Chastity Belt Roulette
- 4 years ago
- 36
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"I'm sending you a package " Steven said...
"Promise me, you'll put it on when you get it and wear it till I get home?"
Young 25 year old Lisa promised and the recently married couple hung up. Steven was the CEO of several overseas companies and would be away for several months. After being single most of her adult life, Lisa was ok with that as long as the gifts and checks kept coming in. In less then two weeks, Steven had sent her jewelery, clothing, even new appliances and the big TV delivered only yesterday. She couldn't imagine what else she could get, but she was sure it would be expensive.
Two days later the large box arrived by special courrier. Lisa signed for it and immedietly ripped it open in the living room. She just stared at it for a moment, yes, it was surely expensive but it wasn't anything like she had ever seen before. As she picked it up and examined it, she started getting excited, not like the diamond bracelet or fancy clothes excited. This was different.
In the 3 years they were married, there were no secrets between Lisa and her husband. Lisa even revealed her deepest, most intimate fantasy to him.....her interest in chastity. It was Lisas most intense fantasy to be locked into a chastity device and controlled by a lover, willingly of course to be his slave, to serve and service him, and locked up at the same time. Steven was naturally dominant and Lisa loved submitting to him. When Steven announced he would be gone for a long time, Lisa even searched on line for a device to wear, but she still hadn't found one before he left.
Now she was in fantasy heaven. She tore thru the box and removed the accessories and found the instruction book. She was so excited to get into the device she raced thru what she thought she already knew in the instructions and started putting her new toy together.
First was a vaginal plug. Three of them were included, and Lisa tried them all on for size. The longest was almost 10 inches long, using the included lube, she slipped it into her pussy and grunted loudly. The thing was huge and almost 2 inches too long to fit it all inside her. When she pulled it out, she licked her own juices off of it and picked up another one.
The second one, about 5 inches long was way too short. She felt like Goldylocks, trying the beds of the 3 bears. She finally added a special stimulation sleeve over it and slid the nice 7 inch dildo into her pussy and purred as her body closed around it. Along its length were rows of soft tiny little rubber bristles that moved around inside her as she moved. Certainly any length of time with this inside her woud drive her crazy! There was still room inside her, in fact, the instructions suggested that as she wore the device for a while, different positions would change the way she was filled with the device on. Lisa pulled the heavy dildo out and into the belt then twisted it in place. It locked with a loud click and she even felt a vibration for a second as the dildo became part of the chastity belt.
The anal plug was already attached. Lisa wasn't too sure about the was awful big with about a 1 inch hole thru it. No doubt for bowel movements she thought but she never really explored the details, she really wanted to get the device on! Lisa pulled the protective plastic strips off the inside of the waist belt and noticed the little silver dots all around the inside of the belt. She looked hastily in the instructions and discovered that these were body temperature sensors designed to keep the belt at the same temperature as the wearers body.
She took a quick recommended shower, powdered herself, lubed up her pussy, and her asshole with the included lube and stood there admiring herself in the mirror a moment. She was beautifull, just under 5'10", a strong athletic 110 pounds with long legs and small but pert breasts. Lisa especially admired her pussy. She had a baby smooth mound that protruded outwards from her tight body, with a clean neat slit . She rubbed herself, taking a moment to touch her clit bringing her level of arrousal even higher. She considered giving herself a quick orgasm, it wouldn't take much, but she decided to keep that arrousal until she was locked up. Surely the dildo and that thing in her ass would give her more than enough to cum later.
Back in the living room. Lisa was trembling with excitement. She couldn't wait to get that dildo into her pussy but she was a little unsure about the butt plug!! Lisa stepped into the soft rubber and shiny chrome steel device and slid it up onto her body. She paused then aligned a small rubber tube up to and into her urethera so she could pee and continued. When the dildo touched her pussy, she gasped, and raised it more until the tip of the butt plug was at her asshole. The lube for her ass was actually a slight numbing lube, designed to make it easier to get the bulk of the plug past her tight hole. She took a deep breath, and pulled the belt upwards.
