Healer's TouchChapter 12 free porn video

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Elena watched passively as her new husband closed the door behind him. Once they had successfully left Earth, the captain had announced that they were free to move about. As soon as the announcement had come, Aric had opened his eyes and smiled at her wickedly before unbuckling his safety belt.

"Come on, let's go," he ordered as he reached over and unfastened her.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they floated towards the back of the cabin. He paused before a door. He opened it and gestured for her to go in. She floated into the room, before turning to watch him close and then lock the door behind him... "Come here," he ordered as he loosened his belt. She quirked an eyebrow at him as she watched him unbutton his jeans.

"Why?" she whispered as his intent became obvious.

"I do believe you owe me something, Elena. I gave you your "ring". Now, I expect you to stand up to your end of the deal."

"Right now?" she squeaked as he came closer.

"You little tease. I've been wanting to fuck your tight little ass since we first met. But you've been slippery as an eel. You've been teasing me with it all along. Well, teasing time is over. It's time to deliver." He reached out and dragged her against his aroused body.

"But Aric ... the people," she protested.

"Can't hear us in here," he growled before he fastened his mouth over hers. Elena moaned softly as desire flared. She shouldn't be surprised. He had always had that effect on her. She whimpered against his lips when he reached up and caressed the underside of her breast.

Charlie stood in the doorway to the bathroom. He could hear Kat singing as she washed. He stared hungrily as he watched her outline. The frosted doors kept him from seeing anything other than her movements. He nearly groaned out loud when he saw her run her hands over her stomach before slipping between her thighs. When she rinsed the body puff, he sighed in relief until her hand once again slipped between her thighs, this time without the puff. What was she doing? He barely noticed that she was no longer singing. She was still humming. Soon her humming stopped. If not for his acute hearing he would have missed her first gasp.

Intrigued, he inched closer to the shower door.

Kat savored the feel of the warm water against her sensitive skin. When she had awoke this morning the scent of Charlie had teased her. The last thing that she had remembered was dozing off in the stupid budget meeting that he had insisted she attend with him. And the next thing she knew she was back in her bed with the blankets tucked around her. Charlie must have carried her in after the meeting had finished.

As she washed herself, the body puff that scrapped over her arms and legs became Charlie's nimble fingers. She squirmed as pleasure pooled in her belly. She knew herself. It had been too long since she had release. She was accustomed to pleasuring herself at least once a day. She often wondered if nymphomania ran in her family. Charlie had given her release but that had been yesterday. Her body now hungered for his touch. But she was damned if she was going to go begging. And sure as anything, she would end up begging.

Just thinking about his touch sent another wave a desire through her. Hanging the body puff on the shower handle, she squeezed a bit of her favorite soap into her hand. Lathering her hands up, she slowly traced over her breasts, down her stomach and between her legs. She shivered as her fingers found her moist folds. Parting her folds, she slowly sank a finger into her sheath. And then a second and finally a third as she squirmed helplessly. A soft moan escaped her throat as she started thrusting her fingers in and out while using her thumb to rub her clit gently.

Her mind whirled as she remembered the feel of his tongue against her. Hot and wet against her aroused bud. The feeling of helplessness as she struggled against the bonds. The low growls of approval he made as he feasted on her wet flesh.

Charlie stood next to the shower and struggled with the desire to join her. He could hear his chosen's sounds of pleasure. They were enough to drive a man insane. When he heard her moan, his control snapped. He jerked his shirt off and tore his shoes off before flinging open the shower door.

Kat was on the verge of coming when she felt a cold draft hit her. Opening her eyes, she squealed as Charlie hauled her into his arms. He didn't seem to notice the water that immediately soaked his jeans. Lifting her easily, he pressed her wet body against the cold tile.

"You tease," he growled before he covered her mouth with his. She arched in his arms before she wrapped her arms around his neck. She moaned deeply as her nipples brushed across his chest. He continued to press her against the wall as he slid his hand between her thighs. He growled against her lips as he slowly explored her hot depths.

"Charlie, I can't..." she protested as she felt her orgasm creep closer.

