- 2 years ago
- 42
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The chronological order of my stories is as follows:
Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series, The Hot Wives Investment Club series.
Seriously Inconvenienced, Ch. 1-5.
Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.
Part 19 – The Spark of Vengeance
At dawn on Saturday, November 22d, I left the smoldering remains of the disaster and went to see my family. There were hugs and tears and offers of condolences, but also one moment of happiness: my daughter Carole reached for me when I came through the door and hugged me tightly, refusing to let go as I held her. No matter how bad it was, hearing the word ‘Da-da’ again and again from my healthy, unharmed baby girl was wonderful.
After eating some breakfast (and feeding Carole half of it), I returned to the scene. Fire Marshal Zoe Singer was there. ‘My arson team is on the way.’ she said.
‘Call ’em off.’ I said. ‘It definitely is arson, we’ll never catch the perps, and I don’t want the BAFTE crawling around my home.’ I knew that Zoe would be obligated to call in the BAFTE if and when she found remnants of explosives in the cars, so I spared her the trouble by preventing her from finding anything. And, except for the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments, I was the only person who could possibly call her and her team off the case.
‘If you say so.’ Zoe replied, then got on the radio and told the arson team to hold off for the time being.
Afterwards, as we looked at the heaps of ashes, I saw tears in Zoe’s eyes. ‘This is where we-‘ she started, but didn’t finish. The death of my home had meaning to more persons than just me. I put my arm around her and she nestled into my side for a moment. Then I showed her where the tunnel to the underground wine cellar was, and admonished her to keep people away from there lest they fall and be injured. Zoe marked it off with crime scene tape and didn’t let anyone on her arson teams go there. They may not even have known what was there.
Moments later, the police cordon admitted another person: FBI Special Agent In Charge Jack Muscone. I had rarely seen him look so somber as I introduced him to Zoe.
‘Commander Singer,’ said Jack, ‘I wish I was meeting you under much better circumstances. I also need you to know that I’m going to have my agents take over this case. We consider it an assassination attempt upon our FBI Consultant, Commander Troy.’ In addition to thinking that he was keeping the BAFTE out of the equation, Muscone was not saying out loud that the FBI also considered this an assassination attempt upon a Deputy Director of the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology, that being my wife.
Zoe acquiesced, actually relieved about it, as I said ‘Excuse me a moment.’ I began going around the far side of The Cabin, then into the ashes.
‘Don!’ Zoe yelled. ‘Be careful! It’s still hot, and you might fall through a weak floor space.’
‘I’m not going far.’ I said, then saw what I wanted to see. There had been a wall safe in the upstairs bedroom closet, installed by me to keep a few valuables while I was at The Cabin. I saw a corner of it amongst the collapsed wall of the house. Wrestling it out, I found the safe to be scorched but intact.
‘What’s that?’ Jack asked as he and Zoe came up to me. The combination wheel turned, but the lock handle was jammed, and it took a strong effort to push it back. The safe still wouldn’t open.
‘There is something very valuable in here.’ I said. ‘Here, Jack, hold it steady while I use this here red crowbar for something worthwhile.’ Jack held the safe and I jimmied it open fairly easily.
Inside, the papers that had been in there were damaged, and the cartridges in the revolver I had in there had exploded, rendering the device inoperable until a gunsmith could repair it. Fortunately, a smaller fireproof box inside had held up, and inside that box were some metal insignia from my ROTC and Army days, and some coins… including the one in particular that I was seeking: the ancient Roman coin that my great-grandmother had left Germany with while escaping the Nazis. ‘Thank God, it’s here.’ I said. I showed Jack and Zoe the coin, explaining its deeply personal meaning to me.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘I’m absolutely sure that this was an attempted murder.’ I said. It was 11:00am and I was in the Chief’s conference room with the Chief, Laura and Jack Muscone. Cindy was at The Cabin, working with Lt. Tanya Perlman, the Crime Lab, and the Arson team, and had been doing so all morning. I’d told Cindy to keep the Fire Department teams away from both destroyed cars, and Tanya Perlman and Police Auxiliary Officer Barry Oliver were personally working them ‘at the request of the FBI’, that being Jack Muscone again..