It was a good thing she was alone she thought, she grunted and growled as the massive plug entered her asshole. Only halfway in, she couldn't take anynore. Lisa grunted and tried to relax, but the plug was too big. Finally she looked around, waddled halfway impaled across the living room and dropped her weight onto the low coffee table! She screamed and fell to the floor in pain! She was horribly stuffed. The plug was inside her now but her tiny asshole was still stretched around its fat base.
"OH NO!.....OH......NO!" she grunted aloud.
She tried to push the plug out, she couldn't stand her asshole stretched open, she had to get the plug out! Lisa pushed, and grunted and cried, but it wouldn't budge. She crawled in pain to the instructions and tore to the pages describing initial fit/anal.
"Please allow up to 15 minutes after initial insertion" the book read...
"A special water base dissolvable coating on the plug will be absorbed by your body and the coarse surface of the plug will assure a permanant placement."
"PERMANANT!!?" Lisa screamed.....
She rolled back onto the floor, and slowly pulled the belt up to her waist. The pain inside her was subsiding but it would take a long time for her to accept something the size of a football permantly inside her ass! Taking a deep breath, Lisa sucked in her tummy and clicked the belt closed around herself. She slowly started to breath again and realized that around her waist anyway, the device was actually quite comfortable. She wiggled a little adjusting to the dildo in her pussy, She could feel a raised area inside the belt right at her clit. It was round, like a soft "U", and it was perfectly located right at the top of her slit.
Lisa laid there a moment as the pain inside her ass subsided, but the presence of the plug inside her was still very constant. She sat up a moment and actually managed to stand up. She was so full inside....front and back. she walked like a duck, but her normal stride returned after about 5 minutes and some adjusting. She tried to reach for her pussy, she wanted to touch herself, find her clit and retrieve the orgasm she denied herself in the bathroom earlier. She couldn't even get a finger into the belt. She sucked in her belly again but it didn't help, the rubber lining seemed to expand and stay snug around her. Inside her pussy, those tiny little bristles seemed alive, every move she made, every time she squeezed her pussy around the dildo, they wiggled and tickled.
Suddenly the belt......clicked. It scared her, then it clicked again and actually began to vibrate for a second. As soon as Lisa thought she could cum to the vibration, it stopped. Lisa moved to a large mirror in the hallway and looked down. On the front of the belt, a tiny orange light was blinking. Seconds later a blue light was blinking beside it. She reached down to examine them to discover they were built in and covered, she couldn't feel anything but the smooth surface of the belt. As she watched, both lights stopped and a third, green light came on and stayed on.
Lisa really jumped when a soft female voice filled the room. She turned in shock but no one was there, she was alone. The TV was off, the stereo was off too, but the voice continued.
Looking down, Lisa discovered that the voice...was coming from the chastity belt! A fresh wave of cramps tore thru her backside and Lisa bent over in pain. She grunted and pushed against the huge plug in her ass but it didn't help. Every 30 seconds the voice between her legs kept asking for the command code. Lisa returned to the instructions and looked up command code in the index. The book instructed call a toll free number.
"Uh...hello?" she grunted into the phone.
"This is operator 33, how can I help you?"
The voice was female, at least she didn't have to talk to a man! She could only imagine telling a man she was at home with a butt plug in her ass and she didn't know what to do!!
"My name is Lisa" she started.....
"I....uh.....have this .......thing..on......and...uh...."
"Are you wearing a device?"
"A device....yeah" Lisa stammered.
Lisa gave her all the info she asked for, model and serial numbers including her name and adress and even phone number then when she asked for the purchasers name and Lisa gave her Stevens name...things went sour.
"We have no record of that purchaser" the operator said.
"Then" Lisa grunted angrily.
"Who...DID buy it?!"
"I'm sorry...we cannot reveal that information"
"Well somebody bought it, because I'm wearing it right now!" Lisa barked.
"You....have it..on?"
"YES!...and it keeps asking for a command code...why is this thing talking to me?"
Lisa explained that the device clicked and the orange and blue lights were blinking and then the green light came on. The operator was silent for a moment and Lisa could hear other people on the line as well.
