Learning the Lifestyle Pt 10 A Night out Dancing
- 4 years ago
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Everyone is watching everyone. That’s what she was taught. Her first cogniscent moment was the face of an elder, leaning into her face and whispering the words.
“Watch everyone. Trust no one.”
The first time, she was far too young to know what the words meant. But even her innocent, child eyes could see the menace and fear mingled in the elder’s face. She understood that she was being told about something that would flow through every element of her life.
The elder’s words were, she came to realise, a mantra for their times. Since the revolution, the calendars had been wound back to zero. Nothing was to exist before the day when the revolution conquered all, and ushered in a time of peace and joy for everyone. Peace and joy that was brutally reinforced by a police state. For Leoni, this was society, and the only one she’d ever known.
As she grew, she realised that her parents had been alive before the revolution. But she could not imagine what they would have done. Nothing, it seemed, had existed before the leader arrived, and without his beneficence, nothing would. They seemed to have had no life prior to this moment, and their eyes opened wide with horror when, as a small child, she’d asked what they did when they were young. She’d been ushered into a corner, away from any other eyes and ears, and told never to speak of that time. Not under any circumstances, in front of anyone, at any time. They looked her straight in the eye and told her that if she ever asked again, she would die.
Her parents both worked in the factory on the edge of the town. From a distance, they looked identical, in their plain brown smocks and moccasins. They had an identical walk, a subjugated, head-down pose of small steps, intended to leave as light an impression on the earth as possible. They did everything they could to remain meek, mild, and totally invisible. Their brown smocks depicted their station as level three, between the leather-skinned agricultural workers at level two, and the level four of the coal miners. Level five and above – teachers, doctors, leaders – got to wear grey. Those at level one wore black, and seldom lived past twenty five.
While they were at work, Leoni was schooled in the large hall in the centre of town. The siren heralded mass movement for all, a seething, pitching, wringing mass of people sliding and writhing across each other, like a pit of snakes, as they untangled themselves into a series of destinations – school, barracks, factory. None of them making a single sound, save the occasional retching cough from a miner.
Soldiers lined the route in studied indifference, staring vacantly at the middle distance, yet intimidating with their brutal coldness. No life or light danced within their eyes – it had been trained out long before they were allowed duty. If it could not be trained out, it was beaten out. If it could not be beaten out, they were thrown from the cliff on moonless nights. Occasionally Leoni would hear a scuttling and shuffling of feet outside the house, and she believed this was an untrainable soldier being taken to the cliff. But she never knew for sure. No-one ever talked about it.
School was a series of repetition drills, for nothing in this world was written down, save the leader’s name. They repeated these mantras for an hour every morning, even though they had long since learned them by heart. It seemed pointless to Leoni, and she worried about this, because it meant that she did not take the mantras to heart. She was such a long way from real enlightenment, she feared she would never get there. And one day, someone might find out, and she’d be taken to the cliff in a shuffle of darkened footsteps. She never told anyone of this fear. Not even her parents. Because she was sure they would turn her over to the soldiers, and turn their backs on her.
After repetition drills, an elder would come to the school and tell them of life before the revolution. Of the chaos, the disease, of burning birds falling onto cities, of screams and filth and hate. And of how the leaders fought a brilliant campaign to win, and how they should be thankful to live in such a peaceful and happy time. And after each elder had spoken, they would be made to stand, one by one in a vast hall of two thousand children, and say how happy and grateful they were.
Leoni could not understand why, if the elders could remember the horrors of the pre-revolution, her parents could not. But, one day, something happened to change Leoni’s world forever.
Leoni was fourteen, and approaching the age when she would be sent to the city to learn how to fight. Because although the revolution was successful, it seemed other nations wanted to take over their country, and it was necessary that everyone – men and women – knew how to fight. If the time came during war, they must be ready to help the brave soldiers who protected their land.
It was summer and the air, broiled in the soot and pollution from the factory that burned coal all day and night, simmered beneath a blanket of choking smoke. Water seemed to drip from every surface, and even the soldiers seemed to glisten slightly as they stood next to every doorway. Each house had a soldier, who would walk around the house, listening for sounds of…..of……what? Leoni didn’t know. And didn’t want to know.
