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Mary Tied Up

Throughout the past year I’d discovered a new side to my lover, Mary, that I hadn’t been aware of before. That side was submissive. She thoroughly enjoyed being used for my pleasure and not only that but she enjoyed being spanked as punishment for her lack of proper performance or for her general attitude on those times when she refused to do as she was told. I found out that she enjoyed being pushed to new limits and even got excited about the idea of being used by other men (or women) when I decided to give her as a gift. I was worried that she’d find such “use” degrading but she absolutely loves it. Still, the one thing we hadn’t tried in the submissive vein was bondage. I’d never tied her up, down, spread eagle, nothing. She had worn a pair of handcuffs once — I handcuffed her behind her back to keep her hands out of the way as I fucked her mouth and throat — but that was all we’d done with bondage. This story is about a weekend where I decided to try it out.

To get her more agreeable I spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday teasing her, writing her new stories, watching porn with her, and more. But I was very careful not to give her any satisfaction. By Friday night she was actually quite angry with me because she was horny out of her mind and I was denying her sex. She knew I wanted it as badly as she did and we both knew that — as horny as she was — I could have her any way I wanted. She just wanted a hard cock… in her mouth, in her pussy — or even in her ass at that point. She just wanted to be fucked until she felt my hot cream pulsing into her. When she started ranting at me that Friday evening I sat and listened with an amused smile on my face. We had been watching a porn movie wherein a sexy blond gets well fucked by two guys with impressive equipment. Watching it left Mary’s pussy wet and ready and she fully expected that I’d be willing to give it to her. When I said, “No. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow morning,” she freaked out on me. After venting for almost five minutes she finally stopped with the question of what I was doing and whether or not it was intentional.

I assured her that my actions were indeed intentional; that she would get all she could handle in the morning; and that I needed her to have faith in me through the night. It was just one more night and her pussy would get all it could handle in the morning. She made it clear that she wasn’t happy about waiting but that she would for me. She also made it clear that she fully expected to be worn out the next morning. I again assured her that she would be and we ended up falling asleep with her wet pussy rubbing my thigh and her hand wrapped around my stiff dick.

In the morning she woke up and immediately dropped her mouth to my erection. What she didn’t realize was that it wasn’t hard because I was horny; it was hard ’cause I had to pee. Extricating myself from her proved another bad thing to do. She grumbled, bitched, moaned and groaned about how I was taking her hard cock away from her just when it was what she needed most. I imagine she’d already been up to pee before attacking my length because when I came out of the bathroom — which took several minutes because it’s damned near impossible to piss with a full erection — she was naked on the bed, her thighs spread wide and her fingers playing in her wet shaven pussy. She had shaved herself the evening before and it was still nice and slick. The full pouty lips were shiny with her wetness and her clit was visibly erect as she rubbed it with on finger while sliding two other fingers into her wet hole.

I immediately started fussing at her. How dare she give herself any sexual pleasure without my permission? Didn’t she realize that I had plans and that I would provide her all the relief she needed? She argued back that I’d been promising that for three days and had guaranteed her that she’d get that relief this morning but here I was going to the bathroom instead of fucking her needy cunt. I renewed my rant about how she was questioning her master instead of doing as she was told.

Once I threw out the word “master” she knew that I had plans that she’d enjoy. She pulled her fingers out of her now even more horny pussy and began massaging her breasts with her sticky hands. “Please then, master,” she begged, “tell me what to do so I can please you as you use me.” She knew the game. She’d definitely get pleasured as I played, but it would be long, drawn out and frustrating. Little did she know…

“Are you going to be a good obedient fuck toy?” I asked her in a stern voice.

“Yes, master,” she answered with her eyes cast down.

“Will you do everything you’re told without hesitation?” I asked.

“Yes, master,” she answered.

“Do you know what will happen if you don’t obey every command immediately?” I asked. It was my final question.

“Yes, master,” she replied. “I’ll be spanked and denied any pleasure.” She had the right answer.

“Very good,” I said. “Go get me four hand towels out of the closet,” I ordered her. She looked at me funny but didn’t hesitate to obey. While she was out of the bedroom I reached into one of my dresser drawers and pulled out four lengths of cord that I had put there the night before. Each length was about eight feet long so I had plenty to work with. I put each coiled length of cord at each corner of our king size bed. That done, I stacked two of the king size pillows in the middle of the bed. When Mary came back she saw what was on the bed and her face showed curiosity but she didn’t ask any questions. She knew better.

Taking the towels from her I put one at either corner with the coiled cord and gave her the next order. She was already naked so I didn’t have to tell her to strip. “Get on the bed,” I told her. “Lay on your belly over the pillows with them under your hips. Spread your arms and legs out toward each corner.” As she moved to obey — a curious almost nervous look on her face — I figured I should be more precise. “Make sure you can breath easily and that your hips are positioned so your ass and pussy are nicely up in the air. If we need to adjust the pillows we will.”

“Yes, master,” she said as she did as she was told. The pillows required minor adjustment but when she was finally laid out spread eagle on her belly her spread asshole was pointed straight at the ceiling and her wet pussy was readily available pointed slightly back but still well at an upward angle. Everything was in place for me to play with — but I had to tie her down first.

Taking each hand towel I rolled it lengthwise and then wrapped the length around an appendage. I started with her ankles and then did her wrists. With the towel wrapped around her first ankle I held the ends together and tied the cord around them close to her body. It wasn’t so close and tight as to restrict circulation, but it was close enough and tight enough that she wasn’t going to be able to pull her foot out. With that end tied securely I took the other end of the cord and tied it to the foot of the bed frame. When everything was tied down my lover was spread each with her ass and pussy up and spread for my use / play. She relaxed with her head facing to her left and her eyes open. I don’t know if she was trying to see what I was going to do or if she was nervous about what I might do. What I did know was that she was now at my mercy until I untied her. I hoped she appreciated her position. If not, she was going to very shortly.

Naked myself, with my cock stiff and waving at the ceiling, I climbed on the bed and knelt between her spread thighs. I took my length in hand and moved close enough to her wet pussy that I could rub my swollen cockhead up and down the length of her wet slit. Her body’s reaction to the touch of my knob was impressive. She was exceedingly horny and in dire need of a good fuck. She was going to have to wait.

As I rubbed my cock up and down her pussy slit I talked to her…

“So, my baby… do you need a good fuck?”

“Yes, master,” she hissed, arching her back and trying to move her pussy to get my cock into her.

“Is that what you’ve been wanting for the past three days?”

