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Please read all my other stories and leave comments. Thanks. Seriously? I turned 49 on my last birthday, my wife turned 56 on hers. When we were younger the age difference never mattered, emotionally, it still doesn't. Physically however, it has reared its ugly head. Two years ago my wife told me that as much as she loved me, her interest in sex was about nil. She was sad because that part of her life had ended but despite her lack of "urge", she was still willing to participate because she knew I was younger and still had needs. I loved and still love her and I was willing to accommodate her wishes, but honestly, sliding into wet pussy is, sliding into wet pussy. I am her second husband. The first was abusive in many ways, emotionally and occasionally physically, she loves me because I am neither. The fact that I like to wear woman's lingerie amused her and because that is so completely not macho, made her feel safe and unafraid. Before her interest in sex diminished and her body changed, she enjoyed me serving her as a maid or berated me when I was a school girl. She liked when she took me in the ass with her strap on, as it gave her a feeling of power and control that she had never known before. Yes, she knew before we married that I was a cross dresser. So I was surprised when she said, I really should shave. She was reading in bed and I had just come out of the shower. I had a towel wrapped around my middle. It stunned me when she said, "You know Bill, your leg hair is so sparse, you should just shave it off. I mean, assuming you are still dressing up when I am not around, it would be much prettier when you wear stockings." I said, "Huh, what?" Susan laughed and said, "I am just saying that if you are still dressing, if you want to be more feminine, you really should shave your legs and chest." I responded with, "Yeah, but, I mean, that would be a change, a big one. But hey thanks for the suggestion." She said, "Bill you know I have always thought that your wanting to wear my panties was odd but cute. You know that I do not mind you pretending in lingerie. Obviously, over the last couple of years, I have not been there for you so if you want to take your cross-dressing to the next level, I am ok with that." "Seriously?" "Yes baby and I will help if I can." "Help?" "Help, how, I mean if you are suddenly interested, that's cool, but how would you help?" "Well I am not sure, I mean, I could help you with make-up and lipstick, although you have never worn either that I know of. Or I could tell you if a dress you have fits well or is too baggy. Gosh, I really have not thought that far ahead, I was just thinking that I could help you be more girly if that is what you want." "Mary, I will have to think about it, I mean I thought I was doing it to make you feel safer, but the longer we go without,....without contact, the more I want to dress up." "That's what I mean Bill, if you want to wear panties and a bra everyday; I want you to know it is ok with me. What bra size are you by the way, (giggling) in case I decide to buy you one?" "Stop it Mary." "No, seriously." Blushing I tell her I am a 36C. We did not speak of it for a couple of weeks and during that time I took her suggestion and shaved from the neck down, figuring she was right, I am not very hairy anyway. It did make my nylons feel much sexier and my slightly puffy "man breasts" looked so much better in a bra, I was amazed at the difference in the mirror. A week before my birthday Mary asked me if there was anything special I wanted. I answered no, I had what I needed. She then surprised me again by asking, "Is there anything feminine that you need that you have been too embarrassed to get on your own?" Blushing, I swallowed and stammered that I had always wondered what a corselet would be like. She said, "That's it then, I will get one. But they are expensive so we should get the right size." "Seriously?" I heard myself say. "Yes, seriously. Why don't you fetch the measuring tape? Change into your best fitting bra and panty while you do so we get the measurement right." she added' watching me. "You want to see me in panties and a bra?" I gulped. Laughing she said, "I want to not waste money." Nervously I left the room, my head spinning. I got the tape and then went to the spare room where I keep "her" things. I selected a light blue sheer cup bra and the matching lace panty. I slipped both on quickly and easily and tucked myself a bit down but not too much. I swallowed and went back to the kitchen where she sat sipping coffee. I cleared my throat and waited as she turned and looked. After a moment she said, "That is a beautiful set and the panty fits you nicely. Come closer." I moved to her and she placed her hand on my bare thigh. "And you shaved! You look adorable!" I blushed more and muttered, "Thank you." She measured me and told me that I was right, a 36, but