The Arcade Series Boonga Boonga
- 3 years ago
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The Arcade Series
The Tower of Terror
I was struggling. My eyes narrowed and my brow painfully tightened as Ibit my tongue, trying desperately to work out the schedule. Two many days-offrequests, with everyone wanting to go to Ren Faire! I threw down my pencilin disgust, leaning back in my chair and taking another sip of my MountainDew.
"Jeff?" I heard my name and I turned to the doorway. Jacqueline, one ofmy staff, was standing there with a mischievous smile on her face as she leanedagainst the doorframe. "You doing all right?" she asked me.
I sighed. "Yeah, I suppose. It's just this schedule. Everyone wants a weekendoff during Ren Faire and I'm having trouble working it in." I shrugged.
Jacqueline laughed, a silvery bell sound that some how sounded sarcastic. "Well,you ARE the boss. You get all the hard jobs." She brushed an escaped strandof her gold strawberry hair out of her jade colored eyes.
I raised one eyebrow. "What do you want?" I asked suspiciously. Jacquelinewas the one employee who got away with ordering me about, not to mention unbridledsarcasm. She had joked that it was the red hair. I'd do anything for a redhead.
"I finished closing. Everyone's gone, including the Bowling Alley staff." Shereplied.
"Hmmm…tickets restocked? Counter replenished? Debris cleaned up?"
"Yes. Yes. Yes. All finished."
"So go home. Relax, go mentally torture someone else. I've got work to do."
"I'm not ready to go home yet. I haven't finished mentally torturing you." Shereplied, glancing around the office.
I paused and looked deeply at her. Her high cheek bones and angular facehad always intrigued me, which probably explained why I had hired her. Shelooked fetching in her black polo and khaki capris, the later which wasn'tquite policy, but I made allowances for Jacqueline.
"So what's on your mind, Jackie?" calling her by her nickname.
"That new game we got." She said abruptly.
"Tower of Terror? What about it?"
"I'm interested in it. How does it work?" She asked, moving across the officeand taking a seat right next to my desk.
I leaned back in my chair. "Well, it's pretty simple. Those two metal rodsthat stick out of the control panel have a low voltage current in them, alongwith a high power motor that shakes a type of metal spring inside of the rod..The faster the motor goes, the harder the rods shake. The goal is to get allthe way up to max power without letting go." I explained.
"So you have to hold both handles, then?" she asked.
"Yes, or at least two people who are touching have to. If either let go,the power shuts off."
Jacqueline looked intrigued and I could see her inquisitive mind churningas she mulled over my explanation. "Is there a lot of electricity going throughyou?"
I laughed. "No. It's just enough to tell the game circuitry if you let goof the handles. You don't even feel it. Besides, the vibrations are enough,trust me."
"I see." She replied.
"Did I satisfy your curiosity?" I asked her.
"How long do you think the handles are?" she asked suddenly.
"Uh…I guess about six inches from the control panel, but the wholerod is about a foot long from the mounting point. Why?"
"How wide is the handle?" she asked, ignoring my question.
I sighed in exasperation. "Well, Jackie, you've walked by the game as muchas I. Use your eyes or go measure the thing. Why is this important anyway?" Idemanded.
"Just answer the question, Jeff!" she ordered, her eyes flashing with anger.
I shrugged. "Oh about an inch and a half, maybe two inches wide." I replied.
Jacqueline smiled and looked at me, her face beaming in delight.
"Uh-oh. I hate it when you get that look." I said, alarmed.
"I need to ask you a favor. A very important favor." She said, her voicedripping with honey.
I slid my chair away from her, caution writ large upon my face. "What kindof favor?" I asked, my voice suspicious.
She leaned forward, planting her freckled elbows on her khaki knees. "Avery personal favor. Just for me." She batted her eyelashes seductively.
I knew I was doomed already. It wouldn't matter what she asked, I woulddo it. I knew I was weak, but she had wrapped me around her little finger monthsbefore, seeing which rules she could get away with breaking. I suppose it hadhappened at the hiring interview.
"So what's the favor?" I asked, my voice breaking, raising the flag of mysurrender.
She grinned. "I want to play it."
