Seriously Inconvenienced Ch. 03 free porn video

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The chronological order of my stories is as follows:

Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series, The Hot Wives Investment Club series.

Seriously Inconvenienced, Ch. 1-3.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

Part 10 – The County Badass

‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ said the redhead reporter at 7:00am on Monday, November 17th. ‘Channel Two News has learned that the fallout of the drug raid last Friday night, which resulted in local police officers and the SBI’s Narcotics Task Force exchanging gunfire with each other, is having ramifications across the State. Tensions between the SBI and various local law enforcement agencies is reaching a boiling point, which is causing many experts to believe that unless something is done, the effectiveness of law enforcement in the State will be negatively impacted.’

‘In other news, it is believed that the criminals that robbed the Second National Bank and kidnapped Luisa Gomez may be part of a larger criminal organization. Commander Donald Troy of the Town & County Police Department has confirmed that the FBI is now working with the local police, as the criminals may have crossed over the State line to our West. Luisa Gomez continues to undergo rehabilitation at University Hospital as she recovers from her grievous injuries.’

Tanya Perlman said ‘I heard that Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart from that ‘Vision’ cult in Coltrane County brought a couple of psychologists to help Luisa, and that they’re doing a lot for her. The hospital staff isn’t thrilled about it, but Dr. Fredricson stepped in and suggested the psychologists be allowed to continue working with her.’

‘Oh really?’ I said. ‘First I’m hearing of that. Cindy, you’re not the only person who doesn’t get told things.’ I was needling my partner very hard.

‘Stoppit.’ was all Ross said as she sipped her coffee, but I noted that her rugged but pretty face remained unperturbed.

Chief Griswold came up as we watched in the MCD room and growled at me ‘Crowbar, why in the world did you give that woman that confirmation that the FBI is working with us?’

‘Case of ‘damned if I do, damned if I don’t’, Chief.’ I said. ‘Bettina already had the info, and denying it would just cause the reporting to be more intense and hostile. Jack Muscone said it was okay to confirm it, as well… he wants the bastards to know the FBI is on their tails, hoping to get some cell phone chatter to start up, I guess.’

‘In that case–‘ started the Chief, but we were interrupted as Lt. Teresa Croyle came into the room. She was not alone.

‘Look who’s back from the Police Academy, everyone!’ Teresa said. It was Detective Theo Washington, the ‘movie star handsome’ black Detective, whose brother Franklin was one of the ADAs at the Courthouse. Theo was dressed in a suit that rivaled Martin Nash’s for the ‘GQ look’.

‘About time you got back, Washington.’ growled the Chief in a friendly way as he shook Theo’s hand.

‘How was Detective School?’ I asked. Theo had attended the course at the Police Academy that I’d felt the need to re-write for them.

‘It was good.’ said Theo. ‘But I think I learn a lot more from the Iron Crowbar and Lt. Perlman’s hands-on training.’

‘Glad to see they taught you how to kiss ass properly.’ said Chief Griswold, getting a good laugh out of everyone in the room. After more small talk, the Chief told us all to get to work and left the room.

‘I’m glad I graduated Friday.’ Theo said. ‘My cell phone lit up over the weekend about that shoot-out you guys had with the SBI. Just about the only thing anyone was talking about the whole time was what’s going to happen in January in the State Legislature. There’s a lot of tension, some people favoring the SBI and some dead-set against them.’

‘That’s interesting to hear.’ I said. ‘Okay, Perlman, get Theo up to speed on what’s going on around here. I’m going to follow the Chief’s orders and try to get some work done.’ I left the MCD room for my office. I was not surprised that Cindy Ross followed me in.

‘How was your weekend?’ I asked as I pointed at a seat for Cindy to sit in.

‘Exhausting.’ Cindy said, settling into the seat and crossing her well-toned, shapely legs. ‘I now have full carnal knowledge of why your married life is so happy.’

‘I think my wife enjoyed herself with you and Jenna, as well.’ I said. ‘But she’s also very good at keeping secrets, and she didn’t tell me a thing except that she had an exhausting evening herself. What happened with y’all stays with y’all, and I don’t wanna know the details.’ I had no idea just what secrets my wife and my partner were keeping from me, and in not knowing what I didn’t know, I’d made a remark Cindy thought was unintentionally funny. But after a brief smile, she turned serious.