“Yes, master,” she groaned, her motions becoming even more urgent to get my cock into her.

“Well, you’re just going to have to wait a little more,” I said as I pulled my length away.

Before she could stop herself she moaned out a loud, “No! I need it now.” It was exactly the excuse I was looking for.

“Don’t EVER say no to me, toy!” I said harshly. My words were accompanied by a swift smack on her right ass cheek. It wasn’t TOO hard of a smack but it was enough to sting and to show a red print that mimicked the shape of my hand. She didn’t learn from that smack though.

“But you promised!” she exclaimed. Oh, bad girl.

Still kneeling between her tied apart thighs I had a perfect target in her sexily curved ass cheeks. With my left hand I delivered the next smack. “I DID promise.” My words were accompanied by alternating smacks on either cheek of her round butt. By the time I was done her ass was a nice bright red. “I promised that you’d get relief this morning. This morning’s not over for another several hours. How dare you question me? I’ve NEVER broken a promise to you. You’ve ALWAYS walked away properly pleasured and with a well fucked pussy. Haven’t you?” I took a break from the spanking to give her a chance to answer.

“Yes, sir,” she said quietly. I knew her ass was stinging from the spanking but I also knew that the more her ass stung the wetter her pussy would get.

“Then why did you question me?” I asked with another smack.

“I don’t know, master,” she said.

“That’s no answer,” I said with another smack on the other side. “Why did you question me?”

“Because I need fucked so bad, master,” she said sounding desperate.

“I see,” I said, stopping the spanking for the moment. “So what you’re telling me is that your pussy was controlling your mouth and it needs fucked so bad you couldn’t control what you were saying?”

“Yes, master,” she said sounding pitiful.

“It sounds like you need to be taught a lesson in control, girl. Do you agree?” I asked her.

“Yes, master,” she replied hesitantly. I think, in her mind, she was thinking that if her pussy needed to be taught a lesson then it would in some way mean her getting fucked.

She was surprised to feel me getting off the bed — out from between her thighs. A soft moan of frustration escaped her throat as she realized that her pussy wouldn’t be getting penetrated after all. Moving around to the head of the bed I got on and knelt beside her face. My stiff cock was poking out and hanging above her face as I stopped. A clear drop of precum dripped from my needy length and landed on her cheek.

“Open your mouth,” I said to her. She complied. “Turn your head more to this side,” I ordered. She obeyed. “Don’t move,” I finally commanded. She didn’t.

Positioning myself properly I slid my stiffness into her mouth feeling her lips seal around my shaft and her tongue as it rubbed against one side. Because of the way her head and neck were positioned I knew I wouldn’t be able to get my full length into her mouth and throat but I also knew that, as horny as I was, I could fuck her mouth and cum just fine — and that’s exactly what I did. Holding my body above her head so that none of my weight was pressing on her, I began to rock my hips back and forth, slightly up and down so that my cock was sawing in and out of her mouth. I made sure not to block her throat or her ability to breath but aside from those concerns I used her mouth as my own personal fuck hole. It felt good and I knew that, given the physical exertion of the position I was in, it wouldn’t take me long to cum. A couple of times, just to remind her of her place and position, I pulled my cock out of her mouth and smeared the spit-covered shaft up and down her cheek, across her nose, under her chin and on her neck. Then I’d put it back into her open mouth and keep fucking.

Within a few minutes I could feel my orgasm beginning to boil and started to think about where I should deposit this load. I know she doesn’t really like having a guy cum in her mouth, but that she’d take it if that’s what I chose. I know she loves to feel hot cum blasting into her pussy but I wasn’t about to stop fucking her mouth just to give her a load of hot cum in her cunt. That would be giving her way too much at that point. So, when I got close enough to cumming I simply pulled my length out of her mouth and came all over the side of her face, some of the load shooting into her hair with the large majority of it landing on her cheek and across her nose. Some of it landed on her neck as I tried to spread out the spurts of sticky goo.

As my vision cleared from the intense orgasm I looked down to see a trickle of my cum flowing down her cheek and into her mouth. I was so very proud of my sex toy at that moment. I know how much she doesn’t like cum in her mouth but my last order to her was to not move; she was to stay still with her mouth open. She had acknowledged that order and was still obeying it even if it meant she as going to get cum in her mouth.

Leaning down I kissed her on her non-cum-covered forehead. “Good girl, baby. Good girl.” I saw her smile as I climbed off the bed. What to do for — or more precisely — TO her next…

I pretty much knew what I was going to do. I had been planning the morning since the Wednesday before and was looking forward to everything that was to come… so to speak. I knew that Mary would too if she had a clue. The fun part was that she’d find out what was going to happen as it happened.

Having gotten my own immediate relief and knowing that Mary was horny out of her mind I decided it was the perfect time to get some breakfast. Going into the bathroom I wiped the spit off my wilting cock and pulled on a pair of boxers. Going back to the bed I once again kissed my lover on the forehead, jokingly told her not to go anywhere, and left the bedroom. In the kitchen I started the coffee pot and made myself some toast. While the coffee was brewing I logged on to my computer and checked the morning news, checked my email and looked at a few pictures I’d received of some playmates Mary and I knew. One in particular caught my attention and I printed it to show Mary later. When the coffee was ready I buttered my toast and added some cinnamon sugar. Cream and sugar went into my coffee and I took my breakfast and the picture I’d printed down to the bedroom.

When Mary heard me come in she opened her eyes. I wondered if she could feel my cum drying on her cheek but she didn’t say anything and I didn’t care enough to ask. Walking over to my bureau I put down my plate and coffee before walking back around the bed with the picture. Lowering it down to where she could see it I made sure there was enough light for her to get a good look.

“Can you see that, baby?” I asked her.

“Yes, master,” she said with a nervous lilt in her voice.

“Doesn’t that look delicious?” I asked.

“Yes, master,” she said, even though I doubt she meant it.

“We’re going to find out this morning,” I said to her, paying attention to the look on her face. Her eyes flared open for a moment and then the relaxed look returned to her face. “Won’t that be fun?” I asked.

“Yes, master,” she forced herself to answer. I left the picture laying on the bed at an angle so she could still see it while I ate my toast and drank my coffee. I enjoyed looking at Mary’s tied spread eagle body as I consumed my breakfast and the sight of her puffy shaven wet pussy made my cock twitch. To make sure I stayed comfortable I took off the boxers and then finished my breakfast. I realized that my coffee cup was still quite warm as I took the last drink out of it and I leaned over to put the warm — almost hot — mug down on Mary’s right ass cheek. That cheek was still blaze red from the spanking she’d earned and when the mug touched her skin I heard her suck in a quick breath which she then exhaled in a hiss. I knew she wasn’t HURT… but that had to have been slightly uncomfortable.