She had noticed that every summer, around the same time, she seemed to have one night when it appeared that she slept forever. One day in ten was a day of rest from school and factory, although they were expected to gather in the square at midday to receive their revolutionary lesson. At sunset, she sat with her parents for food. On the wooden table were three bowls, three cups, and a jug. She shovelled the rice into her mouth, pushing the food in too quickly, until a sharp knock on the table from her father made her slow down.
He was a harsh man of few words. Just a look, and the occasional sound, were all it took to bring instant obeyal. She couldn’t conceive of not following his every command. His face and body seemed chiselled, and incapable of softening even for a second. Her mother was warmer, given even to the occasional encouraging smile, when she thought no-one could see. But, more often, she wore the haunted look of someone in fear of discovery. Leoni didn’t know why.
She was encouraged to drink up, as it was bedtime. She had noticed that they hadn’t drunk their water. Which was strange, given the heat and the humidity. For some reason, she didn’t want to drink. When her parents looked towards the hilltop as the siren sounded, she quickly dashed the water into a barrel to her left. She bowed her head as she left the table, and the three of them went to bed.
The darkness pressed against her face. She lay on her blanket, looking up to where she knew the ceiling to be. The only lights in the whole town were in the hands of the soldiers in the main barracks. Even the soldiers outside each house didn’t have one. With practice, you could persuade your mind to adjust to the light, and you could make out shapes and objects.
Occasionally she could hear the footsteps of the soldier as he walked around the house. She knew the drill. Everyone knew the drill. Stand by the front door, count to one thousand, walk around the house, count to one thousand, and so on. So that all night there was a reminder of the all-encompassing eyes of the leader.
Tonight she heard something else. A whispering. At first she thought it was outside the house, whose walls were thin and allowed every sound into the room where she lay. But then she realised that it was her parents. Her parents were talking, and moving. It was past the siren time, but they had not yet gone to sleep. She heard a slight creak, that she recognised as the opening of the door to her parents’ room. Very slowly, very carefully, she crept past the foot of her bed and opened the door an inch. The darkness in th
e main room seemed total, but as her eyes adjusted, she could see her parents, crouching in one corner. And what she saw astonished her.
Her father had carefully moved his chair from the corner of the room, and he was now lifting a floorboard. He handed it to her mother, who placed it noiselessly on the chair. Her father reached in to the hole beneath the floor and pulled out a package. As he handed it to her mother, Leoni could see the flash of his teeth in the tiny glimmer of light in the room. For the first time in her life, she saw her father smile.
They unravelled the package and, for a second, Leoni couldn’t make out what they were doing. Then she realised that they were dressing. The package contained clothing of some kind, though she had never seen it before, not even when the leader had visited the town and she’d seen the white and gold robe he wore. These clothes were strange, and seemed to serve no useful purpose. Her father was dressed mainly in black, but not the black of the wretched level ones. The lower half of the cloth seemed to form two pipes, one for each leg, with a shiny black stripe up each side. The upper half seemed to wrap around him, with a white undercloth, and a strange black thing shaped like a bat around his neck. The thought came unbidden to Leoni that her father was a handsome man.
Her mother’s cloth was stranger still. It was a wide piece of cloth that billowed around her legs and seemed to be wrapped inside itself somehow. It narrowed to her waist and then came out again. But there wasn’t enough of it and it left her shoulders bare. Leoni didn’t know what the colour was, except that she had seen something like it on a bird. She thought it was called red. But it was difficult to make out colour in the gloom.
She watched enraptured. Her parents were silent. They hadn’t made a single sound since they had left their room. She couldn’t imagine what was going on. But something about the way they moved, and the way they halted when the soldier passed, told her this was not allowed. When the soldier began to walk around the house, they froze. Literally, they didn’t move an inch. All three of them listened to the steady, measured march of the soldier, stepping slowly around the limits of their lives in even paces. When the strides stopped, her parents very slowly continued with their preparations.
