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From the Latin - Silence's Reward

A constant heavy rain continued to fall outside the Burger Barn on Route 14, turning what would normally be a busy Friday night into one almost totally devoid of customers. In fact, the dining room had been empty for the last hour since the dinner shift ended, leaving the four workers behind the counter little to do but watch the clock and wait for their day to end.

Adam Wright rested his arms on the far left side of the counter, watching the little show going on at the other end. Leaning against the far wall, Brenda Stratton was once again holding court. Five foot nine, with long blonde hair, the seventeen-year-old had a thirty-eight inch bust that would've been impressive even if she hadn't left enough buttons open on her uniform blouse to give even the most casual observer a good look at her assets. Most of the time, all Adam saw of her was the view from the rear since, being eighteen already, he usually worked the grill. Still, he had to admit, that view wasn't bad either. The girl also had a first class ass.

At the moment, Brenda had the full and undivided attention of her two remaining co-workers, Harry Feldman and Teddy Ramirez. She was trying to decide which of them was going to have the honor of going out of their way and drive her home. Rumor was that the high school junior was dating some college guy, but that didn't stop Harry or Teddy from thinking that they might have a shot at her if only they could get her alone long enough.

Normally, when it was this slow, the night manager would send at least one worker home early, if only not to have to pay them to just stand around. That hadn't been done because the regular night manager had called in sick at the last minute and the store manager had to stay when she couldn't get a replacement. To add to the night's problems, Mr. Jamison, who owned this and three other Burger Barns in the area, had shown up unexpectedly on one of his frequent inspections trips. After spending ten minutes or so checking the kitchen and dining area, he had disappeared down the basement with the manager to check the inventory.

With few exceptions, most of the kids who made up the Burger Barn work force hated Helena Lockwood, the store manager. In fact, their favorite nickname for her was "Triple W", shorthand for Wicked Witch of the West. Adam, along with two of the other workers who were already in college, was one of the exceptions to that view.

With high school already a month and a half behind him and college the same distance ahead, the blond haired teen understood that as uninspiring as working at Burger Barn was, it was still a real job. As such, it was going to be run as a business and that was how Helena ran it. As long as they kept giving him a check that he could exchange for those little pieces of colored paper with dead presidents on them, she was more than justified in asking him to take care of anything that was job related. Be it simply showing up on time when he was supposed to, or taking out the trash at the end of the night. As simple a concept as that might have been, many of his co-workers seemed to have a hard time grasping it.

Shifting position, Adam felt his foot bump against something and when he looked under the counter, he saw three trays of hamburger buns stacked one atop the other. They were part of the delivery from earlier in the day, the one that Harry was supposed to have carried downstairs to the storage room.

"Hey Harry," he called out to the dark haired teen, having to repeat himself a second time to get his attention.

When Harry finally turned around, Adam pointed out the trays he had forgotten. The shorter teen shrugged his shoulders as if to say "so what", adding to his gesture the fact that one way or the other, he was out of here in twenty minutes. Then, secure in the belief that he would be leaving with Brenda, he returned his attention to her.

Adam let out a quiet sigh, wondering why he even bothered. Harry had already forgotten, or didn't even care, that old man Jamison was downstairs taking inventory. When the billing manifest said twenty trays of buns and there were only seventeen on the shelves, didn't he realize the owner was going to be wondering what had happened to the other three. And if he took it out on Helena, who did Harry think she was going to take it out on?

Without giving it another thought, Adam picked up the trays and backed into the swinging doors that led back into the kitchen. The door to the basement was still open so he had no problem getting to the stairs. Reaching the bottom, he didn't see Helena or Mr. Jamison, but since there were three rows of storage shelves, he simple assumed they were on the other side of one and out of his line of sight. Putting the trays where they were supposed to be next to the stairs, Adam turned to go back up, then paused.

It was possible, he considered, that they had already noticed the discrepancy since the last time he had helped with inventory, they had started with the supplies by the staircase. Perhaps it might be a good idea, he told himself, to check with them before he went back up. He wouldn't mention the bun trays unless they asked, he decided, just inquire if he could be of any help. There was no sense in getting Harry in any trouble if it could be avoided. Not that Harry would appreciate it, Adam knew.