The picture showed a woman’s sexy ass being penetrated by a fairly large cock and both belonged to friends of ours. I knew that Mary would sometimes enjoy anal sex, but she was always careful about how big a cock she took in her backdoor. It had taken me months to work her into her first anal fuck and she was still nervous about it nearly every time. That image had to be burned into her mind as she laid there, tied out, her ass open for my use as I saw fit. And I had assured her that a thick cock was going to find its way into her backdoor that morning. I know she had to be nervous.

Leaving the picture where it was I went to the drawer in my bureau that held most of our sex toys and got out everything I thought I’d need: a tube of KY, four vibrators and some flavored lube we enjoy. I also took out one dildo — an anal stretcher. The thing was shaped like a skinny tall pyramid with round sides. It was narrow at the tip but by the time you got six inches down the body it was as thick around as your wrist. It was specifically designed to start small and as you pushed more and more in to stretch and spread whatever it was being inserted into. I had previously decided that — throughout the morning — every vibrator was going to find its home in Mary’s cunt… and in her ass. I had figured out a rotation so that she’d start out with one in her pussy and when I was ready it would move to her ass and the next one would go into her pussy. Before I could begin I really needed to relax her ass just a bit.

Leaving the picture in place I once again crawled between her tied open thighs. Just as a tease I rubbed my semi-erect dick up her slit and across her puckered back door. From the way my cock felt I knew I’d be hard again before long and I had every intention of firing my next load of cum deep into Mary… in which hole I hadn’t yet decided.

After toying my cock across both her holes I backed off and grabbed the tube of KY. It was cold and I knew she’d jump when I put the first smear on her. Getting a fair dollop on my finger I rubbed on and into her tight puckered asshole. She did indeed jump at the cold sensation, but when my finger penetrated her backdoor she pushed her ass up and back, opening it for my finger and inviting more into her body. I was so proud of her. She took such great delight in every sensation her body could enjoy.

Laid out on my bureau I had a collection of toys that I intended to use in and on Mary. They were:

A blue realistically shaped vibrator that was waterproof. It was about 7″ long and not all that thick. The head on this fake phallus was small but Mary seemed to enjoy it well enough. I commonly refer to this toy as “her blue friend”.

A much larger lighter blue realistically shaped vibrator. Not waterproof this toy is easily twice as thick as her blue friend and about 9″ long. The vibrator motor is probably the same size as the one in her other toys but has much more size to vibrate so she says it doesn’t feel like it’s as strong. But what it lacks in “buzz” it more than makes up for in stretch and depth. She likes to call this toy her monster.

A green waterproof toy that is about 9″ long but not real thick. It tapers from the base to the tip very gradually so that the tip is nicely rounded and the base is as thick as your average vibrator. There are ridges on it about every inch so it can be inserted into her backdoor and unless she tries to eject it her sphincter closes around one of the ridges and holds it in place. It buzzes nicely. The green one is what this toy usually gets called.

The big red one is as large as the monster but not shaped the same. Behind the noticeable cockhead the shaft seems to just continually grow in thickness all the way to the base and the fake balls that rest there. While the big red one does vibrate, it doesn’t do so very well because of its size. In the past Mary has always enjoyed taking, using, or riding the big red one and I know it takes her a few minutes to get used to the size. The same goes for the monster but she ultimately enjoys them both.

My quandary was what to start out with today and at which hole. Her pussy was freely flowing her hot slick juices and I had just lubed her butt. Having already blasted a load onto her face I was thinking that I needed to play with her long enough to get myself hard twice more, each time giving her another load of cum in a different orifice. If I played my cards right — so to speak — she’d finish her morning play session with a hot load both in her cunt and her ass in addition to the load already congealing on her face. That seemed like a good goal to me so I began to toy with her with the intention of getting her ass relaxed. That’d be my next location to cum…

The green toy worked well to start there. The smooth ridged surface slid easily in and out as compared to the fake veins causing increased friction at her tight backdoor. So I grabbed it first and took it into the bathroom where I ran it under hot water to warm it up some. She once complained that the only thing not fun about vibrators is inserting them cold. I like to think I’m a thoughtful lover, so I warm everything up first when I can. With the green toy suitably prepared I went back to the bed and knelt once again between my lovers tied open thighs. I left the vibrator turned off at first because I know how much she thrashes around when she feels that buzz between her legs.

To get the toy fully lubed before toying at her also lubed ass, I introduced it to her wet pussy lips, rubbed it up and down her length a few times and then began to slide it into her pussy. I love watching her reaction as anything enters her sex. Her hips thrust toward whatever it is and she tries to spread her thighs wider. She’s the only lover I’ve ever had that seems to instinctively work to get her pussy penetrated anytime all the time. As wet as she was I had the green toy into her about 7″ in no time. I slid it back and forth a few times before pulling it out and moving the tip toward her rosebud.

To her credit she never flinches away from anal penetration, even though it’s not something she craves like she does a good fucking. Her early experiences at anal sex with her first husband weren’t at all pleasurable for her as he had no concern for her comfort or enjoyment. When I re-introduced her to anal pleasure I took my time at it and teased her until she was literally begging for something to be slid into her ass. Since then she’s told me honestly that while it feels good it’s not something she truly wants. It’s something she enjoys when I initiate it but she’d much rather have something pushed into her cunt. Fair enough. By the same token I know how much she enjoys having both holes filled at the same time and that’s what she was going to enjoy — a lot — this morning.

Taking my time, and twisting the slick head of the green toy back and forth as I pushed, I penetrated her tight ass with only about two inches at first. With that little bit pushed past her tight entrance I gently pumped it back and forth some… just enough to keep her ass relaxed and teasing her about getting more. After a few moments I pulled the toy out an inch and then pushed in two more. Once again I just gently pumped it some… and then pulled out an inch — leaving two in — before pushing in two more. At that point she had four inches sliding into her tight ass. My intention was to get her about seven and then begin really fucking her with it.

