Trip To Mexico Pt IV free porn video

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The next morning Terry was wide-awake and anticipating Carmen's morning
visit when she heard the unmistakable clip-clop of Carmen's heels as they
approached her door. She sat up in her bed and adjusted herself into a
comfortable position just as Carmen reached her room and slowly opened the

"Good morning sweetie," chimed Carmen as she poked her head inside Terry's

"Good morning Carmen," answered Terry cheerfully. "Please come in I was
just waking up."

"Yes, I can see that," replied a delighted Carmen. "I got up a little
earlier than usual because I need to prepare a few things for when Rosa
gets home today." Carmen quickly took note of the fact that Terry did not
make any attempt to remain covered up with her sheet, but in fact allowed
her bra-covered chest to be exposed to her gaze as she sat up in bed.

"Oh yes I remembered," answered Terry. "I will be glad to help you with
anything you need today. I know you must be happy that she is returning."

"Yes I am," replied Carmen as she slowly walked across the room until she
was standing directly in front of Terry. "And she told me that she is glad
to be returning to see you as well."

"She missed me?" asked Terry with a flutter in her voice as the thought of
Rosa actually missing her suddenly gave her a pleasant, light-headed

"Oh yes she did indeed," continued Carmen as she sat on the edge of the bed
and reached up to gently grasp Terry by her now flushed cheek. "She spoke
of you often whenever she called. Apparently you made a very strong
impression on her and she felt so guilty for having to leave when she did
just when you two were really getting to know one another." Carmen
continued to lightly stroke Terry's face as the young woman slowly
processed this new information. Carmen knew that Rosa was instantly
smitten by Terry and that she was very interested in pursuing some kind of
relationship with the new tenant, but it wasn't until she noticed the far
away look in Terry's eyes that she realized that there may be a chance that
Terry could be manipulated into such a situation.

"That's so, so, sweet of her to say that," stuttered Terry nervously.
Terry did not know what had come over her just then, but she suddenly felt
like a dozen butterflies were beating their soft wings all over her
goose-pimpled skin. She liked Rosa for sure, even though they had only
known each other for a few short days, but it was undeniable that she felt
something in return. She sensed something special about the young girl
from the moment they met and that strange, but warm and wonderful feeling
continued to grow whenever they were together.

"It would make me so happy if you two became good friends," Carmen
continued as she lowered her voice to whisper. "She is such a young,
impressionable girl and she doesn't have very many friends. I would love
it if you could be her friend."

"I would like to be her friend," replied Terry from her almost dream-like

"That's so sweet of you my dear," whispered Carmen. "Now why don't we get
started so we can get ready for when my baby gets home, hmmmm?" Carmen
then slowly untied the sash of her robe and began to pull open the sides
revealing her swollen tits.

Terry's glazing eyes were immediately drawn to the stiff points of Carmen's
exposed breasts as they hovered mere inches from her face. She watched,
frozen, as Carmen removed her robe entirely and stood in front of her
wearing only the skimpiest of thong panties. She did not move an inch as
Carmen climbed onto the bed and straddled Terry's prone body before
settling down comfortably on her lap. In this position Carmen's hanging
breasts were directly in front of Terry's flushed face.

"I'm ready dear," whispered Carmen as she raised her arms and placed her
hands flat against the wall behind Terry's head. "Please take care of me.
My breasts are so swollen they ache terribly." She then lowered her chest
the remaining few inches until they touched Terry and surrounded her face
in the deep cleavage.

Terry closed her eyes as her body was overwhelmed with her lust as she
became smothered by the hot flesh of Carmen's breasts. She allowed herself
a few moments to feel the soft flesh against her warm cheeks before moving
her now open lips towards the extended nipple on Carmen's left breast. Her
lips engulfed the hard nub and then closed around it sharply as her tongue
found the moist tip and began to flick at it lovingly. The vacuum pressure
of her mouth increased at the same time and then she was rewarded with the
warm flow of sweet breast milk.

"Oh, yes that's it sweetie," moaned Carmen breathlessly. "Drink momma's

Terry instinctively increased her suction and raised her shaking hands up
along Carmen's bare torso until they reached the huge, swollen mammaries.
Her slender fingers wrapped themselves around Carmen's breasts, as best
they could, and began to slowly squeeze them from the their wide base. She
had learned from previous sessions to alternate between both breasts
because if she allowed one of them to go without any relief for too long it
would leak profusely. Terry was well trained in her technique and expertly
nursed from both of Carmen's swollen breasts while milking them
simultaneously with her practiced hands.

Carmen could feel something different this morning with the voracity with
which Terry was nursing and milking her tits. She seemed to be much more
enthusiastic with her approach and could clearly hear Terry moaning and
whimpering with her lust as she suckled her tits. Carmen was more than
pleased with Terry's ever-improving technique as the pleasurable sensations
built within her heaving chest and flowed to the deepest depths of her
womb. "Mmmm, yes, so good," moaned Carmen appreciatively.

Terry heard Carmen's moan and could sense something was different from the
way Carmen was thrusting her chest further into her face and milking hands.
She had been nursing for almost 20 minutes and the flow of milk had
dwindled considerably by now, but it did not appear that Carmen was in any
hurry to stop the session. For the most part Terry would instinctively
stop nursing once Carmen's breasts appeared to be sufficiently emptied, but
for once she did not feel like stopping and she sensed Carmen did not want
her to stop either. She reflected momentarily on yesterday's experience
with Raven and thought to herself that Raven's breasts were not lactating
and yet she seemed to want her to nurse from them. In fact Raven seemed to
derive a great deal of pleasure from the experience even though there was
no clinical need to perform the service, and Terry had been more than
willing to nurse from Raven's breasts just for the sheer pleasure she got
from sucking on a woman's nipple. Could Carmen be experiencing similar
feelings from their nursing sessions? Although Terry felt sexually
stimulated by the act she just wrote it off to some kind of weird,
perverted emotions that were over-taking her mind. She never really
considered that Carmen could actually be enjoying their sessions for
anything more than the physical relief that she needed from the unwanted
milk production.

Terry removed her lips from their tight hold on Carmen's right nipple and
looked at the swollen nub. It was pale and extended further than she had
ever noticed before to almost twice it's normal size. It was dripping with
her own saliva and almost appeared to throb as it swayed in front of her
with every hard breath Carmen's lungs took in. She looked over at the
other breast and saw her own fingers lovingly squeezing and pulling on that
hardened nipple almost as if they had a mind of their own. She could hear
Carmen gasp every time she pulled on the long tip and the harder she pulled
the deeper Carmen gasped.

"Carmen?" asked Terry innocently. "Does this feel nice?"

Carmen sensed that Terry was becoming more aware of the game she was
playing, but decided to be honest to the girl. "Yes, sweetie, as hard as
it is for me to understand, but the caring way you treat my breasts feels
very pleasant to me," Carmen panted in response.

"Would you like me to keep nursing?" continued Terry. "Even though your
breasts are empty?"

"Oh, yes, please do if you don't mind," moaned Carmen. "You make me feel
so good. Please don't stop!"

Terry needed no further encouragement as she leaned forward and took the
hardened nipple, she was most recently fondling, into her warm mouth and
renewed her suction with vigor. Her increased suction stretched the
elongated point further until it actually scrapped against the roof of her

"Oh god yes!" moaned Carmen loudly as she felt the beginnings of a very
powerful orgasm building within her. She finally allowed herself to openly
enjoy the pleasure she was experiencing knowing that Terry was now fully
aware of what was happening.

Downstairs the front door opened and Rosa stepped inside, "Ma ma? I'm
home!" Rosa put down her small suitcase and closed the door behind her
before looking around in response to her entrance. "Hola? Anybody here?"
She knew it was early, but she didn't think it was so early that her loving
mother would not already be up and preparing one of her marvelous
breakfasts in anticipation of her return. It was only then that she
remembered that she had originally told her mother that she would not be
back until later that afternoon, but due to her good fortune to catch an
earlier ride home when one of her friends had an emergency and had to
return late last night. She realized her mistake when she looked at her
watch and saw that it wasn't even 8:00am yet and her mother was probably
only now waking up. She shrugged off her disappointment and picked up her
suitcase as she made her way to the stairs to go directly to her room and

Rosa stopped at the top of the stairs and momentarily gazed at the wide
open door to her mother's room. She noticed it was empty, but figured her
mother was probably taking a shower. It wasn't until she began making her
way towards the end of the hall, where her room was, that she heard some
muffled moans and whimpers coming from inside their new tenant's room. An
instant smile swept across her lips as she realized that Terry may already
be awake, but stopped just short of pushing the already slightly ajar door
open when she noticed a distinct ring to the noises she was hearing. Was
Terry masturbating? Did she think that no one else was up or could hear
her excited moans? Rosa thought better of barging in on her guest and
instead continued on to her room where she knew she could get a better view
of the activity from their adjoining bathroom.