then added, more a b cup without pads, and definitely a size 6 panty. "You know if you had bigger breasts you would have a figure any other girl would envy." I said nothing as she handed me the tape back. I turned to leave when she said, "Bill, since you have them on, why don't you leave your set on for the rest of the night? I mean just slip a shirt and pants over it. Ok?" I am not sure if she saw me nod or not. I put the tape away and put on a pair of man's jeans and a golf shirt before returning and starting supper. We did not speak of it again the rest of the night. I slipped them off before bed, my head still confused at her new, sort of but not really interest. My birthday was on Wednesday and when I came home I could smell dinner already cooking. I smiled to myself because this was the only day all year I did not have to cook. Mary greeted me with a smile and a kiss and then said, "We have about an hour and a half until dinner. Why don't you go shower and I will make you a drink? Oh, and shave real, real close and I mean everywhere!" She giggled and added, "I left a bathrobe on the bed for you to wear when you get out of the shower." She turned back toward the stove as I headed for the bedroom, happy, a little confused by her attitude and wondering what she was up to. Then I remembered her comment about getting me a corselet. Oh God I thought, had she really done it? The robe on the bed was light blue and a moderate length; there was nothing either feminine or masculine about it. The material was a bit silky and a little thin. I put it down and started the shower. I had shaved rather close the day before so except for making sure my guy whiskers were done there was not a lot to do. I stepped out and used deodorant, slipped on the robe and padded barefoot to the kitchen. Mary heard me despite my soft steps, turned and said, "Oh good it fits nicely." She handed me my drink and we discussed our day, ignoring the fact I was naked under the robe and she was fully dressed in a smart and for her revealing work outfit. I asked if she had worn it all day and she told me she had not, in fact wore her regular, dowdy stuff as she put it. She told me she had decided to look more feminine for dinner and then slyly added that she even had stockings and a garter belt on underneath. I was shocked. She had not worn them in years as far as I knew and to openly tell me, it was like she was flirting or teasing me. Mary knew I was clean shaven and naked under the robe and for her to comment on her choice of lingerie is something she may have done years ago, but baffled me as to why she had said anything now. She must have seen the surprise and confusion on my face because she reached across and stroked my thigh a bit before adding, "I just wanted to be as feminine as I could for you on your birthday, especially given my lack of interest these last few years. I also wanted you to be a comfortable as possible when you open the gifts I got for you're for your birthday. And I thought if I had on some sexy lingerie, you may be less shy to try on your gifts in front of me instead of alone like you usually have to." As she finished and pulled her hand away, I realized several things, she was flirting; although how far she would go was unknown, she had in fact gotten me some sort of lingerie as a gift and that I still desired her; my cock was full and thick and evident in the tenting of my robe. As I picked up my drink to go to the living room I saw her try to hide her smile, even as I tried to hide my erection. I sipped my drink and wondered about the odd changes happening, tried to sort it out and decided it really did not matter. She loved me and I loved her and that is all that mattered. Mary refilled my drink and told me dinner was about forty-five minutes away. She and returned a moment later with several white, unwrapped boxes from a very expensive lingerie store in our town. As she set them down on the table before she said, "I was hoping you might wear these for the rest of the night, um, your choice of course." I wondered at the nervousness in her voice, the uncertainty. It matched my own that is for sure. "This one first please Bill," she said, still sounding unsure. I took the box from her my hands barely shaking. I set it down and lifted the lid off, nervous and oddly pleased the tissue inside hid the treasure. I folded the tissue aside to reveal a pair of ivory colored panties. They were lightly graced with lace, sensual in an elegant but not trashy way. "Do you like them?" she asked, in a way I thought quite shy. I nodded and reached in to remove them from the box, my fingers tingling at the touch. I drew them up and out. They had elastic leg openings and waist, were full coverage front and back and they glimmered in their softness. I was speechless. "Put them on under your robe Bill," Mary spoke quietly. In a trance, I stood and bent down, bunching the silk in my hands, stepping