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Subject: America 2009 – A frightening look at the future for women in America.

Word of warning, this is not what I would consider an erotic story but it is a story that should only be read by adults. In fact writing it caused me pain. Even I find it difficult to read. Something inside me made it come out. Call it fear, I hope, or call it a premonition of what is to come. Is it the sad truth of what it may be like to be a woman in America a few years down the road if those currently in power get their way? This story has disturbing images of violence against women. It is not for everyone and the images presented are disturbing and frightening and may be difficult for most women (and I hope most men) to read. But it also has a message that I thought needed to be heard. One last thing, nearly all the laws referenced in the last part of the story have become law or have been proposed as laws in various states.

Silent Sorrows (A look to a future America?)

She slept with him because he wanted her to. She felt so guilty and sorry for him. She was going away to school while he was going to be stuck at a community college in their hometown. She had always thought she would stay chaste until her wedding night, but she was leaving in just days and he kept saying that if she loved him she would. So she did. That night, at his parent’s house. It hurt and she bled. He was clumsy, even though he said he had done it before, with other girls. He said she just wasn’t doing it right. He didn’t want to but she insisted he wear a condom. He wanted to do more, but she said no that she didn’t feel well. She dressed while he watched her, lying in the bed, smoking a cigarette. She hated it when he smoked. She was home before curfew. She cried herself to sleep.

The following day she knew it was over. She never should have done it. She didn’t love him, she knew that now, and she was sure he didn’t love her. She would tell him, tomorrow night. He and his friends from the baseball team were all going to the Diamondbacks game and then over to his house. She would meet him there. She would tell him it was over, she owed him that much.

When she got there most of them were drunk. They were all out in the yard, drinking beer, even though they weren’t old enough to do so. His parents were gone for a few days, had left just that morning, two mornings after she had done it. They wouldn’t be back until Sunday night.

He grabbed her and kissed her. She let him. One last kiss and she would tell him. She took him by the hand and led him away from the other boys. She told him it was over. He said it wasn’t. She said it was, but that she would stay, she would not embarrass him in front of his friends. He tried to kiss her again, but she said no, please don’t.

They were loud, drunk, smelly and obnoxious. They always seemed to be like this. She was polite. She smiled, let him hold her hand. Her pop tasted funny. Well, she always drank diet and he didn’t have any. Must be the sugar.

Something was happening. The noises were getting louder. The yard seemed out of kilter. Someone gave her a glass of whiskey. She didn’t want it. They held it up to her lips. She felt weak. They poured some into her mouth, it ran down her chin, over her blouse.

Someone was pawing at her blouse. Buttons being undone by hands that were not hers. She tried to push them away but didn’t seem to have the strength. Her bra was opened. Hands were on her breasts, squeezing them, pinching them. They pinched her nipples hard. It hurt, but she couldn’t stop it, couldn’t even scream.

More hands, her shorts were undone, yanked down. Hands went down the front of her panties. She was still sore from that night. She looked up. It was his hand. But other faces were all around her. Her panties followed her shorts, down to her knees. She felt herself being pushed over the arm of a couch, her breasts hanging down in front of her, her naked bottom seen by those faces. Tommy, they boy she knew from church. Bill, her best friend’s brother, Alan and Allen, the boys from her honors English class, others, she knew them all, they all knew her but none had ever seen her flesh before.

He stepped up behind her. She felt him pull her shorts and panties down to her ankles, then lift one free. Why couldn’t she stop him? Why didn’t one of them stop him? Instead they just watched as he unzipped himself and forced himself into her. No condom this time.

It was over quickly, just like that night. But this time she would not be able to tell him there would be no more. He was kneeling in front of her. He was forcing himself into her mouth. The bitter taste of her own juices and his made her gag. She felt him growing hard in her mouth at the same moment she felt someone else behind her, pushing into her.

