Serious Witchcraft Using Freaks free porn video

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Serious Witchcraft using freaks......A tale of the Evil Fag-Hag... 'Girls night out' was how Filly described it. Stallion Freddy's committed cross-dressing black queen and consort. The Fag-Hag even sanctioned their relationship. Some Wicca rite and ring ceremony, performed with her suburban coven of space-cadets awhile back. Filly is athletic looking, tall and muscle toned, a looker but with an ex-convict edgy attitude showing sometimes. A strong-arm queen bee and enforcer, amid Stallion Freddy's live in posse. Those healthy handsome young vegan dudes, robust and openly gay jocks, who comprised the gay stallion's warehouse staff. Besides the man's other new-age business ventures, is Stallion Freddy's devoted life mate. This ebony skinned Amazon warrior princess, and often seen with the boyfriend's latest sexual conquest. This time a smaller, suburban white youth, formerly this eighteen year old male redhead and party buddy. For this band of edgy bearded, older drug-dealing bikers. Now blushing at me and some other (openly gay) party creatures; the patrons of a certain occult bookstore (and party scene) who knew him from before. An experienced femme now wearing leggy nylons, girly shorts and sandals, this most radical redheaded pussycat, 'She' was walking now manicured hand in hand. With the boyfriend's muscle toned and devoted black queen. I figured those two were sexually active a month ago. Filly appears to be in cahoots sometimes, with the witchy on steroids Fag-Hag. In the black queen's sanctioned relationship with the gay stallion, it was understood that Stallion Freddy was free to roam. Pursue his greater sexual needs, while Filly was entitled to check out the new guys. Like a library, probably, because the gay stallion's made over girly, redheaded pussycat fell head over (higher) heels into love. A wickedly complicated gay one, and way out of his league! A turned out femme displaying 'her' newly pierced, tongue and ornament the last time I noticed them two 'girlfriends' together. "It helps our pet when it comes to performing oral sex," the athletic and foxy dark princess purred to explain. "Because Filly loves to cream me!" our nylon leggy beet top in sandals spoke up excitedly. In soprano voice and naughty ass proud, one most satisfied teen-age femme, that was last week. Now the two were sitting kissy close again. This regal and tall looking, muscle toned and handsome black queen, wearing mid calf length woollen skirt with metallic sandals. Filly was sporting this exotic 'Cleopatra' hair do. Displaying a salon fashioned array of tasteful white beads with longish black corn-rows. 'She' begins sitting on this single kitchen chair first, with darker manicured hands in control again. Powerful queen arms steering this delightful beet-top pansy around, a foxy tart with tight spandex shorts. Perching atop the ebony she-he's lap, our pretty pansy redhead settling down - on the wild horns of forbidden love. "Care for a drink?" I offer, knowing full well neither was allowed to. Because their mean 'old man', Stallion Freddy despised the use of drugs or alcohol. But we all knew, the (formerly macho) boy-toy got high before. "I better not." This top-knotted ponytail redhead proclaims, in nice soprano voice and girly sweet. As a skirt-chasing male delinquent, he seldom refused a beer before. Not while hanging out with his macho gang, now this emerging gay fruit is seriously hooked up, has rules. "YEA! You BETTER NOT!" The sitting strong and dominant queen bee scolds: "I remember when my wild love pet used to party macho with the LOSERS! Sucking up to them bearded ugly, older hoods - and pretending to be a MAN!" And soon our pretty lover boy begins blushing, a pansy in blossom and wilting on the lap of romantic destiny. Cheeky firm pink shorts squirming on the wild horn, of 'her' sensational butch she-he and black mistress, who was saying to the rest of us: "My clueless naughty ass love pet. 