one foot and then the other through the leg openings before drawing them slowly up my shaven legs. My cock could not get harder than it was, but it tried. I adjusted them with a tug or two and looked at Mary. "Thank you," I stuttered. She smiled and asked, "Do they feel nice?" "They feel....beautiful," I answered. "I got one that would hold you, um, either up or down, I was not sure if you still, you know. got that way." Again she seemed embarrassed by her participation. Coughing she said, "Well then, there is this," handing me another box, heavier than the first. I took it and sat down again. Opening it with hands that now obviously shook some and inside found the thing I had confessed to having been afraid to buy for myself; a matching corselet. It was the same color and material as the panty but except for the sheer cups, solid to look at. How beautiful I thought. Now Mary stammered a bit, "I will have to help you a bit, I mean it laces in the back but hooks in the front. Do you think I should help?" My turn to stammer, "Yes, Mary I would like that, like it a lot." I handed it to her and stood. I slipped the robe off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I stood before her in the panties she had given me, not sure if she wanted to see my aroused state in them or not. I thought I heard her gulp before her business sense took over and she said, "Turn then." I turned and shivered as she slipped the garment over my shoulders from behind and asked me to hook the front. When I finished she laced the back, not tight but comfortably snug. When she was done, I felt rather than saw her step away and sit down. "Slip your garters through your panties Bill and then look in the box again." I heard her say. I followed her direction, twitching when my hand brushed my member. In the box I found sheer white stockings. Mary sat on the couch and asked, "Do you mind if I watch while you put your stockings on Bill?" I looked at her and thought I saw, well, not lust but interest. I told her I would welcome her watching as I pulled the stockings from the box, separated them and then rolled and slowly pulled them up my legs. I admit that I was a little flirty as I slipped the tabs of the garters into their holders and adjusted them so the seams were straight. Not sure what Mary's motivations were, I had at some time decided to accept the pleasures of the moment. "Why don't you open the last box and then slip into your robe again Bill, while I go get comfortable and then we can have dinner." Mary said as she stood. "Ok," I whispered as she left. The last box contained a pair of ivory colored mules, complete with a two inch heel and feathery material on the toe bridge. I slipped them on as I wondered what getting comfortable meant and again wondered if maybe her interest was coming back. As I slipped my robe back on, Mary returned and "getting comfortable" turned out to be without her blouse and skirt. She entered the room in her black stockings with the promised garter belt, beautiful above her black heels, a black lace bra and panties, covered by a sheer black lace teddy. Over it all she had put on a black silk robe. "Ready to eat?" she asked in a teasing tone. Dinner was as normal as any we had ever had. Neither of us mentioned the fact that we were wearing the silkiest of lingerie, nor did it seem odd that my wife would be chatting so comfortably with me as my cock strained against the slippery nest of the panties she had given me. I guess because we were behaving as if we dressed this way together all the time and the fact that neither of us mentioned it as we ate, I did soften a little. Not completely because the panties were of the softest I had ever felt, but some. As I bent over putting plates in the dishwasher, my thin robe tight across my bottom, I heard Mary say, "You do have a darling ass and great legs you know Bill." I hardened fully again. After the kitchen was clean we sat in the family room quietly watching television. As the evening drew to a close, Mary patted the couch beside her, inviting me to sit near her. I moved closer and sat, our thighs barely touching. "You know I love you don't you Bill?" she asked shyly. Surprised by the question, I immediately responded, "Of course I do, I have never doubted that." "Well I know that I have not been there for you in recent years," she sighed. "Yes you have, we have always been there for each other," I answered. "I meant sexually, Bill. I was hoping that the outfit I got you would not cause you to become aroused. I guess I thought if you no longer responded, I would not have to feel so guilty." I stammered, "But Mary it is not your fault that you, well you have a lessened desire. It certainly is not your fault that I still get aroused! It is just the way it is." She reached across my lap and gently stroked my hard cock through the panty. "Still, I know you are disappointed not to have help getting relief." I moaned very