The rest of the night was a blur. She saw a video camera and flashes of light as they took turns, sometimes one at a time, sometimes in groups. A few did use condoms, most didn’t. They fucked her. They forced themselves into her mouth. They forced themselves into her throat, causing her to gag so much she thought she would vomit. She couldn’t breath as they pushed themselves down her throat. It hurt, they hurt her, time and again. And when they had had her there he had stood behind her again, rolling her over, spreading the cheeks of her bottom and squirted some suntan lotion between them. He forced his fingers into her, first one, then two. Forcing the lotion into her. Why would he want to do that? She couldn’t stop him as she pushed himself into her anus. Her body tried to keep it out. It hurt, even worse than her throat. But he just pushed harder until she couldn’t stop him. She felt herself tear as he forced his way into her.

This time he wasn’t so quick, he didn’t seem like he would stop. Finally she felt hot liquid in her bowels. He pulled out and plunged himself into her vagina, not even bothering to wipe off the combination of blood, feces and his semen that coated his penis. He grew hard again as she heard cheering. She felt something oozing out her anus. When he was done with her vagina, when he had gotten himself hard again, he plunged into her anus one more time. When he finally finished he reached down and picked up her white silk blouse and wiped him self clean with it, stains of yellow, brown and crimson soiling it forever.

When he was done some of the others took her again, this time plunging themselves in where he just had. Even Pete, Tommy’s older brother, who was married with two daughters of his own and a third baby on the way, took a turn. When they were done they moved her out into the yard. She lay on the ground, naked and cold. Hot liquid streamed onto her. It smelled horrible, tasted salty as it streamed over her face, into her mouth, over her naked breasts, between her legs. She heard laughing again.

She awoke hours later, naked, her clothes on the grass next to her. It was almost light. She found her blouse, stained with whiskey, beer, semen, feces, blood and urine. Her panties were nowhere to be found. She found her shorts clean because they had laid there next to the couch all night. She dressed as well as she could and snuck back to her house. She entered quietly. She took a shower trying to scrub away the filth. She was still bleeding from both her vagina and anus. She didn’t know what to do. She dressed, putting two pads in her panties to prevent the blood from staining her clothes. She and her parents left for church.

He was there when they returned from church. She didn’t want to, but he said he had to talk to her. He said that she had better not say anything. She had wanted it. She hadn’t been drugged. They had the videotape and pictures to prove it. Her taking each guy on, taking on three and even four at once while the camera caught it all. No one would believe her. Her parents and her friends would see the pictures, the tape. It would be on the Internet the moment she opened her mouth. He handed her a sheet of paper. A printo
ut of a close-up of her mouth filled with someone’s penis. Another one. Three naked bodies, three different cocks, one in each of her holes filled the page. Their faces were not visible, but hers was, as well as the rest of her body, naked.

He snatched back the papers. She cried as he walked away. She thought about going to a doctor. Two years ago she could at least get some pills that might prevent the thing she now feared most. Two years ago they had been available to all women, without having to go see her doctor. For reasons just like this. But not anymore. Three days later she left for school.

Six weeks later she knew. The tests, all three of them confirmed her fears. Now what would she do. She had always been pro-life, but now what would she do. She was not married, and the laws in the state she went to school, laws based upon the those the soon to be President Elect had passed earlier in Florida said that she would have to name the father if she put the baby up for adoption. And if she didn’t know the father, she would have to place an ad in the paper of her hometown, the place it had happened, listing all her sex partners. Even if she kept it she needed to do the same in this state since they had decided that every child had the ‘right’ to know their father.

Abortion was now illegal in this state and most others in the country, except in cases of rape, incest or life of the mother. But rape and incest must first be proven, the perpetrators convicted and all appeals exhausted because legislators thought women would lie to get an abortion, unfairly accuse men of rape simply to terminate a pregnancy. So far no abortion had been allowed because no rapist had been tried and convicted soon enough to allow an abortion. And after the first trimester, even rape and incest abortions were no longer available in many states.

She could travel to another state, but anyone helping her do so would be liable for prosecution by this state. She could travel back to her home state, but the laws there were not much better. In fact, most laws in this part of the country, those that even allowed an abortion, required the consent of the father. She would have to pay for the tests to identify the father, and then would have to ask him to sign a form allowing her to terminate the pregnancy that his vile act had created. If he refused she could try going to court, but in most cases the rights of the father, the rights of the rapist, were upheld and the woman was required to carry the pregnancy to term.