Out an inch and back in two was the regular process, taking my time and letting her enjoy every inch of added penetration as we went. At the same time her backdoor was relaxing slightly more with every inch of added length since the vibrator grew larger in width throughout its length. When I finally had the seven inches of vibrator pushed into her tight backdoor I left it in place and reached over to the bureau to get the liquid KY. I always want to make sure that she’s properly lubed and used the moment to drizzle some of the liquid lube around the shaft sticking out of her ass. That done I slowly pulled the shaft back out until only an inch was left in and then just as slowly slid the whole thing back in to the seven inch depth.

That began a slow but building in pace steady fuck of her ass that she always enjoys. As she laid with her eyes closed, completely relaxed and enjoying what I was doing to her body, I could hear her moan with every slow penetration of her ass, and almost a groan of disappointment escape her on the withdrawals. I steadily increased the speed of the thrusting until she was taking it back and forth fairly quickly. As her excitement built her hips began to thrust up and down in time with my strokes, not pulling away from the penetrating vibrator but working WITH it. At every push in she pushed her hips up so that she was opening her ass farther to it and taking it faster. With every pull out she pulled her hips down but I didn’t see her ass cheeks tighten which would have indicated that she was clenching her sphincter tight. She was keeping her ass open and just enjoying the anal fuck.

After stroking her for awhile I planted the vibrator to it’s full seven inches and held it in place just stirring the end slightly… and then surprised her by turning on the vibrator. The effect of the buzz on her was immediate and impressive. As I said, Mary reacts with high energy anytime a vibrator buzzes in or on her pussy, or in her backdoor. As soon as I turned on the vibrator a loud groan of pleasure escaped her and she began to pant as her hips rocked in a desperate attempt to get the thrusting motion back. Once that buzz entered her body she seemed to need a hard thrusting fuck as if her life depended on it.

After letting her suffer for a few moments, all the while enjoying seeing her working so hard to get the vibrator moving in and out, I answered her need by pulling the vibrator out… but I pulled it all the way out and just left the buzzing tip sitting at the puckered entrance of her back door. The frustrated whining noises that were coming from her told me just how bad she wanted the vibrator back in and the motion of her hips as she kept pushing back trying to get it was a sight to behold.

After a few more moments of this teasing I slid the vibrator back into its full length and then began fucking her with it like she wanted. Using about four inch strokes I pumped the green toy in and out of her ass as quickly as I could, paying attention the level of friction and adding a few drops of liquid KY anytime it seemed necessary. Between the anal fucking and the buzzing of the vibrator Mary had three orgasms. At the end of her third one she was starting to sweat and her breathing had grown ragged. I had to give her a break and did so by sliding four inches of the green toy out, leaving three inches still penetrating her and keeping her ass spread, and I turned the vibration speed down as far as it would go.

Reaching over to the bureau I grabbed her blue friend — the smaller blue vibrator — and introduced it to her pussy lips. She lay motionless, breathing hard, as I slid the small head of her blue friend up and down her dripping slit and then began to slowly slide it into her pussy. The moan of pleasure that escaped her as her sex was penetrated sounded delicious and I knew she was enjoying herself. My cock was almost completely erect again and I knew that I was going to enjoy her ass shortly.

I didn’t play games with her pussy using her blue friend. I might tease her later with the big red one or the blue monster, but for now I just wanted to give her some vaginal pleasure to join her tingling tight ass. I slid her blue friend into her for its full length of about seven inches and stirred it around some. I knew the vibrations in her ass were still bringing her entire crotch pleasure and that her blue friend would feel slightly bigger than it actually was since her ass was still full of the green toy. Once I had her blue friend buried to depth in her pussy I held it in place and pumped it back and forth using small motions. I wanted her to feel more full at that moment and less fucked. By the same token, I wanted to make her cum again before I fucked her backdoor.

Once I was sure she was enjoying being full at both ends I began to fuck her in earnest with her blue friend. I left the green toy alone, four inches in her ass, buzzing gently. Moving to lay down beside her, draping myself over one of her tied thighs, I began pumping her blue friend back and forth in and out of her cunt with a quickening pace until I was moving it as fast as I could. Just as my arm began to get tired I heard her breathing change and felt her muscles tighten as another orgasm washed through her. Just as she had told me she enjoyed most, I pushed her blue friend in as deep as I could get it and held it there until her hips stopped pumping and her thighs stopped quivering. I could literally see her pussy and ass alternately clenching and relaxing around the phalluses penetrating them. By the time Mary’s climax had passed she was sweating pretty well from the exertion of fighting her bonds.

My erection was complete now and I decided it was time to take my pleasure from her backdoor. Leaving her blue friend buried in her pussy I repositioned myself back between her thighs and rubbed some KY on the swollen knob of my cock. Then, after slowly pulling her green toy out of her puckered backdoor, I leaned over her so that I could replace it with my own flesh and blood hot length. I enjoyed the moan of appreciation that escaped my lover as I slid my cock into her relaxed — but still awfully tight feeling — ass. I slide about half my length in, pulled back some of it, and then pushed in my full length. Holding myself buried in her butt and realizing she was missing the buzz of her green toy, I reached under my balls and turned the end of her blue friend so that it began buzzing in her cunt. She didn’t move at first, pinned to the pillows as she was by my cock spearing her ass, but soon she couldn’t control herself and began moving her hips up and down, back and forth.

The position I was in meant that every time I stroked into her backdoor my balls were going to bounce against the end of her blue friend. This served two great purposes that I hadn’t planned. One, it kept her blue friend buried into her pussy, and two, it added to my own pleasure as my balls felt the vibration with every completed thrust.

Her ass was tight and hot as I fucked in and out of her, all the while feeling her blue friend through the thin membrane that separated her front and back channels and feeling the soft buzz of her blue friend throughout. Still, I had already cum once and I knew it was going to take awhile before my second orgasm arrived. The exertion of the position I was in, literally holding my body up on my hands and toes would accelerate the process. Though I started out slow, just enjoying the hot clenching sensation of her backdoor, my pace gradually grew until I was slam-fucking her against the bed. The sounds of pleasure she was making intensified as she came again and I could feel her sphincter clenching and releasing around my shaft as I continued to pump. Her orgasm greatly increased the friction on my length and brought my own climax closer — but I still had a way to go. When her NEXT orgasm washed through her though it was enough to push me over my peak and, contrary to the constant ass pumping I know she likes when she’s cumming, I buried my length balls-deep into her backdoor and launched my thick load of hot cum as deep into her bowels as my manhood could reach. Just like when I cum in her pussy, with every jet of cum hitting her insides she jerked her hips back toward the penetration as if her body was trying to get that cum deeper somehow.