‘Well, that’s not what I came to talk about.’ said Cindy, stiffening in her chair a bit. ‘Sir, may I speak frankly?’

‘By all means.’ I said, getting an idea of what was coming.

Cindy said ‘I just wanted you to know that I talked to Jenna about her punk Gor-don using the other office. Jenna wasn’t happy about it– about your complaint, that is. And I felt like I was put between a rock and a hard place. I talked to her, but that’s the last time I mix business with my personal relationship with her, Don. I will not be your unofficial go-between with the D.A.’s office, particularly with Jenna, again.’

‘I understand.’ I said. ‘And while we’re speaking frankly, privately and the ranks are off: a superior officer normally never apologizes to a a junior officer, but I do owe you an apology for putting you in that position. I was thinking about it over the weekend, and I regret having made that suggestion to you. I won’t do that to you again.’

‘Thank you.’ Cindy said. I could see in her eyes that my apology meant a lot to her.

‘All right, ranks back on, let’s get back to work.’ I said. ‘While I’m downstairs making Myron and Mary work their asses off about the bank robbery, I want you to consolidate the Vice raid. I need expedited reports from everyone that went on it. Definitely about the SBI shooting at them, but also about the perps and the haul that we captured…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dr. Laura Fredricson sat at her desk in her office in the University’s Psychology Building, typing away at her laptop computer. But it was not School business she was doing on the computer and the heavily secured internet line to it. It was ‘Company’ business.

She called her assistant Gayle Roberts into the office. ‘Let’s sweep for bugs.’ Laura ordered. Both beautiful women got out their bug detection devices and began sweeping the room, their high heels clicking on the floor as they walked around. Laura also went into her nursery room behind the office, checked on Carole and Jim, and swept that room for bugs also, knowing that the audio/video baby monitors might transmit voices if they weren’t careful.

‘It’s clean.’ Gayle said. She then brought up a chair very near
to Laura’s desk so that they could talk in low tones. ‘You must have something important to discuss.’ she said as Laura sat down.

‘Overabundance of caution.’ Laura replied. ‘I’ve been doing some research since we walked in on that bastard Wargrave sitting in my nursery last October 6th, as has Jack Muscone and his FBI team. My husband believes that Wargrave is connected to the recent string of murders and suicides in this County, and the Muscone Team has been following up on that. Jack has reported to his boss that he thinks he’s found a couple of leads that might tie in to Wargrave.’

‘That’s great!’ Gayle said, then saw Laura’s face. ‘Er… isn’t it?’

‘I’m seeing something different.’ said Laura. ‘The NSA has picked up on increased communications chatter in this area recently. My Director has been told about it, but the FBI has not. Wargrave has contacts at the highest levels of Government, in the State Department, Homeland Security and Defense Departments, and we are concerned he has contacts inside the NSA, as well, so only a very few people are being informed of this.’

‘What is the different thing you’re seeing?’ Gayle asked.

‘I think Wargrave is on to Muscone, and he’s laying a trail of bread crumbs for Muscone to follow, a trail that will lead to nowhere… or into a trap.’

‘I understand the ‘need-to-know’ aspect of this,’ said Gayle Roberts, ‘but don’t we need to let Mr. Muscone or someone know? Not only to keep him and his team safe, but so he doesn’t waste his time?’

‘Certainly.’ said Laura. ‘But this may also be an opportunity to trap Wargrave, get him to commit to something we can act upon. Then I can unleash the ‘Huntress’ upon him.’ Laura did not say out loud that ‘Huntress’ was the Company’s code name for one of the best ‘wet boy’ snipers they’d ever had… the sniper who had so skillfully eliminated the evil Rev. Jonas Oldeeds. ‘It is not my intention, nor my Director’s, to arrest Wargrave nor bring him into a Courtroom.’

‘So what are we going to do?’ Gayle asked, knowing that Laura Fredricson already had a plan.

‘Well, I’m certainly not going to go to the local constabulary about this.’ Laura said. ‘But my husband will have to know some of it, to cover for us. And we need to act fast, beginning tonight.’ Laura then detailed her plan to Gayle.

As Gayle was about to leave to send out the orders to implement Laura’s plan, she turned and said ‘Laura, can I ask you a question?’

‘Certainly.’ said Laura.

‘Why do you think Wargrave was in your nursery room that morning?’ Gayle asked. ‘I never was convinced he was just there to scare you and deliver that warning to your husband.’