'She' needs to date other boys - and soon!" "You just wanna dump me!" Filly's shorts and sandals wearing hottie moans. Swinging 'her' girly tight buns atop this dominant lap to utter face to face, with most radical pierced tongue showing off in sexual frustration: "And right after Stallion Freddy pushed me off of our bed! Telling me to act more like a groupie - for his other boys!" "You NEVER put out for THEM!" This ruling warrior princess growls, while showing off reptilian snarl. This enraged cross-dressing bully, displaying his venom: "Your tighty buns only wiggle around for tease. And coming on to our nakedly cute jocks - right in the showers! Our live-in posse calls you 'The Ice Queen', Get it?" And the cowering ponytail pansy begins looking downward, top-knotted longer red hair bouncing on the seat, of harsh tranny butch authority. I was thinking that Filly could be rather assertive. Probably due to his need for control, Stallion Freddy's live-in tribe of mostly gay vegan warehouse staff. An occult-savvy businessman, the gay stallion's ability to seduce the younger, emerging gay males was remarkable. Becoming his cadre of healthy handsome college-age youths, who shared living inside the man's clubhouse in the far suburbs. "You'll still be my bedroom pet, darling." Filly breaks the silence to reassure 'her'. While our perching pretty one perks up at once. As if eager to repair any relationship damage and totally relieved. "But NO MORE 'Ice Queen!' Do you hear me?" "yes" Our emotionally beat up little pussycat meekly answers, with lovely red ponytail pointing submissively downward. This made over pretty lap doll, still reluctant to do other boys it seems. That seldom happens in Stallion Freddy's live in tribe. This youthful former drinking buddy of ours, who once lusted after the girls while he partied with the macho edgy crowd; Now a very much in love and intensely deflowered sissy, is yet a shrinking violet when it comes to branching out. Usually it only takes a matter of days, for the latest Stallion Freddy (same-sex) romantic conquest, to do the other, high strung and insecure lover boys. This peachy faced little pansy in blossom, perching on the lap of romantic destiny, as the powerful tall ebony queen explains: "I really do need my man sometimes, hunny. And my man believes you should find one for yourself. Or should I?" "But Freddy's boys are SO MEAN to ME!" The perching redhead begins to whine. A most soprano voice of teen angst. Filly's loyal girly sidekick was feeling pressured, with cheeky pink shorts on the horns of a dilemma. "Listen Pet!" This imposing ebony mistress explains as if to scold. With annoyed skirted loins, jolting the pansy wallflower upwards. Filly laying down the law: "You only get ONE more chance - to make out and fit in with our posse, of available hunky guys. Or else you can pack up your make-up bag and go! What's it to be, girlfriend?" "I think I know your type." Filly accuses, more soprano voiced and friendly. "You always used to laugh and hang with the meanest, of bearded older fuckers. And you've been locking horns here, with our larger and more hairy of muscle bears. Who's that hunky hairy older guy in the gym, the one who's teasing you all the time? And now I heard you've really been teasing him back - like inside the naked shower scene!" "He pushed me there!" Filly's perching pantywaist teaser exclaims. With pinkish lips fluttering in denial, "Him and some other guys." "But you were wagging your tail at them." An amused ruling queen interrupts. "The muscle hunks tell me everything, you know?" "Ox" some boozed up faggot at my party laughs... "NO! I mean I just tease them - cuz ... ..They tease me....honest!" The passive aggressive little pansy fruit, didn't like Filly's line of questioning. I was almost impressed though. Because our made over lovely, beet top girly one was having cold feet. But reluctantly, our totally subdued cross-dresser comes out in surrender. "I'll do anything to keep you! You know I'd do anything, right?" 'She' begins to beg. With much wider red lips in evidence, smacking in sweet 'blow job' pout. "I'm sure you will, pet darling." Filly answers a little sweeter, dark manicured fingers stroking this top knotted red ponytail in comment: "But back at the house, Freddy and his boys are becoming fed up. Nobody there wants to argue with your teasing naughty girl ass, get the picture?" One pansy doll sitting on relationship woes, and probably wanting to protest, about how the dominant ruling mistress was treating him, but even he knew it'd be a losing argument. And now we notice the muscular skirted, Afro warrior princess taking out 'her' cell phone. While the perching love pet begins blinking up nervously. An intensely deflowered missy, but still reluctant