Turning around the first corner, he still didn't see them in the empty row, but Adam half expected that. Helena had a desk at the back of the last row where she could take care of paperwork in relative quiet. No doubt, that was where they were.

As he stepped around the second corner, Adam was hit with a shock that had the same force as if someone had just swung at him with a baseball bat. It was only at the last moment that he managed to catch the "oh shit!" that began to spill from his lips.

Helena and Mr. Jamison were at her desk all right, but it was hardly mundane paperwork that occupied their attention. Helena was leaning over the small desk, her dress bunched up around her waist. Even in the dim light of the overhead fluorescent, Adam could see that her panties were down around her ankles. Mr. Jamison, who was a half foot taller than Helena's five foot two, also had his pants down around his feet and was bunched over the smaller woman. The teenager didn't have to actually see it to know he had his cock buried inside the store manager. His hands were tightly closed around her small, rounded breasts.

"Oh yeah, baby," Helena said in a voice low enough that it barely carried far enough for Adam to hear, "give me that big, hard cock!"

Adam felt he'd been standing there for minutes, but it was in reality only seconds. He thought his heart had stopped when Helena turned her head to the left and looked right at him. Or so it seemed. But then she went right on with what she was doing.

Not wanting to risk a second more telling glance, Adam quickly beat a hasty, silent retreat.

It was only when he again stepped back out to the front counter that Adam finally realized he'd only been gone a few minutes at most. Brenda and the guys hadn't even noticed he'd even been gone. Looking out at the still empty dining room, Adam waited with no small trepidation for Helena and Mr. Jamison to come back up.

Which they did, less than five minutes later. Walking right past him with barely a nod, Helena saw the store owner to the front door. It was only when she turned around again that Adam realized, with no small measure of relief, something that he understandably hadn't noticed before. Down in the basement, Helena hadn't been wearing her glasses. Even if she had looked his way, all he might have been was a big blur.

A short time later, Helena, much to Harry's distress, let Brenda and Teddy take off since they had the most hours already this week. She pointed out, as Harry himself had indicated, his own shift was nearly over anyway. Once Harry did indeed leave, only Adam and Helena were left to attend to the few customers who braved the rainstorm. In the two hours that remained before closing, not a word passed between them that wasn't work related.

It took most of the next week for Adam to stop waiting for the other shoe to drop. During that time, he also found himself looking at Helena Lockwood in a different light. For a woman he guessed was only a few years younger than his mother, Helena was still attractive. In an older woman kind of way, he quickly clarified to himself. Short black hair framed a round, pretty face, which in turn rested on a body that, while not the sort most guys his age were attracted to, was the kind his mother and her friends would've been happy to have maintained. If Adam could've looked into one of those basement filing cabinets and seen Helena's file, he might've been even more impressed. Rather than being younger than his mom, Helena was, at forty, actually a year older.

He'd heard people say that Helena had been married for a while, but was now divorced. Mr. Jamison, he knew, was married because his wife, who was something of a shrew, was also in the habit of making surprise inspections. More than a few times she'd said out loud that she assumed that all of them were somehow stealing from the store, but she just hadn't been able to prove it yet. If he were unfortunate enough to be married to a woman like her, Adam imagined that he also be looking for someone else to fuck too.

Adam's own experience with fucking was somewhat limited, confined to two former girlfriends and one semi-professional who had entertained at his older brother's bachelor party. Still, it was enough for him to wonder, at least for a while, what it might be like to do it with Helena. It was a question he didn't share with anyone else, least he have to explain why he was suddenly wondering about it, and one soon filed away with similar thoughts he'd had at one time or another about teachers and even some of his mother's friends.

In another week's time, the whole incident had been, if not forgotten, then at least filed away in his memories.

The clock on the wall ready quarter to five and Adam was already thinking that he had only a little over two hours to go until the end of his shift. He was off the weekend, having already done enough hours for the week by filling in for Teddy who had gone away with his family on vacation. He really didn't have any plans for his days off, but anything was better than spending them here.

"Listen up people," Helena said, stepping out from behind the partition to the kitchen. "I need a favor from one of you."

At the mention of the word "favor", all eyes looked in other directions. The last time any of them had done Helena a favor, it had involved working a double shift on a holiday.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," the dark haired woman grinned. "In fact, I'm even willing to make it worth your while."