"Are you going to help me or not?" Lisa demended.
"I have this....thing on.....theres a dildo in my belly and a plug the size of a fucking basketball in my ass....and its talking to me.......and you can't tell me who it even came from?"
Lisa was sure she heard laughing in the background then the operator was silent for a moment, and she returned to the line.
"According to the serial number you gave me" the operator said.
"You are wearing a Secure-All 6000, its the top of the line fully electronic chastity system, its the best we make"
"Well good for you..." Lisa grunted.
"Where did it come from? I thought my husband sent it. I mean...I...we...kinda share this....FUCK!....if he didn't buy it. who did, and why was it sent to me?"
"Our records are quite confidential, the buyers information cannot be revealed unless you have their account password"
"I don't even know!"
"I'm sorry. I cannot give you that information, however we can help you program the device"
The operator was typing something on her computer and the device was clicking and recieving the information electronically. After about 5 minutes, the operator returned to Lisa.
"The comand code has been entered" she explained.
"So now what?" Lisa asked
"You must give the device a can communicate with it verbally"
"What? mean talk to it?.....does it do?" Lisa asked.
"You have limited far as...well.....feeedback, as to how you are feeling or reacting to the will have to inform the device as to your needs for bodily functions, and discomfot or pain you are experiencing, the device will also alert you to any programs activated. There are adjustments and some functions you can request but they are rather limited "
"What about the ...unlimited functions?" Lisa asked.
"Does someone else...have more control than I do?"
"The administrator, that is, whoever purchased the device has authority control. Its programmed by him, or her and all functions are controlled by a simple cell phone or computer. It can be done anywhere in the world, however the controller is usually someone near you, perhaps someone you know, who can monitor and observe you."
"This is insane!" Lisa growled.
"OK. so how do I take this"
"Take don't" the operator said almost giggling.
"The 6000 is a permanant device, didn't you read the red warning book in the instructions before you put it on? There are approximately 40 built in batteries built into the waist band, those are the little silver spots you might have noticed around the waistband, thats enough to keep it powered for around 30 years, your own body heat actually recharges them as you wear it and the plug in your rectum has a special coarse covering that by now has already bonded to the tissies inside you and can only be surgically removed."
Lisa was silent for a long moment.....then she had to ask.
"Well I shouldn't tell you this but I will" the operator said.
"The device is programmable by the controller to give you or deny you sexual pleasure. Its currently set to allow you....lets see.....3 orgasms every 24 hours, any more than that will be denied, blocked, however the controller can over ride that and give as many as he, or she wants you to have. The controller can actually block you from cumming, or you can be forced to have an orgasm you don't want. Be very carefull about being out in public if you know what I mean"
And how am I supposed to cum if I can't even get to my myself"
"You must give the device a name" the operator repeated.
"Then you merely talk to it, tell it what you want. A regional supervisor will be contacting you with more, uh, details, soon. Good Luck my dear, have a nice chastity life and welcome to the Secure-all family"
Lisa sat back in total shock for almost an hour. A hundred questions raced thru her panicked mind. Who sent this? Who controls this? What is she going to tell Steven? Finally she verbally entered a numerical code the operator gave her to the device and waited. It beeped a couple times , then the soft female voice spoke to her.
"Please tell me your name" it asked
"I'm Lisa" she whispered.
"Hello Lisa, and what is my name?"
"Pussy" Lisa responded after thinking a few moments.
"If I'm going to talk to it, I might as well call it what it is" Lisa whispered to herself.
"I like that name" she whispered.
Lisa started with every question she could imagine trying to find out who the device came from but was told every time that Pussy did not have that information. Pussy explained some of her vibrations from mild to wild, how to assist with bodily functions and even a wake up alarm programmable by Lisa herself. Pussy explained that Lisa merely had to inform "her" when she had to treleve herself, so pussy could open or close the hole in the butt plug to allow bowel movements, or open the outlet of her urethera insert so she could pee. Finally Lisa cleanrd up the packing material and sat back on the couch to relax.
"Pussy" she said.