‘I’ve been thinking about that, as has my husband, for weeks now.’ replied Laura. ‘Don thinks Wargrave was here for another reason and we surprised him, so he had to go into the nursery but got caught there anyway. We did a super-sweep for bugs and found none, and I keep no Agency files here at all. Nothing was taken, and he left no notes, pictures, or paintings, either, apparently those are saved for my husband. So we’re not sure.’

At that moment, the baby monitor emitted that most beautiful of sounds: Laura’s daughter was awake and singing to herself in her crib. As Gayle went to send out the orders for the plan, Laura went into the nursery.

Carole was in her crib, looking up at the ceiling when her mother’s lovely face appeared. ‘Mama.’ she said, holding up her arms in a gesture asking to be picked up. Laura did so.

‘Hi Carole, how’s my girl?’ Laura said, holding her daughter at face-to-face level. ‘You’re so pretty today! Are you ready for lunch?’

‘Yeh.’ Carole said, and Laura didn’t know if Carole was really answering or just making a noise to hear herself talk…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘Thank you for calling, sir. I’ll definitely take action, and let you know of my plans.’ said Henry R. Wargrave. Hanging up the phone after the call ended, he turned in his chair and looked out the windows of his office, thinking as he looked at the view of the City. He reached for his cell phone and made a call, summoning his friend Austin R. Murphy. Murphy arrived within fifteen minutes.

‘Have a seat, Austin.’ Wargrave said as the secretary ushered Murphy into the office. ‘Would you like something to drink?’

‘No thank you, I just had lunch.’ Austin said, sitting down. ‘What can I do for you, Hank?’ Austin R. Murphy was one of the few people in the world that had been invited to address the billionaire by his nickname.

‘First, let me make sure we’re not being overheard.’ said Wargrave. His security man Josh came in with two other men. They swept the room for bugs, including a ‘wipedown’ of Austin R. Murphy.

‘Room is clean, sir.’ said Josh.

‘Thank you, Josh.’ Wargrave said. After the men left, Wargrave said ‘I’ve gotten word that the FBI is trying to track me. It seems they think I’m involved in some sort of industrial espionage in the Iron Crowbar’s County. I’ve left false trails for them to follow, but Muscone sidestepped them… looks like he was warned by the Iron Crowbar, and now Muscone may be getting onto the right track. The Iron Crowbar is seriously inconveniencing me again.’

‘Are you suggesting we take steps to stop him?’ asked Murphy. His words were understood to mean assassinating the Iron Crowbar.

‘No, at least not yet.’ said Wargrave. ‘I’ve been told to leave him be. But I think we can take a more effective action, eliminate the FBI threat, and let the Iron Crowbar know that he’s in over his head and needs to stick to being a policeman in his County.’ He told Murphy his plan.

‘Sounds good, but it’ll bring down heat from Washington.’ said Murphy.

‘Leave that to me.’ said Wargrave. ‘No point in having expensive contacts in Washington and within the Federal Government if I can’t make use of them.’

‘Speaking of contacts, Hank,’ said Murphy, ‘our new deep cover operative in the County is set up. The police there have no idea.’

‘Good, but tell him to be damn sure to be careful around the Iron Crowbar. That man…’ Wargrave said, going into his own version of a reverie. ‘Well, let’s just say that man is just a wee bit too active for us to continue to mess with. We need to make sure that there continues to be… distractions… for him while we make our move, and while we set up in another location, and with our new partners.’

‘Yes, sir.’ said Murphy, wondering who the new partners were, but not asking out loud.

‘By the way, has anyone spoken to Katherine Woodburn? To… ‘congratulate’ her, of course.’

‘That’s being handled over there.’ said Murphy. ‘He wants to handle that himself, so I was told.’ Murphy did not need to say who ‘he’ was, Wargrave was all too aware. In fact, ‘he’ was the one who had just phoned Wargrave.

‘All right.’ said Wargrave. ‘By the way, the big game against our in-state rival, State Tech, is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and it’s a home game for us. Do you want to go with me in my plane?’

‘Sure, thank you.’ said Murphy. The State Technical Institute, the University’s in-state rival, was northeast of Midtown on the way towards the City. While a conference member, State Tech was an inferior opponent for most teams, and it was imperative for Interim Coach Bronson to defeat them and continue the six-year winning streak against them. Failure to do so would mean that University Trustees Wargrave, Murphy and the others would have to find new coaching.

