Europa free porn video

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The rain on the window distorts the trucks moving across the dark concrete. It shifts their colours into melted patterns that jump and run and fragment the outlines of distant figures. Burly men in heavy coats move about the haze. Dark, heavy coats pulled tight against the weather. Red faces closed against the cold.

Germany is a dark, wet wasteland of diesel fumes and garish commercial vehicles, spattered with the dirt and grime of the autobahn.
The café is crowded and steam rises from wet clothing. People press past each other and a television mutters and cheers in a corner as small red and blue figures chase a ball.

I nurture my coffee though it tasted foul even when it was still warm. The woman behind the counter, hard faced and dour has been looking in my direction for several minutes before Geert returns to the booth opposite me carrying a tray filled with food. He is a large heavily built man in his late forties, with an impressive Slavic moustache and eyes filled with the kind of empathy that only comes with wisdom. In the four hours since I first met him, I have avoided his eyes. This wasn’t difficult in the cab of the articulated lorry, but here in the café I realise I am avoiding his eyes for some reason. When I think of it, I find myself trembling slightly. I find it difficult to accept empathy from strangers, but Geert has a strange quality that makes me feel as if he is able to read my mind simply by looking at my face. I wonder idly if a person can read another as easily as I might read a book. I sneak a peek at Geert as he eats wondering if he is aware of the hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I eat mechanically, for my body is hungry even if my mind rejects the notion of food. I glance up at the clock on the wall. It is a mechanical digital clock with numbers that flick noisily into place. It reads 18:44. Outside the darkness is gathering and the trucks are silhouettes bathed in white and orange light. Geert finishes his meal and lights up a cigarette. He offers one but I shake my head. I have no stomach for tobacco.

The truck stop is a large sprawling area with multiple buildings. Geert has parked in what he tells me is his usual spot and has collected the keys to a room at the motel and as we walk back to the car park in the rain he points to a line of dark and dull windows. The motel sits on a hilltop surrounded by looming fir trees and almost appears to be floating above the rain and haze of the trucks below. We step aside as a behemoth rumbles past us, its tires spreading apart a deep pool of turgid rain water and I spy a red sign reflected in the ripples that reads Bodega when I look up. Geert is lighting another cigarette. I decide to get a drink. He says nothing, merely nods and we make our way across the wet grass.

The bar girl in the bodega is blonde and tall. She smiles and puts two beers on the counter as I fumble for money. Around me hundreds of people talk and jostle each other and I begin to relax slightly. The bodega is warm and the air is close and slightly uncomfortable, but I know now that I do not have to move on tonight. I am off the road for now and I can settle down until the morning. A clock on the wall behind the blonde reads 19:33. I take the beers to where Geert is sitting with two other men. I pass him his beer and he introduces me to a Swede and another Dutchman who lives in the same town as Geert. I am introduced as a hitch hiker Geert picked up at the Austrian border, which is entirely true. Neither of Geert friends pays me any attention and I forget their names even as they are spoken.

I sip my beer and listen to their conversation which is mundane, dealing with the realities of driving heavy vehicles in Europe. Gradually I feel my body beginning to loose its cohesion and I slump against the wall. My mind begins to wander. I notice the Swede has an indentation on his finger, as of a ring removed. It becomes apparent why when a young Eastern European prostitute walks by the table and the Swede follows her with his eyes. All three truckers laugh and turn to regard the woman who pauses and looks back for full effect. The Swede grins and lifts his eye brows but the other Dutchman shakes his head. Geert says nothing but is chuckling when the Swede leaves with the prostitute. I watch them as they watch the Swede leave. Geert is laughing and talking but his eyes glance at me and I feel the tension return to my stomach. I make my excuse and go to the bar.

The blonde serves me a Smirnoff ice and three beers and I return to the table with the latter. Geert and the other Dutchman are talking in their own language and they barely acknowledge me as I put beers on the table before them. I settle down again, my mind wandering back to the ride here in the truck cab. Geert hadn’t said much, just asked a few questions and let me rattle on about university, girls, why I left home and life in general. I hadn’t paid much attention to him at first, happy to talk about myself and both of us staring at the road ahead. I was grateful that some one could be bothered to listen to me at all.
Only after we’d reached the truck stop had I really been confronted with his eyes.

