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This is chapter 16.5 from SAO

Asuna plopped down naked on the sofa and glared defiantly at me.
"...Kirito, hurry up and take your clothes off," she said in an authoritative tone.
"What...w-we're continuing?"
"It would be stupid if we stopped here!!"
I hurriedly complied. Opening the window indicated by Asuna, I toggled off the option buried deep within the menu.
Because of the hurried start, there was no romantic mood to speak of. Sitting on the bed which was slightly too small for the two of us, we slowly did as much as the system would allow.
The dim blue moonlight filtered through the window, casting complex shadows on the bed.
Since Salemburg has no marketplace, the townspeople disappear at night. The only thing that I could hear was the faint whispering of the lake, and my alarm-like heartbeat which seems to echo around the room.

By this time, Asuna and I had removed all of our clothing. We had been kneeling on the bed in front of one another for about 2 and a half minutes. I couldn't read Asuna's expression as she balled up her fists on her knees and looked down. I thought that I should probably be the one to take the first action in this situation, but not being able to predict the outcomes of any of my choices, I sat in petrified silence. I considered what would happen if I were to yell out, "Sorry!" and re-equipped minimal clothing at mach speed before escaping out of the room. Would she say, "I guess it can't be helped~" and forgive me when we meet again tomorrow? ―There's no way she would.
Remembering back to the distant past, I was only 14 the first time that I ever logged into SAO. The winter of 8th grade. I don't want to really recall how I was at that time, but I sacrificed all of the sexual energy that starts to awaken in all boys around that age in order to immerse myself into games. As a result, I had never been in a situation where I would be alone with a girl in her room. Obviously, I had also never been naked with a girl before.
To tell the truth, I would have liked for Asuna, who I thought was probably a few years older than me (and thus had expertise in this area) to take the lead. However, it seemed that everyone in SAO, including her, viewed me as being older than I really was. Since I had never denied any of it, there's no way that I could say to her in this situation, "Sorry, but I'm actually..."
I strengthened my resolve. Even if I didn't have the knowledge or the experience, I had never loved or had felt such intense feelings for someone like I have for Asuna.
Ever since SAO started, there were numerous times when I was in a situation where I told myself, "You can't run away from here no matter what," but here I had to muster up greater willpower than that as I extended my right hand and moved my body forward.
My fingertip softly touched the gentle curve that was Asuna's shoulder. Her body quivered sharply. I slowly traced a path from the line of her collarbone to the nape of her neck.
Asuna let out a soft moan as her eyes closed. The blood rushed to her cheeks and her eyebrows furrowed.
For some time I watched Asuna's responses in secret delight as I touched her all over the place. Slightly excited by her fresh reactions, I went a bit overboard as I kept my fingertip at a point where I was just barely touching her and continued to slowly glide smoothly across her skin. I crawled down her arms which were firmly hiding both breasts, circled around her stomach and reversed direction up her arms again.
Every time my finger moved, Asuna's body would shake and a soft moan would leak out. After caressing her entire body, I put my right hand's finger under her small chin and lifted her head up. With my left index finger, I diligently traced her wet, shining, cherry-colored lips.
"No...not just...your finger..."
A softly blushing Asuna opened her eyes slightly and looked at me pleadingly.
I silently moved my face closer. Asuna's lips parted slightly as if they could not wait any longer. But, instead of fastening our lips together, I softly poked her lower lip with the tip of my tongue.
As if seeking me out, Asuna stuck out her tongue, but I restrained myself and moved to avoid her before softly touching her with the tip of my tongue.
"Ah, mm...ah..."
Asuna let out a irritated sound of both anticipation and need as I abruptly plunged my tongue into her mouth.
I violently swished my tongue around.
The tactile senses in SAO are, just like the sense of taste, pre-programmed and activated in accordance to the situation. When you consider this, then the only conclusion that one can draw is that the "feeling of a deep kiss" must have been programmed in. (Well, it's not like I've ever really experienced that in real life, but...) An indescribably bewitching feeling assaulted my nerves.
My tongue entwined Asuna's and I forcefully sucked on it as I felt all the strength go out of her body. Her eyes were moist and dim and she was breathing erratically as I took my tongue out of her mouth and then proceeded to lick down her neck, behind her ear and the hollow of her collar bone.
When I eventually reached the soft valleys that were the top of her breasts which had been hidden up until now, her whole body leapt and twitched. Her arms gripped tighter together and she shook her head from side to side.
"Asuna...move your arms..."
"I want to see your breasts, Asuna."
I caught her wrists which were crossed together and pulled them apart as I slowly licked and sucked my way toward the peak of the white breast that was gradually being revealed.