Unconvinced, most of them still tried to make themselves look uninterested.

"I had a little car trouble this morning," Helena went on as if she had a receptive audience, "and I need to take a box of reports home to review over the weekend. Needless to say, I don't plan to wrestle with them all the way home on the bus. So I need one of you to give me a lift home."

Even with the favor defined, no one stepped forward to take her up on it.

"Did I mention that I don't expect whoever gives me a lift to come back and finish their shift," Helena added. "In fact, I'll even sign off on their time card so that you get paid for the full time."

That, most of them quickly decided, was a different story.

"I'll drive you," Brenda offered before any of the boys could say anything. She had finally gotten off her father's suspension of her driving privileges.

"No, I don't think so," Helena replied just as quickly. "Even if I didn't know how many tickets you've racked up already this year, I've seen you drive and wouldn't dream of getting in a car with you behind the wheel."

"Harsh," someone was heard to say in a low voice, but no one disputed the accuracy of Helena's statement. Few others would volunteer to ride with Brenda either.

"Then I guess that leaves me, " Harry jumped in, thinking he could drop her off and still be home before dinner was on the table.

"With that bomb you drive?" Helena said. "The only thing worse than riding in that thing would be for Brenda to drive it."

With only left Adam and one of the older workers who seemed the most logical choice to give the manager a lift since he had done so a few times before. But to Adam's surprise, Helena turned to him.

"How about you, Adam," she asked, "you live in Douglaston, don't you? I'm in Bridgetown, it's right on the way."

"Yeah, I guess it is," he admitted, realizing that he'd just been volunteered.

"Fine, then it's settled then," Helena smiled. "The box of files is on the counter in the kitchen, please be a dear and take them out to your car, I'll be right out in a minute."

Adam had just pulled his car out in front of the main door when Helena stepped through it. Settling into the passenger seat, she gave him her home address and some directions on the best way to get there as she adjusted her seat belt. It turned out to be only a few blocks from where his Aunt Linda used to live before she got remarried, so Adam knew exactly where they were going. If he was lucky, it would only take ten or fifteen minutes to drop her off and he was home free.

An estimate that was totally blown away by a sixteen wheeler that had jackknifed across Route 14, spilling its cargo all over the highway. It took almost an hour to work their way around it.

"I now feel bad about using up the free time that you were supposed to get out if this," Helena said to Adam as they turned off the highway and headed down the avenue that led to her apartment complex.

"Not your fault," Adam grinned, "and I'm still on the clock so at least I'm getting paid for this."

"That's what I like about you, Adam," Helena replied as they rolled into the small parking area behind the building. "You take a sensible approach to life. I'm sure either Harry or Brenda would be fuming already about how unfair it all was that they didn't get off early after all."

Not knowing what to say, Adam just went to the back seat and lifted up the box of reports. Heavy as it was, he could see why Helena didn't want to be taking the bus home with it.

"Oh, you don't have to carry them up for me," Helena said when he lifted them out of the car. "I've taken up too much of your time already."

"Still on the clock," Adam assured her as he closed the back door with his foot.

"Okay then," Helena agreed as she led him to the outside staircase that led up to her third floor apartment. "I'm afraid the building doesn't have an elevator so we'll have to walk up."

The box felt a lot heavier by the time Helena opened the door to her apartment and then stepped aside for him to go in first. Coming in behind him, she said to put it anywhere.

The apartment was a one room studio, with a kitchenette off to the left. Adam headed for it and put the box down in the center of the counter. While Helena took a moment to sort through the mail that she had picked up at the mailbox by the foot of the stairs, Adam checked out the rest of her home. It was simply decorated, with a large, oversized sofa in the center of it that he guessed opened into a bed as well. In front of it stood a television and DVD player on a stand with a coffee table between the two. Back against the far wall stood a combination dresser/closet that stretched half the length of the wall.

"It's not much, but it's home," Helena said as she dropped the mail on the coffee table and followed Adam over to the kitchenette.

"I actually like it," Adam offered. "It's a lot nice than my parent's basement where I'm living now."

"But you're going away to school in the Fall, aren't you?" Helena asked.

"Yeah, that's one of the reasons I moved down into the basement," Adam confirmed, "so that my little brother could have the upstairs bedroom all to himself."