"Huh? You want to play Tower of Terror?" I looked at her incredulously. "Sogo play it. It's after hours and you know staff is allowed to play any gameoff the clock."
She moved forward in her chair until the space between us was only a fewinches. "No, Jeff. I want to play it in a very special way. And I'll need help." Herlower lip caught in her teeth.
A sudden image flashed through my mind and my eyes popped open. She couldn't!I opened my mouth but I merely stammered unintelligibly.
Jacqueline laughed and stood up, taking my hand and pulling me up from mychair. I still was babbling nonsense as we left the office and made our wayacross the redemption area to the main concourse. The Tower of Terror gamewas standing near one of the changers, a show piece that was attracting a lotof attention. The grinning skull at the top of the light bulb filled spineglared down on us as we approached the console.
Jacqueline had grabbed a step stool from the redemption area, one that littlekids used to play taller games, and she dropped it with a clatter on the flagstoned concourse floor in front of the game. I stared at the handles, two thickhuge rods that stood erect from the console like two obscene phalluses, animage that had not previously crossed my mind.
"Uh, Jackie, I'm not so sure about this. I mean…" I stuttered outloud, turning to my devilish employee.
"Oh hush, Jeff. I know what I'm doing." She stepped on the heel of one batteredshoe, pulling it off. "This will be fun."
I gulped, realizing that I wasn't going to voice any more objections asthe second shoe followed the first. She wasn't wearing any socks and I becamesuddenly fascinated with the red tinting of her toe nails.
"They match my hair." She said smugly, wiggling her toes.
I nodded dumbly and then stared as she began to unbuckle the large blackleather belt she customarily wore. It was a popular model, studded with silverbrads throughout the length, looking more like some strange bondage garmentthan a high school teenage accessory.
Her pale fingers unsnapped the single button that held the waist of hercapris together and I saw my first flash of her belly. My breath came in aragged gasp when I saw the flashy glint of a belly ring. Her thumbs began topull the waist band apart and I tensed as more rosy flesh was bared.
She was wearing pink cotton panties, low riding that bared her curved hipsand I licked my lips in anticipation. Jacqueline pushed the Capris downward,turning slightly to show off the curve of her bottom. She wiggled her hipsonce to tantalize me, and then pulled the panties all the way down to her ankles.
I took a deep breath to calm myself down. This was incredible. Despite herFrench sounding name, my employee was Irish colored right down to the coreand I had always known that dye had never touched her head. But there, rightat the apex of the most beautiful slit, was a tiny wisp of red hair. I supposedshe shaved the majority, keeping the last little bit as proof of her Irishbackground.
I looked into Jacqueline's eyes, seeing the deep green flash, sparkling.She was enjoying every second of this strip tease, watching me loose what littlecontrol I had in the situation. With Jacqueline, power was as important aspleasure, and I knew very simply who was in control.
While I stared at her body, she quickly pulled off her shirt, tossing iton our Brave Firefighters game. My eyes only glanced that way as she unhookedthe white bra she wore, baring two white creamy globes, spattered with a faintstar dusting of freckles, surrounding the larger moons of her nipples. I thinkI stopped breathing for a moment.
Jacqueline wasted no time and stepped up onto the stool, holding out herhand to me, obviously wanting me to help her up. I hesitated, looking at thethick metal rod.
"Uh…Jacqueline…don't you want… I mean don't you thinkyou should…you know, um…doesn't it need to be lubricated first?" Istammered.
Jacqueline laughed at me. "You are sweet dear man. No, I don't need anylubricant. I've got my own and I'm gushing." She said sweetly. At that momentI detected the scent of her sex, a strong sweet scent that almost brought meto my knees.
I helped her up on to the console, sitting her down right between the twohandles. My hands trembled as I touched her skin. It was warm and soft andyielding. With a casual ease, she lifted her left leg over the rod, spreadingherself open and I was able to see right down into her cleft.
Her flower was a deep pink, almost reddish hued, with thin lips that neverthelesslooked so sensitive and delicate. The entire length of her slit glistened andI could see that she was right about not needing anything to make the entryof the huge game handle easier. The tiny weft of auburn hair above her petalsmerely added to the enchantment.