The other Dutchman finally leaves and Geert turns to me. It isn’t late, but its dark and so it feels late. I am slightly drunk and I smile happily as he offers me a cigarette. I accept though I don’t smoke. I hold the burning cigarette in my fingers and softly inhale the smoke. I expect to cough but I don’t.

After another Smirnoff ice at the bar, I buy four more beers and make my way to the door. The helpful blonde has left their caps on and I stuff two of the bottles into my jacket. Outside Geert stands in the shelter of the over hanging roof and waits for me. He accepts his beer silently and we walk up the hill towards the motel. My hands and my legs are trembling with pent up nervous energy and I almost drain my beer in one long draught. Geert watches me and asks if I am alright. I am and I nod trying to relay a calmness I don’t feel.

We reach a door at the end of a row. It is marked 24 and I notice that 23 and 22 are both dark and silent. The autobahn in the distance is muted by the surrounding trees. Geert produces the key and opens the door. For a second I am staring into darkness and then suddenly light erupts about me to reveal a small comfortable room with a large double bed in the centre facing a television. I close the door behind me and drop my rucksack on to the floor beside it. Geert wanders into a bathroom and I hear him relieve himself. I sit on the bed and the floor seems to move beneath me as the sounds of running water register in my mind. I’m not too drunk and I feel good. I stare at the television screen and see Geert reflected in its grey emptiness. He returns to the room and removes his jacket, dropping it into an armchair then turns towards me. I turn my head towards him and my eyes flick up at his then away.

It is enough. He unzips his pants and produces a cock, semi rigid and fat. I catch my breath and in my chest my heart begins to beat urgently as I take in the sight of his fore finger and thumb caressing the head, pulling back the foreskin which slides back and forth easily.

I slide off the bed and onto knees and he steps closer, pressing him self against my face. The scent of him fills my nostrils and eagerly, I open my mouth wide. I don’t know if he is aware of it but this is the first cock I have had in my mouth and I find the experience to be a relief. The feel of this intrusion, the size and movement of him against, and into my face, combines with the dizzy eagerness in my head and I feel a wave of warmth washing through my groin. My erection spasms and I come despite myself.

As it transpires, Geert is aware of my virginity and doesn’t seem to mind my premature ejaculation. If anything it seems to enliven him, for he withdraws from my mouth and after watching me shuddering in the aftermath of my orgasm he pulls me to my feet and proceeds to undress me.

Naked, I lie on my back on the bed and standing over me he feeds his cock back into my mouth and then begins to play with me. I reach out with my tongue and he lets it run under the length of his shaft before ploughing as much of his length into my mouth as I can accommodate. My head spins but I am happy. His hand slides over my belly and he begins to stroke my cock slowly, his fingers following the same slow rhythm as his cock. His balls are soft and warm as they brush against my forehead.

There is a smell about him that is both familiar and yet alien. My mind is reminded of a thousand instances of human contact, but no previous experience corresponds to the scent of his crotch with the sensations in my mouth. I am stiff with pleasure at his touch, aching with a taut erection despite that I have only just ejaculated moments before.

He moves me about as his own erection makes it impossible to continue, pulling me onto my side and re inserting the ever expanding member back between my lips. He is almost twice my size and the disparity enhances the emotional impact of what is happening to me. I feel small and vulnerable and excited. I am eager to please him and make no protest when he pulls up my leg to allow his fingers access to my cleft.

I begin to moan with the pleasure of anticipation as his index finger presses against my anus and I feel his cock stiffen abruptly in my mouth. He knows I like this and it excites him. He can feel my body shivering, betraying my eagerness and his own movements take on a controlled urgency of their own. I want him to enter me now and I am breathing hard and fast, my voice making small uncontrollable noises as I take his thrusting ever harder into my mouth. I feel as though I might gag at any moment but before this can happen he withdraws from me and leans across me to take my cock in his mouth. I immediately come into him, my body contracting as the rush of semen erupts from me.