"That was very nice of you," Helena smiled as she opened the refrigerator. "I could use a beer," she added, changing the subject. "Would you like one, or would you rather a soda?"

"A beer would be great," he answered, remembering that age limits to the contrary, his Dad saw no reason why he couldn't have a beer now and then as long as he was responsible about it.

"Here you go," Helena said as she popped both bottles open and handed him one. "Why don't you have a seat on the couch and enjoy it."

Helena paused a moment as Adam did so.

"I'm really going to hate losing you when you leave for school," Helena said as she sat down on the other end of the sofa. "You're one of the few workers I have that take the job seriously."

"The others aren't so bad," Adam offered, even if he really didn't believe it.

"Well maybe if they didn't spend half their time trying to get into Brenda's pants, I'd have more of an appreciation of their work ethic," Helena said unexpectedly.

Adam had been in the middle of taking a drink and had to keep from spitting it out. It wasn't that he disagreed with the assessment, he was just shocked to hear it actually said, especially from Helena.

"Oh come on," Helena laughed softly, "I'd have to be blind not to notice."

"I guess so," Adam agreed with a small smile.

"Hey, truth be told, I have also noticed that some customers, at least the older male ones, seem to make it a point to stop by when Brenda's working the counter," She added as she took another taste of her own drink. "Now I can't say that as a boss that I totally approve of the way Brenda puts it on display, but then again, if it helps keep a steady customer stream, who am I to say anything about it if no one complains."

Somehow, Adam couldn't image any of the customers registering a complaint about the way Brenda wore her uniform. Or the way she didn't wear it.

"I've also noticed that you don't seem to pay her the same amount of attention as might be the case with a young man your age," she went on, "which lead me to think that you already have a girlfriend taking care of you..."

"No girlfriend," Adam interjected, "at least not anymore."


"No!" he replied even more quickly.

"Not that there would've been anything wrong with that," Helena grinned, her smile showing she didn't mean any offense. "It was just a possibility to consider, that's all. Actually, speaking for my gender at least, I think it would've been a real waste of a guy as cute as you. But if it had been the case, I do have a nephew that, well never mind."

Adam said with a look that was an area he didn't want to go.

Taking the hint, Helena backtracked the conversation.

"Why then not take a shot at Brenda?" she asked. "In my opinion, of all of you at the Barn, you'd have the best chance of scoring with her.

In a very short time, their conversation had gone in a direction that Adam found almost surreal. Still, it wasn't as if he was rushing for the door to leave and put an end to it.

"It just seemed to me that she wasn't worth the effort," Adam heard himself answering with an honestly that surprised him.

"Well, if there is one thing that girl definitely is, it's high maintenance," Helena noted. "Probably take a lot more than what Burger Barn pays to treat her in the manner in which she seems to think she's entitled."

"This is getting stranger and stranger," Adam thought as he finished the last of his beer.

"Would you like another?" Helena asked when he put down the empty bottle.

"That probably wouldn't be a good idea," Adam replied, "seeing that I still have to drive home."

"A good level headed decision," Helena smiled as she finished off her own drink. "That's another thing I like about you, Adam, you're a lot more mature than most boys your age."

"Well I try..." he started to say but was cut off.

" ... and one of the main aspects of maturity, at least I've always thought so, is the ability to be discreet. Wouldn't you agree?"

"I guess so."

"And if nothing else these past two weeks," she went on, "you've proven to me that you know how to be discreet."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

"I'm sure you do," Helena countered. "If you weren't capable of prudence, then I'm sure just about everyone at work would've heard about me and Mr. Jamison by now."

"Oh shit!" Adam said.

"Not that I'm not very grateful, but I am curious as to the why."

"I guess I didn't think it was anyone else's business," Adam said without thinking.

"That's a pretty rare opinion, I have to say," Helena replied. "I think most people wouldn't be able to wait to tell other people if they saw anything like that, especially if it involved the Wicked Witch of the West. I have to confess, I half expected you to have spilled the beans before we'd even come back up the stairs. Thankfully, only I saw you standing there, and not Brian."

Brian was obviously Mr. Jamison's first name, which Adam had never heard before. Now that he thought about it, the restaurant owner did have the most to lose, seeing that he was married and all.

"I guess my own curiosity also makes me want to ask, what did you think of what you saw?" Helena continued.

