The Arcade Series: The DDR free porn video

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The Arcade Series


"Fucking idiot." I grumbled out loud as I continued down Westview Street.The driving rain was pouring down and as usual, it brought out the worst inmy fellow drivers. I admit I already wasn't in a good mood. I was on the roadheading back to my video arcade for an after closing meeting with one of myemployees. And it was a meeting she didn't know about. Disciplining an employeeis never one of my favorite things to do, especially when I like the person.But Becky had it coming after her latest fiasco.

The write up was sitting on the seat next to me and I glanced down at it.She had been playing video games on the clock again. I shook my head and grumbled.She and that damn Dance Dance Revolution game were becoming such a headache.All of my employees played it, but it seemed the Becky just couldn't stay offit.

I turned right on to Beechnut and passed the Waterpark. My arcade was ina large scale entertainment facility called FunPlace. Boring name I know, butthe owner was like that. It was Thursday night and the place was almost totallyclosed. Only the bowling alley and the arcade stayed open because customersrarely showed up and I had been arguing that point for a while.

I pulled up into the lot and once more groaned. Despite being thirty minutesbefore closing, the parking lot was close to empty on our side of the building.A single car that I recognized belonging to Becky was near the front door,next to a single mini van. Well at least we had a few customers. I glancedacross the main drive and the water fountain. The bowling alley wasn't doingmuch either.

I parked my car and walked up to the main entrance moving aside for a familywho came out of FunPlace looking irritated and angry. I didn't think much ofit since this a pretty normal occurrence, despite my own area of it strivingfor customer service. I wasn't proud of working here, but it paid the billsand had its perks.

As my I entered through the foyer and started walking down the stairs, Iturned to the right toward my arcade and my mind flipped a moment. The gameswere off. I couldn't hear any of the noises from The Pit or Redemption area.We didn't close for another twenty minutes! What was Becky doing?

Still clutching her Employee Counseling Form, I stormed into the arcadelike a tornado looking for a mobile home park. The redemption area was darkwith the lights turned off and I immediately went to the office, passing theredemption counter with a glance. I rolled my eyes. She hadn't restocked iteither. She wasn't in the office. I went to the store computer and verifiedshe was still on the clock, which she was, so I strolled back through the redemptionarea to The Pit.

Now The Pit is our video game area, and a few lights always remained ondespite everything being shut down for the night. I almost expected her tobe on Dance Dance, but I could tell from the quiet that even her favorite gamewas off. Where the hell was she?

I heard a noise coming from the closed movie theater where our restroomsare located and I mounted the steps and listened. Sure enough, someone wasin the restroom, softly singing to herself. I leaned up against Brave Firefightersand a changer, crossing my arms across my chest, and waited.

It was only a few minutes, but my temper was definitely increasing. Afterwhat seemed like forever, Becky came strolling out, getting halfway to theredemption area before seeing me storming like a thundercloud across the plains.Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened in surprise.

She wasn't the only one surprised, though my own startlement was concealedin my anger. I had been expecting her to be wearing our normal uniform of blackpolo shirt with khaki slacks, along with our official nametag. Instead I sawa short mini skirt of red and black plaid, a black low cut belly baring tanktop with the word "naughty" across the chest, black knee high leather boots,and enough black leather studded bracelets and choker to make a torturer happy.

"Office. Now." Was all I said, moving past her, trying to regain my composure.I saw the color drain from her face as I passed her and she followed demurely.When we got into the office I told her to have a seat.

She softly dropped into one of the chairs by my desk, pressing her dimpledknees together tightly. The skirt had ridden upward, exposing an unseemly amountof thigh and for a second I considered dropping down into the other chair acrossfrom her, knowing that I would assuredly get a chance at seeing something private.

I shook my head to clear it off those thoughts. BAD BAD BAD I repeated tomyself. You never pick up your pussy where you pick up your paycheck; especiallyif the pussy is a subordinate. I frowned at her as she sat shifting in herseat, her shoulder length hair curling cutely around her cheeks. She had doneher makeup as well, thick black around her eyes, deep red lipstick, and longlashes made up the look. A bright metal chain around her waist finished theoutfit.

"I'd like an explanation." I said abruptly, crossing my arms.

She looked down at the floor, unwilling to meet my gaze. "I'm sorry, Jeff.Its just that I was going to go out tonight and since we had only a few customersI would shut down early. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

I rolled my eyes. "You're damn right it won't happen again. I can't makemoney if my staff decides when and where we will be open." I sighed audibly. "Ihad come up here tonight to give you this." I waved the counseling form infront of her. "It's the write up you have coming for playing Dance Dance Revolutionon the clock yesterday. Now we have a totally different situation, as wellas what will be your third write up. You understand what that means?" I demanded.