quietly at her touch but did not comment. She continued to lightly caress my cock, sliding her open palm up its length. She smiled, "Do you remember when we used to use the strap on? How we pretended I was the male of the house and you were the hired maid? You would bring me my drink and pretend to clean the room, bending over to show your behind and stockings." "I do, I remember," I said, breath coming a little quicker. "I always enjoyed that." she continued. "I also always wondered if you were thinking of the strap on as a real cock, you know, flesh and blood, jutting out from a real male. It is ok not to answer, but did you?" I wanted not to answer, but I also wanted her to keep teasing my aching cock. "I did, but not a cock on a real guy, I mean a macho guy. I sometimes thought of another cross dressers cock, I guy like me that likes being dressed." I blushed furiously at this confession. "Oh my," she laughed, "That never occurred to me. So a cock excited by lingerie excites you?" "Um, yes, well only in fantasy, I mean I would never cheat on you, you know that." I squirmed at the conversation and her constant gentle touch on my cock head. Shifting the topic Mary suddenly asked, "Bill do you have any condoms in the house?' Confused I said, "Well yes, I use them when I, when I. well it keeps me from ruining my panties." Again I was blushing bright red. "Go get one please," Mary stated. Even more confused by her motives now, I quickly retrieved one from the bedroom and returned. While I stood before the couch, she asked me to pull my panty down, slip the condom on and then pull my panty back up. As I did as she asked, I saw her staring at my hard cock. She motioned for me to sit by her again when I was done. As I settled next to her she placed her arm over my shoulders and used her other hand to gently rub my nipples, both equally as stiff as my cock. "I had forgotten what a good size cock you had," she commented. The hand brushing my nipples trailed down my belly and back to my cock. As she gently grasped it she asked, "Do you still fantasize of being with another cross dresser?" I nodded as I murmured, "When I am, well, you know, masturbating." "Do you imagine him sitting next to you on the couch like I am? Dressed in sexy black lingerie and stockings, teasing your cock through your panties? Like this?" Like this meant rubbing her thumb over and across the head and then squeezing and slowly pumping me. "Oh yes." I shuddered. "What would you be doing?" she asked. I thought for a moment, my mind distracted by her hand on my cock, remembering all the times in the past she had played with me. "I would be touching him that way too," I said. "Mmmm, and have you ever thought about slipping to your knees between his legs? Sliding his panty down to touch his naked cock?" Mary asked. At her continued touching and her question, I felt my balls tighten. "Oh Mary," was all I could say. "Maybe leaning in and licking him? Taking his cock in your sexy mouth? Cupping his balls as his hardness slid across your lipstick? What do you think Bill? Would you like to do that?" Mary persisted. I know Mary felt my reaction to her words transmitted from my cock to her hand, but still I found myself answering aloud. "Yes, I have fantasized about that, but I would never actually do it. I would never betray you.' I moaned as her fingers reached further between my legs to tease my balls. "Mmmm, but it would not be cheating if I was there watching you suck cock would it Bill? Or watching you take his cock in your ass? I know you loved the strap on sliding in and out of your ass," I heard her say through a mind fog. My cocked throbbed in her hand and I knew I could not lie to her. "Mary," I whispered, "you want to, to watch me with another cross dresser? You want me to have sex in front of you with a stranger?" "I want you to be happy Bill. I know masturbating can not be that fulfilling and if you have that fantasy I am ok with it, as long as I am there as your safety valve." Devilishly smiling she added, "Besides I may even get horny enough to let you both do me." "Mary I don't know, I mean I do not want you to think I am gay or. I don't even know another CD," was all I could think to say. "Maybe you could meet one online," she said as her hand began to grip and relax on my still panty covered cock. "Someone close by and that you found attractive in a girly way. Someone like you that may be lonely and dreams of being with another panty-boy." I guess I gave in, I don't quite remember. I do remember opening my legs further and her hand caressing my balls. I remember cumming very hard in the condom as her lips came down and sucked one of my nipples through my lace bra. Friday morning before she left for work, Mary kissed my cheek and said, "Really Bill, if you want to invite a cross dresser over to play in front of me, I am 100 percent ok with it." "Seriously?" I asked. Mary laughed. "Stop saying that!"