"We ready?" she asked. I could only nod, not trusting myself to speak. Sheplaced one hand upon my shoulder and the other upon the game, pushing herselfup. I watched, still between her legs as she positioned herself delicatelyabove the right side rod. She rocked her hips forward and back, rubbing thehard straight edges of the top through the folds of her sex, making the hardmetal slick.
Jacqueline moaned slightly and a shiver ran through her body. "It's a littlecold." She admitted to me.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked her softly.
Her eyes hardened like agates and she suddenly let herself down, lettingthe huge handle of the game fill her body to the brim. I suppose her angerallowed her to deal with the cool impersonal object impaling her, but I couldonly imagine what it felt like. Her eyes widened in shock and she shifted onthe console, obviously trying to deal with the awesome entrance.
"Are you okay?" I asked, alarmed.
She nodded. "Yes. It's just a little thicker and deeper than I was expecting."
"You want to stop?" I asked, masking my hope that she would refuse, continuingon to the excitement of actually playing the game.
This time she shook her head. "No. I'm ready now. It actually feels prettygood inside me." She smiled.
I gulped and nodded back. "All right. We'll try this on the first level.One thousand volts the game says. I'll hold on to your knee and the other handle.If you say my name, I'll let go and the vibrations will stop. Okay?" Jacquelinenodded.
I bent over and used my game key to open the coin door. There wasn't a servicebutton on this game, so I flipped the coin switch twice, hearing the coin upcredit tone. The odd tingling music started, a low throbbing base, and I couldsee the lips of Jacqueline's sex tightening around the silver shaft embeddedin her.
"You ready?" I asked, after selecting level one.
She merely nodded, grabbing my shoulder and squeezing it tight.
I took hold of her bare knee, once more reveling in the soft pliant fleshand the dark contrast to my own hand. I placed my other hand on the still exposedrod and the game responded by picking up the music and sounding an alarm.
I was ready for the terrible vibrations, but I was unprepared for the startledscream Jacqueline let out. Her fingers tightened around my shirt collar, clenchingit as she cried out. I could see her whole body shaking, her legs tighteningup around the rod as it shook more wildly than any sex toy ever could. My lefthand was thrumming from the building quakes, and I watched with fascinationas Jacqueline's eyes rolled wildly left and right.
The level one sequence is only about ten seconds, and I was proud that Jacquelinelasted the entire play. Her body was quivering like a jelly fish when the vibrationsstopped and her breaths came in ragged squeaks. A stream of her own love juiceshad run out from between her legs, slowly dripping down the side of the consoleonto the concourse floor.
As she calmed down I smiled at her, patting her leg and stroking her thigh. "Areyou okay?" I finally asked when she looked ready to speak.
"Yes. Oh God, Jeff! That was incredible! I had such a powerful orgasm!"
"You did?" I said surprised. "But it was only ten seconds!"
"Oh yes! Couldn't you tell? It was like having a powerful machine insideme rubbing me so fast and so hard that my body overloaded with the sensations!" Shesmiled, her eyes flashing with delight. "Let's do it again, but this time onlevel two. I want it to last longer."
"Uh, Jacqueline, it doesn't really last longer, just the vibrations aremore violent. " I warned her, wondering if permanent damage could be inflictedby this mad vibrator from hell. I wasn't sure worker's compensation would coverthis one.
"I know. Just turn it on. I already am." She said, somewhat crossly.
Once again I keyed up the game, selecting the level two button with barelysuppressed glee. Jacqueline spread her legs wide apart, letting me see herdepths and the rod implanted within.
"I'll try to keep them open the whole time for you." She said a seductivelook.
I grasped her thigh, this time much higher than her knee, feeling her smoothskin and the warmth of her loins. I wrapped my other hand around the left handleas the game began the start up.
Jacqueline was better prepared this time, shaking but not screaming as thevibrations started. Level two game play moves up through the vibrations muchmore quickly than level one, adding an additional five seconds to the mix.After about nine seconds Jacqueline was screaming again, rocking back and forthand rising up off the handle ever so slightly as she began to bounce upon itsunyielding length. As the game continued I watched her tense, holding absolutelystill and a look of intense pain crossed her face. Her teeth clenched and Icould feel her hand once more curling around my shirt, nails digging into myneck.