"Well I'm sure that you and Mr. Jamison have a good reason for what you were doing and it's not my place to..."

"No, that's not what I meant, although to answer the question you're not really asking, we really don't have a good reason other than the fact that he has a wife that hadn't wanted sex in over ten years and my own sex life leaves something to be desired these days."

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A Chat With Maxine

‘Fancy a drink at lunch time?’ Max asked, as she flopped into her chair.‘I can’t, I’ve got a lunch meeting with a client.’ I answered.‘After work then?’ Max suggested, ‘I need to moan at someone and you’re a good listener.’‘You’re buying then!’ I smiled packing my laptop and heading for the door, ‘Back at three.’The meeting went on a little longer than I thought and I didn’t get back to the office until 5pm. I expected Max to have left as her working day ended at 4:30pm but she was sitting at...

2 years ago
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Broken virginity

My name is LUN, because I do not want to mention my original name. I live in Lahore, Pakistan. The story I am writing here is a true story and of my youth when I was young and virgin. I masturbated first time, when I was in 9th class. Since then I never stopped masturbating, (Although I am married now.) Due to masturbate practice, I got controlled in my discharge which made me a “SEX KING” and helped me a lot during my sex with many girls. I saw BLUE Movies, when I was in first year on VCR. It...

3 years ago
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My date with Paul

My Date with Paul Mistress Jennifer had been hinting for some time about how she believed it was necessary for me start dating men and maybe even have my own boyfriend for my training to take that logical step to the next level. Of course in her way Mistress was only broaching the subject to encourage me to admit to myself that this was what i had always wanted all along anyway. It was strange, because despite how much i had grown and developed as a gurl and how totally natural it...

3 years ago
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Finders FeeChapter 12

Mars didn't have that much of a night life back then, not when you compare it to Earth anyway. That didn't mean we didn't have any nice places to go out to. If you compare the best Earth had to offer and the best Mars had, the restaurant we went to would have been a three-star compared to Earth's five-star. Eve didn't look very impressed when we entered the atrium. "I know it's not what you're used to," I apologized. She frowned and then sighed as she shook her head. "I'm being a...

2 years ago
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Becoming Alexa

Hello! My name is Dave Smith, and I'm a 48-year-old father of two boys, Tim and Peter. After the divorce from my wife Rebecca we were living together, my high-paying job allowing all of us to live in a comfy flat in the rural suburbs of the city. Peter was 18 and going to high school still. Tim was 22 and studying at the local university. Also he was madly in love with a girl called Alexa. Alexa was a slim, short 21-year-old blonde. She had no breasts to speak of, but boy, what an...

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My horny mature stranger in public

As I was very horny I have been wanting to do something for a long time I've always wanted to approach a mature women and ask them if they wanted sex but in a nice gentle way but this has always been a fantasy because I've never had the balls to do so. However this one time I was really horny and was looking at videos on xhamster about strangers getting flashed and then helping them out by sucking their cock or giving them handjobs and this really turned me on. So I stopped looking at the...

2 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 21 Holiday

The ‘phone rang a couple of weeks later and Nicola answered it. When she put it down her mother asked who had called. “It was Sharifa, you remember her, my friend from Oxford. It’s her father’s birthday and she’s invited us both to the party.” “Oh, I don’t know,” said Gwenllian, “what would I wear?” ‘Next to nothing, while we are in the harem,’ thought Nicola, but aloud she said, “Oh anything cool. It can get hot there.” “Where?” “Kobekistan, where she comes from.” Gwenllian sighed...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Febby Twigs Kay Carter 08112020

Febby and Kay are on the Prowl, and as they sit on the sofa catching up with each other on their latest conquests, Package Delivery Man Isiah comes in to Deliver a Package which is supposed to be sex toys , but it has broken open during shipping and the girls are worried because toys are missing. They drag Isiah over to the living room to inventory the toys and tell him that if he doesn’t want to get into trouble he better open his package up so they can see his dick. They open up...

1 year ago
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Private Anna Polina Enjoys Threesome And DP

Anna Polina stars as a biker chick in Private Gold, Babes on Wheels, an experienced rider on the road and even better off it! She likes to take any opportunity to show off her skills and when her husband Dorian del Isla catches Potro de Bilbao checking her out she gets straight to it. There’s nothing quite like blowjobs to calm down any situation as Anna drools over both cocks and gets them ready for a hardcore anal and DP fucking. This girl’s perfect big tits are enough for two as she finishes...