For a short minute Geert sucks on my cock, swallowing my load silently until I am spent and weary. He laughs and slaps my thigh as he gets up from the bed. I look up at him with confused eyes, but he tells me to take a shower whilst he drinks a beer. I understand what he means and waste little time. I wash myself thoroughly; my fingers trembling with excitement at the thought of being penetrated completely by the same cock which I have just tasted in my mouth. I can hear Geert talking in Dutch as I step from the shower cubicle and I pause, uncertain. He is talking on his phone, but when he sees me peering into the room he ends the call abruptly and tosses the phone on to the arm chair.

Until this moment the room has been bathed in a hard illumination from the overhead lamp but now Geert turns on a small bedside light, bending its light into the wall and extinguishes the main light so the room fills with shadows. He motions to the bed and I climb onto it. As I do he walks into the bathroom again and I hear him enter the shower. I pull the bed covers over me and lie there, thinking dizzily. My mind is a riot of conflicting emotions.

There is a knock at the door and I stare at it in shock. I am lying naked in another mans bed. Geert walks through the room, turning to look at me as he walks by the bed, his eyes meeting mine in a look of reassurance. I feel the panic subside somewhat, but my stomach is trembling with trepidation. The tumult of my emotions I had experience scant moments before has been turned upside down and I pull the covers up to my nose like a c***d. Geert opens the door and the other Dutchman from the bar enters the room. He looks at me as Geert closes the door again and his eyes are very different from Geert’s. There is a hunger apparent in him, a naked desire that he takes no trouble to conceal. Geert turns to look at me again and I see there is a question in his eyes. Unseen by the other Dutchman, he tilts his head and his eyes flicker from mine to the new comer. I understand. I pause. I realise I want this more than I am afraid of it. I realise Geert has known this all along. When the other Dutchman is not looking at me, I nod, very slightly and Geert smiles a small secretive smile. It is a moment of confidence unlike any I have known. I am being given a gift of sorts, and I am made a gift. The other Dutchman is introduced again.

Jorn is taller than Geert and his cock is longer. He is a svelte, muscular man with a shock of sun bleached hair. His skin is tanned from outdoor activity and his general appearance is one of vigorous health. Geert by comparison is over weight and swarthy, but I find myself drawn inexorably to Geert. Jorn discards his clothes then sits on the armchair and opens a beer as Geert beckons me to him. I obey and the feeling of nervous energy in my body makes my hands shiver with excitement. Geert stands at the foot of the bed and his cock bobs softly to the rhythm of his heartbeat. I touch it, lifting it to my lips and then aware of being watched by Jorn’s greedy eyes in the corner I take the full length of Geert’s cock into my mouth as his hands run through my hair and clasp my head.

For the better part of five long minutes, Geert works on my mouth with his tool. His hands, strong and determined, control my movements and I am wilfully passive, allowing myself to be used for his pleasure. Jorn sits and watches us in silence and although my eyes are closed, I bath in the pleasure of this experience. I know what both of them want me to do and after a while I gently rearrange myself so I am no longer seated on the bed, but on my hands and knees upon it. It is the sign they have been waiting for, and although I keep my eyes deliberately closed, I can feel Jorn move behind me and his weight transmits his presence on the bed. His hand reaches between my legs and he caresses my balls gently. I squirm with anticipation as I feel his face nuzzle against me, his nose between my buttocks and his tongue touching my perineum. A spasm of electric sensation courses through me and I moan audibly as he begins to lick about my anus. Geert’s cock hardens perceptibly in my mouth and suddenly a rush of sperm almost chokes me. His fingers grip my head and his pelvis jerks with each spurt. I swallow his cum as it flows, letting it run down my throat until he withdraws from me, then as he moves away from me, I bury my face in the bed and breath heavily, moaning with pleasure at the touch of Jorn’s tongue.

I deliberately keep my hands away from myself and Jorn soon ceases to play with my balls. I am already straining to come but now I want to be fucked. I want it more than anything I have ever known and I have my legs spread as open as I can. I feel like I am inviting almost anything to be visited upon me and when Jorn ceases his attentions, gasping with his excitement I answer eagerly to his question as to whether or not I want to lose my virginity. I do.