The obvious sexual noises became louder as Rosa quietly entered the dark
bathroom and made her way towards the open adjoining door to Terry's
bedroom. The door was open almost halfway and afforded Rosa a very clear
view as she peered around the corner to see what was happening on Terry's
bed. What she saw both shocked and excited her instantly. Her mother was
straddling Terry's lap and she was bracing herself up against the wall
while Terry vigorously sucked and mauled her huge tits. Her mother was
naked except for the skimpy thong that was firmly wedged between the round
cheeks of her quivering ass and she was obviously in the throws of a very
pleasant orgasm.

"Oh, god, yes suck mommas tits," moaned Carmen breathlessly. "They're so
hot for you sweetie! Mommas gonna cum you make them feel so good!"

Terry moaned loudly into the huge breast she was sucking on as she pulled
even more of it into her mouth and then yanked hard on the other nipple she
was fondling with her free hand.

Rosa looked on and saw Terry pull so hard on her mother's nipple that it
stretched the huge tit nearly 5"-6" to the point where she thought it would
surely pop off. Her mother didn't appear to care because it was at that
point where she grabbed Terry's head with both hands and crushed her face
into her heaving chest as her orgasm peeked. Rosa could see her mother's
soaked thong as her juices over-flowed the saturated fabric and began to
seep into the sheet below as she furiously humped Terry's lap. Her
mother's orgasm lasted for several minutes as she continued to grind her
pelvis into the sheet and Terry's lap in an attempt to prolong the
delicious feelings for as long as possible. She eventually released her
bear hug and allowed Terry to remove her face from her heaving tits so she
could catch her own breath.

It was an overwhelming sight for Rosa and she backed away from the doorway
and went back to her own room where she laid down on the bed to ponder what
she had just witnessed. She knew her mother enjoyed the company of women
and on more than one occasion even she had been asked to nurse from her
tits when no one else was available. She was well aware of her mother's
dislike of the breast pump. This task she performed lovingly, out of her
love for her mother as a mother not as a lover, but even she had known from
an early age that she got more enjoyment out of nursing from her mother's
tits than she should have. She had seen many of her mother's lovers and
had spied on their lovemaking sessions enough to know that she wanted to
experience the same joy. It was only when she had been seduced and then
thoroughly fucked by Raven, one of mother's hairdresser's, last year that
she had actually experienced the wonderful feelings for herself. Although
she never spoke to her mother about her feelings she could sense that there
was a mutual understanding between them and everything was okay.

Rosa and Raven had developed a sexual relationship that didn't involve any
other emotions and it was wonderful because Raven did so many incredible
things with her, but Rosa knew one day she would meet a woman that she
would want more from. The day Terry moved into their house she had
immediately felt very strong emotions toward her that seemed to suggest
that maybe she was the one. Although Terry did not openly pursue her
advances she did little to stop them and that gave Rosa a very good feeling
about the chances of something more developing. The fact that she had to
leave before she could make any further progress only heightened her
emotional bond with her new friend as Terry filled her thoughts during her
entire time away from home. Seeing her mother involved with Terry,
although it sparked some jealous emotions, did not lessen her feelings for
Terry. She knew that her mother would not have a strong, emotional bond
for Terry and her feelings for the girl would not stretch beyond her
high-powered sexual libido. She would have to have a talk with her mother,
of course, but she would not allow what she had just witnessed interfere
with her original goal of seeing how willing Terry would be to having a
real relationship with her.

Just then Rosa heard some movement next door and then the distinctive sound
of her mother's high heels as they exited Terry's room and made their way
down the hall. Rosa then decided that now might be a perfect time to
re-initiate her plan of Terry's seduction while the woman was in an
obviously heightened sexual state. She removed her clothes, except for her
thong panties, and put a large t-shirt on to cover her braless chest. She
did not have to touch her nipples at all, to produce a more seductive
effect, because they were already hard and pointed as they tented the thin
material. She then walked over towards the bathroom door and waited for
the right moment to reveal herself to Terry.

Terry was gathering her strength to get out of bed, but was having a
slightly difficult time trying to clear her head of all the pent up sexual
emotions that were bombarding her poor brain. She now had to cope with the
idea that she just helped bring her new friend to what appeared to be a
very powerful orgasm just through the simple act of nursing from her
breasts. What had started out a week ago as a simple, the****utic
procedure had now progressed into a very arousing act of sexual
gratification for both women. It was all so foreign to her how the last
few weeks had changed many of her perceptions and beliefs so radically that
her mind just couldn't keep up. How could she derive such strong sexual
feelings from nursing from a woman's breast? How could Carmen, and Raven
for that matter, receive such a sexual thrill from the act? Do all women
react this way from breast-feeding? Would she? Is it normal for women to
react to other women this way? Why does she crave this kind of attention?

The first and foremost thoughts occupying her mind, however, revolved
around relieving herself of the incredibly powerful sexual stimuli that her
body just received from this morning's unusual session. She just had to
touch herself and masturbate so she could relieve some pressure and clear
her head. She decided that the best thing to do would be to take a long
shower and with that in mind she dragged herself from bed and made her way
to the bathroom on very wobbly legs.

Rosa waited until Terry had turned on the light and was standing in front
of the mirror before she opened her door and stepped inside. "Oh, I'm
sorry," Rosa said with false surprise. "I didn't realize you were awake

Terry immediately jumped back and gasped in shock as she heard Rosa's
voice. "Oh my!" gasped Terry. "Rosa! Your home, but I, uh, when did, uh,
I had no idea..."

Rosa smiled warmly and stepped closer to the surprised girl. "I know, I
know," she calmly answered. "I told ma ma that I wouldn't be home until
later, but I got an earlier ride home and well here I am."

Terry just continued to lean back against the sink counter top, frozen with
her shock, staring back at Rosa like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Are you okay?" asked Rosa as she closed the distance between them and
reached out to touch Terry's flushed cheek. "Aren't you at least glad to
see me? I missed you so much." Rosa then stepped directly in front of
Terry and lovingly wrapped her arms around her rigid body and pulled her
close into a warm embrace.

Terry instinctively welcomed the embrace and wrapped her own arms around
Rosa's back. It was only then that she realized that she was not wearing
anything other than her panties as she felt her naked breasts press
directly into the younger girl's chest. The thin fabric of Rosa's shirt
did nothing to lessen the contact because she could clearly feel Rosa's
hard nipples press into her own swollen chest. Rosa held the hug for
several moments and Terry slowly relaxed and melted into the young girl's
body. Rosa then released her hold and pushed back slightly, careful to
maintain contact with their tits, until they were face to face again.

Terry's eyes suddenly came back to life as they darted back and forth
several times while her over-taxed mind began to process all of this new
information. "Oh, yes, of course I'm glad to see you Rosa," stammered
Terry quickly. "You just caught me by surprise that's all."

"I'm sorry for that," apologized Rosa. "Like I said I didn't realize you
were awake when I came in here to take a shower."

"Oh, well, I just got up early this morning," stuttered Terry nervously.
"No special reason or anything. I was going to take a shower myself

"Well then please do not let me interfere," replied Rosa quickly. "You are
the guest so you should take your shower first."

"No, no really that's not necessary," babbled Terry. "I can wait."

"No, I insist," demanded Rosa. "I have other things that I can take care
of while you enjoy your shower."

"Well, uh, okay then," replied Terry as she took an apprehensive step
towards the shower stall. She looked back at Rosa nervously as she turned
on the water and was slightly surprised that Rosa had not made any move to
leave the room, but instead walked in front of the large sink and picked up
her toothbrush.

"Don't mind me," said Rosa as she looked up and saw Terry's expression in
the reflection of the mirror.

Terry just forced a smile and resolved herself to taking her shower with
Rosa in the room. She nervously took hold of her panties and slowly slid
them over her hips and down her legs as she tried to maintain as much
modesty as possible given the circumstances.

Rosa pretended not to pay Terry any attention as she began to brush her
teeth in front of the mirror. All the while, however, she was eyeing the
nervous woman as she stripped out of her thong behind her. Rosa also took
note of Terry's embarrassed reaction when she held the obviously damp panty
in her hand wondering what to do with it. Finally she watched Terry ball
them up and toss them into her room through the open door. Rosa heard a
distinct 'splat' as the garment hit the hardwood floor. 'Hmmmmm, must have
been thoroughly soaked from her time with mother,' Rosa thought to herself.

Terry quickly stepped into the shower stall and pulled the sheer curtain
closed behind her. She stood frozen for a moment as she attempted to calm
her nerves and allowed the warm spray of the water to slowly envelope her
body. She purposefully turned the cold water on more in an attempt to cool
her heated flesh and dampen her highly aroused body. After several minutes
she picked up the soap and began to methodically wash herself taking extra
care to avoid her over-sensitive nipples and vagina in the process. She
really wanted to take this opportunity to relieve some of the built-up
sexual tension she was suffering from, but she knew it would be difficult
to do so while Rosa was still in the room.