"I want to cum"
"You have 3 orgasms available" Pussy whispered
"Well I fucking WANT one NOW!" she grunted.
"I am authorized to allow you an introductary orgasm" Pussy then announced.
"There is no need for profanity. Try to remember who and where I am"
"This wil be an initial demonstration of my functions including the blocking function. This program is set to 30 minutes......please stand by"
"Pussy?" Lisa asked
"Explain the blocking function"
"The blocking function is a slow stimulation process designed to increase your sexual arrousal over a 30 minute period, you will be brought to the point of orgasm but denied for the full 30 minutes. After your orgasm has been denied, you will be electronically blocked for approximately 4 hours."
"What if I REALLY need to won't let me?, you keep me on the fucking brink for half an hour and then just quit?!"
"The blocking function is controlled by the administrator" Pussy repeated.
"After a blocked session you must wait 4 hours to attempt an orgasm again"
"OK" Lisa groaned.
"Make me cum ...NOW.......please"
"Initiating orgasm sequence, please stand by."
Chastity Belt Roulette Chapter One In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands andwives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose ofthe evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete andabsolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while thehusbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, eachhusband is locked into a very secure and non-removable chastity belt,which can only be unlocked with the proper...
Synopsis: My wife puts me in a chastity device.Chapter 1My wife of 10 years likes to tie me down to the bed and play-torture me with different whips, a paddle to my butt, and that sort of thing. It isn’t that painful and gets her ready for our weekly sex. One time she tried a clothespin on my nipple but that hurt like hell and I immediately screamed the safe word so she took it off. I don’t mind this playtime because without it we’d have even less sex. Weekly isn’t enough for me so I masturbate...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 08bychastity_sissy©"So, that is what you fantasize about? Having my hot boyfriend and me making you our little sissy bitch? Pathetic," my Ex said flipping through the pages of the story I had submitted to her, while I worshipped her sweaty pantyhosed feet per our already established agreement.I still couldn't believe an Ex of mine was actually a hot Hooters girl. Being one with a small, tiny, thing for uniforms, I couldn't believe I had let this one slip...
CHASTITY TRAPPED by Throne My wife Dina was checking to make sure I'd picked up all the items she had requested from the local market earlier. She was happy with the snacks and desserts, and what I'd gotten at their deli. But she stopped and scrutinized the fancy cheeses I had bought. I stood there, still in my street clothes. To get a head start on preparations, as soon as I got home I had put a touch of blush on my cheeks and a hint of shade on my eyelids. She gave me a critical...
On the day of Chastity’s birthday she snuck out of the house just before dawn to ride her horse Winchester. She put his bridle on and took off. She needed to clear her head and figure out what to do next. For she knew her parents were going to choose a man for her to marry. Riding Winchester always made her feel better, the wind through her hair always made her nipples hard; And the gentle rubbing of her clit on the bare back of a horse always made her forget for a bit, who she was and what was...
If you are not of a proper age, don't read this. Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Jay and Janet were happily married until Jay.... Chastity By Janet Baker I'm twenty five, so is my husband. We met in college, married after graduation. I started to work, my husband Jay went on for his Phd in software operating system design subsequently starting to work in a neighboring city. His credentials and his...
Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity BeltCategories Bondage FemdomSynopsis Jay and Janet were happily married until Jay?. Chastity By Janet BakerI?m twenty five, so is my husband. We met in college, married after graduation. I started to work, my husband Jay went on for his Phd in software operating system design subsequently starting to work in a neighboring city. His credentials and his drive moved him up in salary and gained the...
It was the day after my 24th birthday when I decided it was time to get my life on track. I knew if I wanted to be successful in the long run, I'd need a certificate from one of the top schools in the country.These days, very few women would ever consider dating a man who didn't have decent certification. In fact, most employers now, won't even look at your resume unless you have certification from at least a mid-level chastity school.I'd been putting it off until now, but not having one was...