At last, it seemed, they were ready. The moon came out from behind a cloud, and tiny slivers of silver-grey light pierced the reed shutters that covered the window. The shards of light seemed to explode into the room, and Leoni could see their faces much better now. She could barely control her breathing. Never in her life could she imagine anyone doing something as bold, as brave, as daring, as foolish.
They padded silently to the centre of the room, their bare feet protruding from beneath these strange new clothes. They stood facing each other, their eyes barely a foot apart. Just staring, until their faces seemed to crumple a little and, she realised, they were smiling at each other. Not a small, nervous, encouraging smile. She’d seen those occasionally from her mother, but this was different. This was a smile that swept across both their faces and seemed to light them from within. It seemed to flush through their skin. The silver light played around their eyes, and their faces seemed changed, possibly irrevocably. She realised she could never see her parents in the same way.
Her father’s hand reached around to her mother’s back, and alighted gently on her skin. Leoni could see that her mother’s breathing was soft but agitated, her back muscles flexing as she fought to gain oxygen without making a sound. Her mother’s arm swept up and lay almost absent-mindedly on the back of her father’s neck. Their other hands met in front of them. Palm to palm, barely touching. And then they began.
Leoni had never seen such movement, from anything. So achingly slow, so tantalisingly measured. A foot sliding across the dusty floorboard, a puff of dust whisping into the flashes of moonlight. Another foot tracing an arc to meet it. Then a slow, delicate move, up, across, around. And so silent. Their heads still, despite moving and swirling and dipping. Their bodies so close, but never touching. Always that inch apart, but longing, longing for each other. As if their desire could eat up that space and melt them into one, perfect whole.
As they twirled silently, Leoni could see flashes of their faces in the intermittent moonlight. On the face of her mother and her father, she could see tears. Without schooling, without being told or taught, just from an instinct in every nerve she had, she knew that this was her parents’ way of showing love.
Abruptly, they stopped, in mid-step. They held their position, wordlessly, as silent as the chairs and the table. The soldier had started again. With the moon out, Leoni could make out elements of his silhouette as he began the methodical, almost mechanical, steps. Leoni’s eyes followed the filigreed darkness of the soldier’s movements, wincing and shuddering if she felt they were slowing. She swivelled to follow the soldier’s moves, but her parents did not. They remained frozen, their eyes locked onto each other. Gazing into each other’s souls for the strength they needed to hold out. At the window, the steps stopped.
The steps never stopped.
Leoni felt a rush of confusion. The soldier wasn’t back in position, she was sure of that, yet he had stopped. Still her parents held that high, sweeping position, her mother’s head tilted back, but her eyes on her husband. He held her, his tiring muscles beginning to shake, his eyes on his wife. Silence roared around the house, filling it, squeezing it. The soldier was silent.
Then, a shuffle, and the walk resumed. Step, step, step, step, halt. The soldier was back in position, and her parents could move. The strange shuffling began again, and they twirled silently once more around the grey light of the house. At last, they came to a halt. They stood, again facing each other from inches away, smiling into each others’ faces. The tears had stopped now. Leoni’s father moved closer in, and his lips brushed against her mother’s. It was clear this held some meaning for them both, because when they parted, their smiles were bigger even than before. Leoni heard their whispered words, said in unison, but didn’t understand them.
“Happy anniversary”.
The next day, her parents behaved as if nothing had happened. But Leoni could not. She kept her head bowed more than usual, for she feared that if she looked into their faces, she would explode with questions. Questions she knew they could never answer. And questions, she was sure, that would make them send her to the cliff. Or, she thought, if I look at them they will see inside me, and know that I watched them. And then I will be sent to the cliff.
Before the siren went, the three of them were having breakfast, when a soldier suddenly stood in the open doorway. He said nothing, but his imposing uniform and his gun dominated the entrance to the house. She would not learn about which soldier was which, until she went to learn to fight. But she could tell this soldier was more important than the soldier outside their house last night. He looked slowly around the room. A place for a fire, a table and chairs, and bare floorboards. He looked at Leoni’s father.
“You. Here.”
The words were spat. Her father rose from the table and, as he began to move towards the soldier, one hand quickly brushed across his wife’s. Something unspoken, and very deep, and very final, seemed to pass between them.