Becky's eyes widened. "I get fired?" she asked hesitantly.

My eyes narrowed in response. "That's exactly what it means."

Becky stood up, surprising me as she came right up too me, her voice rushingout in a non stop tremble. "Oh please, Jeff, I am so sorry, I won't ever doit again, oh please don't fire me, I really need this job, I promise to begood, I'll do anything to keep this job, please?"

I'd experienced this before. I only yielded once, the first time. I learnedmy lesson right then because it had only been a week before the promise tobe good failed. I steeled myself and shook my head.

"I don't see any other option, Becky. I can't have performance like this."

Becky moved forward again, slightly bending toward me. "Plllllleease?" shebegged. "I'll do anything…" she left it hanging.

My eyes had dropped forward and I felt my mind slipping as I gazed downat a remarkable cleavage. I always hired attractive girls, since guys liketo hang out where pretty girls work, but I had always been able to tune outthese jail bait young waifs, even when they came to pick up checks dressedin their civilian clothes. Becky was dressed sluttier than I had ever seenher and I felt a sudden loosening in my resolve.

Becky must have sensed it because she licked her lips seductively, leanedforward even more and whined once more. "Anything…"

My mind clicked back in place and I pulled my eyes away from the dippingslope of her breasts. "Are you offering something to me?" I asked harshly.

Becky pulled back as well, surprised that I hadn't fallen under her spell. "Um…well…I…" shefaltered.

I smiled at her, clearly in control of the situation. "I don't think so,Becky. I've heard a little about your conquests, so I'm not interested in catchinganything from you." An idea had just popped into my mind and I decided to runwith it.

Her eyes had flared hot.

"But I'll tell you what. Here is my deal. I'm not interested in fuckingyou, but you are a gorgeous young lady. I've got the video camera here thatwe use during the tournaments. You agree to play three rounds of Dance DanceRevolution and let me video tape."

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What's the catch?" she asked.

"The catch is that you dance in that outfit during the first round. Forthe second round you take off that delightful top and the skirt. The thirdround will be just you and those cute bracelets and the dog collar. That'sa total of three rounds, nine songs. If you make it through, I tear up thiscounseling form, you get a pass on tonight's faux pa, and an indulgence ofone more screw up. If you don't clear all the stages, I still will tear upthe counseling form and you get a pass on shutting the store early. No indulgence."

Damn was this a risk. I'd never tried anything like this before with anyof my employees and I could see the wheels of consideration working quicklyin this young lady's mind. I wondered if she would take the offer.

"All right, I'll do it." She said finally.

I smiled. "Great. Go turn on the game while I get the video camera set up." Shenodded and hurried out of the office as I moved into the supply closet.

A small portion of my mind was shouting loudly that what I was doing waswrong, but the running excitement drowned out the voice of reason and I quicklygrabbed the camera and tripod.

The games in the Pit were already on as I carried my home video studio outof the office and I saw Becky waiting by the game. It only took a moment toset up the camera next to the console, pointing it directly at the dance platform,and then we were ready.

"Get on the platform so I can position the camera." I ordered her. Beckymoved, her steps and body language shouting out her dislike of the situation.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about this." She replied, motioning at the camera and thegame.

"Really? This is nothing! You were throwing your body around just a moment,offering to fuck me."

"Well, I didn't think you would take me up on it." Becky replied with asneer.

"Well what did you think I would do?" I demanded, getting angry.

"I though you'd just be nicer to me and not fire me."

I guess this had worked with other supervisors before. Shame it didn't workwith me though. I smiled.

"Do you want to dance or not? You're not irreplaceable, Becky."

Once more she hesitated, so I decided to push. "Fine. You're fired. Getyour stuff and get out." I started to unplug the camera.

"Wait! Wait, Jeff!" she said quickly. I turned back toward her.

"Well?" I asked, crossing my arms.

She bit her lip, nodding. "I'll do it." She said. She was so cute, so demure.

"Great. The camera is ready. Go ahead and ring up some service credits." Iordered her.

I had already turned the camera on and had been recording the whole thing.She bent down low to open the coin door with her game key and I zoomed in onher cleavage as she reached in to the game and pressed the service button.I heard the distinctive sounds of credits ringing up and panned back out asshe stood straight.