BDSMThis contract serves as an agreement between Anna J (Date of Birth 14 April 1998) - herein referred to as “The Wearer” and xxxx herein referred to as the “Keyholder”. The Wearer submits of her own FREE WILL to this Chastity Contract and we jointly agree to the following terms and conditions as set out in this Contract which we have signed below.INTRODUCTIONThe Keyholder hereby agrees that he will procure at his cost a ‘made to measure’ chastity belt produced by a company such as My Steel,...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholderbychastity_sissy©Several days off. I was looking forward to it. The days off had been meant for something else, but those plans fell through. Now, I had the weekend plus several extra days. I could barely contain myself as I was excited to try out the new toy I had recently purchased.As soon as I got to my apartment, I checked with the management building and sure enough, the package was there. Before I could do anything else, I had the package opened on my table...
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CHASTITY & FEMINIZATION PRODUCT TESTER by Throne "But I'm only going to be out of work for two weeks during the reorganization," I told my wife Annie. "And they're still paying me. So I won't really be..." "Dear," she cut me off. "I don't like the idea of you being idle. Remember what happened when I was away at my sister's? For only two days?" "Honey, nothing happened. You know Tess next door is kind of... a nympho. She thinks every guy wants to jump into bed with...
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Chastity and I had been a couple. We lived together for two years and enjoyed a wonderful sex life before it ended. I was certain then I would never see her again. It was a shock when she reappeared in my life. I was working in the city at a daily newspaper. I was a member of a journalists’ club that stayed open after closing time, and often went there after work to have a drink. It was only half past eleven, but I preferred the club because it was quieter than the bars. I was sitting at the...
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I sit writing this story with my cock locked in a cage and my wife out for the evening with the key on her keychain. I thought I would write down a few things about why, how, and what not from my perspective. The first thing is that I have no intention of wearing a chastity device to follow anyone elses path or reasons, I enjoy reading why others have taken the leap and how it affects their daily lives though. Mainly for me there is a difference between stories of a dominant woman and a male...
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Published by JustFourInches on 10.16.20This is a continuation of “Dr. White Begins Chastity Treatment” found here: erection did not subside at all on my way home. I was on fire after having been humiliated for my small penis by beautiful Dr. White, Nurse Donna, and Morgan, the cute nursing student who took pictures of me naked to share with her class. I was possibly more turned on than ever before, and also very curious...
I’m encouraged to squeeze into a chastity that’s too small, by having my balls smacked with a spoon by a mean, difficult, princess. Miss Sandra and Miss Susan enter the room. I’ve been told to take off my clothes, except for my pink lacy panties and of course the cock cage (which I can’t remove - Susan has the keys). Miss Sandra and Miss Susan enter the room. I’ve been told to take off my clothes, except for my pink lacy panties and of course the cock cage (which I can’t remove -...
BDSMChastity Belt Roulette------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1 In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands and wives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose of the evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete and absolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while the husbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, each husband is locked into a very secure and nonremovable chastity...
Chastity Pantiesl Girl asks guy to wear magical panties while she is away which guarantees he won't be sleeping with other girls. --------------- I have always been a guy, and loved being a guy. I have always enjoyed being the physically dominant gender, but not in a bad way. I like being able to lift heavy things for my girlfriend. I like playing sports such as football. And I like being physically dominant in the bedroom, which my girlfriend has never complained about. I...
Published by HornyHubby05 on 12.6.20This is a continuation of “Dr. White Begins Chastity Treatment” found here: erection did not subside at all on my way home. I was on fire after having been humiliated for my small penis by beautiful Dr. White, Nurse Donna, and Morgan, the cute nursing student who took pictures of me naked to share with her class. I was possibly more turned on than ever before, and also very curious to see how...
THE TUNNEL OF TERRORIn the late summer, just before school started, Veronica always went to the state fair with her friends. This year she set off for the fair early one hot, summer morning with her friends, Jane and Diane. They laughed and talked all the two hour ride to get there. Arriving at the fair, they joined the crowd of people circling the dusty midway lined with food stands, rides, and other amusements. By late afternoon, the three of them were getting bored, until they stumbled...