The soldier was the same height as her father, but he seemed to dominate him through the power of the uniform. Her father stood rigid as the soldier slowly walked around him, using the same, even paces as the soldier the night before. Leon
i and her mother looked down, and the world ceased to be more than three feet high. There was a sharp crack, and her father’s legs flinched slightly. Another crack, but no flinch this time. Then, suddenly, her father’s legs lurched outside and into the grim daylight. Leoni risked a glance upwards, and saw that several soldiers were taking her father away.
Panic seized her. The cliff. It must be the cliff. She started to rise from the chair, but her mother grabbed her arm with a steely grip. She looked at her mother, and saw everything in the world within her eyes. Fear, resignation, a deep and fiercely burning love that could never be extinguished. But not hope. No more hope. Leoni’s eyes flooded with tears, and she collapsed into her mother’s chest, sobbing like a baby. The thought ripped through her that she would never see her father again. Ever.
Her mother held her tight, almost brutally tight. As if her grip could keep anything she loved close to her. Her mother’s gaze fell to her neighbours, who scuttled and fled back to their houses like startled birds in the face of her cool, clear look. One of you. One of you did this. One of you who shares the same fears, the same dreams.
Leoni was still expected to go to school. If she didn’t, the soldiers would return, and she couldn’t bear to think what they might do this time. She fought her way through the mass of people after the siren. Tears made her eyes shiny, and she kept wiping them with the sleeve of her smock. At school, she would feel fear, panic and sorrow rise from within her chest and try to punch its’ way out of her. She pummelled it down, her breath rising and falling as she fought to keep everything within. No-one asked her what was wrong. No comfort was offered. She wondered if she’d known anyone who had lost someone this way. She decided that she hadn’t.
After school, she went as fast as she could to get home, without arousing the attention of the soldiers. Hustling, scampering steps that were just short of running. Her face smeared with drying tears, her mouth thin with the strain. She got home before her mother arrived from the factory.
Leoni moved quickly to prepare food. It was on the table when her mother arrived. She had never looked this way before. She looked very pale, and seemed so much smaller than she had yesterday. She was more hunched, more cowered, more beaten. As soon as she looked at Leoni they collapsed into each others’ arms. They staggered into Leoni’s room and fell onto the bed, out of sight of the neighbours, and the soldier. Holding each other seemed the only thing they could do.
Leoni’s words were choked and wrenched by her own sobbing.
“I saw you and father last night. I didn’t mean to, I just did. Is that why they took father away?”
Her mother stared into her eyes for a moment, and a shudder went through Leoni as she realised she could no longer predict her mother’s reactions. Her mother was so overcome with grief, almost any reaction was possible.
“No, Leoni. That wasn’t the reason. Your father stole some water from the factory. Just a small bottle. To give to his brother, who is sick. Someone told the soldiers about it this morning, so they took him away to the….cliff.”
She’d struggled through the whole explanation, tears falling from her eyes and her struggles for breath punctuating every line. They touched foreheads and cried some more. Eventually, her mother looked back up at Leoni.
“You must never speak of what you saw. Ever. It is forbidden. You and I would both go to the cliff if the soldiers ever found out.”
“But what is it, mother? What were you doing? I could see that it is forbidden. I saw you stop when the soldier walked past. But why?”
“It is an ancient form called dance. Your father and I used to dance all the time. We would dress up in costumes and dance and dance. But the leader has banned dance, because it is a form of expression that is outside the code. It is not mantra, and it is not a revolutionary song of courage. So it is forbidden. But we hid two costumes. Each year we celebrate the time of our wedding, by having one, silent dance.”
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I was out on the town with my wife. We went out for dinner, then we hit a couple bars. She likes to dance, so we went to a blues bar: live band, large dance floor. Now, I'm not one for dancing, but she doesn't mind. Usually she just dances on her own, and once and a while she has to put up her guard with guys. For her, it's worth the hassle. She really enjoys it when I watch her. And, If there's no one around to talk to, I love to watch her move her body. As long as I don't look like a creep. I...