"Ah... No..."
Asuna's arms were finally at her sides as her twin peaks were revealed to my eyes. The swells which were usually hidden by the loose fitting knight's clothing and breastplate were bigger than I had imagined; full and protruding sharply forward. At their tips were a pair of nipples which were difficult to distinguish from the surrounding area, standing impertinently in a cone-shaped form. Regrettably the entire room was currently bathed in the blue glow of the moonlight and —
"Asuna, turn on the light."
Having accepted the rejection of my request, I sucked her left nipple into my mouth.
Ignoring the shrill voice that Asuna let out at the sudden attack, I chewed on the hard nub with my lips as my tongue rolled around the stiff tip.
"Ahhh! Ah! No, no no...!"
I firmly held Asuna's right hand that tried to push me away as she cried out, while her body convulsed and moved my left hand to the other breast. I squeezed her peak between my fingers, then gently used the nail of my index finger to stimulate the tip of her nipple.
"Ah, Ahh, oh!!"
As I tortured both breasts, Asuna's convulsions and sweet cries rose in intensity. Going a bit overboard, I bit down on the protruding object in my mouth and somewhat violently began to chew on it, while at the same time the thumb and index finger of my left hand painfully twisted the other nipple.
"Oh!! Ah, ah, no, no way..."
Asuna's body suddenly stiffened. Her arms which now encircled the back of my head tightened their grip.
"No, no no, I'm, with just, my breast...! I'"
She was unable to speak after that. Letting out a hoarse, high pitched cry from the depths of her throat, Asuna twitched and her body jumped once before collapsing against me. She was still breathing heavily, her body intermittently convulsed slightly.
"Ah... ha... haa..."
"...Asuna...just now..."
"'s so embarrassing... I never had anything like that...happen until now..."
"...until now?"
Asuna ducked her body and looked down in an embarrassed manner.
"I-It's nothing, nothing at all!"
"...tell me."
I moved my left hand over to Asuna's left breast as she leaned against me and grasped her nipple before pulling on it.
"Ahh... no, stop, no more with the breasts..."
"...what do you mean by until now?"
Asuna spoke haltingly in a crying voice that was once again mixed with sweet moans.
"...about the ... After I learned about it...I did it...a couple times, alone..."
"...what did you do...?"
"Auuu... While thinking...about Kirito...played breasts and...down below..."
Talking about her own fantasies seemed to have increased Asuna's masochistic side. Her breathing was gradually becoming ragged as she clung to me.
"Down around here...?"
I gently moved the hand that had been abusing her breast downward. I stroked her tense stomach, then ever so slowly moved in that direction. I went over the slight swell of her abdomen, and when my fingertips reached the entrance of the two mounds, Asuna gasped as her body shook.
"Ah... no..."
I used the index finger and middle finger of my left hand to stimulate the area around her vagina. While taking care not to touch the center, I enjoyed the sensation of squeezing the two mounds together, then pulling them apart. "Ah, ah, ha mmm...!"
Asuna knelt down, putting both of her arms around me and moaned while burying her face in my neck as my fingers moved about, causing her body to jump and twitch.
But that voice gradually became hoarse as she shook her head and wiggled her whole body.
"Ahh... That can't...can't..."
Thinking that I was teasing her too much, I gradually moved my middle finger towards the center.
" Ahhh!!"
As Asuna let out a remarkably loud cry, my finger was enveloped in a slimy sensation. That place was seemingly endless, so hot, moist, and indescribably soft that I involuntarily stirred it with two fingers.
"Ah!! No!! No!!"
Asuna cried out, and her body started to shake and jump. Without regard for that, I kneaded the little knob that was peeking out from the top of the slit with my thumb while spreading it open with two fingers.
"Ah... Haa... Ha..."
It appeared that Asuna could no longer speak as she dug her nails into my back and arched her back as far as she could.
"Ah, ha... No!! I can't take it any more!!"
But in another sense, I was also at my limit. I wanted to see every single part of Asuna so badly that I pushed her down onto the bed and grabbed her legs, spreading them apart.
"Eh... Eh...? Ah... Wha...!?"
Asuna came out of a hazy state and bucked her body to escape as she realized that she was in an extremely embarrassing position, but there was no way that I was going to loosen my grip now.
"Wha, Wha, Kirito, don't look so closely!!"
I raised my head and looked steadily into Asuna's eyes.
"...should we turn on the light?"
Asuna forcefully rejected my suggestion as she shook her crimson red face. Giving up, I devoted myself to examining Asuna's hidden place.
The soft and fluffy pubes were pure white and smooth without a single hair growing there. This was, to say, rather than a preference of the developers, a limitation of the system itself. Hair-type objects are of the extremely heavy category. As a result, aside from hair on the head and beards, there was absolutely no hair anywhere on the bodies of the SAO players.
In between the two smooth mounds was a single slit, and further into that were light colored folds. From time to time a clear fluid dripped out and flowed towards Asuna's anus before turning into beads of light and disappearing.