There was a high pitched moan that came from her throat. Too my shock hersex began spurting, wet streaming arcs of juice that coated the game console,splattering me as it dripped downward. Jacqueline reached down with one hand,smashing it against her clit, rubbing it hard, just as the game stopped.
It took a lot longer for her to calm down, almost five minutes before shewas able to even speak coherently too me. And through it all she remained impaledupon the rod. I knew, perhaps instinctively, that she would demand to experiencethe final level and I wondered if she could actually survive the extreme intensityof the game.
A puddle of her juices had appeared on the floor in front of the game andthe pink fount from which they emerged still gushed from around the silverintruder. The muscles around her sex trembled, slight spasms rippling her skinas if tiny shocks were flying across her body. She looked at me deeply, anintense stare that saw right through my calm veneer to see the feelings ofutter desire flooding me.
"Level three." She said. I rang two final credits on the game, selectingthe last option, the hardest and longest of the ranges. My hand rested rightat her groin, only inches away from her sex. She looked down and lifted myhand, placing it over the curved softness of her right breasts.
Her fingers closed around mine and I felt her pushing my digits close, capturingthe upturned nipple tightly. She moaned and I grasped the other handle, holdingit as tightly as I did her nub. She took hold of my arm this time, her legsclosing around the handle as the vibrations started to rock her. On and onthe intensity increased, and I found myself pinching her nipple harder andharder as the sound and shaking rose. Halfway through she began panting, thensquealing, then letting voice a full throated scream that echoed through thebuilding.
Once more her petals exploded, her legs jerking wide apart and then closedagain. I caught sight of the handle, buried, rumbling, and torturing the youngbeauty and I stared in fascination as her entire body jerked wildly. She letout one last piercing cry and then slumped forward, her body collapsing ontomy shoulder.
I held her for a moment, my arms wrapped around her body, holding her upright,feeling the soft tenderness of her body. My nose caught the warm fragranceof her skin, of cream and peaches, mixing with the musky scent of her sex.I held her close as she continued to shake, her entire body reacting to herordeal.
I didn't want to speak, to break this spell that held us both. I felt awetness on my shoulder and realized she was crying, hot tears spilling on tome. It was one of those perfect moments, me holding this red crowned beauty,overwhelmed by the sensations, still impaled upon a huge shining shaft thatwas still buried in her soft pink wetness.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, she raised her head and lookedme in the eyes. Her tears had abated and what looked like a peaceful acceptancegraced her face.
"Are you all right?" I asked her tenderly.
She nodded. "Yes. I'm a little sore, but I'm okay."
"Was this what you wanted?" I asked, perhaps just a little cruelly.
She paused as she considered it. "Yes. The last explosion was maybe justa little much. I almost passed out." Her eyes twinkled and she winked. "Butit was the most intense, longest, most incredible orgasm I've ever had."
Together, we lifted her up and I loved the sound of her body releasing itssilver intruder. I pulled her off the console, setting her down on the concoursefloor, and had to hold her tightly to me to keep her from falling. Her legsshook and she couldn't even hold herself up. She clung to me with a desperatetightness.
I walked her to the restroom by the theater, just a few feet away, helpingher all the way in. She leaned herself against the vanity and I grabbed holdof some paper towels, bending down to help clean her off. Her thighs and loinsglistened from her juices, and I was especially gentle as I cleaned her.
Her flower was a bright red, and every time I touched it, she jumped, holdingon to me. Its sensitivity, doubled or even tripled by the Tower, was more thanshe could bear and more tears began to flow. I finished cleaning her, plantinga kiss against the small bump of her hip.
I had to assist her again as we left the rest room, holding her uprightas we made our way across the concourse to her forgotten clothing. I felt likea wayward parent, helping his toddler dressing, as I supported her and pulledon her clothing piece by piece. Finally she was once more attired in her caprisand black polo, wrapped in the protecting clothing of her job. I left her sittingon an Iceball, recovering as I gathered her and my belongings.