Rosa knew full well what kind of aroused state Terry must be in after her
time with Carmen, and she figured as long as she stuck around Terry would
find it difficult to relieve any of the tension and that's exactly what she
wanted. Rosa finished brushing her teeth and thought for a moment before a
huge grin spread across her face as a devious plan began to form in her

Terry heard Rosa finish brushing her teeth and hoped that the young girl
would soon leave the room as she patiently listened for any signs of
movement. After a few moments of silence Terry thought that perhaps Rosa
had in fact left her alone and she held her head out of the stream of water
long enough to ask, "Rosa? Are you still there?"

Rosa looked over towards the closed shower curtain and smiled when she
heard Terry. She knew her assumptions were correct and now Terry was
attempting to find out if her privacy had been restored so she could
masturbate without the fear of being heard. Rosa waited just a second
longer before answering, "Yes, Terry, what is it?"

Terry's heart immediately dropped heavily as she realized that she was not
alone as she had hoped. "Oh, uh, nothing," replied Terry, "I just wasn't
sure if you were still in the room or not."

"Yes, I'm still here," answered Rosa sweetly. "Do you need something?"

"Oh, no no no nothing at all!" Terry quickly replied nervously.

"Okay, then," continued Rosa innocently. "Just let me know if you need
anything." Rosa could barely contain her giggle as she could sense the
disappointment in Terry's reply.

Terry slumped against the side of the stall and resigned herself to deal
with her frustration another way. She then grabbed the shampoo and
methodically began to wash her hair for the next several minutes. After
rinsing her hair, and taking up as much time as she could to allow the cool
water to cascade over her highly-sensitized skin, she finally felt she had
her emotions under control enough to get out of the shower.

Rosa looked over at the shower and smiled when she heard the water shut
off. She was already in position and ready for Terry's next surprise. She
stifled a giggle when she saw Terry's arm reach out from behind the curtain
in an attempt to grab the towel that she had removed. Terry's hand flailed
about nervously as she grabbed at only air and Rosa waited patiently for
her next move.

"Rosa?" called out Terry meekly. "Could you hand me a towel?"

"No, I'm sorry," replied Rosa calmly. "I've just started shaving and am in
kind of an awkward position."

Terry's eyes almost popped out when she heard Rosa's response. What
happened to my towel she questioned to herself angrily. I could've sworn
there was a towel out there before I got in here. How is she going to get
a towel now without Rosa seeing her completely naked? And why was Rosa
shaving her legs now? That could take her a while and I can't stay in this
place forever waiting for her to finish. She knew there would be a towel
in the cabinet under the sink, but she would have to expose her naked body
to Rosa while she walked across the room to get it. Damn her bad luck!
Terry clenched her fists and mustered up enough courage to finally exit the
shower and hope that she could maintain a little dignity in front of the
young girl. She pulled open the curtain abruptly and stepped out of the
shower as calmly as she could and took the few steps over to the sink
without looking up. It wasn't until she retrieved a towel from under the
sink and stood up to cover herself up quickly that she even noticed what
Rosa was doing.

"Oh my!" gasped Terry involuntarily as her eyes bugged out of her head when
they looked over at where Rosa was sitting. Not more than a few feet away
she saw Rosa perched on the edge of the bathtub with one foot inside and
the other d****d over the edge of the toilet nearby. Her incredible legs
were sprawled apart lewdly exposing her naked crotch for anyone to see.
Terry's eyes were immediately drawn to the young girl's vagina as Rosa
expertly ran a shaver across her private parts exposing her bare flesh.
Terry was so awe struck from the sight of Rosa's clean-shaven vagina that
she could not look away. She had never really seen another woman's private
parts before and had never really thought about them before now, but
somehow seeing the young girl's fully exposed vagina had produced a very
hypnotic effect on her. She found the sight not just different or new, but
surprisingly beautiful.

Rosa could feel the tension in the air and didn't even have to look up to
know that Terry's eyes were riveted to her lewdly displayed pussy. She
continued with her task and lovingly removed what little pubic hair she had
as the older woman looked on. It only took her a few more strokes before
her pussy was completely smooth and clean other than a few wisps of shaving
cream that was smeared around her crotch. She then looked up and saw
Terry's shocked expression as she appeared to be frozen in front of her
with her eyes locked onto her naked pussy. "Terry?" asked Rosa innocently.
"Is there anything wrong?"

The words did not penetrate Terry's mind immediately, but she knew
instinctively that Rosa had said something and she shook her head in an
effort to compose herself. "Uh, yes, thank you," stammered Terry as she
attempted to compose herself.

"What?" asked Rosa.

"I'm, uh, done with my shower," Terry continued to babble. "Oh, and here's
my towel." She then straightened up and wrapped the towel around her
exposed body still dripping wet from her shower. She fumbled with the
small towel as she nervously attempted to dry herself and stay covered at
the same time, but realized that it was an impossible task.

"I'm finished shaving now," said Rosa matter-of-factly.

Terry's eyes went immediately back to the young girl's smooth vagina before
she caught herself and looked up to Rosa's face to see her innocent face
staring back at her with a warm smile. "Oh, yes, how nice," choked Terry
as she realized Rosa caught her looking at her exposed private parts.

"Do you want to shave now?" asked Rosa calmly.

"Excuse me?" stammered Terry as she almost spit out the words.

"Well, I can see that you haven't yet and I thought maybe you would like
to," continued Rosa as her eyes lowered to Terry's exposed pussy.

Terry stood motionless with her mouth slightly open and a confused look on
her face as she attempted to process what Rosa had just said. It was only
when she noticed Rosa's eyes staring at her crotch that she looked down and
saw that in her haste to cover up the small towel left her completely
exposed below her hips. She then realized that Rosa could see her pubic
area and her comment was directed at her exposed triangle of pubic hair.
"I, no, I never..." stuttered Terry uncontrollably.

"Maybe you should sometime," continued Rosa as she slowly stood and looked
directly into Terry's wide eyes. "It feels very nice down there when there
isn't any itchy hair."

"Oh, uh huh, yes I'm sure," Terry replied nervously.

"I'm going to take my shower now," said Rosa as she walked past Terry
toward the stall. "I'll see you down at breakfast."

Terry managed to compose herself and turned to watch Rosa slip behind the
shower curtain and disappear. Terry could barely stand any longer and
leaned against the cold sink counter and put her face in the towel as she
attempted to recover. She then quickly exited out of the room and closed
the door behind her collapsing on it as she did so. My god, she thought to
herself, what is coming over me? I have got to get these lurid thoughts
out of my head! Rosa's just a sweet, girl and I'm totally losing it around
her. I better get dressed and go downstairs before anything else happens.
She then quickly dried herself off and threw on some clothes as she tried
to clear her thoughts. When she made her way downstairs she met Carmen in
the kitchen and said, "I didn't know Rosa had gotten home so early, did

"My baby girl is home?" Carmen asked surprised at the news.

"Yes," replied Terry. "She's upstairs right now taking a shower."

"I had no idea. I wasn't expecting her until much later this afternoon,"
explained Carmen. "She must have come in very early while we were still

"Uh huh, that's probably true," said Terry.

"She probably just went straight to her room so she wouldn't disturb anyone
the dear girl," reasoned Carmen. Sensing that Terry was probably worried
that perhaps their morning rendezvous may have been discovered she added,
"She probably figured we were still asleep and didn't want to bother

Terry's mind was being flooded with visions of Rosa coming home and walking
in on her and Carmen and creating a huge, ugly scene. Her heartbeat
increased and she became visibly agitated from the thought of being
discovered in such a compromising situation. How embarrassing would that
be?! To be found nursing from another woman's breasts, the poor girl's own
mother for that matter, in her own home. She would never be able to look
Rosa in the face again.

"Hola ma ma!" cried Rosa excitedly as she entered the kitchen and embraced
Carmen in a loving hug.

"Rosa sweetie! I'm so glad you are home so soon," replied Carmen happily.
"We have missed you terribly!"

"I got an earlier ride home and got in so early that I didn't want to wake
either of you," explained Rosa.

"You're so sweet," replied Carmen lovingly.

Terry relaxed slightly after hearing Rosa's explanation and figured that
the young girl did not discover what she had been doing with her mother
earlier that morning. Then they all sat down and listened to Rosa tell
them all about her trip while they ate breakfast.

Everything seemed to go back to normal for Terry for the next few
days. Rosa and her renewed their budding friendship and acted like
long-lost girlfriends talking and chatting up a storm. They were almost
inseparable and Carmen doted on them like a proud mother.