When my climax had passed and my cock began to wilt I slid it slickly out of her ass and relaxed back on my knees between her legs. Her blue friend was still buzzing in her pussy and her ass looked red… raw… freshly fucked — which it indeed was. Before I was through that morning, her cunt lips would look the same. Giving her a gentle love pat on her ass cheek, I climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom to wash my dick. I thought about giving her sex a break by taking out her blue friend before I went, but decided not to. It wasn’t moving… just gently buzzing and I knew she wouldn’t complain about how thoroughly used her pussy would feel when I was done. We had a way to go yet.

As I soaped, scrubbed and rinsed my limp dick I thought about what I had done and was going to do. Essentially Mary had taken two “cocks” in her ass that morning so far. One was the green toy and the other was my real manhood. She’d also had one “cock” in her pussy — her blue friend — but was going to get three more before the morning was over. By lunch she’d have enjoyed two cocks in her ass and four in her pussy. That wasn’t a bad morning experience for not having any other men available.

With myself all cleaned up I returned to the bedroom, pulled her blue friend out of her cunt quickly, listened to her whine of frustration and then took it, along with her green toy, back into the bathroom where I dropped them both in the sink. Mary would clean them later, enjoying the memories of the morning as she did so.

Going back into the bedroom I looked at what I had left — the big red one and the blue monster — and tried to decide which one she was going to take into her cunt first. Perhaps I should let her decide? Hmmm… No. I was having fun and I knew she was thoroughly enjoying herself. After being teased for three days straight Mary would be quite happy to have been fucked by anything we had at hand for as long as I could keep it moving.

Examining my options again I realized that the blue monster was actually the larger of the two toys being thicker in the middle and at least an inch longer in length. The fake phallus also had thick veins running in different directions on each side and I knew how much Mary enjoyed feeling that. The big red one would be first.

Without warning I stuck two fingers into her cunt to make sure she was still wet and relaxed or to see if I should put any lube on the big red one. She was still relaxed and freely flowing her slick love juices — no lube would be necessary. It struck me that she wouldn’t know what was being shoved into her until she felt most of it and for some reason that just turned me on. Taking the big red one in hand I moved the head of it to her pussy slit and rubbed it up and down some to smear her sex oil on it. With each pass over her hot opening I pushed it slightly to get some of her wetness smeared all over the fake cockhead she was getting ready to take.

Satisfied that she’d experience no discomfort from a lack of lubrication I introduced the head of the big red one to her opening and began to push, gently twisting it back and forth as I did so. Her pussy opened for the first three inches before I felt any resistance, and from her moans I knew she was feeling her pussy stretch as this toy opened her up. Her blue friend doesn’t even really fill your hand if you wrap it in your palm, but the big red one is so big around you can barely reach around it if you palm it. I estimated that the difference was almost double and Mary could surely feel her sex being stretched open and filled by this toy.

When I felt the resistance at three inches, I pulled back about an inch and then pushed a little harder, getting about four into her. Before I was done she’d have eight thick inches buried in her cunt and I knew she could still even beg for more. During some of her experiences she’d relaxed her pussy enough to take twelve inch cocks that were as thick as my wrist. We wouldn’t get that far on this particular morning but her pussy would feel stretched and thoroughly filled just the same. With that steady push-two-pull-back-one tempo I had the first seven inches of the big red one buried into Mary in just a few strokes. And although her pussy was stretched open enough to be enjoying it at that point, her pussy hadn’t been stretched DEEP enough to keep enjoying it… unless we worked at it some.

Once I got that seven inches in I held the big red one in place and rotated the end I was holding in small circles. Her already filled cunt was over-stimulated by the friction created on her vaginal walls and when I clicked on the tail cap to activate the vibrator it was enough to push her over the edge. My lover had frequently told me that the intensity of her orgasms was directly related to how full her pussy was when she came. Recognizing that, it was no surprise that this seemed to be her best orgasm of the morning so far. As her pussy spasmed around the thick red shaft I continually rotated the end I was holding but also added a push and pull motion. As her cunt clutched I pulled and when it pulsed open I pushed. The end result was that after her orgasm had passed she had taken all the length of the big red one.

With the entire length and width of the big red one buried in her wetness, and with her pussy nice and relaxed after another orgasm, and finally with lubrication not being a problem at all as her thighs were even shiny with her juices, I began to fuck the toy in and out of her with deep full strokes. I’d pull it out until just the thick head was still splitting her lips and then plunge it back in as fast as I could until the fake balls were pressed against her clit. Realizing that I could only move the phallus so fast because of the position I was in, I repositioned myself off to one side, draping my upper body over Mary’s lower back and allowing myself a much better hold angle to pump it. Once in position I began thrusting the large toy in and out of Mary’s cunt as fast as I could not stopping each thrust until I felt the toy smacking into her swollen pussy lips and erect clit. Between the buzzing of the vibrator — which I turned up to high speed — and the long thick shaft fucking into her stretched cunt — Mary enjoyed another several orgasms until my arm got too tired to keep up the pace. After (I think) three orgasms I buried the toy into her and ground it in deep letting her feel and appreciate the full feeling in her pussy before I turned it off and pulled it out.

It was sheer delight to look down at my lover’s wide spread and tide open crotch to see both of her holes looking well fucked. Her pussy lips were swollen and bright red, slick with her copious juices. Her inner lips were swollen to twice their normal size and hung loosely as a result of having been stretched so wide by the big red one. I knew that everything would return to normal as she recovered, but before that happened she had two more cocks to take into her cunt: the blue monster and my own. I knew mine would be last and that although her pussy was going to be soaked and relaxed, it would still feel as good as ever to use it. And rest assured, after Mary’d had three other cocks fucking her — fake as they may be — I wouldn’t be fucking her with any intention of providing her pleasure. Sure, she’d get some small measure of delight as my 7″ length plunged in and out of her, eventually filling her pussy with my hot seed, but ultimately — by the time I got around to fucking her — she’d have already been more than well fucked and I would only be fucking her for MY pleasure; using her pussy as I saw fit.

So I had to decide how I was going to give her the blue monster. My cock was recovering from my second orgasm but wasn’t quite erect yet and I figured she had some energy she could burn sucking my length to help me finish getting hard… how to work that out and still have her pussy available to be fucked? Sixty-nine seemed the obvious answer, although I had not intention of licking and sucking her KY lubed hole.