‘I just checked with the Power Company people, and they think the transformer was deliberately damaged, which got us out of the Mountain Nest and into The Cabin… right where they wanted us.’ I said. ‘Whoever left that message in the book about ‘setting fire to our rooms’ along with that picture of her with a target on my wife’s face… obviously they followed their threat with execution.’
‘Just two questions.’ said the Chief. ‘First, why not just set fire to the Mountain Nest, where you’ve been living for months now? And second, why warn you of the plot to set your house on fire? Why not just do it?’
‘To answer your first question: the Mountain Nest is virtually fireproof.’ Laura said. ‘It’s concrete and brick, and the other materials inside are fire resistant, it was built to not burn down by a previous resident who was paranoid about fire. The several fire detectors in the home are wired into the alarm system, and The Cabin is not as well protected in that way.
Laura continued, almost getting carried away: ‘There is much less shrubbery and a lot more lighting at the Mountain Nest, which is gated, and there is also a path down to the University from the back deck of the Mountain Nest, making for an easy escape route. I don’t think they expected us to try to go straight down the mountain behind The Cabin, though my husband immediately realized it was our only hope. Last but not least, The Cabin is far more isolated, and was simply a much easier target for what they did… tried to do to us.’
‘As to warning us,’ Laura said, ‘maybe its someone’s ego again?… Don… Don? Helloooo, Don…’ Needless to say, I had gone into a reverie.
‘I hear you.’ I said, though my voice sounded tiny and far away. ‘I was just realizing something… several things.’
‘Do I need to call in Lieutenant Ross for some blue crowbar treatment?’ Jack said, trying to be humorous.
‘She’d love it if you did.’ I said. ‘But I was just realizing… if I’m right, this is so much larger… so much deeper than we thought.’
‘What do you mean, Crowbar?’ asked Chief Griswold, who was peering at me with abnormal intensity.
‘Let me demonstrate this way.’ I said. ‘Laura, who do you think is behind this?’
‘Henry Wargrave.’ Laura said
. ‘Who else could it be?’
‘And you reeeeeealy wanna kill him, don’t you?’ I asked my wife.
‘You bet your ass I do-‘ Laura said, then stopped. ‘Why? What are you getting at?’
‘Laura, Jack, you’ve both been tracking Wargrave for some time.’ I said. ‘Tell me, is this his modus operandi?’
‘I’d say it’s not out of the realm of what he might permit himself to do.’ Jack said. ‘He’s had people killed before, the FBI is sure of it. Mostly in other countries, though.’
‘He’s absolutely ruthless, Don.’ Laura said. ‘As much or more than Oldeeds was.’
‘But he’s not this sloppy.’ I said. ‘Leaving things to chance that we might get out alive?’
‘He had his people rig your cars with explosives.’ said Jack Muscone. ‘Perlman has already told me they’ve found residue of ‘plastiques’ in the cars. Enough to blow out the bulletproof windows of your Police SUV.’
‘Which reminds me,’ said the Chief, ‘we’re already outfitting you a new SUV, even more armored. The insurance plus a little extra, at the insistence of the Town & County Council, is paying for it. Sorry to interrupt, Jack. You were saying?’
‘Just that they expected you to get out, go to your cars, then they’d blow the car that you took up, with you inside it.’ Jack finished.
‘Doesn’t make sense.’ I said. As they looked at me, I said, ‘That would suggest they were watching, but didn’t bother to shoot us when we came out of the house. That would be worse than sloppy.’
‘So what are you suggesting?’ the Chief asked. I could tell in his face that he was mentally getting to the crux of the problem, if not the answer.
‘Just this.’ I said. ‘First, in all the study I have done of Henry R. Wargrave, I have not found a single instance of where he has harmed a child. Not one. Yet our children were definitely put in mortal danger by the fire.’
‘That’s true.’ Jack Muscone said. ‘And in addition to that, Wargrave has built orphanages in many places in the world, and full wings of children’s hospitals, including at University Hospital here.’
‘First time for everything.’ Laura said, meaning the attempt to murder a child.
‘Maybe,’ I replied, ‘but I seriously am doubting it at the moment. Second, he would know damn well that if either Laura or I survived that fire, his own life would be forfeit if he ever showed himself in public again. Laura said as much to him. And he somewhat backhandedly reassured me he was not after our children in our past verbal sparrings.’