EroticNovember 1980, Milford, Ohio On Monday, at lunch, I called Doctor Mercer’s office and found that the Monday after school slot was still open. I scheduled appointments for the remainder of the year. I left school as soon as the bell rang and headed to see Doctor Mercer. I explained to her what Bethany had said and how she felt it was negatively affecting our relationship. Doctor Mercer asked a lot of questions as she tried to draw out my concerns and issues. I felt somewhat better when I left...
. . . . It was a typical day at work. He needed to get out of the office for lunch for a change of scenery. He spent the next hour debating in the depths of his own mind if he should stay or go. ‘What the heck,’ he thought. ‘I have been working so hard on this project. And after Bob dropped the ball and got my nuts in a vise with the big boss I need to just take a long lunch and re-group.’ He called his wife but she declined and was complaining about the extraordinary workload in front of...
As I looked down at my best friend, big Bob, it was hard to believe the condition he was in. Just three days prior, this huge man was tossing logging chains around as though they were toys. A truck driver by trade, Bob was only thirty-five and could out work, out drink, and out fight men fifteen years younger than him. Just three days and now he is lying here in the ICU room clinging to life. Big Bob was brought down by the smallest of things, the H1N1 flu virus. His once massive chest no...
**Please realize that this is an ongoing story and will be posted a chapter at a time in order to keep sections from being too long. Also, this tale involves my rendition of the Master/slave relationship… loosely based upon John Norman’s ‘Universe of Gor’. It is not intended to go by the book.** * * * * * * * She cowered upon hard, hoof trodden, earth, nothing more then a heavy chain and a pile of torn, filthy rags beneath a blanket of dusty tangles. Like some old guard dog that was no longer...
Diane laid back on her mat with her arms straight down at her sides. Her eyes were closed, her breathing deep and soulful. She tried to clear her mind and listen to the sounds of nature around her. Other women lay around her, each on their own mat, trying to find the deep, peaceful meditation within themselves. Occasionally, the soft, smooth voice of the instructor would offer soothing words or explain what to do next. Right now, she was silent, letting each woman relax and clear their mind. ...
LesbianI work in a nursing home, filled with several hot coworkers. About half I dream about fucking them. This one fanstey is about the quiet hot blond nurse at late nights. Her name is Kim, she is 5'8", blond hair, curvy body, sweet plumb ass, and sexy big titis, I would say about 36dd. I met her by coming into a station room, and she was playing with her feet. She had taking her shoes off and rubbing her feet....got me to stop and stare. Anyway, any we meet, I say hi, and she mumble hi back, so I...
"What the fuck are we doing here. Seriously?" I growled in his ear. I was still smiling, and I doubt anyone was going to be lip reading.We were on the dance floor, my arms around his neck, slowly swaying to a crappy Lawrence Welk-wanna be band."You know what we're doing here, darling." His reply was sugar coated, sappy with his big grin. And why shouldn't he be smiling. He was dancing with the most beautiful woman in the place. The men were obviously jealous of his new trophy wife, and...
Ariel is rewarded for passing my test as Sex Student by a nice night out: 'Dirty Dancing'Awesome Ariel passes the tough test for admittance as Sex Student at our Institute easily.Ariel did do her best to have no holds, during the very interesting long intimate Interview.Ariel does deserve some reward, next to her awesome orgasm from masturbation for me.Ariel wonders whether she will wake up next to Him, perhaps in even Professor's arms?Ariel is interesting: in the cunning contrast between being...
I would never have guessed how naughty this girl was, but I'm so glad I found out!We have been friends for quite some time, me and Angela. We met via mutual friends, hung out at parties and at home. Angela is in every way your typical young women next door. A bit on the chubby side, blonde hair at shoulder length, always properly and modestly dressed. Everybody would agree she had the cutest smile on her pretty face. And for me it was certainly that pretty face that drew me to her. She just...
If you have any talent for bullshitting, there are some torpedoes you can see coming and prepare for with a little well-intentioned manipulation. Evil questions like 'Do these pants make my ass look fat?' or 'Do you think that girl's hot?' can be deflected with a casual compliment to the fine derriere of the former, or the snarky comment about dime-a-dozen looks to the latter, because unless she's really looking for a fight, she'll accept the validation. That's what Jahn liked to tell...
