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Dancing Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Um... how would you like to go to our dance this year?" "Yeah. Right. Nobody gets in unless they are owners, or dates, or in that high class, and I'm not any of those!" "Well, yes, but... I have a way you can go, if you're willing that is." "If I was willing," she said. As if she could pull off the biggest coup of the decade! But when she told me exactly how she could do it, I almost fell of the floor laughing! Me? A girl? Right! "Listen dummy, I know all about you getting into my stuff, and I've seen those pictures you created of yourself as a girl on the computer, so at the very least you must be very curious, right? And I promise, if you let me help you, I'll bet that you'll not only look gorgeous, but I can guarantee that you'll have a great time!" "No." "Oh yes." "No." "Oh... stop that! You know that you want to do it! Please! Let me help you? We can get you fixed up, and if you don't look....okay, then I won't try and force you, but you should at least try it... Okay?" "I trust you about as far as I can throw you Janet! What's going on here? Why do you need me to dress up so bad? Tell me, or you get zip!" With a sigh, she finally told me. Her date for the dance had told her that his brother had called. He was flying in just two days before the event, so rather than skip the dance, he asked her to find a date for him. I mentioned some of her girlfriends, which is when she went down the list of reasons none of them could attend. Boyfriends, they were already going, or would be out of town. A variety of reasons that all seemed very plausible. "Believe me, I asked all of them! You can't possibly think that I would ask you if I didn't have to? Do you?" "Well...." "Look," she said, "I need you to do this for me! If I can arrange a date for his brother then maybe I'll have a chance with him, and I like this guy!" "If I do this, what do I get out of it?" "The chance to go to the most fabulous party in the city, and be one of the prettiest girls there of course!" "Me? Pretty? I doubt that!" "Can we at least try it? I mean, what have you got to lose? If you don't think you look good enough, I promise, I'll never mention it again... okay?" "Promise?" "Promise!" With that my sister whipped out a measuring tape and began figuring out what sizes I wore. It turned out that other being a bit taller with a slightly bigger waistline, we were almost the same size! I let her cover me with some goo that removed hair, and after a bit, I stepped into the shower to rinse it off and shave. I also used the razor to get those few hairs the remover missed, plus under my arms, which Janet had insisted on. I had always been enchanted with the idea of dressing up as a girl, looking pretty, and maybe even going out of the house, but I had never, ever, gone this far before. I was always too scared; this was my chance, and even though I put up a fuss, there was never any doubt in my mind that I would do it. My skin was silky smooth, and after using the skin lotion, softer to the touch and lot less red. I stepped into the bedroom wearing a robe. My sister was waiting, a smile on her face. First came the panties, then a bra which was stuffed with those foam shoulder pads, followed by pantyhose. The skirt was short, almost three inches above my knees, and pleated, while the top was a pullover crop top. Heels came next, and after that, makeup, then she worked on my hair. By the time she was done I looked nothing like the guy I really was, and it only took her about an hour from the moment I stepped out of the shower! "This skirt is awfully short," I said, "it makes me feel naked!" "But you really do have great legs you know, so why not show them off?" "But if I do this, I won't be wearing anything this short, so why..." "Because you'll have to get used to dressing as a girl silly! You can't expect to get all pretty and just wear a dress do you? You'll have to practice, a lot I think, so that you'll be able to walk, talk, and act like all of the other girls, plus, you'll need a complete make over at the salon! Fortunately we have almost four months before the dance, so you'll have plenty of time!" "Practice? What does that mean?!" "It means, dummy, that you need to practice being a girl! You can't seriously expect to be the perfect date on your first time out,.... Do you?" "Well..." "No way Jose! From now until the dance you're going to have to be a girl, and I plan to make you as perfect as possible! You'll love it, and I can guarantee that by the time I'm done with you nobody will ever know! So, just get comfortable, because you're now my sister.... ah.... Susan!" There was no stopping her once she had me dressed up, and well, I just couldn't resist, so I resigned myself to whatever happened. No matter what, I would get to see myself, in the flesh, all fixed up like a girl if nothing else! But I thought she was crazy to even try to make me into a girl, especially one that would fool any guy that was smarter than our cat, but I had tacitly agreed, which is why I was still wearing that skirt and top at dinner. Mom was a bit shocked, but when Janet explained it to her, mom started to giggle, which turned into a roaring laugh. I was ready to go change right then, hurt by her laughing, but mom stopped me. "I'm not laughing at you honey, I'm laughing because it's about time you did something about your dressing up, other than just stay in your room! We both know that you've been playing dress up for a long time, so don't try to deny it, and besides, it looks like Janet has turned you into a very pretty girl, and I see no reason that you can't continue to let her help you be the girl we both know you've always seemed to want to be!" Denial was obviously out of the question, which left me no place to turn for relief. My ego has suffered a huge blow when mom did nothing to put an end to the farce of Janet making me into a girl. No yelling, no snide remarks, no gasping when she saw me dressed up like that, nothing! Given the way I looked, mom's apparent