‘Tie this in a bow for the FBI and CIA people in the room.’ the Chief astutely said. ‘I don’t need your skills to see that they’re not feeling you on this.’
‘Yes sir.’ I said. ‘Guys, what I’m getting at is that Wargrave may not have been behind this. In fact, it could be someone trying to get us to do the dirty work of eliminating Wargrave for them.’
‘What?!’ cried out three voices in unison.
‘Think about it.’ I said. ‘Laura, you have the equivalent of a license to kill, and you’ve cleaned up one asshole member of the Corrigan Cell already, to my utter delight. But if they’d gotten one of us and our children, the other would’ve done whatever it took and damn the consequences to take vengeance for our children’s lives. And as such, Wargrave would be dead, another of the Corrigan Cell cleaned up.’
‘400 years ago…’ Jack said, then realized that talking about burnings at the stake would be ill-timed. ‘Oh, sorry, that’s not the right thing to say right now.’
‘I’ll laugh later.’ I said, understanding Jack’s meaning. ‘After I take care of this bastard and the remnants of his rogue CIA cell.’ My eyes became jet, and my reverie was not one any decent person wanted to know about.
‘What are you going to do, Crowbar?’ asked the Chief.
‘I am going to finish off the Corrigan Cell, once and for all.’ I said severely, then said brightly, suddenly changing my mood like Shayla Belle would do while talking, ‘But first, the four of us are going to the Cop Bar for lunch! We’re still alive, and I for one am starving. By the way, Jack, the owner named your favorite item ‘Jack’s Double Cheeseburger’ after you.’
‘Well, that’s nice of him.’ Muscone said. ‘What did he name for you?’
‘The flatiron steak.’ Laura said. ‘It’s now ‘The Iron Crowbar’s Flatiron Steak’ on the menu.’
‘Complete with ‘Griswold’s Grizzly Fries’ and ‘Gillem’s Firehouse Hot Wings’, named after the Police and Fire Chiefs, respectively.’ I said. The Chief blushed, but his mustaches were twitching with merriment.
‘All this talk is making me hungry.’ said Jack. ‘Let’s go.’
‘By the way, Laura,’ I asked as we got up. ‘President Wellman is having his pre-Thanksgiving parties next week. When are we invited?’
‘Monday night.’ Laura said. ‘That’s when he’s having the Council and the Chief and us and some of the Town businesspeople there. Tuesday night is the Faculty reception, and you and I will be doing it all over again.’
‘Would you do me a favor?’ I asked. ‘Get with him on the guest list for Monday night. I want to make sure certain people are there…’
Part 20 – Plan of Action
After lunch, Laura and I went by Todd and Jeanine’s house. Upon my observation and comment, Jeanine showed me a new emerald ring on her finger, gushing that Todd had given it to her the evening before… before all hell had broken loose in the early morning hours.
For himself, Todd was playing some game with Carole, bouncing her on his knee, and he had his little cousin laughing merrily. When she saw me, though, she reached out and I took her into my arms. I got another strong baby hug, and Carole didn’t want to let me go.
‘She’s going to be clingy for a while.’ Laura said. ‘She knows that something bad happened last night, and she wants to keep you very close and safe.’
I had intended to talk to Todd and move out on my mission quickly, my wife’s words changed my suppositions. I spent the next half hour holding my daughter while talking to Todd, Teresa, Jeanine and Laura about anything but fires, and also expressing my gratitude for them keeping Carole and Jim for me and Laura. Jeanine took a picture of me holding Carole, I still have that picture in a frame on my desk in my office.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Todd drove with me to the Crime Lab building, where we found Barry Oliver, Tanya Perlman, J.R. Barnes, Christina Cho and a couple of other techs working. I endured the condolences over the loss of my home, then quickly got down to business.
‘Definitely arson.’ Tanya Perlman said. ‘Something fast burning, maybe gasoline, on the front walls of the house, definitely all over the door and in the garage. Plastic explosives were injected into the door panels of both cars, maybe some underneath. Those cars were rolling bombs.’