‘It’s Nick Eastwood’s last game, I hope he’ll do well for the NFL scouts that will be there. He’s been our badass for several years. He deserves a good pro career.’ said Wargrave…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘This drug case is a big one, and the SBI really threw a wrench into the works with their illegal raid.’ said District Attorney Gil Krasney. ‘So Jenna, I want you to use Paulina’s help to get us through it and get the convictions. And tha
t case Sharples brought… might as well decline to prosecute it, his sloppiness in making the arrest is so bad that even Judge Watts would throw it out. I’m going to talk to the Chief and the Commander about it, they really need to do something about that guy.’

‘I’ve already talked to Lieutenants Croyle and Ross, sir.’ said Jenna Stiles. ‘The Police Union is a big problem in them getting Sharples out of the way, but Internal Affairs is trying to get something solid. But the fat guy is slippery as an eel.’

‘I’ll see what I can do.’ said Krasney. ‘Okay, that should wrap it up.’ said Krasney, sitting at the head of the table in the main conference room in the Courthouse building. Present at the mid-afternoon meeting with him and Jenna were ADAs Paulina Patterson, Franklin Washington, Dwayne Gregory, newly-elected Solicitor Miriam Walters, and ADA Savannah Fineman, who was now the Deputy Solicitor at the appointment of Walters and Krasney.

‘Sir,’ said Jenna, ‘I have one more issue to bring up. The Police Commander has been complaining about my assistant Gor-don using the extra office from time to time. I think it’s our office and Gor-don should be able to use if if one of the other ADAs isn’t there–‘

‘Yes, Jenna,’ Krasney said, cutting Jenna off, and also seeing Paulina roll her eyes, ‘I’ve already heard from the Police Chief himself about it. Guys, I want you over there to work with the Police, not develop adversarial relationships with them. The offices aren’t really ours, we’re there at the courtesy of Chief Griswold and the Police Department. I told the Chief I would speak to all of you about it, and I also told him that Gor-don using the desk space didn’t bother me if ADA Stiles has him doing something needing the space. Jenna, keep it circumspect, and don’t annoy the Iron Crowbar. Yeah, he’s the Department’s badass, and he’s earned the title– in both good and bad ways.’

‘Yes sir.’ Jenna said, not mollified at all, but not taking the argument further in the public decorum of the meeting.

‘Okay, guys, let’s get back to work.’ said Krasney. ‘Franklin, can you stay a moment?’ The room emptied except for Franklin Washington and D.A. Krasney.

‘Franklin, I don’t normally want to exploit the fact you’re the brother of one of the Police Detectives,’ said Krasney, ‘but is there anything you can tell me about this business with Jenna’s assistant and the Commander?’

Franklin replied ‘My brother Theo said that Jenna’s assistant is using that office all the time, and some of the Detectives, who are in cubicles or offices so small they’re worthless, are complaining to the Commander about it. Word is that the Commander and Jenna are at odds about it, and it may come to a head soon. And when things come to a head with the Iron Crowbar…’ Washington did not finish the sentence.

‘I see.’ said Krasney. ‘Okay. I think Jenna is a really great ADA, but she’s headstrong, and I definitely don’t want Commander Troy getting pissed at us when he’s about to be Acting Chief of the Police Force. So here’s what I’d like you to do to set the table for me…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘Hi Aunt Laura!’ said Todd as Dr. Fredricson entered his office at BOW Enterprises. ‘You wanted to talk to Barry Oliver? I’ll take you right to him. By the way, this is my assistant, Mariko.’ Todd was referring to a pretty young Asian woman with a very shapely body. Her cheekbones were very high and her eyes very slanted, even for Asian woman, and her legs were exceptionally gorgeous in the very high heels she was wearing. Laura did not need the Iron Crowbar’s skills to observe that Todd was fucking and depositing his sperm into this gorgeous woman at least once a day.

The three went through the factory, Todd pointing out some features and equipment, until they reached the research labs. Todd’s capacity as company CEO was the only reason Laura was admitted into the area.

‘Hey Barry, you remember Dr. Fredricson, my lucky Uncle Don’s wife?’