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Lovely Day With Cousin

Hey all the ISS readers and I am roman from Hyderabad this is my first posting to ISS and that is true one. I am only a son to my parents and well built height 5.11 good looking and my age is 23. I have had my share of sex experiences in my life which I am going to narrate here. I would love to hear your comments and compliments on me at my email This story is about me and my sister cousin as we live in Hyderbad from chd and this story is 2 years since she has passed class 10th exam and there...

2 years ago
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Valley of Sinners Ch 04

SO FAR: A jobless and sensitive young man becomes innocently associated with a bubbling woman in her late forties who lives alone on a vineyard out of Auckland, New Zealand. Nash is attracted because she drives a beautifully re-built and upgraded 1939 Chevy pick-up and with ease draws him from his ‘shell’. Hope Honeybun’s interest in young Mr Carson is that he writes a little and seems to have a worldly sense so installs him downstairs as resident author and commissions him to write a novel...

3 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 6

When she returned to her apartment, Kim didn’t know what to do. Moving almost in a daze, she stripped off her clothes, entered her bathroom and took a cold shower. With her head somewhat cleared, she warmed the water but then had a different idea. Running hot water into the bathtub — it was as hot as she thought she could stand — she went to her medicine cabinet and opened a bottle that had been sitting there for months. It was a bottle of musk oil that had never been opened. Pouring half...

1 year ago
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The Lust Little Vixen Next Door

We lived next door to each other our whole lives. Up until this point I had never been with or even considered hooking up with a bigger girl but one day I realized, as I sat at my computer desk, that I could see right into her bedroom window. Her bed was positioned right underneath it and nights when I couldn't sleep I'd sit in my computer chair in the dark and watch her. The way she moved was mesmorizing. Sometimes I'd catch her changing, slowly removing each item of clothing from her thick,...

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My First ThreeSome

Some years ago, when I first started my education in aviation maintenance, I befriended a goofy fellow, let’s call him “A”, and over the course of a year we became really good friends; despite the fact that I was madly in love with someone and very committed to my relationship. Somewhere along the line however, I got dumped, and my good friend A became my “friend with benefits” or “fuck buddy”. For the first time in my entire sexual life, I was orgasming (full body, out-of-this-world orgasms)...

2 years ago
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Big Little SisterChapter 3 Tanya Sees The Doctor

After that, Saturday nights became even wilder. Tanya still hung around on the corner with her posse. They were all older than her, mostly two or three years older, but even though she was much shorter than the others, her amazing development made her look easily the oldest. She no longer took a shower when she came in from her afternoons and evenings of sexy talk. She let me wallow in the smell and taste of her pussy just as it was when she came home after a whole day of running around,...

1 year ago
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What a Deal Chapter 3

From the last story The three women comforted each other. I lay down. I was exhausted and couldn't wait to find out what might happen next time. My wife was letting go with her bisexuality and had invited another woman into our bed to give me anal sex. Life just kept getting better and better. ----- Over the next couple of days, things were pretty much back to normal. I had my weekend outdoor chores and Cindy was doing some indoor cleaning. I came in on Sunday afternoon and she was...

3 years ago
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The End of Big Ed

By Cindy - Edited by Barney "So who the fuck are you?" the very well dressed man asked. "You sure do know how to be charming," I said sarcastically. "Right, I'm not charming but I can make your life a hell of a lot better," he said. "So who are you?" "You are going to send me a ton of new business, right?" I asked. "That's right sweetie, not just work, but work you can do any damn time you want, within reason of course." he added. "So, tell me who you are." "My name is...

3 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 21

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 21 The pneumatic drills were better than any alarm and we were wide-awake. I looked at the clock and said, "It's about forty-five minutes before we were going to get up. If we're quick, we'll have enough time for a bike ride." "That's not a bad idea," said Christopher. "Let's do it today as we never know what will happen tomorrow." "Well?" asked Rachel as we sat down on the settee after our ride. We'd just had time for a quick...