about fitting in. "I'm not calling Ox for you, darling." Filly remarks calmly. "That older jock has class, and that's more than we can say for you." With painted fingernails keying on the phone, the ruling dark queen seriously adds: "You should be giving our boys exactly what you'd expect from any girl. Flirting up those sweaty, hard muscle hunks working out at our gym - then copping a feel! And coming on to your well-hung naked bullies - right inside the showers!" "I didn't....they really pushed me...." "You're lying, aren't you?" Filly accuses, in angry girlfriend style. With 'her' ex-convict background showing: "Are you telling me you never blew hot - then cold at them? My foxy little wallflower - and ICE QUEEN!" And the lovely pansy redhead was blushing again. This girly styled ponytail fox, busted for playing spunky with the well hung handsome, openly gay muscle jocks. I thought it was so cute, this adorable beet top sissy, wiggling over the gun of hard tranny girfriend questioning. "Your shrinking violet....My pretty gay wallflower, is going out with me for the night." Filly reported over the cell phone. Saying to the restless sitting, perched pansy pet: "Here, Auntie Irene wants to speak to you." The Fag-Hag of course. A devotee of the goddess of forbidden romance, the witchy on steroids old crone looked seventy if she was a day. The occult always did attract a certain fan base of faggots and freaks, but the Fag-Hag actually knew the spell book! Our zany but twisted occult party sister, it was all too easy to blame it on the Fag-Hag. For her magic spells, since lately inside our new-age party scene, was this girly gay outbreak of fierce romance. Between some younger and sinfully cute (formerly rogue) males, and this posse of hunky handsome, openly gay gym jocks. For these younger macho bucks, 'getting some' now meant something else, hooking up on radical sexy dates - as bambi! "How could she conjure up all them harsh muscle fags?" Their bearded older (former) drinking buddies lamented to me afterwards. "I'm not going anywhere near the Fag- Hag....Man!" One of the more solid, homo-hating biker goons actually told me. Flexing his bulging arm and tatoos for emphasis, putting down an empty beer on this seedy looking bar rail to explain: "Fruits and nuts like you, Allan. Can crash her kinds of parties, but anyone else is targeted - and destroyed!" Not exactly. But the twisted old witch probably wanted it all along. For the criminally minded, bearded drug-dealing outlaws to exit, her beloved new-age party scene. Mostly because, some troubled young men the Fag-Hag happened to meet, probably needed 'romantic guidance'. Maybe that's why Filly just telephoned the Fag-Hag. While we notice the ponytail redhead cringing just a little, with sexy dangling nylon toes shivering foxy off Filly's dominating skirted lap. But our sitting edgy femme relaxes completely, the moment we hear squacking over this held out cell phone. Even while cackling 'mumbo- jumbo' from afar, the Fag-Hag's words manage to inspire certain romantic changes. A ponytail cutie smiling now towards the ruling black queen, a girly styled fox posing erotically at attention with cell phone in hand. 'Her' baby blues begin lashing more radiant on this lap of joy, with the enthusiasm of a cult follower. Sleek nylon toes and sandals dangling a bit more warmer too, rubbing cat like against taut-muscled and shapely, black mistress feet. Just another perky in love, emerging gay hottie, one not about to make any rogue male trouble. Ever since the Fag-Hag decided, some wild teen males needed love flipped for a spell - Oh Boy! But dressing up girly 24\7 had to be a chore. And a young man does not acquire a taste for loving cock overnight. It had to be some kick-ass spell. Even the village idiot could have figured that out by now. I'm Allan Sheppard by the way, just a thirty something loser in life who happens to be openly gay. Another typical (almost minimum) wage-slave, with typical crappy inner city apartment to match. Not really exciting, but I do get to be a drinking buddy with the Fag- Hag. You could learn a lot, just by listening to the Fag-Hag. Now I have sources, inside her coven of frustrated suburban witches. Not exactly sources, more like mutual friends among the Fag-Hag's beloved, occult bookstore party scene. It was about the time I began hearing whispers, about this potent new spell. Not