1 year ago
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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 06

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Author's Note: Fair warning to those of you who only like the spicy stuff - this chapter is pretty much just a conversation between the main characters. There's no sex, per se, but there is a fair amount of breast play. “It was a mistake,” Marcy stated. “I should’ve known better.” She took a deep swig of her...

3 years ago
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In Bondage SchoolgirlChapter 3

"You're hurting her!" Annie cried somewhere in the background. "That's her tough luck, baby. She knew what to expect when she walked in upstairs. And now she don't want it? Tough shit! You were like that at the start, remember? You didn't want me to touch you, didn't want to fuck around with all that shit. Now..." "Yes." Annie said, worriedly wringing her hands together. "But--" "Ain't no buts, here," Hank said, backing down, his fingers still twisted in Betty's long...

3 years ago
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P I And MagicChapter 29

I hung my head, and winced. Mirwanna was laying into me about my unauthorized trip away from the palace, without my guard detail. Everything she was saying was true. But, Damn It, I was a powerful magic user! I could take care of myself! "I still can't believe you, Paul! Didn't the assassination attempt teach you anything? Your defense is that nothing happened for the two days you had gone out? Are you MAD?!!!" Mirwanna said, with a screech in her voice. I winced at hearing it. "I am...

2 years ago
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Late Night Walking

I come from a small town and went to a small college at another small town. Now I lived in a city. While in college, I picked up the habit of walking in the late evening. It was good exercise and I didn't care for television much and still don't. I mentioned my evening walks at lunch one day and one of my co-workers told me that I was crazy. Asking why got me the answer that it's a dangerous thing to do in a city. I thought little of that warning since I had been walking since I moved here...

4 years ago
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Bus Journey With A Beautiful Girl To Nashik 8211 Part 2

Hello friend, this is the second part of my first story on ISS. Hope you like it. My hands were drenched with the juices she had just squirted – it was sticky and warm. There was an awkward silence between us after she had cummed. I looked at her, her face was visible a little bit because of the moon shining outside. I could barely see it completely but I could make out that she was frozen, maybe because she had come back to her senses and realized that she had just been fingered by a man whom...

3 years ago
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Dost Ka Interview Maa Ki Chudai Ka 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, mara naam pramod hai sorry bahot dino tak story likh nahi paya aj fir sabke liye me story le ke aya hu. Jisne bhi meri story ka 1st part na padha ho wo jarur padhe. Aur un sabhi dosto ko danyawad jinhone muze reply kiya. Ek mere jaise writer ko accha lagta hai jab koi meri maa ke bare me aise gande comment karta hai. To apko thodisi idea to hogi mere pahle story ke bare me ki kaise meri maa ka aur mere dost raju ka affair muze pata chala. Apko meri maa ki jankari chahiye hogi toh ye...

1 year ago
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The related Secrets

Note : This story is completely fictional! A super Story for you my reader I hope you are waiting for read my super classic story “The rain forest” if you not hear about the story announcement kindly read my previous stories and come to this. and write to me. Because the coming soon story is my ever written classic I like the story in all of my writings. Ok Now read this story and enjoy the tasty beautiful Incest. At the age of 18 I began to masturbate. Like all the other young boys in South...

3 years ago
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Tanu ke rasile boobs

Hi readers, here pranav telling a true and sexy story of my classmate tanu.tanu jo ki engg. Ki student thi uska fegure 36 26 38 tha.colour fair aur hight achchi lambi thi.bala ki khubsoorat aur chodne layak maal thi tanu.tanu ke boobs itne bade the ki kai baar ham ladke usse baat karte karte itna chipak jate the ki boobs hamase takarate rahte..gand to hum kai baar sahla daba chuke the..itni soft aur badi gand thi tanu ki jo pure college me famous thi..har ladaka uski patali kamar pakad ke tanu...