Jorn climbs off the bed and makes way for Geert who now climbs to kneel behind me. I look back and see his hand softly masturbating as he contemplates me in my vulnerable state. I arch my back ever so slightly to emphasise my submission and his eyes meet mine again sending a surge of inner happiness through me. Jorn hands him a small plastic tube and then retires to the armchair and I wonder if they have done this many times before to other young men.

The lubrication fluid is cold but not unpleasant. Geert’s blunt fingers smear it liberally about my anus then softly he presses a thumb into me, pausing then pressing with the ease of experience. I feel myself tighten as my reflexes react, but after a few moments I find I can relax and accept the intrusion. Geert moves his thumb back and forth and the feeling of intense pleasure I felt with Jorn’s tongue returns causing me to breathe deeply with satisfaction. Geert applies more lube, squeezing a long stream from the top of my cleft which runs down and around his thumb which is still held tightly in my anus. He works the lubricant into me, moving his thumb in and out until I am relaxed. The nervous sensation in my chest is almost painful, my heart beat throbbing in my neck and when he removes his thumb I feel open and exposed in a way beyond my imagination. I know what’s coming next so I take a deep breath. Geert’s cock is far bigger than his thumb and the pressure it exerts on me is such that my muscle instinctively tightens, but Geert has tried this before and he does not show any impatience.

Slowly and deliberately he massages my opening, pressing himself ever deeper and pausing until after a few minutes, gasping with discomfort, I find myself suddenly enveloped by a warm pleasure. My anus finally relaxes and allows him to press his full length into me.
It is at this moment that I finally accept my nature for the sensation and pleasure of being filled by this mans cock impacts upon my mind to such a degree that I feel a rush of emotion bringing tears to my eyes. As Geert begins to move, thrusting slowly yet powerfully into my body, I bury my face in the bed and sob softly with happiness. Each thrust brings a small exclamation from me: a hoarse sigh of satisfaction as my body accepts the intrusion of his cock. I have no idea how long I am fucked by Geert. I am soon prostrate on the bed, pressed down onto my stomach by his weight, grunting with each solid thrust of his pelvis against my body, forcefully driving his shaft deep into me.

Eventually he reaches his climax, long after I have come for a third time, my semen spilled into the bed and smeared against my belly. He grips my hair with one hand and pulls my head back and side ways so that I am facing Jorn who watches from the corner. I can look back and see Geert’s red face, wet with sweat, breathing hard and fast as he empties himself into me with along shuddering groan that reverberates with pride in my heart. I feel utterly at peace. Geert rolls off me and Jorn stands up. His eyes are upon me, questioning and I simply nod. I want more.

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The Bet Chapter 24

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 24 (Monday - week 4) Her dreams were fuzzy... mixed up... colliding. She was successful - she wasn't successful. She had everything - she had nothing. She was loved - she was scorned. None of her dreams made sense. None of her dreams were fulfilling. And when her alarm clock woke her up, that's exactly how she felt - unfulfilled. Not to mention feeling cotton headed and having a bad taste in her mouth once again from the wine the...

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HandsOnHardcore Angel Rivas From Deep Throat To Ass Fucking

Holy moly, Angel Rivas is hot as fuck! The blonde sex goddess from Russia can’t wait to wrap her sexy red lips around David Perry’s rock-hard dick to lube it up before he crams her tight asshole with that enormous boner. The two want to have some private BDSM fun at home and start making out in the bedroom. The curvy hottie with seductive green eyes loves some spanking and gets her whip cravings in as David Perry, the mature French husband, slaps her mouth-watering butt cheeks with...

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Opposites Attract Part Five

Another few weeks went by when Joe received a voice mail from Craig, saying he wanted him to come over his place later that evening. Although anxious to meet his new acquaintance, Joe wondered about the situation with John, and if it had changed. He called back right way, glad to hear Craig’s sexy deep voice."Hey, got your message that you wanted me to come over," said Joe, trying to hide his excitement."Yeh, when can you make it?""Whenever you want me there, not doing anything tonight.”"Sounds...