consent, if that's what you want to call it, plus Janet's obvious glee, and my own desires to look as much like a girl as possible, I was sunk. I had no way out short of a flat no, and I wasn't even sure that I could do that! After dinner I went to my room, only to have Janet barge in, a load of clothes in her arms. "This'll be enough to get you started, but you need to have panties and bras of your own, girls don't share those, so plan on going out tomorrow morning, early, and it'll be Susan that goes shopping! No more brother until after the dance! Okay?" "Do I have to? Go shopping as a girl I mean?" "Yes. You have to. You need to try things on silly, and I know you don't want to do that as a guy... do you?" "No, of course not, but..." "No buts! In the morning you get dressed and I'll come help you with your hair and makeup!" So, there I was, staring into the mirror at the girl I always wanted to be, yet scared to death at the very prospect of anyone seeing me! I could see for myself that was foolish, since I looked almost as good as my sister. But I knew that clothes alone do not make a girl. It's all that other stuff. Like how they walk, and talk, hold and use their hands and arms, and a bunch of other things I had to master! I sat on the bed wondering if one, my sister could even do it, turn me into a passable girl that is, or two, was she even telling the truth about this date. I trusted her, to a point, but what she wanted me to do was so far out there, and she has so many friends, that I simply couldn't believe that all of her friends could not attend! I was pretty sure that every one of them would jump at the chance to go, even to the point canceling other engagements, and that left me with the feeling that there was another motive, one she did not want to tell me. Confrontation was the only way that I would get the truth, so I went to her bedroom. "I don't believe that cockamamie story you gave me about not being able to find even one of your girlfriends that would want to attend that bash, so I want the truth, or this charade is over, right now!" Janet just looked at me, her mouth open, then... "I should have known that you could figure it out! I'm sorry for trying that, but I thought it would be a good way to let you finally get out of your room and experience what it's like to be a girl; get all dolled up and have a fun night out, that's all!" "Yeah, maybe, but what about this so called date you have for me? Won't he be expecting a real girl, not a fake one? And what'll happen to me when he finds out?!" "Well, that's why I wanted to start now, so he wouldn't find out! I thought that since we have four months, I was positive that I could turn you into a perfectly wonderful girl. I always knew that you liked to play dress up, so I was sure that you would jump at any chance to get out! I figured that by then you would be so feminine that there wouldn't be any doubt that you were a girl... !," I was uncertain I was getting the truth, but I was closer, so... "Does this so called date of mine know... that his date is going to be your brother in a dress!?" "Well, no, but I had to tell David; I don't know if he told his brother or not, but I doubt it, because if he did, then his brother might not go, which would mean he wouldn't go either; and he needs to be there, for the business contacts he'll make." "Do you honestly think you can turn me into a believable girl in only four months? I mean, you've had your entire life to learn how to be a girl!" "So you'll do it?" "Maybe, but if I do this, then I have some conditions of my own Janet. One, I want to have breast forms that are perfect, and I mean the kind that attach, and look very real. Two, they make a panty that makes boys look exactly like a girl, and I want one of those too. Three, under no circumstances can you intentionally try to embarrass me. If you do I'm out, right then, on the spot, and I mean it! And four, you have to get mom to tell me that she'll be okay with it. I mean, I can hardly learn everything I need to know unless she agrees to let me do this, especially if I have to do this full time, so until I hear it from her own lips, you get squat, okay? Oh, and I'll need to have documents that prove that I'm a girl." "That's quite a list you have! Do you know where to get that kind of stuff? I nodded my head yes. "If it's close enough, then why don't we go there tomorrow and see what they have? Maybe that would even be better too, because then all of your bras and panties will fit better." "Mom first, or zip!" "I'll get her." Mom told me directly to my face that it was okay, but also insisted that I take a few classes at a local beauty, or maybe charm school! "I always knew that you were playing dress up, but I never thought it would go this far! However, since it seems that you have almost no qualms about doing it, I won't stop you, but I think that you should attend one of those charm schools. They'll help you with your... poise? How to walk, use your arms and so on. They might even be able to teach you how to do hair and makeup. Girls your age certainly know how to do that, and I think that'll be better than having you just hanging around the house in a dress; you won't learn anything that way, so this is a much better option. And, on top of all that, the only way to stay safe, meaning not get your brains beat out, is to be as feminine as possible, almost to the point of perfection! If you do that, then I'll agree." So. There I was, still dolled up, trying to find an easy way out, but again, failing. I liked dressing up as a girl, there wasn't any doubt about that, and this would certainly be the greatest challenge of all, but I had to learn how to be a completely passable girl in just four months! As much as I hated to admit it, even to myself, a charm school would probably be the best way for me to learn what I needed to know. I looked at mom for any sign of deception, then at Janet, and finally, simply said... "Okay." It was done. I had just admitted to my mother that becoming a girl was the most important thing in the world for me! I went back to my room and