2 years ago
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When Universes Collide

Hello, Fans! This is a story that will require your input as the reader. I intend to create a story about any girl you could imagine. How this will work, Every 3 days, I will read the comments on the suggestion page. Please comment the Name of the girl you want in the story and where I can find details about her. Please, allow the comments to flow in. Without your comments , I cannot write. Tell me the girl of your dreams, and if she gets enough votes, she'll get fucked

1 year ago
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Fun Size Exercise Time

Fun Size - Exercise Time By Apple Step up. Step down. God, I wish I hadn't said that about his late daughter... I couldn't have known he'd hear, and I guess he'd still have lost it, but I figure it would be someone else here right now. Step up. Step down. I'm doing step aerobics, it's that time of day again. I stand, facing him, him facing the TV. He mostly ignores me and just watches the TV, but it's still humiliating. Step up. Step down. My breasts... Yeah, that's...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed by sisster part 3

Story so far, i was caught masterbating wearing my m*ms knickers, my sissster took some polaroids and is now blackmailing me. She has 3 pictures of me and i will get one back for ever 2 weeks i do as she days.Thursday morning i am last down to breakfast, Clare is dressed for school but m*m and d*d still have their dressing owns on. I sit by Clare , the material of the gown combines with the last two days to cause my cock to swell.I sit down blushing, trying to hid an obvious swelling. Has...

1 year ago
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First time with mum

100% fiction! It was after midnight when I clumisly put my key in the front door, It had been a good night, Id been out drinking with friends, Id had acouple too many but felt happily tipsey, I went up the stairs without putting the lights on, just as I put my hand on my bedroom door handle, I could see through a crack in my mums door that her bedside lamp was on, I looked at my watch to see it was 12.20 now and thought to myself, Its not like mum to still be awake at this hour, I opened her...

4 years ago
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Heart ConditionChapter 3

December 7, 2012 "May I help you sir?" I was already taken aback by her beauty as I walked into the small real estate office on Main Street in Kinsale, but when she said those words it was as if an angel had spoken. Well that is if an angel had an Irish accent. Dark shoulder length auburn hair, emerald eyes, an Irish peaches and cream complexion, dressed in a festive cashmere red sweater which did nothing to hide a pair of very nice breasts. The rest of her was hidden behind a medium...

1 year ago
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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 32

The evening after Debbie had brought the Nguyen sisters to see him, Jake took his tentative plan for drawing the Tremonts out of Chicago and ran it by a brain trust of Trish, Leslie, Cindy, Erika, and Melissa. Debriefing Wendy and Mindy had reinforced his notion that the miserly Tremonts might fall for his scheme. Jake had remembered a scam the FBI would use to collect wanted people, all variations involved winning a fake contest. His idea was to lure the Tremonts to the big island of Hawaii...

3 years ago
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Amazons Part 1

A tribe of scantily glad, statuesque, women are out in the jungle hunting cock! Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the younger girls who have darker, olive coloured skin.Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is dressed in just a loincloth, is really well built and muscular. It takes 4 or 5 of the warriors to wrestle him to the ground.As he is pinned to the floor a couple of the girls are already grabbing...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Ana Foxxx The Mistress

Jay Smooth and Ana Foxxx – Jay is terrified that his girlfriend, Ana will be furious over his sex tape. Not only has it found its way to porn tube sites, but it’s also starring his therapy patient, Chanel. To his surprise, Ana is wet and wild over the fact that her boyfriend is such a ‘bad boy’ and she quickly rewards him by spreading her sleek thighs and begging him to stick his cock in her hole. Jay, can barely understand his stroke of good luck in finding such a...

2 years ago
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Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward…but by who…and why…what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation Ashley...

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Please refrain from hating on people’s chapters as they wrote it for the Chyoa community, but don’t let the possibility deter you from writing. For **people wanting to write**: Just add your path on this with an appropriate title and I’ll read through it to see if it is ready to be approved. If you want me to edit it for you just PM me and I’ll do it. And finally only add onto other people’s paths if you are working with them or they allow you to add onto it.

4 years ago
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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 2 Sunday Night

"Hi. Watcha doing?" I asked as I walked into dad's study. I was wearing a satin robe over my PJ's and was drying my hair. The TV was on and he was holding a laptop on his lap. "What are you doing home so early sweetie?" dad asked back. "I didn't hear you come in." He couldn't hide the fact that besides being surprised he was also happy to see me. He patted the spot next to him and I dutifully plopped down next to him on the sofa. "Greg had a headache, he always seems to have one...