‘Don,’ said Barry Oliver, ‘can I talk to you privately?’
‘Sure.’ I said. Barry, Todd and I went into the main office that was now Dr. Woodrow’s.
Barry said ‘I found the remnants of the device in your wife’s car that set off the explosives with a charge to a blasting cap. I’m not discussing this with the rest of the techs unless you tell me to.’
‘Probably a good idea to keep it quiet.’ I said. ‘What did you find out about it?’
Barry replied ‘The device was rigged so that it would’ve gone off about one minute after someone sat down in the driver’s seat. It also had a type of fuse that set the explosives off when the device got really hot, meaning while it, the car, and the house were all burning. They thought of both contingencies: that you might escape by the car, or that you might not make it out alive, and so the bombs were set off to prevent us from getting more information about them.’
‘Geez.’ said Todd.
‘And there’s an alarm that would go off if they’d gone into the garage of The Cabin.’ I said. ‘Meaning that this was done ahead of time. Planned in advance all the way.’
‘Uncle Don,’ Todd said, his voice eerie, ‘can
I go up and see it?’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We stood on the driveway before the house. We could now see the Town and the farms to the west of the river. I saw a train coming down the track out of the western horizon.
‘Those bastards.’ Todd said, his eyes looking over the wreck and ashes. The cars had been towed away, only support posts and ashes remained.
I knew he’d rarely been to The Cabin, so this show of feeling was unexpected. As if in answer to my unspoken thoughts, Todd said ‘Those bastards tried to kill my baby cousins, Uncle Don. Who did this? I want to kill them.’
‘I know how you feel, Todd.’ I replied. ‘I’m calling dibs on killing them. But you can help. Call Barry Oliver and let’s meet him at your offices.’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘Uncle Don, you’ve met Takaki Taichi, whom we call ‘Taro’.’ Todd said. Takaki bowed formally to me in Japanese style. Perhaps to his surprise, I returned the bow politely.
‘Yes, Taro-san.’ I said. ‘I’ve heard great things about the work you are doing for my nephew and Mr. Oliver here. I’m looking forward to working with you on something of vital importance.’
‘You are too kind, Commander-san.’ Taro replied in good but accented English. He was a native of Japan. ‘I am honored to be of service to the Iron Crowbar. How can I help you?’
I discussed the remote control plans that I’d obtained from Alicia Foster and given to Barry before. I told what I wanted done, that I wanted a truck to be rigged to be driven by remote control. I explained my plan further.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Saturday night. The power was back on at The Mountain Nest, so we went back home with the kids. Cindy, Teresa and Todd all volunteered to stay with us, and to my surprise Laura asked Cindy and Teresa, and also Jenna, to stay overnight, while telling Todd to go home and reap his ‘reward’ for that emerald ring he’d bought his wife. Carole was happy to be getting so much attention, especially from her buddy Cindy. I realized as I watched them that Laura was more nervous than she was letting on.
‘I put in the order with Ward Harvester that you wanted, through intermediaries.’ my wife told me privately. ‘It’ll be ready for pickup Monday afternoon. Also, the guest list will be as you wanted it for Monday night, in fact, it was already that way, so I didn’t have to say much.’
‘Good.’ I said. ‘I’ll have my guys pick the truck up at Ward Harvester.’
Later that night, I found myself dozing off as I talked ‘shop’ with Teresa and Cindy, solving all of the Police Department’s problems in one sitting… or not. Laura was attending to the babies and pretending to talk with us, though she was a million miles away, it seemed.
We all headed to bed. Cindy was sleeping in the baby room, having insisted upon doing so, and Teresa was in the guest room. I headed to the master bedroom to get some sleep.
I did dream about the fire, but not too much. I also dreamed about Zoe, and Molly and baby Ross, and I had a dream about being at the ‘Vision’ headquarters with voices talking around me as P. Harvey Eckhart looked on and multi-colored lights flashing… then back to the orange light of the fire at The Cabin…
I woke at dawn, realizing that I had gotten some sleep and that I felt refreshed. I looked up to see that Laura was sitting at the window… she had not been able to sleep all night, and she was exhausted.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The back warehouse of Arrowpoint Solutions, Inc. was the only building with lights on. Inside, Taro and Barry were working with the large refrigerated truck.