"Oh yes you can, Kitty-Kat," he muttered against her lips as he pulled her legs up around his waist, placing his denim covered erection against her soft mound. Rocking his hips against hers, he continued to kiss her. Wrapping his arms around her, he turned and placed her directly in the spray of the water.

Kat moaned as she felt the hot water pelt against her sensitive skin. Between the heat of the water and the heat radiating off Charlie's huge body, she felt like she was being consumed by an inferno. And it only made her hotter. She reached up and lightly bit the muscle that ran along his shoulder, wanting to entice him into joining her. If she was going to go up and flames, so was he!

Charles stiffened as he felt her teeth against his skin. He growled deep in his throat as his cock hardened even further in his wet jeans. When her nimble fingers lowered his zipper, he drew a ragged breath. He shouldn't let her. Then all coherent thought fled his head as she reached inside and wrapped her fingers around his aching cock. His needy moan filled the shower stall as he surged powerfully between her fingers.

"Katrina!" came from between gritted teeth as he fought to control the urge to climax.

"Charlie," she whispered as she looked down between their bodies as she gently freed him.

Kat started hungrily at throbbing cock she held in her hand. She wanted to explore every facet of him. She rubbed her thumb over the head and was rewarded by a muffled groan. It seemed as if Charlie had all the same hot buttons that the men on Earth had. And for the first time in her life, she had the desire to actually taste a man - to take him in her mouth. What in the past had always been a chore or a punishment, she now realized she wanted to give Charlie - the same pleasure that he had so unselfishly given her.

She wiggled free of his embrace and dropped to her knees in front of him. She sighed when she realized that now she was too low to reach him. Damn aliens and their height!

"Kat, what are you..." Charlie asked as he realized that she had slipped away from him.

"Sit down," she urged as she gently pushed him back to the ledge that graced on corner of the shower. After he sat, she slipped away from him once again as he tried to pull her onto his lap.

"Kat..." he warned, his voice tight with desire and frustration.

"Let me..." she begged softly, pleading in her brown eyes. He nodded jerkily as he laced his hands behind his head. It was obvious to her that he didn't trust himself not to take what he wanted. She smiled at him before she knelt between his legs. She gently kissed the inside of his knee, while gently kneading his thighs. Sliding her fingers to the inside of his thigh she gently stroked the soft skin where his thigh met his torso. The back of her fingers brushed the leathery pouch of his scrotum.

She heard his hiss when she followed her fingers with her mouth, leaving small open mouthed kisses to the inside of each thigh before settling in the 'V' of his legs. She smiled up at him as she gently cradled his balls with one hand and wrapped the other around the base of him. She slowly ran her tongue up the underside of him until she reached his crest. Keeping her eyes locked with his, she slowly slid the head into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around him before slowly swallowing the crest and the first couple of inches of his shaft. A deep deep growl rumbled out of his chest.

"Kitty-kat..." he groaned as he broke eye contact and threw his head back. If she hadn't a mouthful, she would have smiled. She savored his unique taste and smell. He tasted exotic and his smell was a deep musky scent that was slowly driving her insane. It was nothing like the past. She could easily become addicted to him. She kept one hand cupping his sack while she gently pumped him with the other. As large as he was, she knew that there was no way that she would ever fit him all in her mouth. But she sure wished that she could. Bobbing her head up and down, she hummed softly, knowing that the vibrations would feel wonderful to him.

Charles gritted his teeth as his chosen continued to suck on his cock. He couldn't remember being this hot in his life. He thought he had known desire when he had been married to Deanna. But this was far surpassing any memories he had of his first wife. He could feel every lick and nibble that she was delivering to his aching cock. He fought the urge to haul her to her feet and bury himself in her wet sheath. He knew that he shouldn't consummate their joining yet. But he was sorely tempted. Keeping his hands behind his head was taking every scrap of self-control he had. Especially when he felt her slide her fingers beneath his sack and explore the sensitive skin behind them.

"Kitty-kat, please!" he moaned as he felt his balls draw up into his body. He was moments from releasing.

"Mmmmm..." she responded as she bobbed her head faster on him.

"Baby, I'm going to..." he groaned skating on the edge of release.

I know. she whispered in his head. Let go, Charlie

He groaned helpless as his hips arched off the ledge as his seed exploded from him. The pleasure washed over him continued as she nursed on the head of his cock. When she finally lifted her head, he yanked her up onto his lap.