Gay Male
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Doggy Mommy for the School BullyChapter 2 K9 Initiation

"K mom, I will be back home tomorrow afternoon," Garry screamed towards his own mom while leading Krypto away from his house. Garry led Krypto, a Doberman, by the leash and onto Michelle's car's backseat. Both Garry and Krypto sat in the backseat while Kyle and Michelle sat up in front. After he had closed the door, he ordered Michelle, "Ok bitch you can drive now." "Yes master," Michelle responded. She drove away and took them back to their house. It was 2 PM and Garry was sitting...

1 year ago
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Im a Cocksucking Motherfucking Slut

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I'm Bi-sexual and this is the story of how I became a cock sucking, mother fucking slut. My mom has caught me wearing her bras and panties while jacking my big dick many times. She just rolls her eyes and leaves the room. My dad who was quite a bit older than my mom had a major heart attack and had been bed ridden for almost 3 years. Mom, who had me when she was 40 took good care of him and me and all the household stuff. Mom wears granny glasses and is now 55...

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Jenny Pt 2 Jennys Desk Job

Hello, my pet. There's been a change of plans. I had to go to the office to meet with a client—and he's made a lot of last-minute changes, which means that I have to stay here for awhile. So I want you to come down here to my office so I can amuse myself with you while I work. Tell the receptionist you're my new assistant—she'll tell you where to find me. Dress appropriately. See you soon... Darn, Jenny thought. She'd been looking forward to having Him come over. She'd put on her...

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Sexy time

So a couple weekends ago I was with this girl. We were at this huge blow out party in the woods. Cops came so we hid. WE hid for hours in the 30 degree cold. She said she was sooo cold so I told her I would warm her up. So I kissed her. Then she kissed me back! And from there we started hooking up. Eventually my hand ended up up her shirt. Pulled off her bra and sucked on her boobies. Then I got my hand and put it down her pants and rubbed her. She kept groan and saying my name. This...

2 years ago
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my naughty cousin part 3

naked in front of you there a surprise under ur pillow i hope you like it". i reach under my pillow and to my surprise there were my cousin panties. i started to fantasies about my cousin remembering how i saw her taking of her clothes . the following morning the same thing happen again she was on me as i was getting naked to take a shower, this keep on going on like this for two weeks unti one day i couldnt control my self, i waited forger to get in the shower but that neve happen so i when...

3 years ago
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Dog Bitch To Gloryhole Hooker

Introduction: I push my wife to explore her darker fantasies and take her to back room of a sleazy adult bookstore. My wife and I had reached a point in our relationship where we needed to find new sexual territory. We started to play around with domination fetish stuff. After a while we found that she really got off on humiliation and being degraded. So I started giving her orders to tell me her fantasies and she did her best to obey. At first it was all tame and some of it for my amusement...

3 years ago
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A Rough Night

A ROUGH NIGHT   After peering thru the window at your sleeping form on the couch I carefully sneak in the front door. I am very glad that you left the door unlocked for me tonight. And that I gave you a few days in a row to leave it unlocked. I know this is gonna be a real suprize for you. I take a mental inventory of my supplies as I sneak towards you. Thinking back to our past conversations I know you will enjoy this immensely. I carefully reach your side without making a noise to wake you. I...

1 year ago
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Fucking when you werent Planning on it

I recalled a story that I'm sure is not so uncommon. It falls under the variety of 'having sex when you weren't planning on going all the way.' I went on a blind date when I was in my early 20's. The woman, Sara, and I instantly hit it off. Our mutual friend knew that I liked curvy women (which Sara blessedly was) and that Sara liked skinny guys as long as (or especially if) they had big cocks. Our mutual friend was a platonic friend of mine, Kelly, but she knew I fit the bill in terms of...

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What I would do to her

Connie is a girl at my High school. She is 1 year younger than me, and she is gorgeous. I don’t have any emotional feelings towards her, but, I do have many ideas in my head of what I should do with her. You guys don’t know anything about her, so let me describe her to you. She has long brown curly hair that stops a bit lower then her shoulders, she has brow/hazel eyes, quiet imposing breasts for her age and a body to die for. She is the kind of girl to like bondage and incest. She is smart,...