‘We can control it pretty well in a straight line.’ Barry said. ‘But I just can’t get it to turn fast enough.’
‘Leave that to me, Barry-san.’ Taro said. Barry noted that Taro looked exhausted. ‘I have some additional things I can do. No, I will not say anything about what they are until our mission is complete, but I have been working on a special guidance system for some time.’
‘Okay, I look forward to seeing it when you have it ready for me.’ Barry said. He knew that Taro did not like to reveal things until they were worked out and error-free. He left it alone, knowing the measure of Taro’s brilliance and successes so far.
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The next morning, Megan prepared us a hearty breakfast and waved us goodbye from the front porch as I drove of with her daughter and best friend. We would be gone most of the day, but she insisted on staying behind. "It'll give me a chance to catch up on my reading," she said. Thirty minutes after we had left, she began thinking over what she had seen the day before. About Karen sucking that massive horse cock. But most especially, her mind kept bringing her back to my giant black poodle...
When Megan finally woke up she stretched her aching muscles, then recalled what she had done the day before. Then all the memories came rushing in. The dog, the horse, then Jim and her daughter catching her in the act. And to finish it all off, watching Kaelee suck the large black poodle. She turned her head and saw Jim sleeping next to her. 'Oh, what he must think of me, ' she thought, terrified that he might leave her. She hadn't realized that he was the instigator of this whole...
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IncestHiii friend i m ari.. Ye mera real name nahi hai.. Mera lund ka size normal hai 6 inch.. Baat kuch mahine pahle ki hai main main kanpur ka rahne wala hu.. Meri maami b mere ghar k pass rahti hai aur unki age 40 hai aur figure 38 32 38 hai.. Main jab unko dekhta tha to mera lund khada ho jaata aur unko chodne ka mann karta.. Main unse bhut frank tha.. Ek din main unke ghar gaya to wo nahane ja rahi the.. Wo mujhese bhut majak karti to maine b majak me unse sath nahane ki baat kahi. Unhone mujhe...
The number of cars clustered in the parking lot is a little surprising. Sure I knew there would be a few volunteers who'd answer the request for assistance at the library, but I didn't expect quite this many. It's an impressive turnout for a weekday morning, and before 8:00 a.m. to boot.With my husband Roger being away for the first week of a two week business trip, the novelty of solo shopping and doing whatever I please has worn a bit thin. I'm feeling just a little proud that I'm actually...
The bedroom…As we hopped on the bed we embraced. The smell of Crystal’s freshly shampooed hair seemed to wipe clean the guilt of the incredibly dirty sex acts we had performed only moment ago. We had an amazing sex life prior to this day; I, on occasion, would take erotic photos of her in secluded parks; she would dress up for me in sexy outfits and she enjoyed anal sex at times. She said she loved how hot it made me; that it made me go wild and liked to see me in true exssatcy. Though, now...
I skid out of the way as a rapid movement of air spins me around. Holy fuck I could swear that driver was trying to kill me. The jackass decides to flip me the bird as he rumbles away in his small dick, super suspended f-150. But hey who am I to judge a guy’s dick, it’s not like mine is something to write home about. I stumble into the store, avoiding the cashier’s piercing gaze. She’s smoking hot but no way I could get the confidence for that. I push the thought of her full, pouty lips opening...
In the whole school no student was more feared the Erin Hardy. Rumors aboud of students being beaten up, teachers threatened and confis**ted d**gs and weapons. The crowd Erin ran with were the baddest of the bad, whenever shit went down Erin was there she was the top dog. Surprised you didn't I?You didn't read that wrong, Erin Hardy the toughest Bitch at Mckinnley High was a girl. My dad was in the Air force and as such we moved quite a bit. In fact I had not set foot on Natural American soil...
My black SUV pulled up at our house and I tried my hardest to be fairly quiet as I walked into the door. Usually she is the first thing I see when I come home but she was not in sight. The house was somewhat quiet though. I walked from room to room checking on her when I got to the closed door of our bedroom. My heart skipped a beat as I was now listening to strange sounds. Sounds her and I usually make when we are behind closed doors together. I paused before opening the door to listen,...