"Bad Kitty-Kat!" he growled playfully.

"Don't you mean good kitty-kat?" she sassed as she rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat slow.

Charlie jerked awake. He desperately tried to focus on something and realized that the maid must have come in and dimmed the light in the conference room. Damn it! They had done it again, he thought wearily. Looking down at Kat, he realized that she was still slumbering in his arms. He could definitely become used to this. As he shifted slightly, he frowned when he felt a dampness on his lap. He slipped a hand between him and Kat and groaned.

"Son of a ... I'm a grown man," he growled softly. "Hmmmm..." Kat mumbled as she shifted closer to his warmth. "Shhh," he soothed as he ran his hand over her back.

"Charlie, we really need to get out of here before we turn into prunes," she muttered as she fought to surface from slumber.

"Shh, we're not going to turn into prunes, Kat," he reassured as he slowly stood and carried her out of the room. He winced as he felt the stiff fabric of his jeans rub against him.

Stephan was still in his office, when Charles rapped on the door a little while later. He had taken Kat back to her room next to his and tucked her into bed. After changing his pants, he had immediately sought out the council of the closest man he had ever had to a father.

"Come in, Charles." Stephan sat down the paperwork that he had been working on.

"I..." Charles scowled as he tried to gather his thoughts. The little episode with Kat had scrambled his brains. If he had power, he would have said that she had just triggered the mezclar. But that would be impossible. He had no magical power yet so the mezclar was a mute issue.

"Sit down and tell me what's bothering you." Stephan stood and walked over to the door and shut it. Walking over to his small bar, he took out a bottle of imported rum and poured both him and Charles a small shot. He handed Charles a drink before sitting down next to him in the other chair.

"Something happened a little while ago. I don't know ... I just don't understand..." he trailed off still trying to gather his thoughts.

"What happened, Charlie?"

"She has even you calling me that ridiculous name."

"Quit stalling, Charles." Stephan took a small sip of his drink.

"If I didn't know better, I would swear that she triggered the mezclar."

Stephan choked on the fiery liquid that he had just swallowed.

"What!" he gasped as he fought to clear his throat. Charles looked over at him and watched as his advisor coughed and wiped at his watering eyes.

"I know. I know. It just isn't possible."

"Oh, it's very possible." Stephan said after he had gotten his breath back. Walking over to the window, he threw open the curtains. He gestured to the full moon that was starting to rise. Charles joined him at the window.

"I know that the full moon starts the mezclar, Stephan. But it should not be happening between Kat and I. She's an Earthling. I'm a Vindexicis warrior."

"And you both have great power, Charlie." "I have no power!" he protested.

"Nonsense! Just because you haven't performed the Traiectus doesn't mean that you have no power. It lies dormant inside of you. One day soon, you will have no choice but to open yourself to it."

"I won't!" Charlie said angrily as he started pacing back and forth.

"This is more than just your fear of your power, Charlie. Do you really want to bond with Kat and only give her a small piece of you?"

"I won't give her more than that! No woman or healer will ever have that kind of control over me again!"

He heard a sharp intake of breath before spinning around to see Kat standing in the open door way. The hurt in her eyes was quickly replaced with fire.

"You egotistical prick! As if any woman would want to control you. You may think you are the catch of the century, Charlie but I have news for you, not many women would put up with your crap for longer than took to scratch their itch." She walked further into the room, wearing nothing but the flannel gown that he had dressed her in before tucking her into bed.

"Really? Well, I seem to remember you chasing me. Always trying to corner me every chance you could."

"I should have my head examined!" Kat growled as she grabbed his arm to stop his pacing.

He jerked free of her and glared at her.

"Keep your damn hands to yourself, Katrina. I'm not in the mood for it!"

"Really? Could have fooled me. Or was I just imagining the shower earlier?"

"No, it was your stupid dream!" he shot back.

"A dream?" she asked softly as her eyes burned. Every caress and touch had been nothing but a dream?

"A mediocre one at that!" he growled lashing out at her, furious at himself for his participation in it.

"You know, I almost wish I did have the same power Deanna had. At least then I could turn you into a mute. You are an asshole, Charles." she whispered before she turned to leave.