4 years ago
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El PasoChapter 39

Posted: August 29, 2007 - 03:48:51 pm I guess disposing of George Howard could be considered the climax to my life as Ty Ringo McGuinn. After all, I had righted time by turning aside the Salt War, while still dispatching George and Charles Howard on the road to hell. Yet, if those were my only purposes for being here, why wasn’t I dead too? The only thing I could figure out was that Ty Ringo was alive when he shouldn’t be because Chet Benton was dead when he wasn’t supposed to be. Cosmic...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 199

This is actually the truth Sad But True: This morning I was sitting on a bench next to a homeless man. He said: Last week, I still had everything!!! A cook prepared my meals, my room was cleaned, my clothes were washed & pressed; I had a roof over my head, TV, internet, I went to the gym, the pool, the library, I could still go to school. I asked him what happened, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, a Female? No, No he answered ... I Got Out Of Prison. A husband and wife were sitting...

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Cool Spring Nights Part 2 Loose1 gain2

This is an original work by inferis created in 2011. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you don't like it or find it offensive stop reading it and find something else to enjoy.--------------------------------------------You should read part 1 first.-------------------------------------------- (Part 2: Loose1 gain2)It was somewhere near 4am when the police arrived. I remember them helping me get up and dressed but then somewhere along the line everything became a blur of sirens,...

2 years ago
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My Ultimate Fantasy Conclusion

My Ultimate Fantasy (Conclusion) by The Princess My life had become mundane. At forty eight I had achieved all that most men would ever want or need. I had sold my business interests and set up a self perpetuating investment portfolio that would last me for ever if need be. I was divorced and my adult children were independent and doing well on their own. I turned to thrill seeking adventures but there is only so much car racing and aeroplane flying one can do before boredom sets...

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Blood and SandChapter 12

It may seem strange that a 9-year-old Indian boy would be included in the active defenders of a fort against attacking Indians, but the attackers were Chiricahua Apaches and the 9-year-old was a Mescalero Apache, two people who have been hereditary enemies for longer than history records. Thus, the officials at the fort would have been hard pressed to keep Running Bear from joining in the fight. On the other hand, they were not so stupid as to turn down the services of a experienced...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XXI 6 A Lover A Dreamer Thats me

"We were starting to think you weren't going to show," Karen said above the regular din at the Rage. "I had some things I had to take care of before coming tonight," I explained while sitting down beside her. "Where's Jon?" "Probably collecting beer bottles," Carl snickered. "He's working on something for school, but he said he'll try and make it," Jenny explained. Despite the steady and strong flow of the crowd's emotions, I had my empathic senses focused on just the...

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Diamond RoseChapter 9 Jason

Talking around the situation with Di reduced the tension Jason felt. They dried off, drove home, and slipped into a quiet Sunday listening to music as he helped her fold their clean clothes. His phone rang after a lunch of soup and sandwiches and he saw Lauren's name on the display. "Hey sis," Jason said as he placed a folded undershirt on the stack sitting on the coffee table. "Wha'sup my brotha?" she sang in a fake accent. "Not much," he sang back at her. "Wha'sup witchoo?" Di...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 2 As the Waning Moon SetsChapter 6

“Excuse me gentlemen, is there a problem here?” We all turned to look at the source of the question, to find Jerreth standing behind the two men, arms crossed along his chest. His gaze was cool and passive as he looked from person to person. I then looked at each of the men more closely, they were holding pieces of wood, no doubt scraps laying around they felt would work as clubs. “It is none of your business darkie,” yelled one of the men, “our business is with this murderous piece of...

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Love Dont Run ch 3

Love Don’t Run Pt 3 By: Hisangelbeauty and Ropetease copyright 2011 Joe looked at the feast she had on the table, trying to remember the last time he had such a good breakfast. Joe noticed she wasn’t eating and was just watching him when he picked up a pear slice off his plate with one hand then pulled her chair closer to him with the other. He recalled their breakfast in the cafeteria and how she picked at her food. Hell, if he was honest she really hadn’t taken more than a few bites that...