Terry and Carmen's little sessions did not stop, however, but they were
very discreet about them to make sure Rosa would not discover them. Terry
would usually slip down the hall to Carmen's room, after Rosa had gone to
bed, to engage in their nursing sessions. The sessions themselves turned
more and more arousing for both women as Carmen enjoyed orgasm after orgasm
from Terry's talented mouth, and Terry's sexual arousal became so
heightened that there were several occasions where she almost came without
even touching herself. Needless to say she would masturbate herself to
sleep later that night and muffle her moans of pleasure into her pillow.

Rosa, however, was well aware of the activity going on around her and had
even had an open conversation with her mother regarding Terry. Carmen
confessed her role in seducing the poor girl and addicting her to their
nursing sessions, but she acquiesced to her daughter's wishes to stop from
carrying on the affair any further than that. Rosa had convinced her
mother to allow her the chance to seduce Terry herself to see what kind of
relationship she could build with their guest on her own. Carmen,
realizing that her daughter was at a critical age, agreed that it would be
very healthy for Rosa to develop her own sexuality as she saw fit. She was
more than pleased that Rosa had developed such a bond with Terry a woman
she had already concluded had a good heart and soul.

One of the things about Terry that was confirmed to Rosa, during one of
their late night talks, was her lack of sexual experience. Rosa had
usually steered away from any kind of explicit sexual talk, but after some
time she decided to delve a little more deeply into Terry's psyche. Terry,
surprisingly, opened up to Rosa's questions, but only after Rosa herself
confessed some of her deeper secrets. Unbeknownst to Terry, however,
Rosa's confessions were slightly exaggerated and did not exactly tell her
whole story. Rosa purposefully gave Terry the impression that at 18 she
was very innocent and naïve when it came to sexual situations. Some of it
was true. Like the fact that she had only one boyfriend, it only lasted a
couple of weeks, and that she had never been sexually active with him or
any other guy. It had been a terrible experience for her because she felt
pressure from him to have sex, but at the time she was still very
introverted and was not yet willing to throw away her strict religious
beliefs to engage in any kind of a physical relationship.

Terry's experience was somewhat similar, but she did not ever have a
boyfriend. She had dated a few times, once she had left home and the
watchful eye of her parents, but she had never developed any kind of
relationships. She found men to be somewhat predictable and annoying much
the same way Rosa did. It appeared to her that all the men she dated had
one thing in mind and that was to get her in bed by the end of the night.
They weren't interested in learning more about her personality, or what
kind of person she was, all they wanted to do was get her clothes off and
have sex. She had managed to limit the encounters to just kissing and some
uncomfortable groping, but nothing more beyond that. The relationships
never developed into anything and there were never any second dates. After
a while Terry admitted that she saw no real reason to continue to explore
that part of her life and instead concentrated on her studies and later her

It was late one night, when Carmen was out visiting with one of her
friends, that Rosa decided to act upon Terry's naiveté to see how receptive
she would be to exploring her untapped sexuality. They were watching a
rather bad movie and eventual lost all interest and started talking about
relationships again. Both women were dressed rather sparsely in only their
underwear and nightshirts. They had been talking about one of Terry's
failed dates when Rosa asked, "What was it like to kiss a guy?"

"What do you mean?" replied Terry confused. "You've been kissed before.
It's all the same."

"No, no I mean real kissing," insisted Rosa. "Not a kiss 'hello', you
know, a kiss-kiss."

Terry thought for a moment and then answered, "I don't know. It's kind of
hard to describe. I can't say that any kisses made a tremendous impression
or that I really enjoyed it."

"Oh really?" responded Rosa with a little bit of disappointment in her
voice. "Everything that I've heard makes it sound so nice."

"Well, I guess it all depends on who's doing the kissing," reasoned Terry
sadly. "All the men that I ever kissed were never really interested in
kissing me very much. It seemed all they wanted to do was shove their
tongue down my throat and get my clothes off."

"Well it can't be all that terrible can it?" asked Rosa innocently.

"I don't know. I suppose not," replied Terry.

"Terry?" asked Rosa as she scooted over until she was sitting next to
Terry. "Would you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what is it?" asked Terry.

"Would you kiss me?" whispered Rosa sweetly.

Terry's jaw dropped noticeably with shock and could not form an answer to
the provocative question.

"It doesn't have to mean anything," continued Rosa softly. "I mean I'd
just like to see what the big fuss is all about."

"Rosa, I, uh," stammered Terry.

"It wouldn't be any big deal," prodded Rosa. "Besides it's just us,

Terry's mind was beginning to spin as she contemplated what Rosa was
asking. This would not be right at all. Rosa is so young and
impressionable and kissing other women is just not right. "I still don't,
uh," Terry started to say before she looked up at Rosa and saw the
disappointment in her eyes.

"That's okay," replied Rosa softly with a definite tone of disappointment
in her voice. "I was just thinking it would be nice to know what I was
missing." Rosa then pushed herself away from Terry and averted her eyes
from Terry altogether. After a moment Rosa stood up and while turning to
leave continued, "I'm kind of tired now so I'm going to bed early."

Terry felt horrible as she saw the obvious disappointment in Rosa's face.
What would be the big deal? She's so innocent and sweet, what harm would
it do? And she's right it's not like it would mean anything really. She
could just show her what it was all about and after she realizes how bland
they really are that would be then end of it. They were like sisters
almost and isn't that something that sisters would do for each other?
Terry felt so guilty for having put such a wet blanket on the whole evening
she just sat there alone for a few minutes trying to reason a way to make
Rosa happy again. After contemplating the whole scenario several times
Terry figured that she was probably blowing the whole idea out of
proportion and that it wouldn't mean anything at all if she just agreed to
show Rosa what it was like to kiss. Once they did it that would be the end
of it. Besides she just couldn't stand the ideas of disappointing Rosa.
It gave her such a sick feeling inside that she knew she wouldn't be able
to get any sleep that night unless she was able to make it up to her some
how. With her resolve strengthened, Terry got up and made her way upstairs
to Rosa's room.

"Rosa?" asked Terry as she lightly knocked on her door. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, the doors open," replied Rosa.

Terry pushed open the door and found Rosa sitting on her bed with the same
sullen look on her face. Terry slowly walked over to the bed and sat down
next to Rosa. "Rosa, I didn't mean to upset you," apologized Terry. "It's
just that I'm not all that comfortable kissing anyone myself. I mean it's
not like I'm any expert at it or anything."

"But that's okay," reasoned Rosa. "I just wanted to try it once that's
all. I never got that far with my boyfriend because there was always
someone around whenever we were together so we never really got the
opportunity to do it. I suppose that's one of the reasons why he dumped

Terry was now feeling the full weight of her guilt for denying Rosa this
simple request. "Okay then," said Terry. "I guess it wouldn't be that big
of a deal."

Rosa's eyes lifted to meet Terry's and they immediately sparkled with life.
"Are you sure you won't mind?" asked Rosa with renewed excitement.

"No, I don't see why not," answered Terry warmly knowing that she had made
a good decision.

"Thank you Terry!" exclaimed Rosa as she wrapped her arms around Terry and
hugged her tightly. After relinquishing her hug Rosa pulled back until
their faces were only inches apart and asked, "What should I do?"

"Well, uh, I guess just press your lips onto mine and then, well, that's it
really," replied Terry nervously.

"Okay, here goes," said Rosa as she slowly closed the distance between
them. She never took her eyes off of Terry's and stopped just short of
contact with the older woman's slightly parted lips. She watched as
Terry's eyes looked down at her hovering lips before she closed the final
millimeters that separated them and pressed her supple lips onto Terry's.
Rosa maintained just a slight pressure and watched Terry close her eyes as
the kiss continued for the next 10-15 seconds. Rosa slowly pulled back,
stretching their sticky lips slightly, until they released from their
tenuous grip. Rosa stopped pulling away when she was still deliciously
close to Terry's warm face and stared directly into her eyes awaiting some
kind of reaction as she asked, "Was that okay?"

Terry's eyes fluttered open suddenly and darted about as she attempted to
regain her focus. She could not maintain Rosa's gaze, but instead looked
squarely on her sensuously pouting lips. "You see?" stuttered Terry
nervously. "Nothing to it."

"Let's try again," whispered Rosa as she pushed forward until her lips
fully covered Terry's in another erotic kiss. This time Rosa applied just
a little more pressure and allowed herself to move her mouth from side to
side slightly enhancing the effect of the kiss. She looked down and saw
Terry's eyes close again as the their contact began to have an effect on
her. Rosa maintained the kiss for much longer this time, close to a
minute, before pulling back and surveying her partner. "This is nice,"
whispered Rosa softly. "Don't you think so?"