"Go ahead, run away, you coward! You never share anything with me anyways!" Charles roared as she made it to the door.

Kat stopped as if lightning had struck her.

"I don't think you should have..." Stephan warned just before Kat picked up the gold apple that sat on the stand next to door. Turning around, she held in her hand testing it's weight.

"Did I ever tell you that I was the pitcher of my softball team at ITS?" she asked sweetly.

"No, that's something else that you neglected telling me," he growled.

"Well, let me rectify that," she smiled sweetly at him before winding her arm up and throwing the apple at him as hard as she could. She smiled in satisfaction as he dropped to his knees when it hit him in the stomach. She walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "How's that for sharing?" she asked sarcastically before turning and leaving the room.

Kat made it all the way to the stables before the tears of anger and hurt broke loose. Sitting in the stall with the small zephti, she slowly stroked its' soft skin as the tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. She didn't know if she was more angry or hurt. Or was it because she was angry that his words had enough power to hurt her.

Indignantly she brushed away the tears as she heard the heavy footsteps of someone coming down the aisle towards the stall that she was hiding in. She was surprised to see Charlie standing next to the gate watching her with his "royal" stare. She glared at him and turned her back to him. Arrogant bastard, she fumed as she held the zephti close.

"Ah, come on, Kat. Don't be like that."

"Leave me alone, King Charles!" she hissed as she set down the zephti and ran from the stall. She darted under his arm quickly; but not quick enough to evade a Vindexicis warrior. She gasped as his arm wrapped around her waist and pinned her against the rough planks. She squeaked when he braced both arms on either side of her.

"Not so cocky now are we, Kat?" he asked with a mocking smile.

"Let go of me!" she said between clenched teeth.

"Make me!" he growled in response as he lowered his head intent on shutting her up. Just before his mouth reached hers, she twisted her head to the side. He growled at being denied his target. Then gazing at her exposed neck and shoulder, he decided that it was a much better target. He leaned down and covered the spot where neck met her shoulder. He licked the area before fastening his teeth on it and lightly biting her. Then he sucked on the flesh, a smile coming to his face when he lifted his head to stare at the spot. She had a bright strawberry colored mark. His mark, he gloated.

"Damn it, Charlie. You better not have given me a hickey!" Kat pushed hard at his chest trying to move him back far enough so she could check her shoulder.

"What are you going to do if I did?" he asked her arrogantly.

"This!" she hissed as reached behind her and grabbed the pail that was hanging on a hook. When she swung, his eyes widened and he ducked, barely avoiding the bucket.

"Such a violent little thing!" he taunted as he jumped back when she swung it again.

"I'll show you violent!" she screamed as her anger from earlier returned in force. Damn man didn't trust her as a woman or healer. He wasn't willing to give her even the smallest portion of himself. But he expected her to give her everything to him! Not a chance in hell, she fumed as she threw the pail at him. He ducked and started for her. She vaulted back into the stall and crawled out of the small opening at the back of the stall. She quickly ran around the side of the stables and slid the door closed, throwing the heavy locking bolt from the outside.

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I couldn;t stop fucking her, it felt so good with my hard cock so deep in her tight little pussy. A chance like this only comes around like this once in a lifetime and hell; I couldn’t stop fucking her, it felt so good with my hard cock so deep in her tight little pussy. A chance like this only comes around like this once in a lifetime and hell, I wasn’t passing this up. She was only 23 and I was 62, but what the fuck, I still had it and I knew how to use it. Fuck, she was hot with those long...

1 year ago
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The Rulez App

Its a rather normal morning for you, and your life has been...boring, thus far. You never really thought too much about what you wanted to do in life throughout school, and you are beginning to feel the effects of that. So, here you are, in a one bedroom apartment, with a glamorous job at the local gas station, 23 years behind you and wasting the prime years of your life. You let out a long yawn, stretching and reaching over to grab your phone, unlocking it to begin clearing the notifications...