She quickly selected her normal choices, concentrating on the game and studiouslyignoring my entranced observation. Her song selection was a little heavy formy own taste, but it had a good rhythm, and her dance steps were confidantdespite the heavy leather knee boots. Her steel chain belt danced up and downacross her plaid covered hips and I watched with delightful anticipation asher halter covered breasts bounced around like bowls of finely sculpted gelatin.

It didn't take long to run through the first three songs and we reachedour first stopping point. I made sure that the tape was recording correctlyand then took a zoom shot of Becky's delightfully flushed face as she turnedto me with a hopeful look in her eye. I leaned away from the camera after panningback outward that I expected her to continue and I motioned for her to followthe terms of our agreement.

My god what a pair! She had quickly grasped the bottom of her halter top,right above the pierced naval, and yanked the black cloth upward over her head.She dropped it behind the game and stretched, ever so slightly, turning hertorso left and right, showing me and the camera a set of the most curvaceousand creamy white breasts that had ever existed. The nipples were large andpink, not that dark brown you see on so many girls, and I felt a sudden rushto my own sex, feeling myself harden.

I swallowed as she slipped her fingers under the steel chain encirclingher waist and unhooked the plaid skirt. For a second, I wondered if she wereas bare below as she was above, but my eyes quickly caught the black silk thongthat wrapped around her hips. A small sliver of cloth covered her mound andmy eyes widened as I realized that my employee must shave her ripe little petalsto have such bare skin with such small panties.

Becky ignored me and once more squatted down to ring up credits on the DDR.I smiled as her knees spread wide, giving the camera an in depth view of herscantily clad sex and the dangling perfection of her breasts. I marveled onceagain at her body. She wasn't bone thin, but instead had a soft, well roundedripeness that once associates in fruit and lush women.

Her song selection still left a lot to be desired though, and I wonderedif the rap music would destroy the value of the video. I decided to choosethe next song for her as she began to sway in rhythm. She was amazing. Herbody jumped across the pads as if she was fully clothed and unobserved, andI found myself absently rubbing my own cock through my pants as her breastsswayed and bounced to the beat.

I stood entranced as she danced her three songs, the steel belt and braceletsjingling slightly and in marked contrast to her alabaster skin. It was veryhard to control my desire at that moment. She stood panting, her breasts heavingwith a glimmer of moisture coating her body. She glistened under the heavyspot lights of the game. After a moment, she looked directly at me, her thumbshooking the hip hugging strings of her thong, and she peeled it downward overher boots. I thought my heart would stop as I caught sight of her slit. I wasright. She did shave, and I could see a nipple matching pinkness as she pressedher legs together.

Once more she moved to the game and dropped down. My throat tightened asher legs parted and I quickly zoomed the camera in to get my first good lookat her luscious flower. The lips of her sex were puffy and slick with juiceand I wished I had a vibrator that I could slide right up into her body. Herpetals were made to be wrapped around something thick,hard, and wide.

She stood up again but this time I moved to the controls and selected themusic. She frowned at me, not very pleased with my more lyrical choice. I smileddeeply at her as she backed up onto the platform. I moved back to the camera,watching as she began stomping out the steps. With every movement she madeI was able to see the swelling petals of her flower. Her breasts rocked intime with her motions and the slick sheen upon her skin glowed like oil.

I selected the next two dances, operating the camera and gazing in raptattention as Becky let all abandon go, jumping around the dance floor, eventwirling and waving her ass right at me. I was going weak at the knees, watching,and I almost thanked God out loud that this was the last dance. Her silky breastshung before me like two ripe pieces of fruit waiting to be plucked and devoured.The black cuffs and collar evoked some caged slave response and I could detectthe scent of her arousal, a musky perfume that seemed to bring forth some deepfeeling from inside me.

The last song ended and Becky jumped from the platform, snatching up herthong, skirt, and halter with a quick dip. I watched her dart up the stairsto the restroom, her leather cuffs and chain ringing with every jaunty step.I stood, still dazed from the performance. It took me awhile to rouse myselfand the first thing I noticed was the intense ache in my shaft. I throbbed,still pulsing in time with the attract songs of DDR.

She came out after a few minutes, fully dressed, looking every inch theslut. The look on her face was a shabby disgusted frown that spoke volumes.She quickly came down the stairs and stood expectantly in front of me. I casuallyreached down and adjusted the wooden post under my slacks and reached out topick up the counseling form. I tore it in two and handed it too her.