No, that wouldn’t work. She could travel 1200 miles to the a state that didn’t require this, but she would have to spend a week in counseling, that she would have to pay for, and watch films that showed graphic photos of late term abortions. After all of that she could have it taken care of. Of course her picture would be taken every day, going in and out of the clinic, and posted on the Internet. People would follow her back to her motel every day after counseling. They would pound on her door and try and save her baby. They would try and find out where she came from, and if they found she had left this state to have an abortion, she could be apprehended and returned to the state and held until her pregnancy had come to term.

Her name and her medical records would be public records, supposedly to be kept private, but one legislator had spent a day reading women’s names in the State House as he argued for further restrictions even in that state. Some of these women had been prosecuted. Others killed.

She saw no other option. She couldn’t have this child. She went out one night, to a part of town she knew that prostitutes walked the streets. She asked them questions, pleaded with them. No one would talk to her, afraid she was a police officer seeking to arrest them for conspiracy to commit abortion. Finally she found someone who told her of a person. A telephone number scrawled on a piece of paper that she was to call from a payphone only. She would be told where to go, whom to meet. She would have to go alone and bring cash.

She called the number, tears streaming down her face. He said he was a real doctor. He said that he did this not for the money, but the money was so much. At least four times what was charged just two years ago before those two Justices had left the Supreme Court, one who died and the other whose health finally forced her to retire. Then if you had to have an abortion at least you would be in a clinic, with nurses and doctors and all the necessary equipment if something did go wrong.

She met him on the street. She had brought the cash. He had robbed and raped her. She had been set up. She couldn’t go to the police or she would be arrested for conspiracy to procure an abortion.

Again, late at night, on the streets she finally found a woman who seemed true. She had a name, the name of a real doctor she said. He would help her. But she would have to once again bring money, money she didn’t have. But this woman knew a way to get money fast. A week or two on her knees, in cheap hotels, and she would have the cash.

She sold her car instead. Met the man, this time in a public place. He only agreed after she told him what had happened the first time. He wouldn’t give her a name, or any proof he was a doctor, but he told her where to be. She was to go to an industrial park with lots of trucks and warehouses but little traffic or light at night. She had to take a cab to get there. She told the cab not to wait, that she would find a bus home.

She met him there. He had her get in his van and they drove around until he was sure he wasn’t followed. Once inside the building they stopped at, an empty building he had her undress completely, checking her clothes for homing and listening devices. The table was there and it did look like it came out of a doctor’s office, years ago. She got on the table and he apologized that he couldn’t give her anything for the pain. The anesthesia was just too dangerous without help. He opened a case and removed some instruments. He told her to lie back and try and relax. Her feet went into the stirrups. He went to work.

She felt the pain. She knew what he was doing. How could it have come to this? She had done nothing wrong. She felt something tear. He told her it was all right, that he was done. She should take it easy for a few days, she would have cramping and bleeding. He packed up and helped her from the table. Something didn’t feel right but she was hustled out of the building. He put everything, even the table in the back of his van and drove off. She walked towards the street. She felt something warm running down her legs. She got halfway to the bus stop before she collapsed. It was cold that night with a light rain falling. She was cold by the time someone found her lying in a pool of watery crimson.

The coroner had seen so many of these cases recently, but to report them for what they were would cost him his job. Still whoever had done this to her was a butcher not a doctor. Self-inflicted injury would be the cause of death on the certificate her parents would get. Some of the other girls were self-inflicted, but still seeking the same result. No mention of abortion would be found in any of the records. He wondered why they just didn’t have him call it a suicide, but then again suicide rates were not politically popular either. But those were up also among women. He zipped up the bag and placed her in the back of the van that would carry her to the morgue. She would lay on a slab there until her parents could come and claim her. He would clean her up, wash the blood out of her hair before he mother had to see her. He pitied the poor police officer who would have to call them and tell them their daughter was dead. She had only turned 18 only four months ago. The rain began to fall harder. He would let God deal with cleaning up her blood.