‘Sure.’ said Barry Oliver. ‘Dr. Fredricson, this is Takaki Taichi, surname ‘Takaki’. We call him ‘Taro’.’

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Stacys Nature Rape

It was a pleasant hot day. I was always one for taking nice long walks through the country. I just loved all the little trails and pathways that cut through the trees and so forth, it made me feel like a child again, not the 22 year old I am now, when I used to go on picnics with my family. I loved all the wildlife; I had in my hand some nuts I had picked up only moments ago for any squirrels that might appear. Perhaps what I loved most was all the sounds. The sounds of the birds chirping,...

3 years ago
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My Latest Shoot

So many guys and girls enjoy my blog entries about my earlier adventures, but also many others wish to hear of my present day encounters, so here we go with a tale of what happened on my latest shoot at a local Travelodge hotel.It was to fulfill a privately commissioned video and photo shoot for a fan of mine from Chester, Gerald, he was in his sixties and had been a fan of my work since my earliest days. Hubby chaperoned me, as usual, my usual photographer, Mike, was not available, but he had...

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Pans Pleasures

Pan’s Pleasures Cheila felt the tall grass tickle her bare legs and feet as the warmth of the sun bathed her exposed breasts and face. She ran her fingers through her long golden hair, smiling as the beauty of the day filled her senses with pleasure. Here in her private world, far from the cares of her village, she could wander sky clad and let the gods revel in the beauty of the body with which they had graced her. Her tanned legs were long and supple with graceful, sensual muscle tone, and...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Alexa Grace Alexis Fawx Young And Full Of Cum

Romeo Price is a horny guy with a constant need to cum. He pervs on his adopted mom Alexis Fawx and his adopted sister Alexa Grace. First he sneaks into Alexis’s room to watch her shower. When he jacks off to his mom bathing, he leaves his load in her hand towel for her to find. Later, he hides under Alexa’s bed and beats his meat to his sis changing clothes until he busts another nut into her panties. Though he escapes before Alexa notices his mess, she eventually finds it. Alexis...

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The view becomes better

I had been watching Gloria, and her friend fuck each other for six months. Ever since I first saw them together that night, I made sure to get an eyeful every chance I got. I eventually met her friend, Rhonda. She was nice enough to come over and introduce herself. It was unclear if they ever knew I had been watching. By then, I seriously thought about dropping out of college, considering I could never really concentrate on my studies. They were on my mind all the time, and I couldn't get them...

3 years ago
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Trailer Park Confessions Part 1

My mom and my aunt started getting into some heavier drugs and would often go out on benders. Leaving me to fend for myself a lot of the time. They'd come back after 2-3 days of being "out" and be basically dead to the world . Sleeping for 16-20 hours straight kind of thing . They were a mess needless to say . I spent most of my time at a buddies house . Playing vids.  Smoking pot. Really nothing to crazy. But one night. My family dynamic changed pretty drastically. I was just 16 at the...

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Is She Faking It

You've always been able to tell when a woman you were with was faking. From the very beginning when you were invited to some guy-you-vaguely-knew's twenty-first birthday party by his eldest sister when you were only eighteen. She'd taken you out the back of the club where the party was being held and asked you to use your virginity to fuck her silly. Though at the time you couldn't believe your luck (she was dead hot and not very sober) you quickly realised that she was only trying to play with...

2 years ago
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Grand Canyon Adventure

We had finished loading the rented motorhome for our trip, and settled back to relax before going to bed. I pulled you close to me and kissed you, tasting the perspiration on your lips. We were both hot and sweaty from hauling out and checking all of our camping gear, running in and out of the house and doing last minute arguing over whether or not we needed this item or that. Now, crawling into bed beside you, I was too tired to start something that I couldn't finish. I looked forward to this...

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It was Dave's 35th birthday and he was struggling to get out of bed. He was starting to feel old and his body wasn't the same studly specimen it had been 15 years ago. He lied in bed and daydreamed about how much sex he used to have when he was younger. He recollected how he used to be horny all the time and his boxers were constantly wet with pre-cum as he fantasized about his next sexual conquest. Well, years had past, he got married, had a few k**s and priorities shifted over time. He was...