It's a bit long, but I adapted it from 3 separate posts that I had written years ago, so enjoy/comment/whatever. “Will?” Erin said. “Yes?”“Meet me at the access road by the power station. You know, the one up the road from the construction company.”“Yeah, I know what one you mean. See you there.” I hung up and instantly threw on a pair of non-marking soled sneakers and an old grey volleyball hoodie an ex from the next city over had gotten me while we were dating, grabbed a small flashlight, and...
When Liz Jordan jerks her little cunt off, she dreams of sucking dick. That’s right. Liz is a dick sucker. It’s her fetish. Using only her wet, eager mouth in order to make a man ejaculate. Why? Well, part of the reason is, when Liz uses her tight, tight cunt the dude usually cums too fast. It’s kinda become a problem for Liz. You can see why. But when Liz uses just her mouth, things tends to last longer. But don’t take my word for it. Just listen to Liz tell you all...
xmoviesforyouI watched her for some time before she finally got up to pay for her drink. She was a beautiful young woman. Early 20s. Light beautiful tan skin. Big brown eyes. Red hair. About 5'11". Big round ass that would drive any guy crazy. Big round breasts that I fantized about sucking and playing with most of the time. The rest of the time I imagined how much more beautiful she would look tied up and gaged. She got up and paid for her drink. I drank the last of my vodka and coke and paid for my drink...
Michele James flawless big tits are simple amazing. She’s back to shoot with us and we have her showing off her great body with her nice ass and juicy tits. Things get awkward with the production assistant and he had to go out to take a break before she starts playing with her pussy. Today when though I was going to get a round with Michele I got cock blocked by Derrick Ferrari. Lucky guy rings the bell as she’s asking for cock so he goes in and pleases her. Watch Michele James give one of her...
xmoviesforyouRoger sucked my cock for a few minutes, sometimes nipping the head with his teeth" you still like a bit of pain I see, I'm looking forward to giving you some soon. But tonight is about making sure Josie submits fully.when they come back leave everything to me"Just then our wives walked into the room, Josie s naked body looking fantastic.her big tits red, nipples swollen after the pinching and slapping.roger went over and ordered onto her knees and told her to suck his prick"Listen carefully,...
I climbed into the front bus and handed Professor Greenall the letter from Dad. Then I dropped myself into an empty seat two rows behind her and propped my science book open on my lap. The letter basically said that Dad gave permission for me to ride on the college booster buses to and from the game and made Professor Greenall my chaperone for the bus rides. It’s one of the downsides of being a kid. There are so many stupid rules you have to keep following to do anything interesting. I mean...
Adam was roused by the sound of the shower running in the attached bath. He rose, pulled on a pair of shorts and headed into the kitchen. He filled the reservoir of Kara’s coffee maker, added fresh grounds and switched it on. Shortly she stepped into the kitchen in her short robe and with a towel around her head. “I smelled the coffee,” she said and helped herself to a mug full. “Adam -- we must do something about covering the windows in the master bedroom.” “It’s on my to-do list,” he...
it was my final year of colg.. i knew this guy back from school.. he was my junior then... he was a gud looking guy ...slim figure .. medium height .. we often used to praise each other saying u are hot .. handsome.. all girls will run after you .. we used to have fun together ... chatted till late ... shared our collection of porn .. n many other things too.. we were basically good friends ,,, but he called me " bro " he had gone out state for his college ... he was a management...
Mayoral Candidate Heather Anderson sat at her desk looking through a series of glossy eight by twelve black and white photos of her being fucked by Sean McCarthy, her political opponent.What the hell had possessed her to give in to his seduction at last night's party?When she arrived this morning, the photographs on her desk were accompanied by a note stating that she would be publicly exposed unless she did 'the right thing.' If that occurred, all chances of being elected mayor would...
HardcoreEven without touching the window, Peter can feel the chill, the thinnest breath of winter, despite the iron radiator below, its hot breath on his naked thigh, a chill despite the sun that makes the green of new buds glow above a chocolate earth. Even without a touch, there is the chill. On the window's sill, caught on the ancient, chipping paint: dark silk, lace, like a cloud of oily smoke trapped for a moment, starting to dissipate, but only starting (the lace, thinks Peter, is like...