"You earned it, plus the indulgence." I grimaced. "Just try not to burnthe store down, ok?"

She suddenly smiled. "I think I won't bother to show up on Saturday." Shesaid.

I rolled my eyes, sighing audibly. "Whatever. Go on. Get out of here. Goto your party or whatever."

Becky laughed and leaned toward me, planting a chaste kiss against my cheek.

"You're a dirty old man. But you're a nice boss. Bye." She waved at me andleft the arcade, her red covered hips swaying.

I turned back toward the Dance Dance Revolution, sure that my memories ofthis game would always be different from every other arcade manager, forever.

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At the Arcade

Couldn't resist a stop at the arcade on US 19 today.  I find the action better at the smaller one on the west side; I always seem to find some extraordinary action there.I entered and paid my five bucks (what a good price for lots of really exciting sex?) and went into the arcade.  When you enter, it is possible to look down one aisle and see right into the large handicapped booth.  I could see one guy jerking in there, but I needed to piss, so I went into the restroom (always keeping the...

4 years ago
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404 Wendy and the Arcade boys

404 Wendy and the Arcade boys A friend of mine lives out in Americas west coast, she`s a bonny lass for a 50 plus year old, nice body great legs, five feet six of womanhood, with auburn hair 34c tits and the rest trimly in proportion, married though he`s more interested in his job than in her and spends a lot of away in Alaska, which ain`t no tupenny bus ride away, so he don`t get home a lot! Now Wendy, like me thinks were only on earth once at a time, we of course may be reincarnated, I...

4 years ago
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Rebound Sex In An Arcade Booth

It was the summer of 2005. I had graduated high school from a small town in central Minnesota a couple of months prior. I was 18, and I stood at around 5' 6", weighed in at 170 lbs, with black shaggy hair and dark brown eyes. I had enlisted to serve with the United States Navy and was shipping out for boot camp in three weeks. My girlfriend at the time was not exactly on board with the whole idea of my becoming the property of the US government just to go to a foreign land and probably get...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Adult Arcade Leads to Motel

I was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind ... what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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book store video arcade

I just pulled up in the parking lot of my favorite suburban adult book store, it looked busy inside since I had trouble finding a good parking spot, I was wearing sweat pants and a tee shirt and my sexy outfit underneath. The retail store was bright and a few shoppers walking around, the guy behind the counter was an ass hole and as usual and gave me that look, told me to have a good time,I didn't count my stack of tokens. I walked into the arcade, dark as usual with video box covers...

2 years ago
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hardcore afternoon at the crowder ave arcade pt 1

out side, a very hot, humid, new orleans summer saturday, inside, where i have been cruising the the video arcade and theater, it is comfortably cool. of course, as the silky texture of my high french cut bikini panties moves against my swelling hot clit, which is tightly cinched down with cock ring and seperator harness, and is tucked snugly back between my legs, i've gotten very hot, even in the loose fitting light shorts and silk hawian shirt i am wearing over my panties, training bra, and...

3 years ago
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hardcore afternoon at the crowder ave arcade pt 1

out side, a very hot, humid, new orleans summer saturday, inside, where i have been cruising the the video arcade and theater, it is comfortably cool. of course, as the silky texture of my high french cut bikini panties moves against my swelling hot clit, which is tightly cinched down with cock ring and seperator harness, and is tucked snugly back between my legs, i've gotten very hot, even in the loose fitting light shorts and silk hawian shirt i am wearing over my panties, training bra, and...

3 years ago
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Dallas Adult Video Arcade

One evening was messing around on the web and saw an ad on C-List about a guy wanting to meet up at a video arcade in Dallas. Looked at the address and knew approximately where it was. I thought this could be wild. I was at the arcade about an hour later. Went in the halls were dimly lit guys hanging around in the hall. I did not know how this worked so I finally went into a room and started a video. Not 5 minutes later a guy opened the door and looked at me then left. Really weird. It...

2 years ago
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First Time Adult Arcade

Hi this is a true story it happened over thirty years ago. I worked in a part of Southern California that was very heavy Navy and Marine presents. I knew that I liked to see naked guys as well as naked girls up to this time I mainly had been out with girls and really thought that that was all there was to having a great time having sex with a pussy. One day I decided to go to an adult arcade to see what they were all about. In this part of the city there were quite a few bars and hotels where...

