Eduardo seemingly had eyes only for Sophia. He had made some sort of suggestive comment to her, a week into school, and she had just giggled and...
Friday, May 31, 1996, Sanford Maine Mmmm, that was the best damn steak that I had ever tasted, so juicy and bloody, it was just how I loved it. Now, if I only had an ice-cold Corona to wash it down with... “Would you like a Corona, sir?” a scantily clad waitress asked as she suddenly appeared at my side. She just happened to be carrying a tray with a bottle of my favorite beer sitting right smack in the middle of it. “Umm, yeah, that would be great,” I replied as my eyes were drawn to the...
Every evening we would go out to dinner. There are a number of small inns and restaurants in Governors Harbor, although none of them are very fancy. A lot of them are just bars that offer food, usually seafood. That was fine; we didn’t have to get dressed up and we both loved seafood. Besides, the island is small. It stretches almost 90 miles long but is really just a big beach in the middle of the ocean, and there are maybe 10,000 residents in about a dozen little towns up and down the...
Raat 11.30 baje. Sobai barite ghumiye poreche. Kintu chitra’r kichute’e jeno aaj ghum aschilo na. Ektu age Amit k ekbar try korechilo, but or cell ta off pelo. Kichu’e bhalo lagchilo na chitra’r. Amit chitra’r boy friend. Kintu chitra feel korchilo Amit keno jani na but last few days dhore ok patta dichhilo na. Dekha kora to dure thak, thik moto phone’e o katha bolchilo na. Ei sob bhabte bhabte ektu ektu chitra’r ektu ektu chok ta lege elo. Hotat kore cell ta beje uthlo, o bhablo hoito amit...
My eyes shot fully open as I felt the head of his cock pop into my ass. I heard a loud moan as I felt him slip slowly, inch by agonizing inch, into me. It took me a moment to realize that it was me moaning as my eyes focused on the water in the clean, white bowl in front of my face.I had snapped into full consciousness suddenly, but it still took a few moments for my brain to slip completely into gear and ask the most important questions: where the hell am I? Who is attached to the baseball bat...
February 24, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “What the heck were you thinking?” I asked testily. April and I were in my study, and I was giving her a hard time about being with Jesse. I didn’t REALLY have a problem with it, but I did need to make a couple of points with her. “I thought you’d be OK with it!” April protested. “Jennifer even let me spend the night with Jesse on Tuesday!” “You’re thirty-four! He’s fourteen!” “Steve, I’m sorry. I honestly thought you were OK with it! Your first was...
It was a cold October Halloween night and Linda was missing her sweetheart,Scott. They had been together for quite a while now. He told her that he wouldn’t be back in Milpitas until November at the earliest. It was difficult for Linda to get Scott out of her mind, especially since their last time together. Closing her eyes, she could envision him lying next to her. She missed him. She made herself a Lemon Drop & raised her glass to toast aloud,“Here’s to you, Scott, whatever you might be...
Friend's Daughter is Such a Tease By billy69boyPart OneMy best friend Joe inherited his parents' shore house after they passed away. He has been living there permanently ever since his divorce several years ago. It is a quaint little bungalow, with an open layout and three small bedrooms. My wife Barbara was away with her girlfriends up in the mountains for two weeks, so I thought I'd spend a few days at Joe's helping him out with various projects. Joe has a disability which prevents him...
It was a Saturday night and Brandy was striding angrily down the side of the illuminated street, her fists still clenched from her anger. She had had enough of that jerk Chad to last a lifetime. And when she had stormed out of his car a few blocks back, screaming for him to stay the fuck away from her, she was pretty sure he finally got the message. She was pretty much into her own thoughts as the headlights from the large rig behind her caught her in their bright light. Glancing back for a...
We were already half through one of the worst years since we had been married. It was like one set back after another for Mike and I, first after trying to get pregnant since our honeymoon, this year I have had two miscarriages. The Doctor claimed my husband had not only a low sperm count, what few he had were too weak to keep me with child. This was not only devastating news it was very humiliating to my husband as my female gynecologist not only prodded his privates she peppered him with...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Mommy's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You're looking sharp,” I said to my eldest son as he came downstairs in a pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt tucked in. He always wore t-shirts too tight for him. He loved to show off how ripped he was. My sixteen-year-old son was such a handsome man, so much like his father. “Hot date, Mom,” Ryan answered, his brown hair...
It had been a while since I’d seen you but you’ve been on my mind a lot; likely far more than you should be. I reached out to you again through email and sent you a story that I wrote for you. We started chatting and soon enough we both arranged a “sick” day where you would come visit me so we could get to know one another all over again. You arrive at my house just before 9am, knowing that the kids will have gone to school and Natalie would be at work. Your nerves are on edge, a combination...
Vacation Fun Chapter 1 - Vacation Fun(The girls of iCarly/Victorious/Sam & Cat go on Vacation together to catch up and relax.)With everyone off doing their own thing, there hasn’t been much time to hang out like they did in the past, so it is no shock that when everyone got the invitation Tori and Jade sent out, they accepted without a second thought. The invitation is for a week’s vacation at a private beach house, complete with a small private beach, Tori won the vacation as a prize in a...