Terry heard the question, but was unable to reply because Rosa leaned
forward again and covered her mouth with another sensuous kiss. "Mmmm,"
was all she managed as she moaned in agreement. She had never experienced
such a kiss before. All the other kisses that she had received were
forceful and aggressive smashing her lips together in a very sloppy and
disgusting manner. The sensuality of Rosa's touch, on the other hand, took
Terry by complete surprise by its pleasure. She never would've imagined
that kissing could be so enjoyable. Terry was getting so lost in her
feelings that she did not question the length of their latest kiss that
lasted even longer than before. She even whimpered slightly when Rosa
pulled away and released their lips again as the kiss ended.

"Do you like the way I kiss?" cooed Rosa softly.

Terry was slowly falling under the spell of her libido as her body became
flushed with excitement from their kissing. She couldn't understand what
was coming over her, but she did realize that if they continued the all too
familiar feelings of sexual desire were sure to surface and take over her
body like they had when she was around Carmen. She tried to formulate a
response, but could not get the words out of her throat.

"Maybe I could try something a little different," continued Rosa softly as
she saw the opportunity to go further. Rosa then slid her body even closer
to Terry and grabbed her shoulders so both women were sitting squarely in
front of one another. As Rosa leaned her face into another soft kiss she
allowed her chest to push forward at the same time until she could feel her
erect nipples make contact with Terry's supple breasts. The effect was
perfect as she felt Terry stiffen slightly at the new sensation of their
tits pressed firmly into each other's. Rosa knew Terry was enjoying the
contact because her nipples quickly formed into hard points as they poked
into her hot flesh.

Terry was slowly succumbing to her pleasure as this last kiss surpassed all
others. Rosa was pressing their lips together with a new urgency that
seemed to double the pleasure for both women. She could feel Rosa's hand
wrap itself around her neck until it was cradling her head holding it in
place. The kiss lasted so long that both women began to breathe through
their noses, neither one of them eager to end the coupling. Terry was also
quite aware of what was happening to the rest of her body and could only
hope that Rosa was not conscious of how hard her nipples were becoming as
they pressed into her chest. Terry could, however, feel Rosa's pointed
tips as they seemed to react similarly and pushed into her own breasts.

Rosa could feel Terry's body slowly relax as they melted together in their
erotic embrace. Terry's breathing was becoming noticeably labored as her
chest heaved forward with every breath. Rosa knew Terry was enjoying the
kiss and wanted to leave her feeling very confused and frustrated so she
would be more willing to continue their game tomorrow. So after several
minutes she pulled back and separated their two bodies until there was no
longer any contact between them. The look of pleasure on Terry's flushed
face was priceless and Rosa knew it was only a matter of time before she
would be hers completely.

"Thank you Terry," said Rosa very calmly. "That was very nice of you."

Terry's head was not quite clear and although she could open her eyes she
was unable to focus them or her thoughts quite yet. "Huh?" asked Terry in
her confusion.

"I'm getting sleepy now," continued Rosa. "I better go to bed now and I
guess you probably feel the same."

"Oh, uh, bed right," sputtered Terry as she reluctantly stood and balanced
herself on unsure legs. "Go to bed, yes."

Rosa watched as Terry made her way to the bathroom door and stumbled
through it and into her own room. That went well, thought Rosa to herself,
very well indeed.

Terry managed to get back to her room and sat down on the edge of her bed
attempting to gather her wits together. What just happened? How could
such a simple thing as a kiss have such an effect on me? Was it the kiss
or because it was Rosa doing the kissing? The images that were floating
through her head were almost too much for her to comprehend as she
attempted to make some sense out of how her body was reacting. After
several minutes she decided she needed to clear her head and went down
stairs to get a glass of water. Just as she was finishing the drink she
heard the front door open and close and a moment later Carmen entered the

"Hi Carmen," greeted Terry. "Did you have a nice evening?"

"Yes, thank you," replied Carmen. "Did you and Rosa do anything special?"

"No, no nothing special at all," replied Terry quickly. "We just watched a
movie and talked a little, that's it."

"Where is Rosa?" asked Carmen.

"Oh, well, she was tired so she went to bed a little while ago," answered

"She's upstairs is she?" continued Carmen as she stepped closer to Terry.
Carmen was feeling extra horny at the moment partially due to the fact that
her evening had been cut short because of a minor complication. She had
been out with Maria all night and they were planning to return to her house
to have some fun, but Maria fell ill and had to call off the rest of the

"Yes, in her room," answered Terry.

"Terry, sweetie, would you like to, you know, spend some time with me now?"
Carmen asked sweetly as she lightly stroked her finger across Terry's

Terry knew instinctively what Carmen was asking and almost without thinking
about it replied, "Of course Carmen. I would be happy to."

"Wonderful!" exclaimed Carmen as she grabbed Terry's hand and led her into
the living room and over to the large sofa. She then turned her back to
Terry and pulled her long, mane of hair to one side exposing her back and
said, "Would you be a dear and unzip me?"

Terry blindly stepped closer and gently pulled the zipper all of the way
down Carmen's back until it stopped just about the swell of her round
bottom. Before she knew what was happening Carmen pulled the loosened
straps off of her shoulders and allowed the dress to slide down her lithe
body until it bunched around the jutting curve of her hips.

"Could you pull that off the rest of the way?" insisted Carmen as she made
no attempt to remove the garment on her own.

Terry continued to attend to Carmen's disrobing without hesitation.
Although she had never actually assisted Carmen in getting undressed before
she found following her orders very easy and did so without question.
Terry took hold of the bunched fabric and gently pushed until it passed
over the older woman's wide hips exposing the full, round cheeks of her
smooth ass. At this point Terry bent her knees and lowered herself and the
dress until it was down to Carmen's ankles. In this position Terry's face
was directly in front of Carmen's exposed ass and for the first time she
found herself taking notice of the incredible sight before her. The
heart-shaped cheeks were perfectly formed and appeared to be smooth and
firm. There were no signs of imperfections anywhere and the olive hue of
Carmen's skin covered every glorious inch as though the woman had been
dipped in bronze. The rounded cheeks stuck out and were expertly split in
two by the thin strip of Carmen's thong as it dipped into the deep crevice
and disappeared between the two beautiful mounds. With her face so close
she could easily smell the sweet, perfumed flesh as she continued to stare.
Although Terry was unaware of it, Carmen's arousal was also adding to the
sweet scent that was intoxicating her senses as it too wafted into her
flaring nostrils. Terry's juices began to flow as the delicious aroma
began to affect her senses on an almost u*********s level.

Carmen instinctively lifted first one and then the other foot until she
stepped completely free of the dress. She then decided to give Terry an
even better show as she bent over at the waist to undo the strap on her
high-heels. Terry had not moved and was still kneeling as she watched
Carmen's ass stretch and separate when she bent over. More and more of the
thong was exposed as the valley of Carmen's ass was slowly exposed until
Terry could see the all of the delicious material as it stretched to
conceal her most private area. Terry's eyes followed the material as it
widened slightly where the crotch expanded to cover Carmen's vagina which
was now exposed to lustful her gaze. The thin material did little to
conceal Carmen's treasure as every ridge of her labia was fully revealed as
the thong was pulled tightly into the flesh.

The first clear thought that entered Terry's mind at the sight was how
smooth Carmen's vagina appeared under the sheer fabric. There didn't
appear to be any sign of hair anywhere even through the deep crease of her
ass. Her memory quickly flashed to the incident several days ago, with
Rosa in the bathroom, when she witnessed Rosa shaving her nether region.
Terry quickly concluded that Carmen must shave her private parts as well.

After what seemed like hours, Carmen loosened both shoe straps and removed
her shoes before straightening up turning around to face Terry. She was
pleased to see Terry's flushed face and wide-eyes as she remained kneeling
in front of her still clutching the dress. She then reached out with one
hand and tilted Terry's face up until their eyes finally met and said,
"Here let me take that from you." She then reached out with her other hand
to take the dress from Terry.

Terry handed the dress to Carmen and slowly stood and watched her neatly
fold the dress and lay it over the arm of the sofa. She then continued to
watch as Carmen turned around again and pulled her shoulders back slightly
thrusting her full chest at Terry. Carmen's huge breasts were jutting out,
with their swollen nipples staring directly at her, as they were perched up
on the straining half-bra supporting them.

"Could you get my bra as well?" asked Carmen nonchalantly.

Terry instinctively stepped closer and reached out with both hands to grasp
the front clasp of Carmen's bra and unleashed the prized breasts from the
strained material. The enormous breasts sprung forward slightly as the
under wire cups split and fell away. Terry let go with one hand and pulled
the bra away and held it up to Carmen to take. Her eyes never left
Carmen's breasts, however, as she watched the older woman's slender fingers
slide up to gently grasp each breast at their base and slowly smooth over
the swollen flesh lovingly.

"Mmmm, that feels much better," cooed Carmen as she milked her tits
brazenly. "They swell so much sometimes that it becomes very uncomfortable
to wear anything."