began sorting out the things Janet had left on the bed. I put everything away, and took one more look in the mirror. There she was, the girl I had always dreamed of. From my point of view she was a real doll, but realistically, probably not. She was merely okay. I undressed, took a shower, and went to bed, knowing for sure that my future was about to change the very next day. I wondered if I could actually do it; pass myself off as a girl I mean. The next morning I was up early, shaved as close as possible, then got dressed. I wore skorts and a blouse. I figured that it would look like I had a skirt on, but really, I would be wearing shorts. I did not wear socks as I had on pantyhose, so I merely slipped I on my tennies and brushed out my hair, then put on some foundation and eyeliner before I added lipstick. I walked into the kitchen and started breakfast, mom arriving just as the toast popped up. "You look very nice this morning!" "Yeah, thanks." "You don't have to do this you know." "I know mom, but...." "But you've been wondering what it's like to be a girl your whole life, right?" "Yeah, I guess, but..." "And you're scared. I understand that, and I think that's good. You should be a little bit scared, but on the other hand, you've been playing dress up virtually your entire life, so maybe it's time that you finally did something about it!" "If you tell me not to, I'll go change right now mom!" "Oh no you don't, I'm not going to let you make me the bad guy here! If you asked me if I like it, the answer is no. I don't like the fact that my son wants to be a girl, but you're old enough now to understand what can happen, and you're certainly old enough to make up your own mind about something like this! If you don't want to do this then don't! But if you do decide to go ahead with this, then I'm going to have to insist that you go all out and become the girl you think you are! There isn't going to be any halfway stuff, there can't be, and I'm not going to allow you to slack off even once honey. It has to be all or none!" My ploy to get mom to tell me to quit had failed miserably, leaving me only two options. Go, or not. If I chose go, I would have to succeed magnificently, because there was no room for failure. Failure meant that someone had figured it out, and I would be exposed and maybe ridiculed. I hate failure, and decided that if ever there was a time to be the girl I wanted to be, then this was my best chance. I ate my breakfast, just finishing as Janet came in, got her coffee, and sat down at the table. "A skort! That's a good choice! I think I'll change into one too!" After Janet changed, she and I left. It was my first foray outside the house ever, and I was scared to death, but Janet drove to the shop I had mentioned so I did not have that to worry about that as well. I directed her, and we soon parked in front of the shop. It was a shop that catered to guys that wanted to dress as girls, and according to their web site, could, for a price, make almost any male look like a woman. As we walked in we were assaulted by the scent of latex and perfume, surrounded by rows of wigs and clothes, as well as specialty items. I simply gaped at everything, stunned that there was so much stuff! "Can I help you?" "Yes," Janet said before I could say a word, "my brother here needs to look as much like a girl as it's possible to get. We have a big dance to attend, and we want to make sure..." "It sounds like you don't want any doubt! Well, we have several items that fall in that category and can do what you want, but they are expensive, but while they are virtually perfect, they do have some limitations." "Can we see?" "Of course. Let me show you." What we saw was a DVD, showing every aspect of the panty, from getting it on to actually using it. The breasts forms also looked extremely real, and came in all sizes. "We can fit you right now if you wish." I conferred with Janet. "That's what I saw on the Internet! If I'm going to do this, especially for four months, and maybe even longer, then this is the only way to go. You agree?" "Yeah," she said, "I do agree! Let's do it!" When I told the lady... "Okay!," she said to us, "I just knew you would! If you'll follow me, we'll get you fitted!," I started along behind her, as did Janet, but... "Oh! I'm sorry dear, but it'll be just her. You can wait out here, or maybe you can go have a coffee? It'll take about three hours, okay?" Janet did not like it, but she had no choice, but she left, saying that she would be back in three hours. Since the malls weren't even open yet, it really didn't matter. We would get there in plenty of time. I was told to strip, and once I was down to my panties, I was told those had to go too. So, there I was naked as the day I was born in front of a total stranger, but she was all business, and quickly set up her equipment. Using a laser, I was measured both top and bottom, then she left for a moment. Returning she had three boxes in her hand. "Now, this one is tricky, so I'll have to help you. Spread you legs." With that, I was fitted with the very best, and most lifelike vaginal panty on the market. It was very tight at first, but not bad, and after a momentary bit of doubt, I quickly felt very comfortable. The breast forms were fitted as well, glued to my chest after she attached a very small pad to my nipples. Using a special seam concealer, she went over everything twice to make sure, and when she was done, it was as if I had been born a girl! I looked in the mirror, and while not shocked, I was surely stunned at the realism! "From now on you'll have to do everything the way a girl does, and like I told you, those packets, are timed to release once a month, and the first one can begin at any time, so just be aware of that and be prepared for it. It's very embarrassing for that to happen to a woman and she isn't ready. Understand?" "Yes Ma'am." "Those pads I put on your nipples will, like those I put on your hips and bottom, as well as in the breast forms. will begin to allow you to sense touch in a few hours. Like if someone bumps into you, or maybe touches