2 years ago
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Breaking In Elizabeth

With my head buried deep in my race guide, a thousand miles away, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning my head to the left I see my good friend Michelle. We had car pooled to the track earlier that morning with her husband and a few other friends. In amongst the hustle and bustle of the keen racing enthusiasts we had managed to find a tall round bar table and some stools to stand at for the day, somewhere to place our drinks, girls to put their handbags and rest their feet. My eyes glance...

3 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 16

He hadn’t actually lied to his wife. And, he hadn’t tipped his brother that he knew anything about his dicklessness or HIV either. As per the man’s dicklessness situation, apart for himself and Jacob Paskin, no one knew anything who was not part of the prison scene, a scene that was now hopefully in the review mirror, and that for everyone concerned. Blake Willis knew that his brother would never be completely over what had happened to him. How could he be. There was no way. They hadn’t...

4 years ago
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Threesome With My Friend And His Plump Wife

Hi Friends, I am also one of the fans of Indian sex stories. I respect for the people who made such a platform available for us to read and share natural sex stories, I love stories more than porn as it helps me in running my imaginations wild. Although recently I started loving Savita bhabhi comics. I also respect people who in the absence of having a partner satisfy themselves with masturbating reading stories etc instead of doing any ugly crimes like rape. I feel availability of easy porn...

4 years ago
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This is the story about the time I had with Anja, my first real love. It all started when I decided to try out this dating apps. I never was the type of guy who haves a lot of sex with strangers, yet I kind of wanted to be a bit more like that. It started off fast and I talked to a couple girls, however non of them where into fast dirty fucking and also they were not ma type. After some weeks however this gorgeous woman responded, it was Anja. She was among the few who used there real name. We...

2 years ago
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Mami Ki Daba Ke Thukai

Hi friends, aaj mai aapko mere aur mere maami ke beech bane sharirik sambandh ke baare me bataunga. Ye sab 2010 me hua us time me 22 saal ka tha aur meri maami 37 ki. Ab mai aap logo ko apni maami ke baare me batata hu. Maami ek married sudool kaamvasna se bhari hui mahila hai, uske boobs 36 C size ke hai aur sharir bhi ekdum bhara hua hai ek ideal sexy gharelu mahila ke jaise. Maami ka ek beta 19 saal aur Beti 18 ki hai. Mera maam daroobaz hai aur maami ki kadar nahi karta kyuki maami ekdum...

3 years ago
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A Video Game Humiliation II

Welcome to the REMASTERED Edition of this archived story. Trusted authors will be able to add their chapters AUTOMATICALLY. Non-trusted authors will have all chapters vetted by me before they are made public. You must read the rules branch below before publishing a chapter. Those rules will be enforced. Categories may be added if deemed necessary but do not add any yourself. If a category does not exist for the character you want to use, just put in the alphabetical categories instead. The...

3 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 40

Stan had found that the loosely fixed ‘alternate days’ arrangement that they had come to was actually very loose. This last week, with Anne now finally free from the enormous pressure she’d been under, it had been the spectacular blonde who had spent most evenings with him. Saturday night Denise stayed with him, then on Sunday Anne again claimed her turn. ‘Anne, not that I mind, but how come you’re with me so much at the moment? I don’t want Denise to feel left out.’ Anne, snuggled up...

3 years ago
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Complicated Ch 03

Chapter 3 The following morning I woke up to a wonderful tingling sensation running down from my breasts to my pussy. I opened my eyes to watch Max looming over me. He was sucking on one of my nipples while leisurely sliding his finger in and out of me. I felt too lazy to say anything, so I ran my fingers through his hair to indicate that I was awake. Max looked up at me without stopping what he was doing and appeared to smile. He withdrew his finger from my pussy and offered it to me. I...