I was looking forward to my sixteenth birthday party with about as much enthusiasm as I would a bad dose of the flu. I'd had a lousy three weeks. Tonight's family get together was a bid by my dear old mum and dad to lift my spirits and, at the same time, celebrate my reaching the official "age of consent". Not that they quite thought of it that way, I'm sure. I didn't think of it that way either, because I'd already done a little bit of unofficial consenting before the event, so to...
Part One I'm a Lieutenant in the US Navy, my names Sarah Wilson, I'm a tall brunette, well 5' 8" actually. I'm quite cuddly. With 38D breasts and I usually wear a size 14 (US) clothes. I wear glasses most of the time as I don't get on with contacts. I suppose you could say in and out of uniform, I'm quite a plain Jane. Since joining the Navy I've worked hard. To the deficit of my personal life, No one ever seemed to make a move on me. So I kept myself busy. Got to work with some damn...
Subject: America 2009 – A frightening look at the future for women in America. Word of warning, this is not what I would consider an erotic story but it is a story that should only be read by adults. In fact writing it caused me pain. Even I find it difficult to read. Something inside me made it come out. Call it fear, I hope, or call it a premonition of what is to come. Is it the sad truth of what it may be like to be a woman in America a few years down the road if those currently in power...
I’ve always been the quiet shy kid. That and having to move 3 times during high school crippled my social life. I’m 6 feet tall, short brown hair that curls when it gets long, brown eyes and broad shoulders. I’m straight and homophobic to be quite honest. I had a girlfriend back in California in 8th grade but it was really nothing serious, just someone to walk with during classes. In my high school in Arizona, I did manage to meet a few friends in a job club which offered school...
It was late at night, around ten o'clock and that in common was the usual curfew time. The girls could hear local crowds of people from the outside laughing merrily and chatting gaily, as well as screaming about all sorts of nonsense. Folks around town never had consideration for those trying to get a bit of shut-eye indoors, but they never cared. Nobody cared in this town. This town had strip clubs, bars, and various entertainments scattered around that always made people loud at night....
LesbianShe saw him, too. Her heart stopped for a moment when she saw a man with deep brown hair standing at the opposite end of the field. She saw the powerful but gentle muscles of his arms, his strong chin and perfect lips. Then she saw the gleam of a ring on his finger, the children who ran past him to play with her nephew, and the woman who slipped her hand into his as they began to walk towards the party. It was all just a quick fantasy. Nothing would become of it. She turned back to her...
I was watching a movie in my bedroom, and soon found myself falling asleep. Before I was fully alseep, a weird wirling sound came from my bedroom window. My eyes popped open thinking it may have been my husband arriving home early to perhaps surprise me. To my shock and surprise, before I could spring out of bed, I was motionless as I took heed to a strange shadow lurking next to my window; it was as if it appeared mysteriously though the thick glass, and was actually standing a few feet away...
As he sits at his computer she comes up behind him and kisses gently him on the neck. He goes to say something but she puts her finger against his lips not allowing him to say a word she wants it silent. She moves in front of him and takes his hand and pulls him up takes him and pushes him onto the bed she leans over and starts to lift his top up as she does this he raises his arms so that his tops slides up and over his head, she drops it to the side, leans forward to kiss his lips but moves...
Silence, I hate the silence. I hate what it does to me, I hate that it gives me time to think. I don’t like to churn things over in my head as it makes me start to worry and heaven knows, I'm good at doing that. My Master is giving me the silent treatment yet again. I’m bored of being punished like this and thinking back, the last few times I didn’t do anything to deserve it. He’s pushing me to do something, something that I need to be punished for.I check my phone again but there is nothing,...
LesbianOn Diane's third night at the retreat, hot, steamy dreamsof her and Emma flowed through her mind. She woke up wet and horny and slipped a hand down between her legs. She thought about what it would be like to have Emma here with her in her bed. Emma's full breasts and curvy hips drove her insane. Diane pictured Emma straddled across her hips and sliding up and down on a dildo that Diane would have strapped around her hips. Emma's breasts would bounce up and down as Diane sucked on her hard...
