- 2 years ago
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"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows."
~ Robert Frost
"What are you doing?" I sat down on the steps, the wide wooden stairs of our back porch.
"Hey Kris. I'm just sitting," my brother replied with a shrug.
The sun had turned red behind the not very old maple tree in our backyard. It wasn't much of a view, since we lived in the middle of suburbia. A thousand identical houses all lined up nice and neat. It was easy to get lost and if you weren't careful you could walk into a stranger's house by mistake.
I'd done that before, being seventeen and a little drunk after a party. My boyfriend had missed my street by two blocks and I'd snuck in through the open back door. Halfway up the stairs I'd realized the pictures on the wall weren't of my mom and dad. That had freaked me out a little, but it was a good story and I liked to tell it. Nobody ever believes me though, except the people who grew up in my neighborhood. They just nod, knowing how that could really happen.
My brother Steve and I are twins, but not identical since I was and still am a girl. He's a boy, obviously, so we look somewhat different. Being twins is nice though. I mean, I always had a friend growing up, because Steve was always that. Maybe even more than my brother, Steve was my best friend, which sounds dumb. Like you can't have a best friend for a brother for some reason; they're mutually exclusive. It's like those people, those guys who say their best friends are their wives. It's a nice sentiment and people want to believe it, but no one really does. Not in their hearts because they've never felt it.
But I did. We did, Steve and me, and it was very nice.
"Nancy?" I put my elbow on my knee and propped my head on my hand, looking at him sideways.
"Yeah." He frowned. "She didn't say anything."
"What did you say?"
"I just asked her why she wanted to break up." Steve looked down, between his feet.
"No reason?" I asked, knowing it was because my brother was leaving her, but what did he expect?
"Nope," he snorted.
We were both eighteen then, and getting ready to go to different colleges. He wanted to be an architect, so he was going to some fancy school in Chicago, the Illinois Institute of Technology. I just wanted a degree in basket weaving or something, seriously, I didn't care. I was going to college probably just to meet a guy I could fall in love with. Not that I had my heart set on it, but I'm saying that's the reality. Carefree and without ambition, I just wanted to have fun.
We envied that in each other, I think, my brother and me. He'd always been too serious, getting his straight A's in school, knowing exactly what he wanted to be, making his plans for the future. And I just laughed and flirted, joined all the fun clubs and cheerleading and all that stuff. I even ran for class president in my senior year, just so I could tease my brother when I won, but I didn't. Steve did.
That's okay though, I voted for him. He told me later that he'd voted for me, and we'd laughed about it, laying together on his bed.
We spent a lot of time together in bed, his or mine, it didn't matter. We just talked. I'm not saying we fooled around. He was my brother, so that would've felt a little weird. I know because he kissed me once. Just one time, when we were arguing about something silly, like what was Captain Kirk's middle name or something.
And like all of our arguments, whatever they were about, this one escalated into tickling and sometimes I won those, and sometimes he did. On that particular day, when we were sixteen years old, Steve was winning. Sitting on my tummy, my bare tummy as we were wearing bathing suits and mine was a bikini, a modest one, but still a bikini. And he tickled my exposed ribs, making me admit that I was wrong. I gasped happily when he finally stopped, red faced and smiling and hot, and my soft blue eyes were looking up into his, and then...
He kissed me. On the lips. Like a boyfriend kisses his girlfriend, my brother kissed me and I think we both blinked at that. I know I blushed and then Steve pushed himself off of me, apologizing. But I found nothing to forgive. I mean, I'd been expecting it, seriously. I'd felt the moment between a boy and girl, our relationship slipping away from both of us and we were just kids for a second, not brother and sister at all.
If he hadn't kissed me right then, I would have kissed him, or so I told myself. And I told Steve that too, just so he wouldn't spend his whole life feeling guilty over nothing. Later we laughed about it, on those rare times we happened to both be thinking about it at the same time. We never talked about it though, we just looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. We did that sometimes, like we had esp or something.