She was too sore to drive, and I drove her home that night, walking herup the driveway, and supporting her as best I could. At the door she stoppedand turned to me, leaning forward and planting a chaste kiss upon my cheek.
"You're the best boss a girl could ever have."
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Arcade AssIt was lunch time, the time when lots of good looking, working men show up at the arcades seeking pleasure. I drove up US 19 to some of my usual haunts to see what might be available. The first place I passed seemed to have an empty lot, so I kept moving. The second place had some cars, but not a whole lot. That is good since when the parking lot is too full, all of the booths might all be occupied and in use.I paid my five bucks and walked back to the arcade. I had to piss, but the...
The back was dark, lit only by a few dim red bulbs. He walked up the corridor, which was lined with booths. A light above the door of each booth indicated whether or not the booth was occupied; if the light was on, it meant it was occupied. There were signs saying, "NO LOITERING, NO SMOKING," and "ONLY ONE PERSON PER BOOTH." However the presence of several men lurking in the hallways, some of whom were smoking, led the man to believe the rules were not rules at all. As he rounded the...
We didn't really have a strip club or adult book store in the town I grew up in. I'd seen some things online but had always been curious about checking it out for myself. It wasn't until I was in college that I had my first experience.A short drive from the campus there was a strip club with an adult bookstore and arcade in the back. My first semester in college I had heard some of the guys in the dorm talking about it, but it wasn't until I came back after winter break that I got up the nerve...
I had an early morning task that didn’t work out as planned. So at about 9:00 a.m. I was left with some open time and a stirring in my cock. My favorite video arcade wasn’t far away, and although it might be early for any action, I thought I’d try.When I drove up, I noticed a few cars in the lot; maybe I would get some action after all. I paid my $5 fee and stepped into the newly remodeled arcade to see what might be happening. The very first booth had its door ajar a bit with a young guy,...
cop a qtr. Oz and gonna go to this coke whores house to freak, stop into romantix to get some cock hard pills. While im at the counter i see a few pervs browsing and in comes in wat at fisrt i thought two women but as it turns out its a women and a cd both of which were fukin hawt! So I'm paying for my pills and i make eye contact w/ the female she stares at me smiles, winks and licks her lips slightly. Now im fiegning intrest in lube and i hear them ask about a viewing room, so u can get a...
I was traveling up the interstate to northern KY one morning a little while back for a conference, and a couple of exits before leaving Tennessee into Kentucky, I stopped at an adult superstore. Being so far away from home, I felt reasonably safe that I would not run into someone I knew. Nevertheless, I was still very nervous. A large billboard with the Ten Commandments erected next door by a local church did not help. Fortunately, there were only a few cars and a couple of semis in the parking...
Gay Malewhat you are about to read is a true and accurate accounting of a day I spent in a video arcade boothits early Saturday afternoon, and i'm sitting here in an arcade video booth dressed only in sexy little bikini panties, training bra (for my little a cup puberecent like titties) and a white silky like full slip, I have left the door slightly ajar while I rub my little sissy clitty, which is confined in a tight fitting chasity devise, and tucked back between my legs, while watching a really hot...
It happened quite some time ago when I was under pressure at work and with a chronically ill wife. I really had no sexual outlet other than periodic masturbation in private, since my wife was unable to participate in sex over a period of several years. Perhaps I should have been satisfied with solo sex, but I felt I needed something more. I did not want to get involved with other women, even though I had nothing against sex with women (I guess it was a marriage thing.) I had never really...
Gay MaleBack in the late 1980's I had just turn 21 years of age. My family, friends and girl friend had no idea I was into cock my whole life. I'm from the midwest and "gay" magazines were hard to come by (This is long before the "Web"-k**s). One day I was on a bus and came across an old news paper edition of the San Francsico Chronicle. Someone had left it on the bus seat. I started reading through it and discovered the "Adult Entertainment" section. There I saw an advertisement for the Nob Hill Adult...
Hey lovable readers and I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I’ll publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person and have fun reading it and do reply me on Back in the late 1980’s I had just turn 21 years of age. My family, friends and girl friend had no idea I was into cock my whole life. I’m from the Midwest and gay magazines were hard to come by and this is long before the “Web”-k**s. One day I was on a bus and...