Mind Control
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Fantasies Fulfilled

We were both a bit nervous, but both excited. We talked as we drove to the motel and the tone was clear. Each of us had talked about this, but the realization that it was coming true sparked a new sexual excitement that underlined our conversation. She rubbed the inside of my thigh as I drove. I smiled and leaned over to softly kiss her. From the beginning of our relationship we had talked about our past experiences in bed, with our spouses and with the other lovers in our lives, before during...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 27

Sean, Walt, Adam and Mary were sitting at the table when the four girls went inside. "About time," Mary said. "I was about to roast Adam's wienie for supper. We're thinking pizza but we didn't know if Sarah or Allie might have food allergies. Adam said it hadn't come up in conversation. Imagine that." Allie and Sarah still looked shell-shocked and Rachelle looked pale. Her eyes were still red. "Everything OK?" Sean asked. "Rachelle's father is coming over and bringing dinner...

2 years ago
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HazardChapter 2 A Surprise

I got a surprise visitor later that summer. Calvin McDermott arrived to talk with me before Mom and Sis came in. "I don't want you to get too excited, Ruel," he began, "but I think I have a good chance of getting you out of here." I tried not to react, but it was hard. "How?" "I'm collecting evidence that the sheriff and the prosecutor conspired to have you convicted. The sheriff interviewed each of the witnesses that testified against you, and virtually put words into their...

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Undead Nightmare

Welcome to Undead Nightmare, a zombie apocalypse survival story. This story will take place in a generic fictional city infested with hoards of undead. This story doesn't have an erotic focus, but it may contain a few sex scenes. Though they will likely be fairly short. To begin the story, select a character.

2 years ago
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Doctors Visit

Today I took my girl to see a Specialist Doctor, this Doctor carried out a number of tests on her, which seemed very similar in nature to the type of play that one might do with a T.E.N.s Unit.To sit there and watch the wires & electrodes be hooked up, then to watch her pull funny faces & start jumping around in the chair as the power was turned on started to have a reaction, These reactions were not on her ! Parts of me started to react, which I might say is the norm for me, she just...

1 year ago
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I’m not sure if developer Hunie Pot realized it at the time, but when they released the game in January, 2015, they were opening up the floodgates to all kinds of match-three adult-oriented games. Match-three games have been around for fucking forever – I don’t have to tell you that. And combining match-three with XXX content isn’t exactly a revelation in gameplay, either.But by throwing HuniePop on Kickstarter months prior and actually getting it funded, HuniePot proved that adult games were...

Free Sex Games
1 year ago
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Following DoryChapter 8 Discoveries and Revelations

The kitchen took a couple of days longer than expected when two of the cabinets, key ones unfortunately, were delivered in the wrong finish. The supplier scrambled to make it right, but it would be the last thing done and they would be three days later than expected. Luckily, our contractor had unpackaged the cabinets when they arrived, inspecting them for damage, and the error was discovered right away. When all the work was done and we moved back into the house, I was amazed at just how...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 12

Cockatoo Part 12 I live for feedback [email protected] I woke up to find my ear being nuzzled and kissed from behind. Mmm, that's a nice way to wake up, I thought. I felt a hand slide over my waist and begin to rub my cock. Even better, I thought. I remembered that Pao had stayed the night and rolled over to see...Areeya's face smiling back at me. If it were possible to jump two steps back when you're lying down, that's what I did. "My God, where did you come from?" I...

2 years ago
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Turned on by My Readers

Ever since our last posting, I found myself checking the website constantly to see the comments. It turned me on to hear how others thought our story was hot and how they wish that they could have a similar encounter. On Friday morning, I sat in front of the computer in my office checking my email and story comments. Comments like, “Kelly, you are amazing!” or “reading about the adventures of Kelly & Gibson make my panties moist” were having a dizzying effect on me. I was getting hornier the...

2 years ago
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The Gigolo and the Angel Ch 03

‘Oh god what have done?’ he asked himself as the door closed behind her leaving him alone in the hospital room. ‘I haven’t called her Krys in years. Not since before…’ his voice faded out as the darkness wrapped around him again. The monitors surrounding him kept close count of his vitals, but he lay there unmoving and unresponsive once again. Angel stood just out of sight of the windows behind the nurses’ station. Her eyes were still full of tears, but there was nothing she could do. There...