I thought about that kiss a lot after that, but only secretly, when I was alone and especially after we left for our colleges. When I missed my brother, eventually I'd miss that one kiss too. It was inevitable. I'd start out missing his handsome face, then his laugh. Then I'd miss the way he always knew how to cheer me up. And by the end of the day, laying in my dorm at night trying to fall asleep ... I'd miss that kiss. It would be my last thought before I finally closed my eyes.
"Well, it wasn't like you were gonna marry her," I said, talking about Nancy on the back steps.
"I know." Steve nodded. "But she could have said something."
"Girls are like that," I said with a grin. "It's different than boys."
"I mean, we want to talk all the time, except when we're mad." I leaned over, pressing my shoulder against his. "Guys don't wanna talk until something's going wrong."
"Well..." My brother smiled at that.
"Then we can't shut you guys up!" I giggled. "You know it's true, come on."
"Maybe." Steve leaned into me. "When is your plane leaving?"
"Ten in the morning," I sighed. "I gotta be at the airport like three days early cause of the security."
That made him laugh and I pinched his hip just because. I'd be flying to University of Nevada-Las Vegas. They'd offered me the same scholarships as everyplace else, which is to say none, so I'd picked them for the campus fun factor. I mean, it's Vegas! It had to be fun!
My parents weren't totally thrilled, but they'd been to Las Vegas more than a few times, and it was more family oriented now, I guess. At least that's what my dad said, a little grudgingly, although he'd never brought me or my brother along. I think he was secretly glad because now he'd have an excuse to go to Vegas once in awhile. He liked blackjack a lot and always complained about the local casinos, the ones on the reservations. He was a good player. Mom just liked Tom Jones.
Steve would be flying out to Chicago a couple days after I left and it was hard, really hard. Neither one of us had been away from home before, not for more than a couple days at the most. And our parents ... Well, we were the only two kids they had. Mom likes to say that having so much good luck the first time around made her a little nervous. She didn't want to push it, but that's just her way of teasing us, telling us she felt proud without really saying it.
Our mom's one of those women who are sort of distant, you know? Not that she wasn't loving or a good mom, she was righteous, just that she couldn't always express it out loud. But I saw it in her eyes every time she looked at us. We got our eyes from her. And her black hair, which was thick and soft. I kept mine long and wavy, and Steve's would have been, except he liked it short and he looked good that way.
We were both attractive like Mom, very attractive, and we'd gotten our dad's outgoing personality and good humor to boot. I was 5'8" tall, Steve just an inch taller, maybe, but you wouldn't know unless we stood back to back barefoot. The same full lips, high cheekbones and pointy chins. I had a mole, a little beauty mark on my upper lip. Steve had a little white scar above his left eye, but it just made him look better when you were close enough to notice.
He'd grown up to be an athletic sort of guy too, not muscle bound buff or anything, but solid, very comfortably solid in his build. And confident? God, Steve just gave you that feeling like whatever he wanted to do, he would have to be good at it. I loved being with him just for that. I was more soft, with nice hips and a narrow waist. Breasts that grew firm and upright and suited my height. I got a lot of attention and a lot of dates, but I'd never done much more than some heavy petting with my boyfriends.
Steve had gone all the way with Nancy, I knew that, and yeah, it made me a little jealous when he'd told me. We didn't have any secrets anyway, and he sure wasn't going to keep that one! He'd been seventeen and walking on air, smiling like he'd just won the lottery. One look at him and I knew, and I'd made him tell me everything.
We'd lain on his bed and played fifty questions with it. Steve wouldn't just come out and tell me, he had to make me ask, you know. And I'd closed my eyes, asking him how and where, and most especially why. What had made that one girl so special, I'd asked him. What did he like about her, how had she made him feel? Was it a word, or a touch? I wanted to know everything because I wanted to understand why he did it with her of all people.