Gay MaleDear readers: Lots of gay sex, so don’t read if that’s not your thing. Lily and Adam appear in ‘Doggies Don’t Wear Clothes’ and ‘Drilled by Desmond,’ but this story takes place several months before the events of either—long before Adam knows how to please a cock. That said, it’s not violent, like ‘Drilled by Desmond’ was. ***** One problem about Adam: Although he was a man, he had no idea how to please one. They had to take care of that. So, one night, after Lily triggered him, they went to...
There must have been 15-20 guys milling around the tiny hallways of the arcade, young guys in big shorts, guys in tennis shoes and quack hats, clean-dressed older guys, working guys with stubbled faces... a potpourri of Phoenix horndogs. I scanned the dvd's on rotation eyeing the dick-suckers silently eyeing me, then checked-out the hallways either side. Black painted hallways, close, red lights over little entrances into little black boxes... a partition hiding a chair and video screen,...
Couldn't resist a stop at the arcade on US 19 today. I find the action better at the smaller one on the west side; I always seem to find some extraordinary action there.I entered and paid my five bucks (what a good price for lots of really exciting sex?) and went into the arcade. When you enter, it is possible to look down one aisle and see right into the large handicapped booth. I could see one guy jerking in there, but I needed to piss, so I went into the restroom (always keeping the...
404 Wendy and the Arcade boys A friend of mine lives out in Americas west coast, she`s a bonny lass for a 50 plus year old, nice body great legs, five feet six of womanhood, with auburn hair 34c tits and the rest trimly in proportion, married though he`s more interested in his job than in her and spends a lot of away in Alaska, which ain`t no tupenny bus ride away, so he don`t get home a lot! Now Wendy, like me thinks were only on earth once at a time, we of course may be reincarnated, I...
It was the summer of 2005. I had graduated high school from a small town in central Minnesota a couple of months prior. I was 18, and I stood at around 5' 6", weighed in at 170 lbs, with black shaggy hair and dark brown eyes. I had enlisted to serve with the United States Navy and was shipping out for boot camp in three weeks. My girlfriend at the time was not exactly on board with the whole idea of my becoming the property of the US government just to go to a foreign land and probably get...
Gay MaleI was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind ... what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...
Gay MaleI just pulled up in the parking lot of my favorite suburban adult book store, it looked busy inside since I had trouble finding a good parking spot, I was wearing sweat pants and a tee shirt and my sexy outfit underneath. The retail store was bright and a few shoppers walking around, the guy behind the counter was an ass hole and as usual and gave me that look, told me to have a good time,I didn't count my stack of tokens. I walked into the arcade, dark as usual with video box covers...
out side, a very hot, humid, new orleans summer saturday, inside, where i have been cruising the the video arcade and theater, it is comfortably cool. of course, as the silky texture of my high french cut bikini panties moves against my swelling hot clit, which is tightly cinched down with cock ring and seperator harness, and is tucked snugly back between my legs, i've gotten very hot, even in the loose fitting light shorts and silk hawian shirt i am wearing over my panties, training bra, and...
out side, a very hot, humid, new orleans summer saturday, inside, where i have been cruising the the video arcade and theater, it is comfortably cool. of course, as the silky texture of my high french cut bikini panties moves against my swelling hot clit, which is tightly cinched down with cock ring and seperator harness, and is tucked snugly back between my legs, i've gotten very hot, even in the loose fitting light shorts and silk hawian shirt i am wearing over my panties, training bra, and...
One evening was messing around on the web and saw an ad on C-List about a guy wanting to meet up at a video arcade in Dallas. Looked at the address and knew approximately where it was. I thought this could be wild. I was at the arcade about an hour later. Went in the halls were dimly lit guys hanging around in the hall. I did not know how this worked so I finally went into a room and started a video. Not 5 minutes later a guy opened the door and looked at me then left. Really weird. It...
By RawlyRawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit my Subscribestar site (you can find the link in my profile). Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Chapter 1 Like most things, the echo of hooves died quickly out on the Hawk’s Road. Engineers had somehow suspended the cobbled path along the ridge. On one side, a declivity fell hundreds of feet down to...