Whether it was from embarrassment or loss of strength, Asuna had stopped struggling, so I took my hand off her right foot and slowly spread the slit open.
Asuna's eyes turned vacant as she moaned softly. Inside the slit, compared to the information that I had received from the net in the real world, was an unusually simple design with (what I thought was) peach colored membrane spreading smoothly on the inside and bottom. The vaginal opening which tirelessly produced clear fluid was quietly throbbing, and in the upper part where the slit closed together a little protrusion peeked its head out.
Within SAO, the male players must have at least once or twice racked their brains in wondering what that part of the female players looked like, but I was experiencing a certain kind of emotion having just discovered the answer to this question.
Of course, in my own lower half there was also a certain thing, which, having swelled to its limits, was seeking release. But this was the first time since I had entered SAO that it had become like this.
There is a somewhat interesting story concerning all of this (I apologize for digressing, but)... When SAO was under development, the Argas company had an internal closed alpha test phase during which time they reasoned that since players would have no use for genitals, it would not be necessary to objectify it.
However, in reality they found that most of the male testers would experience a certain amount of severe anxiety. Even so, while there was no problem when playing for several hours. When they conducted consecutive tests over a 48 hour period, they found that most of the male testers who attended this trial period were unable to stand not having their genitals and gave up. So it was from the Beta testing phase that the genital parts were implemented out of a sense of necessity. It seems that this was also part of the reason why SAO players were not allowed to change their characters' genders.
However, even if you had your genital parts, the question that I had prior to the official start of the game (meaning, before the incident) was whether or not there would be anxiety over the lack of proper function. I myself had agonized repeatedly on multiple occasions over the inability to release my pent up energy, but now I saw that if the ethics code or whatever was disabled, then functionality, probably even ejaculation was possible.
While feeling like I had missed out on a lot by not knowing all of this until now. At this point though, I faced a new question.
Having the ethics code release function basically meant that online virtual sex had been planned with the release of the game. SAO had many u******e players such as myself so, no matter how I thought about it, this function was sure to cause a lot of social outcry.
While teasing Asuna's cute slit with my fingertips, I raised my head and posed that very question to her.
"Ah... Haa... What...?"
Though she had a spaced out look in her silky eyes and her answer was punctuated by her heavy breathing, Asuna's serious disposition kicked in as she answered me.
"Ha... Th-That's... They planned to use SAO's...system in order to...provide a service... We're probably linked with...that function...ahhh...ah..."
"I see... In other words, it's probably one of those delicate arrangements... Well, enough with the chit-chat..."
I used my left hand to open Asuna up as wide as possible.
She wasn't immobilized anymore, but Asuna let out a sweet cry with both of her legs spread wide in the air. I brought my face close and gently pushed my tongue toward the little hole in the center.
Asuna shook her head from side to side as she cried out. I softly stimulated the entrance to that hole with my tongue as I pushed my finger in and out.
"Ah! No, not that—!!"
Every time Asuna convulsed, a large amount of fluid would make a sticky sound on my tongue as it leaked out of her vagina.
Having pushed my tongue into her hole and enjoyed the feeling of her constricting around me, I pushed myself up over Asuna. I was already swollen to my limit and felt like I would end up coming if I continued to explore Asuna's body anymore.
While softly playing with her pert nipple, I covered Asuna's lips with my own and softly whispered,
"Asuna...can I...?"
"Ah... Ha..."
Asuna nodded vigorously as she let out a hot breath.
"Yes... Make me...full...with your thing Kirito..."
Feeling slightly dizzy at the thought of having that straight-laced invincible warrior tell me that with such a tearful face, I pressed myself against Asuna's moistness. My penis caught on the entrance of her vagina as I moved it up and down.
"Ah... Ah..."
Asuna firmly gripped my shoulders with her arms as she squeezed her eyes closed and furrowed her eyebrows. Even in the pale blue darkness of the room I could see that her whole body was flushed and beads of sweat shined everywhere.
When I placed my hands at Asuna's sides, her hips moved slightly forward. I felt a slight resistance, but with a popping sensation, half of my penis was swallowed up inside of Asuna.
Even with just that, Asuna let out a scream as she arched her body to its limit. At the same time, my breath caught and I felt a numbness spreading from my penis to the rest of my body.
Having pushed my entire length into Asuna, I let my desires take over as I continued to penetrate her bit by bit.
"Aaah!! Haaaah!!"
Asuna continued to scream as she continued to vigorously shake her head while her body shook. Although I briefly wondered if it hurt, I was no longer able to stop my hips from moving as my penis continued to plunge into Asuna's deepest parts with a wet slapping noise.