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Silent Love

Some months after my first sexual experience with another boy an opportunity with another boy at school came my way. The boy and I were both seventeen. He had the loveliest body of all the boys I had sex with – it could have been made in heaven and yet I will freely admit he was not a good looker but it was not his looks that attracted me. His younger brother, as it happened, certainly was pretty and some of the other boys my age had a crush on M. He was a boy who loved the attention and got...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Silent Daughter

Dan was lying on the couch daydreaming. His hand wandered down to his lap where two lovely feet were resting. His hand gently touched them, then began to lightly stroke. They squirmed in pleasure in his lap, rubbing against his cock and causing it to engorge and thicken. That brought him back from his dreams. He looked down to see his daughter's feet in his lap, his hand stroking them. Worse, he felt his cock quickly growing in his shorts. Stunned, he yelled, "Molly, get your feet off of...

2 years ago
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Silent Freak Part 1

My mother can be pretty persistent, and annoying at the same time. So I sent a text back reading “Sure, whatever” cause I know she'll be texting me right at 5pm telling me that it's 5pm and asking if I've left the house yet to come pick her up so I can take her to get groceries for the family. I hate these days of the week. Because I also know that she'll bitch and whine for me to come into the grocery store, and she won't take no for an answer, and it's extremely annoying. Like, please...

2 years ago
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Silent Submission 30

I did stay for him to get hard again. And again, he came down my throat. My life changed dramatically following that fateful party with Randy. Over the next two weeks Randy would invite me over after work to hang out and drink beer. But of course he finds a way to get his boner in front of me. Which never failed to get me sucking him. He would greet me at the door with a big smile, welcome me in gesture me to sit on the couch and get comfortable. Definitely nicer than he was before. But...

1 year ago
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Silent Night 2 The Bloody Claus

Alice a Christian born red head, who, admittedly, hated the religion. The only reason she was in it was because her parents were Catholics through and through. She went to catholic school, because the public schools were too vulgar and didn't teach her the things her parents wanted them to teach. However hating her religion she found ways to be a corrupt disobedient girl. Cutting her dresses a bit shorter then sowing a seem around it, not wearing bras half the time, and doing things in...

2 years ago
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Silent Submission 2

I cannot believe what I did to my friend last night. In the most awkward and unforeseen way, my long time best friend had "forced" me to blow his dick. Twice!! At least, I tried to convince myself that he had forced me. I left his house immediately afterwards. I haven't spoken to him since. I just knew he'd call me gay and humiliate me. My mind replayed the events over and over in my head. How could I possibly defend my sexuality after last night? He had called at around 11:30 this...

2 years ago
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Silent Night PT2

He managed to get close enough to rub his massive knob on my labia. I could feel the contact made, and his wet cock seemed to slowly ooze a lubricant. I tried to struggle to break free but I was bound even tighter. I decided that this was it, and that I wasn't able to fight him off, or attempt anything silly, as I would not win, the more that I tried. I could feel the warmness of his cock shrinking to human size, as it slowly worked itself into my cunt. I squinted my eyes shut, in agony,...

1 year ago
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Silent Goodbye

In the dead of the night, I come to you. No words are spoken between us but I can read your body language. The look in your eyes is saying that you want to make love to me. Our lips meet when we embrace. Your hands caressing my face and neck. Your tongue tasting my lips. Your hands softly gliding down my arms to interlock your fingers with mine. You gaze deeply in to my eyes. Still no words are spoken. As we embrace once more, I hear your breath in my ear. I feel your soft passionate lips on my...

2 years ago
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Silent Lovers

Closing her eyes she could feel his mouth go down on her nipple so gently and start to suck. She moved her hand down to her bare pussy and stroked it so lightly. She leaned her breast in further so his mouth surrounded all her areola and caught her breath when he sucked her in. Her thoughts were of his touches, his tongue moving so gently yet firmly across her nipples. Her pussy was getting so wet, she started to finger herself but felt his hand push hers away as he slowly finger fucked her. ...

3 years ago
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Silent but horny

In my 20s I got my first apartment of my own, and took advantage of the complex pool as much as I could. I often snuck into the apartment complex pool at night, padding barefoot across the still-warm parking lot, hopping the fence, and slipping quietly into the water before sliding off my shorts. I’d float and paddle around, enjoying the sensual feeling of cool water on my naked body. Invariably my cock would harden and I would stroke it underwater as I swam, bringing myself to the edge of...

