It Must Be Witchcraft free porn video

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I often receive requests for stories but I also have a naysayer or two who accuse me of writing my own requests. For this story I have included the request from a fan named Stewart who sent me the e-mail below. I took his story line and embellished the story quite a bit. As I was writing it I found that I could write about this step-mother extensively. The story got very long so I went back and organized it in to chapters. I hope the readers enjoy it and thank you Stewart for your request. Also as promised this is my last submission to Literotica and I will not be receiving any more e-mail via this site.


Hi my name is Stewart I have read all your stories and want to say you are my favorite writer on here. I have read a lot because I was hurt in a tractor trailer accident in 2008 and can’t drive truck anymore so I read a lot. I really enjoy your writing a lot because you write about so many things. I was wondering if you would write me a story. It is about a step-mother who hates her step-daughter because she is prim and proper and her daddy gave her his company to run instead of his wife.

So the stepmother wants to get even and ruin her step-daughter’s marriage and her life by doing stuff to her and her husband. You see it is kind of my fantasy because it is almost all real. You see my wife is a goody girl, never smoked never drank, never did drugs and was top of her class in high school and college and her dad gave her his company to run. Well her stepmom was furious and she said she would get even with my wife. So I am not aloud to go over to my in-laws house without my wife because my wife thinks that her stepmom is a witch and she will put a spell on me. That is the truth she tells everyone that how she got my wife’s dad to marry her was she put a spell on him. My wife also tells everyone it’s because her stepmom has big tits is how she gets people in a trance.

I just laugh because my wife is small chested and she has always hated how sometimes I look at her stepmom. I was hoping you could write it for me I would appreciate it. I can answer any questions you have. I hope to hear back from you and I can’t wait to read more of your stories. Thanks! Stewart.
























Alexis Salem was just 26 years old when she joined the family owned manufacturing company. She was hired into the marketing department and within ten years she was the senior VP running it. Her passion for the business and creativity were almost solely responsible for the company’s growth and success. The owner Lester Jennings was enamored with Alexis not only for the success she brought to the company but because of her incredible beauty as well.

Alexis had the perfect figure of 36-22-36. She had long blonde hair with bewitching blue eyes. The thing about Alexis is that she didn’t seem to age. She looked the same at 36 years old as she did at 26 years old. At 5’8′ she had gorgeous long legs that ended at her very firm ass. Her breasts were a very firm 36 C and she weighed a very fit 125 pounds. There was not an ounce of body fat on her.

The other men in the company lusted after Alexis but she had no use for them. Having an affair in the company was the last thing she wanted particularly with any of the married men. Alexis had her share of men over the years but she was very secretive about it and she always controlled the situation. In fact Alexis used the men as her sex toys. In her mind the men existed to please her and she did not do anything special to please them.

Lester had been married to his wife Martha for twenty years before she passed away from an incurable disease. Lester then at the age of 40 was left with the responsibility of raising a 16 year old daughter. Lester did the best thing he thought was right and he placed his daughter Tiffany in an exclusive private school. Following her graduation from the private school with honors, Tiffany attended a prestigious female college. Lester was extremely proud of Tiffany and she in turn was grateful to her father for all he did.

Two years later Lester had his first affair since the death of his wife and it was with Alexis. They were at a business meeting out of town when they had sex together. Lester was convinced that he had seduced Alexis but he didn’t know that indeed she was the seductress. Lester could not get over Alexis with her firm body and he could not get her out of his mind. They had sex together for three nights during the business conference and by the time they returned home Lester was hooked.

A year later they went away for a week and when they returned they were married. It was all part of Alexis’ plan to inherit the company that she built when Lester retired or died which ever came first. Lester never saw through Alexis’ plan because he was blind with love and lust for the beautiful woman. Tiffany however was suspicious of Alexis and she did not warm up to her step-mother. Tiffany then a junior in college at the age of 21 was only 15 years younger than Alexis.


The summer between her junior and senior year of college Tiffany worked at her father’s company as an intern. Lester was pleased that Tiffany had shown a sudden interest in the company and he secretly hoped that she would be interested in running it someday. Of course if Alexis had anything to say about it, Tiffany would not be associated with the company. Alexis felt it was her company and not Lester’s or Tiffany’s and she would do whatever it took to assure that.