Terry just absentmindedly nodded her head in agreement as she watched
Carmen's fingers pull on the firm flesh. She could see how swollen
Carmen's breasts were especially the large nipples that were puffed up like
two pointed fingertips. Terry's eyes were glued to them as she watched
Carmen's fingers squeeze and then pull on the tender flesh stretching them
mercilessly as she continued to milk her tits.

Carmen released her tits momentarily as she reached out to Terry and gently
motioned her to sit down on the large sofa. Terry did as she was
instructed and sat down. Carmen then approached her and slowly straddled
Terry's lap as she mounted her on the sofa. Terry sat back and rested her
head on the back of the sofa and watched as Carmen put her hands on either
side of her head and positioned her huge tits directly in front of her
face. Terry instinctively lifted her hands and gently grasped each breast
by their base and hefted them slightly gauging their weight. Carmen then
leaned forward until her right nipple made contact with Terry's moist lips
and was quickly engulfed by her hungry mouth. With very little coaxing she
could feel her breast begin to tingle as her milk began to flow through her
turgid nipple.

"Mmmm, yes, that's it," cooed Carmen softly. "So nice, you're so good to
momma's tits."

The words only spurred Terry on to increase her suction as she pulled more
of Carmen's nipple into her hot mouth. Her tongue poked and lapped at the
pointed nub relentlessly as the warm liquid was released. She
simultaneously began to squeeze the large mound with her left hand,
gripping it fully and pulling it towards her sucking mouth, as she milked
the breast like a hungry c***d. Without even thinking Terry was already
preparing the other breast by gently cupping it with her other hand and
rubbing the pointed nipple back and forth with her thumb causing it to
stiffen even more.

After five minutes of nursing Terry released Carmen's right nipple and
pulled her left breast into reach and began the same loving treatment on
that tender nipple. Terry had learned to understand what gave Carmen the
most relief and pleasure and continued to manipulate her sensitive breasts
expertly eliciting Carmen's moans of approval. She continued her assault
on the beautiful flesh long after they stopped producing milk for her to
drink because she now understood that pleasing Carmen was just as important
as performing the clinical task of draining her breast milk.

"Oh yes," moaned Carmen breathlessly. "Suck momma's titties good! Momma
loves it soooo much!"

Terry continued to squeeze and pull and suck on the prized flesh like a
woman possessed. She would alternate lapping at the hardened nipple using
the entire length of her tongue flattening it and dragging the rough
surface over the nub relentlessly. At the same time she was gripping
Carmen's other nipple between her thumb and forefinger and pulling on it
forcefully. She would stretch the tender nipple outward until the whole
breast was taught from the strain and then she would twist the nipple
slightly while pulling the breast off to one side.

Carmen gripped the top of the sofa with white knuckles as the incredible
sensations from her tortured nipples coursed through her body. The
exquisite mixture of pain and pleasure that Terry was applying to her
abused tits was pushing her body towards another powerful orgasm. She
opened her eyes momentarily and looked down at her burning tits and was
amazed at how much Terry was stretching and pulling the tender nipples.
She threw her head back and closed her eyes again as Terry removed her
mouth and began to pull and stretch both nipples, with her slender fingers,
simultaneously while she kissed all over the surrounding flesh. Her mouth
sought out every inch of the hot flesh and sucked and licked all over
Carmen's heaving chest. Terry buried her face in the deep cleavage of
Carmen's chest licking and sucking relentlessly and the heated breast flesh
surrounded her flushed face.

Carmen was reaching the point of no return and absentmindedly reached down
with one hand and began to rub her burning pussy. Her fingers were a blur
as they sought out the sensitive nub of her clit. "Oh god I'm cumming,
cumming, yes!" cried Carmen as her body was enveloped with her orgasm.

Terry pulled back slightly and managed to look down to see Carmen's hand
furiously rubbing the now drenched pouch of her thong. The slurping noise
coming from her crotch was unmistakable as she continued to watch Carmen's
fingers dig into the material and push it inside her spasming vagina.
Carmen's hips began to hump forward in an effort to push her hand even
further into her heated flesh. Terry released her grip on Carmen's breasts
and allowed her hands to slowly glide down the older woman's smooth skin
until they came to rest on the upper swell of her bottom. She watched,
transfixed, as Carmen's hip slowly churned pressing her pulsating vagina
into her needy fingers. Terry's hands continued to slide over the swell of
Carmen's hips until they were firmly clutching each of her perfect ass
cheeks. She had never touched Carmen anywhere other than her breasts and
she found the firmness of her ass cheeks to be equally enjoyable as she
began to slowly squeeze and fondle the quivering flesh. Terry could feel
Carmen involuntarily clench and release the firm globes as she continued to
hump at her exploring fingers. Terry's grip tightened as she allowed her
hands to explore their entire mass and her fingertips slid up and down the
heated crease separating her hands. As Terry's hands squeezed the
beautiful flesh harder Carmen's humping and fingering increased and Terry
reveled in the idea that she was actually helping Carmen to hump herself to
her orgasm.

Carmen threw her head back and let loose a low guttural moan as her orgasm
exploded. Terry continued to knead Carmen's ass as she watched the older
woman continue to cum for the next several minutes. Finally Carmen removed
her tired hand from her soaked pussy and braced herself against the sofa as
she attempted to regain her composure. Her chest heaved considerably with
every breath as she slowly returned to normal.

"Are you okay Carmen?" asked Terry innocently.

"I'm more than okay sweetie," gasped Carmen as she leaned back slightly and
looked down at Terry. "You made me feel so good tonight honey. You are
just the sweetest thing. I just can't thank you enough!"

Carmen then leaned down and pressed her lips onto Terry's and began what
could only be described as a very passionate kiss. Carmen pressed their
mouths together and mashed their lips all over as she hungrily sucked on
Terry's mouth. Carmen finally pulled away from the kiss and said, "I could
not be happier with the way you have come into my family and treated me
with such love and tenderness. I feel as though I have known you since you
were a c***d, and I would be proud to call you my very own daughter."

Terry just blushed as she listened to Carmen's loving words. She too could
only feel love for this wonderful woman. Terry's mind was so mixed up and
clouded that she was no longer feeling any of the apprehension or confusion
at how her emotions towards Carmen were spiraling out of control. She now
began to connect her physical response to Carmen's touch to an ever-growing
emotional bond that she felt for the older woman. She didn't see their
physical activity as wrong or embarrassing, but as something she felt proud
to perform for the woman she was slowly becoming more and more subservient
to. She was filled with joy, and beamed with pride, at the thought that
she was able to bring such great pleasure to her new friend and Carmen
appreciated it immensely. Terry would go to bed that evening with a
newfound confidence and glow as she slowly came to the realization that she
enjoyed her time with Carmen, and everything that they did together, and
she was no longer afraid to feel good about it. She felt a bond with
Carmen that she hadn't felt since she was a c***d when her own mother doted
on her incessantly. Carmen had by now managed to confuse Terry's thought
processes so expertly that she was barely aware of how her perceptions had
been altered into their current state of disarray.

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Mystery in Mexico

Our ideal vacation was about to begin and we were off to explore ruins in Mexico. Little did we realize the powers that lay beneath the ground. One day we were plain old Sarah and Ben, the next day, our lives were changed only to wind up still together but very different........... Mystery in Mexico By: Rachael Free My wife and I were off on our two week vacation and eager to see all the sights. We had planned this vacation for over a year and were very excited to participate in...

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Seeing Sisters 5 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 4 showered together, unable to keep their hands to themselves. Chuck was fascinated and attracted to her luscious curves. He grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her. Robin in...

1 year ago
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visit to mexico

Terry Nichols stepped out of the airplane, onto the uncovered tarmac andinto the hot air of small Mexican airport. Terry is 34-year old teacherfrom a small mid-western town in the United States traveling to Mexico toperform some research for her doctorate in Aztec culture. She was taking ayear long sabbatical from her junior professor position at a university soshe could visit the ancient city and study the culture first hand.Terry had never been out of the country before now, in fact, she...

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Last Morning in Mexico

Last Morning in MexicoThe group of guys I went to school with takes a fun trip together each year. Skiing, golf, gambling, sunny beaches, etc. We leave the girlfriends and wives behind. Don goes each year and we have been roommates on several trips.Don is six feet tall and very athletic. He’s got a great body. Hairy chest and treasure trail, and slim. I’m just about the same size and description. I’ve seen Don naked in the showers at school and on some of these trips. Don has a large penis – no...

Gay Male
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Maid in Mexico

I have done business all along Mexico's northern border and found more good and friendly, easy to get along with people than you would ever expect to come across. Usually people look on the border towns as being places for dangerous sex, sneering merchants who will rip you off in a yanqui second and cheap goods of dubious quality. If that is all you're you are looking for, you'll find it because whatever there is a market for, there is someone to supply the demand, no matter how sleazy. On...