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Working Mom 7

“Everyone will know I’m not dating anyone. So how do we explain how I got pregnant and I want you to take care of the baby. It will look a little odd if you act like a daddy to someone who’s supposed to be your brother.” I told Ryan. “Yeah I see your point.” He continued. “but what about my friends and your job?” “Don’t worry about my Job; I’ve told you I could retire if I wanted to. I’m an equity partner I don’t even have to be there.” I told him “That’s in then. I’ll go to college, and...

3 years ago
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Lady In The House Part IV

Lady in the House Part IV By Michele Nylons From Part III Steve's orgasm started to subside and he continued to rub his cock all over my face. He smeared his spend all over me; it combined with my lipstick and makeup to make a hot sticky film that covered my face. Steve stepped back and looked down at me, on my knees, may face covered in come, my clothes a mess and makeup mixed with semen, caking my face. He reached out and grabbed a hand-full of my blonde hair and wiped his cock...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 16 Pointless Protesting

The rest of the weekend was in some ways idyllic. After we finished eating the pizza, Mrs. Roberts drove us home, stopping to drop off Walter. Jessica called her father, and had one of his employees come to pick up Kathy, Millie, and her. They promised to try to spend more time with us. Mr. Cunningham told us he would be showing up later before driving away from Harrard's. I rode home with Mrs. Roberts. Ashley let me know that she was not excited by the idea of spending a night in a cold...

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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

2 years ago
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Playing in Bars

Alone on the tiny dance floor, Kristen Fowler’s hips swayed slowly in rhythm to the slow blues the band was playing. Her long tanned legs and flowing blond hair moved like wind and water. The guitar solo sent chills into her soul, reminding her of Jimmy, the way his fingers would dance on the fretboard and on her skin. Jimmy played better lead than this guy, but there was no denying that the guy was good, too good for a seedy little bar in the middle of nowhere. The world was full of guitar...

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Community FourEverChapter 16

Tina’s turn: Another day at the office. Kathy is happily playing with the other babies, who are now toddlers, of course. Building something with those Legos -- dunno what it is, but it makes sense to them. We had to convert an office to a nursery/playroom for them. Three days a week they stay with Tommy’s wife. That’s Mimi, who gets a delightful expression when we refer to her as ‘Tommy’s wife’. Alan’s out on a job at a power plant, and me and Susan are “minding the store”. Not much...

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Her 1st time

She was late, 30 mins already, her stepfather would punish her again. She was in for a spanking. She was supposed to be at the library, but she had been to a party. It was a st trinians and she was dressed very sexily. She had on white sheer panties and a white push up bra, a size to small. Her white blouse was tied up under her breast making them look very voluptuous. Her pleated red skirt was short. She had long over the knee socks and high shoes. Very daring but she loved to dress to cause a...

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A fictional story about my adopted daughter

Her name was Julie. I took her in when she was 15. Her mom had died in c***dbirth and it left her dad to raise her alone. Her dad had some trouble with the law and had been one of my best confidential informants. He always made sure that she never went without, even when he had his brief stints in jail. When he was killed in a car crash, I was surprised to find I had been appointed her guardian. She came to live with me and here we were, 2 strangers getting to know one another.She was a really...

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Virginity Lost

I knocked on the door and looking right, I could see through the window into the empty back room. There was no reply and no sign of movement inside, I knocked a bit louder this time, prepared to just leave. With no response, I turned to go when I caught a glimpse of Fred's mother, Barbara through the window. She wore a white robe tied at the waist and recognising me, grinned her wide, toothy grin and hurried to the door.Returning to the door, I was greeted by Barbara with her characteristically...

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Hot Indian Couple Makeup Sex After A Fight

Life in the IT industry can be demanding and can bring ups and down! The incident happened a few years back when I was 40. My name is Hari (of course, name changed) from Chennai. I have a decent 6″ long and good 2″ thick penis. My wife Vijaya (name changed) was 39 at that time. She looks like a typical Indian wife with 34C breast and big ass. She is a plump and curvy woman with a cute face which gets dick-salutes as she walks the street. My wife has stopped talking with me and it has been more...