you?" "Right. I'm as close to being a girl as it gets without being born one or having surgery, right?" "That is exactly right. Now, the glue lasts for about six months, so any time after that, just come in and we'll take care of it. Any other questions?" "Well, yeah, what size do I buy. Those... for when I start...." "Oh, just use regular, they always work, and will be comfortable enough." She left while I got dressed. The panties fit much better, as did the pantyhose and skorts! I had the figure of a girl! Once I was dressed I walked out and paid the bill, which made a serious dent in my money supply, but it was worth it just for the pleasure of knowing that I looked like a girl, even if I did nothing else. With every step I could feel the differences, like having boobs that bounced in a bra while pulling on my chest, or hips that swayed and a butt that was rounder. It felt wonderful! Janet returned just as I paid the bill, and without a word she and I walked out to the car. I did not tell her anything about the special needs that panty created for me, and I did not say anything about being able to sense touch on my breasts and butt. But she knew that my shape had changed, she could see that much, and of course, she had seen everything before I had them put on. "You look...radiant?" "I now have a 36B-26-37 figure Janet." "That's better than me!" "And I'm prettier too," I said in jest. "In your dreams maybe!" The first place we went to was the lingerie shop in a huge department store, where I bought panties, the high cut type, and bras in several styles, plus slips, pantyhose and camisoles. From there it was on to the junior department where I picked up shorts and slacks, plus two dresses that I liked. Then to shoes, which I needed badly. Heels and flats, tennies, and boots, even sandals. We dragged everything to the car and went back in, stopping so I could get my ears pierced and buy some costume jewelry. Makeup was on the list, so we went into one of those makeup shops where I had my makeup redone and bought everything they used on me. We stopped for lunch, then I said... "We have to stop at a drugstore on the way home Janet, I have some personal items to pick up." "Sure! What do you need?" "Personal items. Stuff that only girls use." She didn't get it, but didn't press it either. Later, after we added a few more things, like purses and a wallet, we went home, making that one stop. Mom wasn't home when we got there, so I dragged it all into my room and started putting things away. I had put the tampons on the dresser, so when Janet came in to see how I was doing, she saw them. "Tampons? You don't need tampons! Why would you buy something like that?" "I don't need them right now, but maybe I will soon, and I just thought it was better to be prepared." "Okay... what aren't you telling me?" With a huge grin... "The panty I have on has blood packets built into it! She told me they're time released for about a month apart, and will last for six months, but she couldn't tell me when the first one would start. That's why I bought those!" "You're telling me you are going to have periods!" "Yup. Just like a normal girl my age would! That's what you wanted isn't it? Realism?" "Yeah, but I never knew they could do anything like that!" "I heard about it but thought it was an urban legend, but that's what she told me so...." "Wait a minute! If you can shove a tampon up there , then you can also have.... No!" "Yes. She told me that because of the way they make it, most, if not all of the guys out there wouldn't be able to tell the difference, so, yeah, I guess I could do it, if I wanted to, that is." "This sucks! You have a better figure than I do, and now you're telling me that you can... Dammit...." "Jennifer. My name is Jennifer Elizabeth. I don't like the name Susan, and from now on I'm your sister! But think about this. All of your parts are real, and mine are all latex and silicone gel, so who's ahead?" "You're right sis, so what say we get up on mom a little? Lets both wear a babydoll. A satin ribbon at the neck and heels! That ought to set her back a bit!" "I get the red one!!" I said. And that's what happened. I wore the red babydoll with red heels and a white ribbon around my neck while Janet wore pale blue. You could almost but not quite see through those things, unless the light was behind you of course. We waited in her room for mom to get home and settle down a bit before we walked out side by side. Mom turned when she heard us, then I heard her gasp. "Well! That's a big change!" "She can have periods too!" Janet blurted out. "No!" mom said, but she saw me nodding my head yes. "Isn't that a bit....more than is required?" "You yourself told me there would be no half way, so I went all out, and I promise you that nobody can tell the difference between Janet and me!" Mom looked at Janet, who was nodding her head in agreement. "I see. Well, I did say that, I just never figured that you would take it so literally!" "It's also my best protection mom. Now I can prove that I'm a girl.... if I have to!" "I suppose. You girls go put something decent on." Like Janet, I wore shorts and a tee, but without the bra. Mom looked at me but didn't say anything until dinner, when she said that she wanted to see the changes for herself; so after we ate, she and I went to my room and I undressed then stood in front of her naked. Mom looked me over, then touched a breast, which I felt, and jumped! "You felt that!?" "It's some kind of sensor that's built in." "I see. Spread your legs honey." Now, that was very embarrassing, to stand like that and have my mother check out the goods so to speak. All she did was grunt once, but, as with the breast, I could feel it every time she touched me. I didn't think that would happen, so..." "I felt that!" "Oh my! I do know what girls look like, and you certainly look exactly like any other girl!" "That was the plan, remember?" "Well, you've succeeded in convincing me! Now all you have to do is convince everyone else!" "I'll try mom, I promise!" "Good night Jennifer." "Night mom." The very next day mom herself