1 year ago
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Wife First Bull

"We need you to watch us fuck first," She said. "It makes him feel better about what I'm going to do with you later. Isn't that right, lover?" She grinned a little and winked at him."Hmph," he grunted, but grinned back."So adorably jealous."Her goading of her husband was starting to make me a little uncomfortable. I guess it was just part of the game, though, because he didn't seem angry at all. If anything, he seemed even more turned on."He'll mark his territory, then we'll move on to..." she...

2 years ago
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Garage Spinner

My woman and I bought a house. We managed to get in right at the right time, before the market came back up. We dumped her 900 square foot 1940 brick ranch and got into a nice big split level. An extra 350 square feet and a huge garage. Natually we had a spare bedroom, and she kicked around the idea of renting out the room just because we didn't need it. My k*** are grown and gone, and she can't have any. Life is good, but later I realized she was setting me up, because her n***** Scotty was...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 20

The few minutes turned into an hour and a half, during which time I drank two cups of coffee. The coffee was as bad as I remembered it from my earlier stay at the Camp. I watched recorded TV shows, since I remembered how their computer system worked. The cabin was a rubber stamp of the one I stayed in last time, but it wasn't the same one. I wondered why I hadn't been taken to the admin building. Then it dawned on me that I was being held in isolation while they checked me out. I hoped the...

1 year ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 27 Middle Ring

Ki Jung’s group arrives at the border the next day. It isn’t visible to the eye, but one feels it when they step across. The sensations could be described as being covered with thousands of fire ants that are biting you. It is enough to stop most from crossing if they lacked the determination to push on. This is most likely what keeps most travelers within the inner ring. As soon as they crossed the border, Ki Jung started to look for an appropriate place to set up their camp for the next...

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Three Sisters of Delta Gamma Ch 02

I was remiss in not mentioning at the beginning of Chapter 1 that I had a plethora of great help from readers who volunteered to edit my stories. This story was edited by six wonderful folks living in the USA, England and Australia. I only know their emails and not their Literotica member names, but they know who they are and I appreciate them. However, I was changing and, hopefully, upgrading the story after their editing so there may be a typo or small error still in this 95,000 word story. I...

3 years ago
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Primevil Vignettes

PRIMEVIL VIGNETTES BOOKS ONE AND TWO by VelvetgloveA Vignette (noun) – a brief impressionistic story, scene or description that focuses on one moment or gives an evocative impression of a character, situation or idea.Disclaimer, Copyright and Codes Please note that this is a long read (52,000 words) not a ‘short stroke story’. It contains the first two books of a septology (ie. there should eventually be seven books). If you have enjoyed my previous non-consensual stories, hopefully you will...

4 years ago
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She loves me

I am here with my bhabi feature. First of all I would like to tell you about my Bhabi. She is much highly educated. As in our home is purely Punjabi we all speak Punjabi and she speaks Hindi with everybody but to me she speaks English. She is 24 and has weight about 50 kgs. And have a perfect figure 37,28,35. She is from Pune. Now a days I used to call her Pune ki randi and she accept to what I say to her. It all started that she is married to my brother 6 months ago and she had good and...

2 years ago
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Witchs Promise

Witch's Promise by Adrienne Shaw Chapter 1 "Stephen!", my wife hissed. "What?" I said, turning away from the floor show. "Don't look now, but that exotic-looking girl is sizing you up" she grinned "I said don't look!!" Too late.. I glanced over and saw a very attractive girl smiling at me from across the room. "Don't be silly, love, she can see I'm with you" and to emphasize the point I shuffled up closer to her and put my arm around her. "She's coming over" Sure enough,...

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Two girls become aware of their sexuality

Now, don’t hold me to any dates or ages. I’m going to fix my age at 17 and the time to the summer of 1990. Also, the events will not necessarily be in the proper order. The facts will be as accurate as my memory will allow. The names will not be changed to protect the guilty! I will need to set up the scene a little: Back in the 1980’s my folks had a “summer house” in Spring Lake, Michigan. The house was on the lake, and the lake had ...

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CHAPTER 4:::: The women quickly had both Marie and Allie's hands tied behind them now as their Mom lay there in belly pain from being fucked with that damn humongous ass dildo and cringing in pain yet seeing all this happen she screamed out: "Whhattt arrre you ddoing wwith mmmy daughters!" "Leeeave my dddaughters alone!!" All the woman did was walk back over to Ellen leaned over and said: "What do u think we're going to do...