Her breathing had almost returned to normal when I got off the bed, grabbed a knife from my bureau and cut the first cord — the one on her right wrist. Moving around the bed I cut the other three: right ankle, left ankle, left wrist. She didn’t move at first, simply laying there looking up at me and my semi-erect cock. “Move over,” I said simply and she did, sliding over to one side of the bed. I noticed that she was careful to keep her legs slightly spread open and I figured it was because her pussy had been over-stimulated somewhat. She probably didn’t want to even close her thighs on the swollen lips right then. Leaving the towels bound around her wrists and ankles — a reminder of how she had just been tied and leaving her thinking that she could be tied again — I laid down on the bed on my back and told her to get over me in a sixty-nine. As she complied I added the warning that she needed to keep her pussy off my face… that she wasn’t getting eaten, but had more pleasure coming as she attended to my growing length.

“Yes, master,” she said as she moved. As she straddled my face I got a perfect look at just how fucked her pussy was and I loved the scent of her wetness although it was still slightly tinged with the smell of the KY. I half thought about taking her into the shower to clean her crotch so I COULD eat her and tongue fuck her ass, but I reminded myself that — at this point — this was no longer about her pleasure. She was going to enjoy some more fucking, but this was all about MY pleasure and she’d attend to that as any good fuck toy should. She put her knees relatively close to the sides of my heads, keeping her pussy high up away from my face but with her thighs still open enough that I had easy access to her hot opening.

“Suck me hard,” I ordered her. She didn’t even acknowledge the command but simply lowered her head, took my shaft in one hand, opened her mouth and took my length into that hungry warm wetness. Because I wasn’t fully erect yet and because she is extremely talented — not to mention proud of her sexual prowess — she took the full length of my cock into her mouth, burying her nose against my shaven balls, and sucking hard as she swirled her tongue around and around.

At the other end I had picked up the blue monster and introduced it to her pussy lips, sliding it back and forth as I had the big red one, spreading her juices and making sure she was adequately wet. As she sucked my length in and out, helping me back to a full erection, I teased her quite a bit with the blue monster, sliding it over her erect clit, watching her jump at the contact on that sensitive bundled of nerves. I waited until she had a good rhythm going sucking my cock and timed my penetration of her cunt with the blue monster to match a downstroke on my length. As I felt the almost fully swollen knob of my cockhead bang against the back of her throat I pushed the first couple of inches of the blue monster into her pussy.

As the thick head and spreading shaft of the phallus pushed into her, opening and stretching her farther even than the big red one had done, I saw her hips begin to pull away from its size, but knew she had no where to go because my cock was pressing into her throat. She was effectively pinned by an erection at both ends… and I knew just how much she loved it.

Being a considerate master I didn’t leave the blue monster buried that first few inches or hold her pinned with my cock nearly choking her, but instead pulled it out in a timely fashion so that she could pop up and breath. “God damn,” I heard her mutter in reaction to how she felt being opened by the blue monster… but she didn’t pause much. She took a deep breath and dove back down on my cock. Her hot hungry mouth felt exquisite as she performed her talents and I repaid her by shoving more of the blue monster into her cunt stretching her open farther than she had been so far anytime that morning.

My second push got her about five inches of thick vibrator and I knew she could feel every fake vein as it slid past her inner lips and rubbed against her vaginal walls. Again, being considerate, I didn’t leave it buried, but quickly pulled it back out — to push it back in just as quickly. My third push got her about six inches; the fourth push seven; the next several pushes only got her eight inches because that was the deepest she’d been stretched by the big red one. To get her that final inch of the blue monster I was going to have to work on it. I took my time doing so, but within a few minutes between her pushing back to take it and me pushing it into her she’d taken the full length of the blue monster and I knew she was loving how full her pussy felt.

Once I had it all into her I rewarded her by turning on the vibrator and gently moving it less than a half inch back and forth, deep in her cunt so that she could feel the buzzing vibration throughout every inch of her stretched full pussy. Her reaction was immediate as she bucked back against it — almost as if she wanted more — and began to cum around it. Her moans of pleasure added to my own pleasure as she buried my cock in her throat throughout her orgasm, barely breathing but constantly bucking as the spasms rocked her body and her pussy pulsed around the thick veined shaft that had invaded her. Her orgasm was long and intense and I did want I could to keep it going by maintaining the quick shallow pumping motion of the blue monster which still remained buried to its full length into her wanting sex.

When or orgasm finally passed and I was sure that my erection was as hard as it was going to get, I slowly pulled the blue monster out of her cunt, told her to let me out from under her and repositioned myself behind her to use her pussy doggy style. I did this for several reasons: 1) it’s her favorite position to be fucked in; 2) I liked to be able to look down to see her winking asshole and stretched pussy lips as I fuck her; and 3) because it offered me the optimum ability to pound into her pussy, using it for my own pleasure and cumming into her whenever I felt ready.

Once behind her I grabbed her hips and angled my cock for entry. Her pussy lips looked stretched and distended and her hole was open enough that I wouldn’t need to hold my cock to guide it in. If I got in the vicinity her hungry cunt would welcome my cockhead and the rest of my shaft would follow. I slid the swollen knob of my cock into her swollen inner lips and heard her gasp. She was still soaking wet so I assumed the gasp simply meant she was overly sensitive from all the fucking she’d had. I knew she loved it and would take my cock even if her pussy was burning raw. Such is the devotion of my fuck toy to the pleasure of her master.

Holding her hips in place with both hands I looked down as her delicious ass and slowly slid my cock into her depths. Her pussy was definitely well fucked; relaxed; hot; wet; slick; open for the using. Once I’d gotten my full length into her I ground it around only for a moment and heard her groan out, “Yes, master… please fuck me.” With a smile I granted her wish.

Pulling her hips with every thrust I began banging my cock in and out of her used cunt as fast and as hard as I could, feeling my full balls bang against her swollen pussy lips and clit with every thrust. Since this would be my third orgasm of the morning I knew it wouldn’t happen fast and tried to pace myself so that I could continue to give her a good fucking throughout. My lover / fuck toy came twice more as I pounded into her sex, once helping herself a long with a couple of gentle fingers rubbing her clit. As her second orgasm passed I felt her hand reach farther under to caress and massage my nutsack, almost as if she was trying to squeeze the cum out of me.

When my orgasm began to build my cock grew just a little more — as it always does — and Mary felt the change — as she always can. A soft moan escaped her as she thought about what that swelling meant: soon she’d feel my cock jetting hot thick ropes of cum against her well used pussy walls and she’d moan again as she felt the heat spear her. I wasn’t there yet though and continued to fuck with all the energy I could muster. The sweat was dripping off my forehead and running down my face to drip off my chin — all of it landing on her sexy curvaceous ass while I continued to fuck.