1 year ago
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Silent Night

Nicole was laying on the bed when her husband, Rick, came home from work Friday night. The only thing she had on was a black bra, black g-string, and fishnet stockings to match. When he walked into the bedroom, he saw her laying there sound asleep. As he stood there and looked at how beautiful she was, he began to get aroused. He undressed and climbed into the bed next to her. His movement in the bed just made her turn away from him. He felt bad for taking so long at the office, but there was...

2 years ago
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Silent Orgasm

Last month, my father was elected president of his local lodge. One would think he was elected President of the United States the way he was talking about it. He seriously needed a reality check with his boasting and bragging. Mom was of no help as she constantly reminded me how difficult it was to be accepted in the lodge, let alone be elected president. Who cares? Apparently, I do as I’m his daughter. I am his only child. Dad showers me with his over protectiveness as well as gifts me with...

2 years ago
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Silent triggers

The last thing you remember is beating your meat to one of your anime incest videos. You were stroking your shaft, laughing to yourself watching the antics of the mother and sister getting into completely absurd situations, while making their son and themselves cum from the slightest skin contact.All this, while finding the son and them barely wearing anything at all. You laughed out in pleasure and humour, when your knee hits the lamp next to your bed. Which in turn slowly falls down onto you...

2 years ago
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Silent Night

You're Nate, the typical ninteeen year old guy. Tall and athletic, your spiky brown hair practically bows down if any 'hippy' girl passes by. You're a terrific flirt and your keen beetle black eyes are constantly on the lookout for 'busty babes'. You don't know /what/ exactly went into you - but the day you saw her... (people call her Jessica, but you prefer to call her Dream because she's your dreamgirl) .... your heart throbbed dangerously. You'd never even felt such a huge /crush/ on...

2 years ago
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Silent shower shag

I couldn't sleep so I went to the all night gym for a bike session. There was no one there except for another guy on the treadmill. I worked up a good sweat, cleaned up the bike and went to the changing room to shower. The other guy came in a minute later but we never exchanged pleasantries or even a glance. I stripped off my sports stuff, as did my neighbor. I stole a look over at him, as you do, and was surprised to see a semi erect cock! I couldn't take my eyes off it and I knew he knew I...

1 year ago
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Silent Silver Daddy

A few years back, I had a job that took me all over the UK as a maintenance engineer. A big drawback to the job was staying away all week, usually in the cheapest, nastiest hotels you can imagine, cooped up with three or four hairy arsed, snoring and farting workmates. A lot of our work involved night shift work, so the daytime hours were our own to do with as we wished. Suffice to say, once I awoke in the early afternoon from the previous night's work, the prospect of spending the day with the...

2 years ago
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Silent Love 2

Diane and Emma had spent the rest of the second day staring at each other and stealing touches when they could. But they had no real opportunity to be close until the afternoon of the third day. After lunch was their private time. Each person was to find a place on the island away from everyone else and spend the time in quiet reflection. Counselors would make rounds around the island checking on each one of the guests and would talk quietly if someone was troubled over something. As Diane made...

2 years ago
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Silent Auction Night Bidding For Me

The bidding on Ashley was over. She always goes for a premium price. She’s 38. I’m 52. So now I was the last one to be auctioned off. The men were able to see me but I could not see them. Nor could they see one another. Privacy is what made this fund raiser work. The women knew that they would be expected to do a fashion show in a private hotel room at a 5 star resort in our lingerie or in a bikini. For that, our club would raise a lot of money for the local SPCA.The master of...