new exactly, but a spell from the ancient pagan priesthoods of Mesopotamia. Rumored to unleash this unworldly primeval force, lying dormant for untold centuries. Some spell never chanted nor performed properly, since inked on this scroll in old Babylon. Until the defectors (and the Fag-Hag) got a hold of it, I guess you could call them defectors. More like this young, upscale European couple, as the Fag-Hag's first houseguests in years. Refugees actually, from this demonic New World Order religion. But I never understood any of it at first. The Fag-Hag let this couple stay with her awhile. Both were males about age twenty-something, but one was actually a lovely male cross-dresser. Some fashionable brunette doll, 'She' was always sporting expensive outfits and jewelry. Speaking English with a Germanic/Swiss accent, along with 'her' boyfriend, Horst. A ruggedly handsome young man, with blond hair closely cropped and a physique carved through many hours of weight training. He could have played the role of the bad guy in a Nazi war movie. The occult groupies in this town fawned over the two like old world royalty. 'Grand Druids' was a term I kept hearing whispered, whenever the pair were introduced to insiders. Mostly at our occult bookstore sponsored gatherings, just a party really. The witchcraft insiders must have thought I was drunk at the time, not always. Witches can speak in English, but their words may sound confusing to the rest of us. 'The Marduk scrolls" was supposedly a gift, from these 'Enlightened Pagans', formerly 'serving in the Grand Druid.' The insider mumbo jumbo actually did have meaning. Our European visitors probably did come from the original pagan priesthood. With each boasting a family tree, supposedly going back to ancient Egypt and Babylon. It also meant the Fag-Hag wasn't the only skilled witchcraft mason in this town, not anymore. But our world has legions of skilled witches. My occult drinking sister told me more than once, that many thousands of occult crazies really do rule (secretly) over our fractured world. Well organized cultist too, not exactly fans of God nor humanity. Those ultra rich, secretive and powerful characters, of course. Misusing their stranglehold of control over central banking cartels, Big Oil, corporate 'news' media and even education. They enable liars and misfits to become our national 'leaders.' Mostly for war, profit and world government empire-building, I'm not so sure. About what the Fag-Hag truly knows of our modern world - but she DOES know about occult crazies! I can vouch for that. And now our local coven has a potent new spell, is it any wonder? That a few little boy handsome, confident male skirt chasers are becoming easy prey, maybe there was a new spell book in town. Introduced locally by the defectors, from the cabal of shadowy world overlords. Former Witch High Priests, misusing an ancient scroll of demonic knowledge. With more than enough occult firepower, to enchant some would be male hustlers into wearing girly makeup, nylons and footwear. Strange romantic magick, but it was for their own good. According to the Fag- Hag, some wayward teen males really needed 'romantic intervention.' Their relationships with males before 'revolved around addictions and criminal gangs.' Pretty faced smaller youths, with their 'emotional lives immersed in turmoil and conflict.' Youths 'going through the motions' of 'mating with the opposite sex', especially ' while 'more worthy romantic mentors' were 'very much available.' The Fag-Hag uttered to me and more, during drunk talk. She seemed to approve of Stallion Freddy's live in posse as some new-age dating pool. Them young and robust male jocks, who happened to be openly gay, those handsome dudes who worked out at the gym and had a real job. Stallion Freddy's younger male cohorts, who actually took an interest in further education, the Fag-Hag actually believed hunky gay suitors 'could inspire' her 'problem boys.' I guess some did. But what to do about it? Serious witchcraft using freaks were active in our town. I wasn't going to do anything. One reason, the Fag-Hag really is a drinking buddy of mine. Besides that: Few guys I knew were in favor of a witch hunt - Not smart against the Fag-Hag! The end for now......over and out... Reporting to you from the front lines...of our local witchcraft problem..... ......yours truly To be continued........