And then finally I came again… my cock seizing in pleasure before jumping repeatedly with each jet of hot juice I fired into her. With every spit of cum my cock delivered Mary’s body jerked back in pleasure just as it always did. I hadn’t expected my third orgasm to be long or very intense but it was both and I was proud of myself as I delivered a good six to ten spurts of sticky seed into her body. A small voice in the back of my head thought about the one I had shot on her face earlier and the second that I had fired off into her ass. With the exception of her throat, she’d taken a load of my cum in every orifice this morning… and maybe, the small voice said, I could deliver another load into her throat later that day or perhaps at bed time.

As my wilting cock slid out of her more than thoroughly used cunt I pushed on Mary so that she laid down on her belly. Collapsing just off to one side of her I laid with one leg through over hers and one arm draped across her back. She turned her head to look at me, her eyes showing that twinkle they always have when she feels so sexually used and pleasured. “Thank you, master,” she said in a heavy breath.

“You’re welcome, fuck toy,” I said with a smile. We both caught our breath for a minute before I continued. “Was it worth the three days of frustrating torture?” I asked her with a grin.

“Oh, yes,” she replied with a smile. “Although I may still need some more later to make sure I’m completely satisfied and have relieved all the frustrations.”

“We can work on that,” I said with a smile of my own. I gestured at the toys still in the room and then swept my arm toward the bathroom to include the other two toys in my motion. “There are still four hard cocks here to please you…” and then I gestured down at my own wilting length to add, “And another that will probably be available after some food and rest.”

“Mmmm…” she groaned out. “I think they may all need to work more later,” she said. “The only way to keep my pussy from being sore in the morning is to make sure it’s well fucked tonight.”

With a smile I said, “I see,” and then chuckled. “Maybe your pussy would be happier with four REAL cocks instead of four fake ones?”

“It always has been,” my lover smiled. “But that’s your choice as the master, and my place to take them as the slave.”

At that we chuckled together. We both knew I’d never make Mary do anything she didn’t want to do, but we also both knew that she loved sex in all its forms and was willing to try anything if it made her body feel good. I had no intention of finding four guys to fuck her that evening although I certainly could have with just a few emails or phone calls. Instead I was thinking that maybe she needed to put on a show, pleasuring herself with the four toys while I took pictures and ran the video camera. I knew I’d get to fuck her when she was done and it occurred to me that we’d then have a nice “warm up” video to show any group of guys that we ever did get together to take care of her needs. She’d been gangbanged before and I knew she would be again one day…

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Goodhead Farm Pt 03

We were married a month later, a small ceremony, with an unusual twist. The prenuptual agreement she signed had nothing to do with money, it guaranteed that she could never accuse me of raping her, that she would give in to me at all times, obediently, as a wife should. Tonight was our first night in the honeymoon sweet, she still wore her bridal gown, her tiara, coming straight from the wedding. We entered the honeymoon suite and she kissed me quickly, on the lips, before rushing off to the...

4 years ago
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Goodhead Farm Pt 01

Chapter 0: Introductions Farmwork was always hard, and never harder than at this place. Every day for a week, by evening I was sweating like a horse, hungry, and horny. The woman who employed me here, Mrs. Goodhead, was a widow who lived alone with her 18 year old daughter. The husband had passed away a couple years ago, but they still hired staff to run the place. I fixed things, and when there was nothing to fix, I did farmwork. Every night the woman made me a good meal, and I ate with her,...

3 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 2

The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer’s outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...

2 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can’t stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn’t all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

3 years ago
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Tonygoodbody forfeit

Re Tony’s forfeit As Tony had failed to keep up the agreed full hour of mutual sexual gratification without exploding into the very meaty dripping wet pussy of the very hard to fully satisfy Gemma. On saying that you would need to be a very well-endowed and more importantly very hard to keep it in without it dropping out. She can usually go through several explosive orgasm with either someone who is very good or at the same time several mere mortals who are average especially if more than one...

3 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 2

The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer's outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn't all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Shes sitting there in the corner of my eye asking why I have to make a mess she knows my cakes take time to prepare bake and set. Whisking the eggs fluffing my batter she waits my forearms tighten cute bakers hat shaking my good mood to much to resist. Come here for a second she calls out to me. Hold on is my reply. Set my pans in the oven turn around her body pins up mine. Gimme a kiss. So I do slip to the side and be rude let me go take a shower. I wash the flour out my hair take a moment and...

1 year ago
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Good Porn! Ah, the appeal of free things! It doesn't matter whether it's a new pair of pants or a car; free stuff makes everyone happy. What if you could get something that you actually wanted for free? You know, something like free porn? That's right. You know The Porn Dude is your number one destination when it comes to finding the best portals for free smut. I spend long hours on the darkest parts of the internet looking for places where you can stroke your prick chaffed without worrying...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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Goodbye Wife Hello Fuckbuddy

Hi I am Jimmy Cooper divorced Parsi Male 37 living in Mumbai.This true story happened 6 years back.I had just been divorced and lonely. I turned to the internet to find anyone to talk to. I don’t remember when or how I began chatting with Leena – but she was funny, easy to chat with, smart, seductive and sexy. She sent me a couple pictures of her, nothing to sexy, but enough to get a good idea of her body type, her smile and her eyes. I am a sucker for a nice smile and a contagious laugh and...

1 year ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapt 4 The Clusterfuck

Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...

1 year ago
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My first tranny assfuck

This is the story of the first time I got butt fucked by a tranny...In my early twenties, I'd gotten in the habit of visiting strip clubs for a bit and then picking up a hooker for a quick blowjob. At home, my jerk sessions were always pretty dirty (I love eating my cum) but more and more frequently involved toys and ass-play. I was also starting to explore transsexual porn.Over time I was noticing an increasing number of trans and CD/TV hookers on the street but hadn't yet hooked up with any...

3 years ago
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How I Became His Office Fucktoy

Every day now at my lunch break I service one of my many Daddies in his office in the building where I work. He'll always slip me a few bucks, a $20 or even $50 afterwards, not as a payment for sex, but as a "tip" "for all the hard work you do here," he says. I work in the parking garage connected to the building this 50-something rich, handsome, budding attorney has an office in, doing cleaning, maintenance, and customer service which mostly entailed finding people a parking space or finding...