4 years ago
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First Time Adult Arcade

Hi this is a true story it happened over thirty years ago. I worked in a part of Southern California that was very heavy Navy and Marine presents. I knew that I liked to see naked guys as well as naked girls up to this time I mainly had been out with girls and really thought that that was all there was to having a great time having sex with a pussy. One day I decided to go to an adult arcade to see what they were all about. In this part of the city there were quite a few bars and hotels where...

2 years ago
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This story is the seventh in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. It is different from previous stories in the series as it is the first part of a much longer story. We hope that you will enjoy it and look forward to the next chapter when you reach the end of this one. Juliana came into the house around 9 PM, exhausted from her day at work, but very happy that it was Friday. Robert had promised her a surprise as an engagement...

Love Stories
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The Arcade Game

Alexander Doyle and his girlfriend Agnes Lovelace loved to the fair when it came to two once a year. Alex was celebrating his fiftieth birthday and this night he was being treated by Agnes Lovelace who was twenty-five years younger. Agnes is a pert looking dark-haired young woman who loves sports espcially tennis and jogging and she looks every inch a beauty with her sparkling blue eyes and an easy, fun loving outlook on life. "Look at this Alex, a new type of game." She said as they walked...

3 years ago
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This was about the fifth or sixth time I had been to the arcade. I went in and got some change for the movie booths. The place always made me horny because of the smell of sex. It was so heady I was hard before I got into a booth, I stepped into a booth and dropped a few quarters into the slot, started to watch a movie but the action in the main part of the theater was hotter there. There were two guys naked in the corner one bent over the other had his cock in this guys ass and was going about...

3 years ago
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Adult Arcade Leads to Motel

I was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind … what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...

3 years ago
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Adult Arcade Stopover

I was traveling up the interstate to northern KY one morning a little while back for a conference, and a couple of exits before leaving Tennessee into Kentucky, I stopped at an adult superstore. Being so far away from home, I felt reasonably safe that I would not run into someone I knew. Nevertheless, I was still very nervous. A large billboard with the Ten Commandments erected next door by a local church did not help. Fortunately, there were only a few cars and a couple of semis in the...

4 years ago
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Celebrity SexArcade

TransDim has established their most recent entertainment complex on Earth - your Earth, that is, one of a near-infinite number of parallel worlds with bigger or smaller differences. Their marketing material may be bright and glitzy, but everyone knows what their real trade is: Sex. Specifically, sex with alternate-dimensional versions of popular celebrities and fictional characters. These assets, as TransDim calls them, are rarely willing participants in this which requires them to be...

2 years ago
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Midday Arcade Visit

I took a break between errands late this morning to see if I could score any dick at one of the ABSs nearby. When I drove by, I noticed several cars in the back lot. Thinking this might be interesting, I turned around to make the U into the lanes heading south and added my car to the other six that were present.The arcade charge is just $5, so I paid my fee and entered. First things first, I needed to take a piss so I went in the clean, well maintained restroom for my leak. I never lock the...

4 years ago
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A Visit to the Porn Store Arcade

I've been curious about the porn store arcade for a long time, what goes on in there? what kind of porn is on? and how creep is it? Turns out there was one near me and i couldn't wait to check it out! I had been to a different one in Milwaukee a few times, but didnt find it to be anything special, the doors didn't go all the way to the floor and i didn't like sitting on a bar stool. Also the place was empty. But this one i found to be so much better! much bigger rooms, better doors and actual...

4 years ago
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Arcade Matchmaker

I was on my way home from an appointment a couple of hours away and I was getting increasingly horny the longer I drove. Since I was going right by one of my traditional bookstore stops, I decided to head in for a quick jack-off and more if anyone else was in the mood.After purchasing my six buck entry pass (from a clerk with a tee-shirt proclaiming something like “make cock great again”) I entered the rather empty looking arcade. I selected the biggest booth and left the door unlocked to see...

2 years ago
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crowder ave arcade part 3

now i feel myself being grabbed by the ropes on my wrists and being roughly snatched up to my feet, as i feel myself shoved sideways i bump my legs into the chair, i then feel myself being grabbed and and forced to kneel on the chair facing back wards and hands pushing me down hard,, bent over the back of the chair, which makes my tight little girl butt stick up in the air. when the hands behind me start to touch me on my clit and finger my pussy i realize that they have let another man into...

3 years ago
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This was about the fifth or sixth time I had been to the arcade. I went in and got some change for the movie booths. The place always made me horny because of the smell of sex. It was so heady I was hard before I got into a booth, I stepped into a booth and dropped a few quarters into the slot, started to watch a movie but the action in the main part of the theater was hotter there. There were two guys naked in the corner one bent over the other had his cock in this guys ass and was going...