NATALIE (Sunday 12/4) I woke up when the light first started coming in the window. I felt good! Wonderful dream -- or was it a dream? After all, I'd invited Bob to molest me, and my pussy was really wet. I got up and did my pee and poo. Despite what I'd told Bob about no shower, I washed my spare hole really well. I figured (and hoped) it would get lots of attention today along with other parts. Bob came gliding in sporting an enormous boner. He kept trying to tell me he had to pee, but...
This story is a complete work of fiction."Mmmmmmm," she sighed as the fine grains of sand filled the gaps between her toes. For a brief moment in her hectic life, Louise Redknapp's slumbering dreams matched reality. A sun drenched beach, secluded, private and edged by the bluest water imaginable. Even with her eyes closed she could sense the sunshine warm on her bronzed skin. She was sure that no one could see her, or even knew she was here, and, as such, felt really tempted to remove her top....
Mr. Strait was a big man with a powerful body. This is one reason he wasn’t too happy with his daughter’s choice of a fiancé. Joey was a short kid. His father had died when he was eight and his mother had spoiled him. He was a sports nut, and played a wide variety of sports. He was too short to be good at basketball, but that didn’t stop him from trying. He didn’t play tennis or golf, and though he played baseball it wasn’t one of his favorite games. He liked the rougher contact sports, like...
TabooIt’s dusk and it’s raining, the sky is dark and brooding. We climb out of our taxi and head towards the upmarket restaurant. I’m wearing a long black coat, hot pink heels, black stockings and under my coat is my pvc corset and short, black pencil skirt with suspenders. I am wearing my collar. This is not a romantic dinner. My hair is pink and down, my makeup dark and heavy, my lips dark too. You are wearing your deadliest black suit with a hot pink tie that draws the eye up your body to your...
CuckoldAt breakfast the next morning it was only blind luck I remembered to ask Rose about the CB radio, but I was tickled with her answer. "Sigfried brought it up when we were planning the replacement truck and trailers. He'd known exctly what was in your other truck and he asked me if we needed to recreate everything and it led to a discussion. "He pointed out you'd have no one to communicate with here and I pointed out you would if I took a radio too, and things got away from us...
JLA: From Batman to Call Girl by BobH (c) 2010, 2014 With the aid of Kryptonian technology, Batman undergoes his most amazing transformation ever in order to track down the serial killer targeting the call girls of Gotham City. An LGBT Justice League of America tale. (First posted 06/02/10 - now rewritten) All characters herein are owned by DC Comics. ************************ 1. Alien Technology The Man of Steel watched thoughtfully as his friend paced the great...
SluttyBi: I need a ride. MissyJ: *devilish grin* I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe. SluttyBi: *lol* not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today. MissyJ: OK, where is this place? SluttyBi: do u remember Kev? MissyJ: Kev who? SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with him. ...
As he pulled out of my mouth I had another man standing next to me with his dick in his hand. I turned a little, took it in my mouth, and began sucking him. He was also as big as the others, and as thick. I think my eyes rolled up behind my head, I saw stars as I sucked and worked this man's cock. I was flexing my pussy again and I even think I was moving it back and forth humping air as I flexed it. I gulped down the cock in my mouth as my own pleasure began to increase. I moved faster and...
We had not been prepared for the appearance of the chest containing the Treasure of the Firbolg Kings, when it appeared on the stage in front of us along with the Eternal Flame after Grandfather Aengus asked his question. Everyone in the front rows of seats were staring at the contents of the chest, and those farther back were standing, so they could see what was in the chest. A murmur soon started as to what it was, and how much it was worth. Everyone was interrupted in their conjecture by...
Neighborly Lust (Part 4)Don Abdul ©2010Gabrielle weaved her vintage Mustang through the afternoon traffic with feline grace until we were headed towards the edge of the city. She suddenly had a wicked smile on her face and then before I could dwell on it, she dropped her hand to my knee. Without taking her eyes off the road she caressed my knee and then snaked her hand expertly up my skirt until she found my rapidly moistening shaven pussy.Her fingers rubbed my swollen lips up and down, and...