2 years ago
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Silent Orgasm

Last month, my father was elected president of his local lodge. One would think he was elected President of the United States the way he was talking about it. He seriously needed a reality check with his boasting and bragging. Mom was of no help as she constantly reminded me how difficult it was to be accepted in the lodge, let alone be elected president.Who cares?Apparently, I do as I’m his daughter. I am his only child. Dad showers me with his over protectiveness as well as gifts me with his...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Silent Aunt8217s Ass Licked

Hi I am back this story is about me and my aunt. After reading please share your comments on my email address When this incident happened I was just 18 year old kid. Ours is a joint family. Big house me my parent’s grandmother and, 1 uncle, aunt and their kid. So our house is always full with guests also. Past one year I was slowly learning about sex, few body changes in me. My first attraction was my aunt. I started showing my naked body to my aunt while taking bath. Purposefully I use not...

2 years ago
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Silent but horny

In my 20s I got my first apartment of my own, and took advantage of the complex pool as much as I could. I often snuck into the apartment complex pool at night, padding barefoot across the still-warm parking lot, hopping the fence, and slipping quietly into the water before sliding off my shorts. I'd float and paddle around, enjoying the sensual feeling of cool water on my naked body. Invariably my cock would harden and I would stroke it underwater as I swam, bringing myself to the edge of...

4 years ago
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Silent Watcher

Voyeurism: the practice of gaining sexual gratification from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity. That cod-psychiatric definition (lifted from an internet site) was good enough for me. My reclusive middle-aged neighbour, Madeline, I’d decided, was most certainly a voyeur.I’d been fascinated by the Peeping Tom phenomenon ever since seeing Hitchcock’s ‘Rear Window’ back in the 1950s: a rather over-rated movie in which the wheelchair-bound James Stewart thinks he’s...

3 years ago
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Silent Hunger

Bernadette was in her bedroom, as thoughts of Sherri flooded her mind. The heat from the advancing sunlight had made the bedroom extremely hot. Bernadette had realized perhaps, she should put something cooler on. Bernadette got out of her blue jeans. Lifted her blouse and grasped her bra. When Bernadette did, her hand brushed across her breast. Almost as if she was in a waking dream or perhaps not. This brought back Bernadette to thoughts of Sherri. The warm soft thought, the feeling of...

4 years ago
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Silent Abby

It started completely by accident. I was walking from the garage through the kitchen and on my way to the bathroom and as I passed by my older sister Abby who happened to be bent over moving her clothes from the washer and into the dryer, for no reason at all and with no premeditation, I smacked her big ass. However, my hand didn't land on either cheek; it landed almost perfectly in the middle. Abby emitted an 'Ooof' and as she was straightening up quickly, she bumped the back of her...

2 years ago
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Silent Stranger

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror wearing only a bra and panties, her wet hair still up in a towel, Karen looked herself over. She had certainly come a long way, appearance-wise, in the last few years, but it still took her a long time to get fixed up. And this was only for a lunchtime meeting with a girlfriend. It had been two and a half years since the twenty-six-year-old Karen began living full-time as a woman. Hormone treatment, exercise and diet had done wonders for her figure. Her...

1 year ago
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Silent Night Naughty Night

"Tiffany! Tiffany!" Mrs. Jensen called out. Tiffany was in her room listening to music. It was the day before Christmas. Tiffany was upset since her mother was going to be working on Christmas Eve that night. Mrs. Jensen was a manager at a small diner downtown and had to work hard since her husband died over 5 years ago. It was only Mrs. Jensen and her three children. First there was Dylan, who had just turned 18 earlier that December. Then there was Tiffany, who was 15, and last there was...

2 years ago
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Silent VigilChapter 2 Ghost Stories

The first day passed by without any noteworthy holdups or problems. The staff were experienced, and the heads of the departments knew how to coordinate them. Rodriguez delivered his list of suggested repairs, and it was extensive. Just as Spencer had said, many of the building’s old systems were nearing the point of failure. The ventilation system wasn’t operating on several levels, the water treatment plant needed urgent attention, and the elevator required special contractors to get it...

2 years ago
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Silent VigilChapter 3 Jumping at Shadows

West greeted Ethan at the door as he made his way into the lobby of the Abbott and Schutzman with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, walking beside him as he headed for the elevator at the back of the room. Their footsteps echoed in the great, empty space, the amber glow of the lighting strips in the red marble pillars reflecting off the polished floor. “You don’t look very well rested,” the towering security guard commented. Ethan very nearly did a double-take. It was the first time that...

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