Tiffany was a pretty girl and at 5’6′ she weighed just 110 pounds. She had small breasts that were still developing, nice slender legs and a cute shapely bottom. Tiffany was extremely jealous of Alexis’ good looks and her incredible figure. Although there were 15 years between their ages, Alexis looked as young as Tiffany. For the life of her Tiffany could not figure out how Alexis maintained her youthful looks.

Lester at first was concerned about having sex with Alexis while Tiffany was staying with them that summer but he quickly gave in to his manly needs and Alexis incredible body. Lester had become a big fan of cumming on Alexis’ great looking tits. He had never titty fucked any girl or his previous wife before but Alexis had got him hooked on it. He loved to run his cock between her firm breasts and shoot his load on her cleavage. He also liked shooting his load on her buttocks after her fucked her doggy style. Alexis was not into anal and neither was Lester but he loved cumming on her ass.

Lester had become a huge fan of cumming on Alexis’ body rather than in her vagina. It was also something that Alexis preferred and she had trained Lester well. Alexis made it a point to be more vocal as she was having sex with Lester when Tiffany was home. It upset Tiffany to hear her step-mother encouraging her father to cum on her tits or to cum on her ass. Tiffany would often pull a pillow over her head to silence the voices coming from her father’s bedroom.

Alexis also
like to sunbathe in the nude at by their swimming pool. The back yard was very secluded and private so Alexis was comfortable in doing so. Tiffany hated that Alexis displayed her body so openly but then again Tiffany was extremely envious of Alexis’ perfect figure. Tiffany refused to even be on the pool deck when Alexis was sunbathing. Tiffany secretly wished that she had a figure like her step-mother’s body.

That summer was the beginning of a war between Tiffany and Alexis that would last for years. In the fall Tiffany returned to college more determined than ever to graduate with honors and get accepted to a prominent business school. Tiffany also had her mind set on being accepted to President’s school offered by a prominent business college. She was determined to eventually take over the business from her father when she finished her education.

Tiffany had shared her plan with her father and he was thrilled to hear it. Lester however made the mistake of telling Alexis about Tiffany’s lofty goals. Lester was beaming with pride when he told Alexis about Tiffany’s desire to one day run the company. Lester also solicited Alexis’ help in making his daughter successful. Alexis agreed and faked her enthusiasm for Tiffany. Alexis made up her mind at that moment that Tiffany would never take over the company and she also decided that Tiffany would have difficulty maturing as a young woman. Alexis would look to her past and draw on her special powers to achieve her goals of destroying the family and taking over the company. It was her company not theirs, she was the one who made it successful.


Alexis was born in an eastern seaboard state to Deborah and Richard Moore. Both her parents met with a mysterious death and Alexis was shipped off to an orphanage at the age of 12. The only memories that Alexis had of her mother were the diary and some other mysterious books that her mother treasured.

Over the years in the orphanage until the age of 16 Alexis studied hard and also researched her mother’s books. Alexis discovered that both her parents believed in witchcraft and apparently were members of a cult. Alexis didn’t pay much attention to her parent’s past until it became obvious to her that she too had some sort of special powers. Alexis continued to study hard and at the same time learn more about her powers. She read her mother’s books and she experimented with some of the things that she learned.

It wasn’t until she was 18 years old that she truly found out just how powerful her mother’s magic could be. Alexis was in her room studying when she was summoned to the director’s office. When she arrived, the director Will Roper invited her in to his office. Alexis was nervous when Will invited her to sit down and offered her an alcoholic drink. Alexis declined but after Will’s insistence she accepted. The drink was very strong and it went right to her head but she maintained her composure.

‘You know Alexis you will be graduating from here soon and you will be eligible for a college scholarship. I wanted you to know that I can be very influential with the colleges to help you get a full scholarship,’ the director began.

‘I appreciate that very much Mr. Roper and thank you,’ Alexis replied.

‘Oh but I haven’t done anything yet and please call me Will. You’re 18 years old and a young lady now,’ Will said and then he moved over to the sofa where Alexis was seated.

Alexis instinctively moved to one end of the sofa away from the director. ‘Oh don’t be so shy,’ Will said and then added, ‘If you are nice to me then I’ll make sure that you get that scholarship.’

Alexis sensed immediately what he wanted. She was still a virgin and she didn’t want to give it up to just anyone and certainly not the creepy director. Alexis then felt light headed and faint. She felt herself falling into a stupor and she sensed that she had been drugged. Alexis was aware of what was happening around her but she seemed powerless to resist.