And I closed my eyes, like I said, maybe wondering what it might have been like to be Nancy for those ten or fifteen minutes, because Steve had been honest. It hadn't lasted very long, he'd confessed with a blush. Just a few strokes, in and out and it was over and that had made me giggle. I'd always imagined that sex took like hours and hours. But he swore to me it didn't and he'd been scared, which surprised me. Not only that he'd admit it, but that it could even be true. Steve wasn't ever scared, but he had been that first time with his girlfriend.
Steve told me that when I did it with a boy, when I made love for the first time, I'd understand. I'd smiled at that, thinking he was probably right, and then I'd promised to tell him about it. Wherever it happened, whenever it happened, I'd tell him right after. Even on my honeymoon, I swore, making both of us laugh. I'd call him in the middle of the night if I had to, just because I loved him that much. He'd shared his first time with me, so I'd do the same with him.
And now I was leaving in the morning, and the sun was going down, and I was already missing him.
"Going to see Chuck tonight?" Steve asked me, referring to my boyfriend.
"Nope." I smacked my lips softly.
"Why not?" Steve sat back on the steps, leaning on his arms and I took the opportunity to lean all the way over, putting my head in his lap.
"I already said goodbye." I rubbed his thigh, just above his right knee. "Last night. He wanted to do it."
He snorted derisively and my brother had never been a big fan of any of my boyfriends.
"Yeah!" I giggled. "That's what I said. I like him, but it isn't love."
"Love just hurts anyway." Steve shifted a little, balancing on his left arm so he could pull a strand of black hair from my face.
"You're gonna meet another girl," I said, smiling up at him. "Nancy isn't the end of the world."
"I wasn't thinking of..."
"There you two are!" Mom stuck her head out the back door. "I've been calling you for five minutes."
"Sorry Mom," Steve and I said in unison, having had eighteen years to perfect it. Then we laughed as Mom rolled her eyes and went back inside the house.
"Five whole minutes ... Gee whiz." Steve smiled at me.
I sighed, sitting up again. "I was just getting comfy too."
We shared kind of a somber dinner that night. I remember it distinctly because usually they weren't. But this was my last one for awhile, the last time we'd all be together until Christmas or whenever, and so it was a little too serious for my tastes. My brother and I could fix that though.
"Have you been thinking about a major?" Dad asked me.
"Nope." I smiled at him.
"She's gonna major in boys," Steve said with a grin and I kicked him under the table. "Ouch!"
"Hmph." Dad grunted. "I figured that out already."
"Oh stop." Mom frowned.
"I'm just going to check it out first, that's all," I said, shrugging like it didn't matter.
"Not too late to go to school here," Dad pointed out. "You could save a lot of money and live right upstairs."
"It is kinda too late," Steve told him.
"Yeah. I'm sort of committed now, Dad," I said. "They already have a room waiting for me and everything."
"Did you get all packed, Kristy?" Mom asked me.
"That's a coed dorm, right?" Dad shook his head. "Do they have coed showers too?"
"Yeah, Mom. Mostly." I nodded.
"Don't worry, Dad. There's shower curtains." Steve grinned at me and I kicked at him again, but I missed. "Heh!"
"I'm not going to get pregnant, Daddy." I stabbed at a potato.
"I didn't say that." He looked at me, all handsome and innocent, and then he looked around the table. "Did I say that?"
"It sounded like it," I said, looking across the table at my brother and he nodded in agreement.
"Well, you just take your pills..." Mom was talking to herself, I thought.
"You worry too much." Steve laughed at him.
"I'm not on the pill, Mom," I sighed.
"The pill?" Dad stared at me. "Why do you need the pill?"
Steve just smiled at me and his eyes were twinkling happily. Birth control came up every now and again, but not like it did in other families, I'm sure. I mean, it didn't get talked about in the privacy of my bedroom with a mother and daughter heart to heart. It got talked about over roast beef and dill pickles. There was something wrong with our parents.
"I don't, Daddy." I smiled at him. "I'm not going to need it either. I'm going to college, not..."