Master Solomon's home towered over every other building in the tiny village of Sacca. Most of the homes and businesses there were small one or two story structures, mostly made out of wood and mud. Master Solomon's tower, was made almost entirely of cinder block, was seven stories tall and reached eighty-two feet into the air, measured from the ground to the very top of the pointed roof. Master Solomon was one of the few master wizards still around. The need for wizards and magic had fallen...
The Tower of the Red-Eyed Princess is not marked on any map. Its whereabouts are unknown... down to the planet... down to the very universe, and the very dimension. Such a map would be unnecessary. When challengers seek the tower... or, when the tower calls for challengers... the two will find each other. The tower is told of in hushed whispers... it is said that inside sleeps a red-eyed demon princess, the heir to a vast army and untold riches assembled by an unstoppable demon lord capable of...
FantasyHi this is a true story it happened over thirty years ago. I worked in a part of Southern California that was very heavy Navy and Marine presents. I knew that I liked to see naked guys as well as naked girls up to this time I mainly had been out with girls and really thought that that was all there was to having a great time having sex with a pussy. One day I decided to go to an adult arcade to see what they were all about. In this part of the city there were quite a few bars and hotels where...
Hi this is a true story it happened over thirty years ago. I worked in a part of Southern California that was very heavy Navy and Marine presents. I knew that I liked to see naked guys as well as naked girls up to this time I mainly had been out with girls and really thought that that was all there was to having a great time having sex with a pussy. One day I decided to go to an adult arcade to see what they were all about. In this part of the city there were quite a few bars and hotels where...
This story is the seventh in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. It is different from previous stories in the series as it is the first part of a much longer story. We hope that you will enjoy it and look forward to the next chapter when you reach the end of this one. Juliana came into the house around 9 PM, exhausted from her day at work, but very happy that it was Friday. Robert had promised her a surprise as an engagement...
Love StoriesA young woman groaned as she stirred awake by the sound of a brass gong ringing out in the distance. The young woman was Lynn Anne Hwang, a prodigy in the use the noble short sword and crescent pendulum through the martial arts known as Lahn. She awoke to find herself on the small boat she had chartered from the docks of the small port-city of Xu Chi. She did not care for how the oarsman was leering at her, but she understood that many found her quite attractive and that it was part of the...
The open area at the foot of the Lavender Tower was once again crowded as the sun set over the harbor turning the sky pink and purple as the ocean became almost blood red. All around the perimeter, small concession stands were set up to service the public's hunger for over-priced festival food as upon the small wooden stage a stocky blond woman with too many piercings operated an array of stereo equipment. Supplying the area with a variety music. The large crowd of people whom either stood...
Sally Brightwall was on one of London’s famous double-decker buses going down the Marsh Wall Rd. She was on her way to the Harbour Exchange Square, where the London Exchange Tower could be found. This new sixteen storey high skyscraper, comprising of not one, but two giant fortifications, was just one of many modern office blocks that rose from what once was waste ground, and now formed the heart of London’s Docklands. Looking at the other passengers on the bus, Sally couldn’t help feeling...
ExhibitionismAlexander Doyle and his girlfriend Agnes Lovelace loved to the fair when it came to two once a year. Alex was celebrating his fiftieth birthday and this night he was being treated by Agnes Lovelace who was twenty-five years younger. Agnes is a pert looking dark-haired young woman who loves sports espcially tennis and jogging and she looks every inch a beauty with her sparkling blue eyes and an easy, fun loving outlook on life. "Look at this Alex, a new type of game." She said as they walked...
This was about the fifth or sixth time I had been to the arcade. I went in and got some change for the movie booths. The place always made me horny because of the smell of sex. It was so heady I was hard before I got into a booth, I stepped into a booth and dropped a few quarters into the slot, started to watch a movie but the action in the main part of the theater was hotter there. There were two guys naked in the corner one bent over the other had his cock in this guys ass and was going about...
I was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind … what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...
I was traveling up the interstate to northern KY one morning a little while back for a conference, and a couple of exits before leaving Tennessee into Kentucky, I stopped at an adult superstore. Being so far away from home, I felt reasonably safe that I would not run into someone I knew. Nevertheless, I was still very nervous. A large billboard with the Ten Commandments erected next door by a local church did not help. Fortunately, there were only a few cars and a couple of semis in the...