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Kat asked, “What about the tenth house on our circle of homes. I know we believe that someone else might join us, but has there been any thoughts about it, or who, or timing?” Ty shrugged along with Dave. He responded, “There are no plans for it, but it easily fit in the design of the Circle. Owen will be the official owner of the home, but it’ll remain mostly unfinished inside awaiting residents who want to pick their decorating and appliances throughout. If you have any ideas, please talk...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 6 Teenage Crush

“Oh, wow!” exclaimed Alice as she reached to top of the rise overlooking the Circle Cohousing Project; “The roofs are on everywhere. It looks like a neighborhood!” Dori said sarcastically, “Yeah, but the lack of windows means it will probably be kind of hot and drafty when we’re all fucking each other.” Jack ignored most of Dori’s comment, “Windows will go in next week. You’ll note the all-metal studding inside the homes and core building. Those studs are all designed to help run plumbing,...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 7 Intervention

Rachel acted like a cat with a new toy loaded with catnip. She was all over Dave almost from the moment she arrived Wednesday evening for dinner and for ‘her time’ with ‘her lover.’ The obviousness of her possessiveness was not lost on any of the others at the dinner and, in fact, it provoked some subtle laughter behind Rachel’s back since it was undeniably blatant. Dave took her advances in stride, returned a modicum of affection, and did announce that ‘one of the other women’ would be...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 8 Promotions and Propositions

A few days later at Dori and Ty’s house, Dave got tapped on the shoulder. He turned around, “Are you still avoiding me?” Rachel asked in a pleasant tone. Dave counted back the weeks on two hands right in front of her. “Hmmmm. It’s been twelve weeks. You tell me how you’re feeling and let me think about it.” Rachel crossed her arms and then looked peeved, “I’m feeling a bit like a pariah with you, and that makes me sad. I still love you, but I think you accomplished what you set out to do,...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 9 Moving In

Dave looked back at Emily and Donna. The two were about as Off Limits as you could get, and yet his new boss’ boss’ wife and P.A. both wanted him fuck them ... and they were good-looking, and desirable, and he was perpetually horny. Emily insisted, “See! We have permission. Now, what are your rules?” Dave mumbled, “I’m not thinking this is a very good idea.” “Why? Because I’m Derek’s wife? Because Donna is his erstwhile secretary and the biggest blabbermouth in your company? Let me go talk...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 10 Thanksgiving Revelations

Christie woke up from the sexually-induced slumber of her A-spot mega-orgasm about four minutes later. Dave kissed her and assured her that she was loved and cared for. After a few more minutes to regain her faculties, Dave and Christie made love. This time, Dev and Grace watched the pair from the adjacent sofa as they cuddled together relishing their own after-glows. Once they were through, Christie lay motionless in Dave’s arms with her eyes closed. She avowed, “I love you. I’m glad we can...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 11 Desire to Convert

Aaron pondered Dave’s remarks about how much he loved Alice and the other women, including the comments about trust and friendship. He said, “But wedding vows are constantly broken or shattered. Look at the divorce rate.” Dave replied, “Look at the causes. I know I studied them to be sure we’re staying out of the traps. The largest reason, accounting for almost half of divorces, is incompatibility, so to combat that we spend time together talking about everything and every feeling we have;...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 13 Word Spreads

Ninety minutes later, Dave’s large cock was buried to the hilt in Tan’s boiling hot love box. Holly sat on his face, making out with Tan as she slowly rode the new cock in her life, savoring every inch of the hung man as she rose and descended on his body in slow and studied fashion. Tan moaned, “God, not only is he a sex god, he’s also got the largest cock I’ve ever experienced in my tight little cunt.” Holly said, “AND, he eats his own cum from your cunt after he’s left you orgasmically...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 14 Seminar Sex

Lunch was a bit of an embarrassment for Dave. Again there were the two tables with about eight to ten seats on each table on each side. There was a small stampede by the women attending the course plus Gwen to sit next to Dave. It was quite noticeable to all of the other men. Up to that point, he might have deflected some of the criticism as a joke, but now every other guy knew there was something strange going on between Dave and the women associated with the seminar. He cursed under his...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 15 Office Work

Dave arrived home at six o’clock, given the time difference and the time for the flight from Phoenix to Tampa, plus the drive home from Tampa. He had slept on the plane and felt greatly refreshed. No one was in the house when he got inside, but he guessed with certainty that everyone would be in the core starting the Saturday night gathering. He changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and went down the corridor into the core. He could hear the din of conversation as he got nearer and nearer to...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 16 The Assistant

Nancy’s brain could barely register the magnitude of the extensive orgy she saw underway in front of her. This was what Alice had wanted her to see. This looked so exciting and arousing. She matched faces and names with people she’d only met a short time earlier. Pam and Ty were in the midst of an energetic fuck on one of the sofas. She was in the doggie position looking as though the rapture has overtaken her. Only a couple of feet away Sean and Wendy were similarly involved in the...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 17 Relative Decisions