LesbianIt was dark in my room and the only light was from the hall that my door allowed through. I was home alone and hot, with slow hesitation I grabbed my breast. Tugging and pulling till I was dripping from my skirt. Moans increased of pleasure and echoed through the halls. I took the lower edge of my panties and rubbed it up and down against my pink pussy. So sensitive it won't stop quivering. I quickly remove my skirt and bra to suck on my tit as my hand continues to fondle. A silent yelp lets...
"Tiffany! Tiffany!" Mrs. Jensen called out.Tiffany was in her room listening to music. It was the day before Christmas. Tiffany was upset since her mother was going to be working on Christmas Eve that night. Mrs. Jensen was a manager at a small diner downtown and had to work hard since her husband died over 5 years ago. It was only Mrs. Jensen and her three c***dren. First there was Dylan, who had just turned 20 earlier that December and was home from college. Then there was Tiffany, who was...
Silent Roses My entire body shuddered and shook as the tip of the rose slowlyglided its way from my neck, between my quivering breasts, down my torso,stopping only to circle my belly button, then down further, pausing just abovethe dark, moist warmth that was screaming for attention. It then made its wayback, following the same trail it had taken down, ending as it traces my lips.I gently kiss it, smelling the sweet, light scent, smiling at the dark, eroticred colour, the way the petals...
Silent Sissy Cuckold by Throne Danny stood in the corner of the bedroom, watching his wife Tandy get dressed. For most guys, especially if their spouse was as pretty as her, it would have been a pleasure. Not for him. First of all, he was naked except for a pair of very brief panties, lavender ones, through the filmy material of which it was obvious that he was locked in a chastity tube. Second, his collar-length blond hair had been styled. It was cut into bangs and turned under at...
It was Friday night when my wife, Maxine, came into the room where I was watching TV. I recognized from the way that she was dressed that she intended to do some serious partying. This was news to me, for as far as I was aware, this was just going to be another night for both of us spent in front of the telly. "I'll probably be back late, Darling, so don't bother waiting up for me. I have to go, that's my cab." "But where—" was all I managed to get out before she was out of the room...
Rachel Brandon sat by the fireplace, waiting for the jolly man that had come to visit her every Christmas since she was sixteen. She waited and worried. Was this the year that he didn't return? Was this the year that she finally got pregnant and had his child? As the night wore on, the 28 year old mother of two wonderful little boys asked herself if she was just wasting her time. It had been 12 years since that first visit, and each year she fell more in love with the man with the white...
“Did you find what you were looking for in that locked room?” Spencer asked as Ethan handed the heavy key ring back to him. The old man doddered into the office behind the main desk, returning the keys to their place on the wooden board, Ethan following after him. “I satisfied my curiosity,” he replied, a lie of omission. He wasn’t sure if anyone would understand what he had been through in that suite, it was better to keep his mouth shut for the time being. It was quite a leap to go from...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Rajin im 19 years old now im 5'3 tall,black hair,brown eyes nad have a 7 1/2 inches penis.my story happen when it was my 18th Birthday,my parents decided to celebrate it by picnic at the beach.let me make it short...my sister at that time is 18 3/4 years old,she's 5'3 tall,long curly black hair,bgrown eyes same as mine,have a firm breast w/ small brown nipples,and a big ass,yes our family had really big asses..my story goes like this... it...
IncestWorking away from home can have it's advantages, situations arise that would never do so at home. I had been working out east for several months, working a two week rotation where I got to travel home every second weekend. For the last week or two, the hotel where I was staying was advertising an up coming fancy dress dance night. It happened to be on the Saturday night that I would be staying over so I decided to go to it and have some fun. The weekend before, I was at home and packed a few...
MatureInterlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: The preparations peaked on Wednesday. By Thursday the major projects were done and the detail work started. It was also the day the press started to break through. Aunt Francine was back. She never met an interview she didn't like. There were Jeff Winston's appearances on Today and Good Morning America. A select handful were allowed inside the gate. Dad said he thought they had a handle on the amount of interest. Wrong. But that was later. Wednesday...