4 years ago
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Paradise in Mexico

Spell check and grammar check by Grammarly She cheated, I ran I am sitting on my veranda sipping an iced tea. The veranda is in Tepeji del Rio, Hidalgo, Mexico. I am here because my ex-wife was/is a slut. I am Gary Wilson, 49, 5’ 11” and weigh about 190 lbs. I have blue to gray eyes and am starting to lose my hair. I was the owner of a small but profitable company. The company made things that every car in the world needed. The products were also in every appliance you have ever used or...

3 years ago
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MexicoBefore Ms. Erotica knows it, she and MK are in Mexico, a small town south of Ensenada. Off season and off the beaten path, it feels like they have the humble resort to themselves. Their room opens to a balcony overlooking the ocean and a long sandy beach where they’ve just returned from a leisurely walk; just them, the waves and a plethora of shells that she delights in picking up and showing him.“This is amazing MK, I’m learning to not doubt you when you come up with suggestions that at...

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Do it in Mexico

I live by the border to Mexico. I am a very low key cross-dresser . I moved out of my parents house at the age of 20 . Since I was financially O.k.. , like had a great job and was very independent. I was able to buy myself everything I wanted for cross dressing. When  I turned 23 years old ,I decided that I wanted to go to Mexico and rent a house or apartment out there as a retreat or a getaway place if you will. This would be a great idea and an experience for me to dress up in public ,...

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Chapter 6 Swinging in Mexico

Chapter Sex- I mean Six, A Venture into SwingingAs I traveled down the road of life, so many events happened with each making its unique impact on my life. My contract with our common relative, Uncle Sam, had run its course and I was no longer obligated to serve as an active duty officer. I did join the army reserve and did some contract with part of the government because I offered some special talents to them.Lt. Col North was up to his ears brokering deals here and there and I got involved...

2 years ago
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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Sexual Revolution Mexico

This is my story of when my Chinese girlfriend Leanne, my good friend Juanita who is of Mexican heritage and myself had a threesome. I'm of mixed heritage Cuban, Mexican, Russian, Italian, etc; My families racial background is very complex. Race has never played a big part in my dating life. I can always find something attractive about a woman regardless of race or skin color. I met Leanne through friends at college and when we first met we instantly feel in love. She was my first girlfriend...

2 years ago
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Spring Break in Mexico

In the Spring of 2004, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan , Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on Lush are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it. We had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with her. I was somewhat...

3 years ago
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Drugged for Dogs and HorsesChapter 7 Onwards to Mexico

I don't recall anything from shortly after my brother was taken to his room, and woke up naked and massively stretched in my room the next morning. Blacky had put me to bed about 6AM when the shire finally finished, exhausted after a marathon 10 hours fucking and pumping session. He had pumped gallons of sperm into my insensible but ecstatic body as I lay doped and happy, in an attempt to get me with foal. I very unsteadily left my room to see my brother being led from the bedroom. His dick...

2 years ago
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RetributionChapter 11 Mexico

“I have great news, Linda,” “What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego. Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse. “You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.” Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered. Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot. Mouse, you perv. I’ve...

1 year ago
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Escape to Mexico

Peggy Wendel was a rich spoiled brat. She was only fourteen and had already joined a gang. Not a gang that robbed people - but a sex gang that smoked dope and seduced girls. The leader was eighteen years old and Peggy loved him. He broke her cherry. His name was Larry Tate. Larry would pass her around to the other boys to fuck, but Peggy knew she was his favorite. The other gang girls were jealous of Peggy and called her american sex laws were so stupid. You could fuck any girl you wanted in...

1 year ago
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Beach Vacation in Mexico

Next thing I know, I’m walking the beaches of a beautiful, warm, and exotic beach resort. And fortunately, there are plenty of college girls around here, too. I was recently single at the time, and open to just meeting new people and having fun. I’m not bad looking, a tall and thin swimmer. I feel comfortable walking around the hot girls on the beach. And yeah, I’m discreetly taking peeks at the girls in their small bikinis. I could tell it was going to be a fun trip. I met a few people my...

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A Vacation in Mexico

“All characters in this story are of the age of eighteen or of a higher age and are consenting adults. Please fell free to vote and leave your comments on this story.”(I would like to thank Nikki James for her help with editing this story and input) As I parked at the ruins of Palenque on the second morning of my trip to Mexico, I noticed a busload of people unloading at the entrance gates to a Mayan temple just ahead of me. The group of people had gathered at the gate, where a guide...

3 years ago
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Down in Mexico

It was the last day of what had been an incredible vacation with my wife Lindy at a clothing optional resort in Mexico. This was our first visit to a lifestyle club of any kind and it had been an erotic and sensual week of fun and sun. We met many nice people during the week. It was amazing how well you could get to know someone when everyone had their clothes off. Some people at the club were nudists and others were in the swinging lifestyle. Everyone was into watching and being watched, as...

2 years ago
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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara, 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black sheep” of the family, mainly because I’m a...

1 year ago
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Last Morning in Mexico

Last Morning in Mexico The group of guys I went to school with takes a fun trip together each year. Skiing, golf, gambling, sunny beaches, etc. We leave the girlfriends and wives behind. Don goes each year and we have been roommates on several trips. Don is six feet tall and very athletic. He’s got a great body. Hairy chest and treasure trail, and slim. I’m just about the same size and description. I’ve seen Don naked in the showers at school and on some of these trips. Don has a large penis –...

2 years ago
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Bailey Visits From Mexico

Bailey was the younger seventeen year old sister of my fiancé’s best friend and future maid of honor. She came to stay with my fiancé, Rolalinda, and myself. Bailey was from Mexico and was a beautiful teenage lady. I had seen photos of Bailey on social media, and while she was an attractive young lady, I didn't really have any designs on Bailey, since I had a live-in girlfriend.  Rosalinda and I picked Bailey up at the airport, and I was surprised that Bailey spoke very good English. Rosalinda...

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Fucked in Mexico

I'm a 43 year old mother of 3, I'm 5.10, 220lbs. could be described as chunky with large tits and very wide hips. My husband and I were on holidays in Mexico at an all inclusive resort. My husband loves golf and played almost every day while we were there. On Wednesday morning we got up had breakfast then Chuck left for his tee time. I was wearing my blue Bikini, that didn't cover much but hey what the Hell I'm on holidays and I'll never see these people again. I sat by the pool for a couple...

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First trip to Mexico

Sandy and I are twins and we grew up fairly close. We both had dark hair and long legs. I’m about 6’2” and she is about 5’8”. We spent summers at the country club playing tennis and swimming; we both have lean bodies.After graduation from high school our family took a vacation to the ruins (Tulum) in Mexico. The first night we got to Cancun late. Sandy and I headed to the beach in the late afternoon sun. I have never seen so many beautiful bodies in my life. I had trouble controlling my dick. ...

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Travesti Hidrocalida Sexo en Aguascalientes Mexico

Lo que les voy a relatar es 100% real y me ocurrio hace algunos años. Lo conocí en el Messenger de MSN, ya que él me agregó a sus contactos por un anuncio que puse aquí mismo, en Club Erótico. Fue el miércoles 11 de abril cuando coincidimos en línea y el lunes anterior, me había escrito por correo electrónico para ver a qué hora podíamos conectarnos para conocernos. Total que el miércoles coincidimos como a eso de la 9 p. m. y empezamos a platicar sobre nuestros gustos en la intimidad, así que...

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My first time on a trip to Mexico

I was recently lucky enough to travel to Mexico for study, where I had the greatest experience of my life! Basically everything about that country is amazing, the girls, the food and the culture! Anyways one day I went alone to a small taco bar for lunch, Mexican food is the best! I decided to order literally almost everything on the menu, there was an old dried up little woman sitting behind the counter she shouted "Anita" and then this gorgeous beautifully tanned Mexican waitress came out...

4 years ago
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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara; 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black...

3 years ago
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Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt17 Day 2 in Mexico

I had the best wake up call that every man dreams about getting first thing in morning is a BLOWJOB. Maria was moving her mouth over my cock as I was trying to get my eyes adjusted to the sunlight from the slider door. I pulled the sheet off of me to see Maria looking up at me with my cock in her mouth. Good morning babe! I hope I didn’t wake you up to early it’s 8:15AM and I like waking you up this way. I do too….As she moved back on my cock as I laid my head back into the pillow. O Maria…you...

2 years ago
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When in Mexico

Authors Note: OK so I did get this idea from our host at the place we are currently at now. The rest of it is my imagination! I am thinking that I may continue this story as well. I rolled my eyes as she started talking and she stopped. “What the fuck? Why are you rolling your eyes at me?” she demanded angrily. “So what is it that I did this time?” “Whatever, I don’t care, just go and get another massage now” I replied. “I don’t see what the big deal is. We’re here to relax, and they are...