4 years ago
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Arcade Daddy and the Evil Grin

I visited an adult arcade and I went into a private booth leaving the door open. Eventually an older guy walked in. I guess in his fifties, nice face, a bit chubby, quite taller than me. He was a DADDY which I love cause DADDIES typically very into pleasing us young dudes! And I was always a willing subject ;) I guess I'm a daddy chaser. I was early twenties, very skinny, long blonde hair, and horny! I looked at him! I GAVE AN EVIL GRIN!I turned to the video screen and turned on a hot video...

1 year ago
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Book store arcade fun

While in Arizona last week for work I went to a book store that I thought had video booths. It turned out it had an arcade with old school movie screens and chairs divided into three different sections. The first section had regular porn, the second had gay porn and the 3rd had regular porn again. I walked around and sat in the first area, there were about 5 guys sitting around the room, one had his cock out the others were rubbing their cocks through their pants. I decided to go see what the...

1 year ago
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Book Store Arcade fun

I am 50yr white married business man type, working a sales territory that includes Arizona. On a recent trip, I stopped by a bookstore that has a fairly modern arcade area. I say modern because it has glass walls that are opaque until the money is dropped and you hit the agree button, and then they turn into glass windows, so you can watch the guy in the next booth. It was around noon time, and I was in between sales calls, to be honest, I planned my schedule this way, and I stopped by the...

2 years ago
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Tuesday EveningCarie made a beeline across the hallway to the opposite apartment with a small cardboard box, a plume of annoyance trailing behind her. Pulsating thrash-techno music had been erupting from inside Apartment Seven for the past hour with the noise pummelling the door so hard that the hinges creaked. A sour frown angled her brow as she knocked.Then she waited.Then she knocked again, harder.And waited again.She thumped it with the side of her fist.  “Vasily!” she shouted. “Open the...

Straight Sex
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The machine streaked across the desert, screaming through bleak vistas of scorched earth where nothing lives without a little outside help. Joshua trees and desultory vultures. Fossils buried under the salt floor of ancient seas. She was hammering the gas, white knuckling the wheel until the screaming of the engine drowned out the screaming in her mind. She was riding inside a shot bullet, all done and hurtling toward any bull’s-eye she could hit. There was a world of shame in the rearview...

4 years ago
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Everything changed after I died. Three times. Tough day, that. The first two times they worked furiously to resuscitate me, restore a heartbeat, respiration, CPR, the basics… it was sausage factory emergency medicine at its finest, with unsung heroes stubbornly refusing to let death win. The third time, however, I was truly dead. Or so they say – all the best medical minds with all their monitors and other gadgets agreed that there was no way back, not from an alpha coma.They were just waiting...

Mind Control
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The entire week, Marissa had been leaving the house early and arriving late. Early and late enough to avoid Benji. It wasn't fear, she kept telling herself. She just didn't want to give into the temptation he represented. It was bad enough that she couldn't stop thinking of him. So, she'd been packing a tote and going to the gym, then spending the rest of the day out. She was playing it safe. Patrick had been scheduled for a week long conference. Marissa had been afraid that Benji would come to...

3 years ago
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I didn't know much about Phillip Sterling before I went to meet with the board of his charitable foundation. They had awarded Tom Bavington, the head of my lab, an enormous grant for his work in cancer research. The board requested that a representative of the lab present an overview of our work prior to the monetary award being given. Unfortunately, Tom decided to go skiing the weekend before his big presentation and broke his leg in three places. And, oh, did I curse his name as I rode the...

3 years ago
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“Do you trust me?” she asked, and I’d answered without thinking, my words followed with a soft kiss, my body tingling all over as she pulled me closer, her tongue slipping easily between my lips.“Of course I do. Why would you even ask?” I answered breathlessly, feeling the welcome warmth of desire kissing the insides of my thighs. She gave my ass a quick squeeze and was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath.“You make me want to do bad things to you, baby.” “I like it when you do bad things to...

2 years ago
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“Are you thinking about it?”Delicate nose cocked, ingénue eyes, the curl on her lips grew.  Such playful insolence expected an answer.  There was only one ‘it’ in our private lexicon.I grinned, raised an eyebrow, “I like what you have done with your hair.”It did not deter her.Sheltered from the winds of change, we basked in the diminished warmth.  Inside, the open kitchen, its copper pans on the wall, hummed with industry.  Happy chitchat competed with café music.  Imbued with a homely...


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