Dave’s cell phone rang just as the Circle was finishing dinner. The call came from Aaron, his brother. “Hi, Big Brother.” “Bro, what’s up?” “Well, Shelby and I have the last week of February free and were wondering whether we could come and visit and take over your guest room or a room or two in that other house on your Circle? The weather has been sucky up here with no relief is in sight. We can both take some vacation time that week, so coming south seemed in the cards. If it’s...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 18 Family and Friends

Aaron and Shelby reappeared shortly before dinner, so Dave or Alice didn’t get a chance to talk to either of them to test whether things were all right. They seemed less intense and more relaxed than they’d been right after their arrival, but that could have been due to a nap or a little nookie or both. Appropriate to the Circle’s dress code, Shelby had dressed really sexy with some Daisy Duke shorts that revealed through the intentionally torn material that she wore no underwear, and a...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 19 Transformations

As Dave, Holly, and Alice reached the patio, Shelby bounced up to Dave and plastered her nude body against his. They kissed like the world was about to end and the kiss would save everything, and then she reached down and fondled him. “Can we make love again? Matthew’s already gone for his grandmother’s.” “Where’s Aaron?” “He and Julie are probably fucking or making love or both in the pergola at the other end of the pool. We could go and join them.” She smiled, clearly indicating that that...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 20 Jumping in the Deep End

Dave slipped out of work early, taking Nancy with him. They’d carpooled from the Circle anyway. They got home right at five p.m. They both put on casual clothes, and then headed towards the core. Nancy had brought several sets of clothing to Dave and Alice’s house from her apartment over the weekend. A circle of new friends had already gathered in the core: Aaron, Shelby, Mike, Clarisse, Kat, Owen, Holly, Heather, and Matthew. There was a comfortable round of hugs and kisses from each of...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 22 A Possible Disciple

Visits by family members had been rare since moving into the Circle Cohousing Project. In part that had been due to the travel plans Circle members made before moving in and then over the holiday periods. One exception had been Aaron and Shelby. The thought had no sooner been formed at one of the dinner discussions, than the next day Dev announced that his parents and sister were making a Florida tour and wanted to stay a couple of nights, see the new home of their son and daughter-in-law,...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 23 Seeing Is Believing

They lay in the middle of the large bed in Dave and Alice’s home, naked, and sexually sated from an hour of lovemaking that took both of them to heights soaring above the tallest mountains. He was cuddling her against his body. She kept moving to maximize the contact between the pair. One of her hands held his partially flaccid and sticky cock and stroked him gently. Jenn looked around more carefully. “This is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen.” “Five of us sleep here routinely, and we often...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 25 Experiment in Reality

Susan said, “This sounds a bit like a cult.” Dave chuckled. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard the accusation about the Circle. In a way, every unique group was a cult in his mind. His old Christian church had been more of a cult than the Circle because of how they restricted everyone’s thinking to only the rules and such they wanted the congregation to adhere to, but then again, the Circle tried to select its members based on their own set of beliefs about life and love. Alice nodded at...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 27 Seduction

Aaron stood at the curb of Circle Drive and watched the last of the boxes, furniture, art, mirrors, and beds go into the house that he and Shelby had bought on the Circle. Holly was right there, too; helping to direct each item to the correct room inside the home as three muscular movers lugged the boxes and furniture out of the truck and into the home. Holly already had her room staked out and reasonably in order after moving in from her apartment in a Chicago neighborhood several weeks...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 28 Orchestration

Alice and Pam lay side-by-side on one of the double chaises with the warm, tropical sun illuminating their beautiful bronze bodies. They were both nude and covered from head to foot in high SPF tanning lotion that made their bodies look well oiled, yet ready for any sexual contingency or offer that might come along. Pam asked, “So, how do we get Ken folded into the larger Circle?” Alice said, “We need a role model. I suspect either Owen or Roy, since each of them are the other single men in...

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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 12 Infusing politics with reason

We were to learn that it was not uncommon for politicians, expecting sex, would expect it before anything else. It was the more honorable that would keep talking after sex, which, in the case of political junkies, was just being courteous. For all of JFK’s talents, he barely treated some of his low-level conquests as human. Terry and Vox very carefully prepared Shelley for the encounter. Initially having noticed that her gold and black twirler uniform was very flattering in color, not just...