Alexis felt her clothes being removed, first her dress then her shoes and socks. Then just in her bra and panties she was rolled over on her belly. Her panties were then pulled down her legs and her bottom was bared. Alexis heard the director admire her bottom.

‘Oh my Alexis you have a beautiful ass and I am so going to enjoy fucking it but first I have to play with it,’ Will had said admiring the shapely butt.

Alexis felt wet kisses on her bottom and a finger tickling her anus. Still she could not resist. Then a wet substance was applied to her anus and a finger penetrated her rectum for the first time. Alexis eventually adjusted to the anal penetration but then a second finger was added and she felt more discomfort. Then the fingers were suddenly removed from her anus and she felt them unhook her bra. Her firm tits fell out of their confinement into the hands of the director. Will massaged Alexis’ ample tits and tweaked her rock hard extended nipples.

Alexis actually liked the attention that her breasts and nipples were receiving although she tried not to show it. Then her body was turned over again and her pussy was visible to the lewd director. Will went wild when he saw the young virgin blonde pussy and he just had to taste her. He pushed Alexis’ legs apart and dove right in covering her mound with his mouth. His tongue searched out her clit and he soon had her writhing in pleasure. Alexis was confused as she felt that she should hate the act but she was getting turned on.

Alexis then tossed and thrust her hips up toward Will as she reached her first ever climax. She couldn’t remember if she screamed but she thought that she had even though she couldn’t hear it. Alexis had a massive orgasm and she squirted her love juices all over Will’s mouth. The director had stayed glued to her pussy and drank down every drop of her sweet nectar. Alexis then remained still as she watched the director stand up and drop his pants to the floor. He was not wearing underwear and his erect cock look menacing as it stood out from his body.

Will was pretty well endowed with a 7′ cock that was just about 5′ around. It was the first cock that Alexis had ever seen so she thought it was immense. Will moved between her legs and once again Alexis seemed powerless to move or resist. She felt him press forward and then something burst within her. Again she thought that she had screamed but she didn’t hear anything. The pain was brief and then she felt full. Her clit rubbed against the stiff dick and she felt another orgasm rock her body. If the director had cum in her womb she hadn’t felt him but now she was being rolled over on her belly again.

Will did not cum in Alexis’ pussy as he was not wearing protection and he was unsure of her cycle. Besides he knew he was only good for one ejaculation and he wanted that to be in her shapely ass. Alexis felt more liquid being squirted into her rectum followed by the director’s fingers. Then His fingers were removed and she felt the presence of something bigger that could only be his cock. It was as if Alexis was paralyzed as she could not resist as she felt the thick shaft worm its way into her rectum.

It wasn’t as painful as it was discomforting. Alexis felt cramping then bloating and then just fullness in her ass. Will fucked her slowly and she felt the shaft slide in and out of her bottom. He caressed her buttocks as she fucked her and he continued to rave about her curvy hot ass. Alexis then felt the cock swell a little in her passage just before Will pushed all the way in and stopped moving. The next thing that Alexis felt was warm liquid spurting into her rectum.

Alexis liked the feel of the warm liquid as it seemed to soothe her ravaged rectum. The director stayed in her ass until his cock softened and slipped out. Alexis then felt constipated, a feeling she would have for the next three days. After that Alexis vowed that no one would ever take her ass again. Will sat back on the sofa with his pants around his ank
les and his limp dick oozing cum. It was several more minutes before Alexis was able to move and even then her body ached.

No words were spoken as Alexis got dressed and left the director’s office. As she returned to her room she vowed revenge on the director as soon as her scholarship was secured. Over the next several months Alexis plotted her revenge as she waited word from one of the colleges. Will had tried to have sex with her again but Alexis put him off by promising that once she knew she had a scholarship, she would have sex with him again. The director was so enamored with her body and beauty that he lived up to his word and Alexis received a full scholarship.

During the months that Alexis waited to receive word on her scholarship, she researched her mother’s books and learned as much about witchcraft as she could. Alexis located a formula for an impotent concoction but she had to acquire the proper ingredients for it to be successful. Alexis solicited the help of one of the housekeeping women to do her shopping and purchase the required items. That was when Alexis was contacted by a woman who owned the store where such items were available. As it turned out the woman became a big help to Alexis and a resource that Alexis would call on many times in the future.