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We met at party thrown by a mutual friend. I was mesmerized the minute she walked in. From her fiery, red hair, porcelain skin, pouty lips, and voluptuous hourglass figure. She turned every head as she walked across the patio in her tight cut-off denim shorts and black tank top. I was at a complete loss for words when she approached me and introduced herself as she poured a drink. I felt very self-conscious of my petite Tom-boy figure as we made small talk. I was a college gymnast and had...
ARIZONA SECRET SOCIETY CHAPTER 5 Despite having had Anniek with us for months, there was so much I hadn't known about her. That she sent home part of what we paid her to her family, that she had a sick sister, and wanted to stay in the United States even after she finished her studies here. In the three days that I had been Anniek to the world, I had learned all that, but was hesitant to let Emily transfer Annieks memories into me. As I changed out of her French maids outfit and...
I loaded a new cassette and batteries and we left the room. Megan pranced through the mostly empty lobby and her outfit quickly drew attention. As I had hoped, in the bright daylight, her dress became almost transparent! Her black lingerie, garter belt and nylon stockings showed through the gauzy material. Megan's breasts were equally exposed and I could see her nipples grow hard with excitement as soon as she stepped out onto the street!We bought a couple of Zombies next door and wandered down...
Corey was growing fast, and was already about 5’10” tall before he even made it to high school, with a pretty athletic build. The summer before Corey entered high school, he started doing something that was extremely annoying….he’d lock himself in the bathroom for 20-30 minutes at a time, and take showers that lasted close to an hour. Every time I needed to use the toilet, or get ready for work, or take a shower, the door would be locked. Corey was a normal teenager, so I knew he was...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Választott awakened. LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. Permission to distribute this work is granted provided that it is redistributed in its unaltered entirety, no fee is charged, and proper attribution is given as to author and original location of posting. Failure to comply with any or all of the requirements constitutes copyright infringement. NOTE:...
On Tuesday, I had my fifteenth birthday and my parents took me out to a nice Italian (my favorite) dinner. It was fun but I was really more looking forward to a birthday/sleepover my friend, Cheryl, had planned for Friday night. There would be me, of course, Cheryl and her sister, Nicole, they are sixteen and seventeen, Evelyn and Carrie, also fifteen, Lauren, Brittany and Katie, each sixteen. Eight of us girls, I'm the youngest. It is at Cheryl and Nicole's house, her mom and Brittany's...
Mom? Yes Dear? Do I get to fuck you again? How do you think your father would like that? Uh, he probably wouldn’t. Ok, then do you think we should do it? Probably not, but I’m so horny and you are so sexy and you let me fuck you twice already. Would it be enough for your dad and I to let you play with us again sometime? It wouldn’t be enough but it would be better than not doing it. I’m not the only woman in the house, you know. Becky? Becky would let me fuck her? I don’t know, but...
The discussion around the dinner table in a large and very busy upper-class restaurant took a dangerous turn. Someone mentioned that she was recently part of a threesome with two men, something I had never experienced before. My boyfriend, Jack, who wasn’t there because he and his mates went to a pub, said he never wanted to share me with anybody. I was his alone. He was the jealous type.Next to me sat two strangers, friends of my best friend, Jill. Blondie on my left, had his hand on my thigh...
Group SexIntroduction: A sizzling hot proposition from my naughty fuck buddy Nedra and I are both 55 and were fuck buddies. Or, as she refers to our relationship: non-exclusive fuck buddies. I sometimes quiz her as to why she insists on refering to our relationship as non-exclusive fuck buddies. She usually replies, in baby talk, with something like, So it would be allowed for me to have someone get those hard to reach places, silly boy. Once, however, in the throes of pillow talk, with her eyes glazed...