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In Mexico

Karla was jealous of Claudia, Claudia was taut, dark, long black hair to the small of her back and the tribal design tattoo over her ass, Karla must’ve heard about it from her, one or her friends, because Karla knew who I was and how to find me the day Claudia wanted to ‘break up’ with me.  Karla needed a ride to her friend’s place and didn’t have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out.  So we went to Olivia’s and...

4 years ago
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Seeing Sisters 4 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 out of Cancun airport, the heat hit them like a wall. An odd foursome, two lithe, blonde hotties, a dashing guy, an unexpectedly sexy big girl, drew looks of lust from all directions. Laurie and Anna lead, Robin was right behind: big rock-star...

2 years ago
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visit to mexico

Terry woke up the next morning and felt alive and invigorated from a goodnight's sleep. She had felt exhausted from the plane flight and all theexcitement she had experienced during her first trip away from home. Shepulled back the covers and got out of bed, but froze when she noticed herreflection in the floor length mirror. Terry almost didn't recognizeherself in the mirror as she stood standing there in the white, silk thongand lace bra that Rosa had picked out for her the previous...

3 years ago
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In Mexico

Karla was jealous of Claudia, Claudia was taut, dark, long black hair to the small of her back and the tribal design tattoo over her ass; Karla must've heard about it from her, one or her friends, because Karla knew who I was and how to find me the day Claudia wanted to "break up" with me.  Karla needed a ride to her friend's place and didn't have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out.  So we went to...

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More Mexico

Tropical breezes bringing salty air to their naked bodies announce morning to the sleeping lovers. They lie spooned in each other’s arms. Every inch of his body is touching every inch of hers. Memories of last night project against his mind’s movie screen. His dick, firmly ensconced between her butt cheeks, stirs in response. His hips move ever so slightly against her ass which stirs ever so slightly in response. Her chest rises and falls in rhythm with the ocean waves breaking in the...

1 year ago
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Wife in Mexico

I have been married for 16 years. I have a hot wife, 5’5”, great body, beautiful face. She is conservative, but a vixen in bed. She has pierced clit and nipples. We went to our normal resort in Porta Vallarta. Two weeks our usual, and we do the normal beach, not too much drinking but relax themed. One evening in the jazz bar, we were dressed up nice and she was enjoying wine, while I was enjoying my Coronas. I was in dress shorts and nice shirt, and she had a colorful short sun dress showing...

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My name is Jenna Jansen; those of you who are a little older probably remember me. I was the top model in the fashion world just a few short years ago. Of course the kids these days don't remember anyone for longer than 15 minutes but that's really a good thing. Now a days I find myself working as fashion consultant slash cashier at my neighborhood seven eleven. I don't do much fashion consulting, it's mostly the cashiering part; not that those bratty girls today need much consulting. They...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapters 7 Back at the mission in Mexico

7:07 AM on a day that was going to be hot. “JESUS!” rang out as Tony saw young Mr. Bautista, the head of the Scouts for Poncho’s army, “What are you doing here? You’re a day early.” Tony laughed as the two friends hugged. “Three riders we find, told us all go north to mission. We come here, see why?” Jesus said in his broken English. “Peter, Jesus is here with his Scouts from Poncho’s Army.” Tony laughed. “Jesus, good to see you again.” Peter gave Jesus a hug and a high five! “Heard you...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 23 New Mexico

Ellen and I made love constantly when we weren't on the motorcycle. A couple of times, we even pulled off the road at some scenic spot and made love. If we hadn't cared much about each other when we started, we sure did by the time we reached Albuquerque. For two nights, we kept Crystal amused by texting her snapshots of the two of us in various stages of undress and pictures that hinted of our sexual activity. Crystal wasn't shy about sending pictures of herself in what can best be...

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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 3 Conspiracy of Destruction

Apparently nobody found it necessary to explain, why they had to return to the ship all of a sudden. Captain Archer's frequent evasions of a straight answer told her that they wouldn't like it. -=/\=- After almost three hours of meditation T'Pol found herself back in Paxton's Prison holding baby Elizabeth. One of Paxton's guards pointed a phase pistol at her head. Suddenly the door was opened and a guard shoved in Trip's beaten up body. Blood ran down his face. "I should have known...

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Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...

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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 4 Musical Chairs Starfleet Style

"We all witnessed, what happened yesterday. I'm afraid we will have to face some consequences," the captain opened the morning briefing. "But first things first. T'Pol, how are you and Trip?" "Doctor Phlox has sedated the Commander. He did not have much rest last night. The same is true for me. Vulcans can function for several days without sleep, but my emotional control is still ... unstable. I wish to ask for a day off-duty. I need to attend a task on the surface and spend the day...

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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 2 Gallipoli

The small group of people, which to Charles' amazement consisted of three different species, entered the living room, where Martin Garret was waiting. "Can I get you some drinks?" Catherine asked their visitors. "Water will suffice," Soval answered and Charles got the distinct impression that, while the Vulcan didn't really need any, he seemed to want to give her something to do. Somehow the Vulcan ambassador in his living room didn't quite match the image of the ice-cool,...

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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 5 Before The High Council

"Ugh," Trip groaned after another long meditation session. "Two and a half hours, I think I'm getting the hang of it." "You did well," T'Pol reassured him. "We should add some furniture to that white space of yours," he said. "Meaning?" "I mean it's nice to be with you in your mind, but all we can do is stand, sit or walk around in that white space, can't we add some scenery?" "That would be possible, but it would also distract from the main purpose of meditation." "I...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 3 The Mistress of Pain and her Secret Lair

The next afternoon John called a meeting of the band in the studio, he seemed extra happy about something. The concert the night before had been a—well the words 'complete success'—just doesn't start to cover what the night had been. However, by the end of the concert all the Anderson household, even the adults that were not on stage working, were pretty tired out. When they finally got home, everyone went straight to bed for once and ended up sleeping in late. Now, as all the kids...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 20 Luck of the Irish AND The Mistress Bridal Shower

Lana sat down in the center of the bed and looked lovingly at her Wild Kat sitting right in front of her. Lana was feeling more than horny that day, she was feeling romantic. She looked into Katrina's eyes and pulled her over to kiss her a while, rubbing their tits together as they did. They had been talking for some time that day about the clothes they would be buying to wear to John, Debbie, Ron and Hannah's weddings and it had left them feeling envious and desirous of joining their...

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Trip to Yellowstone Complete

Chapter 1 I had decided to take a few weeks and head out west to Yellowstone Park, originally I had planned on a nice quiet trip relaxing and getting away from it all. I do a lot of photography and love to fish and hunt, so I figured I could at least get in two out of the three this trip. I packed up the motorhome, stocked up on food and water and hit the road. Things went great leaving Ohio and over to Illinois. I stopped outside Chicago for fuel and to grab something to eat and as I...

3 years ago
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Trip To Goa With Amee 8211 Part 1

Hello all friends, I am Aniket from Andheri , Mumbai. I am 28 years of age, 5’8″ tall, reasonably good looking, athletic yet with boyish charms. I work with a MNC . I stay alone in a rented apartment in Andheri. The story that I am about to tell you is a dream of a every young boy struggling to have his first fuck. And this happened to me just a week ago. After reading my experiences on ISS, one of the reader, a young, dynamic, charismatic, lady, aged 32, working as top HR manager contacted me...

4 years ago
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Trip To Haunted Forest

Hello, girls and guys, first of all, I want to thank all of those people who emailed me after my first sex story. Those who want a nice chat with me could mail me at are most welcomed. Now I am here with a new sex story I know it’s a bit long story and sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes in it but I am sure that you are gonna enjoy this because this is has a horror touch I want to say that it is a story of three friends Amit that’s me, Varun and Adi. At first, I would like to introduce...

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Trip To Udaipur Go Black 8211 Part 4

Hello everyone, I am Anita and here i am writing 4th part of my story; i woke up at 7:00 pm and was hungry like hell i order some food and went to washroom ……Oohhhhhhhhh fuck my ass was paining like hell… I had a tough time and first time in my life i didnt like the jet water on my asshole instead of exciting me it was hurting. As i came out after a quick shower some one was knocking at door it was my order i eat it and check the time it was 8:00pm  (we girls take quick bath in one hour ;) )  i...

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This story is true. My wife accompanied me on a trip to Puerto Rico in October. I had to work a lot so she spent a great deal of time on her own. Carol is in her late 30s, 5'4, dark hair and about 125 lbs. She has small tits, but a great ass and nice legs. We have a good sex life and recently began discussing the possibility of her having sex with other men while I watch (and maybe join in). Until our trip we hadn't done anything about it. One other thing, she loves to wear pantyhose...

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Strippers and Prostitutes Ch 01

Chapter 1: Dana’s Plan Author’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any likeness to...

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