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Brendan FallsChapter 10

"Count backwards slowly," the man said from behind his green surgical mask. The cool air smelled funny. "... 100... 99... 98..." "... 98... 97... 90 ... Mmmm..." I awoke sometime later, wrapped up in warm sheets and feeling fuzzy all over. It seemed so quiet in that room, a yellow room, sunshine yellow and pleasant and I didn't want to move. I couldn't move and I had to find my way through a soft fog to remember where I was and what I was doing. I wondered where my Master was,...

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sister and I

My younger sister Kristy and I have always been very close. Since we are only a year apart, my parents treated us like we were a twin set of boys. By that I mean we took baths together until we were about 10 and we were forced to sleep in the same hotel bed on family vacations until I was 16. We finally needed our own beds because even though we were close we still always fought about everything, just like any other brother and sister.When we were younger my sister was quite the tomboy. She...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 21 Country Life

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 21 Country Life She learns some more but the mystery deepens. "I'D be happy just to have this place," Mandy pronounced. "Yes, it's a delightful house, isn't it? We didn't need to do much with it, just some new furnishings and a few new pictures, plus the Wifi and security upgrade that was asked for," answered the woman. "Of...

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Hard to say im sorry

This story is actually a true part of my life, of course, I have changed some details but most of it is as it happened. I was 20 years old, had a great boyfriend, Antoine, was his name. He was tall and handsome, brown hair and green eyes. He really was a sweetie. The kind of guy a girl can do very crazy stuff over. However, that does not change the fact that I cheated on him… here is the story. -Next up is Melanie who is going to sing “Crazy” shouted the karaoke guy. Therefore, I went up there...

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In the Labyrinth

First there is only the blackness. Silent, absolute black. Then a glimmer, a flash of light. A faint rumbling sound. The taste of licorice. Licorice? A strange word, you think to yourself. Yet familiar. You suddenly realize that you are thinking. That there is a you. The flash of light repeats, becomes an oscillation. You think to yourself, I can open my eyes. I have eyes. Then: fear. What will you see when you open your eyes? Is it better to keep them closed? And then deeper fear, a cold that...

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Ingrids Return

I do not know how long I've been down here, locked away in my own crypt for eternity. I lost count of the years after the first few centuries. Yet I have not been idle. I have been slowly gathering what little magic I have left, accumulating enough to escape through a teleportation spell. I do not know where it will take me, but I will finally be free! I am famished. All this time, and not a single drop of delicious life. Once I use the spell, I may lose conscious control over myself. Who knows...

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Road RashChapter 19

The celebration party at Anne and Lizzie’s place was in full swing, but for some reason, I just didn’t feel much like partying. Maybe I was feeling my age, maybe I was just tired from all the hours in the saddle I had spent in the last month? And maybe I was feeling a little guilty about what we had done to John? Anyway, I was standing on the patio looking out over the surrounding hills when Melody, Jane, and Beth finally found me. “Here you are!” said Melody as she snuggled into my right...

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WildOnCam Joanna Angel Savannah Bond Getting All Oily with Joanna Angel And Savannah Bond LIVE

January COTM Joanna Angel only wanted Australian babe Savannah Bond to join her for a LIVE show so that is exactly who we got for our wicked hot Joanna. Savannah loves some oil play and Joanna does not hold back squirting so much oil all over that juicy ass of Savannahs and also makes sure to cover those giant tits as well as her own so they can rub them together as they kiss. Getting these hot babes together is a dream and watching as they devour each others pussies cumming just for you guys...

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JulesJordan Whitney Wright Loves Cops With Big Black Cocks In Her Ass

Detective Prince is back at his old antics as he pulls over Whitney Wright for what she thinks is just a normal traffic stop. Whitney’s talking on the phone with her co-worker as she drives home after a long day when she’s pulled over by Detective Prince. He asks her some questions then finds contraband in her car and decides he’s got to take her in, but not to jail, he’s got other plans for her. Prince takes her back to his place and they start making out immediately, then he bends her over...

3 years ago
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Too hot to handle

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek , 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

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