enrolled me in a charm school. To be blunt, I hated it. Aerobics, walking, poise, as in how to use my hands and arms, how to stand, sit, and even talk, were subjects that were drilled into me day after day, and I was judged at every turn, and weighed every day, but eventually, the lessons began to take hold. I lost 18 pounds just doing those exercises, which to be truthful, made me not only look better, but feel better. At the end of the first term, I was moved into a group, which consisted of girls who were, for the most part, trying to become models, actresses, or the like. A few were there because their mothers demanded it. By putting me into that group I was forced to act like they did, do what they did, talk like they did, and also, interact with them. It was a severe test of my skills, one that I simply couldn't fail, and it was tough, even though I had my first period! Up to that point I had been allowed to change into my leotard and tights alone, but in that setting, I had to change with them. Now, that was really tough! Inside, I was your average 18 year old guy, with supposedly normal responses to girls. On the outside however, I was one of those girls. For me, I was worried that being in a locker room changing clothes, surrounded by some very attractive girls, the panty would not be enough to hide my deficits. I was wrong. Not only wasn't there any standard male reaction, I had no thrill at seeing so many naked girls! Looking at them was like looking at myself! My ego took a hard blow that day, but then I understood. After two months of actually being a girl in virtually every way, and along with the way the panty was built, I was one of them. I had become a girl. Mom and Janet had been watching my transition without much comment, until I decided to provoke them. One of the tests in school was to present ones self in a bikini, then model it for the rest of the group. Most of the girls wore average size bikinis, meaning not thongs, but a few did. For that test I had bought one that was average, red with white flowers on it; by average I mean that it was more than a thong but less than a full panty. I did not win, but came in second, none of the girls wearing a thong won by the way. When I knew that mom and Janet were home, I went to my room to change. Up to that point in my life, I had only dreamed of doing something like that; being a girl able to wear a bikini of any stripe was a myth only the desperate guys like me dream of. When I was alone, I put the bikini on, making sure to "fluff," my boobs and pull the panty snug. Then I checked my makeup and hair, making sure that I used a dark red lipstick with gloss. When I was ready, I walked out of my room. I found them on the patio. Janet saw me first, poked mom, and when they both looked, I strutted outside in my very best modeling walk, then posed in front of them. Neither of them said a word at first, then... "Damn!" Janet almost yelled. "Yes, damn," mom intoned. I strutted around the patio using my very best modeling walk, then posed for them, one hand on my hip, one foot in front of the other, a smile on my face. "Damn girl! You look fantastic!" "It seems that the charm school worked!" "Sure did mom, just look at her!" I sat down next to mom, still smiling. "Well, this is what you wanted isn't it? For me to be perfect?" "It certainly looks like you've accomplished that!," mom said with awe in her voice. "You look thinner Jennifer." "I've lost about 18 pounds so far." "It shows," mom said, "and you do have a wonderful figure, but just how far do you intend to take this? I mean, after all this, can you even think about going back to being a boy again?" "I don't know," I answered honestly, "but I have another four months to figure that out, don't I?" "But the party is in only two!" "Yes, I know, but the appliances I use were attached with an adhesive that lasts a minimum of six, so no matter what, I'll be this way at least until then!" "At least?" mom asked surprised. "Well, what if I don't want to go back? I can't answer that right now, so I don't know!" "You won't change back," Janet said forcefully, "not after all this! I mean, just look at you! Your better looking than a lot of girls I can name, and besides, you like it too much!" "I agree," Mom said, "Jennifer, obviously likes being a girl too much to go back, but we'll wait and see I guess. Now, go put some clothes on. You've proved your point." I changed into a skirt and blouse then rejoined them. Mom didn't say much, but she was watching me closely' the way I sat down, walked and so on. Janet however, wanted more details about the school, and how I managed to be so feminine in such a short time. There wasn't any one thing, it was a combination of the drills, my desire, and repetition, which eventually corrected all of my male mannerisms. What I failed to tell them was that I had met someone. He always dropped off his sister on the way to work. Ethan was encouraging his sister Emily to go into the modeling business, which is why she was there. Emily had it all. Figure, smile, brains, and a willingness to do all the hard things it takes to be a model. Ethan and I were introduced by Emily, and we met several times for coffee after that. According to Emily, after that first time we met, he wanted to see me more often! I demurred several times, but eventually I had to face someone other than my group or my family, so I agreed to have coffee with him. Ethan was taller than I was, even if I had heels on, with a very sturdy build, and very masculine. Everything I never was. He was attentive and funny, polite almost to a fault, and very nice looking. Watching him, I could not see any sign that he thought I was anything but a female. But then again, I used everything they taught me at school. How to smile, when to laugh, and when to act shy or coy. I had not said anything to mom or Janet because I didn't need the grief, but Ethan had asked me out to dinner the day before, and I had accepted, which meant that on Friday night, both would find out; so rather than have it be a surprise... "I ahhh... I have a date on Friday, so