TransDim has established their most recent entertainment complex on Earth - your Earth, that is, one of a near-infinite number of parallel worlds with bigger or smaller differences. Their marketing material may be bright and glitzy, but everyone knows what their real trade is: Sex. Specifically, sex with alternate-dimensional versions of popular celebrities and fictional characters. These assets, as TransDim calls them, are rarely willing participants in this which requires them to be...
I took a break between errands late this morning to see if I could score any dick at one of the ABSs nearby. When I drove by, I noticed several cars in the back lot. Thinking this might be interesting, I turned around to make the U into the lanes heading south and added my car to the other six that were present.The arcade charge is just $5, so I paid my fee and entered. First things first, I needed to take a piss so I went in the clean, well maintained restroom for my leak. I never lock the...
I've been curious about the porn store arcade for a long time, what goes on in there? what kind of porn is on? and how creep is it? Turns out there was one near me and i couldn't wait to check it out! I had been to a different one in Milwaukee a few times, but didnt find it to be anything special, the doors didn't go all the way to the floor and i didn't like sitting on a bar stool. Also the place was empty. But this one i found to be so much better! much bigger rooms, better doors and actual...
I was on my way home from an appointment a couple of hours away and I was getting increasingly horny the longer I drove. Since I was going right by one of my traditional bookstore stops, I decided to head in for a quick jack-off and more if anyone else was in the mood.After purchasing my six buck entry pass (from a clerk with a tee-shirt proclaiming something like “make cock great again”) I entered the rather empty looking arcade. I selected the biggest booth and left the door unlocked to see...
now i feel myself being grabbed by the ropes on my wrists and being roughly snatched up to my feet, as i feel myself shoved sideways i bump my legs into the chair, i then feel myself being grabbed and and forced to kneel on the chair facing back wards and hands pushing me down hard,, bent over the back of the chair, which makes my tight little girl butt stick up in the air. when the hands behind me start to touch me on my clit and finger my pussy i realize that they have let another man into...
This was about the fifth or sixth time I had been to the arcade. I went in and got some change for the movie booths. The place always made me horny because of the smell of sex. It was so heady I was hard before I got into a booth, I stepped into a booth and dropped a few quarters into the slot, started to watch a movie but the action in the main part of the theater was hotter there. There were two guys naked in the corner one bent over the other had his cock in this guys ass and was going...
I visited an adult arcade and I went into a private booth leaving the door open. Eventually an older guy walked in. I guess in his fifties, nice face, a bit chubby, quite taller than me. He was a DADDY which I love cause DADDIES typically very into pleasing us young dudes! And I was always a willing subject ;) I guess I'm a daddy chaser. I was early twenties, very skinny, long blonde hair, and horny! I looked at him! I GAVE AN EVIL GRIN!I turned to the video screen and turned on a hot video...
While in Arizona last week for work I went to a book store that I thought had video booths. It turned out it had an arcade with old school movie screens and chairs divided into three different sections. The first section had regular porn, the second had gay porn and the 3rd had regular porn again. I walked around and sat in the first area, there were about 5 guys sitting around the room, one had his cock out the others were rubbing their cocks through their pants. I decided to go see what the...
GayI am 50yr white married business man type, working a sales territory that includes Arizona. On a recent trip, I stopped by a bookstore that has a fairly modern arcade area. I say modern because it has glass walls that are opaque until the money is dropped and you hit the agree button, and then they turn into glass windows, so you can watch the guy in the next booth. It was around noon time, and I was in between sales calls, to be honest, I planned my schedule this way, and I stopped by the...
Gay"How familiar are you with meditation?" I asked Cor. "Well, I've done it in Yoga class, and our drama teacher liked to have us do it now and then during class in high school, but I wouldn't say I do it often, or even at all recently." Cor answered. "Well, we do it at the drop of a hat, and not just us kids, but all our parents too. Its a basic tool in the arsenal of the Legion and the Guardians." Ren said. "At least you're familiar with the basics then?" I asked. "Controlling...