When the day arrived for Alexis to have sex with the director, she was very well prepared. Alexis managed to slip the potion into his drink and then she only hoped that it would work. Alexis was naked and the director was between her legs licking her pussy but he was struggling to get an erection. This was the part the Alexis enjoyed as Will was a good cunt lapper and brought her great pleasure. However Will was frustrated that he could not get hard and his cock remained as soft as a wet noodle. He never knew that Alexis had put something in his drink and as it turned out it lasted for days.

Will was beside himself that he could not get an erection even with a super fine piece of ass like Alexis naked next to him. Other girls, who Will was also planning to have sex with, were surprised by his impotency. Alexis had made the potion stronger than was needed but she was glad and her revenge was complete. Days later Alexis left the orphanage to attend college and start a new life. Upon leaving the orphanage, Alexis picked a new last name. She selected Salem in honor of her mother.


Alexis entered her freshman year of college and she was assigned to a dormitory with a roommate named Jenny. Alexis liked Jenny even though the girl was a little tom boyish. Jenny was cute in a way but she did not hold a candle to the beautiful Alexis. Jenny was thrilled that Alexis liked her and they hung out together. Jenny had short brown hair and a 33-23-34 figure. She was 5’6′ tall and weighed just over 100 pounds.

During their freshman year they had the option to pledge to a sorority and one in particular was recruiting Alexis. The sorority was full of good looking shapely girls and Alexis fit in perfectly. The night of the sorority party Alexis brought Jenny with her and it turned out to be a huge mistake. The girls were extremely rude and even hurtful toward Jenny. Darla a dark haired beauty was particularly insulting and had Jenny in tears.

‘You have some nerve showing up at our party you lowlife,’ Darla directed at Jenny and then threatened, ‘Put down your drink this instant and leave. I don’t want to see you here ever again unless you’re here to clean the toilets.’

Jenny burst into tears and rushed out of the sorority house. The sorority sisters gathered behind Darla and screamed their insults at Jenny as she ran away. Darla was clearly the leader of the sisters and they catered to her every whim. Alexis was appalled at their behavior and then she decided to leave.

‘Alexis, you don’t have to leave, you’re perfect for our sorority,’ Darla stated.

‘Yes Alexis stay,’ the other girls called out mimicking Darla.

‘I don’t think so. If Jenny is not good enough to join then I’m not either,’ Alexis replied.

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Must Read Essay Written By My New Slave Scientist in to a Barbie

       I couldn’t see, and couldn’t move.? I was completely helpless and that sent a shiver down my spine.? I hadn’t known her long, but I knew she liked leaving me this way- alone with my thoughts.? How had I gotten here?? Well, that I knew? but the question was how had this happened to me so quickly???She walked into my life only a week ago.? Rather, she walked into my office a week ago.? I knew we were hiring an intern, but this was not what I had expected.? This girl was practically a...

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Must Aunty

Hello every body of iss.I am rashid from pakistan lahore city.This is my first story in iss .Any aunty and girls want with contact me so pls call me at 0333-4081770 or email me. I am 29yrs old with nice dick my email address is i start my sory in urdu.Ye uss waqat ki baat he jaab meri ummer 24 saal ki thee.hamare area mein ik family rehti thee jo 3 members per mushtimal thee. Auny ki age 38 saal ki hogi aur unkle ki age 45yrs hogi un ka ek beta thaa jis ki umer 8 saal ki thee.Uncle army mein...

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Must Like Pets

I met Christoph at the park while he was walking his dogs and I was jogging. I was scared of dogs, and I disliked almost all dog owners; but he came up and talk to me and as I got to know him, I found that he was a pretty cool guy and we shared a love for movies. When he told me that he could get me any movie I wanted from his home I didn't believe him. I didn't own a computer and thought he just wanted to take me to his place because he had realized I was into him. I didn't mind. He was...

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MonsterCockFriendDominatesMe 2

(Part 2). My story. For those who read my previous true story (titled: How I became bisexual), that event happened on a Friday. This part of my bisexual experience is what transpired during the rest of the weekend and it remains to this very day, probably the single most sexually life changing event in my life. It's now Saturday, in the early morning hours. My best guess, it's about 6 am. The sun has not yet come up but it's close. As I start to get up, I realize that I smell like baby oil and...