don't plan any dinner for me." "A date! You have a date? With who?" Janet sounded surprised. "A guy I met at the school. His sister, Emily, is in my group. He's nice, and he asked me out to dinner, and I said yes, that's who!" "Just be careful honey, you don't know a thing about handling men; you can get into trouble if you're not careful, and I don't want you to get hurt." "I'll be careful mom. But this is something I have to do. I have to know if I'm any good outside the group!" "I know, but men have only one thing on their minds, and you know what that is!" "Even if I went that far, which I won't, I can hardly get pregnant!" "That is not the point and you know it! You're only 18, even if you do look like 23, so don't get carried away! That's all I'm saying!" "I got it mom! I got it! No fooling around on the first date, I promise!" "First date?," Janet asked. "Well, if we hit it off, and we have so far, he'll ask me out again, right?" "I've created a monster!" "No Janet, you merely let one of confinement." On Friday I skipped the afternoon session and went to the salon for the works. Waxing, nails, hair, and makeup, then I went home to get dressed. There was only one choice for me, the red sheath dress. It fit me like paint, was cut low enough to entice without being lewd, and was about two inches above my knees. All I had to do after I got dressed was add jewelry and perfume. High cut lacy panties and a shelf bra to start with, then a garterbelt with nude hose. My red heels with the straps and a matching clutch bag, and I was ready. Janet saw me as I left my room and whistled, but I ignored her and went to wait for Ethan to arrive. When they met, I could see that both mom and Janet were sufficiently stunned with the way Ethan looked, but I only smiled, then he and I left. We talked about ourselves, mine mostly true, I just left out the part about being a guy like him. He laughed at some of my jokes, and I had a wonderful time. It was when he leaned over and kissed me, right in the restaurant that I realized just how much I wanted him to do that. Up until that point I didn't even know that I wanted him to do that, but when he did, it was like he set me on fire. He was just so manly, and I so feminine by then that I couldn't stop those feelings, and later, when he put his hand on my leg, well I knew for sure that he was more than casually interested in me. I kissed him several more times that night, but had him take me home instead of his apartment. I wasn't ready for that, but to be honest, I considered it. That night as I lay in bed I knew in my heart of hearts that there wasn't any way that I going back to what I had been; I was a girl, a woman, inside and out. Janet wanted all the details of course, but all she got was, "I had a nice time." The same for mom, although I think she knew better. I went out with Ethan several more times, each time we both went further than before, until it happened. He wanted me in his bed, and even told me that. Up to that point it was just fondling and kissing, but going to his bed would mean that I would no longer be able to hold onto that faint bit of doubt that crept up on me once in a while. I was, in effect, a virgin, and wasn't sure that I could even do what I knew he wanted, but the girl I had become was screaming at me to do it, so... I did. Letting someone undress you is a complete turn on, and when I was down to my panties and a smile, I began to undress him. I could not stop myself from touching him. His chest hair, the muscles on his back, those strong legs, and his face that simply radiated sex appeal. It was when I was taking his pants down that I saw it for the first time, that which defines a man. It poked out against his boxers, an invitation for me to touch that too, and I did. I pulled his shorts down and came face to face with it. As my hand wrapped around it, the hard yet velvety feel of it was compounded by the throbbing pulsations of lust within. I looked up at him, then kissed the tip, a gentle touch that enraged his need for relief. I stroked him with my hand, smiling the whole time, but I knew that I was going to do it, so I did. I took it in one gulp and began to massage it with my tongue. He was going crazy, but when I stopped, he grabbed me up and carried me to the bedroom. As I lay on the bed, I watched him as he slowly lay down next to me, his hands found every single button, and I was so turned on that I pushed him over on his back, then straddled his member. Using my hand, I guided him home, then began to screw his brains out. I was watching his face as he went from merely panting to gasping as he released. I was in total control, and I loved it. When he was spent, I rolled off and lay next to him, touching him all over. If I had jumped off the bridge, then I was damned well going to experience all of it, and I moved so that I could restart his member. I was rewarded when he once again rose to the challenge, but that time I kept it right where I wanted it. I wanted to taste him, to feel him pulsing as he confirmed my femininity once again. My mother was polite enough not ask where I was all night because she already knew. Janet also knew, but could not help herself, and asked. Once again, all I told her was that I had a wonderful evening and dropped it. When I attended that dance it was anticlimactic in so many ways. My escort was handsome and polite, but we had zero chemistry. Janet's guy made his contacts and he and Janet are dating steadily now, but as for me, I now look back at how this all came to be and I'm in awe. I had the backing of my sister and mother, with a certain insistence that I do it right or not at all. That girl I had always harbored inside of me had been unleashed, and by working hard at it, I discovered that she was more than just a sad little boy in a dress. I found out that the woman I had always kept hidden inside of me was a pretty and vibrant person, quite capable of making her way in the world without doubt or fear, something I always suffered from before Jennifer came along. I have to go now. I'm late for my doctors appointment.