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Dark Arts II Sympathy1

Hadn't died, mind you. But this... this was something else. I sat against the cold stone walls of the upstairs area of my high school's auditorium. Beside me was the exhausted (and naked) form of Gracie Monten, an angelic, adorable little freshman with a devilishly powerful interest in sex. That wasn't what her got here, though. She probably never would have done this, ever, if it weren't for my powers. She lay snuggled against me as I stroked her hair lightly. She was almost...

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Job Ki Talash Me Chut Mil Gai

Hello dosto me aap ki khidmat me fhir se hajir hu me mukesh meri umar 24 he our mere lund ka saze 7 lamba our 3 inc mota me Abhi sidha kahani pe aata hu 8 dino pehale me bahar gaon job ke enterweo ke liye gaya tha train let hone ki wajaha se me sham ke 7 baje tak waha pahach ne wala tha train meri bagal wali site pe ek lagbhag 30 umar wali ourat bthi thi me bor horahata esaliye mene ek peper leliya tha our padhane laga o dekha kar usa ourat ne mujase pepar manga padha ne ke liye mene use o...

1 year ago
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The Birthdays Ill Always Remember

Note : This story is completely fictional! WOW! What a night! As I lay in the big king size bed in the master bedroom of my house, I wondered just how crazy things could get sometimes after a birthday party. I had just turned 35 and as I lay there, my mind started drifting back over my life and other birthdays I have had. I knew that every major birthday event in my life involved some sort of sex ever since I was young. I had always love sex, all sorts of sex! It wasn’t just the fucking between...

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African DrumsChapter 3

Joe knelt and stared at the tracks in front of him. It had taken more than two days to get a motorboat and then find where the Bantu had come out of the river, and now all it showed was that they'd gone back in again soon after. He glared at the tracks in frustration. Actually, the signs told more than just that. The stakes were still in the ground, and part of the vines were still attached. It didn't take a great deal of imagination to guess what had been tied down like that and why. He...

1 year ago
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My wife and a fat black guy

y small petite red haired wife and I have had a completely open relationship since before we married. She has and always will have a deep need for strange cock on a regular basis to keep her hot pussy satisfied. Ellen is a woman that is so rare that I have never heard of another like her. she loves to be naked 24-7 outdoors and gets off on being around lots of men old, mostly black men. It started when she was a girl and her dad and brother let her run naked from early spring till late fall...

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My First GangBang

I know this is one very strange story; it is true, I know it may be hard to believe. You may even think it is made up. (So be it). It is 100% true, and I am sure since I started doing gang-bangs at an age of 13 (way to young,) it has made my outlook on sex very perverted and distorted to say the least. By day I am professional workingwoman, out of the world's sight, I am a very nasty lady. Also keep in mind that I did not write this as it happen. I wrote it years later (many years later) I...

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Mujhe bhi lund chahiye

Sabse pahle mai apni khuli hui chut se sabhi khare lund ko salam Hai mera naam rani hai 20 saal ki umar hote hote mai kai logo se Chudva chuki thi lekin chudai ka vo sukha mujhe aaj tak nahi mila tha Mere parivaar me mammy, papa, mai, ek chhoti bahan aur ek chhota Bahi hai. Ek mere tau ji hai jo dusre sahar me rahate hai vanhi karobar Karte hai unke bibi bachche nahi hai . Tau ji aksar hamare yhan aate Rahate the. Es baar vo kai mahino se nahi aaye to maa ko bahut chinta Hone lagi. Tab ek din...

1 year ago
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new cuckold pt II

After my wife Kay finished with Jim in the car we went home making sure he didn't follow us at Kay's insistence. Once home we fucked and Kay came like crazy and told me I was much better than Jim. I was proud but also disappointed that she hadn't enjoyed Jim that much because I knew a repeat performance wouldn't be happening. We did talk about her having sex with other men but she wanted to be more selective; meaning, a better lover, a bigger cock, and more time. Two to three weeks passed and...

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The 18th Year

I was shocked, Tracey was the last person I expected to see at this time. She went ballistic, from the way we were hugged up in bed, she knew we had sex. She started throwing things around the room, so before I was hit with anything, I jumped you and ran out of the apartment with what I had on. What happened between Janice and Tracey I dont know to this day. Later that day I received a call from Tracey telling me she didnt want nothing to do with me. She told me not to speak to her if I ever...