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Serious Business

So, you're standing there, taking a piss. You're all alone in the men's room until the door opens and this hunk comes in. Part of you wants to zip-up right away, but you haven't finished yet... Besides, a bigger part wants to see what he's got, because he hasn't gone into one of the stalls: he's chosen to stand next to you at the trough. And the corner of your eye has flicked just long enough in his direction to tell you he's drop-dead gorgeous. No, you think: this only happens in fantasy-land!...

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Housing A Dragon

Turbulence rocked the small aircraft, sending Zeke’s stomach into a tailspin. This is better than a roller coaster, he thought, although he wished for a smoother flight. Flying wasn’t one of his favorite things to do, but it would become a necessary evil in his line of work. Thankfully, he didn’t have to pay for this one. His flight from Sarasota to Detroit had gone very smooth, but the commuter shuttle from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio was rough almost from the start. Wind and rain battered the...

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Musings From

I remember when I first woke up and saw him – my Master. Awkward hands rubbed me. I was not sure what to do with these new feelings awakened by Master, but I quickly learned. I am not going to lie; he was a little rough at first, and rarely let me sleep.Now, I love his long strokes up and down me, and that mind-blowing release at the end is second to none. We have grown very close. He knows when I need his touches and when I need to rest for a while.Master becomes pretty demanding as the years...

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For My Ladymusings

For my Lady....Musings... As I kneel at the edge of the bed contentedly lapping up what's left of my Ladys' nectar, I keep thinking how lucky I am to have met and serve this wonderful woman. She is by no means an angel and without fault. She is not blessed with patience, as everything about her seems to be done at top speed, leading to lots of little mistakes in her day to day vanilla existance. I find this aspect of her to be endearing if a little irksome in my, "place for everything and...

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MUSINGS By Betty Noone I was an adult before I was told that until I was 10 year old my parents dressed me in hand-me-downs, because I was too pretty, and they feared that I could be prey to a molester. It was a joke in the family before I reached puberty that my father was probably the milkman as I didn't resemble any of my parents nor my two older siblings. I had fair skin, a pug nose and small chin. It was summertime and I was eleven years old,...

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Musings Ken sat quietly one Saturday morning thinking about his wife, Barbara, as they both sat at the kitchen table talking to the neighbor’s daughter, Beth, who had just turned 19. Looking at the hunger Beth caused his thoughts to drift back to the beginning of his relationship with Barbara and how they developed into what it is today. He remembered when they first met. Barbara was a senior in high school and had just turned 17. He, on the other hand, was 22 and had a good paying job that...

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Please read all my other stories and leave comments. Thanks. Seriously? I turned 49 on my last birthday, my wife turned 56 on hers. When we were younger the age difference never mattered, emotionally, it still doesn't. Physically however, it has reared its ugly head. Two years ago my wife told me that as much as she loved me, her interest in sex was about nil. She was sad because that part of her life had ended but despite her lack of "urge", she was still willing to participate...

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Raping and Abusing the Drunks Date

Raping and AbusingThe Drunk’s DateIntroduction and Disclaimer        This story is fiction.        It contains graphic descriptions of the rape, degradation, and physical abuse of a beautiful, innocent high school girl.  It is intended as sordid entertainment, and nothing more.  If such content is offensive to you, or were to encourage you to engage in similar activities, then close out this page.        It is based on a young guy and a girl I actually observed one night some time ago.  The...

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INN Housing Society

Hi, I am Swetha sara, when I was 24 and live in Delhi with my husband in a housing society. I married 3 months back when my parents found out about my escapades in college. I was a big slut in college where I let everyone from students to teachers fuck me for stuffs ranging from class notes to good grades. Boys used to take me to the gent's toilet at their wish and they all used to fuck me there.Obviously my husband didn't know any of these in the first few months of our marriage he fucked me...

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Serious RelationshipsChapter 5

For the past half hour, Kaelee and Karen had experimented in sex between each other. And when the giant black poodle joined in to lick the blonde teenager to climax. Both had the best orgasm they had ever experienced in their young lives. Even Kaelee, who had unknowingly been fucked by the beast only a few weeks earlier. As Karen lifted her head out of Kae's crotch to get up Curly literally just walked over her back to straddle her. From beneath, Kae could only watch, as the dog's chest...

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