Same as Dancing Videos

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Mares Tales 29

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Fucked Seductive Babita Aunty

Once my aunty Babita came to my house in Mumbai along with her son and daughter. At that time I was in Second year of My Graduation. In fact they had come for her son's admission for Degree. I was alone at home, because parents went to attain a wedding of priya. Priya is summit uncle’s daughter, who is my paa’s best friend. I was very happy that the fact was she is going to stay with me and alone.We had a nice time in the morning when we went to my cousin's college for admission. Continued my...

2 years ago
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I love you sis PRT1

The alarm screeched out its wake-up call, its piercing tone destroying the early morning silence. It continued to wail until a hand reached out from under the covers of the king-sized bed and slammed down on top of it, activating the snooze feature and silencing it for 10 minutes. This allowed Charles to go back to his dream, one in which he was very familiar. He and his wife Jessica were locked in a heated embrace, both naked, laying tightly next to each other on the bed, kissing as if it was...

1 year ago
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Shadow of a Doubt Ch 03

Chapter 03 Mornings are wonderful on 'our weekends'. Not having to jump out of bed at first light to feed and keep our children occupied is such a blessing. Perhaps I should feel guilty, but when our two little ones are at Grandma's house, Johan and I get to be and act like we always have with each other. For two whole days a week we can relax and be two horny people who both enjoy sex, having fun, playing with toys, and all kinds of other 'regular' things too. 'Our weekend' stretches from...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Survival chapter 2

Glen put in his eight hours driving and pulled into another truck stop. He fueled up and backed his rig into a parking space at the back of the lot. He turns to Jeanie, ‘Okay Jeanie we have a restaurant and a motel and a Subway. We can eat in the restaurant or at Subway and I’ll get you a room in the motel. That way you can have a shower and a comfy bed.’ Jeanie rolls her eyes at him. ‘Sure and then you can run off and leave when I’m asleep.’ ‘Hell you oughta know better than that, I won’t...