1 year ago
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B33r Wife fuckslut

The following occurred on Saturday April 16th 2011. It is true and it was hot. I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5?7? 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young c***dren and just don?t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the k**s at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue...

4 years ago
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My wife Elaine is 19, petite with long black hair, small but very firm tits and keeps her pussy shaved. She likes to have sex with strangers in strange places and in public. She gets her excitement from being used, abused and humiliated in front of people The more people who see her, the more she likes it.We had been married for a little under a year before I found out about her eccentricities. We where very happy (or so I thought) and I had no reason to suspect her of any infidelities. That is...

3 years ago
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An asshole and the german fuckslut

This is a requested story, Janin Wanted to know what I would do if we ever meet.I had been going to the broken down shabby old restaurant for a couple of days in a row now, it was perfect for what I wanted to do, never any people between four and five except for me and the brown haired waitress that always tried to get may attention when I was there.I had indulged in some causal flirting so far, stringing her along to give me a free beer with my early...

4 years ago
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Sharing My Fuckslut

It was a cold, breezy January night, and we exchanged flirty smiles as we walked into the bar, looking forward to meeting our tall strong stranger. Her beautiful painted eyes were sparkling with anticipation and lust. I could feel my cock stiffen against the denim of my jeans as we searched the room for the man who had come to meet us. "There," I whispered into her ear. She looked deep into my eyes and grabbed my hand and she led me through the crowd to the small table in the corner where our...

3 years ago
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Vicki decent gang fuckmeat

I’m in my 50s and lead a loose group of guys who meet now and again to use mature sluts. Vicki was recommended to me by a friend of a friend who had gangfucked her a few times and I was impressed with photos and a video of her being used . Mid 40s sexy curly bonde hair, quite attractive, slim but with decent tits and a dirty smiles. Anyway, I emailed her, mentioning who had suggested her, and she got back to me a week or so later. I told her that we are all doms and quite brutal at times but...

2 years ago
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Sat Afternoon Fuckfest

It was a hot Saturday afternoon. I had just comeback from running a few errands, and was laying back on the bed for a rest. I had the fan going as the air conditioner wasn’t getting the cool air around the house. Andrea comes up after putting a movie on for the k**s. She’s all hot and bothered. I’m wearing my shorts and am OK, but she’s wearing her jeans and a white top. She rushes in and goes to the bathroom, takes off her top and pants to reveal a sheer white DD Bra and dark green hip hugging...

4 years ago
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The Towns Annual Fuckfest

Dinner was served, before Mayor Goode got up to talk. He welcomed all the new-comers and told us that we are seated amongst two couples from town who know the way of the evening. Mayor Goode then walked around chatting with all of us newbies. Sandy and George talked with Bill and Annie, who are also new. The other couple from town were off setting up the screen and computer. A waiter came around and brought 4 cans of whipped cream, chocolate syrup and lube; along with marichino cherries,...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Fan FuckFest

Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Fan Fuckfest

Friday Night Fan Fuckfest an original story inspired by comments by cocklover47Kiki and Ty were one hot ass black couple. Not only did they look hot, they were hot. Hot and nasty. They had become stars in the underground porn scene. Ty had been a gangbanger, and in that life discovered that niggas liked his dick as much as bitches did. Kiki loved that fact about Ty. She herself loved pussy, and loved the fat that her man was so free, that he would...

4 years ago
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Daddys New Fucktoy

The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her hairbush like an animal. The handle was coated with her sweet pussy juice. She reached between her legs and rubbed herself for a minute, getting her hand coated in her cum before...

3 years ago
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Daddys New Fucktoy

Introduction: Lily gets a fucked from her daddy Oh…oh…mmm…fuck me, oh, yes! Lily moaned, imaginging she was the pornstar in the video getting her pussy reamed by the thick cock. The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her...

3 years ago
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Cockdaddy and Fucktoy

He was on his way to come see me, he had certain commands that I knew I needed to follow. I had to be on my knees on the floor, my mouth open and tongue out ready and waiting for him. My tits were to be exposed and I was to be naked or dressed in a sexy outfit for him. I was ready, waiting, getting more excited and wet as each second passed. My body was aching for his touch. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as his car pulled into the driveway. I stirred in my spot on the floor, trying to...

4 years ago
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Riverbank Tranny Fucktoy

Hello to all of you that read my first true story about outdoor sex. This is another account of a meeting I had in the middle of a city near a river. It was late one summers evening when I met up with this sexy young Portugese stud I had been messaging on a gay dogging site. I had been chatting to Fillipe for a couple of hours, and we were both getting hornier and hornier with each new message that we sent. It was me that asked if he would like to meet that night, and he of course said yes....

1 year ago
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Sadists Fire Canto Two and Three Sadists Fucktoy

Ezra The way our thing started has never sat well with me when I try to tell the story, to myself or to others. How would I say it? At first, I was irritated because there had been obvious possession in Morgan’s touch when he introduced her to me and I knew he and Trish were looking to bring another into their relationship. They were two married Doms who wanted a submissive third to have together and the little dark haired girl, with a barcode and the word N9ne tattooed on her back, was...

1 year ago
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Caroline was cumming again. It seemed as though she could feel every inch of her body all at once. Every bead of sweat running down her ever improving body, the pull of her hairband tight around her straight brown hair, her tits bouncing almost violently with the motion of her body. Caroline could feel it all as she looked behind her at her son Clayton, 22 years her junior and barely able to keep up with her. As her orgasm passed Caroline couldn't help but think of how much she loved their time...

2 years ago
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Fair Trade Man Is Forced To Watch His Wife Fucke

Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...

3 years ago
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Part Two Her husband pissed her off so she fucke

Cristy our receptionist was on all fours in the supply closet, getting revenge against her cheating husband by taking my cock in her pussy and letting two other guys switch off in her mouth.She had just told us she wouldn't do it in the butt when our boss, Anne, walked in on us, smirked at my co-workers' dicks, looked greedily at mine, and stripped off her dress, revealing a strapless bra and knee-high boots. She was about 5'8", with reddish brown hair styled short, an aerobicized ass and pubic...

3 years ago
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A Goth Girl and the Three Wise Fuckers

My name is Bry and I work as a receptionist in a large corporation. I am outgoing in my personality, but it wasn't always the way. I had a pretty rough time of it in high school. I was a bit short and chubby and certainly not one of the 'cool k**s', and was constantly teased. I was very nerdy in my bland prescription glasses. The girls were always worse than the boys with their insidious taunts. My big breasts made sport uncomfortable, but I soon learnt that they had significant advantages in...

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