My terror Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I felt the terror deep. Way down inside, searing my soul and sending shock waves through my body, making me shiver while sweat poured down my back. I stepped out into the cool night air expecting some relief, and there was, a little, until I heard the door slide open behind me. I froze, unwilling to see the face of my doom, yet, there was no way back in unless I turned around. I stood there, my hands clasped in front of my skirt, my...
My Terror Synopsis: After finishing his role as a Christmas Elf, Ronald Leonard Montgomery finds himself facing a terror from his families past that took his parents. Now he must defeat it, or be killed. [-][+][-] I had the chauffeur to drive the limousine through the opened solid iron gate into the driveway that divided the barren, stony ground with only dead bushes and dead trees and a broken birdbath, leading to the front porch before leading around the ancient Victorian mansion to...
Kinlee was a curious minx that courted mischief. Her father, having caught her at a tender age curiously fondling the unspeakable parts of a handsome if dull guard, had sought to protect the value of his property. Thus, Kinlee had found herself swiftly burdened with a gold chastity belt and her budding sensuality curtailed. To a point. For the golden belt clasped possessively around her tiny waist had two thin bands that crisscrossed between her legs and framed the dimples on her behind in the...
My name is Ted. I'm in my twenties and live in the Pacific Northwest. As of this moment, I have been totally chaste for 45 days. My cock, well I guess I should call it my penis, as cock doesn't seem fitting for something that's hardly used, has been locked away in my chromed Walter Goethals belt. My penis is the property of Tanya. She has had control of my orgasms for the past ten months. Let me tell you, it has been the greatest torment of my life. I met her on the Internet. We discovered that...
Chastity Panties (2) Returning The Favor --------------- This is the conclusion to "Chastity Panties". If you have not already read it, it might be in your best interest to read it first so you have a better understanding of what is going on. If not, I have still made this story readable by adding a bit of a review of the previous story at the beginning. Without giving anything away, this story falls into a category that some people may find distasteful. I apologize for this...
CHASTITY IN PANTIES by Throne My wife Rosy loves me but she can be soooo wicked. Even before we got married she figured out that I love to be feminized. Smart gal. We dated for several months but, once she put me into panties, made me sashay around her bedroom, and then put me into the role of her sex slave, I was hooked. Not that I didn't love her in other ways, but that was the clincher. Anyway, we got married, with me wearing a mesh body stocking under my rented tux. The...
This is my first story; both positive and negative comments are appreciated, If there are any grammatical errors please ignore them Chapter 1 He was standing there waiting for Kelly to come to him , he had done this everyday for the past two months , since the day he had seen her working in the coffee shop , he made it a point to visit it every day just to look at her , hear her say hello and serve him . Kelli was a 22 year old college student who used to work at the coffee shop as a part...
*** Emily kissed Mark as he walked in the door. "How was your day, babe?" she asked. Mark groaned. "Long. More accounts to run, the latest shipments didn't go out on time, and my boss wasn't even at the office today." His boss. Emily bit her lip again. "Oh, and I have to work this weekend. So there's that." He was not in a good mood. Emily knew she'd have to be delicate with this. She took his briefcase from his hand and set it down. "Come on in and relax, babe....
This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Tales of Terror By Paul G Jutras FRIDAY TERROR Paul's mother always yelled at him when she caught him trying to shave his legs or when he went out about town in her hats or jewels; especially her feminine headbands, ankle bracelets and barrettes. That was when she decided to teach him a lesson. She said one night as Paul went to bed that she should...
A little bit of history first. This is part truth part fiction, I?m not sure I can or want to separate the two. I spent my pre-school days growing up in the early sixties; Kennedy was assassinated when I was five years old. I grew up in a small town in the North West, population all of 11,000. Back then, neighborhoods were meant to play in and we pretty much had the run of the neighborhood. Parents didn?t worry about perverts, maybe they should have. It was not uncommon to see young...