"Ha... Ah... Ah—!!"
Eventually my penis pushed all the way into the root of Asuna's vagina. While she was the woman whom I knew the best and loved the most, the crazy thought that I was deep inside Aincrad's top idol at this moment was spinning around my mind, making me go crazy.
I somehow managed to calm my breathing as I put my mouth close to Asuna's ear and said,
"It's all inside... Does it hurt...?"
"N, no... I-I'm going to melt...!"
Asuna answered me in a thin, high voice as she shook her head.
" much of you...inside me...ah...ah..."
I also felt like melting from the incredible heat that I was experiencing. My penis which was tightly gripped by Asuna was continuously sending heat waves up my back that exploded into fireworks in my head.
"Ah...ah, ah, ah, ah!!"
I was aware of Asuna's moans becoming higher and higher as I was immobilized, struggling against the sensations that threatened to overwhelm me. As if in anticipation, her slit also continued to tightly massage me with it's convulsions.
"Ah! Ah, no, no way, I'm, again, again..."
Asuna's voice, which sounded as if she was becoming delirious from the heat, was changing into a meltingly sweet sound and,
"No, no, again, I-I'm coming, coming, ah, ah..."
She threw her head back with a jerk and
Screaming loudly, Asuna climaxed for the second time. At the same time, my penis was squeezed with an incredible pressure, and to my horror, I felt a raging sense boiling up inside me seeking release.
I bit my lip and fought against that feeling. Supported by the thought that I couldn't relax when we hadn't even reciprocated once, I was somehow able to quell the urge. Panting heavily, I embraced Asuna's body which was limp from orgasm. I knew I didn't have much time left, so I violently pulled all the way back to the opening of her vagina before pushing in all the way in one thrust. Smack! Our bodily fluids flew about.
Asuna's eyes flew open as she let out a shriek.
"No! If that, I'm going to go crazy...."
I was once again forced to stop while deep inside of Asuna. The hot, soft sensation surrounded me as the throbbing of the folds penetrated my entire being. Asuna had come several times already and if we stayed like this, I would eventually end up coming. But I didn't feel like that would be a very good way to finish, so after thinking for a moment, I gently began shifting my body.
Lifting up a drowsy looking Asuna's body, I moved underneath. Eventually the two of us switched positions, with me on my back and Asuna in a mounted position on top of me. As soon as Asuna realized what sort of position she was in, her face turned even redder as she shook her head from side to side.
"No... this is...embarrassing..."
"Asuna, you try moving..."
"What... O-Ok..."
Asuna blushed shyly as she nodded and began to gently rock her body.
"Ah, aah... I'm...sorry that...I'm...the only one...feeling good... Kirito, you can come too..."
A sticky sound was coming from the slit that was being pierced by my penis. Asuna's movements were minimal, but the powerfully numbing feeling was spreading through my body again. Right when I thought, "At this rate I'm going to come right away—"
"Ah, Ah, Ah, ha..."
Her voice was once again mixed with the sound of arousal. Asuna bit down on the fingers of her right hand, as she moved her hips up and down.
"Ah, ah, why, am I, ah, like this, like this..."
Asuna's long chestnut-colored hair flew into the air every time she shook her head. Beads of sweat also flew about, turning into light before disappearing.
"I'm sorry, sorry, Kirito, I'm, ah, ah,—!!"
Asuna threw her body back while drawing out the last part of her sentence as she violently convulsed two, three times. Her breasts which were sticking out in front of her danced in time with those motions.
I was in no position to pause and admire the sight of Asuna with her eyes scrunched closed and her teeth gritted together looking incredibly cute, yet horribly lewd, all at the same time. As Asuna's vagina gripped my penis tightly, I was once again assaulted with the powerful urge to come.
Thinking that I wouldn't be able to resist it this time, I instinctively pushed up into Asuna's core with abandon. Grabbing her hips with my hands, I shoved my hard penis in as far as I could before pulling out again.
"Ah—!! Aaaah—!!"
Being suddenly assaulted right after coming, all Asuna could do was frantically writhe about. I took her hand which was extended toward me and linked our fingers together. Every time I stirred up Asuna's insides, our overflowing juices would fly about as the place of our joining melted in endless heat.
"Aah...amazing, amazing..."
Her bouncing breasts also sent large amounts of sweat flying about. Asuna was letting out deliriously sweet moans with a completely melted look on her face.
"Ah, A-A-Aaa!!"
"I-I'm com..."
"Ha, yes, let it out, ah, Kirito, let out, a lot..."
As I shoved myself into Asuna, I released all of the pent up sensations that I had stretched to the limits.
I could feel my hot sperm gushing deep into Asuna as she trembled in yet another climax. Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna. Every time my penis twitched, fireworks would go off in my head.
After receiving all that I had to give her, Asuna's strength gave out as she fell on top of me.
"Ah... Ha..."
I gently embraced Asuna while she continued to gasp and convulse as if she was being stimulated by the fluids inside her body as my consciousness dimmed.