2 years ago
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Diary of a Slave Merchant 2008 part 6

10:31pm This night went from strange, to just plain bizarre. I went in to the punishment room, and Catherine was lying still, not making a sound. I walked around and sat on the edge of the twin bed, facing her. She looked up at me. "Mmmm?" she said. I sat there and looked at her for a while, trying to figure out how to handle this one. "MMMmm?" she repeated, louder this time, annoyance obvious in her voice. She seemed remarkably calm. I reached over and pulled the duct...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 22

Vetted... A few more nicked from various forums, I’ll go through another page when you’ve used what you want from these! Nelson Mandela heard a knock at the door. A man with a clip board and a big lorry said “I’ve got 1000 car batteries for you” Better put them in the back garden” said Mr Mandela. The next day the same man came in the same lorry and said “I’ve got 600 car tyres for you” “Better put them in with the batteries then” said Mr Mandela. The next day the same man arrived with...

3 years ago
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Annabeth masturbating

Annabeth is lying on her bed in the middle of the afternoon in august. She is thinking about percy. He is so cute, she thinks to herself. She wanted to ask him out but he left for home before she worked up the nerve. She continues to think about him and starts to get a little turned on. Her hand works its way up her shirt and gropes her tiny boobs through her sports bra. Annabeth continues groping as her other hand slithers down to her yoga pants waistline. She slipped her hand under and...

4 years ago
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Ghost Driver

Callie: two months ago. Today was awful! It was my first day at the community college aka Loser University. Why do I call it Loser U? I mean since I go there doesn't that make me a loser by extension? Yep it does. The school is attended by all of the people who a) didn't have the grades to get into a real school. And b) didn't have the money to get into a real school, c) didn't have the desire to get into a real school or d) were too lazy to get into a real school. I really hoped that it...

3 years ago
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Digital Chains Chapter 1 My New LongDistance Master

-You have received a friend request from MercilessHound666- MercilessHound666: Your name and age? Me: stacie. im 16 MercilessHound666: And what's my name? Me: mercilesshound666? MercilessHound666: Stacie, I would like for you to understand something. If you want to be my pet, then you will have to think while speaking with me. I will not accept an idiot. Try again. Me: master? MercilessHound666: That's a good girl. Are you naked right now? Me: mmhmm

1 year ago
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A London Train

It was my first time visiting London and I wasn’t sure what to expect but luckily I had a couple of female friends who had been there before and said they would love to go again. We had only been there two days and of course the girls had begun planning all the things we should be seeing or places we should visit. I was up for that but the first thing they wanted to do was go shopping! So that was the plan for the day, shuffling through the busy stores crowded with other tourists buying...

2 years ago
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Summer Camp

As per usual, my parents sent me to summer camp. This year I begged them to let my best friend Rob go with me. Rob's parents got together with mine and decided there just wasn't enough money to send us both to the camp I normally go to in upstate New York. However, their daughter Becky was a counselor at a nice camp in Massachusetts and she could get us boys a lower rate. After a few meetings it was decided to send us to both to Camp Squanto. Rob told me his sister was pretty nice. I had seen...

1 year ago
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Customer Service

"May I help you, sir," the attractive young saleswoman asked, while Clint scanned the display of night gowns that were marked at twenty percent off. "Uh, yes, maybe," he replied while feeling the material on one of the gowns!!! "Is it a present for your wife?" the lady asked. "Yes," he replied, "it's our tenth wedding anniversary and I just thought that maybe she might like something like this!!!" The saleslady, who introduced herself as Charla, answered quickly, "These might be a little on the...

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My cousin jessie

well it was summer that time when my cousins came over to our house to visit, btw i have a cousin her name is jessie, we often take a bath together when we are k**s, after 8 years... "charlie fix your room your cousins are comming"mom said. "wait up mom one more minute i have to finish the game" i said. after an hour my cousins came, it is only her mom and jessie. i got downstairs and run to open the door. i turn the doornob and i saw this hot 16 yr old girl, my mom was behind me and she said...