The Arcade Series The Tower of Terror I was struggling. My eyes narrowed and my brow painfully tightened as Ibit my tongue, trying desperately to work out the schedule. Two many days-offrequests, with everyone wanting to go to Ren Faire! I threw down my pencilin disgust, leaning back in my chair and taking another sip of my MountainDew. "Jeff?" I heard my name and I turned to the doorway. Jacqueline, one ofmy staff, was standing there with a mischievous smile on her face as she leanedagainst...
The MagiFunFair, the long awaited event that only happened once a year had finally arrived in Ponyville. There were games as far as the eye could see with dozens of prizes to be won. Everyone from Ponyville was there, including of course, the Mane 6. There was no way they were going to miss out on the big day.Unsurprisingly, Twilight Sparkle had come up with the perfect plan to enjoy all the games and rides without missing out on anything. Along the way, the Mane 6 managed to bump into a...
PROM NIGHT TERRORByYnyn Mary was very excited about prom night. She was going with her boyfriend Sean; the two had been going out for 2 years, since the start of junior year. And now, at the pinnacle event of their final year of high school, they were going to have their first night together. Mary had planned out this night for months, her mom was going to be out late with her friends from work and the house would be empty. She had told her mother that she was going to stay the night...
Divya was married while she was a teen and within two years of marriage she delivered a boy child. But thereafter she resumed her study and completed graduation. She was a sweet looking attractive lady. At time of her marriage she was only of 42 kgs and having vital statistics of 32 x 22x 32. She was very fair with long and thick hairs. She was tall of 5’5” and looking lanky. But regular fuck by husband helped her to grow. She became a widow when her son was only ten years old. Her...
Chastity was nineteen when I met her. I was nearly twice her age. Maybe I should have had more sense than to go all mushy over a girl so young. Maybe I should have given more thought to the risk, but truth is, she stole my heart. Then she stomped it and kicked it to the curb. She was a part-time writer at the suburban newspaper where I worked back then. I had noticed her but we hadn’t met. She was thin, with brown hair so long it brushed the delicious curve of her ass. Not beautiful, she...
Let me set the scene, my wife Andrea is five foot three and weighs an even hundred pounds. She has shoulder length bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. Her tits are thirty four B cups and she has a perfect pair of legs. When we dated she always wore what I'd call sexy outfits, tight short shorts and mini skirts. Her legs are her best feature and she loves showing them off. I noticed how after we had been out and she had received lots of looks from men that she was extremely excited when we had...
It had been months since I had indulged my sissy urges. I have been spending a lot of time in chastity and had been locked up for 8 days when I decided I had to have a real cock inside me. I messaged my usual older daddy and was disappointed to find out he was out of the country. Too horny to wait I placed an ad on Craigslist and narrowed it down to an older guy with a decent looking cock and made a date for the next day. I spent the morning getting ready and just as I was about to leave he...
Hi. My name is Chastity. Yeah, it made it a little harder to get dates in high school, but fortunately most of the guys didn't know what it means lol.I'm 32 years old, 5'1" tall, and weigh about 110. I have brown eyes, plain brown hair, and average features. I never attracted much attention in high school. I've been married for 13 years. My husband is only the second guy I ever let in, and I've been faithful to him ever since. We have 2 k**s -- a daughter 12 and a son 9. I work as a...
“Hey, E,” Shayla Fields greeted her baby daddy.“Hey, sexy,” smiled the tall, slim former high school basketball star. “Wassup?”“I gotta work over. Can you pick up Katelyn from my Uncle Lamar’s house,” she inquired referring to their ten-month old baby daughter.“Yeah. What time?”“As soon as you can go.”“Aiight bet! I’ma head out in five.”“Thanks!”“Anytime!”Errol Reynolds locked the door of his efficiency apartment and hopped into his black 2010 Ford Focus sedan. He sped down the highway eager to...
It is a story of a widow who remained chaste till her 43rd birthday and thereafter became a cheap slut. Divya was married while she was a teen and within two years of marriage she delivered a boy child. But thereafter she resumed her study and completed graduation. She was a sweet looking attractive lady. At time of her marriage she was only of 42 kgs and having vital statistics of 32 x 22x 32. She was very fair with long and thick hairs. She was tall of 5’5” and looking lanky. But regular fuck...