Wednesday came, and so did Mark Welch, to the club. He paced around looking at the objects hanging on the wall. He scoffed and muttered things under his breath. Finally he said he could do a deal, but he was a bit short of the necessary funds. I knew handing over the money would make me the buyer, and it wasn’t a good idea, but I made him think I hadn’t thought of that. Eventually I agreed to get him the cash. The one thing he wouldn’t agree on was me accompanying him to Spain. I didn’t want to...
I had worked at the same place for almost 6 months now. I had just turned 18 a few days ago and made sure my boss knew it. I had had a massive crush on him since I started there and I was almost positive the feeling was mutual. I had spent the drive on my first day wondering if my new boss would be young and sexy or old and fat. By the time I was pulling in I had decided with my luck, he would be old and fat. It didn’t take me long to realize, old and fat truly would have been lucky because,...
December 22, 1985 Puerto Rico "Warm weather during the holidays is becoming an annual tradition," I said to Inez, a content smile on my face. The midday tropical sun was beating down on us as we made our way through the San Juan airport parking lot, toting our luggage. "That's one more amazing change in my life since I met you." She favored me with a sweet smile, before replying, "This kind of weather around Christmas is pretty much all I've ever known." "That goes for me, too,...
Sarah was breathtakingly naked sitting in a carver chair, her arms on the arms of the carver chair. Her legs wide apart, and obviously enjoying being licked to orgasm while two other people were watching. Her clenched fists were holding the end the chair’s arms as she absorbed the pleasure Jules was providing, and the pleasure she was providing to three others. Sarah and I had an understanding that she could be pleasured by another man every few weeks. As long as I watched. And I loved...
Phillip texts me and says he can spend the night. I am thrilled. I haveclean sheets on my bed and my room is neat. I wait in the den playin my XBox for him to drive up. About 30 minutes later I see him pulling into heyard. I meet him at the drop and we hug and kiss. He smells so good. Hecomes in and we sit in the den and he says he hasn't eaten. I call andorder a pizza and wings. I grab csh from dad's room that he left for us toeat and I put in on the table by the door. We play X box and are...
Sissy Tammy It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a child I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games. My...
Brian continued to put his dick inside my wife at he office for the next three weeks as I watched on from home. Cherry was only too happy to oblige given the havoc that COVID had wreaked at her office. We were relying on her income since my work had dried up and keeping her boss happy was worth it for both of us. Not that we minded of course, Cherry loved new cock and I was able to watch on via her laptop camera at work and our on camera's that Cherry had started to take in each Wednesday. I...
My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country, Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....
A friend of mine once told me that he knew a great guy and gave him my number. Soon I received a message. It was from a 23 year old college student named Mohit. He was going to college in the next town, said he was packed just over 7 inches, and sent a pic that made it look like he had a telephone pole sticking out of his groin. We traded a few emails and next thing I knew I was over to his apartment. I was kinda nervous when I knocked on his door but that went away when a good looking guy...
It took me a little while to pull myself together to be able to answer the door. Whoever was waiting to see me was very persistent. I was not expecting anyone because I wanted a night to myself. After laying my toys out, I took a nice warm shower where I used the shower sprayer to send me into pure ecstasy a few times. I wrapped myself in my towel, put another around my wet hair and went to answer the door. I debated with myself about opening it because I was still feeling hot inside and I knew...
SeductionI had opportunity to meet a delightful young woman recently. She is Native American, tall, lithe, terrific long black hair (down to her waist). She is a divorced woman with two k**s and very independent in her life.We had a couple of chances to chat, and I found her to be enchanting. Her values are sound, and she's committed to doing her thing - her way. She's been out of her marriage for a few years, and she's carving out a new life.After a business day, I asked if she'd like to join me for...
The rain on the window distorts the trucks moving across the dark concrete. It shifts their colours into melted patterns that jump and run and fragment the outlines of distant figures. Burly men in heavy coats move about the haze. Dark, heavy coats pulled tight against the weather. Red faces closed against the cold. Germany is a dark, wet wasteland of diesel fumes and garish commercial vehicles, spattered with the dirt and grime of the autobahn. The café is crowded and steam rises from wet...