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[ I noticed him firstly as I bought some salami from the deli-counter. He looked like any regular guy,5ft 10", muscularly built, cropped blond hair,in his early 30s, but it was his piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore down into my very soul. He carried a wire shopping basket with two or three items in it and as I wheeled my trolley down the next aisle I didin't have to look to know he was behind me.parI reached to get a box of dried peas, he was staring so intently at my ample backside. I...

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Growing Pains

Billy stood before the full-length mirror on the back of what had been his big sister's door, in what was now his room, and admired his naked body. Most of his muscles were well defined and his stomach was flat and rippled. He flexed them in sets and grinned at himself as his incipient six-pack shivered. He had topped five-ten and weighed about 160 and his feet were size tens. And he was still growing, sometimes painfully, complete with stretch marks. He took a deep breath, concentrated on...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 96

There once was a girl who wasn’t feeling very pretty so she went to a genie to make her pretty. The genie told her that to make her feel pretty, he would make it so that every time someone apologized to her boobs would increase by one size. So the girl is walking down the street and someone bumps into her and says, “Oh, I’m sorry,” and the woman’s boobs went up one size. Then someone accidentally stepped on her foot and said, “I’m sorry,” and her boobs got one size bigger. Then she’s walking...

4 years ago
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Little IndiansChapter 22 Manifest Destiny

Penn awoke in the darkness of the cave. He knew that he had been unconscious for a long time. But how long? There was no natural light in this place. He might have been unconscious for an hour, or a day. Who could know? Maybe a thousand years had passed! The cave was quiet, and Penn thought it deserted. "Penn, my love. I am glad you are awake." It was not Pamela who spoke. "I have been waiting for a long time to feel you, to really feel you, Penn. It is a memory I shall treasure...

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The Arrogance of Empire

"Of hubris and arrogance, the heirs of the House of Daar were well acquainted, having turned a small trading village on the Sieti-Kha River into a continent-spanning Empire. It was somewhere between the trading league out of which Sieti-Kha grew and the Empire that Sieti-Kha became that common sense fled the founding Imperial House." --The Arrogance of Empire, Master-Professors Friedrich of Drakla, Jurgen Chandler, and Miroslav of Crossroads, the Departments of History and Political Science...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 14 The End of the Line

August 28, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Cindi and Chris are heading for a divorce,” Dave said as we sat drinking coffee at a coffee shop on Hyde Park Boulevard. “Well, shit. Have they gone for counseling?” “For over a year,” he said. “Fucking hell. And they got pregnant? Dumb!” “Yeah, not exactly the smart move when you’re having relationship troubles, is it?” “Let me guess, they thought it might help?” “It sure seems like it. Obviously, it only made things worse. She was holding it all...

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My first teacher

So it was my senior year in high school and i had gone to a smaller school in my town so everyone knew everyones business. I was a popular k** playing all sports and messing with girls so i had a good reputation..So it all started with the anatomy teacher.. she was a bitch to everyone but a select few girls.. for some reason she was nice to me because i was the only guy in the advanced anatomy class. so she would say hi and always go out of her way to see me or sit by me in class.. so i was...

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Hardon High 02 Coachs Staff

There was a soft, hesitant knock on the door. Alec, the assistant coach, paused in pulling his sweat-stained T-shirt over his head. A slight smile crossed his lips. With his back still to the door, he said, "C'mon in!" He heard the sound of the door opening, then a young, hesi­tant voice. "Coach?" Alec finished taking the T-shirt off, and used it to mop under his armpits. He'd just finished a good workout with the boys and was getting ready for a shower. What a sight! The boy in the...