BDSMThis had been a church once, although to what god Aiden wasn't sure. The roof was shot through with years of abandon and months of shelling. It was night outside, but there was a strange orange glow that passed through the gaps in the roof and provided just enough light for the statues to loom out of deeper shadows, hands outstretched. Aiden wanted to just get this over with. Behind him, Jor flicked his light on. The church was less frightening and more pathetic when lit, but the beam didn't...
It seemed simple once I realised it. The Mr. Peter Simmons that everyone knew and loved was actually Ms. Lusty Swellcock, a fetish loving transsexual prostitute. I walked around frustrated for years about my sexuality, sex in general and basically who I was. I had fucked a bunch of girls in my younger days but that had dried up as I requested stranger and stranger things from them to get myself off. I clearly remember a girl telling me to fuck off because I wanted her to piss in my mouth. After...
Elaine watched as Gary refolded the contract and slipped it into his jacket pocket. She’d confirmed it was the same one, signed it, and barely said a prayer before it was gone. The ink wasn’t even dry. She shivered. Gary turned to her and slowly smiled. “I should say something profound, shouldn’t I?” Elaine nodded. “Y… Yes.” “In a minute.” Reaching behind her head, he slid his fingers into her silky hair and said, “I want to kiss you first.” Elaine’s scalp prickled....
Chapter 1 Two things happened to me about seven months ago: my daughter, Jennifer, went off to college and my wife, Suzanne, filed divorce papers. Well, I was happy that Jenn was going to college, she'd worked awfully hard to get a scholarship and I knew she would do well. The school was just a hundred and fifty or so miles away so it was easy for her to come home weekends if she wanted. Less happy was the divorce. I knew things were wrong for quite a while but it was when Jennifer was...
Pam and Lori have been friends for many years. Pam had a very nice handsome dad that was now divorced from Pam's mom and the mom moved far away. Pam told lori she used to lay in bed at night and listen to her dad fuck her mom. Some nights he would fuck her mom three times or more and her mom would beg for harder and deeper. Then Pam would play with her pussy as she listened. She told Pam her dad was a sex maniac and the girls would laugh. This week end he was taking the girls to a concert in...
November 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Tuesday, Elizaveta’s dad invited both of her grandfathers to join us for dinner at the country club. I enjoyed talking with them the way I’d always enjoyed talking with my grandfather’s friends, much to my mom’s displeasure, though that was mostly because of the ‘coarse’ language I’d picked up from them. All of my conversations with my future in-laws had been in English, after they’d asked that first time, and it was quite clear that to them it was much...
A party's a party, right? Wrong! I'll admit that I had never attended an 'A' List party before. In fact, the last party I can remember attending was for my nephew's seventh birthday. So I had no real idea what to expect. Harrison Beauregard's home looked even larger than Seven Oaks, as we passed through the ornate gates. Catherine had been right, the press was camped out. I began scanning, looking for any sign of hostile intent. But there were so many people; I was almost overwhelmed...
Chapter 7: Anne’s Promise Fulfilled. Anne looked very sad, on the verge of tears. We sat in the quietest corner of a Pub’s restaurant. I asked her what was wrong. ‘Bill has run off with Jane!’ Anne really did sob then. ‘Silly Bastards both of them, it will never last. I am shutting up for a while and going on a cruise but before then I need your body for a day perhaps two this Saturday and Sunday. After your last performance you may need to take Monday off as well.’ ‘Not another football...
You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline, though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...
You may have read about how Ventura and I got together and now I am her regular essential toy boy so to speak. Meeting Ventura was a great and wonderful moment in my life for which I shall forever be grateful to providence. I would never have thought in a month come sundays how wonderful such a strong passionate sexual encounter could be with a person 15 years older than I, but Ventura has all it takes and much more and now I am regularly seeing her and her friend Francesca whom I shall call...
It wasn't long after order 66 had been issued, many Jedi had fallen and been killed across the galaxy, and the temple on Coruscant had become a beacon of death for the order with the slaughter Darth Vader had overseen. Many fled of course and most went in to hiding. Our protagonist and her master had hidden themselves as best they could, but were caught by a rising Imperial admiral. Brought before him he had them stripped of their clothing and their lightsabers, but instead of executing them he...