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My SexManiac Mami

Dear Readers,I am Software Engineer at Islamabad.I am 35year with 5.8″hieght and 8″ dick with a 2.25″ diameter, if any lady see my erect dick,she dies to try this diameter and this is the most important tool i have got.I am very much fond of Mature ladies who can fuck to extreme and this is because of my mami who was my first sex experience.That is why i am sharing my first experience to all of you.It happened when i was only 18 years of age and had only a few wet dreams.She was 20 years old...

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Always on GuardChapter 10

The events of the past few moments sorted themselves out in the King's mind as he waited for Torbert's arrival. When the picture solidified, he looked closely at his daughter. The expression on her face hadn't changed from the one of firm resolve she had entered with. "What will you do if Jorgarn accepts the Lordship and abandons the Guards?" he asked. "It is a real possibility. You know what those lands are always used for. You could buck 500 years of tradition. This could lead to the...

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Devrani Ne Jethji Se Maza Loota 2

Hi friends, kaise hai aap Aap ne meri khani padi hoge nahi to aap pahele please bhag 1 pade too mai bata raha tha ki mai abhi neha ko bhej deta hoo to wo boli thik hai aur ek sexy smile de dee. Wo samaj chuki mai us par line maraha hoo.mai apko monica ka figaure batata hon height 5.8inch mammey chotte the lekin kadak aur gor gore bal lambe aur kamar patli. Part – 2 begins May bhi smile dekar wapas apne room ka darwja jhor jhor se khatkhatane laga aur neha ne darwaja kholkar pucha kiya hai mayne...

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A Horrible ChoiceChapter 8

Sheryl put a lot of thought into what she was doing with Shawn and Cricket and how perverse the whole thing made her feel. She thought about how strong those feelings were, how nasty they made her feel and the fact that she liked it! In fact, she liked it so much, it almost scared her. "I just have to see Dr Jameson!" she told herself. Fortunately, it wasn't long before her next appointment, and once again, she managed to avoid both men until she had a chance to see him. This time,...

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Making Riya mine

When the text from Ja'mal about getting UConn basketball tickets hit my phone, I arranged a meeting with him at a local bar almost immediately. Since Alison moved out of my upstairs apartment and in with her lover, I've been trying to replace her. Alison and I parted amicably enough, and I'm delighted at how happy she is, but ever since she moved out, I've had trouble finding anyone to take her place. After three failed attempts at finding someone like her, I got smarter about recruiting...

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Boobs Ka Na

Hello dosto mera naam Rashid he me Jammu ka rahne wala hu city Janipur. Aaj me apko apni sachhi story batata ta hu. Me marketing ki job karta hu. Isliye aksar travelling karma padta he lekin is traveling me agar apki kismat achhi ho to kabhi kabhi apko bahot fayda bhi hota he. Ab me apko apni story batata hu ak baar me Janipur se Ahmedabad jar aha tha by bus. Subah ka moka tha sardiya chal rahi thi to thand bhi kafi thi. Me plat form par bus ka wait kar raha tha meri nazar ak aurat par gayi wo...

4 years ago
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A great way to meet each other

It was a couple of years ago when my girlfriend of 7 years left without any warning.  It didn't take me long to begin wondering what to do with my new freedom.  I found an ad on Craig's List from a woman working in my neighbourhood. Looking for a FWB that she could spend time with after work. With nothing to lose I replied to her ad and we were soon making plans to hook up at my place for dinner.Earlier that afternoon she sent me a text saying she was feeling nervous. I'm not sure how the idea...

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Good boy 2 College Girls

There was ounce a young man. He was a freshman in College. This is how most stories start. He was a normal young man. He was black and cute and short. He was a student and still to a virgin. He was a bit of a nerd and a boyscout. He lived an ordinary life but that was about to change. It was because he knew some very unique senior girls. They called him pup even though it wasn't his real name. It was the name that just stuck and it wasn't a thing he could do about it. Kat- She might have been...

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Russian FolktaleChapter 4

Sunday morning Nick took a long jog through the neighborhood. Less noise, less smog, and less people out and about. He had planned to reward himself with a cappuccino, and timed it well to being near peter out of energy, before reaching his favorite outdoor café. He dropped into an empty seat and quickly ordered his coffee and a long, tall water. He drained the water glass in one series of gulps that slaked his thirst. He inhaled the aroma of the cappuccino and then took a tentative sip,...