3 years ago
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The Black Seas Ch 05

On Route from Antigua to Port Royal, 1702 The Brigantine class ship, the Forgotten Wish, was a more heavily armed vessel than it was intended to look. The vessel was captained by a man named Armand Hammond and was one of the Governor of Jamaica’s top captains outside the Royal Navy. With the seas full of pirates, having heavily armed merchant vessels were Governor Woodes Rogers only option to keep the delivery of his supply ships safe. Normally such ship captain wouldn’t allow someone not...

4 years ago
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Dana Takes on the Basketball TeamChapter 5 Becoming a Virgin Again

Jim was an inventor by nature. He had created a new medical procedure just for Dana, although if the trials were successful he could make a great deal of money from this invention. Dana wasn’t in any position to turn him down. The process involved electric muscle stimulation, active exercises, and minor surgery. The electrical stimulation and exercises re-tightened the vagina walls. Later he would add a topical cream that furthered this process. The surgery used micro-drops of surgical glue...

4 years ago
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Corporate Assets Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Carmen was now using both hands to grip the dildo as she forced it up her helpless captive's ass. Sandra felt more of the dildo enter her ass. Carmen was shoving more of the rubber monster into Sandra's bowels. In a fairly short time she had about half of it, six inches or so, stuck in Sandra's ass. "Man this ass fucking is hard work", she said. She leaned back to admire her handiwork. "Hey you're doing real good", said Hector. "We'll give you a real one to play with if you keep it...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Whitney Wright Whitney Wright8217s Kinky Partner Swap

When raven-haired beauty Whitney Wright and her husband decide to swap partners with their kinky swinger friends, she ends up enjoying Dante Colle and his rock hard cock much more than she realized she would. The horny minx starts grinding her crotch against his even while he still has his pants on and melts under his expert tongue and fingers working her trimmed pussy. The Penthouse starlet then excitedly sucks his schlong to prime it for deep fucking in doggy style and riding his rod in...

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Taking one for the team

It was my second year at college. I was still a bit uncertain where my preferences lay with regards to boys or girls but I was leaning towards girls. I had lost my virginity both ways by now, the second time to a guy a year older than me. It wasn’t beautiful and romantic as it had been with Gemma. It was OK but it wasn’t ‘special’ and certainly not worthy of a story. This was a few months later and after my lapse into heterosexuality I had gone back to Gemma. Even so, I couldn’t turn down the...

Straight Sex
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Different Love reedit

Introduction: Sammy is a peculiar teen girl who starts that particular and unforgettable night in a nasty situation and ends up in the most intense (rough and arousing) moment of her life. Hi, there. This is a re-edit version of a story I wrote back in 2011. It is a revised version with lots of added parts, I hope you like it. I posted it some days ago, but I decided to reactivate my original profile, so Im posting it again. Sorry if you already read it. Hope you like it ,) Lilith04. ...

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Making Love With Mom

This is a true story My family’s of 5, I have Two siblings outside India, I’m the youngest so I decided to study here in India itself. We live in a weird place, its 20km from the city but, use to government restriction only a few homes are there here.Dad’s 49 and moms 41. My mom is like sukanya, truly a milf to fuck. But you know its your own mother and all so I didn’t. After my siblings left, my mom and dad never went out often. Dad would go to a job and come at night. My mom was really...

4 years ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 7

The next three days were the longest of his life. He plowed through the week and in one of his few magnanimous spells, postponed all the work that he had originally scheduled to be due on Friday until the next Monday. The kids were overjoyed since he never cut them any slack when it came to schoolwork. During that time, he only briefly spoke to Ann Marie. They flirted a little, but were otherwise professional to the point that it seemed like they were ignoring each other. When the final...

1 year ago
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Katies Big Adventure

Johnny felt his softening cock pop free from Katie's warm pussy. This sudden departure from her caused one last marvelous sensation to shoot through his now tender penis. Johnny had just shot an enormous load while girlfriend Katie straddled him and ground her moist cunt up and down around his thick shaft. Now he was spent. Katie giggled as she gave Johnny a quick kiss on the lips, then swung her leg over him and headed for the bathroom. Johnny watched her pink, dimpled ass sway as she...

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