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Mrs Ayer 8211 II

Moans of pleasure were coming from deep inside me. Oh god, this felt so good I thought. Suddenly she stopped and looked up. “Did you like that?” she said softly still licking the moisture from her lips. “Oh, that felt real good,” I answered. “Would you like to touch me now?” she quietly asked & gently pulled me forward. I got down between her legs and put my hands behind her knees and pushed her legs back and apart. From this vantage I had a wonderful view, with the prominent clit peeking out...

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Secret lives Chapter 23

Sarah and I straightened ourselves up and headed for the door. I held her hand as we walked out the door into the main part of the shop. We stood back a little as the main crowd began walking out. Several people gave Sarah a smile or the thumbs up. One lady walked up to us with her husband. She looked Sarah over appreciatively. “I love that dress.” “Thank you.” “What you did in there. Just wow! That was so brave and so hot.” Sarah was blushing furiously. Which although it seems odd, isn’t...

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A Night to Remember

I get a call from a fiend telling me he’s getting married and the bachelor party is in a couple of days and he want s me to fly in for the party. I’ve known him for 20 plus year. I tell him I wouldn’t miss it. We get to a local bar and the drinks start to flow. In walks a group of women and one catches my eye. You are ware in your jean jacket, and white dress with a black belt. An hour goes by and both groups are feeling their drinks. I can’t stop thinking of how hot you look. Our groups...

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HobyBuchanon Kylie Quinn Loves Rough Sex

Beautiful Kylie Quinn tells us in her interview that she’s heard I’m the guy for rough sex and that all of her fans have been harassing her to shoot with the Face Fucking King. She also tells us she likes to be fucked like I fuck, HARD. I walk up and kiss her and slap her pretty face. I put my cock all the way down her throat and she keeps it there. I begin fucking her face then she sucks my balls and I slap her, spit in her mouth and deepthroat her again. I turn around and sit on...

1 year ago
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Sweet College girl Sensuous Love

This is a story that developed a few days ago, I met my wife's cousin shruti after six years. We were in different cities all this while and never got a chance to interact. My memory of her was of a naughty school kid who loves to play prank, this time when i met her she was wearing a sleeveless top and skin tight jeans, she is very thin and has features similar to my wife, she was still looking small but has grown to an adult in these years, her 21st birthday has just gone past. as i was...

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Tramp With A StampChapter 6

Molly couldn't understand why Jake was getting so annoyed. He kept telling her that they were in a hurry ... duh! She knew they were in a hurry, that's why she wasn't fucking every guy they passed, just making them hard. Each time she noticed a guy's eyes on her (which was almost constantly, dressed the way she was) she'd bend over and show off her delectable ass until they either stopped in their tracks and gaped, or got so entranced that they ran into something. Inspiring erections...

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I had sex in a shed i was proud

As alot of you now know im engaged to this boy who's really lovely. and i love him as much as he loves me, i visited his mums house and well we was aloud to sleep over, the problem was that the walls were'nt sound proof and so we was worried if she would hear us bumping the tunnel.. so we went outside, was looking around and we saw the shed at the back of the garden, "Hey this looks like a good place" i said "You sure hun, it looks dirty and old". "I don't care live a little babe XD" i said....

2 years ago
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Swap Party CampaignChapter 10

After Harry Perkins left, her pussy still tingling from his penetration, Ruth Connors waited half an hour for her husband to come, and finally, realizing that he would find his way home in his own good time, she decided to at least take a shower and get ready for bed. That way she would be good and ready for any activities he wanted to perform later. Ruth stood under the shower for a long time, her sensually awakened body tingling from the needle sharp spray of hot water. Blotting her white...

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The Neighborhood MILF Evelyn

Our neighborhood is lucky to have a place where we can go to get a quick bite, a cup of coffee, or even a cocktail if you feel the need. Evelyn’s is a cozy diner I go to at least twice a week. The owner was a divorced lady that lived in the apartment upstairs and seemed to be open all the time. It can be a relaxing getaway by myself or a nice place for a little one on one conversation.Recently I agreed to meet an online friend there that I met on this site’s message board. Dirk and I shared a...

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Dogging true story

Another true experienceMy name is Diane I am 46 years old 36c boobs and a nice bum, see my picsWith the COVID-19 keeping us all home I started to get bored sitting online talking to my sexy friends on xhamster and looking for something interesting to do I looked on the swinger site i use.I noticed a few of the men had dogging as their main interest, so I had a look to see what that was all about and boy was I pleased with what I saw.I put my webcam on and logged in to a Scottish dogging room...