2 years ago
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A Swinging Time at the Wedding Fair

Author's Foreword My first story for Fictionmania, 'The Best Stand at the Wedding Fair', was written and published in June 2016. I went on to write some other stories with different characters, but then, for various reasons, I stopped. In September 2019 I felt the urge to try writing for FM again, and it seemed natural to consider a sequel to my first published story. I re- read 'The Best Stand...' and, after making a few minor amendments and corrections, I resubmitted it. I'd...

1 year ago
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My Forced Fantasy

"Oh Mr Carlton, I'm SO glad to see you! My car won't start!". I'm distressed. My cell isn't working right and every time I've tried to call someone for help, the signal hasn't gone through. Of course these things aren't a surprise to you....this is all part of your plan.... You get out of your car. If I knew anything about men, I'd see the big bulge in your pants already. In your head, you are planning all of the nasty things you're going to do to me once you have me at your...

1 year ago
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The Storm

Introduction: Survival in the Rockies takes a special talent . . . While this is a work of fiction, I based it on some actual events that I either went through, or know the people that did. This isn’t a particularly sex-oriented story, but it has its moments.Again, your constructive comments are welcomed and appreciated. However if all you want to do is rant, please give your keyboard the day off!The StormRoy felt the truck sliding towards the ditch, and there was nothing he could do to stop...

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CHAPTER 11:In their own interesting way, their life took on an inexplicable form of normalcy. At least, a form of normalcy that fit their lifestyle.In the months that followed and stretched into more months, the ranch was less of a place of isolation from the world that had once been its purpose, and was more a home that was also a retreat, a place where love and peace where shared in everything that was a part of the place. If Annie’s experience wasn’t forgotten, it became a milestone in her...

3 years ago
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How my wife got pregnant

Hello again for those who know me, been asked to write again about our sex life so this one seems fitting! The ones who do know us know we have a very open relationship (I even first met my wife while she was getting fucked by several men at a party) and many partners. Anyway some months ago we started talking about getting pregnant and i told her how turned on I would be if we didn't know who the actual father was, in fact it would be amazing if the father was a black guy. That way it would be...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Ziggy Star Stepdaughter Anal Seduction

Curly haired cutie Ziggy Star is always trying to get her stepdads attention, but the grumpy guy is too busy working to pay her any mind. So, the sexy teen gets a devious idea. She fills her asshole with a bedazzled buttplug and launches into some serious stepdaughter seduction. She spreads her asscheeks, exposing the special surprise, and her stepdad simply cannot resist. He fucks her teen pussy sensually before moving to the bedroom. Then, he replaces the buttplug with his throbbing cock and...

2 years ago
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My record

I have been a perv since as long as I can remember. As early as age six, I clearly remember lying on the floor with images of female models from advertisements I found in magazines or store fliers from the sunday paper and grinding my stiffening cock into the unyielding floor. I liked the feel of pressure against my young plumbing.By age nine, I had befriended a neighbor whose father had a jackpot of skin mags in his attic. Penthouse, Hustler, High Society, probably other titles as...

3 years ago
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A New Spin On Traits

Hey there. My name is- You know what? Let's just call me Narrator. I am a little reluctant to give up my real name nowadays. I was asked - well, ordered really - to retell how I became what I am today. It all started out when I acquired my newest trait called "apprentice warlock". In case you live in a universe without magic let me tell you this. Warlocks are those who summon demons. That had been my goal. To be more specific, I wanted to summon a Succubus. One of those female lust...

3 years ago
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Fountain of Youth Best Laid Plans

Fountain of Youth - Best Laid Plans By Shawna Hello, my name is Danny Ford. I am a research biologist in my mid- twenties, having achieved my doctorate at the age of 20. I have recently made a breakthrough with my formula designed to regress age - a virtual fountain of youth. If I'm as successful as I believe I will be, my discovery will make my distant relative Henry Ford's fame and fortune pale in comparison! This breakthrough will enable...

2 years ago
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1 Tag Bonewell House DickChapter 2

Taggart Oliver Bonewell reported for his new job as house dick of the Wellington Hotel on a Monday, not only on time, but an hour early. He wasn't due to log in until 11:30 a.m. and it was now only 10:25. As he stood in the hotel lobby, his immediate overall impression was one of old money with distinct overtones of new money. Rich folk live here, Tag thought, make no mistake. Ostentatious and gaudy rich folk, judging from all the fake gold trim and the fake marble this and marble that....

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