2 years ago
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Wife8217s Revenge

Hi mera naam Sheela hai meri age 36 years ki hai mein aapko meri ek sacchi ghatna batane ja rahi hoon jo meine mere husband ke saath revenge liya hai mere husband ka naam ramesh hai. Hum log ek chhote se town ke rehne wale hai mere husband ek industrialist hai town mein hume ek big shot mana jate hai. Hamari shaadi ko 11 years ho gaye hai hamari love marraige thi. Hamare beech sex relations bhi acchhe hai parmere husband ek third class aadmi the. woh apne industry mein female workers ke saath...

4 years ago
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Me Too

"Yes, Mr. District Attorney, I will tell you what transpired to the best of my recollection.When I got to the University I was a very naïve girl from a small town. In high school, I had been a member of the band. It was one of the high points of my senior year to be the lead and solo trumpet player.I noticed on my dorm bulletin board a flier asking for experienced musicians to try out for the college band.I registered my interest and was called for an audition. I showed up at the appointed...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Mommy Seduces Raddi Wala

By : Kunalc121 Hi friend you all must have read my earlier story of “Mom with Shopkeeper “there I have told you that my mom and I enjoyed sex later on also she used to tell her other stories. This one is one such encounter of her sex life. I will start directly with the incident as descriptions were told in earlier story. We like everyone else used to sell the papers to the Raddiwala once my mom decided to sell all the old papers so she called the raddiwala home. She brought the papers stored...

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Summering in Femininity Part 11 Summers End

Over the course of the summer, Taylor's life had changed in numerous ways, but the most noticeable change was in his morning routine. After agreeing to join the cheerleading program, Taylor was then quickly roped into Emily's morning jogs, so that meant being up early and in a tight running outfit. Once the run was over, Taylor would return to Aunt Agnes' to take a shower, which was a whole production, since he had an entirely new hair and skin-care regimen courtesy of Emily's cajoling....

4 years ago
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Generation Gap in Poetical Prose

I am just a man. Yes, I am tall and I am "built" so the young woman said.. But, I really don't think that I am that great looking, average looks, perhaps. So, why are young women attracted to me? I can honestly say "I have no idea!" Beauty, sexiness and sex are in the eyes of the beholder.“I’ve waited all day, ”She said, “What kept you anyway?” She sat on my sofa with a pout, Early I guess her classes were out. “I do work from time to time,” said I, “But now you are mine,” she chimed, The pout...

1 year ago
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Frobidden Love

The phone starts to ring i answer. Hello? Hay sexy ready to spend 3 months with your big sexy cousin? Oh ya i cant wait to go down and lick every inch of your body. Well then grab your bags i am out side in the car. I hang up the phone and god down the stairs and outside and see Jane in the car waiting for me. As i get in to the car we share a deep and passionate kiss. As my tongue slips in her mouth and her tongue dances with mine. My cock starts to get hard and Jane notice's. Plenty of...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 437

Yorkshire Obituary in the Yorkshire Post following the death of his wife. The couple had been happily married for 50 years. The husband contacted the newspaper regarding an obituary. When informed of the cost, the man uttered, in true Yorkshire fashion, "How Much?!!!" He reluctantly produced his wallet. "I want summat simple" he explained, "my Gladys was a good-hearted and hard-working Yorkshire lass but she wunt ave wanted owt swanky." "Perhaps a small poem", suggested the woman...

4 years ago
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When Harry met Kelly

Kelly read the comment on her story and laughed. To say it was bad would have been an understatement. It is not often that she called a “stupid bitch”, and she had never been accused of not knowing a damn thing about men. This Harry guy was brutal. She could not help but giggle at his over the top comment and knew that she would have to defend the piece of trash that she had written. To be honest, she agreed with everything he had said, because it was true. A couple of weeks ago, a man had...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Bella Rolland Burglar Gets Tit Slapped

Bella Rolland was dressed in black with a matching ski mask. She was sneaking around a house, looking for a good way in. The back door was unlocked. She entered the house. She went from room to room, looking through drawers and shelves. Peter Green woke up as he heard slight noises. He quietly opened his bedroom door and saw a thief dressed in black sneaking through the house. He jumped her from the back, wrestled with her. She shouted: It’s me, it’s me, your girlfriend. Wasn’t this one of your...


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