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I Want Your Sister In Bed With Us

I Want Your Sister In Bed With Us I had been having wild unadulterated sex with my fifteen-year-old girlfriend for over a month when she said, “I want your sister in bed with us.” I had been having the very same thoughts but I hadn’t said it. Just to be coy I asked, “Why?” Rachael replied, “Because she is cute and I really want to fuck her with your cock.” I asked, “How can you do that?” Rachael replied, “The same way that my mother fucked me for over two years with my...

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Im A Gloryhole Girl Chapter 2

Later that night about 7:30, I found myself parked at the back of the red barn. I had dressed as inconspicuously as I could, hoping to not be noticed going into the place. I didn't know what I should bring, but I figured I would find out for the next time – if there was a next time!I went straight to the counter where, sure enough, Jenny was working."Hi Jenny, well I'm here. I still can't believe what I'm about to do but I'm here, so show me what I'm supposed to do.""Hi, Kim. Follow me and I...

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True Confessions Intimate Touches Part 2

What had happened between Jessy and I that Saturday forced me to accept the fact that my husband had never been able to satisfy me sexually, not even before I became pregnant and my hormones started running amok. That was more my fault than his because I married a man thirty years older. Believe it or not, I was still a virgin when I married him a few weeks after graduating from high school. Well, I had been a virgin in the technical sense anyway. I had never had a man’s cock inside my virgin...

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The Halloween Party

A little background: Laura and her family were going to her father’s company Halloween party. She was an only child and her parents marriage had been on the rocks for years. It had steadily gotten worse over time. In fact this was the first time they had done anything together since she was about 8. She was 14 now, and had wanted to go trick or treating with a couple of her other eighth grade friends. In fact she was planning to wear the same witches outfit she had worn last year. Admitted it...

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The Heart BelievesChapter 6

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the prom?" It was the third time that morning Cynthia had asked Martha some version of that question, and for the third time the teen just shook her head and laughed. "Oh, God, no! I'm not going alone, and there's no way in hell I'm going hunting for a guy in the next three days to take me! Take the tickets! Have fun! I'll watch Ai, don't worry." Cynthia shook her head as the four walked across the field in the early morning light. The dew,...

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Trip Of Slutty Wife And Husband One Night Stand 8211 Part 1

Synopsis This sex story is about our trip to UK and sexual adventure of self (Yug) and my wife (Shalini). The story has MILF action, girl seducing, guy seducing. To the story….. It’s been pretty long since we guys had tried anything interesting. As me and Shalini were clean and having fun with ourselves. So one night we were at a party organised by Shalini’s office. The parties organised by Shalini’s office are pretty awesome. They generally hire a hotel on outskirt of Delhi and call well...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 48

Captain Billy, Wolf and I, Mark, arrived in Philadelphia in the southern most Defensive Shell. It was both the most private and safest place to arrive during the day. We passed through the barrier of the shell to the street outside once the Captain had recovered, as he still wasn't used to transferring. "Where to first, Captain?" I asked, once we were on the street. "We need to find someone with local knowledge of the port and the ships available, Lads. Someone trustworthy," he told...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 78

Jack pulled into the driveway just as Claude was pulling away. They must not have recognized each other because neither acknowledged the other that I could see. It was pretty chilly out so I closed the door. A minute later I heard Jack trudging up the stairs. I went to the door and opened it. He was on the landing with a big green trashcan at his feet. "I already gave at the curb," I said, pretending to close the door in his face. "That's fine," he shouted through the door. I'll just...

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Photographers Assistant

By Teresa WoodPhotographer's Assistant It had been my mom's idea that I get a part time job, but I certainlydidn't argue with her. I was going to be sixteen in a few months and therewasn't any other way I would ever get a car. Not that I really needed one. It'snot like there was anywhere I needed to go. My name is Louis, just plain `Lou' to my friends or at least the casualacquaintances I've made at school. The truth is that I'm a loner, I just prefermy own company, and so my list of true...

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I hope I get it right this time. My politics are not for my entertainment. Still I'm not very good at being truthful about how I see the things going on in this world. I have been exposed to pornography in the past but I thought that my interest in it was only temporary, like the appearance of smoke from someone smoking a cigarette.The smoke disappears from sight. That is how I dealt with pornography. I watched it and then threw it into the garbage. I exposed myself to it and then banished it...