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Mothers Keeper

Relations with my mother were at their worst as I neared my sixteenth birthday. We argued about everything. Mostly, she bitched about my choice of clothing. Earning my own money afforded me the opportunity to buy my own clothes. I like sexy, revealing clothes; Mom thinks a nun's habit is too revealing--at least for me. My folks are big on maintaining an image. We entertain a great deal. My two younger brothers and I are perfect children--seen and not heard. We live a strict and structured...

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Lady In The House Part XII

Lady in the House - Chapter XII By Michele Nylons A few minutes later I was still in a daze, trying to rationalise to myself what had just happened. I was operating on automatic pilot, rifling through the drawers of my closet looking for a pair of nylons to replace the semen stained pair I was wearing when I heard the door to my cell rattle open and looked up to see the privacy curtain snatched open. Carmel stormed into my cell, her high-heels clattering on the cold...

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Having an Affair With My Sisters Friend Part 1

I’m Amber and 30. I’m 5’1 and have a nice brother named Lee. One Saturday I went to the Colchester zoo with my brother, my 5 year old daughter named Jessica. My friend named Karen and her 6 year old son named John also tagged along. Our two husbands both had to work. We were all looking at the bears. “John don’t knock on the glass,” Karen said. “OK mommy,” John replied. Then we started walking again. We saw a bunch of different animals. Everything from tigers to monkeys. It was a nice day out....

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FIRST PLACE GRACE “Karim, can I have your permission to have three players coach tonight that are not captains?” “Sure, Sean. Let me guess who—Fred, Michael, and Jeff.” “Great minds think alike!” All three feel honored to be recognized for their leadership. Each does well in their assigned two innings. Tremendous sportsmanship between the two teams continues throughout the evening. Again the Cubs win easily as they clinch first place, with one game left in the...

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Lots My Virginity To A Friend

Hello everyone. It’s my time to contribute to ISS users and givers. My name is Krunal (of course fake name) my email id is I am from Gujarat. I had studied in very reputed college. I am 27 years old with average height, body and reasonably good looks. The incident which I am going to narrate is 3 years back when I was in college. During my graduation days I had an affair with a girl Tina (name changed). She had average looks but great figure, nice height and sweet nature. For me she was the...

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BlacksOnCougars Rayveness 05062022

Rayveness has developed a new way of scoring men. Tired of the dating app game she decides to rent rooms out in her house on a nightly basis. What better way to vet the men that come through. You have all their information and know who they are. Jonathan does not know what he stumbles into as he is simply taking a nap when Rayveness comes into his room and starts sucking his cock while he is sleeping. Damn – this is all part of the package. Well if this horny old cougar wants to get down...

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wanted dead and alive

Let me go back a little. Like many shift workers they met at work got to know each other dated a little and finally moved in together. They are both nurses Jenny works in the maternity section of the Local hospital while Paul works at the other end of the spectrum and is assigned to duties in the morgue. They jokingly refer to their roles as Arrivals and Departures. Jenny is a petite 5’ 2” long dark hair and green eyes Paul is athletic fair and 5’ 9”. Despite getting on in almost everything...

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Lamb of GodChapter 2

Shortly after midnight, with the inspection area miles behind them and their trip half over, no one had yet made a move to resume the games. Buddy was up front but asleep and leaning against the door. The others were in the back--two sleeping, one thinking, two playing a dumb arm-slugging game. Karen wore only the blouse and shorts and was snuggled up to Bob, not so much to be loving, but to talk privately. With the radio on, they didn't need to whisper, just talk quietly and close. She...

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Cuckold Wife 2

I had to get back to work after a few minutes, so I got dressed and at the door, Charlene, still naked, gave me a long drawn out tongue filled swirling kiss, making my pulse and my cock throb. “See you tonight, lover,” she purred. I drove back to the office, grabbed a sandwich at the downstairs deli, and my secretary, Penny Fields, was still faithfully holding down the fort. She smiled a greeting, and said, “Did you get what you needed, boss?” The word boss was a playful...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 941

This one is compliments of Unclepodger 40 years Of marriage A married couple in their early 60s are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic Little restaurant. Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table. She said, “For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.” The wife answered, “Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband.” The fairy waved her...