2 years ago
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Beth 3Chapter 7

Friday morning I drove Kevin over to his friend's house. A bunch of his school buddies were heading to the slopes for a day of sweating off yesterday's gluttony. I was happy he had something to keep his mind off his girl for the day. Having Gail in the house while Beth and I celebrated our reunion was going to be awkward enough without having my brother there. Selfish of me, I know, but that's the way it was. Beth was sitting on the front steps when I pulled up. As I got out of the car...

3 years ago
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Hot 4 Daughter Part 2

Melissa was still breathing hard when David walked out of the room. She looked down and her cunt was still releasing David's cum. She stood up and began walking, fully naked. Melissa wasn't sure what to say to David. It wasn't like everyday she got extreme pleasure from her hell of a lover father. She was planning on saying something but... nothing came to mind. Then she heard the shower turn on. Her pussy was dripping and her juicy cunt walls were stained with David's cock fluids. She opened...

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The Degradation of Terry

Terry's tits are saggy. I don't understand how you can be that skinny, have tits that small, and have saggy tits. Whatever. I didn't hire her because she's real pornstar material. I hired her because she's a skinny 95lbs waif, and she's naive and unexperienced. She doesn't know what questions to ask, what signs to look for, or how much a scene is worth. Basically she's just a regular slut looking to become a porn whore. I signal Terrence to start filming. Terry's sitting on the...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Capri Lmonde Me Or The Game

If you were Murgur and you had to choose between a hottie like Capri Lmonde and a video game, what would you do? Murgur just wants to chill out after a long game, but Capri has other ideas. Decked out in hot lingerie and high heels, she struts across the room and gets between Murgur and his game. She takes the controller, then makes it clear that she is, in fact, the one in control of the situation. It would be impossible for Murgur to not be hard with such a hot young thing dressed to provoke...

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Undercover RoseChapter 75

It finally looked as though I had some options. I could move on without any suspicion falling on me. I could also stay right where I was and enjoy the fruits of my labors. I was making a little money from the art world, but far from enough to cover my expenses. At best it was break even, if I could live on air and live in the woods. Still I had about half a million dollars spread over accounts in Mossberg and Forest Grove. I also had an empty battery pack worth about $25,000 in cash once it...

3 years ago
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A night to remember part 2

Out in the parking lot, I realized that I had not gotten their names. The women introduced herself as Gia, and the man name was Hank, but he went by Hanna. We discussed where to go and Hanna said that she was a little bit hungry. I told them I knew of a nice place to get some good food and still have the privacy to talk openly about things. They agreed to that and Giants quickly said she would ride with me and Hanna would meet us there. Giant and I walked to my truck hand in hand, having...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 29

Wednesday morning I didn't hear or feel Jen get up. I do remember kissing her good by as she left for work. I woke up around 10 and took another very hot shower. I could tell my pussy was still gaped some, my ass felt alright, but my gut felt like I had done 200 sit-ups. I did 15 minutes of kegel exercises then went down to the gym to limber up the muscles for half an hour. Then I did another 15 minutes of kegel exercises. I dressed and went to Dover to Lawman Supplies to pick up the...

2 years ago
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I want to be with 10 strangers, old pervs and black guys and greet them by undoing their pants, pulling their cocks out, and playing with different cocks in each hand. Then i start violently sucking off multiple cocks. I would jack a cock off with one hand while quickly bobbing my head up and down the other in my mouth, then put the next cock in my mouth and suck it like a cockwhore. All kinds of dicks all circled around me, big, small, black, -everywhers, sucking each like a posesed slut. I...

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IncentiveChapter 4

Saturday was a cool, clear day, just perfect for the big game. Sarah put her rucksack in the trunk of her car as she prepared to go to the stadium. She had packed her sleeping bag, foam mattress, extra clothes, necessities, and some other camping gear she thought she might need. Cindy was driving her own car and Samantha would be driving up with Sarah after the game ... if the team won. Sarah had faith in Tim and Joe's abilities and she knew the team was motivated. She also knew that things...

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The Club

Loud music thumped repetitively throughout the club while lights flashed and spun and pulsed. The center of the club was full of couples and single people dancing and grinding against each other. Booths, couches and bar stools lined the walls. The DJ stood above all of them on a platform off to the side of the room, nodding and dancing in place while he adjusted settings on the large board in front of him. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Jeremy said. The young...

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