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My husband had a business trip to Ghana ( Accra ) and asked me to go with him…We had a nice hotel suite in the best hotel of Accra, it was really a pleasure. On the 3rd evening we where there, i realized after dinner that i had left my glasses by the swimming pool , so i went to look, but could not see them…so i asked at reception, and they told me to go into a store located on the other side of the swinmming-pool. It was 11pm, and i went to this place and opened the door : an unexpected...

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Private Kris the Foxx Goes Hunting

We’re still in love with Kris the Foxx here at and that’s why she’s back once again in Private Specials, Young Nymphos 3 ready to pounce at the park and make the most of stud Willy Regal. There’s only one thing that this teen beauty is after as she takes her man straight back home, warming up with some pussy eating before putting those sensual lips to work with a nice blowjob. Then watch Kris get the fuck she was craving as she rides, grinds and enjoys a hard pounding all the...

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Teased Dripping Helpless

He knows I'm horny, he's known since the moment he saw me, and now he's just going to make it worse.I wrap my hands around his thick arm and strain up to kiss his neck as we stand in the queue for the theatre. He smirks impassively as I desperately try to get his attention. I'm wearing my sexiest clothes, had my hair and makeup done, especially to turn him on. How dare he even try and resist me."Later, Suzy," he says, his deep voice reverberating through my body.I pout at him, annoyed and...

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Sharons Busy DildoChapter 5 Rub Away The Day

"But Mom," protested Sharon Pettibone as she scratched at her thigh under the loose cotton sheet, "I don't want to go to school. I just want to lay here and think about things. I want to-" "You want to jack off your little clit," interrupted Mrs. Pettibone. "And I don't understand why you can't wait until after school, or hurry up and get yourself off in the morning before school. You're going to be a sexy ignoramus if you're not careful..." Mrs. Pettibone slammed the bedroom...

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Sex Ki Bhook Chut Ki Pyaas

Hi friends,mera naam mann kaur. Main Gurugram , Haryana mein rehne wali sardarni hu. Main Baaki sardarni ladkiyo ki trah hot hu. Lambe baal, bhara hua jism, sexy honth aur nashili aankhein yh sab ladko ki pant mein tambu bna deti ha. Mera email id ha. Sabhi ladke apne lund pakad le aur ladkiya chut mein ungli daal le. Apne gaadi sikhane wale se chudne ke baad ab mere jism ki aag bhot bad gyi thi. Mujhe samajh nhi aa rha the kaise ise shaant kru.. Jo ladka saamne se guzarta tha nazar seeda uski...

4 years ago
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Brides Obsession 1

When I married Kandi I knew there would be lots of horny men! It really didn't bother me who would be after her! Shes a tiny blonde doll with full breasts and a perfect ass! I didn't think it would be me that set her up for some black guys I barely knew... weeks before the wedding! When we started dating, she told me about several workmates of hers, young black hustlers, that would hit on her daily! She seemed to enjoy telling me how she'd pretend to be thinking about "one last...

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The Act

Part One – the mtgI enter in the classroom dressed very casually today. I was running late so I didn’t take the care to shower or even put on my makeup. I threw on my long orange dress, looked in the mirror and thot, “it fits snug but it’ll do” and I headed out.As I sit thru the lecture, my mind wonders. I watch the way she moves, the wrinkles on her aging face; I notice the tits sagging lower than the other professors and the pantyline under her slacks. “Granny panties” I think to myself. I...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 23

Militia Field Hospital Outskirts of Raleigh, North Carolina (last holdout) June 1, 2011 “Triage, triage now!” Anne barked her rather sharp order at me, even as Sam, Aaron, and the rest of us carried out her instructions. Triage ... bad news for all, but especially for the unlucky patients on the wrong end of triage. It was an ever present reality of medical combat duty, the elephant in the room, but it was also a sign that things weren’t going all that well. It was bad enough to have to...

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Band ParentsChapter 6

The alarm rang. It was the Monday of the first full week of school after the holiday break. I thought this day would never get here -- and not because it meant my son would be out of the house and back in school. Today was the day when I would deflower Linda's virgin ass and we'd record it for our spouses. It had been four long weeks since Charles and had discussed his fantasy while we installed the video system in the bedroom. Four weeks that had dragged themselves out like four...

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Sideshow Bobs Revenge

SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...

3 years ago
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Sex With Cuckold Couple

Hello indian sex stories readers how are you , this is Prakash, I am back here after a long time nearly after many months from my previous story because of my work, now I am going to share my story hope you all like it Any unsatisfied girls or aunties can contact me or ping me in hangouts time passers please stay away   Coming to story I am average looking south Indian guy , I got message from a man in his early 40s after my previous story initially I thought he is asking for contacts of...

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