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PropertySex Bailey Base Roommate Arrangement

Bailey Base answers Tony Rubino’s ad for a roommate, and seems like the perfect match. Tony tells Bailey that the reason his current roommate is moving out is over a controlling boyfriend, and Bailey lets it slip that she actually knows her. Not only that, she knows they have a rent arrangement, and Bailey would like to take advantage of it. As a trial run, Bailey drops to her knees and takes out Tony’s cock, then gives the renter a blowjob while he plays with her tits. Bailey gets...

4 years ago
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I was a good girl. Before I turned eighteen I had never been kissed, never had sex. I was a virgin. Not long after my seventeenth birthday, I met a guy. His name was Ellis. He worked as a mechanic. He was amazing; he was tall, broad shouldered and had a great toned body. He had light brown hair and gorgeous big blue eyes. The two things that I liked most about him were his smile and his voice. Whenever he smiled, it sent chills down my spine and when he spoke to me, I melted. After six months...

Straight Sex
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Moms Secret Desires

If a guy keeps his ears open, sometimes he can learn something that he can really benefit from. Now I'm not a snooper nor an eavesdropper, but one wonderful day I overheard a conversation between my mother and her sister, entirely by accident, that changed my life--and theirs--in a terrific way. It was a warm day in June, and I had been out running, keeping myself in condition, although football season was still a long way off. I wasn't as heavy or as strong as some of the other guys on...

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Anna and Sam Chapter 4

"That's fine," she replied and entered fully, closing... and locking, the door behind her. I stood in front of her and turned, first left then right so she would get the full effect of the beautiful blue and black lingerie from all angles."If I may," she said before stepping forward. She adjusted the straps of the bra then ran her fingers around the sides and cups to check for fit. The touch of her fingertips as they brushed past my nipples was electrifying and sent an almost imperceptible...

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Crossing The Divide Part Two

Suzy writes:It's Sunday morning, misty and cold. The streets below are deserted. Most blinds and curtains are closed, but hers are not. I'm shaking a bit, and last night was filled with imaginings and confusing dreams. As soon as I finally woke and I felt myself, I was wet.But I have made my decision. This moment will be either the beginning of everything or the end.My heart is pounding. I open my curtains wide enough to stand between them, totally exposed. I know that you watch from that...

4 years ago
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Bahen Ko Ushke Boyfriend Ke Sath Sex Karte Dekha

Hey! Mera name Rudra hai and me delhi se hun ye story nahi ek real story hai ye baat aaj se 5 moth pehle ki hai meri bahen hai mujese 2 saal badi ushki age 20 hai or meri 18 or meri sister ka name Sofia hai vo dikhne bahot hi jyada hot hai ushka figure 32 28 32 agar aap ushe dekhe to aapka land kasam se tight hi ho jaay Really me me bhi meri sis Sofia ke sath sex karna chahta tha ushka reason hai ushka figure me hamesha ushke bare me sochta rehta tha ab story kuch esi hai ki aaj se 5 moth pehle...

2 years ago
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the lecturar

Uni started around eight in the morning but he always made sure to get to uni early so that he could be alone with that beautiful and mature, fine woman. Mrs. Smith was in her early forties but she looked pretty good and Goldie noticed this whenever he stared at her ass or her boobs when she talked to him. She had curly brown hair and was rather tall, standing five feet nine inches. Goldie loved this because he preferred a woman with long legs so that he could have more to grab. He was...

1 year ago
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PervCity Nala Brooks Busty Redhead Nala Brooks Enjoys Intense Orgasms

Nala Brooks’ big tits do not disappoint when she removes her sexy lingerie to do her solo masturbation scene. In fact, you can practically hear the hard-ons popping up to attention all throughout the PervCity house. The redhead hops onto the sofa, grabs a vibrator and gets right down to business. The sex toy rattles against her nipple piercings, but teasing her huge breasts isn’t what’s going to get her off today. The leggy hottie slips back into the sofa, spreads her legs, and then brings the...

3 years ago
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The Object of His Affection

The Object of His Affection Note: This is a story I started a long time ago. Initially, it was a typical love story about a woman finding love and happiness through submission. Unfortunately, it was too damned typical, lacked flow and lost my interest.  After a few other false starts I finally found the inspiration I needed to complete this tale. That inspiration came in two places ? a personal friend (You know who you are) and a new BDSM Library contributor (Benfan) to whom I...

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