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Fixing Grannys Pool

Well if you have been following my stories about my 66 year old lover Dawn you know that we had a great time in Las Vegas and both regretted returning to our hum-drum lives in Tucson. I am a forty-three year old stud with the thirty-four year old girlfriend, but it was my 66 year old granny Dawn who kept staying in the back of my mind. We kept in touch via sexy E-Mails and about a month went by without us meeting. I was worried what would happen if my younger lover would find out about our...

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Lustful ViceChapter 21

Ray comes to her room to tuck Zaria in. “Mom is leaving next week, in the morning, right?” “Yes,” Ray confirms. “But she is going to be back before you get home next weekend.” “Then I think we should take a sick day,” she suggests. “You can stay home from work and I can stay here rather than return to school and we can play all day.” “As much fun as that sounds, I have to work and you have to go to school,” he tells her. “We’ll have plenty of play time on the weekends that your mother is...

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My summer of sexual awakening

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and started to eat, when I heard some noises from the basement family room. Having thought I was home alone, I quietly crept down the stairs to see who was there. I got to the bottom of the stairs, and there on the couch was Brian and his friend Todd. The couch faced away from the stairs, so they could not see me come into the room. As I got closer, I realized they were watching something on tv, and stopped with my eyes wide in shock when I saw what they were...

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MotherInLaw8217s Surrogacy

Readers don’t be astonished with the title of the narrative of the story. You may think this is the story of how wife of a person was born through surrogacy. No it is different and you will come to know it soon. Read …. In fact the story is entirely a fact. I got married when I was only twenty and my wife was eighteen years. We tried to have an early issue but even after five years of attempt my wife did not conceive. That made us worry as to whether we can really get our children or not. I...

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Kira Sampson Dream Girl

Kira Sampson was a sixteen-year old beauty lusted after by every swinging dick at Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, Florida. That included students and teachers both male and female. Her late father had chosen the name Kira from the porn star Kira Reed. He had masturbated many times watching Kira Reed sucking and fucking. Her mother had no idea where the name Kira came from, but thought it was a cute name and had no objection.Kira’s father, who absolutely adored her, passed away suddenly...

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Das Lost Paradise in Vietnam II

Vorwort und Hinweise:Gemäß geltender Gesetze weise ich darauf hin, dass dies eine erfundene Geschichte ist. Jegliche Personen sind frei erfunden und bei ihren Handlungen volljährig. Zufällige Namensgleichheiten mit toten oder lebenden Personen sind rein zufällig und nicht gewollt. Die vorliegenden Geschichten sollten minderjährigen Personen nicht zugänglich gemacht werden.Ferner distanziert sich der Autor von den hier praktizierten Handlungen, da diese in manchen Ländern verboten sind. Alle...

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Sushma And Teenager8217s Passion Telugu

సుష్మ మదన సామ్రాజ్యం – కుర్రాళ్ళ కసి (సుష్మకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీపూస గుచ్చినట్టు వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. ఏది నిజంగా జరిగింది, ఏది కల్పితం అన్నది ఆమెనే డైరెక్ట్గా అడగండి. మీ అదృష్టం బాగుంటే ఆమె రిప్లై ఇవ్వడమే కాకుండా, మీతో chat కూడా చెయ్యవచ్చు. ఆమె మైల్ మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) రాజు నా గుద్దలో కార్చి బయటికి తీసిన మొడ్డని బట్టతో తుడిచి చీకడం మొదలుపెట్టేనో...

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I Want to Play a Game Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Search For Clues. The screen then went dark and the girls were on their own again. ‘That was fun.’ Chirped Sammy, ‘She’s gonna be soooo much happier now.’ ‘That was terrible.’ Reacted Trisha ignoring Sammy’s comment. ‘How could anyone do that to another person.’ ‘Someone is obviously just pissed off at the world,’ replied Jade, ‘Or women at least. There’s probably some screwed up ‘Noble Cause’ behind it all.’ ‘But still,’ continued Trisha, ‘She was barely twenty, somebody...

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Friends and Neighbors

We were in another world when we were transferred from West Coast to Texas. Before, we only knew a couple of our neighbors and seldom saw them socially. At the time, we were in our early twenties. Our Texas neighbors were party a****ls and we were quickly assimilated into the group. We met the nearest neighbors during the first few days, found that they all drank a lot more heavily, and enjoyed partying very late.Soon, we were invited to join the neighborhood gourmet club. The first club dinner...

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